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United Nations ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.

Economic and Social Council Distr.: General
30 June 2011

Original: English

Economic Commission for Europe

Inland Transport Committee
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations

Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles


Revision 2

This revised consolidated version of the Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles

(R.E.3) replaces TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1, and its amendments 1 to 4. and contains all the
amendments adopted so far by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
(WP.29). It has been completed by references to Regulations annexed to the 1958
Agreement, a standard annex on the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating
position, the list of distinguishing number of Contracting Parties and new guidelines on
measures ensuring the audibility of hybrid and electric vehicles. This document was
adopted by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) at its
153rd session and is based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/42,
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/42/Corr.1, WP.29-153-10, WP.29-153-12 and WP.29-153-14,
as amended by the report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1089, para. 82).


Preamble ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Definitions of vehicles ........................................................................................................................ 5
2. Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers .......................................................................... 5
3. Scope of Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement...................................................................... 14
4. Active safety requirements.................................................................................................................. 32
5. Passive safety requirements ................................................................................................................ 34
6. Requirements for the protection of the environment.......................................................................... 35
7. General safety requirements ............................................................................................................... 36
8. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 37
1 Standard Annex on the procedure for determining the "H" point and the actual torso angle for seating
positions in motor vehicles ................................................................................................................. 72
Appendix 1 – Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine (3-D H machine) ............. 77
Appendix 2 – Three-dimensional reference system ........................................................................... 80
Appendix 3 – Reference data concerning seating positions............................................................... 81
2 Proposal for guidelines on measures ensuring the audibility of hybrid and electric vehicles........... 83
3 Distinguishing number of contracting parties to the 1958 agreement in the approval mark ............ 85


The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations,
Desiring to establish the greatest uniformity in the regulations, rules and
recommendations relating to the construction of vehicles, to improve road safety and the
protection of the environment, and to facilitate international road traffic and trade in
vehicles and their equipment and parts,
Bearing in mind that the provisions of the Convention on Road Traffic of Vienna,
8 November 1968 and of the European Agreements supplementing that Convention provide
the basis for harmonization of the performance requirements,
Bearing in mind also that the provisions of the Agreement concerning the Adoption
of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts, which can
be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal
Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these Prescriptions, done at Geneva on
20 March 1958 ("1958 Agreement") provides further possibilities for harmonization,
Bearing in mind that the Special Resolution No. 1 concerning the common
definitions of vehicle categories, masses and dimensions (S.R. 1)1 setting forth common
definitions, to be used in the global technical regulations established under the framework
of the Agreement concerning the establishing of global technical regulations for wheeled
vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles, done
in Geneva on 25 June 1998 ("1998 Agreement"), does not apply to the Regulations annexed
to the 1958 Agreement,
Noting that the application of the provisions of the 1958 Agreement still leave open
the possibility of divergences between one country and another as regards some issues
when they establish domestic rules for vehicles design and for the protection of the
Recommends Governments, in order to eliminate these divergences as far as
possible, to align their domestic legislation with the recommendations of the Consolidated
Resolutions and the provisions of the above-mentioned Agreements, applying them
forthwith to the fullest extent possible.

TRANS/WP.29/1045 as amended by ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1045/Amend.1


The text hereafter updates the recommendations of the Consolidated Resolution on the
Construction of Vehicles and provides information on the legal texts under the framework
of the 1958 Agreement (Regulations, Rules and specific requirements) applicable in the
vehicle design, aiming the improvement of safety and the protection of the environment.
Paragraphs 1 and 2 contain general definitions and the classification used in the documents
referred. Paragraph 3 indicates the scope of the Regulation(s) and Rule(s). Tables of
Paragraphs 4 to 7 contain the main requirements for the construction of vehicles so far
established and already included into Regulation(s) and Rule(s) by the World Forum.
Similar requirements are grouped. For any requirement or group of requirements references
are made to the relevant Regulations, identified by the number allocated to them by the
1958 Agreement, to the still valid Recommendations reproduced in paragraph 8 and to the
Standard Annexes to Regulations reproduced in the annexes to Resolution. Annex 3
includes, as complementary information, an updated list of the distinguishing numbers
allocated to Contracting Parties by the 1958 Agreement.


1. Definitions of vehicles2
1.1. "Power-driven vehicle" means any self-propelled road vehicle, other than a
moped in the territories of Contracting Parties which do not treat mopeds as
motor cycles, and other than a rail-borne vehicle.
1.2. "Motor vehicle" means any power-driven vehicle which is normally used for
carrying persons or goods by road or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used
for the carriage of persons or goods. This term embraces trolley-buses, that is
to say, vehicles connected to an electric conductor and not rail-borne. It does
not cover vehicles such as agricultural tractors, which are only incidentally
used for carrying persons or goods by road or for drawing, on the road,
vehicles used for the carriage of persons or goods.
1.3. "Motor cycle" means any two-wheeled vehicle, with or without side-car,
which is equipped with a propelling engine. Contracting Parties may also
treat as motor cycles in their domestic legislation three-wheeled vehicles
whose unladen mass does not exceed 400 kg. The term "motor cycle" does
not include mopeds, although Contracting Parties may treat mopeds as motor
cycles for the purpose of the Convention.
1.4. "Moped" means any two-wheeled or three-wheeled vehicle which is fitted
with an internal combustion engine having a cylinder capacity not exceeding
50 cm3 and a maximum design speed not exceeding 50 km per hour.
1.5. "Trailer" means any non-self propelled vehicle, which is designed and
constructed to be towed by a power driven vehicle and includes semi–trailers.
1.6. "Combination of vehicles" means coupled vehicles which travel on the road
as a unit.
1.7. "Articulated vehicle" means a combination of vehicles comprising a motor
vehicle and semi–trailer coupled to the motor vehicle.
1.8. "Road tractor" means road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily,
to haul other road vehicles which are not power-driven (mainly semi–
1.9. "Agricultural tractor" means a vehicle specifically designed to deliver a high
tractive effort at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or

2. Classification of power-driven vehicles and trailers3

2.1. Category L – Motor vehicles with less than four wheels
2.1.1. "Category L1": A two-wheeled vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity in
the case of a thermic engine not exceeding 50 cm3 and whatever the means of
propulsion a maximum design speed not exceeding 50 km/h.

According to the Convention on Road Traffic of Vienna, 8 November 1968 and of the European
Agreements supplementing that Convention, except paragraph 1.8., taken from OECD "Glossary of
statistical terms"
The text reproduced in this paragraph is the up-to-date version of Annex 7 to the Consolidated
Resolution (TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1) established by the Working Party on the Construction of
Vehicles. It is based on document TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2 and Rev.1/Amend.4.


2.1.2. "Category L2":A three-wheeled vehicle of any wheel arrangement with an

engine cylinder capacity in the case of a thermic engine not exceeding 50 cm3
and whatever the means of propulsion a maximum design speed not
exceeding 50 km/h.
2.1.3. "Category L3": A two-wheeled vehicle with an engine cylinder capacity in
the case of a thermic engine exceeding 50 cm3 or whatever the means of
propulsion a maximum design speed exceeding 50 km/h.
2.1.4. "Category L4": A vehicle with three wheels asymmetrically arranged in
relation to the longitudinal median plane with an engine cylinder capacity in
the case of a thermic engine exceeding 50 cm3 or whatever the means of
propulsion a maximum design speed exceeding 50 km/h (motor cycles with
2.1.5. "Category L5": A vehicle with three wheels symmetrically arranged in rela-
tion to the longitudinal median plane with an engine cylinder capacity in the
case of a thermic engine exceeding 50 cm3 or whatever the means of
propulsion a maximum design speed exceeding 50 km/h.
2.1.6. "Category L6": A vehicle with four wheels whose unladen mass is not more
than 350 kg, not including the mass of the batteries in case of electric
vehicles, whose maximum design speed is not more than 45 km/h, and whose
engine cylinder capacity does not exceed 50 cm3 for spark (positive) ignition
engines, or whose maximum net power output does not exceed 4 kW in the
case of other internal combustion engines, or whose maximum continuous
rated power does not exceed 4 kW in the case of electric engines.
2.1.7. "Category L7": A vehicle with four wheels, other than that classified for the
category L6, whose unladen mass is not more than 400 kg (550 kg for
vehicles intended for carrying goods), not including the mass of batteries in
the case of electric vehicles and whose maximum continuous rated power
does not exceed 15 kW.
2.2. Category M - Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for
the carriage of passengers
2.2.1. "Category M1": Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising
not more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat.
2.2.2. "Category M2": Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising
more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum
mass not exceeding 5 tonnes.
2.2.3. "Category M3": Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising
more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum
mass exceeding 5 tonnes.
2.2.4. Vehicles of category M2 and M3 belong to: For vehicles having a capacity exceeding 22 passengers in addition to the
driver, there are three classes of vehicles: "Class I": Vehicles constructed with areas for standing passengers, to allow
frequent passenger movement. "Class II": Vehicles constructed principally for the carriage of seated
passengers, and designed to allow the carriage of standing passengers in the
gangway and/or in an area which does not exceed the space provided for two
double seats.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 "Class III": Vehicles constructed exclusively for the carriage of seated
passengers. A vehicle may be regarded as belonging in more than one Class. In such a
case it may be approved for each Class to which it corresponds. For vehicles having a capacity not exceeding 22 passengers in addition to the
driver, there are two classes of vehicles: "Class A": Vehicles designed to carry standing passengers; a vehicle of this
class has seats and shall have provisions for standing passengers. "Class B": Vehicles not designed to carry standing passengers; a vehicle of
this class has no provision for standing passengers.
2.2.5. Remarks. "Articulated bus or coach" is a vehicle which consists of two or more rigid
sections which articulate relative to one another; the passengers
compartments of each section intercommunicate so that passengers can move
freely between them; the rigid sections are permanently connected so that
they can only be separated by an operation involving facilities which are
normally only found in workshop. Articulated buses or coaches comprising two ore more non-separable but
articulated units shall be considered as single vehicles. In the case of a towing vehicle designed to be coupled to a semi–trailer
(tractor for semi–trailer), the mass to be considered for classifying the vehicle
is the mass of the tractor vehicle in running trim, increased by the mass
corresponding to the maximum static vertical load transferred to the tractor
vehicle by the semi–trailer and, where applicable, by the maximum mass of
the tractor vehicle's own load. "Mass of a vehicle in running order" means the mass of an unladen vehicle
with bodywork, and with coupling device in the case of a towing vehicle, or
the mass of the chassis with cab if the manufacturer does not fit the
bodywork and/or coupling device, including coolant, oils, 90 per cent of fuel,
100 per cent of other liquids except used waters, tools, spare wheel, driver
(75 kg) and, for buses and coaches, the mass of the crew member (75 kg) if
there is a crew seat in the vehicle.
2.3. Category N - Power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for
the carriage of goods
2.3.1. "Category N1": Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a
maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
2.3.2. "Category N2": Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a
maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes.
2.3.3. "Category N3": Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a
maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes.
2.3.4. Remarks In the case of a towing vehicle designed to be coupled to a semi–trailer
(tractor for semi–trailer), the mass to be considered for classifying the vehicle
is the mass of the tractor vehicle in running trim, increased by the mass
corresponding to the maximum static vertical load transferred to the tractor


vehicle by the semi–trailer and, where applicable, by the maximum mass of

the tractor vehicles own load. The equipment and installations carried on certain special purpose vehicles
(crane vehicles, workshop vehicles, publicity vehicles, etc.) are regarded as
being equivalent to goods.
2.4. Category O - Trailers (including semi–trailers)
2.4.1. "Category O1": Trailers with a maximum mass not exceeding 0.75 tonnes.
2.4.2. "Category O2": Trailers with a maximum mass exceeding 0.75 tonnes, but
not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
2.4.3. "Category O3": Trailers with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, but not
exceeding 10 tonnes.
2.4.4. "Category O4": Trailers with a maximum mass exceeding 10 tonnes.
2.4.5. Furthermore, trailers of categories O2, O3 and O4 are of one of the three
following types: "Semi–trailer": A towed vehicle, in which the axle(s) is (are) positioned
behind the centre of gravity of the vehicle (when uniformly loaded), and
which is equipped with a connecting device permitting horizontal and vertical
forces to be transmitted to the towing vehicle. One or more of the axles may
be driven by the towing vehicle. "Full trailer": A towed vehicle having at least two axles, and equipped with a
towing device which can move vertically (in relation to the trailer) and
controls the direction of the front axle(s), but which transmits no significant
static load to the towing vehicle. One or more of the axles may be driven by
the towing vehicle. "Centre-axle trailer": A towed vehicle, equipped with a towing device which
cannot move vertically (in relation to the trailer) and in which the axle(s) is
(are) positioned close to the centre of gravity of the vehicle (when uniformly
loaded) such that only a small static vertical load, not exceeding 10 per cent
of that corresponding to the maximum mass of the trailer or a load of
1,000 daN (whichever is the lesser) is transmitted to the towing vehicle. One
or more of the axles may be driven by the towing vehicle.
2.4.6. Remark.
In the case of a semi–trailer or centre-axle trailer, the maximum mass to be
considered for classifying the trailer corresponds to the static vertical load
transmitted to the ground by the axle or axles of the semi–trailer or centre-
axle trailer when coupled to the towing vehicle and carrying its maximum
2.5. "Special purpose vehicle": A vehicle of category M, N or O for conveying
passengers or goods and for performing a special function for which special
body arrangements and/or equipment are necessary.
2.5.1. "Motor caravan": A special purpose M1 category vehicle constructed to
include accommodation space which contains at least the following
(a) Seats and table;
(b) Sleeping accommodation which may be converted from the seats;


(c) Cooking facilities, and

(d) Storage facilities.
This equipment shall be rigidly fixed to the living compartment; however, the
table may be designed to be easily removable.
2.5.2. "Armoured vehicle": Vehicle intended for the protection of conveyed
passengers and/or goods and complying with armour plating anti-bullet
2.5.3. "Ambulance": Motor vehicle of category M intended for the transport of sick
or injured people and having special equipment for such purpose.
2.5.4. "Hearse": Motor vehicle intended for the transport of deceased people and
having special equipment for such purpose.
2.6. "Category T - Agricultural and Forestry tractors"-: A power-driven vehicle,
either wheeled or track laying, which has at least two-axles, whose function
depends essentially on its tractive power, and which is specially designed to
pull, push, carry or actuate certain implements, machines or trailers intended
for use in agriculture or forestry. Such a tractor may be arranged to carry a
load and attendants.
2.7. "Non-road mobile machinery": Any mobile machine, transportable industrial
equipment or vehicle with or without body work, not intended for the use of
passenger- or goods-transport on the road, in which an internal combustion
engine is installed.
2.8. Category G - off-road vehicles
2.8.1. Definition.
Off-road vehicles are considered to be the vehicles of categories M and N
satisfying the requirements of this paragraph, checked under the conditions
indicated in paragraphs 2.8.2. and 2.8.3. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding 2 tonnes and
vehicles in category M1 are considered to be off-road vehicles if they have:
(a) At least one front axle and at least one rear axle designed to be driven
simultaneously including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be
(b) At least one differential locking mechanism or at least one mechanism
having a similar effect and
(c) If they can climb a 30 per cent gradient calculated for a solo vehicle.
(d) In addition, they must satisfy a least five of the following six
(i) The approach angle must be at least 25°;
(ii) The departure angle must be at least 20°;
(iii) The ramp angle must be at least 20°;
(iv) The ground clearance under the front axle must be at least
180 mm;
(v) The ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least
180 mm;


