HMH G10 Unit 6
HMH G10 Unit 6
HMH G10 Unit 6
496 UNIT 6
Our Place
in Nature
“Wildness reminds us what it means to
be human, what we are connected to
rather than what we are separate from.”
— Terry Tempest Williams
What effect do we have
on nature, and how does
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Spark Your
As you read, you can
use the Response Log
Here are some opportunities to think about the (page R6) to track your
topics and themes of Unit 6: Our Place in Nature. thinking about the
Essential Question.
498 UNIT 6
Preview the Texts
Look over the images, titles, and descriptions of the texts in the unit.
Mark the title of the text that interests you most.
Get Ready
What effect do we have
Extraterrestrial Message
If you could send a message to try to make contact with aliens,
what would it contain? Use the space provided to create a message
that could express something important about earthlings in a way
that an extraterrestrial might be able to understand.
In the story you are about to read, the writer uses the first-person perspective
of an unusual narrator. First-person narration creates a compelling voice
that can pull readers into a story. As the story develops, readers feel they are
inside the story along with the narrator—and gain a deeper understanding
of the narrator’s unique and personal perspective.
• Climax: reaches the story’s high point, making the conflict’s outcome clear
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Much of “The Great Silence” does not follow a traditional narrative structure.
Instead, the writer presents scientific facts and personal observations in ways
that make the story seem similar to an informational text or personal essay.
As you read, consider the order in which certain facts and observations are
revealed. How do section breaks contribute to the story’s structure? How does
the structure help create tension and develop a theme?
Annotation in Action
Here is an example of one reader’s notes about “The Great Silence.” As you
read, mark words that reveal the narrator’s point of view and perspective.
But I and my fellow parrots are right here. Why aren’t they Narrator is a parrot!
interested in listening to our voices? first-person
Turn to a partner and talk about the vocabulary words
you already know. Then, write a short paragraph
eavesdrop describing a true or fictional interaction between
humans and the natural environment, using as many
primal vocabulary words as you can. As you read “The Great
Silence,” use the definitions in the side column to learn
the vocabulary words you don’t already know.
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Ted Chiang (born 1967) began writing science fiction
in high school and went on to become a leading writer
in the genre. His fiction ponders questions about the
nature of time, the universe, and humanity. One of his
best-known works, Story of Your Life, appeared in the
Starlight 2 anthology (1998), which then became the basis
for the acclaimed film Arrival (2016). His first collection
of science fiction, Stories of Your Life and Others (2002),
drew high praise. “The Great Silence” appears in a more
recent collection of his work, Exhalation (2019). Chiang
has won numerous prizes for his science fiction, including
the Nebula, Hugo, Locus, and Theodore Sturgeon awards.
Chiang lives in the state of Washington, where he works
in the software industry as a technical writer.
A voice from the natural world reflects on why NOTICE & NOTE
As you read, use the side
humans don’t see what’s right in front of them.
margins to make notes
about the text.
T he humans use Arecibo1 to look for extraterrestrial intelligence.
Their desire to make a connection is so strong that they’ve
created an ear capable of hearing across the universe. ANALYZE POINT OF VIEW
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2 But I and my fellow parrots are right here. Why aren’t they Annotate: Mark the
interested in listening to our voices? questions the narrator asks in
paragraphs 1–3.
3 We’re a nonhuman species capable of communicating with them.
Aren’t we exactly what humans are looking for? Infer: What is the narrator’s
perspective on humans?
4 The universe is so vast that intelligent life must surely have arisen
many times. The universe is also so old that even one technological
species would have had time to expand and fill the galaxy. Yet there is
no sign of life anywhere except on Earth. Humans call this the Fermi
5 One proposed solution to the Fermi paradox is that intelligent
species actively try to conceal their presence, to avoid being targeted
by hostile invaders.
Arecibo: a radio observatory located south of Arecibo, Puerto Rico, used to track objects
in the sky and to study the atmosphere.
Fermi paradox: The question “Where is everybody?” was famously asked by Italian-
American physicist Enrico Fermi, regarding why no other civilizations have been
discovered outside of Earth.
11 There was an African grey parrot named Alex. He was famous for his
cognitive abilities. Famous among humans, that is.
A human researcher named Irene Pepperberg spent thirty years
Rio Abajo Forest: a designated National Natural Landmark comprising some 3,590 acres,
located within the Rio Abajo Forest Reserve in Puerto Rico.
18 In 1974, astronomers used Arecibo to broadcast a message into Annotate: Mark the topic of
outer space intended to demonstrate human intelligence. That was paragraphs 17–20.
humanity’s contact call. Analyze: How does the
19 In the wild, parrots address each other by name. One bird author use this topic to show
imitates another’s contact call to get the other bird’s attention. a connection between parrots,
20 If humans ever detect the Arecibo message being sent back to humans, and extraterrestrials?
21 Parrots are vocal learners: we can learn to make new sounds after
we’ve heard them. It’s an ability that few animals possess. A dog may
understand dozens of commands, but it will never do anything but
22 Humans are vocal learners too. We have that in common. So
humans and parrots share a special relationship with sound. We don’t
simply cry out. We pronounce. We enunciate.
23 Perhaps that’s why humans built Arecibo the way they did. A
receiver doesn’t have to be a transmitter, but Arecibo is both. It’s an
ear for listening, and a mouth for speaking.
27 It’s no coincidence that “aspiration” means both hope and the act of VOCABULARY
breathing. Multiple-Meaning Words: Mark
28 When we speak, we use the breath in our lungs to give our two different meanings of
thoughts a physical form. The sounds we make are simultaneously “aspiration” in paragraph 27.
our intentions and our life force. Draw Conclusions: In what way
29 I speak, therefore I am. Vocal learners, like parrots and humans, are these two meanings related?
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are perhaps the only ones who fully comprehend the truth of this.
