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Conscious Intravenous

Sedation in Dentistry
A Review of Current Therapy

Janet H. Southerland, DDS, MPH, PhDa,*, Lawrence R. Brown, DDSb,c

 IV conscious sedation  Moderate sedation  Sedation guidelines
 Pharmacotherapeutics  Airway assessment  Monitoring  Dental pain
 Dental anxiety

 The use of intravenous (IV) conscious sedation in dentistry has gained significant popu-
larity over the last decades to help manage pain and anxiety in the dental office setting.
 The goals of successful sedation should include a physical and psychological evaluation.
The plan should be realistic and should (1) determine the patient’s physical status and
length of the procedure, (2) determine the patient’s psychological status, (3) determine
whether sedation is indicated, (4) determine whether treatment modifications are needed,
(5) determine which drug regimen is appropriate, and (6) determine whether contraindica-
tions exist for conscious sedation or the drugs to be used.
 IV conscious sedation is also referred to as parenteral or moderate sedation.
 Moderate sedation is defined as a drug-induced depression of consciousness during
which patients respond purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied
by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway,
and spontaneous ventilation is adequate as well as cardiovascular function.
 For practitioners providing moderate sedation in their offices, it is imperative that they are
knowledgeable about guidelines and are adequately trained to safely administer moderate
sedation. Further, practitioners and their staff providing sedation need requisite training in
basic life support, advanced cardiac resuscitation, and/or pediatric advanced cardiac
resuscitation techniques.


Thanks to the efforts of Dr Horace Wells and his student, Dr William T.G. Morton, seda-
tion has become an integral part of the practice of dentistry. Dr Wells is credited with
the introduction of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, as a way to control pain and anxiety

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry,
1005 Dr. DB Todd Jr. Boulevard, Nashville, TN 37208, USA; b Dadeland Oral Surgery Associates,
8950 S.W. 74th Court, Suite 1610, Miami Florida 33156; c Baptist Hospital Of Miami, 8900 North
Kendall Drive, Miami Florida 33176
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Dent Clin N Am 60 (2016) 309–346
0011-8532/16/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
310 Southerland & Brown

during dental procedures. To demonstrate the effectiveness of nitrous oxide during

dental surgery, on December 11, 1844, Dr Wells successfully used nitrous oxide on
himself while having a colleague extract one of his wisdom teeth. The following year
he performed a similar experiment at Harvard using a real patient and the patient cried
out during the procedure, resulting in Wells being ridiculed by those attending the lec-
ture.1 Although Wells was not as successful as he had hoped, a former student 2 years
later, Dr William T.G. Morton, successfully administered sulfuric ether to a patient in
front of a group of physicians and students at Harvard University to remove a tumor.2
The combined efforts of these two pioneers introduced the spectrum of sedation that
is, used to effectively minimize pain, anxiety, and discomfort during oral surgery pro-
cedures. Minimizing or eliminating pain and anxiety for dental care is the primary goal
for conscious sedation.
This article provides dental practitioners, surgeons, and recent graduates with a
review of the literature and the most up-to-date guidelines and methods used in the
practice of intravenous (IV) conscious sedation. Goals of successful sedation should
include a physical and psychological evaluation. The plan should be realistic and
1. Determine the patient’s physical status and the length of the procedure
2. Determine the patient’s psychological status
3. Determine whether sedation is indicated
4. Determine whether treatment modifications are needed
5. Determine which drug regimen is appropriate
6. Determine whether contraindications exist for conscious sedation or the drugs to
be used
New guidelines for training and monitoring have emerged. The American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) currently mandates that “during moderate or deep sedation,
the adequacy of ventilation shall be evaluated by continual observation of qualitative
clinical signs and monitoring for the presence of exhaled carbon dioxide unless pre-
cluded or invalidated by the nature of the patient, procedure, or equipment.”3 This
guideline is one of the most recent that is discussed in this article.


IV conscious sedation, also referred to as parenteral or moderate sedation, is defined

as a drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients respond
purposefully to verbal commands, either alone or accompanied by light tactile stimu-
lation. No interventions are required to maintain a patent airway, and spontaneous
ventilation is adequate, as well as cardiovascular function.4 In addition, patients
must retain their protective airway reflexes, and be able to respond to and understand
verbal communication. The drugs and techniques used must therefore carry a margin
of safety broad enough to make loss of consciousness and airway control unlikely.5
Conscious sedation is intended to allow the patient to maintain protective reflexes,
but sedation represents a continuum and at times an individual patient may experi-
ence a deeper sedation than was anticipated. It is extremely important that the prac-
titioner has the requisite knowledge, training, and skill to manage all levels of sedation
adequately, identify unintended outcomes, and manage an emergency until either
assistance arrives or the patient is successfully recovered to baseline status.6 There-
fore, understanding the levels of anesthesia is helpful in guiding provider in selection
of the proper sedation technique and drugs. The levels of anesthesia are listed in
Table 1.
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 311

Table 1
Definitions for different levels of sedation and anesthesia

Minimal or A drug-induced state during which patients respond normally to verbal

anxiolysis commands. Although cognitive function and physical coordination
may be impaired, airway reflexes, ventilation, and cardiovascular
functions are unaffected
Moderate or A drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients
conscious sedation respond purposefully** to verbal commands, either alone or
accompanied by light tactile stimulation. No interventions are
required to maintain a patent airway, and spontaneous ventilation is
adequate. Cardiovascular function is usually maintained
Deep/analgesia A drug-induced depression of consciousness during which patients
cannot be easily aroused but respond purposefully following
repeated or painful stimulation. The ability to independently
maintain ventilation function may be impaired. Patients may require
assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and spontaneous
ventilation may be inadequate. Cardiovascular function is usually
General A drug-induced loss of consciousness during which patients cannot be
aroused, even by painful stimulation. The ability to independently
maintain ventilatory function is often impaired. Patients often
require assistance in maintaining a patent airway, and positive
pressure ventilation may be required because of depressed
spontaneous ventilation or drug-induced depression of
neuromuscular function. Cardiovascular function may be impaired

Adapted from American Society of Anesthesiologists. Continuum of depth of sedation: definition

of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/analgesia (approved by the ASA House of Delegates
on October 13, 1999, and last amended on October 15, 2014).

The use of IV conscious sedation in dentistry has gained significant popularity over
the last decades. Along with this popularity has come continued concerns with deaths
associated with administration of conscious sedation as well as the need for
adequate training/guidelines for practitioners and their staff to improve patient safety
in the dental office setting. Although morbidity and mortality outcomes still exist, the
extent of adverse outcomes is not clearly documented in the literature. A study pub-
lished by the Journal of the American Dental Association in 2001 comparing 4 IV seda-
tion drug regimens in 997 patients concluded that the drugs and doses evaluated
were of therapeutic benefit in the outpatient setting and there was minimal incidence
of potentially serious adverse effects. This study helped to reinforce the safety of the
use of conscious sedation using different drug combinations with careful titration and
adequate provider training.7 In contrast, a more recent study published in the Journal
of Public Safety by Karamnov and colleagues,8 in a retrospective review conducted
on 143,000 moderate sedation cases performed outside the operating room, showed
that adverse events were associated with patient characteristics and procedure
types. Patient harm was associated with age, body mass index (BMI), comorbidities,
female sex, and gastroenterology procedures.8 Having a good working knowledge of
pharmacodynamics, titration of medications to the adequate level of sedation, and
strict guidelines, along with use of monitoring devices, has had a significant impact
on patient safety and improved outcomes in conscious sedation (discussed later).
Even with improved practice guidelines and knowledge, adverse outcomes have
not been eliminated. Guidelines established by the ASA in 2001 and updated in
2002 provided the foundation for provision of sedation in most practice settings.4,9
312 Southerland & Brown

In addition to the ASA, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons,
the American Dental Association (ADA), and the American Academy of Pediatric
Dentistry (AAPD) have all developed sedation guidelines relating to administering
sedation during dental and surgical procedures as well as the requisite education
and skills.10–12
The ASA task force for the establishment of guidelines for monitoring patient seda-
tion by nonanesthesiologists in 1996 replaced conscious sedation with the more
precise term sedation-analgesia, but the term conscious sedation continues to be
widely used, along with the term moderate sedation.9 The ADA has also produced
several documents to guide the use of sedation for dental practitioners that include
Guidelines for the Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia by Dentists, Guidelines
for Teaching Pain Control and Sedation to Dentists and Dental Students, and ADA
Policy Statement: The Use of Sedation and General Anesthesia by Dentists. Similar
to the ASA, the ADA provides a definition for moderate sedation in the dental office
Recently underway, the ADA is in the process of updating the guidelines for seda-
tion. The ADA Council on Dental Education and Licensure has called for comments
and input from its communities of interest regarding the anesthesia guidelines, with
an imposed deadline of June 29, 2015. Some of the proposals recommend changes
in definitions, educational requirements, terminology, and clinical and educational
guidelines. For example, under section I, Definitions, the definition given earlier is rec-
ommended to be modified as follows “moderate sedation - a drug-induced depres-
sion of consciousness during which patients respond purposefully to verbal
commands, ..” The following definition applies to the administration of moderate
or greater sedation: “titration - administration of incremental doses of a drug until a
desired effect is reached. Knowledge of each drug’s time of onset, peak response
and duration of action is essential to avoid over sedation. Although the concept of
titration of a drug to effect is critical for patient safety, when the intent is moderate
sedation one must know whether the previous dose has taken full effect before admin-
istering an additional drug increment.” In addition, a recommended change under sec-
tion III, Education Requirements, states that to administer moderate sedation, the
dentist must “demonstrate competency”; this reference to competency has been
newly added. The guidelines for conscious sedation administration and training differ
only slightly between most governing bodies. Credentialing is required by most dental
boards nationally and some internationally and it is imperative that practitioners
providing this service are knowledgeable about guidelines and adequately trained
to safely administer moderate sedation. Further, practitioners and their staff providing
sedation need requisite training in basic life support, advanced cardiac resuscitation
(ACLS), and/or pediatric advanced cardiac resuscitation techniques.13


