This document provides information about the Advertising Design course DAD 369 offered in the 2022/2023 academic year. The course is a 2 credit hour course taught by Dr. Ginn Assibey Bonsu. The course aims to teach students the principles of developing effective advertising through professional and creative projects. Students will work individually and in teams on assignments like creative briefs, print, television, and radio advertisements. Evaluation will be based on continuous assessment, class participation, assignments, exams, and a final project installing advertisements on the KNUST campus. The course will cover topics like the creative process, message execution, and advanced advertising strategies over 12 weeks.
This document provides information about the Advertising Design course DAD 369 offered in the 2022/2023 academic year. The course is a 2 credit hour course taught by Dr. Ginn Assibey Bonsu. The course aims to teach students the principles of developing effective advertising through professional and creative projects. Students will work individually and in teams on assignments like creative briefs, print, television, and radio advertisements. Evaluation will be based on continuous assessment, class participation, assignments, exams, and a final project installing advertisements on the KNUST campus. The course will cover topics like the creative process, message execution, and advanced advertising strategies over 12 weeks.
This document provides information about the Advertising Design course DAD 369 offered in the 2022/2023 academic year. The course is a 2 credit hour course taught by Dr. Ginn Assibey Bonsu. The course aims to teach students the principles of developing effective advertising through professional and creative projects. Students will work individually and in teams on assignments like creative briefs, print, television, and radio advertisements. Evaluation will be based on continuous assessment, class participation, assignments, exams, and a final project installing advertisements on the KNUST campus. The course will cover topics like the creative process, message execution, and advanced advertising strategies over 12 weeks.
This document provides information about the Advertising Design course DAD 369 offered in the 2022/2023 academic year. The course is a 2 credit hour course taught by Dr. Ginn Assibey Bonsu. The course aims to teach students the principles of developing effective advertising through professional and creative projects. Students will work individually and in teams on assignments like creative briefs, print, television, and radio advertisements. Evaluation will be based on continuous assessment, class participation, assignments, exams, and a final project installing advertisements on the KNUST campus. The course will cover topics like the creative process, message execution, and advanced advertising strategies over 12 weeks.
COURSE LECTURER: Dr Ginn Assibey Bonsu
Welcome Welcome to the DAD 369: ADVERTISING DESIGN. It is a course driven by professionalism and creativity . This lecture is an introductory section about the course and ourselves as well as our expectations and the course expectations Course Description Students master the principles of developing potent advertising. The course facilitates interaction between students and industry professionals. Tutoring is provided to enable students develop presentation skills. Ac-tivities engaged in provide material for research; the course output is closely monitored by the lecturer to assess the evidence of transferable skills. Course Objectives 1. Explain advertising and advertising design; 2. Demonstrate the understanding of the facets of advertising design and types; 3. Understand message objectives as applied in advertising; 4. Apply advertising design approaches and methods; 5. Write and execute advertisements for print media, TV, online and radio Requirement For Completion of This Course 1. The creation of advertisement for print media, TV and Radio are required for the completion of the course 2. All assignments should be completed and submitted on time. 3. No assignment will be accepted after the stipulated time or day unless the student has a medical excuse note. 4. All assignments are supposed to be done by students personally without subcontracting them to any commercial outlet. 5. All students should have a clip book Course Logistics & Deliverables 1. The course will be delivered weekly and will combine theoretical lectures, studio practice and presentation formats. 2. Students will be divided into teams to work on projects. 3. Research Report ( Team assignment) 4. Creative Brief 5. Print Advertisements, TV Commercials and Radio Spot 6. Class Presentations and Public Space advertisement Mode Of Delivery 1. Face-to-Face and Zoom Lecture 2. Presentations and Demonstrations 3. Team Projects Execution in Class Course content • Week 2: Creative advertising; Creative philosophies; Creative thinking; Creative roles • Week 3: Creative process; Creative strategy facets; Creative brief - Team Project • Week 4: Message execution; Preparing the ad; Headline, Slogan and Body copy • Week 5: Creating Print Advertisements – Newspapers • Week 6: Creating Print Advertisements – Outdoor and Ad in Transit • Week 7: Print Advertisement Jury • Week 8: Creating TV Advertisements; • Week 9: TV Advertisements Jury • Week 10:Advanced Advertising Strategies – Live Project on KNUST Campus – OC • Week 11:Advanced Advertising Strategies - On-site Installation and Evaluation • Week 12:Post Assessment of Advanced Advertising Strategies Students’ Evaluation • Continuous Assessment - 30% • Class attendance and participation - 5% • Class assignments - 10% • Mid semester examination - 15% • End of semester examination - 70% • Total - 100% Inclusive Learning Students are urged to discuss privately any impairment-related requirements face-to-face and/or in written form with the courses lecturer. Academic Integrity Ø The University views cheating in coursework as a serious academic offence and will not tolerate cheating, or assisting others to cheat. Ø The work that students submit for grading must be their own work. Where work from other sources is used, it must be properly acknowledged and referenced. Ø Students should learn Harvard Style of Referencing and apply it in all assignments. Reading List 1. Book, C. A. & Schick, C. D. (2001). Fundamentals of Copy & Layout. Illinois: NTC Business Books. 2. Brooks, P. (2005). Communication and Advertising: Simple Step by Step Series. New Delhi: 3. Infinity Books. 4. Maslen, A. (2015). Persuasive Copywriting: Using Psychology to Influence, Engage and Sell. London: Kogan Page. 5. Shaw, M. (2012). Copywriting: Successful Writing for Design, Advertising & Marketing. 6. London: Laurence King. 7. Sugarman, J. (2006). The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing 8. Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters. New Jersey: Wiley. Thank you
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