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Ares(2013)3759436 - 18/12/2013


Free movement
of goods
Guide to the application
of Treaty provisions governing
the free movement of goods

ISBN 978-92-79-13478-4

European Commission
Enterprise and Industry
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Free movement
of goods
Guide to the application
of Treaty provisions governing
the free movement of goods

Prepared and drafted by Directorate C, Regulatory Policy,

of the Enterprise and Industry DG

European Commission
Enterprise and Industry
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010

ISBN 978-92-79-13478-4

© European Union, 2010

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This guide to the application of Treaty provisions governing the free movement of goods is intended to provide an insight into past developments
and new challenges from a legal practitioner’s point of view in an area that is fundamental to European integration. The internal market for goods
has become one of the success stories of the European project and remains a major catalyst for growth in the European Union (EU).

While the guide is not the first of its kind, previous editions were primarily drafted as a practical means for candidate countries and/or national
authorities to familiarise themselves with the concept of Articles 28 to 30 of the EC Treaty. The present version is more detailed. It reflects the working
experience of the Commission service responsible for the application of Treaty provisions governing the free movement of goods (*) and provides
a picture of the trade barriers that were and still are encountered in practice. The guide summarises the relevant case-law and supplements it with
comments, although it does not claim to provide exhaustive coverage of the topic. It is intended more as a workbook highlighting questions that
have emerged in the course of the practical application of these Treaty provisions and providing answers.

The guide may prove useful for the national administrations of the Member States, both with respect to the existing regulatory environment and
when drafting new national legislation. Legal practitioners counselling clients on internal market questions may also benefit from some guidance
in the non-harmonised area. Finally, the internal market has always generated interest from third countries that were keen to understand the legal
framework of the European market and learn from the European experience in the past 50 years. This guide may provide some useful insights in
this respect.

The guide reflects the law and case-law as it stood on 31 December 2009. EU legislation and judgments of the Court can be found in EUR-Lex
( Judgments issued since 17 June 1997 are also available on the webpage of the Court of Justice (

The guide is not a legally binding document and does not necessarily represent the official position of the Commission.

Following the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EC Treaty has been amended and renamed the Treaty on the Functioning of the European
Union (TFEU). The provisions on the free movement of goods (ex Articles 28–30 EC) have remained unchanged, but received a new numbering as
Articles 34–36 TFEU. Other articles have also had their numbering changed. The present guide will use this new numbering of the TFEU, also when
referring to judgments of the Court of Justice rendered under the EC Treaty.

(*) This second edition of the guide was prepared and drafted by Santiago Barón Escámez, Sylvia Ferretti, Juliana Frendo, Octavien Ginalski, Maciej Górka, Hans Ingels,
Christos Kyriatzis, Florian Schmidt, Carolina Stege, Laura Stočkutė and Yiannos Tolias. Any comments or suggestions to this guide may be submitted to the Directorate-
General for Enterprise and Industry, Unit C.2.

Page 3
Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1. The role and importance of the free movement of goods in the internal market of the 21st century . . . . 8

2. The Treaty provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3. The scope of Article 34 TFEU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1. General conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1.1. Non-harmonised area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.2. Meaning of ‘goods’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.1.3. Cross-border/transit trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.4. Addressees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.5. Active and passive measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.1.6. No de minimis rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.7. Territorial application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.8. Quantitative restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.9. Measures of equivalent effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.1.10. Selling arrangements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1.11. Restrictions on use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2. The mutual recognition principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.3. Typical trade barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.3.1. National provisions related to the act of import (import licences, inspections and controls) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3.2. Obligations to appoint a representative or to provide storage facilities in the importing Member State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.3. National price controls and reimbursement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3.4. National bans on specific products/substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3.5. Type-approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.6. Authorisation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3.7. Technical regulations containing requirements as to the presentation of goods (weight, composition, presentation,
labelling, form, size, packaging) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.8. Advertising restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3.9. Deposit obligations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.10. Indications of origin, quality marks, incitement to buy national products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.11. Obligation to use the national language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.3.12. Restrictions on distance selling (Internet sales, mail order, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3.13. Restrictions on the importation of goods for personal use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4. Other specific issues under Article 34 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.1. Parallel imports of medicinal and plant protection products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2. Car registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5. Export barriers (Article 35 TFEU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.1. ‘Exports’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

5.2. Quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Page 5
6. Justifications for barriers to trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.1. Article 36 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.1.1. Public morality, policy and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.1.2. Protection of the health and life of humans, animals and plants (precautionary principle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.1.3. Protection of national treasures possessing artistic, historic or archaeological value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.1.4. Protection of industrial and commercial property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.2. Mandatory requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