30 There’s a pleasure that comes with shaping sounds with your mouth.
It’s so primal and visceral that throughout their history, humans have primal
considered the activity a pathway to the divine. (prπ´m∂l) adj. primitive, basic, or
31 Pythagorean mystics believed that vowels represented the music fundamental.
Pythagorean mystics . . . : those believing in the mathematics- and music-based
philosophical and religious ideas—including ideas about the sun, moon, and other
heavenly “spheres”—known as Pythagoreanism, founded around 2,500 years ago in
Southern Italy.
40 We Puerto Rican parrots have our own myths. They’re simpler than
human mythology, but I think humans would take pleasure from
41 Alas, our myths are being lost as my species dies out. I doubt the
humans will have deciphered our language before we’re gone.
42 So the extinction of my species doesn’t just mean the loss of a
group of birds. It’s also the disappearance of our language, our rituals,
our traditions. It’s the silencing of our voice.
WORDS OF THE WISER we’ll die before our time and join the Great Silence. But before we go,
When you notice a wise character we are sending a message to humanity. We just hope the telescope at
giving advice about life, you’ve
Arecibo will enable them to hear it.
found a Words of the Wiser
46 The message is this:
47 You be good. I love you.
Notice & Note: Mark the insights
or advice offered in paragraphs
Infer: What is the message about Pentecostal Christians . . . : A religious experience known as speaking in tongues involves
uttering sounds that resemble words and speech, but in an unknown language. It is said
life or human nature? How might
by Pentecostal Christians to be a gift of the Holy Spirit.
it relate to the story’s theme? 6
Brahmin Hindus . . . : In Hinduism, certain mantras, or hymns, are sacred sounds and
phrases traditionally recited by the priestly class known as Brahmin (also Brahman).
What is the effect of the narrator’s repetition of Alex’s words at the What effect do we have
on nature, and how does
end of the story? With a partner, discuss how the meaning of these
nature affect us?
words changes from the first use to the second.
Assessment Practice
Answer these questions before moving on to the Analyze the Text
section on the following page.
1. The story’s title, “The Great Silence,” refers to which two ideas?
2. This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Part B
C “[W]e use the breath in our lungs to give our thoughts a physical
form.” (paragraph 28)
Test-Taking Strategies
1 SUMMARIZE The author structures this story, not in a narrative Review what
sequence, but by exploring a series of topics or key ideas. Complete the you noticed and
noted as you read
chart to identify the topic of each section of the story. What theme do all
the text. Your
of these topics or key ideas develop? annotations can
help you answer
these questions.
Section Topic or Key Idea
Paragraphs 1–10
Paragraphs 11–16
Paragraphs 17–26
Paragraphs 27–39
Paragraphs 40–47
2 EVALUATE What is the effect of the author’s choice to narrate the story
through the perspective of an animal? How would the story be different if
it were told from a human perspective?
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding of the
ideas in this lesson.
As you write and discuss,
Short Story
be sure to use the
Think about the perspective of something that isn’t human— Academic Vocabulary
such as an animal, a star, or a tree. Write a short story from the words.
perspective of this narrator. Include a lesson or message for humans advocate
as a part of your story.
Research evoke
“The Great Silence” addresses a wide range
of topics, including the Big Bang; attempts to
communicate with extraterrestrial life; species on
the verge of extinction; ancient mythology and
Vocabulary Strategy
Multiple-Meaning Words
When you read, you may come across multiple-meaning words, or
words having more than one definition. You can search for context clues Interactive Vocabulary
in surrounding words, sentences, and paragraphs to determine a word’s Lesson: Multiple-Meaning
appropriate meaning. Consider the word reverberation in the following Words
sentence from “The Great Silence”:
The word reverberation can mean “an echoing sound or series of echoes”
or “a prolonged or continuing effect; repercussion.” However, the words
audible and “Om” are context clues that suggest that the correct meaning
of reverberation in this sentence is “an echoing sound.”
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Parallel words Humans are vocal learners too. We have Repeating we not only
that in common. So humans and parrots creates rhythm in this
passage; it also supports
share a special relationship with sound.
the idea that humans
We don’t simply cry out. We pronounce. and parrots have a lot in
We enunciate. (paragraph 22) common.
Parallel phrases So the extinction of my species doesn’t The author’s word choice
just mean the loss of a group of birds. It’s (loss, disappearance) and
repeated phrasing (our
also the disappearance of our language,
language, our rituals, our
our rituals, our traditions. (paragraph 42) traditions) work together to
evoke emotion.
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The National Park Service was established to preserve
meaningful places, moments in history, and monuments and
is part of the U.S. Department of the Interior. Over 20,000
people work for the National Park Service, and over 300,000
people volunteer at the parks to preserve these national
treasures and educate the public about them. More than
400 areas in the United States and its territories—including
American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands—provide the public with history, archaeology, and a
celebration of wildlife and the natural world, to be protected
for all time.
Music and Sound Sounds from nature and music can work to build a particular mood
Effects that affects the emotional response of the viewer.
Visual Elements
guides to the narration can emphasize key ideas.
View “Find Your Park” in
Public Service Advertisement by
your eBook.
National Park Service
1 CITE EVIDENCE The PSA sequences images and words in categories to build
toward an overall impression of its subject. List examples of details from each
category to map the structure of the message.
Nature History/Culture People Activities
2 ANALYZE Describe the interaction between the music and the onscreen
text reading “PARK.” How does this interaction help organize the PSA into the
categories listed in the chart above?
3 EVALUATE How would you characterize the pace, or speed, of cuts between
images? How does this pace serve the purpose of motivating viewers to go
visit a national park?
4 ANALYZE What kinds of sentence lengths and structures are used in the
voice-over? How do these types of sentences enhance the pacing and message
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of the PSA?
5 EVALUATE What is the overall effect of this PSA? Explain how it does or does
not achieve its purpose through media techniques.
6 COMPARE Think about the ideas you had about national parks before
viewing this PSA. What images in the PSA confirmed or matched that initial
impression? What parts of the PSA challenged or changed your previous ideas?
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding of the
ideas in this lesson.
