Individual Report Format

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Enterprise Design Thinking Individual Report

A Project Proposal Template

(DUE DATE: 8th-11th February, 2023)

The following generic guidance should be followed for all proposals:

a. Clear font (eg. Arial or Calibri) with accessible size (ie. font size 11 or 12)
b. All references must be in Harvard citation format, including both in-text
referencing and the end paper reference list.
c. Reference list is left-justified with double spacing between references.

Your project proposal should include:

● Title
○ Proposed title of your innovative project

● Executive Summary
o 250 words, stating the objectives of the report and a brief description of the
challenge, research, and main findings and ideas.

● Background of the Project Proposal

A. Empathize, Define

○ A brief overview of your project

○ What is your project about?
○ Why do you think it is worth working?
○ Who are your stakeholders and their context?
○ What has already been done and what is already known in the area?
○ What is the challenge or gap between what is known that you want to address?

Note: Your background should demonstrate the researcher’s command of the current
knowledge in the field (area of interest) forming a logical reason ending in a research

● Research question and objectives

○ Set out your research question (or statement)
○ Set out your objectives (or sub-questions)

● Preliminary Literature Review

B. Ideate

○ An overview of the key relevant literature in your topic area

○ It should strengthen the author’s argument concerning the significance of the
study and point out how the proposed project will augment the knowledge and
why this is important.

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● Method
○ How do you propose to collect data in order to address your research question
and each of your objectives?
○ What will the setting of your research be, who will be the participants, what
tests/scales, interview or observation schedules/questionnaires will be used
and what will the procedures be?

● Presentation of Ideas

C. Prototype

o A critical discussion of your readings, findings of the research methods

conducted, or a thorough discussion of how you understand the concept of your
problem and the process.

o Explanation of the proposed porotype.

What is the idea all about?
How will your proposed project innovatively solve or address the gap?

D. Test
o A discussion of how you wanted to test your prototype.
o Describe the steps, and how you will address problems encountered.

● Conclusions
○ Discussion of your experience.
○ Reflections on the experience. Why did you approach the design challenge as
you did? How did it work? What have been the main problems/challenges, and
how have you overcome them? What would you do differently if you were to start
over again? How has thinking as a designer helped you (if it has!)? What are the
main lessons learned? How could you apply them to other problems / your future

● Timescale and resources

○ What is the timescale of your proposal?
○ What project management resources will you use to help keep you on track (eg.
Gantt chart, online project management tools like Trello, etc.)?
○ What other resources might you need to successfully complete your project (eg.
access to confidential organisational data, specific software, etc.)?

● References
○ Full list of references using Harvard style of referencing

● Appendices (optional)
○ Any supplementary material that supports our understanding of your proposal.

PLEASE NOTE: submission through TURNITIN constitutes your agreement to abide by

the University's Academic Misconduct (unfair practice) Policy.

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