Having a satisfactory outcome from IV sedation and anesthesia greatly depends on

the experience of the provider, patient selection, and the sedation plan (preoperative
and postoperative). Having an approach to sedation that is consistent is valuable for
obtaining predictable outcomes during and after the procedure. It is critical that the
approach to sedation involves a preoperative evaluation of the patient that includes
a comprehensive medical and dental history and physical examination. Additional in-
formation should include an anesthesia history and any record of adverse reactions to
sedation or anesthesia. The patient should be queried on past medical history
involving any major medical problems and systems disease and family history of
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 313

disease. The patient should also provide a list of past surgeries, food and drug
allergies, and a list of current medications. A report of current or past history of
drug use or abuse should also be obtained, including history of smoking and alcohol

Medical History, Dental and Physical Examination

A complete and comprehensive medical and dental examination, including family
history, should be taken and should cover all systems. Any positive responses should
be thoroughly discussed and documented. The history is divided into major sections:
the chief complaint, history of present illness, past medical history, review of systems,
family history, and social history. Past medical history review elaborates on medical
dental and psychological illnesses, hospitalizations, experiences with anesthesia,
past surgeries, medication, and allergies. Review of systems involves gathering infor-
mation covering general health, head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat, and signs and
symptoms of diseases involving the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, geni-
tourinary, integumentary, nervous, psychiatric, endocrine, hematologic, and musculo-
skeletal systems, and medical treatments (drugs and other physiologically active
compounds). Patients with conditions of most concern should be evaluated more
closely when considering IV sedation. The aging of the population and advancements
in technology and medical discovery have resulted in an increase in the number of in-
dividuals living with chronic diseases. Significant among them are about 610,000
Americans who die from heart disease each year, which represents 1 in every 4 deaths
and, depending on the extent of disease, presents significant challenges for delivery of
conscious sedation.14 Conditions of most concern in this group are ischemic disease
resulting in angina, myocardial infarction, heart failure, valvular disease, and cardiac
arrhythmias. Liver disease, renal function, and respiratory disorders are also important
to evaluate as they relate to administering conscious sedation because of concerns of
drug administration/overdose and metabolism, as well as airway compromise. In addi-
tion to the medical history, any adverse reaction to anesthesia should be discussed
with the patient. Most individuals who have had problems with anesthesia are able
to recall most details concerning the incident. For individuals who have not been
exposed to sedation or anesthesia, family history may be helpful in identifying those
at risk for complications with sedation. Information concerning past hospitalizations
and surgeries is also helpful in determining the presence of disease and the degree
of severity before developing a sedation plan.

The medications list is also an essential component of the medical history. It provides
valuable insight into the patient’s medical status and possible drug interactions. The
inquiry should include medications that are prescribed as well as those that are
over-the-counter, alternative, or homeopathic medications. The need to discontinue
medications before IV sedation is generally not indicated. However, there are certain
medications that may require the practitioner to alter the sedation plan by supplemen-
tation or altering drug dosages. Chronic glucocorticoid use, insulin use, anticoagulant
therapy, and the use of sympathomimetics may increase risks if not managed properly
before the sedation appointment. Allergies to any medications or foods should be
evaluated as well. Reported allergies should be investigated and the clinician should
determine whether the reaction is related to delayed hypersensitivity or is an immuno-
globulin E–mediated response.15,16
If the allergy cannot be clearly delineated, the patient may need to be referred for
allergy testing.
314 Southerland & Brown

Physical Evaluation
The physical examination requires collection of baseline information such as vital signs
(blood pressure, pulse and oxygen saturation). Also of importance are patient charac-
teristics such as age, weight, height, and BMI. Once a complete history is obtained for
the patient’s physical status, the patient is assigned a classification based on the ASA
classification system developed in 1941 and revised in 1984. This scale has been used
widely and a recent study concluded that the scale has inherent subjectivity, with
moderate inter-rater reliability in clinical practice, and also shows validity as a marker
of a patient’s preoperative health status.17
The classification system is still widely used and has been shown to be effective in
evaluating physical status for sedation and general anesthesia. The classification sys-
tem is shown in Table 2.

Table 2
ASA classification system for administration of anesthesia

ASA I Healthy (ie, nonsmoking, no or little alcohol use)

ASA II Mild systemic disease (ie, current smoker, well-controlled disease, pregnancy, obesity)
ASA III Severe systemic disease (ie, 1 or more moderate to severe diseases)
ASA IV Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life (ie, unstable disease myocardial
infarction, cardiovascular accident)
ASA V Patient who is not expected to survive without surgical intervention
ASA VI Organ donor, patient is brain dead
*The addition of E denotes emergency surgery (an emergency is defined as existing
when delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant increase in the
threat to life or body part)

Adapted from American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA). ASA physical status classification system.
Available at:

Patients who are classified as ASA I or II may receive a physical that is focused on
sedation, whereas those at III and IV or with more unstable disease may require a
more comprehensive evaluation. Based on ASA recommendations, review of the
medical history and medications should take place for healthy or medically stable in-
dividuals (ASA I or II) within 30 days. Also, individuals with significant medical consid-
erations (ASA III or IV) may require consultation with their primary care physicians or
consulting medical specialists, including an immediate preoperative review before
administration of sedation.4 Along with the physical examination and classification
of physical status, the airway needs to be examined and scored to ensure that a pat-
ent airway is available before the sedation appointment. This step is essential to the
preoperative evaluation. The Mallampati or Modified Mallampati airway system of
classification is most commonly used and is the standard of care (Fig. 1,
Table 3).18,19 This indirect approach originally consisted of 3 categories, and a fourth
category was added by Samsoon and Young20 in 1987 creating the modified scale.
An additional modification has been proposed that would expand the scale with class
0, which is defined as the ability to see any part of the epiglottis on mouth opening and
tongue protrusion.20 Other systems used to classify airway difficulty include the
Cormack-Lehane classification system, the Simplified Airway Risk Index, and thyro-
mental distance.
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 315

Fig. 1. Different classifications. (From Sweitzer BJ. Preoperative evaluation and medication.
In: Miller RD, Pardo MC. Basics of anesthesia. 6th edition. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2011; with

Table 3
Mallampati classification system

Class I Complete visualization of the uvula, tonsillar pillars, and soft palate
Class II Partial visibility of the uvula and complete soft palate
Class III Only the soft palate is visible
Class IV Only the hard palate is visible

From Mallampati SR. Clinical sign to predict difficult tracheal intubation (hypothesis). Can Anaesth
Soc J 1983;30:316–7.

Increases in score generally result in increases in risks in management of the airway.

Any airway disorders should be documented, as well as severity. Individuals with
obstructive sleep apnea or reactive airway disorders such as severe asthma or chronic
obstructive pulmonary that are not stable may not be candidates for moderate seda-
tion in the office setting.
Airway class III or VI classifications can be more difficult to manage under deeper
levels, are at greater risk for obstruction, and are more difficult to intubate. Preop-
erative instructions should cover preoperative fasting to avoid airway compromise
and possible aspiration. The guidelines provided by the ASA should be closely
adhered to in providing conscious sedation to avoid potential complications
(Table 4).21


All doses of medication given should be verified with the manufacturer’s package
insert. In addition, all drugs to be administered should be properly labeled before
the sedation procedure. Doses outlined the article for medications should not be
relied on as accurate or definitive. Dosing should be based on the individual
316 Southerland & Brown

Table 4
Nil-by-mouth guidelines for adult and pediatric patients

Clear liquids 2h
Breast milk 4h
Infant formula 6h
Nonhuman milk 6h
Light meal 6h
Fatty 8h

Data from American Society of Anesthesiologists. Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and
the use of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: application to healthy
patients undergoing elective procedures. Anesthesiology 2011;114:495.

Inhalation Agents
Nitrous oxide
Nitrous oxide is an inhaled anesthetic. Its potency is defined by the minimum alveolar
concentration (MAC) that produces immobility to a skin incision in 50% of the pa-
tients who are subjected to such stimuli.22 The MAC for nitrous oxide at 1 atm in
adults is 104%.23 It has a blood gas partition coefficient of 0.47. When nitrous oxide
and a potent inhalation anesthetic are given concurrently, the wash-in of the anes-
thetic administered in a small concentration may be increased if the uptake of the
second anesthetic is large.24 However, more recent evidence suggests that this sec-
ond gas effect may not have any clinical significance and, if it does exist, it is mini-
mal.25,26 Another well-known phenomenon associated with nitrous oxide is the
concept of diffusion hypoxia. When the surgical procedure is completed and the
inhalation gases are turned off this may be seen during the first 10 minutes of recov-
ery. There is a rapid outflow of nitrous oxide, and this was originally called diffusion
anoxia by Fink.27 The 2 mechanisms thought to be responsible for the hypoxia are a
direct displacement of oxygen and a diluting of carbon dioxide in the alveolar
compartment by the outflow of nitrous oxide, thereby decreasing the respiratory drive
and ventilation.28
Many anesthesiologists administer 100% O2 during the first 5 to 10 minutes of
recovery. Nitrous oxide is contraindicated in patients with pneumothorax or in proce-
dures in which air embolus is a risk, as well as in middle ear surgical procedures.29
Nitrous oxide is 34 times more soluble than nitrogen in blood. As mentioned earlier,
it has a blood gas partition coefficient of 0.47 at 37 C. It defuses into cavities that
contain nitrogen more rapidly than nitrogen escapes, thereby increasing the volume
of the cavity. Nitrous oxide can enter any gas-filled cavity, such as obstructed
bowel,30 pneumothorax and endotracheal tube cuffs,31 and bubbles in veins,32 and
it should be avoided in laparoscopic surgery. The National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health set a limit of chronic exposure to nitrous oxide as 25 ppm because
of its effects on organ systems and teratogenicity.33 Nitrous oxide has a rapid onset of
less than 5 minutes and when it is discontinued the patient’s return to baseline status
is rapid. When nitrous oxide is combined with midazolam or fentanyl, alone or in com-
bination, a deeper level of sedation can be reached with lower dosages of the benzo-
diazepine or narcotic required. Fifty percent nitrous with oxygen can produce minimal
sedation and 70% nitrous combined with oxygen can produce moderate sedation
(Fig. 2).
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 317

Fig. 2. Current technology allowing real-time recording of patients’ vital signs and IV med-
ications/inhalation agents by electronic medical records. The nitrous oxide is only used for
the first 5 minutes of the procedure, improving the ease of catheter placement.

