Pe 109 Copy 1
Pe 109 Copy 1
Pe 109 Copy 1
Physical Education came from a Latin word “physica” meaning physics and “educatio”
meaning the training of the bodily organs and power with a view to the promotion of hearts and
vigor. To have a sound body, one must have a sound mind. The World Health Organization
defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, social wellness, not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity. Physical Education is an integral part of general education which aim to
develop the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and mental traits of man through the physical
There are many benefits of physical education in schools. When students get physical education,
they can:
Increased time spent in physical education does not negatively affect students’ academic
Learning Outcomes:
Physical Education is a discipline that encompasses everything related to the use of the human
body. It helps the integral formation of each human being. The means used in this type of
education are motor games, sports initiation, educational sports, and recreation, etc.
Physical education is a compulsory activity in both primary and secondary school. This
discipline is directed by a professional instructed in a higher physical education course. It comes
with knowledge about biological sciences, health, and the human body.
1. Physical education is important because school age is the only time that students can take the
best learning. Also, society is sure that the message about the importance of physical activity can
be reached properly. Once it is learned, the repercussions it has will be applied to your health for
the rest of your life.
2. Physical Education is important because it prevents diseases, bad feelings, having to go to the
doctor, and medicine or hospitals. Physical activity saves health and keeps all diseases away for
a longer time.
3. The arises the positive approach towards things. It changes people’s perspectives in a way that
although I have not scored a goal or achieved a basket. I have not had the stellar moment of the
game; I have not done it like the best of my team. But I am sure that I have contributed to my
group, my team. I have managed to do something interesting.
4. Physical education is important because it helps to train the citizen of the 21st century in
5. Learning physical education is important because it allows the development of cross-cutting
themes. These are jointly addressing many of the areas of the curriculum. Working and
improving on competencies is so common now.
6. Physical education is important because it educates in values. It teaches that it is essential to
accept others. It helps to recognize the effort of everyone within a group. People give value and
recognize the importance of everyone when it comes to enjoying and having a good time.
7. Its importance is there because having fun with others is more important than winning. The
referee is a friend who collaborates and facilitates through norms. He guides the rules that we
need to learn to live together and respect each other. It enhances the level of interaction in a
proper way.
Philosophy of Physical education
Physical Education emphasized using activities to reach valuable educational goals, the mental,
social, spiritual and moral goals.
Help the students acquired skills and develop affection for the activities themselves. It aims to
help students.
In accordance with the pertinent provision of Republic Act (RA) NO. 7722. Otherwise
known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994” in pursuance of an outcome based quality
assurance system as advance under CM046s 2012 and virtue of commission.
The following policies, standard and guidelines are hereby accepted and Promulgated by
the commission for the purpose of nationalizing physical education in the country with
the end in view of keeping pace with the demand by great competitiveness; and pursuant
to Article XIV.
Section 19 of the Philippines constitution which mandates that the state shall promote
physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur
sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-discipline, team
work, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. All education
institution shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation
of athletic clubs and often sectors.
The importance of Physical education as part of the curriculum is in the 1986 Philippines
constitution, Article XIV, sec 19 which states “the state shall promote physical education and
encourages sports program, league competitions and amateur sports, including training for
international competitions, to further self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the
development of a healthy and alert citizenry.
Constitutional provision
Brief History
P.E. has existed since the earliest stages of humanity, in areas as where knowledge of
basic survival, i.e. hunting, was transmitted. Formal P.E. was first observed during the ancient
times as a component of military trainings as in the case of the ancient Roman Citizens. During
the time children were trained to learn basic military skills such as fighting tactics .In some
cases, P.E. was a form of entertainment as in the case of the ancient Greeks who organized P.E.
programs by the 700’s B.C. at educational establishment called gymnasia. Wrestling and
athletics (i.e. discus and javelin throwing, jumping and running are examples of P.E. programs
which served the purpose of entertainment among the ancient Greeks. 400’s to 1500’s many
sports and other physical activities were considered sinful, especially in Europe. However it was
during Renaissance, which spanned from 1300’s to 1600’s when the internet in Greek and
Roman culture was revived. That brought a return of fitness sports and body building activities
and competitions.1700’s the P.E. developed significantly as it was promoted to the masses. It
was during the century when P.E. was regarded as a social activity. A series of gymnastics was
also developed during that century.
In 1800’s P.E. found its way into formal schools in Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom,
and America. German and Swedish programs emphasized gymnastics and exercise routines. The
British programs stressed team sports. The American programs borrowed ideas from all other
European sources. The introduction of P.E. into the educational system led to many things we
have today. It was also during this century when plenty of new sports were invented. In the
1900’s, the most significant development was the large-scale provision of P.E. programs for girls
and people with disabilities.
Areas of Development
1. Organic (Physiological) – The improvement of various organs used to gain power and stamina
such as power and endurance in the heart and lungs, heart regulating mechanism, and digestive
and eliminating organs.
2. Neuromuscular (Muscular and Nerves) - It refers to the development of skills and
coordination, strength in the skeletal muscles.
3. Interpretive (Mental) – Continuously develops and strengthens the judgment, interpretation
and problem-solving skills through learning the rules, signals and different techniques.
4. Emotional – Enhance the development of impulses and emotions. Through participating in
different activities, one can experience fear, anger, joy and other powerful emotions and learns to
control it.
1. Physical Development – To be able to maintain a lifelong health and high level of physical
fitness, one should actively participate in physical activities. Thus, by engaging in physical
activities one can enhance his growth and development. In addition, an individual who engaged
in sports and recreation activities will lead to a healthy lifestyle and will avoid the risk of various
health problems.
2. Social development – one can acquire desirable social traits through participation in sports
related activities.
3. Emotional development – examples of worthwhile emotional traits that can be developed
through participation in sports-related activities are self- confidence, self-reliance, courage, and
determination (Andin 1988).
4. Mental development - (Andin 1988) stated that through participation in physical education
activities, the individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical principles
underlying movements, as he acquires knowledge and understanding of rules and strategies of
games and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his movements in gymnastics and
Purpose of P.E.
1. To develop optimum fitness and health of the individual so that he is capable of living the
“good life” and of contributing to his maximum capacity to the attainment of the goals of our
2. To produce individuals who can contribute to the economic well-being through a) the
improvement of proper work habits and work attitudes, such as punctuality, cooperation,
reliability, precision and accuracy and open-mindedness b) proper emphasis on problem solving
skills such that an individual can identify a problem correctly and master the skills necessary or
useful in school and in the business world.
3. To train good leaders with moral integrity of the highest order and develop other desirable
traits necessary for effective group participation or group essential to our society through a) an
adequate system of values by equipping the individual to be able to make moral choices or
decisions needed in daily living and through b) offering group participation in such experiences
as intramurals, extramural, play days or sports fests.
4. To develop creativity and innovativeness inspired by an abiding faith in God and love of
country and fellowmen.
5. To instill a love of and pride for our rich culture heritage and strive for their preservation and
development an understanding of the culture of others for a feeling of international brotherhood
and unity.
Concept of Fitness
1. Organic vigor – refers to the soundness of the heart and the lungs which contributes to the
ability to resist disease.
2. Endurance – is the ability to sustain long continued contractions where a number of muscle
groups are used: the capacity to bear or last long in a certain task without undue fatigue.
3. Strength – is the capacity to sustain the application of force without yielding or breaking; the
ability of the muscles to exert effort against a resistance.
4. Power – refers to the ability of the muscles to release maximum force in the shortest period of
5. Flexibility – is a quality of plasticity which gives the ability to do a wide range of movement.
6. Agility - is the ability of the individual to change direction or position in space with quickness
and lightness of movement.
