P.6 Sci Mid of Term I

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Read the following instructions carefully:

1. Do not forget to write your school or USE ONLY
district name on the paper.
2. This paper has two sections: A and B. NO.
Section A has 40 questions and section B
has 15 questions. The paper 1 – 10
has 12 printed pages.
11 − 20
3. Answer all questions. All working for both
sections A and B must be shown 21 – 30
in the spaces provided.
4. All answers must be written using a blue 31 – 40
or black ball point pen or ink. Any work
41 – 43
written in pencil will not be marked.
5. Unnecessary changes in your work and 44 – 46
handwriting that cannot be read
easily may lead to loss of marks. 47 – 49
6. Do not fill anything in the table
indicated: “For Examiners’ use 50 – 52
only” and boxes inside the question
paper. 53 – 55
© 2023 Surekey Examinations Board 0700758668 Turn Over

Questions 1 to 40 carry one mark each

1. Name the body organ affected by scalds.

2. What type of soil is suitable for making roofing tiles?
3. Give any one way in which a black jack benefits from growing near a
4. State any one effect of drought in an area.

5. What is the importance of painting iron tools?

The diagram below shows a type of thermometer. Use it to answer questions
6 and 7

6. Identify the type of thermometer shown in the diagram above.

7. How is the use of the above thermometer different from that of a
clinical thermometer?
8. State any one way in which smoking affects the family.
9. State any one reason why birds fly from one place to another.
10. Name the process through which food moves through the oesophogus.

11. In which one way does toothpaste promote oral health?

12. State any one example of a chemical change that produces heat.
13. What happens to an object whose upthrust force is less than its
14. Why is a mite classified under arachnids?
15. Give any one danger of settling near wetlands.
16. State any one principle of Primary Health Care (PHC).
17. Give any one reason why chickens should not be overcrowded in the
18. Apart from causing diseases, give any one other way in which
bacteria are harmful to people.
19. How is a swim bladder useful to a fish?

3 Turn Over
20. Give any one way in which food can be kept safe for long time.

21. Give any one communicable disease that attacks the human eye.
22. Name the structures on a butterfly that enable it to balance in air
during flight.
23. State any one way in which the spread of germs by mosquitoes can
be controlled.
The diagram below shows a farm tool. Study and use it to answer
questions 24 and 25.

24. Name the farm tool shown in the diagram above.

25. Which farm practice is done using the farm tool shown in the
diagram above?
26. State any one factor that a doctor considers when prescribing drugs
to a patient.
27. Name the vaccine given to children in three doses.
28. Give any one reason why health workers discourage bottle feeding.

The diagram below shows eggs laid by an amphibian. Study and use
it to answer questions 29 and 30.

29. Identify the amphibian that lays such eggs.

30. In which way does the above amphibian protect its eggs from
31. Name the intestinal worm that penetrates through bare skin.
32. State any one way in which animals improve soil fertility.
33. Which method of separating mixtures enables a person to obtain
juice from fruits?
34. Give any one way of controlling bad smell in pit latrines.
35. State any one sign of pneumonia in rabbits.
36. Apart from being effective, give any one other characteristic of
essential drugs.
37. Why is coffee grouped under perennial crops?
38. State any one property of matter.
5 Turn Over
The diagram below shows a device used to store music. Study it and
use it to answer questions 39 and 40.

39. Name the method of storing music that involves the use of the
above device.
40. State any one way of reproducing music stored using the device

Questions 41 to 55 carry four marks each.

41. a) Give any two signs which show that a baby lacks water in the
i) …………………………….………………………………………………….……
ii) ……………..……………………………………………………………….……..
b) Write down two mineral salts lost when the body lacks water.
i) ………………………………………………………………………………….….
42. a) State the importance of each of the following items when giving
first aid to a casualty.
i) gauze ….……………..………………….……………………………………
ii) razorblade ……………………………..……………………………………
b) Give any two qualities of a good first aider.
i) ……………………………………….…………………………………………….
ii) ….………………………………………………………………………………….

43. The diagram below shows a cross section through an onion bulb.
Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

ground level

a) Name the parts marked E and F.

i) E …………………………………………………………………………………
ii) F …………………………………………………………………………………
b) Give the function of part marked G to an onion.
c) What type of root system does the above plant have?

44. a) Write down any two agents of weathering.

i) …….…………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………….
b) Which component of soil is formed from weathering?
c) How is weathering similar to decomposition in the study of soil?
7 Turn Over
45. The table below shows types of crops grown by five farmers. Study it
to answer the questions that follow.

Farmers Type of crops grown

beans maize cassava cabbage
P X X √ X
Q √ √ √ √
R X √ √ √
T X √ √ √
X – Crops not grown
√ - Crops grown

a) Which farmers grew all the four types of crops above?


b) Identify the type of crop which most of the farmers above did
not grow.

c) Mention the problem that is likely to affect soil for farmer R,

S and T.

d) What advice would you give to farmers R, S and T to solve

the problem mentioned in (c) above?

46. a) What causes an echo?

b) Give any one way in which an echo is useful to a bat.
c) State any two ways of reducing echoes in a cinema hall.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………

47. Use the list of fungi given below to answer the questions that follow.
mould, yeast, penicillium, toadstool
a) Which fungus on the list above is poisonous to people when eaten?
b) Identify the fungus on the list above which;
i) grows on leftover food …………………………………………………..
ii) is used to make antibiotics ……………………………………………...
c) How is yeast different from other fungus on the list above in
terms of reproduction?
48. The diagram below shows a candle flame placed in a bowl containing
water. Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

a) Which gas is found in the jar in diagram A?

b) Why does the candle flame go off in the jar as shown in the
diagram B?
c) Give a reason why the level of water rises as shown in the
diagram B.
d) What does the above experiment show?
9 Turn Over
49. a) Which type of chicken are known as heavy breeds?
b) Give any two examples of such types of chicken.
i) ……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ……………………………………………………………………………………
c) What is the main purpose of keeping the type of chicken in
(a) above?

50. a) Give the main function of the heart in the human body.
b) Apart from the heart, give any one other component of the
circulatory system.
c) Why does blood go to each of the following organs during
i) lungs …..…………………………………………………………………….
ii) kidneys …..………………………………………………………………..

51. The table below shows groups of birds, type of food eaten and
nature of their beaks. Study and complete it correctly.

52. a) Apart from sunshine, give one other element of weather
necessary for plant growth.
b) In which two ways is sunshine necessary for plant growth?
i) …………………………………………….………………………….……………
ii) ..……………………………………………………………………………………
c) State any one disadvantage of too much sunshine to plants.

53. The diagram below shows changes of state of matter. Study and
use it to answer the questions that follow.

water vapour

blocks of ice water

a) Name the changes of state marked R and S.

i) R ………………………………………………………………………….
ii) S …………………………………………………………………….…….

b) Give any one way in which the change of state marked U is

important to people.
c) Mention any one state of change from the diagram above that
requires heat to take place.
11 Turn Over
54. a) Name any two breeds of sheep that are mainly kept for wool
i) ………………………………………………………….…………………………
ii) …………………………………………………………………………………….
b) Which farm practice is done to obtain wool from a sheep?
c) Give any one reason why the above farm practice is done
during dry season.
55. The diagram below is of an equipment used in bee keeping.
Study and use it to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the equipment in the diagram above.

(b) How is the above equipment useful to a bee keeper?
(c) Which activity in bee keeping involves the use of the above
(d) Apart from the above equipment, name one other equipment
used to do the activity named in (c) above.

12 END

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