Security Baseline Template V2.4.1 Comments
Security Baseline Template V2.4.1 Comments
Security Baseline Template V2.4.1 Comments
The structure of the template is based on the SAP Secure Operations Map:
SAP Security Baseline Template
Change History
The change markers in the text show the difference to version 2.4
1 Overview, Requirements and Guidelines ........................................................9
1.1 Purpose of this template............................................................................................. 9
1.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................... 9
2 Regulations ...................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Environment .............................................................................................................. 12
2.1.1 Network Security ......................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Operating System and Database Security ................................................................... 12
2.1.3 Client Security ............................................................................................................. 12
2.2 System ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 Security Hardening ...................................................................................................... 12 CHANGE: Protect Production System against changes .............................................. 12 CHANGE-A: Protect Production System against changes – ABAP ........................................................ 12
1.2 Structure
This document is structured into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Overview, Requirements and Guidelines
This chapter provides an overview of the purpose and the structure of this document
Chapter 2: Regulations
This chapter contains the requirements which have to be fulfilled by all systems governed by this
Security Baseline. It is kept as crisp as possible and limited to just name the requirements without
any further details or explanation. The idea behind this is to keep the list of all requirements as
short as possible to ease handling.
2 Regulations
This section contains the standards and regulations that are mandatory for all SAP systems.1 The
content of this chapter is restricted to focus on the requirements. Additional information on the
different requirements can be found in the “Addendum” in the “Requirements Details” chapter.
Each requirement in this chapter is marked with a unique identifier. This identifier is structured as
<Requirement identifier>-<Technology> with
• <Requirement identifier … > being a unique mnemonic identifier of the requirement
• <Technology> being selected from
“A” SAP [A]BAP Application Server
“J” SAP [J]ava Application Server
“H” SAP [H]ana
“O” [O]ther, like Web Dispatcher or SAPGUI
“P” BTP [P]latform
In addition, each requirement is marked as either [Critical], [Standard] or [Extended].
• [Critical] requirements are recommended to be included and addressed with priority, since
they relate to well-known especially critical security configurations or needs. They are
aligned with the selected set of security checks in the SAP EarlyWatch Alert Security
chapter and with those checks in the Security Optimization Service (SOS), which lead to an
overall red rating of an SOS report.
• [Standard] requirements are typical requirements that should be covered for all SAP
• [Extended] requirements go beyond the “Standard” requirements. They either extend the
security standards to higher level of protection or to additional areas. When transforming
the SAP Security Baseline template into an effective Security Baseline for a specific
organization or area, these requirements should be carefully reviewed and evaluated for
inclusion. There should be an explicit decision, which of these requirements shall be
selected for the specific Security Baseline in focus. Typically, only a subset of them will be
Please note: The “mandatory” in this sentence is suggested for inclusion in the final organization-
specific baseline document. The SAP Security Baseline Template is not mandatory in any aspect.
2.1 Environment
In the Secure Operations Map, the “Infrastructure Security” layer is about requirements from SAP
systems and solutions to their environment. This version of the SAP Security Baseline Template
focuses on requirements towards the SAP solutions themselves. Thus, this chapter for
“Infrastructure Security” is without content for now. In a later version of the SAP Security Baseline
Template, it may get filled with requirements towards the non-SAP environment.
2.2 System
2.2.1 Security Hardening
b) Client Change Option: Use transaction SCC4 to define following settings for all production
- “Client role” = “Live” (for client 000, you can use setting “SAP reference” as well)
- “Changes and Transports for Client-Specific Objects” = “No changes allowed”
- “Cross-Client Object Changes” = “No Changes to Repository and Cross-Client
Customizing Objects”
- “Client Copy and Comparison Tool Protection” is set either to “Protection level1: No
overwriting” or to “Protection level2: No overwriting, no external availability”.