7. Balance – is the ability to control organic equipment neuro - muscularly; a state of
8. Speed – is the ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest period of
Concept of Wellness
1. Physical Wellness - People who are physically well actively make healthy decisions on a
daily basis. They eat a nutritionally balanced diet; they try to get an adequate amount of sleep,
and they visit the doctor routinely. They make a habit of exercising three to five times per week;
they have the ability to identify their personal needs and are aware of their body's limitations.
They maintain positive interpersonal relationships and make healthy sexual decisions that are
consistent with their personal values and beliefs.
2. Emotional Wellness - An emotionally well person successfully expresses and manages an
entire range of feelings, including anger, doubt, hope, joy, desire, fear, and many others. People
who are emotionally well maintain a high level of self-esteem. They have a positive body-image
and the ability to regulate their feelings. They know where to seek support and help regarding
their mental health, including but not limited to, seeking professional counseling services.
Intellectual Wellness Those who enjoy intellectual wellness engage in lifelong learning. They
seek knowledge and activities that further develop their critical thinking and heighten global
awareness. They engage in activities associated with the arts, philosophy, and reasoning.
3. Spiritual Wellness - People who can be described as spiritually well have identified a core set
of beliefs that guide their decision making, and other faith based endeavors. While firm in their
spiritual beliefs, they understand others may have a distinctly different set of guiding principles.
They recognize the relationship between spirituality and identity in all individuals.
4. Social Wellness - A socially well person builds healthy relationships based on
interdependence, trust, and respect. Those who are socially well have a keen awareness of the
feelings of others. They develop a network of friends and co-workers who share a common
purpose, and who provide support and validation.
5. Environmental Wellness - An environmentally well person appreciates the external cues and
stimuli that an environment can provide. People who have achieved environmental wellness
recognize the limits to controlling an environment and seek to understand the role an individual
plays in the environment.
6. Occupational Wellness - An occupationally well person enjoys the pursuit of a career which
is fulfilling on a variety of levels. This person finds satisfaction and enrichment in work, while
always in pursuit of opportunities to reach the next level of professional success.
7. Financial Wellness - Those who are financially well are fully aware of their current financial
state. They set long- and short-term goals regarding finances that will allow them to reach their
personal goals and achieve self-defined financial
Whether you are a beginner or a professional and physically active, it is very important
for you to be prepared and to know how to exercise safely in all conditions. If you’re a beginner
you should prepared physically and medically ready. As a young person you probably won’t
have a problem with physical and medical readiness. Also, you should be ready for a variety of
environmental condition such as heat, cold, pollution, and altitude that may require a change in
your exercise habits. In this lesson you will learn how to prepare yourself in physical activities.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Components of Physical Fitness.
2. Explained principles of correct body mechanics.
3. Determined risks and risk factors in physical activity
4. Developed awareness on safety measures in the avoidance of risks of injuries during
physical activities.
5. Engaged in smart and safe physical activity
Physical Fitness
It means the ability to carry one’s work load without staggering and to participate in
recreation with ease and enjoyment and still have a reservoir of endurance to meet the
emergencies of life. In other words, it is the capability of the body systems in carrying out their
daily activities satisfactorily and still has enough energy to enjoy leisure and to meet unforeseen
emergencies. Physical fitness is a condition whereby the systems of the body are able to function
at their optimal efficiency.
1. Cardio-respiratory endurance - is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and the lungs to
deliver essential nutrients, and especially oxygen, to the working muscles and to remove waste
materials from the body. A characteristic of cardio-respiratory endurance is the body’s ability to
continuously take in and process the amount of oxygen that is needed for a demanding physical
task for a long period.
2. Strength - is the ability of the muscle or muscle-group to exert one maximal force against a
resistance. It is that factor of motor fitness that allows a person to overcome a resistance through
muscular exertion.
There are three discrete components of strength:
1. Explosive strength – is apparent in those activities requiring movement, speed,
and sudden changes in direction. Examples are soccer, hurdling and football.
2. Static strength – requires little muscle shortening and is necessary in
overcoming a heavy resistance. Examples include climbing, mountain biking and
motocross (grip and upper body strength), Judo, wrestling, alpine skiing (static
strength required to stabilize the upper and lower body), shooting, gymnastics and
horseback riding.
3. dynamic strength – it is the component found in repeated muscle contraction.
2 General types of muscle contraction for strength:
Isotonic contraction – muscles contract which results in body movements, because as
muscle force increases, the resistance increases proportionately; and as the muscle force
decreases, the resistance decreases proportionately.
Isometric contraction – is one in which the muscle is activated, but instead of being
allowed to lengthen or shorten, it is held at a constant length. An example of an isometric
contraction would be carrying an object in front of you
3. Muscular endurance - is the ability of a muscle or group to exert repeated muscular
contraction against a resistance for an extended period of time as in performing push-ups, sit-ups,
or half-squats.
4. Joint flexibility - is the ability of the joints to move throughout the full range of motion.
Flexibility is specific to each joint and is limited primarily by the structure of the joint.
5. Body composition - is the relationship between fat tissue and lean body tissue such as muscle,
bone, blood, skin, and organs. It refers to the relative percentage of the lean body weight (mass)
and body fat (adipose tissue)
1. Speed - is the ability to make successive movements of the same kind in the shortest possible
period of time.
2. Power - refers to the muscular power which is the ability to release maximum force in the
shortest possible time.
3. Agility - is the ability to change position or direction with quickness and lightness of
4. Balance - is the ability to control organic equipment neuromuscular; it is a state of
3 Aspects of Balance
Body Posture
“Posture is the way you position your body or arrange your limbs. So stand up straight,
put your shoulders back, and lift that chin up” According to the free dictionary a posture is
a position of a person's body or body parts and characteristic way of bearing one's body. When it
comes to medical term Posture - is the carriage of the body as a whole, the attitude of the body,
or the position of the limbs (the arms and legs). "Postural" pertains to the posture or position.
For example, postural hypotension is a drop in blood pressure (hypotension) due to a change in
body position (a change in posture) when a person moves to a more vertical position: from sitting
to standing or from lying down to sitting or standing. The root of the word "posture" is the Latin
verb "ponere" meaning "to put or place." The past participle "positus" gave the noun "positura"
that travelled via France to England in the 16th century as "posture."
• Keeps bones and joints in the correct alignment so that muscles are being used properly.
• Helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces.
• Decreases the stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together.
• Prevents the spine from becoming fixed in abnormal positions.
• Prevents fatigue because muscles are being used more efficiently, allowing the body to
use less energy.
• Prevents backache and muscular pain.
• Contributes to a good appearance.
• Stand tall!
• Think tall neck (ballerina or model style)- but keep your chin tucked in. Avoid tilting
your head forward, backward or sideways.
• Your earlobes will line up with the middle of your shoulders.
• Keep your shoulders back, your knees straight and you’re back straight.
• Let arms hang naturally down the sides of the body
• Lightly draw in your core stomach muscles. Avoid tilting your pelvis forward.
• Avoid locking the knees
• Ensure your feet arches are in a neutral (not flat) position.
• Stand with weight over the centre of your feet.
• Stand with your feet slightly apart (shoulder-width).
• Shift your weight from one foot to the other when standing for a sustained periods.
Alternatively, stand in a walk-stand and rock your weight from your front to back foot.
1. Headaches - "Poor alignment or posture is one of the leading cause of neck pain back pain and
headaches," says chiropractor Dr. Todd Sinett over email. Hunching over and looking down puts
extra strain on the posterior muscles of the neck to keep your head from falling forward. This can
put strain on the muscles, causing headaches.