(vi) The ground clearance between the axles must be at least

200 mm. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass exceeding 2 tonnes or in
category N2, M2 or M3 with a maximum mass not exceeding 12 tonnes are
considered to be off-road vehicles either if all their wheels are designed to be
driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle can be
disengaged, or if the following three requirements are satisfied:
(a) At least one front axle and at least one rear axle are designed to be
driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle
can be disengaged;
(b) There is at least one differential locking mechanism or at least one
mechanism having a similar effect;
(c) They can climb a 25 per cent gradient calculated for a solo vehicle. Vehicles in category M3 with a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes or in
category N3 are considered to be off-road either if the wheels are designed to
be driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle can
be disengaged, or if the following requirements are satisfied:
(a) At least half the wheels are driven;
(b) There is at least one differential locking mechanism or at least one
mechanism having a similar effect;
(c) They can climb a 25 per cent gradient calculated for a solo vehicle;
(d) at least four of the following six requirements are satisfied:
(i) The approach angle must be at least 25°;
(ii) The departure angle must be at least 25°;
(iii) The ramp angle must be at least 25°;
(iv) The ground clearance under the front axle must be at least
250 mm;
(v) The ground clearance between the axles must be at least
300 mm;
(vi) The ground clearance under the rear axle must be at least
250 mm.
2.8.2. Load and checking conditions. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding two tonnes and
vehicles in category M1 must be in running order, namely with coolant fluid,
lubricants, fuel, tools, spare-wheel and a driver considered to weigh a
standard 75 kilograms. Power-driven vehicles other than those referred to in paragraph must
be loaded to the technically permissible maximum mass stated by the
manufacturer. The ability to climb the required gradients (25 per cent and 30 per cent) is
verified by simple calculation. In exceptional cases, however, the technical
services may ask for a vehicle of the type concerned to be submitted to it for
an actual test.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 When measuring front and rear incidence angles and ramp angles, no account
is taken of underrun protective devices.
2.8.3. Definitions and sketches of front and rear incidence angles, ramp angle and
ground clearance. "Approach angle" – see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No. 6.10. "Departure angle" – see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No.6.11. "Ramp angle" – see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No. 6.9. "Ground clearance between the axles": means the shortest distance between
the ground plane and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle. "Ground clearance beneath one axle": means the distance beneath the
highest point of the arc of a circle passing through the centre of the tyre


footprint of the wheels on one axle (the inner wheels in the case of twin
tyres) and touching the lowest fixed point of the vehicle between the wheels.
No rigid part of the vehicle may project into the shaded area of the diagram.
Where appropriate, the ground clearance of several axles is indicated in
accordance with their arrangement, for example 280/250/250.

2.8.4. Combined designation.

Symbols M and N may be combined with symbol G. For example, a vehicle
of category N1 which is suited for off-road use may be designated as N1G.
2.9. Definition of type of bodywork (only for complete/completed vehicles)
The type of bodywork may be indicated by the following codification:
2.9.1. Passenger cars (M1) AA Saloon:
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No., but including also vehicles with
more than 4 side windows. AB Hatchback
Saloon (AA) with a hatch at the rear end of the vehicle. AC Station Wagon (Estate car)
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No. AD Coupé
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No. AE Convertible
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No. AF Multi-purpose vehicle
Motor vehicle other than those mentioned in AA to AC intended for carrying
passengers and their luggage or goods, in a single compartment. However, if
such a vehicle meets both of the following conditions it is not considered to
be a vehicle of category M1:
(a) The number of seating positions, excluding the driver, is not more
than six. A "seating position" shall be regarded as existing if the
vehicle is provided with "accessible" seat anchorages. "Accessible"
shall mean those anchorages to which can be used. In order to prevent
anchorages being "accessible" the manufacturer shall physically
obstruct their use, for example by welding over cover plates or by


fitting similar permanent fixtures which cannot be removed by use of

normally available tools; and
(b) P - (M + N x 68) > N x 68
P= technically permissible maximum laden mass in kg
M= mass in running order in kg
N= number of seating positions excluding the driver
2.9.2. Special purpose vehicles (M1) SA Motor caravan: see paragraph 2.5.1. SB Armoured vehicle: see paragraph 2.5.2. SC Ambulance: see paragraph 2.5.3. SD Hearse: see paragraph 2.5.4.


3. Scope of Regulations annexed to the 1958

The scope of Regulations indicated below reflects the situation of the
Regulations on 8 March 2011. The scopes are shown by categories of
vehicles, but some of them may be limited to a specific subcategory/class or
to a minimum/maximum weight within the category.
Regulations are continuously adapted to the technical progress and their
scope may be modified.



1 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
emitting an asymmetrical passing beam
2 and/or a driving beam and equipped
with filament lamps of categories R2
and/or HS1

3 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of retro-reflecting devices for
power-driven vehicles and their trailers

4 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of devices for the illumination
of rear registration plates of power-
driven vehicles and their trailers

5 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of motor vehicle "sealed
beam" headlamps (SB) emitting a
European asymmetrical passing beam
or a driving beam or both

6 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of direction indicators for
power-driven vehicles and their trailers

7 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of front and rear position
lamps, stop-lamps and end-outline
marker lamps for motor vehicles
(except motor cycles) and their trailers





8 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
emitting an asymmetrical passing beam
or a driving beam or both and equipped
with halogen filament lamps (H1, H2,
H3, HB3, HB4, H7, H8, H9, HIR1, HIR2
and/or H11)

9 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of category L2, L4 and L5
vehicles with regard to noise

10 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to
electromagnetic compatibility

11 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of vehicles with regard to
door latches and door retention

12 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
protection of the driver against the
steering mechanism in the event of

13 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles of categories M, N
and O with regard to braking

13-H Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of passenger cars with regard
to braking

14 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to
safety-belt anchorages, ISOFIX
anchorage systems and ISOFIX top
tether anchorages

15 This Regulation is obsolete





16 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of:
I. Safety-belts, restraint systems, child
restraint systems and ISOFIX child
restraint systems for occupants of
power-driven vehicles
II. Vehicles equipped with safety-
belts, safety belt reminder, restraint
systems, child restraint systems and
ISOFIX child restraint systems

17 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
seats, their anchorages and any head

18 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of motor vehicles with regard
to their protection against unauthorized

19 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of power-driven vehicle fog

20 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
emitting an asymmetrical passing beam
or a driving beam or both and equipped
with halogen filament lamps (H4

21 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to
their interior fittings

22 Uniform provisions concerning the

approval of protective helmets and
their visors for drivers and passengers
of motor cycles and mopeds





23 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of reversing lights for power-
driven vehicles and their trailers

24 Uniform provisions concerning: x x x x x x x x x x x x x

I. The approval of compression
ignition (C.I.) engines with regard to
the emission of visible pollutants
II. The approval of motor vehicles
with regard to the installation of C.I.
engines of an approved type
III. The approval of motor vehicles
equipped with C.I. engines with regard
to the emission of visible pollutants by
the engine
IV. The measurement of power of C.I.

25 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of head restraints (headrests),
whether or not incorporated in vehicle

26 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to
their external projections

27 Uniform provisions for the approval of

advance-warning triangles

28 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x

approval of audible warning devices
and of motor vehicles with regard to
their audible signals

29 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
protection of the occupants of the cab
of a commercial vehicle





30 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of pneumatic tyres for motor
vehicles and their trailers

31 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of power-driven vehicle's
sealed-beam headlamps (SB) emitting
an European asymmetrical passing
beam or a driving beam or both

32 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
behaviour of the structure of the
impacted vehicle in a rear-end collision

33 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
behaviour of the structure of the
impacted vehicle in a head-on collision

34 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
prevention of fire risks

35 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
arrangement of foot controls

36 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of large passenger vehicles
with regard to their general

37 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of filament lamps for use in
approved lamp units of power-driven
vehicles and of their trailers

38 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of rear fog lamps for power-
driven vehicles and their trailers





39 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
speedometer equipment including its

40 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of motor cycles equipped with
a positive-ignition engine with regard
to the emission of gaseous pollutants
by the engine

41 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of motor cycles with regard to

42 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to
their front and rear protective devices
(bumpers, etc.)

43 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of safety glazing materials
and their installation on vehicles

44 Uniform provisions concerning the

approval of restraining devices for
child occupants of power-driven
vehicles ("child restraint system")

45 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of headlamp cleaners, and of
power-driven vehicles with regard to
headlamp cleaners

46 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of devices for indirect vision,
and of motor vehicles with regard to
the installation of these devices





47 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of mopeds equipped with a
positive-ignition engine with regard to
the emission of gaseous pollutants by
the engine

48 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
installation of lighting and light-
signalling devices

49 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

measures to be taken against the
emission of gaseous and particulate
pollutants from compression-ignition
engines for use in vehicles, and the
emission of gaseous pollutants from
positive-ignition engines fuelled with
natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas
for use in vehicles

50 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of front position lamps, rear
position lamps, stop lamps, direction
indicators and rear-registration-plate
illuminating devices for vehicles of
category L

51 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicles having at
least four wheels with regard to their
noise emissions

52 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of M2 and M3 small capacity
vehicles with regard to their general

53 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of category L3 vehicles with
regard to the installation of lighting and
light-signalling devices





54 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of pneumatic tyres for
commercial vehicles and their trailers

55 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x

approval of mechanical coupling
components of combinations of

56 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of headlamps for mopeds and
vehicles treated as such

57 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x

approval of headlamps for motor cycles
and vehicles treated as such

58 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of:
I. Rear underrun protective devices
II. Vehicles with regard to the
installation of a RUPD of an approved
III. Vehicles with regard to their rear
underrun protection (RUP)

59 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of replacement silencing

60 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of two-wheeled motor cycles
and mopeds with regard to driver-
operated controls including the
identification of controls, tell-tales and





61 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of commercial vehicles with
regard to their external projections
forward of the cab's rear panel

62 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of power-driven vehicles with
handlebars with regard to their
protection against unauthorized use

63 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of two-wheeled mopeds with
regard to noise

64 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of vehicles with regard to
their equipment which may include a
temporary-use spare wheel and tyre
unit, run flat tyres and/or a run flat

65 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of special warning lamps for
power-driven vehicles and their trailers

66 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of large passenger vehicles
with regard to the strength of their

67 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of:
I. Specific equipment of motor
vehicles using liquefied petroleum
gases in their propulsion system
II. A vehicle fitted with specific
equipment for the use of liquefied
petroleum gases in its propulsion
system with regard to the installation of
such equipment





68 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of power-driven vehicles
including pure electric vehicles with
regard to the measurement of the
maximum speed

69 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of rear marking plates for
slow-moving vehicles (by construction)
and their trailers

70 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of rear marking plates for
heavy and long vehicles

71 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of agricultural tractors with
regard to the driver"s field of vision

72 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of motor cycle headlamps
emitting an asymmetrical passing beam
and a driving beam and equipped with
halogen filament lamps (HS1 lamps)

73 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of goods vehicles, trailers and
semi–trailers with regard to their lateral

74 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of category L1 vehicles with
regard to the installation of lighting and
light-signalling devices

75 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x

approval of pneumatic tyres for motor
cycles and mopeds





76 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of headlamps for mopeds
emitting a driving beam and a passing

77 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of parking lamps for power-
driven vehicles

78 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x

approval of vehicles of category L1, L2,
L3, L4 and L5 with regard to braking

79 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to
steering equipment

80 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of seats of large passenger
vehicles and of these vehicles with
regard to the strength of the seats and
their anchorages

81 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of rear-view mirrors of two-
wheeled power-driven vehicles with or
without side car, with regard to the
mounting of rear-view mirrors on

82 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of moped headlamps
equipped with filament halogen lamps

83 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
emission of pollutants according to
engine fuel requirements





84 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of passenger cars equipped
with an internal combustion engine
with regard to the measurement of fuel

85 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of internal combustion
engines or electric drive trains intended
for the propulsion of motor vehicles of
categories M and N with regard to the
measurement of the net power and the
maximum 30 minutes power of electric
drive trains

86 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of agricultural or forestry
tractors with regard to the installation
of lighting and light-signalling devices

87 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of daytime running lamps for
power-driven vehicles

88 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of retroreflective tyres for
two-wheeled vehicles

89 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of:
I. Vehicles with regard to limitation of
their maximum speed or their
adjustable speed limitation function
II. Vehicles with regard to the
installation of a speed limitation device
(SLD) or adjustable speed limitation
device (ASLD) of an approved type
III. Speed limitation devices (SLD)
and adjustable speed limitation device





90 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of replacement brake lining
assemblies and drum-brake linings for
power-driven vehicles and their trailers

91 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of side-marker lamps for
motor vehicles and their trailers

92 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x

approval of non-original replacement
exhaust silencing systems (RESS) for
motorcycles, mopeds and three-
wheeled vehicles

93 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of:
I. Front underrun protective devices
II. Vehicles with regard to the
installation of an FUPD of an approved
III. Vehicles with regard to their front
underrun protection (FUP)

94 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
protection of the occupants in the event
of a frontal collision

95 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
protection of the occupants in the event
of a lateral collision

96 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of compression ignition (C.I.)
engines to be installed in agricultural
and forestry tractors and in non-road
mobile machinery with regard to the
emissions of pollutants by the engine





97 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of vehicle alarm systems
(VAS) and of motor vehicles with
regard to their alarm systems (AS)

98 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
equipped with gas-discharge light

99 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of gas-discharge light sources
for use in approved gas-discharge lamp
units of power-driven vehicles

100 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of battery electric vehicles
with regard to specific requirements for
the construction, functional safety and
hydrogen emission