You can check the settings in transaction SE16 for table T000 for all clients, whether
production client. [Critical] Kommentiert [BF2]: Target System 1ACHANGE CLIENTS
D /sap/public/icman/*
D /sap/public/ping
D /sap/public/icf_info/*
D /sap/wdisp/info
[Standard] Kommentiert [BF15]: No Target System
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.50 This function is obsolete and should no longer be used. Instead,
use specific settings (which extend the default value) for the authorization handler: Profile
parameter icm/HTTP/auth_<xx>.
c) Control critical authorization for authorization object S_DATASET. [Extended] Kommentiert [BF24]: Target System 3AFILE
Kommentiert [BF25]: Target System 3AFILE MSGSRV: Message Server Security AUTH_COMB_CHECK_USER AUTH_COMB_CHECK_ROLE
The Message Server must be configured to protect application server communication within a
system and to control monitoring and administration access. You find installations of a Message
Server on ABAP systems as well as on Java Systems.
b) The transmission of web session tracking and load balancing cookies shall be restricted via the
cookies’ “Secure” attribute to HTTPS-secured connections only by having the Web Container
property SystemCookiesHTTPSProtection set to true. (only to be applied for connections,
which are secured via HTTPS). (see note 2068872) [Standard] Kommentiert [BF47]: Target System 2JSESS http
f) Profile Parameter rdisp/vbdelete = 0 or at least 400. [Standard] Kommentiert [BF53]: Target System 2AUSRCTR
Following SACF scenarios are not activated by Secure-by-Default in S/4HANA according to the
exception list in function SACF_SET_SBD: BC_GENERIC_REPORT_START,
b) SAP Security Notes must be reviewed timely and implemented timely – if not decided and
documented otherwise in the review. [Critical] Kommentiert [BF59]: No Target System
b) SAP Security Notes must be reviewed timely and implemented timely – if not decided and
documented otherwise in the review. [Critical] Kommentiert [BF61]: No Target System
b) SAP Security Notes must be reviewed timely and implemented timely – if not decided and
documented otherwise in the review. [Critical] Kommentiert [BF63]: No Target System
b) SAP Security Notes must be reviewed timely and implemented timely – if not decided and
documented otherwise in the review. [Critical] Kommentiert [BF65]: No Target System
2.3 Application
2.3.1 User and Identity Management
- No profile should be assigned, especially not the authorization profile SAP_ALL. Kommentiert [BF69]: Not checked in ConigVal
The users from the SAP ID Service are categorized in the following user classes:
P-user (public users) which can registered by persons themself
S-user (SAP Support Portal Users)
I- and D-users (internal SAP employees)
C-users (external SAP employees)
The following requirements apply to platform users of the global account, directories and multi-
environment subaccounts only.
a) The user base for platform users should be provided by the custom identity provider.
b) No platform user from default identity provider with external email address domain should
have viewer privileges. [Standard]
c) No platform user from default identity provider with external email address domain should
have administrative privileges. [Critical]
The following requirements apply to platform users (members) of Cloud Foundry organizations and
spaces only.
d) The user base for Cloud Foundry organization and space members should be provided by the
custom identity provider. [Standard]
e) No Cloud Foundry organization or space member from default identity provider with external
email address domain should be assigned to one of the following viewer privileges: Org
Auditor, Space Auditor [Standard]
f) No Cloud Foundry organization or space member from default identity provider with external
email address domain should be assigned to one of the following administrative privileges: Org
Manager, Space Developer, Space Manager [Critical]
The following requirements apply to platform users of Neo environment subaccounts only.
g) The user base for platform users should be provided by the custom identity provider.
h) No platform user from default identity provider should belong to the user classes C-, D- or I-
user. [Standard]
i) No platform user from default identity provider should be a public user (P-user). [Critical]
The following requirements apply to business users of Multi-Environment and Neo environment
subaccounts only.
j) The user base for business users should be provided by the custom identity provider.
k) No business user from default identity provider should belong to the user classes C-, D-, I-, or
P- user or has an external email address domain. [Critical]
b) Allow Web Dispatcher administration only on a port, which is protected by HTTPS by setting
the PORT option of the profile parameter icm/HTTP/admin_<num> to an HTTPS port.
