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A Book Of

JA V A - I
For T.Y.B.Sc. Computer Science : Semester – V
[Course Code CS 355 : Credits - 2]
CBCS Pattern
As Per New Syllabus, Effective from June 2021

Dr. Ms. Manisha Bharambe

M.Sc. (Comp. Sci.), M.Phil. Ph.D. (Comp. Sci.)
Vice Principal, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
MES's Abasaheb Garware College

Ms. Manisha Gadekar

M.C.A., (Science), UGC-NET
Assistant Professor, Annasaheb Magar College

Price ` 600.00

Second Edition : September 2022
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Preface …

We take an opportunity to present this Text Book on "Object Oriented Programming

Using Java - I" to the students of Third Year B.Sc. (Computer Science) Semester-V as per the
New Syllabus, June 2021.
The book has its own unique features. It brings out the subject in a very simple and
lucid manner for easy and comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts. The book
covers theory of An Introduction to Java, Objects and Classes, Inheritance and Interface,
Exception and File Handling and User Interface with AWT and Swing.

A special word of thank to Shri. Dineshbhai Furia, and Mr. Jignesh Furia for
showing full faith in us to write this text book. We also thank to Mr. Amar Salunkhe and
Mr. Akbar Shaikh of M/s Nirali Prakashan for their excellent co-operation.

We also thank Ms. Chaitali Takle, Mr. Ravindra Walodare, Mr. Sachin Shinde, Mr. Ashok
Bodke, Mr. Moshin Sayyed and Mr. Nitin Thorat.

Although every care has been taken to check mistakes and misprints, any errors,
omission and suggestions from teachers and students for the improvement of this text book
shall be most welcome.

Syllabus …
1. An Introduction to Java (6 Lectures)
• Object Oriented Programming Concepts
• A Short History of Java
• Features or Buzzwords of Java
• Java Environment
• Simple Java Program
• Java Tools – jdb, javap, javadoc
• Types of Comments
• Data Types
• Final Variable
• Declaring 1D, 2D Array
• Accepting Input (Command Line Arguments, BufferedReader, Scanner)
2. Objects and Classes (7 Lectures)
• Defining Your Own Classes
• Access Specifiers - (public, protected, private, default)
• Array of Objects
• Constructors, Overloading Constructors and Use of ‘this’ Keyword, Static Block, Static Fields
and Methods
• Predefined Classes
o Object Class, Methods (equals(), toString(), hashcode(), getClass())
o String Class and StringBuffer Class, Formatting String Data using format() Method
• Creating, Accessing and Using Packages
• Wrapper Classes
3. Inheritance and Interface (8 Lectures)
• Inheritance Basics (extends Keyword) and Types of Inheritance
• Superclass, Subclass and Use of Super Keyword
• Method Overriding and Runtime Polymorphism
• Use of Final Keyword related to Method and Class
• Use of Abstract Class and Abstract Methods
• Defining and Implementing Interfaces
• Runtime Polymorphism using Interface
• Concept of Marker and Functional Interfaces
4. Exception and File Handling (5 Lectures)
• Dealing with Errors, Exception Class, Checked and Unchecked Exception
• Catching Exceptions, Multiple Catch Block, Nested Try Block
• Creating User Defined Exception
• Introduction to Files and Streams
• Input-OutputStream: FileInput/OutputStream, BufferedInput/OutputStream,
• Reader-Writer: FileReader/Writer, BufferedReader/Writer, InputStreamReader,
5. User Interface with AWT and Swing (10 Lectures)
• What is AWT? What is Swing? Difference between AWT and Swing
• The MVC Architecture and Swing
• Layouts and Layout Managers
• Containers and Components – JFrame, JButton, JLabel, JText, JTextArea, JCheckBox and
JRadioButton, JList, JComboBox, JMenu and related Classes
• Dialogs (Message, Confirmation, Input), JFileChooser, JColorChooser
• Event Handling: Event Sources, Listeners
• Adapters and Anonymous Inner Class
Contents …

1. An Introduction to Java 1.1 – 1.104

2. Objects and Classes 2.1 – 2.92

3. Inheritance and Interface 3.1 – 3.62

4. Exception and File Handling 4.1 – 4.72

5. User Interface with AWT and Swing 5.1 – 5.126

An Introduction to Java
To understand Basic Concepts of Java Programming
To learn Java Environment
To study Java Tools
To study Arrays in Java

• Java is a general-purpose, high level, robust, Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991.
• OOP is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design
applications and computer programs.
• A programming paradigm describes the structure of a program. In other words, it
determines how the instructions are placed in a program.
• Java programming language was initiated by James Gosling. He is called father of Java
• The first version of Java 1.0 was released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It made the
promise of "Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA)", with free (no cost) runtimes on
popular platforms such as Enterprise applications.
• With the advancement of Java and its widespread popularity, use new enhanced
versions of Java have been released. The new J2 versions were renamed as Java SE,
Java EE, and Java ME respectively.
• Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) is a computing platform for development
and deployment of portable code for desktop and server environments. Java SE was
formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE).
• Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) is a computing platform for development and
deployment of portable code for embedded and mobile devices (micro-controllers,
sensors, mobile phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs etc.)). Java ME was formerly
known as Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME).
• Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a computing platform, extending Java SE
with specifications for enterprise features such as distributed computing and web
services. Java EE was formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE).

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The latest release/version of the Java programming language is Java SE 16. Java 16
contains new features, enhancements and bug fixes to improve efficiency to develop
and run Java programs.
• Java programming language is mainly used to create these following four types of
1. Web Applications: Web application is an application which creates a dynamic
page and runs on the side of server. At present time, technologies that are used to
create web application in Java programming language are Struts, Spring, Servlet,
Hibernate, JSP, JSF, etc.
2. Mobile Applications: Mobile application refers to application that is developed for
mobile devices. At present time, platforms that are used to develop mobile
applications in Java programming language are Java ME and Android.
3. Standalone Applications: Desktop applications and Window based applications
are the other name of standalone applications. We need to install this traditional
software on every machine. Media player and antivirus are the examples of these
applications. At current time, for the creation of standalone applications AWT and
swing are used in Java programming language.
4. Enterprise Applications: Enterprise applications are those applications which are
distributed in nature. Banking application is the example of enterprise
applications. It gives programmer the advantage of high level security, clustering
and load balancing. At present time, EJB is used in Java programming language for
developing enterprise applications.


• Java is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) language. The fundamental idea

behind an OOP is to combine both data and the functions that operate on the data into
a single unit i.e., an object.
• An approach that provides a way of modularizing programs by creating partitioned
memory area for both data and functions that can be used as templates for creating
copies of such modules on demand is known as Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
• The popular object-oriented languages include Simula, Ada, Smalltalk, Java, C#, PHP,
Python, C++ and so on.
• Java is a high-level programming language designed and developed to accommodate
object-oriented concepts like polymorphism, class, object, abstraction, encapsulation,
inheritance, message passing and so on.
Features of OOP:
1. OOP emphasis on data rather than procedure.
2. OOP follows bottom-up approach in program design.
3. Programs in OOP are divided into objects.
4. Objects in OOP may communicate with each other through functions.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

5. Objects in OOP are characterized by functions or data structure that operates on

6. In OOP new data and functions can be easily added whenever necessary.
7. In OOP data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.
• The fundamental concepts of object oriented programming are explained below:
1. Classes:
• A class is a blueprint/template from which individual objects are created. A class is a
collection of objects of similar type of objects.
• Classes are user defined data type. Once, class has been defined, we can create any
number of object belonging to that class.
• A class consists of data and methods. A method is a collection of statements that are
group together to perform an operation.
• Following example define class Person with data and methods:
class Person
String name; //data
int age;
void accept( String n, int a) // methods
void display()
2. Objects:
• Objects are basic run time entities in OOP. Objects may represent a real-world entity
such as a book, a chair, a place, a bank account, a table etc.
• An object is an instance of a class. Objects are variables of class because it is created by
the class data type.
• An object has two general characteristics namely, state and behavior. An object's
state represents what the object knows. The state is maintained in one or more
variables associated with the object.
• An object's behavior represents what the object can do. The behavior is implemented
by defined methods that the object can access. Simply put, a method is a named block
of code that does something.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• An object has identity which differentiates one object from the other. Object name is
used to identify the object. Hence, name itself is an identity.
• Objects are generally used to access members (data and methods) of class.
For example: Person p = new Person();. In this statement 'p' is an object of Person
• Fig. 1.1 shows example of class and objects. Fig. 1.1 shows class Car has objects like
Audi, Nissan, Volvo.
class objects

Car Audi Nissan Volvo

Fig. 1.1: Example of Class and Object
Comparison between Object and Class:

Sr. No. Object Class

1. Object is an instance of a class. Class is a blueprint or template from
which objects are created.
2. Object is a real world entity such as a Class is a group of similar type
pen, a laptop, a keyboard, etc. objects.
3. Object is a physical entity. Class is a logical entity.
4. Mainly Object is created through new Class is declared using class keyword
keyword like like class Student{ … }
Student s1=new Student();
5. Object is created many times as per Class is declared or created once.
6. Object allocates memory when it is Class doesn't allocated memory when
created. it is created.
3. Data Abstraction:
• Data abstraction refers to act of representing essential features without including
background details or explanations.
• Classes use the concept of abstraction. They encapsulate all essential properties of
objects that they are to be created.
• Since, the class used the concept of data abstraction they are known as Abstract Data
Types (ADT).
4. Data Encapsulation:
• Data encapsulation means wrapping or binding of data and functions into a single
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The data is not accessible to the outside world and only functions which are wrapped
in the class can access it.
• Thus, insulation of data from direct access from program is called data hiding.
5. Inheritance:
• Inheritance is the process by which object of one class can acquire the properties of
the objects of another class.
• Inheritance means one class of object inherits the data and behavior (methods) from
another class.
• The old class is referred as a base class (parent class or super class) and new class is
called as derived class (child class or sub class). The new class has combined features
of both the classes.
• Fig. 1.2 shows a class called Vehicle, which has two subclasses called Car and Truck.
The Vehicle class is the superclass of Car and Truck.

Car Truck

Fig. 1.2: Classes Car and Truck inherits from the class Vehicle
6. Polymorphism:
• Polymorphism is the ability to take more than one form. In short, polymorphism is the
ability of an object to take on many forms.
• The most common use of polymorphism in OOP occurs when a parent class reference
is used to refer to a child class object.
• For example: An operation may demonstrate different behavior in different instance.
The behavior depends upon the type of data used in the operation. As addition of two
integer numbers give addition while addition of two strings give concatenation.
7. Dynamic Binding:
• Binding refers to the linking of a procedure call to the procedure definition (code) to
be executed in response to the call.
• Binding is classified as static binding and dynamic binding as explained below:
(i) Static Binding means that the code associated with given procedure call is known
at compile time.
(ii) Dynamic Binding means that the code associated with given procedure call is not
known until the time of the call at run time. Dynamic binding associated with
polymorphism and inheritance.
8. Message Passing:
• In OOP objects are communicate with each other through message passing. A message
for an object is a request for execution of a method.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Message passing involves specifying the name of object, the name of the method and
the information to be sent.
• For example: p.accept(“abc”,18); here, p is an object of Person class, accept is
message and abc, 18 are arguments is information.
Advantages of OOP:
1. Software is easily developed for complex problems.
2. Using OOP, software reuse is enhanced.
3. Using OOP, software maintenance cost can be reduced.
4. Modularity is achieved using OOP.
5. Software has improved performance.
6. Software quality is improved.
7. Data access is restricted providing better data security.
Disadvantages of OOP:
1. OOP requires intensive testing procedures.
2. Solving a problem using OOP approach consumes more time than the time taken
by structured.


• In 1990, Sun Micro Systems Inc. (US) was conceived a project to develop software for
consumer electronic devices that could be controlled by a remote. This project was
called Stealth Project but later its name was changed to Green Project.
• Java was developed at Sun Microsystems in 1991, by a team (also called as Green
Team) comprising James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike
Sheridan as its members to initiated the project (Green Project) to develop a language
for digital devices such as set-top boxes, televisions, etc. in the early 1990s.
• Java was originally designed for small and embedded systems in digital appliances
such as television and set top boxes, etc.
• But later it suits internet programming and now it is used in mobile applications,
enterprise applications, windows applications, etc.
• James Gosling is known as the father of Java. At first James Gosling called it
"Greentalk" but later on the project was developed as green project's part and it was
named "Oak".
• It was later termed as Java. Sun Microsystems released the first public implementation
as Java 1.0 in 1996.
• The Java software was released as a development kit. The first two versions were
named JDK 1.0 and JDK 1.1.
• In 1998, while releasing the next version, Sun Microsystems changed the
nomenclature from Java Development Kit (JDK) to Software Development Kit (SDK).
Also, it added "2" to the name. The released version of Java was called Java 2 SDK 1.2.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• With every version, Java became stronger and stronger. At the time of writing of the
book, Java had come up with its version SE 8 in April 2014.
• Table 1.1 illustrates the various versions released of Java language, till date.
Table 1.1: History of Java

Version Release Date Major Additions

JDK 1.0 January 1996 Initial release

JDK 1.1 February 1997 Inner classes, JavaBeans JDBC, RMI

J2SE 1.2 December 1998 Swing and Collections Framework

J2SE 1.3 May 2000 HotSpot JVM, RMI, JavaSound

J2SE 1.4 February 2002 Regular expressions, Java Web Start

J2SE 5.0 September 2004 Generics, autoboxing, enumeration

J2SE SE 6 December 2006 Database manager and many new facilities.

JAVA SE 7 July 2011 New invoked dynamic bytecode under JSR-292

JAVA SE 8 March 2014 JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPS).

JAVA SE 9 September, 2017 Fix some open issues and concerns, and to
refine some critical technical questions.

JAVA SE 10 March, 2018 Security fixes and critical bug fixes.

JAVA SE 11 September, 2018 Open for bug fixes. It offers LTS( Long Term

JAVA SE 12 March, 2019 Add new features, bug fixes.

JAVA SE 13 September, 2019 Text block, bug fixes and security.

JAVA SE 14 March, 2020 Pattern matching for instanceof record,

Security and Bug fixes.

Java SE 15 September, 2020 Security and bug fixes.

Java SE 16 March, 2021 Timezone database update, bug fixes, and

security updates.

1.3 FEATURES OR BUZZWORDS OF JAVA [April 16, 17, Oct. 17]

• There are various features of Java as given in Fig. 1.3. Each feature of Java will tell us
about how and why Java is a powerful object-oriented programming language.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Dynamic oriented

Secure neutral

Multi- performance

Interactive independent


Interpreted Portable

Fig. 1.3: Features/Buzzwords of Java

• Let us see Java features in detail:
1. Simple: Java is a simple language. There are various concepts that make the Java
as a simple language. Java is designed to be easy to learn. Programs in Java are
easy to write and debug because Java does not use the pointers, preprocessor
header files, operator overloading etc.
2. Object-oriented: Java is object-oriented language like C++, Python etc. Almost
everything in Java language is an object based. All program code and data in Java
reside within objects and classes. Java language can be easily extended since it is
based on the Object model.
3. Platform Independent: Java Language is platform independent language.
A platform is the hardware or software environment in which a program runs.
Java code/program can be run on multiple platforms like Windows, Linux, Sun
Solaris, and Mac Os etc. [Oct. 18]
4. Interpreted: Java is an interpreted language, i.e. programs run directly from the
source code. Java interpreter can execute Java bytecode directly on any computer
machine. This machine should have the interpreter ported on it. Generally, we
know that interpreters are very slow. But in Java, the interpreter uses the
compiled code called bytecode, so it is faster than typical interpreter.
There are compilers available for bytecode called JIT i.e. Just-In Time compilers.
These compilers are used to compile the bytecode into native code. So they
improve the speed.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

5. Distributed: Java facilitates the building of distributed application by a collection

of classes for use in networked applications. Java is designed for the distributed
environment of the Internet.
6. Dynamic: Java language is capable of dynamically linking in new class libraries,
methods and objects. Because Java is interpreted, Java is an extremely dynamic
language, at runtime, the Java environment can extends itself by linking in classes
that may be located on remote servers on a network, (for example; the Internet).
7. Robust: Java is a robust language because it provides many safeguards to ensure
reliable code. Java does not allow pointer which avoids security problem. There is
no concept of reference variable. This eliminates the possibility of overwriting
memory and corrupting data. Automatic garbage collection eliminates memory
8. Secure: Java is aimed to be used in networked or distributed environments. Java
does not allocate direct pointer to memory, this makes it impossible to accidentally
reference memory that belongs to other program.
9. Architecture Neutral: Java compiler generates an architecture-neutral object file
format which makes the compiled code to be executable on many processors, with
the presence of Java runtime system.
10. Portable: Being architectural-neutral and having no implementation dependent
aspects of the specification makes Java portable. Java code is portable. It was an
important design goal of Java that it be portable so that as new architectures (due
to hardware, operating system, or both) are developed, the Java environment
could be ported to them.
Additionally, Java is portable because the compiler itself is written in Java.
Compiler in Java is written in ANSI C with a clean portability boundary which is a
POSIX subset.
11. Multithreading: A thread is like a separate program, executing concurrently.
Multithreaded means handling multiple tasks simultaneously. With Java's
multithreaded feature it is possible to write programs that can perform many tasks
simultaneously. This design feature allows developers to construct smoothly
running interactive applications.
12. High Performance: With the use of Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers, Java enables high
13. Interactive: Java is called as interactive because code of Java supports CGI
(Common Gateway Interface) and GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs.


• Java environment includes a large number of development tools [part of system
known as JDK (Java Development Kit)] and hundreds of classes and methods [(part of
the JSL (Java Standard Library)].

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a software development environment which is used
to develop Java applications.
• JSL also known as the Application Programming Interface (API). The JSL (or API)
includes hundreds of classes and methods grouped into several functional packages.
• Fig. 1.4 depicts a typical Java environment.
.java file Java compiler .class file Class Loader

Byte code Verifier

Java Runtime System


Native OS

Fig. 1.4: Java Environment

• The Java source code is stored as a ‘.java’ file and is compiled by Java compiler (javac)
to get an executable ‘.class’ file. Java compiler translates source code into byte code
instructions (.class file). The byte code is executed by JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
which is a runtime environment for Java.
• A ClassLoader is use to download the executable file, the bytecode (instruction set for
the Java Virtual Machine (JVM)) of which is then interpreted, a process which makes
the file understood by the underlying processor which executes the file instructions.
• The interpretation process carried by interpreter which reads the instructions and
then executes the instructions, step by step. After the bytecode of a class is loaded by
the class loader, it has to be inspected by the Java bytecode verifier.
• Byte code verifier verifies the bytecode so that the code does not make any sort of
disturbance for the interpreter. Byte code verifier checks the code fragments for illegal
codes that can violate access right to the object.
• Java uses the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler with the interpreter, enables all the
frequently used class files to be compiled into native code just the once, rather than
each time they are used.
• The API provided by the language is constantly available to the JVM, and the entire
package, excepting the compiler that generates the .class file from the .java file, is
referred to as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
• JRE is an acronym for Java Runtime Environment is a set of software tools which are
used for developing Java applications. It is used to provide the runtime environment.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Java Virtual Machine (JVM):

• A JVM is a virtual machine that enables a computer to run Java programs as well as
programs written in other languages that are also compiled to Java bytecode.
• A Java virtual machine’s main job is to load class files and execute the byte codes they
• Fig. 1.5 shows the Java virtual machine contains a class loader, which loads class files
from both the program and the Java API.
• Only those class files from the Java API that are actually needed by a running program
are loaded into the virtual machine. The byte codes are executed in an execution
• The execution engine of JVM is responsible for executing the instructions contained in
the methods of loaded classes.
• When a Java virtual machine runs a program, it needs memory to store many things,
including byte codes and other information it extracts from loaded class files, objects
the program instantiates, parameters to methods, return values, local variables, and
intermediate results of computations.
• The Java virtual machine organizes the memory it needs to execute a program into
several runtime data areas.

Class files loader

PC Native
Method Heap Java
registers method
area stacks

Runtime data areas

Native method method
Execution interface libraries

Fig. 1.5: Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Java API:
• The Java API is set of runtime libraries that give us a standard way to access the
system resources of a host computer.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• When we run a Java program, the virtual machine loads the Java API class files that
are referred to by the program’s class files.
• The combination of all loaded class files (from your program and from the Java API)
and any loaded dynamic libraries (containing native methods) constitute the full
program executed by the Java virtual machine.


Java methods (Java API)

Native methods (Dynamic libraries)

Host operating system

Fig. 1.6: Java API

• The class files of the Java API are inherently specific to the host platform. To access the
native resources of the host, the Java API calls native methods.
• As we can see in Fig. 1.6, the class files of the Java API invoke native methods so your
Java program doesn’t have to.
• In this manner, the Java API’s class files provide a Java program with a standard,
platform-independent interface to the underlying host.
• Precisely because the Java virtual machine and Java API are implemented specifically
for each particular host platform, Java programs themselves can be platform
• The Java Standard Library (JSL or API) includes hundreds of classes and methods
grouped into several functional packages.
• Most commonly used packages are given in following Table 1.2.
Table 1.2: Common Packages of JSL
Package Name of
Name Package
java.lang Language A collection of classes and methods required for
Support Package implementing basic features of Java.
java.util Utility Package A collection of classes to provide utility functions
such as date and time.
contd. …

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

java.io Input/Output A collection of classes for input and output

Package manipulation.
java.net Networking A collection of classes for communicating with other
Package computers.
java.awt AWT Package An Abstract Window Toolkit which contains classes
and methods for implementing Graphical User
java.applet Applet Package Set of classes to create Java Applets.


• Program is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. A Java program is a
collection or set of objects that communicate via invoking each other’s methods.
• It is necessary to know the exact structure of the Java program. Java program
structure means - the way (or general format) to write a Java program.
• Fig. 1.7 shows basic structure of a Java program.
Documentation Section Suggested
Package Statement
Import Statement
Interface Statement

Class Definition

main method Class

Main method definition Essential

Fig. 1.7: Structure of Java Program

• Fig. 1.7 shows following sections of a Java Program.
1. Documentation Section: This section is not compiled by java compiler. This
section is a set of comment lines giving the name of the program, the author and
the other details, which the programmer would like to, refer.
2. Package Statement: Package statement is used by programmer whenever they
want to create a package. Package is collection of classes and interface. In Java
files, the first statement allowed is a package statement which declares a package
name and informs the compiler that the classes defined here belong to this
package. Package statement an optional statement. Package statement is written
as, package PackageName; For example: package employee;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

3. Import Statement: Import statement is used to include java packages or user

defined packages in to the program. For example, to include java input output
package user can use the statement, import java.io.*;.
4. Interface Statement: An interface is like class used to group of related methods.
Interfaces are used when we want to implement or implement multiple
5. Class Definition: Classes are an essential part of any Java program. To write a
Java program, we first define classes. A Java program may contain many/multiple
class definitions. As Java is pure object oriented so each and every code will comes
under a class, which consist of main() method. Every program in Java will have at
least one class with the main() method.
6. main Method Class: This is essential part of the Java program which is a starting
point for JVM to start execution of a Java program. Without the main() method,
JVM will not execute the program. In simple words, the execution of a java
program starts from main() method.
• The steps in writing a Java program are illustrated in Fig. 1.8.
Step 1
Editor or IDE
Write Source Codes

Source Codes (.java)

Java Compiler Step 2

JDK or 3rd-party APIs Compile (Build)

Java Bytecodes (.class)

JDK or 3rd-party APIs

and Native Libraries Java Runtime Step 3
(java) Run (Execute)


Fig. 1.8: Steps for create a Java Program

• Fig. 1.8 shows following steps for creation of a Java program.
Step 1 : Write the source codes (.java) using a programming text editor or an IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) like Eclipse, NetBeans etc.
Step 2 : Compile the source codes (.java) into Java portable bytecodes (.class) using the
JDK compiler ("javac"). IDE compiles the source codes automatically while
they are entered.
Step 3 : Run the compiled bytecodes (.class) with the input to produce the desired
output, using the Java Runtime ("java").

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• To write Java programs, we will need a text editor. A text editor is a type of program
used for editing plain text files. The text editors for Java includes Notepad++, jEdit,
Editplus and so on.
• There are even more sophisticated IDEs (Integrated Development Environment)
available in the market like Eclipse, Netbeans, JCreator and so on.
First Java Program: [Oct. 17, April 18]
public class HelloJavaWorld
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Java world!");
Java World!
Explanation of above Program:
o The class keyword is used to declare a class in Java. In the above program,
'HelloWorld' defines the class name in Java. Every class definition in Java begins
with an opening brace { and ends with closing brace }.
o The public is a keyword and a access specifier indicates that the class member can
be accessed from anywhere in the program.
o The static keyword indicates that this method can be invoked simply by using the
name of the class without creating any class-object.
o The void keyword specifies that this method will not return any type of data.
The main() method is the main entry point of the program, to start execution. First
of all JVM calls the main method of a class and start execution. JVM (Java Virtual
Machine) is responsible for running Java programs.
o args is a string array that takes values from Java command line. It's index starts
from '0'. We can access values by writing args[0], args[1] etc.
o The print word sends the information into a buffer. This buffer is not flushed till a
newline or end-of-line character is send. So it prints output on one line and cursor
is blinking on the same line.
o The println() function prints the output to the standard output stream i.e. monitor.
o The out word represents the standard output stream (monitor).
Compiling the Program: [Oct. 17]
o To compile the HelloWorld program, execute the compiler, javac specifying the
name of the source file on the command line. This is shown below:
$ javac HelloJavaWorld.java
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

o Javac compiler creates a file named 'HelloJavaWorld.class' which contains the byte
code version of the program. It is an intermediate representation of the program.
Executing the Program:
o To actually run the program we must use the Java application launcher called
‘java’. This is shown below:
$ java HelloJavaWorld


• Java platform includes a tool set for development of Java programs. These tools run in
a command-line window and provide basic functionality.
• The Java Development Kit (JDK) comes with a set of tools that are used for developing
and running Java program. JDK has a collection of tools for Java program development
as shown in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3: Java Development Tools
Tool Description
javac The java compiler that translates javacode to bytecode file which java
interpreter can understand.
java java is a Java application launcher. It launches a java application by
starting Java Runtime Environment, loading a specified class and
invoking that class’s main method to run the program.
appletviewer Enables us to run java applets. Normally applets are the programs
those can be embedded in a web page and run in web browser. This
is very useful tool which gives the same effect but on console.
javadoc Creates HTML formatted documentation from Java source code files.
jdb Java debugger that helps us in finding errors in Java programs.
jar Java achieve file, creates a zip/jar file.
javah Produces header files for use with native methods.
javap Java dissembler which enables us to convert bytecode files into a
program description.

1.6.1 javac
• javac is the primary java compiler included in the JDK. javac is used to compile Java
source into bytecode.
• The java source code is written in files with extension .java. In order to execute the
program, these files need to be compiled in .class files. javac translates or converts the
".java" file to a ".class" file.
Syntax: $ javac filename.java
Example: $ javac HelloJavaWorld.java
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Fig. 1.9 illustrates the operation of the Java compiler.

Compiler Referenced
options classes

Text Compiler Interpreter Program

editor (java c) (java) output/results

.java Source files .class files (Bytecode)

Fig. 1.9: The operation of the Java compiler (javac)

1.6.2 java
• In Java language, java is launcher for Java program. java is the interpreter which
launches a java program.
• The java interpreter executes the bytecode files produced by the Java compiler. It
translates the Java bytecode into the code that can be understood by the Operating
System (OS).
Syntax: $ java filename
Example: $ java HelloJavaWorld
• Fig. 1.10 shows java interpreter process.
Java program

Compiler javac

Interpreter Interpreter Interpreter java

Win 32 Solaris Mac

Fig. 1.10: Java interpreter process

1.6.3 AppletViewer [April 16]

• An Applet is a Java program that runs in a Web browser. Java AppletViewer is the
utility which runs Applets outside the web browser.
• AppletViewer is a standard JDK tool which has following facilities:
1. To create dynamic applet, and
2. To view java applet.
• A Java applet is a Java program designed to be included in a HyperText Markup
Language (HTML) document and run inside a web browser.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Fig. 1.11 shows steps in Applet.

Workstation HTML Document



Java Applet Bytecode

Web Server

1. User selects HTML page with embedded applet.

2. Java bytecode is downloaded by browser and
executed by integrated bytecode interpreter.

Fig. 1.11: Applet

1.6.4 jdb [April 18]
• The Java debugger (jdb) is a tool for Java classes to debug a program in command line.
jdb helps us to find and fix bugs in Java language programs.
• Debugging is a technical procedure to find and remove bugs or defects in a program
and get expected results.
• A debugger allows us to step through every aspect of a code, inspect all the elements,
and remove errors, if any.
• jdb helps in detecting and fixing bugs in a Java program using Java Debug Interface
(JDI). Fig. 1.12 shows the role of jdb in JDK.
• jdb contains three units i.e., Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface (JVM TI), Java Debug
Wiring Pool (JDWP) and Java Debugger Interface (JDI) as shown in Fig. 1.12.

Java Development Kit Debuggee JVM


Tool Interface

Java Debug
Wire Protocol

Java Debug

Debugger JVM (idb)

Fig. 1.12: Architecture of jdb

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

1.6.5 javadoc [April 16, 17, 19]

• The javadoc tool is a document generator tool in Java for generating standard
documentation in HTML format.
• javadoc is a tool which comes with JDK and it is used for generating Java code
documentation in HTML format from Java source code, which requires
documentation in a predefined format.
• The javadoc is a documentation generator created by Sun Microsystems for the Java
language generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code.
• The documentation comments (also called doc comments) starts with a slash and two
asterisks (/**) and it is terminated with one asterisk and a slash (*/). That is why they
appear as:
• Tags are keywords recognized by javadoc which define the type of information that
follows. We can use javadoc tags in the doc comments. The syntax of a tag is, @ tag.
o All javadoc tags start with @ character.
o Each tag must start on a new line.
o Various tags are used to provide the heading.
o All tags should follow the order.
• Some common pre-defined tags for javadoc are given below:
1. @author [author name]: Identifies author(s) of a class or interface.
2. @version [version]: Version info of a class or interface.
3. @param [argument name] [argument description]: Describes an argument of
method or constructor.
4. @return [description of return]: Describes data returned by method
(unnecessary for constructors and void methods).
5. @exception [exception thrown] [exception description]: Describes exception
thrown by method.

1.6.6 javap [Oct. 16, 18]

• The javap tool of Java is used to get the information of any class. In Java the javap
command disassembles a class file.
• The javap command (also known as the Java Disassembler) disassembles one or more
class files.
• The javap tool disassemblies compiled Java files and prints out a representation of the
Java program. This may be helpful when the original source code is no longer
available on a system.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The javap command displays information about the fields, constructors and methods
present in a class file.
Syntax: javap class_name
class Simple
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("hello java");
• Now let use the javap tool to disassemble the class file.
javap Simple
Output: Compiled from ".java"
class Simple
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
• It's output depends on the options used. The important options of javap tools are as
Option Description
-help Print the help message.
-l Prints line number and local variable.
-c Disassembles the code.
-s Prints internal type signature.
-sysinfo Shows system info (path, size, date, MDS hash).
-constants Shows static final constants.
-version Shows version information.

1.6.7 jar [April 19]

• jar stands for Java archive. The jar tool is a java application that combines multiple
files into a single JAR archive file.
• jar is a general-purpose archiving and compression tool based on ZIP and the ZLIB
compression format.
• However, jar was designed mainly to facilitate the packaging of java applets or
applications into a single archive.
Syntax: jar option destinationfile_list

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Where, destination file_list can have more than one file separated by space, ?, & and *
are the wildcard characters used with filenames.
Options Description
c Creates new or empty ·jar file.
f Created jar file named on command line.
t Lists the table of contents.
v Generates additional output.
x Extract the file on command line.
0 (digit zero) No compression and store the file.
Example: jar cf first.jar second.class
jar tf newjar.jar


• In this section we will study basic concepts in Java like variables, data types, constants,
comments, identifiers and so on.

• Comments are non-executable statements and are ignored by the Java compiler. The
comment increases the readability of the programs.
• Comments help the person/user reading the code better understand the intent and
functionality of the program.
• All characters available inside any comment are ignored by Java compiler. Java
language provides three styles or types of comments as given in following table:

Type of Comment Description
1. /* Multiline comment */ Multi line comments start with /* and ends
with */. Any text between /* and */ will be
ignored by Java compiler.
Example: /* Welcome to Nirali Prakashan.
A text book publishing firm */
2. // Single line comment Single-line comments start with two forward
slashes (//). Any text between // and the end of
the line is ignored by Java (will not be
Example: // Welcome to Nirali Prakashan.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

3. /** Documentation comment */ A doc comment is an ordinary multiline

comment that begins with /** and ends with */.
A doc comment appears immediately before a
class, interface, method, or field definition and
contains documentation for that class,
interface, method, or field. The documentation
can include simple HTML formatting tags and
other special keywords that provide additional
/** Welcome to Nirali Prakashan.
A text book publishing firm */

Program 1.1: Program for Java comment.

/** This is a Documentation Comment. */
public class CommentsDemoExample
public static void main(String args[])
/* This is a Multi line Comment */
System.out.println("Hello World"); // This is a Single Live Comment.
Hello World

1.7.2 Data Types [Oct. 16, April 17]

• Data types specify the different values that can be stored in the variable. Variables are
nothing but reserved memory locations to store values.
• The type of value that a variable can hold is called as data type. The main purpose of
data types in Java is to determine what kind of value we can store into the variable.
• The data type of a variable determines the value which a variable can contain and the
operations that can be performed on it. Every variable must have a data type.
• Java has a rich set of data types. The data types in Java are shown in Fig. 1.13.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Data Types

Primitive Non-Primitive

Numeric Non-numeric Array Class

Integer Non-Integer sring char Boolean

int long float double

byte short

Fig. 1.13: Data Types in Java

• Java supports two kinds of data types namely, primitive data types or predefined data
types and non-primitive data types or reference data types.
1. Primitive Data Types: [Oct. 16]
• Primitive data types also known as built-in data types, are the fundamental data types
provided by a programming language.
• In Java language primitive data types include integer, floating point, character and
• The eight primitive data types supported by the java programming language are:
(i) byte: The byte data type is an 8-bit signed two’s complement integer. It has a
maximum value of −128 and a maximum value of 127 (inclusive).
(ii) short: The short data type is 16-bit singed two’s complement integer. It has a
maximum value of −32,768 and a maximum value of 32,767 (inclusive).
(iii) int: The int data type is 32-bit singed two’s complement integer. It has a
maximum value of −2,147,483,648 and a maximum value of 2,147,483,647
(iv) long: The long data type is 64-bit singed two’s complement integer. It has a
maximum value of −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and a maximum value of
9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (inclusive). Use this data type when you need a range
of values wider than those provided by int.
(v) float: The float data type is a single-precision 32-byte IEEE 754 Floating point.
(vi) double: The float data type is a double-precision 64-byte IEEE 754 Floating point.
(vii) boolean: The Boolean data type has only two possible values namely, True and
False. Use this data type for simple flags that track true/false conditions.
(viii) char: The char data type is single 16-bit Unicode character. It has a maximum
value of ‘\u0000’(or 0) and a maximum value of ‘\uffff’(or 65,535 inclusive).
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Table 1.4 shows data types with their size in bytes.

Table 1.4: Data types with their size
Sr. No. Data Type Size in Bytes
1. byte 1
2. short 2
3. int 4
4. long 8
5. float 4
6. double 8
7. char 2
2. Non-Primitive Data Types:
• Non-primitive data types also known as reference data types are derived from the
primitive data types.
• In Java, derived data types include classes, interface, arrays etc.

1.7.3 Tokens
• The smallest individual units in a Java program are called tokens. Java tokens are
smallest elements of a Java program which are identified by the compiler.
• Tokens in Java include variables, constants, identifiers, keywords, literals, operators,
special characters, separators and so on.
Java Identifiers:
• Identifiers are used for naming classes, methods, variables, objects, labels, packages
and interfaces in a program.
• In Java, there are several rules for identifiers. They are as follows:
1. All identifiers should begin with a letter (A to Z or a to z), currency character ($) or
an underscore (_).
2. After the first character, identifiers can have any combination of characters.
3. A keyword cannot be used as an identifier.
4. Identifiers are case sensitive so Amar and amar has different meaning.
• Examples of legal identifiers: age, $salary, _phone, _ID.
• Examples of illegal identifiers: 123abc, -salary.
Constants in Java:
• In java constants, refer to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Constants are also called as literals which has fixed values in a program. Java supports
several types of constants below:
1. Integer Constants:
• An integer constant means the sequence of digits. There are three types of integers:
(i) Decimal Integer: Decimal integers consists of a set of digits, 0 through 9
preceded by an optional minus sign.
For example: 325, −978, 45673.
Embedded spaces, commas and non-digits characters are not allowed between
For example: 15 78, $657−, #47 is illegal number.
(ii) Octal Integer: An octal integer constant consists of any combination of digits
from the set 0 through 7, with al leading 0.
For example: 027, 0, 0231, 0341.
(iii) Hexadecimal Integer: A sequence of digits preceded by 0X or 0X is considered a
hexadecimal integer (hex integer).They may also include alphabet A through F or
a through f. A letter A through F represents the number 1 through 15.
For example: 0X4, 0X15, 0xabed.
2. Real Constant:
• Integers numbers are insufficient to represents quantities that vary continuously,
such as distance heights, temperature, prices, and so on.
• Numbers having fractional parts like 17.548 represents these quantities. Such
numbers are called real (or floating point) constants.
For example: 1.9783, 0 0047
• The real number constant can comprise of four parts namely, whole number, decimal
point, fractional part and exponent part.
• These numbers are shown in decimal notation, having a whole number followed by a
decimal point and the fractional part, which is an integer.
For example: 0.035, 111.98.
• A real number may also be expressed as in exponential (or scientific) notation. For
example, the value 215.65 may be written as 2.1565e2 in exponential notation. e2
means multiply by 10^2. .
For example: 0.65e4, 15e−5, 2.6e+6 56.E4.
3. Character Constant:
• A single character constant or character constant contains a single character enclosed
within a pair of single quote marks.
• Examples are ‘7’, ‘A’, ‘*’, ‘ ’.
• The character constant ‘7’ is not the same as the number 7. The last constant is blank
4. String Constant:
• A string constant is a sequence of character enclosed between double quotes in which
the character may be alphabets, digits, special characters and blank spaces.
• For example: “WELCOME”, “@june”, “abhishek”, “!NIDHI!”
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Backslash Characters:
• The backslash character constant are used with output statements for getting more
effects like tab, new line, single quote etc. Java support some special backslash
character constants.
• A backslah (\) precedes that character to represent it as an escape sequence. For
example, the character n represents the alphabet n, where \n represents a new line
character. Here, \n is an escape sequence that uses an available printable character n.
• A list of such backslash character constant is given following table. Each one of them
represents one character, although they consist of two character. These characters
combinations are known as escape sequences.

Backslash Character Constant Meaning

\b Back space
\f Form feed
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\t Horizontal tab
\’ Single quote
\” Double quote
\\ Backslash
• There are certain words that have a standard, predefined, special meaning in Java.
They are called as keywords or reversed words and they can be used only for their
intended purposes.
• These reserved words may not be used as constant or variable or any other identifier
names. The keywords in Java are formed using lower case letters only.
• Keywords in Java are given below:
abstract assert boolean break
byte case catch char
class const continue default
do double else enum
extends final finally float
for goto if implements
import instanceof int interface
long native new package

private protected public return

short static strictfp super
switch synchronized this throw
throws transient try void
volatile while

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• In java separators are symbols used to show the separated code, they describe
function of our code.
• Table 1.5 shows various type of separators used in Java.
Table 1.5: Type of Separators
Name Use
() Parameter in method definition, containing statements for
conditions, etc.
{} Used for define a code for method and classes.
[] Used for declaration of array.
; Used to show that separate statement.
, Used to show the separation in identifier in variable declaration.
. Used to show the separate package name from sub-packages and
classes, separate variable and method from reference variable.
Operators in Java:
• Operator is a symbol that represents some operation that can be performed on data.
Operators perform some specific operations using the operands and operator.
• For example, answer can be given using expression 4 + 5 is equal to 9. Here, 4 and 5
are called operands and + is called operator.
• The operator that uses a single operand is called a unary operator and that which uses
two operands is known as a binary operator. A ternary operator uses three operands.
• Java provides a rich set of operators to manipulate variables. We can divide all the
Java operators into the various groups Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators,
Bitwise Operators, Logical Operators, and Assignment Operators and so on.
1. Arithmetic Operators:
• Arithmetic operators are used in mathematical expressions in the same way that they
are used in algebra.
• Table 1.6 lists the arithmetic operators. Assume integer variable A holds
10 and variable B holds 20.
Table 1.6: Arithmetic Operators
Operator Description Example
1. + (Addition Adds values on either side of the A + B will give 30
Operator) operator.
2. − (Subtraction Subtracts right hand operand from left A − B will give − 10
Operator) hand operand.
contd. …

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

3. * (Multiplication Multiplies values on either side of the A * B will give 200

Operator) operator.
4. / (Division Divides left hand operand by right B / A will give 2
Operator) hand operand.
5. % (Modulus Divides left hand operand by right B % A will give 0
Operator) hand operand and returns remainder.
6. ++ (Increment Increases the value of operand by 1. B++ gives 21
7. −− (Decrement Decreases the value of operand by 1. B−− gives 19
Program 1.2: Program for arithmetic operators.
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 25;
int d = 25;
System.out.println("a + b = " + (a + b) );
System.out.println("a - b = " + (a - b) );
System.out.println("a * b = " + (a * b) );
System.out.println("b / a = " + (b / a) );
System.out.println("b % a = " + (b % a) );
System.out.println("c % a = " + (c % a) );
System.out.println("a++ = " + (a++) );
System.out.println("b-- = " + (a--) );
// Check the difference in d++ and ++d
System.out.println("d++ = " + (d++) );
System.out.println("++d = " + (++d) );
a + b = 30
a - b = -10
a * b = 200
b / a = 2
b % a = 0
c % a = 5
a++ = 10
b-- = 11
d++ = 25
++d = 27
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

2. Relational Operators:
• Relational operators are also called as comparison operators used for comparing
values of two variables.
• Table 1.7 shows relational operators supported by Java language. Assume variable A
holds 10 and variable B holds 20.
Table 1.7: Relational Operators
Operator Description Example
1. == Checks if the values of two operands are equal or (A = = B) is not
(Equal to not, if yes then condition becomes true. true.
2. != (Not Checks if the values of two operands are equal or (A != B) is true.
Equal to not, if values are not equal then condition becomes
Operator) true.
3. > Checks if the value of left operand is greater than (A > B) is not
(Greater the value of right operand, if yes then condition true.
than becomes true.
4. < (Less Checks if the value of left operand is less than the (A < B) is true.
than value of right operand, if yes then condition
Operator) becomes true.
5. >= ( Checks if the value of left operand is greater than (A >= B) is not
Greater or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then true.
than or condition becomes true.
Equal to
6. <= (Less Checks if the value of left operand is less than or (A <= B) is true.
than or equal to the value of right operand, if yes then
Equal to condition becomes true.
Program 1.3: Program for relational operators.
public class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
int c = 25;
int d = 25;
System.out.println("a < b = " + (a < b) );
System.out.println("c > b = " + (c > b) );
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println("c <= d = " + (c <= d) );

System.out.println("c >= d = " + (c >= d) );
System.out.println("c == d = " + (c == d) );
a < b = true
c > b = true
c <= d = true
c >= d = true
c == d = true
3. Logical Operators:
• When we want to form compound conditions by combining two or more relations,
then we can use logical operators.
• Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is True or False. Table 1.8
lists the logical operators. Assume Boolean variables A holds True and variable B holds
Table 1.8: Logical Operators
Operator Description Example
1. && (Logical AND Operator) If both the operands are non- (A && B) is
zero, then the condition False.
becomes true.
2. || (Logical OR Operator) If any of the two operands are (A || B) is True.
non-zero, then the condition
becomes true.
3. ! (Logical NOT Operator) Use to reverses the logical ! (A && B) is
state of its operand. If a True.
condition is true then Logical
NOT operator will make false.
Program 1.4: Program for logical operators.
public class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
int a = 60;
int b = 20;
int c = 25;
int d = 25;
System.out.println("(a > b && c == d) = " + (a > b && c == d) );
System.out.println("(a < b && c == d) = " + (a < b && c == d));
System.out.println("(a < b || c == d) " + (a < b || c == d) );
System.out.println(" !(a < b) = " + !(a < b ) );
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

(a > b && c == d) = true
(a < b && c == d) = false
(a < b || c == d) true
!(a < b) = true
4. Assignments Operators:
• Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables.
Table 1.9: Assignments Operators
Operator Description Example
1. = (Simple Assignment Assigns values from right C = A + B will assign value of
Operator) side operands to left side A + B into C
2. += (Add and It adds right operand to C += A is equivalent to C = C
Assignment Operator) the left operand and +A
assign the result to left
3. −= (Subtract and It subtracts right operand C -= A is equivalent to C = C −
Assignment Operator) from the left operand and A
assign the result to left
4. *= (Multiply and It multiplies right C *= A is equivalent to C = C
Assignment Operator) operand with the left *A
operand and assign the
result to left operand
5. /= (Divide and It divides left operand C /= A is equivalent to C = C /
Assignment Operator) with the right operand A
and assign the result to
left operand
6. % = (Modulus and It takes modulus using C %= A is equivalent to C = C
Assignment Operator) two operands and assign %A
the result to left operand
7. <<= Left Shift AND C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2
Assignment Operator.
8. >>= Right shift AND C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2
Assignment Operator.
9. &= Bitwise AND Assignment C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2
10. ^= Bitwise Exclusive OR AND C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2
Assignment Operator.
11. |= Bitwise Inclusive OR AND C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2
Assignment Operator.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

5. Increment and Decrement operator:

• Java provides two increment and decrement operators which are unary increment
(++) and decrement (−−) operators.
• Increment and decrement operators are used to increase or decrease the value of an
operand by one, the operand must be a variable, an element of an array, or a field of
an object.
• Suppose, a = 5 then,
++a; //a becomes 6
a++; //a becomes 7
--a; //a becomes 6
a--; //a becomes 5
Program 1.5: Program for increment and decrement operators.
class Operator
public static void main(String[] args)
int var=5;
System.out.println("var++:"+ var++);
System.out.println("\n++var:"+ ++var);
6. Conditional Operator (?: ):
• Conditional operator is also known as the ternary operator. This operator consists of
three operands and is used to evaluate Boolean expressions.
• The goal of the ternary operator is to decide which value should be assigned to the
• The syntax for ternary operator is,
variable x = (expression) ? value if true: value if false
Program 1.6: Program for ternary operator.
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
int a , b;
b=(a ==1)?20:30;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println("Value of b is: "+ b );

b=(a ==10)?20:30;
System.out.println("Value of b is: "+ b );
Value of b is:30
Value of b is:20
7. Bitwise Operators:
• Bitwise operators in Java are used to perform operations on individual bits.
• Java defines several bitwise operators, which can be applied to the integer types, long,
int, short, char, and byte. Bitwise operator works on bits and performs bit-by-bit
• Assume if a = 60; and b = 13; now in binary format they will be as follows:
a = 0011 1100
b = 0000 1101
a&b = 0000 1100
a|b = 0011 1101
a^b = 0011 0001
~a = 1100 0011
• Table 1.10 lists the bitwise operators: Assume integer variable A holds 60 and variable
B holds 13.
Table 1.10: Bitwise Operators
Operator Description Example
1. & (Binary AND Operator) Copies a bit to the result (A & B) will give 12
if it exists in both which is 0000 1100
2. | (Binary OR Operator) Copies a bit if it exists in (A | B) will give 61
either operand. which is 0011 1101
3. ^ (Binary XOR Operator) Copies the bit if it is set (A ^ B) will give 49
in one operand but not which is 0011 0001
4. ~ (Binary Ones (1's) Unary and has the effect (~A) will give -61 which
Complement Operator) of 'flipping' bits. is 1100 0011 in 2's
complement form due to
a signed binary number.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

5. << (Binary Left Shift The left operands value A << 2 will give 240
Operator) is moved left by the which is 1111 0000
number of bits specified
by the right operand.
6. >> (Binary Right Shift The left operands value A >> 2 will give 15 which
Operator) is moved right by the is 1111
number of bits specified
by the right operand.
7. >>> (Shift right zero fill The left operands value A >>>2 will give 15
operator) is moved right by the which is 0000 1111
number of bits specified
by the right operand and
shifted values are filled
up with zeros.
Program 1.7: Program for bitwise operators.
public class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
int a = 60;
int b = 20;
System.out.println("a & b = " + (a & b) );
System.out.println("a | b = " + (a | b) );
System.out.println("a << 2 = " + (a << 2) );
System.out.println("a >> 2 = " + (a >> 2) );
System.out.println("a >>> 2 = " + (a >>> 2) );
a & b = 20
a | b = 60
a << 2 = 240
a >> 2 = 15
a >>> 2 = 15
8. Special Operators:
• There are few other operators supported by Java language as explained below:
(i) instanceof Operator:
• This operator is used only for object reference variables. The operator checks whether
the object is of a particular type(class type or interface type).
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The instanceof operator is written as,

(Object reference variable) instanceof (class/interface type)
• If the object on the left side of the operator is an object of right side, then the result
will be true.
Program 1.8: Program for instanceof operator.
public class Test
public static void main(String args[])
String name ="James";
// following will return true since name is type of String
boolean result = name instanceof String;
System.out.println( result );
(ii) Dot Operator:
• The dot operator (.) is used to access class members i.e. methods and data.
Program 1.9: Program for dot operator.
class Person
String name;
int age;
void display()
public static void main(String args[])
Person p=new Person()
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Operator Precedence in Java:

• Java has well-defined rules for specifying the order in which the operators in an
expression are evaluated when the expression has several operators.
• For example, multiplication and division have a higher precedence than addition and
subtraction. Precedence rules can be overridden by explicit parentheses.
Precedence Order:
• When two operators share an operand the operator with the higher precedence goes
• For example, 1 + 2 * 3 is treated as 1 + (2 * 3), whereas 1 * 2 + 3 is treated as (1 * 2) + 3
since multiplication has a higher precedence than addition.
Operator Associativity in Java:
• When two operators with the same precedence the expression is evaluated according
to its associativity.
• For example, x = y = z = 17 is treated as x = (y = (z = 17)), leaving all three variables
with the value 17, since the = operator has right-to-left associativity (and an
assignment statement evaluates to the value on the right hand side).
• On the other hand, 72 / 2 / 3 is treated as (72 / 2) / 3 since the / operator has left-to-right
• Table 1.11 shows the associativity and precedence order of java operators.
Table 1.11: Operator Precedence
Operators Associativity Precedence Rank
(), [] Left to right 1
−, ++, --, ! Right to left 2
*, /, % Left to right 3
+, − Left to right 4
<< , >> Left to right 5
<, <=, >, >= Left to right 6
==, != Left to right 7
& Left to right 8
^ Left to right 9
| Left to right 10
&& Left to right 11
|| Left to right 12
?: Right to left 13

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

1.7.4 Variables
• Variables are containers for storing data values. Variables are the basic units used to
store any information in Java.
• A variable is an identifier that denotes a storage location used to store a data value.
The value in the variable can be changed during the program’s execution.
• Variables are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values. This means that
when we create a variable we reserve some space in memory.
• Following are the some rules used for variable naming:
1. Variable name must begin with either a letter or the dollar sign "$" or the
underscore character "_".
2. Variable names are case-sensitive. Upper case and lower case must be distinct this
means that the variable Abc is not the same as abc or ABC.
3. Variable must not begin with a digit.
4. White space is not allowed in variable naming.
5. Variable name should not be a keyword.
6. Variable names can be of any length.
Variable Declaration:
• In Java, all the variables must be declared before use. A variable declaration, in its
simplest form, includes the name and the data type of variables.
• Declaration does following three things:
1. It tells variable name to the compiler.
2. It specifies the data type of the data hold by variable.
3. The place of declaration in the program decided the scope of the variable.
• Following is the basic form/syntax of a variable declaration:
data_type variable_Name;
Here, data_type is one of Java's data types and variable_Name is the name of the
• To declare more than one variable of the specified type, you can use a comma-
separated list as given below:
data_type variable_Name1, variable_Name2, …… variable_NameN;
int age; // Declares age
int a, b, c; // Declares three ints, a, b, and c.
Variable Initialization:
• Variable initialization means assigning a value to variables. Initializing a variable
means specifying an initial value to assign to it (i.e., before it is used at all).
• In Java, we can assign a value to variables in two ways:
1. Static: This means that the memory is determined for variables when the
program starts. Variables can be assigned initial values at the time of declaration.
Assignment operator (=) assigns the value of an expression to a variable.
Syntax: variable_name=value; OR data_type variable_name=value;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Examples: IntitalValue = 0;
a = b = c = 0;
int a = 10, b = 10; // Variable initialization
byte B = 22; // initializes a byte type variable B.
double pi = 3.14159; // declares and assigns a value of PI.
2. Dynamic: Dynamic means that in Java, we can declare variables anywhere in the
program, because when the statement is executed the memory is assigned to them.
Java allows its programmers to initialize a variable at run time also. Initializing a
variable at run time is called dynamic initialization.
Program 1.10: Program for dynamic initialization of variables.
class DynamicInit
public static void main(String args[])
double a = 3.0, b = 4.0;
// c is dynamically initialized
double c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
System.out.println("C=" + c);
Scope of Variables:
• The area of the program where the variable is accessible is called its scope. Scope
refers to the lifetime and accessibility of a variable.
• The scope of a variable defines the section of the code in which the variable is
accessible or visible.
• Scope is the lifetime of a variable and refers to how long the variable exists before it is
• Scope itself specifies that the system allocates and de-allocates the memory for the
• Java variables are actually classified into three categories and their scope is defined
according their category as given below:
1. Instance Variables: Instances are declared inside the class. Instance variables are
created when the objects are instantiated (created) and those are associated with
the objects. They take different values for each object. Instance variables are
declared in a class, but outside a method, constructor or any block. The instance
variables are visible for all methods, constructors and block in the class.
2. Class/Static Variables: Class variables are declared inside the class and global to
the class and belong to the entire set of object and that class creates. Only one
memory location is created for each class variable. Visibility is similar to instance

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

3. Local variables: Local variables declared and used inside the methods. They are
not available outside of the method definition. Local variables can be declared
inside the program blocks that are defined between the opening { and closing
braces }. These variables are visible to the program only. When the program
control leaves block, all the variables in the block will cease to exit.

Characteristic Local Variable Instance Variable Class Variable

1. Where In a method, In a class, but In a class, but

declared constructor, or outside a method. outside a method.
block. Must be declared

2. Use Local variables Instance variables Class variables are

hold values used in hold values that mostly used for
computations in a must be constants,
method. referenced by variables that
more than one never change from
method. their initial value.

3. Lifetime Created when Created when Created when the

method or instance of class is program starts.
constructor is created with new. Destroyed when
entered. Destroyed when the program stops.
Destroyed on exit. there are no more
references to
enclosing object
(made available
for garbage

4. Scope/Visibility Local variables Instance (field) Same as instance

(including formal variables can been variable, but are
parameters) are seen by all often declared
visible only in the methods in the public to make
method, class. constants available
constructor, or to users of the
block in which class.
they are declared.

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Program 1.11: Program for scope of variables.

public class Sample
string name; //instance variable
int age;
static int count; //class variable
void accept(string n,int a) // n, a are local variables
void show()
void display()
public static void main(String args[])
Sample s1=new Sample();
Sample s2=new Sample();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

1.7.5 Final Variable [April 16, 17, Oct. 18]

• Variables are useful when we need to store information that can be changed as
program runs.
• However, there may be certain situations in the program in which the value of
variable should not be allowed to modify or change. This is accomplished using a
special type of variable known as final variable.
• The final variable also called constant variable. Final variable is a variable with a
value that cannot be modified during the execution of the program.
• To declare a final variable, use the final keyword before the variable declaration and
initialize it with a value. Its syntax is,
final data_type varName = value;
For example:
final double PI = 3.141592;
• Above statement declares a variable PI of type double which is initialized to 3.141592,
that cannot be modified. If an attempt is made to modify a final variable after it is
initialized, the compiler issues an error message "cannot assign a value to final
variable PI".
Program 1.12: Program to find area of circle using final variables.
public class area
public static void main(String args[])
int r=10; //initializing radius
final double PI=3.141592; // final variable
double area;
area = PI * r *r;
System.out.println("Area of Circle is: " +area);

1.7.6 Expressions and Statements

• A computer program is a set of instructions to be executed by computer and these
programs instructions are called as statements.
• Java statements are separated by semicolon (;). An expression is a combination of
operators and operands which reduces to a single value.
• Any valid grouping of constants, variables and operators constitutes an expression.
For example a + b is an expression and x is also an expression.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Different statements are supported by Java as shown in Table 1.12.