Sedative-Hypnotic Agents
Sedative-hypnotics are drugs that depress or slow down the body’s functions. Their
effects range from calming down anxious people to promoting sleep. At high doses,
the drugs can cause unconsciousness and death. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines
are the two major categories of sedative-hypnotics.

Diazepam (Valium) and midazolam (Versed) are widely used in dentistry for moderate
sedation. Midazolam is the first synthesized water-soluble benzodiazepine.34
They both are lipid soluble at physiologic pH, with midazolam being more lipid
soluble in vivo.35 Each milliliter of diazepam (5 mg) contains 0.4 mL of propylene gly-
col, 0.1 mL of alcohol, 0.015 mL of benzyl alcohol, and sodium benzoate/benzoic acid
in water for injection (pH 6.2–6.9). Midazolam is formulated with 1 mg or 5 mg/mL of
midazolam plus 0.89% sodium chloride and 0.019% disodium edetate, with 1%
benzyl alcohol as a preservative. The pH is adjusted to 3 with hydrochloric acid and
sodium hydroxide. As noted earlier, midazolam’s lipid solubility is pH dependent
and, because of its pH- dependent solubility, it is water soluble when formulated in
its buffered acidic medium at pH 3.5.36 Because it is highly lipophilic, it has a fast onset
in the central nervous system (CNS) and a large volume of distribution.37 The benzo-
diazepines are metabolized in the liver. Midazolam is considered a short-acting
benzodiazepine and diazepam a longer lasting benzodiazepine based on their meta-
bolism and clearance. The patient’s age and weight, and function of the patient’s
hepatic and renal systems all affect the duration of action and effect of the drug.
The benzodiazepines all have amnesic, hypnotic, sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant,
as well as centrally produced muscle relaxant properties.36 Midazolam is 3 to 6 times as
potent as diazepam.38 The benzodiazepines occupy the gamma-aminobutyric acid
(GABA) receptor. GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain.39 By
318 Southerland & Brown

occupying the GABA receptor the benzodiazepines exert their effect and the percentage
of receptors occupied determines the effect that is seen. A benzodiazepine receptor with
less than 20% occupancy may have the ability to produce a decrease in anxiety; 30% to
50% of occupied receptor sites may show sedation and greater than 60% of occupied
sites produce unconsciousness.40 Midazolam binds to the GABAA receptor and then
there is a chloride ion influx and hyperpolarization and the cell becomes resistant to
neuronal excitation.41 Benzodiazepines decrease cerebral blood flow and increase the
seizure threshold of local anesthetics in mice exposed to lethal doses of anesthetics.42
Benzodiazepines decrease respiratory rate and, when combined with opioids, there
is a greater effect on respiratory depression. Midazolam can cause a minimal lowering
of arterial blood pressure. The combination of nitrous oxide and midazolam has minimal
hemodynamic effects compared with the combination of opioids and benzodiazepines,
which can have a significant effect by lowering blood pressure.43 Patients presenting to
the dental office may be nervous or anxious about the visit or procedure, especially if it
involves a surgical procedure or any procedure in which injections are required. Aside
from inhalation with nitrous oxide, midazolam could be considered preoperatively in the
oral form for pediatric patients or intravenously depending on the patient’s willingness
to accept an IV line to decrease anxiety and produce amnesia. By implementing nitrous
oxide into the sedation technique, clinicians can achieve a cutaneous feeling of numb-
ness of the extremities, which provides a more pleasant experience when placing the
catheter for the IV line. A new IV fluid bag appropriate for the patient (for injection
only) is chosen and always attached to a sterile disposable tubing line that runs from
the fluid bag to the already placed disposable angiocatheter. All tubing, catheters,
and syringes are disposed of after the procedure. (Note: All doses of medication should
be verified with the manufactured package insert. The doses noted in this section for
medication should NOT be relied upon as accurate nor definitive). Midazolam intrave-
nously has a rapid onset because of its lipid solubility, and its peak effect is in about 2 to
4 minutes. The adult dose is 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg IV administered over 2 minutes and
titrated until the desired level of sedation is obtained. The pediatric dose range is
0.025 mg/kg IV to 0.5 mg/kg IV with an onset of about 1 to 3 minutes and duration of
action of 45 to 60 minutes intravenously.44 Using midazolam in children may produce
hyperexcitability and further anxiousness to the point of combativeness.45 The level
of consciousness may not correlate with the amnesia effect of the benzodiazepines. Pa-
tients may be awake or seem alert during the procedure but have no recall of it when
questioned postoperatively.46 Midazolam is contraindicated in patients with acute
narrow-angle glaucoma or a hypersensitivity to the drug. Benzodiazepines can cause
respiratory depression and upper airway obstruction.47–49 In children, respiratory
depression may be significant, especially in patients with enlarged tonsils. The combi-
nation of opioid and benzodiazepines in children has, as expected, an additive effect so
the total effect is greater than the effect of each individual drug.50,51 Midazolam pro-
duces anterograde amnesia. Children who had dental extractions with midazolam bet-
ter tolerated additional dental treatment than those treated without midazolam.52

Barbiturates have the basic structure of barbituric acid.53 These drugs act as CNS
depressants, and can therefore produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation
to total anesthesia. Barbiturates are a family of compounds that have sedative and hyp-
notic activities and act as nonselective CNS depressants.54 The GABA receptor is one
of barbiturates’ main sites of action, and therefore it is thought to play a pivotal role in the
development of tolerance to and dependence on barbiturates.55 The most common use
for barbiturates currently is as anesthesia for surgery. Current indications for the
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 319

barbiturates include short-term treatment of insomnia and as a preanesthetic agent.

Amobarbital (Amytal) and butabarbital (Soneryl, Butisol) are currently available short-
acting barbiturates for parenteral administration, being used largely as preanesthetic
agents.56 Other short-acting agents in use include secobarbital, which is available as
a 100-mg capsule generically and under the brand name Seconal; it is also classified
as a schedule II substance because there is the potential for physical and psychological
dependence and abuse.57 Very-short-acting drugs in use include pentobarbital
(Nembutal), methohexital (Brevital), and thiopental (Pentothal).58–60 Further medium-
acting agents, such as butalbital (Fiorinal, Fioricet), Talbutal (Lotusate) and long-
acting mephobarbital (Mebaral) and methylphenobarbital (Prominal), are available.61,62
Barbiturates induce several hepatic cytochrome P (CYP) enzymes (most notably
CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4), leading to exaggerated effects from many pro-
drugs and decreased effects from drugs that are metabolized by these enzymes to
inactive metabolites. This property can result in fatal overdoses from drugs such as
codeine, tramadol, and carisoprodol, which become considerably more potent after
being metabolized by CYP enzymes.63 Although all known members of the class
possess relevant enzyme induction capabilities, the degree of inhibition overall, as
well as the impact on each specific enzyme, span a broad range, with secobarbital
being the most potent enzyme inducer and butalbital and talbutal being among the
weakest enzyme inducers in the class.
In addition to their sedative-hypnotic properties, this class also has anxiolytic and anti-
convulsant properties. Barbiturates also have analgesic effects; however, these effects
are weak, preventing barbiturates from being used in surgery in the absence of other an-
algesics. They have addiction potential, both physical and psychological. Barbiturates
have now largely been replaced by benzodiazepines in routine medical use, mainly
because benzodiazepines are significantly less dangerous in overdose because there
is no specific reversal agent for barbiturate overdose.64,65 The longest-acting barbitu-
rates have half-lives of a day or more, and subsequently result in bioaccumulation of
the drug in the system. The therapeutic use of long-acting barbiturates wears off signif-
icantly faster than the drug can be eliminated, allowing the drug to reach toxic concentra-
tions in the blood following repeated administration (even when taken at the therapeutic/
prescribed dose) despite the user feeling little or no effect from the plasma-bound con-
centrations of the drug.66 Individuals who consume alcohol or who are given sedatives
after the drug effects have worn off, but before it has cleared the system, could experi-
ence an exaggerated effect from the sedatives, which can be incapacitating or even fatal.
There are special risks to consider for older adults, women who are pregnant, and
babies. When a person ages, the body becomes less able to rid itself of barbiturates.
As a result, people more than 65 years of age are at higher risk of experiencing the
harmful effects of barbiturates, including drug dependence and accidental over-
dose.67 A rare adverse reaction to barbiturates is Stevens-Johnson syndrome, which
primarily affects the mucous membranes.68,69
Barbiturates in overdose with other CNS depressants (eg, alcohol, opiates, benzo-
diazepines) are even more dangerous because of additive CNS and respiratory
depressant effects.70 In the case of benzodiazepines, not only do they have additive
effects but barbiturates also increase the affinity of the benzodiazepine binding site,
leading to exaggerated benzodiazepine effects.71,72 Frequent side effects include
drowsiness, sedation, hypotension, nausea, headache, and skin rash.

