Mwe 2023
Mwe 2023
Mwe 2023
Branch : ECE-2
Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering
Laboratory Manual
0 0 3 1.5
The main objective of this lab is to focus on analysis, design and development of
Microwave components,
Course Outcomes: At the end of the Course the student will be able to
1. Rectangular Waveguide
8. Attenuation measurement
To design a rectangular waveguide and report the field patterns and phase
Software used
confined to the space within the guides. Thus no power is lost through
radiation,and even the dielectric loss is negligible, since the guides are normally
air-filled. But there is some negligible amount of power which is present as heat
in the walls of the waveguide. There are two types of waveguides: rectangular
and circular.
b ϵ,µ
The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and thereby
guide the EM wave. A number of distinct field configurations or modes can exist
in waveguides.When the waves travel longitudinally down the guide, the plane
into two components: one standing wave in the direction normal to the reflecting
walls of the guide and one traveling wave in the direction parallel to the
waveguides the modes are designated as TEmn or TMmn. The integer m denotes
n is the number of half waves in the ydirection if the propagation of the wave is
4. Set units
6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box
7. Set the position and size of the Box named as WG90. Double Click on
create Box →
Position: 0,0,0
YSize: 2.286
Z Size: 1.016
remaining 3 faces excluding port1 and port2. (Assume Port1 and port 2 are in
will be displayed.
9.Assign excitation
Select the object face in the figure window to which port has to be assigned
Next →
Using mouse click at the bottom left of the port to define origin of E-field vector
and again click at top left of the port to terminate E-field vector.In second mode
under integration line select ‘copy from mode1’. Repeat the same for 3rd and 4th
Frequency: 20GHz
12. To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right click
Start: 1GHz
End: 20 GHz
Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message window
Simulation Results
which is desired (excitation provided in previous step). Repeat step 18 for other
>Analysis ->Setup1
20GHz Points 100 OK. Then (In project manager Right click on Results → Create
1 𝑚𝜋 2 𝑛𝜋
𝑓𝑐 = √( ) + ( )2
2𝜋√𝜇𝜖 𝑎 𝑏
For TE10 mode =6.56GHz, For TE20 mode =13.12GHz, For TE01 mode =14.7GHz, For TE and
TM11 =16.15GHz.
c. Field patterns for E and H Fields. In project manager Click on Port Field
d. Then (In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
Function: dB
TE01 0 1 14.7 14
TE10 1 0 6.56 6
TE11/TM11 1 1 16.15 16
TE02 0 2 13.12 13
2. Circular Waveguide
magnetic fields are confined to the space within the guides. Thus, no
negligible, since the guides are normally air-filled. But there is some
Figure2.1- Circularwaveguide
A Circular Waveguide is a hollow metallic tube with a circular cross
The conducting walls of the guide confine the electromagnetic fields and
down the guide, the plane waves are reflected from wall to wall. This
thewave is assumedinthepositivezdirection.
1. InsertHFSS design
2. RenameProjectasrectangular waveguideandsave
3. Draw3Dobjectcylinder(Drawcylinder)
5. SetthepositionandsizeoftheCylinder.DoubleClickon create
Position:0, 0, 0
Integrationline:New line
Usingmouse click on the edge of the circle where you could find the
triangle and join the line on the same circle by passing through center
8. Repeatstep9forthesecondport.
9. Analysis
Frequency: 5GHz.
Sweepname: Sweep
Start: 1GHz
End: 15 GHz
10. Tocheckerrorsvalidationisrequired.(HFSSvalidationcheck)
11. Analyzeall(HFSSAnalyzeall).
TE11 1 1 2.93 2
TM01 0 1 3.827 3
TE21 2 1 4.860 4
a. Select
b. PhaseconstantvsFrequencyforfirst4modes.UnderProjectmanagerAnalysis
1GHz End: 20GHz Points 100 OK. Then (In project manager Right
click on ResultsCreate
Gamma(l:1),Gamma(l:2),Gamma(l:3),Gamma(l:4)ClickonNew Report.
X’np =P’nm
c.Field patterns for E and H Fields. In project manager Click on Port Field Display
In project manager Click on Port Field Display 1mode2(TE11)
1 | Page
In project manager Click on Port Field Display 1 mode3(TM01)
2 | Page
c. Then (In project manager Right click on Results Create modal
solution data report Rectangular --< Category: S-parameter Select S
(1:1,1:1) ,S(1:1,2:1), S(1:2,2:2), S(1:3,2:3), S(1:4,2:4)
Function: dB
3 | Page
Software Used
rectangular waveguides make two ports called collinear ports i.e., ‘a’ and
‘c’, while the new one, ‘b’ is called as Side arm or H-arm. This H-plane
It is called an H plane Tee junction because the long axis of the "b" arm
For simplicity, only the E lines are shown in figure 10.2. Each X indicates
4 | Page
an E line moving away from the observer. Each dot indicates an E line is
Tee junction.