Table 1.12: Statement in java
Statement Description
1. Empty These statements do nothing and are used during program
Statement development as a place holder.
2. Labelled Any statement may begin with a label. Such labels may noy
Statement be keywords, already declared as local variables or
previously used labels in this module. Labels in java are used
as arguments of jump statements.
3. Expression Most statements are expression statements. Java has seven
Statement types of expression statements namely, assignment, pre-
increment, pre-decrement, post-increment, post-decrement,
method call and allocation expression.
4. Selection These statements select one of several control flows. There
Statement are three types of selection statements in Java namely if, if-
else and switch.
5. Iteration These statements specify how and when looping will take
Statement place. There are three types of iteration statements namely,
while, do while and for.
6. Jump Statement These statements pass control to the beginning or end of the
current block, or at a labelled statement such labels must be
in the same block, and continue labels must be in the
iteration statement. The four types of jump statements are
break, continue, return and throw.
7. Synchronization These statements are used for handling issues with multi-
Statement threading.
8. Guarding These statements are used for safe handling of code that may
Statement cause exceptions (such as division by zero) these statements
use keywords try, catch and finally.

1.7.7 Control Flow Statements

• Statements that control the flow of the program are called control flow statements.
• The control statements are used to control the flow of execution of the program. This
execution order depends on the supplied data values and the conditional logic.
• There are three basic flow control constructs namely, sequential, conditional (or
decision), and loop (or iteration) as shown in Fig. 1.14.
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(a) Sequential (b) Conditional (Decision) (c) Loop (Iteration)

Fig. 1.14: Basic Flow Control Constructs
• Statements in a program are generally executed in a sequential manner, which is
called sequential execution or sequential control flow.
• Conditional selection is a situation where we may have different types of data values,
and may need to perform different processing steps.
• Iterative control is a situation where we need to perform repetitive process steps on
similar data.
• Fig. 1.15 shows various Java control statements.

Selection Statement Iteration Statement Jump Statement

if If-else switch break continue return

while do for
Fig. 1.15: Java control statements
1.7.8 Selection / Decision Making Statements
• A selection statement is a control statement that allows choosing between two or more
execution paths in a program.
• The decision making statements are used to change the flow of the program based on
• Various selection statements are discussed below:
1. if Statement:
• The if statement is a powerful and simplest decision making statement and is useful to
control the flow of execution of program statement.
• In 'if' statement if the condition is true then, it executes statement or statements which
are present under if statement. Otherwise (if the condition is false) it goes out of loop
or control transfer out of loop.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Fig. 1.16 shows syntax and flow diagram of if statement.Start

boolean if condition is True
// Statements;
if condition is Flase if code

rest of code
(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram
Fig. 1.16: if Statement
Program 1.13: Program for if statement.
public class ExampleIf
public static void main(String[] args)
int number = 25; //defining an variable
if(number >0)
System.out.print("Number is greater than zero (0) ");
Number is greater than zero (0)
2. if else Statement:
• It is basically extension of if statement. If the Boolean-expression is True if code gets
executed. If Boolean expression is False else code gets executed.
• In this decision making statements generally either of the block gets executed whether
it’s if code or else code, after either execution rest code gets executed.
• Fig. 1.17 shows syntax and flow diagram of if-else statement.
if(Boolean expression)
//if code goes here…
Executes when the Boolean if condition is True
expression is True…; Boolean-expression
//else code goes here
Executes when the Boolean if condition is False if code
expression is False…;
} else code

Rest of code

(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram

Fig. 1.17: if else Statement
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1.14.: Program to find even or odd number using if else statement.
public class IfElseExample
public static void main(String[] args) {
//defining a variable
int number=13; //defining a variable
if(number%2==0) //Check if the number is divisible by 2 or not
System.out.println("Even number");
System.out.println("Odd number");
Odd number
Nested ‘if’ Statement:
• The nested if statement represents the if statement within another if statement. Here,
the inner if statement condition executes only when outer if statement condition is
if(Boolean expression 1)
// Executes when the Boolean expression 1 is true
if(Boolean expression 2)
// Executes when the Boolean expression 2 is true
Program 1.15: Program for nested if statement.
public class JavaNestedIfExample
public static void main(String[] args)
int age=20; //Creating two variables for age and weight
int weight=80;
//applying condition on age and weight

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println("Eligible to donate blood");
Eligible to donate blood
Nested if else Statement:
• The nested if-else statements are used where we want to make series of decision
making. Thus one if-else is nested within another if-else. Therefore nested if-else give
us to make a decision within a decision already taken.
• The syntax for nested if-else statement given below:
if(Boolean expression 1)
if(Boolean expression 2)
// Statement 1;
// Statement 2;
// Statement 3;
Program 1.16: Program for nested if else statement.
public class JavaNestedIfElseExample
public static void main(String[] args)
int age=25; //Creating two variables for age and weight
int weight=48;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

//applying condition on age and weight

System.out.println("Eligible to donate blood");
System.out.println("Not eligible to donate blood");
System.out.println("Age must be greater than 18");
Not eligible to donate blood
3. else if Statement:
• Use the else if statement to specify a new condition if the first condition is false.
//block of code to be executed if condition1 is true
else if (condition2)
//block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and
condition2 is true
//block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false and
condition2 is false
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Program 1.17: Program for else if statement.

public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
int time = 22;
if(time < 10)
System.out.println("Good morning.");
else if(time < 20)
System.out.println("Good day.");
System.out.println("Good evening.");
Good evening
4. switch Statement:
• Sometimes, it becomes cumbersome to write lengthy programs using if and if-else
statements. To avoid this we can use switch statements in Java.
• The switch statement is the multi-way selection statement. It tests the value of the
variable (or expression) against the list of case values and when match is found, a
block of statements associated with that case
Startare executed.

• Fig. 1.18 shows syntax and flow diagram of switch statement.

case value-1:
case value-2: Expression = value-1
break; Expression = value-2
--------- Expression = value-n
default block; default (no match)
} default code


rest of code

(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram

Fig. 1.18: switch Statement
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1.18: Program for switch statement.

public class SwitchMonthExample
public static void main(String[] args)
//Specifying month number
int month=7;
String monthString="";
//Switch statement
//case statements within the switch block
case 1: monthString="1 - January";
case 2: monthString="2 - February";
case 3: monthString="3 - March";
case 4: monthString="4 - April";
case 5: monthString="5 - May";
case 6: monthString="6 - June";
case 7: monthString="7 - July";
case 8: monthString="8 - August";
case 9: monthString="9 - September";
case 10: monthString="10 - October";
case 11: monthString="11 - November";
case 12: monthString="12 - December";
default:System.out.println("Invalid Month!");
//Printing month of the given number
7 - July
• We can use switch statement inside other switch statement in Java. It is known as
nested switch statement.
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Program 1.19: Program for nested switch statement.

public class NestedSwitchExample
public static void main(String args[])
//C - CSE, E - ECE, M - Mechanical
char branch = 'C';
int collegeYear = 4;
case 1:
System.out.println("English, Maths, Science");
case 2:
switch( branch )
case 'C':
System.out.println("Operating System, Java, Data Structure");
case 'E':
("Micro processors, Logic switching theory");
case 'M':
System.out.println("Drawing, Manufacturing Machines");
case 3:
case 'C':
System.out.println("Computer Organization, MultiMedia");
case 'E':
("Fundamentals of Logic Design, Microelectronics");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

case 'M':
("Internal Combustion Engines, Mechanical Vibration");
case 4:
case 'C':
("Data Communication and Networks, MultiMedia");
case 'E':
System.out.println("Embedded System, Image Processing");
case 'M':
("Production Technology, Thermal Engineering");
Data Communication and Networks, MultiMedia

1.7.9 Loops
• There may be a situation when we need to execute a block of code several number of
• A loop statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements multiple
times until conditions become true.
• The process of repeatedly performing tasks is known as looping. There is either entry
controlled loop or exit controlled loop.
• If a loop first checks condition for execution then it is called as entry controlled loop
and if a loop checks condition after the execution of statement then they are called as
exit controlled loops.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• The for and while loops are known as entry controlled loop. The do-while loop is exit
controlled loop.
• Java is having three different loop statements, i.e., while loop, do-while loop and for
1. while Loop:
• In Java while loop is used when as single or a group of statements is to be executed
repeatedly as long as a given condition is satisfied.
• The while loop is entry controlled loop statement. The while statement continually
executes a block of statements while a particular condition is true.
• Fig. 1.19 shows syntax and control flow of while loop. Start

Test Condition


while(condition) Body of
while loop
//body of the loop;

Exit while

(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram

Fig. 1.19: while Loop

Program 1.20: Program for while loop.
public class Examplewhile
public static void main(String[] args)
int i =1; // initalization of variable
while(i<=10) // check the condition
i++; //increment variable by 1

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2. do-while Loop:
• Sometimes, in the program it is desirable to execute the loop at least once. The
do-while loop can be applied in this case.
• The loop is executed first and then the loop condition is checked. The condition is
written at the end of the loop.
• This is also called as exit-controlled loop. Start

Body of
do-while loop

do Test Condition
True False
//body of the loop;

Exit while

(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram

Fig. 1.20: do-while Loop
• In Fig. 1.20 the condition is evaluated after the end of each pass and the body of the
loop will always execute at least once, even if the condition is false the first time.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1.21: Program for do while loop.

public class DoWhileDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
int count = 1;
System.out.println("Count is: " + count);
} while (count < 11);
Count is: 1
Count is: 2
Count is: 3
Count is: 4
Count is: 5
Count is: 6
Count is: 7
Count is: 8
Count is: 9
Count is: 10
3. for Loop:
• The ‘for’ loop is entry-controlled loop. The for loop provide a more concise loop
control structure.
• That is, initialization, condition and increment/decrement can be done in the single
loop statement as shown in Fig. 1.21 (b).

Declare counter

for(initialization; condition;
Increment counter
//Body of the loop; Conditional code

If condition
is True
If condition
is False
(a) Syntax (b) Flow Diagram
Fig. 1.21: for Loop
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1.22: Program for ‘for’ loop.

public class ForDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
for(int i=1; i<=10; i++)
System.out.println("Count is: " + i +" ");
Count is: 1
Count is: 2
Count is: 3
Count is: 4
Count is: 5
Count is: 6
Count is: 7
Count is: 8
Count is: 9
Count is: 10
5. for each Loop:
• The basic for loop was extended in Java 5 to make iteration over arrays and other. This
newer for statement is called the 'enhanced' for or 'for each'.
• The for each and equivalent for statements have following forms. The two basic
equivalent forms are given, depending one whether it is an array or an Iterable that is
being traversed.
• In both cases an extra variable is required, an index for the array and an iterator for
the collection.
for(typevar: arr)
// Body-of-loop…
Here, var represent the element of array. During first iteration var will contain first
element of array, during second iteration it will hold second element of array and so
• The loop will be executed for all elements of array. If array elements are finished loop
will terminate automatically.
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Program 1.23: Program of 'for each' loop.

public class Person
public static void main(String [] args)
double[] ar = {1.2, 3.0, 0.8};
int sum = 0;
for (double d: ar)
System.out.println("Element:"+ d);
Element: 1.2
Element: 3.0
Element: 0.8
Nested Loops:
• The process of placing of one loop inside the body of another loop is called nesting.
Like all other programming languages, Java allows loops to be nested. That is, one loop
may be inside another.
• A nested loop is a loop that lies inside another loop. When we "nest" two loops, the
outer loop takes control of the number of complete repetitions of the inner loop.
1. Nested for Loop:
• We can use for loop inside another for loop is called nested for loop.
for(initialization; test condition; increment/decrement)
for(initialization; test condition; increment/decrement)
for(initialization; test condition; increment/decrement)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1.24: Program to display triangle of * using nested for loop.

public class NestedForLoopDemo
public static void main(String args[])
for(int i = 1; i <=3 ; i++)
for(int j = 1; j <= i; j++)
System.out.print("* ");
* *
* * *
Program 1.25: Program for nested for loop.
public class ForLoop
public static void main(String[] args)
for(int i = 1;i <= 3;i++)
for(int j = 1;j <= i;j++)
2 2
3 3 3
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2. Nested while Loop:

• One while loop can be nested with other while loop. We can use while loop inside
another while loop is called nested while loop.
Program 1.26: Program to print tables.
public class NestedWhileLoop
public static void main(String args[])
int i=1, j=1;
while(i <= 2) // change to 2 to 10 or 20 as many tables user want
while(j <= 10)
System.out.println(i + " * " + j + " = " + (i*j));

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1 * 1 = 1
1 * 2 = 2
1 * 3 = 3
1 * 4 = 4
1 * 5 = 5
1 * 6 = 6
1 * 7 = 7
1 * 8 = 8
1 * 9 = 9
1 * 10 = 10
3. Nested do while Loop:
• We can use do while loop inside another do while loop is called nested do while loop.
• The syntax for a nested do...while loop as follows:
Program 1.27: Program to print triangle of numbers.
public class NestedDOWhileLoop
public static void main(String args[])
int i=1, j=1;
int k = 5;
System.out.print(" ");
j = 1;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.print(i + " ");
2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5

1.7.10 Loop Control Statements

• Loop control statements (or jumping/branching statements) change execution of
program from its normal sequence.
• When execution leaves a scope, all automatic objects that were created in that scope
are destroyed.
• Using jumping statements like break and continue it is easier to jump out of loops to
control other areas of program flow.
• Java supports three jump statements i.e., break, continue, and return.
1. break Statement:
• When the break statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is immediately
terminated and the program control resumes at the next statement following the loop.
• The break statement can be also used to terminate a case in the switch statement. The
break statement has two forms namely labeled and unlabeled.
Syntax: break and break label;
Program 1.28: Program to check a number is prime or not.
public class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
int num=7;
int flag=0;
for(int i=2; i<num-1; i++)
if(num% i==0)
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System.out.println(num +"is prime");
System.out.println(num +" is not prime");
7 is prime
Program 1.29: Program to break statement with label.
Public class BreakWithLabelDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
int a[][] = {{ 32, 87, 3, 589 }, { 12, 1076, 2000, 8 },
{ 622, 127, 77, 955 }};
int num = 12;
int i;
int j = 0;
boolean flag = false;
search: for (i = 0; i <a.length; i++)
for (j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++)
if (a[i][j] == num)
flag = true;
break search;
if (flag)
System.out.println("Found " + num + " at " + i + ", " + j);
System.out.println(num + " not in the array");
Found 12 at 1, 0

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2. continue Statement:
• The continue statement causes the loop to be continued with the next iteration after
skipping any statements in between.
• The continue statement is used when it is necessary to skip a part of the body of the
loop under certain conditions.
• The continue statement tells the compiler, "skip or omit the statements mentioned and
continue with the next iteration."
• In while and do loops, using the continue statement, the control to go directly to the
test condition and then continue the iteration process.
• In the case of for loop, the increment section of the loop is executed before the test
condition is evaluated.
• The continue statement skips the current iteration of a for, while or do-while loop.
• The unlabeled form skips to the end of the innermost loop's body and evaluatesthe
Boolean expression that controls the loop.
Syntax: continue;
Program 1.30: Program for continue statement.
public class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
for(int i=1;i<=10;i++)
System.out.println("i=" + i);
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3. return Statement:
• The return statement exits from the current method and control flow returns to where
the method was invoked.
• A return statement causes the program control to transfer back to the caller of a
Syntax: return;
Program 1.31: Program for return statement.
public class ReturnTest
public int add()
{ // without arguments
int x = 30;
int y = 70;
int z = x+y;
return z;
public static void main(String args[])
ReturnTypeTest1 test = new ReturnTypeTest1();
int add = test.add();
System.out.println("The sum of x and y is: " + add);
The sum of x and y is: 100

1.8 ARRAYS IN JAVA [Oct. 16, April 18, 19]

• An array is a group of contiguous memory locations to store the data of common type.
An array is a collection of similar type of elements that have contiguous memory
• Java array is an object that contains elements of similar data type. It is a data structure
where we store similar elements. We can store only fixed set of elements in a java
• Java provides a data structure, the array, which stores a fixed-size sequential
collection of elements of the same type.
• An array is used to store a collection of data, but it is often more useful to think of an
array as a collection of variables of the same type.
• Commonly used terms or element in array are explained below:
1. Element: Element of an array is the items it contains. An array can contain one or
more elements.
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2. Value: Each element contains one value.

3. Key or index: Key or index of an array is a unique number or a string that is
associated with each value of an element.
4. Length: The length of an array is the number of elements it contains.
• The index of an array numbering begins with 0. The 9th element, for example, would
therefore be accessed at index 8 (See Fig. 1.22).
First index
(at index 8)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Indices

Array length is 10

Fig. 1.22: Element of Array

• The types of arrays include Single or One Dimensional (1D) array is used to
represent and store data in a linear form so it is also called as linear array. Array
having only one subscript variable is called one dimensional array. A Two
Dimensional (2D) array, also known as a table or a matrix, where each element
associates with a pair of indexes.
• We conceptualize a two-dimensional array as a rectangular grid of elements divided
into rows and columns, and we use the (row, column) notation to identify a specific

1.8.1 One Dimensional (1D) Array

• A Java array is a collection of variables of the same type. An array is a container object
that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.
• One Dimensional (1D) array in java is always used with only one subscript ([ ]). Each
item in an array is called an element, and each element is accessed by its numerical
• As shown in Fig. 1.23, numbering begins with 0. The 4th element, for example, would
therefore be accessed at index 3.
First index at index 3

0 1 2 3 4 Indices

Array length is 5
Fig. 1.23: One Dimensional (1D) Array

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

• Creating on 1D array involves following three steps:

Step 1 : Declaration of Arrays: Before using the array, we must declare it. 1D
array declared in following two forms:
Syntax/Form 1: type array_name[];
Syntax/Form 2: type[] array_name;
Examples: int num[];
float[] avg;
We do not enter the size of the arrays in the declaration.
Step 2 : Creation of Arrays OR Creating Memory Locations for Array Elements:
After declaring an array memory is created with the help of "new" operator.
Syntax: array_name = new type[size];
Examples: num = new int[5];
avg = new float [5];
Above lines create necessary memory locations for the arrays 'num' and
It is possible to combine the two steps declaration and creation into one
int num[] = new int[5];
type array_name[] = new type[size];
Statement Result
int num [ ]; Point now here

num = new int [5];

Points to int
num [0]

num [1]

num [2]

num [3]

num [4]

Fig. 1.24: Creation of an Array and Array Elements in Memory

Step 3 : Initialization of an Array OR Putting Values into the Memory Locations
of Array Elements:
The final step is to put values into the array created. This process is known
as "initialization". Java creates arrays starting with the subscript of "0" and
end with value "1" less than size specified.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

The array initialization can be done in following two ways:

1. By using array subscripts: The syntax is given below:
array_name[subscript] = value;
num[0] = 10;
num[1] = 20;
num[2] = 30;
num[3] = 40;
num[4] = 50;
2. Array can be created at the time of declaration: The syntax is given
type array_name[] = {list of value};
Here, the array initialize is a list of values separated by commas and
surrounded by curly braces. The size is not given the compiler allocates
enough space for all the elements specified in the list.
Example: int num[ ] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
It is also possible to assign an array object to another.
int x[ ] = {1, 2, 3};
int b[ ];
b = x;
Program 1.32: Program for One Dimensional 1D array.
public class arraydemo
public static void main(String args[])
int a[ ]={2,4,6,3,1};
System.out.println("Number of elements in array A: "+a.length);
System.out.println("Elements in array A");
for(int i=0;i <a.length;i++)
System.out.print (a[i] + "\t");
Number of elements in array A: 5
Elements in array A
2 4 6 3 1
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1.8.2 Two Dimensional (2D) Array

• The Two Dimensional (2D) Array in Java programming language is nothing but an
array of arrays.
• The 2D array is organized as matrices which can be represented as the collection of
rows and columns. Two dimensional array is declared as follows:
data_type[][] array_name = new int[row_size][column_size];
data_type will decide the type of elements it will accept.
array_name is the name you want to give it to this Java two dimensional array.
row_size is number of row elements an array can store.
column_size is number of column elements an array can store.
• There are different ways we can declaring and creating a two dimensional array in
int[][] Student_Marks = new int[3][3];
int[][]Student_Marks = { {10, 20, 30}, {15, 25, 35}, {22, 44, 66}};
Program 1.33: Program for 2D array.
public class twodim
final static int r = 3;
final static int c = 3;
public static void main(String [] args)
int mult[] [] = new int [r][c];
int row, column,
int i, j;
for (i=1; i<=r; i++)
for (j=1; j<=c; j++)
mult [i][j] = i * j;
System.out.println(" " + mult [i][j]);
System.out.println(" ");
The given matrix:
1 2 3
2 4 6
3 6 9
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Program 1.34: Program addition of two matrices.

public class Testarray
public static void main(String args[])
//creating two matrices
int a[][]={{1,3,4},{3,4,5}};
int b[][]={{1,3,4},{3,4,5}};
//creating another matrix to store the sum of two matrices
int c[][]=new int[2][3];
//adding and printing addition of Two matrices
for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
System.out.print(c[i][j]+" ");
System.out.println();//new line
2 6 8
6 8 10
Program 1.35: Program for sort in array.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class SortIntArrayExample
public static void main(String[] args)
//create an int array
int[] i1 = new int[]{3,2,5,4,1};
//print original int array
System.out.print("Original Array: ");
for(int index=0; index < i1.length ; index++)
System.out.print(" " + i1[index]);

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//print sorted int array

System.out.print("Sorted int array: ");
for(int index=0; index < i1.length ; index++)
System.out.print(" " + i1[index]);
int[] i2 = new int[]{5,2,3,1,4};
//print sorted int array
System.out.print("Partially Sorted int array: ");
for(int index=0; index < i2.length ; index++)
System.out.print(" " + i2[index]);
Original Array: 3 2 5 4 1
Sorted int array: 1 2 3 4 5
Partially Sorted int array: 5 1 2 3 4
Program 1.36: Program to Reverse elements in array.
import java.util.*;
public class ReverseArray
public static void main(String args[])
// Create java.util.Scanner object for taking input
Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in);
// Take no.of elements and store it in n
System.out.println("Enter the no.of elements");
int n=s.nextInt();
// Create array of size n
int a[]=new int[n];
// Read elements into the array
System.out.println("Enter the elements into the array");
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
// Reverse elements in the array
// Print the array
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for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
public static void reverse(int[] a)
// Loop for length/2 times only else re-swapping takes place
for(int i=0;i<a.length/2;i++)
int temp=a[i];
Enter the no. of elements
Enter the elements into the array
Program 1.37: Program for transpose matrix.
public class TransposeaMatrix
public static void main(String args[])
int m, n, c, d;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the number of rows and columns of matrix:");
m = in.nextInt();
n = in.nextInt();
int matrix[][] = new int[m][n];
System.out.println("Enter the elements of matrix:");
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for ( c = 0 ; c < m ; c++ )

for ( d = 0 ; d < n ; d++ )
matrix[c][d] = in.nextInt();
int transpose[][] = new int[n][m];
for ( c = 0 ; c < m ; c++ )
for ( d = 0 ; d < n ; d++ )
transpose[d][c] = matrix[c][d];
System.out.println("Transpose of entered matrix:-");
for ( c = 0 ; c < n ; c++ )
for ( d = 0 ; d < m ; d++ )
Enter the number of rows and columns of matrix:
2 3
Enter the elements of matrix:
1 2 3
4 5 5
Transpose of entered matrix:
1 4
2 5
3 5

1.9 ACCEPTING INPUT [April 16, Oct. 17]

• Java provides different ways to get or accept input from the user. In Java, there are
different ways for reading input from the user in the command line environment
• The three common techniques for accepting input in Java are using BufferedReader
class, Scanner class and Command line arguments.
Using BuferedReader Class:
• The Java.io.BufferedReader class reads text from a character-input stream, buffering
characters so as to provide for the efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines.
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• Following are the important points about BufferedReader:

1. The buffer size may be specified, or the default size may be used.
2. Each read request made of a Reader causes a corresponding read request to be
made of the underlying character or byte stream.
3. By wrapping the System.in (standard input stream) in an InputStreamReader
which is wrapped in a BufferedReader, we can read input from the user in the
command line.
Class Declaration of BufferReader:
public class BufferedReader
extends Reader
Class Constructors:
1. BufferedReader(Reader in): This constructor creates a buffering character-input
stream that uses a default-sized input buffer.
2. BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz): This constructor creates a buffering
character-input stream that uses an input buffer of the specified size
Class Methods of BufferedReader:
1. int read(): This method reads a single character.
2. void close(): This method closes the stream and releases any system resources
associated with it.
3. void reset(): This method resets the stream.
4. void mark(int readAheadLimit): This method marks the present position in the
5. boolean ready(): This method tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
6. boolean markSupported(): This method tells whether this stream supports the
mark() operation, which it does.
7. long skip(long n): This method skips characters.
8. int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len): This method reads characters into a
portion of an array.
9. String readLine(): This method reads a line of text.
Program 1.38: Program for BufferReader class.
import java.io.*;
public class ExampleBufferedReader
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String name="";
System.out.println("Enter data: ");
System.out.println("data is: "+name);
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Enter data:
Hello World
data is: Hello World
Using Command Line Arguments:
• The Java command line argument is an argument i.e. passed at the time of running the
Java program.
• The arguments passed from the console can be received in the java program and it can
be used as an input.
• A command-line argument is the information that directly follows the program's name
on the command line when it is executed.
• An argument which is supplied/passed to the main() from the command line at the
time of calling the main() by the java interpreters is called command line argument.
• The arguments supplied from the command line are of string type arguments.
Therefore these arguments are stored in the parameter of main() which is an array of
string objects i.e. args[].
public static void main(String args[])
• Each element in the array is one command-line argument.
Program 1.39: Program to display all command line arguments.
public class commdLineArg
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println ("Total arguments passed are" + args.length);
System.out.println ("Each of them are");
for(int k = 0; k < args.length; k++)
System.out.println ("arg[" + k + "]:" + args [k]);
} //end main
} //end class
java commdLineArg I am a girl
Total argument's passed are 4
Each of them are:
arg[o] = I
arg[1]: am
arg[2]: a
arg[3]: girl
Using Scanner Class:
• This is probably the most preferred method to take input. The Scanner class is used to
read Java user input.
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• The main purpose of the Scanner class is to parse primitive types and strings using
regular expressions, however, it is also can be used to read input from the user in the
command line.
• Java Scanner class allows the user to take input from the console. It is used to read the
input of primitive types like int, double, long, short, float, and byte. It is the easiest way
to read input in Java program.
• In order to use the object of Scanner, we need to import java.util.Scanner package.
Java Scanner class provides the following methods to read different primitives types:
Method Description
int nextInt() It is used to scan the next token of the input as an integer.
float nextFloat() It is used to scan the next token of the input as a float.
double nextDouble() It is used to scan the next token of the input as a double.
byte nextByte() It is used to scan the next token of the input as a byte.
String nextLine() Advances this scanner past the current line.
boolean nextBoolean() It is used to scan the next token of the input into a Boolean
long nextLong() It is used to scan the next token of the input as a long.
short nextShort() It is used to scan the next token of the input as a Short.
Program 1.40: Program for java Scanner nextInt().
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Sample1
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // creates a Scanner object
System.out.println("Enter an integer: ");
int number = input.nextInt(); // reads an int value
System.out.println("Number using nextInt(): " + number);
Enter an integer: 22
Number using nextInt(): 22
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 1: Program to display message.
import java.io.*;
class MsgExample
public static void main(String s[])
System.out.println(“Welcome to Java World ”);
Welcome to Java World
Program 2: Program to display string.
import java.io.*;
class FirstExample
public static void main(String s[])
String str = "Object Oriented Programming – I ";
System.out.println("String = "+str);
} //end of class
String = Object Oriented Programming – I
Program 3: Program to constant integer number.
import java.io.*;
class JConstant
public static void main(String s[])
int a,b;
a = 400;
b = 100;
System.out.println("a = "+a);
System.out.println("b = "+b);
}//end of class
a = 400
b = 100
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 4: Program to float data type.

import java.io.*;
class JFloat
public static void main(String s[])
int a=100;
float f=a;
System.out.println("a = "+a);
System.out.println("f = "+f);
a = 100
f = 100.0
Program 5: Program of addition of numbers.
import java.io.*;
class Jadd
public static void main(String s[])
int a,b,sum;
a = 88;
b = 77;
sum = a + b;
System.out.println("a = "+a);
System.out.println("b = "+b);
System.out.println("Sum= "+sum);
}end of class
a = 88
b = 77
Sum = 165
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Program 6: Program for command line argument.

class ExampleCommandLine
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Enter the Data: "+args[0]);
} // end of class
java ExampleCommandLine 22
Enter the Data: 22
java ExampleCommandLine JAVA
Enter the Data: JAVA
Program 7: Program to get the number from command line arguments.
class Sample
public static void main(String args[])
int x = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); // convert to integer and it will
store in x
int y = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); //convert to integerand it will
store in y
System.out.println("x = "+x);
System.out.println("y = "+y);
}//end of class
x = 2
y = 4
Program 8: Program to read a line using Scanner.
import java.util.Scanner;
class Examplescanner
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // creates an object of
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

String strname = input.nextLine(); // takes input from the

System.out.println("Name is " + strname); // prints the name
input.close(); // closes the scanner
Enter your name: rose
Name is rose
Program 9: Program for Scanner nextInt().
import java.util.Scanner;
class Sample1
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // creates a Scanner object
System.out.println("Enter an integer: ");
int number = input.nextInt(); // reads an int value
System.out.println("Number using nextInt(): " + number);
Enter an integer: 22
Number using nextInt(): 22
Program 10: Program to reading data from console.
import java.io.*;
public class ExampleBufferedReader
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String name="";
System.out.println("Enter data: ");
System.out.println("data is: "+name);
Enter data:
Hello World
data is: Hello World
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Program 11: Program to check a leap year on not.

import java.util.Scanner;
class EvenOdd
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
int year = reader.nextInt();
if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100!= 0)) || (year%400 == 0))
System.out.println(year + " is Leap Year");
System.out.println(year + " is NOT Leap Year ");
Enter a number: 2020
2020 is Leap Year
Program 12: Program to display maximum number.
import java.util.Scanner;
class Testmax
public static void main(String s[])
Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in);
int a,b,c;
System.out.println("Enter the values");
a = reader.nextInt(); // Enter value of a
b = reader.nextInt(); // Enter value of b
c = reader.nextInt(); // Enter value of c
if(a>b && a>c)
System.out.println("Maximum Number ="+a);
if(b>a && b>c)
System.out.println("Maximum Number ="+b);
System.out.println("Maximum Number ="+c);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Enter the values
Maximum Number =5
Program 13: Program to display even numbers.
public class Examplewhile
public static void main(String[] args)
int i =2; // initalization of variable
while(i<=10) // check the condition
i+=2; //increment variable by 2
Program 14: Program for reverse a number.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Examplereverseno
public static void main(String[] args)
int rev = 0,sum = 0;
System.out.print("Enter the number: ");
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int num = sc.nextInt();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

rev = (rev *10)+ ( num%10);
num = num /10;
System.out.println("The reverse of the given number is: " + rev);
Enter the number: 345
The reverse of the given number is: 543
Program 15: Program for pattern.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Pattern2
public static void main(String[] args)
int lim;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // creates an object of Scanner
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
lim = sc.nextInt(); // takes input from the keyboard
for(int i=lim;i>0;i--)
for(int j = 1; j<=i ;j++)
System.out.print(" "+j);
}//j loop
System.out.println();//new line
}//i loop
} //end of class
Enter your name: 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
1 2 3
1 2
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 16: Program for pattern.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Pattern3
public static void main(String[] args)
int lim;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); // creates an object of Scanner
System.out.print("Enter your name: ");
lim = sc.nextInt(); // takes input from the keyboard
char ch = 'A';
for(int i=1 ;i<=lim;i++)
for(int j = 1; j<=i ;j++)
System.out.print(" "+ch);
}//j loop
ch++; //increment by 1
System.out.println();//new line
} //i loop
} //end of class
Enter your name: 5
Program 17: Program to display elements of the array.
public class Readarr
public static void main(String[] args)
int arr[]={11,22,44,55,77}; //Declaring an array
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
System.out.println("arr [" + i + "] = " + arr[i]);
//display with indexing
System.out.println("Array Elements are: ");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
System.out.print(" " + arr[i]); //display elements
arr [0] = 11
arr [1] = 22
arr [2] = 44
arr [3] = 55
arr [4] = 77
Array Elements are:
11 22 44 55 77
Program 18: Program to print odd and even numbers from an array.
public class Exoddevenarray
public static void main(String args[])
int arr[]={10,23,54,61,32,22}; //Declaration of Array
System.out.println("Even Array Elements:");
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
System.out.println("Odd Array Elements:");
for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++)
} //end of class
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Even Array Elements:
Odd Array Elements:
Program 19: Program to display the array element in descending order.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exdessort
public static void main(String[] args)
int n,temp;
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Limit: ");
n=sc.nextInt(); //enter the number of elements
int[] array = new int[10]; //declare the array element
System.out.println("Enter the elements of the array: ");
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
array[i]=sc.nextInt(); //reading array elements from the user
System.out.println("Array elements are: ");
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
System.out.print(" "+array[i]);
// accessing array elements using the for loop
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
for (int j=i+1; j<n; j++)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
System.out.println(" \nSorted Array elements are: ");
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
System.out.print(" "+array[i]);
} //end of class
Enter the Limit: 5
Enter the elements of the array:
Array elements are:
78 5 91 2 15
Sorted Array elements are:
91 78 15 5 2
Program 20: Program to read and display 2D array.
class Example2d
public static void main(String[] args)
int[][] arr = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 },{7, 8, 9 } };
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
System.out.println("arr[" + i + "][" + j + "] = " + arr[i][j]);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println("Array Elements: ");

for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
System.out.print(" " + arr[i][j]);
arr[0][0] = 1
arr[0][1] = 2
arr[0][2] = 3
arr[1][0] = 4
arr[1][1] = 5
arr[1][2] = 6
arr[2][0] = 7
arr[2][1] = 8
arr[2][2] = 9
Array Elements:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Program 21: Program to read and display 2D array using Scanner.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Example2d1
public static void main(String args[])
int m, n, i, j;
Scanner sc=new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the number of rows: ");
m = sc.nextInt(); //enter row
System.out.print("Enter the number of columns: ");
n = sc.nextInt(); //enter column
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

int array[][] = new int[m][n]; // Declaring the two-dimensional array

System.out.println("Enter the elements of the array: ");
// enter the array values
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) //loop for row
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) //loop for column
array[i][j] = sc.nextInt();
System.out.println("Elements of the array are: ");
//accessing array elements
for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
System.out.print(array[i][j] + " "); //prints the array elements
System.out.println(); // new line
} //end of class
Enter the number of rows: 3
Enter the number of columns: 3
Enter the elements of the array:
Elements of the array are:
11 22 33
44 55 66
77 88 99
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Program 22: Program to addition of 2 dimensional array.

import java.util.Scanner;
class Example2dadd
public static void main(String args[])
int row, col,i,j;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter the number of rows");
row = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter the number columns");
col = in.nextInt();
int a[][] = new int[row][col];
int b[][] = new int[row][col];
int c[][] = new int[row][col];
System.out.println("Enter the elements of 'a' matrix");
for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
a[i][j] = in.nextInt();
System.out.println("Enter the elements of 'b' matrix");
for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
b[i][j] = in.nextInt();
for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j] ;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println("Matrix 'a': ");

for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
System.out.print(a[i][j]+" ");
System.out.println("Matrix 'b': ");
for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
System.out.print(b[i][j]+" ");
System.out.println("Addition of matrices: ");
for ( i= 0 ; i < row ; i++ )
for ( j= 0 ; j < col ;j++ )
}//end of end
Enter the number of rows
Enter the number columns
Enter the elements of 'a' matrix

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

Enter the elements of 'b' matrix

Matrix 'a':
1 2
3 4
Matrix 'b':
5 6
7 8
Addition of matrices:
6 8
10 12
Program 23: Program to accept number from command line and print square root of the
import java.lang.*;
class squareroot
public static void main(String args[])
int num;
num = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
doublesq = Math.sqrt(num);
System.out.println("Square root of "+ num +" is: "+sq);
Square root of 16 is: 4.0
Program 24: Program to find sum of digit of number entered by user. OR Program to
compute the sum of the digits of a given integer numbers.
import java.io.*;
class SumOfDigits
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
System.out.println("Enter number: ");
int num=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
int remainder, result=0;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

remainder = num%10;
result = result + remainder;
num = num/10;
System.out.println("Sum of digits of given number is: "+result);
Enter number: 5 5 5
Sum of digits of given number is: 15
Program 25: Program to accept two numbers as command line arguments and print the
addition of those numbers.
class addition
public static void main(String args[])
int num1=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int num2=Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
int result=0;
System.out.println("Addition of two numbers is: " +result);
10 20
Addition of two numbers is: 30
Program 26: Program to find whether number is palindrome or not.
class palindrome
public static void main(String args[])
int num=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int n=num;
int reverse=0,remainder;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

System.out.println(n+"is a palindrome number");
System.out.println(n+" is not palindrome number");
121 is a palindrome number
Program 27: Program to generate Fibonacci series 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89.
class Fibonacci
public static void main(String args[])
int num=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
System.out.println("Fibonacci series are: ");
int f1,f2=0,f3=1;
for(int i=1;i<=num;i++)
System.out.print(f3+" ");
Fibonacci series are:
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
Program 28: Program to check whether an entered number is prime or not.
import java.io.*;
class PrimeNo
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new
System.out.println("Enter number: ");
int num = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
int flag=0;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

for(int i=2;i<num;i++)
System.out.println(num + " is not a prime number");
System.out.println(num + " is a prime number");
Enter number:5
5 is a prime number

Q.I Multiple Choice Questions:
1. An expression involving byte, int, and literal numbers is promoted to which of
(a) long (b) int
(c) byte (d) float
2. Which of following literals can be contained in float data type variable?
(a) − 1.7e + 308 (b) − 3.4e + 038
(c) + 1.7e + 308 (d) − 3.4e + 050
3. With x = 0, which of the following are legal lines of Java code for changing the
value of x to 1?
(i) x++; (ii) x = x + 1; (iii) x + = 1; (iv) x = + 1;
(a) (i), (ii) and (iii) (b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
4. What is true about a break?
(a) break stops the execution of entire program
(b) break forces the control out of the loop and starts the execution of next
(c) break halts the execution and forces the control out of the loop
(d) break halts the execution of the loop for certain time frame
5. Which of the following is used with the switch statement?
(a) break (b) continue
(c) exit (d) do
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

6. Which component is used to compile, debug and execute java program?

(a) JVM (b) JRE
(c) JIT (d) JDK
7. Which of the below is invalid identifier with the main method?
(a) public (b) static
(c) private (d) final
8. What is the extension of compiled java classes?
(a) .class (b) .java
(c) .txt (d) .exe
9. Which of the following is a valid declaration of an object of class Box?
(a) Box obj = new Box(); (b) Box obj = new Box;
(c) obj = new Box(); (d) new Box obj;
10. Which of the following is not a valid flow control statement?
(a) continue (b) return
(c) exit() (d) break
11. What software compiles a Java program?
(a) JRE (Java Runtime Environment) (b) JDK (Java Developer Kit)
(c) JVM (Java Virtual Machine) (d) Command Prompt
12. Byte code is the result of?
(a) Compiling a Java file (b) Compiling a Class file
(c) Interpreting a Java File (d) Interpreting a Class file
13. What is portability offered by Java language?
(a) Small code size easy to carry occupying less disk space
(b) Generating suitable Byte Code for each machine by the Compiler
(c) Ability to run the Byte on different machines producing the same behavior and
(d) Java does not actually provide portability
14. A function in C language is similar to what in Java language?
(a) Method (b) Member
(c) Variable (d) None of the above
15. What is the need to mention "static" before main method?
(a) To call main method without creating an object of class
(b) To make main method as class method common to all instances
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
16. What is the output of the below Java code snippet?
int a = 2 - - 7;
(a) − 5 (b) 10
(c) 9 (d) Compiler Error
17. Increment and Decrement arithmetic operators in Java has which Associativity?
(a) Left to Right (b) Right to Left
(c) Left to Left (d) Right to Right
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

18. What is the output of the Java code snippet?

int a = 10, b = 20;
int c = a++*2;
int d = --b*2;
System.out.println(c +"," + d);
(a) 20, 40 (b) 22, 40
(c) 20, 38 (d) 22, 38
19. What is meant by javap?
(a) java compiler (b) java Interpreter
(c) java debugger (d) java Disassemble
20. How can we identify whether a compilation unit is class or interface from a .class
(a) Java source file header
(b) Extension of compilation unit
(c) We cannot differentiate between class and interface
(d) The class or interface name should be postfixed with unit type
21. What is use of interpreter?
(a) They convert bytecode to machine language code
(b) They read high level code and execute them
(c) They are intermediated between JIT and JVM
(d) It is a synonym for JIT
22. Which is a high level, object-oriented, platform independent programming
(a) C (b) C++
(c) Java (d) SmallTalk
23. Which is a software or hardware environment in which we can run a program?
(a) Computing platform (b) Computer framework
(c) Computer IDE (d) Computer editor
24. Which is an engine or a specification which provides a runtime environment to
execute the Java bytecodes or applications?
(a) Java Runtime Environment (b) Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
(c) Java Standard Library (JSL) (d) SmallTalk
25. Which is an instance of class?
(a) Method (b) Polymorphism
(c) Inheritance (d) Object
26. The single-line comment in Java is denoted by,
(a) // (b) /*…*/
(c) /** … */ (d) None of mentioned
27. Which is a collection of objects of similar type of objects?
(a) Object (b) Class
(c) Inheritance (d) Polymorphism

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

28. Binding of data and functions into a single unit known as,
(a) Object (b) Class
(c) Encapsulation (d) Polymorphism
29. Which a request for execution of a method?
(a) Object (b) Class
(c) Message (d) Polymorphism
30. Java environment includes,
(a) JSL (b) JDK
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
31. Which is a Java application launcher?
(a) java (b) javac
(c) javadoc (d) jdb
32. Primitive data types of Java includes,
(a) int (b) char
(c) float (d) All of mentioned
33. Which operator is used only for object reference variables?
(a) instanceof (b) dot
(c) ternary (d) None of mentioned
34. Which is an identifier who’s values can changed during execution of program?
(a) constant (b) variable
(c) operator (d) literal
35. To declare a final variable, following which keyword is used.
(a) var final (b) final
(c) const (d) finalize
36. Which is an expression is a combination of operators and operands which reduces
to a single value.
(a) Statement (b) Operator
(c) Expression (d) None of mentioned
37. Following which is a multi-way selection statement.
(a) if (b) if else
(c) switch (d) None of mentioned
38. Which statements allows to execute a statement or group of statements multiple
times until conditions become true?
(a) sequential (b) looping
(c) selection (d) decision
39. Following which statement causes the program control to transfer back to the
caller of a method.
(a) return (b) break
(c) continue (d) exit
40. Which is a collection of similar type of elements that have contiguous memory
(a) Object (b) Array
(c) Class (d) Method
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

41. The array having only one subscript variable is called as,
(a) One Dimensional (1D) array (b) Two Dimensional (2D) array
(c) Multi-dimensional array (d) None of mentioned
42. The three common techniques for accepting input in Java includes,
(a) BufferedReader class (b) Scanner class
(c) Command line arguments (d) All of mentioned
43. Which Java class allows the user to take input from the console?
(a) BufferReader (b) Scanner
(c) Command line parameters (d) All of mentioned
1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (b)
Q.II Fill in the Blanks:
1. ____ and do while loops can be used where the number of iteration is not known
before hand.
2. _______ is a concept in OOP which hides unimportant implementation details from
3. _______ method can be called without the instance of a class.
4. Operator _______ is used to crate an array.
5. _______ variables are nothing but constants.
6. A break statement inside a loop like while, for, do while and enhanced-for causes
the program execution _______ loop.
7. In Java language, break or continue statements can be implemented inside a loop
only with the help of _______ statements to avoid never-ending loops.
8. An enhanced for loop in Java misses _______ and Increment/ Decrement compared
to the old-style for loop.
9. A break-with-label or continue-with-label are used in particular in Java to select
_______ loop either to break or continue.
10. _______ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs.
11. Platform independent code file created from Source file is understandable by
______ .
12. Java programming was designed by _______.
13. Class file must have extension _______.
14. Java has _______ primitive types of data.
15. Integer Data type does not include following primitive data type _______.
16. _______ Gosling initiated Java language project in June 1991.
17. To write Java programs, we will need a _______ editor like Notepad++ while even
more sophisticated IDEs like Eclipse, Netbeans available in the market.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

18. Names used for classes, variables, and methods are called _______.
19. Arrays are objects that store multiple variables of the _______ type.
20. The _______ may not be used as constant or variable or any other identifier names.
21. The inheritance concept allows to _______ the fields and methods of the existing
class without having to rewrite the code in a new class.
22. A _______ is a blueprint from which individual objects are created.
23. The _______ keyword is used to create the object.
24. _______ are nothing but reserved memory locations to store values.
25. _______ data types are predefined by the language and named by a keyword like
int. float, char and so on.
26. A variable provides us with _______ storage that the programs can manipulate.
27. Java provides a number of _______ modifiers to set access levels for classes,
variables, methods and constructors.
28. In _______ statement, if the Boolean expression evaluates to true then the block of
code inside the if statement will be executed.
29. _______ is the ability of an object to take on many forms.
30. The _______ is the interpreter which launches a java program.
31. A _______ statement allows us to execute a statement or group of statements
multiple times.
32. In Java the _______ command disassembles a class file.
33. The type of value that a variable can hold is called as _______ type.
34. _______ refer to fixed values that do not change during the execution of a program.
35. OOP emphasis on _______ rather than procedure.
36. An object is an _______ of a class and has two general characteristics namely, state
and behavior.
37. We access an array element by referring to the _______ number.
38. The _______ keyword causes the loop to immediately jump to the next iteration of
the loop.
39. The while loop loops through a block of code as long as a specified condition
is _______.
40. _______ refers to act of representing essential features without including
background details or explanations.
41. _______ translates or converts the ".java" file to a ".class" file.
42. _______ perform some specific operations using the operands and operator.
43. The _______ stores a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type.
44. Java is an _______ language, i.e. programs run directly from the source code.
45. The _______ is a software development environment which is used to develop Java
46. When the _______ statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is immediately
terminated and the program control resumes at the next statement following the
47. _______ is Java debugger that helps us in finding errors in Java programs.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

48. _______ line arguments is the way to pass argument to the main method in Java.
49. The _______ class is used to get user input, and it is found in the java.util package.
1. while 2. Encapsulation 3. static 4. [] 5. Final
6. exit 7. if else 8. Initialization 9. Outer loop 10. jdb
11. JVM 12. Sun 13. .class 14. eight (8) 15. double
16. James 17. text 18. identifiers 19. same 20. keywords
21. reuse 22. class 23. new 24. Variables 25. Primitive
26. named 27. access 28. if 29. Polymorphism 30. java
31. loop 32. javap 33. data 34. Constants 35. data
36. instance 37. index 38. continue 39. true 40. Abstraction
41. javac 42. Operators 43. array 44. interpreted 45. JDK
46. break 47. Jdb 48. Command 49. Scanner
Q.III State True or False:
1. All bitwise operations are carried out with the same level of precedence in Java.
2. Consider the statement "x = (a > b) ? a: b"; then the value of x is 27, if a = 18 and
b = 27.
3. An array in the Java programming language has the ability to store many different
types of values.
4. Variables declared inside a for loop are limited in scope to the loop.
5. The operations y >> 3 and y >>> 3 produce the same result when y > 0.
6. In Java, an array can be declared without initialization without mentioning the
7. We should not specify the array size if declaration and initialization are done at
the same time.
8. An array in Java can be declared only of some predefined types.
9. A WHILE loop in Java executes the statements at least once even the condition is
not satisfied.
10. Allocating memory with the keyword "new" causes the array elements to carry
default values.
11. A loop in Java generally contains a Loop-Counter variable.
12. The keyword "goto" can be used in Java programs with labels.
13. Java Programming promises programmer - "Write Once, Run Anywhere".
14. The name of the class file is created automatically when you compile the program
with the javac command.
15. An Increment operator "++" and/or a Decrement operator "--" are used along with a
Loop- Counter variable in Java.
16. Loops are in Java save time, reduce errors, and they make code more readable.
17. Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables) and code
acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

18. An array is a blueprint or prototype from which objects are created.

19. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs) is a programming paradigm based on the
concept of “objects” that contain data and methods.
20. Abstraction is a process where we show only “relevant” data and “hide”
unnecessary details of an object from the user.
21. The process by which one class acquires the properties and functionalities of
another class is called inheritance.
22. In Java arrays and strings are primitive data types.
23. Java platform is a collection of programs that help programmers to develop and
run Java programming applications efficiently.
24. Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.
25. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides a runtime environment to execute Java
26. An array is a collection of similar types of data.
27. An class can be defined as an instance of a object.
28. Variable in Java is a data container that stores the data values during Java
program execution.
29. Data types in Java are defined as specifiers that allocate different sizes and types of
values that can be stored in the variable or an identifier.
30. Java is a platform-independent language because it has runtime environment i.e.
JRE and API.
31. In computer programming, comments are a portion of the program that are
completely ignored by Java compilers. They are mainly used to help programmers
to understand the code.
32. Every variable is assigned data type which designates the type and quantity of
value it can hold. Variable is a memory location name of the data.
33. For mobile applications, Java uses J2ME framework which is cross platform that
runs applications across phones and smartphones.
34. Java Standard Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE).
35. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual
Machine, and other components to run applications written in the Java
programming language.
36. The java creates HTML formatted documentation from Java source code files.
37. The AppletViewer tool enables to run java applets.
38. Byte code verifier checks the code fragments for illegal codes that can violate
access right to the object.
39. Interpreter reads the byte code stream and then executes the instructions, step by
40. Scope of a variable decides its accessibility throughout the program.
41. Java keywords can be used as an identifier.
42. The if statement is a single conditional based statement that executes only if the
provided condition is true.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

43. Loop is designed to execute particular code block till the specified condition is
44. In Java, the nested if statement is a if inside another if. In this, one if block is
created inside another if block when the outer block is true then only the inner
block is executed.
45. The if else statement consists of conditional based cases and a default case.
46. The if-else statement is used for testing condition. If the condition is true, if block
executes otherwise else block executes. The else block execute only when
condition is false.
47. Break statement is used to break the current execution of the program.
48. Multi-Dimensional Array represent data into tabular form in which data is stored
into row and columns.
49. The BufferedReader class of Java is used to read the stream of characters from the
specified source (character-input stream).
50. The break statement is used to skip the current iteration of the loop. It jumps to the
next iteration of the loop immediately.
51. Bitwise operators are used to perform operations bit by bit.
52. The command line argument is the argument that passed to a program during
runtime. It is the way to pass argument to the main method in Java.
53. Initialization is a process of allocating memory to an array.
54. Logical operators are used to perform arithmetic operations like: addition,
subtraction etc and helpful to solve mathematical expressions.
55. An array is a collection of similar data types.
56. Relational operators are used to test comparison between operands or values in
two variables.
57. Operator is a symbol which tells to the compiler to perform some operation.
58. Assignment operators are used to assign a value to a variable.
59. Conditional operator is also known as ternary operator because it works
with three operands.
60. Single dimensional array use multi index to store elements.
1. (F) 2. (T) 3. (F) 4. (F) 5. (T) 6. (T) 7. (F) 8. (F) 9. (F) 10. (T)
11. (T) 12. (F) 13. (T) 14. (T) 15. (T) 16. (T) 17. (T) 18. (F) 19. (T) 20. (T)
21. (T) 22. (F) 23. (T) 24. (T) 25. (T) 26. (T) 27. (F) 28. (T) 29. (T) 30. (T)
31. (T) 32. (T) 33. (T) 34. (T) 35. (T) 36. (F) 37. (T) 38. (T) 39. (T) 40. (T)
41. (F) 42. (T) 43. (T) 44. (F) 45. (F) 46. (T) 47. (T) 48. (T) 49. (T) 50. (F)
51. (T) 52. (T) 53. (T) 54. (F) 55. (T) 56. (T) 57. (T) 58. (T) 59. (F) 60. (T)
Q.IV Answer the following Questions:
(A) Short Answer Questions:
1. What is OOP?
2. What is Java?
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

3. Why Java is platform-neutral language?

4. What is object?
5. Define class.
6. What is encapsulation?
7. Define inheritance.
8. Give any two features of OOP.
9. Define constant.
10. What is variable?
11. What is data type?
12. List types of data types in Java.
13. What is an operator?
14. What is the use of Scanner class?
15. What is the purpose of loop statements?
16. List loop control statements with its uses.
17. What is switch statement?
18. What is javac?
19. What is the purpose of jdb?
20. What is JRE?
21. Define OOP.
22. How to run Java program?
23. Why Java is called portable?
24. Give the use of BufferedReader class.
25. What is the function of class loader?
26. What is a byte code?
27. What is comment?
(B) Long Answer Questions:
1. Give short history of Java.
2. Explain features of Java.
3. Explain Java environment in detail.
4. Write short note on:
(i) javac (ii) jar
(iii) appletviewer (iv) jdb
(v) javadoc (vi) javap
5. What is object oriented programming approach?
6. Why Java is called distributed and dynamic?
7. What is the use of Byte code verifier and class loader?
8. Which are the tasks performed by Java environment?
9. What is the syntax of doc comment?
10. What is object? How to create it? Explain with example.
11. What is class? Why class is called as blueprints for an object?
12. Differentiate between class and object.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

13. What is meant by the data abstraction?

14. Write short note on: Encapsulation.
15. Describe inheritance concept with example.
16. Enlist various features of OOP.
17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of OOP?
18. What are keywords used by Java?
19. Define the following terms:
(i) OOP, (ii) Class, (iii) Object, (iv) Operator, (v) Variable, (vi) Constant, (vii) Loop,
(viii) Statement.
20. Enlist various operators used by Java with example.
21. What is data type? How to use data types in Java? Explain with example.
22. What are the types of constant used by Java?
23. Describe the statements with example: (i) if, (ii) if else, (iii) for, (iv) while.
24. Which jump statements used by java programming language? Explain them with
25. Write short note on: Scanner class.
26. What is variable? How to declare it? Explain with example.
27. With the help of example describe conditional operator.
28. Explain scope of variables in detail.
29. Describe command line arguments with example.
30. Write program to calculate average of three numbers.
31. Write program for fibbonacci series.
32. Write program to find give number is Armstrong or not.


April 2016
1. Define final variable with an example. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.7.5.
2. Name any four tags of Javadoc. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.5.
3. What is AppletViewer? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.3.
4. Explain features of Java in detail. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.3.
5. Explain various ways to read input string from console or keyboard. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.9.
October 2016
1. What is Javap? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.6.
2. What is Array? How to create an array of elements of double type? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.8.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I An Introduction to Java

April 2017
1. What is Javadoc? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.5.
2. List primitive data types in Java with their width in bits. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.7.2 Point (2).
3. Why is Java called purely object oriented programming language? Explain features
of Java. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.1.
October 2017
1. Justify true/false ‘Java is not fully object oriented’. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.1.
2. Explain the process of compilation of a Java program. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 1.15.
3. Explain how the input is accepted from command line with the help of
program. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.9.
April 2018
1. What do you mean by jdb? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.4.
2. Write a java program to find second smallest element in an array. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.8.
October 2018
1. What is the use of javap tool? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.6.
2. What is blank final variable? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.7.5.
3. “Java is platform dependant language.” True/False ? Justify. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.3.3.
April 2019
1. What is JAR file? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.7.
2. What is Javadoc comments? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.5.
3. Write a Java program to find second smallest element in an array. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.8.

Objects and Classes
To understand Basic Concepts of Objects and Classes
To study Constructors and Access Specifiers
To learn Predefined Classes in Java
To study Concepts of Packages
To learn Wrapper Classes

• Java is an object-oriented programming language. Objects and classes are the basic
building blocks of OOP. Everything in Java is associated with classes and objects.
• Anything we wish to represent in Java must be encapsulated in a class that defines the
“state” and “behavior” of the basic program components known as objects.
• An object is a basic unit of OOP and represents the real life entities like a house, a tree
etc. A class is a template for defining the behavior and states of the objects.
• Classes create objects and objects use methods to communicate between them
i.e. all about object-oriented programming.
• A Java package is a mechanism for organizing Java classes. Packages are used in Java,
in-order to avoid name conflicts and to control access of class, interface and so on.


