SLK Science Grade 7 Q4W1

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Self-Learning Kit
Quarter 4 –Week 1

Science – Grade 7
Self-Learning Kit
Quarter 4– Week 1
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer : Rhea C. Canumay

Editors/Reviewers : Marlyn V. Canales,
: Ingrid Alerta, Maribel Panggo
Illustrator : Rhea C. Canumay
Layout Artist : Joel R. Capuyan, Rhea C. Canumay
Management Team : Leah P. Noveras, Ed.D., CESO VI
: Leviticus M. Barazon, Jr., Ph. D.
: Lilia R. Ybañez
: Marlyn V. Canales
: Reynilda G. Ramoneda
: Raymond L. Ceniza
: Joel R. Capuyan
: John Orven Saldana

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education – Region VII Schools Division of Danao City

Office Address: Sitio Upland, National Road, Danao City, Cebu

Telephone No. (032) 262-6211
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Note to the Learner

This Self-Learning Kit is prepared for you to learn the specified competencies
based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) for Science 7, Quarter 4,
Week 1. It is designed in a simplified structure to help you easily understand the lesson
for the week. It contains the following parts:

I Have Includes an activity that aims to check what you

Known already know about this lesson

I Can Consists of activities that will help you view the

Connect previous lesson and prepare you to the new one

Details the presentation and discussion of the

I Can Learn
concepts that you need to learn in this new lesson

Comprises of activities for independent practice to

I Can Try
check understanding of the new concepts learned

Contains exercises to validate your knowledge and

I Can Assess
understanding of the concepts learned

I Can Do Covers activities and exercises that you can do further

More to enrich your learning

Answer Key Contains the key to correction of all the exercises

Indicates the sources in the development of this Self-

Learning Kit (SLK)

Learning Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using
Competency a coordinate system.
MELC Code S7ES-IVa-1

I Have Known

Directions: Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. To locate exact places on the earth, one must look at

A. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude
B. the lines of longitude only
C. the lines of latitude only
D. a neighboring area to describe the location

2. When measuring the lines of latitude, always begin with the ______, which
represents 0 degrees.
A. Prime Meridian C. Longitude
B. Equator D. North Pole

3. What lies at 90 degrees North Latitude?

A. Antarctica C. South Pole
B. North Pole D. Madagascar

4. Which of the following illustrations represent the lines of latitude?

5. How does latitude differ from longitude?

A. Latitude measures south only while longitude measures east only
B. Latitude measures north only while longitude measures west only
C. Equator is the reference point of latitude while prime meridian is the
reference point of longitude
D. Prime meridian is the reference point of latitude while equator is the
reference point of longitude

6. Which of the following is the reference point when locating the latitude of a
A. Equator B. Meridians C. Parallels D. Poles

7. How do coordinates describe the places on Earth?
A. Coordinates determine the hemisphere where the place is located
B. Coordinates can identify the continent where the place is located
C. Coordinates describe the environment of a place
D. All of the above

8. How to locate places using latitude and longitude?

A. When latitude and longitude are at 0°
B. When latitude and longitude intersect
C. When latitude and longitude are given
D. When latitude and longitude pass each other

9. Which of the following is the location of Philippines on the globe?

A. 13° N, 122° E C. 122° E, 13° N
B. 13° S, 122° E D. 122° W 13° S

10. Is there a relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life
forms in the country? Why?
A. Yes. The Philippines is surrounded with oceans and bodies of water.
B. Yes. The Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all year
round and rainfall is abundant.
C. No. There is no relationship between our latitude position and high diversity
of life forms in the country.
D. No. The latitude position of the Philippines has no connection with high
diversity of life in the country.

I Can Connect

If asked where is the Philippines? One may answer that it is in Asia, Southeast
Asia to be specific. But where is it located exactly? Maybe some Filipinos would
describe the location of our country by naming some of the neighboring countries. But
this answer cannot suffice the question to pinpoint the exact location of a certain
country. So how are we going to answer this specific question? To answer this question,
you must learn a new skill: locating places using latitude and longitude.

This self-learning kit aims to equip you to describe the location of any place
on Earth’s surface by using latitude and longitude.

Are you ready to learn this new skill? Come on, let’s start!

I Can Learn

To help us locate places on the earth’s surface, we use a coordinate system.

This coordinate system is like placing a giant grid over the earth. This grid has lines
extending from east to west called lines of latitude and lines extending from north to
south called lines of longitude. The coordinates of a location are like an address for
that place. If you know the coordinates (like 34° North Latitude and 58° West
Longitude), you can easily find any place on the earth’s surface. Now it is important to
familiarize again this imaginary line.

