Acidity 2
Acidity 2
Acidity 2
Visitation is now:
Soil Acidity and Liming (Overview)
Most Southeastern soils have a pH ranging from 4 to 8. With the exception of some
native vegetation (e.g. pine trees) and a few acid-loving plants such as azaleas, blueberries,
gardenias, and centipede grass, most plants do best in a slightly acid soil with a pH between
6.0 and 7.0.
Acid Soil Infertility
When the pH falls below 6.0, the availability of nutrients such as phosphorus,
potassium, calcium, and magnesium decreases. The availability of the metallic
micronutrients, however, like zinc, manganese, copper, and iron increases as the pH
Plants don't need aluminum to grow. It's not an essential plant nutrient. Aluminum,
however, is one of the prominent mineral components of silt and clay. Therefore, the earth's
crust is naturally high in aluminum. Like zinc, manganese , copper and iron, the more acid
the soil, the more aluminum will be dissolved into the soil solution. If the pH is allowed to
drop much below 5.5, the availability of manganese and aluminum is increased to the point
that they could become toxic to plants. Aluminum toxicity to plants is the main concern
we have with acid soils in our region.
Problems in very acid soils Problems in alkaline soils
*Aluminum toxicity to plant roots *Iron deficiency
*Manganese toxicity to plants *Manganese deficiency
*Calcium & magnesium deficiency *Zinc deficiencies
*Molybdenum deficiency in legumes *excess salts (in some soils)
*P tied up by Fe and Al *P tied up by Ca and Mg
*poor bacterial growth *bacterial diseases in potatoes
*reduced nitrogen transformations
Some plants such as alfalfa, spinach, and lettuce require high levels of calcium and
potassium and can tolerate high salt levels that may occur in near neutral to alkaline soils.
White potatoes will do well in near neutral to slightly acid soils but are usually grown in
more acid soils (pH less than 6.0) because of "scab", a bacterial disease. As already noted,
bacteria don't thrive in very acid soils.
Parent material. Soils of the Piedmont and Sandstone Plateau regions of Alabama are
very acid because of the acid nature of the rocks (granites and sandstones, respectively)
which formed these soils. Limestone valley soils were formed from basic rocks (limestones)
but may be acid on the surface because of time and weathering. Some Black Belt Prairie
soils may be alkaline because the Selma chalk (soft limestone) which formed the soils is
Rainfall/leaching. Rainfall also affects soil pH. Water passing through the soil leaches
basic cations such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+) into drainage
water. These basic cations are replaced by acidic cations such as aluminum (Al3+) and
hydrogen (H+). For this reason, soils formed under high rainfall conditions are more acid
than those formed under arid conditions.
Fertilizers. Both chemical and organic fertilizers may eventually make the soil more
acid. Hydrogen is added in the form of ammonia-based fertilizers (NH4+) , urea-based
fertilizers [CO(NH2)2], and as proteins (amino acids) in organic fertilizers. Transformations
of these sources of N into nitrate (NO3-) releases H+ to create soil acidity. Therefore,
fertilization with fertilizers containing ammonium or even adding large quantities of organic
matter to a soil will ultimately increase the soil acidity and lower the pH.
Lime reduces soil acidity (increases pH) by changing some of the hydrogen ions into
water and carbon dioxide (CO2). A Ca++ ion from the lime replaces two H+ ions on the
cation exchange complex. The carbonate (CO3-) reacts with water to form bicarbonate
(HCO3-). These react with H+ to form H2O and CO2. The pH increases because the H+
concentration has been reduced.
Soil Colloid + CaCO3 Soil Colloid-Ca++ + H2O + CO2
Remember, the reverse of the above process can also occur. An acid soil can become
more acid as basic cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ are removed, usually by crop uptake
or leaching, and replaced by H+.
Liming Materials
The most common liming materials are calcitic or dolomitic agricultural limestone.