• In Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) technique, we design a program using objects
and classes. An A class is a blueprint for creating objects. In Java, an object is created
from a class.
Object in Java:
• A real-world entity that has state and behavior is known as an object. These real-world
objects share two characteristics i.e. state and behavior. Example: A cat has states
color, name, etc. as well as behaviors like walking and eating.
• In simple words, object is an instance of a class.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Class in Java:
• A class can be defined as "a template/blueprint that describes the behaviors/states that
object of its type support".
• A class is a user-defined type which groups data members and its associated functions
• In Java language the data members are called fields and the functions are called
methods. Calling a specific method in an object is described as sending the object of
• Example of class and objects: class Student has objects like Yogi, Atharva, Rudra,
• Take another example of class and objects: class Car has objects like Ford, Toyota,
Car class

Car Objects

Ford Toyota Volkswagon

Fig. 2.1: Class and Object
Defining Classes:
• A class is the basic building block of Java language. A class is a template (or blueprint)
that describes the state and behavior associated with instances (objects) of that class.
• The class is composed of fields and methods. A field is a variable defined within a class
definition that is associated with an instance of that class or with all instances of the
class. A Java method is a set of Java statements which can be included inside a Java
• A class is declared by the keyword 'class' followed by class name. The declaration
syntax is given below:
<access specifier> class ClassName [extends SuperClassName]
[fields declaration]
[methods declaration]
• In the above syntax the access specifier can be public, private, protected and so on.
The class is a keyword and the ClassName is a user defined name. A field is a variable
defined within a class definition that is associated with an instance of that class or
with all instances of the class. A Java method included inside a Java class.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• The data in a class is in the form of instance variables. We can declare the instance
variables exactly the same way as we declare the local variables.
For example: Here, class name is Employee which contents two instance variables E_id
and Salary.
class Employee
int E_id;
float Salary;
Program 2.1: Creating a simple class in Java.
public class Student
int id;//declaration of data member or instance variable
String name;
public static void main(String args[]) //creating main
Student s1=new Student();//creating an object of Student
System.out.println("Student id = "+s1.id);
//accessing member through reference variable
System.out.println("Student name = "+s1.name);
Student id = 0
Student name = null
Methods in Java:
• A Java method is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform a
certain task.
• Method describes behavior of an object. A method is a collection of statements that are
group together to perform an operation.
return_type methodName(parameter_list)
//body of method …

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Example of a Method:
public String getName(String st)
String name="Nirali Prakashan";
return name;
• For using a method, it should be called. There are two ways in which a method is
called i.e., method returns a value or returning nothing (no return value).
• The process of method calling is simple, when a program invokes a method, the
program control gets transferred to the called method. This called method then
returns control to the caller in two conditions, when:
1. The return statement is executed.
2. It reaches the method ending closing brace.
Program 2.2: Program to show how to define a method and how to call it.
public class ExampleMinNumber
public static void main(String[] args)
int a = 11;
int b = 6;
int c = minFunction(a, b);
System.out.println("Minimum Value = " + c);
/* returns the minimum of two numbers */
public static int minFunction(int n1, int n2)
int min;
if (n1 > n2)
min = n2;
min = n1;
return min;
Minimum value = 6
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Creating Objects:
• Objects are programming units of a particular class. Creating an object of the class is
also called as instantiating an object.
• There are three steps when creating an object from a class:
1. Declaration of an Object:
We have to specify what type (i.e. class) the object will be. A variable declaration with
a variable name with an object type.
Syntax: <class name> object name;
Where, class name is the name of the already defined class and the object name is a
valid identifier.
2. Instantiation (Creating Objects):
Objects are created using the ‘new’ keyword. This ‘new’ keyword creates an object of
the specified class and returns the reference of that object.
The 'new' keyword is followed by a call to a constructor. This call initializes the new
Syntax: <objectname>=new classname([arguments]);
Let us create an object for the already defined Rectangle class in the previous chapter
Rectangle r1; //Rectangle name of the class, r1 name of the object
r1=new Rectangle(); //Allocating memory
Fig. 2.2 illustrates the above process.
Rectangle r1; Null

R1=new Rectangle (); length


Fig. 2.2: Creating object

3. Initialization:
• After the objects are created, there is a separate copy of the instance variables is
created for each of them. So, separate memory is allocated to them.
• The new operator dynamically allocates the memory for the object i.e., it allocates the
memory at run time.
• It has the following general form/syntax:
class-var = new classname();
Here, the ‘class-var’ is a variable of the class type being created. The ‘classname’ is
name of the class that is being instantiated.
• Here, the first statement declares a variable to hold the object reference. The second
statement assigns the object reference to the variable.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Accessing Class Members:

• The dot operator (.) or member selection operator is used to access the instance
variables of the class.
• We cannot access the instance variables outside of the class without referring to the
• Member access follows the following syntax:
Here, the ‘objectname’ is the name of the object and ‘variablename’ is name of the
instance variable.
• So, the instance variables of the class Employee can be accessed as,
Program 2.3: Program for accessing class members.
public class Student
String name ="abc";
int age = 20;
void display()
System.out.println("My name is "+name);
System.out.println("I am "+ age+ " years old");
public static void main(String args[])
Student s=new Student();
s.display(); // accessing methods using object
My name is abc
I am 20 years old
Mutator and Accessor Methods:
• These are the two basic terminologies used with Java classes.
1. Mutator method allows the change in value of class variables. It means that from
outside class we can manipulate the data of a class.
2. Accessor method just allows to access the data. It does not allow to manipulate the
• In the same program, if we are using both i.e. mutator and accessor methods together,
then it is suggested that it is not a good programming. For writing a good programs,
we should use any one method.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

For example:
class a
int p;
int get() // accessor method
{ return p; }
void setp(int q) //mutator method
{ p = q; }
Program 2.4: Program shows the usage of mutator method.
class area
float length;
float breadth;
void setd (float x, float y)
length = x;
breadth = y;
class mainarea
public static void main (String args[])
float a;
area ob1=new area();
ob1.setd(8, 10);
a = ob1.length * ob1.breadth;
System.out.println ("Area = " +a);
Area = 80
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes


• To use Java effectively, you want to create and use your own classes. This is one of the
great powers of Object-Oriented Languages, the ability to construct programs out of
independent building-blocks that cut large problems down into small, easily solvable
• We are going to create a very simple object class that will print a "Hello" message to
the screen when called.
• This class will have two different methods that will do the same thing, though we will
vary the messages they print a bit so that we can see which one is doing the work.
public class HelloClass
/** sayHello() prints "Hello!" to the Java console output
public void sayHello()
* doHello() prints "Hello, hello!" to the Java console output
* It's static, so you don't need to instatiate a HelloClass
* object to use it
public static void doHello()
System.out.println("Hello, hello!\n");
} // End of HelloClass
• The two methods we have to print messages are sayHello() and doHello(). To use
sayHello(), we need to have a HelloClass object created, then call that object's
• doHello(), however, is a static method. This means is belongs to the class, not to any
object of the class. So we can use it without any HelloClass objects being created first.


• In Java, it may be necessary in some situations to restrict the access to certain
variables and methods from outside the class.
• For example, we may not like the objects of a class directly alter the value of a variable
or access a method. We can achieve this in Java by applying visibility modifiers.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• The visibility modifiers are also known as access modifiers. Java provides a number of
access modifiers to set access (scope) levels for classes, variables, methods and
constructors. The four access levels are:
1. Visible to the package (default/friendly),
2. Visible to the class only (private),
3. Visible to the world (public), and
4. Visible to the package and all subclasses (protected).
• Let us see above access specifiers in detail.
1. Default / Friendly Access Modifier (No Keyword):
• If we give no specifier at all, the access is referred as friendly. It means that all the
other classes in the current package have access to the friendly member but to all the
classes outside the package the members appear to be private.
• Default access modifier means we do not explicitly declare an access modifier for a
class, field, method, etc.
• A variable or method declared without any access control modifier is available to any
other class in the same package.
• The fields in an interface are implicitly public static final and the methods in an
interface are by default public.
• Variables and methods can be declared without any modifiers, as in the following
String version = "1.5.1";
Boolean processOrder()
return true;
2. Private Access Modifier (private):
• Methods, variables and constructors that are declared private can only be accessed
within the declared class itself.
• Private access modifier is the highest degree restrictive access level. Class and
interfaces cannot be private.
• Variables that are declared private can be accessed outside the class if public getter
methods are present in the class.
• Using the private modifier is the main way that an object encapsulates itself and hide
data from the outside world.
• The following class uses private access control:
public class PLog
private String format;
public String getFormat()
return this.format;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public void setFormat(String format)

this.format = format;
• Here, the format variable of the Logger class is private, so there's no way for other
classes to retrieve or set its value directly.
• So to make this variable available to the outside world, we defined two public methods
i.e., getFormat(), which returns the value of format, and setFormat(String), which sets
its value.
Private Protected Access Modifier:
• A field can be declared with two keywords private and protected together such as,
private protected int RollNumber;
• This modifier gives a visibility level in between the "protected" access and "private"
• This modifier makes the fields visible in the subclasses regardless of what package
they are in. Remember that these fields are not accessible by other classes in the same
3. Public Access Modifier (public):
• A class, method, constructor, interface etc. declared public has the widest possible
visibility and accessible everywhere.
• Therefore fields, methods, blocks declared inside a public class can be accessed from
any class belonging to the Java Universe.
• However, if the public class we are trying to access is in a different package, then the
public class still needs to be imported.
• Because of class inheritance, all public methods and variables of a class are inherited
by its subclasses.
• The following function uses public access control:
public static void main(String[] arguments)
// ...
• The main() method of an application has to be public. Otherwise, it could not be called
by a Java interpreter (such as java) to run the class.
4. Protected Access Modifier (protected):
• In Java the visibility level of a "protected" field lies in between the public access and
friendly access.
• Variables, methods and constructors which are declared protected in a superclass can
be accessed only by the subclasses in other package or any class within the package of
the protected members' class.
• The protected access modifier cannot be applied to class and interfaces. Methods,
fields can be declared protected, however methods and fields in a interface cannot be
declared protected.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• Protected access gives the subclass a chance to use the helper method or variable,
while preventing a nonrelated class from trying to use it.
• The following parent class uses protected access control, to allow its child class
override openSpeaker()method:
class AudioPlayer
protected boolean openSpeaker(Speaker sp)
// implementation details …
class StreamingAudioPlayer
boolean openSpeaker(Speaker sp)
// implementation details
• In above program code, if we define openSpeaker() method as private, then it would
not be accessible from any other class other than AudioPlayer. If we define it as public,
then it would become accessible to all the outside world. But our intension is to expose
this method to its subclass only, that's why we used protected modifier.
• Following table summarizes visibility of field in a class of Java:
Friendly Private
Access Public Protected Private
(Default) Protected
Location Modifier Modifier Modifier
Modifier Modifier
Same class Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Subclass in same Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Other classes in Yes Yes Yes No No
same package
Subclass in other Yes Yes No Yes No
Non-subclasses in Yes No No No No
other packages
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.5: Program for access modifier.

class Rectangle
public int length; //public Access
public int breadth; //public Access
static int rectCount = 0; //default Access
//Constructor to initialize length and breadth
} //method to calculate area of rectangle
public int area()
int rectArea;
rectArea = length * breadth;
return rectArea;
class AccessSpecifer
public static void main(String[] args)
//create first rectangle object
Rectangle firstRect = new Rectangle();
//accessing public members outside that Rectangle class
firstRect.length = 10;
firstRect.breadth = -30;
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is: "+firstRect.area());
//Rectangle.rectCount = 5;
//accessing member with default access
System.out.println("Number of Object Created:
Area of Rectangle is: – 300
Number of Object Created: 1
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes


• In java, rather than creating object of a particular or class, we can also create array of
• In Java, an array of objects can also be created to store and process the objects. The
process to declare and create an array of objects is similar to the process of declaring
and creating an array of simple data types.
• It is possible to create array of objects of user created/defined class. When we create
an array of objects then the data type gets replaced with the class name.
• The following is the syntax to declare and create an array of objects:
class_name: arr_name [ ] = new class_name [size];
class_name is the name of the class whose objects are used to create an array of objects.
arr_name is the name of the array, which is to be created.
new is the Java operator, which is used to allocate memory to an array.
size is the number of objects that an array can hold.

• Let us now suppose that we have a class, ArrayDemo. We have to create an array of
objects of this class. To create an array of objects to ArrayDemo class see the following
ArrayDemo a_obj[ ] = new ArrayDemo [2]:
• The a_obj array can hold 2 objects of ArrayDemo class. To use the a_obj array, we have
to create objects of every array index.
• See the following code snippet to create objects of every index of a_obj array:
a_obj [0] = new ArrayDemo();
a_obj [1] = new ArrayDemo();

Variable 1
Variable 2


Object[1] Variable 1
Variable 2

Variable 1
Variable 2

Fig. 2.3: Array of Objects

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.6: Program for array of objects.

class Employee
int id;
String name;
public void setData(int id, String name)
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
public void displayData()
System.out.println("Employee ID: "+this.id);
System.out.println("Employee Name: "+this.name);
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Employee[] emp = new Employee[2];
Employee ID: 1
Employee Name: Amar
Employee ID: 2
Employee Name: Akbar

• A constructor is a special method of a class in Java programming that initializes an
object of that type.
• Constructors have the same name as the class itself. A constructor is automatically
called when an object is created.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• Constructor constructs the values i.e. provides data for the object that is why it is
known as constructor.
constructor_Name (same as class_Name); // Constructor
//constructor body…..
}// end of Constructor
}// end of Class
• There are basically following rules defined for the constructor:
1. Constructor name must be same as its class name.
2. Constructor must have no explicit return type.
3. Constructors may be private, protected or public.
4. Multiple constructors may exist, but they must have different signatures,
i.e., different numbers and/or types of input parameters.
Program 2.7: Program for constructors.
class Rectangle
int length;
int breadth;
//constructor to initialize length and breadth of rectangle
length = 5;
breadth= 6;
//method to calculate area of rectangle
int area()
int rectArea = length * breadth;
return rectArea ;
//class to create rectangle objects and calculates area
class ConstructorExample
public static void main(String[] args)
Rectangle firstRect = new Rectangle();
System.out.println("Area of Rectantangle: "+ firstRect.area());
Area of rectangle: 30
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• Constructors can be classified into two types, default constructors and parametarized
1. Default Constructor:
• The constructor which does not accept any argument is called default constructor. The
argument list is void.
• In other word, when the object is created Java creates a no-argument constructor
automatically known as default constructor.
• It does not contain any parameters nor does it contain any statements in its body. Its
only purpose is to enable you to create object of class type.
• Default constructor provides the default values to the object like 0, null etc. depending
on the type.
Syntax: <class_name>()
// Body of the constructor…
Program 2.8: Program for default constructor.
class StudentInfo
int rollno;
int marks1;
int marks2;
int total;
StudentInfo() //no-arg default constructor
//method to calculate total
int Total()
total = marks1 + marks2;
return total;
//method to display the result
void displayResult()
System.out.println(“Roll no of student is” + rollno );
System.out.println(“marks1 are” + marks1 );
System.out.println(“marks2 are” + marks2);
System.out.println(“total is” + total);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

class StudentResult
public static void main(String args[])
int total1,total2,grandtotal;
StudentInfo student1 =new StudentInfo(); //creates first object
StudentInfo student2 =new StudentInfo(); //creates second object
System.out.println(“Grand Total is” + grandtotal);
Roll no of student is 2
marks1 are 30
marks2 are 40
total is 70
Roll no of student is 2
marks1 are 30
marks2 are 40
total is 70
Grand Total is 140
2. Parameterized Constructor:
• A constructor that has parameters is known as parameterized constructor.
Parameterized constructor is used to provide different values to the distinct objects.
• Using parameterized constructor, it is possible to initialize objects with different set of
values at the time of their creation. These different set of values initialized to objects
must be passed as arguments when constructor is invoked.
• The parameter list can be specified in the parentheses in the same way as parameter
list is specified in the method.
• The syntax for constructor is as follows:
// Constructor body…
• Here, the ConstructorName is same as the class name it belongs to. The parameterList
is the list of optional zero or more parameter(s) that is specified after the classname in
parentheses. Each parameter specification, if any, consists of a type and a name and is
separated from each other by commas.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.9: Program for parameterized constructor.

class StudentInfo
int rollno;
int marks1;
int marks2;
int total;
StudentInfo(int roll_no,int m1,int m2) //Parameterized constructor
//method to calculate total
int Total() //Method declaration
total = marks1 + marks2;
return total;
//method to display the result
void displayResult()
System.out.println(“Roll no of student is” + rollno );
System.out.println(“marks1 are” + marks1 );
System.out.println(“marks2 are” + marks2);
System.out.println(“total is” + total);
class StudentResult
public static void main(String args[])
{ int total1,total2,grandtotal;
StudentInfo student1 = new StudentInfo(1,50,80);
StudentInfo student2 = new StudentInfo(2,40,60);
System.out.println(“Grand Total is” + grandtotal);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Roll no of student is 1
marks1 are 50
marks2 are 80
total is 130
Roll no of student is 2
marks1 are 40
marks2 are 60
total is 100
Grand Total is 230


• Constructors can be overloaded. Constructor having the same name with different
parameter list is called as constructor overloading.
Program 2.10: Program for constructor overloading.
class Student
int id;
String name;
int age;
Student(int i,String n)
id = i;
name = n;
Student(int i,String n,int a)
id = i;
name = n;
void display(){System.out.println(id+" "+name+" "+age);
public static void main(String args[])
Student s1 = new Student(1,"Amar", 22);
Student s2 = new Student(2,"Amol",20);
1 Amar 22
2 Amol 20
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2.7 USE OF 'this' KEYWORD [April 16, 17, 18]

• Many times it is necessary to refer to its own object in a method or a constructor. To
allow this Java defines the ‘this’ keyword.
• As we know in C++, sometimes a method will need to refer to the object that invoked it.
To do so, Java also has a 'this' keyword.
• The 'this' can be used inside any method to refer to the current object. It means that
'this' is always a reference to the object on which the method was invoked.
• The ‘this’ is used inside the method or constructor to refer its own object i.e., ‘this’ is
always a reference to the object of the current class’ type.
Usage of this Keyword:
1. 'this' keyword can be used to refer current class instance variable.
2. 'this' keyword can be used to invoke current class constructor.
3. 'this' keyword can be used to invoke current class method (implicitly).
4. 'this' can be passed as an argument in the method call.
• Fig. 2.4 shows use of 'this' keyword.

Fig. 2.4: this Keyword
class BoxDim
int height;
int depth;
int length;
BoxDim(int height, int depth, int length)
this.height = height;
this.depth = depth;
this.length = length;
• The class ‘BoxDim’ contains three instance variables i.e. height, depth and length. The
constructor of the class also contains three different local variables with the same
names of instance variables.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• Compiler will not show any error here. Then how differentiate among these variables?
The ‘this’ keyword does this job. ‘this’ will refer to the variables of its own class. It is
acting as the object of the current class.
• In method also the ‘this’ keyword is used to differentiate between instance and local
variables. This concept is also referred as ‘Instance variable hiding’. This resolves the
name-space collisions.
Program 2.11: Program for 'this' keyword.
class Rectangle
int length,breadth;
void show(int length,int breadth)
//Formal and instance variable name are same
this.length=length; //Use of this keyword
int calculate()
/* Main class */
public class UseOfThisOperator
public static void main(String[] args)
Rectangle rectangle=new Rectangle();
int area = rectangle.calculate();
System.out.println("The area of a Rectangle is: " + area);
The area of a Rectangle is: 48


• In Java basically, class contains variables called instance variables and methods called
instance method.
• When we create an object the memory gets allocated for the variables and methods
also. If we create one more object, same thing happens again.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2.8.1 Static Block

• A class can contain code in a static block that does not exist within a method body.
Static code block executes only once when the class is loaded.
• A static block is used to initialize static attributes. Static blocks are also called static
initialization blocks.
• A static initialization block is a normal block of code enclosed in braces, { }, and
preceded by the static keyword.
• Here, is an example:
//whatever code is needed for initialization goes here, …
• A class can have any number of static initialization blocks, and they can appear
anywhere in the class body.
• The runtime system guarantees that static initialization blocks are called in the order
that they appear in the source code. And don't forget, this code will be executed when
JVM loads the class.
• JVM combines all these blocks into one single static block and then executes. Here, are
a couple of points to mention:
1. If you have executable statements in the static block, JVM will automatically
execute these statements when the class is loaded into JVM.
2. If we are referring some static variables/methods from the static blocks, these
statements will be executed after the class is loaded into JVM same as above i.e.,
now the static variables/methods referred and the static block both will be
Program 2.12: Program for static block.
public class StaticExample
System.out.println("This is first static block");
public StaticExample()
System.out.println("This is constructor");
public static String staticString = "Static Variable";
static {
System.out.println("This is second static block and" + staticString);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public static void main(String[] args){

StaticExample statEx = new StaticExample();
static {
System.out.println("This is third static block");
public static void staticMethod() {
System.out.println("This is static method");
public static void staticMethod2() {
System.out.println("This is static method2");
This is first static block
This is second static block and Static Variable
This is static method
This is third static block
This is constructor
This is static method2
• Now lets the output of program. First all static blocks are positioned in the code and
they are executed when the class is loaded into JVM.
• Since, the static method staticMethod() is called inside third static block, its executed
before calling the main method.
• But the staticMethod2() static method is executed after the class is instantiated because
it is being called after the instantiation of the class.

2.8.2 Static Field

• In certain situations, it may be required to share a common copy of fields among all
the objects of the same class. This is accomplished by declaring the field(s) to be static
and such fields are known as static field(s).
• If a field is declared static then there is one field for the entire class instead of one per
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• A static field of a class is often referred to as a class variable because static field is
associated with a class and not with individual instances of the class.
• A static field gets memory only once for the whole class no matter how many objects
of a class are created.
• To declare a static field, prefix the field declaration in the class with the static
modifier. It's syntax is,
static datatype fieldName;
Properties/Characteristics of Static Field:
1. There is only one copy of static field in a class which is shared among all the
objects of the class.
2. A static field can be accessed before any object of a class is created, without
reference to any object.
3. To make a static field constant in Java, make a variable as both static and final.
• The static field is similar to static variable. The main difference is that a static variable
is used to retain information between calls whereas static field is used to share
information among multiple objects of a class.
Program 2.13: Program shows use of static fields.
class Rectangle
int length; //length of rectangle
int breadth; //breadth of rectangle
static int rectCount =0; //count rectangle objects
void setData(int l,int b)
//method to calculate area of rectangle
int area()
int rectArea;
rectArea = length * breadth;
return rectArea;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

//class to create Rectangle objects and access static field

class StaticField
public static void main(String[] args)
//create first rectangle object
Rectangle firstRect =new Rectangle();
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle 1: "+firstRect.area());
//create second rectangle object
Rectangle secondRect =new Rectangle();
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle 2: "+secondRect.area());
// access static field of rectangle class
System.out.println("Total Number of Objects: "+Rectangle.rectCount);
Area of Rectangle 1: 40
Area of Rectangle 2: 150
Total Number of Objects: 2
• In the Program 2.13, the class Rectangle has two instance variables length and breadth
and one class variable rectCount.
• When we create firstRect and secondRect objects of type Rectangle, each has its own
copy of length and breadth instance variables but both share a single copy of class
variable rectCount.
• The class variable rectCount is initialized to 0 only when the class is first loaded, not
each time a new object is made. When the object firstRect is created and the setData()
method is invoked, the static variable rectCount is incremented by 1 and it is set to
1 (= 0+ l).
• Similarly, when the object secondRect is created and the setData () method is invoked
the value of rectCount variable is set to 2 (= 1+l). Finally, the statement,
System.out.println("Total Number of Objects: "+ Rectangle.rectCount);
prints the total number of objects.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2.8.3 Static Methods [Oct. 16]

• It is possible to have static methods in a class in the same way as we have static fields.
If you apply static keyword with any method, it is known as static method.
• A static method belongs to the class rather than object of a class. A static method can
be invoked without the need for creating an instance of a class.
• Static method can access static data member and can change the value of it. The static
method is similar to instance method of a class but the only difference is that the static
method can be called through its class name without creating any object of that class.
• A static method is also called class method as it is associated with a class and not with
individual instance of the class.
• A static method cannot access non-static method either because non-static methods
are usually associated with instance variable state.
• To call a particular static method, the syntax is given below:
classname.staticmethodname (arg-list);
Program 2.14: Program using static method which maintains bank account information
about various customers.
class Account
int accountNo; //account ID)
double balance;
static double rate = 0.05;
void setData(int n,double bai)
accountNo = n;
balance = bai;
void quarterRatecal()
double interest = balance * rate * 0.25;
balance += interest;
static void modifyRate(double incr)
rate += incr;
System.out.println("Modified Rate of Interest: " + rate);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

void show()
System.out.println("Account Number: " + accountNo);
System.out.println("Rate of Interest: " +rate)
System.out.println("Balance: "+ balance);
public class StaticMethod
public static void main(String[] args)
Account acc1 = new Account();
Account acc2 = new Account();
System.out.println("Customerl Information......");
acc1.quarterRatecal(); //Calculate interest
acc1.show(); //display account interest
System.out.println("Customer2 Information......");
acc2.quarterRatecal(); //Calcuate interest
acc2.show(); //display account information
Modified Rate of Interest: 0.060000000000000005
Customer1 Information …
Account Number: 201
Rate of Interest: 0.06
Balance: 1000.0
Customer2 Information …
Account Number: 202
Rate of Interest: 0.06
Balance of 1000.0
• The Account class in Program 2.14 contains a static method modifyRate ().It modifies
the rate of interest by the value specified as argument (0.01).
• The method modifyRate() is made static in the class as we are only using static field
rate in it. Only static method can access a static field.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes


• There are many predefined classes in Java. The object class is a root of all classes in
the Java technology programming language.
• If a class is declared with no extends clause, then the compiler implicitly adds "extends
object" to the declaration.

2.9.1 Object Class [April 18]

• The object class is the parent class of all the classes in Java by default. In other words,
it is the topmost class of java.
• The java.lang.Object class is the root of the class hierarchy. Every class has Object as a
superclass. All objects, including arrays, implement the methods of this class.
• Following is the declaration for java.lang.Object class:
public class Object
• The Object class provides some common behaviours to all the objects such as object
can be compared, object can be cloned, object can be notified etc.





••• •••

Fig. 2.5: Hierarchy of class

• We already known object class is the superclass of all classes. Some methods of the
object class are: [April 18]
o Boolean equals(Object obj): Indicates whether some other object is "equal to"
this one.
o protected Object clone(): Creates and returns a copy of this object.
o Boolean equals(Object obj): Indicates whether some other object is "equal to"
this one.
o protected void finalize(): This method is called by the garbage collector on an
object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to
the object.
o int hashCode(): Returns a hash code value for the object.
o void notify(): Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

o void notifyAll():Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.
o String toString(): Returns a string representation of the object.
o getClass(): Returns the runtime class of this object. The class object which is
returned is the object that is locked by static synchronized method of the
represented class.
o void wait(): Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes the
notify() method or the notifyAll() method for this object.
Program 2.15: Program for object class.
class Rectangle extends Object
private double length,breadth;
Rectangle(double x,double y)
length = x ;
breadth = y ;
public void area()
System.out.println("Area of Rectangle is = " + breadth);
public void circumference()
System.out.println("Circumferencedfcdf of Rectangle is=
class ObjectClass
public static void main(String[] args)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(10,20);
Rectangle rl = new Rectangle(10,20);
System.out.println("String Representation = " + r.toString());
System.out.println("Class Name = " + r.getClass());
System.out.println("Hash Code = " + r.hashCode());
System.out.println("r.rquals(rl) = " + r.equals(rl));

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2.9.2 String Class [April 17, 18, 19]

• The strings in Java are treated as objects of type 'String' class. This class is present in
the package java.lang.
• This package contains two string classes:
1. String class, and
2. StringBuffer class.
• The string class is used when we work with the string which cannot change whereas
StringBuffer class is used when we want to manipulate the contents of the string.
• When we create object of String Class they are designed to be immutable. As these
objects are immutable, we can alias to a particular string for many time which we
want. Even if we alias the string class objects, they won't affect each other because
they are read only.
• We can use + operator to overload for string objects. Only two operators i.e. '+' & '+="
are overloaded for string classes. In Java, when we use + operator it allows us to
concatenate two or more number of strings together.
Example: String str = "Kal" + "pa" + "na";
Output: Kalpana
• In the above example a method append() is called which creates the new String object
having "Kal" and concatenate with the next contents.
• It generally calls toString() method which allows you to determine the String
representation for objects and classes which are created.
String class Methods:
• The String class provides various methods that appear to modify strings.
• The java.lang.String class provides many useful methods to perform operations on
sequence of char values.
Constructor Description
1. char charAt(int index) This method returns char at (value
for) the particular index.
2. int length() This method returns string length.
3. static String format(String format, This method returns formatted
Object... args) string.
4. static String format(Locale l, This method returns formatted
String format, Object... args) string with given locale.
5. String substring(int beginIndex) This method returns substring for
given begin index.
6. String substring(int beginIndex, This method returns substring for
int endIndex) given begin index and end index.
7. boolean contains(CharSequence s) This method returns true or false
after matching the sequence of char
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

8. static String join(CharSequence This method returns a joined string

delimiter, CharSequence... elements) with delimiter.
9. static String join(CharSequence This method returns a joined string.
delimiter, Iterable<? extends
CharSequence> elements)
10. boolean equals(Object another) This method checks the equality of
string with object.
11. boolean isEmpty() This method checks if string is
12. String concat(String str) This method concatenates specified
13. String replace(char old, char new) This method replaces all
occurrences of specified char value.
14. String replace(CharSequence old, This method replaces all
CharSequence new) occurrences of specified
15. String trim() This method returns trimmed string
omitted leading and trailing spaces.
16. String split(String regex) This method returns splitted string
matching regex.
17. String split(String regex, This method returns splitted string
int limit) matching regex and limit.
18. String intern() This method returns interned string.
19. int indexOf(int ch) This method returns specified char
value index.
20. int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) This method returns specified char
value index starting with given
21. int indexOf(String substring) This method returns specified
substring index.
22. int indexOf(String substring, This method returns specified
int fromIndex) substring index starting with given
23 String toLowerCase() This method returns string in
24. String toLowerCase(Locale l) This method returns string in
lowercase using specified locale.
25. String toUpperCase() This method returns string in
26. String toUpperCase(Locale l) This method returns string in
uppercase using specified locale.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Constructors of String:
• Constructors are used to initialize the object. The string class supports several
• The following table shows the constructors of the string class.
Constructor Description
1. String() This constructor creates an empty
2. String(String value) This constructor creates a new
string that is a copy of the given
3. String(char[] value) This constructor constructs a new
string based on the character array.
4. String(char[] value, int begin, This constructs a new string based
int count) on the character array starting from
the position begin which is 'count'
characters long.
5. String(byte[] value) This constructor creates a new
string by converting the given array
of bytes.
6. String(byte[] value, int offset, This constructor creates a new
int length) string by converting the given sub of
array of bytes.
7. String(StringBuffer buffer) This constructor creates a new
string based on a StringBuffer value.
8. String(char[] value, int begin, int This constructor creates a new
count, String enc) throws string based on the given byte array
UnsupportedEncoding Exception and uses given character encoding
that is denoted by enc.
9. String(char[] value, String enc) This constructor creates a new
throws UnsupportedEncoding Exception string based on the given byte array
and uses given character encoding
that is denoted by enc.

2.9.3 StringBuffer Class [April 17, 18]

• It is a peer class which provides the functionality of strings. The string generally
represents fixed length, immutable character sequence whereas StringBuffer
represents growable and writeable character sequences.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• StringBuffer may have some characters and if needed substring can be inserted in the
middle or appended at the end. StringBuffer automatically provides a room to grow
such additions.
• Java generally manipulate the strings using + as overloaded operator. StringBuffer
class in Java is used to created mutable (modifiable) string.
• The StringBuffer class in Java is same as String class except it is mutable i.e., it can be
• StringBuffer class is a mutable class unlike the String class which is immutable. Both
the capacity and character string of a StringBuffer Class. StringBuffer can be changed
Advantages of StringBuffer Class:
1. Alternative to String class.
2. Can be used wherever a string is used.
3. More flexible than String.
• The StringBuffer defines three types of constructors which we use to initialize the
string value.
1. StringBuffer()
2. StringBuffer(int size)
3. StringBuffer(String str)
• The first type is the default constructor as it has no parameters. It reserves room for 16
characters without reallocation. The second, type accepts an integer argument which
explicitly sets the size of buffer. In third case, the string argument sets the initial
contents of the StringBuffer object and reverse room for 16 more characters. These 16
characters room is allocated when no specific buffer length is requested. This is
because reallocation is a costly process in terms of time.
• The current length of a StringBuffer can be found via length() method and the total
allocated capacity can be found through capacity() method.
• The general forms are:
int length();
int capacity();
• StringBuffer creates string objects that can be changed. StringBuffer provides different
methods which are given below:
charAt() method obtains the character at a specific location.
setCharAt() method sets a character within the string.
• String object is manufactured which contains the substring. In this the original string
is unaltered and immutability remains intact.
• String provides a substring() method which returns a new string. It contains a
specified portion of the invoking string. This method is substring().
• The syntax is given below:
String subString(int start_Index, int endIndex)
• The startIndex specifies the beginning index and endIndex tells us about stopping
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

StringBuffer Class Methods: Here, is the list of important methods supported by

StringBuffer class:
1. public StringBuffer append(String s): Updates the value of the object that
invoked the method.
2. public StringBuffer reverse(): Reverses the value of the StringBuffer object
that invoked the method.
3. public delete(int start, int end): Deletes the string starting from start index
until end index.
4. public insert(int offset, int i): Inserts an string s at the position
mentioned by offset.
5. replace(int start, int end, String str): Replaces the characters in a
substring of this StringBuffer with characters in the specified String.
• Here, is the list of other methods (Except set methods ) which are very similar to String
1. int capacity(): Returns the current capacity of the String buffer.
2. char charAt(int index): The specified character of the sequence currently
represented by the string buffer, as indicated by the index argument, is returned.
3. void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity): Ensures that the capacity of the
buffer is at least equal to the specified minimum.
4. void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin):
Characters are copied from this string buffer into the destination character array
5. int indexOf(String str): Returns the index within this string of the first
occurrence of the specified substring.
6. int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex): Returns the index within this string of
the first occurrence of the specified substring, starting at the specified index.
7. int lastIndexOf(String str): Returns the index within this string of the
rightmost occurrence of the specified substring.
8. int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex): Returns the index within this
string of the last occurrence of the specified substring.
9. int length(): Returns the length (character count) of this string buffer.
10. void setCharAt(int index, char ch): The character at the specified index of this
string buffer is set to ch.
11. void setLength(int newLength): Sets the length of this String buffer.
12. CharSequence subSequence(int start, int end): Returns a new character
sequence that is a subsequence of this sequence.
13. String substring(int start): Returns a new String that contains a subsequence
of characters currently contained in this StringBuffer.The substring begins at the
specified index and extends to the end of the StringBuffer.
14. String substring(int start, int end): Returns a new String that contains a
subsequence of characters currently contained in this StringBuffer.
15. String toString(): Converts to a string representing the data in this string buffer.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.16: Program to show use of substring.

class strTry
public static void main(String args[])
String st1 = "Java is platform independent";
// to construct a substring we write
String sub = st1.substring(9, 16);
// lets print these values
System.out.println("Original string is: + st1");
System.out.println("Substring is: + sub");
} //end main
} //end class
Original string is: Java is platform independent
Substring is: platform
Difference between String and StringBuffer: [April 17, 18]
• String objects are constants and immutable whereas StringBuffer objects are not.
• StringBuffer Class supports growable and modifiable string whereas String class
supports constant strings.
• Strings once created we cannot modify them. Any such attempt will lead to the
creation of new strings. Whereas StingBuffer objects after creation also can be able to
delete or append any characteres to it.
• String values are resolved at run time whereas StringBuffer values are resolved at
compile time.

2.9.4 Formatting String

• Formatting strings in Java has always been a problem for developers because the basic
System.out.println() method does not support formatting of Strings while displaying
the result on screen.
• Formatted strings not only display the String content but also it displays the content in
the specified sequence.
• For instance, when displaying large numbers like 100, 0000, 0000, it also displays the
comma long sent while displaying decimal numbers, it prints numbers using proper
decimal places like “134.43” as required.
• The need for formatted String is generally required in the modern GUI application.
Java also has good formatting support for other types like Double, Integers and Date.
• Java consists of two methods of formatting the Strings:
1. format() method in java.lang.String class.
2. printf() method in PrintStream class.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• Let us see above methods in detail.

1. format() Method:
• The format method is a static method. It takes three arguments as input and returns
a formatted String.
public static String format(String format, Object… args)
public static String format(Locale l, String format, Object… args)
o “Local l” is the locale applied during formatting. However, if it is null the
localization isn’t applied.
o “format” contains the string you want formatted.
o “args” is the parameter referenced by format specifiers in the format String. If the
arguments are more than the format specifiers, the extra arguments are ignored.
Arguments can vary and may be zero.
Exceptions Thrown by the Method:
1. IllegalFormatException: The exception is thrown due to illegal syntax or if an
incompatible format specifier with respect to given arguments is given.
2. NullPointerException: This exception is thrown when the String argument
passed is null.
Simple Example of format():
• “Local l” value is specified as “France” and the comma as written in the France
number system will replace the decimal point.
Program 2.17: Program for format() method.
class Demo
public static void main(String[] args)
"The value of the float " + "variable is %f ",10.3242342);
The value of the float variable is 10,324234.
Formatting Instructions:
• The basic syntax is:
string.format “%[argument number] [flags] [width] [.precision] type”
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

o % is special character denotes the start of formatting instructions. String.format()
method supports multiple occurrence of “%” character in a single formatting
o “argument number” specifies the corresponding argument in formatting.
o “flags” are the special instructions used to print String specific formats such as
flags as “;” and to print a semicolon in the output.
o “width” gives us the option to output the minimum number of characters. If the
number is larger than the width, the full number is displayed. Otherwise, it’s
padded with zero.
o “precision” is used for printing the float point format String. It helps to specify the
number of decimal values the floating number should display.
o “type” is a mandatory option. It’s always specified last and specifies the type of the
parameter being formatted. For instance, “%d” is written for integer values.
Simple rules of String Formatting:
• %s: Will print the string with no change.
• %15s: Prints fifteen characters. If the character count is less than 15, the output is
padded on the left.
• %-6s: Prints 6 characters as-is. If the string is less than 6 characters, the output is
padded on the right.
• %.8s: Prints a maximum eight characters.
Program 2.18: Program for string formatting.
class Test
public static void main (String[] args) throws.lang.Exception
//String is passed in the format function
String str = String.format("Hello %s", "Jack.Where is Jill?");
String str1 = String.format("Hello %15s", "Jack.Where is Jill?");
String str2 = String.format("Hello %.6s", "Jack.Where is Jill?");
Hello Jack.Where is Jill?
Hello Jack.Where is Jill?
Hello Jack.W
• The String is passed in format function which returns a formatted String. Note that the
format function does not print the value on the screen.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2. printf() Method: [April 18]

• This method is similar to printf used in C programming. It’s used similar to a
replacement of System.out.println().
• Unlike the format() method, the printf() method prints String on screen.
public PrintStream format(String format, Object… args)
Where, “format” is the format String which contains the format specifiers specifying
how the argument will be formatted and “args” is the list of variables to be printed.
“Object… args” notion is called varargs which means that the arguments may vary.
Program 2.19: Program for printf().
class StringFormat
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.printf("Integer: %d\n",15);
System.out.printf("Floating number with 4 decimal digits:
System.out.printf("Floating number with 6 decimal digits:
System.out.printf("String: %s, integer: %d, float: %.6f", "Hello
Integer: 15
Floating number with 4 decimal digits: 1.1231
Floating number with 6 decimal digits: 1.123123
String: Hello World, integer: 55, float: 9.123457
• The Strings, integer and floating values are directly passed to the printf() and the
formatted output is displayed on the screen.

2.10 WRAPPER CLASSES [April 17, Oct. 17]

• The primitive data types are not objects; they do not belong to any class; they are
defined in the language itself. Sometimes, it is required to convert data types into
objects in Java language.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• A data type is to be converted into an object and then added to a Stack or Vector etc.
For this conversion, the designers introduced wrapper classes.
• As the name says, a wrapper class wraps (encloses) around a data type and gives it an
object appearance.
• Wherever, the data type is required as an object, this object can be used. Wrapper
classes include methods to unwrap the object and give back the data type.
List of Wrapper Classes:
• In the above code, Integer class is known as a wrapper class (because it wraps around
int data type to give it an impression of object). To wrap (or to convert) each primitive
data type, there comes a wrapper class.
• Eight wrapper classes exist in java.lang package that represent eight data types as
given in following table:.
Data Types Wrapper Classes
byte Byte
short Short
int Integer
long Long
float Float
double Double
char Character
boolean Boolean
• There are mainly four uses of wrapper classes.
1. Converting primitive numbers to objects:
integer iobj=new integer(i) //conversion of primitive int(i) to integer
object (iobj)
float fobj=new float(f) //conversion of primitive float(f) to float
object (fobj)
double dobj=new double(d) //conversion of primitive double(d) to double
object (dobj)
2. Converting objects to primitive numbers:
int i=iobj.intValue() //conversion of integer object (iobj) to
primitive int(i)
float f=fobj.floatValue() //conversion of float object (fobj) to
primitive float(f)
double d=dobj.doubleValue() //conversion of double object (dobj) to
primitive double(d)
3. Converting Numbers to Strings:
String s3 = Integer.toString(i); //conversion of primitive int(i) to
String object
String s4 = Double.toString(d); //conversion of primitive double(i) to
String object
String s4 = Float.toString(d); //conversion of primitive float(i) to
String object
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

4. Converting Strings to Numbers:

int i=Integer.parseInt(str)
double d=Double.parseDouble(str)
Program 2.20: Program to demonstration of Integer wrapper class.
class WrapperInt
public static void main(String args[])
Integer x = new Integer(141);
byte b = x.byteValue();
System.out.println("Byte value: "+b);
int hash = x.hashCode();
System.out.println("Hash code: "+hash);
int val = Integer.parseInt("63");
System.out.println("Parsed value: "+val);
String s = x.toString();
System.out.println("String value: "+s);
Integer y = new Integer(Integer.valueOf("22"));
System.out.println("Short value: "+y.shortValue());
String bin = Integer.toBinaryString(59);
String oct = Integer.toOctalString(59);
String hex = Integer.toHexString(59);
System.out.println("Binary of 59: "+bin);
System.out.println("Octal of 59: "+oct);
System.out.println("Hex of 59: "+hex);
Byte value: -115
Hash code: 141
Parsed value: 63
String value: 141
Short value: 22
Binary of 59: 111011
Octal of 59: 73
Hex of 59: 3b
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.21: Program to demonstration of character wrapper class.

class WrapperChar
public static void main(String args[])
Character ch = new Character('X');
System.out.print("Char value: ");
System.out.println("0 is digit");
System.out.println("R is lower case");
System.out.println("R is upper case");
System.out.print("Lower case: ");
if(Character.isWhitespace(' '))
System.out.println("Character is white space");
Char value: X
0 is digit
R is upper case
Lower case: r
Character is white space

2.11 PACKAGES [Oct. 16, 17, April 18, 19]

• Java is an object oriented programming language. Any Java programmer will
quickly build a large number of different classes for use in each application that they
• Initially it may be tempting to store the classes in the same directory as the end
application, but as the complexity of applications grows so will the number of classes.
The answer is to organize the classes into packages.
• A Java package is a mechanism for organizing Java classes. Packages are used in Java,
in-order to avoid name conflicts and to control access of class, interface and
enumeration etc.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• A package can be defined as "a group of similar types of classes, interface,

enumeration and sub-packages".
• Packages are collection of classes and interface or packages act as container for
• By organizing our classes into packages we achieve following benefits:
1. Easy to reuse the classes and interfaces which are defined in packages.
2. Two classes in different packages can have same name e.g. student class in
package1 and student class in package2.
3. It provides a way to hide a class thus prevent other programs or packages to access
this class.
4. provide a way for separating design with coding.
• We can define package using 'package' keyword. There are two types of packages:
1. Built-in Package: Existing built-in Java packages like java.lang, java.util, java.sql
2. User-define Package: Java package created by user to categorized classes,
interface and enumeration.
• Java API provides a large number of classes which are grouped into different packages
according to functionality.
• Fig. 2.6 shows the built in packages of Java.


java.lang java.util java.io java.awt java.net java.applet

Fig. 2.6
Sr. Package
No. Name
1. java.lang Language support classes. They are used by java compiler itself
and thus automatically imported. They include classes for
primitive types, strings, math, tread and exceptions.
2. java.io Input/output support classes. They provide support for input
and output.
3. java.util Language utility classes such as Vector, Date ,hash tables,
random numbers etc.
4. java.awt Set of classes for implementing graphical user interface. They
include classes for windows, buttons, lists, menus and so on.
5. java.applet Classes for creating and implementing applets.
6. java.net Classes for networking. They include classes for
communication with local computers as well as with internet

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

2.11.1 Creating Packages [Oct. 16, April 18, 19]

• To create a package is quite easy, simply include a package command as the first
statement in a Java source file.
• Following is the general form/syntax of the package statement:
package pkg_name;
Here, pkg_name is the name of the package. For example, the following statement
creates a package called MyPackage.
package MyPackage;
public class ClassA
int x;
public void accept(int x1)
public void display()
• Note that the access specifier of class and methods is public to make it visible in all
programs. Save this file as ClassA.java in MyPackage folder which we have created in
bin directory of JDK.
• Compile this file as given below:
javac MyPackage\ClassA.java
2.11.2 Accessing Packages (Import a Package) [April 18]
• There are three ways to access the package from outside the package i.e., import
package.*; import package.classname; fully qualified name.
1. Using packagename:
• If we use package.* then all the classes and interfaces of this package will be accessible
but not subpackages.
• The ‘import’ keyword is used to make the classes and interface of another package
accessible to the current package.
Program 2.22: Program for package that import the package name.
//save by X.java
package pkg;
public class X
public void msg(){System.out.println("Hello");}
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

//save by y.java
package mypkg;
import pkg.*;
class Y
public static void main(String args[])
X obj = new X();
2. Using packagename.classname:
• If we import package.classname then only declared class of this package will be
//save by X.java
package pkg;
public class X
public void msg(){System.out.println("Hello");}
//save by Y.java
package mypkg;
import pkg.X;
class Y
public static void main(String args[])
X obj = new X();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

3. Using Fully Qualified Name:

• If we use fully qualified name then only declared class of this package will be
accessible. Now there is no need to import. But we need to use fully qualified name
every time when we are accessing the class or interface.
• It is generally used when two packages have same class name e.g. java.util and
java.sql packages contain Date class.
//save by X.java
package pkg;
public class X
public void msg(){System.out.println("Hello");}
//save by Y.java
package mypkg;
class Y
public static void main(String args[])
pack.X obj = new pack.X(); //Using fully qualified name

2.11.3 Using System Package

• The system packages are organized into hierarchical structure. It is shown in Fig. 2.7.
Java package containing package

sqrt package lang contains classes
tan class contains methods


Fig. 2.7: java.lang.Math Package

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• We can access the methods in our program just by including these built in packages as
shown below:
import packagename.classname;
import packagename·*;
• This statement should be the first statement. These packages are named by standard
java naming rules:
o packages begins with lowercase letters.
o The class name always begins with an uppercase letter.
o Method is again in small letters.
For example:
double k = java.lang.Math.sqrt(x);
↑ ↑ ↑
package name class method name
Program 2.23: Program shows the usage of built in packages.
import java.lang.Math;
class mat
public static void main(String args[])
double K = java.lang.Math.sqrt(25);

2.11.4 User Defined Packages [April 17, 18, Oct. 17]

• The packages credited by user are called as user defined package.

• User defined packages generally represent programs data.
Creating Own Packages:
• We should first declare our own package. This has to be first statement in Java source
file. We can have comments and spaces at the top. And then define the class in the
same program.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

• The syntax is shown below:

package mypackage; //package declared
public class myclass //class defined
_________ (body of class)
• When the above source file is compiled java first create ·class file and store it in the
same directory. Note that ·class file must be located in a directory that has same name
as the package.
• The creation of user-defined packages has to follow the following rules:
o declare a package as shown in the syntax.
o class is defined.
o class should be public.
o a subdirectory is created under main directory which is useful to store main
source file.
o store the listing as classname.java file in the subdirectory created.
o create ·class file using javac compiler.
o package and directory name must be same.
Accessing Own Packages:
• We should use import statement to use the packages as shown below:
import pack1 [.pack2] [.pack3].classname;
For example:
import mypackage·*;
import mypackage.myclass;
Using Own Packages:
• Consider that the directory is jdk \bin. In this, let's create one subdirectory called 'pack'
in which we are creating our own packages.
/exports/usr$ mkdir pack
/exports/usr$ cd pack
• Now in this we can write our own source files. Program 2.24 shows package and
Program 2.25 shows the source file which imports the package.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.24:
package pack;
public class packcheck
public void disp()
System.out.println ("packcheck class");
It is stored as packcheck.java in pack subdirectory. We should compile this java file so
that its ·class file is created.
javac packcheck.java
Program 2.25:
import pk.packcheck;
class test
public static void main(String args[])
pack check ob1 = new packcheck();
This is stored as text ·java. Compile this program and the execute its source file.
/exports/usr/pack$ javac test·java
/exports/usr/pack$ java.test
packcheck class
• We can include or import more than one packages in our program. Program 2.26
shows another package and Program 2.26 shows our program which calls both the
above packages.
Program 2.26:
package mypack;
public class check
protected int k = 5;
public void display()
System.out.println("k =" +k);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 2.27:
//importing two packages
import pk.packcheck;
import mypack.check;
class doubletest
public static void main(String args[])
packcheck ob1 = new packcheck();
check ob2 = new check();
packcheck class
k = 5
• This shows that we can import multiple packages in our program, similarly two or
more packages contains identical class names:
For example:
package pck1;
public class manager
{ …………… }
public class emp
{ …………… }
package pck2;
public class CEO
{ …………… }
public class emp
{ …………… }
• The java runtime system uses the current working directory as its starting point. This
is first way using which, Java finds its packages and second way as it sets the
CLASSPATH environment variable's path. The first way is always easy to use.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 1: Program for class and object.
class Student
int studno; //declaration of variable
String studname;
class Examplestud
public static void main(String args[])
Student s1=new Student();
s1.studno = 100;
s1.studname = "JAVA";
System.out.println("Student id = "+s1.studno); //display members
System.out.println("Student name = "+s1.studname);

Student id = 100
Student name = JAVA
Program 2: Program for private member.
class X
private String name; // declaration of private variable
public class Testprivate
public static void main(String[] main)
X obj = new X();
obj.name = "Rudra"; // access private variable from another class
System.out.println("Welcome" + obj.name);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Compile time error
javac Testprivate.java
Testprivate.java:15: error: name has private access in X
obj.name = "Rudra"; // access private variable from another class
Testprivate.java:16: error: name has private access in X
System.out.println("Welcome" + obj.name);
2 errors
Program 3: Program to define a class 'employee' with data members as empolyee id,
employee name and employee salary. Accept data for 'n' objects using Array of objects and
print it.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Employee_record
int emp_id;
String emp_name;
float emp_salary;
public void emp_getdata()
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Employee id: ");
emp_id = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the Employee Name:");
emp_name = in.next();
System.out.print("Enter the Employee Salary: ");
emp_salary = in.nextFloat();
public void emp_putdata()
System.out.print(" " + emp_id);
System.out.print("\t" + emp_name);
System.out.print("\t" + emp_salary);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public static void main(String[] args)

Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
Employee_record emp_obj[] = new Employee_record[50];
//create array of object
System.out.print("How many record you want enter of Employee ");
int n = sc.nextInt();
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
emp_obj[i] = new Employee_record();
System.out.println("**** Employee Information ****");
System.out.println("Emp id \t Emp Name \t Emp Salary\n");
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
How many record you want enter of Employee 2
Enter the Employee id: 1
Enter the Employee Name:aaa
Enter the Employee Salary: 20000
Enter the Employee id: 2
Enter the Employee Name:www
Enter the Employee Salary: 25000
**** Employee Information ****
Emp id Emp Name Emp Salary
1 aaa 20000.0
2 www 25000.0
Program 4: Program to display the department information using ‘this’ keyword.
class Dept
int deptno;
String deptname;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Dept(int deptno, String deptname)

this.deptno= deptno;
this.deptname = deptname;
void display()
System.out.println("\nDepartment No = " + deptno +
"\nDepartment Name = "+deptname);
} //end of Dept
class Ex_this
public static void main(String args[])
Dept d = new Dept(87, "Computer Science");
}//end of class Ex_this
Department No = 87
Department Name = Computer Science
Program 5: Program to display the item name and item price using static variable.
class Item
int itemprice; //instance variable
String itemname;
static String itemcode ="ISI";//static variable
Item(int p, String n) //constructor
itemprice = p;
itemname = n;
void display() //method to display the values
System.out.println(itemprice+" "+itemname+" "+itemcode);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public class Teststaticvar

public static void main(String args[])
Item i1 = new Item(11,"Cheese");
Item i2 = new Item(22,"Ice cream");
11 Cheese ISI
22 Ice cream ISI
Program 6: Program to get the cube of a given number using the static method.
import java.util.Scanner;
class Teststaticmethod
static int cube(int x)
return x*x*x;
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Number: ");
int num = in.nextInt();
int cal = Teststaticmethod.cube(num);
System.out.println("Cube is = "+cal);
Enter the Number: 3
Cube is = 27
Program 7: Program for static block.
class Teststatic
System.out.println("Hello Static Block ");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public static void main(String args[])

System.out.println("Hello Main Method");
Hello Static Block
Hello Main Method
Program 8: Program to display the player number and name using of default constructor.
class TestConst
int playnumber;
String playname;
public TestConst()
playnumber = 10 ;
playname = "Sachin Tendulkar";
public static void main(String[] args)
TestConst tc = new TestConst(); // A default constructor is called
System.out.println("Default Value:");
System.out.println("Play number = "+tc.playnumber);
System.out.println("Play Name = " + tc.playname);
java TestConst
Default Value:
Play number = 10
Play Name = Sachin Tendulkar
Program 9: Program to display the information of player using parameterized
import java.util.Scanner;
class Player_record
int player_id;
String player_name;
int player_run;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public Player_record() //default constructor

player_id = 7;
player_name = "Ms Dhoni";
player_run = 1000;
public Player_record(int player_id,String player_name,int player_run)
//paramterized constructor
this.player_id = player_id;
this.player_name = player_name;
this.player_run = player_run;
public void player_putdata()
System.out.println("Player Id = " + player_id);
System.out.println("Player Name = " + player_name);
System.out.println("Player Run = " + player_run);
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("*** Default Player Information ***");
Player_record obj = new Player_record(); //object create for
//default constructor
System.out.println("*** Player Information ***");
Player_record ob = new Player_record(18,"Virat",1200);
//object create for paramterized constructor
}//end of class
*** Default Player Information ***
Player Id = 7
Player Name = Ms Dhoni
Player Run = 1000
*** Player Information ***
Player Id = 18
Player Name = Virat
Player Run = 1200
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 10: Program for constructor with array of objects.

import java.util.Scanner;
class Player_record
int player_id;
String player_name;
int player_run;
public Player_record() //default constructor
player_id = 7;
player_name = "Ms Dhoni";
player_run = 1000;
public Player_record(int player_id,String player_name,int player_run)
//paramterized constructor
this.player_id = player_id;
this.player_name = player_name;
this.player_run = player_run;
public void player_getdata()
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Player id: ");
player_id = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter the Player Name:");
player_name = in.next();
System.out.print("Enter the Player Run: ");
player_run = in.nextInt();
public void player_putdata()
System.out.print(" " + player_id);
System.out.print("\t" + player_name);
System.out.print("\t" + player_run);
}//class Player_record

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

class Exampleparaconst
public static void main(String[] args)
int lim,i;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("*** Default Player Information ***");
Player_record obj = new Player_record();
//object create for default constructor
System.out.print("How many record you want to enter ? ");
lim = in.nextInt();
Player_record obj1[] = new Player_record[10];
//object create for paramterized constructor
for(i=0; i<lim; i++)
obj1[i] = new Player_record();
for(i=0; i<lim; i++)
System.out.println("*** Player Information ***");
System.out.println("Player Id \t Player Name\tPlayer Run");
for(i=0; i<lim; i++)
}//end of class
*** Default Player Information ***
7 Ms Dhoni 1000
How many record you want to enter ? 2
Enter the Player id: 5
Enter the Player Name:Yuvraj
Enter the Player Run: 1800
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Enter the Player id: 3

Enter the Player Name:Virendra
Enter the Player Run: 2300
*** Player Information ***
Player Id Player Name Player Run
5 Yuvraj 1800
3 Virendra 2300
Program 11: Program to use of some of 'String' class methods.
public class Exstringmethod
public static void main(String[] args)
int strlen;
String str = " Core Java ";
String s1 = "", s2 = "";
System.out.println("String = "+str);
strlen = str.length(); // Find length of string
System.out.println("Lenght of String = " + strlen );
s1 = str.replace("Core", "Advance");// Replace characters in string
System.out.println("Before replacing:" + str);
System.out.println("After replacing :" + s1);
s2 = str.concat(" is Programming Language...");
// Concatenating string with another string
System.out.println("Before concate: " + str);
System.out.println("After concate: " + s2);
String = Core Java
Lenght of String = 11
Before replacing: Core Java
After replacing : Advance Java
Before concate: Core Java
After concate: Core Java is Programming Language...
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 12: Program to use of some 'StringBuffer' class methods.

public class Exstringbuffer
public static void main(String[] args)
StringBuffer strname = new StringBuffer(50);
System.out.println("String capacity: "+strname.capacity());
strname = new StringBuffer("Java programming");
System.out.println("String : "+strname);
System.out.println("Last index of 'ing' is: "
+ strname.lastIndexOf("ing"));
System.out.println("Original String is: "+strname);
StringBuffer strrev = strname.reverse();
System.out.println("Reverse String: "+strrev);
String capacity: 50
String : Java programming
Last index of 'ing' is: 13
Original String is: Java programming
Reverse String: gnimmargorp avaJ
Program 13: Program for string methods.
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Exstringformatting
public static void main(String args[])
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
String pass1 = "password*";
String pass2;
System.out.println ("Enter the Password");
pass2 = in.next();
System.out.println ("Correct Password");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