2. Sleep Problems - Poor posture can negatively impact our ability to sleep, says Sinett. "If our
muscular system is not aligned properly, we won’t be able to fully relax”.
3. Bad Mood
How you sit or stand seems to be completely separate from your mood, but your posture can
actually play a role in your mental state. A study from the journal Health Psychology found that
people who sat with a slumped posture exhibited more negative moods, more fear, and lower
self-esteem than those who sat upright.
4. Less Motivation - If you're slumped over miserably at work, your work ethic might be
affected. In that same study from Health Psychology, researchers found that the slumped
participants showed reduced focus and lower confidence. "Someone who is slouching will
appear less confident or shy," says Tanneberg. "Someone who has proper posture appears more
confident and approachable, which will affect many social situations."
4. Foot Pain - All of that misalignment can also end up affecting your feet. "Bad posture can
create foot pain and not allow you to wear your favorite shoes," says Sinett. This makes it
important to pay attention to your posture from your head to your toes.
5. Workout Recovery Issues - Poor posture can impact your workouts and recovery times.
"Certain muscles will become overworked with poor posture and will fatigue too quickly,
leading to more pain during and after a workout because the body will become inflamed and
irritated," says Sinett.
6. Lower Back Pain - "Most people think of upper back and neck pain from bad posture," says
Tanneberg. "However, when you slouch, not only do you roll your shoulders forward, but you
also flatten out your low back, which will eventually lead to pain.“
7. Carpal Tunnel - "The nerves that come out from your neck and upper back control muscle
function and sensations of the arms, wrists, and hands," says Tanneberg. "The nerves can get
pinched from the spine (bone or discs) or from chronically tight muscles, which will lead to
carpal-tunnel-type numbness, tingling, or pain throughout the arm."
8. Fatigue - When you have poor posture, your body has to work harder to keep you upright,
which can end up leaving you feeling tired. "Your nervous system wants to maintain a posture
that is upright and demands the least amount of muscle activation as possible," says holistic
chiropractor Dr. Mike Okouchi over email. "The more you deviate from center, the harder the
system has to work, and thus you expend and require more energy."
9. Constipation - Bathroom troubles? Blame your stance. "Altered posture alters how your
internal organs function," says Okouchi. "This has a profound effect on how your intestines
move food matter through. Bad posture slows the movement of your intestines and can back you
10. High Blood Pressure - Slumping while sitting and slouching while standing can end
up leading to high blood pressure, according to research from the University of Leeds. The
forward rolling of your shoulders and rounding of the back can end up affecting your breathing.
"There are also receptors within the neck that affect blood pressure," says Okouchi.
Poor posture isn’t just about looking hunched and slumped – it can affect our entire
skeletal system and impact our health as we age. So, it’s super important to correct posture
problems now before they get set in stone.
Here are some of the most common posture problems, and what you can do to correct them.
1. Slouching while seated - Observe yourself the next time you sit down. Are your back straight,
shoulders relaxed, and feet flat on the ground? Many people slump in their chair because it’s
more comfortable. But do this every time you sit – and for extended periods of time – and your
body will be under significant strain, with tight tissues and muscles. Practice perfecting your
posture by sitting straighter, without sliding down the chair. You could try a plank or back
extensions to help override a slouched stance.
2. Rounded shoulders - Another side effect of poor posture when seated is rounded or rotated
shoulders. Desk work is usually to blame for this, because hunching at your desk or while using
the computer tightens the muscles in your chest and causes the shoulders to round. To combat
this problem, according to an article in Builtlean, you can use a foam roller to relax the chest,
and focus on strengthening the
muscles in your upper back.
3. One legged lean - When standing, do you often put more weight on one leg? While it might
feel more natural than equal weight on both legs, it can cause tension and pain in your back and
hips. This can cause an imbalance in your pelvic muscles.
The National Health Service in the UK recommends trying strengthening exercises to correct this
posture problem. The plank, bridge, and side leg raises can help.
4. Forward head - A forward head is another common posture problem caused by slouching over
a screen. Doing this over time can cause neck tightness and problems with the upper back
muscles. Posture pro Marc Perry recommends using a massage ball on your upper back to
support the neck. You should also get into the habit of keeping your head back.
Exercise is a form of physical activity, but physical activity does not require exercise.
What's the difference?
Physical activity is more than exercise. Exercise is a structured program of activity
geared toward achieving or maintaining physical fitness. It is actually a sub-category of physical
Physical activity is any form of exercise or movement of the body that uses energy.
Some of your daily life activities—doing active chores around the house, yard work, walking the
dog—are examples.
Both can include aerobic, flexibility, and muscle-strengthening activities.
Types of activity
Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and make your heart and blood vessels healthier.
These include:
Water aerobics
Jogging and running
Aerobic exercise classes
Bicycle riding (stationary or on a path)
Some gardening activities, such as raking and pushing a lawn mower
Golfing (without a cart)
man stretching
Flexibility - enhancing activities ensure a good range of motion in the joints. Loss of flexibility
can be a predisposing factor for physical issues, such as pain syndromes or balance disorders.
Gender, age, and genetics may all influence range of motion. Flexibility exercises include:
Tai Chi or Qi Gong
shovel in dirt
Muscle-strengthening activities build up your strength. These activities work all the different
parts of the body—legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders, and arms—and include:
Safety rules
First, let's discuss some safety rules you should have in your classroom. Remember, rules
are understood regulations directing behavior during an activity. You should have clear and
specific rules for each unit you teach. The following are some general rules to have for your P.E.
1. Equipment
Students need clear expectations for how to treat the sporting equipment. If you fail to set
up rules for the equipment, students may fool around or tease each other in various ways during
P.E. class. To avoid accidents, set up rules for how to handle each piece of equipment. For
example, when playing baseball, make a rule that no student can swing a bat unless they are in
the 'on deck circle' or the batter's box. Also, when playing hockey, no student can swing the stick
above the knee.
You also want to follow a few, basic safety rules with the equipment before the students
even enter the class. Be sure to inspect the facilities and equipment prior to the start of class. For
instance, when using pitching machines, ensure the aim and speed are correct for the ability level
of your students. In addition, for a track and field unit, you need to check the stability of
climbing ropes, the positioning of mats for high jump, and the distance between hurdles.
2. Conditions
Secondly, set rules for the conditions and environment during activities. Two factors that
can cause injuries are heat and wind. Limit outside running if the heat index is too high. If the
gymnasium is very hot, blow your whistle every 10 minutes for a mandatory water break. Be
wary of high winds, if playing games like tennis or baseball, where the wind can affect the
movement of the ball.
In addition to these rules, take preventative measures to check the physical environment.
Look at the gym floor to make sure there are no liquids or obstructions before a basketball game.
In the soccer field, make sure there are no large rocks that can cause twisted ankles. These small
measures can prevent many student injuries.
Physical activity simply means movement of the body that uses energy. Walking,
gardening, briskly pushing a baby stroller, climbing the stairs, playing soccer, or dancing the
night away are all good examples of being active. For health benefits, physical activity should be
moderate or vigorous intensity.
Walking very fast (4½ miles per hour)
Bicycling (more than 10 miles per hour)
Heavy yard work, such as chopping wood
Swimming (freestyle laps)
Basketball (competitive)
Tennis (singles)
The most common injuries associated with physical activity, and these can also be
associated with work related activities, are overuse injuries which usually have no specific
origin, and often become chronic.
Symptoms such as discomfort, swelling, and limited motion around a particular joint or
muscle arise, can last for weeks, may not be resolved, and may worsen.
Acute injuries usually result from a specific incident often accompanied by an identified
pain in a specific body location at the time of the injury.
An acute injury may also be accompanied by enduring pain, swelling, limited motion and
limitation or inability to perform the normal function associated with that body part.