These are natural products made by finely grinding natural limestone. Since natural
limestone is relatively insoluble in water, agricultural limestone must be very finely ground
so it can be thoroughly mixed with the soil and allowed to react with the soil's acidity.
Calcitic limestone is mostly calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Dolomitic limestone, according to
most state laws, must have at least 6 percent magnesium, and is made from rocks containing
a mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Either will neutralize soil acidity.
Dolomitic limestone also provides magnesium. Other liming materials which are less
frequently used are listed in Table 2.
Because high quality, finely ground limestone is very dusty and difficult to spread,
some companies market a "prilled" or "granular" limestone for home use. A small amount of
clay or a polymer is added to the ground limestone so small prills are formed instead of dust.
This makes it easier to spread by hand or with a garden fertilizer spreader. Once applied,
soil moisture will cause the "prills" or "granules" to dissociate and disperse the limestone
particles. The limestone can then react with exchangeable acidity in the following manner.
Dolomitic agricultural
lime, 95 - 108 easily available; provides Mg
CaCO3 + MgCO3
A survey of Alabama fescue pastures showed that fields that had received repeated
applications of poultry broiler litter over many years had an average surface soil pH of 6.3
(±0.1) compared to fields receiving only commercial fertilizers. These latter fields had a
surface pH of 5.8(±0.1) (Kingery et al., 1993). Hue (1992) also showed that chicken manure
was very effective in raising soil pH. He theorized that much of this pH increase was due to
reactions of organic anions. Poultry litter can detoxify Al by increasing soil pH, complexing
soluble Al with organic acids, and complexing soluble Al as it reacts with phosphorus in the
litter/manure. (Typically hen manures have calcium carbonate contents of 15 to 18% (300 to
360 lb calcium carbonate per ton).
Soil pH may increase substantially with applications of hen manure because the
amount of liming material added to the soil exceeds the amount of acidity released by the
conversion of nitrogen. Over application of hen manure/litter could result in too high a soil
pH on very sandy Coastal Plain soils. This could result in micronutrient deficiencies (e.g.
Mn) on some Coastal Flatwoods soils. Soil pH's greater than 7.0 in the upper one foot of soil
and nearly 7.0 in the one to two foot sampling depth, were found in a number of Piedmont
fields receiving repeated applications of hen manure and no commercial limestone
applications. Although no crop production problems associated with these unusually high
soil pH's have been documented in these clay soils, pH values this high would likely cause
problems in sandy Coastal Plain soils. The liming value of layer manure should be
considered when layer manure is used as a crop nutrient source. This value is not trivial as
one ton of lime per acre every three years currently costs about $30 per acre or $10 per acre
per year.
Prepared by Jim Camberato and Charles Mitchell
● Hue, N.V. 1992. Correcting soil acidity of a highly weathered ultisol with chicken
manure and sewage sludge. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 23:241-264.
● Kingery, W.L., C.W. Wood, D.P. Delaney, J.C. Williams, G.L.Mullins, and E. van
Santen. 1993. Implications of long-term land application of poultry litter on tall
fescue pastures. J. Prod. Agric. 6:315-395.
4) Does tillage or no-till management change how lime and fertilizer are
distributed in the soil profile?
5) Do soil pH and nutrient concentration differ predictably among soil layers?
6) With no-till management, does the surface soil layer become more acidic?
Less acidic? Why?
Our Methods
Fields from several geologic regions and with different tillage histories were selected
from across North Carolina. All fields were to be planted with corn in 1996. There were 45
commercial fields and 14 research plots representing a great deal of soil diversity: 22 soil
series. Tillage histories in this study were conventional tillage (CT), no-till for less than 3
years (NT<3), no-till for 3 to 6 years (NT 3-6), and no-till for more than 6 years (NT>6).