101 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of passenger cars powered by
an internal combustion engine only, or
powered by a hybrid electric power
train with regard to the measurement of
the emission of carbon dioxide and fuel
consumption and/or the measurement
of electric energy consumption and
electric range and of categories M1 and
N1 vehicles powered by an electric
power train only with regard to the
measurement of electric energy
consumption and electric range

102 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of:
I. A close-coupling device (CCD)
II. Vehicles with regard to the fitting
of an approved type of CCD





103 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of replacement catalytic
converters for power-driven vehicles

104 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x

approval of retro-reflective markings
for vehicles of category M, N and O

105 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of vehicles intended for the
carriage of dangerous goods with
regard to their specific construction

106 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of pneumatic tyres for
agricultural vehicles and their trailers

107 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of category M2 and M3
vehicles with regard to their general

108 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval for the production of retreated
pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and
their trailers

109 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval for the production of retreated
pneumatic tyres for commercial
vehicles and their trailers





110 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of:
I. Specific components of motor
vehicles using compressed natural gas
(CNG) in their propulsion system;
II. Vehicles with regard to the
installation of specific components of
an approved type for the use of
compressed natural gas (CNG) in their
propulsion system

111 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x

approval of tank vehicles of
categories N and O with regard to
rollover stability

112 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
emitting an asymmetrical passing beam
or a driving beam or both and equipped
with filament lamps

113 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x

approval of motor vehicle headlamps
emitting a symmetrical passing beam or a
driving beam or both and equipped with
filament lamps or gas-discharge light

114 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of:
I. An airbag module for a replacement
airbag system;
II. A replacement steering wheel
equipped with an airbag module of an
approved type;
III. A replacement airbag system other
than that installed in a steering wheel





115 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of:
I. Specific LPG (liquefied petroleum
gases) retrofit systems to be installed in
motor vehicles for the use of LPG in
their propulsion system;
II. Specific CNG (compressed natural
gases) retrofit systems to be installed in
motor vehicles for the use of CNG in
their propulsion system

116 Uniform technical prescriptions x x

concerning the protection of motor
vehicles against unauthorized use

117 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x x x x

approval of tyres with regard to rolling
sound emissions and to adhesion on
wet surfaces

118 Uniform technical prescriptions x

concerning the burning behaviour of
materials used in the interior
construction of certain categories of
motor vehicles

119 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x x

approval of cornering lamps for power-
driven vehicles

120 Uniform provisions concerning the x x

approval of internal combustion engines to
be installed in agricultural and forestry
tractors and in non-road mobile
machinery, with regard to the
measurement of the net power, net torque
and specific fuel consumption

121 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of vehicles with regard to the
location and identification of hand
controls, tell-tales and indicators





122 Uniform technical prescriptions x x x x x x x x x x

concerning the approval of vehicles of
categories M, N and O with regard to
their heating systems

123 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x x x x

approval of adaptive front-lighting
systems (AFS) for motor vehicles

124 Uniform provisions concerning the x x x

approval of wheels for passenger cars
and their trailers

125 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of motor vehicles with regard
to the forward field of vision of the
motor vehicle driver

126 Uniform provisions concerning the x

approval of partitioning systems to
protect passengers against displaced
luggage, supplied as non original vehicle


4. Active safety requirements

The table below contains the requirements or a group of requirements in the
field of active safety, already adopted by the World Forum and included into
Regulations. For any requirement or group of requirements, references are
given to the relevant regulations by their number in the 1958 Agreement and
to the relevant Recommendations and Standard Annexes.
Relevant Documents

Regulations annexed to the Recommendations Standard

1958 Agreement Annexes

A. Braking, power-driven vehicles, and theirs 13, 13-H, 90 See paragraphs 8.1. to
trailers 8.3.2.
78 See paragraphs 8.1. to
B. Braking, motor cycles
C. Audible warning device 28 See paragraph 8.4.
D. Lighting and light-signalling devices, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, -
power-driven vehicles 23, 31, 37, 38, 45, 65,
77, 87, 91, 98, 99, 112,
119, 123
Lighting and light-signalling devices, motor 50, 57, 72, 113 -
F. Lighting and light-signalling devices, 56, 76, 82 -
G. Lighting and light-signalling, installation, 48 -
motor vehicles
Lighting and light-signalling, installation, -
H. 53
motor cycles
I. Lighting and light-signalling, installation, 74 -
J. Lighting and light-signalling, installation, 86 -
agricultural tractors
K. Retro reflecting devices, markings 3, 69, 70, 88, 104 -
L. Pneumatic tyres, wheels, motor vehicles 30, 64, 108, 117, 124 -
M. Pneumatic tyres, commercial vehicles 54, 109, 117 -
N. Pneumatic tyres, motor cycles/mopeds 75 -
O. Pneumatic tyres, tractors 106 -
P. Controls, tell-tales, motor vehicles 35, 121 - 1
Q. Controls, tell-tales, motor cycles, mopeds 60 -


Relevant Documents

Regulations annexed to the Recommendations Standard

1958 Agreement Annexes

R. Forward field of vision, motor vehicles 125 - 1

S. Indirect vision, motor vehicles 46 - 1
T. Rear-view mirrors, motor cycles, mopeds 81 -
U. Drivers field of vision, tractors 71 -
V. Speed limitation (SLD) 89 -
W. Steering equipment 79 -


5. Passive safety requirements

The table below contains the requirements or a group of requirements in the
field of passive safety, already adopted by the World Forum and included
into Regulations. For any requirement or group of requirements, references
are given to the relevant regulations by their number in the 1958 Agreement
and to the relevant Recommendations and Standard Annexes.
Relevant Documents

Regulations annexed to the Recommendations Standard

1958 Agreements Annexes

A. Frontal collision 33, 94,12 - 1

B. Lateral collision 95 - 1
C. Rear-end collision 32 - 1
D. Front and rear protection device 42 -
E. Frontal collision for electric vehicles 12 - 1
F. Front and rear underrun protection 58, 93 -
G. Lateral protection 73 -
H. External projections 26, 61 See paragraphs 8.6. and 1
I. Interior fittings 21 - 1
J. Seat strength 17,80 -
K. Restraint systems for adults 14, 16, 17, 25, 80, 114 - 1
L. Child restraint systems 44 -
M. Steering protection 12 - 1
N. Door latches and retention components 11 See paragraph 8.9.
O. Cabin of a commercial vehicle 29 See paragraphs 8.14. to 1
P. Fire risk 34, 118 -
Q. Passengers protection against displaced 126,17 - 1
R. Pedestrian safety See paragraph 8.37.


6. Requirements for the protection of the environment

The Table below contains the requirements or a group of requirements for the
protection of environment, already adopted by the World Forum and included
into Regulations. For any requirement or group of requirements, references
are given to the relevant regulations by their number in the 1958 Agreement
and to the relevant Recommendations and Standard Annexes.
Relevant Documents

Regulations annexed to the Recommendations Standard

1958 Agreement Annexes

A. Pollutant emissions, motor vehicles 24, 49, 83, 103 -

B. Pollutant emissions, motor cycles, 40, 47 -
mopeds, P.I. engines
C. Pollutant emissions, tractors 96 -
D. Measurements, maximum. speed, fuel 68, 84, 85, 101, 120 -
consumption, net power
E. Noise emissions, motor vehicles 51, 59, 117 See paragraph 8.8.
F. Noise emissions, motor cycles, mopeds 9, 41, 63, 92 See paragraph 8.8.


7. General safety requirements

The Table below contains the requirements or a group of requirements in the
field of general safety, already adopted by the World Forum and included
into Regulations. For any requirement or group of requirements, references
are given to the relevant regulations by their number in the 1958 Agreement
and to the relevant Recommendations and Standard Annexes.
Relevant Documents

Regulations annexed to the 1958 Recommendations Standard

Agreement Annexes

A. Protective helmets 22
B. Advance-warning triangles 27
C. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 67, 100, 110, 115
vehicles, Compressed Natural Gas
(CNG) vehicles and electric vehicles
D. Coupling devices 55, 102 See paragraph 8.12.
E. Vehicles of specific use, ADR, tank 105, 111 -
F. Vehicle alarm and anti-theft systems 18, 62, 97, 116 See paragraph 8.24.
G. Buses and coaches 36, 52, 66, 107
H. Electromagnetic compatibility 10
I. Heating systems 122
J. Safety glazing 43 1
K. Speedometer 39
L. Measures to prevent unauthorized - See paragraph 8.24.
modifications to mopeds and motor
cycles in use
M Weight and axle load distribution - See paragraph 8.13.
N Mudguards - See paragraph 8.27.
O First aid kits - See paragraph 8.31.


8. Recommendations
This chapter contains the text of the Recommendations of the Consolidated
Resolution, which are still valid.
8.1. Braking
8.1.1. Vehicles in service, used singly A single motor vehicle may be maintained in service only if the respective
performance of the service, emergency and parking braking devices are at
least equal to 90 per cent of the performance prescribed for a new motor
vehicle in Regulations Nos. 13 and 13-H. The performance may be verified by methods and at speeds different from
those prescribed in the relevant Regulations. For the purpose of testing a motor vehicle in service, the vehicle is regarded
as belonging to the category resulting from its characteristics and the weight
indicated in its registration document.
8.1.2. Combination of new vehicles. General Provisions In addition to the requirements which, by virtue of Regulations Nos. 13, must
be met by each of their components, combinations of new vehicles must
satisfy the following conditions: In a combination of which at least one component is used for the carriage of
passengers, the performance of the service braking device and of the
emergency braking device must meet the requirements laid down in
Regulation No. 13 for the drawing vehicle. In other combinations. The performance of the service braking device must be such that the stopping
distance is:

S ≤ 0.18 ⋅ V +
V = Initial speed in km/h
S = Stopping distance in metres.
(The second term corresponding to a mean braking deceleration of 4.4
m/sec2) The performance of the secondary braking device must be such that the
stopping distance is:

2 ⋅ V2
S ≤ 0.18 ⋅ V +
(The second term corresponding to a mean braking deceleration of
2.2 m/sec2)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The performances indicated in paragraphs and above

shall be checked by a type-0 test with the engine disconnected, as described
in Regulation No. 13, Annex 4, paragraph 1.4. The test must be carried out at
the speed prescribed for the motor vehicle, and the force applied on the
controls must not exceed the maximum prescribed for the braking of the
motor vehicle alone (Regulation No. 13, Annex 4, paragraph 3.). Continuous braking devices In a combination of vehicles equipped with continuous braking devices, the
vehicles of that combination must meet the requirements laid down in
Regulation No. 13 and in addition, the following conditions: In an emergency manoeuvre, the time elapsing between the moment when the
control begins to be actuated and the moment when the braking force on the
least favourably placed axle reaches the level corresponding to the prescribed
performance must not exceed 0.6 sec (see Regulation No. 13, Annex 4,
paragraph 5.); The action of the service brakes must be appropriately distributed and
synchronized between the motor vehicle and the trailer.
8.1.3. Combinations of vehicles in service A combination of vehicles, where both the motor vehicle and the trailer have
been in use, may be maintained in service only: If the respective performances of the service, emergency and parking braking
devices are at least equal to 90 per cent of the performances prescribed in
Regulation No. 13 (the parking brake performance for new motor vehicles
and trailers is assumed to be 18 per cent), for each of the components when
new; If the respective performances of the service and emergency braking devices
are at least equal to 90 per cent of the performances prescribed in
Regulation No. 13, Annex 4, paragraph 2.3.2. A combination of vehicles where either the drawing vehicle or the trailer has
been in use must satisfy the following conditions: The requirements of Regulation No. 13 must be met by that component of the
combination, which is new. For that component of the combination which has been in use, the respective
performances of the service, emergency and parking braking devices must be
at least equal to 90 per cent of the performances prescribed for new vehicles
in Regulation No. 13. For the combination as a whole, the above provisions must be met (see
paragraph The performance required under paragraphs, and
may be verified by methods and at speeds different from those prescribed for
new vehicles and combinations of new vehicles. For the purpose of testing a vehicle in operation, the vehicle is regarded as
belonging to the category resulting from its characteristics and the weight
indicated in its registration document.


8.2. Resistance of brake pipes to corrosion

The resistance of brake pipes to corrosion shall be at least equivalent to that
of steel pipes coated with a 12-micron layer of zinc. It is further
recommended that encouragement be given to information campaigns for the
benefit of vehicle users, maintenance workshops and motor vehicle
inspection services on the dangers of brake pipe corrosion.
8.3. Brake fluids
8.3.1. Manufacturers should include in the maintenance handbooks for their
vehicles, in addition to the usual indications of the fluids to be used in
braking equipment, a specific statement as to whether or not fluids of the
non-petroleum type can be used.
8.3.2. Users' associations should draw the attention of vehicle users to the dangers
of using unsuitable fluids or of mixing different, possibly incompatible,
8.4. Audible warning devices
8.4.1. The provision of a bell is compulsory on cycles with auxiliary engine (if this
category of vehicle is provided for in national regulations). This bell may,
however, be replaced by a warning device. This audible warning shall be in
conformity with the provisions of Regulation No. 28, however, the sound-
pressure level of the device fitted to the vehicle shall be equal to or greater
than 76 dB(A).
8.4.2. On motor vehicles as defined in the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic, the
provision of an audible warning device is compulsory.
8.4.3. The provision of additional audible warning devices is not compulsory on
cycles with auxiliary engine or on motor vehicles.
8.4.4. Electrically-operated audible warning devices shall not be subject to stricter
conditions than those set out below, it being understood that the present
recommendation does not apply either to any audible warning devices
mounted on vehicles for use in built-up areas only, or to the use and
characteristics of alternating-tone or special-tone audible warning devices.
8.5. Pollutant emissions
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 6, the table, lines A, B and C.
8.6. External projections
8.6.1. Passenger cars
Provisions contained in Regulation No. 26 apply. For devices not covered by
that Agreement, the following provisions apply. A non-essential additional part (ornament or other accessory) may be
mounted on the vehicle only if either it is so attached that a person struck can
slide easily along it without being held or injured, or it bends under slight
pressure so as to present no danger. In no case shall it exhibit sharp edges,
points, hooks or projections. Any device (light surround, bumper or the like) installed or replaced by the
user of a vehicle shall meet requirements similar to those prescribed in the
above-mentioned Regulation No. 26.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Roof rack, advertising panels, route indicators, taxi signs and other taxi
accessories shall be securely attached to the vehicle and shall exhibit no
point, sharp edge or tapered projection. The radii of curvature of the external
parts, including the fastenings, shall be not less than 2.5 mm. The parts of a coupling device which extend beyond the external contour of
the vehicle shall meet requirements similar to those prescribed in Regulation
No. 26. Flag-holders and other devices of the same kind shall be able to tilt under
slight pressure. In windscreen visors the radius of the extremities and that of the fastenings
shall not be less than 2.5 mm. Air or rain deflectors at the windows or on the roof shall not exhibit any point
or sharp or cutting edge liable to endanger such road-users outside the vehicle
as may come into contact with the deflectors.
8.7. External projections of L vehicles
8.7.1. Purpose of the recommendation
This Recommendation is intended to ensure that the external projections on
the vehicle are designed in such a way as to ensure that injuries, especially
those caused by laceration or penetration, from which a person might suffer
as a result of contact with (parts of) the vehicle, are reduced as far as
reasonably practicable.
The persons envisaged are: The user of the vehicle (rider and passenger(s)), Other road users, not themselves in vehicles, principally pedestrians, cyclists
and motor cyclists, who might come into contact with the vehicle in the
event of a low speed impact.
8.7.2. Scope
This Recommendation applies to category L vehicles 4
8.7.3. Definitions "Outer vehicle parts" means all parts which are likely to be contacted in case
of a collision with people; "Brushing" means any contact which, under certain conditions, could cause
injury by laceration; "Striking" means any contact which, under certain conditions, could cause
injury by penetration; Criteria for distinguishing between "brushing" and "striking". While moving the test device (see appendix, Figure 5) along the vehicle in
accordance with subparagraph below, the components of the vehicle
touched by the device shall be considered as either:

In the case of vehicles of category L4, the provisions below are not applicable to the space in between
the sidecar and the motor cycle and the immediate surroundings thereof.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Group 1: those parts of components of the vehicle which brush against the
test device, or Group 2: those parts or components of the vehicle which strike against the
test device. In order to unambiguously differentiate between Group 1 and Group 2 parts
or components, the following method shall be applied (Figure 1.)
Figure 1

α > 45° : group 1

α < 45° : group 2
Thus for the fullest striking contact α = 0°. "Radius of curvature" means the approximate extent of the round as distinct
from a precise geometrical form.
8.7.4. General provisions In any case, the outside of the vehicle shall not exhibit, directed outwards,
any pointed or sharp parts or any projections of such shape, dimensions,
direction or hardness as to be likely to increase the risk or seriousness of
bodily injury to a person hit by the vehicle or brushing against it in the event
of a collision or involved in a fall from the vehicle. Vehicles shall be designed in such a manner that those parts with which the
rider is likely to come into contact in the event of an accident shall cause as
little injury as possible. Vehicles shall be designed so that those parts with which other road users are
likely to come into contact shall meet the requirements of paragraphs 8.7.6.
and 8.7.7. below, as appropriate. Any external projection covered by this Recommendation which is made of,
or covered by, rubber or soft plastic with a rigidity below shore 60 A, shall
be deemed to meet the requirements of paragraphs 8.7.6. and 8.7.7. below.
8.7.5. Test methodology Test device and conditions The test device shall be as shown in Figure 5.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The test vehicle shall be parked in the straight ahead position and shall be
upright. The handlebars (if any) shall be free to rotate through their normal
range of movement.
A dummy5 shall be mounted on the test vehicle in the normal riding position
and in such a way that it does not restrict the movement of the handlebars (if
any). Test procedure
The test device shall be moved from the front to the rear of the test vehicle,
causing (if applicable and if they can be touched by the test device) the
handlebars to turn to the full lock position. The test device shall remain in
contact with the vehicle (see Figure 6). The test shall be carried out on both
sides of the vehicle.
8.7.6. Criteria The criteria specified in this paragraph shall not apply to those parts covered
by the provisions of paragraph 8.7.7. below. Subject to the provisions contained in paragraph above, the following
minimum criteria shall apply: Requirements for Group 1 In the case of a plate (Figure 2)
Figure 2

The corners shall have a radius of curvature (R) of the at least 3 mm.edges
shall have a radius of curvature (r) of at least 0.5 mm. In the case of a shaft (Figure 3)
Figure 3

The diameter of the shaft (d) shall be at least 10 mm.

The edges at the end of the shaft shall have a radius of curvature (r) of at least
2 mm.

According to the Convention on Road Traffic of Vienna, 8 November 1968 and of the European
Agreements supplementing that Convention, except paragraph 1.8., taken from OECD "Glossary of
statistical terms."

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Requirements for Group 2 In the case of a plate (Figure 2)
The corners shall have a radius of curvature (R) of at least 2 mm. The edges
shall have a radius of curvature (r) of at least 2 mm. In the case of a shaft (Figure 4)
Figure 4

The length (t) shall be less than d/2, if the diameter of the shaft (d) is less
than 20 mm.
The radius of curvature (r) of the edges at the end of the shaft shall be at least
2 mm, if the diameter of the shaft (d) is equal to or more than 20 mm.
8.7.7. Particular specifications The upper edge of the wind shield or fairing shall have a radius of curvature
of at least 2 mm or shall be covered with protective material. The outer ends of hand-operated clutch and brake levers shall be rounded and
shall have a minimum radius of curvature of 7 mm. The leading edge of the front mudguard shall have a radius of curvature of at
least 2 mm. Filler caps located on the upper surface of the fuel reservoir and liable to be
contacted by the driver in case of a frontal collision shall not project at their
rear edge, more than 15 mm 6 above the surrounding surface; their
connections to the surrounding surface shall be levelled or rounded. Ignition keys shall have protective caps.
This does not apply to collapsible keys and to keys that are flush with the
surface. Added ornaments shall not project more than 10 mm above the surrounding
Up to a thickness of 5 mm they shall have chamfered edges and with a
thickness of over 5 mm a radius of curvature of at least 2.5 mm.

Alternative measures (e.g. a deflector ramp behind the filler neck) shall be permitted if the 15 mm
requirement cannot be fulfilled.


Figure 5

Figure 6


8.8. Noise emissions

8.8.1. Noise Inside vehicles Scope
This recommendation sets out provisions concerning the measurement of
noise inside motor vehicles of categories M2, M3, N1, N2 and N3, to which the
driver and/or passengers occupying seats in the cab of the vehicle or in the
passenger compartment are exposed. Methods of measuring the sound level
The noise produced by the vehicle type shall be measured in accordance with
the two methods described above for moving vehicles and for stationary
vehicles (see paragraph 8.8.2. in this document). The two values measured
shall be recorded in a test report.
The test on the vehicle when stationary may usefully be taken as a reference
value by technical services wishing to use this method to check vehicles in
8.8.2. Noise emitted by vehicles in use To facilitate the prevention of sound pollution by vehicles in use through the
introduction of simple checks, the use of the following sound-level
measuring methods is recommended: For four-wheeled vehicles, the method described in Regulation No. 51,
Annex 3, paragraph 3.2. (Measurement of noise emitted by stationary
vehicles, in proximity to the exhaust). For motor cycles, the method described in Regulation No. 41, Annex 3,
paragraph 3.2. (Measurement of noise emitted by stationary motor cycles, in
proximity to the exhaust). For mopeds, the method described in Regulation No. 63, Annex 3,
paragraph 3.2. (Measurement of noise emitted by stationary mopeds, in
proximity to the exhaust). In view of the tolerances of measuring instruments, the disturbances that may
occur at the time of measurement and the scatter of measurements for
vehicles of the same type, it will be necessary to allow for a margin of
5 dB(A) in comparison with the corresponding value recorded at the time of
the type approval. The last-mentioned value, and also the initial constant running speed of the
engine, shall be entered in the registration documents of each new vehicle, or
on the manufacturer’s plate in the case of vehicles for which registration is
not required. Checks on vehicles brought into use prior to the introduction of this method
shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures previously in force. A visual inspection of the exhaust system and a check of its marking shall
also be carried out where possible.
8.9. Door latches and door retention components
Direction of operation of inside door handles


Manufacturers should fit their door handles, when they rotate round a
horizontal axis, in such a way that:
(a) The handles move symmetrically to the median longitudinal axis of
the vehicle;
(b) In the closed (as distinct from the locked) position the handle is
horizontal or nearly so and is pulled upwards to open the door.
8.10. Child restraints
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 5, the table, line J.
8.11. Compatibility between drawing vehicles and trailers
Not yet established.
8.12. Device to indicate a broken coupling
Drawing vehicles to which a trailer is coupled need not necessarily be
equipped with a device for automatic signalling of the breakage of the trailers
8.13. Weight and axle load distribution
8.13.1. Passenger cars
Not yet established
8.13.2. Motor coaches and buses
The load distribution on the axles of motor coaches and buses shall be such
that the front axle or axles carry at least 25 per cent of the total weight of the
vehicle when stationary on a level road.
This condition shall be complied with both: When the vehicle is empty and a weight equivalent to that of a driver is
placed on the driver's seat; and When the vehicle is fully laden with a load consisting of:
(a) A weight equivalent to that of a passenger, which is placed on each
seat provided;
(b) A weight equivalent to that of the permissible number of standing
passengers, which is distributed uniformly over the area set aside for
them; and
(c) A weight equivalent to the total permissible weight of luggage, which
is distributed among the spaces reserved for luggage.
8.14. Protection of the occupants of goods-carrying power-driven vehicles against
the shifting of loads
8.14.1. The equipment of vehicles (without prejudice to the provisions concerning
the arrangement, and possibly concerning the securing, of loads on the
vehicle) shall be in conformity with provisions calculated to reduce the risks
run by the driver and the other occupants of goods-carrying vehicles in the
event of a forward shift of the load on sudden braking, the following
provisions being taken as a model:

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The occupants of such a vehicle shall be protected by a screen or headboard

capable of withstanding, without breaking, a uniformly-distributed static
force of 800 daN per ton of the vehicle permissible load, exerted horizontally
and parallel to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle.
This protective screen or headboard may be detachable.
It must meet the following requirements: Its width (measured at right angles to the longitudinal median axis of the
vehicle) must be at least equal to the width of the space provided for the
occupants and, where there is a separate cab, at least equal to the width of the
cab; In height it must reach at least 800 mm above the level of the loading
platform where there is a separate cab, or be of the same over-all height as
the load compartment where there is no separate cab; It must be secured directly to the chassis or to the front of the loading
platform. If it is secured to the loading platform or, where appropriate, to the
body, the anchorage of that platform to the chassis must be capable of
withstanding the thrust transmitted. In cases where the cab is integral with the
body, the protective screen or headboard may be secured to, or form part of,
the body structure. In the case of an articulated vehicle, no protective screen
need be provided on the vehicle drawing a semi–trailer; such a screen must
always be placed at the front of the semi–trailers loading platform.
8.14.2. In addition, if a power-driven vehicle or a semi–trailer is loaded with beams,
pipes, girders, sheet metal or similar loads liable, in the event of failure of the
securing devices, dangerously to penetrate the cab of the power-driven
vehicle under the effect of sudden braking, the protective screen or headboard
must have a resistance at least equal to that of a steel plate not less than 3 mm
8.14.3. Where a vehicle is equipped with a trestle or bolster behind the cab for the
purpose of supporting long loads, such as steel girders or telegraph poles, the
trestle or bolster must be capable of withstanding the combined effect of two
forces, each of 600 daN per ton of permissible load, acting forwards and
downwards on the top of the trestle.
8.14.4. This recommendation shall not apply to passenger cars even when they are
carrying goods, to tank-lorries and special-purpose vehicles for the carriage
of containers, or to special-purpose vehicles used for the carriage of
indivisible objects, where the latter vehicles and their operation are already
subject to special regulations.
8.15. Locking, for safe operation, of tilt cabs of motor vehicles normally used for
carrying goods by road
8.15.1. Cab in dropped position Tilt cabs shall be fitted with a main locking system and an auxiliary locking
system. The main and auxiliary locking systems shall be independent of each other so
that the failure of either does not entail the failure of the other. The main and auxiliary locking systems shall be able to withstand a force
directed vertically upwards equivalent to one-and-one-half times the cab's

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The main and auxiliary locking devices shall be so designed that they cannot
either be worked inadvertently or open at the wrong time through the
vehicle's acceleration or deceleration or vibrations due to the use of the
vehicle. If the driver himself cannot readily make certain, whether from outside the
vehicle or from his seat, that the main locking device is properly engaged, a
warning signal must be fitted. At least the auxiliary locking device must be able to operate automatically
when the cab is dropped to the normal driving position. The auxiliary locking device shall be able to hold the cab in position should
the main locking device fail. A steady manual effort shall be required to release the auxiliary locking
device so that the cab can tilt. A plate or label indelibly inscribed with precise instructions on the operation
of the locking devices shall be affixed in a clearly visible position on the
8.15.2. Cab in raised position
The cab shall be capable of being held in the raised position either
automatically or by means of a retaining device.
8.16. Mounting of the body or load platform of commercial vehicles
8.16.1. The axle-load limits shall not be exceeded when the vehicle is loaded to its
permissible maximum weight, the load being uniformly distributed over the
space provided for it.
8.16.2. The body or load platform shall be made and mounted taking into account the
specifications, if any, of the chassis manufacturer.
8.16.3. The size and positioning of the mounting holes and/or welds shall be such
that the strength of the chassis frame is not adversely affected. Holes in and
welding on the flanges and the adjacent ends of the web of the side-members
of the chassis frame shall be prohibited except where expressly permitted by
the chassis manufacturer. In addition, no welding shall be allowed if this is
expressly prohibited by the chassis manufacturer.
8.16.4. In mounting the body or load platform, all practicable steps shall be taken to
keep the centre of gravity of the vehicle as low as possible.
In addition, this mounting shall not adversely affect the stability of the
8.16.5. The body, including the necessary intermediate components, shall be
attached directly to the chassis frame of the vehicle.
8.16.6. When U bolts are employed to secure the body or load platform to the chassis
frame, spacers shall be used between the flanges of side-members to prevent
8.16.7. For mountings, use shall be made of round holes and suitable bolts with the
least possible play, at least at the foremost and rearmost attachment points.
8.16.8. The mounting of the body or load platform shall be such as not to impair the
soundness and functioning of the wiring and braking circuits.