Propofol (Diprivan)
Although this article is about moderate sedation, propofol should also be mentioned.
Propofol use often causes patients to be in a state of deep sedation or general
320 Southerland & Brown

anesthesia, with the inability of the patient to maintain an airway continuously and
independently. Therefore propofol may be considered an agent that often produces
a level of deep sedation/general anesthesia and therefore should not be used in a fa-
cility where only moderate sedation is approved. Regardless, all facilities providing
sedation, whether moderate or deep, should be prepared to manage the complica-
tions that may arise, including, but not limited to, airway compromise and apnea. Pro-
pofol is a sedative-hypnotic that is used for the induction and maintenance of
anesthesia.73 Diprivan is composed of 1% propofol, 10% soybean oil, 1.25% egg
yolk phosphatide, 2.25% glycerol, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, and sodium hy-
droxide to maintain a pH of 7.0 to 8.5.33 It is highly lipophilic with a rapid distribution
to vessel-enhanced organs and therefore has a rapid induction. It has rapid redistribu-
tion and hepatic and extrahepatic clearance, which is why it has a short duration of
action and requires frequent repeated doses or a continuous infusion to maintain
the desired level of anesthesia.74–76 Propofol is a sedative-hypnotic and its effects
on the CNS is thought to be the result of increasing the GABA-induced chloride current
through binding to the beta subunit of the GABAA receptor.36
Propofol inhibits acetylcholine release by its action on GABAA receptors in the
hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.77 This acetylcholine release inhibition is thought
to be responsible for the sedative effect of propofol.78 Propofol also has an inhibitory
effect on the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor via the sodium channel, which
may also contribute to the action of the drug on the CNS.79 Propofol has antiemetic
properties and produces a sense of well-being.80 Propofol decreases intraocular pres-
sure,81,82 as well as intracranial pressure. Propofol can cause a decrease in respiratory
rate and apnea. Propofol causes bronchodilation in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.83 There is a decrease in arterial blood pressure seen with propo-
fol. It has both a depressant and vasodilation effect on the heart that may be dose and
plasma concentration related.84
Propofol used for sedation is best administered by an infusion pump but incremen-
tal dosing also can be done. An infusion rate for sedation in which local anesthesia
is used in healthy adults is 30 to 60 mg/kg/min.85,86 In pediatric patients the dosage
required can range from a bolus of 1 to 2 mg/kg with an infusion rate of 50 to
250 mg/kg/min.44,87 With propofol there may be pain on injection, hypotension, and
apnea on induction. The use of an opioid along with propofol increases the incidence
of apnea,88,89 as well as decreasing the arterial blood pressure.90 In pediatric patients
the arterial blood pressure was decreased more, and the total dosage was greater,
when an infusion was used compared with intermittent boluses.91 In pediatric patients,
IV lidocaine should be considered to relieve the pain associated with injection. Brady-
cardia can be seen in both adults and children with propofol.92 Propofol has a negative
effect on airway patency and respiration in children.33 The airway narrows in children
during infusion but remains patent.93 All open vials of propofol must be discarded
within 6 hours because of the potential growth of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans.94–96 Egg allergy in adults
and children is not considered a contraindication to propofol use; however, it is recom-
mended to avoid propofol in children with documented anaphylaxis to eggs.97

Narcotics Analgesics
Morphine is the prototype opioid for all other opioids. Previously, it was an integral part
of the sedation regimen for prolonged procedures, but morphine has no application
in modern IV sedation procedures. Its main usefulness is in acute pain management.
The onset of morphine is slow: 5 to 10 minutes following IV administration and up to
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 321

20 minutes following intramuscular injection. It produces analgesia, euphoria, and

sedation lasting from 2 to 4 hours. Its use is limited by side effects such as histamine
release, postural hypotension, and nausea and vomiting.98
Meperidine (Demerol) is the prototype of the phenylpiperidine series of opioids,
which includes fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, and remifentanil. Meperidine is an opioid
narcotic that binds to opioid receptors in the CNS. The dose for adults is generally 25
to 50 mg in incremental doses to a maximum dose of 150 mg; for elderly patients
(65 years and older) the dose is 25 mg in incremental doses to a maximum dose of
75 mg. The elderly are more susceptible to CNS depression.99 In addition, they are
more susceptible to seizures from accumulation of normeperidine, a metabolite of
meperidine, as a result of reduced renal function. For years meperidine was the main-
stay of IV sedation regimens for procedures of all durations. It has a more rapid onset
than morphine, within 3 to 5 minutes following IV administration, making it easier to
titrate than morphine. The peak effect is 1 hour, and duration of action is 2 to 4 hours.100
Meperidine is 10 times less potent than morphine, producing sedation and analgesia
lasting 45 to 90 minutes.101 Meperidine was first investigated as an atropinelike agent
and is unique among opioids in that it may produce tachycardia and drying of secre-
tions.102 It also releases histamine, and may produce orthostatic hypotension with
rapid position change. Severe asthma is a relative contraindication. Other side effects
include dysphoria, especially in the absence of pain, and nausea and vomiting. Meper-
idine is associated with increased neuronal activity that may result in CNS excitation.103
Its metabolite, normeperidine, is twice as potent as meperidine in producing CNS exci-
tation and convulsions. Meperidine is contraindicated in patients taking monoamine
oxidase inhibitors because concentrations of normeperidine are increased with these
drugs.104 Although meperidine is still used on a limited basis for dental sedation, its
main use is currently in the management of postanesthetic shivering. Opioids in general
reduce thermoregulation thresholds similarly to potent inhalational agents.
Fentanyl, sufentanil, alfentanil, and remifentanil are synthesized opioid compounds
that are phenylpiperidine derivatives.104 The brain and spinal cord contains the mu
receptors, which are responsible for modulating the effects of opioids.105 Opioids
produce analgesia, decrease respiratory drive, and increase sedation at the mu receptor.
Neuronal excitation is decreased by the action of the opioids on the receptors, which de-
pends on the suppression of the Ca21 channel and activation of the K1 channel.104
Opioids decrease cerebral blood flow with nitrous oxide. Giovannitti106 in 2013 pro-
vided a table comparing common drugs in this class in terms of potency, peak effect,
duration, and half-life (Table 5).107 There are reports of no significant effect on intra-
cranial pressure in patients with head trauma and opioids have been used safely
in such patients.106 Other reports have shown a slight increase in intracranial pressure

Table 5
Comparative effects of commonly used opioids in oral surgery

Meperidine Morphine Fentanyl Sufentanil Alfentanil Remifentanil

Comparative 0.1 1 75–125 500–1000 10–25 250
Peak Effect 5–7 20–30 3–5 3–5 1.5–2 1.5–2
Duration (h) 2–3 3–4 0.5–1 0.5–1 0.2–0.3 0.1–0.2
Half-life (h) 3–4 2–4 1.5–6 2.5–3 1–2 0.15–0.3

From Giovannitti JA Jr. Pharmacology of intravenous sedative/anesthetic medications used in oral

surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2013;25(3):439–51; with permission.
322 Southerland & Brown

in head injured patients with morphine and fentanyl. The increase in intracranial pres-
sure is thought to be multifactorial.108 Muscle tone and muscle rigidity can be
increased with opioids. The rigidity can lead to severe respiratory problems. In an
awake patient this may be shown by hoarseness. It also can be shown just as, or
immediately after, a patient losses consciousness. The muscle rigidity is not caused
by a direct action on the muscle fiber, but is thought to be CNS regulated; especially
the nucleus pontes raphae.109 The closure of vocal cords is thought to be the reason
for difficulty in the ventilation of patients after opioid administration.104
Pretreatment with midazolam has been shown to decrease episodes of muscle
rigidity as well as treat the rigidity episode. The office should have a neuromuscular
blocker available in case of an episode of severe rigidity. Rigidity can occur hours after
the last dose of opioid has been administered.107 Opioids decrease the respiratory
drive to increases in CO2. The mu receptor–stimulating opioids cause a direct depres-
sion of the respiratory center in the brainstem.110 Elderly patients are more sensitive
to the opioid-induced respiratory depression and analgesic effect of the opioids.111
Opioids are associated with an increased incidence of postoperative nausea and vom-
iting and an antiemetic such as ondansetron (serotonin antagonist) should be consid-
ered.112 Fentanyl is highly lipophilic and therefore widely distributed to body tissues.
The lungs show a first pass effect and take up to 75% of the IV fentanyl, which is
rapidly released.113 Fentanyl is metabolized in the liver by N-dealkylation and hydrox-
ylation and the primary metabolite, norfentanyl, can be found in the urine for up to
48 hours after IV fentanyl.104 A dose of 100 mg (0.1 mg) (2 mL) is equal to 10 mg of
morphine in its analgesic effect. The onset of action is immediate and the duration
of action is 30 to 60 minutes after a 2-mL dose. IV anesthesia with fentanyl injections
should be initially titrated. Low-dose fentanyl 1 to 3 mg/kg IV can produce analgesia for
minor painful surgical procedures. Maintenance can be achieved using nitrous oxide
50% to 60% with or without a benzodiazepine. Boluses of 25 to 50 mg every 15 to
30 minutes can be used, or an infusion pump may be used.
Fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and is a pure opioid; it produces no
amnesia. It has a rapid onset of less than 1 minute and a peak effect in about 2 to 3 mi-
nutes, with a duration of action of about 20 to 40 minutes. In pediatrics the IV dose is
0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg, which is titrated every 5 minutes to the desired effect, not to exceed
5 mg/kg.114 Similar to adults, there is chest wall rigidity and vocal cord closure that
may be associated with its use or rapid administration usually in high doses.115 Chest
wall rigidity is usually not seen with low doses of fentanyl. Patients should be observed
in the recovery, because the effects on respiratory depression can be longer than
the analgesic effect of fentanyl. Remifentanil is a rapid-acting opioid. It has a rapid onset
and short duration of action. A high incidence of apnea and chest wall rigidity is associ-
ated with it, and its use by nonanesthesiologists is not recommended in pediatrics.116,117

Dissociative Agents
This classification includes agents that cause interruption of cerebral association
pathways between the limbic system and cortical system. It produces a catalepsylike
state, in which the individual feels dissociated from the environment, and it also
induces marked analgesia.118

