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Roll no:_____________

Name of the Student:__________________________

Name of the course: Microwave Engineering Lab(20EC1124)

Branch : ECE-2
Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering

Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to JNTUK, Kakinada

Accredited by NBA & NAAC with “A” Grade with a CGPA of 3.14/4.00
Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam-530048

Laboratory Manual


(Course code: 20EC1124)

Academic Year 2022-2023

B.Tech. ECE VI Semester

Department of Electronics and Communication


Course code: 20EC1124 LTPC

0 0 3 1.5

Aim and Objective:

The main objective of this lab is to focus on analysis, design and development of

microwave circuits and antenna systems. The students will have an

understanding of the concepts involved in propagation of microwave signals in

Microwave components,

Prerequisites: Microwave Engineering, Antennas and Wave Propagation

Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course the student will be able to

CO1: Determine Field patterns of Waveguides (L3)

CO2: Determine Field pattern of E, H plane Tee junctions (L3)

CO3: Analyze the characteristics of Microwave sources (L4)

CO4: Examine the characteristics of Directional couplers (L3)

CO5: Measure frequency of Microwave signal (L5)

List of experiments: Simulations/Hardware

1. To obtain field patterns of various modes inside a rectangular waveguide

2. To obtain field patterns of various modes inside a circular waveguide

3. To analyze the field distributions in E- plane Tee Junction

4. To analyze the field distributions in H-plane Tee Junction

5. To analyze the field distributions in Magic Tee Junction

6. To verify Reflex klystron characteristics and determine the frequency and

tuning range of reflex klystron

7. To determine Scattering parameters of waveguide Tee junction

8. To measure microwave frequency using a) Direct method b) slotted line


9. To verify Gunn diode characteristics

10. To analyze the fixed and variable attenuator

11. To determine the characteristic parameters of directional coupler

12. To measure VSWR of the unknown load

13. To determine Scattering parameters of circulator

14. To measure impedance of the given load

Note: Any TWELVE of the experiments are to be conducted


1. Rectangular Waveguide

2. Circular Wave guide




6. Study of the characteristics of the Reflex Klystron tube

7. Study of Gunn Diode Characteristics

8. Attenuation measurement

9. Characteristics of Directional Coupler

10. E-plane and H plane Tee junctions

11. Scattering Parameters of Magic Tee

12. Study of Circulator

13. VSWR Measurement

14. Impedance and Frequency Measurement

1. Rectangular Waveguide


To design a rectangular waveguide and report the field patterns and phase

constant vsfrequency plot.

Software used

High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) from ANALYSISSYSTEMS(Ansys).


A hollow metallic tube of uniform cross section for transmitting

electromagneticwaves by successive reflections from the inner walls of the tube

is called a waveguide. In waveguides, the electric and magnetic fields are

confined to the space within the guides. Thus no power is lost through

radiation,and even the dielectric loss is negligible, since the guides are normally

air-filled. But there is some negligible amount of power which is present as heat

in the walls of the waveguide. There are two types of waveguides: rectangular

and circular.

b ϵ,µ

Figure 1.1. Rectangular waveguide

A Rectangular Waveguide is a hollow metallic tube with a rectangular cross

section as shown in figure 7.1.

The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and thereby

guide the EM wave. A number of distinct field configurations or modes can exist

in waveguides.When the waves travel longitudinally down the guide, the plane

waves are reflected from wall to wall.This process results in a component of

either electric or magnetic field in the direction of propagation of the resultant

wave;therefore the wave is no longer a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave.

This process results in a component of either electric or magnetic field in the

direction of propagation of the resultant wave;therefore the wave is no longer a

transverse electromagnetic (TEM) wave. A plane wave in a waveguide resolves

into two components: one standing wave in the direction normal to the reflecting

walls of the guide and one traveling wave in the direction parallel to the

reflecting walls. In lossless waveguides, the modes may be classified as either

transverse electric(TE) mode or transverse magnetic(TM) mode.In rectangular

waveguides the modes are designated as TEmn or TMmn. The integer m denotes

the number of half waves of electric or magnetic intensity in the xdirection,and

n is the number of half waves in the ydirection if the propagation of the wave is

assumed in the positive z direction.


1. Insert HFSS design

(Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design)

2. Rename Project as waveguide and save

(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)

3. Set Solution type as Modal

(HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network analysis → OK

4. Set units

( Modeller→ units → cm)

5.Draw 3D object box (Draw → box)

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the Box → Edit → Properties)

Name: WG90 Material: vaccum.

7. Set the position and size of the Box named as WG90. Double Click on

create Box →

Position: 0,0,0

X Size: 18.5 (Hint: length of the Wave Guide=any multiple of the


YSize: 2.286

Z Size: 1.016

Press ctrl+D to observe entire structure on the drawing screen.

Assign Boundary-> Right click on 3D Modeller Figure window → Select Faces

8. Select one face in the figure window and Right click on the

face→Boundaries→ Assign → Finite conductivity→ OK. Repeat step 9 for

remaining 3 faces excluding port1 and port2. (Assume Port1 and port 2 are in

YZ plane). Then in project manager under Boundaries 4 finite conductive layers

will be displayed.

9.Assign excitation

Select the object face in the figure window to which port has to be assigned

(click on HFSS → Assign excitation → Wave port → Full port impedance: 50 →

Next →

No. of modes: 4 → update ( 4 modes can be observed)

Integration line: New line

Using mouse click at the bottom left of the port to define origin of E-field vector

and again click at top left of the port to terminate E-field vector.In second mode

under integration line select ‘copy from mode1’. Repeat the same for 3rd and 4th


In project manager under excitations, one port will be displayed.

10. Repeat step 9 for the second port.


(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add

solution setup.)

Frequency: 20GHz

12. To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right click

on setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep name: Sweep

Sweep type: Discrete

Type: Linear step

Start: 1GHz

End: 20 GHz

Step size: 1GHz

Put tick mark on Save fields (all Frequencies)


13. To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

14. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all).

If warnings are there, clear all

Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message window

Simulation Results

a.Under Project manager Click on Analysis →setup → Convergence. Then, select

Box->go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->Mag_E In Context select solution as

"Sweep" and in Intrinsic Variables select Freq. as the cut-off frequency for the mode

which is desired (excitation provided in previous step). Repeat step 18 for other

modes by selecting source and set magnitude as 1. In field overlays->E-Field -> E-

mag -> select animate ->OK

b. Phase constant (β ) vs Frequency for first 4 modes.Under Project manager-

>Analysis ->Setup1

Sweep->Sweep type : Interpolating Distribution: Least count Start: 1GHz End:

20GHz Points 100 OK. Then (In project manager Right click on Results → Create

modal solution data report → Rectangular → Category: Gamma Select

Gamma(1:1), Gamma(1:2), Gamma(1:3), Gamma(1:4) Click on New Report.

From the graph it is observed that cutoff frequencies are satisfying

1 𝑚𝜋 2 𝑛𝜋
𝑓𝑐 = √( ) + ( )2
2𝜋√𝜇𝜖 𝑎 𝑏

For TE10 mode =6.56GHz, For TE20 mode =13.12GHz, For TE01 mode =14.7GHz, For TE and
TM11 =16.15GHz.

c. Field patterns for E and H Fields. In project manager Click on Port Field

Display - > 1->mode1

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode2

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode3

In project manager Click on Port Field Display - > 1->mode4

d. Then (In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data

report → Rectangular → Category: S-parameter Select S(1:1,1:1) and S(1:1,2:1)

Function: dB

Click on New Report.


MODE m n Theoretical value Practical value


TE01 0 1 14.7 14

TE10 1 0 6.56 6

TE11/TM11 1 1 16.15 16

TE02 0 2 13.12 13
2. Circular Waveguide


To obtain the field patterns of various modes inside circular



High Frequency structure Simulator (HFSS) from ANALYSIS SYSTEMS



A hollow metallic tube of uniform cross section for transmitting

electromagnetic waves by successive reflections from the inner walls

of the tube is called a waveguide. In waveguides, the electric and

magnetic fields are confined to the space within the guides. Thus, no

power is lost through radiation, and even the dielectric loss is

negligible, since the guides are normally air-filled. But there is some

negligible amount of power which is present as heat in the walls of

the waveguide. There are two types of waveguides: rectangular and


Figure2.1- Circularwaveguide
A Circular Waveguide is a hollow metallic tube with a circular cross

section as shown in figure 2.1.

The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and

there by guide the EMwave. A number of distinct field configurations or

modes can exist in waveguides. When the waves travel longitudinally

down the guide, the plane waves are reflected from wall to wall. This

process results in a component of either electric or magnetic field in the

direction of propagation of the resultant wave; therefore the wave is no

longer a transverse electromagnetic(TEM)wave.

This process results in a component of either electric or magnetic field

inthe direction of propagation of the resultant wave; therefore, the wave

is no longer a transverse electromagnetic (TEM)wave. A plane wave in a

waveguide resolves into two components: one standing wave in the

direction normal to the reflecting walls of the guide

andonetravelingwaveinthedirectionparalleltothe reflecting walls. In

lossless waveguides, the modes may be classified as either transverse

electric(TE) mode or transverse magnetic(TM) mode.In circular

waveguidesthemodesaredesignatedas TE mnor TM mn.Theintegerm denotes


n is the number of half waves in the y direction if thepropagation of

thewave is assumedinthepositivezdirection.


1. InsertHFSS design

2. RenameProjectasrectangular waveguideandsave


3. Draw3Dobjectcylinder(Drawcylinder)


4. Select the Cylinderin Model treeand assign

attributes totheCylinder (Right click on the

Cylinder Edit  Properties)


5. SetthepositionandsizeoftheCylinder.DoubleClickon create


Position:0, 0, 0





6. Select the face as shown in figure, then right click

on face Assign Boundaries  Perfect E OK.
Then in the project manager under boundaries
perfect E layer is displayed.

7. For the Front and Back faces Assign Excitations.


Click on HFSS  Assign excitation  Wave port  Full port impedance: 50

 Next

No. of modes: 4update(4modes canbe observed)

Integrationline:New line

Usingmouse click on the edge of the circle where you could find the

triangle and join the line on the same circle by passing through center

of the circle.In second mode under integrationline select'copy from

mode1'.Repeatthesame for 3rdand4thmodes

8. Repeatstep9forthesecondport.
9. Analysis

(In project manager right click on Analysis  Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 5GHz.

10. To observe frequency sweep, in project manager under Analysis right

click on setup  Add frequency sweep 

Sweepname: Sweep


Type: Linear step

Start: 1GHz

End: 15 GHz

Step size: 1GHz



10. Tocheckerrorsvalidationisrequired.(HFSSvalidationcheck)

11. Analyzeall(HFSSAnalyzeall).


MODE M n Theoretical value Practical value


TE11 1 1 2.93 2

TM01 0 1 3.827 3

TE01/TM11 0/1 1 6..098

TE21 2 1 4.860 4


a. Select


as"Sweep" andin Intrinsic Variables select Freq. as the cut-off frequency

for the mode whichisdesired(excitationprovidedinpreviousstep).Repeatstep

for other modesby selectingsourceandsetmagnitudeas1. In

fieldoverlaysE-FieldE- mag select animateOK

b. PhaseconstantvsFrequencyforfirst4modes.UnderProjectmanagerAnalysis

SweepSweep type: Interpolating Distribution: Least count Start:

1GHz End: 20GHz Points 100 OK. Then (In project manager Right

click on ResultsCreate


Gamma(l:1),Gamma(l:2),Gamma(l:3),Gamma(l:4)ClickonNew Report.