In view (1) of Fig. 10.2, the signal is fed into arm ‘b’ and in-phase outputs
are obtained from the ‘a’ and ‘c’ arms. In view (2), in-phase signals are fed
into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’ and the output signal is obtained from the ‘b’ arm
because the fields add at the junction and induce E lines into the ‘b’ arm.
If 180-degree-out-of-phase signals are fed into arms ‘a’ and ‘c’, as shown
in view (3), no output is obtained from the ‘b’ arm because the opposing
fields cancel at the junction. If a signal is fed into the ‘a’ arm, as shown
in view (4), outputs will be obtained from the ‘b’ and ‘c’ arms. The reverse
is also true. If a signal is fed into the ‘c’ arm, outputs will be obtained
5 | Page
(Right click on Project in project manager → Insert HFSS Design
4. Set units
5. Draw →Box
6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box
Position : 0,-0.45,0
Xsize: 2
Ysize: 0.9
Zsize: 0.4
6 | Page
8. Assign waveport to the Box
Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .
Name: Port1
Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor
thebottom of the face. Select the end point (2,0,0.4) by clicking the edge
9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create
7 | Page
Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary Assignment
Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis Axis: Z
Angle: 90
Total Number: 2
Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is
unchecked as in figure
Select 3 boxes named as Tee, Tee_1 and Tee_2 by holding CTRL key.
Right click the 3D modeler menu-> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.
13. Create Septum (The septum is a 3D-box object that will be subtracted
Name: Septum
8 | Page
Set the position and size of the Box named as Septum. Double Click on
create Box →
X Size: 0.45
Z Size:0.4
Go to Tools-> Options -> Modeler options and verify the clone tool objects
before subtracting
option is clear.
9 | Page
15.Add solution setup such that HSS performs an adaptive analysis at
10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)
Frequency: 10GHz
Start: 8GHz
End: 10 GHz
Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the
sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.
18. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all
10 | P a g e
Once the simulation is completed HFSS informs you in the message
Simulation Results
compare the S-parameter results at each port for the two septum
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report →
Animation of E-fields
11 | P a g e
It is observed that fields at port2 and port3 are in phase.
12 | P a g e
4. E-plane Tee Junction
Software Used
In E- plane Tee junction, the junction arm extends from the main
11.1 view (A).Fig. 11.1 view (B), illustrates cross-sectional views of the E-
In view (K), the input is fed into arm b and the outputs are taken from the a
and c arms. When the E field arrives between points 1 and 2, point 1
13 | P a g e
becomes positive and point 2 becomes negative. The positive charge at point
1 then induces a negative charge on the wall at point 3. The negative charge
fields to form 180 degrees out of phase in the main waveguide; therefore, the
outputs will be 180 degrees out of phase with each other. In view (L), two in-
phase inputs of equal amplitude are fed into the a and c arms. The signals
potential exists across the entrance to the b arm, and no energy will be
coupled out. However, when the two signals fed into the a and c arms are
180 degrees out of phase, as shown in view (M), points 1 and 2 have a
point 1 to point 2 in the b arm, and energy is coupled out of this arm. Views
(N) and (P) illustrate two methods of obtaining two outputs with only one
4. Set units
14 | P a g e
5. Draw →Box
6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box
Position :-0.45,0,-0.2
Xsize: 0.9
Ysize: 2
Zsize: 0.4
Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .
Name: Port1
15 | P a g e
Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor
thebottom of the face. Select the end point (0,2,0.2) by clicking the edge
9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to create
Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis
Axis: X
Angle: 90
16 | P a g e
Total Number: 2
Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is
Select 3 boxes named as Tee, Tee_1 and Tee_2 by holding CTRL key.
Right click the 3D modeler menu-> Edit -> Boolean -> Unite.
10GHz. (In project manager right click on Analysis → Add solution setup.)
Frequency: 10GHz
Delta s=0.02
17 | P a g e
14.To observe frequency sweep, In project manager under Analysis right
Start: 8GHz
End: 10 GHz
Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the
sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.
16. Analyze all (HFSS → Analyze all). If warnings are there, clear all
Simulation Results
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
report →
18 | P a g e
Animation of E-fields
When power is enter port2 (E-plane port) fields at port1and port3 are out
of phase
19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e
5.Magic Tee Junction
Software Used
If a signal is fed into the 4th arm of the magic- T, it will divide into two out-
move into the 1 and 2 arms. The signal entering the 4tharm will not enter the
3rdarm because of the zero potential existing at the entrance of the 3rdarm.