• Use a business letter format and formal language for your letter. discrete
• Discuss one or more reasons, using evidence to support your
claim. evoke
Red Alert!
When you feel afraid, what changes happen in your body?
Does your heart race? Do you feel sweaty or cold? Write
a journal entry or blog post discussing physical reactions
you have in response to a scare—from riding a thrill ride,
being startled by a friend playing a prank, or any time
when you might briefly feel in danger.
Perfect Pet
Territorial Claims Think about a pet—either one you have had
Around your school or the place where you live, or your ideal pet. What characteristics does
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which areas belong more to humans and which this animal have that make it such a good
belong more to nature? Where do these territories pet? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
overlap? Use the space provided to draw a map
showing the territories and who or what inhabits
How quickly What events take place? Does the tension ease up?
is the conflict How does the story build tension? Does time slow down?
introduced? Are there lulls or breaks in tension? How is the story resolved?
As you read, note how the author varies the pacing and builds tension in the story.
As you read, keep track of the figurative language used in the story.
Think about how this language affects meaning as well as the mood or
atmosphere of the story.
Annotation in Action
Here is an example of one reader’s notes about the first paragraph of
“Night Garden.” As you read, mark changes in pacing during the story.
I knew Neela’s voice well: the bright happy barking that he threw
out in greeting, the little yips of pleading for a treat or a good
rubdown, and the rare growl, sitting low and distrustful in his
throat when the milkman came around—he was a friendly dog. 2 short sentences
This sound was unlike any of those. It was high and held in it a follow a very long one;
mineral note of panic. speeds up the pacing
I heard the barking at six thirty or seven. It had been a long, hot
day, and evening was a relief. I was cooking dinner. I knew Neela’s
voice well: the bright happy barking that he threw out in greeting,
the little yips of pleading for a treat or a good rubdown, and the rare
growl, sitting low and distrustful in his throat when the milkman
came around—he was a friendly dog. This sound was unlike any of
those. It was high and held in it a mineral note of panic. I went over
to the kitchen window that looked out onto the yard, where we had
a garden. There was a pomegranate tree, an orange tree, and some
thick, flowering plants—jasmine and jacaranda—and some I did not
know that my husband had planted years before. But I was the one
who kept them alive. Neela stood dead center, in the red earth. His
tail was taut and his head level with his spine, ears pinned against his taut
skull, so his body arrowed into a straight line, nearly gleaming with (tôt) adj. tightly stretched; strained
a quality of attention. He was not a large dog, black and sweet and or tense.
foxlike, sometimes shy, with yellow paws and snout. Facing him was a
black snake—a cobra—with the head raised, the hood fanned out.
barking, and the cobra looked like a stream of poured oil. I dialed Annotate: Mark the simile in
Dr. Ramanathan’s number. paragraph 13.
14 “Doctor, there’s a snake out there with my dog. A cobra. In Analyze: What mood does this
my yard.” description create?
15 “A cobra is it?” I could see him in his office, his white hair and
furred ears. He had a doctor’s gruffness, casual in the most serious
of circumstances, and had seen both my children through countless
fevers, stomach upsets, and broken bones. “Has it bitten?”
16 “No, they haven’t touched each other. They’re not even moving.
Just staring each other down.”
17 “Don’t do anything. Just watch them. Stay inside.”
18 “Nothing? He’ll die,” I said. “I know it, he’ll die.”
19 “If you stay inside the house, he won’t die. The snake was trying NOTICE & NOTE
to come inside the house, and he stopped it. Now he is giving all his WORDS OF THE WISER
attention to the snake. If you break that concentration the snake will When you notice a wiser character
giving advice about life to the
kill him, and it will also be very dangerous for you.”
main character, you’ve found a
20 “Are you sure?” Words of the Wiser signpost.
21 “No one must come in until the snake has left. Tell your husband
Notice & Note: Mark what the
to stay out until the snake is gone.”
doctor advises the narrator to do
22 After I hung up with Dr. Ramanathan, I took a chair and set it in paragraphs 17–21.
by the window, so I could sit while I watched the dog and the snake.
Infer: What’s the lesson, and how
It was a strange dance, stranger still because of its soundlessness.
might it affect Vijji?
The snake would advance, the dog would retreat a few steps. The
hair was standing up on the back of his neck, like a cat’s, and now
his tail pointed straight up. I could see fear in his face, with his eyes
narrowed and his teeth bared. The snake in comparison looked
almost peaceful. I didn’t hear her hiss. The white symbol glowed on
her back. Their focus was completely one on the other. I wondered if
they were communicating in some way I couldn’t hear or understand.
Then the dog stood his ground and the snake stopped advancing. She
seemed to rise up even higher. Something was too perfect about her
movements, which were curving and graceful. Half in love with both,
I thought, and it chilled me. Evening came down heavily; the massive
red sky darkened into purple.
23 The phone rang. It was my sister.
24 “Well?”
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Orissa bride: a woman in Eastern India who married a cobra in real life.
You see it with people on their feet for hours, even when they try and
hide it, a slump in the shoulders, the loose shoulders of the dead. No
different with my dog. He would die, I was sure of it. I pressed this
thought against me. The empty house. I would let all the plants die in
the yard. I would move.
40 I find that at night you can look at your life from a great
distance, as though you are a child sitting up in a tree, listening to
kumkum: in Hindu culture, a red powder placed in the part of a woman’s hair to show
that she is married.
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What effect do we have How tense did you feel when reading this story? How did the
on nature, and how does
ending affect the way you felt? Discuss your reactions with a
nature affect us?
1. This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Part B
A “‘Tell your husband to stay out until the snake is gone.’’’ (paragraph 21)
B “I didn’t feel hungry, less even than usual—I don’t like to eat by myself.”
(paragraph 27)
C “I would let all the plants die in the yard.” (paragraph 39)
D “It’s easier to be the hero, to leave and let others suffer the
consequences.” (paragraph 40)
2. Why does the doctor advise Vijji to stay inside the house?
A He believes that Neela, like all dogs, knows how to kill cobras.