Where, C=1/√𝜇𝜀 =3x108 m/s

X’np =P’nm
c.Field patterns for E and H Fields. In project manager Click on Port Field Display 
In project manager Click on Port Field Display  1mode2(TE11)

1 | Page
In project manager Click on Port Field Display  1 mode3(TM01)

In project manager Click on Port Field Display  1 mode4(TE21)

2 | Page
c. Then (In project manager Right click on Results  Create modal
solution data report Rectangular --< Category: S-parameter Select S
(1:1,1:1) ,S(1:1,2:1), S(1:2,2:2), S(1:3,2:3), S(1:4,2:4)
Function: dB

Click on New Report


Designed the circular waveguide.

3 | Page


To design a H-Plane Tee Junction.

Software Used

High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).


An H-Plane Tee junction is formed by attaching a simple waveguide to a

rectangularwaveguide which already has two ports. The arms of

rectangular waveguides make two ports called collinear ports i.e., ‘a’ and

‘c’, while the new one, ‘b’ is called as Side arm or H-arm. This H-plane

Tee is also called as Shunt Tee.The configuration of H plane Tee junction

is illustrated in figure 10.1.

Figure 1.2. H plane Tee junction

It is called an H plane Tee junction because the long axis of the "b" arm

is parallel to the plane of the magnetic lines of force in the waveguide.

For simplicity, only the E lines are shown in figure 10.2. Each X indicates

4 | Page
an E line moving away from the observer. Each dot indicates an E line is

moving toward the observer.

Figure 1.3. E –fields for various inputs in H plane

Tee junction.

In view (1) of Fig. 10.2, the signal is fed into arm ‘b’ and in-phase outputs

are obtained from the ‘a’ and ‘c’ arms. In view (2), in-phase signals are fed

into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’ and the output signal is obtained from the ‘b’ arm

because the fields add at the junction and induce E lines into the ‘b’ arm.

If 180-degree-out-of-phase signals are fed into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’, as shown

in view (3), no output is obtained from the ‘b’ arm because the opposing

fields cancel at the junction. If a signal is fed into the ‘a’ arm, as shown

in view (4), outputs will be obtained from the ‘b’ and ‘c’ arms. The reverse

is also true. If a signal is fed into the ‘c’ arm, outputs will be obtained

from the ‘a’ and b arms.


1.Insert HFSS design

5 | Page
(Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design

2.Rename Project as Tee and save

(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)

3.Set Solution type as Modal

(HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network analysis → OK

4. Set units

( Modeller→ units →in)

5. Draw →Box

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the box → Edit → Properties)

Name: Tee Material: Vaccum


7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.

Double Click on create box→

Position : 0,-0.45,0

Xsize: 2

Ysize: 0.9

Zsize: 0.4

6 | Page
8. Assign waveport to the Box

Right click on the figure window ->Select face->

Then click the face of the box parallel to YZ plane at x=2.

Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .

Wave port dialog box appears.

Name: Port1

Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor

is accompanied with a dotted port line.In figure window, select the

starting point of the vector (2,0,0), by clicking the edge center at

thebottom of the face. Select the end point (2,0,0.4) by clicking the edge

center at the top of the face.

Waveport dialog box reappears.

Click Next-> Finish

In project manager under excitations port1 will be displayed. When port1

is selected then figure window appears as

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create

the second and third sections of Tee.

7 | Page
Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary Assignment

Panel -> Check Duplicate boundaries/mesh operations with geometry as


10. Select the box in Model tree.

Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis Axis: Z

Angle: 90

Total Number: 2

Verify that ‘Attach to original object’ is unchecked.

11.Repeat step 10 with Angle:-90

12. Unite the three sections

Tools-> Options-> General options-> Modeler options-> operation tab ->

Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is

unchecked as in figure

Select 3 boxes named as Tee, Tee_1 and Tee_2 by holding CTRL key.

Right click the 3D modeler menu-> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.

13. Create Septum (The septum is a 3D-box object that will be subtracted

from T-junction.) Draw->Box

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box. (Right click

on the Box → Edit → Properties)

Name: Septum

8 | Page
Set the position and size of the Box named as Septum. Double Click on

create Box →

Position: -0.45in,offset-0.05in,0in ( initially set offset value as 0in)

X Size: 0.45


Z Size:0.4


direction you want to rotate the view.

14.Subtract septum from the Tee-Junction.

First Click Tee in the model tree.

Press CTRL key and click Septum in the model tree.

Right click ->Edit -> Boolean -> Subtract

Go to Tools-> Options -> Modeler options and verify the clone tool objects

before subtracting

option is clear.


The septum is subtracted from the Tee.

9 | Page
15.Add solution setup such that HSS performs an adaptive analysis at

10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 10GHz

Max. no. of passes: 6 Delta s=0.02


16.To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right

click on setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Type: Linear step

Start: 8GHz

End: 10 GHz

Step size: 0.05GHz

Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the

sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.

17.To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

18. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all

10 | P a g e
Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message


Simulation Results


compare the S-parameter results at each port for the two septum


(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data

report →

Rectangular → S-parameter → Press ctrl to select S(port1,port1),

S(port1,port2),S(port1,port3) → mag ->new report->close

Animation of E-fields

In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 1 power as 1W->ok

Select Tee junction under model tree

Go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done

In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

11 | P a g e
It is observed that fields at port2 and port3 are in phase.

12 | P a g e
4. E-plane Tee Junction


To design a E-Plane Tee Junction.

Software Used

High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).


In E- plane Tee junction, the junction arm extends from the main

waveguide in the same direction as the E field in the waveguide as in Fig.

11.1 view (A).Fig. 11.1 view (B), illustrates cross-sectional views of the E-

type T junction with inputs fed into the various arms.

Figure 1.4. E fields in an E-type T junction

In view (K), the input is fed into arm b and the outputs are taken from the a

and c arms. When the E field arrives between points 1 and 2, point 1

13 | P a g e
becomes positive and point 2 becomes negative. The positive charge at point

1 then induces a negative charge on the wall at point 3. The negative charge

at point 2 induces a positive charge at point 4. These charges cause the

fields to form 180 degrees out of phase in the main waveguide; therefore, the

outputs will be 180 degrees out of phase with each other. In view (L), two in-

phase inputs of equal amplitude are fed into the a and c arms. The signals

at points 1 and 2 have the same phase and amplitude. No difference of

potential exists across the entrance to the b arm, and no energy will be

coupled out. However, when the two signals fed into the a and c arms are

180 degrees out of phase, as shown in view (M), points 1 and 2 have a

difference of potential. This difference of potential induces an E field from

point 1 to point 2 in the b arm, and energy is coupled out of this arm. Views

(N) and (P) illustrate two methods of obtaining two outputs with only one



1. Insert HFSS design

(Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design

2. Rename Project as Tee and save

(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)

3. Set Solution type as Modal

(HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network analysis → OK

4. Set units

( Modeller→ units →in)

14 | P a g e
5. Draw →Box

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the box → Edit → Properties)

Name: Tee Material: Vaccum


7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.

Double Click on create box→

Position :-0.45,0,-0.2

Xsize: 0.9

Ysize: 2

Zsize: 0.4

8. Assign waveport to the Box

Right click on the figure window ->Select face->

Then click the face of the box parallel to XZ plane at y=2.

Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .

Wave port dialog box appears.

Name: Port1

15 | P a g e
Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor

is accompanied with a dotted port line.In figure window, select the

starting point of the vector (0,2,-0.2), by clicking the edge center at

thebottom of the face. Select the end point (0,2,0.2) by clicking the edge

center at the top of the face.

Waveport dialog box reappears.

Click Next-> Finish

In project manager under excitations port1 will be displayed. When port1

is selected then figure window appears as

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create

the second and third sections of Tee.

Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary Assignment

Panel -> Check Duplicate boundaries/mesh operations with geometry as


10. Select the box in Model tree.

Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis

Axis: X

Angle: 90

16 | P a g e
Total Number: 2

Verify that ‘Attach to original object’ is unchecked.

11.Repeat step 10 with Angle:-180

12. Unite the three sections

Tools-> Options-> General options-> Modeler options-> operation tab ->

Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is

unchecked as in figure click ok.

Select 3 boxes named as Tee, Tee_1 and Tee_2 by holding CTRL key.

Right click the 3D modeler menu-> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.

13.Add solution setup such that HSS performs an adaptive analysis at

10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 10GHz

Max. no. of passes: 6

Delta s=0.02


17 | P a g e
14.To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right

click on setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Type: Linear step

Start: 8GHz

End: 10 GHz

Step size: 0.05GHz

Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the

sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.

15.To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS→ validation check)

16. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all

Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message


Simulation Results


(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data

report →

Rectangular → S-parameter → Press ctrl to select S(port1,port2),

S(port2,port2),S(port3,port2) → mag ->new report->close

18 | P a g e
Animation of E-fields

In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 2power as 1W->ok

Select Tee junction under model tree

Go to field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done

In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

When power is enter port2 (E-plane port) fields at port1and port3 are out

of phase

19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
5.Magic Tee Junction


To design Magic Tee Junction.

Software Used

High Frequency structure simulator from Analysis Systems (ANSYS).


The Magic-T shown in Fig. 12.1 is a combination of the H-type and E-

type T junctions. The most common application of this type of junction is

as the mixer section for microwave radar receivers.

Figure 1.5. Magic Tee

If a signal is fed into the 4th arm of the magic- T, it will divide into two out-

of-phase components. As shown in Fig. 12.2, these two components will

move into the 1 and 2 arms. The signal entering the 4tharm will not enter the

3rdarm because of the zero potential existing at the entrance of the 3rdarm.

The potential must be zero at this point to satisfy the boundary conditions of

the 4tharm. This absence of potential is illustrated in Fig. 12.2.Since the E

lines are at maximum in the center of the 4tharm and minimum at the edge

21 | P a g e
where the 3rdarm entrance is located, no potential difference exists across

the mouth of the 3rd arm.

Figure 1.6. Magic Tee with input to arm 4. (a) Front

view (b) Top view of Magic Tee.

The action that occurs when a signal is fed into the 3rdarm of the magic-

Tee is illustrated in Fig12.3.

Figure 1.7. Magic Tee with input to arm 3.

The signal entering the 3rdarm divides and moves down the 1 and 2 arms

as outputs which are in phase with each other and with the input. The

22 | P a g e
shape of the E fields in motion is shown by the numbered curved slices.

As the E field moves down the 3rdarm, points 2 and 3 are at an equal

potential. The energy divides equally into arms 1 and 2, and the E fields

in both arms become identical in shape. Since the potentials on both

sides of the 4tharm are equal, no potential difference exists at the

entrance to the 4tharm, resulting in no output.

