Chapter-6 Part-1
Chapter-6 Part-1
Chapter-6 Part-1
Transverse Longitudinal
The movement of the particle is The movement of the particle is
perpendicular to the direction of along the direction of the wave
Wave 1
Resulting Wave
Wave 2
Wave 1
Resulting Wave
Wave 2
• Stationary Waves
• Stationary Waves are the combination of two Waves which move in opposite directions
having the same amplitude as well as frequency.” It is also known as standing Waves.
Musical Instruments
Whenever a person hits, strikes, strums, drums or tweaks any musical instrument, the instrument is set into
oscillation or vibration at the natural frequency of vibration of the instrument. A unique standing wave pattern
defines each frequency of vibration as a specific instrument. These natural frequencies of a musical instrument
are known widely as the harmonics of the specified instrument. Suppose a second interconnected object or
instrument vibrates or oscillates at that specified frequency. In that case, the first object can be forced to vibrate at
a frequency higher than its natural harmonic frequency. This phenomenon is known as resonance, i.e. one object
vibrating or oscillating at the natural frequency of another object forces the other object to vibrate at a frequency
higher than its natural frequency.
The swing moves forward and backwards when pushed. If a series of regular pushes are given to the swing, its
motion can be built. The person pushing the swing has to sync with the swing’s timing, which results in the swing’s
motion having increased amplitude to reach higher. Once the swing reaches its natural oscillation frequency, a
gentle push helps maintain its amplitude due to resonance. But, if the push given is irregular, the swing will hardly
vibrate, and this out-of-sync motion will never lead to resonance, and the swing will not go higher.
Group of soldiers marching on the bridge are often asked to break their steps because their rhythmic marching
can set extreme vibrations at the bridge’s natural frequency. The bridge can break apart if the synchronized
footsteps resonate with the natural frequency of the bridge. One of the examples of the above is the Tacoma
Bridge Collapse, where the frequency of the air matched with the frequency of the bridge, which then led to its
• speed of sound, speed at which sound waves propagate through different materials. In
particular, for dry air at a temperature of 0 °C (32 °F), the modern value for the speed of
sound is 331.29 metres (1,086.9 feet) per second.