B He expects that Vijji’s husband will deal with the cobra when he comes home.
C He knows that if the dog is distracted, the cobra is more likely to attack.
D He thinks the cobra will get into the house if Vijji opens the door.
Test-Taking Strategies
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1 CITE EVIDENCE What can you infer about the main character’s Review what
husband, Susheel? Cite evidence to support your answer. you noticed and
noted as you read
the text. Your
annotations can
2 SYNTHESIZE Think of the ways in which the actions of the sister, the
help you answer
doctor, and Neela are similar. What message does this suggest? Explain. these questions.
5 DRAW CONCLUSIONS What does the narrator mean by “What you have
left is what you have” (paragraph 43)?
6 EVALUATE What Words of the Wiser does Vijji’s sister offer her during
their second conversation (paragraphs 24–36)? Explain whether you think
this is good advice, both in the present situation and more generally.
7 CRITIQUE Use the chart to outline the author’s use of fast and slow
pacing. How effectively does she use pacing to build tension throughout
the story? Explain.
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding of the
ideas in this lesson.
As you write and discuss,
Literary Analysis
be sure to use the
Readers experience the narrator’s tension and concern about what Academic Vocabulary
will happen over the course of this story. How does the author use words.
pacing and details, including figurative language, to build tension advocate
as the story develops? Write a one-page analysis of the way the
author crafted this story, supporting your ideas with quotations discrete
from the text.
Vocabulary Strategy
Verify Word Meanings
When you notice an unfamiliar word while reading, you can use the
word’s context, or surrounding words and sentences, to infer the word’s
meaning. To come up with a more precise definition, use a dictionary or
other reference source to verify the word’s meaning. Here is a definition of
a word used in the story:
com·mun·ion (k∂-my◊n´y∂n) n.
1. The act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings. Interactive Vocabulary
Lesson: Using Reference
2. Religious or spiritual fellowship. Sources
This same communion, it must have relationship or interaction Definition 1: the act of sharing
been, two sets of eyes inextricably thoughts or feelings
locked, for hours. (paragraph 38)
When you add relative clauses to your writing, think about whether they
provide essential or nonessential information. That will help you use the
correct relative pronouns and punctuate the clauses correctly.
Interactive Grammar
Lesson: The Adjective
Write a paragraph describing the dog in “Night Garden.” Use relative
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clauses to provide details that describe the animal and to add variety
and interest to your writing. Include at least one essential relative clause
and one nonessential relative clause. Make sure to punctuate your
clauses correctly.
Oh, Rats!
Monitor Comprehension
Texts that include technical terms and scientific concepts can be
challenging. Use these strategies to monitor comprehension, or check
Focus on Genre
your own understanding as you read:
Comprehension Strategy Use the Strategy • presents a stance, or position
on an issue
Annotate • Mark key terms, main ideas, and supporting
• supports claims using logical
reasoning and credible
• Look up the meaning of technical terms as
• rebuts and refutes potential
opposing claims with relevant
Ask questions • Ask who, what, where, when, why, and how
questions about the subject as you read.
• arrives at a conclusion
Use background
• Make connections between the text and what you already
know about the subject.
Annotation in Action
Here is an example of clues one reader noted about unfamiliar words in
the first paragraph of the argument. As you read, mark words and phrases
that help you monitor your comprehension.
The Galapagos Islands are famous for exotic birds, tortoises, “archipelago” = a
and iguanas, but recently the archipelago had become overrun group of islands
with more prosaic animals: rats and mice.
“prosaic” = opposite of
Turn to a partner and talk about the vocabulary words
you already know. Then, write a few sentences about
prestigious a conflict between nature and humans, using as many
of the vocabulary words as you can. As you read “Can
beset Genetic Engineering Solve the Problem We Created?”,
use the definitions in the side column to help you
learn the vocabulary words you don’t already know.
Background © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company • Image Credits: ©nobeastsofierce Science/Alamy
T he Galapagos Islands are famous for exotic birds, tortoises, and
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archipelago: a large group of islands.
A New Natural
6 Kent Redford, former director of the Wildlife Conservation Society
Institute, has questioned the working definition of “natural,” and in
2013 he wrote about the lack of dialogue between synthetic biologists
and conservationists. The reaction among conservationists he says,
was “a range of anger and disgust to enthusiasm and excitement.”
Since then Redford, along with Ryan Phelan, executive director of
Revive and Restore—an organization that promotes synthetic biology
synthetic for the “genetic rescue” of endangered and extinct species—have held
(s∆n-th≈t´∆k) adj. prepared or made meetings to get the two groups talking about specific problems, like
artificially; not natural. invasive rodents on islands.
7 No matter how you feel about genetic modification, the current
approach to killing island invasives might make you understand
the “enthusiasm” for gene drives. It is not pretty. Recently, on the
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dengue, chikungunya, and Zika: infectious viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes.
Crispr: A gene-editing technology that allows for relatively fast, easy, and specific
changes to DNA; the acronym stands for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic
biodiversity: the number and variety of species found within a geographic region.
MONITOR COMPREHENSION 11 In any case, if scientists can construct such a gene drive, if
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Annotate: In paragraph 11, mark conservationists can get permission to release mice carrying them,
what has been done in the past to and if everything goes as planned, then islands like the Galapagos
address the problem of invasive stand to benefit. A huge rat poisoning campaign from 2007 to 2014
rodents in the Galapagos Islands. rid the Galapagos of most of its pests, but with so much boat traffic
Evaluate: What problems are there, rodents could make their way to the islands again. Where
likely to arise with using this Darwin first made the observations that led him to understand the
method again? laws of evolution, scientists could use the technology that will try to
cheat the game.
C Humans inadvertently brought rodents that ate too many native species.
