1 s2.0 S2352710222000353 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710222000353 Main
1 s2.0 S2352710222000353 Main
Keywords: A retrofit plan for improving the energy efficiency of an existing building can contribute to a
Building information modeling sustainable built environment. This study presents a novel framework for integrating mathe
Decision making matical optimization, 6D-Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Life Cycle Assessment to
Life cycle assessment enhance existing buildings’ energy efficiency through applying energy retrofit measures. This
Building energy framework aims to (1) integrate life cycle cost, and environmental impacts analysis (2) identify
energy-efficient alternatives for buildings’ energy retrofit (3) make the decision-making process
straightforward for decision-makers and investors (4) discover the primary energy efficiency
agents that impose the most energy waste on existing buildings. This study contributes to the
body of knowledge by applying effective retrofit measures and alternative material choice and
empowers decision-making by analyzing life cycle cost and environmental impacts of building
envelopes by combining mathematical optimization, BIM, and LCA. The BIM energy model
compares the cooling and heating loads of the building’s components before and after applying
retrofitting measures. The results show that inefficient buildings’ envelopes and evaporative
coolers play a significant role in energy consumption. A developed mathematical optimization
model estimates the economic benefits of energy efficiency upgrades to minimize the total life
cycle cost of a building during its lifetime. Moreover, it provides an optimum energy retrofitting
scenario that leads to reductions of 24%–58.2% in energy consumption. In conclusion, the Life
Cycle Assessment Comparison between the building before and after retrofitted measures dem
onstrates that over 45% of global warming impacts could be reduced in the well-established
1. Introduction
The buildings and construction industry are among the significant contributors to the green gas emissions (30%), energy con
sumption (40%), and waste (32%) worldwide [1,2]. If preventive actions are not taken, the buildings’ energy consumption and GHG
(Green House Gas) emissions will be doubled by 2050 due to population and economic growth [3]. This increase in the urban built
environment had prioritized energy efficiency and saving strategies policies [4], especially when recent studies approved that
energy-efficient buildings are substantial factors to potentially decrease carbon emissions of building stock by about 80% by 2050 [3].
Hence, the essential step to mitigating the adverse impacts of this industry on the environment is moving toward sustainable and
energy-efficient buildings, accessed by upgrading building envelope, integrating buildings with renewable energy systems, and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: maede.motalebi@ut.ac.ir (M. Motalebi).
Received 4 September 2021; Received in revised form 29 December 2021; Accepted 7 January 2022
Available online 11 January 2022
2352-7102/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
i Types of external wall
r Types of roof materials
j Types of windows
s Types of solar panels
w Types of wind turbines j
m Types of cooling system
n Types of heating system
p Types of appliances
z Types of lighting systems
d Geographical directions
wall External wall
win Windows
roof Roof
app Appliances
heat Heating
cool Cooling
light Lighting
PV Photovoltaic
WT Wind Turbine
CAP Capital Cost
O&M Operation and maintenance
h Cold days requiring heating
c Hot days requiring cooling
LCC Life cycle cost ($)
CCAP Investment cost ($)
PVO&M Present value of operation and maintenance cost ($)
PVEN Present value of Energy cost ($)
PVRV Present value of benefits from buildings’ resale after its service life ($)
C Investment cost ($)
CM Maintenance cost ($)
RV Resale value of the building ($)
RV0 Resale value of the building before energy retrofits ($)
ECC0 Annual energy consumption before energy retrofits ($)
ECC Annual energy consumption after energy retrofits ($)
QHeating Energy consumption for space heating (kW h/year)
Qcooling The energy consumption for space cooling in a building (kW h/year)
Qext Heat loss through zones in contact with the outdoor (kW h/year)
Qlnu . Heat loss through zones in contact with non-useful spaces (kW h/year)
Qv Heat loss through fresh air flow (kW h/year)
Qhuhg Useful heat gain in cold days (kW h/year)
Qltb Heat loss through linear thermal bridges (kW h/year)
Qcuhg power load densities of lightings (W/m2)
Qe power load densities of appliances (W/m2)
Qi occupancy time during year t (h)
Qt Heat transfer due to infiltration (kWh/year)
QDEN Internal heat gain in a general building mainly results from people, lightings and appliances (kWh/year)
EPV the energy produced by the installed solar panel(kWh/year)
EWT the energy produced by the installed wind turbine (kWh/year)
ELight energy usage by lighting system (kWh/year)
EAPP The energy usage by appliances (kWh/year)
A Area (m2)
An Net floor area (m2)
Ag Building gross area (m2)
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Decision variables
i 1, if the i th type of wall material is chosen, and zero otherwise.