The potential must be zero at this point to satisfy the boundary conditions of
lines are at maximum in the center of the 4tharm and minimum at the edge
21 | P a g e
where the 3rdarm entrance is located, no potential difference exists across
The action that occurs when a signal is fed into the 3rdarm of the magic-
The signal entering the 3rdarm divides and moves down the 1 and 2 arms
as outputs which are in phase with each other and with the input. The
22 | P a g e
shape of the E fields in motion is shown by the numbered curved slices.
As the E field moves down the 3rdarm, points 2 and 3 are at an equal
potential. The energy divides equally into arms 1 and 2, and the E fields
3rdarm because of the action of the H-type junction. The 2ndarm has two
fields across it that are out of phase with each other. Therefore the fields
cancel, resulting in no output at the 2nd arm. The reverse of this action
takes place if a signal is fed into the 2ndarm, resulting in outputs at the
23 | P a g e
(Right click on Project in project manager →Rename ) and Press (ctrl+s)
4. Set units
5. Draw →Box
6. Select the Box in Model tree and assign attributes to the Box
Material: Vaccum
Position : 0,-0.45,-0.2
Xsize: 2
Ysize: 0.9
Zsize: 0.4
24 | P a g e
Right click on the figure window ->Select face->
Again Right click on the figure window -> Assign Excitation ->Wave port .
Name: Port1
Select ‘New line’ from the integration line pull-down list. Then cursor is
In figure window, select the starting point of the vector (2,0,0), by clicking
the edge center at the bottom of the face. Select the end point (2,0,0.4) by
9. Duplicate the box twice along with boundaries and port settings to
create the second and third sections of Tee.
Go to Tools->options->General options-> HFSS ->Boundary
25 | P a g e
Click OK.
Right click on the box -> Edit -> Duplicate -> around axis
Axis: Z
Angle: 90
Total Number: 2
26 | P a g e
12. Repeat step 10 with Angle:+90 around Axis: X
Verify that the option Clone tool objects before uniting option is
unchecked as in figure
Click OK.
Select 4 boxes by holding CTRL key. Right click the 3D modeler menu-
27 | P a g e
P P t
o o 2
r r
t t
14. Add solution setup such that HFSS performs an adaptive analysis at
3 1
Frequency: 10GHz
Delta s=0.02
Note: Before solution setup you must assign waveports, otherwise the
sweep dialog will not contain a menu item for interpolating Sweeps.
28 | P a g e
Select Magic Tee junction under model tree
29 | P a g e
Observation: When port 4 (E-plane port) is excited, fields at port 2 and
30 | P a g e
graph is plotted.
Frequency: 10 GHz
Delta s=0.02
Start: 8GHz
End: 10 GHz
(In project manager Right click on Results → Create modal solution data
S(port2,port3),S(port3,port3),S(port4,port3) → dB
31 | P a g e
4.8 dB. It is observed that power at port2 is less when compared to power
at port 1 and 4.
32 | P a g e
6. Study of the characteristics of the Reflex
Klystron tube
Equipment Required:
Frequency meter,
Variable attenuator,
Reflex Klystron is one of the most commonly used microwave (low power)
electron beam emitted from the cathode K is accelerated by the grid Gand
33 | P a g e
passes through the cavity anode A to the repeller space between the
Mechanism of Oscillation:
All these velocity modulated electrons will be repelled back to the cavity
at a same time on the positive peak of the cavity RF voltage cycle. Thus
field. This loss of energy is thus transferred to the cavity to conserve the
line. When the power delivered by the electrons becomes equal to the
34 | P a g e
total powerloss in the cavity system, a steady microwave oscillation is
35 | P a g e
Mode of Oscillation:
𝑡0 = (𝑛 + ) 𝑇
The reflex klystron operates in a different mode for each additional cycle
of 1 3/4 cycles; mode 3has an electron transit time of 2 3/4 cycles; etc.
The physical design of the tube limits the number ofmodes possible in
available. Theactual mode used (1 3/4 cycles through 4 3/4 cycles, 2 3/4
each modeand the band of frequencies over which the circuit can be
36 | P a g e
maximum value of repeller voltage when the transit time to of the
lowestmode is maximum.
