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Esha Ankita Devops

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Ankita mugdyal
Brahmdevdada Mane polytechnic,solapur
Esha chavan
Brahmdevdada Mane polytechnic,solapur


DevOps is an emerging practice to be followed in Software Development life cycle. The name DevOps
indicates that it’s an integration of Development and Operations team. It is followed to integrate the various
Keywords: stages of the development lifecycle. DevOps is an extended version of the existing Agile method. DevOps aims
Agile software development at Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Improvement, faster Feedback and Security. This
DevOps paper reviews the building blocks of DevOps, challenges in adopting DevOps, Models to improve DevOps
Cloud Computing practices and Futu
Continuous Delivery

1. Introduction: Development team and

The practices followed during the software development

lifecycle plays an important role. In the conventional
development lifecycle, different teams will play their role at
their own level. Separate teams make the product life cycle
lengthier and also the communication between the teams poor
(Lwakatare et al., 2015). This kind of development model is
called the waterfall model. To break the walls between the teams
and to enhance the dissemination of the information the new
methodology Agile was discovered. Agile means “to move fast
and easy”. Agile process methodology improved the interaction
between individual teams and improved collaboration. Some of
the agile principles are Scrum, Extreme Programming, Lean,
Kanban and out of these the Scrum was the first developed
principle (Saliya Sajith Samarawickrama and Indika Perera
2017). Even though the agile process reduced the time of the
development life cycle, there were some gaps that needed to be
bridged. This is why DevOps evolved and it is the extension of
the agile process. DevOps unifies the Development and
Operations team. Automation also plays an important role in
DevOps. The processes like maintenance and testing were
already automated in Agile (Michael Hüttermann 2012).
DevOps cannot be implemented at one stretch, it needs to be
implemented step by step or iteratively. DevOps was divided
into 4 areas (Michael Hüttermann 2012) and it is shown in
figure (Christof Ebert et al., 2016). This paper mainly deals with
DevOps and its building blocks, how it’s getting improved,
adoption methodology, other parameters that help to improve
and challenges in implementing the DevOps.

Fig. 1. Areas in DevOps

2. Agile Methodology:

Due to the shortcomings of the waterfall method, the

Agile method was introduced. The agile methodology was
introduced in the year 2001 (Strode et al., 2009). The agile is the
evolutionary development model (Nerur et al., 2005) and it aims
at continuous improvement of the product features. The agile
method integrates the programmers, testers, and QA as the
separate Operations team. Conflicts arise between the
Development and Operations teams while deploying the newly
developed features and fixing problems (Michael Hüttermann
2012). It was hard to maintain the software and to update them
whenever necessary (Rodríguez et al., 2013). The agile
processes are feature and people-centric approaches and so it
was a challenge to change from traditional process-centric
approach (Nerur et al., 2005). In the agile method, the
information passing from the Development team and
operations team was not faster and not in a frequent manner.
This is a bottleneck in the agile method (Hemon et al., 2020).
This gives rise to the new methodology DevOps, which
combines the Development and Operations team to enhance
communication and frequency.

3. DevOps:

DevOps is a set of procedures which combines the

process of Development and Operations (Christof Ebert et al.,
2016). DevOps needs a set of tools to perform the function of
combination and integration. In other words, DevOps is a
single team that looks after development, testing, and
operations. In DevOps, the total product cycle doesn’t break at
any point (Christof Ebert et al., 2016). The DevOps has four
Dimensions (Lwakatare et al., 2015), they are

1. Collaboration,

2. Automation,

3. Measurement,

4. Monitoring

DevOps is the extension of the agile method of software

development (Jabbari et al., 2016) . DevOps focuses on the
continuous delivery of the software along with continuous
integration (Jabbari et al., 2016 and Manish Virmani, 2015).
Automation also plays a vital role in reducing the latency of
product releases. DevOps not only improves collaboration and
communication but also fast and continuous delivery, regular
updates, increases reliability, etc (Samer Mohamed 2015).

