2 - AshbyFarrall - Then Brain BasisF2
2 - AshbyFarrall - Then Brain BasisF2
2 - AshbyFarrall - Then Brain BasisF2
The Brain Basis of Fluency Development: Implications for Assessment and Instruction
This article discusses how reading develops in the brain in order to provide a deeper
understanding of dysfluent reading with links to the assessment and instruction techniques that
The past thirty years brought an unprecedented rise in the recognition of fluency as a
crucial goal of reading instruction. In 1998 the National Research Council recommended that
fluency be monitored as an indicator of problems with reading comprehension (Snow, Burns, &
Griffin, 1998). The National Reading Panel (2000) named reading fluency as one of the five
components of good reading instruction. Since that time, stopwatches have become part of the
Has the focus on text reading fluency drawn attention away from the foundation skills
that support our quest to read for meaning? Stopwatches and charting can have an unintended
consequence of motivating students to read faster than their optimum pace, which is the pace that
allows for the accurate word recognition and appropriate intonation that indicates understanding.
Today it is common to find children who rush through text, reading with forced speed. They
sound monotone even when reading text written at their independent reading level.
What should educators be teaching that will result in improved fluency and comprehension
Understanding the cognition and neuroscience behind fluent reading can help guide the
way. Psychological research indicates that the speed and accuracy of single word reading is the
main determiner of text reading fluency. Unfortunately, this conclusion is often rolled out to
support curricula that emphasize reading speed (the product of skilled word recognition) over
accuracy (the process by which unfamiliar words become familiar). Developmentalists like
Linnea Ehri and Jeanne Chall have long recognized that word reading accuracy precedes word
reading speed. Chall’s Learning to Read phase explicitly places reading accuracy as a precursor
to reading fluency. Take a moment to reflect on your own experience with learning to shoot a
basketball, knit, or cook. When humans learn any new procedural skill (like reading), we are
OG educators focus on accuracy in order to help students acquire the tools to read new
words independently. At first, decoding is slow and inaccurate. Brain connections are inefficient
and imperfect. Practice helps to prune inaccurate connections and strengthen connections
between neurons that fire together, making word recognition accurate. Every word read
accurately represents one correct iteration of the reading network. With each iteration, the
pathway is reinforced. Reading the same word accurately many times increases processing
efficiency until it sounds like the word is recognized instantly. The phrase “practice makes
Reading Development in the Brain
Brain research into how reading develops can illuminate why children need to gain
accuracy first, then fluency. The word recognition network in the brain comprises two routes,
which cooperate to identify letter strings as words (Harm & Seidenberg, 2004). The present
evidence indicates a staggered pattern of development for these two routes in the reading
network, where decoding (dorsal route) lays the foundation for orthographic processing (ventral
route) later in reading development. The first route to correlate with reading skill is the dorsal,
phonological route that connects the frontal speech production area (Broca’s Area) to the
temporo-parietal letter-sound association area (Pugh et al., 2001; Wandell & Yeatman, 2013).
This phonological route correlates with reading achievement before age 10. It is forming when
educators help children build phonemic awareness skills, then connect speech sounds to letter
forms. The second route to correlate with reading skill is the ventral, orthographic route that
connects speech production areas to a more posterior area (the Visual Word Form Area) at the
junction of the occipital and temporal lobes. Activation in the VWFA correlates with reading
achievement around age 10 on average (Shaywitz et al., 2002). Therefore, the VWFA appears to
become tuned to print through years of reading experience (McCandliss & Noble, 2003).