Overuse injuries can occur throughout your body, but most commonly occur in your
knee, foot, ankle, low back, and shoulder area, and if not attended to may increase your risk for
acute injuries.
Muscle and connective tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains, are most frequent.
A number of studies have found that exercise helps depression. There are many views as
to how exercise helps people with depression: Exercise may block negative thoughts or distract
you from daily worries. Exercising with others provides an opportunity for increased social
contact. Increased fitness may lift your mood and improve your sleep patterns. Exercise may
also change levels of chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin, endorphins and stress
hormones. To maintain health and reduce your risk of health problems, health professionals and
researchers recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on
most, preferably all, days.
It may seem like there’s nothing you can do about stress. The bills won’t stop coming,
there will never be more hours in the day, and your work and family responsibilities will always
be demanding. But you have a lot more control than you might think. In fact, the simple
realization that you’re in control of your life is the foundation of managing stress. Stress
management is all about taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you
deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps you can take to
relieve the pressure and regain control.
If you’re living with high levels of stress, you’re putting your entire well-being at risk.
Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional equilibrium, as well as your physical health. It narrows
your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life. Effective stress management, on
the other hand, helps you break the hold stress has on your life, so you can be happier, healthier,
and more productive. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships,
relaxation, and fun—and the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head on.
But stress management is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why it’s important to experiment and find
out what works best for you. The following stress management tips can help you do that.
Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in your life. This isn’t as
straightforward as it sounds. While it’s easy to identify major stressors such as changing jobs,
moving, or a going through a divorce, pinpointing the sources of chronic stress can be more
complicated. It’s all too easy to overlook how your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
contribute to your everyday stress levels. Sure, you may know that you’re constantly worried
about work deadlines, but maybe it’s your procrastination, rather than the actual job demands,
that is causing the stress.
To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses:
Do you explain away stress as temporary (“I just have a million things going on right
now”) even though you can’t remember the last time you took a breather?
Do you define stress as an integral part of your work or home life (“Things are always
crazy around here”) or as a part of your personality (“I have a lot of nervous energy,
that’s all”)?
Do you blame your stress on other people or outside events, or view it as entirely normal
and unexceptional?
Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your
stress level will remain outside your control.
Stress occurs when you perceive that demands placed on you — such as work, school or
relationships — exceed your ability to cope. Some stress can be beneficial at times, producing a
boost that provides the drive and energy to help people get through situations like exams or work
deadlines. However, an extreme amount of stress can have health consequences, affecting the
immune, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine and central nervous systems, and take a severe
emotional toll.
Untreated chronic stress can result in serious health conditions including anxiety,
insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. Research shows
that stress can contribute to the development of major illnesses, such as heart disease, depression
and obesity.
But by finding positive, healthy ways to manage stress as it occurs, many of these
negative health consequences can be reduced. Everyone is different, and so are the ways they
choose to manage their stress. Some people prefer pursuing hobbies such as gardening, playing
music and creating art, while others find relief in more solitary activities: meditation, yoga and
Here are five healthy techniques that psychological research has shown to help reduce
stress in the short- and long-term.
Take a break from the stressor. It may seem difficult to get away from a big work
project, a crying baby or a growing credit card bill. But when you give yourself
permission to step away from it, you let yourself have time to do something else, which
can help you have a new perspective or practice techniques to feel less overwhelmed. It’s
important to not avoid your stress (those bills have to be paid sometime), but even just
20-minutes to take care of yourself is helpful.
Exercise. The research keeps growing — exercise benefits your mind just as well as your
body. We keep hearing about the long-term benefits of a regular exercise routine. But
even a 20-minute walk, run, swim or dance session in the midst of a stressful time can
give an immediate effect that can last for several hours.
Smile and laugh. Our brains are interconnected with our emotions and facial
expressions. When people are stressed, they often hold a lot of the stress in their face. So
laughs or smiles can help relieve some of that tension and improve the situation.
Get social support. Call a friend, send an email. When you share your concerns or
feelings with another person, it does help relieve stress. But it’s important that the person
whom you talk to is someone whom you trust and whom you feel can understand and
validate you. If your family is a stressor, for example, it may not alleviate your stress if
you share your works woes with one of them.
Meditate. Meditation and mindful prayer help the mind and body to relax and focus.
Mindfulness can help people see new perspectives, develop self-compassion and
forgiveness. When practicing a form of mindfulness, people can release emotions that
may have been causing the body physical stress. Much like exercise, research has shown
that even meditating briefly can reap immediate benefits.
FITT (frequency, intensity, time and type), is one way to remember the general guidelines for
what should e included in a fitness plan. Remember, it is important to keep in mind that each
family member’s fitness goals will be different based on age, sex, current fitness level and
available resources. One tried-and-true method to forming a fitness plan that works for you is to
FITT Principles
1. Frequency - Is how often you exercise. Usually we measure this by number of days each
2. Intensity - Is how hard you exercise. We might categorize this as low, moderate or high
3. Time - Refers to the time of day you exercise and how long each session lasts.
4. Type - Refers to what kind of exercise you are doing.
Each component of the FITT Principle is interconnected. For example, if you work out at
a high intensity, you usually work out for less time and fewer days per week. In contrast, if you
work out a low intensity, you will work out more days per week, and each session may last a bit
longer. However, when deciding on an exercise plan, you have to keep in mind your personal
goals. Are you exercising to lose weight? Are you exercising to gain endurance? Your goal will
heavily influence how you use the FITT Principle to develop your plan. When identifying your
goals, it’s also important to be realistic. How much time can you really spend in exercising each
day or week? What is your physical state?
It’s unrealistic to think you can transition from a couch potato to marathon runner in the first
week. One of the greatest things about the FITT Principle is that it’s flexible, you can adjust
your plan as your physical condition changes overtime.
When considering frequency, you might also factor in other components. If you are focusing on
cardio exercise like running or walking at a moderate intensity, you might only exercise three
times each week.
In contrast, if you’re focusing on strength training, you might do that two or three times each
week on non-consecutive days to avoid overworking the muscles.
How do we measure intensity? This is fairly, subjective measure. You could measure your
intensity on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest exertion and 10 being the most
strenuous activity.
For Cardiovascular Exercise: The general rule is to work in your target heart rate zone (60-85%
or 120-180) and focus on a variety of intensities to stimulate different energy systems.
Plan on a total time of at least 60 minutes of activity each day. This can be done all at once or
added together over several shorter 10 to15 minute blocks of activity. Breaking up into smaller
block of time is a great way to start a new program or fit activity into a busy schedule.
The type of activity can include a variety of team sports, individual sports, recreational activities,
family activities, active hobbies, and walking or bicycling for fun and transportation. Several
times every week do weight-bearing activities that promote muscles strength, flexibility, and
bone health. The most important thing is to choose something fun.
Is the organic process by which an organism assimilates food and uses it for growth and
Balanced nutrition includes drinking plenty of clean water and regularly eating foods
from each of six food groups: grains, vegetables, fruits, milk products, meat and beans, and oils.
These foods contain six kinds of nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, and
A person should regularly eat or drink enough of all of these nutrients to grow and remain
healthy. For infant nutrition, mother’s milk itself provides an ideal balance of nutrients, with the
gradual introduction of solid foods after four to six months of age.
If a variety from all food groups is eaten regularly, it is not usually necessary to take
supplements. Even carefully chosen vegetarian diets that include dairy products or eggs can be
quite sufficient. But if little or no animal products are eaten, then grains must be eaten with
legumes (beans, peas, peanuts, and lentils), nuts, and seeds to provide balanced protein.
