Principles Practice Auditing Sep Oct 2022

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Vl Semester B.Gom. ehsmination, Sept*/Oc t.2OZ2

(CBCS) (F + R) (2016-17 and Onwards)
Paper - 6.2: Principles and Practice of Auditing
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

lnstructions : Answer sho,uld be written either in Kannada or Engtish onty.

1. Answer any five sub-questions. Each question carries two marks : (5x2=10)
flndooddo ocb ddJeri eru$o*. ds dSJ 2 egodrlsb :
A) Define auditing. ,.

e3{dodo e ddo$dr amran, 0e.

b) What is meant by vouching ?
erd*{ddadraE aoddedr ?
c) What is internal check ?
erodod $8uog aodded> ?
d) Give the meaning of professional ethics.
{g {.eddod, uf,rddloea.
'l' ct
e) What are intangible assets ?
{dr oloer$do_d {$aodde$ ?
f) What is tax audit ?
dori e3d*dodaed$ aoddeib ?

g) What do yog mean by civil liability of'an company auditor ?

dodood: e{dodneddd oarloed dodnaodd$ aoddeab ?

Answer any three questions. gicn question carries O marks :l (3x6=l6)
oJn$oaddra dlJo$ ddJeri *$ox. ds dEJ 6 egodrl$b :

2. Briefly explain the objectives of internal control.

egodod eo$o$ ead wdedridQior$on adoa.

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3. What is Audit Note Book ? State its contents.

dd*dodoeddor: eJ{S d;{d aodded: ? uddO;3:d eodrlddg.}e,*.

4. "Vouching is the essence of auditing" - Analyse.

" cbx:asaE*ocd e{dodrD ddodc 8d)d)"
e - &d_euhxr.

5. How do you verify the following ?

a) lnvestments
b) Sundry creditors.
€s Ednddrldd:,deri dogeo*pao ?
a) doal

b) dOrl$t
6. Briefly explain the appointment and removal of company auditor.
dodpod: e3d*dodoeddd ded:ro-9 drd; dm dnd:d u{*o{Smn adorr.

Answer any three questions. Each question carries 14 marks : (3x14=42)
olndcnddo dr.,odc d#eri q9ox. ds dd$ 14 erodddr:
7. Explain the various types of audit.
e3d*dodo eddoo Ded adrlddl ade,l.

8. What is internal check and explain its advantages and disadvantages.

erodod {euot' oodded> ? edd er$drdedrlsb aarto exnd:doerdrlddleea.

9. Briefly explain vouching of receipts or debit side of cash book.

:oe.:rodood uod dea erdEo oasrd pdd (dea ddd) drl& dddd {ddaioadosq
ado:r. *r

10. Explain in detail the audit procedure of educational institution.

sdga do&dd ejd.dodoeduo
qIAd"4 aqradd$. adoxr.

11. Explain the qualifications and rights of company auditor.

d odo oc eJd*d odo fr d d u d r dri$b aa rlo d$drlddl a d o:r.

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