xr 1, if the r th type of roof material is chosen, and zero otherwise.
j 1, if the j th type of window is chosen, and zero otherwise.
m 1, if the m th type of cooling system is chosen, and zero otherwise.
n 1, if the n th type of heating system is chosen, and zero otherwise.
p 1, if the p th type of appliances is chosen, and zero otherwise.
s 1, if the s th type of solar panel is chosen, and zero otherwise.
w 1, if the w th type of wind turbine is chosen, and zero otherwise.
xz 1, if the z th type of lighting system is chosen, and zero otherwise.
N0PV Initial number of solar panels
N0WT Initial number of wind turbines
M. Motalebi et al.
Table 1
Review of the most relevant studies.
Reference Building energy LCC (objective function) Methodology Material and equipment
Author-year Initial Maintenance Energy Resale Optimization BIM LCA Envelope Heating & Lighting appliances renewables
investment cost cost value cooling system
Pazouki, Rezaie, and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓ - - ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓
Bozorgi-Amiri 2021
Hu 2020 [3] ✓ ✓ - - - - ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - -
Liu et al., 2018 [41] ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ ✓ - - -
Ascione et al., 2017 [48] ✓ - - - - ✓ - - ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓
Wu, Wang, and Xia 2016 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - ✓ - - ✓ ✓ ✓ - -
Tan et al., 2016 [42] ✓ ✓ - ✓ - ✓ - - ✓ ✓ - - -
Akbari et al., 2014 [51] - ✓ ✓ - - ✓ - - - ✓ - - ✓
maintenance instructions, as-built drawings, and completion certificates. 6D-BIM was firstly considered in 2012 by Redmond et al.
[31]. Park and Cai [32], Wu and Hsieh [33], and Ding et al. [34] have allotted 6D-BIM to “the construction records such as quality
information, health, and safety information, and contract information” Zhang, Wang, and Liu [35] connected the sixth dimension to
sustainability information by expanding a model that automatically assesses sustainability performance, empowering designers to
select the best design option. 6D-BIM as a digital information model simulates the building’s actual energy behavior. Therefore, the
6D-BIM simulation enables us to make decisions regarding buildings’ design and operation, not only for new buildings construction but
also for retrofitting existing buildings. Further to the energy model analysis of 6D-BIM, we can access previous dimensions data such as
buildings geometry, climate, operational and occupational data, spaces characteristics, and construction material and equipment.
In energy retrofitting projects’ decision models, both single and multi-objective optimization problems can be employed. The
objectives commonly include initial investment cost and energy retrofitting benefits. In determining the objectives among various
possible objective functions, reconciling energy-related social, legal, environmental, and monetary factors must be considered by
decision-makers to attain the best possible trade-off to meet the final occupant demands [36]. One of the significant challenges for
decision-makers is selecting the most proper objective functions and estimating them accurately. It is essential to estimate the eco
nomic benefits of energy retrofits in order to attract investment from homeowners. Therefore, lifecycle cost analysis (LCCA) is
commonly used to consider both initial investment and upcoming benefits of various energy efficiency alternatives. LCC is the sum of
costs throughout a specific time and provides a criterion for attaining the best solution, while the LCC is minimum [37]. Nevertheless,
detecting cost-optimal elements for a whole building is yet a complicated task [38]. However, rare studies attempt to examine various
cost-related components through the buildings’ service life (shown in Table 1) [39], still the lack of studies considering all lifecycle cost
elements (including building resale value) for an energy retrofitting project decision model is felt. The mathematical optimization part
of this work centers on the financial benefits of energy retrofitting projects.
In optimal energy retrofit strategy selection, energy retrofit measures are considered decision variables of the decision-making
model. The variables can be associated with building envelope components [40] or envelope components along with heating and
cooling systems [41,42], lighting systems [3,43,44], appliances [45], or renewable energy measures [45–49]. A decision-making
model developed by Jafari et al. [37] considered all types of energy retrofitting measures (envelope components, heating, and
cooling systems, lighting systems, appliances, and renewable energy measures) simultaneously [37]. The developed model of this work
considers all the mentioned retrofitting measures simultaneously to take advantage of Jafari et al. [37]. A more detailed classification
of the studied parameters and methodology in the literature is depicted in Table 1.
