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9. 7. a) Define the term secondary thickening. (2
10. b) Briefly describe how secondary thickening occurs in woody plants.

(14 marks)
11. c) i) State two ways in which growth in plants is different from that in
12. Animals. (2 marks)
13. ii) State how ecdysiast affects the growth of insects. (2
15. 8. (a) Describe how natural selection brings about the adaptation of a species to
16. its environment. (10 marks)
23. (a) Secondary thickening is the increase in the girth width/circumference of the stem
branches and roots of woody plants.
(b) Secondary thickening is facilitated by meristematic cells/cambium, located between phloem and xylem tissue in the
vascular bundles of the plants. The cambium cells radially; to form a ring/cylinder of cambium tissue; with xylem
inside the ring; and phloem outside the ring; cells of the cambium divide to form secondary phloem outside; later
vascular cambium/ cambium between vascular bundles divide to form secondary parenchyma; thereby increasing
the growth of the medullary rays; much more xylem cells are formed than those of the phloem; thus pushing the
phloem and the cambium ring outwards; the rate of growth is dependent on the seasons/rains; resulting in annual
rings; cork cambium divides to form new corks/bark to accommodate the expanding tissue and secondary cortex
(c) (i) Growth in plants continues throughout plant life while in animals stops at adulthood.
(ii) Growth in plants occurs at apices/ apical growth while that of animals is distributed
throughout the body.
8. (a) Individuals of the same species show variations; variations are caused by genes; that can
be passed on from parents to the offsprings; some of these variations become more favourable/advantageous in the
prevailing environmental conditions; organisms usually produce more offspring’s than the environment can
Competition for resources therefore sets in; this leads to struggle for existence; individuals with more favourable
traits /adaptations/gene mutations; have better chance of survival in the struggle; they reach reproductive age,
reproduce and pass on the favourable characteristics to the offspring’s; those with less favourable traits/adaptations,
fail to reach sexual maturity, do not reproduce and do not pass their genes to the next generation;
(b) Economic importance of bacteria
- Some bacteria are used in making milk products e.g yoghurt/cheese/fermented milk
- Some bacteria are used in curing tobacco and fermentation of tea.
- Production of enzymes/ vitamin B12/vitamin K
- Production of biogas /methane
- Saprophytic bacteria important in decomposition of dead organic matter in compost manure
- Symbiotic bacteria in ruminants help in digestion of cellulose;
- Cause diseases in man /domestic animals / plants
- Some bacteria spoil food / cause food poisoning e.g
- Some symbiotic bacteria / free living bacteria fix atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates.
- Denitrifying bacteria reduce the nitrate content of the soil lowering its fertility.

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