[Standard] Kommentiert [BF86]: No Target System
d) The RFC Gateway’s default “Initial Security Environment” must be enabled by setting profile
Kommentiert [BF116]: Target System 1ARFCGW
parameter gw/acl_mode = 13 [Critical] ABAP_INSTANCE_PAHI
e) RFC Gateway monitoring must be set to “local only” by setting profile parameter
gw/monitor = 1 [Critical] Kommentiert [BF117]: Target System 1ARFCGW
f) The simulation mode must be off by setting profile parameter gw/sim_mode = 0 [Critical] Kommentiert [BF118]: Target System 1ARFCGW
g) Use an acceptable method to start programs via the RFC Gateway by setting profile
parameter gw/rem_start = DISABLED or SSH_SHELL. [Extended] Kommentiert [BF119]: Target System 3ARFCGW
h) Set profile parameter gw/acl_mode_proxy = 1 and maintain the Access Control List file
prxyinfo (the file name is defined with profile parameter gw/prxy_info ) [Extended] Kommentiert [BF120]: Target System 3ARFCGW
Attention! This can break communication connections, if the Gateway Access Control lists are not
existing or not linked via the profile parameters correctly!
1) Authorization to change or display all tables (S_TABU_DIS * respective S_TABU_NAM *) Kommentiert [BF132]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
2) Authorization to start all transactions, services and applications (S_TCODE * and Kommentiert [BF133]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
Kommentiert [BF134]: from BL_O-3: COMB_ID =
3) Authorization to start all reports (S_PROGRAM *) STCODE_TCD_STAR
4) Authorization to debug / replace (S_DEVELOP for DEBUG with activity 01/02) Kommentiert [BF135]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
Kommentiert [BF136]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
5) Authorization to display other users’ spool request (S_SPO_ACT) DEBUG_REPLACE
6) Authorization to administer RFC connections (S_RFC_ADM)Authorization to execute all Kommentiert [BF137]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
Function Modules (S_DEVELOP for FUGR with activity 16) in the development workbench
Kommentiert [BF138]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
7) Authorization to execute all Class Methods (S_DEVELOP for CLAS with activity 16) in the ADMIN_RFC
development workbench
8) Authorization to reset/change user passwords or to lock/unlock users (S_USER_GRP with Kommentiert [BF139]: from BL_O-4: COMB_ID =
activity 05)
9) Authorization to change the authorization groups of tables (S_TABU_DIS with activity 02 for
table authorization group SS)
10) Authorization to administer queries (S_QUERY with activity 23)
11) Authorization to call all RFCs (S_RFC *) Kommentiert [BF140]: from BL_O-5: COMB_ID =
d) Protection of Password Hashes in ABAP Systems Kommentiert [BF141]: from BL_S-2
1) Ensure that tables USR02, USH02 and USRPWDHISTORY are assigned to table authorization
group SPWD. [Standard] Kommentiert [BF142]: Target System 2ACRITD TDDAT
2) Access to tables USR02, USH02 and USRPWDHISTORY using standard tools like
transactions SE16, SE16N or SM30 must be protected against unauthorized access by the
means of restricted authorizations for authorization object S_TABU_DIS (for table
authorization group SPWD) respectively S_TABU_NAM (for the named tables). [Standard] Kommentiert [BF143]: Target System 2ACRITD
The following requirements apply to platform users (members) of Cloud Foundry organizations and
spaces only.
c) The Cloud Foundry roles Org Manager, Space Manager and Space Developer should only
be assigned to a minimal count of members. [Standard]
The following requirements apply to Neo environment subaccounts only.
d) The default platform role Administrator containing the critical scope
manageCustomPlatformRoles should only be assigned to a minimal count of platform
users. [Standard]
e) Custom platform roles containing the critical platform scope
manageCustomPlatformRoles should only be assigned to a minimal count of platform
users. [Standard]
2.4 Process
2.4.1 Regulatory Process Compliance
Currently there are no specific regulations in this chapter.
b) Audit Level Trail Targets must be Initial or contain at least one of the targets
SYSLOGPROTOCOL (Syslog) or CSTABLE (Database Table) for each of the Audit Trail Targets. It
may contain multiple selections including CSVFILE (CSV Text File). However, “CSV Text File”
should not be used to log security-critical information.
File global.ini section auditing configuration parameter
default_audit_trail_type = SYSLOGPROTOCOL or CSTABLE [Standard] Kommentiert [BF154]: Target System 1HAUDIT
2.5 Organization
Similar to the “Environment” layer, this “Organization” layer is also important to set the environment
for SAP systems and SAP cloud solutions. It sets the stage and gives needs and requirements as
input to be considered.
2.5.1 Awareness
Currently there are no specific regulations in this chapter.