When an input signal is fed into the arm1 as shown in Fig.12.4.

Figure 1.8. Magic Tee with input to arm 1

A portion of the energy is coupled into the 4tharm as it would be in an E-

type T junction. An equal portion of the signal is coupled through the

3rdarm because of the action of the H-type junction. The 2ndarm has two

fields across it that are out of phase with each other. Therefore the fields

cancel, resulting in no output at the 2nd arm. The reverse of this action

takes place if a signal is fed into the 2ndarm, resulting in outputs at the

3rd and 4tharms and no output at the 1starm.


1.Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design)

2.Rename Project as MagicTee and save

23 | P a g e
(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)

3.Set Solution type as Modal

(HFSS → Solution type → Modal → Network analysis → OK

4. Set units

( Modeller→ units →in)

5. Draw →Box

Choose 3 arbitrary locations in drawing area to display box.

6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box

(Right click on the box → Edit → Properties)

Material: Vaccum


7. Set the position and dimensions of the box named as Tee.

Double Click on create box→

Position : 0,-0.45,-0.2

Xsize: 2

Ysize: 0.9

Zsize: 0.4


8. Assign waveport to the Box

24 | P a g e
Right click on the figure window ->Select face->

Then click the face of the box parallel to YZ plane at x=2.

Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .

Wave port dialog box appears.

Name: Port1

Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor is

accompanied with a dotted port line.

In figure window, select the starting point of the vector (2,0,0), by clicking

the edge center at the bottom of the face. Select the end point (2,0,0.4) by

clicking the edge center at the top of the face.

Waveport dialog box reappears.

Click Next-> Finish

In project manager under excitations port1 will be displayed. When port1

is selected then figure window appears as

9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to
create the second and third sections of Tee.
Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary

Assignment Panel -> Check Duplicate boundaries/mesh operations

with geometry as shown

25 | P a g e
Click OK.

10. Select the box in Model tree.

Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis

Axis: Z

Angle: 90

Total Number: 2

Verify that ‘Attach to original object’ is unchecked.


11. Repeat step 10 with Angle:-90

26 | P a g e
12. Repeat step 10 with Angle:+90 around Axis: X

13. Unite the four sections

Tools-> Options-> General options-> Modeler options-> operation tab ->

Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is

unchecked as in figure

Click OK.

Select 4 boxes by holding CTRL key. Right click the 3D modeler menu-

> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.

27 | P a g e


P P t

o o 2

r r

t t
14. Add solution setup such that HFSS performs an adaptive analysis at
3 1

(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 10GHz

Max. no. of passes: 6

Delta s=0.02


Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the

sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.

15.To check errors validation is required. ( HFSS → validation check)

16.Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all).


Animation of fields at the junction:

In field overlays->Edit sources->set port 1 power as 1W->ok

28 | P a g e
Select Magic Tee junction under model tree

Goto field overlays->Plot fields->E->vector_E->done

In field overlays->E-Field -> vector_E1 -> select animate ->OK

Observation: When port 1 (H-plane port) is excited , fields at port 2 and

port3 are In phase

Repeat step 1 by setting port4 as 1W

29 | P a g e
Observation: When port 4 (E-plane port) is excited, fields at port 2 and

port3 are out of phase

Repeat step 1 with port 3 as 1W

Observation: When port 3 is excited , power available at port2 is less

when compared to power at port 1 and 4.

30 | P a g e

To justify above statement s-parameters (S13,S23,S33,S43) vs frequency

graph is plotted.

Add solution setup such that HFSS performs an adaptive analysis at


(In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)

Frequency: 10 GHz

Max. no. of passes: 6

Delta s=0.02


To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right

click on setup → Add frequency sweep →

Sweep type: Interpolating

Type: Linear step

Start: 8GHz

End: 10 GHz

Step size: 0.05GHz


(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data

report → Rectangular → S-parameter → Press ctrl to select S(port1,port3),

S(port2,port3),S(port3,port3),S(port4,port3) → dB

31 | P a g e

At 10GHz frequency, Transmission coefficient S23 is -6.09 dB.

Transmission coefficient S13 is -3.8 dB.Transmission coefficient S43 is -

4.8 dB. It is observed that power at port2 is less when compared to power

at port 1 and 4.

32 | P a g e
6. Study of the characteristics of the Reflex

Klystron tube


To study the characteristics of the Reflex Klystron tube and to determine

the it’s electronic tuning range

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron power supply,

Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,


Frequency meter,

Variable attenuator,

X-band Detector Mount,

BNC Female to 2-Alligator clips cable,

0-250µA DC microampere meter.


Reflex Klystron is one of the most commonly used microwave (low power)

generators. It converts DCpower into microwave power.

Reflex Klystron Oscillator:

The schematic diagram of a reflex klystron tube is shown in Fig.1.1,

which uses only a single re-entrant microwave cavity as resonator. The

electron beam emitted from the cathode K is accelerated by the grid Gand

33 | P a g e
passes through the cavity anode A to the repeller space between the

cavity anode and the repellerelectrode.

Mechanism of Oscillation:

Due to dc voltage in the cavity circuit, RF noise is generated in the cavity.

This electromagnetic noise fieldin the cavity becomes pronounced at

cavity resonant frequency. The electrons passing through the cavitygap d

experience this RF field and are velocity modulated in the following

manner.The electrons as shownin Fig. 1.2 which encountered the positive

half cycle of the RF field in the gap d will be accelerated, those(reference

electrons) b which encountered zero RF field will pass with unchanged

original velocity, and theelectrons c which encountered the negative half

cycle will be retarded on entering the repeller space.

All these velocity modulated electrons will be repelled back to the cavity

by the repeller due to its negativepotential. The repeller distance L and

the voltages can be adjusted to receive all the velocity modulatedelectrons

at a same time on the positive peak of the cavity RF voltage cycle. Thus

the velocity modulatedelectrons are bunched together and lose their

kinetic energy when they encounter the positive cycle of thecavity RF

field. This loss of energy is thus transferred to the cavity to conserve the

total power. If the powerdelivered by the bunched electrons to the cavity

is greater than the power loss in the cavity, theelectromagnetic field

amplitude at the resonant frequency of the cavity will increase to produce

microwaveoscillations. The RF power is coupled to the output load by

means of a small loop which forms the centerconductor of the coaxial

line. When the power delivered by the electrons becomes equal to the

34 | P a g e
total powerloss in the cavity system, a steady microwave oscillation is

generated at resonant frequency of the cavity.

Figure 1.9. Functional diagram of Reflex Klystron

Figure 1.10. Bunching action of a reflex klystron

35 | P a g e
Mode of Oscillation:

The bunched electrons in a reflex klystron can deliver maximum power to

the cavity at any instant whichcorresponds to the positive peak of the RF

cycle of the cavity oscillation. If T is the time period at theresonant

frequency, to is the time taken by the reference electron to travel in the

repeller space betweenentering the repeller space at B and the returning

to the cavity at positive peak voltage on formatting of thebunch, then

𝑡0 = (𝑛 + ) 𝑇

where n=0, 1, 2, 3...

The reflex klystron operates in a different mode for each additional cycle

that the electrons remain in the repeller field.Mode 1 is obtained when

the repeller voltage produces an electron transit time of ¾ cycle.

Additional modes follow in sequence. Mode 2 has an electron transit time

of 1 3/4 cycles; mode 3has an electron transit time of 2 3/4 cycles; etc.

The physical design of the tube limits the number ofmodes possible in

practical applications. A range of four modes of operation are normally

available. Theactual mode used (1 3/4 cycles through 4 3/4 cycles, 2 3/4

cycles through 6 3/4 cycles, etc.) depends uponthe application. The

choice of mode is determined by the difference in power available from

each modeand the band of frequencies over which the circuit can be


Thus by adjusting repeller voltage for given dimensions of the reflex

klystron, the bunching can be made to occur at n = 0, 1, 2, 3, …

respectively. It is obvious that the lowest ordermode 3/4 occurs for a

36 | P a g e
maximum value of repeller voltage when the transit time to of the

electrons in therepeller space is minimum. Higher modes occur at lower

repeller voltages. Since at the highest repellervoltage the acceleration of

the bunched electrons of return is maximum, the power output of the

lowestmode is maximum.

Electronic Tuning:

Electronic Tuning refers to tuning of Reflex Klystron by altering the

repeller voltage. The electronic tuning range of the reflex klystron is

referred to as the variation in frequency between half power points—the

points in the oscillating mode where the power output is half the

maximum output in the mode.Each mode has a center frequency of

9.4GHz which ispredetermined by the physical size of the cavity. The

output power increases as the repeller voltage ismade more negative. This

is because the transit time of the electron bunches is decreased.

Electronic tuning does not change the center frequency of the cavity, but

does vary the frequencywithin the mode of operation. The amount the

frequency can be varied above or below the centerfrequency is limited by

the half-power points of the mode, as shown in Fig.1.3. The center

frequencycan be changed by one of two methods One method, GRID-GAP

TUNING, varies the cavity frequencyby altering the distance between the

grids to change the physical size of the cavity. This method varies

thecapacitance of the cavity by using a tuning screw to change the

distance between the grids mechanically.The cavity can also be tuned by

PADDLES or SLUGS that change the inductance of the cavity.

37 | P a g e
Frequency GHz
Electron Resonant
ic Frequency
Tuning of the
range Cavity
Power output mW

Half power


-100 -150 -200 -250

Repeller Voltage in volts

Figure 1.11. Electronic tuning and output power of a reflex klystron.


1. Connect the equipment as shown in Fig. 1.4.

Klystron Power


Variable Detector DC
Reflex Isolator Frequency
klystron tube Meter Attenuator Mount

Figure 1.12. Setup for Study of Klystron Tube.

2. Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

a. Mod. switch -- CW
b. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise
(i.e., Beam voltage is set to minimum positive value)
c. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

38 | P a g e
(i.e., Repeller voltage is set to maximum negative
d. Meter switch -- OFF
3. Set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation.
4. Rotate the knob of Frequency meter at onside fully.

5. Switch ‘ON’ the Klystron Power Supply and Cooling Fan for Klystron


6. Put the meter switch to beam voltage position and rotate the beam

voltage knob clockwise slowly up to 300V meter reading.Observe

beam current on the meter by changing the meter switch to beam

current position. “The beam current should not increase more than


7. Change the repeller voltage in steps of 1volt by rotating repeller

voltage knob in anticlockwise direction and watch on microampere

meter. If the output is small, tune the plungers of Klystron Mount,

Detector Mount and also reduce the attenuation for the maximum

output. Record output current and frequency in table 1.

8. Frequency measurements—adjust the frequency meter till a dip

appears on the display. The frequency meter directly gives the


9. From repeller voltage and output current calculate output power. Plot

graph between repeller voltage on x-axis &corresponding output

power on y-axis. Also plot graph between repeller voltage on x-axis

and frequency on y-axis. Find the Tuning range after plotting 3dB



Beam Voltage=

39 | P a g e
Beam Current =

Table 1.
S.No. Repeller voltage Output Current Output power Frequency
(V) (μA) (mW) (GHz)


1. Calculate the mode number n for each mode using the equation

𝑉𝑜1 (𝑛 + 1) + 3⁄4
= 𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦
𝑉𝑜2 𝑛 + 3⁄4

(∵ repeller Voltage is inversely related to mode )

Where 𝑉𝑜1 and 𝑉𝑜2 are repeller voltages for two successive modes at

maximum power Point.

