AQA Physics Topic 6 Waves Knowledge Organiser
AQA Physics Topic 6 Waves Knowledge Organiser
AQA Physics Topic 6 Waves Knowledge Organiser
Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Properties of Waves Sound Waves in Different Medium
Waves can be either transverse or longitudinal. How quickly sound waves can travel through a medium is determined by the
one wavelength direction frequency = waves passing a
In a transverse wave, the vibrations are at a right angle density of the medium (material).
of the in Hz given point per second
(perpendicular) to the direction of the energy transfer. The transverse
crest wave amplitude frequency = oscillasions Sound waves will travel faster through a solid than a liquid as the spaces
wave has peaks (or crests) and troughs. Examples include oscillation in Hz per second
between the particles are smaller. This means that the vibrations and energy
water waves and light waves.
trough amplitude can be passed along the particles more quickly. In a gas, the transmission of
Hand sound is even slower as the space between the particles is greater.
one wavelength direction of wave movement
The speed of sound in air is 330m/s.
Real position
of fish
visible light Used for lighting, photography and fibre optics. Frequency range that is detectable by the human eye.
ultraviolet Sterilising water and killing bacteria. Detecting Causes skin tanning and can lead to burns or skin cancer.
forged bank notes.
X-rays Medical imaging and airport security scanners. Very little energy is absorbed by body tissues. Instead, it is transmitted
through the body.
gamma rays Sterilising medical equipment or food and
High treatment for some cancers. These waves can lead to gene mutation and cancer.
You can remember the order of the electromagnetic spectrum easily with the phrase:
Photo courtesy of ( - granted under
creative commons licence – attribution Roman men invented very unusual X-ray guns.
As the wave moves to a more dense medium (e.g. The alternating current has the same frequency as the radio wave and so information can be coded for
from gas to solid), it slows down and bends so transmission. This is how television and radio are broadcast.
that the angle from the normal becomes smaller.
Temperature of the Earth (Higher tier only)
The angle of incidence is larger than the angle of
refraction. The temperature of the earth depends on:
glass block
As the wave moves from a more dense medium • The rate at which light radiation and infrared radiation are absorbed by the earth’s surface and atmosphere.
(e.g. from solid to gas), it speeds up and bends so • The rate at which light radiation and infrared radiation are emitted by the earth’s surface and atmosphere.
that the angle from the normal becomes larger.
The angle of refraction is larger than the angle of air Light and infrared radiation absorbed by the earth cause the internal energy of the planet to increase and in
Energy from the surface of the earth can be transferred to the atmosphere by conduction and convection.
The angle at which a wave enters the glass block is
equal to the angle that it leaves the glass block (when entering and leaving the same medium); however, if The infrared radiation emitted from the earth’s surface will either travel through the atmosphere and back
a wave crosses a boundary between two mediums at an angle of 90˚C, then it will not change direction but into space or it will be absorbed (and reflected) by the greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere.
instead carry on in a straight line.
Visible Light
Gamma rays occur as the result of changes to the nuclei of atoms and atoms themselves. It is a form of
radiation and the waves can be generated and absorbed across a wide range of frequencies.
UV, X-rays and gamma are all types of radiation and can be harmful to human health; they cause damage
to human body tissues. The severity of the damage caused depends on the dose of radiation a tissue or cell is
exposed to. Radiographers and dentists who routinely carry out X-ray examinations wear a device to monitor
the amount of exposure and ensure they are within a safe limit.
X-rays and gamma rays are ionising and can cause mutations to genes which may result in cancer. The colours of the visible spectrum can be remembered with the rhyme Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
(red – orange – yellow – green – blue – indigo – violet).
UV waves can cause the skin to burn and age prematurely. UV exposure also increases the risk of developing
These are all the wavelengths which are visible and detectable by the human eye. Each colour has a narrow
skin cancer.
range of wavelength and frequency within the spectrum.
White light is the combination (full spectrum) of wavelengths in the visible light region of the electromagnetic
An object which is transparent (see-through) or translucent (partially see-through) can transmit light.
Opaque objects reflect and absorb light. The wavelengths which are reflected or absorbed determine the colour
which the object is perceived.
An object which absorbs all the radiation it is exposed to is called a perfect black body. No radiation is
reflected from or transmitted through it. A perfect black body would be the most effective emitter as an object
which is a good absorber is also a good emitter.
For example, an object which absorbs all wavelengths will appear black. An object which reflects all
wavelengths will appear white. An object which reflects only green colour wavelengths and absorbs the others
will appear green.
An object absorbing and emitting An object emitting more than An object absorbing more than
infrared radiation at the same it is absorbing will decrease in it is emitting will increase in
rate has a constant temperature. temperature. temperature.
Illustration power (D) =
focal length (m)
• D stands for dioptres which is the unit of measurement for lens power.
• In a converging lens the power is a positive value.
Causes parallel waves Causes parallel waves • In a diverging lens the power is a negative value.
to converge at the Action to diverge from the
Focal length depends on two factors: the refractive index of a material and how curved the surfaces of the lenses are. A higher refractive index
principal focus. principal focus.
makes the lens flatter in shape. To make a powerful lens thinner, a material with a higher refractive index can be used.
real or virtual Type of Image always virtual
Objects which are a distance greater than one focal length away from a converging lens will produce a real image. Objects which are closer
A real image is when light reflected from an object converges to form an
than one focal length from the converging lens will produce a virtual image.
image on a surface. For example, on the retina of the human eye.
The lens equation can be used to show the relationship between focal length, position of the object and position of the image:
A virtual image occurs when the light waves are diverging and so appears to
1 1 1
be coming from a different place. A virtual image cannot be projected onto a = +
focal length distance between lens and object distance between lens and image
screen. For example, a mirror produces a virtual image.
This equation can also be written as:
A magnifying glass uses a converging (convex) lens. It produces a virtual
image which appears larger than the actual object. The magnification can be 1 1 1
= +
calculated using the equation: f u v