System.out.println ("InCorrect Password");
String msg = "Welcome to Java!!!";
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(msg);
System.out.println ("Appended = "+str);
StringBuffer str1 = new StringBuffer(pass1);
System.out.println ("String in Reverse Order = "+str1);
("Replaced '*' with '$' = "+pass1.replace('*','$'));
Enter the Password
Correct Password
Appended = Welcome to Java!!!password*
String in Reverse Order = *drowssap
Replaced '*' with '$' = password$
Program 14: Program to create a package named Series having class to print series
square of numbers. Write a program to generate ‘n’ terms of the above series.
package series;
public class Sqr
public void square(int n)
System.out.println("Square of the number is "+(n*n));
import series.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public class Seriessqr

public static void main(String [] args)
Sqr sq = new Sqr()
System.out.print("Enter the no: ");
n = in.nextInt();
Enter the no: 6
Square of the number is 36
Program 15: Program to create a Package “SY” which has a class SYMarks, (members –
ComputerTotal, MathsTotal, and ElectronicsTotal). Create another package TY which has a
class TYMarks (members – Theory, Practicals). Create n objects of Student class (having
rollNumber, name, SYMarks and TYMarks). Add the marks of SY and TY computer subjects
and calculate the Grade (‘A’ for >= 70, ‘B’ for >= 60 ‘C’ for >= 50 , Pass Class for > =40 else
‘FAIL’) and display the result of the student in proper format.
package SY;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.*;
public class SYClass
public int ct,mt,et;
public void get() throws IOException
System.out.println("Enter marks of students for computer, maths and
electronics subject out of 200 ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
package TY;
import java.io.*;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

public class TYClass

public int tm,pm;
public void get() throws IOException
System.out.println("Enter the marks of the theory out of 400 and
practicals out of 200: ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
import SY.*;
import TY.*;
import java.io.*;
class StudentInfo
int rollno;
String name,grade;
public float gt,tyt,syt;
public float per;
public void get() throws IOException
System.out.println("Enter roll number and name of the student: ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
public class StudentMarks
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

System.out.println("Enter the number of students:");

int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
SYClass sy[]=new SYClass[n];
TYClass ty[]=new TYClass[n];
StudentInfo si[]=new StudentInfo[n];
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
si[i]=new StudentInfo();
sy[i]=new SYClass();
ty[i]=new TYClass();
if(si[i].per>=70) si[i].grade="A";
else if(si[i].per>=60) si[i].grade="B";
else if(si[i].per>=50) si[i].grade="C";
else if(si[i].per>=40) si[i].grade="Pass";
else si[i].grade="Fail";
("Roll No\tName\tSyTotal\tTyTotal\tGrandTotal\tPercentage\tGrade");
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
Enter the number of students:
Enter roll number and name of the student:
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Enter marks of students for computer, maths and electronics subject out of
Enter the marks of the theory out of 400 and practicals out of 200:
Enter roll number and name of the student:
Enter marks of students for computer, maths and electronics subject out of
Enter the marks of the theory out of 400 and practicals out of 200:
Enter roll number and name of the student:
Enter marks of students for computer, maths and electronics subject out of
Enter the marks of the theory out of 400 and practicals out of 200:
Roll No Name SyTotal TyTotal GrandTotal Percentage Grade
20 amita 502.0 567.0 1069.0 89.08333 A
30 ram 492.0 508.0 1000.0 83.33333 A
40 sunny 360.0 305.0 665.0 55.416668 C
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 16: Program to convert all primitives into its corresponding Wrapper objects.
public class Examplewrapper
public static void main(String args[])
byte b=50;
short s=40;
int i=70;
long l=20;
float f=3.14F;
double d=67.0D;
char c='M';
boolean bool=true;
// Converting primitives into objects
Byte byteobj=b;
Short shortobj=s;
Integer intobj=i;
Long longobj=l;
Float floatobj=f;
Double doubleobj=d;
Character charobj=c;
Boolean boolobj=bool;
//Printing objects
System.out.println("---Printing object values---");
System.out.println("Byte object: "+byteobj);
System.out.println("Short object: "+shortobj);
System.out.println("Integer object: "+intobj);
System.out.println("Long object: "+longobj);
System.out.println("Float object: "+floatobj);
System.out.println("Double object: "+doubleobj);
System.out.println("Character object: "+charobj);
System.out.println("Boolean object: "+boolobj);
--Printing object values---
Byte object: 50
Short object: 40
Integer object: 70
Long object: 20
Float object: 3.14
Double object: 67.0
Character object: M
Boolean object: true
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 17: program of equal() method.

public class Exequals
public static void main(String args[])
String st1="java";
String st2="java";
String st3="JAVA";
String st4="cpp";
System.out.println(st1.equals(st2)); //TRUE because content and case
is same
System.out.println(st1.equals(st3)); //FALSE because case is not
System.out.println(st1.equals(st4)); //FALSE because content is not
Program 18: Program to demonstrate working of getClass().
public class Testget
public static void main(String[] args)
Object ob = new String("Welcome");
Class cl = ob.getClass();
System.out.println("Class of Object is: "+ cl.getName());
Class of Object is: java.lang.String
Program 19: Program to display the person information using toString() method.
class Person
int pno;
String pname;
String pcity;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Person(int pno, String pname, String pcity)

public String toString() //overriding the toString() method
return "\nPerson No = "+pno+" \nPerson Name ="+pname+"\nPerson City
= "+pcity;
public static void main(String args[])
Person p1=new Person(11,"Rma","Pune");
Person p2=new Person(12,"Atharva","Mumbai");
Person No = 11
Person Name = Rma
Person City = Pune
Person No = 12
Person Name = Atharva
Person City = Mumbai
Program 20: Program to create a class Account having variable accno, accname and
balance. Define deposite() and withdraw() methods. Create one object of class and
perform the operation.
import java.io.*;
class Account
int accno;
String accname;
double balance, new_bal;
Account(int accno, String accname, double balance)
this.accno = accno;
this.accname = accname;
this.balance = balance;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

void deposite(double deposit_amount)

balance = balance+deposit_amount;
System.out.println("Your new available balance is: "+balance);
void withdraw(double amount)
if(balance > amount)
balance = balance-amount;
System.out.println("Your current balance: "+balance);
else if(balance == amount)
System.out.println("Your current balance is "+balance+". Your
minimum balance
should be 1000. Hence cannot withdraw.");
System.out.println("Insufficient balance");
public static void main(String args[])
BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
Account a;
double amount, bal;
System.out.println("Enter the account name, account number and balance: ");
String a_name = bin.readLine();
int a_no = Integer.parseInt(bin.readLine());
bal = Double.parseDouble(bin.readLine());
a = new Account(a_no, a_name, bal);
System.out.println("Enter\n 1 for depositing \n 2 for withdrawal");
int option = Integer.parseInt(bin.readLine());
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter the amount to deposite: ");
amount = Double.parseDouble(bin.readLine());
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

case 2:
System.out.println("Enter the amount to withdraw: ");
amount = Double.parseDouble(bin.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter a valid option: ");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception caught: "+e);
Enter the account name, account number and balance:Saving 1001 5000
1 for depositing
2 for withdrawal
Enter the amount to deposite:5000
Your new available balance is: 10000.0
Program 21: Program to define a class ‘employee’ with data member’s empid, name and
salary. Accept data for two objects using array of objects and print it.
import java.io.*;
class employee
int empid;
String name;
double salary;
void getdata()
BufferedReader obj = new BufferedReader(new
System.out.print("Enter Emp number: ");
System.out.print("Enter Emp Name: ");
System.out.print("Enter Emp Salary: ");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

catch(IOException e)
void show()
System.out.println("Emp ID: "+empid);
System.out.println("Name: "+name);
System.out.println("Salary: "+salary);
class EmpDetails
public static void main(String args[])
employee e[] = new employee[5];
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
e[i] = new employee();
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
System.out.println("Employee Details are: ");
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
Enter Emp number: 1001
Enter Emp Name: Ravi
Enter Emp Salary: 50000
Enter Emp number: 1002
Enter Emp Name: Prashant
Enter Emp Salary: 40000
Employee Details are:
Emp ID: 1001
Name: Ravi
Salary: 50000.0
Emp ID: 1002
Name: Prashant
Salary: 40000.0

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Program 22: Program to define a class ‘Book’ with data members bookid, bookname and
price. Accept data for three objects using Array of objects and display it.
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.*;
class Book
String bookname;
int bookid;
int price;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
void getdata()
System.out.println("Enter Book ID: ");
System.out.println("Enter Book Name: ");
System.out.println("Enter Price: ");
catch(Exception e)
void display()
System.out.println("Book ID: "+bookid);
System.out.println("Book Name: "+bookname);
System.out.println("Price: "+price);
class bookdata
public static void main(String args[])
Book b[]=new Book[7];
for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
b[i]=new Book();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
Enter Book ID:
Enter Book Name:
Enter Price:
Enter Book ID:
Enter Book Name:
Enter Price:
Enter Book ID:
Enter Book Name:
Enter Price:
Book ID: 1001
Book Name: JPR
Price: 200
Book ID: 1002
Book Name: MIC
Price: 250
Book ID: 1003
Book Name: SEN
Price: 150
Program 23: Program to calculate gross salary of employees if Basic, HRA and DA are
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
class Employee
String name;
int salary;
double da,hra,gr;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

void get()
System.out.println("Enter the name: ");
System.out.println("Enter the salary: ");
catch(Exception ex)
void show()
System.out.println("Name is: "+name);
System.out.println("Basic salary is: "+salary);
System.out.println("Gross salary is: "+gr);
class EmpGrossSalary
public static void main(String args[])
Employee e[]=new Employee[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
e[i]=new Employee();
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Enter the name:Ravi
Enter the salary:50000
Enter the name:Prashant
Enter the salary:40000
Name is: Ravi
Basic salary is: 50000
Gross salary is: 97500.0
Name is: Prashant
Basic salary is: 40000
Gross salary is: 78000.0
Program 24: Program to define a class person with data member as Aadharno, name,
Panno implement concept of constructor overloading. Accept data for 5 objects and print
import java.io.*;
class Person
int Aadharno;
String name;
String Panno;
Person(int Aadharno, String name, String Panno)
this.Aadharno = Aadharno;
this.name = name;
this.Panno = Panno;
Person(int Aadharno, String name)
this.Aadharno = Aadharno;
this.name = name;
Panno = "Not Applicable";
void display()
System.out.println("Aadharno is: "+Aadharno);
System.out.println("Name is: "+name);
System.out.println("Panno is: "+Panno);
public static void main(String args[])
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new
Person p, p1, p2, p3, p4;
int a;
String n, pno;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

System.out.println("Enter Aadhar no: ");
a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter name: ");
n = br.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter panno: ");
pno = br.readLine();
p = new Person(a,n,pno);
System.out.println("Enter Aadhar no: ");
a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter name: ");
n = br.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter panno: ");
pno = br.readLine();
p1 = new Person(a,n,pno);
System.out.println("Enter Aadhar no: ");
a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter name: ");
n = br.readLine();
p2 = new Person(a,n);
System.out.println("Enter Aadhar no: ");
a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter name: ");
n = br.readLine();
p3 = new Person(a,n);
System.out.println("Enter Aadhar no: ");
a = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
System.out.println("Enter name: ");
n = br.readLine();
System.out.println("Enter panno: ");
pno = br.readLine();
p4 = new Person(a,n,pno);
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception caught: "+e);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Enter Aadhar no: 1001
Enter name: Ravi
Enter panno: ABCD
Enter Aadhar no: 1002
Enter name: Prashant
Enter panno: SCVB
Aadharno is: 1001
Name is: Ravi
Panno is: ABCD
Aadharno is: 1002
Name is: Prashant
Panno is: SCVB
Program 25: Program to demonstrate the use of “this” keyword.
class Testthis
int a;
int b;
Testthis(int a, int b) // Parameterized constructor
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
void display()
System.out.println("a = " + a + " b = " + b); //Displaying value of
variables a and b
public static void main(String[] args)
Test this object = new Testthis(10, 20);
a = 10 b = 20
Program 26: Program of single level inheritance.
class Room
int length, breadth;
Room(int a, int b)

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

int area()
class Bedroom extends Room
int height;
Bedroom(int a, int b,int c)
super(a, b);
int volume()
class InnerTest1
public static void main(String args[])
Bedroom room1=new Bedroom(14,12,10);
int area1=room1.area();
int volume1=room1.volume();
System.out.println("Area: "+area1);
System.out.println("Volume: "+volume1);
Area: 168
Volume: 1680
Program 27: Program to create a class ‘Rectangle’ that contains ‘length’ and ‘width’ as data
members. From this class derive class box which has additional data member ‘depth’.
Class ‘Rectangle’ consists of a constructor and an area() function. The derived ‘Box’ class
have a constructor and override function named area() which returns surface area of
‘Box’ and a volume() function. Write a java program calling all the member function.
import java.io.*;
class Rectangle
int length, width;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Rectangle(int length, int width)

this.length = length;
this.width = width;
int area()
return length*width;
class Box extends Rectangle
int depth;
Box(int length, int width, int depth)
super(length, width);
this.depth = depth;
int area()
return 2*(length*width+width*depth+depth*length);
int volume(int l, int w, int d)
return l*w*d;
public static void main(String args[])
BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new
System.out.println("Enter the length, width and depth: ");
int l = Integer.parseInt(bin.readLine());
int w = Integer.parseInt(bin.readLine());
int h = Integer.parseInt(bin.readLine());
Box b = new Box(l,w,h);
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(l,w);
System.out.println("Area of the Rectangle is: "+r.area());
System.out.println("Area of the Box is: "+b.area());
System.out.println("Volume of the Rectangle is: "+b.volume(l,w,h));
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception caught: "+e);
Enter the length, width and depth:10 20 30
Area of the Rectangle is: 200
Area of the Box is: 2200
Volume of the Rectangle is: 6000
Program 28: Program to define a class student with roll no. and name, derive class
attendance with member as present days. Write method to calculate and print average
attendance assuming total days as 180.
class stud
int rn;
String name;
stud(int r, String n)
rn = r;
name = n;
void put()
System.out.println("Roll no:"+rn);
class stud_att_cal extends stud
double preentday;
stud_att_cal(int r, String n, int p)
preentday = p;
void calculate()
double avg = (100 * preentday)/180;
System.out.println("Present Days : "+preentday);
System.out.println("Average attendance is: "+avg);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

class studAttendance
public static void main(String args[])
stud_att_cal S1 = new stud_att_cal(2,"Ravi",137);
Roll no:2
Present Days: 137.0
Average attendance is: 76.11111111111111

Q.I Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which of following method of class StringBuffer is used to concatenate the string
representation to the end of invoking string?
(a) concatenate() (b) concat()
(c) append() (d) join()
2. Which of these access specifiers can be used for a class so that its members can be
accessed by a different class in the different package?
(a) No Modifier (b) public
(c) protected (d) private
3. Which of these methods of class StringBuffer is used to find the length of current
character sequence?
(a) length() (b) Length()
(c) capacity() (d) Capacity()
4. Which of these classes is used to create an object whose character sequence is
(a) String() (b) StringBuffer()
(c) String() and StringBuffer() (d) stringbuffer()
5. Overloading of constructors in Java means adding more than ________ constructors
with the different argument list.
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 8
6. What is not the use of “this” keyword in Java?
(a) Passing itself to another method
(b) Calling another constructor in constructor chaining
(c) Referring to the instance variable when local variable has the same name
(d) Passing itself to method of the same class
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

7. What would be behaviour if the constructor has a return type?

(a) Compilation error (b) Runtime error
(c) Compilation and runs successfully (d) Only String return type is allowed
8. Which of these methods must be made static?
(a) finalize() (b) delete()
(c) run() (d) main()
9. Which of these cannot be declared static?
(a) class (b) object
(c) variable (d) method
10. Which of these method of String class can be used to test to strings for equality?
(a) isequal() (b) isequals()
(c) equal() (d) equals()
11. Which of these cannot be declared static?
(a) class (b) object
(c) variable (d) method
12. Choose the correct option for the code given below:
class A{ static int c=0; public: A(){ c++; } };
(a) Constructor will make c=1 for each object created
(b) Constructor will make c=0 for each object created
(c) Constructor will keep number of objects created
(d) Constructor will just initialize c=0 then increment by 1
13. What will be the output of the following Java code?
class output
public static void main(String args[])
StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("Hello");
(a) Hello java (b) Hellojava
(c) HJavalo (d) Hjava
14. What is the string contained in s after following lines of Java code?
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("Hello");
(a) Hell (b) ello
(c) Hel (d) llo
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

15. What will be the output of the following Java program?

class output
public static void main(String args[])
StringBuffer c = new StringBuffer("Hello");
(a) He (b) Hel
(c) lo (d) llo
16. Which of these is a mechanism for naming and visibility control of a class and its
(a) Object (b) Packages
(c) Interfaces (d) None of the mentioned
17. Which of this access specifies can be used for a class so that its members can be
accessed by a different class in the same package?
(a) public (b) protected
(c) no modifier (d) All of the mentioned
18. Which method of the Class.class is used to determine the name of a class
represented by the class object as a String?
(a) getClass() (b) intern()
(c) getName() (d) toString()
19. What are the uses of a Java Package?
(a) A package contains ready-to-use classes written for a specific purpose.
(b) Packages are easy to distribute your code. It is nothing but reusability. Instead
of writing code afresh, you can take advantage of the existing classes of a
package. Simply import it and use.
(c) Packages help in maintaining the code easily. Each sub-package may be
maintained for more specific purposes. You can reuse the class names in sub-
packages or other packages without name clash.
(d) All the above mentioned
20. The wrapper classes are part of the which package, that is imported by default into
all Java programs?
(a) java.lang (b) java.awt
(c) java.io (d) java.util
21. Which is a basic unit of OOP?
(a) Object (b) Class
(c) Package (d) constructor
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

22. Which keyword is used for declaring a class?

(a) new (b) class
(c) static (d) final
23. Which is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform a certain
(a) State (b) Behavior
(c) Method (d) Function
24. Following which access modifiers to set access (scope) levels for classes, variables,
methods and constructors.
(a) public (b) private
(c) (d) All of mentioned
25. Which access modifier means we do not explicitly declare an access modifier for a
class, method and so on?
(a) default (b) public
(c) private (d) protected
26. In which array elements store the location of the reference variables of the object?
(a) Array of Objects (b) Array of Class
(c) Array of Package (d) Array of String
27. Which is automatically called when an object is created?
(a) Array (b) Class
(c) Package (d) Constructor
28. The constructors which does not accept any argument is called as,
(a) default (b) parameterized
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
29. Which keyword is used a reference variable that refers to the current object?
(a) final (b) static
(c) this (d) new
30. A field that’s declared with the static keyword known as,
(a) static method (b) static block
(c) static field (d) None of mentioned
31. Which class is the parent/root class of all the classes in Java by default?
(a) Object (b) String
(c) Scanner (d) BufferedReader
32. Which class is used when we want to manipulate the contents of the string?
(a) Object (b) String
(c) StringBuffer (d) Scanner
33. To formatting a string we use,
(a) format() (b) printf()
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

34. Which classes provide a way to use primitive data types (int, boolean, etc..) as
(a) Wrapper (b) String
(c) StringBuffer (d) Scanner
35. In Java which is used to group related classes.
(a) class (b) package
(c) string (d) interface
36. Which package contains classes for primitive types, strings, math functions,
threads, and exceptions?
(a) java.lang (b) java.io
(c) java.net (d) java.util
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (a)
Q.II Fill in the Blanks:
1. A class is also considered as an _______ factory.
2. An object is a _______ of a class.
3. A constructor is used when an ________ is created.
4. The keyword _______ is used to include a package in a program.
5. Wrapper class uses first letter in ________ case.
6. _______ method of class StringBuffer is used to concatenate the string
representation to the end of invoking string.
7. _______ method of class StringBuffer is used to find the length of current character
8. The keyword used to declare a Java package is _______.
9. When importing a Package, the Class is actually importing _______ or interfaces
from the package.
10. _______ method of object class can clone an object.
11. Under which _______ package is the string class encapsulated.
12. _______ keyword is used for accessing the features of a package.
13. String is a sequence of characters, but in java, string is an _______.
14. _______ is the return type of the hashCode() method in the Object class.
15. _______ keyword is used to refer current object of a class.
16. The _______ is called when an object of a class is created.
17. To declare any static method, we have to write a _______ keyword before the
method name.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

18. A class is a "blueprint" for creating _______.

19. _______ are used in Java, in-order to avoid name conflicts and to control access of
class, interface and so on.
20. The string _______ method returns the formatted string by given locale, format and
21. The _______ classes in Java are used to convert primitive types (int, char, float, etc)
into corresponding objects.
22. _______ modifiers are used to controls the access level for classes, methods and
23. To define a package in Java, we use the keyword _______.
24. A Java _______ is a collection of statements that are grouped together to perform a
certain task.
25. String in Java is the _______ of characters.
26. We can make comparisons between two strings using the _______ method.
27. A constructor has the same name as its _______ and called for initializing objects
when we create an object of that class.
28. In _______ access modifier the code is only accessible within the declared class.
29. If we declare any block as static, then such blocks are called _______ blocks in Java.
30. The _______ keyword refers to the current object in a method or constructor.
31. A _______ constructor is a constructor with no parameter.
32. We use the static block when we need to initialize the _______ variables.
33. Java has an _______ statement that allows us to import an entire package or use
only certain classes and interfaces defined in the package.
34. A class is a blueprint for the object and _______ we create an object, we first need to
define the class.
35. An object is called an instance of a _______.
36. When variables and methods are declared _______, they cannot be accessed outside
of the class.
37. Constructor _______ in Java is a process of having more than one constructor with
different parameters list.
38. When methods, variables, classes, and so on are declared _______, then we can
access them from anywhere.
39. The _______ class is the root of the class hierarchy in Java.
40. The Java compiler automatically create a no-argument constructor during the
execution of the program known as constructor is called constructor.
41. Java also allows us to create packages as per our need called as _______ -defined
42. The strings in Java are treated as objects of type _______ class.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

1. object 2. instance 3. object 4. import 5. upper case
6. append() 7. length() 8. package 9. classes 10. objectClone()
11. java.lang 12. import 13. object 14. int 15. this
16. constructor 17. static 18. objects 19. Packages 20. format()
21. wrapper 22. Access 23. package 24. method 25. sequence
26. equals() 27. class 28. private 29. static 30. this
31. Default 32. static 33. import 34. before 35. class
36. private 37. overloading 38. public 39. Object 40. default
41. user 42. String
Q.III State True or False:
1. The string is immutable, but the StringBuffer is mutable.
2. Package names and directory structure are closely related.
3. The private method can be overridden as public method.
4. We call methods using this keyword.
5. We have multiple static blocks in our code.
6. A private member of a class cannot be accessed by the methods of the same class.
7. A protected member of a class can be accessed from its derived class.
8. The public members of class can be accessed by any code in the program can a
class be declared with a protected modifier.
9. When object of class is declared, each object contains its own copy of static
10. The static methods must only access static data.
11. Constructor can have a return type.
12. A package can be renamed without renaming the directory in which the classes
are stored.
13. In Java, an object is created from a class.
14. The this keyword in Java is a reference variable that refers to the current object of
a method or a constructor.
15. Each time a new object is created, at least one constructor will be invoked. The
main rule of constructors is that they should have the same name as the class.
16. A constructor in Java is similar to a method that is invoked when an object of the
class is created.
17. We can create a class in Java using the class keyword.
18. Constructors are similar to methods and have the same name as the method.
19. The hashCode() method returns a hash code for the string.
20. Wrapper classes are used to provide a mechanism to ‘wrap’ or bind the values of
primitive data types into an object.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

21. Access modifiers provide access to members of a class within a Java program.
22. A Java access modifier specifies which classes can access a given class and its
fields, methods, and constructors.
23. Before creating an array of objects, we must create an instance of the class by
using the static keyword.
24. The Java Object getClass() method returns the class name of the object.
25. A package is simply a container that groups related types (Java classes, interfaces,
enumerations, and annotations).
26. We can use the name of objects along with the . operator to access members of a
27. A method is a block of code that performs a specific task.
28. A string is a sequence of operators.
29. We can join two strings in Java using the concat() method.
30. The equals() method checks the content of strings while comparing them.
31. We can also create two or more constructors with different parameters called as
constructors overloading.
32. Access modifiers are used to set the accessibility (visibility) of classes, interfaces,
variables, methods, constructors.
33. A Java constructor can also accept one or more parameters. Such constructors are
known as parameterized constructors (constructor with parameters).
34. The public access modifier in Java denotes that a variable or a method is private to
the class and we cannot access them outside the class.
35. When methods and data members are declared protected, we can access them
within the same package as well as from subclasses.
36. Java allows us to store objects in an array.
37. An class is any entity that has a state and behavior.
38. The protected access modifier in Java denotes that the variable or a method is
accessible to its subclasses but private to all other classes outside the current
39. Declaring a class with the private access modifier would mean that no other
classes can access it.
40. The 'this' keyword can be used to invoke current class constructor.
41. An array that conations class type elements are known as an array of objects
which stores the reference variable of the object.
1. (T) 2. (T) 3. (F) 4. (T) 5. (T) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (T) 9. (F) 10. (F)
11. (F) 12. (F) 13. (T) 14. (T) 15. (T) 16. (T) 17. (T) 18. (F) 19. (T) 20. (T)
21. (T) 22. (T) 23. (F) 24. (T) 25. (T) 26. (T) 27. (T) 28. (F) 29. (T) 30. (T)
31. (T) 32. (T) 33. (T) 34. (F) 35. (T) 36. (T) 37. (F) 38. (T) 39. (T) 40. (T)
41. (T)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

Q.IV Answer the following Questions:

(A) Short Answer Questions:
1. Define is object?
2. Define class.
3. What is constructor?
4. Why static keyword is used?
5. Define package.
6. List types of constructors.
7. Give use of this keyword.
8. Define static method.
9. What is array of objects?
10. What is the purpose of getClass().
11. What is access specifier?
12. Define wrapper classes.
13. What is the use of StringBuffer class.
14. How to create our own classes?
15. What is the purpose of package keyword?
16. Which functions are used for formatting strings?
(B) Long Answer Questions:
1. With the help of example describe classes and objects.
2. Explain the significance of each of the following:
(i) static
(ii) public
(iii) protected
(iv) private.
3. What is a class? How to create it? Explain with example.
4. What are objects? How to create objects? Explain with example.
5. Define constructor. How to create it?
6. Explain default constructor with example.
7. What is parameter constructor? Give its syntax. Also explain with example.
8. When to declare a method or field static?
9. What is a package? How to create and import it?
10. Explain various types of access modifiers in detail.
11. Explain java API packages in detail.
12. Create a class circle, consider pi and radius. Calculate the area of a circle and
display it.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

13. Create a class distance with variable feet and inches, method get_val(), show_dist().
Use constructor. Create two objects and display their distance.
14. Write a short note on:
(i) this keyword
(ii) Object class
(iii) Wrapper classes.
15. What is string? How to format a string? Describe with example.
16. How to accessing packages? Explain with example.
17. Explain the term wrapper classes in detail.
18. With the help of example describe how to create our own classes.


April 2016

1. What is ‘this’? Give example. [1 M]

Ans. Refer to Section 2.7.
2. Give two ways to create string object with an example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.2.
October 2016

1. Can we overload main() method in Java? Justify. [1 M]

Ans. Refer to Section 2.6.
2. Explain any two methods of string class with example. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.2.
3. What is the use of static methods and static variables? [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.8.3.
4. What is package? How to create a package? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section s 2.11 and 2.11.1.
April 2017
1. What is the use of this keyword in Java? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.7.
2. What is wrapper class? Explain with example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.10.
3. Differentiate String and StringBuffer classes. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 2.35.
4. What is Package? How to create a package? Give example. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 2.11 and 2.11.1.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

October 2017
1. What are packages? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.11.
2. Create two packages, pack1 contains two classes as student and course. Both
classes have method to read corresponding Information. Pack2 contains class
college with method accept(). Write a java program to display all
information. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.11.
3. List any two names of Wrapper class. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.10.
April 2018

1. Which method is used to compare values of two string objects? [1 M]

Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.2.
2. How do we design, create and access a package in java? Discuss with suitable
example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 2.11.1 and 2.11.2.
3. What is difference between string and string buffer class? [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 2.35.
4. Explain the use of this keyword in java. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.7.
5. List any two methods of object class. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.1.
6. How do we design, create and access a package in Java? Discuss with suitable
example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 2.11.1 and 2.11.2.
October 2018
1. Write down syntax for equals() method. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.1.
2. State the use of to String() method. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.3.
3. Write a java program to create a package named student. Define class studentInfo
with method to display information about student such as rollno, name, class and
percentage. Create another class studentPer with method to find percentage of the
student. Accept student details like rollno, name, class and marks of three subject
from user. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.11.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Objects and Classes

April 2019
1. What is package? How to create a package. Explain with example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 2.11 and 2.11.1.
2. Enlist any two method of string with syntax. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 2.9.2.

Inheritance and Interface
To understand Basic Concpets of Inheritance
To study Basic Concpets in Interfaces
To learn Abstract Class and Methods
To learn Run-time Polymorphism using Interface

• Inheritance can be defined as, the process where one class acquires the properties
(methods and fields) of another. With the use of inheritance the information is made
manageable in a hierarchical order.
• The class which inherits the properties of other is known as subclass (derived class,
child class) and the class whose properties are inherited is known as superclass
(base class, parent class).
• An interface is one of the core concepts in Java and is used to achieve abstraction,
polymorphism and multiple inheritances.
• In this chapter we will study inheritance, runtime polymorphism, interfaces, marker
concept and so on.


• Object Oriented Programming (OOP) allows us to create new class based on a class that
has been already defined using inheritance.
• Inheritance can be defined as, “the process where one object acquires the properties
of another class”.
• Inheritance represents the 'IS-A relationship', also known as 'parent-child
• In simple words, the mechanism of deriving a new class from an old class is called
• A class that is derived from any another class is called a subclass or derived class or
extended class or child class. The class from which a subclass is derived is called super
class or base class or parent class.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• Fig. 3.1 shows a class called Vehicle, which has two subclasses called Two Wheeler and
Four Wheeler.

Two Wheeler Four Wheeler

Fig. 3.1
Advantages of Inheritance:
1. Code reusability through inheritance is increased.
2. Inheritance provides a clear model structure which is easy and simple to
3. Code is easy to manage and divided into parent and child classes.
4. No need to write code from scratch. We can start coding with existing class.
5. Using inheritance we can very easily convert small system into large systems.
6. Good at representing the objects.

3.1.1 extends Keyword

• The keyword ‘extends’ is used to inherit the properties of a class through another
• The keyword extends indicates that, we are making a new class that derives from an
existing class.
• The syntax is given below:
class subclassname extends superclassname
//Body of the class …
• The keyword ‘extends’ specifies that the properties of superclassname are extended to
subclassname. After this the subclass will contain all the methods of super class and it
will add the members of its own.
• Remember, we can not extend a subclass from more than one super class. Direct
multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 3.1: A simple program for inheritance.

class Calculation
int z;
public void addition(int x, int y)
z = x + y;
System.out.println("The sum of the given numbers:"+z);
public void Subtraction(int x, int y)
z = x - y;
System.out.println("The difference between the given numbers:"+z);
public class My_Calculation extends Calculation
public void multiplication(int x, int y)
z = x * y;
System.out.println("The product of the given numbers:"+z);
public static void main(String args[])
int a = 20, b = 10;
My_Calculation demo = new My_Calculation();
demo.addition(a, b);
demo.Subtraction(a, b);
demo.multiplication(a, b);
The sum of the given numbers:30
The difference between the given numbers:10
The product of the given numbers:200
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• Program 3.1 shows an example of simple inheritance in which the ‘Sub’ class is
inherited from ‘Super’ class. So the members of ‘Super’ class that is, ‘i', ‘j’ and method
‘show ()’ are available in ‘Sub’ class.
• By creating the object of ‘Sub’ class we can access all these members. But the methods
‘display()’, ‘sum()’ and variable ‘k’ cannot accessed in ‘Super’ class. So ‘Super’ class
object cannot use these members.

3.1.2 Types of Inheritance [April 16, 18]

• Fig. 3.2 shows various types of inheritance in Java.
Types of inheritance

Single Multilevel Hierarchical

inheritance inheritance inheritance

Fig. 3.2: Types of Inheritance

1. Single Inheritance:
• When a class extends another one class only then we call it a single inheritance.
• In case of single inheritance there is only a sub class and it's parent class. It is also
called simple inheritance or one level inheritance.
• Fig. 3.3 shows that class B extends only one class which is A. Here, A is a parent class
of B and B would be a child class of A.
A Base class

Inherits from

B Derived class

Fig. 3.3: Single Inheritance

• The Fig. 3.3 shows that class A is super class and class B is the sub class. Let us
consider that we have class 'vehicle' which is inherited by class 'Taxi', (See Fig. 3.4).


Fig. 3.4: Example of Single Inheritance

Program 3.2: Program for single inheritance.
class Person
String name;
int age;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Person(String n, int a)
void display()
class Employee extends Person
String emp_designation;
float emp_salary;
Employee(String p,int q,String r,float s)
void display1()
System.out.println("Employee Designation="+emp_designation);
System.out.println("Employee Salary="+emp_salary);
public static void main(String args[])
Employee e=new Employee("Akshay",18,"Manager",25000);
Name= Akshay
Employee Designation= Manager
Employee Salary=25000
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

2. Multilevel Inheritance: [April 16]

• We can create any layers in the inheritance as we want, this is called Multilevel
Inheritance. This hierarchy can be created at any level of inheritance.
• When a subclass is derived from a derived class then this mechanism is known as the
Multilevel inheritance.
• The derived class is called the subclass or child class for it's parent class and this
parent class works as the child class for it's just above (parent) class.
• The general form/syntax is,
class A
class B extends A
class C extends B
• Class A may be the superclass for Class B and Class B may be the superclass for Class C
and Class C may be the superclass for Class D.
• In above case, Class B inherites all properties of Class A, Class C inherites all properties
of Class B and Class D inherites all properties of Class C.
A is superclass class A

B is subclass of A
class B
and superclass of C

C is subclass of B
and superclass of D class C

D is subclass of C class D

Fig. 3.5: Representation of Multilevel Inheritance

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 3.3: Program for multilevel inheritance.

import java.io.*;
class Account
String cust_name;
int acc_no;
Account(String n, int no)
void display()
System.out.println("Customer name = "+cust_name);
System.out.println("Account number = "+acc_no);
class Saving_acc extends Account
int saving_bal;
int min_bal;
Saving_acc(String n, int no, int sbal, int mbal)
void output()
System.out.println("Saving balance ="+saving_bal);
System.out.println("Minimum balance = "+ min_bal);
class Acc_detail extends Saving_acc
int deposit, withdrawal;
Acc_detail(String n, int no, int sbal, int mbal, int dep, int wd)
super(n, no, sbal, mbal);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

void final_result()
System.out.println("Deposit amount = "+ deposit);
System.out.println("Withdrawal amount = "+ withdrawal);
class sample
public static void main(String args[])
Acc_detail a=new Acc_detail("ABC",1803,10000,500,1000,2000);
Customer name = ABC
Account number = 1803
Saving balance = 10000
Minimum balance = 500
Deposit amount = 1000
Withdrawal amount = 2000
3. Hierarchical Inheritance:
• When a class has more than one child classes (sub classes) have the same parent class
then such kind of inheritance is known as Hierarchical inheritance.
• In case of hierarchical inheritance we derive more than one subclass from a single
super class.
• In below example class B, C and D inherits the same class A. A is parent class (or base
class) of B, C and D.


Fig. 3.6: Hierarchical Inheritance

• Fig. 3.7 represents hierarchical inheritance. Here, class student is having three child
Medical, Engineering, Non science at first level, where class Engineering. itself is
having some child at the second level. Hierarchical inheritance is basically the
combination of more then one type of inheritance.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface


Medical Engineering Non science

Ayurvedic Dental Homeo Comp. Elect. Mech. Art Commerce

Fig. 3.7: Example of Hierarchical Inheritance

Program 3.4: Program for hierarchical inheritance.
class A
public void methodA()
System.out.println("method of Class A");
class B extends A
public void methodB()
System.out.println("method of Class B");
class C extends A
public void methodC()
System.out.println("method of Class C");
class D extends A
public void methodD()
System.out.println("method of Class D");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class MyClass
public static void main(String args[])
B obj1 = new B();
C obj2 = new C();
D obj3 = new D();
method of Class A
method of Class B
method of Class A
method of Class C
method of Class A
method of Class D


• Inheritance is one of the key features of OOP that allows us to create a new class from
an existing class.
• The new class that is created is known as subclass (child or derived class) and the
existing class from where the child class is derived is known as superclass (parent or
base class).
• The most common use of the super keyword is to eliminate the confusion between
superclasses and subclasses that have methods with the same name.

3.2.1 Superclass and Subclass

• Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and
behavior from other classes.
• The idea of inheritance is simple but powerful i.e., when we want to create a new class
and there is already a class that includes some of the code that we want, we can derive
our new class from the existing class.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• A class that is derived from another class is called a subclass (also a derived class,
extended class, or child class). The class from which the subclass is derived is called a
superclass (also a base class or a parent class).
• Fig. 3.8 (a) shows if class Y is a subclass of class X, we also say that class X is a
superclass of class Y.
• A subclass can add to the structure and behavior that it inherits. It can also replace or
modify inherited behavior (though not inherited structure).
• The relationship between subclass and superclass is shown in Fig. 3.8 (a).
class X

class X
class Y class Z class A

class Y
(subclass) class B

(a) (b)
Fig. 3.8: The Relationship between Subclass and Superclass
• In Java, to create a class named "Y" as a subclass of a class named "X", we would write,
class Y extends X
. // additions to, and modifications of,
. // stuff inherited from class X
• Several classes can be declared as subclasses of the same superclass. The subclasses,
which might be referred to as "sibling classes," share some structures and behaviors --
namely, the ones they inherit from their common superclass.
• The superclass expresses these shared structures and behaviors. In the Fig. 3.8 (b)
classes Y, Z and A are sibling classes.
• Inheritance can also extend over several "generations" of classes. This is shown in the
Fig. 3.8 (b), where class B is a subclass of class A which is itself a subclass of class X.
• In this case, class B is considered to be a subclass of class X, even though it is not a
direct subclass. This whole set of classes forms a small class hierarchy.
For example:
• Let's look at an example of Vehicles. Suppose that a program has to deal with motor
vehicles, including Car, Truck and Motorcycle. The program could use a class named to
represent all types of vehicles.
• Since cars, trucks, and motorcycles are types of vehicles, they would be represented by
subclasses of the Vehicle class, as shown in Fig. 3.9.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface




Fig. 3.9: Subclasses of the Vehicle Class

• The Vehicle class would include instance variables such as registrationNumber and
owner and instance methods such as transferOwnership(). These are variables and
methods common to all vehicles.
• The three subclasses of Vehicle i.e., Car, Truck, and Motorcycle -- could then be used to
hold variables and methods specific to particular types of vehicles.
• The Car class might add an instance variable numberOfDoors, the Truck class might
have numberOfAxles, and the Motorcycle class could have a boolean variable
• The declarations of these classes in a Java program would look:
class Vehicle
int registrationNumber;
Person owner; // (Assuming that a Person class has been defined!)
void transferOwnership(Person newOwner)
class Car extends Vehicle
int numberOfDoors;
class Truck extends Vehicle
int numberOfAxles;
class Motorcycle extends Vehicle
boolean hasSidecar;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

3.2.2 Use of 'super' Keyword [April 16, Oct. 16, 17]

• A subclass inherits the accessible data fields and methods from its superclass, but the
constructors of the superclass are not inherited in the subclass.
• They can only be invoked from constructors of the subclass(es) using the keyword
• The 'super' keyword is used by subclass to refer its immediate superclass. There are
two different forms of using super:
1. 'super' calls the superclass constructor.
2. 'super' can access members of the superclass those have been hidden by members
of a subclass.
• Let us see above forms of keyword super in detail.
1. 'super' class Superclass Constructor:
• In the constructor of subclass, the keyword super can be used to invoke the
constructor method of the superclass.
• A subclass can call the constructor defined by super class by using the following form
of the ‘super’ keyword.
class subclass extends superclass
• The use of super() in this form must follow the following conditions:
(i) The super() must always be the first statement in subclass constructor.
(ii) The order and type of parameters specified in super() must matches with the
parameters in constructor of superclass.
Program 3.5: Use of super to access super class constructor.
class Primary
int cal; //declaration1
Primary(int a)
cal = a;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

void show()
System.out.println("Super class cal: "+cal);
class Secondary extends Primary
int cal; //declaration2
Secondary(int x,int y) //statement1
super(y); //statement2
cal = x; //statement3
void display()
System.out.println("Sub class cal: "+cal);
class SuperUse2
public static void main(String args[])
Secondary s = new Secondary(15,22);
Super class cal: 22
Sub class cal: 15
• The super class ‘Primary’ has been added with a constructor of one parameter. This
constructor has been called in 'sub class’ constructor in statement2 by passing one
parameter to super().
• If the super class contains more number of constructors all that can be called using
super keyword in 'sub class’ constructor. Statement that contains ‘super’ must be a
first statement in the 'sub class’ constructor.
2. 'super' Access Member of Superclass:
• Any member of immediate superclass can be referred in subclass using super
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• The usage has the following form/syntax:

• This use of super keyword is somewhat like this. But difference is that super always
refers to the superclass of the class in which it is used, whereas this refers to the
members of that class itself.
• This form of super keyword is most useful when member in subclass hides the
member of superclass due to similar names.
• Consider the following Program 3.6, the variable name n is used in superclass as well
as in subclass. To access a variable n of superclass in subclass, we use the super
Program 3.6: Program for super refers member of superlcass.
class SuperClass
int n;
class Subclass extends SuperClass
int n; // This hides n of superclass
Subclass (int x, int y)
if (x > y)
super.n = x; n = y;
super.n = y; n = x;
void display()
System.out.println("n is SuperClass=" + super.n);
System.out.println("n is SubClass=" + n);
class TestSuper2
public static void main(String args[])
//create object of subclass
Subclass myobj = new Subclass (10,4);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

//call display method

n in SuperClass = 10
n in SubClass = 4
• In similar way, super keyword can also be used to call methods of superclass that are
hidden by subclass due to same names. This is called as Method Overriding.


• If the same method is defined in both the superclass and the subclass, then the method
of the subclass class overrides the method of the superclass. This is known as method
overriding. [April 17, 18]
• Runtime polymorphism is a process in which a call to an overridden method is
resolved at runtime rather than compile-time. Method overriding is one of the ways in
which Java supports Runtime Polymorphism.
• If subclass (child class) has the same method as declared in the parent class, it is
known as method overriding.
• Method overriding is an example of runtime polymorphism. In method overriding, a
subclass overrides a method with the same signature as that of in its superclass.
Usage of Method Overriding:
1. Method overriding is used to provide specific implementation of a method that is
already provided by its super class.
2. Method overriding is used for run-time polymorphism.
• In short, redefining a super class method in a sub class is called Method Overriding.
Rules for Method Overriding:
1. The method signature i.e., method name, parameter list and return type have to
match exactly.
2. The overridden method can widen the accessibility but not narrow it, i.e. if it is
private in the base class, the child class can make it public but not vice versa.
• Consider a scenario, Bank is a class that provides functionality to get rate of interest.
But, rate of interest varies according to banks.
• For example, HDFC, ICICI and SBI banks could provide 8%, 7% and 9% rate of interest
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface


getRateOflnterest() : int



getRateOflnterest() : int getRateOflnterest() : int getRateOflnterest() : int

Fig. 3.10
Program 3.7: Program for method overriding.
class Bank
int getRateOfInterest()
return 0;
class HDFC extends Bank
int getRateOfInterest(){return 8;}
class ICICI extends Bank
int getRateOfInterest(){return 7;}
class SBI extends Bank
int getRateOfInterest(){return 9;}
class Test2
public static void main(String args[])
HDFC s=new HDFC();
ICICI i=new ICICI();
SBI a=new SBI();
System.out.println("HDFC Rate of Interest: "+s.getRateOfInterest());
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

System.out.println("ICICI Rate of Interest: "+i.getRateOfInterest());

System.out.println("SBI Rate of Interest: "+a.getRateOfInterest());
HDFC Rate of Interest: 8
ICICI Rate of Interest: 7
SBI Rate of Interest: 9
Use the super keyword: When invoking a superclass version of an overridden method
the super keyword is used.
Program 3.8: Program using the super keyword.
class Animal
public void move()
System.out.println("Animals can move …");
class Cat extends Animal
public void move()
super.move(); // invokes the super class method
System.out.println("Cats can Walk and Run");
public class TestCat
public static void main(String args[])
Animal b = new Cat(); // Animal reference but Cat object
b.move(); //Runs the method in Cat class
Animals can move
Cats can Walk and Run

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

3.4 USAGE OF 'final' KEYWORD [April 17, 19, Oct. 17]

• The "final" is a keyword in Java which generally means, cannot be changed once
• The "final" keyword when declared with variables, methods and classes specifically
1. The final variables cannot be modified.
2. The final method cannot be overridden.
3. The final class cannot be inherited or extended.
• The keyword "final" is used to prevent method overriding. This is possibly done by
specifying 'final' as a modifier at the start of its declaration.
• The method whenever is declared as final, it cannot be overridden.

3.4.1 'final' with Variables

• If any variable in Java is declare using 'final' keyword then they are known as final
Syntax: final datatype variableName;
• When a variable is declared final, it is a constant which will not and cannot change.
Example: final PI=3.14;
• The value of PI is declared as 'final' so it cannot be changed in the course of the
Program 3.9: Program for 'final' with variables.
class FinalVar
int x=10;
final int y=20;
System.out.println("x is:"+x);
System.out.println("y is:"+y);
System.out.println("x is:"+x);
System.out.println("y is:"+y);
Cannot assign a value to final variable y
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

3.4.2 'final' with Methods [April 18]

• We can also declare that methods are final. A method that is declared final cannot be
overridden in a subclass.
• If method of any class is defined using final keyword then they are known as final
methods in Java because they cannot be redefined.
• The syntax is simple, just put the keyword 'final' after the access specifier and before
the return type.
Syntax: access specifier final returntype methodname(arguments)
//method body……
• When we try to override method that has been declared final it will generate compile
time error.
Program 3.10: Program for final with methods.
class A
final void meth() //Final method
System.out.println("This is a final method.");
class B extends A
void meth() // ERROR! Can't override.

3.4.3 'final' with Classes

• If we want the class not be sub-classed (or extended) by any other class, declare it
• In Java, if we define any class using 'final' keyword then this type of class is known as
final class in Java.
• Classes declared final can not be extended. That is, any class can use the methods of a
final class by creating an object of the final class and call the methods with the
object(final class object).
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

final class ClassName
final class finalclass
//Definitions of members …
class errorclass extends finalclass
//Definitions of members …
• The above program segment contains error since we tried to extend a final class.
Program 3.11: Program for 'final' with classes.
import java.io.*;
final class Demo1
public void display()
public class Demo3 extends Demo1
public static void main(String args[])
Demo1 d=new Demo1();
Cannot inherit from final Demo1


• Abstraction is a process of hiding the implementation details and showing only
functionality to the user. Abstraction lets us focus on what the object does instead of
how it does it. [Oct. 17]
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• The methods which have only declaration and no method body in the base class are
called abstract method.
• The abstract methods are declared using the keyword "abstract". The method
declaration should end with semicolon (;).
• The abstract methods should be defined in the subclass. Abstract method can never be
final and static.
• The keyword "abstract" is used while declaring abstract method but not at the time of
Syntax: abstract <return_type> <method_name>(arguments);
Example: abstract void area();
• The base class in which abstract methods are declared is called as abstract class. The
"abstract" keyword is used while declaring abstract class.
Syntax: abstract class <class_name>
// body of class…
• Abstract class can have simple methods as well as abstract methods. Abstract methods
are those methods which are preceded by abstract keyword and user will declare
them in abstract class the definition of abstract method will be carried out in sub class.
• Following table depicts the difference between class and abstract class:
Class Abstract Class
1. Object of class can be created. Object of abstract class cannot be
2. It contains non abstract methods It can have abstract and non abstract
(methods with their definitions). methods.
3. Extension of class is not mandatory. Extension of abstract class is
4. Declaration: Declaration:
class class_name abstract class class_name
{ {
} }
Program 3.12: Program abstract classes and methods.
abstract class shape // Abstract class
double pi=3.14;
abstract void area(); // Abstract method
void display()
System.out.println("\n Non_abstract method of Class shape");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class rectangle extends shape // Sub class

int l,b;
rectangle(int x,int y)
void area() // Implementing abstract method
System.out.println("\n Area of Rectangle");
System.out.println("Length="+ l);
System.out.println("Breadth="+ b);
System.out.println("Area ="+ (l*b));
class circle extends shape // Sub class
double r;
circle(double x)
void area() // Implementing abstract method
System.out.println("\n Area of Circle");
System.out.println("Radius="+ r);
System.out.println("Area ="+ (pi*r*r));
/* Main class */
class abst
public static void main(String args[])
shape s;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

rectangle r=new rectangle(10,5);

s=r; // Shape reference rectangle
circle c=new circle(2.5);
Area of Rectangle
Area of Circle
• In above Program 3.12, shape is the abstract class, its implementation is provided by
the Rectangle and Circle classes.
• Mostly, we don't know about the implementation class, (i.e. hidden to the end user)
and object of the implementation class is provided by the factory method.
• A factory method is the method that returns the instance of the class. We will learn
about the factory method later.
• In this example, if we create the instance of Rectangle class, draw() method of
Rectangle class will be invoked.
Program 3.13:
abstract class Shape
abstract void draw();
class Rectangle extends Shape
void draw()
System.out.println("Drawing rectangle");
class Circle1 extends Shape
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

void draw()
System.out.println("Drawing circle");
class TestAbstraction1
public static void main(String args[])
Shape s=new Circle1();
Drawing circle

3.6 INTERFACE [Oct. 16]

• An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract
methods only.
• An interface is a way of describing what classes should do, without specifying how
they should do it.
• There are mainly following reasons to use interface:
1. It is used to achieve fully abstraction.
2. By interface, we can support the functionality of multiple inheritance.
• A class can implement more than one interface. In Java, an interface is not a class but
a set of requirements for the class that we want to conform to the interface.
• All the methods of an interface are by default public. So, it is not required to use the
keyword public when declaring a method in an interface.
• Interfaces can also have more than one method. Interfaces can also define constants
but do not implement methods.

3.6.1 Defining Interfaces

• To support the concept of multiple inheritance, Java provides the alternate approach
known as Interface.
• Java interface also represents IS-A relationship. Interface cannot be instantiated just
like abstract class.
• Interface is similar to class which is collection of public, static, final, variables
(constants) and abstract methods.
• An interface is defined like a class. The ‘interface’ keyword is used to declare an
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• The general form/syntax of an interface is as follows:

access_specifier interface InterfaceName
Return-type Method-l(Parameters);
Return-type Method-2(Parameters);
Type variable-l=value;
Type variable-2=value;
Return-type Method-N(Parameters);
Type variable-N=value;
• Following is the definition of an interface containing two constants and four abstract
interface conversions
double GM_TO_KG = 1000;
double CM_TO_FT = 30;
double gmtokg (double gm);
double cmtoft (double cm);
double kgtogm (double kg);
double fttocm (double ft);
Difference between Class and Interface:
Sr. No. Class Interface
1. It can contain abstract methods along It can contain only method
with method definitions. declarations and not method
2. Classes are extended by another class. Interfaces are implemented by classes.
3. Methods of objects can be called using Methods of interfaces should be
the object of the class. defined in the class which implements
the interface.
4. The variables of the class can be The variables of the interfaces are by
final/not final. default final.
contd. …

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

5. Object of class can be created. Object of interface cannot be created.

6. A class can extend only one class. An class can implement more than one
Example: class A extends B interface.
Example: class A implements C, D
7. Multiple inheritance is not possible Interface was introduced for the
with classes. concept of multiple inheritance.
8. class example interface example
{ {
int x; Final int x =5;
void method1() void method1();
{ void method2();
body }
void method2()

3.6.2 Implementation of Interface

• Once, an interface has been defined, one or more classes can implement that interface.
• To implement an interface, include the implements clause in a class definition, and
then create the methods defined by the interface.
• A class uses the ‘implements’ keyword to implement an interface. The general
form/syntax of a class that includes the ‘implements’ keyword looks like this:
access_specifier class class_name implements interface_name
// class body……
Program 3.14: Program of interface implementation.
interface conversions
double GM_TO_KG = 1000;
double gmtokg (double gm);
double kgtogm (double kg);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class convert implements conversions

public double gmtokg (double gm)
return gm/GM_TO_KG;
pubic double kgtogm(double kg)
return kg*GM_TO_KG;
class ImplIface1
public static void main(String args[])
Convert ConvObj = new Convert();
Conversions c;
c = Convobj;
System.out.println("2000 gm =" + C.gmtokg(2000) + " kg ");
System.out.println("50 kg = " + c.kgtogm(50) + " gm ");
2000 gm = 2.0 kg
50 kg = 50000.0 gm

3.6.3 Extending Interfaces

• An interface can extend another interface, similarly to the way that a class can extend
another class.
• The ‘extends’ keyword is used to extend an interface, and the child interface inherits
the methods of the parent interface.
• When any class implements an extended interface, it must implement all the methods
defined within the chain of inherited interfaces.
• Consider the following Program 3.15, an interface emp_show inherits all the members
of an interface emp_info.
• The class emp is implementing an interface emp_show, it must define the code of all
the methods declared in emp_info as well as emp_show.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 3.15: Program extending Interfaces.

interface emp_info
int empid = 10;
String empname = "Patil Dinesh";
String empaddr = "Gangapur Rd., Nashik";
void disp1();
interface emp_show extends emp_info
void disp2();
class emp implements emp_show
public void disp1()
public void disp2()
System.out.println("Name="+ empname);
System.out.println("Address="+ empaddr);
Class ImplIface3
public static void main(String args[])
emp e = new emp();
System.out.println("From Method disp1);
System.out.println("From Method disp2);
From method disp1
Empid = 10;
Name = Patil Dinesh;
From method disp2
Name = Patil Dinesh;
Address = Gangapur Rd, Nashik
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Extending Multiple Interfaces:

• A Java class can only extend one parent class. Multiple inheritance is not allowed.
Interfaces are not classes, however, and an interface can extend more than one parent
• The ‘extends’ keyword is used once and the parent interfaces are declared in a
comma-separated list.
• If a class implements multiple interfaces, or an interface extends multiple interfaces
i.e. known as multiple inheritance.

