Weed and Weed Control.
Weed and Weed Control.
Weed and Weed Control.
4. Some weeds act as alternative hosts for 6. Some weeds are allelopathic i.e.
insect pests and diseases e.g. Mallow and produce poisonous substances that
Subukia weed are alternate hosts for suppress the growth of some crops
cotton strainers, Wild oats act as alternate or germination of some seeds
host for rusts. when they come into contact.
5. Some weed seeds mix with farm/ 7. Some weeds block irrigation
agricultural produce hence reducing the channels making it difficult for
quality. Examples: water to flow freely in the irrigated
a) Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta) taint land.
milk/give undesirable flavor to milk when
fed on.
b) Devil’s horse whip, Forget-me-not ,
black jack, get attached to sheep wool
lowering its quality.
© Sam obare 28 May 2021
8. Aquatic weeds e.g. water hyacinth 10. Some weeds are difficult to
(in Lake Victoria) , Salvinia (in Lake handle and control because they
Naivasha) affect fishing because they irritate the workers hence
block navigation and deprive fish and reducing their efficiency e.g.
other water animals of oxygen Double thorn (Oxygonum
dissolved in water. stinuatum), Stinging nettle
9. Some weeds lower the quality of (Urtica massaica) , devil’s
horse whip Achyranthes
pastures reducing the carrying aspera).
capacity. For example;
11. Weeds increase the cost of
a) Tick berry (Lantana camara) crop production through
suppress pasture growth. their control.
b) Nut grass (Cyperus
rotundus) lower the palatability
of pasture.
© Sam obare 28 May 2021
Three criteria used in classifying weeds (b) Plant morphology (the shape
include: of the leaves).
(a) Growth cycle. i. Narrow leaved weeds, e.g. most
i. Annual weeds - complete their grass weeds.
life cycle within one year/ season ii. Broad leaved weeds e.g. Black jack,
e.g. Mexican Marigold, Black Jack, Oxalis, Lantana, Pig weed, Devil
pig weed. horse whip.
ii. Perennial weeds - complete their (c) Number of cotyledons.
life cycle within a period of more i. Monocotyledonous weeds.
than 2 years e.g. Sedges, Lantana,
Kikuyu grass, Wandering jew, Couch ii. Dicotyledonous weeds.
grass, Sodom apple.
iii. Biennial weeds- complete their
cycle in two years.
It is difficult to control
because it propagates
It is poisonous to cattle.
It is difficult to control because
it has underground rhizomes.
It is difficult to control
because it has a short lifecycle
and can survive even under
short rains.
It is used as vegetable and
fodder crop.
8. The user should avoid spilling 11. Spraying equipment must not
herbicides in places which are be washed in water sources
unintended and where they which are used by animals and
may cause danger to animals humans.
e.g. pastures and fodder crops. 12. All chemicals must be stored
9. Any left-overs and empty in safe places out of reach of
containers must be disposed off children and away from food.
properly by burying them.
10. Avoid throwing the empty
containers in gardens, bushes
or in pastures.