2. Which two details support the idea that genetic engineering is still controversial?
B Gene drives could wipe out “mosquitoes that spread dengue” and other
diseases. (paragraph 4)
E The Galapagos and other islands “stand to benefit” from gene drives. (paragraph 11)
3. How does the author support the claim that the Galapagos Islands could benefit
from using gene drives to get rid of invasive species?
A The author cites many other islands that have successfully used gene drives.
B She quotes conservationists and cites research that suggests gene drives
might reduce invasive species.
C She expresses the view that gene drives will not work in the wild.
Test-Taking Strategies
7 CONNECT What surprised you about either the problem or the possible
solutions described in this article?
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding
of the ideas in this lesson.
As you write and discuss,
Collaborative Blog
be sure to use the
Genetic engineering is a complex topic. Use ideas from the article Academic Vocabulary
and read online about other uses of genetic engineering to develop words.
your own ideas about the topic: Is genetic engineering more useful, advocate
or more dangerous? When might it help, and when might it cause
more problems? Collaborate with a partner on a blog that shares discrete
information and your own opinions on the topic.
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Vocabulary Strategy
Reference Sources Interactive Vocabulary
If you come across unfamiliar words or technical terms when reading, you Lesson: Using Reference
can look them up in print or digital resources such as these:
Technical provides meaning of words used in specialized fields such as science, engineering, or music
Glossary defines difficult or specialized words used within a work; often appears at the end of a book
Thesaurus offers synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (contrasting meanings)
1. Use the chart to choose which resource(s) to use for each term.
3. Reread the terms in the context of the selection. Discuss with your
partner how your understanding of the passages may have changed.
Semicolon separates parts of a compound Gene drives could also be dangerous and
sentence that are not joined unpredictable; once a manmade DNA sequence
by a coordinating conjunction
gets into a wild population, it’s hard to get back
(such as and, but, so, or, for, nor,
out again.
Dash indicates a break in thought (in The make-all-rodents-boys idea is one of seven
this case, to define an important case studies for the use of “gene drives”—
term); draws attention to the
engineered pieces of DNA that spread more
text that follows it
quickly through a wild population than any
normal gene would.
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Dashes may be used more than once in a sentence. Consider this example
from the text:
The first dash interrupts the sentence to offer an example, while the Interactive Grammar
second dash returns the reader to the thought that preceded the Lessons: Colons;
Semicolons; Dashes and
example. In the same sentence, the writer uses a colon to set off a Parentheses
separate, but related, idea.
& Compare
on nature, and how does
nature affect us?
Compare Themes
As you read, notice how authors working in two different genres
address similar themes. What are the texts’ messages about the
world in general? How do the authors express those messages?
th Carry
The Seven
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company • Image Credits: (l) © Corbis; (r) ©Miguel Lasa/Steve Bloom Images/
Poem by Lin
by da Hogan
Short Story pages 569–
ra k ami
Haruki Mu
5 6 1
pages 546–
After you read both texts, you will work on a final project
that explores the universal themes they express. You will
follow these steps:
K.’s paintings
Analyze Plot
Stories are often told in chronological, or linear, order, meaning that the
narrator tells plot events in the order in which the characters experience
them. Within a linear plot, an author can depart from the main timeline
for effect. For example, a flashback interrupts the chronological flow of
a story with an account of a prior event relevant to the present action.
“The Seventh Man” is structured as a frame story, in which a present-
day narrator relates the main story, which happens in the past, and then
returns to the present day. Mapping plot events sequentially in a graphic
organizer will help you keep track of the actual order of events in a story.
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As you read, think about how each plot event affects the plot as a whole.
Annotation in Action
Here are one reader’s notes on the use of a symbol in the story.
As you read, mark details that are repeated or emphasized.
As a boy, Haruki Murakami (b. 1949) preferred reading
American paperbacks to studying traditional Japanese
literature. He went on to become a novelist and short-
story writer known for his unique and whimsical works
that break away from typical Japanese forms. Murakami
combines mystery, comedy, and fantasy in his work while
keeping his messages practical, profound, and believable.
A huge wave nearly swept me away,” said the seventh man, almost
“It happened one September afternoon when I was ten years old.”
3 The man was the last one to tell his story that night. The hands
of the clock had moved past ten. The small group that huddled in
a circle could hear the wind tearing through the darkness outside,
heading west. It shook the trees, set the windows to rattling, and
moved past the house with one final whistle. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company • Image Credits: © Corbis
4 “It was the biggest wave I had ever seen in my life,” he said. “A
strange wave. An absolute giant.”
5 He paused.
6 “It just barely missed me, but in my place it swallowed everything
that mattered most to me and swept it off to another world. I took
years to find it again to recover from the experience—precious years
that can never be replaced.”
7 The seventh man appeared to be in his mid-fifties. He was a thin
man, tall, with a moustache, and next to his right eye he had a short
but deep-looking scar that could have been made by the stab of a
small blade. Stiff, bristly patches of white marked his short hair. His
face had the look you see on people when they can’t quite find the
words they need. In his case, though, the expression seemed to have
been there from long before, as though it were part of him. The man
impediment (Δm-p≈d´∂-m∂nt): an obstacle.
typhoon (tπ-f¬n´): a tropical storm forming in the Pacific or Indian Ocean, consisting of
violent winds and rain.
little if I didn’t go far. “But I want you to come right back here at the
first sign of wind.”
18 I went out and started to explore. It was hard to believe that
a wild storm had been blowing there until a few minutes before.
I looked up at the sky. The storm’s great “eye” seemed to be up there,
fixing its cold stare on all of us below. No such “eye” existed, of
course: we were just in that momentary quiet spot at the center of the
pool of whirling air.
capsizing (k√p´sπ-zΔng): flipping upside down in water.
27 We couldn’t have been doing this more than five minutes when
I realized that the waves had come up right next to me. Without any
sound or other warning, the sea had suddenly stretched its long,
smooth tongue out to where I stood on the beach. I had never seen
anything like it before. Child though I was, I had grown up on the
shore and knew how frightening the ocean could be—the savagery
with which it could strike unannounced.
flotsam (fl≤t´s∂m): pieces of floating debris.
look up. He was still squatting, looking down at something at his feet,
in deep concentration. He probably did not hear the rumbling. How
he could have missed such an earth-shaking sound, I don’t know.