Interface Interface Interface Interface

implements extends

class Interface

(a) (b)
Fig. 3.11: Multiple Inheritance in Java
Program 3.16: Program to implementation of multiple inheritance.
class employee
String ename;
void get_ename(String name)
ename = name;
void print_ename()
System.out.println("Name = " + ename);
class gross_sal extends employee
float basic, da, hra, gsal;
void calc_gross_sal(int b, int dapercent, int hrpercent)
basic = b; //calculate DA & HRA
da = basic* dapercent/100;
hra = basic*hrpercent/100;
gsal = basic + da + hra;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

void print_gross_sal()
System.out.println("Gross sal = " + gsal);
interface taxes
float ptax = 200 F //P.Tax Rs. 200/-
float itaxpercent = 20F //itax 20% on gsal
float calc_taxes();
class salary extends gross-sal implements taxes
public float calc_taxes()
{ //Method from interface
return ptax + (gsal * itaxpercent/100);
void display()
{ //Method not from interface
float tax = calc_taxes();
float nsal = gsal_tax;
System.out.println("taxes=" + tax);
System.out.println("Net Sal = " + nsal);
class ImplIface6
pubic static void main(String args[])
//create an object of class salary
salary empsal = new salary();
empsal.get_ename("Pawar Manoj');

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Name = Pawar Manoj
Gross sal = 14560.0
taxes = 3112.0
Net Sal = 11448.0

3.6.4 Nested Interfaces [April 17]

• An interface declared within another interface or class is known as Nested Interface.
• The nested interfaces are used to group related interfaces so that they can be easy to
maintain. The nested interface must be referred by the outer interface or class. It
cannot be accessed directly.
Points to Remember for Nested Interfaces:
Nested interface must be public if it is declared inside the interface but it can have any
access modifier if declared within the class.
Nested interfaces are declared static implicitely.
• The syntax of nested interface which is declared within the interface:
interface interface_name
interface nested_interface_name
• The syntax of nested interface which is declared within the class:
class class_name
interface nested_interface_name
Program 3.17: Program declare the Nested Interface and how we can access it.
interface ShowableExe
void show();
interface Message
void msg();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class TestNestedInterface1 implements ShowableExe.Message

public void msg()
System.out.println("Program for Nested Interface");
public static void main(String args[])
Showable.Message message=new TestNestedInterface1();
//Upcasting Here …
Program for Nested Interface


• A process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at run-time rather than
compile time is known as run-time polymorphism.
• In this process, an overridden method is called through the reference variable of a
superclass. The determination of the method to be called is based on the object being
referred to by the reference variable.
• When reference variable of Parent class refers to the object of Child class, it is known
as upcasting.
• Run-time polymorphism is also called dynamic method dispatch.
• In Program 3.18, we are creating two classes Bike and Platina. Platina class extends
Bike class and overrides its run() method. We are calling the run method by the
reference variable of Parent class.
• Since, it refers to the subclass object and subclass method overrides the Parent class
method, subclass method is invoked at run-time.
• Since, method invocation is determined by the JVM not compiler, it is known as Run-
time Polymorphism.
Program 3.18: Program for run-time polymorphism.
class Bike
void run()
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Platina extends Bike

void run(){System.out.println("Running safely with 80km");}
public static void main(String args[])
Bike b = new Platina();//upcasting
Running safely with 80 km.
• Runtime Polymorphism can be categorized in following two parts:
1. Runtime Polymorphism with Data Member:
• The method is overridden but not the data members, so run-time polymorphism
cannot be done with data members.
• In the example given below, we created a Student class and Monitor class. Both the
classes have data members, in other words name and roll number.
• We are accessing the data members by the reference variable of the parent class that
refers to the subclass object.
• Since, we are accessing the data members of the subclass that are not overridden, the
data members of the parent class will always be invoked.
Program 3.19:
class Student
String name="Amar";
class Monitor extends Student
String name="Yogita";
public static void main(String args[])
Student s=new Monitor();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

2. Runtime Polymorphism with Multilevel Inheritance:

Program 3.20:
class Electronics
void function()
System.out.println("Made for various purpose");
class Phone extends Electronics
void function()
class Computer extends Phone
void function()
public static void main(String args[])
Electronics e1=new Electronics();
Electronics e2=new Phone();
Electronics e3=new Computer();
Made for various purpose
Display, Voice
Calculation, Internetworking
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface


• In this section we will study marker interface and functional interface in Java. A
marker interface is an empty interface (no field or methods). Examples of marker
interface are Serializable, Cloneable etc.
• A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method.
Runnable, ActionListener, Comparable are some of the examples of functional
Marker Interface:
• An interface that does not contain methods, fields, and constants is known as marker
• In other words, an empty interface is known as marker interface or tag interface. It
delivers the run-time type information about an object. It is the reason that the JVM
and compiler have additional information about an object.
• The Serializable and Cloneable interfaces are the example of marker interface. In
short, it indicates a signal or command to the JVM.
• The declaration of marker interface is the same as interface in Java but the interface
must be empty. For example:
public interface Serializable
• Marker interface is used as a tag that informs the Java compiler by a message so that it
can add some special behavior to the class implementing it.
• Java marker interface are useful if we have information about the class and that
information never changes, in such cases, we use marker interface represent to
represent the same. Implementing an empty interface tells the compiler to do some
• In Java, built-in marker interfaces are the interfaces that are already present in the
JDK and ready to use. These interfaces includes:
1. Cleanable interface in Java is also a marker interface that belongs to java.lang
package. It generates replica (copy) of an object with different name. We can
implement the interface in the class of which class object to be cloned. It indicates
the clone() method of the Object class.
2. Serializable interface is a marker interface in Java that is defined in the java.io
package. If we want to make the class serializable, we must implement the
Serializable interface. If a class implements the Serializable interface, we can
serialize or deserialize the state of an object of that class.
3. Remote interface is a marker interface that belong to java.rmi package. It marks
an object as remote that can be accessed from another machine (host). We must
implement the Remote interface if we want to make an object as remote. It
identifies the interfaces whose methods can be invoked from a non-local JVM. Any
remote object must implement the interface directly or indirectly.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 3.21: Program for Serializable interface.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Product implements Cloneable
int pid;
String pname;
double pcost;
//Product class constructor
public Product (int pid, String pname, double pcost)
this.pid = pid;
this.pname = pname;
this.pcost = pcost;
//method that prints the detail on the console
public void showDetail()
System.out.println("Product ID: "+pid);
System.out.println("Product Name: "+pname);
System.out.println("Product Cost: "+pcost);
public static void main
(String args[]) throws CloneNotSupportedException
//reading values of the product from the user
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter product ID: ");
int pid = sc.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter product name: ");
String pname = sc.next();
System.out.print("Enter product Cost: ");
double pcost = sc.nextDouble();
System.out.println("-------Product Detail--------");
Product p1 = new Product(pid, pname, pcost);
// cloning the object of the Product class using the clone() method
Product p2 = (Product) p1.clone();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

// invoking the method to print detail

Enter product ID: 139872
Enter product name: Printer
Enter product Cost: 3459.67
-------Product Detail--------
Product ID: 139872
Product Name: Printer
Product Cost: 3459.67
Functional Interface:
• An interface that contains exactly one abstract method is known as functional
• It can have any number of default, static methods but can contain only one abstract
method. It can also declare methods of object class.
• Functional interface is also known as Single Abstract Method Interfaces or SAM
interfaces. It is a new feature in Java, which helps to achieve functional programming
• The @FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure that the functional interface
can’t have more than one abstract method. it is not mandatory to use this annotation.
Program 3.22: Program for functional interface.
interface sayable
void say(String msg);
public class FunctionalInterfaceExample implements sayable
public void say(String msg)
public static void main(String[] args)
FunctionalInterfaceExample fie = new FunctionalInterfaceExample();
fie.say("Hello there");
Hello there
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

• A functional interface can have methods of object class. See in the following example.
interface sayable
void say(String msg); // abstract method
// It can contain any number of Object class methods.
int hashCode();
String toString();
boolean equals(Object obj);
public class FunctionalInterfaceExample2 implements sayable
public void say(String msg)
public static void main(String[] args)
FunctionalInterfaceExample2 fie = new FunctionalInterfaceExample2();
fie.say("Hello there");
Hello there

Program 1: Program to display the numbers of parent class and child class demonstrate
single inheritance.
import java.util.Scanner;
class A
int no1;
void readA()
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Number First : ");
no1= in.nextInt();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class B extends A
int no2;
void readB()
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the Number Second : ");
no2= in.nextInt();
void display()
System.out.println("First Number = "+no1);
System.out.println("Second Number = "+no2);
public class ExsingleInh
public static void main(String[] args)
B b = new B();
Enter the Number First : 5
Enter the Number Second : 10
First Number = 5
Second Number = 10
Program 2: Program to display College and department name using single inheritance
and super keyword.
class College
String cname;
public College(String m)
cname = m;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

public class Department extends College

String dname;
public Department(String x1, String x2)
//passing argument to parent class constructor this.dname = x2;
public void display()
System.out.println(super.cname+" and "+dname);
public static void main(String[] args)
Department c = new Department("Pune University","Computer Science");
Pune University and Computer Science
Program 3: Program for multilevel inheritance.
class AA
public void readA()
System.out.println("Hello Class A");
class BB extends AA
public void readB()
System.out.println("Hello Class B");
class CC extends BB
public void readC()
System.out.println("Hello Class C");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Exmultilevelinh
public static void main(String args[])
CC obj = new CC();
Hello Class A
Hello Class B
Hello Class C
Program 4: Program for final variable.
public class Exfinalvar
public static void main(String[] args)
final int number = 100;
System.out.println("Number = " + number);
number = 300; // Can't be modified
Exfinalvar.java:11: error: cannot assign a value to final variable a
a = 100; // Can't be modified
1 error
Program 5: Program for final method.
class Vehicle
final void run()
System.out.println("Two Wheeler");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Honda extends Vehicle

void run()
System.out.println("Running 200kmph");
public static void main(String args[])
Honda h = new Honda();
Honda.java:12: error: run() in Honda cannot override run() in Vehicle
void run()
overridden method is final
1 error
Program 6: Program to accessing of final class.
final class X
class Y extends X
void msg()
System.out.println("Final class not inherited...");
public static void main(String args[])
Y ob= new Y();
Y.java:7: error: cannot inherit from final X
class Y extends X
1 error
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 7: Program for method overriding msg() in super class and sub class.
class Parent
void msg()
System.out.println("In Parent Class");
class Child extends Parent
void msg() //method overrides show() of Parent
System.out.println("In Child Class");
class Exmethodoverride
public static void main(String[] args)
Parent obj = new Child();
In Parent Class
In Child Class
Program 8: Program for runtime polymorphism.
class Shape
void draw()
System.out.println("Geometry Shapes");
class Rectangle extends Shape
void draw()
System.out.println("Draw Rectangle...");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Circle extends Shape

void draw()
System.out.println("Draw Circle...");
class Triangle extends Shape
void draw()
System.out.println("Draw Triangle...");
class Exrunpoly
public static void main(String args[])
Shape sobj;
sobj=new Rectangle();
sobj=new Circle();
sobj=new Triangle();
Draw Rectangle...
Draw Circle...
Draw Triangle...
Program 9: Program for abstract class (BankIndia class) and abstract method.
abstract class BankIndia
abstract int getRateOfInterest();
class SBI extends BankIndia
int getRateOfInterest()
return 6;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class MAHA extends BankIndia

int getRateOfInterest()
return 5;
class Exabstract
public static void main(String args[])
BankIndia bi;
bi=new SBI();
System.out.println("Rate of Interest is:
"+bi.getRateOfInterest()+" %");
bi=new MAHA();
System.out.println("Rate of Interest is:
"+bi.getRateOfInterest()+" %");
Rate of Interest is: 6 %
Rate of Interest is: 5 %
Program 10: Program for interface (using implements). Calculate area of circle and
interface Area
float pi = 3.14f; // value declaration.
float calArea(float x);
class Circle implements Area
public float calArea(float x1)
float areacir = pi * x1 * x1;
return areacir;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Square implements Area

public float calArea(float x1)
float areasq = x1 * x1;
return areasq;
class ExInterface
public static void main(String[] args)
Area a; // interface object.
a = new Circle(); // object of circle.
float cir = a.calArea(1.2f);
System.out.println("Area of Circle : " +cir);
a = new Square(); // object of square.
float sq = a.calArea(2.5f);
System.out.println("Area of square : " +sq);
Area of Circle : 4.5216007
Area of square : 6.25
Program 11: Program to find the cube of given number using function interface.
interface Cubenum
public void print(int num1);
public class Exfuncinterface
public static void main(String[] a)
Cubenum cn = n -> System.out.println("cube is: "+ n*n*n);
Cube is : 343
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Program 12: Program for interface extends another interface.

interface A
void funa();
interface B extends A
void funb();
class X implements B
public void funa()
System.out.println("Good Morning");
public void funb()
System.out.println("Good Afternoon");
public class Exinterface1
public static void main(String[] args)
X obj = new X();
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Program 13: Program for hierarchical inheritance.
class Pclass
int a;
void getdata(int a)
this.a = a;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

class Cclass extends Pclass

void show()
System.out.println("Child Class C");
System.out.println("Value of a is " + a);
class Dclass extends Pclass
void display()
System.out.println("Child Class D");
System.out.println("Value of a is " + a);
public class Exhierarchicalinh
public static void main(String[] args)
Cclass cobj = new Cclass();
Dclass dobj = new Dclass();
dobj .getdata(100);
dobj .display();
Child Class C
Value of a is 50
Child Class D
Value of a is 100
Program 14: Program to define an abstract class “Staff” with members name and address.
Define two sub-classes of this class – “FullTimeStaff” (department, salary) and
“PartTimeStaff” (number-of-hours, rate-perhour). Define appropriate constructors. Create
n objects which could be of either FullTimeStaff or PartTimeStaff class by asking the user’s
choice. Display details of all “FullTimeStaff” objects and all “PartTimeStaff” objects.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
abstract class Staff
String name,address;
class FullTimeStaff extends Staff
String department;
double salary;
public void accept() throws IOException
System.out.println("Enter the name, address, department and salary:");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
public void display()
System.out.println("Name: "+name);
System.out.println("Address: "+address);
System.out.println("Department: "+department);
System.out.println("Salary: "+salary);
class PartTimeStaff extends Staff
int hours, rate;
public void accept() throws IOException
System.out.println("Enter the name, address, No of working hours and
rate per hour: ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

public void display()
System.out.println("Name: "+name);
System.out.println("Address: "+address);
System.out.println("No of Working Hours: "+hours);
System.out.println("Rate per hour: "+rate);
public class sample
public static void main(String [] args) throws IOException
int i;
System.out.println("Select Any One: ");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("1.Full Time Staff");
System.out.println("2.Part Time Satff");
int ch=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
case 1:
System.out.println("Enter the number of Full Time Staff: ");
int n=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
FullTimeStaff [] l=new FullTimeStaff[n];
l[i]=new FullTimeStaff();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

case 2:
System.out.println("Enter the number of Part Time Staff: ");
int m=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
PartTimeStaff [] h=new PartTimeStaff[m];
h[i]=new PartTimeStaff();
Select Any One:
1.Full Time Staff
2.Part Time Satff
Enter the number of Full Time Staff:
Enter the name, address, department and salary:
Enter the name, address, department and salary:
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

Name: adhira

Address: pune
Department: hr
Salary: 40000.0
Name: kishor
Address: nagar
Department: comp
Salary: 55000.0
Program 15: Program to demonstrate runtime polymorphism using interface.
interface Area
final static float pi=3.14f;
float compute(float x, float y);
class rectangle implements Area
public float compute(float x,float y)
class circle implements Area
public float compute(float x,float y)
class interfacetest
public static void main(String args[])
rectangle rect=new rectangle();
circle cir=new circle();
Area area;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

System.out.println("Area of rectangle =" +area.compute(10,20));
System.out.println("Area of circle="+area.compute(10,10));
Area of rectangle =200.0
Area of circle=314.0

Q.I Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which of these keyword must be used to inherit a class?
(a) super (b) this
(c) extent (d) extends
2. Which of these is correct way of inheriting class A by class B?
(a) class B + class A {} (b) class B inherits class A {}
(c) class B extends A {} (d) class B extends class A {}
3. Which of these keywords is used to refer to member of base class from a sub
(a) upper (b) super
(c) this (d) none of the mentioned
4. A class member declared protected becomes member of subclass of which type?
(a) public member (b) private member
(c) protected member (d) static member
5. What is not type of inheritance?
(a) Single inheritance (b) Double inheritance
(c) Hierarchical inheritance (d) Multiple inheritance
6. Which of the following is used for implementing inheritance through interface?
(a) inherited (b) using
(c) extends (d) implements
7. What would be the result if class extends two interfaces and both have method
with same name and signature?
(a) Runtime error
(b) Compile time error
(c) Code runs successfully
(d) First called method is executed successfully
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

8. What is the purpose of Boolean Supplier function interface?

(a) returns Boolean-valued result
(b) returns null if Boolean is passed as argument
(c) represents supplier of Boolean-valued results
(d) There is no such function interface
9. What is the return type of lambda expression?
(a) Function (b) String
(c) Object (d) void
10. Which of these keywords can be used to prevent method overriding?
(a) static (b) constant
(c) protected (d) final
11. Which of the following is a marker interface?
(a) Runnable interface (b) Remote interface
(c) Readable interface (d) Result interface
12. Runtime polymorphism is also known as _______.
(a) Static binding (b) Early binding
(c) Dynamic method dispatch (d) Method overloading
13. Polymorphism that is resolved during compiler time is known as _______.
(a) Dynamic polymorphism (b) Static polymorphism
(c) Special Polymorphism (d) None of the above
14. In inheritance, the old class is known as _______.
(a) Start class (b) Base class
(c) Derived class (d) Sub class
15. Base class is also known as _______.
(a) Super class (b) Child class
(c) Sub class (d) Derived class
16. If a class inheriting an abstract class does not define all of its function then it will
be known as?
(a) Abstract (b) A simple class
(c) Static class (d) final class
17. What is not type of inheritance?
(a) Single inheritance (b) Double inheritance
(c) Hierarchical inheritance (d) Multiple inheritance
18. All classes in Java are inherited from which class?
(a) java.lang.class (b) java.class.inherited
(c) java.class.object (d) java.lang.Object
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

19. Super class and subclass have same variable name, which keyword should be used
to use super class?
(a) upper (b) this
(c) super (d) classname
20. The final keyword in java is used with _______.
(a) class (b) class fields
(c) class methods (d) All of the above
21. Which is the capability of one class to inherit capabilities or properties from
another class?
(a) Class (b) Encapsulation
(c) Inheritance (d) Polymorphism
22. In which inheritance there is a single child class that inherits properties from
single parent class.
(a) single (b) multilevel
(c) hierarchical (d) multiple
23. If we initialize a variable with the _______ keyword, then we cannot modify its
(a) static (b) final
(c) abstract (d) extends
24. When a subclass is derived from a derived class then this mechanism is known as,
(a) multilevel inheritance (b) multiple inheritance
(c) single inheritance (d) hierarchical inheritance
25. The final variables cannot be,
(a) static (b) constant
(c) modified (d) abstract
26. Which keyword refers to superclass (parent) objects.?
(a) static (b) abstract
(c) super (d) final
27. The abstract methods are declared using the keyword,
(a) abstract (b) super
(c) extends (d) final
28. Which is a collection of abstract methods?
(a) inheritance (b) package
(c) interface (d) polymorphism
29. Following which method that does not have its body,
(a) abstract (b) static
(c) final (d) All of mentioned

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

30. Which keyword is used for implementation of interface?

(a) implements (b) extends
(c) abstract (d) final
31. Which is one of alternative way to achieve multiple inheritance?
(a) inheritance (b) package
(c) interface (d) polymorphism
32. Following which simply means more than one form.
(a) inheritance (b) package
(c) interface (d) polymorphism
33. Marker interface is also known as,
(a) tag interface (b) class interface
(c) functional interface (d) None of mentioned
34. An interface that contains exactly one abstract method is known as,
(a) tag interface (b) class interface
(c) functional interface (d) None of mentioned
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (c)
Q.II Fill in the Blanks:
1. An interface that does not have any data members or methods is called ________
2. Inheritance represents the ________ relationship.
3. ________ keyword indicates that you are making a new class that derives from an
existing class.
4. A class inherits another class, it is known as a ________ inheritance.
5. A class which is declared with the abstract keyword is known as an ________ class.
6. An interface is ________ class.
7. A Java class inherits constants and methods of an interface using ________
8. All interface variables are ________ and final by default in Java.
9. All interface methods in Java are public and ________ by default.
10. A class implementing an interface can use ________ access modifier before the
implemented methods.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

11. Interface static methods have ________ and backword compatibility with the
existing project code.
12. The annotation used in Java to override the method of a super-class or interface by
the subclass or implementing class is ________.
13. A static method of an interface should be accessed with interface ________ and a dot
14. An interface with no fields or methods is known as a ________ Interface.
15. ________ class cannot be sub classed.
16. ________ keyword is used to invoke the superclass constructor from subclass.
17. The extends is the keyword used to ________ the properties of a class.
18. An interface can extend ________ interfaces.
19. The final ________ cannot be inherited by other classes.
20. The purpose of creating the final ________ is to restrict the unwanted and improper
use of method definition while overriding the method.
21. We can also declare a class with a ________ keyword in Java.
22. An ________ method contains a method signature, but no method body.
23. An ________ does not contain any constructors.
24. A class uses the________ keyword to implement an interface.
25. The method defined in the subclass is invoked and executed instead of superclass
method known as ________ overriding.
26. We use the abstract keyword to declare an abstract________.
27. One interface can inherit another by use of the keyword ________.
28. A process in which a call to an overridden method is resolved at run-time rather
than compile time is known as ________-time polymorphism.
1. marker 2. IS-A 3. extends 4. single 5. abstract
6. abstract class 7. implements 8. public 9. abstract 10. public
11. forward 12. @Override 13. name 14. Marker 15. final
16. super 17. inherit 18. multiple 19. classes 20. methods
21. final 22. abstract 23. interface 24. implements 25. method
26. class 27. extends 28. run
Q.III State True or False:
1. All methods must be implemented of an interface.
2. Can “abstract” keyword be used with constructor, initialization block, instance
initialization and static initialization block.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

3. Method overriding is useful to add extra functionality or code to a method of

subclass with the same name as the inherited method.
4. Final method can be overridden.
5. It can be instantiated, means we can create an object of an interface.
6. A Java Interface is not considered a class.
7. A Java Class implementing an Interface can define a variable with the same name
as that of the Interface constant.
8. A Java Interface can not declare constructors.
9. An interface is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract methods.
10. Method Overloading is possible by changing the return type of the method.
11. A class can extend only one class but can implement many interfaces.
12. An interface can extend many interfaces.
13. An interface can implement a class.
14. We can define a method in an interface.
15. Multiple inheritances is not supported in case of class but it is supported in case of
16. Inheritance is process of deriving a old class from derived class.
17. If subclass (child class) has the same method as declared in the parent class, it is
known as method overriding in Java.
18. Method overriding is used for runtime polymorphism
19. In method overriding Both the superclass and the subclass must have the same
method name, the same return type and the same parameter list.
20. The super keyword in Java is used in subclasses to access superclass members
(attributes, constructors and methods).
21. An interface is a fully abstract class which includes a group of abstract methods
(methods without a body).
22. We use the interface keyword to create an interface in Java.
23. To use an interface, other classes must implement it. We use the abstract keyword
to implement an interface.
24. If the same method is present in both the superclass and the subclass. Then, the
method in the subclass overrides the same method in the superclass called method
25. The argument list should be exactly the same as that of the overridden method.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

26. A class which contains the abstract keyword in its declaration is known as abstract
27. The implements keyword is used to extend an interface, and the child interface
inherits the methods of the parent interface.
28. When an interface has no members (declared or inherited), it is known as a
marker interface.
1. (T) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (F) 5. (F) 6. (T) 7. (T) 8. (T) 9. (T) 10. (F)
11. (T) 12. (T) 13. (F) 14. (F) 15. (T) 16. (F) 17. (T) 18. (T) 19. (T) 20. (T)
21. (T) 22. (T) 23. (F) 24. (T) 25. (T) 26. (T) 27. (F) 28. (T)
Q.IV Answer the following Questions:
(A) Short Answer Questions:
1. Define inheritance.
2. Which keyword is used for creating inheritance?
3. What is abstract class?
4. Define run time polymorphism.
5. What are the types of inheritance?
6. What is final?
7. What is purpose of super?
8. Define interface?
9. Which keyword is used for implementing interface?
10. Define abstract method.
11. What is marker interface?
12. Give uses of functional interface.
13. Define superclass and subclass.
14. State any two advantages of inheritance.
15. Define final class.
(B) Long Answer Questions:
1. What is inheritance? How to create it? Explain with example.
2. With the help of example describe following inheritances in Java:
(i) Single (ii) Multilevel (iii) Multiple.
3. Describe abstract classes and methods? Also compare them.
4. How to override methods in Java? Describe with example.
5. What is hierarchical inheritance? Explain in detail with example.
6. What is interface? How to implement it? Explain with example.
7. Explain nested interface with example.
8. How to extending Interface? Explain with example.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

9. Define abstract class. Which keyword is used to define abstract class?

10. Write short notes on: Runtime polymorphism using interface.
11. With the help of example describe following interface:
(i) Marker (ii) Functional
12. Describe super keyword with example.


April 2016

1. “super keyword is used by subclass to refer its immediate superclass”. State true or
false. Justify. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.2.2.
2. Write a Java program to illustrate multilevel inheritance such that state is
inherited from country. City is inherited from state. Display the areas, city, state
and country. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.1.2 Point (2).
October 2016

1. What is the use of super keyword? [1 M]

Ans. Refer to Section 3.2.2.
2. What is interface? How does it differ from abstract class? Explain. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.6.
April 2017

1. What is the use of final keyword? [1 M]

Ans. Refer to Section 3.4.
2. One interface can implement another interface. True/False – Justify. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.6.4.
3. Explain method overriding with example. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.3.
October 2017
1. Create an abstract class Employee. Derive two classes manager and worker from
it. Use proper method to accept and display the details for the same. The fields of
manager are mid, mname and phno. Similarly, fields for worker are name and
working hours. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.5.
2. Explain the use of keywords super and final with reference to inheritance. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 3.2.2 and 3.4.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Inheritance and Interface

April 2018
1. When we declare a method or class final? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.4.2.
2. What is runtime polymorphism? How is it implemented in Java? Give suitable
example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.3.
3. Explain two types of Inheritance with suitable example. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.1.2.
October 2018
1. Write down any two differences between the abstract class and interface. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 3.5 and 3.6.
April 2019
1. What is use of final keyword? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 3.4.
2. Write difference between Abstract class and Interface. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Sections 3.5 and 3.6.


Exception and File Handling

To study Errors and Exceptions
To understand Basic Concepts of Exception Handling
To learn File Handling

• It is a common to take mistakes while developing as well as typing a program.
A mistake might lead to an error causing a program to produce unexpected results.
• An error may produce an incorrect output or may terminate the execution of the
program abruptly.
• It is therefore important to detect and manage properly all the possible error
conditions in the program so that the program will not terminate during execution.
• An exception is an unwanted or unexpected event, which occurs during the execution
of a program i.e. at run-time, which disrupts the normal flow of the program’s
• When an exception occur the normal flow of the program is disrupted and the
program terminates abnormally, which is not recommended, therefore, these
exceptions are to be handled.
• Java uses Exception Handling mechanism to handle the runtime errors so that normal
flow of the application can be maintained.
• File handling in Java is one such functionality that allows us to work with files.
A named location used to store related information is known as a file.
• There are several file operations like creating a new file, getting information about
file, writing into a file, reading from a file and deleting a file.
• Java has several methods for handling file operations such as creating, reading,
updating and deleting files.


• When executing Java code, different errors can occur like coding errors made by the
programmer, errors due to wrong input or other unforeseeable things.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• When an error occurs, Java will normally stop and generate an error message. The
technical term for this is Java will throw an exception (throw an error).
• An error is a situation or condition when a compiler either doesn’t execute statements
or either compiler will produce wrong result.
• Error is an illegal operation performed by the user which results in the abnormal
working of the program.
• Programming errors often remain undetected until the program is compiled or
executed. So errors should be removed before compiling and executing of the
• Various types of errors in Java are explained below:
1. Syntax Error or Compile Time Error:
• Errors that are detected by the compiler in compilation are called as compile
errors or syntax errors.
• Compiler time error means Java compiler identify the syntax error at the time of
compilation. And without successfully compilation, compiler does not create .class file.
• The compile time errors include misspelled variable and function names, missing
semicolons, improperly matches parentheses, square brackets and curly braces, used
undefined variable, incorrect format in selection and loop statements etc.
2. Run Time Error:
• Several time program may compile successfully and compiler creates the .class file of
the program but when the time of running the program, it shows the error and that
type of error called run-time error.
• Run-time errors are errors which occur when the program is running. Run time errors
are not detected by the java compiler. It is the JVM which detects it while the program
is running.
• Run-time errors are caught by interpreter or at the time of execution when we execute
out program the error is encountered.
• Run time error includes operations those are not possible but a user trying to do them.
Common examples of run-time error are, trying to divide by a variable that contains a
value of zero, trying to open a file that doesn't exist etc.
3. Logical Error:
• Logic errors occur when there is a design flaw in the program. Logic errors occur
when a program does not perform the way it was intended to.
• This type of error doesn’t halt or stops the execution of Java program but they produce
wrong results.
• This type of error is occurred when there is some mistake in logic of user like user
wants to multiply two numbers and user puts addition mark instead of multiplication
then it is called as logical error.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4.1: Program for error.

public class ErrorExample
public static void main(String[] args)
public static void recursiveMethod(int i)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
at ErrorExample.ErrorExample(Main.java:42)


• An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a program and it
interrupts the normal flow of program executions.
• In this section we will study exception and exception class of Java.

4.2.1 Exceptions
• Exception is an abnormal condition disrupts the normal flow of the program. An
exception (or exceptional event) is a problem that arises during the execution of a
• Exception is a condition that is caused by runtime errors in program. We can define
exception as “an event occurs during the execution of a program that interrupts the
normal flow of the program".
• Exception is a runtime error which can be handled or prevented and occurs during
the execution of the program.
• Some exceptions can be detected by java compiler while compiling and are called
checked exceptions while those detected during runtime by JVM are called unchecked
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• An exception can occur for many different reasons. Following are some scenarios
where an exception occurs.
o A user has entered an invalid data.
o A file that needs to be opened cannot be found.
o A network connection has been lost in the middle of communications or the JVM
has run out of memory.
• Some of these exceptions are caused by user error, others by programmer error, and
others by physical resources that have failed in some manner.
Program 4.2: Program for exception.
public class ExceptionExample
public static void main(String[] args)
int x = 100;
int y = 0;
int z = x / y;
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at ExceptionExample.main(ExceptionExample.java:7)
Difference between Exception and Error in Java:
• Exceptions are related to the application and an error is related to the environment in
which the application is running.
• An Error cannot be recovered as it is fatal in nature, whereas Exception that may not
be fatal in all cases.
• Errors mostly occur at runtime that's they belong to an unchecked type. Exceptions
are the problems which can occur at runtime and compile time.
• The error indicates a problem that mainly occurs due to the lack of system resources
and the program should not catch these types of problems. Exception is an event,
which occurs during the execution of a program that disrupts the normal flow of the
program's Instructions.
• An error is irrecoverable while an exception is recoverable.
• Exceptions are divided into two categories such as checked exceptions and unchecked
exceptions. Error classified as an unchecked type
• Exceptions and errors both are subclasses of Throwable class. Example of error is
OutOfMemoryError, IOError while example of exception NullPointerException,
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.2.2 Exception Class

• All exception classes are subtypes of the java.lang.Exception class. The exception class
is a subclass of the Throwable class.
• Throwable is a class in java.lang package and it represents all errors and exceptions in
• The java.lang.Throwable class is the root class of Java Exception hierarchy which is
inherited by two subclasses namely, Exception class and Error.
• The Exception class has two main subclasses namely, IOException class and
RuntimeException class.
• A hierarchy of Exception
Java Exception classes is given in Fig.
IOException StackOverflowError

SQLException VirtualMachineError
Exception Error
ClassNot OutOfMemoryError
IOException StackOverflowError

SQLException VirtualMachineError

ClassNot OutOfMemoryError



Fig. 4.1

4.2.3 Types of Exceptions StringIndexOutOf [Oct. 18]

• The categories of Exceptions are explained below:
1. Checked Exceptions: [Oct. 18]
• A checked exception is an exception that is checked (notified) by the compiler at
compilation-time, these are also called as compile time exceptions.
• These exceptions cannot simply be ignored, the programmer should take care of
(handle) these exceptions.
For example, if we use FileReader class in the program to read data from a file, if the
file specified in its constructor doesn't exist, then a FileNotFoundException occurs and
the compiler prompts the programmer to handle the exception.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4.2: Program for checked exception.

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
public class FilenotFound_Demo
public static void main(String args[])
File file = new File("E://file.txt");
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);
FilenotFound_Demo.java:8: error: unreported exception
FileNotFoundException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);
1 error
2. Unchecked Exceptions: [Oct. 18, April 19]
• An unchecked exception is an exception that occurs at the time of execution. These are
also called as Runtime Exceptions.
• These include programming bugs, such as logic errors or improper use of an API.
Runtime exceptions are ignored at the time of compilation.
For example, if we have declared an array of size 5 in the program,
and trying to call the 6 element of the array then an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionexception occurs.
Program 4.3: Program for unchecked exception.
public class Unchecked_Demo
public static void main(String args[])
int num[] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
at Exceptions.Unchecked_Demo.main(Unchecked_Demo.java:8)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

3. Errors:
• These are not exceptions at all, but problems that arise beyond the control of the user
or the programmer.
• Errors are abnormal conditions that happen in case of severe failures, these are not
handled by the Java programs.
• Errors are generated to indicate errors generated by the runtime environment.
Example: JVM is out of memory. Normally, programs cannot recover from errors.
• Errors are typically ignored in the code because we can rarely do anything about an
error. For example, if a stack overflow occurs, an error will arise. They are also
ignored at the time of compilation.

4.2.4 Exception Handling [Oct. 17, 18]

• A Java exception is an object that describes an exceptional (that is, error) condition
that has occurred in a program code.
• When an exceptional condition arises, an object representing that exception is created
and thrown in the method that caused the error. That method may choose to handle
the exception itself, or pass it on.
• When an Exception has occurred then compiler will never reach to the code that is
placed after the block which contains an error.
• For handling Exceptions java provides us special mechanism which is called as
exception handling mechanism.
• Java exception handling mechanism is based on following three keywords namely try,
catch and finally.
1. try: The try block contain any statements that might cause an exception to occur.
A try statement is used to catch exceptions that might be thrown as the program
executes. Java try block must be followed by either 'catch' or 'finally' block.
2. catch: The catch block(s) provide a place to handle the exception thrown by the
statements within a try block. The catch block is defined directly after the try
block. It must specify the type of exception it is handling. A catch statement
involves declaring the type of exception we are trying to catch.
3. finally: The statements in the finally block are always executed. This is useful to
clean up resources in the event of the try block executing without an exception
and in the cases when there is an exception. The finally block follows a try block or
a catch block. A finally block of code always executes, irrespective of occurrence of
an exception. The finally block appears after the last catch block. [Oct. 16, 18]
• This is the general form/syntax of an exception-handling mechanism:
// block of code to monitor for errors
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

catch (ExceptionType1 exOb)

// exception handler for ExceptionType1
catch (ExceptionType2 exOb)
// exception handler for ExceptionType2
// ...
// block of code to be executed after try block ends
Program 4.4: Program using try and catch blocks. An array declared with two elements.
Then the code tries to access the 3rd element of the array which throws an exception.
import java.io.*;
public class ExcepTest
public static void main(String args[])
int a[] = new int[2];
System.out.println("Access element three:" + a[3]);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Exception thrown:" + e);
System.out.println("Out of the block");
Exception thrown:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
Out of the block
Program 4.5: Program using try, catch and finally blocks.
public class ExcepTest
public static void main(String args[])
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

int a[] = new int[2];
try {
System.out.println("Access element three:" + a[3]);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
System.out.println("Exception thrown:" + e);
}finally {
a[0] = 6;
System.out.println("First element value: " + a[0]);
System.out.println("The finally statement is executed");
Exception thrown:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
First element value: 6
The finally statement is executed


• Java exception arises during the execution of a program. Exceptions occur
unexpectedly and can result in disrupting the normal flow of the program.
• A catch block must specify what type of exception it will catch.
catch (ExceptionClassName exceptionObjectName)
// Code using methods from exceptionObjectName
• A method catches an exception using a combination of the try and catch keywords. A
try/catch block is placed around the code that might generate an exception. Code
within a try/catch block is referred to as protected code.
• The try statement allows us to define a block of code to be tested for errors while it is
being executed. The catch statement allows us to define a block of code to be executed,
if an error occurs in the try block.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

// Protected code…
catch (ExceptionName e1)
// Catch block…
• The code which is prone to exceptions is placed in the try block. When an exception
occurs, that exception occurred is handled by catch block associated with it.
• Every try block should be immediately followed either by a catch block or finally
block. A catch statement involves declaring the type of exception we are trying to
• If an exception occurs in protected code, the catch block (or blocks) that follows the try
is checked.
• If the type of exception that occurred is listed in a catch block, the exception is passed
to the catch block much as an argument is passed into a method parameter.
Program 4.6: Program for catch block.
import java.io.*;
public class ExcepTest
public static void main(String args[])
int a[] = new int[2];
System.out.println("Access element three:" + a[3]);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
System.out.println("Exception thrown:" + e);
System.out.println("Out of the block");
Exception thrown:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
Out of the block

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.3.1 Multiple Catch Blocks

• Several types of exceptions may arise when executing the program. They can be
handled by using multiple catch blocks for the same try block.
• When an exception is thrown, each catch statement is inspected in order and the first
one whose type matches that of the exception is executed.
• After one catch statement executes, the others are bypassed, and execution continues
after the try/catch block.
• The syntax for multiple catch blocks looks like the following:
// Protected code …
}catch(ExceptionType1 e1)
// Catch block …
}catch(ExceptionType2 e2)
// Catch block …
}catch(ExceptionType3 e3)
// Catch block …
• If an exception occurs in the protected code, the exception is thrown to the first catch
block in the list. If the type of the exception thrown matches ExceptionType1, it gets
caught there.
• If not, the exception passes down to the second catch statement. This continues until
the exception either is caught or falls through all catches.
• In which case the current method stops execution and the exception is thrown down
to the previous method on the call stack.
Program 4.7: Program for using multiple catch statements.
class MultiCatch
public static void main(String args[])
int x,z;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter number: ");
x = in.nextInt();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

z = 50 / x; //statement1
System.out.println("Division: "+z);
Short arr[] = {5,7,8};
arr[10] = 120; //statement2
System.out.println("Try end...");
catch(ArithmeticException e)
System.out.println("Division by zero");
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
System.out.println("Array indexing wrong");
System.out.println("Program end...");
Enter number: 0
Division by zero
Program end...
Enter number: 5
Division: 10
Array indexing wrong
Program end...
• Above Program 4.7 illustrates the use of multiple catch statements with single try. We
have assume that the code written in the try block will cause either divide by zero
error or array index will go out of bounds. If any one of these exceptions is occurred it
will be caught appropriate catch statement and action will be taken.
• Depending upon the type of exception object thrown only one of the catch statements
will be executed. If the exception thrown does not match with the exception object
written in catch block, program will be terminated.
• In above program we have taken input from keyboard. If value of that input i.e. x is 0
then the divide by zero exception will occur at statement1 else array index out of
bounds exception will occur at statement2. These exceptions will be caught by
appropriate catch clause.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.3.2 throws and throw Keywords [April 16]

• If a method does not handle a checked exception, the method must declare it using
the throws keyword.
• We can throw an exception, either a newly instantiated one or an exception that we
just caught, by using the throw keyword.
import java.io.*;
public class className
public void deposit(double amount) throws RemoteException
// Method implementation
throw new RemoteException();
// Remainder of class definition
• The difference between throws and throw keywords is, throws is used to postpone the
handling of a checked exception and throw is used to invoke an exception explicitly.
• A throws statement/keyword lists the types of exceptions that a method might throw.
The general form/syntax of the throws keyword is given below:
type method-name(parameter-list) throws exception-list
// body of method…
• When we define function and we don’t want to put try and catch block than we can
use throws keyword. Throws keywords with a method declare that a risky method is
being called.
Program 4.8: Program for throws keyword.
import java.util.*;
public class Sample
public static void main(String[] args)
int a=5;
int b=10;
int res= compute(a,b);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

staticint compute(inta,int b) throws ArithmeticException

return(a / (b-10));
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
• The ‘throw’ keyword can be used whenever an exception needs to be thrown
• The general form/syntax of throw is shown below:
throw new ExceptionObj
Program 4.9: Program for throw keyword.
class ThrowDemo
public static void main(String args[])
int x = 10, y = 20;
int z;
z = x + y;
throw new ArithmeticException();
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception caught");
System.out.println("Addition: "+z);
Exception caught
Addition: 30
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• In above program, an ArithmeticException has been thrown by throw statement and it

is caught by the catch clause if the exception thrown by throw and caught by catch
does not matches the program, will get terminated before printing any output. Just
change the catch clause as,
catch(NegativeArraySizeException e)
• We will get the output:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException
• We can give the description to the exception class also. Such as,
throw new ArithmeticException("Divide Error");
• Just make the changes in the program as,
throw new ArithmeticException("Divide Error");
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Addition: "+z);
• We will get the following output:
Exception:java.lang.ArithmeticException: Divide Error
Addition: 30
• All of Java’s built-in run-time exceptions have at least two constructors: one with no
parameter and one that takes a string parameter. When the second form is used, the
argument specifies a string that describes the exception.
• This string is displayed when the object is used as an argument to print() or println().
It can also be obtained by a calling method getMessage(), which is defined by
Difference between throw and throws in Java: [April 16, Oct. 17]
throw throws
1. Java, throw keyword is used to explicitly Java, throws keyword is used to
throw an exception. declare an exception.
2. Checked exception cannot be propagated Checked exception can be propagated
using throw only. with throws.
3. Throw is followed by an instance. Throws is followed by class.
contd. …

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4. Throw is used within the method. Throws is used with the method
5. We cannot throw multiple exceptions. We can declare multiple exceptions
e.g.public void method()throws
IOException, SQLException.
6. Example: Example:
void m(){ void m()throws ArithmeticException{
throw new ArithmeticException("sorry"); //method code

} }

4.3.3 Nested try Block

• Sometimes, a situation may arise where a part of a block may cause one error and the
entire block itself may cause another error. In such cases, exception handlers have to
be nested.
• The try block within a try block is known as nested try block.
// Statement1;
// Statement2;
// Statement1;
// Statement2;
catch(Exception excep)
catch(Exception excep)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4.10: Program illustrates the use of nested try.

class NestTry
public static void main(String args[])
int x,z;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter number: ");
x = in.nextInt();
z = 82 / x; //statement1
System.out.println("Division: "+z);
int a = 100 / (x-1); //statement2
short arr[] = {15};
arr[10] = 25; //statement3
System.out.println("Inner try end...");
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) //1
System.out.println("Array indexing wrong");
System.out.println("Outer try end...");
catch(ArithmeticException e) //2
System.out.println("Division by zero");
System.out.println("Program end...");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Enter number: 0
Division by zero
Program end...
Enter number: 1
Division: 82
Division by zero
Program end...
Enter number: 2
Division: 41
Array indexing wrong
Outer try end...
Program end...

• Above Program 4.10 has nested two try statements in each other. We have taken input
as a number from keyboard and stored it into variable x. When value of x is inputted
as 0, statement1 will cause an exception “Divide by zero”.
• So program control will directly transfer to catch statement no.2 to take the action.
When value of x inputted is 1. The outer 'try' will work properly. In inner try, the
statement2 will cause the exception of “Divide by zero”.
• In this case, the program control will get directly transferred to inner try’s catch block
i.e. catch clause no. 1. But the exception object will not match. So it will check for outer
try’s catch clause. Now, the match is found. That’s why, we got the output no.2.
• In the third case, when the input is any number other than 0 and 1, statement3 will
cause an exception “Array index out of bounds”. This will be caught by inner try’s
catch clause.
• That is, the outer try’s catch clause will catch all the exception occurred inside it.
Remember, if the exception of “array index out of bounds” is occurred in outer try
then this will not be caught by inner try’s catch clause.

4.4 CREATING USER DEFINED EXCEPTIONS [April 17, 18, 19, Oct. 17]

• Though Java provides an extensive set of in-built exceptions, there are cases in which
we may need to define our own exceptions in order to handle the various application
specific errors that we might encounter.
• If a user is creating his/her own Exception is known as user defined exception
(or custom exception). Java user defined exceptions are used to customize the
exception according to user need.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• In java we can create our own exception class and throw that exception using throw
keyword. There are following two basic reasons for defining our own exception
1. We want to add information when a standard exception occurs, and
2. We may have error conditions that arise in your code.
class exceptionclassname extends Exception
public String toString()
return String
• The user defined exceptions must be explicitly thrown using the ‘throw’ statement
whose syntax is,
throw ThrowableInstance
• ThrowableInstance must be an object of type Throwable or a subclass of Throwable.
Following are some of the methods defined by Class Throwable.
Method Meaning
1. String getMessage() Returns a description of the exception.
2. Throwable getCause() Returns the exception that underlies the
current exception.
3. StackTraceElement[]getStackTrace() Returns an array that contains the stack
4. Void printStackTrace() Prints the Stack trace.
5. String toString() Returns a String object containing a
description of the exception.
Program 4.11: Program for creating own exception.
class NegativeOutputException extends Exception
private int det;
NegativeOutputException(int a)
det = a;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

public String toString()

return "NegativeOutputException["+det+"]";
class OwnException
public static void main(String args[])
int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
int y = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);;
int z;
z = x * y;
if(z<0) //statement1
throw new NegativeOutputException(z);
System.out.println("Output: "+z);
catch (NegativeOutputException e)
System.out.println("Caught: "+e);
javaOwnException 4 8
Output: 32
javaOwnException 4 -3
Caught: NegativeOutputException[-12]
javaOwnException -4 -3
Output: 12
• Observe the above Program 4.11. In order to create our own exception we have
inherited our exception class from java.lang.Exception. Name of the defined exception
is NegativeOutputException.
• The method toString() has been overridden to print our own custom message with
exception class. The condition for the exception defined is that when the result of the
expression is negative then exception must occur. It is defined in statement1.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• The input has taken from the command line. First argument is passed to x and second
to y. First time and third time when both the arguments are positive/negative the
result is positive so we will get the output properly.
• But when any one of the arguments is negative the result is also negative. The
statement1 will be true. Now exception is thrown using the throw clause.
• This exception is caught by catch clause. If we do not catch it using catch the compile
time error will occur.

• A file is a named location that can be used to store related information. The File class
from the java.io package (java.io.File), allows us to work with files.
• The java.io package provides an extensive library of classes for dealing with Input and
Output (I/O).
• Java provides streams as a general mechanism for dealing with data I/O. Java uses the
concept of a stream to make I/O operation fast. The java.io package contains all the
classes required for input and output operations.
• Streams implement sequential access of data. There are two kinds of streams: byte
streams and character streams.
• An input stream is an object that an application can use to read a sequence of data,
and an output stream is an object that an application can use to write a sequence of
• An input stream acts as a source of data, and an output stream acts as a destination of
• Java I/O stream is the flow of data that we can either read from, or we can write to.
It is used to perform read and write operations in file.
• Java I/O stream is also called File Handling, or File I/O. It is available
in java.io package. Java.io package provides classes for system input and output
through files.
• A directory is a collection of files and subdirectories. A directory inside a directory is
known as subdirectory.
• A file can be read either sequentially (continuously) or randomly (here and there).
• File(path): Create File object for default directory (usually where program is
• File(dirpath,fname): Create File object for directory path given as string.
• File(dir, fname): Create File object for directory.
1. Sequential Access File:
• Sequential file access allows data to be read from a file or written to a file from
beginning to end.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• It is not possible to read data starting in the middle of the file, nor is it possible to write
data to the file starting in the middle using sequential methods.
• The input and output streams in Java are sequential.
(i) getName(): Return the name of file.
(ii) getParent(): Return the name of Parent directory.
(iii) length(): Return the length of the file.
(iv) isFile(): Returns true if invoking object is file.
(v) getPath(): Returns relative path of the file.
(vi) isDirectory(): Returns true, if the invoking object is directory.
(vii) isAbsolute(): Returns true, if the path is absolute.

Program 4.12: Program for sequential access.

import java.io.File;
class FileClass
public static void main(String args[])
File f = new File("sample.txt");
System.out.println("is File =" +f.isFile());
System.out.println("Name =" +f.getName());
System.out.println("Size =" +f.length());
System.out.println("Path =" +f.getPath());
System.out.println("Parent =" +f.getParent());
System.out.println("Hidden=" +f.isHidden());
is File =true
Name = sample.txt
Size = 52
Path = root/sample.txt
Parent = root/
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

2. Random Access File:

• A random access files, permit non-sequential, or random, access to a file's contents.
• One way to read or modify a file is to use the java.io.RandomAccessFile class. This
class presents a model of files that is incompatible with the stream/reader/writer
model described later in this chapter.
• It is possible to "seek" to any particular location within a file specifying the number of
o RandomAccessFile(File obj, String access)
o RandomAccessFile(String filename, String access)
(i) “r”: File can be read, but not written.
(ii) “rw”: File is opened in read-write mode.Existing file can be updated using this.
(iii) “rws”: File is opened for read-write operations and every change to the file’s data
or metadata will be immediately written to the disk file.
(iv) “rwd”: File is opened for read-write operations and every change to the file’s data
will be immediately written to the disk file.
(i) void seek(long pos): Sets the file-pointer offset, measured from the beginning
of this file, at which the next read or write occurs.
(ii) int read(): Returns the next byte from the file stored in the low-order 8 bits of
an int or –1 if at the end of the file.
(iii) void write(byte buf[]): Write all of byte array buf[].
Program 4.13: Program for random access file.
import java.io.*;
class RandomAccess
public static void main(String args[ ]) throws Exception
RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile("sample.txt","rw");
String s = "It is very easy to use the class RandomAccessFile.";
byte [] buf = s.getBytes(); //convert to bytes
f.write(buf); // write to file
f.seek(0); // move to start
len = f.length( ); // find size
System.out.println("Contents of file:");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

System.out.print((char) f.read( ));
len = len - 1;
System.out.println("\n\nSize of file:"+f.length( ));
Contents of file:
It is very easy to use the class RandomAccessFile.
Size of file:50

4.5.1 Creating, Reading and Deleting Files

• To create a file in Java, we can use the createNewFile() method. This method returns a
Boolean value true if the file was successfully created, and false if the file already
public boolean createNewFile()
Program 4.14: Program for file creation.
import java.io.File;
public class FileDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File f = null;
boolean bool = false;
// create new file
f = new File("test.txt");
// tries to create new file in the system
bool = f.createNewFile();
// prints
System.out.println("File created: "+bool);
// deletes file from the system
// delete() is invoked
System.out.println("delete() method is invoked");
// tries to create new file in the system
bool = f.createNewFile();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

// print
System.out.println("File created: "+bool);
}catch(Exception e){
File created: false
delete() method is invoked
File created: true
Program 4.15: Program for file creation.
import java.io.File; // Import the File class
import java.io.IOException; //Import the IOException class to handle errors
public class CreateFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
File myObj = new File("filename.txt");
if (myObj.createNewFile()) {
System.out.println("File created: " + myObj.getName());
} else {
System.out.println("File already exists.");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
File created: filename.txt
• In the following program, we use the Scanner class to read the contents of the text file.
import java.io.File; // Import the File class
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; // Import this class to handle errors
import java.util.Scanner; // Import the Scanner class to read text files
public class ReadFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

try {
File myObj = new File("filename.txt");
Scanner myReader = new Scanner(myObj);
while (myReader.hasNextLine()) {
String data = myReader.nextLine();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
Files in Java might be tricky, but it is fun enough!
• In the following example, we use the FileWriter class together with its write() method
to write some text to the file we created in the example above. Note that when you are
done writing to the file, you should close it with the close() method.
import java.io.FileWriter; //Import the FileWriter class
import java.io.IOException; //Import the IOException class to handle errors
public class WriteToFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FileWriter myWriter = new FileWriter("filename.txt");
myWriter.write("Files in Java might be tricky, but it is fun
System.out.println("Successfully wrote to the file.");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
Successfully wrote to the file.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• To delete a file in Java, use the delete() method. [Oct. 17]

import java.io.File; // Import the File class
public class DeleteFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File myObj = new File("filename.txt");
if (myObj.delete()) {
System.out.println("Deleted the file: " + myObj.getName());
} else {
System.out.println("Failed to delete the file.");
Deleted the file: filename.txt
File I/O: [Oct. 17]
• A file is an ordered and named collection of bytes that has persistent storage.
• A file is a self contained piece of information available to the OS and its programs.
A file is a collection of data or information.
• Java comes with many handy I/O classes to support the input and output through bytes
stream and file system.
• To read and write files, Java provides various classes and methods.
• Java provides methods to read and write bytes because in Java, all the files are byte-
• The stream class FileInputStream and FileOutputStream are commonly used for file
• To create an input file, create an object using the following call:
• To create an output file, create an object using the following call:
• While creating a file stream object using above calls, when a file does not exit or file
cannot be created, it throws FileNotFoundException.
• The read and write operations can be performed on files using read( ) and write( )
methods on file stream objects.
• If in the program, no further operations will be on the file then it can be closed using
close() method.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• Program 4.16 reads the content of a text file and displays it. In this program to read a
filename readLine() method is used on BufferedReader object which may throws
• Creating an object of type FileInputStream opens file. The try/catch blocks are used to
handle the exception while opening file. When EOF is encountered read( ) method
returns –1.
Program 4.16: Reading a file.
import java.io.*;
class readfile
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
int x;
FileInputStream fis;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("\nEnter filename to read: ");
String fname=br.readLine();
fis=new FileInputStream(fname);
catch(FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("File not found..");
//read from file
if (x!=-1)
while (x!=-1);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Enter a filename to read:
Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite player
• Following Program 4.17 copies the content of source file and target file. The program
takes filename through command line arguments. If source file does not exist or target
file can’t create then program catches the FileNotFoundException.
• Program uses read() method of FileInputStream object and return –1 when EOF is
encountered. The ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is caught to check for number of
command-line arguments passed.
Program 4.17: Copy the content of a file into another. [April 16]
import java.io.*;
class dup
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
int x;
FileInputStream fis;
FileOutputStream fos;
fis=new FileInputStream(args[0]);
//source file not available
catch(FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("File not found..");
fos=new FileOutputStream(args[1]);
//error in creating target file
catch(FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Can not create a file");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

//source/target filename not specified

catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
System.out.println("Error:Argument list");
System.out.println("Usage:java dup sourcefile targetfile");
//read from sourcefile and write into targetfile
if (x!=-1) fos.write(x);
while (x!=-1);

4.5.2 Streams [April 16, Oct. 17, 18]

• All the input and output operation of file uses streams. A stream is an abstraction of
I/O devices.
o A stream is a sequence of data. Stream represents flow of data.
o Stream is a logical entity that will be tied up with a data source or destination.
• The stream presents an object oriented and uniform interface between the program
and the input/output devices.
• Every Java program has a source and destination. Source is in the form of keyboard,
mouse, memory, disk, etc. Destination is screen, printer, memory, disk etc. There is an
input and output streams.
• An input stream takes data from source and sends it to the program. An output stream
takes data from the program and sends it to the destination.
• A flow of data is often referred to as a data stream. A stream is an ordered sequence of
bytes that has a SOURCE (input stream) or a DESTINATION (output stream).
• In simple terms, a stream can be defined as "a logical device that represents the flow
of a sequence of characters".
• Programs can get inputs from a data source by reading a sequence of characters from
the input stream. Similarly, programs can produce outputs by writing a sequence of
characters onto an output stream.
• Stream is a logical entity that will be tied up with a data source or destination. Stream
represents flow of data. The representation of stream is as shown in Fig. 4.2.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Fig. 4.2: Stream Representation

Standard Streams:
• Standard Streams are a feature provided by many operating systems. By default, they
read input from the keyboard and write output to the display. They also support I/O
operations on files.
1. Standard Input: Accessed through System.in which is used to read input from the
2. Standard Output: Accessed through System.out which is used to write output to
be display.
3. Standard Error: Accessed through System.err which is used to write error output
to be display.
• Fig. 4.3 shows classification of Streams.
Java streams

Byte streams Character streams

InputStream OutputStream Reader Writer

Fig. 4.3: Classification of streams

• In general, streams are classified into two types known as character streams and
the byte streams.
1. Byte Stream:
• It provides continent means of handling input and output of byte.
(i) Input Stream (Reading information into a program): A program uses an input
stream to read data from a source, one item at a time.
(ii) Output Stream (Writing information from a program): A program uses an
output stream to write data to a destination, one item at time.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• Working of Java OutputStream and InputStream by the Fig. 4.4.

File Console Socket File Console Socket

InputStream OutputStream
Java Data
Data Source 1010101010 Application 1010101010 Destination
Read Write

Fig. 4.4: Working of java output stream and input stream

2. Character Stream:
• It provides continent means of handling input and output of character.
(i) Reader: are operated on characters for reading.
A stream

reads Program

Fig. 4.5: Reader

(ii) Writer: are operated on characters for writing, respectively.

A stream

Fig. 4.6: Writer

• Java’s stream based I/O has four abstract classes namely, InputStream, OutputStream,
Reader and Writer.
• Inputstream and OutputStream deal with bytes i.e. read/write bytes. Reader and
Writer are designed for character streams.


• In Java, streams are the sequence of data (bits) that are read from the source and
written to the destination.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• An input stream is used to read data from the source. An output stream is used to
write data to the destination.

1010101010 1010101010

File Console Socket File Console Socket

Input Stream Output Stream

Source 1010101010 1010101010 Destination
Read Write

Fig. 4.7
• An input stream reads data from the source file and sends it to the program while
output stream takes data from the program and sends it to the destination file.
• Depending upon the data a stream holds, it can be classified into Byte Stream and
Character Stream.
• Byte stream is used to read and write a single byte (8 bits) of data. All byte stream
classes are derived from base abstract classes called InputStream and OutputStream.
• Character stream is used to read and write a single character of data. All the character
stream classes are derived from base abstract classes Reader and Writer.

4.6.1 InputStream [April 17, Oct. 17]

• java.io.InputStream is an abstract class that contains the basic methods for reading
raw bytes of data from a stream.
• Although InputStream is an abstract class, many methods in the class library are only
specified to return an InputStream.
• Java application uses an input stream to read data from a source. It may be a file, an
array, peripheral device or socket.
Array stream
File Socket

Source Java
1100110100 1100110100

Fig. 4.8: Input stream

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• Fig. 4.9 shows classes of InputStream.