3 Addendum
3.1 Requirements Details
3.1.1 Requirements List
Filter Client User Name Audit Classes
1 * * all critical
2 * SAP#* all all
3 * (User IDs for SAP- all all
4 * all all
(Emergency User IDs)
5 * DDIC dialog logon, RFC logon, transaction start all
You may want to validate if critical tables are defined with active table logging (Transaction
See note 2671160 for minimal version information – you can either check the version of the
Kernel or the version of R3trans (the required version of tp is not listed in the note
Kernel 721 patch 1112 R3trans: patch level 1119
Kernel 722 patch 625 R3trans: patch level 715
Kernel 745 patch 810 R3trans: patch level 824
Kernel 749 patch 521 R3trans: patch level 615
Kernel 753 patch 220 R3trans: patch level 312
Kernel 773 patch 220 R3trans: patch level 25
Kernel 774 patch 0 R3trans: patch level 12
7.31: In addition to the URL filter function described here the authentication handler function of
the Web Dispatcher provides a significantly more thorough security check. If you set up the
authentication handler using parameter icm/HTTP/auth_<xx> , you can deactivate both the
configuration described here and the authentication for the Web-based administration interface
(option AUTHFILE of the parameter).
7.50: This function is obsolete and should no longer be used. Instead, use authorization
handler: Profile parameter icm/HTTP/auth_<xx>.
You find more information about profile parameter service/protectedwebmethods in the next
chapter. MSGSRV-A: Message Server Security (part of application server ABAP or Java or
a) Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available.
b) Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available.
c) Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available.
d) Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available. MSGSRV-J: Message Server Security (part of application server ABAP or Java or
Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available.
If this service is used, than restrict authorizations for the corresponding authorization object
B_ALE_RECV with field EDI_MES for allowed message types.
same may hold true for emergency passwords for rare exceptional cases, which are stored in a
secure place until needed. And if passwords are not needed to logon at all – e.g. since all users of
an ABAP system already have the possibility to logon via single sign-on – then the best
recommendation may be to disable and remove the passwords completely.
So, the optimization of a suitable password policy depends on the needs, use and circumstances.
Moreover, it may also differ even between different user groups in the same system.
Thus, we restricted our recommended requirements to a minimum set of very basic ones.
If a password is too short, it may be too easy to just get it. Passwords shorter than 8 characters are
no longer considered as state of the art, so we propose to enforce at least this minimum.
Initial passwords are often used to get new users on-board into a system. If they are not changed
within a reasonable time, then there are especially two risks: a) A user account is available but not
controlled by someone using it, so an attacker may take a chance on this. b) Initial passwords are
somehow communicated to the intended user. Thus, they exist somewhere outside the system –
e.g. in an e-mail, in a directory or in some note – and may be grabbed and misused from there.
Last: We know, that real and even complex passwords are misused in current cyberattacks. In a
preparation phase, attackers try to invade password-handling routines like logon-libraries on client
systems or to install key-loggers to get all keystrokes typed by the user. Once they were
successful, they grab real user-password-combinations to misuse them – often unnoticed by the
victim. Thus, passwords should have a limited life-time. We propose to set it to half-a-year, but you
may decide for a different value depending on your environment and needs.
In this sense, please use this SAP Security Baseline Template really as a template and modify it to
your needs! We can only suggest a structure and some recommended key requirements in general
and give you additional information. Only you can derive an optimized baseline for your specific
situation, environment and needs!
Password Rules
CHECK_PASSWORD_BLACKLIST n.a. Check the Password Blacklist 1
MIN_PASSWORD_DIGITS login/min_password_digits Minimum Number of Digits 0
MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH login/min_password_lng Minimum Password Length 6
MIN_PASSWORD_LETTERS login/min_password_letters Minimum Number of Letters 0
MIN_PASSWORD_LOWERCASE login/min_password_lowercase Minimum Number of Lowercase Letters 0
MIN_PASSWORD_SPECIALS login/min_password_specials Minimum Number of Special Characters 0
MIN_PASSWORD_UPPERCASE login/min_password_uppercase Minimum Number of Uppercase Letters 0
n.a. login/password_downwards_comp password downwards compatibility (8 / 40 1
atibility characters, case-sensitivity)
• maximum_unused_initial_password_lifetime4
• force_first_password_change
You can review the settings in the studio at Security → tab ‘Password Policy’ or with
select * from public.m_password_policy
The password lifetime must be limited for all users. Exception: Technical users may get an
unlimited password lifetime if required.