Phencyclidines (ketamine)
Ketamine produces amnesia and analgesia. It exerts its dissociative effect on
the limbic/thalamic system. Ketamine is an antagonist of the NMDA receptors and
an agonist of the opioid receptors.118 Ketamine can cause increased heart rate, car-
diac output, and blood pressure. Ketamine causes bronchial smooth muscle
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 323

relaxation. It improves pulmonary status in patients with reactive airway disease and
bronchospasm.119 Ketamine also produces an associated increased salivation that
can cause upper airway obstruction leading to a laryngospasm. It is not recommended
for use in patients with coronary artery disease. Ketamine usually allows spontaneous
respirations.120 It does have associated psychological effects. Ketamine has 2 iso-
mers: S-(1) and R-( ). The S-(1) is the more potent isomer with fewer side effects.36
Ketamine is metabolized by the liver and its metabolite norketamine has about 30%
less activity than ketamine.121 Ketamine produces an anesthetized state called disso-
ciative anesthesia; patients are in a cataleptic state in which the eyes are open but they
do not respond to pain.115 Because of its high lipid solubility, it crosses the blood-brain
barrier rapidly and has a rapid onset of 30 seconds. Patients usually show pupil dila-
tation, nystagmus, and increased salivation. In pediatric patients the starting doses122
are 1 to 2 mg/kg intramuscularly and 0.25 to 1.0 mg/kg intravenously, and 4 to 6 mg/kg
orally.123–125 Onset after IV administration is about 1 minute, with a duration of action
of 10 to 15 minutes. After intramuscular injection, the onset is about 5 minutes and
duration of action is 30 to 120 minutes.115
The combination of ketamine with a benzodiazepine prolongs the effect of keta-
mine.126 There is no known antagonist of ketamine. Ketamine increases cerebral
blood flow and intracranial pressure. Patients with increased intracranial pressure,
such as with head trauma, should not be administered ketamine because it can further
increase intracranial pressure and cause apnea.127 It is also contraindicated in
patients with open eye injury, psychiatric disorders, as well as ischemic heart dis-
ease.128 Ketamine is also associated with nonpurposeful extremity movements. One
of its negative aspects is the emergence phenomena seen with its use. There are illu-
sions, fear, hyperexcitability,129 and what is described as an out-of-body experi-
ence.130 The incidence of the emergence phenomena is lower in children than in
adults and is multifactorial. Midazolam and other benzodiazepines have been shown
to decrease the incidence of the emergence phenomena.131
As noted earlier, ketamine has not been shown to have a major effect on respiratory
depression unless used in high doses.132 It is an excellent drug for patients with airway
disease and bronchospasm because of its smooth muscle relaxation. It has been used
to treat patients with resistant status asthmaticus.133 Although it is an excellent drug
for asthmatic patients, it is associated with increased salivation that can lead to laryng-
ospasm and silent aspiration.134 Ketamine is often used for pediatric sedation in the
outpatient setting for dental treatment126 and is reported to have fewer emergent
effects in children than in adults.135 Ketamine is usually combined with an antisialo-
gogue such as glycopyrrolate, 0.01 mg/kg, or atropine, 0.02 mg/kg, to decrease se-
cretions that may lead to laryngospasm.136

Etomidate (Amidate)
Etomidate is often used as part of a rapid sequence induction and a modulator at
the GABA receptors. GABA is a chemical messenger that inhibits the activity of brain
cells. Boosting GABA levels both calms the brain and increases dopamine levels in the
nucleus accumbens.137–139 It has a half-life of 75 minutes, is highly protein bound in
blood plasma, and is metabolized by hepatic and plasma esterases to inactive prod-
ucts. Excretion is 85% in urine and 15% in the bile. It is used as an anesthetic agent
because it has a rapid onset of action and a safe cardiovascular risk profile, and there-
fore is less likely to cause a more significant reduction in blood pressure than other in-
duction agents.140,141 Other useful qualities of etomidate are that dosing is easy,
suppression of ventilation is minimal, histamine liberation is inhibited, and it can be
used safely in patients with myocardial and cerebral ischemia.138
324 Southerland & Brown

Major adverse outcomes involve corticosteroid synthesis suppression in the adrenal

cortex by inhibiting 11-beta-hydroxylase, an enzyme that is important in adrenal
steroid production (it leads to primary adrenal suppression).142,143 Komatsu and
colleagues143 in 2013 conducted a retrospective study of almost 32,000 patients
and found that etomidate, when used for the induction of anesthesia, was associated
with a 2.5-fold increase in the risk of dying compared with those given propofol. Pa-
tients given etomidate also had significantly greater odds of having cardiovascular
morbidity and significantly longer hospital stay. These results, especially given the
large size of study, strongly suggest that, at the least, clinicians should use etomidate
judiciously.144 In addition, the use of etomidate with opioids and/or benzodiazepines
may potentiate etomidate-related adrenal insufficiency.145

Reversal Agents and Fluids

Flumazenil (Romazicon) is a competitive antagonist at the GABAA receptor and can
reverse the effects of benzodiazepines. With the rapid clearance of flumazenil the pos-
sibility of resedation exists. When flumazenil is used to reverse the action of midazo-
lam the possibility of resedation is less than when it is used to reverse other
benzodiazepines because of midazolam’s rapid clearance compared with other ben-
zodiazepines.145 Flumazenil reverses the respiratory depression, amnesia, and seda-
tive effect of the benzodiazepine.40 Its action is rapid, with a peak effect occurring at 1
to 3 minutes.40 The dosage if benzodiazepine overdose is suspected is 0.1 to 0.2 mg
IV to a total of 3 mg in incremental doses every 1 to 2 minutes.36
In adults, a dose of 17 mg/kg has been shown to antagonize the effects of benzodi-
azepines, and in children a dose of 24 mg/kg has shown to have the same effect.146
After reversal or antagonism with flumazenil patients should be observed in the recov-
ery room because of the possibility of resedation. Seizures have been reported when
larger doses of flumazenil are used.147

Naloxone (Narcan) is an opioid antagonist that can reverse the respiratory depres-
sion, urinary retention, rigidity, and nausea and vomiting associated with opioids.
Its use is associated with an increased heart rate, increased blood pressure,
and cases of pulmonary edema.148,149 Dosages range from 0.4 to 0.8 mg in adults.
It has a rapid onset of action of about 1 to 2 minutes and in doses of 0.5 to 1.0 mg/kg
every 2 to 3 minutes, restores spontaneous respiration.150
Because of the short half-life of naloxone (30–60 minutes) renarcotization can be
seen.104 Note that, by titration, the respiratory depression of the opioids can be
reversed with little effect on the analgesia. For treating muscle rigidity associated
with the opioids, both naloxone and succinylcholine may be used, with the disadvan-
tage of naloxone reversing the analgesia opioid effect. For pediatric patients less than
the age of 5 years a dose of 100 mg/kg is recommended, and for children more than
5 years old (weighing >20 kg) a dose of 2 mg of naloxone is recommended by the
American Academy of Pediatrics.151

Intravenous Fluids
For the purposes of office-based IV anesthesia, general practitioners use IV fluids
mainly to dilute the administered anesthetic medications given to the patient. Crystal-
loids are used in the office setting to provide water and electrolytes as well as
to expand intravascular fluid.152 The fluid deficit for an adult who has been fasting for
8 hours can be estimated to be 2 mL/kg for each hour before surgery. Therefore a
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 325

70-kg patient who has been nil by mouth for 8 hours has a deficit of 1120 mL. Most office
dental procedures last 1 to 2 hours, and within the first hour of the procedure one-half of
the deficit is replaced (560 mL), and within the second hour of the procedure one-half of
the initial amount given over the first hour (280 mL) is replaced. The 4-2-1 rule for pedi-
atric patients is often used to calculate the daily maintenance fluid requirements of
4 mL/kg/h for the first 10 kg of weight, 2 mL/kg/h for the second 10 kg of weight, and
1 mL/kg/h for each additional kilogram.153 Intraoperatively for pediatric patients 20 to
40 mL/kg of lactated Ringer solution may be given to replace the fluid deficit.153
Crystalloids when used alone without colloids for replacement of blood volume are at
a 3:1 ratio, which is 3 mL of crystalloid for every 1 mL of blood loss. Most office-based
dental procedures do not require colloids for replacement therapy. Presently in the
United States IV fluids are on an allocation and extremely difficult to obtain. When
they are used for office-based dental anesthesia a minimum of a 1-L bag is required.

Normal saline (0.9% weight/volume) intravenous infusion blood pressure

Each 100 mL of 0.9% NaCl contains sodium chloride United States Pharmacopeia
(USP) 0.9 g; water for injection. The concentration of electrolytes is sodium
154 mEq/L and chloride 154 mEq/L. It has an osmolarity of 308 mOsm/L and a pH
of about 5.5. Sodium chloride for injection is sterile, isotonic, nonpyrogenic, and has
no antimicrobial or bacteriostatic agents. The infusion provides fluids and electrolytes.
Sodium is the major extracellular cation, whereas chloride is the major extracellular
anion. Normal saline IV fluid is used for extracellular fluid replacement. Relative con-
traindications include patients with renal failure, congestive heart failure, and pulmo-
nary edema. It is recommended to check the IV bag for precipitate if additional
medications are added, such as antibiotic or steroids.

Dextrose 0.5% and 0.9% sodium chloride injection United States pharmacopeia
The management and sedation of diabetic patients are beyond the scope of this article;
however, a fluid containing dextrose should be considered in such patients. Each
100 mL contains hydrous dextrose 5 g; sodium chloride 0.9 g; water for injection
USP. It has a pH of approximately 4.4 and an osmolarity of 560 mOsm/L. It is a hyper-
tonic solution and contains 154 mEq/L of sodium and 154 mEq/L of chloride. The
dextrose provides a source of calories, and functions as free water because it is rapidly
metabolized.152 Dextrose-containing solutions must be used with caution in patients
with diabetes mellitus and clinicians must consider the patient’s potassium status
because hypokalemia is a risk. Dextrose-containing solutions should also be consid-
ered for patients with a history of fainting associated with long periods of fasting.