Fig. 4.9: Classes of input stream

• The InputStream class defines following different methods to perform input operation:
o read(): it reads a byte from input stream.
o read(byte arr[]): it reads on array of bytes into arr.
o read (byte arr[], int s, int n): reads in bytes in arr.start position is S.
o available(): returns available number of bytes in the input.
o reset(): moves to the beginning of the stream.
o close(): the input stream is closed.
• The class DataInputStream implements the interface DataInput. All the methods of it
are listed below:
readShort() readFloat() readChar()
readInt() readDouble() readBoolean()
readLong() readLine()
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4.18: Program to use of InputStream to count the total number of bytes in a file if
no file is specified.
import java.io.*;
class count
public static void main(String args[])
throws IOException
InputStream in;
if (args.length = 0)
in = System.in;
in = new FileInputStream (args[0]);
int total = 0;
while (in.read() != – 1)
total ++;
System.out.println(total + "bytes");
• This program takes filename from command line. If a filename is not provided, the
standard inputstream i.e. system in is used. The while loop counts the total number of
bytes in a file. At the end, result will be printed.
212 bytes

4.6.2 OutputStream
• Java application uses an output stream to write data to a destination. It may be a file,
an array,peripheral device or socket.
stream Array
File Socket

Java Destination
1100110100 1100110100

Fig. 4.10: Output stream

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• Fig. 4.11 shows various classes of OutputStream.










Fig. 4.11: Classes of output stream

• The OutputStream class defines following different methods to perform output
o write(): it write a byte to output stream.
o write(byte arr[]): it writes an array of bytes in arr to the output stream.
o write(byte arr[], int s, int n): writes n byte from arr to output screen with start
o close(): the output stream is closed.
• The class DataOutputStream implements the interface DataOutput. All the methods of
it are listed below:
writeShort() writeInt()
writeLong() writeFloat()
writeDouble() writeLine()
writeChar() writeBoolean()
Program 4.19: Program to copies its input to its output by translating one particular byte
value to a different one.
import java.io.*;
class trbyte
public static void main(String args[])
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

throws IOException
byte from = (byte)args[0].charAt(0);
byte to = (byte)args[1].charAt(0);
int b;
while ((b = System.in.read() != – 1)
System.out.write(b == from? to: b);
• We should invoke this program as,
java trbyte b B
and entered the text abracadabra !
• We will get the output:
aBracadaBra !
• To summarize Byte stream classes:
Byte Stream Class Purpose
DataInputStream To read java standard data types.
DataOutputStream To write java standard data types.
BufferedInputStream For buffered input operations.
BufferedOutputStream For buffered output operations.
FileInputStream To read data from the file.
FileOutputStream To write data to the file.
ByteArrayInputStream To read data from byte array.
ByteArrayOutputStream To write data into byte array.
PrintStream It contains print() and println().

4.6.3 FileInputStream
• This stream is used for reading data from the files. Objects can be created using the
keyword new and there are several types of constructors available.
• Following constructor takes a file name as a string to create an input stream object to
read the file:
InputStream f = new FileInputStream("/java/nirali");

• A FileInputStream obtains input bytes from a file. It is used for reading streams of raw
bytes such as image data. For reading streams of characters, consider using
• It should be used to read byte-oriented data. For example, to read image etc.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4.20: Program for FileInputStream.

import java.io.*;
class SimpleRead{
public static void main(String args[]){
FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("abc.txt");
int i;
}catch(Exception e){system.out.println(e);}
Sachin is my favourite player

4.6.4 FileOutputStream
• It is used to create a file and write data into it. The stream would create a file, if it
doesn't already exist, before opening it for output.
• A FileOutputStream is an output stream for writing data to a file.
• If we have to write primitive values then use FileOutputStream. Instead, for character-
oriented data, prefer FileWriter. But we can write byte-oriented as well as character-
oriented data.
• FileOutputStream is used to create a file and write data into it. The stream would
create a file, if it doesn't already exist, before opening it for output.
• Constructors are:
1. FileOutputStream(String filePath)
2. FileOutputStream(File fileObj)
3. FileOutputStream(String filePath, boolean append)
4. FileOutputStream(File fileObj, boolean append)
Program 4.21: Program for FileOutputStream.
import java.io.*;
class Test
public static void main(String args[]){
FileOutputstream fout=new FileOutputStream("abc.txt");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

String s="Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite player";

byte b[]=s.getBytes();
}catch(Exception e){system.out.println(e);}

4.6.5 BufferedInputStream
• Java BufferedInputStream class is used to read information from stream. It internally
uses buffer mechanism to make the performance fast.
• The important points about BufferedInputStream are:
1. When the bytes from the stream are skipped or read, the internal buffer
automatically refilled from the contained input stream, many bytes at a time.
2. When a BufferedInputStream is created, an internal buffer array is created.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream IS) It creates the BufferedInputStream and
saves it argument, the input stream IS, for
later use.
BufferedInputStream(InputStream IS, It creates the BufferedInputStream with a
int size) specified buffer size and saves it argument,
the input stream IS, for later use.
int available() It returns an estimate number of bytes that
can be read from the input stream without
blocking by the next invocation method for
the input stream.
int read() It read the next byte of data from the input
int read(byte[] b, int off, int ln) It read the bytes from the specified byte-
input stream into a specified byte array,
starting with the given offset.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

void close() It closes the input stream and releases any of

the system resources associated with the
void reset() It repositions the stream at a position the
mark method was last called on this input
void mark(int readlimit) It sees the general contract of the mark
method for the input stream.
long skip(long x) It skips over and discards x bytes of data
from the input stream.
boolean markSupported() It tests for the input stream to support the
mark and reset methods.
Program 4.22: Program to read data of file using BufferedInputStream.
import java.io.*;
public class BufferedInputStreamExample
public static void main(String args[])
FileInputStream fin=new FileInputStream("testout.txt");
BufferedInputStream bin=new BufferedInputStream(fin);
int i;
}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}

4.6.6 BufferedOutputStream
• Java BufferedOutputStream class is used for buffering an output stream. It internally
uses buffer to store data.
• It adds more efficiency than to write data directly into a stream. So, it makes the
performance fast.
• For adding the buffer in an OutputStream, use the BufferedOutputStream class.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream os) It creates the new buffered output stream
which is used for writing the data to the
specified output stream.
BufferedOutputStream(OutputStream os, It creates the new buffered output stream
int size) which is used for writing the data to the
specified output stream with a specified
buffer size.
void write(int b) It writes the specified byte to the buffered
output stream.
void write(byte[] b, int off, It write the bytes from the specified byte-
int len) input stream into a specified byte array,
starting with the given offset
void flush() It flushes the buffered output stream.

Program 4.23: Program to write data of file using BufferedOutputStream.

import java.io.*;
public class BufferedOutputStreamExample{
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{
FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream("testout.txt");
BufferedOutputStream bout=new BufferedOutputStream(fout);
String s="Welcome to javaTpoint.";
byte b[]=s.getBytes();
Welcome to javaTpoint.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.6.7 DataInputStream
• Java DataInputStream class allows an application to read primitive data from the
input stream in a machine-independent way.
• Java application generally uses the data output stream to write data that can later be
read by a data input stream.
• Following is the constructor to create an InputStream −
InputStream in = new DataInputStream(InputStream in);
int read(byte[] b) It is used to read the number of bytes from the
input stream.
int read(byte[] b, int off, It is used to read len bytes of data from the input
int len) stream.

int readInt() It is used to read input bytes and return an int

byte readByte() It is used to read and return the one input byte.
char readChar() It is used to read two input bytes and returns a
char value.
double readDouble() It is used to read eight input bytes and returns a
double value.
boolean readBoolean() It is used to read one input byte and return true
if byte is non zero, false if byte is zero.
int skipBytes(int x) It is used to skip over x bytes of data from the
input stream.
String readUTF() It is used to read a string that has been encoded
using the UTF-8 format.
void readFully(byte[] b) It is used to read bytes from the input stream
and store them into the buffer array.
void readFully(byte[] b, It is used to read len bytes from the input
int off, int len) stream.

Program 4.24: Program to read data of file using DataInputStream.

import java.io.*;
public class DataStreamExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
InputStream input = new FileInputStream("testout.txt");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

DataInputStream inst = new DataInputStream(input);

int count = input.available();
byte[] ary = new byte[count];
for (byte bt: ary) {
char k = (char) bt;
• Here, we are assuming that you have following data in "testout.txt" file:

4.6.8 DataOutputStream
• Java DataOutputStream class allows an application to write primitive Java data types
to the output stream in a machine-independent way.
• Java application generally uses the data output stream to write data that can later be
read by a data input stream.
int size() It is used to return the number of bytes written to
the data output stream.
void write(int b) It is used to write the specified byte to the
underlying output stream.
void write(byte[] b, int off, It is used to write len bytes of data to the output
int len) stream.

void writeBoolean(boolean v) It is used to write Boolean to the output stream as a

1-byte value.
void writeChar(int v) It is used to write char to the output stream as a 2-
byte value.
void writeChars(String s) It is used to write string to the output stream as a
sequence of characters.
void writeByte(int v) It is used to write a byte to the output stream as a 1-
byte value.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

void writeBytes(String s) It is used to write string to the output stream as a

sequence of bytes.
void writeInt(int v) It is used to write an int to the output stream
void writeShort(int v) It is used to write a short to the output stream.
void writeShort(int v) It is used to write a short to the output stream.
void writeLong(long v) It is used to write a long to the output stream.
void writeUTF(String str) It is used to write a string to the output stream
using UTF-8 encoding in portable manner.
void flush() It is used to flushes the data output stream.
Program 4.25: Program to writing data of file using DataOutputStream.
import java.io.*;
public class OutputExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(testout.txt);
DataOutputStream data = new DataOutputStream(file);


• The abstract classes for reading and writing streams of character are Reader and
• Following classes are some of the important character stream classes:
Character Stream Class Purpose
InputStreamReader Translates bytes to characters.
OutputStreamWriter Translates character to bytes.
BufferedReader For buffered input character streams.
BufferedWriter For buffered output character streams.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

FileReader To read data from file.

FileWriter To write data to the file.
CharArrayReader To read from char array.
CharArrayWriter To writes to char array.
StringReader To read from string.
StringWriter To write to string.
PrintWriter It contains print() and println().
• Reader stream classes are used to read character from files. Reader stream classes are
similar to input stream classes but difference is that input streams uses bytes whereas
reader streams uses characters as the basic unit of read operations.
• Writer stream classes are use to write character into files. Writer stream classes are
similar to output stream classes but difference is that output streams are used to write
bytes whereas writer streams are used to write characters.
4.7.1 Reader [Oct. 16]

• Java Reader is an abstract class for reading character streams. Reader is the base class
of the character oriented input streams. It provides methods to read a sequence of
Unicode characters.









Fig. 4.12: Classes of Reader

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• It is character oriented input operations. The following table shows all the Reader
methods and its description.
• It is an abstract class for character-input streams.
• Java provides the standard I/O facilities for reading text from either the file or the
keyboard on the command line.
• The Reader class is used for this purpose that is available in the java.io package. It acts
as an abstract class for reading character streams.
• Fig. 4.12 shows classes of Reader. The methods for Reader are given in following table:
Methods Description
int read() Reads a single character.
int read(char[]buff) Reads character into the array buff.
int read(char[]buff, int index, Reads character into a portion of the array
int length) buff starting from index upto the length given.
Boolean ready() Returns true if the stream is ready for reading.
long skip(long n) Skips n characters.
void reset() Resets the stream.
void mark(int readLimit) Marks the current position of the stream.
Boolean markSupported() Returns true if the mark operation is executed.
static void close() Closes the stream.
• The implementation of Reader requires that a subclass provide a implementation of
the read method that reads into a char array and the close method.
Difference between Reader and InputStream:
Reader InputStream
1. Reads into a char array. 1. Reads in a single byte.
2. Subclass must implements the abstract 2. Close() is usually overridden.
close method.
3. It has a ready method which tells us if 3. It has available method which tells
there is any data. us how much data is available to
• Program for counts number of whitespace characters in character stream.
Program 4.26:
import java.io.*;
class space1
public static void main(String args[])
throws IOException
Reader in;
if (args.length == 0)
in = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
in = new FileReader(args[0]);
int ch;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

int total;
int space = 0;
for (total=0; (ch = in.read())!= - 1; total++)
if (Character.isWhitespace ((char)ch))
space ++;
system.out.println(total + "chars" + space + "spaces");
If the same program name given 453 chars 111 spaces.

4.7.2 Writer
• Writer is an abstract class for writing to character streams. It is an abstract class. It
provides a stream analogous of OutputStream but it uses characters and not bytes.
• The data can be written into a file, memory buffer, or can be displayed in standard
output device.
• It is an abstract class for character-output streams. Fig. 4.13 shows classes and writer.









Fig. 4.13: Classes of writer

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• The following table shows methods of class writer:

Methods Description
void write(int p) Writes lower 16 bits of p into the stream.
void write(char buff[]) Writes contents of buff into the stream.
void write(char buff[], Writes a portion of buff into the stream.
int index, int length)
void write(string S) Writes the string S into the stream starting from
index and writes n characters.
void close() Closes the stream.
void flush() Writes buffered data to the device.
• The subclass of writer implements the array writing variant of write, the close and the
flush method.
Program 4.27: Program for Writer.
import java.io.*;
public class WriterExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Writer w = new FileWriter("output.txt");
String content = "I love my country";
} catch (IOException e) {
I love my country

4.7.3 FileReader [Oct. 16]

• FileReader class is used to read data from the file. It translates bytes from a file into a
character stream.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

• Constructors are:
1. FileReader(String path)
2. FileReader(File obj)
Program 4.28: Program for FileReader.
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.File;
class FileRead
public static void main(String args[ ])
throws Exception
File f = new File("sample.txt");
if(f.exists( ))
FileReader fr = new FileReader(f);
int ch;
while((ch = fr.read()) != -1)
System.out.print((char) ch);
fr.close( );
It is very easy to use the class in Java.

4.7.4 FileWriter
• FileWriter class is used to write character into the file.
• Constructors are:
1. FileWriter(String path)
2. FileWriter(String path, boolean append)
3. FileWriter(File obj)
4. FileWriter(File obj, boolean append)
Program 4.29: Program for FileWriter.
import java.io.FileWriter;
class FileWrite
public static void main(String args[ ])throws Exception
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

String str = "I would like to learn AdvancedJava Programming also";

char buf[] = str.toCharArray( );
int len = buf.length;
FileWriter f = new FileWriter("sample1.txt");
f.close( );
FileWriter f3 = new FileWriter("sample2.txt");
f3.close( );
Open sample1 and sampel2.txt files

4.7.5 BufferedReader
• Java BufferedReader class is used to read the text from a character-based input
stream. It can be used to read data line by line by readLine() method.
• It makes the performance fast. It inherits Reader class.
Constructor Description
BufferedReader(Reader rd) It is used to create a buffered character input
stream that uses the default size for an input
BufferedReader(Reader rd, int It is used to create a buffered character input
size) stream that uses the specified size for an input

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Method Description
int read() It is used for reading a single character.
int read(char[] cbuf, int off, It is used for reading characters into a portion of
int len) an array.

boolean markSupported() It is used to test the input stream support for the
mark and reset method.
String readLine() It is used for reading a line of text.
boolean ready() It is used to test whether the input stream is
ready to be read.
long skip(long n) It is used for skipping the characters.
void reset() It repositions the stream at a position the mark
method was last called on this input stream.
void mark(int readAheadLimit) It is used for marking the present position in a
void close() It closes the input stream and releases any of the
system resources associated with the stream.
Program 4.30: Program for reading the data from the text file testout.txt using Java
import java.io.*;
public class BufferedReaderExample {
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{
FileReader fr=new FileReader("testout.txt");
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(fr);
int i;
• Here, we are assuming that we have te data (Welcome to javaTpoint.) in "testout.txt"
Welcome to javaTpoint.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.7.6 BufferedWriter
• Java BufferedWriter class is used to provide buffering for Writer instances. It makes
the performance fast. It inherits Writer class.
• The buffering characters are used for providing the efficient writing of single arrays,
characters and strings.
BufferedWriter(Writer wrt) It is used to create a buffered character
output stream that uses the default size for
an output buffer.
BufferedWriter(Writer wrt, int size) It is used to create a buffered character
output stream that uses the specified size
for an output buffer.
void newLine() It is used to add a new line by writing a
line separator.
void write(int c) It is used to write a single character.
void write(char[] cbuf, int off, It is used to write a portion of an array of
int len) characters.
void write(String s, int off, It is used to write a portion of a string.
int len)
void flush() It is used to flushes the input stream.
void close() It is used to closes the input stream

Program 4.31: Program for writing the data from the text file testout.txt using Java
import java.io.*;
public class BufferedWriterExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("testout.txt");
BufferedWriter buffer = new BufferedWriter(writer);
buffer.write("Welcome to javaTpoint.");
Welcome to javaTpoint.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

4.7.7 InputStreamReader
• An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It reads
bytes and decodes them into characters using a specified charset.
• The charset that it uses may be specified by name or may be given explicitly, or the
platform's default charset may be accepted.
Constructor Name Description
InputStreamReader(InputStream in) It creates an InputStreamReader that uses
the default charset.
InputStreamReader(InputStream in, It creates an InputStreamReader that uses
Charset cs) the given charset.

InputStreamReader(InputStream in, It creates an InputStreamReader that uses

CharsetDecoder dec) the given charset decoder.

InputStreamReader(InputStream in, It creates an InputStreamReader that uses

String charsetName) the named charset.

Method Description
and Type
void close() It closes the stream and releases any system
resources associated with it.
String getEncoding() It returns the name of the character encoding
being used by this stream.
int read() It reads a single character.
int read(char[] cbuf, int It reads characters into a portion of an array.
offset, int length)
boolean ready() It tells whether this stream is ready to be
Program 4.32: Program for InputStreamReader.
public class InputStreamReaderExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
InputStream stream = new FileInputStream("file.txt");
Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream);
int data = reader.read();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

while (data != -1) {

System.out.print((char) data);
data = reader.read();
} catch (Exception e) {
I love my country
The file.txt contains text "I love my country" the InputStreamReader
reads Character by character from the file

4.7.8 OutputStreamWriter
• OutputStreamWriter is a class which is used to convert character stream to byte
stream, the characters are encoded into byte using a specified charset.
• The write() method calls the encoding converter which converts the character into
• The resulting bytes are then accumulated in a buffer before being written into the
underlying output stream. The characters passed to write() methods are not buffered.
• We optimize the performance of OutputStreamWriter by using it with in a
BufferedWriter so that to avoid frequent converter invocation.
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out) It creates an OutputStreamWriter that uses
the default character encoding.
OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, It creates an OutputStreamWriter that uses
Charset cs) the given charset.

OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, It creates an OutputStreamWriter that uses

CharsetEncoder enc) the given charset encoder.

OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, It creates an OutputStreamWriter that uses

String charsetName) the named charset.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Method Description
and Type
void close() It closes the stream, flushing it first.
void flush() It flushes the stream.
String getEncoding() It returns the name of the character
encoding being used by this stream.
void write(char[] cbuf, It writes a portion of an array of characters.
int off, int len)
void write(int c) It writes a single character.
void write(String str, It writes a portion of a string.
int off, int len)
Program 4.33: Program for OutputStreamReader.
public class OutputStreamWriterExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream("output.txt");
Writer outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
outputStreamWriter.write("Hello World");
} catch (Exception e) {
output.txt file will contains text "Hello World"

Program 1: Program for try-catch statement to handle the exception.
public class Demoexception
public static void main(String args[])
int data=100/0; // raise exception

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

catch(ArithmeticException e) //catch the exception

java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Program 2: Program for multiple catch to handle the exception.
public class Demomultiplecatch
public static void main(String[] args)
int array[] = new int[5];
catch(ArithmeticException e)
System.out.println("Arithmetic Exception " +e);
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
System.out.println("ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception "+e);
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception "+e);
Arithmetic Exception java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 3: Program for throw keyword.

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Testvaccine
static void checkAge(int age)
if (age < 18)
throw new ArithmeticException("No Covid Vaccine - You must be at
least 18 years old.");
System.out.println("Covid Vaccine Granted !");
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the person age: ");
int age = in.nextInt();
Enter the person age: 15
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: No Covid Vaccine
- You must be at least 18 years old.
at Testvaccine.checkAge(Testvaccine.java:11)
at Testvaccine.main(Testvaccine.java:26)
javac Testvaccine.java
java Testvaccine
Enter the person age: 25
Covid Vaccine Granted!
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 4: Program for ArrayIndexOutofBound.

public class Demofinally
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] myarr = {11, 22, 33, 55 };
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Finally Block");
Errorjava.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 10
Finally Block
Program 5: Program to find the prime numbers 1 to 100 using throws.
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;
class Exprimeno
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
int i =0;
int n1 =0;
System.out.println("Enter the Limit:");
int lim = scanner.nextInt();
System.out.println("Prime numbers from 1 to n are:");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

for (i = 1; i <= lim; i++)

int cnt = 0;
for(n1 = i; n1 >= 1; n1--)
cnt = cnt + 1;
if (cnt ==2)
System.out.println( " " +i);
Enter the Limit:
Prime numbers from 1 to n are:
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 6: Program for File class.

import java.io.*;
public class Filecreate
public static void main(String[] args)
File fp = new File("abc.txt");
if (fp.createNewFile())
System.out.println("File created: " + fp.getName());
System.out.println("File already exists.");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("An error occurred.");
File created: abc.txt
Program 7: Program for File class with readable and writable.
import java.io.*;
public class Fileinfo
public static void main(String[] args)
File f = new File("xyz.txt");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

if (f.exists())
System.out.println("File name: " + f.getName());
System.out.println("Absolute path: " + f.getAbsolutePath());
System.out.println("Writeable: " + f.canWrite());
System.out.println("Readable: " + f.canRead());
System.out.println("File size in bytes:" + f.length());
System.out.println("Sorry !!! The file does not exist.");
Writeable: true
Readable: true
File size in bytes:8
Program 8: Program to write the string into file using Writer.
import java.io.*;
public class Exwriter
public static void main(String[] args)
Writer w = new FileWriter("test.txt");
String s = "Covid Vaccine";
System.out.println("Successfully Done...");
catch (IOException e)
Successfully Done...
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

Program 9: Program for reading data from console by InputStreamReader and

import java.io.*;
public class Ex_bufferedreader
public static void main(String args[])throws Exception
InputStreamReader in = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(in);
System.out.println("Enter your name");
String name=br.readLine();
System.out.println("Hello "+name);
Enter your name rahat
Hello rahat

Q.I Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which of these packages contain all the Java’s built in exceptions?
(a) java.io (b) java.util
(c) java.lang (d) java.net
2. Which of these classes is used to create user defined exception?
(a) java.lang (b) Exception
(c) RunTime (d) System
3. What will be the output of the program?
public class X
public static void main(String [] args)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

catch (Exception ex)

public static void badMethod() {}
(a) AC (b) BC
(c) ACD (d) ABCD
4. Following which statement is true,
(a) catch(X x) can catch subclasses of X where X is a subclass of Exception.
(b) The Error class is a RuntimeException.
(c) Any statement that can throw an Error must be enclosed in a try block.
(d) All of mentioned
5. When does Exceptions in Java arises in code sequence?
(a) Run Time (b) Compilation Time
(c) Can Occur Any Time (d) None of the mentioned
6. Which of these keywords must be used to monitor for exceptions?
(a) try (b) finally
(c) throw (d) catch
7. Which of the following handles the exception when a catch is not used?
(a) finally (b) throw handler
(c) default handler (d) java run time system
8. Which of these exception is thrown in cases when the file specified for writing is
not found?
(a) FileNotFoundException (b) FileException
(c) IOException (d) FileInputException
9. Which of these values is returned by read() method is end of file (EOF) is
(a) Null (b) 0
(c) 1 (d) −1
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

10. Which of the following classes can catch all exceptions which cannot be caught?
(a) RuntimeException (b) Error
(c) ParentException (d) Exception
11. Which are the valid ways to create DataInputStream streams?
(a) new DataInputStream();
(b) new DataInputStream("in.dat", "r");
(c) new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream("in.dat");
(d) new DataInputStream("in.dat")
12. Which of the following strings can be used as mode strings for creating a
RandomAccessFile object?
(i) "r" (ii) "w"
(iii) "rw" (iv) "wr"
(v) "0"
(a) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v) (b) (i), (ii) & (iii)
(c) (i) & (iii) (d) (ii), (iv) & (v)
13. DataInput is _______.
(a) an abstract class defined in java.io.
(b) a class we can use to read primitive data types.
(c) an interface that defines methods to open files.
(d) an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types.
14. The try, catch, finally, throw and throws keywords in java are related to,
(a) Event handling (b) string handling
(c) exception handling (d) inheritance
15. What is subclass in java?
(a) A subclass is a class that extends another class
(b) A subclass is a class declared inside a class
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of mentioned
16. If class B is subclassed from class A then which is the correct syntax _______.
(a) class B:A{} (b) class B extends A{}
(c) class B extends class A{} (d) class B implements A{}
17. Which of these is a type of stream in Java?
(a) Integer stream (b) Short stream
(c) Byte stream (d) Long stream
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

18. Which of these classes is used to read characters and strings in Java from console?
(a) BufferedReader (b) StringReader
(c) BufferedStreamReader (d) InputStreamReader
19. Which of these classes is used to read from a file?
(a) InputStream (b) BufferedInputStream
(c) FileInputStream (d) BufferedFileInputStream
20. Which of these method(s) is/are used for writing bytes to an outputstream?
(a) put() (b) print() and write()
(c) printf() (d) write() and read()
21. Which occur naturally when we create, write and develop programs?
(a) Errors (b) Exceptions
(c) Mistakes (d) All of mentioned
22. Which exceptions occurs at the compile time?
(a) unchecked (b) checked
(c) error (d) All of mentioned
23. All the errors and exceptions in Java are the subclasses of which class,
(a) Object (b) String
(c) Throwable (d) Scanner
24. Which occurs during the execution of the program?
(a) unchecked (b) checked
(c) error (d) All of mentioned
25. A catch block always follows the _______ block.
(a) try (b) throw
(c) throws (d) finally
26. Which block is a block where we can handle the exceptions?
(a) try (b) finally
(c) throw (d) catch
27. Which is an unexpected event that occurs during program execution?
(a) error (b) exception
(c) mistake (d) All of mentioned
28. Which statement declares the type of exception that we try to catch?
(a) try (b) throw
(c) catch (d) finally
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

29. Which block is used to handle exceptions in Java?

(a) try-catch (b) try-throw
(c) try-throws (d) try-catch-throw
30. When an exception occurs, the finally block is executed _______ the try...
catch block.
(a) before (b) after
(c) before throw (d) after throws
31. Which the sequence of data that are read from the source and written to the
(a) file (b) stream
(c) I/O (d) All of mentioned
32. Which stream is used to read and write a single byte (8 bits) of data.?
(a) byte (b) character
(c) InputStream (d) OutputStream
33. Which stream is used to read and write a single character of data?
(a) byte (b) character
(c) InputStream (d) OutputStream
34. Which stream is used for reading data from the files?
(a) FileInputStream (b) FileOutputStream
(c) BufferInputStream (d) DataInputStream
35. Java provides the following three standard streams,
(a) system.in (b) system.out
(c) system.err (d) All of mentioned
36. Which stream class is used for convert data in bytes into data in characters?
(a) InputStreamReader (b) InputStreamWriter
(c) InputStreamBuffer (d) DataInputStream
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (a)
Q.II Fill in the Blanks:
1. Exception generated in try block is caught in ________ block.
2. ________ keywords must be used to monitor for exceptions.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

3. ________ exception is thrown when divide by zero statement executes.

4. BufferedWriter can be used along with ________ to improve speed of execution.
5. ________ class obtains input bytes from a file.
6. In character stream I/O, a single read/write operation performs ________ bytes
read/write at a time.
7. An exception is a condition that is caused by a ________ error in the program
8. Dividing an integer by zero is a ________ error
9. ________ streams provide functionally for threads to communicate and exchange
data between them.
10. The class ________ is a subclass of object class which can be used for breaking up a
stream of text from an input text file into meaningful pieces.
11. Combining two or more input streams into a single input stream can be achieved
using the ________ class.
12. The ________ package contains a large number of stream classes that provide
capabilities for processing all types of data.
13. ________ class is related to all the exceptions that are explicitly thrown.
14. The ________ method of the BufferedReader class is used for reading lines of text
from the console, the file or other input streams.
15. The ________ class implements the DataInput and DataOutput interfaces for
performing I/O using the primitive data types.
16 The Java ________ keyword is used to explicitly throw a single exception.
17. An ________ exception is an exception that occurs at the time of execution. These
are also called as Runtime Exceptions.
18. We use the ________ keyword in the method declaration to declare the type of
exceptions that might occur within it.
19. The ________ block follows a try block or a catch block.
20. A ________ is a sequence of data.
21. All ________ stream classes are derived from base abstract classes
called InputStream and OutputStream.
22. The ________ class of the java.io package is an abstract superclass that represents a
stream of characters.
23. The ________ class of the java.io package can be used to write data (in characters) to
24. DataInputStream allows an application to read ________ data from the input stream
in a machine-independent way.
25. The try block within a try block is known as ________ try block.
26. A ________ is a collection of related data or information.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

27. To delete a file in Java, use the ________ method.

28. Java performs I/O through ________.
1. catch 2. try 3. ArithmeticException 4. FileWriter
5. FileInputStream 6. Two 7. Execution 8. Runtime
9. Piped 10. Stream Tokenizer 11. SequenceInputStream 12. java.io
13. Throwable 14. readLine() 15. RandomAccessFile 16. throw
17. unchecked 18. throws 19. finally 20. stream
21. byte 22. Reader 23. FileWriter 24. primitive
25. nested 26. file 27. delete() 28. streams
Q.III State True or False:
1. Can we perform file handling in Java by Java I/O API?
2. Any statement that can throw an Error must be enclosed in a try block.
3. The catch(X x) can catch subclasses of X where X is a subclass of Exception.
4. The createNewFile() method returns true when it successfully creates a new file.
5. readChar( ) not reads a unicode character.
6. Unchecked exceptions are checked at compile-time rather they are checked at
7. Exception Handling is a mechanism to handle runtime errors.
8. If the superclass method does not declare an exception, subclass overridden
method cannot declare the checked exception but it can declare unchecked
9. A finally block is executed before the catch block but after the try block.
10. A finally block is executed whether an exception is thrown or not.
11. A finally block is executed, only after the catch block is executed.
12. The two basic streams used are the input and output streams.
13. Filters are used to read data from one stream and write it to another stream.
14. Java application uses an output stream to read data from a source, it may be a file,
an array, peripheral device or socket.
15. An exception is an event, which occurs during the execution of a program that
disrupts the normal flow of the program's instructions.
16. An exception (or exceptional event) is a problem that arises during the execution
of a program.
17. A checked exception is an exception that is checked (notified) by the compiler at
compilation-time, these are also called as compile time exceptions.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

18. All exception classes are subtypes of the java.lang.Exception class. The exception
class is a subclass of the Throwable class.
19. The Exception class has two main subclasses nsmely, IOException class and
RuntimeException Class.
20. When an Exception occurs the normal flow of the program is disrupted and the
program/Application terminates abnormally
21. A finally block appears at the end of the catch blocks.
22. The FileWriter class of the java.io package can be used to read data (in characters)
from files.
23. FileOutputStream is used to create a file and write data into it.
24. To create a file in Java, we can use the createNewFile() method.
25. We use the FileWriter class together with its write() method to write some text to
the file.
1. (T) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (T) 5. (F) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (T) 9. (F) 10. (T)
11. (F) 12. (T) 13. (T) 14. (F) 15. (T) 16. (T) 17. (T) 18. (T) 19. (T) 20. (T)
21. (T) 22. (F) 23. (T) 24. (T) 25. (T)
Q.IV Answer the following Questions:
(A) Short Answer Questions:
1. Define exception.
2. What is error?
3. List types of exceptions.
4. Which statement is used for handling exceptions.
5. Define stream.
6. What is file?
7. What is the purpose of FileReader and FileWriter?
8. Name any two checked exceptions.
9. What is a user-defined exception?
10. Define nested try statement with it syntax.
11. Give the purpose of throw and throws.
12. Define exception handling.
13. What is the use of Reader and Writer?
14. What is the purpose of BufferedReader and BufferedWriter?
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

(B) Long Answer Questions:

1. What is an exception? In which package exceptions are defined?
2. Can user program throw own exceptions? How? Explain with example.
3. Explain try-catch-finally exception handling mechanism in detail.
4. What is the purpose of multiple catch blocks in the program?
5. With the help of example explain how nested try blocks are handled in Java.
6. Explain following terms:
(i) throws
(ii) try
(iii) catch
(iv) finally.
7. What is a stream? List types of streams.
8. Which are the predefined streams? Explain diagrammatically.
9. Define file? How to handle files in Java? Explain in detail.
10. Explain various file operation with example.
11. Describe the term file I/O basic.
12. How to read/write characters in a file? Explain with example.
13. How to read/write bytes in a file?
14. Write a note on:
(i) BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream
(ii) DataInputStream and DataOutputStream
(iii) BufferedReader and BufferedWriter
(iv) FileReader and FileWriter


April 2016
1. What is the basic difference between ‘throw’ and ‘throws’ keywords? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 4.15.
2. Write a Java program to count number of whitespace character in character
stream. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.2.
3. Write a Java program to copy a file to another file. Use proper error handler to
handle runtime exception. File names are accepted as argument from command
prompt. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Program 4.17.
4. Explain different types of streams. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.2.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

October 2016
1. What is the use of finally keyword? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.4 Point (3).
2. Write a Java program to get file name from command prompt. Check whether a
file by given name exists. If file is a regular file, then display various details about
that file. But if it is a directory, then display number of files in that directory. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
3. List and describe any five methods of Reader class along with their syntax. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.7.1.
April 2017
1. Write a Java program to accept a file name from command prompt. If the file
exists, then display number of words and lines in that file using FileReader
class. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.7.3.
2. List and describe any five methods of InputStream class along with their
syntax. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.6.1.
October 2017
1. Give difference between throw and throws. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 4.15.
2. Which stream is used to read primitive data from file? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.2.
3. Write a java program to delete all the files from the current directory having
extension as .doc also display the count number of .doc files deleted
separately. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Page 4.27.
4. Explain any three methods of the Input Stream class. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 1.6.1.
5. Write a java program which stores the username and password in two variables. If
username and password are not same, then raise "Invalid password" with
appropriate message. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.4.
April 2018

1. Write a Java program which displays the contents of file in reverse order. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
2. What are user-defined exceptions ? Illustrate them with an example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.4.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I Exception and File Handling

October 2018
1. What is the use of finally block? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.4 Point (3).
2. Which method is used to set the current position of the file pointer within the
file. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
3. What is stream ? Explain the types of streams supported by java. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.2.
4. Write a java program to accept the details of product as productcode,
productname and weight. If weight > 100 then throw an exception as
InvalidProduct Exception and give the proper message. Otherwise display the
product details. Define required exception class. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.4.
5. What is checked and unchecked exceptions? [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.3.
6. Write a java program to display the contents of the file in reverse order. [4 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
April 2019
1. Define unchecked exception. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.2.3 Point (2).
2. List any two methods of File class. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
3. Write a Java program to appends the content of one file to another. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.5.
4. What are user defined exceptions? Illustrate them with an example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 4.4.

User Interface with AWT
and Swing
To undertand Concepts in AWT
To study Swing Concepts
To study Layout Manager in AWT
To learn Dialogs
To study EventHandling in Java

• User Interface abbreviated as UI. It is the junction/interface between a user and a
computer program.
• Every user interface considers the following three main aspects:
1. UI elements: These are the core visual elements the user eventually sees and
interacts with.
2. Layouts: They define how UI elements should be organized on the screen and
provide a final look and feel to the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
3. Behavior: These are events which occur when the user interacts with UI elements.
• The human computer interface is what allows the user to communicate with the
computer and is often called as User Interface (UI).
• There exist several types of user interfaces. We here give you just two examples:
1. Command-Line Interface (CLI): In CLI user provides the input by typing a
command string with the computer keyboard and the system provides output by
printing text on the computer monitor.
2. Graphical User Interface (GUI): The use of pictures rather than just words to
represent the input and output of a program, for example, Linuxjunkies. Input is
accepted via devices such as keyboard and mouse.
• User generally wants the user friendly program. The program which is easily
understood and its functionality is easy to handle. Java provides such controls which
provides this easiness.
• To develop GUI Java provided AWT and Swings. To handle these components we need
event handling. Event Handling is also needed for applet programming.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-independent

windowing, graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit.
• The AWT is now part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) the standard API for
providing a GUI for a Java program.
• Swing is a GUI widget toolkit for Java language, swing is a part of JFC; an API for
providing a GUI for Java programas.
• There are two sets of java API for graphics programming i.e., AWT and Swing.


• The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) is Java's original platform-dependent windowing,
graphics, and user-interface widget toolkit, preceding Swing.
• The AWT is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) the standard API for providing a
graphical user interface (GUI) for a Java program.
• in Java is a lightweight GUI toolkit which has a wide variety of widgets for building
optimized window based applications. It is a part of the JFC (Java Foundation Classes).

5.1.1 What is AWT? [April 16]

• The Java programming language class library provides a user interface toolkit called
the Abstract Window Toolkit, or the AWT. Java AWT is an API to develop GUI or
window-based application in Java.
• Java AWT components are platform-dependent i.e. components are displayed
according to the view of operating system. AWT is heavy weight i.e. its components
uses the resources of system.
• The AWT is now part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) - the standard API for
providing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for a Java program.
• The main purpose for using the AWT is, using for all the components displaying on the
• AWT defines all the windows according to a class hierarchy those are useful at a
specific level or we can say arranged according to their functionality.
AWT Classes:
• The AWT classes are contained in the java.awt package. It is one of Java’s largest
• Fortunately, because it is logically organized in a top-down, hierarchical fashion, it is
easier to understand and use than we might at first believe.
• The hierarchy of Java AWT classes are given below:
Class Description
AWTEvent Encapsulates AWT events.
AWTEventMulticaster Dispatches events to multiple listeners.
BorderLayout The border layout manager. Border layouts use five
components i.e. North, South, East, West and Centre.
Button Creates a push button control.
contd. …
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Canvas A blank, semantics-free window.

CardLayout The card layout manager. Card layouts emulate indexcards.
Only the one on top is showing.
Checkbox Creates a check box control.
CheckboxGroup Creates a group of check box controls.
CheckboxMenuItem Creates an on/off menu item.
Choice Creates a pop-up list.
Color Manages colors in a portable, platform-independent
Component An abstract super-class for various AWT components.
Container A subclass of Component that can hold other components.
Cursor Encapsulates a bitmapped cursor.
Dialog Creates a dialog window.
Dimension Specifies the dimensions of an object. The width is stored in
width, and the height is stored in height.
Event Encapsulates events.
EventQueue Queues events.
FileDialog Creates a window from which a file can be selected.
FlowLayout The flow layout manager. Flow layout positions
components left to right, top to bottom.
Font Encapsulates a type font.
FontMetrics Encapsulates various information related to a font.
Frame Creates a standard window that has a title bar, resize
corners, and a menu bar.
TextArea Creates a multiline edit control.
TextComponent A superclass for TextArea and TextField.
TextField Creates a single-line edit control.
Toolkit Abstract class implemented by the AWT.
Window Creates a window with no frame, no menu bar.

5.1.2 What is Swing? [April 16]

• Swing is a GUI widget toolkit for Java. It is part of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes
(JFC) - an API for providing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Java programs.
• Swing was developed to provide a more sophisticated set of GUI components than the
earlier Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT).
• Swing provides a native, pluggable look and feel that emulates of several platforms,
that allows applications to have a look and feel unrelated to the underlying platform.
It has more powerful and flexible components than AWT.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• In addition to familiar components such as buttons, check boxes and labels, Swing
provides several advanced components such as tabbed panel, scroll panes, trees,
tables, and lists.
• Unlike AWT components, Swing components are not implemented by platform-
specific code. Instead, they are written entirely in Java and therefore are platform-
independent. The term "lightweight" is used to describe such an element.

5.1.3 Difference between AWT and Swing [April 16]

• There are many differences between AWT and Swing that are given below:
AWT Swing
1. AWT components are platform Java swing components are platform-
dependent. independent.
2. AWT components are heavy weight. Swing components are light weight.
3. AWT doesn't support pluggable look Swing supports pluggable look and feel.
and feel.
4. AWT provides less components than Swing provides more powerful com-
Swing. ponents such as tables, lists, scrollpanes,
colorchooser, tabbedpane etc.
5. AWT components require java.awt Swing components require javax.swing
package. package.
6. Advanced features is not available in Swing has many advanced features like
AWT. JTabel, Jtabbed pane which is not
available in AWT.
7. Different looked feel feature is not We can have different look and feel in
supported in AWT. Swing.
8. Using AWT, we have to implement a lot Swing has them built in.
of things ourself.


• The design of swing component classes is based on Model-View-Controller (MVC)
• MVC architectural pattern is used in software engineering to allow for the separation
of three common features of GUI applications:
1. The data access (typically via a database),
2. The business logic (how the data will be used), and
3. User interaction (how the data and actions will be visually presented).
• MVC is a method of building reusable components that logically separate the structure,
presentation and behaviour of a component into separate pieces.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• The fundamental idea behind MVC is the separation of data model from its
presentation. MVC has mainly three parts:
1. The model, which stores the data of component.
2. The view, which creates visual representation of the component using the data in
the model.
3. The controller, which deals with the user interaction and modifies the model or
the view in response to user action.
MVC Architecture

Controller View
Fig. 5.1: MVC Architecture
• For example, a data in a spread-sheet can be represented using different types of
charts like bar chart, pie chart, etc. Here data in a spreadsheet is the model and
various chart types are views.
• A single model can have many views. The change to the model causes the changes in a
• The view and controller can be represented by a single composite object called
• UI-delegate is responsible for the view and controller roles. It takes care of drawing
the component and representing to user events.
• Fig. 5.2 shows Separate Model Architecture in which the different UI-delegate can
provide a component with a new look and feel.
• The way in which swing objects communicate, by passing events from sources to
listeners is a part of MVC concept of separation.


(Component data)


UI Delegate
Fig. 5.2: Separable Model Architecture
• Event listeners are observers (controllers) and event sources are observerables
(models). When an observable changes or performs a function, it notifies all of its
observers of the activity.
• The java.util.observer interface and java.util.observable class are utilities which
provides fundamental design pattern under the concept of separable model
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

5.3 LAYOUTS AND LAYOUT MANAGERS [April 16, 18, Oct. 16, 18]
• Layout means the arrangement of components within the container. In other way we
can say that placing the components at a particular position within the container.
• The task of layouting the controls are done automatically by the Layout Manager.
Layout manager is an object which determines the way that components are arranged
in a frame window.
• All of the components that we have shown so far have been positioned by the default
layout manager.
• A layout manager automatically arranges our controls within a window by using some
type of algorithm.
• A layout manager is an instance of any class that implements the LayoutManager
• The layout manager is set by the setLayout() method. If no call to setLayout() is made,
then the default layout manager is used.
• Whenever, a container is resized (or sized for the first time), the layout manager is
used to position each of the components within it.
• The setLayout() method has the following general form/syntax:
void setLayout(LayoutManager layoutObj)
Here, layoutObj is a reference to the desired layout manager. If we wish to disable the
layout manager and position components manually, pass null for layoutObj.
• If we do this, we will need to determine the shape and position of each component
manually, using the setBounds() method defined by Component. Normally, we will
want to use a layout manager.
• Each layout manager keeps track of a list of components that are stored by their
names. The layout manager is notified each time we add a component to a container.
• Whenever, the container needs to be resized, the layout manager is consulted via its
minimum LayoutSize() and preferred LayoutSize() methods.
• Each component that is being managed by a layout manager contains the
getPreferredSize() and getMinimumSize() methods. These return the preferred and
minimum size required to display each component.
• The layout manager will honor these requests if at all possible, while maintaining the
integrity of the layout policy. We may override these methods for controls that we
• The layout manager automatically positions all the components within the container.
Default values are provided otherwise.
• Java has several predefined layout manager classes. Layout manager classes are
founded in the java.awt package same as the classes used for displaying graphical
• Several layout managers of which are described next sections. We can use the layout
manager that best fits our application.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• The java.awt package provides five layout manager classes as given below:
1. FlowLayout: Arranges components in variable-length rows.
2. BorderLayout: Arranges components along the sides of the container and in the
3. CardLayout: Arrange components in "cards" Only one card is visible at a time.
4. GridBagLayout: Aligns components horizontally and vertically; components can
be of different sizes.
5. GridLayout: Arranges components in fixed-length rows and columns.

5.3.1 FlowLayout Manager

• The FlowLayout is one the most popular and simplest layout manager. FlowLayout
manager places components in a container from left to right in the order in which
they were added to the container.
• When one row is filled, layout advances to the next row. It is analogous to lines of text
in a paragraph.
• Components managed by a FlowLayout are always set to their preferred size (both
width and height) regardless of the size of the parent container.
• Whenever the container is resized then the components in the container are also
adjusted from the top-left corner. The FlowLayout is the default layout manager for a
Panel, Applet and JPanel.
• Following are constructors for FlowLayout:
1. FlowLayout(): This constructor centers all components and leaves five pixel
spaces between each component.
2. FlowLayout(int align): This constructor allows to specify how each line of
components is aligned:
i.e., Flowlayout.LEFT
3. FlowLayout(int align, int hspace, int vspace): This constructor allow to
specify the alignment as well as the horizontal and vertical space between
Program 5.1: Program for FlowLayout manager.
import java.awt.*;
class FlowLayoutDemo extends Frame
Button[] button =new Button[10];
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
for(int i=0;i<button.length;i++)
button[i]=new Button("Button "+(i+1));
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

class FlowLayoutJavaDemo
public static void main(String args[])
FlowLayoutDemo frame = new FlowLayoutDemo();
frame.setTitle("FlowLayout in Java Example");

5.3.2 BorderLayout Manager

• The BorderLayout class implements a common layout style for top-level windows.
• It has four narrow, fixed-width components at the edges and one large area in the
• The four sides are referred to as north (upper region), south (lower region), east (left
region), and west (right region). The middle area is called the center (central region).
• Five zones, one for each component, as can be seen in Fig. 5.3.



(a) (b)
Fig. 5.3: Border Layout Manager
• The constructors defined by BorderLayout as given below:
1. BorderLayout(): This constructor creates a default border layout.
2. BorderLayout(int hspace, int vspace): This constructor allows us to specify
the horizontal and vertical space left between components in horz and vert,
• To add components in a frame using BorderLayout manager, following form of add
method is used:
void add (Component_obj, Object region)

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

where region specifies any of the following five constants:

1. BorderLayout.CENTER: Places component at center.
2. BorderLayout.EAST: Places component at right border.
3. BorderLayout.WEST: Places component at left border.
4. BorderLayout.SOUTH: Places component at lower border.
5. BorderLayout.NORTH: Places component at upper border.
Program 5.2: Program to demonstrate border layout.
import java.awt.*;
class myFrame extends Frame
TextField name, pass;
Button E,W,S,N,C;
BorderLayout B1;
myFrame(String s)
B1=new BorderLayout();
E=new Button(“EAST”);
W=new Button(“WEST”);
S=new Button(“SOUTH”);
N=new Button(“NORTH”);
C=new Button(“CENTER”);
public static void main(String[] args)
myFrame f= new myFrame("Demonstrating Frame");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

5.3.3 GridLayout Manager

• GridLayout lay out components in a two-dimensional grid. When we instantiate a
GridLayout, we define the number of rows and columns.
• The Grid layout manager places items in rows (left to right) and columns (top to
bottom). The number of rows and columns is defined when the Grid layout manager is
• The GridLayout layout manager divides the container into a rectangular grid so that
component can be placed in rows and column. The intersection of each row and
column is known as a cell.
• The components are laid out in cells and each cell has the same size, components are
added to a GridLayout starting at the top left cell of the grid and continuing to the right
until the row is full. The process continues left to right on the next row of the grid and
so on.

Fig. 5.4: Grid Layout Manager

• The constructors supported by GridLayout are shown below:
1. GridLayout(): Creates a single-column grid layout.
2. GridLayout(int numRows, int numColumns): Creates a grid layout with the
specified number of rows and columns.
3. GridLayout(int numRows, int numColumns, int horz, int vert): Allows us to
specify the horizontal and vertical space left between components in horz and
vert, respectively. Either numRows or numColumnscan be zero. Specifying
numRows as zero allows for unlimited-length columns. Specifying numColumns as
zero allows for unlimited-length rows.
• Here, is a sample program that creates a 4 × 4 grid and fills it in with 15 buttons, each
labeled with its index:
Program 5.3: Program to demonstrate GridLayout.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ExGridLayout
JFrame jframe;
jframe=new JFrame();
JButton jb1=new JButton("ONE");
JButton jb2=new JButton("TWO");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

JButton jb3=new JButton("THREE");

JButton jb4=new JButton("FOUR");
JButton jb5=new JButton("FIVE");
JButton jb6=new JButton("SIX");
JButton jb7=new JButton("SEVEN");
JButton jb8=new JButton("EIGHT");
JButton jb9=new JButton("NINE");
jframe.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
//setting grid layout of 3 rows and 3 columns
public static void main(String[] args)
new ExGridLayout();

5.3.4 GridBagLayout Manager

• The java.awt.GridBagLayout layout manager is the most powerful and flexible of all
the predefined layout managers but more complicated to use.
• Unlike GridLayout where the component are arranged in a rectangular grid and each
component in the container is forced to be the same size, in GridBagLayout,
components are also arranged in rectangular grid but can have different sizes and can
occupy multiple rows or columns, (See Fig. 5.5).
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• A GridBagLayout places components in a grid of rows and columns, allowing specified

components to span multiple rows or columns.
• GridBagLayout places components in rectangles (cells) in a grid and then uses the
components preferred sizes to determine how big the cells should be.
• The class GridBagLayout arranges components in a horizontal and vertical manner.

Fig. 5.5: GridBagLayout

1. GridBagLayout(): Creates a grid bag layout manager.
• Instance variables to manipulate the GridBagLayout object Constraints are:
Variable Role
gridx and gridy Shows co-ordiantes of the origin of the grid and allows
gridwidth, Define how many cells will occupy component (height
gridheight and width), by the default is 1. The indication is relative to
the other components of the line or the column. The
GridBagConstraints. REMAINDER value specifies that the
next component inserted will be the last of the line or the
current column. The value GridBagConstraints. RELATIVE
up the component after the last component of a row or
fill Defines the fate of a component smaller than the grid cell.
GridBagConstraints. NONE retains the original size:
GridBagConstraints. HORIZONTAL expanded horizontally
GridBagConstraints. VERTICAL GridBagConstraints: BOTH
expanded vertically expanded to the dimensions of the
ipadx, ipady Used to define the horizontal and vertical expansion of
components, not works if expansion is required by fill.
The default value is (0,0).
anchor When a component is smaller than the cell in which it is
inserted, it can be positioned using this variable to define
the side from which the control should be aligned within
the cell. Possible variables NORTH, NORTHWEST,
and EAST.
weightx, weighty Used to define the distribution of space in case of change
of dimension.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 5.4: Program to demonstrate Gridbaglayout.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("GridBagLayout Demo");
JButton btn1 = new JButton("Button 1");
JButton btn2 = new JButton("Button 2");
JButton btn3 = new JButton("Button 3");
JButton btn4 = new JButton("Button 4");
JButton btn5 = new JButton("Button 5");
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
GridBagConstraints cst = new GridBagConstraints();
// add button 1 to the panel
cst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
cst.gridx = 0;
cst.gridy = 0;
// add button 2 to the panel
cst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
cst.gridx = 1;
cst.gridy = 0;
// add button 3 to the panel
cst.gridx = 2;
cst.gridy = 0;
panel.add(btn3, cst);
// add button 4 to the panel
cst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
cst.gridwidth = 3;
cst.gridx = 0;
cst.gridy = 1;
// add button 5 to the panel
cst.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
cst.gridx = 2;
cst.gridwidth = 1;
cst.gridy = 2; //third row
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


5.3.5 CardLayout Manager

• The CardLayout manager provides the means to manage multiple components,
displaying one at a time.
• Components in CardLayout are displayed in the order in which they are added to the
layout or in an arbitrary order by using an assignable name.
• The CardLayout class is unique among the other layout managers in that it stores
several different layouts. Each layout can be thought of as being on a separate index
card in a deck that can be shuffled so that any card is on top at a given time.
• CardLayout can be useful for user interfaces with optional components that can be
dynamically enabled and disabled upon user input.
• The class CardLayout arranges each component in the container as a card. Only one
card is visible at a time, and the container acts as a stack of cards.
• We can prepare the other layouts and have them hidden, ready to be activated when
• CardLayout provides following two constructors:
1. CardLayout(): Creates a default card layout.
2. CardLayout(int horz, int vert): Allows us to specify the horizontal and
vertical space left between components in horz and vert, respectively.
• Uses of CardLayout require a bit more work than the other layouts. The cards are
typically held in an object of type Panel.
• This panel must have CardLayout selected as its layout manager. The cards that form
the declare also typically objects the type panel.
• We can use add() method for adding cards. It takes following general form/syntax:
void add(Component panelObj, Object name);
Here, name is a string that specifies the name of the card whose panel is specified by
• After we have created a deck, our program activates a card by calling one of the
following methods defined by CardLayout:
void first(Container deck)
void last(Container deck)
void next(Container deck)
void previous(Container deck)
void show(Container deck, String cardName)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Here, deck is a reference to the container (usually a panel) that holds the cards, and
cardName is the name of a card. Calling first() causes the first card in the deck to be
shown. For showing the last card, call last() and for the next card, call next().
• To show the revious card, call previous(). Both next() and previous() automatically
cycle back to the top or bottom of the deck, respectively. The show() method displays
the card whose name is passed in cardName.
Program 5.5: Program to demonstrate CardLayout.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
//Class definition
class Panel1 extends Panel
//Variable declaration
Label la1,la2,la3;
TextField te1,te2,te3;
Button bu1, bu2, bu3, bu4, bu5;
public Panel1()
la1=new Label("Number 1:");
la2=new Label("Number 2:");
la3=new Label("Result:");
te1=new TextField(10);
te2=new TextField(10);
te3=new TextField(10);
bu1=new Button("Add");
bu2=new Button("Sub");
bu3=new Button("Mul");
bu4=new Button("Div");
bu5=new Button("Exit");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

class Panel2 extends Panel

Checkbox ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4;
public Panel2()
ch1=new Checkbox("Windows 8");
ch2=new Checkbox("Linux Ubuntu");
ch3=new Checkbox("Android");
ch4=new Checkbox("macOS");
setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2));
class Panel3 extends Panel
TextArea tax;
TextField te1, te2;
Label la1, la2;
Button bu1, bu2, bu3, bu4;
public Panel3()
tax=new TextArea(10,50);
te1=new TextField(10);
te2=new TextField(10);
la1=new Label("Find What:");
la2=new Label("Replace With:");
bu1=new Button("Find");
bu2=new Button("Replace");
bu3=new Button("Replace All");
bu4=new Button("Cancel");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

class CardLayoutDemo extends Frame implements ActionListener

Button bu1, bu2;
Panel cards;
CardLayout c;
Panel1 pa1;
Panel2 pa2;
Panel3 pa3;
public CardLayoutDemo(String title)
bu1=new Button("Next");//Object creation
bu2=new Button("Previous");
cards=new Panel();
pa1=new Panel1();
pa2=new Panel2();
pa3=new Panel3();
c=new CardLayout();
Panel p=new Panel();
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if(e.getSource()==bu1)//Decision making statement
public static void main(String args[])
new CardLayoutDemo("Card Layout Demo");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing



• Window is a rectangular area which is displayed on the screen. In different window
we can execute different program and display different data.
• Window provides us with multitasking environment. A window must have a frame,
dialog or another window defined as its owner when it's constructed.
• Different windows classes are defined by AWT which adds functionality with each
level as shown in Fig. 5.6.