8.16.9. Where the cab and bodywork are integral, account shall be taken of the
flexibility of the cab mounting.
8.16.10. In the mounting of rigid bodies such as tanks, account shall be taken of any
flexibility in the chassis frame.
8.16.11. In the case of tank-vehicles, where outrigger brackets are used to fasten the
tank to the chassis of the vehicle, the vertical face of the brackets shall not be
less in height than the depth of the chassis frame to which they are attached.
8.16.12. In the case of tipping vehicles, where there is no supplementary under frame
to distribute the load, the pivot brackets for rearward-tipping bodies shall be
located as near as possible to the rear spring brackets to minimize additional
bending stresses on the chassis frame during tipping.
8.16.13. In the case of bodies tipping rearwards only, guide plates shall be provided to
control the lateral movement of the body when lowered onto the chassis
8.16.14. In the case of tipping bodies, steps shall be taken to prevent excessive noise
caused by the bodywork of the vehicle when it is unladen.
8.17. Lashing and securing arrangements on road vehicles for sea transport on
Ro/Ro ships
It is recommended to apply ISO standards (9367-1:1989, 9367-2:1989).
8.18. Caravans
Not yet established.
8.19. Driver's field of vision
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 4, the table, lines R and U.
8.20. Identification of controls and tell-tales
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 4, the table, lines P and Q.
8.21. Windscreen-wipers and washers
Not yet established.
8.22. Windscreen de-frosting and de-misting systems
Not yet established
8.23. Flammability of materials intended to be used inside road vehicles
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 5, the table, line P.
8.24. Measures to prevent unauthorized modifications to mopeds and motor cycles
in use
8.24.1 Purpose of the Recommendation
This Recommendation is intended to reduce to the extent possible
unauthorized modification to certain classes of power-driven vehicles which
are subject by legislation to restrictions on their engine capacity and/or their
performance and/or their maximum speed.


8.24.2 Scope This Recommendation applies to: Mopeds as defined in article 1 (m) of the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic
and having two wheels only. Mopeds within that definition but subject to other restrictions according to
national legislation. Derivatives of mopeds. Certain motor cycles (as defined in article 1 (n) of the 1968 Convention on
Road Traffic), designed and constructed in accordance with national
legislations, so as to have a restricted engine capacity and/or performance
and/or maximum speed. Certain motor cycles of other categories, used only for limited purposes,
which are designed and constructed specially to meet such limitations, in
agreement with the manufacturer.
8.24.3. General specifications All vehicles offered for sale shall comply in all respects with the type
approval (or the equivalent national) requirements. The information on marking required in accordance with paragraph
below shall be annexed to the documents submitted with the application for
type approval, or first registration as appropriate, of the vehicle.
8.24.4. Specific requirements Marking of certain parts or components. The parts or components listed below shall be durably and indelibly marked
with code number(s) and/or symbol(s) given by the vehicle manufacturer or
alternatively by the manufacturer of such parts or components or by the type
approval authority in order to identify those parts or components. Such
marking shall be visible (so far as practicable) without the necessity of
dismantling the part in question or other parts of the vehicle. Letters figures or symbols shall preferably be at least 5 mm in height and
shall be easily readable. In cases where a height of 5 mm is not practicable,
this dimension may be reduced but shall not be less than 3 mm. The parts and components referred to in paragraph above are the
following: Intake silencer (air filter or cleaner); Carburettor or equivalent instrument; Inlet manifold (if cast separately from the carburettor or cylinder); Cylinder; Cylinder head; Crankcase; Exhaust pipe(s); Silencer(s); Transmission driver member (front chain wheel (sprocket) or pulley);

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Transmission driven member (rear chain wheel (sprocket) or pulley); Speed-limitation devices. Vehicle Manufacturers Identification Plate. A plate shall be affixed to each vehicle in a durable and permanent manner
and in a visible place. On this plate the vehicle manufacturer shall state: His name or trade mark; The type of vehicle; The code number(s) or symbol(s) identifying the part or component marked
in accordance with paragraph above. A suggested model for simple
correlation of the parts or components with their corresponding code
number(s) or symbol(s) is shown in Figure 7 below.
Figure 7 Letters, figures or symbols shall be at least 3 mm in height and shall be easily
readable. In the case of alternative parts or components being type approved (or
granted an authorization) for the same vehicle, the code number(s) or
symbol(s) of such alternative parts or components shall be shown on the
8.24.5. Technical specifications Each vehicle shall be so designed and constructed as to comply with the
specifications set out below: Cylinder head gasket: the maximum thickness of the cylinder head gasket
shall not exceed 1.3 mm. Cylinder/crankcase joint: the maximum thickness of any gasket between the
base of the cylinder and the crankcase shall not exceed 0.5 mm. The piston, when in the position at top dead centre, shall not cover the inlet
port. This provision does not apply to those parts of the transfer port
coincident with the inlet port in the case of vehicles, the engine of which is
equipped with an induction system incorporating reed valve(s). Rotation of the piston through 180° shall not increase the performance of the
vehicle nor its design maximum speed.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 In the event of the removal of the intake silencer, the design maximum speed
of the vehicle shall not be increased by more than 5 km/h or 10 per cent of
that speed, whichever is the lower. There shall be no artificial restrictions in the gas passage which can be easily
removed or modified. This provision applies equally to reed or rotary valve systems, if such
removal or modification causes an increase in the design maximum speed of
the vehicle of more than 5 km/h or 10 per cent of that speed, whichever is the
lower. The valve guides of a four-stroke engine are not considered to be artificial
restrictions. The part(s) of the exhaust system inside the silencer(s) which determine(s)
the effective length of the exhaust pipe shall be so affixed to the silencer(s)
that it (they) cannot be removed. In the event of a variation of the ignition timing and/or a change of the
carburettor jet(s), the design maximum speed of the vehicle shall not be
increased by more than 5 km/h or 10 per cent of that speed, whichever is the
lower. The design of cylinder and cylinder heads intended for different performance
levels of the same basic engine shall be such that these parts cannot be fitted
to an engine for which they are not appropriate; this can be obtained, for
example, by different cylinder liner diameters, by different bolt patterns or
different bolt diameters. For 4-stroke engines a variation in camshaft timing shall not increase the
maximum design speed above the values indicated in paragraphs
and For 4-stroke engines the design of the cylinder head shall be such that it
cannot accommodate various camshafts intended for different performance
levels of the same basic engine. If the moped is equipped with electrical/electronic devices which limit the
moped speed, the manufacturer shall provide data and evidence to the test
authorities to demonstrate that modification or disconnection of the device, or
its wiring system, will either not increase the maximum speed of the moped
or will render the moped inoperative.
Electrical/electronic devices which cut or inhibit the spark ignition are
forbidden if their disconnection results in an increase in either fuel
consumption or unburnt hydrocarbons.
Electrical/electronic devices which vary the spark advance shall be designed
so that the engine power, measured with the device functioning, does not
differ by more than 10 per cent from the power measured with the device
disconnected and with the advance set for maximum road speed.
The maximum road speed shall be achieved with the spark advance set within
±5° of the value specified for the development of maximum power.


8.25. Light-signalling
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 4, the table, lines D to J.
8.26. Tyres
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 4, the table, lines L to O.
8.27. Mudguards
The bodies of motor vehicles (other than special-purpose vehicles,
agricultural or forest tractors and vehicles with a maximum rated speed not
exceeding 20 km/h), and the bodies of all trailers coupled thereto, shall be
equipped with effective mudguards, at least for their rear wheels.
8.28. Tachographs
The fitting of a tachograph should be compulsory on motor vehicles whose
permissible maximum weight, including that of trailers permitted to be
coupled to the vehicle, exceeds 7.5 tonnes, or which belong to category D as
defined in Annexes 6 and 7 to the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic.
8.29. Information and communication systems in motor vehicles
8.29.1. Developments in the sphere of guidance, information and communications
technology will result in crucial contributions towards solving transport
problems in the field of road traffic. The following aspects, in particular, are
of far-reaching significance: The meshing and interconnecting of modes of transport in an integrated
overall transport system; A more efficient use of the transport infrastructure of all modes of transport; Enhancing road safety and reducing environmental pollution; Traffic avoidance and shifting traffic to more environment-friendly modes of
8.29.2. The relevant systems, which either exist or are in development, are designed
to assist the driver in performing his function of driving his vehicle, but they
also make claims on his attention. To ensure that the use of such systems
does not impair road safety, it is necessary to ensure that the licensing and
design of these systems comply with certain requirements.
8.29.3. Guidelines for the design and installation of information and communications
systems in motor vehicles will create a common basis on which the public
sector and industry can tackle the tasks they face. They can also provide
orientation for systems under development. Such Guidelines can also supply
a sound basis for the licensing and marketability of innovative products at the
time being, not precluding, however, further development into Regulations.
8.29.4. In some spheres, further studies will have to be conducted to deepen
knowledge. These guidelines reflect a framework-model.
8.29.5. Governments wishing to apply provisions for the design and installation of
information and communications systems in motor vehicles more precise
through further research are recommended to consider the short and medium-
term implementation of findings from the following fields:

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Road safety (providing safe assistance to the driver in road traffic); System safety (reliability of systems, suitability for international approval
and monitoring, e.g. also electromagnetic compatibility); Interaction safety (design of the driver-system interface); Legal safety (questions of liability and issues relating to traffic legislation). The ongoing standardisation activities at CEN and ISO level should be also
taken into account.
8.29.6. In keeping with the findings currently available, these guidelines deal
primarily with the sphere of road safety, thereby also taking account of the
priority that is attached to road safety. Governments wishing to apply
requirements relating to in vehicle systems are recommended to base them on
the following basic requirements: All types of information and communications equipment in motor vehicles
must be designed such that the driver is not forced or encouraged to use both
hands simultaneously while driving to operate it, not even for brief moments. The use of all communications and information equipment that requires the
driver to look at it must be minimized while the vehicle is in motion. This
means primarily that while the vehicle is in motion, functional information
may be provided, i.e. information that assists the driver in his immediate task
of driving his vehicle (including finding his way and planning his journey)
and serves the purposes of freight and fleet management, vehicle checks,
automatic registration of charges and other tasks related to driving.
Information that is likely to greatly distract the driver visually (for instance
TV, video, commercials) must either be switched off completely while the
vehicle is in motion or may be presented only in such a way that the driver
cannot see it directly. The information system must not deactivate or interfere with existing control
equipment and prescribed instruments, in particular those that are required
for road safety and safety of operation and those that the driver requires to be
able to drive his vehicle safely. The proper use of information systems in motor vehicles, as well as the total
or partial failure of such systems, must not impair the safe operation of the
vehicle. This means that the driver must at all times be able to perform by
himself his primary task of driving his vehicle. The information system must not pose a danger to the passengers or other
road users. This statement also applies to the foreseeable incorrect operation
of the system by inexperienced users. In the case of speech-based communications systems that are designed to be
used by the driver while the vehicle is in motion, provision must be made for
hands-free speaking and listening equipment.
8.29.7. Irrespective of a further research that has to be done it is agreed that in the
development and employment of information and communications systems
for road vehicles, it is recommended that account be taken of the following
requirements: The mere presence of a system, and the functions of a system, should not
result in any impairment of the functions of other systems in the vehicle or of
the vehicle itself.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Information systems should be easy to use. It should be possible to switch off the output of information by the system, in
order to leave it to the driver whether or not he wishes to use the system. If the information system is designed for use by the front-seat passenger and
the driver, it should be installed such that proper use by the passenger cannot
have a negative effect on the driver. Visual information and communication should not be distributed over several
display media if this could result in the driver having to divide his attention in
the visual sphere, which would be detrimental to safety. The position of the information systems should be selected such that when
the driver averts his eyes from the road ahead the movement of his eyes
horizontally and vertically is as slight as possible, and that the systems are
easy to read. The information system should be designed such that it does not distract the
driver excessively and could not potentially cause him to drive in a dangerous
manner (for instance by overreacting). In order to ensure that it is used, the information system should not require
the driver to reply or respond within a specific period of time. The driver
must be able to determine the speed of interaction himself or to interrupt it.
Nor must the attention that he driver requires for the primary task of driving
his vehicle be diverted for any length of time. The information provided should, whenever practicable, assist the driver in a
timely manner and in line with his requirements. Thus, for instance, routine
information should be provided well in advance, to enable the driver to
execute the necessary manoeuvre safely. Input by keyboard should be minimized while the vehicle is in motion or
should be possible when the vehicle is stationary. Lengthy and repeated
series of actions should be avoided. Controls should be limited to those that
are absolutely necessary and designed such that they can largely be operated
without looking (haptic aids). In order to minimize the amount of time during which the driver has to avert
his eyes and to reduce the over-stimulation of his sense of vision, it is
recommended that the acoustic information channel be used. Instructions regarding the information system, its installation and operation
should be correct, adequate, simple and written in the language of the country
concerned. They should be designed such that future users can also learn how
to use the system (learning by using). The operating instructions should also highlight potential dangers and system
constraints, and should point out that vehicle information systems may only
be used in such a way that they do not constitute a safety hazard.
8.30. Supports for motor cycles
8.30.1. Purpose of the recommendation
This Recommendation is intended to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, that the installation and use of the supports with which two-
wheeled motor vehicles are equipped do not present hazards either to the
users of the vehicle or to any other road user.