This study proposes a framework that combines mathematical modeling, 6D-BIM, and LCA, focusing on the economic and envi
ronmental aspects of energy retrofitting projects. It estimates how the life cycle cost optimization in retrofitting projects and life cycle
assessment of envelope insulation and other buildings’ components contribute to the homeowner and environmental benefits. In this
paper, 6D-BIM is the modeling platform of a case study building in which material, climatic data of buildings’ location, and energy
model are placed. All these data are crossed to the LCA platform to analyze the outcome of decisions regarding operational energy
efficiency enhancement and environmental impact reduction. The mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) is developed to optimize
the choice of buildings’ envelope insulation material, lighting system, cooling, heating system, renewable energy systems, and efficient
appliances. The objective of mathematical modeling is to optimize the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of the building. The decision variables are
types of materials and components and the number of implemented renewable systems, including PV panels and domestic wind
turbines. The building is designed in the BIM platform in both situations of before and after applying retrofit measures. In both stages
(considering before retrofit materials and proposed material for retrofit), the data passes into an integrated BIM-LCA system in which
the energy model of the building, operational energy, building loads, and environmental impacts are quantified. As the energy-efficient
building has fewer environmental releases, the environmental impact assessment validates the optimization model. This work aims:
i. To integrate life cycle cost and environmental impacts analysis along with finding the best possible alternative material and
equipment for building energy retrofitting.
ii. To optimize the decision-making process of buildings’ energy retrofitting projects from the decision-makers and homeowners’
iii. To discover the primary energy efficiency agents in Iran’s existing buildings that impose the most energy waste on buildings.
The contribution of this work ensures applying effective retrofit measures and alternative material choice and empowers decision-
making by analyzing life cycle cost and environmental impacts of building envelopes by combining mathematical optimization, BIM,
and LCA.
The remainder of this paper includes five parts. The methodology is introduced in section 2 in three main sub-sections: the
Mathematical optimization model, BIM-LCA integration, and Linking framework components. The case study details are presented in
Section 3. The results and discussion are provided in Section 4, and finally, Section 5 concludes the paper with primary outcomes and
future recommendations.
2. Methodology
This work provides a generalized comprehensive decision-making framework that assures the application of the different types of
energy-efficient retrofit measures and alternative material choices for building energy retrofit projects. It empowers decision-making
by analyzing lifecycle cost and environmental impacts of building envelopes through integrating mathematical optimization, BIM, and
LCA, shown in Fig. 1. A detailed definition of the proposed mathematical optimization model, methodology, and framework com
ponents linking are presented in this section.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Before formulating a retrofitting plan, it is necessary to mathematically model the building’s component energy consumption. In
the following sections, the energy consumption of building through space heating and cooling is modeled by considering the heat flows
through the building’s envelope materials and the energy usage of the lighting system and appliances within the building. Ultimately, a
hybrid renewable energy system (PV/WT) is presented in the model to generate clean energy in the building. The motivation for such a
hybrid renewable system is the high dependency of Iran on fossil fuels and the non-renewability of these fuels. Besides, this research
study aimed to investigate the feasibility of using PV panels, wind turbines, and hybrid systems (PV/WT) in Tehran as Iran’s capital
city. Furthermore, using renewable energies will lead the construction sector towards green building practice. The following sub
sections present energy consumption for space heating and cooling, lighting and appliances, and energy production by HRS.
in which
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
D ∑
∑ J
QhUHG = Awin h h
d Id SHGCj xj TI
d=1 j=1
QLTB = 0.024HDD.ζ.Ζ
Ui λi ∑R
Ur λr ∑J
BLC = Awall xwall
i + Aroof xroof
r + Awin xwin
j Uj
Ui ki + λi r=1
U k
r r + λr j=1
In Eqs. (1) – (7), QEXT is the heat loss within an external environment associated with building in the t-th year (kWh/year). QLNU is
heat loss within a non-useful space associated with building in the t-th year (kWh/year). QV is heat loss within fresh air flow (kWh/
year). ELTB (t) is heat loss within linear thermal bridges (kWh/year). QhUHG useful heat gain by the sun through windows and passive
systems in cold seasons in which heating is required (kWh/year). HDD, heating degree days, is the sum of the measured daily tem
perature minus thermal comfort temperature. BLC is the building’s load coefficient (W/◦ C).