Window Panel

Frame Applet
Fig. 5.6: Windows classes of AWT
• Fig. 5.6 shows following Windows classes of AWT:
1. Component: It is an abstract class and all GUI components that interact with the
user are subclasses of component class. It defines various methods for managing
events, such as keyboard and mouse input. It also defines attributes to store
current foreground and background colours and font.
2. Container: It inherits various methods and attributes of component class and
having additional methods of nesting other component objects. A container
positions various GUI components within it, with the help of different layout
3. Panel: Panel is a window that does not contain a title bar, menu bar or border. It is
a superclass of Applet class. Any screen output written an applet is drawn on the
surface of a Panel object. Appletviewer provides title bar, and border to an applet.
We can add GUI components such as buttons, list box etc. to a panel object using
add() method.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

4. Window: This class is used to create a top level window. Generally, windows
objects are not created directly, subclass of window is used to place on the desktop.
5. Frame: Frame class is a subclass of window and it has title bar, menu bar, borders
etc. To create a normal window within an Java application, Frame class is used. In
applets, we need not use frame class to create window because appletviewer
provides title bar, menu bar and borders to an applet.
6. Canvas: Canvas is not subclass of either window or panel. It is one another type of
window which displays a blank window upon which you can draw.
Working with Frame Window:
• A Frame is a top-level window with a title and a border.
• The type of window we will be creating for stand alone application is subclass of
• Two of Frame’s constructors:
1. Frame(): The first form creates a standard window that does not contain a title.
2. Frame(String title): The second form creates a window with the title specified
by title.
Setting the Windows Dimensions:
• The setSize() method is used to set the size of the window.
• It's general structure/syntax is shown here:
void setSize(int newWidth, int newHeight)
void setSize(Dimension newSize)
• The new size of the Frame is specified by newWidth and newHeight or by the width
and height fields of the Dimension object passed in newSize. The dimensions are
specified in terms of pixels.
• The getSize() method is used to obtain the current size of a window. Its general syntax
is, Dimension getSize().
• The getSize() method returns the current size of the Frame as the width and height
fields of a Dimension object.
Showing and Hiding Frame:
• After a frame has been created, it will not be visible until we call
setVisible() method. Its general syntax is given below:
void setVisible(boolean visibleFlag)
• The Frame is visible if the argument to this method is true. Otherwise, it is hidden.
Setting a Frame’s Title:
• We can set the title of a frame window using setTitle(), which has following general
void setTitle(String newTitle)
Program 5.6: Program for frame.
import java.awt.*;
class MyFrame extends Frame
MyFrame(String title)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public static void main(String args[])
MyFrame f= new MyFrame(“My Frame”);

Closing a Frame Window:

• When using a frame window, our program must remove that window from the screen
when it is closed, by calling setVisible(false).
• To intercept a window close event, we must implement the windowClosing( ) method
of the WindowListener interface.
• Inside windowClosing(), we must remove the window from the screen.
AWT Controls:
• A GUI is built of graphical elements called components. Controls are components that
allow a user to interact with your application in various ways.
• Every AWT controls inherit properties from Component class. Typical components
include such items as buttons, scrollbars, text fields, and so on.
• Components allow the user to interact with the program and provide the user with
visual feedback about the state of the program.
• To develop GUI based applications, the fundamental elements that are needed and are
available in two packages java.awt and javax.swing.
How to Add or Remove AWT Controls?
• Create an instance of desired control and then add it to the window by calling add()
Syntax: Component add(Component obj)
• We can also remove our control from window by calling remove() method.
Syntax: void remove(Component obj)
• We can also used for removeall() method for removing all controls:
1. Labels:
• The easiest control to use in Java is a label. A label displays a single line of read-only
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Label class is having following constructors:

(i) Label(): The first constructor creates a blank label.
(ii) Label(String): Creates a label containing a specified string in parameter.
(iii) Label(String, int): Creates a label containing a specified string with alignment
which are specified in second parameter. The alignment must be one of the three
constant values: Label.LEFT, Label.RIGHT, Label.CENTER.
• For label following methods can be used:
(i) void SetText(String): Set or change the text in a label.
(ii) String getText(): Obtain the text in a label.
(iii) void setAlignment(int): Set or change the alignment of a text in a label.
(iv) int getAlignment(): Obtain the current alignment.
Program 5.7: Program to demonstrate label.
import java.awt.*;
class myFrame extends Frame
myFrame(String s)
Label one = new Label("Label One");
Label two = new Label("Label Two");
Label three = new Label("Label Three");
// add labels to applet window
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
add( two);
add( three);
public static void main(String[] args)
myFrame f= new myFrame("Demonstrating Frame");

2. Push Button:
• A push button is a component that contains a label and that generates an event when
it is pressed.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Push buttons has two constructors.

(i) Button(): Creates a button with no label.
(ii) Button(String): Creates a button that contains the specified string.
• For button following methods can be used:
(i) void setLabel(String): Sets a label specified in parameter.
(ii) string getLabel(): Retrieves the label of a button.
Program 5.8: Program to demonstrate buttons.
import java.awt.*;
class MyFrame extends Frame
Button ok, cancel;
MyFrame(String s)
ok = new Button("OK");
cancel = new Button("Cancel");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String[] args)
MyFrame f= new MyFrame("Demonstrating Frame");

3. Check Box: [April 18]

• A check box is a control that is used to turn an option on (true) or off (false). It consists
of a small box that can either contain a check mark or not.
• Check boxes can be used individually or as part of a group. Check boxes are objects of
the Checkbox class.
• Checkbox class supports following constructors:
(i) Checkbox(): Creates checkbox without label. Initial state is unchecked.
(ii) Checkbox(String): Creates a checkbox with label specified Initial state is
(iii) Checkbox (String, boolean): A checkbox with label and Initial state is specified
either true or false in second parameter.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• A checkbox also supports following methods:

(i) Boolean getState(): Retrieves the current state.
(ii) void setState(boolean): Sets the state true/false.
(iii) String getlabel(): Retrieves the label associated.
(iv) void setLabel(String): Sets the label as specified.
Program 5.9: Program to demonstrate checkboxes.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
public class DemoCheckbox
Frame frame;
Checkbox chk1, chk2, chk3, chk4;
frame= new JFrame("Demo of Checkbox");
chk1 = new Checkbox("Tea",true);
//Creating a pre-selected Checkbox with a message
chk2 = new Checkbox("Coffee");
chk3 = new Checkbox("Cold Coffee");
//Creating an unselected Checkbox with a message
chk4 = new Checkbox("Green Tea");
frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String ar[])
new DemoCheckbox();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

4. Checkbox Group:
• This class is used to create group of checkboxes. From the group of check boxes only
one check box can be checked at a time.
• These check boxes are also called radio buttons. It supports following constructors:
(i) CheckboxGroup CheckboxGroup(): Returns group name.
• Checkboxes of Checkboxgroup can be created using following constructors:
(i) Checkbox(String, boolean, CheckboxGroup)
(ii) Checkbox(String, CheckboxGroup, boolean)
• These creates checkbox with specified label and groupname as parameters. The
boolean type parameter specifies the initial state true/false.
Program 5.10: Program to demonstrate Checkbox group.
import java.awt.*;
class MyFrame extends Frame
String msg="";
Checkbox Win98, winNT, solaris, mac;
CheckboxGroup cbg;
MyFrame(String s)
cbg = new CheckboxGroup();
Win98 = new Checkbox("Windows 98/XP", cbg, true);
winNT = new Checkbox("Windows NT/2000", cbg, false);
solaris = new Checkbox("Solaris", cbg, false);
mac = new Checkbox("MacOS", cbg, false);
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public void paint(Graphics g)
msg = "Current selection: ";
msg += cbg.getSelectedCheckbox().getLabel();
g.drawString(msg, 6, 100);
public static void main(String[] args)
MyFrame f= new MyFrame("Demonstrating Frame");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


5. Choice List:
• The class choice is used to create a drop-down or pop-up list of strings.
• It occupies less screen space than list box control, since it shows only the currently
selected item.
• When user clicks on it, the list of choices drop down. It uses only default constructor
i.e., choice().
• Choice class provides following methods:
(i) void add(String): To add string in the choice list.
(ii) String getSelectedItem(): Determines which item is currently selected.
(iii) int getSelectedIndex(): Determines the index of currently selected item.
(iv) int getItemCount(): Returns number of items in the list.
(v) void Select (int): Selects the item whose index is specified as parameter.
(vi) void Select(String): Selects the item matches with specified string as
(vii) String getItem(int): Obtains the name associated with the item at specified
index as parameter.
Program 5.11: Program to demonstrate choice controls.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class Exchoice
static Choice c; // create choice object
static JFrame jframe;
public static void main(String args[])
jframe = new JFrame("My Choice");// create a frame
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();// create e panel
c = new Choice();// create a choice
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

// add element to the list

jframe.setSize(300, 300);

6. Lists:
• List class provides a list of items, which can be scrolled. From list of items, single or
multiple items can be selected.
• It provides three constructors:
(i) List() : Creates a list box in which single selection is possible.
(ii) List(int) : Creates a list-box, specified number of items will always
be visible selection. Selection is possible.
(iii) List(int, boolean) : Creates a list box, first parameter specifies number of
items to be visible. Second parameter specifies whether
multiple selection of item is allowed. True indicates
multiple selection.
• Following methods are supported by list class:
(i) void add(String): Adds item to the end of list.
(ii) void add(String, int): Adds item at the index specified in second parameter.
(iii) String getSelectedItem(): Returns a string which is selected.
(iv) int getSelectedIndex(): Returns an index of the selected item.
(v) String[] getSelectedItems(): Returns an array contains strings which are
selected (Multiselect)
(vi) int[] getSelectedIndexes(): Returns an array contains indexes of the
selected items (Multiselect)
(vii) int getItemCount(): Returns number of items in the list.
(viii) void select(int): Selects the item of a specified index in parameter.
(ix) String getItem(int): Obtains the name of item having specified index.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 5.12: Program to demonstrate lists.

import java.awt.*;
class MyFrame extends Frame
List l;
MyFrame(String s)
l= new List(3);
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String[] args)
MyFrame f= new MyFrame("Demonstrating Frame");

7. ScrollBars:
• Scrollbar control represents a scroll bar component in order to enable user to select
from range of values.
• Scroll bars may be oriented horizontally or vertically.
• Following constructors are in scrollbar:
(i) Scrollbar() : Creates a vertical scroll bar.
(ii) Scrollbar(int style) : Creates a scrollbar of specified style. It can be
scrollbar.vertical or scrollbar.horizontal.
(iii) Scrollbar (int style, : Creates scrollbar with specified style. Initial value
int start, int thumb, is in second parameter. In third parameter
int min, int max) thumbsize is specified. The minimum and
maximum value is specified in min and max.
• Following methods are used by scrollbar:
(i) int getValue(): To get current value of scroll bar.
(ii) void SetValue(int): To set new value.
(iii) int getMinimum(): To get min value of scrollbar
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

(iv) int getMaximum(): To get max value of scrollbar.

(v) void setUnitIncrement(int): To change unit increment. Default is 1.
(vi) void setBlockIncrement(int): To change block increment. Default is 10.
Program 5.13: Program to demonstrate scroll bar.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class ExScroll
Frame frame;
Panel panel;
Label label1, label2;
frame = new Frame("Scrollbar");
panel = new Panel();
label1 = new Label("Displaying a horizontal and verticial Scrollbar
Scrollbar scrollB1 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 10, 40, 0,
Scrollbar scrollB2 = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 10, 60, 0,
public static void main(String s[])
new ExScroll();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

8. TextField:
• The TextField class implements a single-line text-entry area, usually called an edit
• Text fields allow the user to enter strings and to edit the text using the arrow keys, cut
and paste keys, and mouse selections.
• It defines following constructors:
(i) Textfield(): Creates a default textfield.
(ii) Textfield(int): Creates a textfield with specified number of characters.
(iii) TextField(String): Creates a textfield with a specified string initially.
(iv) TextField (String, int): Creates a textfield with a initial text and set its width.
• This class uses following methods:
(i) String getText(): To obtain the content to textfield.
(ii) void setText(String): To set the Text.
(iii) String getSelectedText(): To get currently selected text.
(iv) void select (int StartIndex, int endIndex): To select a portion of a text.
(v) boolean is Editable(): To determine editability.
(vi) void setEditable(boolean): To set or reset editability of textfield.
Program 5.14: Program to demonstrate textfield.
import java.awt.*;
class MyFrame extends Frame
TextField name, pass;
MyFrame(String s)
Label namep = new Label("Name: ", Label.RIGHT);
Label passp = new Label("Password: ", Label.RIGHT);
name = new TextField(12);
pass = new TextField(8);
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String[] args)
MyFrame f= new MyFrame("Demonstrating Frame");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


9. TextArea:
• Sometimes, a single line of text input is not enough for a given task.
• To handle these situations, the AWT includes a simple multi-line editor called
• Following constructors are available in TextArea:
(i) TextArea() : Creates a default text area.
(ii) TextArea(int, int) : Creates a text area for specified number of lines
and number of characters.
(iii) TextArea (String) : Creates with initial string.
(v) TextArea(String, int, int) : Creates text area with initial string and for
specified number of lines and number of
(v) Area (String, int : Creates a text area with scroll bars. The value
numliTextnes, int numChar, of sBars must one of following constants.
• TextArea also supports the methods getText(), setText(), getSelectedText(), select(), is
Editable and setEditable(). Methods are similiar to TextField.
• TextArea adds the following methods:
(i) void append (String): Appends specified string at the end of text.
(ii) void insert(String, int): Inserts specified string at the specified index.
(iii) void replaceRange(String, int startIndex, int endIndex): It replaces the
character from start_Index to endIndex–1 with given string.
Program 5.15: Program to demonstrate textarea.
import java.awt.*;
public class Demotextarea
Frame frame;
TextArea textArea1, textArea2, textArea3, textArea4;
frame= new Frame("Demo of TextArea");
textArea1 = new TextArea() //TextArea()
textArea2 = new TextArea(2,2); //TextArea(int rows, int columns)
textArea3 = new TextArea("Third textarea", 10,10);
textArea4 = new TextArea("Fourth textarea", 5,20);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

textArea1.append("First textarea");
textArea2.append("Second textarea");
frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String []arg)
new Demotextarea();

10. Menus: [Oct. 18]

• A top-level window can have a menu bar associated with it. A menu bar displays a list
of top-level menu choices. Each choice is associated with a drop down menu.
• Fig. 5.7 shows menu hierarchy.


MenuBar MenuItem

Menu CheckboxMenultem

Fig. 5.7

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Menu controls are listed in following table:

Control Description
1. MenuComponent It is the top level class for all menu related controls.
2. MenuBar The MenuBar object is associated with the top-level
3. MenuItem The items in the menu must belong to the MenuItem or any
of its subclass.
4. Menu The Menu object is a pull-down menu component which is
displayed from the menu bar.
5. CheckboxMenuItem CheckboxMenuItem is subclass of MenuItem.
6. PopupMenu PopupMenu can be dynamically popped up at a specified
position within a component.
• The Menu class represents pull-down menu component which is deployed from a
menu bar.
• Following are the constructors for Menu:
(i) Menu()
(ii) Menu(String optionName)
(iii) Menu(String optionName, boolean removable)
Here, optionName specifies the name of the menu selection. If removable is true,
the pop-up menu can be removed and allowed to float free. Otherwise, it will
remain attached to the menu bar.
The first form creates an empty menu. Individual menu items are of type
MenuItem. It defines these constructors:
MenuItem(): Constructs a new MenuItem with an empty label and no keyboard
MenuItem(String itemName): Creates a menuItem where itemName is the
name shown in the menu.
MenuItem(String itemName, MenuShortcut keyAccel): Create a menu item
with an associated keyboard shortcut.
Here, itemName is the name shown in the menu, and keyAccel is the menu
shortcut for this item.
• We can disable or enable a menu item by using the setEnabled() method. Its
form/syntax is shown below:
void setEnabled(boolean enabledFlag)
Program 5.16: Program to demonstrate menu.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class AWTMenuDemo
private Frame mainFrame;
private Label headerLabel;
private Label statusLabel;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

private Panel controlPanel;

public AWTMenuDemo(){
public static void main(String[] args)
AWTMenuDemo awtMenuDemo = new AWTMenuDemo();
private void prepareGUI(){
mainFrame = new Frame("Java AWT Examples");
mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1));
mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent)
headerLabel = new Label();
statusLabel = new Label();
controlPanel = new Panel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
private void showMenuDemo()
//create a menu bar
final MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
//create menus
Menu fileMenu = new Menu("File");
Menu editMenu = new Menu("Edit");
final Menu aboutMenu = new Menu("About");
//create menu items
MenuItem newMenuItem =
new MenuItem("New",new MenuShortcut(KeyEvent.VK_N));
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

MenuItem openMenuItem = new MenuItem("Open");

MenuItem saveMenuItem = new MenuItem("Save");
MenuItem exitMenuItem = new MenuItem("Exit");
MenuItem cutMenuItem = new MenuItem("Cut");
MenuItem copyMenuItem = new MenuItem("Copy");
MenuItem pasteMenuItem = new MenuItem("Paste");
MenuItemListener menuItemListener = new MenuItemListener();
final CheckboxMenuItem showWindowMenu =
new CheckboxMenuItem("Show About", true);
showWindowMenu.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
//add menu items to menus
//add menu to menubar

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

//add menubar to the frame

class MenuItemListener implements ActionListener
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
statusLabel.setText(e.getActionCommand() + " MenuItem clicked.");

• If the argument enabledFlag is true, the menu item is enabled. If false, the menu item
is disabled.
• We can determine an item’s status by calling isEnabled( ). Its form/syntax is shown
boolean isEnabled()
• The isEnabled() returns true if the menu item on which it is called is enabled.
Otherwise, it returns false.
• We can change the name of a menu item by calling setLabel(). Its form/syntax is
shown below:
void setLabel(String newName)
Here, newName becomes the new name of the invoking menu item.
• We can retrieve the current name by using getLabel(). Its form/syntax is shown below:
String getLabel()
getLabel() returns the current name.
• We can create a checkable menu item by using a subclass of MenuItem called
CheckboxMenuItem(). It has following constructors:
(i) CheckboxMenuItem(): Create a check box menu item with an empty label.
(ii) CheckboxMenuItem(String itemName): Create a check box menu item with the
specified item name.
(iii) CheckboxMenuItem(String itemName, boolean on): Create a check box menu
item with the specified label and state. Here, itemName is the name shown in the
menu. Checkable items operate as toggles. Each time one is selected, its state
• In the first two forms, the checkable entry is unchecked. In the third form, if on is true,
the checkable entry is initially checked. Otherwise, it is cleared.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• We can obtain the status of a checkable item by calling getState(). We can set it to a
known state by using setState(). Its form/syntax is shown below:
void setState(boolean checked)
• If the item is checked, getState() returns true, otherwise, it returns false. Its
form/syntax is shown below:
boolean getState()
• For checking an item, pass true to setState(). To clear an item, pass false. Once we have
created a menu item, we must add the item to a Menu object by using add( ), which
has the following general form/syntax:
MenuItem add(MenuItem item)
Here, item is the item being added. Items are added to a menu in the order in which
the calls to add( ) take place. The item is returned.
Once we have added all items to a Menu object, we can add that object to the menu
bar by using this version of add( ) defined by MenuBar.
Menu add(Menu menu)
• Here, menu is the menu being added. The menu is returned. Menus only generate
events when an item of type MenuItem or CheckboxMenuItem is selected.
• They do not generate events when a menu bar is accessed to display a drop-down
menu, for example.
• Each time a menu item is selected, an ActionEvent object is generated. Each time a
check box menu item is checked or unchecked, an ItemEvent object is generated.
• Thus, we must implement the ActionListener and ItemListener interfaces in order to
handle these menu events.
• The getItem() method of ItemEvent returns a reference to the item that generated this
• The general form/syntax of this method is shown below:
Object getItem()
11. Pop-up Menus:
• Pop-up menu represents a menu which can be dynamically popped up at a specified
position within a component.
(i) PopupMenu(): Creates a new popup menu with an empty name.
(ii) PopupMenu(String label): Creates a new popup menu with the specified name.
• Following is an Program 5.17 that adds a series of nested menus to a pop-up window.
The item selected is displayed in the window. The state of the two check box menu
items is also displayed.
Program 5.17: Program to demonstrate pop-up menu.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ExMenu
Frame frame;
MenuBar menuBar;
Menu menu1, menu2;
MenuItem mItem1, mItem2, mItem3, mItem4, mItem5, mItem6, mItem7;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

frame = new Frame("MenuBar, Menu and MenuItems");

//Creating a menu bar

menuBar= new MenuBar();

//Creating first menu

menu1 = new Menu("File");
mItem1 = new MenuItem("New");
mItem2 = new MenuItem("Open");
mItem3 = new MenuItem("Save");

//Adding menu items to the menu


//Creating a second sub-menu

menu2 = new Menu("Save As");
mItem5 = new MenuItem(".ppt");
mItem6 = new MenuItem(".doc");
mItem7 = new MenuItem(".pdf");

//Adding menu items to the sub-menu


//Adding the sub-menu to the first menu


public static void main(String arg[])
new ExMenu();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing



• The swing components are defined in the package javax.swing. This package provides
more powerful and flexible components.
• Swing is a Java foundation classes, library and it is an extension to do Abstract
Window Toolkit (AWT).
• Swing is an extension to the AWT components which provides feature of pluggable
look and feel for the components. It provides classes to design lightweight
• A component is an independent visual control and Java Swing Framework contains a
large set of these components which provide rich functionalities and allow high level
of customization.
• They all are derived from JComponent class. All these components are lightweight
components. This class provides some common functionality like pluggable look and
feel, support for accessibility, drag and drop, layout, etc.
• A container holds a group of components. It provides a space where a component can
be managed and displayed.
• Various features of swing are listed below: [Oct. 17, April 18]
1. Light Weight: Swing component are independent of native Operating System's API
as Swing API controls are rendered mostly using pure JAVA code instead of
underlying operating system calls. [April 18]
2. Rich Controls: Swing provides a rich set of advanced controls like Tree,
TabbedPane, slider, color picker, table controls and so on.
3. Borders: We can draw borders in many different styles around components using
the setborder( ) method.
4. Easy mouseless Operation: It is easy to connect keystrokes to components.
5. Tooltips: We can use the setToolTipText method of JComponent to give
components a tooltip, one of those small windows that appear when the mouse
hovers over a component and gives explanatory text.
6. Easy Scrolling: We can connect scrolling to various components-something that
was impossible in AWT.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

7. Pluggable Look and Feel: We can set the appearance of applets and applications
to one of three standard looks, i.e., Windows, Motif (Unix) or Metal (Standard
swing look).
8. Highly Customizable: Swing controls can be customized in very easy way as
visual appearance is independent of internal representation.
9. New Layout Managers: Swing introduces the BoxLayout and Overlay Layout
layout managers.
Working with Swing:
• While designing any GUI, we need to have a main window on which we can place or
position the different visual components.
• Every top level container has one intermediate container called content pane. This
content pane contains all the visible components in the GUI window.
• In swing, the main window, also called a top level container is the root of a hierarchy,
which contains all the other swing components that appear inside the window. All
swing applications have at least one top level container.
• The content pane is the base pane upon which all other components or container
objects are placed.
• One exception to this rule is, if there is a menu bar in the top level container it will be
placed outside the content pane.
• Fig. 5.8 illustrates the relationship between the components discussed above.

Menu Bar Top-level


Ok pane

Fig. 5.8
• The general procedure to create top-level container is iven below:
1. Create the container,
2. Set its size (in the case of frames and panels), and
3. Set in visibility (in the case of frames and panels).
• All swing components names start with J. For instance the swing button class is named
as JButton commonly used top-level containers are:
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Just like AWT application, a Swing application requires a top-level container. There
are three top-level containers in Swing:
1. JFrame: Used for the application's main window (with an icon, a title,
minimize/maximize/close buttons, an optional menu-bar, and a content-pane), as
2. JDialog: Used for secondary pop-up window (with a title, a close button, and a
3. JApplet: Used for the applet's display-area (content-pane) inside a browser’s
• Similarly to AWT, there are secondary containers (such as JPanel) which can be used
to group and layout relevant components.
• Panels are an example of intermediate containers.
Advantages of Swing:
1. Swing provides paint debugging support for when you build your own component.
2. Swing components are lightweight than AWT.
3. Swing components follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm and thus can
provide a much more flexible UI.
4. Swing provides both additional components like JTable, JTree etc and added
functionality to replacement of AWT components.
5. Swing provides built-in double buffering.
Disadvantages of Swing:
1. It can be slower than AWT (all components are drawn), when you are not careful
about programming.
2. Swing components might not behave exactly like native components which look
like native components.
3. It requires Java 2 or a separate JAR file.

5.5.1 JComponent Class

• The class JComponent is the base class for all Swing components except top-level
• To use a component that inherits from JComponent, you must place the component in
a containment hierarchy whose root is a top-level Swing container.
• Fig. 5.9 shows the class hierarchy of the swing GUI classes. Every swing controls
inherits properties from following Component class hierarchy.
• A Container is the abstract base class for the non menu user-interface controls of
• Component represents an object with graphical representation. A Container is a
component that can contain other SWING components.
• A JComponent is a base class for all swing UI components. In order to use a swing
component that inherits from JComponent, component must be in a containment
hierarchy whose root is a top-level Swing container.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Recursive Composition
(Composite Design Pattern)
* Component

1 AWT Components...

Panel Window JComponent

Applet Frame Dialog JLabel JAbstractButton JPanel JTextComponent JScrollPanel

JApplet JFrame JDialog

JButton JToggleButton JTextField JTextArea

Fig. 5.9
• Fig. 5.9 shows following classes of JComponent
1. AbstractButton: Abstract super-class for Swing buttons.
2. ButtonGroup: Encapsulates a mutually exclusive set of buttons.
3. ImageIcon: Encapsulates an icon.
4. JApplet: The Swing version of Applet.
5. JButton: The Swing push button class.
6. JCheckBox: The Swing check box class.
7. JComboBox: Encapsulates a combo box, (a combination of a dropdownlist and text
8. JLabel: The Swing version of a label.
9. JRadioButton: The Swing version of a radio button.
10. JScrollPane: Encapsulates a scrollable window.
11. JTabbedPane: Encapsulates a tabbed window.
12. JTable: Encapsulates a table-based control.
13. JTextField: The Swing version of a text field.
14. JTree: Encapsulates a tree-based control.

5.5.2 Swing Components

• Swing components are not implemented by platform specific code. Instead they are
written entirely in Java and therefore, are platform independent.
• Swing component is called light weight, as it does not depend on any non-java system
classes. Swing components have their own view supported by java's look and feel
• Swing components have pluggable look and feel so that with a single set of
components you can achieve the same look and feel on any operating system platform.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• The swing related classes are contained in javax.swing and its subpackages, such as
• To use a swing class, either use an import statement for a specific class to be imported
from within a swing or import all classes in the swing package as:
• Swing controls or components and their related methods are available in javax.swing
and its subpackages.

Fig. 5.10: Component of swing

5.5.3 JFrame
• The frame is a top-level container or window, on which other swing components are
• A JFrame component is used to create windows in a swing program. It extends
java.awt.Frame class. Every JFrame object has a root pane.
• Some of the constructors of the JFrame class are shown below:
1. JFrame(): This constructor creates a new frame without title.
2. JFrame(string title): This constructor constructs the new frame with title.
• When adding components to a JFrame window, we must add it to its content pane and
not directly to the JFrame window.
• For example: To add a button for b we would write frame.getContentPane().add(b);
1. Container getContentPane(): This method returns, a Content Pane for the JFrame.
2. void setLayout(LayoutManager): This method sets the LayoutManager for the
3. void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar): This method sets the JMenu Bar to the JFrame.
4. void setIconImage(Image image): Prints icon image on JFrame.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 5.18: Program to demonstrate JFrame.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class frameDemo extends JFrame
public frameDemo(String title)
public static void main(String args[])
frameDemo fd = new frameDemo("First frame");
fd.setSize(300, 300);

• Here, we have imported the relevant packages necessary to create the frame window.
Then in the constructor we invoked super() which in turn calls the constructor of
JFrame and creates the frame.
• We then sets the size of the frame and changed its visibility to true in order to display
it when it is executed.

5.5.4 JPanel
• The JPanel component which is an intermediate container, is used to group smaller
lightweight components together. By default panels are opaque which means that they
work similar to content panes.
• JPanel objects have FlowLayout as their default layout. Some of the constructors of
JPanel are:
JPanel(LayoutManager LM)
• Most methods of the JPanel API are derived from its super classes, container
JComponent and component.
• Methods:
1. Container getContentPane(): This method returns, a Content Pane for the JPanel.
2. void setLayout(LayoutManager): This method sets the LayoutManager for the
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

3. void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar): This method sets the JMenuBar to the JFrame.

4. void setIconImage(Image image): Prints icon image on JFrame.
Program 5.19: Program to demonstrate JPanel.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.*;
class JPanelExample extends JFrame
JPanel panel1,panel2 ;
JTextField txtData;
JButton[] btnData = new JButton[12];
panel1=new JPanel();
txtData = new JTextField(20);
panel2=new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,4));
for(int i=0;i<=9;i++)
btnData[i]=new JButton(""+i);
class JPanelJavaExample
public static void main(String[] args)
JPanelExample frame = new JPanelExample();
frame.setTitle("JPanel Java Example");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

5.5.5 JButton [April 17]

• The JButton class is used to create a push buttons.
Package: javax.swing
1. JButton() : Create a empty button having no title and icon.
2. JButton(String str) : Create a button having label.
3. JButton(Icon i) : Creates a button having icon image.
4. JButton(String str, Icon i) : Creates a button having string label and icon
• This class is subclass of Abstract Button class. So it uses following important methods
of abstract button class.
1. void addActionListenerActionListener obj): This method is used to register the
push button to throw an event.
2. Siring getText():This method returns the text associated with the button.
3. void setText(Siring s): This method is used to set new Label of the button
4. void setHorizontalTextPosition(int pos): Sets the horizontal text position
relative to the graphics.
5. void setVerticalTextPosition(int pos): Sets the vertical text position relative to
the graphics.
6. void set Icon( Icon i): This method sets the Icon to the button.
7. void setMnemonic(char c): Sets the mnemonic character to the button.
Program 5.20: Program of demonstrate JButton.
import javax.swing.* ;
import java.awt.*;
class JButtonExample extends JFrame
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JButton btnOk = new JButton("OK");
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon("check.png");
JButton btnIcon = new JButton(icon);
JButton btnTxtIcon = new JButton("OK",icon);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

class JButtonJavaExample
public static void main(String args [])
JButtonExample frame = new JButtonExample();
frame.setTitle("JButton in Java Swing Example");

5.5.6 JToggleButton
• A toggle button is two states button that allows user to switch on and off. To create a
toggle button in Swing we use JToggleButton class.
• JToggle button, when goes to the inward push state as long as the user has pressed the
left mouse key. When he frees the left mouse key, the button comes to its normal state.
• Here, are the most common used constructors of the JToggleButton class:
1. public JToggleButton(): Creates a toggle button without text and icon. The state of
toggle button is not selected.
2. public JToggleButton(Icon icon): Creates a toggle button with icon.
3. public JToggleButton(Icon icon, boolean selected): Creates a toggle button
with icon and initialize the state of toggle button by the boolean parameter selected.
4. public JToggleButton(String text): Creates a toggle button with text.
5. public JToggleButton(String text, boolean selected): Creates a toggle button
with text and initialize the state of the toggle button.
6. public JToggleButton(String text, Icon icon): Creates a toggle button which
displays both text and icon.
7. public JToggleButton(String text, Icon icon, boolean selected): Creates a
toggle button which displays both text and icon. The state of toggle button can be
Program 5.21: Program to demonstrate JToggleButton.
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Container;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JToggleButton;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public class ToggleButtonSample

public static void main(String args[])
JFrame f = new JFrame("JToggleButton Sample");
Container content = f.getContentPane();
content.add(new JToggleButton("North"), BorderLayout.NORTH);
content.add(new JToggleButton("East"), BorderLayout.EAST);
content.add(new JToggleButton("West"), BorderLayout.WEST);
content.add(new JToggleButton("Center"), BorderLayout.CENTER);
content.add(new JToggleButton("South"), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
f.setSize(300, 200);

5.5.7 JLabel
• One of the simplest Swing components is JLabel. A JLabel object is a component for
placing text in a container.
• This class is used to create single line read only text which describes the other
• Labels can display text as well as Images.
Package: javax.swing
1. JLabel() : Create a empty label having no text and
2. JLabel(String str) : Create a label having some text.
3. JLabel(ImageIcon i) : Creates a label having icon image.
4. JLabel(String str,ImageIcon i) : Creates a label having string text and icon
1. void setHorizontalAlignment(int a): This method sets the alignment of the text.
2. String getText(): This method returns the text associated with the Label.
3. void setText( String s): This method is used to set the text to the Label.
4. void set icon(Icon i): This method sets the Icon to icon.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 5.22: Program to demonstrate JLabel.

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
public class Frame1 extends JFrame
private JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel();
private JLabel jLabel2 = new JLabel();
public Frame1()
catch (Exception e)
private void jbInit() throws Exception
this.getContentPane().setLayout( null );
this.setSize( new Dimension(400, 300) );
jLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(40, 55, 80, 25));
jLabel2.setBounds(new Rectangle(40, 95, 60, 25));
this.getContentPane().add(jLabel2, null);
this.getContentPane().add(jLabel1, null);
public static void main(String args[])
Frame1 frame=new Frame1();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Icons are encapsulated by the ImageIcon class, which prints an icon from an image.
• Constructors are given below:
1. ImageIcon(String filename): This constructor creates object with image which is
specified by filename.
2. ImageIcon(URL url): This constructor creates object with image in the resource
identified by url.
• Methods:
1. int getIconHeight(): Returns the height of the icon in pixels.
2. int getIconWidth(): Returns the width of the icon in pixels.
3. void paintIcon(Component comp, Graphics g, int x, int y): Paints the icon
at position x, y on the graphics context g. Additional information about the paint
operation can be provided in component.
• Following Program of demonstrate icons.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
<applet code="JLabelDemo" width=250 height=150>
public class JLabelDemo extends JApplet
public void init()
// Get content pane
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
// Create an icon
ImageIcon ii = new ImageIcon("Lotus.gif");
// Create a label
JLabel jl = new JLabel("Lotus", ii, JLabel.CENTER);
// Add label to the content pane

5.5.8 JCheckBox
• A checkbox is a control that may be turned ON or OFF by the user to indicate some
• The class JCheckBox is an implementation of a check box - an item that can be selected
or deselected, and which displays its state to the user.
• The JCheckBox class is used to create CheckBox in Swing. CheckBox has the following
1. JCheckBox(): Creates an initially unselected check box button with no text, no icon.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

2. JCheckBox(Action a): Creates a check box where properties are taken from the
Action supplied.
3. JCheckBox(Icon icon): Creates an initially unselected check box with an icon.
4. JCheckBox(Icon icon, boolean selected): Creates a check box with an icon and
specifies whether or not it is initially selected.
5. JCheckBox(String text): Creates an initially unselected check box with text.
6. JCheckBox(String text, boolean selected): Creates a check box with text and
specifies whether or not it is initially selected.
7. JCheckBox(String text, Icon icon): Creates an initially unselected check box
with the specified text and icon.
8. JCheckBox(String text, Icon icon, boolean selected): Creates a check box
with text and icon, and specifies whether or not it is initially selected.
Program 5.23: Program to demonstrate JCheckBox.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class HobbyOfStudent extends JPanel implements ActionListener,ItemListener{
JCheckBox ch1 = new JCheckBox("Playing", false);
JCheckBox ch2 = new JCheckBox("Music", false);
JCheckBox ch3 = new JCheckBox("Painting", false);
JCheckBox ch4 = new JCheckBox("Reading", false);
JLabel j1 = new JLabel("What's student hobby?");
JButton exitbtn = new JButton("Exit");
public HobbyOfStudent()
setLayout(new GridLayout(7,1));
ch1.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 14));
ch2.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 14));
ch3.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 14));
ch4.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, 14));
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

if(e.getSource().equals(exitbtn) )
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
String selected= ((JCheckBox)e.getSource()).getText();
class HobbyTest extends JFrame
getContentPane().add(new HobbyOfStudent());
public static void main(String args[]) {
new HobbyTest();

5.5.9 JTextField
• The JTextField component allows us to enter/edit a single line of text.
• Following are the important constructors of the subclasses of the JTextField class.
1. JTextField(): Constructs a new TextField.
2. JTextField(Document doc, String text, int columns): Constructs a new
JTextField that uses the given text storage model and the given number of columns.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

3. JTextField(int columns): Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified

number of columns.
4. JTextField(String text): Constructs a new TextField initialized with the
specified text.
5. JTextField(String text, int columns): Constructs a new TextField initialized
with the specified text and columns.
Program 5.24: Program to demonstrate JTextField.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TextFieldDemo extends JFrame
public TextFieldDemo()
Container con = getContentPane();
con.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JLabel j1 = new JLabel ("TextField");
JTextField tf1 = new JTextField(40);
setSize(600, 600);
public static void main(String args[])
new TextFieldDemo();

• The above Program 5.25, create a frame window in Swing. We then set its existing
layout to FlowLayout. We then create a Swing label along with a text field component
and add them to the content pane.

5.5.10 JTextArea [Oct. 16]

• The JTextArea is used to accept several lines of text from the user and it has
capabilities not found in the AWT class.
• JTextArea class itself does not handle scrolling but implements the Scrollable interface
which allows it to be placed inside a JScrollPane and thus implement scrolling.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Text wrapping is possible through the use of a bound property of JTextArea class.
A JTextArea can be created using one of the following constructors:
1. JTextArea(): Constructs a new TextArea.
2. JTextArea(Document doc): Constructs a new JTextArea with the given document
model and defaults for all of the other arguments (null, 0, 0).
3. JTextArea(Document doc, String text, int rows, int columns): Constructs a
new JTextArea with the specified number of rows and columns and the given
4. JTextArea(int rows, int columns): Constructs a new empty TextArea with the
specified number of rows and columns.
5. JTextArea(String text): Constructs a new TextArea with the specified text
6. JTextArea(String text, int rows, int columns): Constructs a new TextArea
with the specified text and number of rows and columns.
Program 5.25: Program to demonstrate JTextArea.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class TextAreaapplextends JFrame
public TextAreaappl()
Container con = getContentPane();
con.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JLabel j11 = new JLabel ("TextArea");
JTextArea ta1 = new JTextArea(10, 20);
setSize(600, 600);
public static void main(String args[])
new TextAreaappl();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• The above program creates a standalone Swing application having a frame window
with a text area and a label. To create the text area that is ten rows and twenty
columns wide we use the constructor:
JTextArea ta1= new JTextArea(10, 20);

5.5.11 JRadioButton
• This class is used to create radio button with a text or icon. Radio buttons are
supported by the JRadioButton class, which is aconcrete implementation of
• Once, a radio button is created they must be kept in one group, which is created by
using the ButtonGroup class Radio buttons must be configured into a group.
• Only one of the buttons in that group can be selected at any time.
Package: javax.swing
1. JRadioButton(): Create a empty radio button having no title and icon.
2. JRadioButton (String l): Create a radio button having label.
3. JRadioButton (Icon i): Creates a radio button having icon image.
4. JRadioButton (String l, Icon i): Creates a radio button having string label and
icon image.
5. JRadioButton (Siring l, Icon i,boolean selected): Creates a radio button
having string label and icon image and default selected if true is passed.
6. JRadioButton (String l, boolean selected): Creates a radio button having
string label and option for default selected policy.
Button Group:
• This class is useful to group the component such as radio buttons.
• If radio button is not grouped, then they work as checkbox. And multiple selection is
• To avoid that we group the Radio button object. This class provides the default
constructor ButtonGroup by using this constructor object of button group class is
• Then different component are added to the button group object by using
add() method.
Program 5.26: Program to demonstrate JRadioButton.
import javax.swing.*;
public class JRadioButtonExample
JFrame jframe = new JFrame();
JRadioButton jredioButton1 = new JRadioButton("Covid + ");
JRadioButton jredioButton2 = new JRadioButton("Covid - ",true);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup();
public static void main(String[] args)
new JRadioButtonExample();

5.5.12 JList
• In Swing, the JList component is the implementation of the AWT List class.
• JList consists of a range of elements arranged one after another, which can be selected
individually or in a group.
• JList class, unlike its AWT counterpart, is capable of displaying not just the strings, but
also icons.
• Some of the constructors used for creating JList are explained below:
1. public JList(): Constructs a JList with an empty model.
2. public JList(ListModel dataModel): Constructs a JList() that displays the
elements in the specified, non-null list model.
3. public JList(Object [] listData): Constructs a JList() that displays the
elements of the specified array "listData".
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• JList() does not support scrolling. To create a scrolling list the JList() is implemented as
the viewport view of a JScrollPane.
JScrollPane myScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
JScrollPane myScrollPane = new JScrollPane(dataList);
• JList does not provide any special support for handling double or triple mouse clicks.
However, using the MouseListener makes it easy to handle these events. The
locationToIndex() method is used to determine the cell that was checked.
Program 5.27: Program to demonstrate JList.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
class Employees extends JFrame implements ListSelectionListener
String Employee[] = {"Amar Salunkhe", "Akbar Shaikh",
"Amol Mahabal", "Kiran Velankar"};
JList departments = new JList(Employee);
JLabel lTE = new
JLabel("Who is your favourite Technical Editor?");
JTextField jt = new JTextField(40);
public Employees(String s) {
JPanel p = (JPanel)getContentPane();
p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
p.add("North", lTE);
p.add("Center", new JScrollPane(departments));
p.add("South", jt);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public static void main(String args[])

Employees e1 = new Employees ("Editor of Engineering Books");
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e)
if(e.getValueIsAdjusting() == false)
{ if(departments.getSelectedIndex()!=-1)

• In JList, events are handled by implementing the ListSelectionListener interface.

1. public void addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener listener):
This method adds a listener to the list.
2. public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e): This method is called
whenever the value of the selection changes.

5.5.13 JComboBox [April 17]

• Swing provides a combo box (a combination of a text field and a dropdown list)
through the JComboBox class, which extends JComponent. A combobox normally
displays one entry.
• However, it can also display a drop-down list that allows a user to select a different
entry. We can also type our selection into the text field.
• The JComboBox component, similar to Choice component in AWT, is a combination of
textfield and drop down list of items. User can make selection by clicking at an item
from the list or by typing into the box.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• A combo box is a combination of a list component and text field component. It can
consist of more than one item, however, displays only one item at any point of time. It
also allows user to type their selection.
• Unlike list component, combo box allows user to select only one item at a time. A
combo box is an object of JComboBox class.
• Three of JComboBox’s constructors are shown here:
1. JComboBox(): This constructor creates an empty JComboBox instance.
2. public JComboBox (ComboBoxModel asModel): Creates a JComboBox that takes its
items from an existing ComboBoxModel. asModel is the ComboBoxModel that
provides the displayed list of items.
3. public JComboBox (Object[] items): Creates a JComboBox that contains the
elements of the specified array
• Items are added to the list of choices via the addItem( ) method, whose
signature/syntax is shown here:
void addItem(Object obj)
Here, obj is the object to be added to the combo box.
1. public void setEditable(boolean aFlag): It determines whether the
JComboBox field is editable or not?
2. public boolean isEditable(): It returns true if the JComboBox is editable. By
default, a combo box is not editable.
3. public void setMaximumRowCount(int count): It sets the maximum number of
rows the JComboBox displays. If the number of objects in the model is greater than
‘count’, the combo box uses a scrollbar.
4. public void setSelectedItem(Object anObject): It sets the selected item in the
combo box display area to the object in the argument. If an Object is in the list, the
display area shows an Object selected.
5. public void insertItemAt(Object anObject, int index): It inserts an item
‘anObject’ into the item list at a given ‘index’.
6. public void removeItem(Object anObject): It removes an item ‘anObject’ from
the item list.
7. public void removeItemAt(int anIndex): It removes the item at ‘anIndex’.
• The following example contains a combo box and a label. The label displays an icon.
The combo box contains entries for colors Green, Red, Yellow and Black.
• When a country is selected, the label is updated to display the color for that particular
color. Color jpeg images are already stored in the current directory.
Program 5.28: Program to demonstrate JComboBox.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public class JComboBoxExample

JFrame jframe;
jframe=new JFrame("Example of JComboBox");
final JLabel jlabel = new JLabel();
JButton jbutton=new JButton("Click Me ");
String str[]={"C","C++","Data Science","Java","PHP"};
final JComboBox jcombox=new JComboBox(str);
jcombox.setBounds(50, 100,90,20);
jbutton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String str1 = "Programming language Selected: "
+ jcombox.getItemAt(jcombox.getSelectedIndex());
public static void main(String[] args)
new JComboBoxExample();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


5.5.14 Menu [April 19]

• Menu components in Swing are subclasses of JComponent so they have all

functionality of a normal Swing component.
• Fig. 5.11 shows hierarchy of menu.
Menu Hierarchy:
• As we know that every top-level window has a menu bar associated with it. This menu
bar consists of various menu choices available to the end user.
• Further each choice contains list of options which is called drop down menus. Menu
and MenuItem controls are subclass of MenuComponent class.




JMenuBar JPopupMenu JAbstractButton JSeperator


JMenu JCheckBoxMenuItem JRadioButtonMenuItem

Fig. 5.11: Hierarchy of menu

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Menu Controls:
1. JMenuBar: The JMenuBar object is associated with the top-level window.
2. JMenuItem: The items in the menu must belong to the JMenuItem or any of its
3. JMenu: The JMenu object is a pull-down menu component which is displayed
from the menu bar.
4. JCheckboxMenuItem: JCheckboxMenuItem is subclass of JMenuItem.
5. JRadioButtonMenuItem: JRadioButtonMenuItem is subclass of JMenuItem.
6. JPopupMenu: JPopupMenu can be dynamically popped up at a specified position
within a component. JMenu
• A menu provides a space-saving way to let the user choose one of several options. The
Menu class represents pull-down menu component which is deployed from a menu
• In order to create a menu you need to use JMenu class. JMenu class represents the
menu which can attach to a menu bar or another menu.
• Menu directly attached to a menu bar is known as top-level menu. If the menu is
attached to a menu, it is called sub-menu.
• The constructors of JMenu class are given below:
1. JMenu(): This constructor creates an instance of JMenu without text.
2. JMenu(String s): This constructor creates an instance of JMenu a given text.
3. JMenu(String s, boolean tearOffMenu): This constructor creates an instance of
JMenu a given text and specify the menu as a tear-off menu or not.
4. JMenu(Action a): This constructor creates an instance of JMenu whose properties
are taken from the specified Action.
Program 5.29: Program for JMenu.
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class JMenuExample extends JFrame implements ActionListener
public static void main(String[] s)
new JMenuExample();
public JMenuExample()
super("JMenu Example");
addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

// Name the JMenu & Add Items

JMenu menu = new JMenu("File");
// Add JMenu bar
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
setSize(300, 300);
setLocation(200, 200);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
// Menu item actions
String command = e.getActionCommand();
if (command.equals("Quit")) {
} else if (command.equals("Open")) {
// Open menu item action
System.out.println("Open menu item clicked");
} else if (command.equals("Save")) {
// Save menu item action
System.out.println("Save menu item clicked");
private JMenuItem makeMenuItem(String name)
JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem(name);
return m;

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Menus and Submenus:

• Each menu can also have a submenu. This way we can put similar commands into
Program 5.30: Program for menu and submenus.
import javax.swing.*;
public class JMenuTest
JFrame myFrame = null;
public static void main(String[] a)
(new JMenuTest()).test();
private void test()
myFrame = new JFrame("Menu Test");
myFrame.setContentPane(new JDesktopPane());
JMenuBar myMenuBar = new JMenuBar();
JMenu myMenu = getFileMenu();
myMenu = getColorMenu();
private JMenu getFileMenu()
JMenu myMenu = new JMenu("File");
JMenu mySubMenu = getOpenMenu();
JMenuItem myItem = new JMenuItem("Close");
myItem = new JMenuItem("Exit");
return myMenu;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

private JMenu getColorMenu()

JMenu myMenu = new JMenu("Color");
JMenuItem myItem = new JMenuItem("Red");
myItem = new JMenuItem("Green");
myItem = new JMenuItem("Blue");
return myMenu;
private JMenu getOpenMenu()
JMenu myMenu = new JMenu("Open");
JMenuItem myItem = new JMenuItem("Java");
myItem = new JMenuItem("HTML");
myItem = new JMenuItem("GIF");
return myMenu;
Output: JMenuBar
• The JMenuBar class provides an implementation of a menu bar.
• JMenuBar, which is a drop down menu bar at the top application, and JPopupMenu, a
menu you get when you press the button right mouse on a particular area.
• The components of a menu can be constructed using the JMenuBar, JMenu,
JMenultem, JCheckBoxMenultem and JRadioButtonMenultem classes in a way similar
to the MenuBar, Menu and Menultem classes of AWT.
• When anyone of the menu items in Menu object "BackGround" is selected, the
background colour of the frame is changed to the corresponding colour selected in the
menu item.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• In the same way, when any of the menu items in the menu for Foreground is selected,
the foreground colour of the frame will change to corresponding colour selected in the
menu, which is displayed in the text field. Similarly if the Exit menu item is selected
from exit menu, the frame is closed.
• Following are the Constructors and methods of the JMenuBar class:
Name of Methods Description
JMenuBar() This constuctor constructs a new menu bar.
JMenu add(Menu menu) This method adds the menu specified by a
parameter, to the end of the menu bar.
Component getComponentAtlndex (int This method returns the component at the
index) specified index passed as a parameter.
int getComponentlndex(Component c) This method returns the index of the
component specified by the parameter.
JMenugetMenu(int index) This method returns the menu at the
specified index that is passed as a parameter
to the function.
int getMenuCount() This method returns a number of menus in
the menu bar.
Program 5.31: Program for JMenuBar.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class JMenuBarJavaExample extends JFrame implementsActionListener
private JMenuBar MnuBar = new JMenuBar();
private JMenu MnuOne = new JMenu("File");
private JMenu MnuTwo = new JMenu("Colors");
private JMenuItem Exit = new JMenuItem("Exit");
private JMenu bright = new JMenu("Bright");
private JMenuItem dark = new JMenuItem("Dark");
private JMenuItem white = new JMenuItem("White");
private JMenuItem pink = new JMenuItem("Pink");
private JMenuItem yellow = new JMenuItem("Yellow");
private JLabel Lbl = new JLabel("Hello");
public JMenuBarJavaExample()
setTitle("Menu Bar In java Swing");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

setLayout(new FlowLayout());
Lbl.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.BOLD,22));
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Object src = e.getSource();
Container cntnr = getContentPane();
if(src == xit)
else if(src == dark)
else if(src == white)
else if(src == pink)
else cntnr.setBackground(Color.YELLOW);
public static void main(String[] de)
JMenuBarJavaExample frm = newJMenuBarJavaExample();
final int WIDTH = 270;
final int HEIGHT = 220;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Output: JMenuItem
• The JMenuItem class represents the actual item in a menu. All items in a menu should
derive from class JMenuItem, or one of its subclasses. By default, it embodies a simple
labeled menu item.
• In order to create menu items in Swing, you need to create new instances of
JMenuItem and set different properties for them. You can create menu item with both
text and icon.
• Constructors of JMenuItem:
1. JMenuItem(): This constructor creates a JMenuItem instance without icon or text.
2. JMenuItem(Icon icon): This constructor creates a JMenuItem instance with a
given icon.
3. JMenuItem(String text): This constructor creates a JMenuItem instance with a
given text.
4. JMenuItem(String text, Icon icon): This constructor creates a JMenuItem
instance with a given text and icon
5. JMenuItem(String text, int mnemonic): This constructor creates a JMenuItem
instance with the given text and keyboard mnemonic.
6. JMenuItem(Action a): This constructor creates a JMenuItem instance whose
properties are taken from the a given Action.
Program 5.32: Program for JMenuItem.
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
public class MenuCreation
public static void main(final String args[])
JFrame frame = new JFrame("MenuSample Example");
JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

// File Menu, F - Mnemonic

JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File");
// File->New, N - Mnemonic
JMenuItem newMenuItem = new JMenuItem("New", KeyEvent.VK_N);
frame.setSize(350, 250);
Output: JPopupMenu
• Another type of a menu is a popup menu. Java Swing has a JPopupMenu class for this
• It is also called a context menu and usually shown when we right click on a
• The idea is to provide only the commands that are relevant in the current context. Say
we have an image. By right clicking on the image, we get a popup window with
commands to save, scale, or move the image.
• Popup menu represents a menu which can be dynamically popped up at a specified
position within a component.
• popup menu is a free-floating menu which associates with an underlying component.
This component is called the invoker.
• Most of the time, popup menu is linked to a specific component to display context-
sensitive choices.
• In order to create a popup menu, you use the class JPopupMenu. You then can add
menu itemsJMenuItem to popup menu like normal menu.
• To display the popup menu, we call method show(). Normally popup menu is called in
response to a mouse event.
1. JPopupMenu(): This constructor constructs a JPopupMenu without an "invoker".
2. JPopupMenu(String label): This constructor constructs a JPopupMenu with the
specified title.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 5.33: Program for JPopMenu.

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPopupMenu;
public class PopupSample
public static void main(final String args[])
JFrame frame = new JFrame("PopupSample Example");
// Create popup menu, attach popup menu listener
JPopupMenu popupMenu = new JPopupMenu("Title");
// Cut
JMenuItem cutMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Cut");
// Copy
JMenuItem copyMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Copy");
// Paste
JMenuItem pasteMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Paste");
// Separator
// Find
JMenuItem findMenuItem = new JMenuItem("Find");
JButton label = new JButton();
frame.setSize(350, 250);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing JCheckBoxMenuItem and JRadioButtonMenuItem

• In this section we will study JCheckboxMenuItem and JRadioButtonMenuItem.
• The JCheckboxMenuItem class represents a check box which can be included in a
• Selecting the check box in the menu changes control's state from on to off or from off
to on.
1. JCheckboxMenuItem(): This constructor creates an initially unselected check box
menu item with no set text or icon.
2. JCheckboxMenuItem(Action a): This constructor creates a menu item whose
properties are taken from the Action supplied.
3. JCheckboxMenuItem(Icon icon): This constructor creates an initially unselected
check box menu item with an icon.
4. JCheckboxMenuItem(String text): This constructor creates an initially
unselected check box menu item with text.
5. JCheckboxMenuItem(String text, boolean b): This constructor creates a check
box menu item with the specified text and selection state.
6. JCheckboxMenuItem(String text, Icon icon): This constructor creates an
initially unselected check box menu item with the specified text and icon.
7. JCheckboxMenuItem(String text, Icon icon, boolean b): This constructor
creates a check box menu item with the specified text, icon, and selection state.
• The JRadioButtonMenuItem class represents a check box which can be included in a
• Selecting the check box in the menu changes control's state from on to off or from off
to on.
1. JRadioButtonMenuItem(): This constructor creates a JRadioButtonMenuItem with
no set text or icon.
2. JRadioButtonMenuItem(Action a): This constructor creates a radio button menu
item whose properties are taken from the Action supplied.
3. JRadioButtonMenuItem(Icon icon): This constructor creates a
JRadioButtonMenuItem with an icon.
4. JRadioButtonMenuItem(Icon icon, boolean selected): This constructor creates
a radio button menu item with the specified image and selection state, but no text.
5. JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text): This constructor creates a
JRadioButtonMenuItem with text.
6. JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text, boolean selected): This constructor
creates a radio button menu item with the specified text and selection state.
7. JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text, Icon icon): This constructor creates a
radio button menu item with the specified text and Icon.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

8. JRadioButtonMenuItem(String text, Icon icon, boolean selected): This

constructor creates a radio button menu item that has the specified text, image,
and selection state.
Program 5.34: Program for JCheckBoxMenuItem and JRadioButtonMenuItem.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class JMenuBar2JavaExample extends JFrame
private JMenuBar MnuBar = new JMenuBar();
private JMenu MnuOne = new JMenu("File");
private JCheckBoxMenuItem chkOne =
new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Check Box First");
private JCheckBoxMenuItem chkTwo =
newJCheckBoxMenuItem("Check Box Second");
private JRadioButtonMenuItem RdoOne =
newJRadioButtonMenuItem("Radio Button One");
private JRadioButtonMenuItem RdoTwo =
newJRadioButtonMenuItem("Radio Button Two");
private JRadioButtonMenuItem RdoThree =
newJRadioButtonMenuItem("Radio Button Three");
private ButtonGroup BtnGrp = new ButtonGroup();
public JMenuBar2JavaExample()
setTitle("Menu Bar2 In java Swing");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
public static void main(String[] ds)
JMenuBar2JavaExample frm = newJMenuBar2JavaExample();
final int WIDTH = 170;
final int HEIGHT = 220;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


5.5.15 JScrollPane
• A scrolling pane is a container that can be used to hold any component that can be
• By default, the list and textarea component do not scroll automatically when number
of items in the list or text area component go beyond the displayed area. So to make
these components scroll, you must insert them into the scrollpane.
• A scroll pane is a component that presents a rectangular area in which a component
may be viewed.
• Horizontal and/or vertical scroll bars may be provided if necessary. Scroll panes are
implemented in Swing by the JScrollPane class.
1. JScrollPane(Component comp): This creates a scroll pane with the component
specified with comp.
2. JScrollPane(int vsb, int hsb): This creates a scroll panel with the vsb and hsb
are int constants that define when vertical and horizontal scroll bars for this scroll
panel are shown.
3. JScrollPane(Component comp, int vsb, int hsb): This constructor scroll panel
creates a combination of above both constructor.
• Constants of scroll pane are given below:
1. HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS: Always provide horizontal scroll bar.
2. HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED: Provide horizontal scroll bar, if needed.
3. VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS: Always provide vertical scroll bar.
4. VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED: Provide vertical scroll bar, if needed.
• Here, are the steps that you should follow to use a scroll pane in an applet:
1. Create a JComponent object.
2. Create a JScrollPane object, (the arguments to the constructor specify the
component and the policies for vertical and horizontal scroll bars.)
3. Add the scroll pane to the content pane of the applet.
Program 5.35: Program to demonstrate JScrollPane.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
class JScrollPaneExample extends JFrame
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

String[] language ={"Cobol","Fortran","Pascal","C","C++","java","C#"};

JLabel lblLanguage = new JLabel("Choose the Language");
JList LstMonth = new JList(language);
LstMonth.setVisibleRowCount (4);
JScrollPane s = newJScrollPane(LstMonth,JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_A
class JScrollPaneJavaExample
public static void main(String[] args)
JScrollPaneExample frame = new JScrollPaneExample();
frame.setTitle("JScrollPane Java Example");

5.6 DIALOGS [Oct. 17, April 19]

• Dialog windows or dialogs are an indispensable part of most modern GUI applications.
• A dialog is defined as a conversation between two or more persons. In a computer
application a dialog is a window which is used to "talk" to the application.
• A dialog is used to input data, modify data, change the application settings etc. Dialogs
are important means of communication between a user and a computer program.