Arterial Blood Pressure
The standard for monitoring arterial blood pressure is a minimum of every 5 minutes
for patients who are receiving anesthesia.154 For the purposes of in-office dental pro-
cedures in which moderate sedation is used, noninvasive blood pressure monitoring is
accomplished using a cuff device. Offices providing moderate sedation should be
equipped with a monitor that is automated to provide noninvasive blood pressure
monitoring at set intervals, oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry), carbon dioxide moni-
toring with respiration (capnography), and electrocardiogram readings (minimum
3-lead electrocardiogram [ECG]).
Noninvasive blood pressure units provide automated readings of the systolic, diastolic,
and mean arterial blood pressure at set times without operator assistance. The pressure
at which the peak amplitudes of arterial pulsations are detected corresponds with the
326 Southerland & Brown

mean arterial pressure.155,156 The systolic and diastolic pressures are determined by for-
mulas that evaluate the rate of change of the pressure pulsations.157 Systolic blood pres-
sure is the pressure at which pulsations are increasing and are at 25% to 50% of
maximum, and diastolic is when the pulse amplitude has decreased from the peak value
by 80%.158 In summary, noninvasive blood pressure is based on oscillometry, which in
1931 was introduced by von Recklinghausen.159 The systolic blood pressure is
measured at the beginning of an increase in cuff pressure oscillations, and the mean arte-
rial pressure correlates with the point of maximal oscillations. The diastolic blood pres-
sure is measured at the point the oscillations start to diminish (weaken).157 The
complications associated with an automated noninvasive blood pressure monitor
include stasis, pain, nerve compression,160 and thrombophlebitis. Care must be taken
not to place a blood pressure cuff on the arm of a patient who has an arteriovenous shunt.

Pulse Oximetry
Office-based anesthesia with any type of sedation requires pulse oximeter monitoring
for a baseline reading as well as intraoperative and postoperative monitoring of arterial
oxygen saturation. There are 4 types of hemoglobin (Hb) noted: oxyhemoglobin
(HbO2), reduced Hb, methemoglobin (metHb), and carboxyhemoglobin.161 Because
metHb and carboxyhemoglobin do not contribute to oxygen transport and are usually
present under certain conditions, it is the functional saturation (the ratio of HbO2 to
HbO2 plus reduced Hb) that is reflected.161 When carboxyhemoglobin and metHb
are zero, O2Hb percentage and arterial saturation of oxygen (SaO2) are the same.161
Carboxyhemoglobin reflects an overestimation of oxygen saturation because the
photodetector senses it as HbO2162 and methemogobinemia results in desaturation
but the oximeter reading reflects a greater oxygen saturation than is present.163 The
oximeter calculates arterial oxygen saturation of Hb by spectrophotoelectric oximeter
analysis.164 This technique measures the amount of light that is transmitted through a
pulsatile soft tissue bed between a 2-wavelength light source of 660 nm (red light) and
930 nm (near-infrared light) and a detector.165 The SaO2 is estimated by the transmis-
sion of 2 wavelengths of light (660 nm and 930 nm) through a pulsatile tissue bed
where it is absorbed by tissue, capillary, venous, and arterial blood (Fig. 3).166
In one pediatric study in which pulse oximetry was used, with data available to the
anesthesia team during the procedure, versus a pulse oximeter used intraoperatively
but no data or alarms available, there were twice as many desaturation events in the
blinded group; the desaturation was detected by the monitor before the anesthesiologist;
major desaturations were not associated with changes in blood pressure, heart rate, or
respiratory rate; and desaturation episodes occurred in both groups regardless of the

Fig. 3. The SaO2 is estimated by the transmission of 2 wavelengths of light (660 nm

[red light] and 930 nm [infrared light]) through a pulsatile tissue bed where it is absorbed
by tissue, capillary, venous, and arterial blood. (From Chitilian HV, Kaczka DW, Vidal M. Res-
piratory monitoring. In: Miller RD, ed. Miller’s anesthesia. 8th edition. Philadelphia: Saun-
ders, 2014; with permission.)
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 327

anesthesia team’s experience.167,168 Of key importance that the monitor reflection of a

decreasing saturation lags behind the true desaturation of the patient.
There are many factors that can lead to false oxygen saturation readings, including
MetHb, carboxyhemoglobin, dyes, nail polish, external light, movement, electrosur-
gery, room or digit temperature, jaundice, and sensor fit. Two important elements to
which the clinician must attend are, first, the correlation between oxygen saturation
and ventilation, and, second, the HbO2 saturation curve. Pulse oximetry is not a reliable
or accurate monitor for ventilation because the SpO2 is not significantly affected by PCO2
(Bohr effect), and the pulse oximeter can fail to warn of hypoventilation.169 Also, when
the HbO2 saturation curve is evaluated, an HbO2 saturation between 90% and 100% is
associated with a PO2 between 60 and 100 mm Hg. When office-based IV sedation is
monitored by pulse oximetry the goal is to maintain the SaO2 at greater than 90%.
With an O2 saturation greater than 90% and a reasonable cardiac output, it can be
assumed that there is adequate O2 tissue perfusion. Less than a PO2 of 60 mm Hg (arte-
rial O2 content) there is a rapid and steep decline in the HbO2 saturation (Fig. 4).166

Fig. 4. In evaluating the HbO2 saturation curve, an HbO2 saturation between 90% and 100%
is associated with a PO2 between 60 and 100 mm Hg. When office-based IV sedation is moni-
tored by pulse oximetry the goal is to maintain the SaO2 at greater than 90%. With an O2
saturation greater than 90% and a reasonable cardiac output it can be assumed that there
is adequate O2 tissue perfusion. At a PO2 of less than 60 mm Hg (arterial O2 content) there is
a rapid and steep decline in the HbO2 saturation. (From Chitilian HV, Kaczka DW, Vidal M.
Respiratory monitoring. In: Miller RD, ed. Miller’s anesthesia. 8th edition. Philadelphia: Sa-
unders, 2014; with permission.)

Capnography is the measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) in expired gas. Expired CO2
is a reliable indication that the sedated patient in the dental office is ventilating spon-
taneously or, if intubated, that the endotracheal tube is in the trachea and adequate
ventilation is being performed. Most capnographs use infrared absorption.170 In the
office setting a small side-stream sample port is used that is usually incorporated
into the nasal hood or nasal cannula and a tubing is run from the port to a moisture
separator attached to the monitor. This measurement is an estimate of the arterial
PCO2. Sampling CO2 from a face mask is not reliable to determine PaCO2 because
328 Southerland & Brown

the values of the end-tidal partial pressure of CO2 (PetCO2) measured are much lower;
however, this technique is acceptable to measure the rate of respiration.171 Because
this is an open system with multiple connections, tube lengths, dead space, and con-
taminations by environmental air, there are many possible errors that can lead to false
readings. However, usually a waveform can be obtained to assess the patient’s venti-
lation measuring PetCO2. False readings are also possible if nitrous oxide–oxygen is
used along with a scavenger that is on low wall suction; this too leads to lower PetCO2.
The waveform represents the inspired and expired gas flow (PetCO2) (Figs. 5 and 6).

Fig. 5. Capnography is the measurement of CO2 in expired gas. The waveform represents
the inspired and expired gas flow (PetCO2).

Fig. 6. With inspiration and at the beginning of expiration, there is no CO2 as dead space
is being exhaled. As expiration continues (A), there is an increase in CO2 represented by an up-
ward deflection of the waveform to a plateau (B). The plateau usually has a slight rise to it over
time (C), with most expired air being exhaled during the first half of the exhalation time. The
peak level is reached at the final phase of exhalation and is called the PetCO2. The downward
deflection of the capnogram (D) represents the beginning of inspiration.
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 329

The expired gas must travel from the port in the facemask through the tubing and
condensation unit to the sensor cell in the monitor. This process requires time and rep-
resents dead space. The waveform can be seen in Fig. 6.
With inspiration and at the beginning of expiration, there is no CO2 because dead
space is being exhaled (see Fig. 6A). As expiration continues, there is an increase
in CO2 represented by an upward deflection of the waveform to a plateau (see
Fig. 6B). The plateau usually has a slight rise to it over time (see Fig. 6C), most of
the expired air being exhaled during the first half of exhalation time. The peak level
is reached at the final phase of exhalation and is called the PetCO2.171 The downward
deflection of the capnogram (see Fig. 6D) represents the beginning of inspiration. With
inspiration, the CO2 concentration decreases toward the value as inspired CO2 and
depends on flow rates, breathing circuit, and whether any dead space with remaining
CO2 is present.171 End-expiratory CO2 partial pressure ranges between 35 and 45 mm
Hg. If there are increases of values of CO2 greater than 45 mm Hg, it is known as hy-
percapnia and may be related to malignant hyperthermia, fever, decreased ventilation,
respiratory distress, or chest wall rigidity (fentanyl). If the PetCO2 is less than 35 mm Hg
it may represent hyperventilation or dilution by additional gas flows, pulmonary emboli,
or circuit disconnection. Capnography is also the standard to ensure endotracheal
intubation into the trachea.172,173 It is crucial in the detection of malignant hyperther-
mia as well as in its treatment.174 Bronchospasm causes an increase in the slope of
the plateau on the capnograph with expiration and, with appropriate treatment, the
plateau returns to the normal shape.164