On a 3-tier scenario typical technical application server users are SAP<SID> and DBACOCKPIT.
More users may exist appending on your scenarios.
A list of accounts with unlimited password lifetime can be found with following statement:
select user_name, password_change_time from public.users where
password_change_time is null and (not user_name = 'SYS' and not user_name
like '_SYS_%')
If the user SYSTEM is locked and the password stored in a safe place for emergency situations it
might be an option to allow an unrestricted password lifetime for SYSTEM as well.
In HANA Release 1 the parameter maximum_unused_inital_password_lifetime is used
(missing “i” in “init(i)al”).
As of HANA Release 2 the parameter maximum_unused_initial_password_lifetime is
used instead.
h) Set profile parameter gw/acl_mode_proxy = 1 and maintain the Access Control List file
prxyinfo ( (the file name is defined with profile parameter gw/prxy_info )
SAP Note 910918 - GW: Parameter gw/prxy_info
SAP Note 1848930 - GW: Strong gw/prxy_info check (bit value 128)
SAP Note 3224889 - GW: Change of the default settings for gw/prxy_info with parameter
gw/acl_mode_proxy Blog: RFC Gateway security, part 4 – prxyinfo ACLRFCGW-J: RFC Gateway
Security (part of application server Java)
Currently there is no additional information for this requirement available.
Caveat: You must have set up an administration concept and corresponding administrators before
doing this!
Procedure: Use the user maintenance user interface or following statement:
select user_name, valid_from, valid_until, user_deactivated from
public.users where user_name = 'SYSTEM'
Note: to deactivate the SYSTEM user you need to set up an administration concept for the SAP
HANA DB including administration users and administration roles. Guidance can be found at
following document:
How to Define Standard Roles for SAP HANA Systems
Following SACF scenarios are nor activated by Secure-by-Default in S/4HANA according to the
exception list in function SACF_SET_SBD: BC_GENERIC_REPORT_START,
The following page provides an overview on syntax rules, common check types and useful best
practices for creating policy content:
In SAP S/4HANA and SAP BW/4HANA upgrades (with SUM), security settings are not adjusted
automatically. In some cases, preparations are necessary before configurations / parameters can
be switched to secure values in upgraded systems. That’s why configurations / parameters are not
changed during the upgrade process. Though it’s recommended to also apply the updated security
settings in system which have been upgraded from older SAP S/4HANA and BW/4HANA releases.
After the upgrade is completed, use the report RSPFRECOMMENDED to compare the actual system
values with the recommended security settings for security relevant profile parameters. (You find
this report in transaction RZ11 at menu item “Goto” → “All recommended values”, too.)
For all parameters deviating from the recommended value, carry out in detail:
• Review the deviations
• Understand the impact of the profile parameters (refer to the attached spreadsheet)
• Execute the necessary preparations
• Adjust the profile parameters to the recommended security setting after preparations have
been executed.
For more details see note 2926224 - Collection Note: New security settings for SAP S/4HANA and
SAP BW/4HANA using SL Toolset and SUM
3.5.1 New secure default settings in S/4HANA 2022 and BW/4HANA 2022:
• Profile parameter gw/acl_mode_proxy = 1
Note 3224889
• Profile parameter login/ticket_only_by_https = 1
Note 1531399
• Profile parameter ssl/ciphersuites =
Note 3198351
• Profile parameter rfc/log/active = 1
Profile parameter icf/log/active = 1
SAP Help
• Customizing REF_USER_CHECK = E in table PRGN_CUST
Note 513694
• Profile parameters for host agent profile:
ssl/ciphersuites = 545:PFS:HIGH::EC_X25519:EC_P256:EC_HIGH
ssl/client_ciphersuites = 150:PFS:HIGH::EC_X25519:EC_P256:EC_HIGH
ssl/client_sni_enabled = TRUE
Note 3213711
3.5.2 New secure default settings in S/4HANA 2021 and BW/4HANA 2021:
• Profile parameter rec/client = ALL
Note 3093760
• Transport parameter RECCLIENT = ALL
Note 84052
• Transport parameter TLOGOCHECK = TRUE
Note 2671160
• Transport parameter VERS_AT_IMP = ALWAYS
Note 1784800
• UCON HTTP allowlist for all relative path for 01 Trusted Network Zone and 03 CSS Style
Sheet and active check for 02 Clickjacking Framing Protection
Note 3083852
• Enable authorization object S_START checks for Web Dynpro Application Configuration
(WDCA) and Web Dynpro Applications (WDYA)
Note 3064888
• All SLDW scenarios are set to productive scenario as shipped by SAP. In certain cases,
additional activation of allowlist checks might be necessary (status of check is not active)
Note 1922712
• HANA auditing is enabled in TenantDB and a recommended set of HANA audit policies is
configured in TenantDB
Note 3016478
• All scenarios in Switchable Authorization Check Framework (SACF) are set to productive
scenario with active checks.