Conventional tillage refers to a variety of tillage intensities, including disking, chisel
plowing, and subsoiling, but in most cases does not involve moldboard plowing. Fields were
sampled between January and April 1996, prior to lime and fertilizer applications. From
each field, samples were collected from 0-8 inches deep, 0-4 inches and 4-8 inches, and
from 0-2 inches. A composite sample from each depth was submitted for analysis following
procedures of the Agronomic Division, North Carolina Department of Agriculture
(Mehlich-3 extractant, results converted to index units). Data were analyzed separately for
each tillage history category. For statistical testing, we used Wilcoxon's signed ranks test to
determine if soil test results for a given parameter differed significantly among depth
intervals for each tillage category. We used this rather than an analysis of variance since soil
test values varied so widely among fields. We grouped data across regions to obtain a
minimum sample size for statistical testing. No statistical comparison of fertility status
across tillage categories was possible with our sampling design since field selections within
each region were based on the tillage history and next crop (corn), without regard for soil
type or crop management decisions.
For a routine soil sample, NCDA currently recommends sampling field crops to the
plow layer depth, usually 6-8 inches. Samples should be collected to a depth of 4 inches for
established pasture, turf, and minimum/no-tillage systems. For problem diagnosis, a separate
subsoil sample (8-16 inches) is also requested. [Tucker et al., Soil Testing Services,
Agronomic Division, N.C. Dept. of Agriculture, 1995].
A national publication reports that a survey of several states suggests a sampling depth
of 2-4 inches for conservation tillage fields. [James and Wells, p. 37 in Soil Sample
Collection and Handling; Chapter 3 in Soil Testing and Plant Analysis, 3rd Edition, R.L.
Westerman (ed.). 1990.]
2) Does soil sampling depth affect soil test results?
Table 1. Differences between soil test results of shallow (0-4") and deeper (0-8") soil
depth layers. Values shown are the differences: means of 0-4" samples minus means of 0-8"
samples. A "+" indicates higher values in the shallower surface layer sample.
No significant differences in soil test results were detected in the conventionally tilled
fields unless the comparison was made with an even shallower sampling depth (0-2 inches,
data not shown). In all no-till duration categories, soil test P, K, and Zn concentrations were
higher with the shallow sampling depth. In the long-term no-till category (NT > 6), soil test
Mg and Cu indexes were also higher with the shallow sampling depth. Our results are
consistent with previous reports describing higher nutrient concentrations in the surface soil
with no-till management.
3) How sensitive are lime and fertilizer application rate recommendations to sampling
Table 2. Differences between lime and fertilizer application rate recommendations based
on shallow (0-4") and deeper (0-8") soil depth layers. Values shown are the differences:
means of 0-4" samples minus means of 0-8" samples. A "-" indicates lower rates
recommended based on the shallower surface layer sample.
Material CT NT < 3 NT 3-6 NT > 6
Lime (T/A) NS NS NS NS
P2O3 (lb/A) NS NS - 12 * NS
K2O (lb/A NS -5* - 12 ** -6*
Statistical significance: p<0.05, ** p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001.
Since P and K concentrations are above sufficiency levels in many North Carolina
fields, many sites received no fertilizer recommendation regardless of sampling depth. If P
or K concentrations were below the sufficiency level, higher nutrient concentrations near the
surface led to reduced fertilizer rate recommendations when based on the shallower
sampling depth. Since the overall pH effects were relatively small, the only significant
relationship between sampling depth and lime recommendation noted was for the NT<3
sites when comparing 0-2 inch and 0-8 inch samples (data not shown). On average, less lime
was recommended if rates were based on the shallower sampling depth.
4) Does tillage or no-till management change how lime and fertilizer are distributed in
the soil profile?
Table 3. Differences between soil test results of surface (0-4") and underlying (4-8") soil
depth layers. Values shown are the differences: means of 0-4" samples minus means of 4-8"
samples. A "+" indicates higher values in the shallower surface layer sample.