The brain evidence for staggered development of the reading routes converges with the
behavioral research about how word recognition develops (see Rayner, Pollatsek, Ashby, &
Clifton, 2012, p.280, for a review). Development of the dorsal, phonological route is consistent
with behavior observed during Ehri’s Full Alphabetic phase, in which children can sequentially
decode words left-to-right. The act of sequential decoding, even when it is slow and labored,
draws attention to all the sounds in a word and helps children form accurate memories for written
words. These memories are reinforced every time a child reads or spells that same word again,
and repeated exposures speed each subsequent reading of the word. OG practitioners build the
efficiency of a child’s sequential decoding skills through repeated practice reading decodable
words in lists, spelling decodable words, and reading decodable texts. As we do so, we draw
attention to the interior letters and how they map onto the sounds. This orthographic mapping
process establishes clear, word-specific memories that are the foundation of fast word
of each word (Ehri, 1999, 2002). After a certain number of accurate readings of a word, the child
develop a consolidated memory of its orthographic form. As reading experience grows and each
word memory is consolidated, readers increasingly rely on the VWFA to read familiar words
On the left is the brain before age 10, when typical readers develop phonological
processing along the green route that connects the speech sound area (SS) with the letter-sound
association area (L-S). Activation in the L-S area predicts reading achievement in beginning
readers. On the right is the brain after reading experience has tuned the word form area (WFA) to
recognize familiar words instantly. Activation of the word form area predicts reading
Large tracts of axons known as white matter tracts connect the Speech Sound area
(Broca’s) and the Word Form Area (VWFA) to form a ventral route for word recognition in
skilled readers. Magnetoencephalography (MEG) studies indicate activation of both areas within
a fifth of a second of seeing a printed word (Pammer et al., 2004; Wheat et al., 2010). Through
cooperative activation of phonology and orthography, skilled readers quickly recognize words
during silent reading. When the reading networks coordinate efficiently, reading sounds fluent: it
Knowledgeable educators can use their expertise to differentiate among reading profiles
and identify techniques for improving reading fluency. The most effective techniques will aim to
boost the processes upon which fluency rests: phonemic awareness, decoding, accurate word
There are many products that are designed to help educators document challenges in the
above areas. There are tests of word level automaticity. There are tests that measure reading
fluency orally and silently. The selection of a particular test or tests, though, can only be made
with an understanding of what each test purports to measure and how successfully it
accomplishes its goal. Test interpretation is not just about the scores; a good test provides a lens
by which we can observe specific skills and forge a stronger link between data and instruction.
The fluency-test marketplace was fueled, to a large extent, by evidence that oral reading
fluency is a powerful indicator of skilled reading performance (Torgesen, 1986). Note, however,
that this does not mean that increasing oral reading speed boosts reading skill. Rather, fluency is
more accurately conceived of as a product of automaticity and coordination of reading processes
While we all recognize that silent reading is the norm (and that silent reading is faster
than oral reading), silent fluency measures, in and of themselves, are not diagnostic; they are not
particularly helpful to educators. Silent reading does not permit observers to make judgements
regarding accuracy; there is no way to determine whether students are, indeed, reading all the
words. Two widely used measures of silent reading fluency that are part of the Woodcock-
Johnson IV Tests of Achievement (Schrank, Mather, & McGrew, 2014) and the Kaufman Test of
Educational Achievement, Third Edition (Kaufman & Kaufman, 2014), attempt to ensure that
examinees are reading for meaning by requiring them to respond to YES/NO statements and
questions. These two subtests rely, for the most part, on an Anglo-Saxon vocabulary, leaving one
to ponder their validity with older students. Slasher tests, which require students to identify
word boundaries with pencil in hand, are excellent as screeners; they provide a quick, easy, and
reliable way of establishing risk status. While these tests can speak to overall rate, they cannot
inform questions related to the specific nature of errors and their source.
Educators have developed strong feelings about the tests that we like and those we
disdain. Many evaluators express preferences: “I like Test A better than Test B.” Testing,
however, is not about our feelings, it is about what the research tells us. When looking at tests of
oral reading fluency, it becomes important to understand how tests are scored and what types of
deviations from the text are recognized as actual errors. The Gray Oral Reading Tests, Fifth
Edition (GORT-5: Wiederholt, & Bryant, 2012), for example, counts all deviations as errors; the
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition (WIAT-III; Pearson, 2010) does not.
What is a good practitioner to do? In choosing between the two (and there are other options as
well), it is important to understand that all miscue-type errors (repetitions, self-corrections, and
synonyms) are the result of inaccuracies in decoding. Research tells us that errors that purport
not to change meaning are no less egregious than reading words incorrectly. For this reason, the
GORT-5 may well be more sensitive to decoding issues than the WIAT-III. Small differences in
Because dysfluent reading has its roots in word recognition, practitioners should also
consider tests of word reading automaticity. Savvy evaluators know that the terms, automaticity
and fluency, are used interchangeably in the test industry. Suffice it to say that fluency is
possible when word recognition and oral language skills are woven into a seamless flow of
thought, each strand executed with automaticity. While tests of word reading efficiency aptly
identify small hesitations in word identification that are not discernable by ear, they may not pick
up on those fluency challenges that reflect the impact of slow language processing. The fact is
that as human beings we are not capable of identifying small hesitations in word identification.