This may seem odd, but it might have been a sound that only I could
hear—some special kind of sound. Not even K.’s dog seemed to notice
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neurological (n¬r-∂-l≤j´ Δ-k∂l): having to do with the body’s nervous system.
petered out: gradually came to an end.
sutras (s¬´tr∂s): short Buddhist texts.
me now and then, like debt collectors at the door. It happened when
I was on the verge of forgetting. And it was always the same dream,
down to the smallest detail. I would wake up screaming, my sheets
soaked with sweat.
48 That is probably why I never married. I didn’t want to wake
someone sleeping next to me with my screams in the middle of the
night. I’ve been in love with several women over the years, but I never
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spent a night with any of them. The terror was in my bones. It was
something I could never share with another person.
49 I stayed away from my hometown for over forty years. I never
went near that seashore—or any other. I was afraid that if I did, my
dream might happen in reality. I had always enjoyed swimming, but
after that day I never even went to swim in a pool. I wouldn’t go near
deep rivers or lakes. I avoided boats and wouldn’t take a plane to go
abroad. Despite all these precautions, I couldn’t get rid of the image of
myself drowning. Like K.’s cold hand, this dark premonition caught premonition
(pr≈m-∂-n∆sh´∂n) n. an unproven
hold of my mind and refused to let go.
feeling that something specific
will happen.
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The shoreline, too, looked the same as it had before: the long beach,
the lapping waves, people strolling at the water’s edge. The time
axis (√k´sΔs): a line around which other things rotate.
B He feels guilty about not saving his friend from the wave.
2. This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
D Follow your dreams, even if they lead you far from home.
Part B
A “And because he was so frail, I always played his protector, whether at school
or at home.” (paragraph 11)
B “He said I could walk around a little if I didn’t go far. ‘But I want you to come
right back here at the first sign of wind.’ ” (paragraph 17)
D “ ‘Oh, the fear is there. . . . But the most frightening thing we can do at such
times is to turn our backs on it. . . .’ ” (paragraph 66)
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Test-Taking Strategies
2 ANALYZE What are some ways in which the author personifies forces of nature, such as
the storm and the wave? What effect does this personification have on the story’s mood?
3 INTERPRET In paragraph 9, the narrator says, “In my case, it was a wave. . . . There’s no
way for me to tell, of course, what it will be for each of you.” What does he mean by this?
4 INFER What might the huge wave symbolize? Support your response with evidence
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5 ANALYZE In the last paragraph, the narrator says he disagrees with the saying that “the
only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” How does the author develop this message about
6 PREDICT Think about the advice the narrator shares with his listeners. If someone had
told him these Words of the Wiser when he was younger, how do you think he would
have responded? Why?
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding of the
ideas in this lesson.
Research Report
As you write and discuss,
Typhoons, cyclones, and hurricanes are all the same kind be sure to use the
of storm. Think of some questions you have about these Academic Vocabulary
powerful storms—for example, historically significant storms, words.
the damage these storms can cause, how people can prepare advocate
for them, or how people rebuild in the storm’s aftermath.
Choose the question you find most interesting, and locate a discrete
few authoritative sources that can provide answers. Use the
information you find to write a report in which you
6. What signs would tell you that a person was experiencing delirium?
Vocabulary Strategy
Figurative Language
A writer’s use of figurative language, or imaginative comparisons, can be
subtle. To catch the full impact of figurative language in a text
• watch for clue words, such as like or as, and striking comparisons
• And in its crest, inside its cruel, transparent tongue, what I saw was K. (paragraph 37)
2. Discuss the effect of the comparison. Does it help you to visualize a scene
or idea?
3. Find and discuss three other examples of figurative language in the story.
Look at these examples of complex sentences from “The Seventh Man.” The
dependent clauses (double underlined) add information to the independent
clauses (single underlined):
I did not find the same quiet, little seaside town that I
remembered. (paragraph 59)
Reread paragraph 13 of “The Seventh Man.” Notice how the author uses
a variety of sentences. There are short, simple sentences such as “There
was something strange and unreal about it.” The sentence right after that
example—“I stayed outside on the porch . . .”—is a complex sentence with
multiple clauses. Sentence variety enhances the rhythm of a story’s language
and adds interest for the reader.
Poem by Linda Hogan
Nature Reflection
Whether you live in a city, a rural area, or the suburbs,
you have opportunities to observe the natural world.
Moments when you consider the night sky, a body of
water, or windblown leaves might trigger thoughts
about your place in the world. Talk with a partner
about a time when you observed an aspect of the
natural world. Describe what you noticed and what it
made you think about.
descriptive details
that create a mood
or feeling
an ordinary object
given unusual
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Carry 567
Get Ready B
As you read “Carry,” notice how Hogan uses figurative language to develop
an intended tone in the poem.
Annotation in Action
Here are one reader’s notes on figurative language in the poem. As you
read, mark comparisons that help develop a theme.
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From water’s broken mirror Metaphor; captures the image but is
we pulled it, also dangerous
alive and shining,
gasping the painful other element of air.
It was not just fish.
There was more.
Linda Hogan (b. 1947) grew up in Oklahoma and Colorado.
A member of the Chickasaw Nation, Hogan has received many
awards and honors for her writing. She is a strong advocate for
preserving endangered species, and her work reflects her deep
interest in environmental issues, native cultures, and spirituality.
Hogan says of her writing, “It takes perseverance. I will do it over
and over again until I get it right.” Her poetry collections include
The Book of Medicines and Rounding the Human Corners. Her first
novel, Mean Spirit, was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.