Assay CT NT < 3 NT 3-6 NT > 6
pH NS + 0.2** + 0.3** NS
Acidity NS NS - 0.2* NS
P-Index + 30** + 31** + 52** + 44**
K-Index + 29** + 30*** + 23** + 31***
Ca% NS + 4+ + 5*; NS
Mg% NS NS + 2* + 2*
Mn-Index NS + 23*** + 33* NS
Zn-Index + 36** + 47** + 125** + 117***
Cu-Index NS + 15* + 31* + 42**
S-Index NS -7+ -7* NS
Stratification of pH, Ca, Mn, Cu, and S was also noted for fields with NT < 3 years.
For NT 3-6, in addition to the previously mentioned parameters, Mg concentrations were
also significantly greater in the surface layer. The CT and NT > 6 fields did not exhibit
consistent variation with respect to stratification of pH, Ca, Mn, or S. Thus, either these
nutrients were uniformly distributed in these soils or variation was inconsistent across the
tillage category.
Except for S, elements were more concentrated near the surface if stratification was
detected. The S assay measures extractable sulfate (SO4-2), a highly leachable anion. Thus,
S concentrations tend to be greater in lower soil layers. Although the P assay also measures
extractable anions, phosphates are less mobile in soils due to complexation and precipitation
Data from the 0-2 inch sampling depths (data not shown) followed soil pH, P, Ca, and
Mg stratification trends detected with the other sampling increments. For example, mean P
concentrations were even greater in the 0-2 inch increment than in the 0-4 inch increment.
5) Do soil pH and nutrient concentration differ predictably among soil layers?
We use our statistical tests to evaluate how predictable these differences are. In
general, we observed some stratification even in conventionally tilled fields. This is
probably because soil mixing is not complete, especially when disks and chisel plows rather
than moldboard plows are used. With the adoption of no-till methods, stratification becomes
even more pronounced. Interestingly, stratification in pH, Ca, Mn, and S were more likely
for fields in the early stages of no-till than in longer-term no-till.
6) With no-till management, does the surface soil layer become more acidic? Less
acidic? Why?
Although surface soil pH was consistently higher than pH in underlying layers in the
short-term no-till sites, the magnitude of these differences was often very small (0.2-0.3 pH
units). Stratification was inconsistent in the long-term no-till plots (NT > 6). Thorough
liming prior to the onset of no-till management has been promoted in North Carolina, and
may have countered surface acidification in these soils (G. Naderman, unpublished). The
less consistent soil pH profile in older no-till fields may be due to the variation in liming
history among fields. In our study, some long-term (NT > 6) fields had received lime within
as recently as 1 year, while others had not received any lime for 10 years prior to our
sampling. Earlier detection and correction of surface acidification is one reason for
shallower sampling in no-till. For these North Carolina fields with higher surface soil pH,
shallower soil sampling could actually delay lime application since it fails to detect subsoil
Some chemical stratification occurred for all tillage categories, this became more
pronounced with the adoption of no-till management. Soil sampling is a valuable tool for 1)
specific lime and fertilizer recommendations, and 2) monitoring long-term soil changes. In
consideration of specific lime and fertilizer recommendations: switching from a 0-8 inch to
a 0-4 inch sampling depth in no-till situations yields higher soil P, K, Zn, and Cu levels, and
thus reduces recommended fertilizer rates. In consideration of monitoring long-term soil
changes: sampling no-till fields requires even more attention to depth than for
conventionally tilled fields.
By: C.R. Crozier*, G.C. Naderman, M.R. Tucker, and R.E. Sugg
Published in: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 30:65-74, 1999.