3.1 Continuous Deployment:

Cloud computing plays an important role in case of

Continuous Delivery (Jabbari et al., 2016). The cloud-based
tools help to bridge the gaps between the need and delivery
and also provides faster feedback (Manish Virmani, 2015).
In case of
rapid deployment process, testing should be automated to reduce
the latency (Len Bass 2017). In a study (Rahman et al., 2015)
done on 19 companies, it was reported that 11 out of 19
companies use Continuous Deployment strategy. The traditional
methods like incremental/ iterative and ad-hoc approaches failed
to satisfy the needs of the software firms (Sikender
Mohsienuddin Mohammad 2019). In (Edwards 2014), the author
discussed how to prepare a firm for the continuous delivery
process. In that, it was reported that continuous delivery should
be adopted as small increments and repetitive tasks should be
automated. The benefits of adopting continuous delivery are
accelerated time to market, building the right product, improved
productivity and efficiency, reliable releases, improved product
quality and customer satisfaction (Chen et al., 2017). The code
infrastructure helps in fast releases (Michael Hüttermann 2012).
Before the emergence of DevOps, there was no shared
infrastructure for software development in a firm and so the
employees used to work individually on their environment and Fig. 2. Cloud DevOps (Mohammed Airaj 2017)
so the delivery process gets delayed due to increased time for
integration. The cloud ecosystem enables us to have a large number of
interconnected components and easy to access and control the
components (Syed and Eduardo 2016) and a simplified cloud
3.2 Continuous Integration:
ecosystem was proposed. The serverless model uses Cloud in its
architecture (Vitalii Ivanov and Kari Smolander 2018). The
DevOps itself represents the integration between
qualitative data showed that DevOps practices are strongly
Development and Operations teams. DevOps enables the
affected by the new cloud computing model (Vitalii Ivanov and
continuous integration of all processes involved in product
Kari Smolander 2018). For cloud applications, lightweight
development and so all the process is done by a single team
languages were used (Shigeru Hosono 2012). Cloud helps in
throughout the cycle (Christof Ebert et al., 2016). Inadequate
iterative software development, monitoring the running
communication is the key problem that triggers the need for
applications on the client-side and to get feedback about the
DevOps to be implemented. DevOps enables the software firm
process (Bruneo et al., 2014). Use of cloud environment also
to provide more features and continuously improve it based on
increases the security of the software applications (Wouter van
the feedback within a short period (Leah et al., 2016). DevOps
der Houven 2020). The DevOps artefacts are classified as Node-
not only integrates the teams, but also the tools used in various
centric artefacts and Environmental centric artefacts. The
stages of product development (Bruneo et al., 2014). The new
TOSCA was used in cloud applications to make the artefacts
framework was proposed in (Saliya Sajith Samarawickrama and
interoperable (Wettinger et al., 2016).
Indika Perera 2017), to implement the process of continuous
integration and deployment over the existing Scrum product
cycle. The versions of the software tools should be maintained 3.4 Security:
to be compatible with other tools. The version control strategy
was proposed to control different artefacts like Source code, DevSecOps or SecDevOps are the terms associated with
configuration files, deployment scripts and binary code of the Secured DevOps. The continuous security model was proposed
application in (Nicolás Paez 2018). Automation is necessary for in (Rakesh Kumar and Rinkaj Goyal 2020), which used open-
continuous integration and certain tools like Git repository are source software over the cloud to provide security throughout
used to keep track of the changes (Schaefer et al., 2013). the product development. The security practices used in DevOps
HARNESS is a multi-partner research project, which aims at (Rahman et al., 2016) are 1)Automation Activities including
integrating multiple non-homogeneous resources by using the automated testing, monitoring, code review, software-defined
version control techniques (Mark Stillwell and Jose GF firewall and software licensing 2) Increased collaboration
Coutinho 2015). A new tool was proposed in (Pérez et al., 2015) between development and security teams 3) Non-automated
called Filling Gap (FG) tool which bridges Development and security activities are security requirements analysis, performing
Operations teams gap, and provides quick feedback on the security configurations, performing security policies, design
performance to the Development team. review, input validation, risk analysis, etc. A Dynamic model
was proposed in (Rios et al., 2017) to rectify the security issues
in both development and operational activities of the multi-
3.3 Cloud:
cloud application and the proposed model was validated using
the real- time application. The framework of the MUSA
Cloud is a key player in the DevOps methodology
Dynamic model is shown in figure 3. The cloud security options
(Borgenholt et al., 2013). The cloud DevOps methodology, tools
include serverless computing, Infrastructure as code and security
and culture are shown in figure 2.
centralisation (Wouter van der Houven 2020).
(Schaefer et al., 2013). The various tools used in various stages
of the DevOps cycles are shown in figure 4. Docker is container
based technology and is used to provide isolation between
various applications. Using Docker, each application can be
configured with specific version of the Operating system
running on the host machine. The end application is delivered as
the Docker container (Morris et al., 2017). Docker was built on
top of the LXC technology, which relies on Linux and hence
Docker relies on certain Linux features (Robert Sandoval 2016).

Fig. 3. The framework of MUSA DevOps (Rios et al., 2017)

It was stated in (Wouter van der Houven 2020) that cloud makes
release faster and more secure. Some of the security activities to
be followed in DevOps are Security Requirements Gathering,
Threat Modeling, Environment Configuration, Secure Static
Analysis, Security-Focused Code Review, Software Penetration
Testing, Environment Testing and security Review (Yasar and
Kontostathis 2016).