5.6.1 JDialog
• A dialog can be either modal or modeless. Modal dialogs block input to other top-level
windows. Modeless dialogs allow input to other windows.
• A modal dialog blocks user input to all other windows in the same application when it
is visible.
• We have to close a modal dialog before other windows in the same application can get
focus. A modeless one does not block user input.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• This class extends java.awt.Dialog class. Dialogs are used to accept some inputs from
User. Default layout manager for JDialog class is BorderLayout.
Package: javax.swing
1. JDialog(Frame parent): This constructor creates a new JDialog object which
appears on specified parent Frame.
2. JDialog (Frame parent, Boolean modal): This constructor creates a new
JDialog object which appears on the specified parent frame.
• If we pass second parameter as 'true' then we can not work on the parent window
when dialog is visible, such a Dialog boxes are called as Modal dialog boxes.
• If we pass 'false" then we can work on the parent window when dialog is visible such a
dialog box is called as non-modal dialog box.
1. JDialog (Frame parent. String title): This constructor creates a dialog box
which have some title.
2. JDialog (Frame parent. Siring title. Boolean modal): This constructor
creales a Dialogbox which appears on specified parent frame, with title specified
by the user and modal or non-modal nature is specified.
• Methods:
1. void hide(): This method is used to hide the Dialog box.
2. void show(): This method is used to show the Dialog box.
3. Container getContentPanel(): This method returns, a Content Pane for the
4. void setLayout(LayoutManager): This method sets the LayoutManager for the
5. void setJMenuBar(JMenuBar): This method sets the JMenu Bar to the JDialog box.
6. boolean isModal(): This method checks whether, the dialog is modal or non-
Program 5.36: Program to demonstrate JDialog.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
class JDialogExample extends JFrame
JDialog d1;
public JDialogExample()
private void createAndShowGUI()
setTitle("JDialog Example");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

// Must be called before creating JDialog for

// the desired effect
// A perfect constructor, mostly used.
// A dialog with current frame as parent
// a given title, and modal
d1=new JDialog(this,"This is title",true);
// Set size
// Set some layout
d1.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
d1.add(new JButton("Button"));
d1.add(new JLabel("Label"));
d1.add(new JTextField(20));
// Like JFrame, JDialog isn't visible, you'll
// have to make it visible
// Remember to show JDialog after its parent is
// shown so that its parent is visible
public static void main(String args[])
new JDialogExample();

5.6.2 Message Dialogs [Oct. 16]

• Message dialogs are simple dialogs that provide information to the user. The message
is usually a string constant and represents the text contained in the body.
• If message is an array, it will be interpreted as a series of messages (the interpretation
is recursive - each object will be interpreted according to its type).
• The class JOptionPane is a component which provides standard methods, to pop up a
standard dialog box for a value or informs user of something.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Following is the declaration for javax.swing.JOptionPane class:

public class JOptionPane
extends JComponent
implements Accessible
• Message dialogs are created with the JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method. The
messageType defines the style of message. The available options are:
Sr. No. Symbol Description
1. ERROR_MESSAGE for displaying an error
2. INFORMATION_MESSAGE for displaying an
informational message
3. QUESTION_MESSAGE for displaying a query
4. WARNING_MESSAGE for displaying a warning
5. PLAIN_MESSAGE for displaying any other type
of message.

• JOptionPane provides you with two useful static methods such as

showMessageDialog() and showOptionDialog().
• The showMessageDialog() method shows a very simple dialog with one button while
showOptionDialog() method displays a highly customized dialogs with different
buttons texts.
• Besides these methods, JOptionPaneprovides showConfirmDialog() method to ask
users to confirm an action and showInputDialog() to get simple input from the users.
Program 5.37: In this program, we use showMessageDialog() method of JOptionPane to
show various simple dialog with one button and different icons which represent different
message types such as information, warning, error and question message.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("JOptionPane Demo");
// implement ItemListener interface
class MyItemListener implements ItemListener
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ev)
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

boolean selected = (ev.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED);
AbstractButton button = (AbstractButton)ev.getItemSelectable();
String command = button.getActionCommand();
if (selected)
int messageType = -1;
String message = "";
if (command.equals("INFORMATION"))
messageType = JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE;
message = "Information Message";
else if (command.equals("WARNING"))
messageType = JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE;
message = "Warning Message";
else if (command.equals("ERROR"))
messageType = JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE;
message = "Error Message";
} else if (command.equals("QUESTION"))
messageType = JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE;
message = "Question Message";
// show message
"Message Dialog",messageType);
JRadioButton r1 = new JRadioButton("Information Message");
JRadioButton r2 = new JRadioButton("Warning Message");
JRadioButton r3 = new JRadioButton("Error Message");
JRadioButton r4 = new JRadioButton("Question Message");
// add event handler
MyItemListener myItemListener = new MyItemListener();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

// add radio buttons to a ButtonGroup
final ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
// Frame setting
frame.setSize(300, 200);
Container cont = frame.getContentPane();
cont.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 1));
cont.add(new JLabel("Please choose the message type:"));
When we click on each radio button, it will display corresponding message type.

5.6.3 JFileChooser [April 18]

• File chooser dialog box is used for navigating the file system. With file chooser we can
choose either file or directory from file or directory list. In order to display file chooser
you use JFileChooser API.
• The class JFileChooser is a component which provides a simple mechanism for the
user to choose a file.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

1. JFileChooser(): This constructor constructs a JFileChooser pointing to the user's
default directory.
2. JFileChooser(File currentDirectory): This constructor constructs a
JFileChooser using the given File as the path.
3. JFileChooser(File currentDirectory, FileSystemView fsv): This constructor
constructs a JFileChooser using the given current directory and FileSystemView.
4. JFileChooser(FileSystemView fsv): This constructor constructs a JFileChooser
using the given FileSystemView.
5. JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath): This constructor constructs a
JFileChooser using the given path.
6. JFileChooser(String currentDirectoryPath, FileSystemView fsv): This
constructor constructs a JFileChooser using the given current directory path and
• A JFileChooser is a dialog to select a file or files. The return value of the three methods
is one of the following:
1. JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION, if the user clicks Cancel.
2. JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION, if the user click an OK/Open/Save button.
3. JFileChooser.ERROR_OPTION, if the user closes the dialog.
Program 5.38: Program for JFileChooser.
package jfilechooserdemo;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("JFileChooser Demo");
final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
fc.setCurrentDirectory(new File("tmp"));
JButton btn1 = new JButton("Show Dialog");
btn1.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
fc.showDialog(frame, "Choose");
JButton btn2 = new JButton("Show Open Dialog");
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

btn2.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
int retVal = fc.showOpenDialog(frame);
if (retVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
File[] selectedfiles = fc.getSelectedFiles();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < selectedfiles.length; i++)
sb.append(selectedfiles[i].getName() + "\n");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, sb.toString());
JButton btn3 = new JButton("Show Save Dialog");
btn3.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Container pane = frame.getContentPane();
pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 1, 10, 10));
frame.setSize(300, 200);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

5.6.4 JColorChooser [April 16]

• The class JColorChooser provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to
manipulate and select a color.
1. JColorChooser(): This constructor creates a color chooser pane with an initial
color of white.
2. JColorChooser(Color initialColor): This constructor creates a color chooser
pane with the specified initial color.
3. JColorChooser(ColorSelectionModel model): This constructor creates a color
chooser pane with the specified ColorSelectionModel.
Class Methods:
1. void addChooserPanel(AbstractColorChooserPanel panel): This method adds a
color chooser panel to the color chooser.
2. static JDialog createDialog(Component c, String title, boolean modal,
JColorChooser chooserPane, ActionListener okListener, ActionListener
cancelListener): This method creates and returns a new dialog containing the
specified ColorChooser pane along with "OK", "Cancel", and "Reset" buttons.
3. AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext(): This method gets the
AccessibleContext associated with this JColorChooser.
4. AbstractColorChooserPanel[] getChooserPanels(): This method returns the
specified color panels.
5. Color getColor(): This method gets the current color value from the color
6. Boolean getDragEnabled(): This method gets the value of the dragEnabled
7. JComponent getPreviewPanel(): This method returns the preview panel that
shows a chosen color.
8. ColorSelectionModel getSelectionModel(): This method returns the data model
that handles color selections.
9. ColorChooserUI getUI(): This method returns the L&F object that renders this
10. String getUIClassID(): This method returns the name of the L&F class that
renders this component.
11. protected String paramString(): This method returns a string representation of
this JColorChooser.
12. AbstractColorChooserPanel removeChooserPanel(AbstractColorChooserPanel
panel): This method removes the Color Panel specified.
13. void setChooserPanels(AbstractColorChooserPanel[] panels): This method
specifies the Color Panels used to choose a color value.
14. void setColor(Color color): This method sets the current color of the color
chooser to the specified color.
15. void setColor(int c): This method sets the current color of the color chooser to
the specified color.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

16. void setColor(int r, int g, int b): This method sets the current color of the
color chooser to the specified RGB color.
17. void setDragEnabled(boolean b): This method sets the dragEnabled property,
which must be true to enable automatic drag handling (the first part of drag and
drop) on this component.
18. void setPreviewPanel(JComponent preview): This method sets the current
preview panel.
19. void setSelectionModel(ColorSelectionModel newModel): This method sets the
model containing the selected color.
20. void setUI(ColorChooserUI ui): This method sets the L&F object that renders
this component.
21. static Color showDialog(Component component, String title, Color
initialColor): This method shows a modal color-chooser dialog and blocks until
the dialog is hidden.
22. void updateUI(): This method shows notification from the UIManager that the
L&F has changed.
Program 5.39: Program for JColorChooser.
package jcolorchooserdemo;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("JColorChooser Demo");
JButton btn1 = new JButton("Choose Color");
btn1.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Color newColor = JColorChooser.showDialog(
frame, "Choose Background Color", frame.getBackground());
if(newColor != null)
Container pane = frame.getContentPane();
pane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
frame.setSize(300, 200);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


5.7 EVENT HANDLING [April 16, 17, Oct. 16, 17]

• Changing the state of an object is known as an event. For example, click on button,
moving the mouse, dragging mouse etc.
• The java.awt.event package provides many event classes and Listener interfaces for
event handling. An event is a signal to the program that something has happened.
• Each event must return a Boolean value (true or false), indicating whether the event
should be made available to other event handlers.
• An Event is an object that describes a state change in a source. It can be generated as a
consequence of a user interacting with the elements in a GUI.
• Any object capable of rising an event is an event source. Event handlers are
procedures that are called when a corresponding event occurs.
What is an Event? [April 16]
• Change in the state of an object is known as event i.e. event describes the change in
state of source. Events are generated as result of user interaction with the graphical
user interface components.
• The events can be broadly classified into two categories:
1. Foreground Events: Those events which require the direct interaction of
user.They are generated as consequences of a person interacting with the
graphical components in Graphical User Interface. For example, clicking on a
button, moving the mouse, entering a character through keyboard,selecting an
item from list, scrolling the page etc.
2. Background Events: Those events that require the interaction of end user are
known as background events. Operating system interrupts, hardware or software
failure, timer expires, an operation completion are the example of background
What is Event Handling? [April 16, 17]
• The code that performs a task in response to an event is called event handler. Event
handling is a process of responding to events that can occur at any time during
execution of a program.
• Event Handling is the mechanism that controls the event and decides what should
happen if an event occurs. This mechanism has the code which is known as event
handler that is executed when an event occurs.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Java Uses the Delegation Event Model to handle the events. This model defines the
standard mechanism to generate and handle the events.
• The Delegation Event Model has the following key participants namely:
1. An event is a change of state of an object.
2. The source is an object on which event occurs.
3. Listener is also known as event handler.Listener is responsible for generating
response to an event.
Steps involved in Event Handling:
Step 1 : The User clicks the button and the event is generated.
Step 2 : Now the object of concerned event class is created automatically and
information about the source and the event get populated with in same
Step 3 : Event object is forwarded to the method of registered listener class the
method is now get executed and returns.

5.7.1 Delegation Event Model

• Any program that uses GUI such as Java application written for windows is event
• A program contains methods that handle the events. Such a program is called an
event-driven program.

Operating Java Events
User Library Method
Action System
(OS) Classes

Fig. 5.12
• The modern approach to handling events is based on the delegation event model,
which defines standard and consistent mechanisms to generate and process events.
• Its concept is quite simple: A source generates an event and sends it to one or more
• In this scheme, the listener simply waits until it receives an event. Once received, the
listener processes the event and then returns.
• Fig. 5.13 shows delegation event model. In this model a GUI component such as Button,
MenuItem etc. called as a source, which generates an event.
• The event is passed to one or more listeners. A listener is an object that listens for
particular events.
• Fig. 5.13 shows following key participants:
1. Events:
• Event is an object that describes a state of change in a source.
• Events may be generated as a consequence of a user interacting with the GUI elements
like pressing a button, moving mouse etc.
2. Event Sources:
• "Source" is an object that generates an event. In the delegation event model source
generates an event and sends it to one or more listeners.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• In this scheme, the listener simply waits until it receives an event. Once received, the
listener processes the event and then returns.
• User interface logic is able to delegate the processing of an event to a separate piece of
code. In the delegation model, listeners must register with the source in order to
receive event notification.
• Notifications are sent only to listeners that want to receive them. Each type of event
has its own registration methods.

Event Invokes



Listener Implements Listener

Interface Object

onEvent(EventObj) onEvent(EventObj)

Fig. 5.13
• The format of registering listener is as:
public void addTypeListener (TypeListener t1)
where, Type is name of event.
• For example, registration of keyboard event listener is as:
addKeyListener(KeyListener t1)
• The methods that receive and process events are defined in a set of interfaces found in
java.awt.event packages.
3. Listener Interface:
• It is an interface which contains methods that the listener must implement and the
source of the event invokes when the event occurs.
Event Classes:
• When the user interacts with the application by clicking a mouse button or pressing a
key an event is generated.
• The Operating System traps this event and the data associated with it. For example,
info about time at which the event occurred, the event types (like keypress or mouse
click). This data is then passed on to the application to which the event belongs.
• In Java, events are represented by objects, which describe the events themselves. And
Java has a number of classes that describe and handle different categories of events.
• The EventObject class is at the top of the event class hierarchy. It belongs to the
java.util package.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• While most of the other event classes are present in java.awt.event package. The
getSource() method of the EventObject class returns the object that initiated the event.
The getId () method returns the nature of the event.
• Following Table 5.1 shows some of important classes that represent events.
Table 5.1
Class Generated at which Event
1. WindowEvent Window is activated, closed, deactivated, iconified, opened
2. MouseEvent Mouse is moved, clicked, released, dragged, enters or exists
3. MouseWheelEvent Mouse wheel is moved.
4. KeyEvent Input is received from Keyboard.
5. ActionEvent A button is pressed, a list item or menu-item is selected.
6. ItemEvent A checkbox or list item is clicked. Also when choice
selection is done or checkable menu item is checked or
7. TextEvent Text area or text field content is changed.
8. AdjustmentEvent A scroll bar is manipulated.
9. FocusEvent A component gains or loses keyboard focus.
Swing Event Classes:
• The Event classes represent the event. Java provides us various Event classes but we
will discuss those which are more frequently used.
EventObject class:
• It is the root class from which all event state objects shall be derived. All Events are
constructed with a reference to the object, the source that is logically deemed to be the
object upon which the Event in question initially occurred upon. This class is defined
in java.util package.
• Following is the declaration for java.util.EventObject class:
public class EventObject
extends Object
implements Serializable
1. EventObject(Object source): This constructor constructs a prototypical Event.
1. Object getSource(): This method is an object on which the Event initially
2. String toString(): This method returns a String representation of this
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Following is the list of commonly used event classes:

1. AWTEvent: It is the root event class for all SWING events. This class and its
subclasses supercede the original java.awt.Event class.
2. ActionEvent: The ActionEvent is generated when button is clicked or the item of a
list is double clicked.
3. InputEvent: The InputEvent class is root event class for all component-level input
4. KeyEvent: On entering the character the Key event is generated.
5. MouseEvent: This event indicates a mouse action occurred in a component.
6. WindowEvent: The object of this class represents the change in state of a window.
7. AdjustmentEvent: The object of this class represents the adjustment event emitted
by Adjustable objects.
8. ComponentEvent: The object of this class represents the change in state of a
9. ContainerEvent: The object of this class represents the change in state of a
10. MouseMotionEvent: The object of this class represents the change in state of a
11. PaintEvent: The object of this class represents the change in state of a window.

5.7.2 Event Sources and Listeners

• The delegation event model basically has two main parts i.e., Sources and Listeners.
Sources are the user interface components that generate the events.
• Such sources are Window, Button, Checkbox, Textbox, Choice, List, MenuItem,
Scrollbar, applet etc.
• In the program, Listeners are created by implementing Listener interfaces defined in
package java.awt.event.
Event Source:
• An event source is the object that generates an event. This occurs when the internal
state of that object changes in some way.
• Sources may generate more than one type of event. A source may register listeners in
order for the listeners to receive notifications about a specific type of event.
• Each type of event has its own registration method. Example: if you click a button, an
ActionEvent Object is generated. The object of the ActionEvent class contains
information about the event.
• The job of the event source is to accept registrations, get events from the user and call
the listener's event handling method.
• In addition to GUI elements, other components such as an Applet, can generate Events.
For e.g. you receive key and mouse events from an Applet.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

• Following is the table to describe some of the Event Sources:

Event Sources Description
1. Button Generates action events when the buttion is pressed.
2. Checkbox Generates item events when the check box is selected or
3. List Generates action events when an item is double-clicked;
generates item events when an item is selected or
4. Choice Generates items events when the choice is changed.
5. MenuItem Generates action events when a menu item is selected;
generates item events when a checkable menu item is
selected or deselected.
6. Scrollbar Generates adjustment events when the scrollbar is
7. Text components Generates text events when the user enters a character.
8. Window Generates window events when a window is activated,
closed, deactivated, deiconified, iconified, opened or quit.
Event Listener:
• It is an object that watch for (i.e. listen for) events and handles them when they occur.
It is basically a consumer that receives events from the source.
• To sum up, the job of an event listener is to implement the interface, register with the
source and provide the event handling.
• The Event listener represents the interfaces responsible to handle events. Java
provides us various Event listener classes but we will discuss those which are more
frequently used.
• Every method of an event listener method has a single argument as an object which is
subclass of EventObject class. For example, mouse event listener methods will accept
instance of MouseEvent, where MouseEvent derives from EventObject.
• EventListner interface is a marker interface which every listener interface has to
extend.This class is defined in java.util package.
• Following is the declaration for java.util.EventListener interface:
public interface EventListener
• Following is the list of commonly used event listeners:
1. ActionListener: This interface is used for receiving the action events.
2. ComponentListener: This interface is used for receiving the component events.
3. ItemListener: This interface is used for receiving the item events.
4. KeyListener: This interface is used for receiving the key events.
5. MouseListener: This interface is used for receiving the mouse events.
6. WindowListener: This interface is used for receiving the window events. [Oct. 18]
7. AdjustmentListener: This interface is used for receiving the adjusmtent events.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

8. ContainerListener: This interface is used for receiving the container events.

9. MouseMotionListener: This interface is used for receiving the mouse motion
10. FocusListener: This interface is used for receiving the focus events.
• Some of commonly used listener interfaces are given below:
1. ActionListener Interface:
• The class which processes the ActionEvent should implement this interface.
• The object of that class must be registered with a component. The object can be
registered using the addActionListener() method.
• When the action event occurs, that object's actionPerformed method is invoked.
(i) void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e): This method invoked when an action
2. WindowListener:
• The class which processes the WindowEvent should implement this interface. The
object of that class must be registered with a component.
• The object can be registered using the addWindowListener() method.
(i) void windowActivated(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when the Window
is set to be the active Window.
(ii) void windowClosed(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when a window has
been closed as the result of calling dispose on the window.
(iii) void windowClosing(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when the user
attempts to close the window from the window's system menu.
(iv) void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when a
Window is no longer the active Window.
(v) void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when a window
is changed from a minimized to a normal state.
(vi) void windowIconified(WindowEvent e): This method invoked when a window is
changed from a normal to a minimized state.
(vii) void windowOpened(WindowEvent e): This method invoked the first time a
window is made visible.
3. ComponentListener Interface:
• The class which processes the ComponentEvent should implement this interface. The
object of that class must be registered with a component.
• The object can be registered using the addComponentListener() method. Component
event are raised for information only.
(i) void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e): This method invoked when the
component has been made invisible.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

(ii) void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e): This method invoked when the

component's position changes.
(iii) void componentResized(ComponentEvent e): This method invoked when the
component's size changes.
(iv) void componentShown(ComponentEvent e): This method invoked when the
component has been made visible.
4. ItemListener Interface:
• The class which processes the ItemEvent should implement this interface. The object
of that class must be registered with a component.
• The object can be registered using the addItemListener() method.
• When the action event occurs, that object's itemStateChanged method is invoked.
(i) void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e): This method invoked when an item has
been selected or deselected by the user.
5. KeyListener Interface:
• The class which processes the KeyEvent should implement this interface. The object of
that class must be registered with a component.
• The object can be registered using the addKeyListener() method.
(i) void keyPressed(KeyEvent e): This method invoked when a key has been
(ii) void keyReleased(KeyEvent e): This method invoked when a key has been
(iii) void keyTyped(KeyEvent e): This method invoked when a key has been typed.
6. MouseListener Interface:
• The class which processes the MouseEvent should implement this interface. The object
of that class must be registered with a component.
• The object can be registered using the addMouseListener() method.
(i) void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when the mouse
button has been clicked (pressed and released) on a component.
(ii) void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when the mouse
enters a component.
(iii) void mouseExited(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when the mouse exits a
(iv) void mousePressed(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when a mouse button
has been pressed on a component.
(v) void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when a mouse button
has been released on a component.
7. AdjustmentListener Interface:
• The interfaceAdjustmentListener is used for receiving adjustment events. The class
that process adjustment events needs to implements this interface.
(i) void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e): This method invoked
when the value of the adjustable has changed.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

8. ContainerListener Interface:
• The interfaceContainerListener is used for receiving container events.
• The class that process container events needs to implements this interface.
(i) void componentAdded(ContainerEvent e): This method invoked when a
component has been added to the container.
(ii) void componentRemoved(ContainerEvent e): This method invoked when a
component has been removed from the container.
9. MouseMotionListener Interface:
• The interface MouseMotionListener is used for receiving mouse motion events on a
• The class that process mouse motion events needs to implements this interface.
(i) void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when a mouse button
is pressed on a component and then dragged.
(ii) void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e): This method invoked when the mouse cursor
has been moved onto a component but no buttons have been pushed.
10. FocusListener Interface:
• The interface FocusListener is used for receiving keyboard focus events.
• The class that process focus events needs to implements this interface.
(i) void focusGained(FocusEvent e): This method invoked when a component
gains the keyboard focus.
(ii) void focusLost(FocusEvent e): This method invoked when a component loses
the keyboard focus.

5.8 ADAPTERS [April 17, Oct. 17]

• Adapter pattern is frequently used in modern Java frameworks. It comes into place
when we want to use an existing class, and its interface does not match the one we
need, or we want to create a reusable class that cooperates with unrelated classes with
incompatible interfaces.
• Adapter pattern works as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces. This type of
design pattern comes under structural pattern as this pattern combines the capability
of two independent interfaces.
• This pattern involves a single class which is responsible to join functionalities of
independent or incompatible interfaces.
• A real life example could be a case of card reader which acts as an adapter between
memory card and a laptop.
• We plugin the memory card into card reader and card reader into the laptop so that
memory card can be read via laptop.
• The Adapter idea can be demonstrated with the following simple example. The
purpose of the sample problem is to adapt an orange as an apple.
• From the lower diagram, the adapter contains an instance of Orange, and extends
Apple. It seems to be that after an Orange object gets a adapter skin, it acts like an
Apple object now.
• Adapters are abstract classes for receiving various events. The methods in these
classes are empty. This class exists as convenience for creating listener objects.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


AppleAdapter Orange


Act like an
apple now


Fig. 5.14
Adapter Class:
• An adapter class can simplify the creation of event handlers in certain situations.
• An adapter class provides an empty implementation of all methods in an event
listener interface i.e this class itself write definition for methods which are present in
particular event listener interface. However these definitions do not affect program
flow or meaning at all.
• Adapter classes are useful when you want to receive and process only some of the
events that are handled by a particular event listener interface.
• We can define a new class to act as an event listener by extending one of the adapter
classes and implementing only those events in which we are interested.
• For example, suppose we want to use MouseClicked Event or method from
MouseListener, if we do not use adapter class then unnecessarily we have to define all
other methods from MouseListener such as MouseReleased, MousePressed etc.
• But if we use adapter class then we can only define MouseClicked method and don’t
worry about other method definition because class provides an empty implementation
of all methods in an event listener interface.
• Below table indicates Listener interface with their respective adapter class:
Listener Interface Adapter Class
ComponentListener ComponentAdapter
ContainerListener ContainerAdapter
FocusListener FocusAdapter
KeyListener KeyAdapter
MouseListener MouseAdapter
MouseMotionListener MouseMotionAdapter
WindowListener WindowAdapter

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Swing Adapters:
• Following is the list of commonly used adapters while listening GUI events in Swing:
1. FocusAdapter: An abstract adapter class for receiving focus events.
2. KeyAdapter: An abstract adapter class for receiving key events.
3. MouseAdapter: An abstract adapter class for receiving mouse events.
4. MouseMotionAdapter: An abstract adapter class for receiving mouse motion
5. WindowAdapter: An abstract adapter class for receiving window events.
• Program 5.42 shows use of adapter class which handles empty implementation of
event methods which are not provided.
Program 5.40: Use of MouseAdapter class.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class JMouseAdapterExample extends MouseAdapter
Frame frame;
frame = new Frame("My Mouse Adapter");
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent me)
Graphics g = frame.getGraphics();
public static void main(String[] args)
new JMouseAdapterExample();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing



• Anonymous classes of Java are called anonymous because they have no name.
• A class that have no name is known as anonymous inner class in Java. An anonymous
class is a local class without a name.
• An anonymous class is defined and instantiated in a single succinct expression using
the new operator.
• While a local class definition is a statement in a block of Java code, an anonymous
class definition is an expression, which means that it can be included as part of a
larger expression, such as a method call.
• When a local class is used only once, consider using anonymous class syntax, which
places the definition and use of the class in exactly the same place.
When to Use an Anonymous Class?
• In general, we should consider using an anonymous class instead of a local class if:
o The class has a very short body.
o Only one instance of the class is needed.
o The class is used right after it is defined.
o The name of the class does not make your code any easier to understand.
• Anonymous classes in Java are more accurately known as anonymous inner classes.
The fact that they are anonymous inner classes means that they are defined insider
another class.
• An anonymous inner class also has unusual syntax. Anonymous classes enable us to
make the code more concise. They enable us to declare and instantiate a class at the
same time.
• They are like local classes except that they do not have a name. Use them if we need to
use a local class only once.
Program 5.41: Program for anonymous class.
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class AnonymousClassAppUseDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
GreetingFrame hwf = new GreetingFrame();
class GreetingFrame
private JFrame frame;
private JPanel messagePanel;
private JPanel buttonPanel;
private JPanel container;
private JLabel messageLabel;
private JButton greetButton;
private JButton clearButton;
public GreetingFrame ()
//beautify the frame
frame = new JFrame("Hello World");
messagePanel = new JPanel(); //used to place greeting message
buttonPanel = new JPanel(); //used to place command button
container = new JPanel(); //used to place message and button Panels
messageLabel = new JLabel(" "); // contain greeting message
greetButton = new JButton("Greeting"); //display greeting message
when clicked
clearButton = new JButton("Clear"); //clears greeting message when
public void CreateFrame ()
container.setLayout(new BoxLayout(container, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
/* brand new class of super type ActionListener
* will be created anonymously and passed to addActionListener method
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

* of greetButton object
greetButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
messageLabel.setText("Hello User! Greetings of the day!");
/* brand new class of super type ActionListener
* will be created anonymously and passed to addActionListener method
* of clearButton object
clearButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
messageLabel.setText(" ");
//Display the window.
frame.setSize(300, 200);

1. The key benefit of an anonymous class is encapsulation (or clutter reduction).
2. An anonymous class is, in a sense, the ultimate in private object oriented
3. It is defined exactly where it is needed, it can never be used anywhere else, and it
has totally local scope.
4. Anonymous classes have access to all data and methods of their containing classes,
including private members; meaning that for small highly localized tasks, they
may require less initialization.
1. The big drawback with anonymous classes is they can’t have explicit constructors.
2. We can’t pass them any parameters when they are instantiated.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 1: Program for JFrame.
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class JFrameExample
public static void main(String s[])
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Example of JFrame");
JPanel jpanel = new JPanel();
jpanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
JLabel jlabel = new JLabel("First JFrame Example");
JButton jbutton = new JButton();
jbutton.setText(" Click Me ");
jframe.setSize(400, 300);

Program 2: Program for JLabel.

import javax.swing.*;
class JLabelExample
public static void main(String args[])
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

JFrame jframe= new JFrame("JLabel Example");
JLabel jlable1,jlable2;
jlable1=new JLabel("My First Label.");
jlable1.setBounds(50,100, 100,40);
jlable2=new JLabel("My Second Label.");
jlable2.setBounds(50,150, 100,40);

Program 3: Program for JTextField.

import javax.swing.*;
class JTextFieldExample
public static void main(String args[])
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("JTextField Example");
JTextField jtextfield1,jtextfield2;
jtextfield1 = new JTextField("Welcome to JAVA.");
jtextfield1.setBounds(50,100, 200,30);
jtextfield2 = new JTextField("Welcome to Swing.");
jtextfield2.setBounds(50,150, 200,30);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 4: Program to display the language name using JCheckBox.

import javax.swing.*;
public class JCheckBoxExample
JCheckBoxExample() //constructor
JFrame jframe= new JFrame("My CheckBox Example");
JCheckBox jcheckBox1 = new JCheckBox("C");
jcheckBox1.setBounds(100,100, 150,50);
JCheckBox jcheckBox2 = new JCheckBox("OOP");
jcheckBox2.setBounds(100,150, 150,50);
JCheckBox jcheckBox3 = new JCheckBox("Java", true);
jcheckBox3.setBounds(100,200, 150,50);
public static void main(String args[])
new JCheckBoxExample();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 5: Program to display the city name using JList.

import javax.swing.*;
public class JListExample
JFrame jframe= new JFrame();
JLabel jlabel = new JLabel();
String data = "Popular Cities ";
DefaultListModel<String> list = new DefaultListModel<>();
JList<String> jlist = new JList<>(list);
jlist.setBounds(100,100, 75,75);
public static void main(String args[])
new JListExample();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 6: Program to display the menu and submenu.

import javax.swing.*;
class JMenuExample
JMenu jmenu, jsubmenu;
JMenuItem i1, i2, i3, i4, i5;
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("Example of Menu ");
JMenuBar jmenubar = new JMenuBar();
jmenu=new JMenu("Menu");
jsubmenu=new JMenu("Sub Menu");
i1=new JMenuItem("File");
i2=new JMenuItem("Edit");
i3=new JMenuItem("Format");
i4=new JMenuItem("New");
i5=new JMenuItem("Open");
public static void main(String args[])
new JMenuExample();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 7: Program to create open or save dialog using JFileChooser.

import java.io.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.filechooser.*;

class JfilechooserExample extends JFrame implements ActionListener

static JLabel jlabel;
// a default constructor
public static void main(String args[])
// frame to contains GUI elements
JFrame jframe = new JFrame("File Chooser Example");
jframe.setSize(400, 400);
JButton jbutton1 = new JButton("OPEN");
JButton jbutton2 = new JButton("SAVE");
JfilechooserExample file1 = new JfilechooserExample();
// make an object of the class filechooser
JPanel jpanel = new JPanel();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

jlabel = new JLabel("File Selected");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
String comm = ae.getActionCommand();
if (comm.equals("SAVE"))
JFileChooser jfile = new JFileChooser(FileSystemView.
int ro = jfile.showSaveDialog(null);
if (ro == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
jlabel.setText("User Not Select");
JFileChooser jfile1 = newJFileChooser(FileSystemView.
int ro1 = jfile1.showOpenDialog(null);
if (ro1 == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
jlabel.setText("User Not Select");

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 8: Program to display the message using JOptionPane.

import javax.swing.*;
public class JOptionPaneExample
JFrame jframe;
jframe=new JFrame();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(jframe,"Welcome JAVA World...");
public static void main(String[] args)
new JOptionPaneExample();

Program 9: Program to display ten buttons with labels Ten, Twenty,…….., Hundred using
flow layout. Use array of Buttons.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
class FlowLayoutDemo extends Frame
Label label;
public FlowLayoutDemo()
String[] names = {"Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty",
Button b1[] = new Button[names.length];
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

setTitle("FlowLayout ");
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++)
b1[i] = new Button(names[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length; i++)
public static void main(String args[])
new FlowLayoutDemo();

Program 10: Program that displays three concentric circles where ever the user
clicks the mouse on a frame. The program must exit when user clicks ‘X’ on the frame.
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.*;
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
public class Ovals extends JPanel
private Graphics g;
private int prevX, prevY;
private String drawtype;
public Ovals()
addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me)
private void selectpaint()
g = getGraphics();
Dimension d = getSize();
int x = d.width/2;
int y = d.height/2;
int r1 = (int) ((d.width < d.height)? 0.4 *
d.width: 0.4 * d.height);
g.fillOval(x-r1, y-r1, 2*r1, 2*r1);
int r2 = (int) ((d.width < d.height)? 0.3 *
d.width: 0.3 * d.height);
g.fillOval(x-r2, y-r2, 2*r2, 2*r2);
int r3 = (int) ((d.width < d.height)? 0.2 *
d.width: 0.2 * d.height);
g.fillOval(x-r3, y-r3, 2*r3, 2*r3);
// to choose polygon to draw
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public static void main( String[] args)

Ovals ovalsPanel = new Ovals();
JFrame newFrame = new JFrame();
newFrame.getContentPane().add(new Ovals());
newFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
// newFrame.add( ovalsPanel );
newFrame.setSize( 550, 550 );
newFrame.setVisible( true );

Program 11: Program to design a frame having a text box and a label. As the user types
characters in the text box simultaneously display these type characters in the label. Your
program should exit when user presses the ‘X’ button of the window.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class f2
JTextField txtsub = new JTextField(20);
private JFrame mainFrame;
private JLabel headerLabel;
private JLabel headerLabel1;
private JLabel statusLabel;
private JPanel controlPanel;
JButton quitButton = new JButton("Quit");
public f2()
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

public static void main(String[] args)

f2 f2 = new f2();
private void prepareGUI()
mainFrame = new JFrame("Java Swing Examples");
mainFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 4));
mainFrame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowEvent)
headerLabel1 = new JLabel("Display Text", JLabel.CENTER);
headerLabel = new JLabel("", JLabel.CENTER);
statusLabel = new JLabel("",JLabel.CENTER);
controlPanel = new JPanel();
controlPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
private void showCheckBoxDemo()
headerLabel.setText("Display Text");
KeyHandler keyH = new KeyHandler();
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

quitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
private class KeyHandler implements KeyListener
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e)
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e)
if(e.getSource() == txtsub)
String passwordTyped = txtsub.getText();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Program 12: Program to design a following GUI (use Swing).

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class Sample extends JFrame
JLabel l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6;
JTextField t1,t2,t3;
JTextArea t;
JPanel p,p1,p2,p3;
ButtonGroup bg;
JRadioButton m,f;
JCheckBox c1,c2,c3;
JButton b1,b2;
p =new JPanel();
p1=new JPanel();
l1=new JLabel("First Name: ");
l2=new JLabel("last Name: ");
l3=new JLabel("Address: ");
l4=new JLabel("Mobile No.: ");
t1=new JTextField(10);
t2=new JTextField(10);
t3=new JTextField(10);
t=new JTextArea(2,10);
p.add(l1); p.add(t1);
p.add(l2); p.add(t2);
p.add(l3); p.add(t);
p.add(l4); p.add(t3);
p.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,2));
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

l5=new JLabel("Gender ");
m = new JRadioButton("male");
f = new JRadioButton("female");
bg = new ButtonGroup();
p1.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
p2=new JPanel();
l6=new JLabel("Your Interests ");
c1=new JCheckBox("Computer");
c2=new JCheckBox("Sports");
c3=new JCheckBox("Music");
p2.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,4));
p3=new JPanel();
b1=new JButton("submit");
b2=new JButton("clear");
setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
public static void main(String a[])
new Sample();

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


Program 13: Program for gcd.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
class Demogcd extends JFrame implements ActionListener
JMenu m1,m2;
JMenuBar mb;
JMenuItem m[];
StringBuffer ss=new StringBuffer();
int n;
int arr[]=new int [20];
int n1,n2,gcd,pow;
public Demogcd()
mb=new JMenuBar();

m1=new JMenu("Operation");
m2=new JMenu("Compute");
String str[]={"Accept","Exit","GCD","Power"};
m=new JMenuItem[str.length];
for(int i=0;i<str.length;i++)
m[i]=new JMenuItem(str[i]);
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

setLayout(new BorderLayout());

} // constructor
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
String s=e.getActionCommand(); //return the name of menu
n1=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 1st no for
n2=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter 2nd no for
int min;
for(int i=1;i<=min;i++)
if(n1%i==0 && n2%i==0)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"GCD = "+gcd);

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing


for(int i=1;i<=n2;i++)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Power = "+pow);
public static void main(String a[])
new Demogcd();

Q.I Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Which object can be constructed to show any number of choices in the visible
(a) Labels (b) Choice
(c) List (d) Checkbox
2. Which is a component in AWT that can contain other components like buttons,
textfields, labels etc.?
(a) Window (b) Container
(c) Panel (d) Frame
3. Which of these events will be notified if scroll bar is manipulated?
(a) ActionEvent (b) ComponentEvent
(c) AdjustmentEvent (d) WindowEvent
4. How many types of controls does AWT support?
(a) 7 (b) 6
(c) 5 (d) 8
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

5. What will be the output of line 5

1. Choice c1 = new Choice();
2. c1.add("First");
3. c1.addItem("Second");
4. c1.add("Third");
5. System.out.println(c1.getItemCount());
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
6. To use the ActionListener interface it must be implemented by a class there are
several ways to do that find in the following?
(a) Creating a new class
(b) Using the class the graphical component
(c) An anonymous inner class
(d) All mentioned above
7. What is an event in delegation event model used by Java programming language?
(a) An event is an object that describes a state change in a source.
(b) An event is an object that describes a state change in processing.
(c) An event is an object that describes any change by the user and system.
(d) An event is a class used for defining object, to create events.
8. Which of these methods are used to register a mouse motion listener?
(a) addMouse() (b) addMouseListener()
(c) eventMouseMotionListener() (d) addMouseMotionListner()
9. Which of these methods is used to obtain the object that generated a
(a) getMethod() (b) getWindow()
(c) getWindowEvent() (d) getWindowObject()
10. Which class can be used to represent a checkbox with a textual label that can
(a) Menu (b) MenuBar
(c) MenuItem (d) CheckboxMenuItem
11. What does AWT stands for?
(a) All Writing Tools (b) Abstract Window Toolkit
(c) Abstract Writing Toolkit (d) All Window Tools
12. What is the super class of all components of Java?
(a) java.all.Component (b) all.awt.Component
(c) java.awt.Component (d) awt.Component
13. Which of the following methods can be used to change the size of a
java.awt.Component object?
(i) dimension() (ii) setSize()
(iii) area() (iv) size()
(v) resize()
(a) (i), (ii), (iii) & (v) (b) (ii) & (v)
(c) (i), (ii) & (v) (d) (ii), (iv) & (v)

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

14. Which of these events is generated by scroll bar?

(a) ActionEvent (b) KeyEvent
(c) WindowEvent (d) AdjustmentEvent
15. Which of these methods is used to obtain the object that generated a
(a) getMethod() (b) getWindow()
(c) getWindowEvent() (d) getWindowObject()
16. Which of these are constants defined in WindowEvent class?
(c) WINDOW_DEICONIFIED (d) All of the mentioned
17. Which of these is superclass of WindowEvent class?
(a) WindowEvent (b) ComponentEvent
(c) ItemEvent (d) InputEvent
18. Which of these events is generated when the window is closed?
(a) TextEvent (b) MouseEvent
(c) FocusEvent (d) WindowEvent
19. Which of these interfaces define a method itemStateChanged()?
(a) ComponentListener (b) ContainerListener
(c) ActionListener (d) ItemListener
20. Which of these interfaces define four methods?
(a) ComponentListener (b) ContainerListener
(c) ActionListener (d) InputListener
21. Positions the components into five regions: east, west, north, south, center,
(a) BorderLayout (b) CardLayout
(c) GridLayout (d) FlowLayout
22. Arranges the components as a deck of cards such that only one component is
visible at a time,
(a) BorderLayout (b) CardLayout
(c) GridLayout (d) FlowLayo
23. Which of these events generated when a button is pressed,
(a) ActionEvent (b) WindowEvent
(c) ItemEvent (d) KeyEvent
24. Which is an API that contains large number of classes and methods to create and
manage GUI applications?
(a) AWT (b) Window
(c) Panel (d) Frame
25. Which class is at the top of AWT hierarchy?
(a) Container (b) Component
(c) Window (d) Frame
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

26. Which is a component that contains other components like button, textfield, label,
(a) Window (b) Component
(c) Container (d) Button
27. Which class creates a top level window?
(a) Frame (b) Panel
(c) Button (d) Window
28. Which is used for placing text in a container?
(a) Button (b) Frame
(c) Label (d) Panel
29. Which is used for displaying single line text?
(a) Label (b) TextField
(c) Frame (d) Window
30. Which is used for creating a drop-down menu of choices?
(a) Choice (b) Chech box
(c) TextArea (d) TextField
31. MVC architecture contains,
(a) Model represents component's data.
(b) View represents visual representation of the component's data.
(c) Controller takes the input from the user on the view and reflects the changes in
Component's data.
(d) All the Mentioned
32. Which refers to the arrangement of components within the container?
(a) Layouts (b) Borders
(c) Menu bars (d) None of mentioned
33. The task of laying out the controls is done automatically by the,
(a) AWT Manager (b) Swing Manager
(c) Layout Manager (d) All of mentioned
34. Which class is the base class for all Swing components except top-level containers?
(a) Component (b) Container
(c) JComponent (d) All of the mentioned
35. Which is is a platform-independent, "model–view–controller" GUI framework for
(a) AWT (b) Swing
(c) Botn (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
36. Which is an interface which implements the classes of the layout manager?
(a) SwingLayoutMananger (b) AWTLayoutMananger
(c) LayoutMananger (d) All of mentioned
37. Which is the default layout that ayouts the components in a directional flow?
(a) BorderLayout (b) CardLayout
(c) FlowLayout (d) GridLayout
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

38. Which AWT layout arranges the components in grid cells as rows and columns?
(a) Border (b) Card
(c) Flow (d) Grid
39. Which is the top level class for all menu related controls?
(a) MenuComponent (b) Menut
(c) MenuContainer (d) All of mentioned
40. Change in the state of an object is known as,
(a) source (b) listener
(c) event (d) None of mentioned
41. Which is the mechanism that controls the event and decides what should happen if
an event occurs?
(a) Event handling (b) Source handling
(c) Listener handling (d) All of mentioned
42. Which model defines the standard mechanism to generate and handle the events?
(a) MVC (b) Delegation Event
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
43. Which class is the root class from which all events in AWT?
(a) EventObject (b) AWTObject
(c) SwingOBject (d) None of mentioned
44. Which represent the interfaces responsible to handle events?
(a) Event Listener (b) Event Source
(c) Event Handler (d) None of mentioned
45. Which are abstract classes for receiving various events?
(a) Sources (b) Listeners
(c) Adapters (d) All of mentioned
46. Which interface is used for receiving the mouse events?
(a) TextListener (b) KeyListener
(c) ComponentListener (d) MouseListener
47. Which abstract adapter class for receiving focus events?
(a) KeyAdapter (b) MouseAdapter
(c) FocusAdapter (d) WindowAdapter
48. Which class has no name?
(a) inner (b) wrapper
(c) string (d) anonymous
49. In swing which are the subclass of MenuComponent class.
(a) Menu (b) MenuItem
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of mentioned
50. Which AWT control represents a top-level window with a title and a border used
to take some form of input from the user?
(a) Scrollbar (b) Dialog
(c) Button (d) Label
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

51. Which is Swing graphical component that can be in either an on (true) or off (false)
(a) JComboBox (b) JCheckBox
(c) JButton (d) JRadioButton
52. Which is AWT control component that has a label and generates an event when
(a) List (b) Check box
(c) Button (d) Choice
53. Which control represents a dialog window from which the user can select a file?
(a) MessageDialog (b) FileDialog
(c) Dialog (d) All of mentioned
54. Which Swing component presents the user with a scrolling list of text items?
(a) JTextField (b) JList
(c) JComboBox (d) JCheckBox
55. Which is is a pull-down menu component which is displayed from the menu bar?
(a) JMenu (b) JMenuItem
(c) JMenuBar (d) JPopupMenu
56. Which menu represents a menu which can be dynamically popped up at a
specified position within a component?
(a) MenuBar (b) PopupMenu
(c) MenuItem (d) Menu
57. Which is a top-level window in AWT with a title and a border?
(a) Panel (b) Window
(c) Frame (d) All of mentioned
58. Which Swing control provides a pane of controls designed to allow a user to
manipulate and select a color?
(a) JFileChooser (b) JColorChooser
(c) JDialogChooser (d) None of mentioned
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (b) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (a) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (d) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (b)
Q.II Fill in the Blanks:
1. Fill in the blanks so that this program displays a Frame:
import java.awt.*;
public class microGUI
public static void main ( String[] args )
Frame frm = new frame();
frm.______( 350, 300 );
frm.______( true );
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

2. The classes and interfaces defined in AWT are contained within the ______
3. In Java an event is an ______ which specifies the change of state in the source.
4. Java packages such as ______ support the Event handling mechanism.
5. Panel is used for ______ components.
6. ______ is a superclass of TextField and TextArea classes that is used to create
single-line or multiline textfields respectively
7. A label is a simple control which is used to display ______ on the window.
8. ______ generates action events when an item is double-clicked, generate action
events when an item is selected or deselected.
9. ______ arranges the componemnts into grid
10. ______ classes are derived from the Component class.
11. A label is a simple AWT control which is used to display ______ (non-editable) on
the window.
12. ______ method we can set or change the text in a Label.
13. The classes and interfaces defined in AWT are contained within the ______
14. A class that have no name is known as ______ class.
15. Swing components that does not rely on Native GUI are referred to as ______
16. Swing is a component based ______, whose components are all ultimately derived
from the javax.swing.JComponent class.
17. The base class for all Swing components except top-level containers is ______.
18. ______ in AWT does not have borders and menubar.
19. ______ define how UI elements should be organized on the screen and provide a
final look and feel to the GUI (Graphical User Interface).
20. The layout ______ is associated with every Container object.
21. A ______ object is a top-level window with no borders and no menubar.
22. AWT layout is defined as the order of placement of the ______ in a container and
this arrangement can be done by LayoutManager.
23. The class Component is the ______ base class for the non menu user-interface
controls of AWT.
24. Java provides various layout managers to ______ the controls. Properties like size,
shape, and arrangement varies from one layout manager to the other.
25. ______ is a GUI widget toolkit for Java.
26. The interface between the ______ and application program is known as an user-
27. Java ______ is an API to develop GUI or window based applications in java.

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

28. The screen area on the desktop displaying the data and performing the operations
specified is called as a ______.
29. AWT ______ are nothing but AWT components that allows the user to
communicate or interact with the user in different ways.
30. An object change from one state to another state when used in an application is
known as ______.
31. The layout manager automatically positions all the components within the ______.
32. The standard process of giving directions when an event occurs is called as ______.
33. ______ in AWT is the user-defined text, which cannot be modified by the end-user.
34. ______ in AWT contains a Label and creates an event when clicked on it.
35. ScrollBar in AWT allows the end-user to navigate up and down when there are
______ options in a field.
36. ______ control in AWT decides the state of an event by true or false.
37. ______ control in AWT allows a single selection and List allows multiple selection
of choices.
38. A ______JFrame is a top-level window with a title and a border.
39. ______ is considered as a window without having a menu bar.
40. FlowLayout is the ______ layout manager.
41. Swing API architecture based ______ (Model-View-Controller) architecture.
42. A new LayoutManager can be set by using the method ______.
43. A JComponent is a ______ class for all Swing UI components.
44. ______ arranges the components from top to bottom and left to right with the
preferred sizes on the screen.
45. ______ arranges the components as per the given borders (North, South, East,
West) and Center.
46. GridBagLayout is a ______ AWT Layout.
47. The ______ object treats each component in the container as a card (outputs only
a single card at a time).
48. Textfield control in AWT is used to accept a ______ input from the end-user.
1. setSize, setVisible 2. java.awt.* 3. object 4. java.awt.event
5. Grouping 6. TextComponent 7. Text 8. Check box
9. GridLayout 10. Container 11. Text 12. setText()
13. java.awt.*; 14. anonymous 15. Ligthweight 16. framework
17. JComponent 18. Window 19. Layouts 20. manager
21. JWindow 22. components 23. abstract 24. position
25. Swing 26. user 27. AWT 28. Window
29. controls 30. event 31. container 32. event handling
33. Label 34. Button 35. multiple 36. Checkbox
37. Choice 38. Dialog 39. Dialog 40. default
41. MVC 42. setLayout() 43. base 44. FlowLayout
45. BorderLayout 46. resizable 47. CardLayout 48. single-line
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Q.III State True or False:

1. Implement the Listener interface and overrides its methods is required to perform
in event handling.
2. The ActionListener interface is not used for handling action events.
3. The Java Foundation Classes (JFC) is a set of GUI components which simplify the
development of desktop applications.
4. Swing is not a part of JFC (Java Foundation Classes) that is used to create GUI
5. AWT has more powerful components like tables, lists, scroll panes, color chooser,
tabbed pane etc.
6. The ActionListener interface is not used for handling action events?
7. AWT is used for GUI programming in java?
8. The getLabel() method used to retrieve the label of a button.
9. These two ways are used to create a Frame: By creating the object of Frame class
(association) By extending Frame class (inheritance)
10. The getWindowObject() methods is used to obtain the object that generated a
11. The getPoint() method can not be used to obtain the coordinates of a mouse
12. Swing not provides platform-independent and lightweight components.
13. The mouseDragged() methods is defined in MouseMotionAdapter class
14. AWT more powerful components like tables, lists, scroll panes, color chooser,
tabbed pane etc.?
15. Implement the Listener interface and overrides its methods is required to perform
in event handling?
16. The class Container is the super class for the containers of AWT.
17. Swing is part of Oracle's Java Foundation Classes (JFC) - an API for providing a
GUI for Java programs.
18. The AWT is Java's original platform dependent windowing, graphics, and user-
interface widget toolkit, preceding Swing.
19. The AWT is part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC) - the standard API for
providing a graphical user interface (GUI) for a Java program.
20. Dialog accepts the user input and does not have menu bar.
21. TextArea Control in AWT supports single-line input from the end-user.
22. The Delegation Event Model describes how to generate and control the events.
23. A Swing component is an object having a graphical representation that can be
displayed on the screen and that can interact with the user.
24. JComboBox is used to select single element from multiple, here user can select an
element from the drop down list.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

25. Swing Dialogues is used to provide the communication between the user and the
system and most of the dialogues are used to display warning messages and alert
26. JMenuItem is used to display menubar on the window or frame.
27. JFileChooser represents a dialog window from which the user can select file.
28 AWT scrolling is done vertically or horizontally the ScrollBar scrolls vertically and
horizontally from its default value by setting the minimum and maximum values.
29. A JFileChooser control represents a dialog window from which the user can select
a color.
30. Events are generated as result of user interaction with the graphical user interface
components such as clicking on a button, moving the mouse and so on.
31. The source is an object on which event occurs.
32. Listener is also known as event handler which are responsible for generating
response to an event.
33. Java uses the Delegation Event Model to handle the events.
34. Event handling mechanism have the code which is known as event handler that is
executed when an event occurs.
35. A JButton object is a component for placing text in a container.
36. The ActionEvent is generated when button is clicked or the item of a list is double
37. A JTextField object is a text component that allows editing of a single line of text.
38. FocusListener is used for receiving the focus events.
39. WindowAdapter is an abstract adapter class for receiving window events.
40. The Menu object is a pull-down menu component which is displayed from the
menu bar.
41. Swing based GUI Application look and feel can be changed at run-time.
42. A JList component presents the user with a scrolling list of text items.
1. (T) 2. (F) 3. (T) 4. (F) 5. (T) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (T) 9. (T) 10. (F)

11. (F) 12. (F) 13. (T) 14. (T) 15. (T) 16. (T) 17. (T) 18. (T) 19. (T) 20. (T)

21. (F) 22. (T) 23. (T) 24. (T) 25. (T) 26. (F) 27. (T) 28. (T) 29. (F) 30. (T)

31. (T) 32. (T) 33. (T) 34. (T) 35. (F) 36. (T) 37. (T) 38. (T) 39. (T) 40. (T)

41. (T) 42. (T)

Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

Q.IV Answer the following Questions:

(A) Short Answer Questions:
1. What is AWT?
2. What is Swing?
3. Define layout and layout manager.
4. What is MVC architecture?
5. What is frame?
6. What is JPopupMenu?
7. Define containers and components in Swing.
8. Name the class which is a base class for all Swing components.
9. What is a panel?
10. What is the purpose of JMenu?
11. Define event?
12. What is a container?
13. What is the purpose of FlowLayout?
14. Define event source and listener?
15. What is menu?
16. Give the purpose of JLabel.
17. What is the use of JButton?
18. What is anonymous inner class?
19. What is Dialog?
20. Give function of JColorChooser?
21. What is the purpose of JList?
(B) Long Answer Questions:
1. With the help of diagram describe AWT hierarchy.
2. Differentiate between AWT and Swing.
3. What is layout? List types of layout mangers in AWT.
4. With the help of example explain following layout managers:
(i) FlowLayout (ii) BorderLayout
(iii) CardLayout (iv) GridLayout.
5. Explain MVC architecture digrammatically.
6. Define event, source and listeners. Also explain how to handle events with
Delegation Event model.
7. Which Swing classes are used to create menu?
8. Write a short note on: Adapters.
9. Which are the various sources of event in AWT and Swing?
10. Explain in brief the fundamental idea behind MVC architecture?
11. Which are the features of Swing?
12. How to create menus in AWT? Epain popup menus with example.
13. With the help of example describe following AWT components:
(i) Button (ii) Checkbox
(iii) TextArea (iv) ScrollBar
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

14. With the help of example describe following Swing components:

(i) JButton (ii) JFileChooser
(iii) JTextField (iv) JRadioButton
(v) JComboBox (vi) JColorChooser.
15. Describe anonymous inner class in detail.


April 2016
1. List any four layout managers. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.3.
2. Define AWT and swing. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.1.3.
3. Write a Java program to set background colour of dialog box using
JColorChooser. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.6.4.
4. Define anonymous class. [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.9.
5. What is an event? What is an event handling? [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.7.
October 2016
1. List any four layout managers in Java. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.3.
2. List constructors of JTextArea class (any two). [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5.10.
3. Explain JOptionPane class with their static methods. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.6.2.
4. Design a screen in Java using AWT to handle the mouse events and display the
positions of mouse click in textbox. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.7.
April 2017
1. What is an adapter class? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.8.
2. List any four methods of JButton class. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5.7.
3. Explain JComboBox class with their constructor and methods. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5.13.
4. Write a Java program using AWT to print "Welcome to T.Y. B.Sc. Computer
Science" with Times New Roman font face and size is 16 in Red Color. When we
click on a button text color should change to Blue. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.4.
Object Oriented Programming using Java - I User Interface with AWT and Swing

October 2017
1. What is the use of adapter class? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.8.
2. Give two types of Dialogs. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.6.
3. Explain in brief the event handling mechanism in Java with the help of suitable
example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.7.
4. What are the features of Swing? [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5.
April 2018
1. Write a syntax of JFileChooser class. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.6.3.
2. Why Swing objects are called as light weight components? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5 Point (1).
3. Write a program in Java to create a screen which contains three checkboxes
(.net, php, java) and displays the selected items in a textbox. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.4.
October 2018
1. State any four methods of WindowListener. [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.7.2.
2. How is menu created in Java ? Explain with suitable example. [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.4 Point (10).
3. What is the use of Checkboxes and RadioButtons ? Explain with suitable
example. [4 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.4.
4. Explain layout managers used in AWT. [4 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.3.
April 2019
1. What is anonymous classes? [1 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.9.
2. Write a Java program which will create a frame if we try to close it. It should
change it’s color Red and it display closing message on the screen.(Use swing) [5 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.4.
3. What are the different types of dialogs in Java? Write any one in detail. [3 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.6.
4. Which Swing classes are used to create menu? [2 M]
Ans. Refer to Section 5.5.14.


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