Systems Theory and Organization
Systems Theory and Organization
Systems Theory and Organization
Characteristics of a System
i. Purpose – Systems exist to fulfill some objective or satisfy a need. A system
may accomplish more than one task. The purpose of a system is closely tied
to its rationale.
ii. Rationale – This is the justification for a system’s existence.
iii. Efficiency – This is how well a system utilizes its resources, that is, doing
things right using the least amount of resources.
iv. Effectiveness – How well a system fulfills its purpose, assuming that its
purpose is the right one. Involves a system doing the right things.
v. Inputs– Entities that enter the system to produce output or furnish information.
vi. Outputs– Entities that exit from the system either as interfaces or for end-user
activities. They may be used to evaluate system’s efficiency and effectiveness.
vii. Transformation rules – They specify how the input is processed to produce
viii. Throughput – Measures the quantity of work a system accomplishes.
Does not consider the quality of the output.
ix. Boundary – Artificially delimits a system for study or discussion purposes.
System designers can only control those system components within the
x. Environment – That which impacts the system but is outside the system’s
boundary. The system cannot control events in the environment.
xi. Interfaces – Points where two systems meet and share inputs and outputs.
Interfaces belong to the environment although they may be inside the
system boundary.
xii. Feedback– Recycles outputs as subsequent inputs, or measures
outputs to assess effectiveness.
Classification of systems
Each system can be characterized along a wide range of characteristics.
Simple systems vs. Complex systems
A simple system has few components, and the relationship or interaction between
elements is uncomplicated and straightforward.
A complex system has many elements that are highly related and interconnected.
A closed system has no interaction with the environment. This is a system that neither
transmits information to the outside world nor receives any information from the outside
world. It is mainly a scientific concept (e.g. physics experiments).
A closed-loop system is one that functions in a controlled manner. Such a system accepts
inputs, works upon them according to some predefined processing rules and produces
outputs. Such a system is controlled via a feedback loop.
Permanent systems vs. Temporary systems
A permanent system exists for a relatively long period
of time. A temporary system exists for a relatively
short period of time.
These provide the system with what it needs to operate. It may include machines,
manpower, raw materials, money or time.
Include policies, procedures, and operations that convert inputs into outputs.
These are the results of processing and may include information in the right format,
conveyed at the right time and place, to the right person.
Systems Boundary
A system boundary defines the system and distinguishes it from its environment.
A subsystem is a unit within a system that shares some or all of the characteristics of
that system.
These provide the system with what it needs to operate. It may include
machines, manpower, raw materials, money or time.
Include policies, procedures, and operations that convert inputs into outputs.
These are the results of processing and may include information in the
right format, conveyed at the right time and place, to the right person.
Systems Boundary
A system boundary defines the system and distinguishes it from its environment.
A subsystem is a unit within a system that shares some or all of the
characteristics of that system. Subsystems are smaller systems that make up a
super-system / supra-system.
This is the world surrounding the system, which the system is a subsystem of.
c) It recognizes the fact that conflicts can arise within a system, and that such
conflicts can lead to sub-optimization and that, ultimately, can even mean that an
organization does not achieve its goals.
d) It allows the individual to recognize that he/she is a subsystem within a larger
system, and that the considerations of systems concept apply to him/her, also.
e) Given the above factors, it is clear that information-producing systems must be
designed to support the goals of the total system, and that this must be borne in
mind throughout their development.
● Entropy – This is the tendency towards disorder (chaos) in a system. The more
closed a system is, the greater the entropy.
● Synergy – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. At this point the
focus is on global system needs, not local issues. It means that more than
one system working together produce more and better results than each
would achieve independently.
● Entropy – This is the tendency towards disorder (chaos) in a system. The more
closed a system is, the greater the entropy.
● Synergy – The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. At this point the
focus is on global system needs, not local issues. It means that more than
one system working together produce more and better results than each
would achieve independently.
● Sub-optimization – It is an occurrence that occurs when the objectives of one
element or subsystem conflicts with the objectives of the whole system.
● Equifinality – Certain results may be achieved with different initial conditions and
in different ways. In open systems, the same final state can be reached from
several starting points, one result can have different causes, or through different
methods, there is more than one way to achieve the objective.
● Holism – the analysis of a system is considered from the point of view of the
whole system and not on individual subsystems. Subsystems are studied in
the context of the entire system.