in which:
D ∑
∑ J
QcUGH = Awin c c
d=1 j=1
QE = BLC(0.024CDD)
( )
QT (t) = 2.93 0.34.ACH.An .hfc .CDD
Prefr P∑ P∑
P ∑ Dishw clothw
In this Equation, the degradation of solar panels in energy generation is considered. However, PV panels are introduced as a system
with 25 years reliable lifespan; its performance will degrade over time, which affects total output power. It means that the number of
well-functioned and healthy PV panels will diminish over time. This degradation causes less energy production and consequently
returns more energy costs for the building. Owning more power from the grid and less financial benefits from electricity sales directly
affects the retrofit project sustainability. Hence, failure in the survival of PV panels is critical in both maintenance costs and the
system’s power supply. The population degradation model follows the Weibull distribution, which is commonly used in lifespan
distribution and the system’s reliability. The survival rate of PV panels is estimated by Equation (16) [46,52]:
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
( )3
− t
L(t) = e
L(Ł) = 0.5
with the given lifetime Ł, the survival rate at the end of the system’s lifetime equals to 0.5. The number of installed solar panels that still
work functional is estimated by equation (18), and the number of failed PV panels and wind turbines that need maintenance is
calculated by equation (19).
1∑ W
w ρair V
2 w=1 0 w
where LCC is the net present value of the buildings’ whole lifecycle cost, CCAP is the capital cost of applying energy retrofit measures,
PVEN is the present value of total energy consumption cost, PVO&M is the present value of operation and maintenance cost in the
building service life, PVRV is the present value of the benefits from building resale value after its service life.
The following Equation calculates the capital cost of energy retrofit:
I ∑
R ∑
J ∑
P ∑
Z ∑
CCAP = Awall Ciwall xwall
i + Aroof Crroof xroof
r + Awin Cjwin xwin
j + N app Cpapp xapp
p +N
Czlight xlight
z + N cool Cmcool xcool
i=1 r=1 j=1 p=1 z=1 m=1
N ∑
S ∑
+ Cnheat xheat
n + N0PV CsPV xPV
s + N0WT CwWT xWT
n=1 s=1 w=1
C is the cost of material and equipment and installation, and x is a binary variable indicating whether one type of material and
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
equipment is elected. Also, A is the area of external walls, roof, and windows that need applying energy retrofit measure.
The following Equation computes energy consumption present value:
⎛ ( ( ))lb ⎞
r− d
⎜ 1 + 1+d′ − 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
PVEN = ECC × ⎜( ) ( ( ))lb ⎟
⎝ ′ ′ ⎠
r− d r− d
′ × 1 + 1+d′
where ECC is the buildings’ annual energy consumption cost in the first year, r is the interest rate, and d is the rate of the energy cost
increase on an annual basis.
ECC = ECC0 − (1 − RB) × (ECC0 − ( EC × pE + GC * pG ))
where ECC0 is the buildings’ yearly energy consumption cost before applying energy retrofit measures, EC computes the buildings’
annual electricity consumption, pE is the electricity unit price, GC computes buildings’ annual natural gas consumption, and pG is the
natural gas unit price in the first year. Also, RB represents the energy consumptions’ rebound effect, which shows that people use more
energy when energy cost decreases, so energy-saving reduction occurs. The Rebound effect is considered 20% Nadel [62], indicating
that just 80% of energy efficiency benefits can be obtained due to increased energy consumption.
The annual energy consumption, including buildings’ electricity and natural gas consumption in the first year, can be calculated as
( ) heat ∑
( )
EC = 1 − IEnheat xheat
n E + 1 − IEmcool xmcool Ecool + EApp + ELight − EPV
n=1 m=1
( ) heat ∑
( ) cool
GC = 1 − IGheat
n xn
G + 1 − IGcool
m xm
n=1 m=1
where IE is the impact of applying new systems on electricity consumption, Eheat and Ecool are electricity consumption of heating and
cooling system before applying energy retrofit measure. IG is the impact of applying new systems on natural gas consumption, and Gheat
natural gas consumption of heating and cooling system before applying energy retrofit measure.