Electronic Tuning:
points in the oscillating mode where the power output is half the
output power increases as the repeller voltage ismade more negative. This
Electronic tuning does not change the center frequency of the cavity, but
does vary the frequencywithin the mode of operation. The amount the
TUNING, varies the cavity frequencyby altering the distance between the
grids to change the physical size of the cavity. This method varies
37 | P a g e
Frequency GHz
Electron Resonant
ic Frequency
Tuning of the
range Cavity
Power output mW
Half power
Klystron Power
Variable Detector DC
Reflex Isolator Frequency
klystron tube Meter Attenuator Mount
38 | P a g e
(i.e., Repeller voltage is set to maximum negative
d. Meter switch -- OFF
3. Set the variable attenuator for maximum attenuation.
4. Rotate the knob of Frequency meter at onside fully.
5. Switch ‘ON’ the Klystron Power Supply and Cooling Fan for Klystron
6. Put the meter switch to beam voltage position and rotate the beam
current position. “The beam current should not increase more than
Detector Mount and also reduce the attenuation for the maximum
9. From repeller voltage and output current calculate output power. Plot
and frequency on y-axis. Find the Tuning range after plotting 3dB
Beam Voltage=
39 | P a g e
Beam Current =
Table 1.
S.No. Repeller voltage Output Current Output power Frequency
(V) (μA) (mW) (GHz)
1. Calculate the mode number n for each mode using the equation
𝑉𝑜1 (𝑛 + 1) + 3⁄4
= 𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦
𝑉𝑜2 𝑛 + 3⁄4
Where 𝑉𝑜1 and 𝑉𝑜2 are repeller voltages for two successive modes at
𝑛 + 3⁄4
𝑡1 = 𝑠𝑒𝑐
3. Calculate electronic tuning range, i.e., the frequency band from one
40 | P a g e
𝑓2 − 𝑓1
𝑉2 − 𝑉1
tube increases.
each time
Find the Tuning range for two widely different repeller voltages.
41 | P a g e
A. One
A. Velocity Modulation
A. 20 % - 30 %
A. The waveguide is filled with dry air under pressure to remove any
42 | P a g e
43 | P a g e
44 | P a g e
7.Study of Gunn Diode Characteristics
Equipment Required:
Gunn oscillator,
Frequency meter,
Detector mount,
Matched Termination,
Gunn diodes are negative resistance devices which are normally used as
45 | P a g e
When a dc voltage is appliedacross the material, an electric field is
established across it. At low E-field in the material, mostof the electrons
will be located in the lower energy central valley Γ. At higher E-field, most
46 | P a g e
Since the conductivity is directly proportional to the mobility, the
shown in Fig. 2.2 This is called the transferred electroneffect and the
device is also called ‘Transfer Electron Device (TED) or Gunn diode’. Thus
The basic structure of a Gunn diode is shown in Fig. 2.3 (a), which is of
there is no junction this is called adiode with reference to the positive end
an electric field at low level is applied to the GaAs,initially the current will
increase with a rise in the voltage. When the diode voltage exceeds
acertain threshold value, Vth a high electric field (3.2 KV/cm for GaAs) is
produced across theactive region and electrons are excited from their
heat is generated in the diode. The diode will bebonded into a heat sink
47 | P a g e
Gunn Oscillator:
48 | P a g e
Gunn Gunn Isolator Variable Frequency Matched
Power Oscillator Attenuator Meter Termination
controlled by Gunn bias knob through the panel meter and meter
8. Plot the voltage and current readings on the graph as shown in Fig
49 | P a g e
Current Vs Voltage
For the given Gunn Diode the threshold voltage is ____V and the
to ___ mA.
Donot keep gunn bias knob position at thresholdposition for more than
The Gunn diode characteristics have been observed and are drawn.
50 | P a g e
A. In negative resistance devices, the real part of the impedance is
negative over a range of frequencies. i.e., voltage and current are 1800
51 | P a g e
52 | P a g e
8.Attenuation measurement
Equipment Required:
The attenuators are two port bi-directional devices which reduce power
levels of a signal when inserted into the transmission line without any
appreciable reflections.
in the line.
P2= Power absorbed or detected by the load with the attenuator in the
the electric field is maximum at center in TE10 mode, the attenuation will
be maximum if the vane is placed at the center of the wave guide. Moving
53 | P a g e
from center toward the side wall, attenuation decreases in the fixed
Klystron VSWR
Detector VSWR
Fixed Mount
attenuat Meter
5. ‘ON’ the Klystron Power Supply, VSWR meter and Cooling fan.
54 | P a g e
6. Turn the meter switch of the power supply to beam voltage position
and set the beam voltage to 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.
10. Observe micrometer reading & VSWR meter reading for different
11. Plot graph between the micrometer reading & VSWR meter reading
in dB.
13. Set the reference level on the VSWR meter with the help of variable
14. Insert the fixed attenuator & note the reading on VSWR meter. Let it
be P2.