Food and drink must also be clean and free from disease-causing germs (bacteria, viruses,
and parasites) to be healthy. In some areas, the government purifies water that is delivered
through secured plumbing; this water is safe to use directly from the faucet for food and drink. In
most of the world, however, water should be purified before use. Foods should be washed free of
dirt and then peeled, cooked, boiled, or sanitized before eating.
Food must be eaten in proper amounts to maintain good health. Eating disorders are
serious, negative eating behaviors that can be fatal if untreated. Generally, obesity results from
eating more while malnutrition results from eating less food than needed for growth,
maintenance, and daily activity. Daily energy needs can be estimated based on age, height,
weight, and level of activity. The body mass index (BMI) can be a useful measure of the degree
of under-nutrition or over-nutrition.
Body Mass Index (BMI) The BMI has been used as a measure of the appropriateness of a
person’s weight for a given height. It is calculated as…
height with weight in kg and height in meters.
BMI Weight Status
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5—24.9 Normal
25.0—29.9 Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese
Locomotor movements - This are done by moving the body from one place to another.
A wide range of socio-cultural determinants of physical activity exist. These range from
factors related to the built environment (e.g. urban sprawl, walkability, street connectivity),
neighborhood safety, social networks, and public transportation to socioeconomic limitations as
well as customs and beliefs that can influence vocational or recreational physical activity.
For example, being promoted from physically active outdoor job to a sedentary indoor job,
moving from a dense urban location to a rural or suburban residence, immigration to a western
country, pregnancy and change in familial status or time constraints can all promote
sedentariness and increase the risk of weight gain.
Identifying and addressing the socio-cultural barriers to physical activity can be a key to
successful weight management.
Biomedical factors
Our physiological needs provide the basic determinants of food choice. Humans need
energy and nutrients in order to survive and will respond to the feelings of hunger and satiety
(satisfaction of appetite, state of no hunger between two eating occasions). The central
nervous system is involved in controlling the balance between hunger, appetite stimulation and
food intake.
The macro-nutrients i.e., carbohydrates, proteins and fats generate satiety signals of
varying strength. The balance of evidence suggests that fat has the lowest satiating power,
carbohydrates have an intermediate effect and protein has been found to be the most satiating.
The high energy density of high-fat and/or high-sugar foods can lead to ‘passive
overconsumption’, where excess energy is ingested unintentionally and without the consumption
of additional bulk.
An important satiety signal may be the volume of food or portion size consumed. Many
people are unaware of what constitutes appropriate portion sizes and thus inadvertently consume
excess energy.
Sensory aspects
intakes of fruit and vegetables. However, access to more money does not automatically equate to
a better-quality diet but the range of foods from which one can choose should increase.
Accessibility to shops is another important physical factor influencing food choice, which
is dependent on resources such as transport and geographical location. Healthy food tends to be
more expensive when available within towns and cities compared to supermarkets on the
Studies indicate that the level of education can influence dietary behavior during
adulthood. In contrast, nutrition knowledge and good dietary habits are not strongly correlated.
This is because knowledge about health does not lead to direct action when individuals are
unsure how to apply their knowledge. Furthermore, information disseminated on nutrition comes
from a variety of sources and is viewed as conflicting or is mistrusted, which discourages
motivation to change. Thus, it is important to convey accurate and consistent messages through
various media, on food packages and of course via health professionals.
What people eat is formed and constrained by circumstances that are essentially social
and cultural. Population studies show there are clear differences in social classes with regard to
food and nutrient intakes. Poor diets can result in under- (micronutrients deficiency) and over-
nutrition (energy over consumption resulting in overweight and obesity); problems that face
different sectors of society, requiring different levels of expertise and methods of intervention.
Cultural influences
Cultural influences lead to the difference in the habitual consumption of certain foods and
in traditions of preparation, and in certain cases can lead to restrictions such as exclusion of meat
and milk from the diet. Cultural influences are however amenable to change: when moving to
new country individuals often adopt particular food habits of the local culture.
Social context
Social influences on food intake refer to the impact that one or more persons have on the
eating behaviour of others, either direct (buying food) or indirect (learn from peer's behaviour),
either conscious (transfer of beliefs) or subconscious. Even when eating alone, food choice is
influenced by social factors because attitudes and habits develop through the interaction with
others. However, quantifying the social influences on food intake is difficult because the
influences that people have on the eating behaviour of others are not limited to one type and
people are not necessarily aware of the social influences that are exerted on their eating
Social support can have a beneficial effect on food choices and healthful dietary change.
Social support from within the household and from co-workers was positively associated with
improvements in fruit and vegetable consumption and with the preparative stage of improving
eating habits, respectively. Social support may enhance health promotion through fostering a
sense of group belonging and helping people to be more competent and self-efficacious.
Social setting
Although the majority of food is eaten in the home, an increasing proportion is eaten
outside the home, e.g. in schools, at work and in restaurants. The venue in which food is eaten
can affect food choice, particularly in terms of what foods are on offer. The availability of
healthy food at home and 'away from home' increases the consumption of such foods. However,
access to healthy food options is limited in many work/school environments. This is particularly
true for those with irregular hours or with particular requirements, e.g. vegetarian. With the
majority of adult women and men in employment, the influence of work on health behaviors
such as food choices is an important area of investigation.
4. Meal patterns
People have many different eating occasions daily, the motivations for which will differ
from one occasion to the next.
The effects of snacking on health have been debated widely. Evidence shows that
snacking can have effects on energy and nutrient intakes but not necessarily on body mass index.
Helping young adults to choose healthy snack choices poses a challenge to many health
professionals. In the home, rather than forbidding unhealthy snacks, a more positive approach
may be the introduction of healthy snack options over time. Moreover, healthy food choices
outside the home also need to be made more readily available.
5. Psychological factors
Psychological stress is a common feature of modern life and can modify behaviours that
affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice.
The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the stressor and the circumstances.
In general, some people eat more and some eat less than normal when experiencing stress.The
proposed mechanisms for stress induced changes in eating and food choice are motivational
differences (reduced concern about weight control), physiological (reduced appetite caused by
the processes associated with stress) and practical changes in eating opportunities, food
availability and meal preparation.
Studies also suggest that if work stress is prolonged or frequent, then adverse dietary changes
could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and consequently cardiovascular risk.
Today it is recognized that food influences our mood and that mood has a strong
influence over our choice of food.
Interestingly, it appears that the influence of food on mood is related in part to attitudes towards
particular foods. The ambivalent relationship with food – wanting to enjoy it but conscious of
weight gain is a struggle experienced by many. Dieters, people with high restraint and some
women report feeling guilty because of not eating what they think they should. Moreover,
attempts to restrict intake of certain foods can increase the desire for these particular foods,
leading to what are described as food cravings.
Women more commonly report food cravings than do men. Depressed mood appears to influence
the severity of these cravings. Reports of food cravings are also more common in the
premenstrual phase, a time when total food intake increases and a parallel change in basal
metabolic rate occurs.
Thus, mood and stress can influence food choice behavior and possibly short and long term
responses to dietary intervention.
Eating disorders
The etiology of eating disorders is usually a combination of factors including biological,
psychological, familial and socio-cultural. The occurrence of eating disorders is often associated
with a distorted self-image, low self-esteem, non-specific anxiety, obsession, stress and
Treatment of an eating disorder generally requires weight stabilization and one-to-one
psychotherapy. Prevention is more difficult to define but suggestions include avoidance of child
abuse; avoidance of magnifying diet and health issues; showing affection without over-
controlling; not setting impossible standards; rewarding small attainments in the present;
encouraging independence and sociability.