The following Equation can calculate the present value of Operation and maintenance cost:
lb ∑
M lb ∑
∑ N lb ∑
∑ S
PVO&M = N cool CMmcool xmcool (1 + r)− t + CMnheat xnheat (1 + r)− t + CMsPV xsPV M PV (t)(1 + r)− t
To calculate the present value of the resale value of building, it is necessary to obtain the value of building after applying energy
retrofits [63], so RV computes this value:
(ECC0 − ECC)
RV = RV0 × e− A
where RV0 is buildings’ resale value before applying retrofit measures, A is the area of buildings in square meters. The following
Equation can calculate the present value of benefits of reselling the building after its lifespan:
PVRV = (RV − RV0 ) ×
(1 + d)lb
2.1.7. Constraints
The constraints of this study consist of six parts as follows;
➢ Budget constraint:
The first part of the constraints is the available budget for retrofitting, which is depicted as:
Ccap ≤ B
➢ Area constraint:
The second part of the constraints is the potential rooftop area for renewable energy systems installation. This research assumes
that the PV panels are facing the south to gain the maximum intensity of sunlight. The mentioned constraints are described in the
following equations that which are individually defined for PV panels and wind turbines:
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
s N0 ≤ Aeff 1
w N0 ≤ Aeff 2
n .xHeat
n ≥ QHeating
➢ Illumination constraint:
The fourth part of constraints relates to the illuminance level of the building to bring visual comfort for occupants. The illuminance
estimates the lights’ density in lux or foot-candle (FC) [64]. Also, the illumination level defines as the lamps’ output per unit area of
space. Due to their activity, the illumination level of buildings’ spaces is suggested by Illuminating Engineering Society of North
America (IESNA). The illumination level is affected by replacing the old lamps with the energy-efficient ones considering the difference
in the new lamps’ lumen. Equation 10 shows the illuminance constraint for buildings different spaces:
N light(each space) Lumenlight .xlight
z z
≥ lux for each space
Area of Space
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
⎧∑ { }
⎪ xPV ≤ 1 for xPV ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ s ∈ 1, 2, …, S
⎨ s=1 s S
{ }
⎪ ∑
⎩ xWT WT
w ≤ 1 for xw ∈ {0, 1}, ∀ w ∈ 1, 2, …, W
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
flow of biogenic carbon absorbed and generated by biological sources instead of fossil resources. The materials are included up to a 1%
cut-off factor by mass except for known materials that have high environmental impacts at low levels. In these cases, a 1% cut-off was
implemented by impact. The degree that the emissions result in adverse environmental impacts depends on regional ecosystem
conditions and the location of the emissions. The reference study period (RSP) in this study is considered 50 years, and also
replacement of material after their service life is considered during the RSP.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
4.2. Estimating buildings’ actual cooling and heating load in its operational phase
The current study demonstrates that BIM models enable decision-makers to apply different retrofitting and construction materials
with various performance parameters at the early stages of any construction or energy retrofit project. One of the BIM aspects that is
less explored is obtaining buildings’ energy model, known as 6D-BIM.
In this study, the 6D-BIM is employed to obtain the building’s energy model to estimate the actual operational energy of building
and cooling and heating loads before and after applying energy retrofit measures. The view of Analytical spaces of the energy model of
the case study building is depicted in Fig. 4. As a reliable LCA requires the actual operational energy of the building, the detailed
operational energy of the building is estimated by 6D-BIM. As the results show, insulating uninsulated exterior walls have decreased
Table 2
The case study specifications before energy retrofitting.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Table 3
Retrofitting alternative materials and equipment.
( ) ( ◦ )
i Information on Wall insulation materials W◦ ki (m) W ($)
Ui C λi C Cwall
m2 m m2
1 Expanded Polystyrene 0.48 0.2924 0.030 10.91
2 Glass wool 0.45 0.5540 0.033 2.00
3 Cellulose fiber 0.19 0.4953 0.039 1.25
4 Rock Wool 0.35 0.2919 0.041 6.50
5 Polyurethane Board 0.39 0.2350 0.035 17
6 Glass fiber batt 0.28 0.102 0.032 1.00
( ◦ ) ( ◦ )
r Information on roof material W kr (m) W ($)
Ur C λr C Croof
m2 m m2
1 Felt sheathing 0.177 0.435 0.034 0.90
2 Fiberglass flat roof 0.07 0.5933 0.037 2.45
3 Glass wool 0.23 0.2451 0.039 3.00
4 Rock Wool (Roofing Board) 0.158 0.2752 0.043 3.50
5 Expanded polystyrene, molded beads 0.258 0.3640 0.031 9.35
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Table 3 (continued )
( ) ( ◦ )
i Information on Wall insulation materials W◦ ki (m) W ($)
Ui C λi C Cwall
m2 m m2
2 Refrigerator type2 73 2056
3 Refrigerator type3 81 1661
4 Refrigerator type4 69 2537
5 Dishwasher type1 27 1030
6 Dishwasher type2 29 440
7 Dishwasher type3 30 708
8 Cloth washer type1 62 1519
9 Cloth washer type2 78 1394
10 Cloth washer type3 59 2294
Table 4
Results of mathematical model for the case study building.