In 1985 a study was initiated at Penn State to look at the effects of surface application
of lime on a very acid, long-term no-till soil. Since 1977 this field had been in no-till corn
production with no limestone applied. The initial pH of "plow layer" was 5.1 and the surface
2 inch pH was 4.5. The limestone recommendation, based on the SMP buffer pH and a
target pH of 6.5, was 6000 lb calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) per acre. The study
included four limestone rates (0, 3000, 6000, 9000 lb CCE/A) and liming programs ranging
from applying lime every year to once every five years. Each year the soil was sampled in
the spring in 2 inch increments to a depth of 6 inches. No-till corn was grown from 1985 to
1991, no-till soybeans were grown in 1992 and 1993, oats was grown in 1994 and wheat in
1995 and corn in 1996, 1997 and 1998.
Soil pH results from soil samples taken in the spring of each year from 1985 through
1994 for selected liming programs are given in Figures 1 and 2. The soil pH results for the
6000 lb/A, every third year liming program are shown in Figure 1. This treatment was
chosen for illustration because this would be the recommended limestone rate based on a
plow depth soil sample and this frequency of liming is fairly common in many areas. The
pH results in Figure 2 are from the every year, 3000 lb/A liming program. The every year
program is of interest because there has been speculation that more frequent smaller
applications of limestone may be necessary in no-till. Several observations can be made
based on these results. First, it is clear that the recommended limestone application changed
the soil pH in the surface 2 inches within the first year after application. Soil pH
measurements taken within the first year indicated that most of the pH change in the surface
layer occurred within the first two months after spring liming. This rapid increase at the
surface was expected since this was a high quality finely ground limestone with 90%
passing a 100 mesh sieve. Although the 0 to 2 inch layer was not subdivided for routine pH
determination, spot checks of pH in this layer indicated that most of the pH change was in
the surface 1/2 inch. However, there was little change in the soil pH below the surface 2
inches until about the fourth year of the study following subsequent limestone applications.
Even after 9 years the soil pH in the 2 to 6 inch layers has not yet reached the target pH of
6.5 that was achieved rather quickly in the surface layer. There is little apparent difference
between the standard, every third year liming program, and the more frequent every year
liming program.
Figure 1. Soil pH vs time for a no-till soil limed at 6000 lb/A every third year
Figure 2. Soil pH vs time for a no-till soil limed at 6000 lb/A initially and
then every year since 1987 at 3000 lb/A.
These pH effects from the liming treatments resulted in slight but generally
insignificant increases in corn yield. The greatest yield response was in the wheat crop in
1995. Some negative responses were observed in the years when soybeans were the plots.
However, it was speculated that this was due to compaction from the liming operation
especially in the more frequent liming programs. A triazine weed control treatment was
included in the early years of this study. This work showed that the initial liming which only
affected the pH at the soil surface did improve the efficacy of the triazine herbicides. Similar
to the effect observed with the triazine activity, there were significant effects on plant tissue
concentrations immediately after liming even though the pH effect from the lime was
limited to the soil surface. These plant nutrient effects were a significant increase in calcium
and a decrease in manganese. From this work it was concluded that surface application of
limestone will rapidly change the soil pH at the surface of the soil. It was also observed that
even this shallow pH improvement could affect herbicide activity and nutrient availability.
A second major conclusion is that a very long time is required to have much effect on the
soil pH below the surface 2 inches in no-till crop production. Finally, there seems to be little
justification for more frequent liming in no-till systems.
Thus, the current recommendation is that where possible on a very acid soil, limestone
should be incorporated to adjust the soil pH to the desired level in the entire plow layer
before no-till crop production in initiated. Other work has shown that if the soil pH is in the
desired range to begin with, it can be maintained by surface applications of limestone in
no-till systems. Thus, if a regular liming program is followed and soil pH is not allowed to
drop to very low levels further incorporation of limestone should not be necessary. Where
incorporation is not possible there are beneficial effects of surface application of limestone
to acid no-till soils even though the immediate effect will only be near the soil surface. Also,
with surface liming the standard every three year or so liming program based on a regular
soil testing program should be adequate.