2. Knowing mode number, transit time of each mode may be calculated

from equation below:

𝑛 + 3⁄4
𝑡1 = 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Where f ois frequency at maximum power point in that mode.

3. Calculate electronic tuning range, i.e., the frequency band from one

end of the mode to the another.

ETS ( Electronic tuning sensitivity) may be calculated from the equation


40 | P a g e
𝑓2 − 𝑓1
𝑉2 − 𝑉1

f 2and f 1being half power frequencies in GHZ, and V1 and V2 are

corresponding voltages for a particular mode.


Output power Vs. Repeller voltage

Frequency Vs. Repeller voltage.


As the repeller voltage increases, frequency and current of reflex klystron

tube increases.


1. Use Fan to keep the Klystron temperature low.

2. Ensure tight connections of the apparatus.

3. While measuring output power, frequency meter should be detuned

each time

4. Repeller Voltage must be varied between -80V and -250V.

5. Beam voltage must not exceed 300 V.


From the characteristics of Reflex Klystron,

Find the modes .

Find the transit time.

Find the Tuning range for two widely different repeller voltages.

41 | P a g e

1. How many cavities does Reflex Klystron have?

A. One

2. On which principle Klystron tube works?

A. Velocity Modulation

3. What are the applications of Reflex Klystron?

A. Oscillator, Microwave generator

4. On what principle multi cavity Klystron Amplifier works?

A. Velocity Modulation and Current Modulation.

5. What is the efficiency of Reflex Klystron?

A. 20 % - 30 %

6. The single cavity in Reflex Klystron acts as____________

A. Both buncher and catcher cavity.

7. Why negative voltage is given to the Repeller?

A. To turn the electron beam back towards the gap.

8. Why the waveguide is air filled?

A. The waveguide is filled with dry air under pressure to remove any

moisture from the waveguide that might cause corrosion. It also

increases the power handling capacity of the waveguide.

42 | P a g e

43 | P a g e
44 | P a g e
7.Study of Gunn Diode Characteristics


Study of Gunn Diode and plot V-I characteristics of Gunn Diode.

Equipment Required:

Gunn oscillator,

Gunn power supply,


Frequency meter,


Detector mount,

Matched Termination,

Cables and Accessories.


Gunn diodes are negative resistance devices which are normally used as

low power oscillator atmicrowave frequencies in transmitter and also as

local oscillator in receiver front ends. J BGunn (1963) discovered

microwave oscillation in Gallium arsenide (GaAs), Indium phosphide(InP)

and cadmium telluride (CdTe). These are semiconductors having a closely

spaced energyvalley in the conduction band as shown in Fig. 2.1 for


45 | P a g e
When a dc voltage is appliedacross the material, an electric field is

established across it. At low E-field in the material, mostof the electrons

will be located in the lower energy central valley Γ. At higher E-field, most

ofthe electrons will be transferred in to the high-energy satellite L and X

valleys where theeffective electron mass is larger and hence electron

mobility is lower than that in the low energyΓ valley.

a. Multi-valley conduction band energies of GaAs

b. V-I characteristics of GaAs.

46 | P a g e
Since the conductivity is directly proportional to the mobility, the

conductivity andhence the current decreases with an increase in E-field

or voltage in an intermediate range,beyond a threshold value Vth as

shown in Fig. 2.2 This is called the transferred electroneffect and the

device is also called ‘Transfer Electron Device (TED) or Gunn diode’. Thus

thematerial behaves as negative resistance device over a range of applied

voltages and can be usedin microwave oscillators.

The basic structure of a Gunn diode is shown in Fig. 2.3 (a), which is of

n-type GaAssemiconductor with regions of high doping (n+). Although

there is no junction this is called adiode with reference to the positive end

(anode) and negative end (cathode) of the dc voltageapplied across the

device. Its more accurate name is transferred electron device. If voltage or

an electric field at low level is applied to the GaAs,initially the current will

increase with a rise in the voltage. When the diode voltage exceeds

acertain threshold value, Vth a high electric field (3.2 KV/cm for GaAs) is

produced across theactive region and electrons are excited from their

initial lower valley to the higher valley, wherethey become virtually

immobile. If the rate at which electrons are transferred is very high,

thecurrent will decrease with increase in voltage, resulting in equivalent

negative resistance effect.Since GaAs is a poor conductor, considerable

heat is generated in the diode. The diode will bebonded into a heat sink


47 | P a g e


c. Constructional details and the electrical equivalent circuit of a Gunn


The electrical equivalent circuit of a Gunn diode is shown in Fig. 2.3(b),

where Cj and – Rj arethe diode capacitance and resistance, respectively,

Rs includes the total resistance of lead, ohmiccontacts, and bulk

resistance of the diode, Cp and Lp are the package capacitance and

inductance,respectively. The negative resistance has a value that

typically lies in the range –5 to –20 ohm.

Gunn Oscillator:

In a Gunn Oscillator, the Gunn Diode is placed in a resonant cavity. In

this case the oscillationfrequency is determined by cavity dimension than

by the diode itself.

48 | P a g e
Gunn Gunn Isolator Variable Frequency Matched
Power Oscillator Attenuator Meter Termination

d. Setup for study of Gunn Oscillator


1. Set the components and equipments as shown in the Fig.2.4.

2. Initially set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation.

3. Keep the control knob of Gunn Power Supply as below:

Meter Switch - ‘OFF’

Gunn bias knob - Fully anticlockwise

Pin bias knob - Fully anticlockwise

Pin Mod frequency - Any position

4. Set the micrometer of Gunn Oscillator for required frequency of


5. Switch ‘ON’ the Gunn Power Supply and Cooling fan.

6. Turn the meter switch of Gunn power supply to voltage position.

7. Measure the Gunn diode Current Corresponding to the various voltage

controlled by Gunn bias knob through the panel meter and meter

switch. Do not exceed the bias voltage above 10 volts.

8. Plot the voltage and current readings on the graph as shown in Fig


9. Measure the threshold voltage which corresponds to maximum


49 | P a g e

S.No. Voltage(V) Current(mA)


Current Vs Voltage


For the given Gunn Diode the threshold voltage is ____V and the

threshold current is ____ mA.

The negative resistance of the Gunn diode is observed between I= ___ mA

to ___ mA.


Donot keep gunn bias knob position at thresholdposition for more than

10-15 seconds. Reading should beobtained as fast as possible.

Otherwise, due to excessiveheating, Gunn diode may burn.


The Gunn diode characteristics have been observed and are drawn.


1. What is Gunn effect?

A. There are periodic fluctuations of current passing through N type

GaAs when applied voltage exceeded certain critical voltage.

2. What is negative resistance?

50 | P a g e
A. In negative resistance devices, the real part of the impedance is

negative over a range of frequencies. i.e., voltage and current are 1800

out of phase. Voltage drop across it is negative and I2R power is


3. What are advantages and disadvantages of Gunn diode?

A. Advantage: Less noisy.

Disadvantage: Temperature dependent. The Frequency of

oscillations changes with change in temperature.

51 | P a g e
52 | P a g e
8.Attenuation measurement


To analyze fixed attenuator and variable attenuator.

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron, Klystron Power Supply, Isolator, Frequency Meter, Fixed

& Variable Attenuator, Detector Mount, VSWR Meter, Matched

Termination, BNC Cable.


The attenuators are two port bi-directional devices which reduce power

levels of a signal when inserted into the transmission line without any

appreciable reflections.

Attenuation A (dB)= 10 log10 (P1/P2)

Where P1=Power absorbed or detected by the load without the attenuator

in the line.

P2= Power absorbed or detected by the load with the attenuator in the


The attenuator consists of a rectangular waveguide with a metalized

glassfiber reinforced PTFE( polytetrafluoroethylene) resistive vane or an

absorptive composite material inside it to absorb microwave power

according to their position with respect to side wall of the waveguide. As

the electric field is maximum at center in TE10 mode, the attenuation will

be maximum if the vane is placed at the center of the wave guide. Moving

53 | P a g e
from center toward the side wall, attenuation decreases in the fixed

attenuator, the vane position is fixed where as in a variable attenuator,

its position can be changed by the help of micrometer.

Klystron VSWR

Power Supply Meter

Reflex Isolator Frequency Variable Slotte Detector

Klystron tube Meter Attenuator d line Mount
with Klystron

Detector VSWR
Fixed Mount
attenuat Meter

e. Setup for attenuation measurement.


1. Set the components and equipment as shown in Fig. 3.1.

2. Initially set the variable attenuator for maximum position.

3. Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

a. Mod. switch -- AM
b. AM-amplitude Knob --Around fully clockwise.
c. AM-frequency Knob --Around mid position.
d. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise
(i.e., Beam voltage is set to minimum positive value)
e. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise
(i.e., Repeller voltage is set to maximum negative
f. Meter switch -- OFF
4. Keep the control knob of VSWR meter as below:

a. Meter switch --Normal

b. Input Switch --Low Impedance
c. Range dB switch --50dB
d. Gain control knob --Mid position

5. ‘ON’ the Klystron Power Supply, VSWR meter and Cooling fan.

54 | P a g e
6. Turn the meter switch of the power supply to beam voltage position

and set the beam voltage to 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.

7. Adjust the repeller voltage to get some deflection in VSWR meter.

8. Maximize the deflection with AM frequency and amplitude control

knob of Klystron Power Supply to get maximum power.

9. Tune the plungers of Klystron-Mount, Detector Mount and Tunable

probes for maximum deflection in VSWR meter.

Procedure for variable attenuator:-

10. Observe micrometer reading & VSWR meter reading for different

Settings ofvariable attenuator.

11. Plot graph between the micrometer reading & VSWR meter reading

in dB.

Procedure for fixed attenuator:

12. Repeat steps 1 to 9.

13. Set the reference level on the VSWR meter with the help of variable

attenuator and gain control knob of VSWR meter. Let it be P1.

14. Insert the fixed attenuator & note the reading on VSWR meter. Let it

be P2.

15. Difference between reading with &without attenuator, gives the value

ofattenuation for the fixed attenuator.


For Variable Attenuator:

Beam voltage =

55 | P a g e
Beam current =
Repeller voltage =

S.No Micrometer reading(mm) Output power


For Fixed Attenuator:

Beam voltage =
Beam current =
Repeller voltage =
Output Power without fixed attenuator (P1) =

S.No Fixed O/p power O/p Average Attenuation

Attenuation ( forward power (dB) (P1-P2) dB
(dB) direction) (reverse P2
(dB) direction)


For a given 6dB fixed attenuator, ________dB attenuation is observed.


The attenuation provided by fixed attenuators and variable attenuator is

observed and noted.