Barriers to dietary and lifestyle change
Focus on cost
Household income and the cost of food is an important factor influencing food choice,
especially for low-income consumers. The potential for food wastage leads to a reluctance to try
‘new’ foods for fear the family will reject them. In addition, a lack of knowledge and the loss of
cooking skills can also inhibit buying and preparing meals from basic ingredients.
Education on how to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in an affordable way such that no
further expense, in money or effort, is incurred has been proposed as a solution. Efforts of
governments, public health authorities, producers and retailers to promote fruit and vegetable
dishes as value for money could also make a positive contribution to dietary change.
Time constraints
Lack of time is frequently mentioned for not following nutritional advice, particularly by the
young and well educated. People living alone or cooking for one seek out convenience foods
rather than cooking from basic ingredients. This need has been met with a shift in the fruit and
vegetables market from loose to prepacked, prepared and ready-to-cook products. These products
are more expensive than loose products but people are willing to pay the extra cost because of
the convenience they bring.
Healthy eating is not about depriving oneself, starving to become unrealistically thin or
denying ourselves of foods we love. The right way is to achieve a balanced diet which contains
carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fiber, vitamins and minerals in the right proportions.
A balanced diet comprises foods from all the major food groups in the right proportions
to provide the body with ideal nutrition.
Every individual is different and the right diet for good health may vary from person to
person. However, by adhering to a diet that is holistic which covers all the food groups and is
low in undesirable nutrients such as sodium, saturated fats, and sugar, you will be on the road to
a healthy lifestyle.
A well-balanced diet helps with sustained weight control. Calorie requirements depend
on age, physical activity level, and weight goals. An appropriately balanced diet includes low-
calorie, nutrient dense foods such as whole grains, lean protein, fruits and vegetables. Here are
the key benefits of consuming a well-balanced diet:
1. Carbohydrates
A vital source of energy, carbohydrates comprise about 60% of an individual’s diet. Most
of your energy needs are met from carbohydrates. Choose wisely from complex carbohydrate
sources such as whole grains-wheat, millets, brown rice etc.
2. Protein
Protein is needed to assist your body to repair cells and make new ones. It is also
essential for growth and development during the various stages of life. About 25% of daily
calories should come from protein found in legumes like-kidney beans, black-eyed beans, and
chickpeas. Milk and milk products like -paneer, curd, and yoghurt are also a great source of
protein. For the non-vegetarians, good sources include eggs, fish and lean meat.
3. Fats
Fats contribute to about 15% of daily caloric needs and are a major energy source. They
are also vital for storing and providing vitamins and synthesize hormones. Some of the good
sources of fats for one’s daily diet can come from polyunsaturated fats such as flax seeds,
sunflower seed etc., monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, sesame oil etc., and saturated fats
such as butter, and ghee – however, remember to use these in moderation.
5. Water
Life without water is unimaginable. A major nutritional component that helps regulate
body temperature, lubricate your joints and protects your major organs, and tissues. Water also
aids to transport oxygen throughout your body. Make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of
water every day.
10 20 30 40 MARK
5 4 3 2 1
Show mastery of
the different
dance position
properly the
position of the
arms and feet in
dance position
correctly the
direction of the
body in
performing the
different dance
Exercise Basics
A. Standing Positions
1. Feet Together or Feet Parallel - The feet are about one (1) inch apart, toes pointing forward.
Arms at sides.
2. Stride Position - The feet are apart about 12 inches wide. The stride may be made wider than
12 inches. The weight of the body is on both feet and the trunks is at the center. Arms at sides.
3. Lunge Position - Bend one knee, the other leg straight. Weight on both feet. Hands on hips.
4. Half-Knee Bend - Feet together, bend knees to about 45 degree angle; feet flat on floor, body
erect; hands on hips.
5. Full Knees Bend or Squat Position - The knees are fully bent, sit on the heels of the feet. The
weight of the body is on the balls of the feet.
B. Sitting Positions
1. Long Sitting Position - Sitting with legs extended forward, toes pointed, trunks erect and hands
on hips.
2. Hook Sitting Position - Sit on buttocks, bend knees close to the body. Trunk erect, hands on
shin of the legs.
3. Long Sitting Rest Position - Legs and toes are extended forward; hands at the rear in the floor.
Elbow and body straight.
4. Tuck Sitting Position - Sit on buttocks, bend knees close to body; round back so that the
forehead and the knees are in contact; hold shin of legs.
5. Stride Sitting Position - Sitting on buttocks, spread legs apart, trunk erect, hands on thighs.
6. Side Sitting Position - Sitting on buttocks, bend right or left leg in front; other leg extended
sideward. Hands on knees.
7. Hurdle Sitting Position - Sitting on buttocks, bend right leg at the back about 90 degree angle,
the other leg extended diagonally forward.
8. Heels Sit - From kneeling position, sit on the heels of the feet, toes pointed. Hands on hips.
C. Kneeling Positions
1. Kneeling Position - Kneel on both knees, knees close together, body erect, hands on hips.
2. Stride Kneeling Position - Kneeling on both knees, with knees apart.
3. Half-Kneeling Position Right of Left - Kneeling on right, left in half-kneeling position in front.
Hands on hips.
4. Kneeling Position One Leg Extended Sideward Position- Kneeling on one leg, the other
extended sideward, forward or backward.
D. Lying Position
1. Back or Supine Lying Position - Lying on the back, the body us well extended, arms overhead,
toes pointed.
2. Front or Prone Lying Position - Body is well extended and in front of the body in contact with
the floor. Toes pointed, arms forward.
3. Side Lying Position - With the body well extended, the side of the body is in contact with the
floor, one hand on the floor overhead and the other hand bent close to chest palms on floor. Toes
4. Hook Lying Position - In a back lying position, bend knees, with the feet close to buttocks, feet
flat on the floor. Arms overhead.
5. Tuck Lying Position - Lying on the back, pull the knees close to the forehead, hold shin of
1. Supine or Back Arm Support - From a long lying position, lift the body with straight arms
support. Body, legs and toes well extended and one straight line.
2. Prone or Front Arm Support - From a front lying position. Lift the body to front arms support;
body, legs and toes well extended and in one straight line.
3. Side Arm Support - The body is supported with the right or left arm; the body is well extended.
F. Four-Base Positions
1. Dog Stand Position - From a kneeling position, place the hands on the floor, elbows straight,
toes pointed, the knees and hands are the base of support.
2. Bridge Stand Position - From a hook sitting lift the trunk; legs and arms in right angle with the
G. Hand Position
1. Hands on Waist - Place hands on waist. Fingers pointing front thumbs pointing backward.
2. Hands on Chest - Palms facing down, thumbs touching the chest, elbows in line with the
3. Hands on Shoulders - Bends arms from the elbow, finger tips touching the shoulders, elbow in
line with the shoulders, rib cage lifted.
4. Hands on Neck - Bend arms from the elbows, place hands behind the neck, finger tips meeting
each other, elbows in line with the shoulders.
5. Hands on Hips - Place hands on hips, thumbs pointing back and fingers pointing front.
H. Arm Position
1. Arms Forward - Raise arms forward with palms facing each other. Hands in line with the
shoulders, elbows slightly extended.
2. Arms Sideward - Raise arms sideward, palms facing down, finger tips in line with the
3. Arms Upward - Raise arms upward, palms facing each other, elbows touching the ears, the
whole arm in line with the body.
1. Arms Stretch - Hold hands at the back with the elbows close together, fingers interlaced, palms
facing out. Hold this position for 4 counts or more. This can be done in standing stride position
or long sitting position.
2. Arm Circling - Standing or cross sitting position, raise arms sideward. Circle the arms
without bending the elbow. Start from a small circle and gradually increase the circumference.
Reverse the circling.