Prepared by:
Douglas B. Beegle, Professor of Agronomy
Department of Agronomy
Penn State University
Seasonal variations in soil test values have been reported in the literature. Some of the
factors influencing variations in soil pH are the presence of soluble salts and carbon dioxide.
The purpose of this study was to determine the nature and magnitude of variations in
soil test values for some of the prominent soil types used for row crops in Eastern Arkansas.
It was felt that knowledge of the variations could be used to adjust limestone
Eighteen soil series from Eastern Arkansas were used for the study. They included the
following texture classes: silt loam, sandy loam, clay and clay loam. Most of the soils were
in cotton or soybeans during the two summer sampling season. At each site, permanent
reference points were established so samples could be taken from the same location.
Sampling was started in June 1965 and was repeated approximately every two weeks
through November. From December 1965 through April 1966, samples were collected
monthly, weather permitting. From May until December 1996, or until the rows were
destroyed after the 1966 crop, samples were taken approximately every two weeks. The soil
pH was determined by using a standard laboratory method which uses de-ionized water. The
soil pH was also determined by using salt solutions containing either 1.0N KCl or 0.01M
CaCl2 to see if this would suppress the seasonal variations.
Table 1. Average and range for water pH values for 18 soil sites.
The soil pH values which were determined by using salt solutions containing
either 1.0N KCl or 0.01M CaCl2 showed similar patterns of variation as the
standard pH method.
Although oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds can result in precipitous and rapid
declines in soil pH, declining pH in most soils is typically a more gradual process. The
primary cause of declining soil pH is the application of ammonium containing or forming
fertilizers, such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, ammonium phosphate, and urea.
When ammonium is converted to nitrate by soil bacteria, acidity is released. Nitrogen
sources differ in the amount of acidity they generate. Ammonium sulfate is two to three
times more acid than the other commonly used ammonium nitrogen sources. Calcium,
potassium, and sodium nitrate do not create any acidity, but actually increase soil pH.
There are several factors that are detrimental to turf growth at low soil pH. Toxic
levels of aluminum, hydrogen, and manganese may occur in the soil water. Aluminum and
hydrogen damage grass roots directly, whereas manganese is toxic to the leaves and stem of
the grass. At low pH, phosphorus availability is reduced and calcium and magnesium levels
are typically inadequate. Deficiencies of these nutrients may occur. Microbial activity is also
reduced at low soil pH resulting in thatch accumulation and slowed release of nitrogen from
organic sources. Dependent on the soil type and grass species some or all of these factors
may decrease turf growth.
Surface-applied lime is slow to react and the affects move downward into the soil
profile slowly. To hasten the reaction and movement of the lime, incorporation into the soil
by application after core aerification is recommended. When devastatingly low pH's are
encountered incorporation is required in order to increase the pH of a significant volume of
the root zone. The smaller the particle size of the lime the faster it will react. The faster
reaction rate of a ground limestone, rather than a pelletized lime, is particularly important
when very low pH's are encountered.
Adapted from the article, 'Tales from the Annals of Disease', by Bruce Martin and
Jim Camberato, which first appeared in the September-October 1999 issue of Carolinas
The limited solubility of lime led some to believe that it could not supply available Ca
to the fruiting zone as effectively as gypsum. This was reinforced by studies showing
limited responses to lime. Lime application in the seed furrow at planting or applications in
the fall prior to moldboard plowing were ineffective in supplying sufficient Ca to virginia
type peanuts not only because of their greater Ca requirement, but also because of spatial
unavailability. Timing of applications is also important. Applications at bloom are not
effective, since the lime has insufficient time to react with the soil before the critical uptake
period. In many cases, results from virginia market types were erroneously extended to
smaller seeded cultivars.