6.2.1. Protection of the environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.2.2. Consumer protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
6.2.3. Other mandatory requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

6.3. Proportionality test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6.4. Burden of proof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

7. Relationship to other freedoms and articles of the Treaty related to the free movement of goods . . . . . . . 31

7.1. Article 45 TFEU — Freedom of movement of workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7.2. Article 56 TFEU — Freedom to provide services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

7.3. Article 63 TFEU — Free movement of capital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

7.4. Article 37 TFEU — State monopolies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

7.5. Article 107 TFEU — State aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

7.6. Article 30 TFEU — The customs union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

7.7. Article 110 TFEU — Tax provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

7.8. Article 114 TFEU — Approximation of laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7.9. Articles 346, 347 and 348 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

7.10. Article 351 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

8. Related instruments of secondary law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

8.1. Directive 98/34/EC — laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of
technical standards and regulations and of rules on information society services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

8.2. Regulation (EC) No 2679/98 — The ‘strawberry’ regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

8.3. Regulation (EC) No 764/2008 — The ‘mutual recognition’ regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

9. Enforcement of Articles 34 and 35 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9.1. Direct effect — private enforcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9.2. Solvit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9.3. Infringement proceedings under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

9.3.1. Article 258/260 TFEU procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9.3.2. Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
9.3.3. Priorities and discretion of the Commission to act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Page 6
Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

A — Important communications in the area of Article 34 TFEU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

B — Territorial application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Territories to which Article 34 TFEU applies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Territories to which Article 34 TFEU does not apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Page 7
1. The role and importance
of the free movement of goods
in the internal market
of the 21st century

The free movement of goods is one of the Harmonised legislation in many areas has speci- can soon hamper cross-border trade. More-
success stories of the European project. It has fied the meaning of the internal market and over, modern information technology, such as
helped to build the internal market from which has thereby framed the principle of the free the Internet, facilitates cross-border shopping
European citizens and businesses are now movement of goods in concrete terms for spe- and increases the demand for quick and easy
benefiting and which is at the heart of EU poli- cific products. Nevertheless, the fundamental transfer of goods from one Member State to
cies. Today’s internal market makes it easy to function of the Treaty principle as a key anchor another. As a result, trade restrictions in certain
buy and sell products in 27 Member States with and safety net for the internal market remains areas that were not apparent in the past are
a total population of more than 490 million. It unaltered. now coming to light.
gives consumers a wide choice of products and
allows them to shop around for the best avail- Many of the major restrictions on the free move- However, the free movement of goods is not
able offer. At the same time the free movement ment of goods have now been removed. The an absolute value. In specific circumstances
of goods is good for business. Around 75 % of groundwork was done, along with the introduc- certain overriding political aims may neces-
intra-EU trade is in goods. The single European tion of the single European market in 1993, but sitate restrictions or even prohibitions which,
marketplace that was created in past decades the continuous stream of complaints from citi- while hampering free trade, serve important
helps EU businesses to build a strong platform zens and businesses to the Commission under- purposes such as protection of the environ-
in an open, diverse and competitive environ- lines the fact that even the best efforts in the ment or human health. Against a background
ment. This internal strength fosters growth and past have not removed all trade barriers. Small of major global developments it comes as no
job creation in the European Union and gives and medium-sized enterprises in particular still surprise that a ‘greening’ of the free movement
EU businesses the resources they need in order suffer from them. That is why these companies of goods has taken place in recent years, under-
to be successful in other world markets. A prop- often prefer to concentrate their activities on a lining the fact that certain grounds for justifica-
erly functioning internal market for goods is few individual Member States instead of the tion may be viewed differently over time. It is
thus a critical element for the current and future whole internal market, as they have difficulties thus a constant task, when applying EU law,
prosperity of the EU in a globalised economy (1). in coping with different national rules on tech- to reconcile different, sometimes competing,
nical requirements for products that are not yet goals and to ensure that a balanced, propor-
From a legal perspective the principle of the harmonised. Additionally, market access may tionate approach is taken.
free movement of goods has been a key ele- be complicated by differences in retail or price
ment in creating and developing the internal regulations, with which businesses in other Today’s free movement of goods incorporates
market. It is one of the economic freedoms Member States are not familiar. many policies and fits smoothly into a respon-
established by the EC Treaty. Articles 28–30 of sible internal market which guarantees easy
the EC Treaty defined the scope and content of At the same time, innovative new products and access to high-quality products, combined
the principle by prohibiting unjustified restric- technological advances pose new challenges. with a high degree of protection of other pub-
tions on intra-EU trade. Nowadays the internal A national regulatory environment which lic interests.
market goes beyond these three Treaty articles. does not keep pace with such developments

(1) Cf. Communication from the Commission — The internal market for goods: a cornerstone for Europe’s competitiveness (COM(2007) 35 final).