8.30.2. Scope
This Recommendation applies to mopeds and motor cycles having two
wheels only and not equipped with side-cars.
8.30.3. Definitions "Vehicle" means a moped or a motor-cycle as defined in the Vienna
Convention on Road Traffic, 1968, article 1 (m) and (n) respectively, to the
exclusion of vehicles equipped with side-cars or having three wheels; "Support" means a device securely affixed to the vehicle by means of which
the vehicle can be maintained in the parked, upright (or near upright) position
when it is at rest and not attended by the rider; "Side stand" means a support which, when extended or pivoted into the open
position, supports the vehicle on one side only, leaving both wheels in
contact with the supporting surface; "Centre stand" means a support which, when extended into open position,
supports the vehicle by providing an area, or areas, of contact between the
vehicle and the supporting surface, distributed on either side of the
longitudinal median plane of the vehicle; "Tilt" means the inclination, measured as a percentage (see Figure 8 below),
of the supporting surface produced by raising or lowering one side of the
supporting surface in relation to the horizontal in such a manner that the
intersection of the supporting surface and the horizontal plane is parallel to
the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle; "Slope" means the inclination, measured as a percentage (see Figure 9
below), of the supporting surface produced by raising or lowering one side of
the supporting surface in relation to the horizontal in such a manner that the
intersection of the supporting surface and the horizontal plane is
perpendicular to the longitudinal median plane of the vehicle; "Longitudinal median plane" of the vehicle means the longitudinal plane of
symmetry of the rear wheel of the vehicle; "Unladen kerb mass" means the mass of the vehicle in running order, without
occupant or load, but with fuel, coolant, lubricant, tool-kit and spare wheel (if
normally provided by the manufacturer).
8.30.4. General requirements Every vehicle shall be equipped with some form of support to ensure its
stability at rest (for example, when it is parked) and not maintained in a static
position by human or external means. Such support shall be either: A side stand; or A centre stand. This Recommendation shall neither require a vehicle to be equipped with
more than one, or more than one type of, support, nor prevent a vehicle from
being so equipped.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Supports shall be so designed and constructed as to be: Free from all unnecessary sharp edges and projections which might cause
injury to the rider, the passenger or third parties coming into contact with the
support (Radius of curvature of not less than 2.5 mm is considered to satisfy
this requirement); Easy to use and precise in their action; Unlikely to cause permanent deformation of the supporting surface when in
the open or parking position. In the case of a support which is hinged to the lower part or underside of the
vehicle, the outer extremity (extremities) of the support shall, in order to
place it in the closed or riding position, move towards the rear of the vehicle.
8.30.5. Special requirements Side stands Side stands shall possess the following characteristics: The ability to support the vehicle, in such a manner as to ensure the lateral
stability of the vehicle, whether on a horizontal supporting surface or under
conditions of tilt, so that the vehicle cannot be either too easily further
inclined (and hence made to overbalance, using the side stand as a fulcrum)
or too easily moved into or beyond the vertical position (and hence made to
overbalance and fall onto the side opposite the side stand); The ability to support the vehicle in such a manner as to ensure positive
positioning when the vehicle is under conditions of slope; The ability to fold back into the closed or riding position automatically; When the vehicle is returned to the normal (vertical) position for riding, or As a result of the vehicle being moved forward by a deliberate action of the
rider, or Without disturbing the equilibrium of the vehicle, if the side stand comes
into contact with the supporting surface while the vehicle is moving; Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph above, the side
stand shall nevertheless be designed and constructed in such a manner that Once moved into the open or parking position, With the vehicle inclined in order to bring the outer extremity of the side
stand into contact with the ground, or When the vehicle is left unattended in the parked position, the side stand will
not automatically close if the angle of inclination is inadvertently changed
(for example, because the vehicle is slightly moved by a third party or
because of wind pressure created by a passing vehicle). Instead of conforming to the provisions of paragraphs and above, the vehicle may be equipped with a side stand which is
connected to its ignition system in such a manner that the ignition system can
only be activated when the side stand is in the closed or riding position.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Centre stands Centre stands shall possess the following characteristics: The ability to support the vehicle with one wheel, both wheels or neither
wheel in contact with the supporting surface in such a manner as to ensure
the stability of the vehicle:
(a) On a horizontal supporting surface;
(b) Under conditions of tilt;
(c) Under conditions of slope. The ability to fold back into the closed or riding position automatically:
(a) When the vehicle is moved forward in such a manner as to disengage
the centre stand from the supporting surface, or
(b) Without disturbing the equilibrium of the vehicle, if the centre stand
comes into contact with the supporting surface while the vehicle is
moving. Instead of conforming to the provisions of paragraph above, a
vehicle to which only a centre stand is fitted may be equipped with a centre
stand which is connected to its ignition system in such a manner that the
ignition system can only be activated when the centre stand is in the closed or
riding position. All supports Vehicles which are equipped in accordance with the provisions of
paragraphs or above may in addition be equipped with
a warning light, clearly discernible by the rider when seated in the riding
position which, when the ignition is switched on, comes on and remains on
until the support is in the closed or riding position. Supports shall be equipped with a retaining system to secure them in the
closed or riding position.
The system may consist of either:
(a) Two independent devices, such as two separate springs or a spring and
a retaining device such as a clip, or
(b) A single device which shall be capable of operating without failure for
at least 10,000 cycles of normal use if the vehicle is equipped with
two supports, or 15,000 cycles of normal use if the vehicle is equipped
with a single support.
8.30.6. Tests for stability
In order to establish the ability to support the vehicle in a stable condition as
specified in paragraph 8.30.5. of this Recommendation, the following tests
shall be undertaken. Condition of the vehicle The vehicle shall be at its unladen kerb mass. The tyres shall be inflated to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer
for these conditions.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The transmission shall be in neutral or, in the case of automatic transmission,
in the parking position if provided. If the vehicle is equipped with a parking brake, it shall be applied. The steering head shall be in the locked position. If the steering can be
locked when turned either to the left or to the right, the tests shall be carried
out with the steering head in both positions. Test area
Any flat, horizontal area with a hard, dry surface, free from grit, may be used
for the tests defined in paragraph below. Test equipment A parking platform shall be used for the tests set out in paragraph
below. The parking platform shall be a rigid, flat, rectangular surface capable of
supporting the vehicle without significant flexing. The surface of the parking platform shall provide sufficient friction to
prevent the vehicle from sliding in relation to the supporting surface during
the tests for tilt or slope. The parking platform shall be so constructed as to be capable of assuming at
least the inclinations to the horizontal prescribed in paragraph
8.30.7. Test procedure Stability on a horizontal supporting surface (Test for paragraph
above). With the vehicle in the test area, the side stand shall be placed in the open or
parking position and the vehicle allowed to rest upon the side stand. The vehicle shall be moved so that the angle formed by the longitudinal
median plane and the supporting surface is increased by moving the vehicle
towards the upright position by 3°. The side shall not, as a result of this movement, automatically return to the
closed or riding position. Stability on an inclined surface (Tests for paragraphs,, and above). The vehicle shall be placed on the parking platform with the side stand, and
separately, with the centre stand placed in the open or parking position, and
the vehicle allowed to rest upon the support. The parking platform shall be inclined as shown in Figures 8, 9(a) and 9(b)
according to the following minimum tilt and slope inclinations:

Side stand Centre stand

Mopeds Motor cycles Mopeds Motor cycles

(%) (%) (%) (%)

Tilt 5 6 6 8
Slope downward 5 6 6 8
Slope upward 6 8 12 14

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Where a vehicle is placed on an inclined parking platform by use of the

centre stand and one wheel only and can be maintained in that position with
the centre stand and either the front or the rear wheel in contact with the
supporting surface, provided the other conditions of this paragraph are
complied with, the foregoing tests shall be carried out with the vehicle placed
upon the centre stand and the rear wheel only. With the parking platform inclined to each of the prescribed inclinations and
the foregoing conditions duly observed, the vehicle shall remain in a stable
condition. Instead of this procedure, the parking platform may be pre-set to the requisite
inclinations before the vehicle is placed in position.


Figure 8


Figure 9 (a)
Slope – Upward inclination

Figure 9 (b)
Slope – Downward inclination


8.31. First-aid kits

It should be compulsory for motor vehicles of category D as defined in
Annexes 6 and 7 to the 1968 Convention on Road Traffic, other than those
used for urban services, to carry a first aid kit.
8.32. Harmonization of technical standards
8.32.1. When instituting a procedure for the preparation of any national regulation or
for an amendment whose content does not conform to or embodies
requirements additional to:
(a) Those embodied in one or more Regulations annexed to the 1958
Agreement, and dealing with the same topic; or
(b) One or more Recommendations established by the World Forum in
the sphere to which the proposed national regulation relates,
Governments should inform the Executive Secretary of the Economic
Commission for Europe of their intention as soon possible, so that the
information can be communicated to the other countries concerned.
8.32.2. Governments of countries considering bringing into force, in the matter of the
construction or equipment of road vehicles, a national regulation dealing with
topics not referred to in the above-mentioned Regulations and
Recommendations should inform the Executive Secretary thereof in the
manner and for the purposes specified above.
8.32.3. Governments of countries bringing into force a regulation relating to
questions which have not been dealt with by the World Forum or its
subsidiary organs should so far as possible provide for a simple procedure for
the amendment of such regulation so that it can, if this is deemed necessary,
be brought promptly into conformity with such international
recommendations or provisions as may subsequently be prepared on the same
8.33. Measures to prevent the sale of unauthorized spare parts and equipments
8.33.1. For the purposes of this recommendation, "unauthorized parts or equipment"
means any vehicle part or item of equipment covered directly or indirectly by
a Regulation annexed to the 1958 Agreement concerning the Adoption of
Uniform Conditions of Approval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for
Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts which: Either, should bear the approval mark prescribed by that Regulation but
which regularly: Does not bear the approval mark, even though such marking on the part or
item of equipment concerned is compulsory under the national regulations of
the country concerned; or Bears an approval mark which has never been issued; or Bears an approval mark which was issued to a manufacturer other than the
actual manufacturer of the product; or Bears an approval mark issued to the manufacturer but for another product; Or, while not required to bear the approval mark, has been recognized by a
technical service responsible for approval tests as having a performance that
is clearly inadequate, having regard to the requirements of the Regulation
concerned and, if it bears a manufacturer's mark or trademark, has been


denounced by the owner of such mark as an unauthorized product within the

meaning of these Recommendations.
8.33.2. Governments made aware of the offer for sale within their country of parts or
items of equipment not authorized under the approval regulations shall take
the following measures: Obtain proof of the infringement, either: In the case of paragraphs and above, by sampling at points
of sale; In other cases (paragraphs to by reference to its own
records or by request addressed to the administrative service of the country
whose identifying number appears on the approval mark; If possible communicate to the competent administration(s) of the country of
origin of the product (if it is not a Party to the 1958 Agreement) the
information that an establishment in its country has offered for sale
unauthorized parts or items of equipment; Inform the secretariat of the Economic Commission for Europe of the
infringement, providing all information in its possession, and in particular: The description of the part or item of equipment; The approval mark (or absence of mark); The names and addresses of the manufacturer and/or the exporter; and The names and addresses of the importer and/or the distributor.
8.33.3. Once in possession of the particulars referred to above, the secretariat shall
circulate the information: To the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement, and To the countries which, while not party to the Agreement, unilaterally apply
the Regulation to which the unauthorized part or item of equipment is
8.33.4. Governments made aware of the infringement either directly or through the
information procedure provided for above shall: If possible take the necessary measures in accordance with their national law
and without prejudice to any civil or criminal proceedings which might be
initiated, to ensure that the unauthorized part or item of equipment: Is prevented from entering their respective countries; and Is withdrawn from the market if it has already been offered for sale. Inform the manufacturer of the product, if known, of the prohibition of the
offering for sale of the unauthorized part or item of equipment in the territory
of their respective countries.
8.34. Restriction on the sale of equipment, parts or accessories which have not
been approved
8.34.1. When motor vehicle equipment, parts or accessories are subject to approval,
it is dangerous to permit non-approved equipment, parts or accessories of the
same kind to be offered to the public under a name similar to that of
approved articles.


8.34.2. Governments which subject to approval certain items of equipment, parts or

accessories for motor vehicles or for road-users (such as headlights, retro-
reflectors, safety belts, crash helmets for motor cycles, etc.) should consider
the possibility of prohibiting the offering for sale of non-approved
equipment, parts or accessories of the same kind under a name liable to be
confused with that of approved articles.
8.35. Restraint systems for adults
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 5, the table, line K.
8.36. Rear marking plates on slow-moving/heavy/long vehicles
It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 4, the table, line K.
8.37. Protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users in the event of a
(head-on) collision with a passenger car
The following text is intended to provide motor vehicle manufacturers with
guidelines concerning the design of future vehicle types and, in particular, the
qualitative characteristics of the structure and deformation capacity of the
front section of passenger cars; its purpose is to reduce as much as possible
the severity of the injuries sustained by a person struck by the front of a
vehicle travelling at a speed of up to 40 km/h.
8.37.1. Area of initial impact
The area of initial contact with the legs of the person struck should be below
and forward of the conventional bumper. It should extend over a vertical
height sufficient to distribute the force over the legs, preferably below the
knees of an adult person.
8.37.2. Front structure of the vehicle The rear third of the bonnet, the windscreen frame and the front pillars (A)
should receive particular attention as regards both their energy-absorption
capacity and their form.
It should not be possible for the head to strike the windscreen-wiper pivots.
Should such contact be possible, the windscreen-wiper pivots shall have a
suitable protective covering. The bonnet leading edge should be such that the impact should not be against
a hard edge but against a structure which is sufficiently large and if possible
energy-absorbent. An adequate deformation of the front third of the bonnet would, in particular,
reduce the severity of head injuries to children. Rigid parts located under the bonnet should be placed some distance back so
as to allow sufficient deformation of the bonnet on impact.
8.37.3. Headlamps and other lamps
Headlamps and other front lamps should not have rigid projecting frames.
If possible, they should be mounted slightly recessed in the bodywork.


8.37.4. Accessories
External accessories (trimmings, spoilers, etc.) should be deformable,
retractable or detachable so as to minimize the risk of injury. In the latter
cases, these recommendations shall also apply to the residual parts.
8.37.5. Structural elements Preference should be given to structures with adequate energy-absorption
capacity. The curvature radius of parts of the vehicle which may be impacted should be
as large as possible, with due account being taken of technical requirements.
8.38. Methods and instruments for measuring noise inside motor vehicles
8.38.1. Measuring instruments An omnidirectional sound level meter of high precision complying at least
with the specifications of Publication No. 651 [1979] "Precision sound level
meters" of the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) concerning
the characteristics of sound level meters shall be used. Measurement shall be
carried out with frequency weighting A and time weighting F conforming to
curve A and the "fast response" time respectively. The type of sound level
meter shall be stated in the test report. The sound level meter shall be calibrated against a sound pressure calibrator
immediately before and after each series of test runs. If the meter readings
obtained from these calibrations differ by more than 1 dB, the test shall be
considered invalid. A suitable wind shield may be used to reduce the influence of wind on the
measurements in open vehicles. Wind shields recommended by the sound
level meter manufacturer will generally be suitable. If alternative measuring equipment, including, for example, a tape recorder
and/or level recorder, is used, its overall electro-acoustic performance shall
conform to the relevant provisions of IEC Publication 651 [1979] for class I
If a tape-recorder is used as part of the measuring equipment, it may be
necessary to include suitable additional pre-emphasis and de-emphasis
circuits for recording and reproduction to provide an adequate signal-to-noise
ratio over the whole frequency range concerned. The rotational speed of the engine shall be measured by an independent
tachometer whose accuracy is within 3 per cent of the actual speed of
8.38.2. Measured quantities All readings of the sound level meter are to be taken with time weighting F The values to be measured at all microphone positions during type and
monitoring tests are A-weighted sound pressure levels, LpA, expressed in
decibels(dB). If the weighting curve used is not stated, the measured values
shall be expressed in dB(A).


