In-Plant Guidelines-2022-24
In-Plant Guidelines-2022-24
In-Plant Guidelines-2022-24
Davangere – 577004
In-plant training
To expose the students to understand the working of the organization
The project work shall consist of two parts.
Part –A: Industry profile, company profile, PEST Analysis.
Part –B: McKinsey 7s Principle and Learning experiences.
• The project work shall be for a period of 6 (Six)weeks duration.
• Student can choose a manufacturing/Service Industry.
• There is a mandatory to produce ‘Organization Study Completion Certification’ from
the company.
• The selection of the company by the student should be approved by the faculty
guide/head of the department.
• Organization Study should be carried out from immediately after exams .
• Students are required to report his/her progress to the faculty guide as per the
enclosed format of the Weekly Progress Report. Weekly Progress Reports should be
enclosed in the Report of Organization Study as an annexure. Submission of weekly
report is mandatory.
• The student should submit 2 copies of reports in hardcopy and 1 copy of report in
softcopy to the college.
• No two students of an institute shall work in the same organization.
• The student shall seek the guidance of the internal guide on a continuous basis, and
the guide shall give a certificate to the effect that the candidate has worked
Satisfactorily under his/her guidance
• On completion of the project work, student shall prepare a report as per the FORMAT
• The students should compulsorily attend all the review online meetings conducted
every week during the in-plant training.
• Number of copies to be submitted for evaluation: Two copies are to be submitted
to the University.
• Size of report: The size of report should not exceed 60 pages of typed matter
reckoned from the first page to the last page.
• Guide for in-plant training: Every student for the in-plant training shall work under
the continuous supervision of a guide allotted by the college / institute
• The act of plagiarism: In the case of students who have copied a dissertation/report
for in-plant training his/her report shall be forfeited and also he/she shall be
debarred to appear for viva voce.
• The In-plant Training Report will be swiftly rejected. If, any of below activities
are found during this project activity:-
1. If the work is not carried out for minimum duration.
2. If the student is not reporting on a weekly basis.
3. The Company certificate is not produced.
4. If the student does not present himself for two reviews in the scheduled date &
CHAPTER- 1 Introduction
INDUSTRY PROFILE (Max: 05 pages)
I Sector Performance:
a. Local / State / Regional Scenario - Historical, - Current, - Future
b. National Scenario Historical, - Current, - Future
c. Global Scenario Historical, - Current, - Future
II Sector Policy—Legal, Economic and Technology.
III Industry Structure:
a. Organized and Un organized
b. Small, Large and Medium Scale
c. Investment Breakup.
The first of the Five Forces refers to the number of competitors and their ability
to undercut a company. The larger the number of competitors, along with the
number of equivalent products and services they offer, the lesser the power of a
company. Suppliers and buyers seek out a company's competition if they are able
to offer a better deal or lower prices. Conversely, when competitive rivalry is low,
a company has greater power to charge higher prices and set the terms of deals
to achieve higher sales and profits.
While writing a project, there are a few practices which should be followed without fail.
The bibliographical note for Periodicals / Journals, Books, Reports, Thesis is different in
Presentation and complete details of the reference must be given in order. This would be
clear from the following examples:
Periodicals / Journals:
Manjunatha.T and Mallikarjunappa. T, 2009. ‘Bivariate Analysis of Capital Asset Pricing
Model in Indian Capital Market’, Vikalpa, Vol.34, No.1,pp 47-59.
William Emory, C., “Business Research Methods”, Sulthan Chand Publishers, New Delhi,
1998, pp 23-29.
• Cover page: The outer cover should contain all the details on the Title page of the In-plant
Training report. So it is advisable to follow the approved format by the University as per the
specimen copy given in Annexure 1
• The table of contents should give details of the chapters enclosed. One and a half spacing
should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.
• The report should have the following page margins o Top edge : 30 to 35 mm o
Bottom edge : 25 to 30 mm o Left side : 35 to 40 mm o Right
side : 20 to 25 mm
• Paper Size & Quality: report should be printed on A-4 size Executive Bond paper.
• Font type, Size and line spacing: The Chapters may be typed in Times New Roman Font
Size 12 with
1.5 line space
• Headings: While using the headings & subheadings, appropriate distinction should be given.
For example, if the main heading is in bold capital letters, the sub headings may be bold and
• Use of tables: Tables should be numbered, properly titled and placed before the discussion.
• Diagrams: As regards graphs or diagrams, they should be neatly printed and should be
numbered with title.
Annexure - 01Cover page
Submitted by
Reg. No.
Name ______________________
Designation _____________
Annexure – 02 Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. ………………………… a bonafide student of this
college bearing Reg. No. ………………………….., studying in 3rd Semester MBA,
has undergone In-Plant Training at _________________________under the guidance
of _____________________Bapuji Academy of Management and Research,
Davangere towards the partial fulfilment of the award of the Master of
Business Administration during the academic year 2020-2022.
Guide Name
Asst. Professor
Bapuji Academy of Management and Research Lake
View Campus, S.S Layout, Davangere.
I hereby declare that this In- plant Training report is prepared by me, based on original
Further I declare that this In- plant Training report is my original work and has not been
submitted to any other university or Institute for the award of any Degree or Diploma.
Place: Davangere
Annexure – 04
Reg. No :
Area Covered :