The basic ECG complex is reviewed here and some examples are given of rhythm
strips that may be seen in the dental office. The ECG is a measurement of the electrical
voltages produced in the heart. The recognition and treatment of irregularities in the
heartbeat or arrhythmias should be reviewed in the ACLS protocol. ECG monitoring
is required when the sedation level is deep or when the patient is under general anes-
thesia. For moderate sedation, ECG monitoring is required if there is a cardiovascular
disease history or when a dysrhythmia is anticipated or detected. It is recommended
that an ECG monitor be used for any in-office sedation procedure. The ECG is a
measurement of the electrical voltages produced in the heart. These voltages are
measured from the production of potentials by the atrial and ventricular muscle fibers.
The first wave noted is the P wave, which represents atrial stimulation and depolariza-
tion. It usually precedes a QRS and is an upward deflection. It represents atrial systole.
The PR interval is the time that the impulse travels from the sinoatrial node until the
start of ventricular depolarization.175 The QRS complex represents ventricular depo-
larization after stimulation.175 The ST segment and T and U waves represent ventric-
ular repolarization. ECG paper has measurements that are horizontal and vertical.
Each small box is 1 mm2. The ECG paper travels at 25 mm/s, therefore each small
box running in a horizontal direction between the darker running vertical lines mea-
sures 0.04 seconds. The vertical measurements are 1 mm, which represents each
small box and coincides with the amplitude of each waveform. A 1-mV signal pro-
duces a 10-mm deflection (1 mV 5 10 mm).176 In summary, the amplitude is measured
in voltage and the width in time; usually the amplitude is recorded in millimeters not
The PR interval is measured from the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex. It
is the time taken for the stimulus to spread through the atria and pass through the
atrioventricular junction (0.12–0.20 seconds).176 The QRS complex measures ventric-
ular depolarization and measures 0.1 seconds. The ST segment represents ventricular
330 Southerland & Brown

repolarization and is measured from the end of the QRS to the beginning of the T wave.
The ST segment may be elevated or depressed, such as is seen with a myocardial
infarct.176 Ventricular repolarization is reflected by a T wave that is positive; however,
T waves of different morphology may represent a myocardial infarct or potassium level
abnormalities.176 The QT interval is usually 0.44 seconds. It represents the return of
the ventricles to the resting state. Certain pathologic conditions and medications
can prolong the QT interval, such as a myocardial infarct or cardiac ischemia, quini-
dine, and procainamide. QT elongation can increase the patient’s susceptibility to le-
thal arrhythmias.176 The QT interval may be shortened by medications such as digitalis
and serum abnormalities such as hypercalcemia. The U wave represents the last
phase of ventricular repolarization.176
For dental professionals who do office-based moderate sedation, a cardiac monitor
is required. The office-setting ECG is usually completed using a 3-lead rhythm strip
with positive V1 placed on the right side between the fourth and fifth intercostal
spaces.176 The second and third are placed on the right and left shoulder with the right
acting as a negative electrode and the left serving as a ground.

The recognition and treatment of arrhythmias is beyond the scope of this article; how-
ever, a brief review is included. Arrhythmias are divided into tachyarrhythmia greater
than 100 beats/min, bradyarrhythmias less than 100 beats/min, and conduction
blocks.177 Patients with preexisting cardiac disease have a higher incidence of
arrhythmias during anesthesia than those without disease.178 Dental surgery may
be associated with stimulation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous sys-
tems and therefore arrhythmias may be seen.179 The arrhythmias should be identified
and treated if the patient is symptomatic or it can lead to more severe dysrhythmias.
1. Sinus bradycardia: the heart rate is less than 60 beats/min. If less than 40 beats/min
and hypotension (unstable), the clinician should consider treatment with atropine
0.5 mg to 1.0 mg every 3 to 5 minutes to a maximum total of 3.0 mg. If no response,
the clinician may consider an external pacemaker. Sinus bradycardia may be asso-
ciated with sick sinus syndrome in which sinus node dysfunction leads to bradycar-
dias, heart blocks, alternating bradyarrhythmias, and tachyarrhythmia.180
2. Sinus tachycardia: the heart rate is greater than 100 beats/min and can go up to
200 beats/min. Causes of sinus tachycardia include pain, poor local anesthesia,
hypovolemia, hypercarbia, hypoxia, drugs such as epinephrine, fever, and loss
of blood.181 The cause of a tachycardia should be addressed by various treat-
ment modalities, such as improving the local anesthetic, deepening the level of
anesthesia, administering 100% oxygen, and considering volume replacement.
Significant blood loss or dehydration is not expected with an in-office dental pro-
cedure. In a patient with preexisting ischemic heart disease who develops tachy-
cardia with ST changes during anesthesia, esmolol could be considered to
prevent the ischemia from worsening.177 Based on 2010 ACLS guidelines for sta-
ble ventricular tachycardia, clinicians can try vagal maneuvers, and, if no resolu-
tion, adenosine 6 mg IV push over 1 to 3 seconds can be administered. If there is
no improvement, clinicians can repeat a adenosine 12 mg IV push over 1 to
3 seconds.
3. Premature ventricular beats (premature ventricular contractions): ventricular pre-
mature beats arise in the ventricles and are depolarizations that result in a widening
QRS complex. They are common during anesthesia and make up 15% of arrhyth-
mias. They are seen much more regularly in anesthetized patients with preexisting
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 331

cardiac disease.177 The number of premature ventricular beats ranges from 1 to

multiple. Two consecutive premature ventricular is a couplet and 3 in a row is
considered ventricular tachycardia. Ventricular premature beats can lead to ven-
tricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. In a dental office setting during anes-
thesia the clinician should consider the cause of the premature ventricular
contractions; pain, hypoxia, existing heart disease, acute myocardial infarct, hypo-
kalemia, and the local anesthesia are possibilities. Again, treatment is directed to
identify the underlying cause, such as pain or hypoxemia, and to follow ACLS pro-
tocol and consider IV lidocaine.
4. Pulseless ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation: these rhythms must be
recognized and treated following the ACLS protocol because they can be lethal.
The cause may be an acute myocardial infarction, hypoxia, or medication reaction.
The patient becomes unresponsive and unconscious with no detectable pulse or
blood pressure. An early warning sign may be chest pain, or shortness of breath.
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) must be initiated and an automated external
defibrillator (AED) attached. The AED determines whether the rhythm can be
shocked and its use should not be delayed (Fig. 7). IV access should be estab-
lished, intubation attempted, and medications such as epinephrine and amiodar-
one available for use. Recommendations include a review of CPR and ACLS, as
well as certification in both by an approved American Heart Association course
5. Angina (rule out acute myocardial infarction): in the dental office setting most
patients with angina complain of shortness of breath and chest pain. It may be diffi-
cult to distinguish between angina and an acute myocardial infarction without a
12-lead ECG. However, the use of oxygen 4 L/min, aspirin (325 mg by mouth to
chew), and nitroglycerin sublingual (0.4 mg 0.006 grains) every 5 minutes for 3
doses as long as the systolic blood pressure is greater than 90 mm Hg, and
then morphine sulfate 2 mg IV should be given only if the third dose of nitroglycerin

Fig. 7. (A) Ventricular tachycardia. (B) Ventricular fibrillation.

332 Southerland & Brown

does not relieve the chest pain. The dental procedure should be terminated and a
3-lead ECG can be used to try to determine any rhythm strip abnormalities. De-
pending on the location of the myocardial infarct, various ECG changes may be
noticed, such as peaked or depressed T waves, abnormal Q waves, and loss of
normal R wave progression.182



One of the many reasons for sedation in pediatric patients is to obtain a more coop-
erative patient with less movement so that extensive dental treatment can be
accomplished. In addition, similar to adult patients, sedation is also used to reduce
anxiety and pain. Pediatric patients are defined by the AAPD as being from birth to
age 21 years. Inhalation as well as IV sedation techniques are also used in pediatric
patients not only for significant behavioral concerns but for those who have special
needs or have extensive treatment concerns. As with adult moderate sedation,
sedation of children can also result in significant risk. The requirements for sedation
for pediatric patients mirror those outlined for adults. When planning moderate
sedation for pediatric patients it is important to understand that they may require
meticulous scrutiny above and beyond what is required for adult patients in the pre-
operative, operative, and postoperative stages. However, in recent years, increasing
liability insurance costs and risks associated with office-based moderate sedation
have caused more pediatric dentists to favor oral sedation.183,184 A study supported
by the National Center for Biotechnology Information assessed 95 cases involving
the relationship between adverse outcomes and medications used in pediatric pa-
tients. Associations evaluated included individual and classes of drugs, routes of
administration, drug combinations and interactions, medication errors and over-
doses, patterns of drug use, practitioners, and venues of sedation. Adverse sedation
events were frequently associated with drug overdoses and drug interactions,
particularly when 3 or more drugs were used. Adverse outcomes were associated
with all routes of drug administration and all classes of medication, and dental spe-
cialists had the greatest frequency of negative outcomes associated with the use of
3 or more sedating medications. In addition, nitrous oxide in combination with
any other class of sedating medication was frequently associated with adverse
An analysis of data from 1990 to 2000 from the Pediatric Perioperative Cardiac
Arrest Registry (POCA) showed that 36% of closed claims reports of pediatric anes-
thesia were from dental/ear-nose-throat/maxillofacial procedures. Also, cardiovascu-
lar and respiratory events were responsible for most intraoperative cardiac arrests. In
addition, equipment-related and medication-related causes were common. The
POCA analysis reported that an incorrect dose was involved in half of the
medication-related events.186 Compared with the POCA study, another study by
Cote and colleagues184 in an incident analysis of contributing factors to adverse out-
comes in pediatric sedation found that most cardiac arrests seemed to be related to
an initial respiratory arrest, consistent with previously reported complications associ-
ated with pediatric moderate sedation in the non–operating room setting. The pre-
dominance of respiratory arrests, number of sedations, and age distribution of
patients suggested that depth of sedation might be a critical common pathway in
the cases examined.187 Recently, the focus has been on the physiologic monitoring
of sedated children because lack of proper monitoring has led to significant morbidity
and mortality.188 The goal is improving the safety of conscious sedation through
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 333

improved physiologic monitoring and adequate provider training. Advanced training in

recognition and management of pediatric emergencies is critical in providing safe
sedation and anesthetic care. The AAPD recommends a systematic approach that
includes no administration of sedating medication without the safety net of medical
supervision, careful presedation evaluation for underlying medical or surgical condi-
tions that would place the child at increased risk from sedating medications, appro-
priate fasting for elective procedures and a balance between depth of sedation and
risk for those who are unable to fast because of the urgent nature of the procedure,
a focused airway examination for large tonsils or anatomic airway abnormalities that
might increase the potential for airway obstruction, a clear understanding of the phar-
macokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of the medications used for sedation as
well as an appreciation for drug interactions, appropriate training and skills in airway
management to allow rescue of the patient, age-appropriate and size-appropriate
equipment for airway management and venous access, appropriate medications
and reversal agents, sufficient numbers of people to perform the procedure and
monitor the patient, appropriate physiologic monitoring during and after the proce-
dure, a properly equipped and staffed recovery area, recovery to the presedation level
of consciousness before discharge from medical supervision, and appropriate
discharge instructions.189