8.38.3. Conditions of measurement Site The test site shall be such that the sound radiated by the vehicle to the outside
contributes to the inside noise only by reflections from the road surface and
not by reflections from buildings, walls or similar large objects outside the
vehicle. During the period of measurement, the distance of the vehicle from
large objects shall be greater than 20 m. The ambient air temperature in which the vehicle is operating shall be in the
range -5 to +35°C. The wind speed along the test track at a height of
approximately 1.2 m shall not exceed 5 m/s. The other meteorological
conditions shall be such that they do not influence the measurements. The
speed of the wind and the direction of the wind relative to the test track shall
be stated in the test report. For all measurements of A-weighted sound pressure levels the lower limit of
the dynamic range set by the background noise level and by the inherent
noise level of the measuring equipment shall be at least 10 dB below the A-
weighted sound pressure levels of the vehicle noise. The test road shall be hard and as smooth and level as possible, without gaps
or ripples or similar macro-irregularities of surface texture which might
contribute to the sound levels inside the motor vehicle. The surface shall be
dry and free from snow, dust, stones, leaves, etc. Vehicle Engine and tyre conditions. During the test, all operating conditions of the engine shall correspond to the
specifications given by the manufacturer, for example, fuel, lubricating oil,
timing of ignition or fuel injection pump for the test conditions. The engine
shall be stabilized at its normal operating temperature immediately before
commencing the test, e.g., by driving the vehicle for an adequate distance at a
medium speed. The tyres used shall be of a type specified by the vehicle manufacturer. If the
use of off-road tyres is optional, tyres for road use shall be fitted. The tyres
shall be nearly new, but with a minimum wear of 300 km. The type of tyres
and inflation pressures at the time of testing shall be stated in the test report.
The wheels of the vehicles should be statically and dynamically balanced if it
is considered that wheels that are out of balance may affect the noise level
inside the vehicle. If the engine coolant radiators are equipped with devices such as flaps, the
measurements shall be carried out with them open. Standard test conditions
are with fan operating normally; if a vehicle is fitted with an automatic flap
and/or fan, its operating conditions shall be stated in the test report. Loading of the vehicle The vehicle shall be unladen. In the cabs of trucks and similar vehicles, not
more than two persons (the driver and observer) shall be allowed, and in
public service vehicles with more than eight seats not more than three
persons shall be allowed.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 Openings, windows, auxiliary equipment

Openings such as skylights, all windows and ventilating inlets and/or outlets
shall be closed, if possible. Auxiliary equipment such as windscreen wipers
and heating and/or ventilating fans and air-conditioners shall not operate
during the tests. If any auxiliary equipment is automatic, its operating
condition shall be stated in the test report.
8.38.4. Methods of testing General conditions of tests At least two measurements shall be made at each microphone position and
for each operating condition. If the spread of results of the A-weighted sound
pressure level obtained under any measuring condition exceeds 3 dB, further
measurements shall be made until the readings of two independent successive
measurements fall within a range of 3 dB; the mean value of these two
readings shall be taken as the test result. The value stated in the test report shall be rounded to the nearest whole
decibel. Any peak which is obviously out of character with the general sound level
being read shall be disregarded. Whenever the sound level meter reading fluctuates, the mean value of the
readings shall be determined. Occasional extreme peaks shall be disregarded. The presence of clearly audible pure tones or noise of distinct impulse
character shall be stated additionally in the test report. Acceleration test The procedure for the test is as follows:
The speed of the vehicle and of the engine shall be stabilized at the specified
initial conditions.
When stable conditions are attained, the throttle shall be fully opened as fast
as possible and held in this position until either 90 per cent of the engine
speed for maximum power as specified by the manufacturer of the vehicle
("maximum power speed") or 100 km/h is reached, whichever is lower. The initial operating conditions are specified as follows: Vehicle with a manually-operated gear box If the vehicle is fitted with a manually-operated gear box, it shall be in the
highest gear with which the test is possible without exceeding 120 km/h; the
gear setting shall not be changed during the test. If, at an engine speed of 90 per cent of maximum power speed, a road speed
of 120 km/h is exceeded in top gear, a lower gear shall be selected, but not
lower than third for a four-speed or more than four-speed gearbox, and not
lower than second for a three-speed gear-box. If 120 km/h is still exceeded in
this lower gear, the vehicle shall be tested over the speed range 60 to
120 km/h in that gear. The initial engine speed shall be the lowest allowing a continuously
increasing engine speed during the test, but not lower than 45 per cent of the
maximum power speed, unless 120 km/h is exceeded at 90 per cent of


maximum power speed in the lowest gear allowed, in which case the initial
engine speed shall be that corresponding to a road speed of 60 km/h. Automatic transmission vehicle For vehicles with automatic transmission, the initial engine speed shall be
stabilized as near as possible to 45 per cent of the maximum power speed.
The corresponding road speed shall be not higher than approximately
60 km/h. If the setting changes before the final speed of 90 per cent of maximum
power speed or 120 km/h is reached, the initial speed shall be 50 per cent of
the speed at which the setting changes. If possible, kick-down mechanisms
shall be made inoperative. At full throttle acceleration, the maximum LpA value occurring in the
specified acceleration range shall be recorded and stated in the test report, in
accordance with provisions of paragraph above. Stationary test Stationary tests shall be carried out in neutral gear with the engine operating
at the idling speed indicated by the manufacturer. The LpA values measured under the conditions stated in
paragraph above constitute the result of the measurement and
shall be stated in the test report.
8.38.5. Microphone position Microphone position in the vehicle During the measurement no seat at which measurement is being made in the
vehicle shall be occupied, with the exception of the driver's seat. The microphone shall not be closer than 0.15 m to walls, upholstery or
persons present. If an assistant is present during the measurement (see
paragraph, the assistant must keep at a minimum distance of 1 m
from the microphone. The microphone shall be oriented horizontally, with the axis of maximum
sensitivity (according to the manufacturer's specification) pointing in the
direction in which a person occupying the seat or standing position would be
looking or, if such direction is not specified, in the driving direction. Microphone position in relation to a seat: Setting of seats and head-restraints
(see Figure 10 below) For the positioning of the microphone, in accordance with the conditions set
out below, adjustable seats and head-restraints shall be set in the mid-position
of the horizontal and vertical range of adjustment. If the back-rest of the seat
is adjustable, this shall be set as near vertical as possible. The vertical co-ordinate of the microphone shall be 0.7 ± 0.05 m above the
intersection of the unoccupied seat surface and the surface of the back of the
seat. The horizontal co-ordinate shall be: For an unoccupied seat (position A), the median plane (plane of symmetry)
of the seat;

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 For the driver's seat, with the driver present (position B), 0.2 ± 0.02 m to the
right (to the left for right-hand drive vehicles) of the median plane of the seat. In case of doubt, a check may be made in relation to the H point of the seat.
The H point is a reference point determined according to the procedure
described in Regulation No. 46, Annex 8. For the determination of the H point, the reference line on the manikin
described in Regulation No. 46, Annex 8, is the line shown in Figure 11
The reference line is a straight line which, either on a test manikin having the
weight and dimensions of a fiftieth-percentile adult male or on a test manikin
having identical characteristics passes through the joint of the leg with the
pelvis and the joint of the neck with the thorax. The microphone shall be placed 0.7 ± 0.05 m above the H point of the
unoccupied seat, as measured on the reference line (see Figure 11 below). The horizontal co-ordinate of the microphone shall be the median plane
(plane of symmetry) of the unoccupied seat. At the driver's seat the horizontal
co-ordinate shall be 0.2 ± 0.02 m to the right (to the left for right-hand drive
vehicles) of the median plane of the seat. If the vehicle seats are equipped with head-restraints, the distance of the
microphone from the head-restraint centre shall be 0.1 ± 0.02 m. Microphone position for standing places.
The vertical co-ordinate shall be 1.6 ± 0.1 m above the floor. The horizontal
co-ordinate shall correspond to a person standing at selected points.
8.38.6. Measuring position selection Measurements shall be made: At the driver's seat; At the permanently-used service seats (e.g., conductor's seat). The other measuring positions shall be: On vehicles with a maximum of three rows of seats, in the last row in the axis
of the seat which is nearest to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle (passenger
compartment), preferably on the right-hand side; On vehicles having nine or more seats (in addition to the driver's seat), in the
first row behind the driver's seat and in the last row of seats in the axis of the
seat which is nearest to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, preferably on the
right-hand side. If there are more than three rows of seats behind the driver's
seat, also in the row which is nearest to the middle point between the first and
last row7 In the area intended for standing passengers, on additional suitably selected
places according to the individual layout of the vehicle, on the longitudinal
axis of the vehicle or on the position nearest to this axis (preferably on the
right-hand side).

The test laboratory may choose for vehicles of this category additional measuring points at the middle
and the rear of the vehicle adjacent to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.2 The exact positions of the measuring points shall be identified in the
schematic drawing.
Figure 10
Microphone position with respect to a seat (see paragraphs and
Microphone position A and B
Microphone position B

Microphone position A

Position A: unoccupied seat Position B: driver seat

Figure 11
Microphone position with respect to a seat (see paragraphs and

8.39. Passenger protection against displacement luggage

It is recommended to apply the requirements of the Regulations listed in
paragraph 5, the table, line Q.


Annex 1

Standard Annex on the procedure for determining the "H"

point and the actual torso angle for seating positions in motor
vehicles *
1. Purpose
The procedure described in this Annex is used to establish the "H" point
location and the actual torso angle for one or several seating positions in a
motor vehicle and to verify the relationship of measured data to design
specification given by the vehicle manufacturer.1
2. Definitions
For the purposes of this Annex:
2.1. "Reference data" means one or several of the following characteristics of a
seating position:
2.1.1. the "H" point and the "R" point and their relationship;
2.1.2. the actual torso angle and the design torso angle and their relationship.
2.2. "[Three-dimensional] H-point machine" (3-D "H" point machine) means the
device used for the determination of "H" points and actual torso angles. This
device is described in Appendix 1 to this Annex.
2.3. "H" point means the pivot centre of the torso and thigh of the 3-D H machine
installed in the vehicle seat in accordance with the procedure described in
paragraph 4. below. The "H" point is located in the centre of the centre line of
the device which is between the ‘H’ point sight buttons on either side of the
3-D H machine. The "H" point corresponds theoretically to the "R" point (for
tolerances, see paragraph 3.2.2. below). Once determined in accordance with
the procedure described in paragraph 4., the "H" point is considered as fixed
in relation to the seat-cushion structure and as moving with it when the seat is
2.4. "R" point or "seating reference point" means a design point defined by the
vehicle manufacturer for each seating position and established with respect to
the three-dimensional reference system.
2.5. "Torso line" means the centre line of the probe of the 3-D H machine with the
probe in the fully rearward position.
2.6. "Actual torso angle" means the angle measured between a vertical line
through the "H" point and the torso line using the back angle quadrant on the

* The text of this "Standard Annex" appears, with almost the same text, in several (more than three)
Regulations and Rules. The aim of its insertion in this document is to permit to replace their
reproduction in extenso in the Regulations. The original numbering of paragraphs has been kept in
order to show their relation with Regulations and Rules in which they appear.
In any seating position other than front seats where the "H" point cannot be determined using the
"three-dimensional H-point machine" or other procedures, the "R" point indicated by the vehicle
manufacturer may be taken as a reference at the discretion of the Competent Authority.


3-D H machine. The actual torso angle corresponds theoretically to the

design torso angle (for tolerances, see paragraph 3.2.2. below).
2.7. "Design torso angle" means the angle measures between a vertical line
through the "R" point and the torso line in a position which corresponds to
the design position of the seat-back established by the vehicle manufacturer;
2.8. "Centre plane of occupant" (C/LO) means the median plane of the 3-D H
machine positioned in each designated seating position; it is represented by
the co-ordinate of the "H" point on the "Y" axis. For individual seats, the
centre plane of the seat coincides with the centre plane of the occupant. For
other seats, the centre plane of the occupant is specified by the manufacturer;
2.9. "Three-dimensional reference system" means a system as described in
Appendix 2 to this Annex;
2.10. "Fiducial marks" are physical points (holes, surfaces, marks or indentations)
on the vehicle body as defined by the manufacturer;
2.11. "Vehicle measuring attitude" means the position of the vehicle as defined by
the co-ordinates of fiducial marks in the three-dimensional reference system.
3. Requirements
3.1. Data presentation
For each seating position where reference data are required in order to
demonstrate compliance with the provisions of the present Regulation, all or
an appropriate selection of the following data shall be presented in the form
indicated in Appendix 3 to this Annex:
3.1.1. The co-ordinates of the "R" point relative to the three-dimensional reference
3.1.2. The design torso angle;
3.1.3. All indications necessary to adjust the seat (if it is adjustable) to the
measuring position set out in paragraph 4.3. below.
3.2. Relationship between measured data and design specifications
3.2.1. The coordinates of the "H" point and the value of the actual torso angle
obtained by the procedure set out in paragraph 4. below shall be compared,
respectively, with the coordinates of the "R" point and the value of the design
torso angle indicated by the vehicle manufacturer.
3.2.2. The relative positions of the "R" point and the "H" point and the relationship
between the design torso angle and the actual torso angle shall be considered
satisfactory for the seating position in question if the "H" point, as defined by
its coordinates, lies within a square of 50 mm side length with horizontal and
vertical sides whose diagonals intersect at the "R" point, and if the actual
torso angle is within 5° of the design torso angle.
3.2.3. If these conditions are met, the "R" point and the design torso angle shall be
used to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Regulation;
3.2.4. If the "H" point or the actual torso angle does not satisfy the requirements of
paragraph 3.2.2. above, the "H" point and the actual torso angle shall be
determined twice more (three times in all). If the results of two of these three
operations satisfy the requirements, the conditions of paragraph 3.2.3. above
shall apply;


3.2.5. If the results of at least two of the three operations described in

paragraph 3.2.4. above do not satisfy the requirements of paragraph 3.2.2.
above, or if the verification cannot take place because the vehicle
manufacturer has failed to supply information regarding the position of the
"R" point or regarding the design torso angle, the centroid of the three
measured points or the average of the three measured angles shall be used
and be regarded as applicable in all cases where the "R" point or the design
torso angle is referred to in this Regulation.
4. Procedure for "H" point and actual torso angle determination
4.1. The vehicle shall be preconditioned, at the manufacturer’s discretion, at a
temperature of 20° C + 10° C to ensure that the seat material reaches room
temperature. If the seat to be checked has never been sat upon, a 70 to 80 kg
person or device shall sit on the seat twice for one minute to flex the cushion
and back. At the manufacturer’s request, all seat assemblies shall remain
unloaded for a minimum period of 30 minutes prior to installation of
the 3-D H machine.
4.2. The vehicle shall be in the measuring attitude defined in paragraph 2.11.
4.3. The seat, if it is adjustable, shall be adjusted first to the rearmost normal
driving or riding position, as indicated by the vehicle manufacturer, taking
into consideration only the longitudinal adjustment of the seat, excluding seat
travel used for purposes other than normal driving or riding positions. Where
other modes of seat adjustment exist (vertical, angular, seat-back, etc.), these
will then be adjusted to the position specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
For suspension seats, the vertical position shall be rigidly fixed
corresponding to a normal driving position as specified by the manufacturer.
4.4. The area of the seating position taken up by the 3-D H machine shall be
covered by a muslin cotton, of sufficient size and appropriate texture,
described as a plain cotton fabric having 18.9 threads per cm2 and weighing
0.228 kg/m2, or knitted or non-woven fabric having equivalent
If the test is performed on a seat outside the vehicle, the floor on which the
seat is placed shall have the same essential characteristics 2 as the floor of the
vehicle in which the seat is intended to be used.
4.5. Place the seat and back assembly of the 3-D H machine so that the centre
plane of the occupant (CPO) coincides with the centre plane of the 3-D H
machine. At the manufacturer’s request, the 3-D H machine may be moved
inboard with respect to the CPO if the 3-D H machine is located so far
outboard that the seat edge will not permit levelling of the 3-D H machine.
4.6. Attach the foot and lower leg assemblies to the seat-pan assembly, either
individually or by using the T-bar and lower leg assembly. The line through
the "H" point sight buttons shall be parallel to the ground and perpendicular
to the longitudinal centre plane of the seat.