3. Arm Push-Up - From a dog stand position, bend arms so that the chin touches the floor, the
elbow is off the floor and the fingers pointing forward.
4. Arms Swing - From a dog stand position, swing right arms sideward backward with slight
body twist to the right, left hand stays on the floor. Do this 8 counts. Do this with the left hand.
Repeat as desired.
5. Knee Push-Up - Prone lying position with knees bend, place hands in push-up position. Push
the body up to straight arm support then slowly return to starting positin.
6. Arm Push-Up - From a prone lying position, arms in push-up position, push the body up to
front arm support, the body straight. Slowly go down to starting position.
Hips, Legs, and Feet
7. Knee Bends - Starting position; feet together, hands on waist.
8. Leg Raising - Feet together, arms sideward, raise right leg forward, return to position, do this 4
times. Raise legs sideward, do this 4 times; raise legs backward, do this 4 times. Repeat the
whole movement with the left leg. Do the whole exercise right and left alternately.
9. Standing Body Bend Backward - Standing slightly stride, bend trunk backward from the waist,
hands on hips.
10. Frog Sot or Tailor Sit - Place hands on knees and push knees downward ct. and; the return to
position, ct. I.
11. Kneeling Arch Back - Kneeling position, arms forward, bend trunk to arch back, right and
overhead, left hand in front.
12. Long Sitting Rest Position - From a long sitting rest position; flex right knee so that the toes
are pointed close to the other left knees; stretch to leg raise in front; return to first right and left
alternately as desired.
13. Long Sitting Rest Position with Straight Leg Raise - Action: Bend both knees stretch both
legs up and lower both slowly to starting position.
14. Long Sitting Position with both Legs Raising - From a long sitting, hold ankles, bend both
knees, stretch both leg upward, hold and return to position. Repeat as desired.
15. Supine Lying Position with Leg Raise - From a supine lying position, raise right leg in rear,
return to position. Do the same with the left leg. Repeat alternating right and left leg as desired.
16. Side Lying with Leg Raise Sideward - Raise top leg upward, return to starting position. Do
this as desired.
17. Stride Sitting and Body Bend - From a stride position; arms upward, bend trunk to the right
leg. Return to position. Do the same action to the left leg. Return to position. Raise arms upward
bend forward to center of the legs, arms touching the feet. Return to position. Repeat as desired.
18. Hurdle Sit, Leg stretch, and Trunk Bend - From a hurdle sit position, are overhead, bend
trunk to the stretch leg. Hold this position for 4-8cts. Return to position and repeat as desired.
Change position and repeat as the whole action.
19. Kneeling Position with One Leg Extended Forward - From kneeling position, arms overhead;
bend trunk to the stretch leg; press body close to the extended leg. Hold for 4-8cts. Repeat as
desired. Change position with the left leg extended forward.
20. Kneeling Position with One Leg Extended Sideward - Body bend sideward. Hold this
position for 4-8cts. Repeat as desired. Change position and dothe same action.
Trunk and Abdominal Region
21. Lateral Bends - Stride standing position, raise arm upward, left hand on hips. Bend trunk
sideward left pressing the trunk slowly downward. Return to position and change position of the
hands. Repeat the bend to the right.
22. Bend Trunk Backward - From a stride standing position, hands at the back of the thigh
(thumb pointing in and fingers pointing outward); bend trunk backward. Stay in this position for
4 cts or more. Return to position.
23. Dog Stand Position with Leg Raise in Rear - From a dog stand position extend the right leg
in rear toes touching the floor; raise the extended leg upward in rear. Head is held up and the
supporting arms straight. Trunk bend from the waist as the leg is raised in rear. Return to starting
position and repeat this action as desired, right and left alternately.
24. Abdominal Curl - From a supine lying position, hands in front of thigh; lift head forward,
then the chest. Hold this position for 4 cts. Return to position and relax. Repeat as desired.
25. Supine Lying with Leg Bend and Stretch - From a supine lying position bend knees close to
body; stretch the legs upward. Slowly lower the legs to starting position.
26. Hook Lying Position with Hip Push-Up - From a hook lying position, push the hip upward to
full extension of the body. stay in that position for 4-8cts. Return to starting position. Repeat as
27. Prone Lying Position, Leg Raising at the Back. - Starting Position: Prone lying, arms stretch
forward. Raise legs backward alternately right and left. (Movement from the hip joint legs
straight). Do this movement several times as desired.
28. Prone Lying Position, both Legs Raise - Raise both legs in rear; tummy and the s chest in
contact with the floor. Hold this position for 4 counts. Return to starting position and repeat as
29. Prone Lying; Arm Push-Up; Arch Back - Starting Position: Place hands close to chest at the
sides. Push arms to stretch full extension, trunk to arch back. The hips and legs remain on the
floor. Do this movement slowly (4-8cts). Return to original position. Repeat as desired.
30. Prone Lying Position; Lift Head and Chest - Starting Position: Prone lying position, and on
neck; lift head and chest; hips and legs remain on the floor. Hold this position for 4-8 cts. Return
to standing position and repeat as desired.
31. Do no. 29 and bend the knees t touch the head with the toes. Hold for 4-8 cts, Return to
starting position and relax. Repeat the action as desired.
32. Prone Lying with Ankle Hold - Starting Position: Hold both ankles with both hands and pull
the legs off the floor at the same time, lift the chest to form an arch. Hold several seconds. Return
to starting position. Repeat the action as desired.
33. Shoulder Stand - Raise both legs to full extension, hips, elbow resting. Place the hands under
the hips, elbow resting on the floor. Hold this position.
34. Shoulder Stand with Knee Bend - From a shoulder stand position, bend right knee to touch
the forehead. Repeat with the L knee. Do this action alternate right and left. Movement must be
35. Shoulder Stand with Legs Overhead - Starting Position: Supine lying; arms overhead
Action: Raise both legs to shoulder stand. Slowly lower the legs overhead so that the toes touch
the floor. Stay in this position for several seconds. Return to starting position and relax. Repeat
this action as desired.
Stages of Exercise
The phases of your exercise session should include warmup, conditioning and cooldown.
Some people prefer to add stretching as a fourth phase, separating it from the warmup or
cooldown phases. Each of the phases plays an important role in helping you reach your fitness
goals while maintaining your health and safety. The phases that provide time to prepare your
body and time for your body to recover are just as important as the exercise activity you choose
for the main part of your session.
Stretching/Warm up
Importance of Warm Up
The benefits of warming up before a workout can provide many positive outcomes such as:
During the conditioning phase, you perform the exercise that produces fitness benefits,
such as calorie burning, building endurance or muscle strengthening. You may choose an aerobic
exercise, such as swimming or the elliptical jogger, or you may lift free weights, perform circuit
training on weight machines or play a high-intensity sport such as soccer or basketball.
Benefits of Conditioning
The aerobic advantages of these exercises boost your cardiovascular and respiratory
systems, lowering your risk for developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes. They strengthen
your musculoskeletal system, slow down bone loss, and improve bone density, all of which help
prevent osteoporosis.
Increased muscle mass helps you burn calories and stay fit. Muscle cells burn more
calories than fat cells, even while at rest. It’s especially important to do strengthening exercises,
since aging causes muscle loss and slows your resting metabolic rate.
Conditioning your body helps you feel better overall as you gain confidence, reduce
depressive symptoms, and feel better mentally.
As you build muscle and trim fat, you’ll have more power, stamina, and agility while
doing daily tasks, such as lifting heavy items, carrying large bags, and climbing stairs. Your
muscles work faster and more effectively, making all kinds of movement easier, from reaching
down while in a seated position to jumping higher during a volleyball game.