1. What do you mean by attenuators?

2. What are various uses of attenuators?

56 | P a g e
57 | P a g e
9.Characteristics of Directional Coupler


To study the functioning of Multi-hole directional coupler by measuring

the following parameters

 Coupling factor

 Directivity of the Coupler

 Insertion Loss

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron power supply,

Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,


Frequency meter,

Variable attenuator,

X-band Detector Mount,

Multi-hole Directional Coupler,

Matched terminations,

VSWR meter and accessories.


A Directional Coupler is a reciprocal four port device with which it is

possible to measure the incident and reflected power separately. The

basic function of a directional coupler is to operate on an input so that

58 | P a g e
two output signalsare available. However, when the input is applied to

the opposite port of an internallyterminated coupler, only one output

signal is produced. Refer to Fig.4.1 and Fig.4.2.

Port 1 is the input port where power is applied. Port 3 is the coupled port

where a portion of the power applied to port 1 appears. Port 2 is the

output port where the power from port 1 is outputted, less the portion

that went to port 3. Directional couplers are frequently symmetrical so

there also exists port 4, the isolated port. A portion of the power applied

to port 2 will be coupled to port 4. However, the device is not normally

used in this mode and port 4 is usually terminated with a matched load

(typically 50 ohms). This termination can be internal to the device and

port 4 is not accessible to the user. Effectively, this results in a 3-port


It consists of two wave guides with a suitable coupling aperture located

on common wall of wave guide. The distance between two apertures must

be odd multiple of g/4 .

Directional Coupler Characteristics.

1. The output signals are unequal in amplitude. The larger signal is at

the main-line output port. The smaller signal is at the coupled port.

2. The main-line insertion loss depends upon the signal level at the

coupled port

3. There is high isolation between the coupled port and the output of the


59 | P a g e
f. Multi Hole Directional Coupler

A schematic representation of the coupler is as follows; the arrows show

signal flow:

Input Power Pi Received

Power Pr

Backward Forward
Power Pb Power Pf

g. Signal Power flow graph in Directional Coupler

Key characteristics of a directional coupler include coupling, Main-line

Insertion loss and Directivity.


The ratio in dB of the incident power fed into the main port to the

coupled port power when all ports are terminated by reflection less


60 | P a g e
Coupling(C) = 10 log (pi/pf) dB

Insertion Loss:

Main line insertion loss is the attenuation introduced in transmission

line by insertion ofcoupler.

Insertion loss (L) =10 log (pi/pr) db


Isolation of a directional coupler can be defined as the difference in signal

levels in dB between the input port and the isolated port when the two

other ports are terminated by matched loads,

Isolation (I) =10 log (pi/pb) db


The difference in dB of the power output at a coupled port, when power is

transmitted in thedesired direction, to the power output at the same

coupled port when the same amount of poweris transmitted in the

opposite direction. In the case of a bi-directional coupler, an

alternativedefinition is the difference in dB of the power output of the two

coupled ports, when power istransmitted in a constant direction on the

main-line. Reflectionless terminations are assumed tobe connected to all


Directivity (D) = 10 log (pf/pb) dB =Isolation-Coupling

Directional Coupler Applications

The high performance characteristics of these units enable the following

signal processingfunctions to be accomplished:

61 | P a g e
 measure incident and reflected power to determine VSWR,

 signal sampling,

 signal injection,

 power flow monitoring.


Power Supply
VSWR Meter (Pi)

Klystron Isolator Frequency Variable Detector
Mount Meter Attenuator Mount

Matched Termination
Multi Hole Directional Detector
VSWR Meter (Pr)
1 Coupler 2 Mount

Mount VSWR Meter (Pf)

Multi Hole Directional
Matched Termination
1 Coupler 2

Mount VSWR Meter (Pb)

Multi Hole Directional
Matched Termination
2 Coupler 1

h. Setup for the measurement of Insertion Loss, Coupling factor,



1. Set up equipment as shown in stage 1 of Fig.4.3.

62 | P a g e
2. Energize the microwave source for particular frequency of operation.

3. Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

a. Mod. switch -- AM
b. AM-amplitude Knob --Around fully clockwise.
4. Adjust Beam voltage to 300V.

5. Set any reference level of power on VSWR and note down the reading.

Let itbe reference level Pi.

6. Insert directional coupler as in stage 2 of Fig. 4.3 and connect the

detector mount to port 2 and matchedtermination to port 3 without

disturbing the setup.Note down the reading on VSWR meter on the

scale with the help of range-dbswitch if required. Let it be Pr.

7. Connect matched termination to port 2 and detector mount to port 3

as in stage 3 of Fig. 4.3. Note down the reading on VSWR meter.Let

it be Pf.

8. Calculate the Coupling factor which is given as Pi-Pf=C (dB).

9. Compute the Insertion Loss which is given as Pi-Pr=I in dB.

10. Connect the directional coupler in reverse direction, i.e. port 2 to

frequency meterside. Matched termination to port 1 and detector

mount to port 3 as in stage 4 of Fig. 4.3. Withoutdisturbing the

position of variable attenuator and gain control knob of VSWRmeter.

11. Measure and note down the reading on VSWR meter. Let it be Pb.

12. Compute the Isolation which is given as Pi-Pb (dB).

13. Compute directivity as Isolation – Coupling factor

63 | P a g e

Beam voltage =

Beam current=

Input power=

Received power=

forward power=

Backward power=


Coupling factor =

Isolation loss =

Insertion loss=


1. Use Fan to keep the Klystron temperature low.

2. Ensure tight connections of the apparatus.

3. Use stabilized power Supply.

4. Avoid cross connections of threads.


Coupling factor, Insertion loss, Isolation and Directivity are measured for

given directional coupler.


1. What is the difference between a 3-port and a 4-port coupler?

64 | P a g e
A. A directional coupler is basically a 4-port network. The main-line and

auxiliary line each have 2 ports: A 3-port coupler has one end of this

auxiliary line, the "isolated port," internally terminated. When all 4

ports are made available to the user, the device is called a "bi-

directional coupler."

2. What advantage does a 3-port coupler have over a 4-port?

A. Directivity of a coupler is strongly affected by the impedance match

provided by the termination at the isolated port. Furnishing that

termination internally ensures high performance.

3. Is a coupled port an input or an output?

A. It can be used as either. The coupling factor determines the

attenuation between main-line and coupled line signals in both cases.

4. How is directivity measured when the 4th port is internally


A. Measure the loss from the main-line input to the coupled port with

the main-line output terminated. Then reverse the main-line

connections. The difference in dB readings is the directivity.

65 | P a g e
10. E-plane and H plane Tee junctions


To measure the power distribution of various magic Tee i.e. E plane, H


Equipment required:

Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,

Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, X-band Detector Mount,E

plane Tee, H plane Tee, Matched Terminations,VSWR meter and



E plane Tee junction:

In E- plane Tee junction, the junction arm extends from the main

waveguide in the same direction as the E field in the waveguide as in Fig.

5.1 view (A).Fig. 5.1 view (B), illustrates cross-sectional views of the E-

type T junction with inputs fed into the various arms. In view (K), the

input is fed into arm b and the outputs are taken from the a and c

arms.When the E field arrives between points 1 and 2, point 1 becomes

positive and point 2 becomes negative. The positive charge at point 1

then induces a negative charge on the wall at point 3. The negative

charge at point 2 induces a positive charge at point 4. These charges

cause the fields to form 180 degrees out of phase in the main waveguide;

therefore, the outputs will be 180 degrees out of phase with each other.

In view (L), two in-phase inputs of equal amplitude are fed into the a and

66 | P a g e
c arms. The signals at points 1 and 2 have the same phase and

amplitude. No difference of potential exists across the entrance to the b

arm, and no energy will be coupled out. However, when the two signals

fed into the a and c arms are 180 degrees out of phase, as shown in view

(M), points 1 and 2 have a difference of potential. This difference of

potential induces an E field from point 1 to point 2 in the b arm, and

energy is coupled out of this arm. Views (N) and (P) illustrate two

methods of obtaining two outputs with only one input.

a. E fields in an E-type T junction.

H plane Tee Junction:

An H plane Tee junction is illustrated in Fig. 5.2. It is called an H plane

Tee junction because the long axis of the "b" arm is parallel to the plane

of the magnetic lines of force in the waveguide. Again, for simplicity, only

the E lines are shown in this figure. Each X indicates an E line moving

away from the observer. Each dot indicates an E line is moving toward

the observer.

67 | P a g e
In view (1) of Fig. 5.3, the signal is fed into arm b and in-phase outputs

are obtained from the a and c arms. In view (2), in-phase signals are fed

into arms a and c and the output signal is obtained from the b arm

because the fields add at the junction and induce E lines into the b arm.

If 180-degree-out-of-phase signals are fed into arms a and c, as shown in

view (3), no output is obtained from the b armbecause the opposing fields

cancel at the junction. If a signal is fed into the a arm, as shown in view

(4), outputs will be obtained from the b and c arms. The reverse is also

true. If a signal is fed into the c arm, outputs will be obtained from the a

and b arms.

b. H plane Tee junction

c. E –fields for various inputs in H plane Tee junction.

68 | P a g e

d. Set up E plane and H plane power measurements


1) Set up the equipment as shown in the Fig. 5.4 by connecting detector

mount to slotted line without Tee junction.

2) Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

a. Mod. switch -- AM

b. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

c. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

d. AM amplitude knob -- Around fully clockwise

e. AM-frequency Knob --Around mid position.

f. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

g. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

3) Switch ON the Klystron power supply and cooling fan.

4) Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.

69 | P a g e
5) Set any reference level of power on VSWR by varying the repeller

voltage, AM amplitude and frequency and note down the input power

to the Tee junction.

6) Now, without disturbing the position of variable attenuator and gain

control knob, carefully connect input at E-plane port of Tee junction

to the slotted line. Connect matched termination to one arm and

crystal detector to the other arm and note the output power of that

arm. Interchange positions of matched termination and detector to

measure output power of other arm.

7) Repeat step 6 for H plane.


Beam voltage =

Repeller voltage =

E plane Tee

Input power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =

Power at port 3 =

H plane Tee

Input power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =

Power at port 3 =

70 | P a g e

When power is inserted in E plane or H plane port power is equally

distributed in other two ports.


Tee Junction Characteristics are observed by giving input to different

ports and by seeing outputs at other ports.


1. What is the difference between E-plane Tee and H-plane Tee?

A. An E-plane Tee is a waveguide in which the axis of its side arm is

parallel to the E-Field of the main waveguide. An H-plane Tee is a

waveguide in which the axis of its side arm is parallel to H field

plane of the main waveguide.

71 | P a g e
11. Scattering Parameters of Magic Tee.


To find the

i. Isolation Loss of Magic Tee

ii. Coupling coefficient of Magic Tee

iii. Scattering parameters of Magic Tee

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,

Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, X-band Detector

Mount,Magic Tee, Matched Terminations,VSWR meter and accessories.


The Magic-T shown in Fig. 5.1 is a combination of the H-type and E-type

T junctions. The most common application of this type of junction is as

the mixer section for microwave radar receivers. If a signal is fed into the

4th arm of the magic- T, it will divide into two out-of-phase components.

