Skylline Gateway HTTP API (V2.0.011) en

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Version: 2.0.011


HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Project Name: Internal

Project Code: Confidential


Version: 2.0 Doc No: xxxxxxxx

Release 011 File:

Prepared by: PengJian Date:

Endorsed by: Date:

Accepted by: Date:

Doc. Effective Date: Date:

Date of Expiry: Date: N/A

Related Document
Doc No. Description


Copy No. Holder


Document No : xxxxxxx 5/16/2020 Page 2

Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Amendment History

Change Pages Revision Changed

Number Revision Description Affected Number By Date

001 First draft All 1.0 PengJian 2015.05.18

002 Modify some message 5.2.4,5.3.1 1.1 PengJian 2015.06.03
interfaces 5.3.4,6.2.3
003 Implement and modify 4.1.3 1.1 PengJian 2015.01.29
Increase SMS task attribute
coding, smsc
004 Modify and implement get and 3.1.1,3.1.2 1.2 PengJian 2016.04.17
customize device status
005 Increase the save/reset 4.1.3 1.2 PengJian 2016.06.13
command interface
006 Increase the get/set command 4.1.2 1.2 PengJian 2016.06.20
007 Increase SMS query interface 7 1.3 PengJian 2016.06.22
008 1. Add query SMS statistics 1.8 LiGuanBin 2019.01.03
and query call statistics
2. Merge device-related HTTP
documents and modify the
document name

009 Add example 5.4 1.9 Xiongjiao 2019.06.27

010 Add sending MMS parameters 2.0 chenkc 2019.11.28
011 Add MMS attachment parameters 2.0 Chenkc 2020.5.14

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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Table of Content
1 OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................1
2 COPYRIGHT NOTICE.........................................................................................................................1
3 STATUS NOTIFICATION....................................................................................................................1
3.1.1 URL.............................................................................................................................................. 1
3.1.2 Parameter....................................................................................................................................1
3.1.3 Dev-status message..................................................................................................................2
3.1.4 Port -status message.................................................................................................................3
4 OPERATE COMMAND SENDING.....................................................................................................4
4.1.1 Command sending URL............................................................................................................4
4.1.2 Parameter....................................................................................................................................4
4.1.3 Data..............................................................................................................................................5
5 SMS SENDING.......................................................................................................................................6
5.1 TOPOLOGY................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
5.2 SMS SENDING FLOW CHART............................................................................................................................................... 7
5.2.1 SMS sending...............................................................................................................................7
5.2.2 Sending status report................................................................................................................ 7
5.2.3 Sending status query.................................................................................................................7
5.2.4 Status query................................................................................................................................8
5.2.5 Pause the SMS task.................................................................................................................. 8
5.2.6 Resume the paused SMS task................................................................................................ 8
5.2.7 Delete the SMS task..................................................................................................................8
5.2.8 Query the SMS task...................................................................................................................8
5.3 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3.1 SMS Sending..............................................................................................................................8
5.3.2 Task send report...................................................................................................................... 11
5.3.3 Task send status query........................................................................................................... 13
5.3.4 Pause the SMS task................................................................................................................ 14
5.3.6 Delete the SMS task.................................................................................................................17
5.3.7 Query the SMS task................................................................................................................. 18
5.4 EXAMPLE................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
6 SMS FORWARDING.......................................................................................................................... 20
6.1 TOPOLOGY............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2 SMS FORWARDING.............................................................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.1 SMS Forward URL.................................................................................................................. 20
6.2.2 Parameter................................................................................................................................. 21
6.2.3 Data............................................................................................................................................21
7 QUERY SMS.........................................................................................................................................21
7.1 QUERY PROCESS................................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2.1 URL............................................................................................................................................ 22
7.2.2 Parameter..................................................................................................................................22
7.2.3 Data............................................................................................................................................22
8 QUERY SMS STATISTICS................................................................................................................ 24
8.1 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................................... 24
8.1.1 URL............................................................................................................................................ 24
8.1.2 Parameter..................................................................................................................................24
8.1.3 Response.................................................................................................................................. 25

