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CFS2101-2324 Assignment Brief 23-241

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School of Computing and Engineering

Module Details
Module Code CFS2101
Module Title Computer Organisation and Architecture
Course Title/s Computer Science
Computer Science with Cyber Security
Computer Science with Game Programming
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
Computer Systems Engineering

Assessment Weighting, Type and Contact Details

Title Disassembling Y86 Machine Language
Weighting 50%
Mode of working for Individual
assessment task Note : if the assessment task is to be completed on an individual
basis there should be no collusion or collaboration whilst working on
and subsequently submitting this assignment.
Module Leader Wael Yafooz (w.yafooz@hud.ac.uk)
Module Tutor/s

Submission Submission and Feedback Details

Hand-out date 25/09/2023
How to submit your Brightspace Submission
Submission date/s 18/12/2023 by 12:00 noon – if you have any technical issues
submitting your work, please contact the Module Leader as soon as
Expected amount of 20 hrs

Submission Submission and Feedback Details
independent time you
should allocate to
complete this
Submission type and Source files
Date by which your 28/12/2023
grade and feedback will Note: This is a maximum of three working weeks after the
be returned submission deadline.

Additional Guidance Details

Your responsibility It is your responsibility to read and understand the University
regulations regarding conduct in assessment.
Please pay special attention to the assessment regulations (section
10) on Academic Misconduct.
In brief: ensure that you;
1. DO NOT use the work of another student - this includes students
from previous years and other institutions, as well as current
students on the module.
2. DO NOT make your work available or leave insecure, for other
students to view or use.
3. Any examples provided by the module tutor should be
appropriately referenced, as should examples from external

Further guidance can be found in the SCEN Academic Skills Resource

and UoH Academic Integrity Resource module in Brightspace.

If you experience difficulties with this assessment or with time

management, please speak to the module tutor/s, your Personal

Additional Guidance Details
Academic Tutor, or the School’s Guidance Team.
Requesting a Late It is expected that you complete your assessments by the published
Submission deadlines. However, it is recognised that there can be unexpected
circumstances which may affect you being able to do so. In such
circumstances, you may submit a request for an extension.
Extension applications must be submitted before the published
assessment deadline has passed.

There are two types of extension that you may request. You will be
required to indicate which one you are applying for when you
submit the request for Late Submission via MyHud/MyStudies.

1. Self-certified illness extension of up to 5 working days.

 Evidence will not be required for this type of request, but
you are limited to two self-certified extension requests in
any academic year.
2. Extension request, of up to 10 working days.
 This extension requires you to submit appropriate
evidence in support of your request.

The maximum extension that can grant is 10 working days.

Accepted grounds for an extension

 Serious short-term illness or accident (of a nature which
in employment would result in a health-related absence);
 Evidence of a long-term health condition worsening;
Emerging mental health condition, or worsening of an
existing mental health condition;
 Bereavement.

Additional Guidance Details

If you are unable to submit work within the maximum late

submission period of 10 days, contact the School’s Guidance Team.
(sce.guidance@hud.ac.uk), as you may need to submit a claim for
Extenuating Circumstances (ECs).
Extenuating An EC claim is appropriate in exceptional circumstances, when an
Circumstances (ECs) extension is not sufficient due to the nature of the request.
You can access the EC claim form on the Registry website; where you
can also find out more about the process.
You will need to submit independent, verifiable evidence for your
claim to be considered.
Once your EC claim has been reviewed you will get an EC outcome
email from Registry. If you are unsure what it means or what you
need to do next, please speak to the Student Support Office – Room
An approved EC will extend the submission date to the next
assessment period (e.g July resit period).
Late Submission Late submission, up to 5 working days, of the assessment submission
(No ECs approved) deadline, will result in your grade being capped to a maximum of a
pass mark.

Submission after this period, without an approved extension, will

result in a 0% grade for this assessment component.
Tutor Referral available

Resources  Please note: you can access free Office365 software and you
have 1 Tb of free storage space available on Microsoft’s
OneDrive – Guidance on downloading Office 365.

Disassembling y86 Machine Language
1. Assignment Aims

Machine language and instruction set architecture (ISA) are integral to the design
and architecture of a processor. They also serve as an interface between higher-level
programming languages and the underlying hardware platform.
This aim of this assignment is to further develop your understanding of ISA by tasking
you to develop a disassembler for the y86 ISA.
2. Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this assignment, you will meet the following learning

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes

3. Describe how data are represented in computers

Ability Outcomes
4. Construct solutions to problems related to computer systems and their
6. Develop a small computer with a minimal instruction set

3. Assessment Brief

You will be given a partially completed y86 disassembler written in C. Your aim is to
complete its functionality so that it is able to disassemble the instructions defined
the y86 architecture. The specification of all y86 instructions is available on
Brightspace as part of the teaching materials.
To help you better manage your work, this assignment is further divided into the
following three tasks. You will be given a starting source along with test files for each
task. These files can be downloaded from Brightspace under the Assessment area.
Task 1 Decode y86 Opcodes (20 pts):
You are required to decode the opcode part of a list of given instructions. Each
decoded opcode must be correctly displayed as its corresponding assembly
mnemonic (i.e. symbolic name), e.g., in y86 the opcode 0x00 should be displayed as
Task 2 Decode y86 Instruction Operands (40 pts):
Please note: The starting point of this task is based on your solution to task 1, i.e. your
disassembler should be able to convert all opcodes into their corresponding
The objective of this task is to correctly decode the operands associated with an
instruction. There are only three instructions with no operand, i.e. nop, halt and ret.

Therefore, the majority will require the disassembling of operands. For example: the
y86 machine code 0x6060 is ‘addl %esi, %eax’ in assembly.
Task 3 Disassemble y86 Binary Machine Code (30 pts):
This task is designated as a challenge task which is built on your solution to task 1 and
2. For this task, you will disassemble programs presented in y86 bytecode (machine
code) and convert them into the corresponding y86 assembly.
You are provided with three test programs in both assembly and bytecode. Each
program is stored in C as a contiguous array of unsigned char (bytes). The bytecode
file reader has been written for you so you can dive straight into disassembling the
bytecode. Your solution should follow a basic von Neumann machine by disassembling
a program based on the position and advancement of the program counter (PC).
Please note: Some test programs have data region. You do not have to decode the
data region. You can check the disassembled code against the provided assembly

4. Submission

You must submit the source files for the completed tasks to the designated submission point
on Brightspace by 18/12/2023 by 12:00 noon.
The source file for each task should be named in using the following convention:

 y86disasm-task1.c
 y86disasm-task2.c
 y86disasm-task3.c

Please note: You can upload more than one file per submission. You must make sure all
source files are uploaded before confirming your submission. Multiple submissions are
allowed. However, only the latest submission will be stored and marked.
5. Marking Scheme

The total attainable mark from this assignment is 100 which is further granulated based on
the following table. Marks will also be awarded for partially correct solutions.

Criteria Available Marks

Task 1 Decode y86 Opcodes* 20
Task 2 Decode y86 Instruction Operands* 40
Task 3 Disassemble y86 Binary Machine 30
Overall program structure including 10
variable naming, formatting and

* (1) Solution correctness (80%), which is measured by how well your program outputs
match the expected outputs of multiple test cases;
* (2) Effective use of C programming features (20%), where applicable, which may include
Bitwise Operators, Conditional Statements, Loops, Arrays, and Functions.

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