As shown in Fig. 5.2, these two components will move into the 1 and 2

arms. The signal entering the 4tharm will not enter the 3rdarm because of

the zero potential existing at the entrance of the 3rdarm. The potential

must be zero at this point to satisfy the boundary conditions of the

4tharm. This absence of potential is illustrated in Fig. 5.2.Since the E

lines are at maximum in the center of the 4tharm and minimum at the

edge where the 3rdarm entrance is located, no potential difference exists

across the mouth of the 3rd arm.

72 | P a g e
a. Magic Tee

1 2


1 2


b. Magic Tee with input to arm 4. (a) Front view (b) Top view of Magic


The action that occurs when a signal is fed into the 3rdarm of the magic-

Tee is illustrated in Fig5.3. The signal entering the 3rdarm divides and

moves down the 1 and 2 arms as outputs which are in phase with each

other and with the input. The shape of the E fields in motion is shown by

73 | P a g e
the numbered curved slices. As the E field moves down the 3rdarm,

points 2 and 3 are at an equal potential. The energy divides equally into

arms 1 and 2, and the E fields in both arms become identical in shape.

Since the potentials on both sides of the 4tharm are equal, no potential

difference exists at the entrance to the 4tharm, resulting in no output.



c. Magic Tee with input to arm 3.

When an input signal is fed into the a arm as shown in Fig.5.4, a portion

of the energy is coupled into the 4tharm as it would be in an E-type T

junction. An equal portion of the signal is coupled through the 3rdarm

because of the action of the H-type junction. The 2ndarm has two fields

across it that are out of phase with each other. Therefore the fields

cancel, resulting in no output at the c arm. The reverse of this action

takes place if a signal is fed into the 2ndarm, resulting in outputs at the

3rd and 4tharms and no output at the 1starm.


3 2

74 | P a g e
d. Magic Tee with input to arm 1

e. Study of Magic Tee


1) Set up the equipment as shown in the Fig. 5.5 by connecting detector

mount to slotted line without Magic tee.

2) Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

h. Mod. switch -- AM

i. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

j. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

k. AM amplitude knob -- Around fully clockwise

l. AM-frequency Knob --Around mid position.

m. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

n. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

3) Switch ON the Klystron power supply and cooling fan.

75 | P a g e
4) Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.

5) Set any reference level of power on VSWR by varying the repeller

voltage, AM amplitude and frequency and note down the input power

to the Tee junction. Let it be P3.

6) Now, without disturbing the position of variable attenuator and gain

control knob, carefully connect the H arm of the Magic tee junction to

the slotted line. Connect matched termination to two arms and crystal

detector to the other arm and note the output power of that arm.

7) Repeat it for the other two arms.

8) Now, connect the E arm of the Magic tee junction to the slotted line.

9) Connect matched termination to two arms and crystal detector to the

other arm and note the output power of that arm.

10) Repeat it for the other two arms.

11) Verify the properties of magic tee junction.


Beam voltage =

Repeller voltage =

Input power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =

Power at port 3 =

Power at port 4 =

Input power at port 2 =

76 | P a g e
Power at port 1 =

Power at port 3 =

Power at port 4 =

Input power at port 3 =

Power at port 4 =

Power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =

Input power at port 4 =

Power at port 3 =

Power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =


Isolation between port 3 and port 4= P3-P4 in dB =_____________

Coupling Coefficient Cij=10 -/20 where is attenuation/isolation in dB

when ‘ i ’ is input arm and ‘ j ’ is outputarm.
𝛼 = 10 log10 ( )

Pi is power fed to arm ‘ i ‘ and power detected at arm ‘ j ’.





77 | P a g e








0 𝐶12 𝐶13 𝐶14

𝐶21 0 𝐶23 𝐶24
|𝑆 | = [ ] = _____________________
𝐶31 𝐶32 0 𝐶34
𝐶41 𝐶42 𝐶43 0


When the power is inserted into the third port, negligible amount of

power is coupled to the fourth port i.e., they are isolated ports.


Magic Tee Characteristics are observed by giving input to different ports

and by seeing outputs at other ports. By using those values Scattering

Matrix has been formed.


1. What are different applications of Magic Tee?

A. For mixing, duplexing and impedance measurements. A particular

application requires twice or more input power to an antenna than

either transmitter can deliver. A magic tee may be used to couple

78 | P a g e
the two transmitters and antenna in such a way the transmitters

do not load each other.

79 | P a g e
12. Study of Circulator


To find the

i. Isolation Loss of Circulator

ii. Insertion Loss of Circulator

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,

Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, X-band Detector Mount,

Circulator, Slotted line section,Matched Terminations, VSWR meter and



A circulator is a passive non-reciprocal three- or four-port device, in

which microwave or radio frequency power entering any port is

transmitted to the next port in rotation (only). It is a multiport microwave

junction device providing one way sequential transmission of power

between the ports.Refer to the Fig. 6.1. The energy into port 1

predominantly exits port 2, energy into port 2 exits port 3, and energy

into port 3 exits port 1. Thus,the scattering matrix for an ideal three-port

circulator is

80 | P a g e
a. Circulators

When one port of a three-port circulator is terminated in a matched load,

it can be used as an isolator, since a signal can travel in only one

direction between the remaining ports.

Following are the basic parameters of circulator:

Insertion Loss:

Insertion loss is the ratio of the powersupplied by source to the input

port to power detected at the output port, measured with other ports

terminated in the matchedload. It is expressed in dB.


It is the ratio of power fed to input arm to the power detected at

uncoupled port with other port terminated in the matched load.

Input VSWR:

The input VSWR of a circulator is the ratio of voltage maximum to voltage

minimum of the standing wave exiting on the line when one port of it

terminates the line and others have matched termination.

81 | P a g e
b. Setup for measurement of Insertion loss and Isolation loss in



1. Set up the equipment as shown in the Fig. 6.2 by connecting detector

mount to slotted line without Circulator.

2. Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as shown below

a. Mod. switch -- AM

b. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

c. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

d. AM amplitude knob -- Around fully clockwise

e. AM-frequency Knob --Around mid position.

f. Beam voltage knob -- Fully anticlockwise

g. Repeller Voltage -- Fully clockwise

3. Switch ON the Klystron power supply and cooling fan.

4. Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.

82 | P a g e
5. Set any reference level of power on VSWR by varying the repeller

voltage, AM amplitude and frequency. Let it be P1.

6. Insert circulator between slotted line and detector mount without

disturbing the position of the setup.

7. Record the reading in the VSWR meter. Let it be P2.

8. Compute insertion Loss on P1-P2 in dB.

9. For measurement of isolation, circulator has to be connected in

reverse i.e., output port to slotted line and detector to input port with

another port terminated by matched termination. Record the reading

of VSWR meter as P3.

10. Compute isolation as P1-P3 in dB.

11. The same procedure can be done for other ports of circulator.


Beam voltage =

Repeller voltage =

Input power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =

Power at port 3 =

Input power at port 2 =

Power at port 1 =

Power at port 3 =

83 | P a g e
Input power at port 3 =

Power at port 1 =

Power at port 2 =


Insertion Loss= P1- P2 in dB=

Isolation Loss= P1- P3 in dB=


Insertion Loss is less and Isolation Loss is more.


Find the path followed by the Circulator.


1. What are the applications of Circulator?

A.It is used as duplexer in radar antenna system.

84 | P a g e
13. VSWR Measurement


To measure voltage standing wave ratio and reflection coefficient.

Equipment Required:

Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,

Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, X-band Detector Mount,

Circulator, Magic Tee, Fixed attenuator, Matched Terminations, VSWR

meter and accessories.


The electromagnetic field at any point of transmission line, may be

consideredas a traveling waves: ‘Incident Wave’ propagates from

generator and the reflected wavepropagates towards the generator. The

reflected wave is set up by reflection of incident wavefrom a discontinuity

on the line or from the load impedance. The magnitude and phase

ofreflected wave depends upon amplitude and phase of the reflecting

impedance. The presenceof two traveling waves, gives rise to standing

wave along with the line. The maximum fieldstrength is found where two

waves are in phase and minimum where the two waves adds inopposite

phase. The distance between two successive minimum(or maximum) is

half theguide wave – length on the line. The ratio of electrical field

strength of reflected and incidentwave is called reflection coefficient. The

voltage standing ratio (VSWR) is defined as ratiobetween maximum and

minimum field strength along the line.

85 | P a g e
Hence VSWR, S= Emax/Emin = (|Ei|+|Er|)/ (|Ei| -|Er| )

Reflection Coefficient, ρ =Er/Ei = {Z – Zo}/ {Z + Zo}

Where Z is the impedance at a point on line, Zo is characteristic


The above equation gives following equation:

|ρ| = [S-1]/[S+1]

a. Measurement of VSWR of fixed attenuator

b. Measurement of VSWR of Magic Tee

c. Measurement of VSWR of Circulator

86 | P a g e
d. Measurement of High VSWR


1. Set up the components and equipments as shown in Figure.

2. Keep the variable attenuator in the minimum attenuation position.

3. Keep the control knobs of VSWR meter as below

Range dB - 40 db/50db

Input Switch - Low Impedance

Meter Switch - Normal

Gain (Coarse- Fine) - Mid Position Approx.

4. Keep the control knobs of Klystron Power Supply as below

Beam Voltage - OFF

Mod- Switch - AM

Beam Voltage Knob - Fully Anticlockwise

Reflector Voltage Knob - Fully Clockwise

AM-Amplitude Knob - Around Fully Clockwise

AM- Frequency Knob - Mid position

87 | P a g e
5. Switch ON the Klystron Power Supply, VSWR meter and Cooling Fan.

6. Switch ON the Beam Voltage Switch position and set the beam voltage

at 300V.

7. Rotate the reflector voltage knob to get deflection in VSWR meter.

8. Tune the output by turning the reflector voltage knob, amplitude and

frequency ofAM Modulation.

9. Tune the plunger of Klystron Mount and Probe for maximum deflection

in VSWRmeter.

10. If required, change the range db- switch variable attenuator position

and gaincontrol knob to get maximum deflection in the scale of VSWR


11. As you move probe along the slotted line, the deflection in VSWR

meter willchange.

Measurement of Low and Medium VSWR

1. Move the probe along the slotted line to get maximum deflection in

VSWR meter.

2. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob or variable attenuator until

the meter

3. indicates 1.0 on normal VSWR meter scale.

4. Keep all the control knobs as it is, move the probe to the next

minimum position.

5. Read the VSWR on scale.

88 | P a g e
6. Repeat the above steps for Magic Tee, Circulator and record the

corresponding VSWR.

7. If the VSWR is between 3.2 and 10, change the range db switch to next

higher position and read the VSWR on second VSWR scale of 3 to 10.

Measurement of High VSWR(Double Minima Method)

1. Set the depth of SS Tuner slightly more for maximum VSWR.

2. Move the probe along with slotted line until a minimum is


3. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob and variable attenuator

to obtain a reading of 3db in the normal dB scale (0 to 10dB) of

VSWR meter.