3.5 Automation in DevOps:

Fig. 4. Tools used in DevOps (Arulkumar and Lathamanju

In case of rapid deployment, the manual testing is
impossible and so the testing should be automated. The final
task in the automation is to check for errors in the system and to
The project management tool is necessary for an IT firm to
rectify them (Len Bass 2017). Apart from testing, automation
manage data of various projects. One such tool is GZ-Agile
also helps in scaling of the products (Schaefer et al., 2013), the
Project Management Consolidator, which stores and tracks the
network was formed based on the common services that each
activities of DevOps as well as Agile (Doukoure et al., 2018). In
system would require and specific tools were used for every
a fraud detection system developed by Netfective Technology,
task. In the proposed model (Arulkumar and Lathamanju 2019),
SimTool was used to evaluate the metrics (Perez-Palacin et al.,
the workflow is divided into backend and frontend workflow.
2017). Some of the cloud computing services used in DevOps
The proposed model tries to automate the processes that are
are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud
involved in the development lifecycle. In this model, the cycle
(Arulkumar and Lathamanju 2019, Shigeru Hosono 2012).
of the process starts with gathering data and the gathered data is
Unifying the software development process, the software
used to build the application and output of the build are tested
installation and configuration should not be error-prone. The IT
and then deployed through the cloud. The automation of the
system configuration and management tool are used mostly to
software release causes reduced operational cost, increased
enable DevOps, it automates the process of system
productivity, increased accessibility & reliability and optimized
configuration. The configuration of the system is managed as
performance (Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad 2019). The
rules which are organized as modules and classes (Diomidis
Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is an emerging method to
Spinellis 2012, Rodríguez et al., 2013). The ITIL Framework is
automate the repetitive task (Sikender Mohsienuddin
also an IT service management tool used in DevOps (Anthony
Mohammad 2019). Machine learning can be used in automation
Orr 2012). The architecture of ITIL was shown in figure 5.
tasks like testing, quality assurance, fault detection, etc (Kiyana
Bahadori and Tullio Vardanega 2018). Automation is the only
way to make the release cycle shorter. The architecture was built
using reliable existing tools in (Borgenholt et al., 2013) for
automated testing and quality assurance. The building blocks of
the proposed architecture are Cloud platform, Virtual
management machine and configuration management tool. Not
every process can be automated, some processes should be done Fig. 5. ITIL architecture (Anthony Orr 2012)
manually. Automation enables fast feedback from the customer
side as well (Michael Hüttermann 2012).
4. Challenges in Adopting DevOps:
3.6 Tools used in DevOps:
The adoption of DevOps in an IT firm is not so easy. In a
company it's hard to change the culture of the organization and
The tools are required to develop and integrate the
the practices involved in DevOps will not suit all circumstances
processes and it is classified as Build tools and Continuous
(Leah et al., 2016, Khan et al., 2020). The challenges involved
integration tools (Christof Ebert et al., 2016). Some of the tools
can be categorised as lack of awareness, support, technological
for improving DevOps practices are JIRA, GIT, Jenkins and
feasibility and adapting to the change (Bucena and Marite 2017).
Docker. The tools should be used based on the hierarchy
Apart from organizational culture challenges, the other
(Laukkarinen et al., 2018). The Chef Cookbooks, Puppet
challenges include implementing in the existing process,
Modules, Saltstack modules, Docker images, Juju charms,
architectural challenges, lack of automation for continuous
Bundles and templates are some of the configuration
management tools (Wettinger et al., 2016). Earlier mercurial testing and Legacy systems (Chen et al., 2017). The
repository was used to store configuration data and to keep track infrastructure also plays an important role in DevOps adoption
of the changes and it should be
compatible and lightweight (Khan et al., 2020). The challenges
identified using the Fuzzy TOPSIS approach in (Rafi et al.,
2020) were Data heterogeneity, data integration, error and
inconsistent data, a misspelling in data entry, missing
information, traceability of data, Data harmonization,
visualisation of Data etc. The conflicts arise between the
Development and Operations teams while deploying the newly
developed features and fixing the problems. The development
team develops a new feature without knowing the problems with
the older version. The operations team has to fix the problem
with the development team but the development team is ready to
deploy a new One (Michael Hüttermann 2012). Some of the
obstacles in software development for a highly regulated
environment are 1) the operator doesn’t know about the code 2)
Fig. 7. Technology Transfer Model (Mikkonen et al., 2018)
all artefacts are stored in a single isolated container 3) project
must be approved before commencement 4) Poor collaboration
A DevOps Maturity model was proposed in (Samer Mohamed
(Morales et al., 2018).
2015), with 5 levels of maturity and 4 dimensions of assessment.
The proposed model is shown in figure 8 based on the CMMI
5. Proposed Models: model.

A three-step model for DevOps adoption was proposed in

(Luz et al., 2019). The model was evaluated by practical
implementation. The relationship between the category’s agility,
automation, collaborative culture, continuous measurement,
quality assurance, resilience, sharing and transparency was
required for DevOps adoption (Luz et al., 2019). The iObserve
approach used to tackle the challenges in DevOps adoption was
discussed in (Heinrich et al., 2017). The iObserve approach
follows MAPE (Monitor, Analyse, Plan, Execute) Control loop.
The framework of iObserve approach is shown in figure 6.

Fig. 8. DevOps Maturity Model (Samer Mohamed 2015)

The concept of Composable DevOps architecture was proposed

in (McCarthy and Lorraine 2015). The composable nature is to
break up things into smaller fragments and then to integrate the
entire development pipeline. The composable DevOps is an
iterative way to make collaboration between development and

6. Quality:

In software product development using new techniques,

the quality of the developed product should also be maintained
properly. The quality assurance of the product is improved by the
use of an automated DevOps pipeline. The releases are made
Fig. 6. iObserve model (Heinrich et al., 2017) more often to improve the features of the product (Leah et al.,
2016). The set of metrics used to assess and evaluate the
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