Imaginary lines on the globe are the following: latitude, longitude, equator,
and prime meridian.

1. Latitude

Latitude lines run east/west but they measure north or south of the equator
(0°) splitting the earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere. The
lines of latitude are also known as parallels of latitude. That is because the lines of
latitude are parallel to the equator and to each other.

Figure 1



Five lines of latitude have special names. They are listed in the table below.

Latitude Name
00 Equator
23.50 N Tropic of Cancer
23.50 S Tropic of Capricorn
66.50 N Arctic Circle
66.50 S Antarctic Circle

2. Equator The North Pole is located at 90° N.L

The Equator is 00 latitude. It is

neither North nor south. It is the
center between north and south.
It splits the earth into two
hemispheres- the Northern
Hemisphere ( area above the
equator) and the Southern
Hemisphere ( area below the Figure 2.1

The South Pole is located 90°

Figure 2.2

3. Longitude

The lines of longitude extend north and south. Like lines

of latitude, these lines are imaginary. We cannot actually see
a longitude line on the earth. Longitude is measured in
degrees (°) from the Prime Meridian. Lines of longitude are
evenly spaced at the Equator but meet at the poles.

Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2

4. Prime Meridian

An imaginary line dividing the earth’s surface into two hemispheres namely; are
the Western Hemisphere and Easter Hemisphere. Prime meridian serves as a reference
point for measuring the distance east or west, located at zero degree (0º) at
Greenwich, England. The farthest point eastwards from the Prime Meridian is expressed
as 180°E and the farthest point westward is expressed as 180°W.

Hemisphere and Easter Hemisphere. Prime meridian serves as a reference point

for measuring the distance east or west, located at zero degree (0º) at Greenwich,
England. The farthest point eastwards from the Prime Meridian is expressed as 180°E
and the farthest point westward is expressed as 180°W.

The prime meridian is the zero degree of longitude, where the East meets the
West. It is an arbitrary line meaning any line of longitude could be chosen as the prime
meridian. However, the international agreement of International Meridian Conference,
agreed upon the meridian running through Greenwich as the official prime meridian of
the world. Also called the Greenwich meridian, it separates the Eastern Hemisphere
from the Western Hemisphere.

Now that you are equipped with different descriptions of the imaginary lines of
the globe, you are now ready to master the skill of using the coordinate system in
identifying the location of a certain place on earth.

These are the simple steps you must follow in describing the location using the
coordinate system:

1. Know the coordinates

2. Look for the equator at 0°, as the reference point for latitude
3. See if the direction is North or South
4. If the direction given is North therefore look only for the lines of latitude
in Northern Hemisphere, that would be above the equator. Same thing
goes if the direction given is South, look for the lines of latitude below
the equator, at Southern Hemisphere
5. Always remember that latitude is written or given first!

1. For longitude, look first for the prime meridian at 0° as its reference
2. See if the direction is West or East
3. If the direction given is West therefore look only for the lines of
longitude to the left of Prime meridian in Western Hemisphere.
However, if the direction given is East, look only for the lines of
longitude to the right of Prime meridian in Eastern Hemisphere
4. Always remember that longitude is written or given after the latitude!

Note: Wherever the latitude and longitude intersect, there you can find the place.

Now, let us practice what we have learned. Study the figure 5.1 below.
1. Which letter that has a coordinate of 600 S, 1200 W?
If your answer is letter F, then you are correct.
2. Name the coordinates of letter C.
The coordinates are 600 N, 600 E

Figure 5.1

What place is located at 13 ° N, 122° E?
13 ° N, 122° E intersect in
Manila, Philippines!
therefore, 13 ° N, 122° E is
the location of Manila,
Philippines on the globe

Figure 5.2

You may have seen or used Global Positioning System (GPS) devices in cars or
on camping trips. These devices use data from satellites orbiting the Earth to locate
places on our planet. GPS devices describe the locations to us in the form of latitude
and longitude coordinates.

Now you know how to describe the location of a certain place using latitude
and longitude. It is also important to note that the climate of a country is affected by
its latitudinal position. The closer a country is to latitude 0 0 (equator), the warmer is its
climate. These are the countries within the tropical one, bounded by the Tropic of
Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. In contrast, the farther a country from latitude 0 0,
the colder the climate is. These are the countries in the Polar Regions, within the
Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle. And in the zone between the Tropic of Cancer
and the Arctic Circle, and between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Antarctic Circle,
there are countries which enjoy a temperate climate, where the seasons change
from very cold to very warm. Thus, it is clear that the climate changes with latitude.

