DevOps Report
DevOps Report
DevOps Report
Bachelor Of Technology
Presented by
Bachelor Of Technology
In DevOps, the operations team have a complete idea of the progress of devel-
-opment. Operations team and development team and work together to develop
a monitoring plan that caters to the current business, and IT needs.
Fig:- DevOps
1.1 Introduction
1.2 History
1.3 What is DevOps?
The word DevOps is a combination of two words Development and operation
Before getting into what DevOps is, let us get an idea about the two teams involved in
software development. The development team is responsible for developing,
designing, and building the application. The operation team deals with the
deployment and testing of the application. If there are problems with the application,
the operation team also provides feedback to the development team. Now let us get
to the history of DevOps.
This model was only suitable for projects which had stable requirements.
By stable, I mean that requirements will not change with the time. But in
today’s world, this is a very unlikely thing because requirements keep on
changing from time to time. These were a few drawbacks
Fig;-Waterfall Model
4.It was very difficult to provide feedback and diagnose issue in the product
2.2 Agile Model
There was a lack of collaboration between Developers and Operation Engineers and
this slowed down the development process and releases. Software companies had
begun to realize the need for better collaboration between the teams and faster
delivery of software. This gave birth to the DevOps approach. DevOps enabled
continuous software delivery with less complex problems to fix and faster resolution
of problems.
Fig:-Agile Methodology
2.3 Difference between DevOps and traditional IT operations
After placing an order for new servers, Operations team has no clue on the
the Development team works on progress of the Development team.
testing. The Operations team works on Operations team develop a monitoring
extensive paperwork as required in plan as per their understanding.
enterprises to deploy the
DevOps deals with filling the time gap between Agile methodology deals with filling the gap
the development team and the operations team. between customers and the company.
Here the feedback will be coming from the Here the feedback will be coming from the
Operations team to the development team. customers to the company.
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2.5 Applications of DevOps
It is a well-planned approach that supports building single apps
as a package for small services. All the services in these applications
are capable of communicating through well-defined interfaces. It
utilizes the lightweight mechanism which is mostly the
HTTP-oriented API.
DevOps in Networking:
The doctrine of the DevOps concept is alluring and it is harvesting
unprecedented popularity in handling networking services.with
the aid of the vendor hardware, deployment modes automation
of the network functions,devices, and configuration tools it has
just become an easier way for the professionals to deploy it.
DevOps in Testing:
Based on survey report gathered from the Rightscale, it is stated
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that numerous companies have preffered DevOps for testing. It
is done for reaching agility and speed as it is more essentiak to
automate the complete process of the configuration and testing.
The complete function of DevOps is entrusted on the “Agile Manifesto”.
And yet the root of the proficient strategy is called the “DevOps Trinity”.
This company faced a problem regarding testing their software. Here bugs are
detected using manual testing after six weeks of writing code and if there are any
bugs found it would take one week to fix them. So to overcome this issue they
integrated the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment pipeline.
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3. Proposed
2009 : In the initial stage the first conference was ” Deploys a day: Dev and Ops cooperation
Flicker. Another conference called “DevOps Days in Ghent, Belgium” also happened
2010:DevOps days conference happened in the United States at mount view, calif.
2018: 30 DevOps day conferences were scheduled across the united states.
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4. DevOps Architecture
DevOps architecture is used for applications hosted on cloud platforms and large
distributed applications. Agile Development is used here so that integration and
delivery can be continuous. When the Development and Operations team work
separately from each other, it is time-consuming to design, test and deploy. Also if the
teams are not in sync with each other, it may cause a delay in delivery. So DevOps
enables the teams to amend their shortcomings and increase productivity.
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Plan – In DevOps planning plays an important role. In this stage, all the requirements
of the project and everything regarding the project like time for each stage, cost. etc
are discussed. This will help everyone in teams to get a brief idea about the project.