Page 8
2. The Treaty provisions
The main Treaty provisions governing the free • Article 35 TFEU, which relates to exports The Treaty chapter on the prohibition of
movement of goods are: from one Member State to another and simi- quantitative restrictions between Member
larly prohibits ‘quantitative restrictions and States contains, also in Article 37 TFEU, rules
• Article 34 TFEU, which relates to intra-EU all measures having equivalent effect’; and on the adjustment of state monopolies of a
imports and prohibits ‘quantitative restric- commercial character. Its role and relation to
tions and all measures having equivalent • Article 36 TFEU, which provides for dero- Articles 34–36 TFEU will be briefly described in
effect’ between Member States; gations to the internal market freedoms of Chapter 7 of this guide.
Articles 34 and 35 TFEU that are justified on
certain specific grounds.

3. The scope of Article 34 TFEU

3.1. General conditions assessed in the light of the harmonising provi- as a safety net, which guarantees that any ob-
sions and not of those of the Treaty (2). stacle to trade within the internal market can be
scrutinised as to its compatibility with EU law.
3.1.1. NON-HARMONISED AREA This is due to the fact that harmonising legisla-
tion can be understood as substantiating the 3.1.2. MEANING OF ‘GOODS’
While Articles 34–36 TFEU laid the groundwork free movement of goods principle by establish-
for the general principle of the free movement ing actual rights and duties to be observed in Articles 34 and 35 TFEU cover all types of
of goods, they are not the only legal yardstick for the case of specific products. Therefore, any imports and exports of goods and products. The
measuring the compatibility of national meas- problem that is covered by harmonising legisla- range of goods covered is as wide as the range
ures with internal market rules. These Treaty tion would have to be analysed in the light of of goods in existence, so long as they have eco-
articles do not apply when the free movement such concrete terms and not according to the nomic value: ‘by goods, within the meaning of
of a given product is fully harmonised by more broad principles enshrined in the Treaty. the … Treaty, there must be understood prod-
specific EU legislation, i.e. especially where the ucts which can be valued in money and which
technical specifications of a given product or its Nevertheless, even after 50 years of dedicated are capable, as such, of forming the subject of
conditions of sale are subject to harmonisation activity on the part of the Community legisla- commercial transactions’ (3).
by means of directives or regulations adopted tor in providing harmonised rules, the Treaty
by the EU. In some other cases, more specific provisions on the free movement of goods In its rulings the Court of Justice has clarified on
Treaty rules, such as Article 110 TFEU on tax- have not become redundant; their scope is still several occasions the proper designation of a
related provisions that may hamper the internal remarkable. Either certain circumstances and/or particular product. Works of art must be seen as
market, prevail over the general provisions of products are not harmonised at all or they are goods (4). Coins which are no longer in circula-
Articles 34–36 TFEU. only subject to partial harmonisation. In every tion as currency would equally fall under the
instance in which harmonising legislation can- definition of goods, as would bank notes and
Where secondary legislation is relevant, any not be identified, Articles 34–36 TFEU can be bearer cheques (5), although donations in kind
national measure relating thereto must be relied on. In this respect the Treaty articles act would not (6). Waste is to be regarded as goods

(2) Case C-309/02 Radlberger Getränkegesellschaft and S. Spitz [2004] ECR I-11763, paragraph 53.
(3) Case 7/68 Commission v Italy [1968] ECR 423.
(4) Case 7/78 Thompson [1978] ECR 2247.
(5) Case C-358/93 Bordessa and Others [1995] ECR I-361.
(6) Case C-318/07 Persche [2009] ECR I-359, paragraph 29.