I Can Try


A. Directions: Secure a world map. Identify the city nearest to the following rounded
latitudes and longitudes.

Given: Latitude, Longitude Answer: Nearest City

10 N, 1040 E

360 N,1400 E

390 S,1460 E


B. Directions: By using a world map determine the latitude and longitude of the given

Given: City Answer: Estimated latitude and longitude


New York


I Can Assess

A. Directions: Write TRUE if the statements below are true and if it is False, change the
underlined words or phrases to make the statement correct.

__________1. Equator divides the Earth’s surface into two hemispheres.

__________2. Prime meridian serves as the reference point for measuring west or
east distance.
__________3. Lines of longitude are often referred to as parallels.

__________4. The closer a country to the equator the colder its climate.
__________5. The starting point of a longitude is the equator.
__________6. The location of the place may be described by using latitude lines and
__________7. Equator is located at ninety degrees (90º).

_________ 8. The cardinal direction to the left of prime meridian is West.

__________9. Global Positioning System (GPS) devices use data from satellites orbiting
the Earth to locate places on our planet.
_________10. When writing the coordinates of a certain place, the longitude must be
written first.
B. Directions. By using a world map. Identify the city of the given coordinates below.

Given: Latitude, Longitude Answer: Nearest Country

35°N 45°E

30°S 60°W

57°N 10°E

I Can Do More

Directions: By using a world map, complete the table below.

Coordinates Place Special Lines of Latitude

240 N, 750 W Tropic of Cancer


750 N, 450 W



I Can Do More
I Can Try I Have Known
1. Bahamas A.
2. 240 S, 1500, E – 1.Singapore 1. A
Tropic of Capricorn 2. Tokyo 2. B
3. Melbourne 3. B
3. Greenland – Arctic 4. A
Circle B. 5. C
1. 120 S, 770 W 6. A
4. 300 N, 300 E – Tropic 2. 410 N, 740 W 7. D
of Cancer 3. 560 N, 380.E 8. B
9. A
5. 450 S, 1650 E – 10.B
Tropic of Capricorn
Answer Key

 Asuncion, Alvie J., Maria Helen D. Catalan, Leticia V. Catris, and Marlene B.
Ferido. 2017. Science Learners Material 7. Pasig City: FEP Printing Corporation.
 Liberty E. Tanod-tanod, Self-Learning Module Department of Education -
Schools Division of Pasig City


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

DepEd – Danao City Division –Curriculum Implementation Division
Sitio Upland, National Road, Poblacion, Danao City, Cebu
Email Address:
Telephone No.: (032) 262-6211

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education



Learning Competency/ies Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate
system. S7ES-IVa-1
Learning Tasks/Learning
A. Teacher’s Tasks:
1. Perform daily routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Attendance Check
2. Administer pre-test
 Let the learners answer “I Have Known”, (SLK pp.1-2)
3. Preparatory Activity
 Review concepts and topics of the last quarter. Refer to “I Can Connect”, (SLK p.2)
4. Deliver the new lesson
 Discuss the new lesson by following the activities found in “I Can Learn”, (SLK pp. 2-7)
5. Check learner’s understanding
 Let the learners do activities in “I Can Try”, (SLK p.8)
6. Validate learning
 Let the learners answer “I Can Assess”, (SLK p.9)
7. Provide enrichment activity
 Let the learners perform activities in “I Can Do More”, (SLK p.10)
B. Learner’s Tasks:
1. Answer “I Have Known”, (SLK pp.1-2) and check your answer. Refer to Answer Key pp. 11.
2. Read and overview of the concepts do what is asked in “I Can Connect”, (SLK p.2)
3. Read and understand the new lesson presented in “I Can Learn”, (SLK pp. 3-7)
4. Do activities in “I Can Try”, (SLK p.8). Check your work by referring to the answer key found in
pp. 11.
5. Answer “I Can Assess”, (SLK p.9) and submit your answer sheet.
6. Perform activities in “I Can Do More”, (SLK p.10). Check against the answer key on p. 11.

Prepared by:


Contact No: 09229582471

Email Account:
FB Account: Rhea Calzada Canumay

For Teachers Consumption only.

I Can Asses


3. Meridians
4. warmer
5. prime meridian
6. longitude
7. 00
8. True
9. True
10. latitude

1. Iraq
2. Argentina
3. Denmark


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