15. Difference between reading with &without attenuator, gives the value
Beam voltage =
55 | P a g e
Beam current =
Repeller voltage =
Beam voltage =
Beam current =
Repeller voltage =
Output Power without fixed attenuator (P1) =
56 | P a g e
57 | P a g e
9.Characteristics of Directional Coupler
Coupling factor
Insertion Loss
Equipment Required:
Frequency meter,
Variable attenuator,
Matched terminations,
58 | P a g e
two output signalsare available. However, when the input is applied to
Port 1 is the input port where power is applied. Port 3 is the coupled port
output port where the power from port 1 is outputted, less the portion
there also exists port 4, the isolated port. A portion of the power applied
used in this mode and port 4 is usually terminated with a matched load
on common wall of wave guide. The distance between two apertures must
the main-line output port. The smaller signal is at the coupled port.
2. The main-line insertion loss depends upon the signal level at the
coupled port
3. There is high isolation between the coupled port and the output of the
59 | P a g e
f. Multi Hole Directional Coupler
signal flow:
Power Pr
Backward Forward
Power Pb Power Pf
The ratio in dB of the incident power fed into the main port to the
coupled port power when all ports are terminated by reflection less
60 | P a g e
Coupling(C) = 10 log (pi/pf) dB
Insertion Loss:
levels in dB between the input port and the isolated port when the two
61 | P a g e
measure incident and reflected power to determine VSWR,
signal sampling,
signal injection,
Power Supply
VSWR Meter (Pi)
Klystron Isolator Frequency Variable Detector
Mount Meter Attenuator Mount
Matched Termination
Multi Hole Directional Detector
VSWR Meter (Pr)
1 Coupler 2 Mount
Mount VSWR Meter (Pf)
Multi Hole Directional
Matched Termination
1 Coupler 2
Mount VSWR Meter (Pb)
Multi Hole Directional
Matched Termination
2 Coupler 1
62 | P a g e
2. Energize the microwave source for particular frequency of operation.
5. Set any reference level of power on VSWR and note down the reading.
it be Pf.
11. Measure and note down the reading on VSWR meter. Let it be Pb.
63 | P a g e
Beam voltage =
Beam current=
Input power=
Received power=
forward power=
Backward power=
Coupling factor =
Isolation loss =
Insertion loss=
Coupling factor, Insertion loss, Isolation and Directivity are measured for
64 | P a g e
A. A directional coupler is basically a 4-port network. The main-line and
auxiliary line each have 2 ports: A 3-port coupler has one end of this
ports are made available to the user, the device is called a "bi-
directional coupler."
A. Measure the loss from the main-line input to the coupled port with
65 | P a g e
10. E-plane and H plane Tee junctions
Equipment required:
Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,
In E- plane Tee junction, the junction arm extends from the main
5.1 view (A).Fig. 5.1 view (B), illustrates cross-sectional views of the E-
type T junction with inputs fed into the various arms. In view (K), the
input is fed into arm b and the outputs are taken from the a and c
cause the fields to form 180 degrees out of phase in the main waveguide;
therefore, the outputs will be 180 degrees out of phase with each other.
In view (L), two in-phase inputs of equal amplitude are fed into the a and
66 | P a g e
c arms. The signals at points 1 and 2 have the same phase and
arm, and no energy will be coupled out. However, when the two signals
fed into the a and c arms are 180 degrees out of phase, as shown in view
energy is coupled out of this arm. Views (N) and (P) illustrate two
Tee junction because the long axis of the "b" arm is parallel to the plane
of the magnetic lines of force in the waveguide. Again, for simplicity, only
the E lines are shown in this figure. Each X indicates an E line moving
away from the observer. Each dot indicates an E line is moving toward
the observer.
67 | P a g e
In view (1) of Fig. 5.3, the signal is fed into arm b and in-phase outputs
are obtained from the a and c arms. In view (2), in-phase signals are fed
into arms a and c and the output signal is obtained from the b arm
because the fields add at the junction and induce E lines into the b arm.
view (3), no output is obtained from the b armbecause the opposing fields
cancel at the junction. If a signal is fed into the a arm, as shown in view
(4), outputs will be obtained from the b and c arms. The reverse is also
true. If a signal is fed into the c arm, outputs will be obtained from the a
and b arms.
68 | P a g e
a. Mod. switch -- AM
4) Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.
69 | P a g e
5) Set any reference level of power on VSWR by varying the repeller
voltage, AM amplitude and frequency and note down the input power
crystal detector to the other arm and note the output power of that
Beam voltage =
Repeller voltage =
E plane Tee
Power at port 2 =
Power at port 3 =
H plane Tee
Power at port 2 =
Power at port 3 =
70 | P a g e
71 | P a g e
11. Scattering Parameters of Magic Tee.
To find the
Equipment Required:
Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,
The Magic-T shown in Fig. 5.1 is a combination of the H-type and E-type
the mixer section for microwave radar receivers. If a signal is fed into the
4th arm of the magic- T, it will divide into two out-of-phase components.