Page 9
even when it is non-recyclable, but the subject The cross-border requirement may also be members are appointed by the public
of a commercial transaction. Electricity (7) and fulfilled if the product is merely transiting the authorities or supervised by them can be
natural gas (8) count as goods, but television Member State in question. The Court has made attributed to the state (18).
signals (9) do not. it clear that the free movement of goods entails
the existence of a general principle of free tran- In a recent case, the Court even seemed to
The latter example underlines the fact that it sit of goods within the EU (14). acknowledge that statements made publicly
can be legally important to draw a distinction by an official, even though having no legal
between goods and services. While fish are cer- Irrespective of the place where they are origi- force, can be attributed to a Member State and
tainly goods, fishing rights and angling permits nally manufactured inside or outside the intern- constitute an obstacle to the free movement of
are not covered by the free movement of goods al market, all goods, once they are in free circu- goods if the addressees of the statements can
principle, but constitute the ‘provision of a ser- lation in the internal market, benefit from the reasonably suppose, in the given context, that
vice’ within the meaning of the Treaty provisions principle of free movement. these are positions taken by the official with the
relating to the freedom to provide services (10). authority of his or her office (19).
3.1.3. CROSS-BORDER/TRANSIT Although the term ‘Member State’ has been
TRADE Articles 34–36 TFEU deal with measures taken given a broad meaning, it does in general not
by the Member States. In this context, however, apply to ‘purely’ private measures, i.e. measures
According to its wording, Article 34 TFEU ‘Member States’ has been interpreted broadly taken by private individuals or companies.
applies to obstacles in trade ‘between Mem- to include all the authorities of a country, be
ber States’. A cross-border element is therefore they central authorities, the authorities of a Finally, by virtue of settled case-law, Article
a prerequisite for evaluating a case under this federal state or any other territorial authori- 34 TFEU applies also to measures adopted
provision. Purely national measures, affecting ties (15). The requirements laid down by these by the EU institutions. With regard to judicial
only domestic goods, fall outside the scope of articles apply equally to law-making, judicial or review the EU legislature must, however, be
Articles 34–36 TFEU. The conditions for meet- administrative bodies of a Member State (16). allowed broad discretion. Consequently, the
ing the cross-border requirement are straight- This evidently covers measures taken by all legality of a measure adopted can be affected
forward. It is sufficient that the measure in bodies established under public law as ‘public only if the measure is manifestly inappropri-
question is capable of indirectly or potentially bodies’. The mere fact that a body is established ate having regard to the objective which the
hindering intra-EU trade (11). under private law does not prevent the meas- competent institution is seeking to pursue (20).
ures it takes from being attributable to the state.
By implication the need for a cross-border Indeed, the Court held that: 3.1.5. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE
element means that EU law does not prevent MEASURES
Member States from treating their domestic • measures taken by a professional body
products less favourably than imports (‘reverse which has been granted regulatory and Article 34 TFEU is often characterised as a
discrimination’). In practice, though, this disciplinary powers by national legislation defence right which can be invoked against
problem will rarely occur, as Member States in relation to its profession may fall within national measures creating unjustified ob-
normally have no interest in adversely affecting the scope of Article 34 TFEU (17); stacles to cross-border trade. Accordingly,
goods manufactured in their own territory. infringements of Article 34 TFEU seem to pre-
Although Article 34 TFEU is applicable where • the activities of bodies established under suppose activity on the part of a state. In this
a domestic product leaves the Member State private law but which are set up by law, sense, the measures falling within the scope
but is imported back, i.e. reimport (12), it does mainly financed by the government or a of Article 34 TFEU consist primarily of binding
not apply in cases where the sole purpose of compulsory contribution from undertak- provisions of Member States’ legislation, but
reimport is to circumvent the domestic rules (13). ings in a certain sector and/or from which non-binding measures can also constitute a

(7) Case C-393/92 Almelo v Energiebedrijf Ijsselmij [1994] ECR I-1477.

(8) Case C-159/94 Commission v France [1997] ECR I-5815.
(9) Case 155/73 Sacchi [1974] ECR 409.
(10) Case C-97/98 Jägerskiöld [1999] ECR I-7319.
(11) Case 8/74 Dassonville [1974] ECR 837, paragraph 5.
(12) Case 78/70 Deutsche Grammophon v Metro [1971] ECR 487.
(13) Case 229/83 Leclerc and Others [1985] ECR 1.
(14) Case C-320/03 Commission v Austria [2005] ECR I-9871, paragraph 65.
(15) Joined Cases C-1/90 and C-176/90 Aragonesa de Publicidad Exterior and Publivía [1991] ECR I-4151.
(16) Case 434/85 Allen & Hanburys [1988] ECR 1245, paragraph 25; Case C-227/06 Commission v Belgium, not published in the ECR, paragraph 37.
(17) See Joined Cases 266/87 and 267/87 R v Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain [1989] ECR 1295; Case C-292/92 Hünermund and Others [1993] ECR I-6787.
(18) See Case 249/81 Commission v Ireland (Buy Irish) [1982] ECR 4005; Case C-325/00 Commission v Germany [2002] ECR I-9977; Case C-227/06 Commission v Belgium,
not published in the ECR.
(19) Case C-470/03 AGM-COS.MET [2007] ECR I-2749.
(20) Joined Cases C-154/04 and C-155/04 Alliance for Natural Health and Others [2005] ECR I-6451, paragraphs 47 and 52.

