MA_Creative Direction
MA_Creative Direction
MA_Creative Direction
Creative Direction for
MA Creative Awarded by
University for the Creative Arts
1 year Full-time
Not Applicable
The University for the Creative Arts and its
courses are regulated by the Office for Students.
Entry criteria A good Honours degree or equivalent
qualification in the subject or a related discipline
and/or relevant work experience, demonstrating
an ability to study at postgraduate level.
What to expect Creative Directors are visionaries that navigate
within disciplines of fashion image making,
publication, advertising & editorial, brand
visualisation, fashion event & fashion film.
With our MA Creative Direction for Fashion
course, you’ll gain all the knowledge and tools
you need to take your place in the industry.
This course offers you the unique opportunity Supported by a variety of industry based
to study Creative Direction at the UCA Epsom facilities and equipment, you will be
campus, within the School of Fashion & Textiles. encouraged to experiment and critically
challenge the notions of image making
and outputs for the fashion industry.
The course sits with MA/MFA Fashion
Photography, MA/MFA Fashion Design, MA/
MFA Textiles and MA/MFA Digital Fashion In addition to the technical facilities, UCA
in addition to a range of Fashion & Textiles Epsom benefits from a comprehensive library,
based undergraduate courses. This will providing access to an extensive range of
enable you to work collaboratively on shoots fashion resources inc. a Magazine Archive,
and projects, whilst being immersed in a Special Collections, Book Collections and
vibrant post graduate fashion community. online databases inc. WGSN, Business of
Fashion, Vogue Business & Fashion Monitor.
Unit by unit
Exploring Creative Practice; 30 credits Major Project; 60 credits
This unit involves experimenting with various Your major project showcases your research
creative methods, defining research processes, and creative practice, requiring a significant
and producing tests and experiments (failure and work that combines creative ideas,
reflection is encouraged). The work produced is research methodologies, insights, technical
to be presented as a visual summary at the end expertise, and professional contexts.
expressing the learned knowledge about yourself
as a creative and your primary medium(s).
Who teaches this The course team consists of experienced
academics & creatives. Staff work collaboratively
• On-line teaching and learning support are achieving the final Masters award have
provided principally through myUCA and achieved standards commensurate
email. You will receive an induction into the with the nationally defined expectations
use of myUCA as part of your introduction for academic awards at this level.
to the course. It is the main means of
communication between course staff and • The assessment strategy for the MA
you, providing timetable information, tutorial course is concerned with the student’s
support, tutorial times and announcements. development in two areas: understanding
It also provides a database for MA of bodies of knowledge and the
students containing course documentation application of a range of advanced skills
and links to web-based resources. In in the deployment of this knowledge.
addition, e-mail is used as a means of
communication and tutorial support. • The development of applied skills is
progressive throughout the course structure
• PDP (Personal Development Planning) is an and therefore these are evident in all units.
intrinsic element of the approach to your In both knowledge and applied skills, the
learning on this course. Through each of the specific requirements for assessment are
three phases of the MA course, you have articulated in the unit assessment criteria.
the opportunity to engage in activities that
will assist you in identifying your skills and • The relationship between learning outcomes,
knowledge, reflecting on your achievement assessment criteria and marking descriptors
and relating this to your professional career at each phase of the course ensures a focus
aspirations. Key elements of this are the on method and process as appropriate
development of the MA Project Proposal, to the overall course learning outcomes.
initiated in the Exploring Creative Practice Learning outcomes are mapped against
& Refining Creative Practice units. assessment criteria in each unit descriptor.
• It is our aim to develop in you a high • All courses use feedback indicator sheets
level of expertise in practical, visual, to clarify and guide the deliberations of
oral and written expression and to assessors and to enable this evaluation
equip you with the confidence to process to be accessible to students and
communicate your ideas effectively. capable of providing essential feedback.
Assessment is constructive and has an
• You gain credits through successful emphasis on personal development.
completion of units within the University’s
Common Credit Framework. Master of • Industry engagement is fundamental and
Arts degrees will be awarded on the basis encouraged whenever possible, in order for
of meeting the credit requirements. students to gain professional experience
of working outside the University and to
necessitate the appropriate contacts.
Assessment Strategy:
By the end of the • LO1 Experimentation & innovation: Take
risks, experiment & evaluate processes to
Student support We aim to ensure, where possible, personal tutors
remain with a student throughout their degree
studies to discuss all matters relating to student
well-being and academic support. Personal tutors
and the Careers & Professional Practice Team
will also support students in discussions around
their potential or preferred career direction.
Our approach to
employability is to:
Students on this course have the opportunity range of positions inc; Creative Directors,
to network both formally (during industry visits, assistants, producers, image makers,
visiting lecturers & potential live briefs) and stylists and creative freelancers.
informally (staff within the programme/ school/
UCA, visiting lecturers, alumni & fellow peers).
Our commitments
Overall methods of assessment
Level 7 % % 100%
Placement or Live
Independent: Structured:
Professional Activity
Level 7
Additional course Course materials and equipment are provided
for productions. There may be additional