Scenario 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 3. Impact of allocated budget on Investment cost, energy cost and LCC and optimum budget.
the cooling load caused before, at about 81%, and heating load at about 66%. Insulating the roof resulted in an 82% reduction in the
cooling load it used to impose on the building and 70% of the heating load.
Furthermore, replacing windows has decreased 80% of the cooling load and about 63% of the imposed heating load on the building.
Lighting only imposes a cooling load on the building, and replacing the lighting system has reduced the load by about 84%. Moreover,
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
people and power cooling load have lowered by 84% and 82%, respectively, by applying retrofitting measures. The total cooling and
heating loads are decreased 82% and 62%, respectively, after applying energy retrofit measures. A detailed heating and cooling load
for each building component is depicted in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
4.3. Evaluating the environmental impacts of the case study via LCA before and after energy retrofitting
The environmental impacts of the case study are evaluated for both before and after energy retrofitting. This study mainly focuses
on the most proper material and components of energy retrofits. The entire lifetime of the building, including the construction phase, is
elaborated in the current study. Hence, lifespan analysis of the material, including extraction, manufacturing, transportation, service
time, and end-of-life stages, are considered. Summary of input data of envelope materials are utilized in this researchs’ case study,
before and after applying the retrofit plan, are presented in Appendix A. A comprehensive and reliable life cycle analysis in Tally®
needs the buildings’ operational energy consumption (electricity and fuel), which is estimated both before and after energy retro
fitting. In the current study, road transportation is considered the main transportation of retrofitting projects in Iran, employing ve
hicles with 16 and 32 tons capacities. Therefore, average distances for road transportation in Iran are set to attend the environmental
impact analysis. For instance, about 12 km for transporting materials to the retrofitting site and 14 km for landfill wastes are
considered. In this analysis stage, either material’s use and maintenance are considered in the operational phase. When the con
struction material quantities are calculated, the simulation measures the environmental impacts in global warming potential, acidi
fication potential, eutrophication potential, smog formation potential, non-renewable energy categories in all lifecycle stages. The
simulation results of the case studys’ environmental impacts through Tally® REVIT® before and after applying retrofit measures are
depicted in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. The results clarify the quantity of the potential effects for all lifecycle stages of materials.
Results confirm that both environmental impacts and operational energy can be significantly decreased by retrofitting old
buildings. As it is depicted, the Global warming potential reduced from 164,518 kg CO2 equivalent before the energy retrofitting
model to 89,632 kg CO2 equivalent after applying retrofit measures which is about a 45.5% decrease. Additionally, the acidification
potential was modified from 689.9 kg SO2 to 375.5 kg SO2, corresponding to a 45.6% reduction. The other impact categories analysis
shows the same applies, as there was a remarkable reduction in the impacts’ quantification; however, the total mass of the building has
increased after energy retrofitting.
As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, the operational energy decreases significantly in the building after applying the retrofit measures, while
embodied energy is almost two folded. Energy-efficient buildings often improve their energy efficiency by employing more insulation,
thicker envelopes, and energy-efficient window systems that decrease the operational energy need at the expense of increased
embodied energy.
5. Discussion
The energy model of the selected building as a case study was simulated using Revit Autodesk, which is a BIM-based software. A
building’s energy model makes it possible to identify the components that can be used to enhance the building’s energy efficiency [77].
This study used a mathematical optimization model to identify optimum retrofit strategies, such as the insulation of buildings’ en
velope material components and mechanical and electrical equipment. The results were compared before and after applying retrofit
measures to demonstrate the reduced operational energy consumption of buildings. Then, the environmental impacts of the optimal
material were measured, and the results were compared with those before retrofitting. The environmental impacts assess the used
materials over the whole lifespan of the building. This study demonstrates that employing BIM enables decision-makers to investigate
the performance of construction materials. This study proposes a generalized framework that integrates mathematical optimization,
BIM, and LCA to investigate the sustainability aspects of retrofit projects.