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

9 QUERY CALL STATISTICS............................................................................................................. 26

9.1 MESSAGE DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................................... 26
9.1.1 URL............................................................................................................................................ 26
9.1.2 parameter.................................................................................................................................. 26
9.1.3 Response.................................................................................................................................. 27


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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

1 Overview
This document specifies HTTP SMS API of device, include SMS receiving, single sending,
group-sending and status of Sending task querying.
Based on SMS sending API’, this document extra support Group-Sending
and multi task and status report support in one message.
This SMS API is still base on HTTP, and add POST request support, it provide multitask and
status report by JSON array. About JSON array format, please refer its standardization state.

2 Copyright Notice
This document is just for R&D team reference. If in need, it can be offered to a
cooperation project developer.

3 Status Notification
This device will send a HTTP POST request which include the device running status information
to the SMS server when it reaches either of below conditions.
1. One of device port status changed.
2. Community period expired.

3.1.1 URL
Server can send a GET request to get the status on device by below URL:


Device report url:

Server send a get request like above to specific the URL.

3.1.2 Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

Url Specific the report URL None N Tips:
Special characters need do
URL encode
Just need specific once
Period Report period 60 N >0:Report status according
to the specified report

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

period,the minimum value is

60,the unit is second
0:cancel status report

all_sims Get all the card status 0 N 0:disable 1:enable

3.1.3 Dev-status message

Device send ’dev-status’ to server periodically.
dev-status message(information in HTTP message Body) is a JSON array string that comprised
of ports status. Parameter Content-Type in HTTP head should set to
{“type”:“dev-status” ,“seq”:1,“expires”:180,“mac”:“00-30-f1-01-02-03”,“ip”:
“”,“max-ports”:32, “max-slots”:4,“status”:[{“port”:“1A”,…},{“port”:
“2B”,…},…, {“port”:“32D”,…}]}
Components state:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required
Type String Message type. None Y(dev-status)
seq Int Device status message
sequence number, start from None Y

expires Int Dev-status sending period. 180s N

mac String Device MAC. None Y
ip String Device IP address. None Y
max-ports Int Total ports of device. None Y
max-slots String Total SIM slots of device. 1 N
status array Status of device port. None Y

For the description of the port status, see 3.1.4 [Port Status]

3.1.4 Port -status message

Any one port status changed, device will send ‘port-status’ message to server
Status message (information in HTTP message Body) is a JSON array string that
comprised of ports status. Parameter Content-Type in HTTP head should set to
{“type”:“port-status” ,“port”:“2B”,“seq”:1,“status”:“3 OK”,“bal”:
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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

“46000 China Mobile”,“sn”:“139xxxxxxxxx”, “imei”:“86xxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
Components state:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required

Type String Message type None Y(port-status)

port String Describe the current working port

and SIM slot. Like None Y
seq Int The port is incremented from port

st string Port status code + detail

0: No SIM card
1: Exist idel SIM card
2: Registering
3: Registered
4: call connected
5: no balance or alarm
6: Register failed None Y
7: SIM card locked by device
8: SIM card locked by operator
9: Recognize SIM card error
11: Card Detected
12:User locked
13:Port inter-calling
14:Inter-calling holding
bal Floatin SIM card balance(
None Y
g point
opr String SIM card operator name and ID valid
while parameter “st” equal to 3 None N
or 4

sn string SIM number None N

imei string IMEI of module None N
imsi string IMSI num of SIM card None N
iccid string ICCID num of SIM card None N

4 Operate command sending

Device offer API to server to change device status, like change sim card, lock/unlock port,
reboot device. About USSD command sending, please refer to HTTP-USSD API(V1.0).docx”;

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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Device will send message to the server by port status notification when lock port or change
SIM card.
4.1.1 URL
host: Device IP address
port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80.

