Sacks Sentence Completion Test

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University of Lucknow.

For Lab. use only H. S Asthana

December, 1955


Time Began.

Time Finished...

Name :. .Sex: Age Date.

INSTRUCTIONS: Below are sixty partiy completed sentences. Read each one and finish it by
writing the first thing that comes to your mind, work as quickly as you can.
If you can not complete an item circle the number and return to it later.

1. Iteel that my father seldom

2 When the odds are against me

3. | always wanted to

4. if Iwere in charge

5. To me the future looks

6. The men over me

Iknow it is silly but Iam afraid of

8. Ifeel that a real friend

9. When Iwas a child

10. My idee of a perfect women

11 When l see a man anda women together

12 Compared with most families, mine

13 At work, Iget along best with

14. My mother
ferget the timel
15. Iwould do anything to

16 If my father would only

17. Ibelieve that Ihave the ability to

18. Icould be perfectly happy if

19. If people work for me

20. Ilook forward to

21. In school, my teachers P:1.0.

22 Most of my triends don't know that Iam aftaid of
23 Idon't like people who
24 Before the war,

25 Ithok most gir I

26 My fee ing about married life
27 My family treats me like

28 Those I work with are

29. My mother and I

30. My greatest mistake

31 Iwish my tathct
32. My greatest weakness is
33. My secret ambition in life

34 The people who wock for me

35 Some day
36. When Isee the boss coming

37. I wish Icould lose the tear of

38 Tho peple I like best

39. 1 were young again
40. I believe most women

41. !f I had sex relations

42. Most families I know

43 like working with people who

44. Ithink that most mothers

45. When Iwas younger, Ifelt guilty about

46. Ifeel that my father is

47. When luck turns against me

48. In giving orders to others I

49 What ! want most out of life

50. When l am older

51. People whom Iconsider my superiors

52. My fears sometimes force me to
53. When I'm not a round, my fnends

54. My most vivid chilahood memory

55. What Ilike least about women

56. My sex life

57. When was a child, my family

58. People who work with me usuaily
59. I like my mother but

60. The worst thing Iever did

sbortory ot Experimatal Psychology, Luckaow inniersity
For Lab. Use only

Sacks Sentence Completion Test


Sex; Date : Time

Subject :


INSTRUCTIONS : On the basis of your clinical iudgement, taking into account such factors as inapp
manifestations of conflicts, rate the
-opriate responses, sysphoric references and
ories listed below, according to
SSCT resonses of the subject in the fifteen categ
the following scale.

handling emotional contlicts in this area.

2- Severly disturbed. Appears to reguire the repeutic aid in
area. but appears able to handle them without
I- Milaiy disturbed. Has emotional conflicts in this
therapeutic aid.
0- No. significant disturbance noted in this area.
v. U'nhro. tas:ficient evidence

I. Attitude towards Mother. Rating

14. My mother
29. My mother and
44. Ithiak that most mothers
59. I like my mother but
Interpretative Summary

. Attitude towards Father Rating

1. Ifeel that my father seldom

16. lf my father would only
31. I wish my father
6. 1 feel that my father is
Interpretative Snmmary

. Attiude towarcs Family Unit, Rating
12. Compared with most families, mine
27. My family treats me like
42. Most familiesIknow
57. When I was a child, my tamily
Interpretative Sunmmary
( 2

IV. Attitude Toward Wo men, Reting :

10. My idea of a perfect woman
25. I think most oir
40. Fbelive most women
55. What I like least about womer
Interpretative Summary.

V. Attitude Toward Heterosexual Relationships. Rating :

11. When Isee a man and a woman togather
26. My feeling about married life is
41 lf had sex relations
56 My sex life
Interpretative Summary

VI. Attitude Towards Friendes and Acquaintances. Riating :

8. 1feel that a real triend
23 Idon't like people who
38. The people Ilike best
53. When l'm not around, my friends
lnterpretative Summary

VIl. Atitude Towards Superior at work or School Rating:

6. The men over me
21. In school, my teachers
36. When i see the boss coming
31. People whom I consider iH SUDeriors
Interpretative Summary

Vill Attitude Toward People Supervisea. Rating :

4. If Iwere in chatge
19. Mpeople work for me
34. The people who work for me
48. In giving orders to others, I
Interpretative Summary

1X. Attitude Toward Colleagues At Work or School. Rating :

13. At work Iget along best with
28. Thcose I wotk with are
43. Ilike working with people who
58. People who work with me usual ly
Interpretative Sunmary
3 )
X. Fears. Rating :

7. Iknow it is silly but Iam afrald of

22. Most of my friends don't know that I am afraid of
37. I wish I could lose the fear of
52, My fears sometimes force me to
Interpretative Summary

XI. Guilt Feelings. Rating:

15. Iwould do anything to forget the time
30, My greatest mistake was
45, When I was younger, Ifelt guilty
60. The worst thing Iever did
Interpretative Summary

Abilties. Rating i
XII. Attitude Towar ds Own
2. When the odds are. against me
ability to
17. I believe that I have the
weakness is
32. My greatest
47. When luck turns
against me
Interpretative Summary

Past Rating :
XII. Attitude Toward
9. When l was a child
24. Before the war,

39. If Iwere young again

54. My most vivid childho0d
Interpretative Summary

Future. Rating
XIV. Attitude Toward
5. To me the future looks
20. Ilook forward to
35. Some day l
5). When I am older
Interpret a tive Sumary

XV. Goa!s, Rating :

3 lalways wanted to
18. I could be perfectly happy if
33, My secret ambitlon in
49. What I want most out of
fnterpreta tive Sumary
4 )


1, Principal areas of conflict ard disturbance

2. Interereliationship among the attitudes

3. Porsonality structure

to outet stimuli
A, Extent to which subject 7esponds to inner impluses and

B. amotional adjustment

C. Maturity

D, Reality level

E. Manner in which conflicts are

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