Numerous studies conclusively show that lime can provide adequate Ca for maximum
yield of runner-type peanuts when applied and incorporated into the pegging zone after
moldboard plowing prior to planting. Where recommended to correct low pH, lime
incorporated in the surface after moldboard plowing can also supply Ca (at a lower cost) and
eliminate a trip across the field before bloom. Lime applied in the spring is less subject to
leaching than gypsum, and the possibility of missing a needed gypsum application because
of wet fields or scheduling problems is averted. Lime is not the most appropriate
supplemental Ca source in all cases. Applying lime on freshly plowed soil is difficult,
increases maintenance costs for spreader trucks, and can lead to undesirable compaction.
High flotation equipment is better suited to this task, but very few of these expensive units
are available. Many dealers have tractor-pulled spreaders available for farmer use, but
timing can become a problem for growers with large acreage. They must turn the land, lime,
and apply herbicides before incorporation.
Overliming can become a serious problem in some areas. If poorly drained sands of
the Atlantic Coast (Aquults) are overlimed Mn deficiences are frequently observed. Greatly
reduced pod yield has been found at pH 6.8 in comparison to pH 6.0 due to Mn deficiency.
For this reason, excessive use of limestone as a Ca source should be avoided. In Georgia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia, growers are advised to keep pH below 6.3 in
susceptible soils. When soil pH is adequate, Georgia recommends a pod zone (0-3 in.) soil
sample at 10-14 days after planting. If soil test Ca is <500 lb/acre (250 ppm) gypsum
application is recommened at first bloom for runner-type peanuts. Gypsum is always
recommended for virginia-type peanuts and any peanuts to be used for seed.
From Hodges, S. C., G. J. Gascho, and G, Kidder (1993) Calcium and Magnesium,
Chap. 6 in Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 380 "Research-based Soil Testing
Interpretation and Fertilizer Recommendations for Peanuts on Coastal Plain Soils". C.C.
Mitchell, Editor.
ammonium nitrate 60
ammonium sulfate 110
32% liquid nitrogen 55
urea 81
sulfur-coated urea 118
diammonium phosphate 70
flowers of sulfur (elemental S) 312
aluminum sulfate 45
Alumimum sulfate may be better for the home gardener to use because he/she is less likely to
over-apply the material. Six times as much aluminum sulfate is needed as elemental sulfur.
Aluminum sulfate should also be mixed with the soil, but the reaction is a chemical one rather
than a biological reaction.
*For sandy soils, reduce amount by 1/3; for clayey soils, increase amount
by 1/2; if aluminum sulfate is used, multiply by 6.9.
Mode of Action
Sulfur is oxidized by soil bacteria, thereby forming sulfuric acid which is the substance
that lowers soil pH. Each 10 pounds of elemental S generates enough acidity to neutralize
30 pounds of lime. Warm temperatures and good moisture and aeration are required for S
oxidizing bacteria to function. Sulfur oxidation is minimal at soil temperatures less than
50oF. Consequently S oxidation in the winter can be limited even in our mild climate. Sulfur
that lies 'dormant' in the winter, however, will be oxidized when hot temperatures occur.
Even at 75oF the oxidation rate of S is about 15% of that at 85oF, so peak rates of S
oxidation don't occur until late spring. Applications are best made when temperatures are
warm enough for the bacteria to oxidize the S (70 - 80oF), but not hot enough to accentuate
tissue burn.
Sulfur rates should be low to avoid damage to the crowns of the turfgrass plant. Each
application to bermudagrass at fairway or rough height should be less than 5 pounds per
1000 square feet, with lower rates being safer. Applications to greens should not exceed 0.5
pounds per 1000 square feet per application. It is wise to check the soil pH before
re-application of S to avoid over-acidification, especially on sand-based greens that have
little capacity to buffer changes in soil pH. Before taking a soil sample and considering
re-application of S, ensure that temperatures and time were sufficient for the S to have been
oxidized, > 75oF and 4 to 6 weeks. Commercial S sources range in purity from 50 to 99%,
so remember to adjust the application rate based on the S content of the material.
Contributed by: Dr. Jim Camberato, Clemson University