As shown in Fig. 5.2, these two components will move into the 1 and 2
arms. The signal entering the 4tharm will not enter the 3rdarm because of
the zero potential existing at the entrance of the 3rdarm. The potential
lines are at maximum in the center of the 4tharm and minimum at the
72 | P a g e
a. Magic Tee
1 2
1 2
b. Magic Tee with input to arm 4. (a) Front view (b) Top view of Magic
The action that occurs when a signal is fed into the 3rdarm of the magic-
Tee is illustrated in Fig5.3. The signal entering the 3rdarm divides and
moves down the 1 and 2 arms as outputs which are in phase with each
other and with the input. The shape of the E fields in motion is shown by
73 | P a g e
the numbered curved slices. As the E field moves down the 3rdarm,
points 2 and 3 are at an equal potential. The energy divides equally into
arms 1 and 2, and the E fields in both arms become identical in shape.
Since the potentials on both sides of the 4tharm are equal, no potential
When an input signal is fed into the a arm as shown in Fig.5.4, a portion
because of the action of the H-type junction. The 2ndarm has two fields
across it that are out of phase with each other. Therefore the fields
takes place if a signal is fed into the 2ndarm, resulting in outputs at the
3 2
74 | P a g e
d. Magic Tee with input to arm 1
h. Mod. switch -- AM
75 | P a g e
4) Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.
voltage, AM amplitude and frequency and note down the input power
control knob, carefully connect the H arm of the Magic tee junction to
the slotted line. Connect matched termination to two arms and crystal
detector to the other arm and note the output power of that arm.
8) Now, connect the E arm of the Magic tee junction to the slotted line.
Beam voltage =
Repeller voltage =
Power at port 2 =
Power at port 3 =
Power at port 4 =
76 | P a g e
Power at port 1 =
Power at port 3 =
Power at port 4 =
Power at port 4 =
Power at port 1 =
Power at port 2 =
Power at port 3 =
Power at port 1 =
Power at port 2 =
77 | P a g e
When the power is inserted into the third port, negligible amount of
power is coupled to the fourth port i.e., they are isolated ports.
78 | P a g e
the two transmitters and antenna in such a way the transmitters
79 | P a g e
12. Study of Circulator
To find the
Equipment Required:
Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,
between the ports.Refer to the Fig. 6.1. The energy into port 1
predominantly exits port 2, energy into port 2 exits port 3, and energy
into port 3 exits port 1. Thus,the scattering matrix for an ideal three-port
circulator is
80 | P a g e
a. Circulators
Insertion Loss:
port to power detected at the output port, measured with other ports
Input VSWR:
minimum of the standing wave exiting on the line when one port of it
81 | P a g e
b. Setup for measurement of Insertion loss and Isolation loss in
a. Mod. switch -- AM
4. Set the beam voltage at 300V with the help of beam voltage knob.
82 | P a g e
5. Set any reference level of power on VSWR by varying the repeller
reverse i.e., output port to slotted line and detector to input port with
11. The same procedure can be done for other ports of circulator.
Beam voltage =
Repeller voltage =
Power at port 2 =
Power at port 3 =
Power at port 1 =
Power at port 3 =
83 | P a g e
Input power at port 3 =
Power at port 1 =
Power at port 2 =
84 | P a g e
13. VSWR Measurement
Equipment Required:
Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,
on the line or from the load impedance. The magnitude and phase
wave along with the line. The maximum fieldstrength is found where two
waves are in phase and minimum where the two waves adds inopposite
half theguide wave – length on the line. The ratio of electrical field
85 | P a g e
Hence VSWR, S= Emax/Emin = (|Ei|+|Er|)/ (|Ei| -|Er| )
|ρ| = [S-1]/[S+1]
86 | P a g e
d. Measurement of High VSWR
Range dB - 40 db/50db
Mod- Switch - AM
87 | P a g e
5. Switch ON the Klystron Power Supply, VSWR meter and Cooling Fan.
6. Switch ON the Beam Voltage Switch position and set the beam voltage
at 300V.
8. Tune the output by turning the reflector voltage knob, amplitude and
9. Tune the plunger of Klystron Mount and Probe for maximum deflection
in VSWRmeter.
10. If required, change the range db- switch variable attenuator position
11. As you move probe along the slotted line, the deflection in VSWR
meter willchange.
1. Move the probe along the slotted line to get maximum deflection in
VSWR meter.
2. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob or variable attenuator until
the meter
4. Keep all the control knobs as it is, move the probe to the next
minimum position.
88 | P a g e
6. Repeat the above steps for Magic Tee, Circulator and record the
corresponding VSWR.
7. If the VSWR is between 3.2 and 10, change the range db switch to next
higher position and read the VSWR on second VSWR scale of 3 to 10.
3. Adjust the VSWR meter gain control knob and variable attenuator
VSWR meter.
moved to the other side of the minimum to read 0dB again at d2.
the probe.
89 | P a g e
Reflection Coefficient =
90 | P a g e
transmission lines.
A. Stub matching.
91 | P a g e
14. Impedance and Frequency Measurement
smith chart.
TE10 mode.
Equipment required:
Reflex Klystron power supply, Reflex Klystron Tube with Klystron mount,
For dominant TE10 mode in rectangular wave guide 0,g,c are related as
1 1 1
= +
𝜆20 𝜆𝑔2 𝜆2𝑐
𝜆𝑔 is guide wavelength
𝜆𝑐 is cutoff wavelength,
92 | P a g e
transmission line of characteristic impedance Z0when terminated in a
load of impedance, ZT is
𝑙 =line length
V(l) Load
Line characteristic impedance, Z0 impedance, ZT
𝑍𝑖𝑛 (𝑙)
𝑧𝑖𝑛 (𝑙 ) =
𝑍𝑇 + 𝑗𝑍0 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
𝑍0 + 𝑗𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
93 | P a g e
+ 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
= 𝑍
1 + 𝑗 𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
+ 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
= 𝑍
1 + 𝑗 𝑍𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
𝑧𝑇 + 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
1 + 𝑗𝑧𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
Where 𝑧𝑇 = = normalized load impedance.
terminating a line when a mismatch between line and load occurs. The
plot of electric field versus distance from the load shows a variation
standing wave ratio, the VSWR, S, and the position of the first minimum,
are in anti-phase and the normalized input impedance of the line at this
When 𝑙 = 𝑑
1 𝑧𝑇 + 𝑗𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
𝑧𝑖𝑛 (𝑑 ) = =
𝑆 1 + 𝑗𝑧𝑇 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑙
Where 𝑆 = = 𝑉𝑆𝑊𝑅
and𝑑 = 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) − 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡) =distance from load of first E-field
94 | P a g e
𝑆(1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑)
𝑟𝑇 =
𝑆 2 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑
(1 − 𝑆 2 )𝑡𝑎𝑛𝛽𝑑
𝑥𝑇 =
𝑆 2 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 𝛽𝑑
𝑧𝑇 − 1
𝑧𝑇 + 1
short circuited
3. Rotate the frequency meter knob to get a ‘dip’ on the VSWR scale and
note down the frequency directly from frequency meter. Detune it.
95 | P a g e
4. Move the probe-detector carriage to a position closest to the load and
then moving away from the load. Record positions of electric field
then moving away from the load. Record positions of electric field
minima (d1). Also record next successive minima(d2). Calculate =
𝑐 1 1
𝑓= = 𝑐√ 2 + 2
𝜆0 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐
Where ‘c’ = 3*108m/s i.e., velocity of light. Verify with the frequency
96 | P a g e
8. Measure 𝑑 = 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 ) − 𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛 (𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑡 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑖𝑡 ), and express in terms of
10. Take a smith chart, with ‘1’ as centre; draw a circle of radius equal to
11. Draw a line from this point to center of chart. Find intersection of this
line with the SWR circle drawn. Read normalized impedance of the
with termination:
𝑑1 =___ cm
𝑑2 =___cm
𝜆𝑔 = 2 ∗ (𝑑1~𝑑2)cm
𝜆𝑐 = 2 ∗ 2.286𝑐𝑚=4.57cm
𝑐 1 1
𝑓= = 3 ∗ 108 ∗ √ 2 + 2 = _____
𝜆0 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐
97 | P a g e
Measurement of Load impedance:
𝜆0 = = ____
√1 −
98 | P a g e
Microwave components
guide microwaves
Circular waveguide
99 | P a g e
plane of Polarization of a
available model.
another or to terminate
wave guides
microwave communications
100 | P a g e
9524 MHz
rectangular waveguide.
designed by a section of
wall of waveguide is
101 | P a g e
coupling pin of reflex
waveguide. By moving
impedance of klystron
microwave generator
by Matched Load
(Termination) is an
102 | P a g e
8 Circulators A passive devices
other direction .
prevent overloading.
attenuation in waveguide
5006: 6 dB /X-5010: 10 dB
103 | P a g e
11 Gunn Gunn Oscillators are used
micrometer is used to
frequency of Gunn
oscillator.A gunn-diode is
power up to about 65
outputs of up to about
CW output of Gunn
Oscillator. It is operated
Power Supply.