According to the results, the optimum retrofit strategy could be used to achieve significant improvements in the energy efficiency of
the building envelope compared to before the retrofit process, as summarized below:
(i) Comparing the cooling and heating load that exterior walls imposed on the building before and after retrofit, insulating the
exterior walls with optimum components decreased 81% of the cooling load and 66% of the heating load.
Fig. 4. View of Analytical spaces of the energy model of the case study building in REVIT®.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Fig. 5. Cooling loads of buildings’ components before and after applying energy retrofits.
Fig. 6. Heating loads of buildings’ components before and after applying energy retrofits.
(ii) Insulating the roof with the optimum components reduced 82% of the cooling load and 70% of the heating load imposed on the
(iii) Replacing inefficient windows as an essential part of buildings’ envelope decreased the 80% of cooling load and 63% of the
heating load imposed on the building before retrofitting.
(iv) Insulating the whole envelope increased the energy-saving rate by around 13.6% in the whole building.
(v) Replacing old and inefficient lighting systems with energy-efficient and optimum ones has decreased the cooling load by about
84%. Totally, by applying all retrofit measures, the whole cooling and heating loads decreased 82% and 62%, respectively.
(vi) Applying all the optimum retrofit measures with optimum components enhanced the annual energy saving rate by around
48.6.35% with 260,000$ initial investment budget for the case study building.
(vii) After applying retrofit measures, the operational energy dropped at about 48%, while the embodied energy almost doubled as a
result of envelope insulation works.
The outcomes represent that applying each retrofit measure, including replacing heating and cooling systems, insulating envelopes,
replacing building electrical devices, and installing renewable energy sources, increases energy savings effectively. The building
envelope (floors, walls, roof, and finishes) plays an essential role in embodied energy and operational energy consumption. In building
energy retrofits, insulating envelopes can increase energy savings and decrease heating and cooling loads to an enormous extent.
Significantly, envelope insulation has a direct impact on operational energy-efficient strategies, particularly in low-energy buildings,
where it contributes about 48–50% of embodied energy. The environmental analysis shows a one-third reduction in global warming
effects of the building even though embodied energy has increased.
The first step of retrofitting a building is identifying the energy-efficient and financially viable retrofit measures based on its
location, inhabitants’ lifestyles, and climatic factors. A combination of insulating an envelope and replacing the cooling system can be
effective in Iran. In Iran, evaporative coolers are typical, and they act like chimneys on the roof, which wastes all the insulation
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Fig. 7. Global warming potential of the case study building before applying retrofit measures per life cycle stage.
materials inside the envelope. However, if decision-makers and investors fail to use the frameworks provided, the retrofit projects
might not be economically and environmentally feasible. According to the insights gained from this study, choosing the proper retrofit
measures considering numerous factors such as lifecycle costs, climatic conditions, and the lifestyle of the studied country will result in
an environmentally and financially sustainable investment.
6. Conclusion
The operational phase of the building is responsible for a considerable amount of buildings’ energy consumption. This study op
timizes the integrated BIM-LCA framework for building energy retrofit projects that analyze projects from a sustainable perspective. In
this generalized and comprehensive framework, the mathematical model helps determine the optimum solution for the energy effi
ciency retrofitting of buildings. The proposed framework proves a possible improvement in energy savings and decreased environ
mental impacts by employing BIM and LCA. This stimulates the idea of enhancing existing buildings to be more sustainable. It enables
decision-makers to be involved in this process and be aware of the consequences of employing every possible retrofitting alternative
Furthermore, this framework reduces the building’s service life costs as well as its energy consumption. The 6D-BIM was utilized to
create the building’s energy model and estimate the building’s actual operational energy and loads. In other words, the BIM tool
provided the opportunity to link all aspects of buildings from a 3D model to time, cost, components characteristics, operational and life
cycle management together dynamically. The novelty of this research study is focused on the integration of mathematical modeling,
building information modeling (BIM), and life cycle assessment toward a generalized framework for energy retrofitting of existing
buildings. It includes all aspects of energy retrofitting, cost minimization, including maintenance, energy, and investment costs, in
creases in the resale value of the building, and reducing environmental impacts of the building during its life and demolition. The
effectiveness of this framework was examined on a typical multi-story building in Iran. The results are compared both before and after
applying retrofitting measures.
The operational phase serves most building lifecycle costs and consumptions; thus, the focus of the current study is on this phase,
although in the life cycle assessment of retrofitting material, the entire life cycle is considered. In the studied building and all similar
buildings, reaching a 24%–58% energy saving was possible based on the targeted investment budget. According to the research results,
a highly energy-efficient building component reduced operational energy significantly while increasing embodied energy (product).