Tilt angle, height difference with a seat mounting, surface texture, etc.


4.7. Adjust the feet and leg positions of the 3-D H machine as follows:
4.7.1. Designated seating position: driver and outside front passenger Both feet and leg assemblies shall be moved forward in such a way that the
feet take up natural positions on the floor, between the operating pedals if
necessary. Where possible the left foot shall be located at approximately the
same distance to the left of the centre plane of the 3-D H machine as the right
foot is to the right. The spirit level verifying the transverse orientation of the
3-D H machine is brought to the horizontal by readjustment of the seat pan if
necessary, or by adjusting the leg and foot assemblies towards the rear. The
line passing through the "H" point sight buttons shall be maintained
perpendicular to the longitudinal centre plane of the seat. If the left leg cannot be kept parallel to the right leg and the left foot cannot
be supported by the structure, move the left foot until it is supported. The
alignment of the sight buttons shall be maintained.
4.7.2. Designated seating position: outboard rear seat
For rear seats or auxiliary seats, the legs are located as specified by the
manufacturer. If the feet then rest on parts of the floor which are at different
levels, the foot which first comes into contact with the front seat shall serve
as a reference and the other foot shall be so arranged that the spirit level
giving the transverse orientation of the seat of the device indicates the
4.7.3. Other designated seating positions:
The general procedure indicated in paragraph 4.7.1. above shall be followed,
except that the feet shall be placed as specified by the vehicle manufacturer.
4.8. Apply lower leg and thigh weights and level the 3-D H machine.
4.9. Tilt the back pan forward against the forward stop and draw the 3-D H
machine away from the seat-back using the T-bar. Reposition the 3-D H
machine on the seat by one of the following methods:
4.9.1. If the 3-D H machine tends to slide rearward, use the following procedure.
Allow the 3-D H machine to slide rearward until a forward horizontal
restraining load on the T-bar is no longer required, i.e. until the seat pan
contacts the seat-back. If necessary, reposition the lower leg.
4.9.2. If the 3-D H machine does not tend to slide rearward, use the following
procedure. Slide the 3-D H machine rearward by applying a horizontal
rearward load to the T-bar until the seat pan contacts the seat-back (see
Figure 2 of the Appendix 1 to this Annex).
4.10. Apply a 100 ± 10 N load to the back and pan assembly of the 3-D H machine
at the intersection of the hip angle quadrant and the T-bar housing. The
direction of load application shall be maintained along a line passing through
the above intersection to a point just above the thigh bar housing (see
Figure 2 of Appendix 1 to this Annex). Then carefully return the back pan to
the seat-back. Care must be exercised throughout the remainder of the
procedure to prevent the 3-D H machine from sliding forward.
4.11. Install the right and left buttock weights and then, alternately, the eight torso
weights. Maintain the 3-D H machine level.


4.12. Tilt the back pan forward to release the tension on the seat-back. Rock the
3-D H machine from side to side through a 10° arc (5° to each side of the
vertical centre plane) for three complete cycles to release any accumulated
friction between the 3-D H machine and the seat.
During the rocking action, the T-bar of the 3-D H machine may tend to
diverge from the specified horizontal and vertical alignment. The T-bar must
therefore be restrained by applying an appropriate lateral load during the
rocking motions. Care shall be exercised in holding the T-bar and rocking the
3-D H machine to ensure that no inadvertent exterior loads are applied in a
vertical or fore and aft direction.
The feet of the 3-D H machine are not to be restrained or held during this
step. If the feet change position, they should then be allowed to remain in that
attitude for the moment.
Carefully return the back pan to the seat-back and check the two spirit levels
for zero position. If any movement of the feet has occurred during the
rocking operation of the 3-D H machine, they must be repositioned as
Alternately, lift each foot off the floor the minimum necessary amount until
no additional foot movement is obtained. During this lifting, the feet are to be
free to rotate; no forward or lateral loads are to be applied. When each foot is
placed back in the down position, the heel is to be in contact with the
structure designed for this.
Check the lateral spirit level for zero position; if necessary, apply a lateral
load to the top of the back pan sufficient to level the 3-D H machine’s seat
pan on the seat.
4.13. Holding the T-bar to prevent the 3-D H machine from sliding forward on the
seat cushion, proceed as follows:
(a) Return the back pan to the seat-back,
(b) Alternately apply and release a horizontal rearward load, not to
exceed 25 N, to the back angle bar at a height approximately at the
centre of the torso weights until the hip angle quadrant indicates that a
stable position has been reached after load release. Care should be
taken to ensure that no exterior downward or lateral loads are applied
to the 3-D H machine. If another level adjustment of the 3-D H
machine is necessary, rotate the back pan forward, re-level, and repeat
the procedure from paragraph 4.12.
4.14. Take all measurements:
4.14.1. The coordinates of the "H" point are measured with respect to the three-
dimensional reference system.
4.14.2. The actual torso angle is read at the back angle quadrant of the 3-D H
machine with the probe in its fully rearward position.
4.15. If a rerun of the installation of the 3-D H machine is desired, the seat
assembly shall remain unloaded for a minimum period of 30 minutes prior to
the re-run. The3-D H machine shall not be left loaded on the seat assembly
longer than the time required to perform the test.


4.16. If the seats in the same row can be regarded as similar (bench seat, identical
seats, etc.) only one "H" point and one actual torso angle shall be determined
for each row of seats, the 3-D H machine described in the Appendix 1 to this
Annex being seated in a place regarded as representative for the row.
This place shall be:
4.16.1. In the case of the front row, the driver’s seat.
4.16.2. In the case of the rear row or rows, an outer seat.


Appendix 1

Description of the three-dimensional "H" point machine (3-D H machine)1

1. Back and seat pans
The back and seat pans are constructed of reinforced plastic and metal; they
simulate the human torso and thigh and are mechanically hinged at the "H"
point. A quadrant is fastened to the probe hinged at the "H" point to measure
the actual torso angle. An adjustable thigh bar, attached to the seat pan,
establishes the thigh centre line and serves as a baseline for the hip angle
2. Body and leg elements
Lower leg segments are connected to the seat pan assembly at the T-bar
joining the knees, which is a lateral extension of the adjustable thigh bar.
Quadrants are incorporated in the lower leg segments to measure knee
angles. Shoe and foot assemblies are calibrated to measure the foot angle.
Two spirit levels orient the device in space. Body element weights are placed
at the corresponding-centres of gravity to provide seat penetration equivalent
to a 76 kg male. All joints of the 3-D H machine should be checked for free
movement without encountering any noticeable friction.

The machine corresponds to that described in ISO Standard 6549-1980. For details of the
construction of the 3–DH machine refer to Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE),
400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, Pennsylvania 15096, United States of America.


Figure 1
3-D H Machine elements designation


Figure 2
Dimensions of the 3-D H- machine elements and load distribution


Appendix 2

Three-dimensional reference system

1. The three-dimensional reference system is defined by three orthogonal
planes established by the vehicle manufacturer (see Figure)1.
2. The vehicle measuring attitude is determined by positioning the vehicle on a
supporting surface such that the co-ordinates of the fiducial marks
correspond to the values indicated by the manufacturer.
3. The coordinates of the "R" point and the "H" point are established in relation
to the fiducial marks defined by the vehicle manufacturer.

The reference system corresponds to ISO Standard 4130:1978


Appendix 3

Reference data concerning seating positions

1. Coding of reference data
Reference data are listed consecutively for each seating position. Seating
positions are identified by a two-digit code. The first character is an Arabic
numeral and designates the row of seats, counting from the front to the rear of
the vehicle. The second digit is a capital letter which designates the location
of the seating position in a row, as viewed in the direction of forward motion
of the vehicle; the following letters shall be used:
L = left,
C = centre,
R = right.
2. Description of vehicle measuring attitude
2.1. Coordinates of fiducial marks
X .........................................................................................................................
Y .........................................................................................................................
Z ..........................................................................................................................
3. List of reference data
3.1. Seating position: .................................................................................................
3.1.1. Coordinates of the "R" point:
X .........................................................................................................................
Y .........................................................................................................................
Z ..........................................................................................................................
3.1.2. Design torso angle: ........................
3.1.3. Specifications for seat adjustment1
horizontal: ......................................................................................................
vertical: ......................................................................................................
angular: ......................................................................................................
torso angle: ......................................................................................................
Note: List reference data for further seating positions under paragraphs 3.2., 3.3., etc.

Strike out what does not apply.


Annex 2

Proposal for guidelines on measures ensuring the audibility

of hybrid and electric vehicles
The environmental benefits expected to be achieved by hybrid electric and pure electric
road transport vehicles (HEV and EV) have resulted in vehicles becoming quiet. This has
resulted in the removal of an important source of audible signal that is used by pedestrians
(e.g. blind and low vision pedestrians) and road users (e.g. cyclists), to signal the approach,
presence or departure of these vehicles.
The guideline is intended to present recommendations to manufacturers for a system to be
installed in vehicles to provide vehicle operation information to pedestrians and vulnerable
road users.
This guideline is intended as interim guidance until the completion of on-going research
activities and the development of globally harmonized device performance specifications.
This guideline addresses Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) for hybrid electric and
pure electric road transport vehicles (HEV and EV).
A. Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System
1. Definition
Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) is a sound generating device
designed to inform pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
2. System performance
AVAS is intended to be fitted to a vehicle.
AVAS shall fulfil the requirements set forth below.
3. Operation conditions
(a) Sound generation method
The AVAS shall automatically generate a sound in the minimum
range of vehicle speed from start up to approximately 20 km/h and
during reversing, if applicable for that vehicle category. In case the
vehicle is equipped with an internal combustion engine that is in
operation within the vehicle speed range defined above, the AVAS
may not need to generate a sound.
For vehicles having a reversing sound warning device, it is not
necessary for the AVAS to generate a sound during backup.
(b) Pause switch
The AVAS may have a switch to stop its operation temporarily
("pause switch").


If a pause switch is introduced, however, the vehicle should also be

equipped with a device for indicating the pause state of the vehicle-
approach informing device to the driver in the driver's seat.
The AVAS should remain capable of re-operating after stopped by a
pause switch.
If fitted in the vehicle, a pause switch should be located in such a
position that the driver will find and manipulate it with ease.
(c) Attenuation
The AVAS sound level may be attenuated during periods of vehicle
4. Sound type and volume
(a) The sound to be generated by the AVAS should be a continuous sound
that provides information to the pedestrians and vulnerable road users
of a vehicle in operation.
However, the following and similar types of sounds are not
(i) Siren, horn, chime, bell and emergency vehicle sounds
(ii) Alarm sounds e.g. fire, theft, smoke alarms
(iii) Intermittent sound
The following and similar types of sounds should be avoided:
(iv) Melodious sounds, animal and insect sounds
(v) Sounds that confuse the identification of a vehicle and/or its
operation (e.g. acceleration, deceleration etc.)
(b) The sound to be generated by the AVAS should be easily indicative of
vehicle behaviour, for example, through the automatic variation of
sound level or characteristics in synchronization with vehicle speed.
(c) The sound level to be generated by the AVAS should not exceed the
approximate sound level of a similar vehicle of the same category
equipped with an internal combustion engine and operating under the
same conditions.
Environmental consideration:
The development of the AVAS shall give consideration to the overall
community noise impact.


Annex 3

Distinguishing number of contracting parties to the 1958

agreement in the approval mark
Any type approval granted by a Contracting Party to the 1958 Agreement shall contain a
distinguishing number of the country that has granted the approval. The list of these
numbers is included in any Regulation, generally as a footnote, similar to that reproduced
below. It needs to be amended any time when there is a new Contracting Party to the
Agreement, even if there is no significant modification of the Regulation. The list below,
kept regularly up to date, permits to replace its in extenso reproduction in Regulations by a
simple reference.
1 for Germany, 2 for France, 3 for Italy, 4 for the Netherlands, 5 for Sweden, 6 for
Belgium, 7 for Hungary, 8 for the Czech Republic, 9 for Spain, 10 for Serbia, 11 for the
United Kingdom, 12 for Austria, 13 for Luxembourg, 14 for Switzerland, 15 (vacant),
16 for Norway, 17 for Finland, 18 for Denmark, 19 for Romania, 20 for Poland, 21 for
Portugal, 22 for the Russian Federation, 23 for Greece, 24 for Ireland, 25 for Croatia, 26 for
Slovenia, 27 for Slovakia, 28 for Belarus, 29 for Estonia, 30 (vacant), 31 for Bosnia and
Herzegovina, 32 for Latvia, 33 (vacant), 34 for Bulgaria, 35 for Kazakhstan, 36 for
Lithuania, 37 for Turkey, 38 (vacant), 39 for Azerbaijan, 40 for The former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia, 41 (vacant), 42 for the European Union (Approvals are granted by
its Member States using their respective ECE symbol), 43 for Japan, 44 (vacant), 45 for
Australia, 46 for Ukraine, 47 for South Africa, 48 for New Zealand, 49 for Cyprus, 50 for
Malta, 51 for the Republic of Korea, 52 for Malaysia, 53 for Thailand, 54 and 55 (vacant),
56 for Montenegro, 57 (vacant) and 58 for Tunisia. Other numbers shall be assigned to
other countries in the chronological order in which they ratify or accede to the Agreement
Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles,
Equipment and Parts which can be Fitted and/or be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the
Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of these
Prescriptions, and the numbers thus assigned shall be communicated by the Secretary-
General of the United Nations to the Contracting Parties to the Agreement.


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