Knight Rider
Knight Rider
Knight Rider
Bicol University
College of Industrial Technology
East Campus, Legazpi City
Application of alternating
current and voltage
ELT 32 (LAB)
Group Members:
Andres Vugts
Cyrel Christian Navarro
Subject Professor:
Prof. Gilmoore T. Olfindo
Knight Rider Circuit
CD4017 IC
NE555 Timer IC
Potentiometer (100kΩ)
Resistors (47Ω, 56Ω, 47kΩ, 6 pieces of 8.2kΩ)
LED’s (Red 6 pieces)
Capacitor (1uF 16v, 1uF ceramic)
Transistor 2n222a (6 pieces)
Zener Diodes (8 pieces)
Jumper wires
The term "Knight Rider circuit" basically refers to a widely used electronic circuit that is
used for decorative or entertaining purposes in a variety of projects, such as car modifications,
costumes, or interior lighting. The circuit is often used in hobbyist projects to create a light
pattern similar to the iconic scanning red light featured on the front of the KITT car in the 1980s
television series "Knight Rider."
The Knight Rider circuit's primary goal is to create a striking and visually pleasing
moving light pattern. Usually, it uses a sequence of LEDs that light up one after the other to
provide a "knight rider" or scanning effect. Transistors, resistors, capacitors, and timers are
examples of components that might be used in the circuit design to regulate the timing and
sequencing of the lights.
Using LEDs, the display can be placed in the front of a model car to give a very realistic
effect. The same outputs can be taken to driver transistors to produce a larger version of the
Data Section
Initially, we search the internet for a circuit, and after we locate the desired circuit—the
Knight Rider Circuit—we proceed. Then, using the "circuit wizard," Vugts begins to recreate it.
after we know that the circuit is operational. Navarro begins to sketch or design the
circuit's schematic diagram.
We begin the process of breadboarding the Knight Rider Circuit after creating the
schematic diagram. And chada! It's working!
Then, with Navarro's assistance, Vugts starts soldering it onto the perfboard.
We begin by looking for an enclosure that will fit the perfboard and circuit once we have
assembled and soldered all of the components onto the perfboard.
Circuit Operation
The circuit is working and the schematic diagram will be included in this report
The 555 Timer produces constant square wave pulses when set up as an astable
multivibrator. The 1uF electrolytic capacitor and the 100k potentiometer control the pulse
The CD4017 IC, a decade counter with ten outputs and has its clock attached to the 555
Timer output. Six LEDs are driven by just six outputs in this circuit.
A Zener diode and a series resistor are connected to each of the CD4017's outputs. By
reducing the voltage across the LEDs, the Zener diodes safeguard them.
Transistors (2N2222A):
Each Zener diode is connected in series with a transistor (2N2222A) via the resistor that
goes with it. Transistors function like switches. The matching transistor is activated when a
CD4017 output is high, enabling current to pass through the series-connected Zener diode and
This resistor (47KΩ), which is connected to the 555 Timer adapter, may be altering the
timing circuit's capacitor's charging and discharging timings, which in turn may be affecting the
clock pulses' overall frequency. This resistor (56Ω) is probably acting as a current-limiting
resistor for the LEDs in series with the Zener diodes when it is connected to the transistors.
These resistors, when connected to Zener diodes and LEDs, most likely help control the
current passing through the diodes and LEDs so that their voltage and current ratings are
Sequence of Operation:
The CD4017 counter is driven by clock pulses produced by the 555 Timer.
In reaction to each clock pulse, the CD4017 successively activates its outputs.
The matching transistor is activated by each active output, enabling current to pass via
the LED and Zener diode in series.
As a result, the LEDs light up sequentially, creating a scanning or "Knight Rider"
In order to ensure safe operation, the 8.2k ohm resistors help restrict the current flowing
through the LEDs and Zener diodes.
It's likely that the 47- and 56-ohm resistors are utilized as LED current-limiting resistors.
These figures might need to be modified in light of the particular qualities of the LEDs.
The potentiometer in the Knight Rider design is usually used to adjust the frequency of the
clock pulses produced by the 555 Timer IC, which in turn modifies the pace at which the LEDs
The resistance in the timing circuit may be efficiently changed by modifying the
potentiometer. The resistance changes the capacitor's charging and discharging periods,
which modifies the output pulses' frequency.
By adjusting the resistance in the timing circuit with the potentiometer knob, the clock
pulse frequency is altered. A lower resistance causes the clock to speed up and the LEDs
to scan more quickly, whereas a greater resistance slows down the clock and causes the
LED scanning action to be more gradual.
In conclusion, the visual characteristics of the LED scanning motion are greatly
influenced by the potentiometer in the Knight Rider circuit. The potentiometer in the 555 Timer
circuit enables for customizable and changeable LED lighting speed by altering the clock
frequency. The resistance modifications that provide this flexibility in scanning speed enable
customers to adjust the visual impression to their preference or to meet application requirements.
When creating and testing the circuit, users may use the potentiometer as an accessible
interface to monitor and change the LED scanning speed. Range and testing are required because
parameters such as the kind and value of the potentiometer become important in achieving the
desired visual appeal. Moreover, knowing how the potentiometer works with other timing
components—specifically, the capacitor—emphasizes the need of approaching adjustments in a
complete manner.
In essence, the potentiometer is an essential part of the Knight Rider circuit since it
provides a simple means of modifying the LED scanning motion and adding a dynamic,
adjustable element to the overall visual experience.