4. The probe is moved slightly on either side of the minimum to read

0 dB in the meter. This position d1 in noted. The probe is then

moved to the other side of the minimum to read 0dB again at d2.

5. Replace the SS Tuner and termination by movable short.

6. Measure the distance between the successive minima positions of

the probe.

7. Twice this distance is guide wavelength g.

8. Compute VSWR from the following equation

9. VSWR s = λg/π (d1-d2)

10. Calculate reflection coefficient=(1-s)/(1+s)

89 | P a g e

For Low and Medium VSWR measurements

Fixed Magic Tee Circulator




Coefficient 

For High VSWR measurements



Position of first minima =

Position of second minima =

Distance between two minima =

Guide wavelength=2(Distance between two minima)=


Reflection Coefficient =


Thus standing wave ratio is determined and reflection coefficient is


90 | P a g e

1. What is the significance of VSWR?

A. VSWR gives the degree of mismatch between the load and

transmission lines.

2. What are different methods to measure VSWR?

A. For VSWR<10 VSWR can be measured directly using VSWR meter.

For VSWR>10 Double minima method is used to measure VSWR.

2. What are the methods to achieve impedance matching?

A. Load Impedance should be equal to conjugate of Source impedance

3. By using half wavelength and quarter wave length lines.

A. Stub matching.

91 | P a g e
14. Impedance and Frequency Measurement


 To measure an unknown Impedance of the waveguide using the

smith chart.

 To determine the frequency in a rectangular waveguide working on

TE10 mode.

Equipment required:

Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,

Isolator, Frequency meter, Variable attenuator, X-band Detector Mount,

Circulator, Slotted line section,Matched Terminations, VSWR meter and



For dominant TE10 mode in rectangular wave guide 0,g,c are related as


1 1 1
= +
𝜆20 𝜆𝑔2 𝜆2𝑐


𝜆0 is free space wave length

𝜆𝑔 is guide wavelength

𝜆𝑐 is cutoff wavelength,

For TE10 mode, 𝜆𝑐 = 2𝑎 where ‘a’ is broad dimension of the waveguide.

The impedance of a waveguide load is deduced from the standing wave

electric field pattern set up by load. The input impedance of a

92 | P a g e
transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0when terminated in a

load of impedance, ZT is

𝑉(𝑙) 𝑍𝑇 + 𝑗𝑍0 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

𝑍𝑖𝑛 (𝑙) = = 𝑍0
𝐼(𝑙) 𝑍0 + 𝑗𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙


𝑙 =line length

𝛽 = 2𝜋⁄𝜆𝑔 =the phase constant of the line.

𝜆𝑔 = guide wave length.


V(l) Load
Line characteristic impedance, Z0 impedance, ZT

a. Transmission line terminated with load ZT

The characteristic impedance of waveguides however cannot be uniquely

specified and so to avoid this difficulty impedance levels are relative to

Z0as normalized impedances.

𝑍𝑖𝑛 (𝑙)
𝑧𝑖𝑛 (𝑙 ) =

𝑍𝑇 + 𝑗𝑍0 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
𝑍0 + 𝑗𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

93 | P a g e
+ 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
= 𝑍
1 + 𝑗 𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

+ 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
= 𝑍
1 + 𝑗 𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

𝑧𝑇 + 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
1 + 𝑗𝑧𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

Where 𝑧𝑇 = = normalized load impedance.

Fig. 9.2 illustrates a typical standing wave pattern set up by a load

terminating a line when a mismatch between line and load occurs. The

plot of electric field versus distance from the load shows a variation

between points of maximum Emax and Emin. By measuring the voltage

standing wave ratio, the VSWR, S, and the position of the first minimum,

d, from the load, the normalized load impedance ZT can be determined.

At avoltage or electric field minimum, the incident and reflected waves

are in anti-phase and the normalized input impedance of the line at this

point is resistive and equal to 1/S. Thus:

When 𝑙 = 𝑑

1 𝑧𝑇 + 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
𝑧𝑖𝑛 (𝑑 ) = =
𝑆 1 + 𝑗𝑧𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙

Where 𝑆 = = 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅

and𝑑 = 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) − 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡) =distance from load of first E-field


Solving above equation, The normalized resistive part of load is

94 | P a g e
𝑆(1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑)
𝑟𝑇 =
𝑆 2 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑

The normalized reactive part of load is

(1 − 𝑆 2 )𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑑
𝑥𝑇 =
𝑆 2 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑

The reflection coefficient at the load is given by:

𝑧𝑇 − 1
𝑧𝑇 + 1

b. Standing wave patterns when line is terminated with a)load and b)

short circuited


1. Set up arrangement as shown in Figure 9.3 and measure VSWR.

2. Tune the probe for maximum deflection in VSWR meter.

3. Rotate the frequency meter knob to get a ‘dip’ on the VSWR scale and

note down the frequency directly from frequency meter. Detune it.

95 | P a g e
4. Move the probe-detector carriage to a position closest to the load and

then moving away from the load. Record positions of electric field





c. Setup for measurement of Load impedance

5. Replace the termination with movable short.

6. Move the probe-detector carriage to a position closest to the load and

then moving away from the load. Record positions of electric field

minima (d1). Also record next successive minima(d2). Calculate =


7. Calculate the frequency using

𝑐 1 1
𝑓= = 𝑐√ 2 + 2
𝜆0 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐

Where ‘c’ = 3*108m/s i.e., velocity of light. Verify with the frequency

obtained by frequency meter.

96 | P a g e
8. Measure 𝑑 = 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) − 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡 ), and express in terms of


9. Calculate load impedance

10. Take a smith chart, with ‘1’ as centre; draw a circle of radius equal to

VSWR. Mark a point on circumference of chart at a distance equal to

𝑑/𝜆0 towards load side.

11. Draw a line from this point to center of chart. Find intersection of this

line with the SWR circle drawn. Read normalized impedance of the


12. Multiply normalized impedance with characteristic impedance of

waveguide to get the impedance of load.


with termination:

Frequency(measured using frequency meter)= ___ GHz

With movable short:

𝑑1 =___ cm

𝑑2 =___cm

𝜆𝑔 = 2 ∗ (𝑑1~𝑑2)cm

𝜆𝑐 = 2 ∗ 2.286𝑐𝑚=4.57cm

𝑐 1 1
𝑓= = 3 ∗ 108 ∗ √ 2 + 2 = _____
𝜆0 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐

97 | P a g e
Measurement of Load impedance:
𝜆0 = = ____


𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) = _________

𝑑 = 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) − 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡 ) =

Shift of minimum towards load side 𝑑/𝜆0 =

Normalized impedance using formulae=_________

Normalized impedance using smith chart=________

Characteristic wave impedance of waveguide for TE mode

√1 −

Where 𝜂 = 377𝑜ℎ𝑚𝑠 and fis operating frequency.

load impedance=normalized impedance* characteristic wave



Frequency is measured directly and calculated. The load impedance is



1. What parameters can be calculated using smith charts?

A. Reflection coefficient, reflected power, transmitted power and load


98 | P a g e

Microwave components

1 waveguide a hollow metal conductor Rectangular waveguide

that provides a path to

guide microwaves

Circular waveguide

2 Waveguide change the direction in the E-bend

bends waveguide assembly


3 Waveguide allow changing the

twists orientation of the waveguide

port (used to change the

99 | P a g e
plane of Polarization of a

wave Guide transmission line

.) 900 twist is a standard

available model.

4 Flanges These are used to connect

waveguide sections to one

another or to terminate

wave guides

5 Reflex A low-power device (1.3W)

Klystron used as a local oscillator for

microwave communications

equipment and radar

receivers. Output is via a co-

axial pin, and the device can

be mechanically tuned with

the screw on the left, which

applies vertical compression

to the metal envelope.

operating frequency 8500-

100 | P a g e

operating frequency 9174-

9524 MHz



6 Klystron used to transmit

mount microwave power from

reflex klystron tube to

rectangular waveguide.

Klystron mounts are

designed by a section of

waveguide, one end of

waveguide is fitted with a

movable short plunger. A

small hole on the broad

wall of waveguide is

provided through which

101 | P a g e
coupling pin of reflex

klystron tube enters into


waveguide. By moving

plunger (matching the

impedance of klystron

tube and waveguide)

maximum output can be


7 Isolators Two-port devices that

allow microwave power to

pass through in the

forward but not reverse

direction. Perhaps the

most common use of such

a device is to protect the

microwave generator

A three port Circulator

with one port terminated

by Matched Load

(Termination) is an


102 | P a g e
8 Circulators A passive devices

consisting of three or more

ports allowing the signal

entering each port to pass

to the port adjacent to it.

This is done either clock

wise or counter clock wise,

but not to the port in the

other direction .

9 Fixed used for reducing the power

attenuator input to a particular stage to

prevent overloading.

For inserting known

attenuation in waveguide

systems. (X-5003: 3 dB /X-

5006: 6 dB /X-5010: 10 dB


10 Variable Variable type set-level

attenuator attenuaters to provide atleast

20dB of continuous variable


103 | P a g e
11 Gunn Gunn Oscillators are used

Oscillator to generate the microwave

signal and its presion

micrometer is used to

change the output

frequency of Gunn

oscillator.A gunn-diode is

mounted inside the Wave

guide with BNC (F)

connector for DC bias.

It can deliver continuous

power up to about 65

milliwatts and pulsed

outputs of up to about

200 watts peak.

12 Pin Pin modulators are

modulator designed to modulate the

CW output of Gunn

Oscillator. It is operated

by the Square pulses

derived from the UHF (F)

connector of the Gunn

Power Supply.

104 | P a g e
These consists of a Pin

diode mounted inside a

section of waveguide

flanged on its both end. A

fixed attenuation vane is

mounted inside at the

input port to protect the


13 Matched used to terminate the

Terminations waveguide transmission

line operating at low

average power. The loads

are carefully designed to

absorb all the applied

power and VSWR of

matched termination is


These are used in the

measurement of reflection

coefficient and where

the matched load is


14 Waveguide Used for detecting

detector microwave power through

mount a crystal detector.

These consist of a detector

105 | P a g e
crystal mounted in a

waveguide section flanged

on one end and a shorting

plunger for matching

purpose on the other end.

The output connector is


15 Cross It consists of two

Directional waveguide sectional joint

Couplers at (90°) with the coupling

element mounted into the

common broad wall. The

coupling is provided by

starslots made in broad

wall of waveguide. The size

and location of these slots

are so made that a

uniform coupling of 20dB

over the entire band of

frequency is obtained.It is

used in monitoring signal

frequency, power etc. in a

microwave system

16 Multihole to measure incident and

Directional reflected

Coupler power values and also

provide a signal path to a

106 | P a g e
receiver or perform

other desirable operation.

These are available in

3, 6,10, 20, 40 dB


17 Tee Tees are used to combine

power from two inputs or

divided the microwave

power from one input to

two output lines. Tee is an

intersection of three

waveguides in the form of

alphabet T.