5. Increases flexibility
Moving through body conditioning exercises trains your body to open up and move in
different ways. Lengthening and extending your muscles is vital for improving flexibility, range
of motion, and mobility.
1. You should have a reasonable level of fitness, energy, and mobility to move through these
positions with ease. If you’re concerned you don’t, check in with your doctor.
2. If you’re new to fitness or have any injuries or medical concerns, use caution and begin
slowly. Modify the exercises to suit your body as necessary. This way you can get used to the
movements before moving on to more difficult moves.
3. Talk to your doctor if you have any medical conditions, take medications, or are concerned
with a specific area of your body.
4.Always do a warmup and cooldown before and after your workout session so your body is
properly adjusted. Use correct form, technique, and alignment while doing these exercises.
Avoid any movement that causes you pain or discomfort.
5. Listen to your body. Take a rest day, or choose a restorative activity on days you’re sick, tired,
or injured.
Cool Down
A cooldown is designed to promote recovery and return the body to a pre-exercise or pre-
workout level. This can be accomplished in a variety of different ways. You can walk or jog,
stretch, or even engage in mindfulness to help your body relax and recover. Whether physical or
mental activities—or a combination of both—a cooldown helps you recover mentally and
physically after physical activity or exercise.
Hamstring Stretch
The hamstrings are responsible for bending or flexing the knee and are used quite a bit if
you are walking, running, playing soccer, or participating in other similar activities. Because
tight hamstrings is common complaint among exercisers, you may want to consider doing a
hamstring stretch. Here is how to incorporate a hamstring stretch into your workout cooldown.
Cat-Cow Stretch
The Cat-Cow Stretch can improve circulation within the disks of your back, benefit your
posture, and increase blood flow in your spine and pelvic region. After exercise, this stretch can
open up your body and counteract the more limited range of motion it received during your
workout.9 Here are the steps for this relaxing stretch.
1. Get on your hands and knees, aligning your wrist under your shoulders and your knees
under your hips.
2. Align your spine and keep it flat.
3. Extend your neck so you are looking up.
4. Curl your toes under.
5. Tilt your pelvis back.
6. Drop your belly down.
7. Move your neck up toward to the ceiling.
8. Flex your neck so you are looking down toward your knees.
9. Release the top of your feet to the floor.
10. Tuck in your tailbone and draw your navel toward your spine.
11. Do this three times.
During cardio and resistance training, you use a number of your leg muscles, and they
can often feel sore after you finish your workout (especially during the next 24 to 48 hours).2
American Council on Exercise. Five reasons you shouldn’t skip your cool-down after
A forward bend can stretch the following leg muscles including the hamstrings, calves,
hips, knees, and thighs.
It also helps with the muscle twitching and soreness you might experience after leg day
or a particularly intense cardio session. Use this stretch to help you slow your breathing down.
Bending forward can provide an opportunity for you to concentrate on taking deep breaths as
you maintain this upside-down position. Here are the steps for this simple, yet effective, stretch.
1. Stand up straight and reach your arms overhead.
2. Sweep your arms down on both sides of your body into a forward fold from your
3. Bring your fingertips in line with the toes.
4. Press your palms into the floor (if you can reach).
5. Bring your weight forward onto the balls of your feet and keep your hips over
your ankles. Let your head hang.
6. Come up by placing your hands on your hips and contact your abs as you slowly
rise up.
7. Be sure to come up slowly. If you go too fast, you could get dizzy.
Exercise programs are popular. There are gyms and other fitness providers with many
different types of classes, exercise routines and equipment, catering to a wide range of people.
An exercise program that is tailored specifically to your needs is a great way to stay
physically and mentally fit. It also provides additional benefits such as:
You probably have some idea of how fit you are. However, assessing and recording baseline
(starting) fitness scores can give you benchmarks (points of comparison) against which to
measure your progress. It’s valuable to assess your progress on a regular basis, for example each
month. Remembering progression with some goals may be achieved in shorter or longer periods
of time.
Consulting an exercise professional when designing your fitness program can help you
reduce injury and customize your program to your needs, especially if you are new to exercise or
you haven’t done any physical activity for a while. Points to keep in mind when designing your
program include:
1. Consider your goals. Are you starting a fitness program to lose weight or for some other
2. Think about your likes and dislikes. Choose activities you will enjoy.
3. Plan a logical progression of activity. If you’re just beginning to exercise, start cautiously and
progress slowly.
4. Build activity into your daily routine. Schedule time to exercise as you would any other
5. Think variety. By varying your activities (cross-training), you can avoid exercise boredom.
6. Allow time for recovery after exercising and make sure you have an adequate healthy diet.
7. Put it on paper. A written plan can encourage you to stay on track.
1. Start with low intensity activities such as walking with a friend or family member.
2. Over time, build up to the amount of physical activity recommended by Australia’s Physical
Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines:
Be active on most (preferably all) days every week.
Accumulate 2½ to 5 hours of moderate intensity physical activity or 1 ¼ to 2 ½
hours of vigorous physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both
moderate and vigorous activities, each week.
3. Do muscle strengthening activities on at least two days each week.
Remember to:
Start slowly and build up gradually.
Break activities up if you have to.
Be creative – include other activities such as walking, cycling, swimming
or dancing in your routine.
Listen to your body – don’t push yourself too hard.
Be flexible – if you’re not feeling good, give yourself permission to take a
day or two off.
Cardiovascular Endurance
2. Twister
A. With your feet apart, turn your body from side to side (R to L) by raising your heels. R
knee slightly bent
B. Swing R arm up in reverse “T” position shoulder level 1 elbow down the L arm
4. Jumping Jacks
S.P.: Standing Position, feet together, arms down at the side
A. Jump and land with your feet apart. Raise your arms sideward shoulder level
B. Jump to position
C. Jump sideward, raise arms overhead
D. Jump to position
E. Repeat all for one minute
5. Heel Jacks
S.P.: Standing position, feet together, arm down at sides
A. Hop on r foot , placing L heel( toes up) to second position, arms sideward
B. B. Jump on both feet keeping them together, arms in front of chest, palm down
C. Repeat a and b with L foot
D. Do the exercise for 30 seconds
6. Leg Kicks
S.P: Standing Position
A. Kick R leg across your body and hop on the L leg at the same time, swinging arms with
L in front toward r leg, and L arm backward ( ct. 1)
B. Repeat A in the opposite direction ( ct. 2)
C. Do exercise for one minute
7. Tester - Totter
S.P.: Hands on Waist, Feet Together
A. Hop on R foot , then on the L foot, extending the free leg sideward.When hopping on R,
bring R arm upward while the L arm is bent from the elbows, fingers pointing upward
B. Bend knees as you land to cushion the impact
C. Hop for 30 seconds
8. Chest Press
S.P.: Standing position, arms in reverse T position, palms facing front, fingertips upward
A. Press forearms together, elbows in line with the shoulder
B. Jog in place
C. Spread arms again as in starting position, keep on jogging in place
D. Briskly do the exercise in 20 seconds as you continue to jog. Be sure not to let your arms
9. Body Pump
S.P.: Stride stand sideward
A. Reach up with the R arm upward stretching the muscles along the sides. Put weight on l
foot, point the R foot sideward R, L hand is placed on L shoulder, elbow down
B. Assume a half - knee bend position, arms in reverse T, palms facing inward
C. Repeat A to the L
D. Repeat B. Do the exercise for 1 minute
2. Bouncing- warm up
S.P.: Feet together, hands on hips
A. Jump forward with both feet ( ct. 1)
B. Jump backward ( ct 2)
C. Jump sideward R to L ( cts. 3, 4)
Physical Education
(Lecture and Activity Manual Physical Education 1) Physical Fitness and Wellness
Author: Necil Magno, LPT, MAT