Carry 569
ANALYZE FIGURATIVE 15 It was beautiful, that water,
LANGUAGE like a silver coin stretched thin
Annotate: Mark two similes and enough to feed us all,
the personification in lines 15–20. smooth as skin before anyone knew
Interpret: What tone does the the undertow’s1 rough hands
figurative language create in 20 lived inside it, working everything down
regard to how the scene looks and to its absence,
what happens there? and water is never lonely,
it holds so many.
It says, come close, you who want to swallow me;
25 already I am part of you.
Come near. I will shape myself around you
so soft, so calm
I will carry you
down to a world you never knew or dreamed,
30 I will gather you
into the hands of something stronger,
ANALYZE SYMBOL AND older, deeper.
What conclusion does the speaker draw about water? Do you What effect do we have
on nature, and how does
agree with this conclusion? Why or why not? Share your thoughts
nature affect us?
with a partner.
Assessment Practice
Answer these questions before moving on to the Analyze the Text
section on the following page.
1. This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Based on the author’s use of figurative language, which statement best describes
the tone of the poem?
Part B
Select two passages from the poem that support the answer to Part A.
A “From water’s broken mirror / we pulled it, / alive and shining” (lines 1–3)
B “It was beautiful, that water, / like a silver coin stretched thin” (lines 15–16)
C “the undertow’s rough hands / lived inside it, working everything down”
(lines 19–20)
A the fish
B the hawk
C the poet
D the water
Test-Taking Strategies
Carry 571
Respond B
Here are some other ways to demonstrate your understanding
of the ideas in this lesson.
As you write and discuss,
Write a one-page critique that takes a position on an idea explored be sure to use the
in “Carry.” Here are some ideas to consider: Academic Vocabulary
In your critique, clearly state your claim, supporting it with evidence domain
from both the poem and your own observations. Conclude with a
summary of your ideas. enhance
Photo Analysis
This poem describes a bizarre natural image.
Sometimes strange things happen in nature, Speaking & Listening
and photographs get spread around social Discussion
media. Of course, not every image you see Unpack this poem by discussing the poet’s
actually represents reality. Photo-editing choices in a small group. Follow these steps:
programs enable people to alter images
1. Note comparisons or descriptions of water
drastically. Look online for photographs of
that you find striking.
surprising occurrences in nature. Choose one to
evaluate using these criteria: 2. Share your example with your group, noting
feelings or ideas that the passage you
• Is the image on a reputable site, or is it on a
site where anyone can post content?
marked evoked as you read.
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Carry 573
Respond A B
Compare Themes
Now that you have read “The Seventh Man” and “Carry,” you can
compare how the authors developed themes in their work. The short
story and the poem explore a similar idea—the unstoppable power
of water—even though the conclusions they draw about that idea are
different. Analyzing how the authors built their themes will give you
insight into each writer’s craft.
“The Seventh Man” “Carry”
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Key Events
Narrator’s or
Speaker’s Thoughts
Use of Language
1 COMPARE What themes did you discover in both “The Seventh Man” and
“Carry”? How do the authors’ attitudes toward those themes differ?
2 EVALUATE Both authors use symbolism. Choose a symbol from each text and
evaluate how each author uses it to enrich the text.
3 CONNECT What mental images did you develop through each author’s use of
detail? How did these mental images help you understand both texts?
statement for each character, in his or her own voice, and add it to your artwork.
3 PRESENT Present your artwork to your class. Different people may have different
interpretations of the authors’ themes. Consider how the topic of water—a major
part of the natural world—allowed two writers working in different genres to
express universal ideas about our world. Support your ideas with quotations from
both texts as you present your artwork.
These texts are available in your eBook. Choose one or more to read
and rate. Then defend your rating to the class.
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Rate It
Rate It
Long Reads
Here are three recommended books that connect to this unit’s topic. For
additional options, ask your teacher, school librarian, or peers. Which titles
spark your interest?
Set adrift in the Pacific Ocean after a An acclaimed journalist relates the A geobiologist shares her experiences
shipwreck, a teenager must use his true story of Christopher McCandless’s exploring plant life, fueled by curiosity
wits to survive as long as it might take impulsive journey into the unforgiving and passion, and humbled by science.
to be rescued, while sharing his raft wilderness that cost him his life.
with a hungry 400-pound tiger.
Connect & Create
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Writing Prompt
Using ideas, information, and examples from multiple texts in
this unit, write a short story in which the main character faces
a struggle involving nature in some way.
Review the
Mentor Text
Manage your time carefully so that you can
As you review selections, consult the notes Find Your Park MEDIA
you made on your Response Log and make
additional notes about any ideas that might be Night Garden
useful as you write your short story. Especially
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Review the prompt to make sure you understand the assignment. Find a Purpose
1. Mark the phrase in the prompt that identifies the general topic of your Two common purposes of a
short story. Restate the topic in your own words. short story are
2. Next, look for words that suggest the purpose and audience of your short ••to entertain readers
story, and write a sentence describing each. ••toa message
convey a theme, or
about life or
human nature
What is my purpose?
Who is my audience?
The response includes: The response includes: The response may include:
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•• An engaging introduction •• Use of descriptive details and •• Some minor errors in usage but
Who is your main character?
Who else will your main
character interact with?
Where and when will the story
take place? How does the
setting affect the characters?
Point of View
Who will tell your story? How
will your choice of narrator
affect readers’ understanding of
characters and events?
What conflict or problem will
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What lesson about life will your
character learn?
Brainstorm Details
Brainstorm descriptive details that will help bring your short story to
life. Jot down words and phrases that will help readers imagine events.
Include sensory language that appeals to the senses of sight, hearing,
touch, smell, or taste.
Event Details
•• Introduce characters, setting, and conflict. techniques that can add interest
to your writing:
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Drafting Online
Now it is time to draft your short story. Examining the work of
Check your assignment list
professional authors can help you develop your own writing skills. for a writing task from your
Read about techniques you might use as you draft your short story. teacher.
Descriptive details that appeal to the senses can draw readers into
your story. Notice how the author of “Night Garden” establishes
context by appealing to the sense of hearing at the beginning of
the story.