The junction arm extends E-plane Tee/ Series type Tee
Tee/ Series
from the main waveguide
type Tee
in the same direction as

the E field in the


The signal entering the

first port of E-plane Tee

will be equally divided at

second and third ports of

the same magnitude but H-plane Tee/ Shunt type Tee
Tee/ Shunt
in the opposite phase.
type Tee

107 | P a g e
The junction arm is

parallel to the plane of the

magnetic lines of force in

Magic Tee/ the waveguide.

E-H Tee The signal fed through the

first port of H-plane Tee

will be equally divided in

magnitude at second and

third ports but in the

Magic Tee/ E-H Tee
same phase.

E-H tee consists of a

section of waveguide with

both series and shunt

waveguide arms, mounted

at the exact mid point of

main arm,.

Measuring Instruments

1 Direct used to measure the

reading microwave

Frequency frequency directly on the dial

meter provided.

108 | P a g e
This process involved

heterodyning the frequency

to be measured against the

calibrated output of the

frequency meter to obtain a

zero beat from which the

measured frequency was

then read.

It contains waveguide or

coaxial lines coupled to

quarter-wavelength resonant

cavities. The meter is

adjusted until the cavity is

tuned to the resonant

frequency of the signal being

measured. At resonance,

power is absorbed by the

cavity and produces a dip in

the output-power level, as

measured at the frequency

meter's output connector. The

resonant frequency is read

directly from the frequency

meter dial and is accurate, in

most cases, to approximately

109 | P a g e
±0.2%. Frequency meters are

capable of measuring

frequencies in the range of 1

to 40 gigahertz.

2 Micrometer It consists of a microwave

Type cavity with plunger and a

Frequency section of waveguide. It

meter consists of a micrometer to

measure its position for

measuring frequency.

These permit full power

flow down the

transmission line except at

the tuned frequency.

3 Tunable helps in detecting the low

probe frequency square wave

modulated microwave


It consists of a crystal

detector and a small wire

antenna in coaxial

housing. Its depth of

penetration into the

slotted section is variable.

The tip pickup the RF

110 | P a g e
power from the line and

this power is rectified by

crystal detector , which

then fed to the VSWR

meter or indicating


4 Slotted Slotted section is used to

section measure various

measuring parameter in

microwave. for example to

determine VSWR, phase

and impedances.

These consists of a slot in

center of waveguide in

which we can connect

a probe and probe can be

moved in slot and position

of probe can be

measured by its Vernier

scale. The travel of probe

carriage is more thanthree

times of half wavelength.

5 Slide Screw used for Impedance

Tuner measurement. Its tuner

can be adjusted for low

and high impedance


111 | P a g e
6 RF power Measures electrical power

meter At microwave frequencies.

MW-305 It contains the actual

power sensing element

connected via a

cable to the meter, which

reports the power reading.

The head may also be

referred to as a power

sensor or mount.

Measurable high

frequency range of power

from 0.01 - 12.4GHz

Input impedance is 50Ω

It’s measurable 3 ranges

are 0 - .999mW, 0 - 9.99


7 SWR meter It is a high gain, voltage

VS-411 DX amplifier tuned at the

center frequency of 1 KHz

It is used for measurement

of VSWR, impedance and

relative power levels.

Input frequency: 1000Hz+2%

Input Selector:

112 | P a g e
Xtal High (200KΩ)


Xtal Low(200Ω) impedance

Bolo 200 Ω, 4.5mA Bias

Bolo 200 Ω, 8.7mA Bias

VSWR Meter

A VSWR meter is a high gain, high Q, low noise voltage amplifier tuned

normally at a fined frequency of 1 KHz at which the microwave signal is

modulated. The input to the VSWR meter is the detected signal output of

the microwave detector. The output of the amplifier is measured with a

square law calibrated voltmeter to give VSWR. Reading of Vmax/Vmin for

an input of Vmin, the meter is adjusted to unity VSWR. This input

corresponds to Vmax as shown in Fig. A gain control can be used to

adjust the reading to the desired value. The overall gain is of the order of

100dB which can be altered in steps of 10dB “Coarse” and “Fine” gain

0.8dB approximately.

There are three scales on the VSWR meter. When the VSWR is between 1

and 4. Reading can be taken from the top SWR normal scale. For VSWR

between 3 and 10 , bottom of SWR NORMAL scale is used. When VSWR

is less than 1.3, a more accurate reading can be taken by selecting the

expanded scale graduated from 1 to 1.3. The third scale at the bottom is

graduated in dB.

113 | P a g e
Operation of VSWR meter:

The following steps for operating VSWR meter may be carried out:

1. Turn On instrument and allow few minutes for stabilization of


2. Set “Input Selector” switch for the type of detector under use.

3. Connect the detector-cable to Input.

4. Set “Coarse Gain” control approximately ¼ of max.

5. Set range switch on 30 or 40 dB position.

6. Peak the meter by adjusting repeller-voltage, modulation frequency

and amplitude of Klystron Power Supply to get maximum power.

7. Tune the plungers of Klystron-Mount, Detector Mount and Tunable

probes for max. Powers.

8. Adjust “gain” controls to get full-scale reading on appropriate range.

114 | P a g e
Power Supplies

Klystron Power Supply (KP-151):

Klystron power supply generates voltage required for driving X-band

reflex klystron tubes like 2k25, 2k56, 2k22,K-19.

Also it has amplitude and frequency modulation circuits for the

generation of 1 KHz square wave and the saw tooth wave.


Input Voltage :230V AC,+ 10%,50Hz

Beam Supply
Voltage :240-420V DC, Variable
Current :50mA
Repeller Supply : 10-270V Dc, Variable
Filament Supply : 6.3 V DC
Over load Trip Current : 65mA
Modulation : AM (Square) FM (Saw-tooth)
Frequency Range : 500-2500Hz 150-300 Hz
Amplitude : 0-110V 0-65V
External : Through External Modulating Signal
Display : Digital display for
a. Beam Voltage
b. Beam Current
c. Repeller Voltage
Standby Mode : Only Heater Supply ON
Connectors :
a. 8-pin Octal Socket
b. BNC for External Modulation
Modulation Selector : EXT/FM/AM/CW

115 | P a g e
 In EXT mode, external modulating signal is accepted for modulation

of Beam current throuch BNC connector on the back panel of the


 In FM mode, a sweep modulation is applied to the beam voltage.

 In AM mode, a square wave-modulating signal is applied to the Beam


 In CW mode, no modulation signal is applied to the Beam voltage.

Meter Selector : V/C/REP/OFF

 In V position, display shows Beam voltage in volts.

 In C position, display shows the Beam Current in mA.

 In REP position, display shows Repeller voltage in volts.

 In OFF position, the display reading is zero.

Gunn Power Supply (X-110)

Gunn power supply comprises of an electronically regulated power

supply and a square wave generator designed to operate the Gunn

Oscillator and Pin Modulator simultaneously.

The DC voltage is variable from 0 - 12V. The front panelmeter monitors

the gunn voltage and the current drawn by the Gunn diode. The square

116 | P a g e
waveof generator is variable from 0 - 10V in amplitude and 850 - 1150 Hz

in frequency

Output Connectors : BNC(F) for GUNN Bias

UHF (F) for Pin-mod

Microwave Frequency Bands

Letter Frequency
Designation Range in GHz

L Band 1 to 2
S Band 2 to 4
C Band 4 to 8
X Band 8 to 12
Ku Band 12 to 18
K Band 18 to 26
Ka Band 26 to 40
Q Band 30 to 50
U Band 40 to 60
V Band 46 to 56
W Band 56 to 100

Communication Channel:

A communication channel is a physical medium (such as wire, optical

fiber) used to send the signal from the transmitter to the receiver.

Constraints of the Channel:

 Power Consumption

 Channel Bandwidth

117 | P a g e
When a signal transmits through the channel, channel adds some noise

to the signal which results in attenuation, degradation or corruption of

the signal.The effect of the noise on the signal can be reduced by

increasing the power in the transmitted signal but which results in lesser

battery life i.e. more power consumption. There is one more limitation

that is available channel bandwidth. i.e., A channel has a certain

capacity for transmitting information, often measured by its bandwidth

in Hz or its data rate in bits per second.

Frequency range for guided wireline communication


In TEmn mode Cutoff wavelength

𝜆𝑐 =
√𝑚2 𝑏2 + 𝑛2 𝑎2

TE10 mode ( Dominant mode) Cutoff Wavelength c=2a (m=1,n=0)

Guide wavelength g=2 * (Distance between two Successive minima)

118 | P a g e
Free space wavelength:

1 1 1
=√ 2+ 2
𝜆 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐


𝑐 3 × 108
𝑓= =
𝜆 𝜆

Waveguide parameters:

Frequency Band Frequency in Inner dimension Cutoff

GHz Wavelength in cm
in mm

a b

X 8.2-12.4 22.86 10.16 4.572

Waveguide dimensions:

119 | P a g e
Vernier scale reading

 Least count of measuring instrument is the ratio of smallest division

on main scale and total number of divisions on vernier scale.

 The Main scale reading is the first reading on the main scale

immediately to the left of the zero of the vernier scale.(Last whole

increment visible before the 0 (zero) mark)

 The Vernier scale reading is the mark on the vernier scale which

exactly coincides with a mark on the main scale

Total reading = Main scale reading + (least count x vernier scale

reading) of vernier


These instruments have a main scale (in millimetres) and a sliding or

rotating vernier scale. In figure 1 below, the vernier scale (below) is

divided into 10 equal divisions and thus the least count of the

instrument is 0.1 mm. Both the main scale and the vernier scale

readings are taken into account while making a measurement. The main

scale reading is the first reading on the main scale immediately to the left

of the zero of the vernier scale (3 mm), while the vernier scale reading is

the mark on the vernier scale which exactly coincides with a mark on the

main scale (0.7 mm). The reading is therefore 3.7 mm.

120 | P a g e


Vernier scale

Figure 1 : The reading here is 3.7 mm.

Figure 2 : The reading here is 15.8 mm.

121 | P a g e
Micrometer screwguage

 Least count of measuring instrument is the ratio of smallest division

on main scale and total number of divisions on thimble scale.

 Main scale reading=Last whole or half mark increment visible)

 Thimble scale reading=Value of the thimble scale that lines up with

the center line of the main scale)

Total reading of micrometer is = Main scale reading + (least count x

thimble scale reading)

Figure 3: The micrometer screw gauge

Figure 4: The reading is 7.38 mm. Figure 5: The reading is 7.72 mm.

122 | P a g e
Figure 13: The reading is 3.46 mm. Figure 14: The reading is 3.56

Note that an additional half scale

division (0.5 mm) must be
included if the mark below the
main scale is visible between the
thimble and the main scale
division on the sleeve.

Figure 15: 5.80 mm

123 | P a g e

[1] Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, PHI, 3rd Edition,
[2] Peter A. Rizzi, “Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits”, PHI, 1999.
[3] M. Kulkarni, “Micro Wave and Radar Engineering”, Umesh
Publications, 3rdEdn.,2003
[4] John M Senior, “ Optical Fiber Communications”, PHI, 2nd Edition,
[5] Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications”, Mc Graw-Hill
International edition, 4th Edition, 2000

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