4.1.2 Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Ramark

Version API version 1.1 Y This document describes
specification support only

username Device account None Y

Password Device password None Y
Op Operation description None get:get device
set: set device
lock: lock port
unlock:unlock port
switch:switch SIM card
reset: reboot module
save: save configuration
reboot:reboot device
par_name(n) Parameter name of the The value N The name of the parameter
get/set operation of the to be actually operated. If
set the parameter is an array
operatio parameter, you can use
n parentheses with
parameters, and the
subscript starts from 0.

Sms_url: destination URL

for SMS push

4.1.3 Data

Device support a single command to operate multi-ports and multi-commands to

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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

operate different port.

Command sending message (information in HTTP message Body) is a JSON array
string that composed by one or more command. Parameter “Content-Type” in HTTP
head should set to “application/json;charset=utf-8”.
{"type":"command", "op":"lock", "ports":"1A,2B,3C,4-32", "ops":[{"op":"lock",
"ports":"1A"}, {"op":"switch", "ports":"2B"}]}
Components state:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required

type string Message type None Y(command)

op string operation type

lock: lock port
unlock: unlock port
switch: switch SIM card
None Y
reset: reboot module
save: save configuration
reboot: reboot device
multiple: multiple commond
ports string the port NO. need to
all,*: all ports
It is valid while op
parameter equal to
When op=lock|unlock, if you
None op=unlock|
do not specify the SIM slot,
the entire port will be
When op=switch, it means to
switch to this location.
When op=reset, only the port
number is valid.

ops array Multi-command array Y

Valid when op is multiple (op= multiple)

Attributes of tasks in json data

Parameter Data Description Default Required

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

op string Operation type
lock: lock port
unlock:unlock port None Y
switch:switch SIM card
reset: reboot module

ports string The port that needs to perform the

When op=lock|unlock, if you do not
specify the SIM slot, the entire
port will be Locked /unlocked. None Y
When op=switch, it means to switch
to this location.
When op=reset, only the port
number is valid.

5 SMS Sending
Server send SMS sending request to device by Ethernet, and it keep sending task in a JSON

5.1 Topology
While device and server not in a same LAN, device HTTP port should been Nat
mapping out on boundary router, so server can send message to device actively.

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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

5.2 SMS sending flow chart

Server can send SMS by GET/POST request. GET request use API specified in
http SMS sending API’ document. POST request can be used to send long SMS(more that 300 characters)
or send more that one SMS in a request message.
5.2.1 SMS sending
After got the SMS sending request from server, device will design a task ID(related to the sending
report ) to create one or more SMS sending task, and after those task finished, device will send 200ok
message to server.

5.2.2 Sending status report

While SMS send successfully/failed/timeout, device will put the result in cache, after meet
condition(cache storage full or cache time reached ),device will send POST request to report one
or more task execute result. If it is group sending, device will report execute result periodically
until all num in this group sending task get a result.

5.2.3 Sending status query

Server can send a GET request to query task sending status, like successfully send statics,
failed information(num and reason),current sending num and so on.

5.2.4 Pause the SMS task

When a SMS task is still waiting to be sent in the send queue, one or more SMS can be paused.

5.2.5 Resume the paused SMS task

Resume the sending of one or more suspended SMS tasks.

5.2.6 Delete the SMS task

Delete one or more SMS tasks waiting to be sent in the send queue.

5.2.7 Query the SMS task

Query the SMS task waiting to be sent in the send queue.