Note 2958356
4.1 Environment
The “Environment” layer looks at the non-SAP technical environment of SAP cloud offerings,
solutions and systems.
4.2 System
The “System” layer addresses the SAP platform layer which provides the foundation for all
applications operated upon it. The integrity and robustness of this platform is key to ensure that
application layer controls (e.g. the authorization systems) cannot be circumvented by lower level
vulnerabilities (e.g. SQL injections made possible via insecure code).
4.3 Application
The “Application” layer is about controls that are available in SAP standard applications and non-
standard applications built by customers. Here, protective measures are discussed on users and
privileges level as well as proper application design.
4.4 Process
The “Process” layer extends the pure security view with compliance aspects. While security
focuses on operating robust SAP applications preventing intentional and unintentional malfunctions
and compromise of confidentiality, regulatory compliance deals with the correct behavior of
applications with regards to policies and legal demands coming from the various jurisdictions SAP
systems are operated in.
4.5 Organization
4.5.1 Awareness
General security awareness is an important pre-condition to achieve security. Not everyone has to
be a security expert – but everyone needs to contribute on his part and also needs to identify when
security expertise should be called. Ignoring or even countering or circumventing security
regulations and mechanisms can endanger a whole landscape. “Awareness” thus also is directly
linked to user-friendliness and ease of handling of any security mechanisms or configuration.
[11] Partner Directories
[12] Integration Scenarios
[13] Front-End Network Requirements for mySAP Business Solutions
→ Sizing Guidelines
→ Solutions & Platforms
→ Frontend Network Requirements for SAP Solutions
[14] Security Whitepapers
Securing Remote Function Calls (RFC), November 2014
Secure Configuration SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP
[15] Blogs on SCN
Security Patch Process FAQ
How to get RFC call traces to build authorizations for S_RFC for free!
Recommended Settings for the Security Audit Log (SM19 / RSAU_CONFIG / SM20 /
How to remove unused clients including client 001 and 066
or SAP note 1749142
Security of the SAProuter
Life (profile SAP_NEW), the Universe (role SAP_NEW) and Everything (SAP_ALL)
ABAP Development Standards concerning Security
Export/Import Critical Authorizations for RSUSR008_009_NEW
Book Chapter Checked
ABAP Workbench Tools ABAP Workbench Tools 7.50
Administration Manual An Overview of the Security-Related Services 7.02
Creating a New Connection Entry 7.02
IIOP Provider Service 7.02
Java Mail Client Service 7.02
JCo RFC Provider Service 7.02
P4 Provider Service 7.02
Secure Storage Service 7.02
SSL Provider Service 7.02
Visual Administrator 7.02
Auditing and Logging Security Audit Log 7.50
6 Index
Authorization objects
Public user ...................................................... 61
B_ALE_RECV ................................................48
Subaccount............ 17, 21, 23, 31, 33, 36, 42, 46
S_DATASET ...................................................15
BTP role collections
S_DEVELOP ............................................. 31, 32 Directory Administrator................. 33
S_PATH .......................................................... 15 Global Account Administrator..... 33
S_PROGRAM ...................................................31 Subaccount Administrator .............. 33
S_QUERY........................................................32 BTP roles
S_RFC ...................................................... 32, 77 AccountDeveloper ............................33, 43
S_RFC_ADM ...................................................32 Administrator ...................................33, 42
S_SCR ............................................................ 56 BTP scopes
S_SERVICE ...................................................31 Manage Account Members ..............33, 43
S_SPO_ACT ...................................................32 Manage Audit Logs ..........................33, 43
S_START............................................ 19, 31, 68 Manage Authorization...................33, 43
S_TABU_DIS .......................................... 31, 32 manageCustomPlatformRoles .33, 42, 43
S_TABU_NAM .......................................... 31, 32 Clickjacking Framing Protection ........................ 68