The medical and dental histories should include past medical history, particularly
history of upper respiratory infection or history of reactive airway diseases, anesthesia
record, recent illness, other systems diseases, medications, allergies or any adverse
reactions, family history, past dental history, diet, and an ASA classification. Pediatric
patients should be accompanied to and from their treatment appointments by a
parent, legal guardian, or other responsible person in order to provide informed con-
sent and postoperative care. It may be necessary to have 2 or more adults accompany
a child who requires transport in a car safety seat.190
Unlike the adult physical examination, in which the same routine can often be
followed at every encounter, the pediatric examination must be modified for each pa-
tient. Interacting with children of different ages and temperaments in different settings
can be challenging. The physical examination should include the patient’s age, weight,
height, baseline vital signs, airway examination, head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
(HEENT), pulmonary function, and cardiovascular function. Guidelines for sedation
recommend that patients in ASA classes I and II are generally considered appropriate
candidates for minimal, moderate, or deep sedation. Children in ASA classes III and IV,
children with special needs, and those with anatomic airway abnormalities or large
tonsils present challenges that require additional consideration.191 The use of the Mal-
lampati classification for assessment is also needed to properly evaluate the airway.
Children of all ages should be nil by mouth for clear liquids 2 hours before undergo-
ing sedation. Recommendations for duration of nil by mouth for solid food and
nonclear liquids vary by age, as follows: less than 6 months, 4 to 6 hours; 6 to
36 months, 6 hours; greater than 36 months, 6 to 8 hours. Also, it is important in the
systems review that adequate cardiovascular, renal, and liver function are included
for effective and safe moderate sedation in this patient population. In addition, note
that, in the cardiovascular system evaluation, children often have an audible murmur
at some point between infancy and adolescence. Most murmurs occur in normal
hearts and are benign. Murmurs that have a structural cause may indicate a need
for preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis, and consultation with a cardiologist may be
indicated before the sedation procedure.192
334 Southerland & Brown

Equipment, Supplies, and Monitoring

Suction and airway equipment should always be nearby and ready to use if neces-
sary. The components required are an appropriately sized positive pressure oxygen
delivery system, and various suction devices. Other equipment and supplies should
include assorted IV catheters, tourniquets, alcohol wipes, tape, syringes, IV tubing,
pediatric and adult drip, pediatric burette, extension tubing, IV fluids, pediatric IV
board, IV needles, intraosseous bone marrow needle, and sterile gauze pads.
Some of the equipment suggested to manage the airway that should be available
for patient recovery and/or rescue are face masks (infant, child, small adult, medium
adult, large adult), breathing bag and valve set, oropharyngeal airways (infant, child,
small adult, medium adult, large adult), nasopharyngeal airways (small, medium,
large), laryngoscope, blades and handles (with extra batteries and light bulbs), and
nasogastric tubes.193
Competent and well-trained practitioners and their staff should observe their
patients continuously. The monitoring should include all parameters described previ-
ously for moderate sedation. The name, route, site, time of administration, and dosage
of all drugs administered should be recorded meticulously. The inspired concentra-
tions of inhalation sedation agents and oxygen and the duration of administration
should also be documented. Appropriate monitoring of patients should involve contin-
uous oxygen saturation and heart rate monitoring, record of vital signs and blood pres-
sure every 5 minutes for conscious sedation as well as a record of drug dose and time
administered, a record of the state of consciousness and response to stimulation, and
end-tidal CO2.

A variety of sedative medications have been used in moderate sedation procedures
for children. The most common classes of drugs are opioids (fentanyl), benzodiaze-
pines (midazolam), barbiturates (methohexital), as well as miscellaneous agents
such as nitrous oxide, ketamine, propofol, and dexmedetomidine. Dosing should be
based on the weight of the child. For those children who are overweight or obese,
calculating the BMI may be helpful in avoiding adverse outcomes. Children who are
overweight and have a high BMI may be at greater risk when administering sedation.
A study by Kang and colleagues193 in 2012 evaluated the impact of childhood obesity
on adverse events observed during sedation for dental procedures. BMI data were
available for 103 children, and patients who had 1 or more adverse events had higher
mean weight and BMI. Although the findings were not statistically significant, the in-
vestigators concluded that children who are overweight or obese may experience
more adverse events during sedation for dental procedures.194 Another student found
that pediatric patients with high BMIs were at greater risk for nausea or emesis during
ketamine sedation and recommended antiemetic prophylaxis for this group of patients
before performing ketamine sedation.195

Local Anesthetic Agents

Also of importance in children is local anesthetics. All local anesthetic agents are
cardiac depressants and may cause CNS excitation or depression, and special atten-
tion should be paid to dosage in small children.196,197 Many of the anesthetics also
contain epinephrine, which can adversely affect cardiovascular and CNS function if
given intravascularly or in higher than recommended doses. To ensure that patients
do not receive an excessive dose, the maximum allowable safe dosage in milligrams
per kilogram should be calculated before administration. There may be enhanced
Conscious Intravenous Sedation in Dentistry 335

sedative effects when the highest recommended doses of local anesthetic drugs are
used in combination with other sedatives narcotics. During administration of local
anesthetic drugs, aspiration should be done frequently to minimize the likelihood
that anesthetic is delivered into a vessel. Also, the lowest doses should be used
when injecting into vascular tissues.198
Whether the medication is for sedation or local anesthesia, the dose should be
calculated by weight and it is important to keep in mind that the response to a single
drug or combination of drugs can vary significantly from one child to the next. In addi-
tion, there is an increasing concern with obesity among pediatric populations, and
evaluation of the patient’s BMI may also play a role in dose calculation.199,200 Consid-
eration in dosing should be based on starting with the lowest recommended dose (or
even half that) and then titrating as needed. Practitioners and sedation teams should
always be prepared to support and/or rescue a patient who has moved to a deeper
level of sedation. Reversal agents should be immediately available and the correct
doses prepared. The agents that should be on hand are naloxone and flumazenil.
Rescue drugs are based on individual skill and preference and may include albuterol
for inhalation, ammonia spirits, atropine, diphenhydramine, diazepam, epinephrine
(1:1000, 1:10,000; the recommended epinephrine dose for children is 0.01 mg/kg,
up to 0.3 mg or 0.01 mL/kg), flumazenil, glucose (25% or 50%), lidocaine, lorazepam,
methylprednisolone, naloxone, oxygen, epinephrine, rocuronium or succinylcholine,
and sodium bicarbonate.

Postprocedure Care
Guidelines recommended for postprocedure care are that cardiovascular function and
airway patency are satisfactory and stable, the patient is easily arousable and protec-
tive reflexes are intact, the patient can talk (if age appropriate), and that the patient can
sit up unaided (if age appropriate). For a very young or handicapped children incapable
of the usual responses, the presedation level of responsiveness or a level as close as
possible to the normal level for that child should be achieved and the state of hydration
should be adequate.193 A patient back to the baseline state should be normotensive. A
child who is not tachycardic is likely to be well resuscitated; a child with tachycardia or
hypotension may be hypovolemic. It is also important to evaluate the influence of anx-
iety and pain, which can increase the heart rate and blood pressure as well. Also, seda-
tion is stimulus dependent, it may be likely based on the medications given that a child
could become more sedated after than during the procedure, which can lead to hypo-
ventilation and hypoxia. Some agents are associated with specific aftercare needs. For
example, ketamine may cause ataxia for 12 to 24 hours, and the child’s activities
should be restricted during this period to prevent further injury.201,202


Moderate sedation continues to be an integral part of providing high-quality dental

care. The goal is to minimize physical pain, discomfort, and negative psychological
responses by providing sedation, amnesia, and analgesia during painful, uncomfort-
able, or extensive dental procedures. Also, in administering moderate sedation, no
interventions should be required to maintain a patent airway, spontaneous ventilation
should be adequate, and cardiovascular function should be maintained. Guidelines
for providing moderate sedation that is safe and effective are available for adminis-
tering medications, equipment use, monitoring, as well as the necessary training for
providers and support staff. The understanding that moderate sedation is also part
of a continuum and that deeper levels of sedation are possible because of several
336 Southerland & Brown

factors should be noted and be a part of the plan and preparation for the sedation pro-
cedure. In general, depth of sedation is evaluated by observation of the patient, moni-
toring, and standardized sedation assessment scales. Recent interest in
electroencephalogram-based depth of anesthesia (DoA) monitoring devices as an
additional method to monitor level of consciousness during sedation may prove
that this is a useful tool for dental providers. Types of monitors available include Bis-
pectral, E-Entropy and Narcotrend-Compact M monitors. The basis for this process
involves an algorithmic analysis of a patient’s electroencephalogram.203 A proposed
systematic review published by Cochrane is underway to determine whether this
additional DoA monitoring during procedural sedation and analgesia in the hospital
and other settings improves patient safety by reducing the risk of hypoxemia. The in-
vestigators hypothesized that earlier identification of deeper than intended levels of
sedation using these monitors would lead to more effective titration of sedative and
analgesic medications and will result in reduction in the risk of sedation-related
adverse events caused by oversedation.203 The outcome of the analysis of the studies
may be important in helping to establish DoA monitoring as another valuable part of
the conscious sedation armamentarium.


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