104 | P a g e
These consists of a Pin
section of waveguide
matched termination is
measurement of reflection
These consist of a detector
105 | P a g e
crystal mounted in a
coupling is provided by
frequency is obtained.It is
microwave system
Directional reflected
106 | P a g e
receiver or perform
3, 6,10, 20, 40 dB
intersection of three
alphabet T.
The junction arm extends E-plane Tee/ Series type Tee
Tee/ Series
from the main waveguide
type Tee
in the same direction as
107 | P a g e
The junction arm is
main arm,.
Measuring Instruments
reading microwave
meter provided.
108 | P a g e
This process involved
then read.
It contains waveguide or
quarter-wavelength resonant
measured. At resonance,
109 | P a g e
±0.2%. Frequency meters are
capable of measuring
to 40 gigahertz.
measuring frequency.
modulated microwave
It consists of a crystal
antenna in coaxial
110 | P a g e
power from the line and
meter or indicating
measuring parameter in
and impedances.
center of waveguide in
of probe can be
111 | P a g e
6 RF power Measures electrical power
connected via a
referred to as a power
sensor or mount.
Measurable high
Input Selector:
112 | P a g e
Xtal High (200KΩ)
VSWR Meter
A VSWR meter is a high gain, high Q, low noise voltage amplifier tuned
modulated. The input to the VSWR meter is the detected signal output of
adjust the reading to the desired value. The overall gain is of the order of
100dB which can be altered in steps of 10dB “Coarse” and “Fine” gain
0.8dB approximately.
There are three scales on the VSWR meter. When the VSWR is between 1
and 4. Reading can be taken from the top SWR normal scale. For VSWR
is less than 1.3, a more accurate reading can be taken by selecting the
expanded scale graduated from 1 to 1.3. The third scale at the bottom is
graduated in dB.
113 | P a g e
Operation of VSWR meter:
The following steps for operating VSWR meter may be carried out:
2. Set “Input Selector” switch for the type of detector under use.
114 | P a g e
Power Supplies
115 | P a g e
In EXT mode, external modulating signal is accepted for modulation
the gunn voltage and the current drawn by the Gunn diode. The square
116 | P a g e
waveof generator is variable from 0 - 10V in amplitude and 850 - 1150 Hz
in frequency
Letter Frequency
Designation Range in GHz
L Band 1 to 2
S Band 2 to 4
C Band 4 to 8
X Band 8 to 12
Ku Band 12 to 18
K Band 18 to 26
Ka Band 26 to 40
Q Band 30 to 50
U Band 40 to 60
V Band 46 to 56
W Band 56 to 100
Communication Channel:
fiber) used to send the signal from the transmitter to the receiver.
Power Consumption
Channel Bandwidth
117 | P a g e
When a signal transmits through the channel, channel adds some noise
increasing the power in the transmitted signal but which results in lesser
battery life i.e. more power consumption. There is one more limitation
𝜆𝑐 =
√𝑚2 𝑏2 + 𝑛2 𝑎2
118 | P a g e
Free space wavelength:
1 1 1
=√ 2+ 2
𝜆 𝜆𝑔 𝜆𝑐
𝑐 3 × 108
𝑓= =
𝜆 𝜆
Waveguide parameters:
a b
Waveguide dimensions:
119 | P a g e
Vernier scale reading
The Main scale reading is the first reading on the main scale
The Vernier scale reading is the mark on the vernier scale which
reading) of vernier
divided into 10 equal divisions and thus the least count of the
instrument is 0.1 mm. Both the main scale and the vernier scale
readings are taken into account while making a measurement. The main
scale reading is the first reading on the main scale immediately to the left
of the zero of the vernier scale (3 mm), while the vernier scale reading is
the mark on the vernier scale which exactly coincides with a mark on the
120 | P a g e
Vernier scale
121 | P a g e
Micrometer screwguage
Figure 4: The reading is 7.38 mm. Figure 5: The reading is 7.72 mm.
122 | P a g e
Figure 13: The reading is 3.46 mm. Figure 14: The reading is 3.56
123 | P a g e
[1] Samuel Y. Liao, “Microwave Devices and Circuits”, PHI, 3rd Edition,
[2] Peter A. Rizzi, “Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits”, PHI, 1999.
[3] M. Kulkarni, “Micro Wave and Radar Engineering”, Umesh
Publications, 3rdEdn.,2003
[4] John M Senior, “ Optical Fiber Communications”, PHI, 2nd Edition,
[5] Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communications”, Mc Graw-Hill
International edition, 4th Edition, 2000
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