5.3 Message description

5.3.1 SMS Sending URL
host: Device IP address
port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80. Parameter

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.0 N 1.0 : Compatible with

previous API
1.1: Support for the
description of
this document

username Device username None Y

password Device password None Y

Note: All URL parameters only appear in the GET request. For POST, it will appear in
the JSON attribute of the body segment. The following will not be explained. Data
The task data (the body segment of the HTTP message) is a JSON format string
consisting of one or more tasks, and the value of the HTTP header parameter
"Content-Type" is “application/json;charset=utf-8”。
{“type”:“send-sms”,“task_num”:n,“tasks”:[{“tid”:tid_1, …},…,{“tid”:tid_n, …}]}
Components state:
Parameter Data Description Remark
Default Required

type string Message type None N

sr_url string Status report forward System
url configurat N
sr_cnt string Max num of SMS 1. The buffer number
reaches this value,the
result can keep in 100 N buffered report is sent
cache. immediately, and the timer
is reset.
sr_prd Int The max time SMS 2. The time expired, even
result can keep in 30 N if not enough reports are
received, send immediately
cache , then reset the timer
sms_url string SMS forward URL System
configurat N

sms_cnt Int Max num of SMS can 1. When the buffer number
1 N reaches this value, the
keep in cache
buffered SMS is sent
immediately and the timer is

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

2. In order to be
compatible with old
customers, this parameter
must be set to a value
greater than 1, in order to
buffer the received SMS and
use the new sending
sms_prd Int Max time SMS can 1. The time expired, even
if not enough SMS is
keep in cache 30 N received, it is sent
immediately, then the timer
is reset.
task_num string Total task 1 Y
tasks Array Specific SMS send task None Y

Attributes of tasks in json data

Parameter Data type Description Default Required
tid Int Task ID None Y
from String Use‘,’‘-’to assign more than one port(from Choose of
channel 1) device
to string one or more(use ‘,’to distinguish) recipients None Y
sms string SMS content None Y
chs string Character coding set (utf8|base64) utf8 N

coding Int pecific the SMS codec:

0:not assign
0 N
smstype Int SMS type
0 N
smstitle string MMS subject:MMS subject format is UTF-8,this
“” N
parameter could be empty;

attachments string 1、MMS attachment,This field take effect only when

2、Field content format:
“File type1|base64 code file content 1;
File type2|base64 code file content 2;
“” N
File type n|base64 code file content n”

a. There can be a most of 5 attachment,all
attachment total length cannot exceed 100K,at

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

present only support jpg、gif、txt、mp3 formatted

b. File type and file content use symbol | separate
c. Attachment is could be empty,send the content
of the SMS filed as a TXT attachment

smsc string Store the SMSC number. “” N
intvl string Interval of 2 SMS while device sending them(ms) “0” N
tmo Int Max time while waiting sending result(second). 30 N

sdr Int If enable the successfully send report.

Disable N
fdr Int If enable the failed report.1:enable,0:disable. Enable N
dr Int If enable SMS delivery
Disable N
sr_prd Int Status report period (seconds), 0: not on, >0:
Control only the period in which a single task 60 N
generates a report

sr_cnt Int Single-state report SMS number, less than 1 will

use the default value
10 N
Control only the number of processed messages
that have been reported by a single task

1. While not choose a port, device will pick up a random port to send SMS to every
2. While chose more than one ports, and just one SMS recipient , then device will use
all chose port to send SMS to this recipient.
3. If more ports, and more recipient designed, then every port will send SMS to every
recipient separately. Response
Task sending is a JSON array composed by one or more task send status,
Parameter “Content-Type” in HTTP head should set to
“application/json;charset=utf- 8”.
{ “code”:200, “reason”:“OK”,“type”:“task-status”, “status”:[{“tid”:tid_1,
“status”:“0 OK”},…,{“tid”:tid_n, “status”:“2 Invalid Port”}]}

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Status components state:

Parameter Data type Description Default Required
tid Int Task ID None Y
status String Task status code
1:Invalid User
2:Invalid Port
3:USSD Expected
4:Pending USSD
5:SIM Unregistered
7:Server Error
8:SMS expected
9:TO expected
10:Pending Transaction
11:TID Expected
None Y
12:FROM Expected
13:Duplicated TaskId
14: Unauthorized
15: Invalid CMD
16: Too Many Task
17: MMS Title expected
18:Too Many MMS Attachments
19:MMS Attachments expected
20:MMS Attachments Cache size Overlimit

If task status ID not equal to 0, then means this

task not received by device.