Code – In this Stage the code is written over here according to the client’s
requirements. Here the code is divided into small codes called Units. This is done to
get a clear picture of the code. For example, if the team is doing a project on an online
-Ekart application then the login part is divided as one unit, after login the page which
shows all the categories is divided as another unit, user profile as another unit, etc.
Build – In this stage Building of the units is done. Some of the examples of the tools
Test – Testing of all units is done in this stage. So we will get to know where exactly
the code is having bugs and if there are mistakes found it is returned. Some of the
examples of the tools used are Selenium, PYtest.
Integrate – In this stage, all the units of the codes are integrated. That means in this
step we will be creating a connection between the development team and the
operation team to implement Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
An example of the tool used is Jenkins.
Deploy – In this stage, the code is deployed on the client’s environment. Some of the
examples of the tools used are AWS, Docker.
Operate – Operations are performed on the code if required. Some of the examples
of the tools used are Kubernetes, open shift.
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Monitor – In this stage monitoring of the application is done over here in the client’s
environment. Some of the examples of the tools used are Nagios, elastic stack.
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4.1 DevOps WorkFlow
1) Continuous Development
This phase involves the planning and coding of the software. The vision of the
project is decided during the planning phase. And the developers begin
developing the code for the application. There are no DevOps tools that are
required for planning, but there are several tools for maintaining the code.
2) Continuous Integration
This stage is the heart of the entire DevOps lifecycle. It is a software
development practice in which the developers require to commit changes to
the source code more frequently. This may be on a daily or weekly basis. Then
every commit is built, and this allows early detection of problems if they are
present. Building code is not only involved compilation, but it also includes unit
testing, integration testing, code review, and packaging.
The code supporting new functionality is continuously integrated with the existing
code. Therefore, there is continuous development of software. The updated code
needs to be integrated continuously and smoothly with the systems to reflect changes
to the end-users.
Jenkins is a popular tool used in this phase. Whenever there is a change in the Git repository, then
Jenkins fetches the updated code and prepares a build of that code, which is an executable file in
the form of war or jar. Then this build is forwarded to the test server or the production server.
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3) Continuous Testing
This phase, where the developed software is continuously testing for bugs. For
constant testing, automation testing tools such as TestNG, JUnit, Selenium, etc
are used. These tools allow QAs to test multiple code-bases thoroughly in
Selenium does the automation testing, and TestNG generates the reports. This entire
testing phase can automate with the help of a Continuous Integration tool
called Jenkins.
Automation testing saves a lot of time and effort for executing the tests instead of
doing this manually. Apart from that, report generation is a big plus. The task of
evaluating the test cases that failed in a test suite gets simpler. Also, we can schedule
the execution of the test cases at predefined times. After testing, the code is
continuously integrated with the existing code.
4) Continuous Monitoring
Monitoring is a phase that involves all the operational factors of the entire
DevOps process, where important information about the use of the software is
recorded and carefully processed to find out trends and identify problem areas.
Usually, the monitoring is integrated within the operational capabilities of the
software application.
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It may occur in the form of documentation files or maybe produce large-scale data
about the application parameters when it is in a continuous use position. The system
errors such as server not reachable, low memory, etc are resolved in this phase. It
maintains the security and availability of the service.
6) Continuous Deployment
In this phase, the code is deployed to the production servers. Also, it is essential
to ensure that the code is correctly used on all the servers.
The new code is deployed continuously, and configuration management tools play an
essential role in executing tasks frequently and quickly. Here are some popular tools
which are used in this phase, such as Chef, Puppet, Ansible, and SaltStack.
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7) Continuous Operations
All DevOps operations are based on the continuity with complete automation
of the release process and allow the organization to accelerate the overall time
to market continuingly.
It is clear from the discussion that continuity is the critical factor in the DevOps
in removing steps that often distract the development, take it longer to detect
issues and produce a better version of the product after several months. With
DevOps, we can make any software product more efficient and increase the
overall count of interested customers in your product.
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DevOps is expensive.
Certain levels of skills are required for maintaining the DevOps architecture.
Adopting DevOps technology into the traditional style of industries is quite a
6. Conclusion
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