The exterior walls and windows can be considered the buildings’ energy efficiency main agents as they impose the most heating and
cooling load on the building. Furthermore, when the buildings’ envelope is insulated, an inefficient evaporative cooling system will
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
Fig. 8. Global warming potential of the case study building after applying retrofit measures per life cycle stage.
waste all the insulation works, as they work as a big chimney on the buildings’ rooftop. Therefore, another primary agent of energy
efficiency in such buildings is the evaporative cooling system. If all energy retrofitting measures are applied in the case study building,
the energy savings will be enhanced by about 58%, and environmental impacts could decrease by about one-third. Although insulation
materials contribute to less operational energy use, there are matters about their global warming potential, embodied energy, and
other environmental impacts, increasing low-energy buildings. The proposed methodology can be used for every building type to
estimate the loads for each component imposed on the building to choose the optimum retrofit measures among possible alternatives to
reduce environmental impacts and energy consumption and life cycle cost to the least amount. This study encourages homeowners to
enhance existing buildings’ energy efficiency and sustainability through enhancing components and equipment based on their
available budget. Although this study focuses on the operational phase, this framework can be applied to buildings’ entire lifetime.
Those making decisions and investors can benefit from this framework. It can be applied for any building type, including complex
buildings, hospitals, and commercial ones, to determine the optimum retrofit strategies and sustainability aspects both environ
mentally and financially.
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
No funding was received for this work.
Intellectual property
We confirm that we have given due consideration to the protection of intellectual property associated with this work and that there
are no impediments to publication, including the timing of publication, with respect to intellectual property. In so doing we confirm
that we have followed the regulations of our institutions concerning intellectual property.
Research ethics
We further confirm that any aspect of the work covered in this manuscript that has involved human patients has been conducted
with the ethical approval of all relevant bodies and that such approvals are acknowledged within the manuscript.
IRB approval was obtained (required for studies and series of 3 or more cases).
Written consent to publish potentially identifying information, such as details or the case and photographs, was obtained from the
patient(s) or their legal guardian(s).
Appendix A
Lifecycle Inventory LCI data Source Transportation Product Scope End of life scope
100% Fired brick DE: Stoneware tiles, unglazed (EN15804 By truck: 30 Cradle to gate, excludes 55% Recycled into
A1-A3) ts (2017) km* mortar, anchors, ties, coarse aggregate,
and metal accessories 45% Landfilled
outside of scope (<1% (inert material)
Adhesive, polyurethane 5% EU-27: Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate By truck: 20 Cradle to gate, plus 98.7% solids to
Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate ((p) ((p)MDI) ts (2014) DE: Polyurethane km* emissions during landfill (plastic
MDI), 95% Polyurethane (copolymer- (copolymer-component) (estimation from application waste)
component) (estimation from TPU TPU adhesive) ts (2017)
adhesive), 1.35% NMVOC emissions
Cement mortar, Latricrete - EPD EPD (US), LATRICRETE (2016) By truck: 30 Cradle to gate, excludes 55% Recycled into
km* mortar Anchors, ties, and coarse aggregate
metal accessories outside 45% Landfilled
of scope (<1% mass) (inert material)
EPDM, reinforced membrane, 60 mils, US: Reinforced EPDM single ply roofing By truck: 172 Cradle to gate 100% Landfilled
SPRI - EPD membrane, 60 mils, A1-A3 - SPRI ts (2017) km (plastic waste)
Granite tile DE: Natural stone slab, rigid, facade By truck: 50 Cradle to gate 55% Recycled into
(EN15804 A1-A3) ts (2017) km* coarse aggregate
45% Landfilled
(inert material)
Hardware, aluminum 50% Primary RNA: Secondary Aluminum Ingot AA/ts By truck: 40 Cradle to gate 95% Recovered 5%
aluminum 50% Secondary aluminum (2010) [EPD] DE: Aluminium cast km* Landfilled (inert
machining ts (2017) DE: Aluminium die- material)
cast part ts (2017) RNA: Primary
Aluminium Ingot AA/ts (2010) [EPD] US:
(continued on next page)
M. Motalebi et al. Journal of Building Engineering 49 (2022) 104022
(continued )
Lifecycle Inventory LCI data Source Transportation Product Scope End of life scope
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