5.3.2 Task send report URL
Server or device configuration decision. Parameter

Parameter Description Requi Remark

Version API version 1.1 Y This document describes
specification support only Data

Status-report message is a JSON array composed by one or more task send

report. Parameter “Content-Type” in HTTP head should set to
{“type”:“status-report”,“rpt_num”:n,“rpts”:[{“tid”:tid_1, …},…,{“tid”:tid_n, …}]}
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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Components state:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required
type string Message type None Y(status-report)
rpt_num string Report num 1 Y
rpts Array Detail status report None Y

Attributes reported in json data

Parameter Data type Description Default Required
tid Int related task ID . None Y
sending Int total num of SMS in sending. None Y
sent Int total num of SMS successfully send. None Y
failed Int total num of SMS failed send. None Y
unsent Int total SMS in cache waiting for send None Y
sdr array Successfully send details(one list for
one num) Success report is a array,
[0]: recipients num index(based on
group sending),int
None N
[1]: num, string
[2]: SMS sending port(1.01,2.02,...),
[3]: SMS send timestamp in UTC time, int

fdr array Fail send details(one num one list)

[0]: recipients num index(based on
group sending),int
[1]: num, string
[2]: SMS sending port(1.01,2.02,...),
string None N
[3] : SMS send timestamp in UTC
[4] : Progress reason, code+details[refer to
1.0 API]
[5] : Carrier reason, code+ description.
Valid when [4] is failed to send

1. tid related to the task ID in the send-sms message.
2. sending, sent, failed are accumulated num in one task.
3. Sdr(successfully send record) list records between 2 status-report, server should
keep before details.
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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

4. fdr(failed detail record) list records between 2 status-report, server should keep
before details.

5.3.3 Pause the SMS task URL
host: Device IP address
port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80. Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.1 Y This document describes
specification support only

username Device username None Y

password Device password None Y Data

The data (the body segment of the HTTP message) is a JSON format string
consisting of one or more tasks, and the value of the HTTP header parameter
"Content-Type" is “application/json;charset=utf-8”.
Components state:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required
tids String Restore one or more tasks ID No. When there
None is no field, all
that are sent.
send tasks are

The body of the query response is a JSON format string consisting of one or
more tasks. The value of the HTTP header parameter "Content-Type" is
"application/json; charset=utf-8".
{“code”:200,“reason”:“OK”, “results”:[{“tid”:tid_1, “status”:
“0 OK”},…,{“tid”:tid_n, “status”:“2 Invalid Port”}]}

Components state:
Parameter Data type Description Default Requ

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

code Int Interface processing result code None Y

reason String Interface processing results None Y
results Array Task processing results. When there is
no tids in the request, this field is None N
not included in the result.
tid Int Task ID None N
status String Task status code
1:Invalid User
2:Invalid Port
3:USSD Expected
4:Pending USSD
5:SIM Unregistered
7:Server Error None N
8:SMS expected
9:TO expected
10:Pending Transaction
11:TID Expected
12:FROM Expected

If task status ID not equal to 0, then means

this task not received by device.