Night Garden
Short Story by Shruti Swamy
I heard the barking at six thirty or seven. It had been In a standoff between a pet and a deadly snake,
humans can only watch and wait.
As you read, use the side
margins to make notes
I 1 heard the barking at six thirty or seven. It had been a long, hot
main character is
thick, flowering plants—jasmine and jacaranda—and some I did not
used to hearing
tail was taut and his head level with his spine, ears pinned against his
skull, so his body arrowed into a straight line, nearly gleaming with
a quality of attention. He was not a large dog, black and sweet and
(tôt) adj. tightly stretched; strained
or tense.
low and distrustful in his throat when the milkman came from her dog are
foxlike, sometimes shy, with yellow paws and snout. Facing him was a
black snake—a cobra—with the head raised, the hood fanned out.
contrasted with what
Night Garden
of those. It was high and held in it a mineral note of panic. suggest the story’s
Build Tension
As the conflict in a story builds, an author may use foreshadowing and
mood to create a growing sense of tension in the reader. Here, the author
of “Night Garden” establishes the story’s central conflict using details that
create tension.
Introduction Circle key details that establish Add key details about the
Do I establish context and setting context. Underline details about context. Change any pronouns or
and introduce a narrator with a perspective and pronouns that details that are inconsistent with
clear point of view? help identify the narrator and the narrator’s point of view.
point of view.
Conflict Put a plus sign (+) next to the Add events that build the conflict
Do I introduce a clear and first appearance of the conflict to a high point.
compelling conflict and develop and next to each event that
it logically? builds or complicates it.
Narrative Techniques Put a check mark ( ) next to Add dialogue and vivid details
Do I use dialogue, pacing, and dialogue. Draw an up arrow ( ) if the story lacks them. Revise
descriptive details to add interest next to fast passages and a down sentences to lengthen them
and create tension? arrow ( ) next to slow ones. Put a where the pacing should slow
star ( ) next to vivid details. down or shorten them where it
should speed up.
• If you use a flashback or flash forward, use transitions that help readers
understand the sequence of events.
• Use realistic dialogue and descriptions to help readers imagine events.
• Reread with the theme you hope to express in mind to make sure details
throughout the story hint at it.
Read the introduction from a student’s draft and examine the comments
made by the peer reviewer to see how it’s done.
The Storm
By Jesse Johnson, Stonecreek High School
The day started off like any other. The most significant thing about
I like your
opening, but it’s it was that there was going to be a test in geometry class. There
not clear who’s had been reports of a hurricane threatening off the coast, but it
telling the story. didn’t seem like a big deal. Breakfast was cereal as usual. But then
everything changed, and it was suddenly time to leave. Good job hinting at
the conflict, but try
adding some info
about the characters
who are involved.
Now read the revised introduction. Notice how the writer has improved the
draft by making revisions based on the reviewer’s comments.
My uncle looked at me frankly and said, “It’s the storm. We’re I really like how
leaving.” you use details
and dialogue to
introduce characters
and move the story
During the peer review, give specific suggestions for how to make your
partner’s short story more vivid or engaging. Use the revision guide to
help you offer productive feedback.
When receiving feedback from your partner, listen attentively and ask
questions to make sure you fully understand the revision suggestions.
Interactive Grammar
Watch Your Language! Lesson: Punctuation
Dialogue—the exact words spoken by characters—is an essential Punctuate Dialogue
part of a compelling story. Accurately punctuating dialogue helps
Here are some rules for
readers understand who is saying what.
punctuating dialogue:
Read this part of a conversation from “Night Garden.”
••Set off dialogue with a comma
before the quotation mark in
sentences that use dialogue
“Doctor, there’s a snake out there with my dog. A cobra. tags, or phrases that identify
In my yard.” who is talking. (For example,
“A cobra is it?” I could see him in his office, his white “Hello,” I said. He said, “Hi.”)
hair and furred ears. He had a doctor’s gruffness, casual
in the most serious of circumstances, and had seen both
••End punctuation for a spoken
sentence sits inside the
my children through countless fevers, stomach upsets, and closing quotation mark.
broken bones. “Has it bitten?”
“No, they haven’t touched each other. They’re not even
moving. Just staring each other down.”
“Don’t do anything. Just watch them. Stay inside.”
“Nothing? He’ll die,” I said. “I know it, he’ll die.”
Produce a Podcast
Enunciation Be sure not to swallow the ends of words. Pronounce each letter, such as
a final g in going. Vary your enunciation as appropriate to reflect the way a
character speaks.
Modulation and Pitch Adjust your voice and pitch to express emotion and emphasize ideas. If you
are reading multiple characters’ dialogue yourself, give each character a
distinctive voice.
Rate Adjust how fast or slow you speak as appropriate to maintain interest. For
example, you might speed up your rate of speaking during an exciting part
of the story or slow it down to build suspense.
Microphone Skills Practice speaking into a microphone, adjusting your distance from the
microphone and your speaking volume to avoid popping, hissing, or echoing
sounds from the microphone.
most interesting or
surprising stories or ideas you
With your teacher’s help, plan how to record and share your
heard in the podcasts.
podcast. Use these tips:
Reflect on the
Essential Question
What effect do we have on nature, and
how does nature affect us? Project-Based Learning
Has your answer to the question changed Create a Public Service
after reading the texts in the unit? Discuss
your ideas.
You’ve read about effects we have on nature
You can use these sentence starters to
and how nature affects us. Now, create a public
help you reflect on your learning.
service advertisement, or PSA, to inform people
• I think differently now because . . . about an animal and encourage its protection.
• Now that I’ve considered . . . , Here are some questions to ask yourself as you
I realize . . . get started.
• I still wonder about . . .
• What animal would make a good subject for a
PSA, and why?
• What facts will I include to inform viewers
about the animal and convince them that it
needs protection?
• How will I combine visual and sound elements
to convey my message?
Media Project
To find help with this task
online, access Create a PSA.
Write an Article
Write an article about a specific aspect of nature and humanity’s
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