Our sense of time is just not sensitive enough. The reason that we use tests of word reading
efficiency is that those teeny tiny hesitations start to add up and become measurable when
Instruments, such as the Test of Word Reading Efficiency, Second Edition (Torgesen,
Wagner, & Rashotte, 2012), generally provide two lists: real words and nonsense words. Using
both real words and nonsense words helps us to discern between young children who read a
handful of words by sight and those who can apply their phonics skills to unfamiliar words, the
latter being the hallmark of independent reading. In older students, word lists help to identify
whether students have acquired basic decoding skills as a foundation for developing a rich sight
vocabulary. Given, however, the small sample of skills that is possible to obtain within a window
of 45 seconds, results should be interpreted with caution. The sample of decoding skills is too
small to make judgements regarding mastery of specific skills. In addition, there is a lot that can
go wrong in 45 seconds; gaps in attention, failure to start on cue, and noises in the distance may
The practitioner’s job does not end with word recognition in isolation and in passages. In
our efforts to improve reading skill, we have to be careful not to neglect the contribution that
phonological processing, in and of itself, makes to reading fluency. The Comprehensive Test of
Phonological Processing, Second Edition (Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte, 2013) is considered
the gold standard, providing measures of phonological memory, phonological awareness, and
rapid automatized naming (RAN). While we have developed an appreciation for the importance
of phonological awareness, we sometimes neglect what RAN has to offer. The rapid naming of
letters and numbers can be thought of as a specialized type of processing speed that lives on the
function, i.e., how we take in, store, and retrieve what we have learned. RAN speaks to the
difficulty that some students will encounter in developing automaticity and their need for larger
doses of instruction and practice as compared to other children with reading disabilities.
Teaching effectively to develop fluent reading that is accurate, prosodic, and fast need
instruction, practitioners avail themselves of a roadmap for teaching reading in a way that is
It is important to teach reading developmentally, in ways that are consistent with how
reading networks develop in the brain. As OG educators know, phonology is the foundation of
reading. Teaching children to sequence and manipulate phonemes using manipulatives helps to
build the phonological route (shown in green). Basic phonemic awareness paves the way for
writing letters to get those letter-sound relationships firmly in memory. Practice reading two
letter words, then three letter words, by sounding each letter until it blends with the next.
Practice blending while reading words complements segmenting for spelling words. Both
processes reinforce detailed word memories that help children recognize words more quickly
with time. Spiraling-back often provides the review and reinforcement that is necessary for
automatic decoding to develop. Practice reading decodable sentences deepens the acquisition of
independent word attack skills. As children read words repeatedly in context, orthographic
mapping helps the word memory consolidate and become accessible through the visual word
form area.
Learning to read proceeds as does the learning of any procedural skill, such as playing
tennis or learning to knit. Novices begin by learning to perform basic actions, automatize those
through practice, then integrate them into increasingly complex behaviors. Similarly, it is
important to begin teaching reading with the goal of accuracy in word decoding, spelling, and
word recognition. Encouraging novices to read faster than their natural pace will result in
increased errors, due to the speed/accuracy tradeoff that is fundamental to human cognition. In
addition, encouraging forced speed can have unintended consequences of increasing anxiety,
Research-based assessment practices provide a clear picture of the child’s performance,
indicate progress, and point the direction for future instruction. Test interpretation goes beyond
scores. A good test provides a lens through which we gather data to inform instruction.
Remember that all miscues (repetitions, self-corrections, and synonyms) are the result of
inaccuracies in decoding. These inaccuracies result in readers accessing the wrong word, and
interfere with building an accurate memory that will enable fast and accurate word recognition.
Children want to read quickly and easily, and they will do so when they are able.
Dysfluent reading is usually a symptom of shaky decoding skills and weaknesses in phonological
processing. Children who struggle with reading are best served by deep, sequential instruction
that emphasizes accuracy and provides many hours of practice in order to build crisp memories
for words that can support fast and automatic recognition. There is no magic short-cut for
building fluency.
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