5.3.4 Resume the paused SMS task URL

host: device IP address
port: device web port,the default is 80,optional. Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.1 Y This document
support only
username Device username None Y

password Device password None Y Data

Data(The body segment of the HTTP message)is a JSON array composed by one
or more task. Parameter Content-Type in HTTP head should set to

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required

tids String The task ID to be restored NO. Restore all

None sending tasks
when there is
no field

The body of response is a JSON array composed by one or more task ID.
Parameter “Content-Type” in HTTP head should set to“application/json;charset=utf-8”.
{“code”:200,“reason”:“OK”, “results”:[{“tid”:tid_1, “status”:
“0 OK”},…,{“tid”:tid_n, “status”:“2 Invalid Port”}]}

Attributes instructions:

Parameter Data type Description Default Required

code Int Interface processing result code None Y
reason string Interface processing results None Y
results array Task processing results None Y
tid Int Task ID None Y
status string The status code and reason description of
the task
1:Invalid User
2:Invalid Port
3:USSD Expected
4:Pending USSD
5:SIM Unregistered
7:Server Error None Y
8:SMS expected
9:TO expected
10:Pending Transaction
11:TID Expected
12:FROM Expected

If the task's response code is not 0, it

indicates that the task is not accepted by
the device.

5.3.5 Delete the SMS task. URL

host: device IP address.
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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

port: device web port,the default is 80,optional. Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.1 Y This document
specification support

username Device username None Y

password Device password None Y Data

Data(The body segment of the HTTP message)is a JSON array composed by one
or more task. Parameter Content-Type in HTTP head should set to
Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required
tids String The task ID to be restored. NO. Restore all
None tasks when
there is no

The body of response is a JSON array composed by one or more task ID. Parameter “Content-Type”
in HTTP head should set to “application/json;charset=utf- 8”.
{“code”:200,“reason”:“OK”, “results”:[{“tid”:tid_1, “status”:
“0 OK”},…,{“tid”:tid_n, “status”:“2 Invalid Port”}]}

Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data type Description Default Required

code Int Interface processing result code None Y

reason string Interface processing results None Y
results array Task processing results
None Y
tid Int Task ID None Y
status string The status code and reason description of None Y
the task
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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

1:Invalid User
2:Invalid Port
3:USSD Expected
4:Pending USSD
5:SIM Unregistered
7:Server Error
8:SMS expected
9:TO expected
10:Pending Transaction
11:TID Expected
12:FROM Expected
If the task's response code is not 0, it
indicates that the task is not accepted by
the device.

5.3.6 Query the SMS task URL


host: device IP address.

port: device web port,the default is 80,optional. Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.1 Y This document describes

specification support
username Device username None Y

password Device passeord None Y

port Send port. Starting from Y
Has_content Whether to bring a text 0 –Do not return text
message in the result. message content.
0 N
1 –return text message

Pos The starting position of Y

The location of this
the request.
field is in the order of
0 represents the None
the submission of the
beginning of the first
message task order

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

Num The number of

10 N
Request messages.

The body of response is a JSON array composed by one or more task ID. Parameter Content-Type
in HTTP head should set to “application/json;charset=utf-8”.
Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required

tids String The task ID to be query. None N

The body of response is a JSON array composed by one or more task ID.
Parameter “Content-Type” in HTTP head should set to“application/json;charset=utf-8”.
{ “ code ” :200, “ reason ” : “ OK ” , “total_num”:n“task_num”:n,
“tasks”:[{“tid”:tid_1, …},…,{“tid”:tid_n, …}]
Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data type Description Default Required

code Int Interface processing result code. None Y

reason string Interface processing results None Y
Total_num Int The number of tasks. None Y

Task_num Int Query the number of tasks returned. None Y

Tasks Array Query the returned array of tasks. None Y

Attributes instructions of task:

Tasks array Query the returned array of tasks. None Y
Tid Int Task id None Y
From string One or more (commas, short horizontal Device
connections) send ports (from 1) selection
To string One or more (comma connected) message
None Y
receiver number.

Sms string Message content None N

Chs string Code set(utf8|base64) Utf-8 N
Coding Int Specifies the encoding of the message sent.
0:Do not specify
0 N
2: 7bit

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

State Int Task status:

None Y
0 - normal, 1 - suspended.