S_TCODE........................................................31 Clients
S_USER_GRP ................................................32 000 ................................................................ 22
Authorization profiles 001 ...........................................................18, 50
S_A.TMSADM ................................................22 066 .....................................................18, 22, 50
SAP_ALL...................................... 21, 31, 42, 78 Configuration Stores
SAP_NEW...................................... 31, 42, 44, 78 ABAP_INSTANCE_PAHI............................. 40
BTP CLIENTS ....................................................... 39
Beta features............................................. 21, 46 LOGGED_TABLES ........................................ 41
Business user...................................................23 TDDAT............................................................ 40
Cloud Connector ..................... 17, 21, 36, 72, 73 TRANSPORT_TOOL ...................................... 41
Cloud Foundry ..................................... 23, 31, 33 CSS Style Sheet .................................................. 68
Directory ......................................................... 23 Customizing
Global account .................. 23, 30, 31, 42, 43, 61 REF_USER_CHECK .................................22, 68
Identity Provider ....................................... 23, 31
Emergency users ...........................................37, 38
Multi environment ..........................................23
Neo environment ................................ 23, 33, 42
prxyinfo ...............................................29, 55
Platform user ...................................... 23, 30, 31
reginfo ..................................................29, 76
SAP Security Baseline Template
icm/accept_forwarded_cert_via_ht login/password_compliance_to_cur
tp ................................................................ 14 rent_policy.........................25, 51, 53, 69
icm/HTTP/admin_<num>................... 14, 25
bility.....................................25, 51, 53, 70
icm/HTTP/auth_<xx> ....................... 14, 45
icm/HTTP/error_templ_path....... 14, 45 27, 51, 53
icm/HTTP/logging_ ................................ 70 login/password_hash_algorithm . 27,
icm/HTTP/logging_0 ............................. 35 70
icm/HTTP/logging_client_0.............35 login/password_logon_usergroup 27
icm/security_log ............................ 35, 70
...................................................25, 51, 52, 69
icm/server_port_<num> ................ 24, 49 login/password_max_idle_producti
icm/SMTP/show_server_header ........14 ve ....................................................26, 52, 69
icm/trace_secured_data ....................14 login/show_detailed_errors .. 13, 45,
icm/trusted_reverse_proxy_<num> 69
.....................................................................14 login/ticket_only_by_https ....30, 68
is/HTTP/show_detailed_errors13, 45 login/ticket_only_to_host ............ 30
is/HTTP/show_server_header ..........13 ms/acl_info ..................................15, 29, 30
ixml/dtd_restriction......................... 17 ms/admin_port ........................................ 15
login/disable_cpic ....................... 17, 70 ms/HTTP/logging_ ................................. 70
login/disable_password_logon ....26, ms/HTTP/logging_0 ............................... 35
27, 52
ms/http_logging...............................35, 70
login/failed_user_auto_unlock ..26,
ms/monitor................................................ 15
rdisp/gui_auto_logout ..................... 70
login/fails_to_user_lock ......... 26, 52
rdisp/msserv_internal ..................... 15
login/min_password_diff ........... 26, 52
rdisp/TRACE_HIDE_SEC_DATA ............ 14
login/min_password_digits....... 26, 53
rdisp/vbdelete .................................19, 70
login/min_password_letters .... 26, 53
rec/client...............................12, 40, 41, 68
login/min_password_lng ........ 25, 51, 53
rfc/callback_security_method16, 71
login/min_password_lowercase26, 53
rfc/log/active ...................................... 68
login/min_password_specials .. 26, 53
rfc/reject_expired_passwd .......25, 71
login/min_password_uppercase26, 53
login/no_automatic_user_sapstar rfc/selftrust ........................................ 16
.....................................................................22 rsau/enable ............................................. 34