5.4 Example
5.4.1 Status notification


5.4.2 Send commend


Body: {"type":"command", "op":"switch", "ports":"2.02"}


5.4.3 Send SMS


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Version: 2.0
HTTP SMS Development Spec.
{"type":"send-sms","task_num":1, "tasks":[{"tid":1223,"to":"13686876620","sms":"hello123"}]}


5.4.4 Pause the SMS task




5.4.5 Resume the paused SMS task




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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

5.4.6 Delete the SMS task




5.4.7 Query the SMS task



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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

6 Receive the SMS

Device will send SMS to server by POST request, while it get SMS from operator.

6.1 Topology

While forwarding SMS, device send a request to server first, so even device in
LAN, and server in a public net, it also can work effectively

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

6.2 Message description

6.2.1 URL
Default set by device,server can revise it in SMS sending quest message.

6.2.2 Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.1 Y This document describes
specification support

6.2.3 Data

A JSON format string consisting of one or more short messages. The value of the
HTTP header parameter "Content-Type" is “application/json;charset=utf-8”.
{“type”:“recv-sms”,“sms_num”:n, “sms”:[[],…,[]]}
Attributes instructions:
Parameter Data Description
Default Required
type String Data type None Y(recv-sms)
sms_num String Total SMS num None Y
sms Array SMS array None Y

For saving the bandwidth, SMS content also storage in a array.

[0]: Delivery report flag,0:normal SMS, 1:This is a delivery report
[1]: Receive report(‘1.01’,’1.02’)
[2]: timestamp while device got this SMS
[3]: Sender(If Delivery report flag set to 1, then sender should be SMCC)
[4]: Recipient(If Delivery report flag set to 1,then recipient should be the
original recipient. )
[5]: SMS content:
Delivery report: "code scts", code is 0 for successful delivery, utf-8
Ordinary SMS: BASE64 encoding of utf-8

7 Query SMS
Customers can actively query the SMS received by the device through HTTP
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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

GET/POST request.

7.1 Query process

1. Query all messages received by the device without the query parameters (except for
user-verified parameters).
2. Use the value of next_sms returned by the device as the value of the sms_id parameter
to query subsequent SMS messages.
3. If the device restarts, return a different ssrc synchronization source ID and return
to step 1.
4. Repeat step 2

7.2 Message description

7.2.1 URL

host: Device IP address

port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80.

7.2.2 Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

sms_id Start SMS ID 1 N 1:The first SMS ID

received by the device
sms_num Specify the number of 0 N 0:Query all SMS
SMS to be queried
sms_del Delete the SMS that has 0 N 0:Do not delete, 1:
been returned by the

7.2.3 Data

A JSON format string consisting of one or more short messages. The value of the
HTTP header parameter "Content-Type" is“application/json;charset=utf-8”。

"code": 0,
"reason": "OK",
"ssrc": "0123456789abcdef",
"sms_num": 2,
"next_sms": 3,
[0, "1B",
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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

[0, "1B",

Property description:

Parameter Data type Description Default Requir

code int Operation code None Y
reason string Reason description None Y
ssrc string Synchronization source identifier The
device generates a new ssrc each time None Y
it runs.
So the value changes, re-query
sms_num int Number of SMS queried None Y
next_sms int The next SMS ID None Y
data int Queryed SMS content None Y

For saving the bandwidth, SMS content also storage in a array.

[0]: Delivery report flag,0:normal SMS, 1:This is a delivery
report [1]: Receive report(‘1.01’,’1.02’)

[2] : timestamp while device got this SMS

[3] : Sender(If Delivery report flag set to 1, then sender should be SMCC)

[4] : Recipient(If Delivery report flag set to 1,then recipient should be the
original recipient. )

[5] : SMS content:

Delivery report: "code scts", code is 0 for successful delivery, utf-8

Ordinary SMS: BASE64 encoding of utf-8

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

8 Query SMS statistics

The client can actively query the short message statistics of the device through
the HTTP GET request.

8.1 Message description

8.1.1 URL

x&p orts=xxx&slots=xxx&type=xxx

host: Device IP address

port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80.

8.1.2 Parameter

Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.0 N 1.0 :Compatible with

previous API
1.1 : Support for
the description of this

username Device Username None Y

password Device password None Y
ports The specified port number (valued
from 1). The values are as follows:
1) all: all ports;
2) 2: Specify a single port;
3) 1-2, 4: Port numbers separated
by short numbers, specifying all N
multiple ports, where "-" indicates
a continuous port number;

slots The specified card slot number (value

from 1). The values are as follows:
1) Do not specify: current card N
2) all: all card slots;

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

3) 2: Specify a single card slot;

4) 1-2, 4: A card slot number
separated by a short number,
specifying a plurality of card
slots, where "-" indicates a
continuous card slot number;

type statistic type. The values are as

1) 0: The last hour;
2) 1: The last two hours; 0 N

3) 2: today;
4) 3: cumulative;

8.1.3 Response

The body of the response is a JSON array, and the value of the HTTP header parameter
"Content-Type" is“application/json;charset=utf-8”.

Property description:

Parameter Data type Description Default Required

code int Interface processing result code None Y

reason string Interface processing result reason None Y
count int Number of statistical results None Y
stats stat result Array of statistical results (stat
None Y
array results are as follows)

stat result description:

Parameter Data type Description Default Required
port int Port number (value from 1) None Y
slot int Slot number (value from 1) None Y
received int Number of SMS received None Y
sent int Number of SMS sent None Y

sent_ok int Number of successful SMS sent None Y

sent_failed int Number of failed SMS sent None Y

con_failed int Number of consecutive failed SMS None Y

unsent int Number of unsent SMS None Y
sending int Number of SMS being sent None Y

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

9 Query call statistics

The client can actively query the call statistics of the device through the HTTP
GET request.

9.1 Message description

9.1.1 URL

xx& ports=xxx&slots=xxx&type=xxx
host: Device IP address
port: Device webpage management port, default value is 80.

9.1.2 Parameter
Parameter Description Default Required Remark

version API version 1.0 N 1.0: Compatible with

previous API 1.1:
Support for the
of this document
username Device Username None Y
password Device password None Y
The specified port number (valued
from 1). The values are as
(1) all: all ports;
(2) 2: Specify a single port;
(3) 1-2, 4: Port numbers all N

separated by short numbers,

specifying multiple ports, where
"-" indicates a continuous port

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

The specified card slot number

(value from 1). The values areas
(1) Do not specify: current card
(2) all: all card slots;
slots Current N
(3) 2: Specify a single card slot;
(4) 1-2, 4: A card slot number
separated by a short number,
specifying a plurality of card
slots, where "-" indicates a
continuous card slot number;
type statistic type. The values are as
(1) 0: The last hour;
(2) 1: The last two hours; 0 N

(3) 2: today;
(4) 3: cumulative;

9.1.3 Response

The body of the response is a JSON array, and the value of the HTTP header parameter
"Content-Type" is“application/json;charset=utf-8”.

Property description:
Parameter Data type Description Default Required
code int Interface processing result code None Y
reason string Interface processing result reason None Y
count int Number of statistical results None Y
stats stat result Array of statistical results (stat
None Y
array results are as follows)

stat result description:

Parameter Data type Description Default Required

port int Port number (value from 1) None Y
slot int Slot number (value from 1) None Y
calls int Number of calling None Y
alerted int Number of alerting None Y

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HTTP SMS Development Spec.

connected int Number of connected calls None Y

con_failed int Number of failed calls None Y
nc string No Carriers success ratio ("n/m"),
the numerator n is the success
None Y
number, and the
denominator m is the total number
pdd int PDD None Y
acd int ACD None Y
asr int ASR percentage value, for
None Y
example, asr is 43, which is 43%

tcd int Cumulative call duration

None Y
act_tcd int (actual) actual cumulative call
None Y
duration (seconds)

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