Page 10
breach of Article 34 TFEU (21). An administrative back system was left to private undertakings, of the TFEU govern trade in goods between
practice can amount to a prohibited obstacle to the Member State was held responsible for the these countries and the EU’s Member States.
the free movement of goods provided that this result achieved or not achieved (24). For example, products originating in Iceland,
practice is, to some degree, of a consistent and Liechtenstein and Norway enjoy free move-
general nature (22). 3.1.6. NO DE MINIMIS RULE ment in the EU by virtue of Article 11 of the
EEA Agreement, and industrial products ori-
In view of Member States’ obligations under There is no de minimis principle in relation to ginating in Turkey enjoy free movement in the
Article 4(3) of the Treaty on the European the articles concerning the free movement of EU by virtue of Articles 5–7 of Decision 1/95 of
Union (ex Article 10 EC), which require them goods. According to long-established case-law, the EC–Turkey Association Council on the final
to take all appropriate measures to ensure ful- a national measure does not fall outside the phase of the customs union (28).
filment of Treaty obligations and the effet utile scope of the prohibition in Articles 34–35 TFEU
of EU law, Article 34 TFEU may under certain merely because the hindrance which it creates For a detailed account of the territories to
circumstances also be infringed by inactivity is slight and because it is possible for products which Article 34 TFEU applies, see Annex B to
of a Member State, i.e. in a situation where a to be marketed in other ways (25). Therefore this guide.
Member State refrains from adopting the meas- a state measure can constitute a prohibited
ures required in order to deal with obstacles measure having equivalent effect even if: 3.1.8. QUANTITATIVE
to the free movement of goods. The specific RESTRICTIONS
obstacle may even emanate from action by • it is of relatively minor economic
private individuals. In Case C-265/95, France significance; Quantitative restrictions have been defined as
was held responsible for actions of national measures which amount to a total or partial
farmers seeking to restrict the import of agri- • it is only applicable on a very limited geo- restraint on imports or goods in transit (29).
cultural goods from neighbouring Member graphical part of the national territory (26); Examples would include an outright ban or a
States by intercepting lorries transporting quota system (30), i.e. quantitative restrictions
these goods and/or by destroying their loads. • it only affects a limited number of imports/ apply when certain import or export ceilings
The non-intervention of national authorities exports or a limited number of economic have been reached. However, only non-tariff
against these acts was considered as infringing operators. quotas are caught by this article, since tariff
Article 34 TFEU, as Member States are obliged quotas are covered by Article 30 TFEU.
to ensure the free movement of products in Certain national rules have been held to fall out-
their territory by taking the measures necessary side the scope of Article 34 TFEU if their restric- A quantitative restriction may be based
and appropriate for the purposes of prevent- tive effect on trade between Member States is on statutory provisions or may just be an
ing any restriction due to the acts of private too uncertain and indirect (27). Nevertheless, administrative practice. Thus, even a covert
individuals (23). this should not be regarded as a de minimis rule. or hidden quota system will be caught by
Article 34 TFEU.
Moreover, Article 34 TFEU may create an obli- 3.1.7. TERRITORIAL APPLICATION
gation of result. This obligation is infringed if a 3.1.9. MEASURES OF EQUIVALENT
Member State falls short of the objectives due The obligation to respect the provisions of Art- EFFECT
to its inactivity or insufficient activity. In Case icle 34 TFEU applies to all Member States of the
C-309/02 that dealt with a German manda- EU and in certain cases it may also apply to Euro- The term ‘measure having equivalent effect’
tory take-back system for one-way beverage pean territories for whose external relations a is much broader in scope than a quantitative
packaging, the Court made the compliance of Member State is responsible and to overseas restriction. While it is not easy to draw an exact
the deposit system with the free movement territories dependent upon or otherwise associ- dividing line between quantitative restrictions
of goods principle dependent upon the exist- ated with a Member State. and measures of equivalent effect, this is not of
ence of an operational system in which every much practical importance given that the rules
producer or distributor can actually participate. With regard to some other countries, the pro- apply in the same way to quantitative restric-
Even though the task of setting up the take- visions of specific agreements and not those tions as to measures of equivalent effect.

(21) Case 249/81 Commission v Ireland (Buy Irish) [1982] ECR 4005; Case C-227/06 Commission v Belgium, not published in the ECR.
(22) Case 21/84 Commission v France [1985] ECR 1355; Case C-387/99 Commission v Germany [2004] ECR I-3751, paragraph 42 and case-law cited; Case C-88/07 Commis-
sion v Spain [2009] ECR I-1353.
(23) Case C-265/95 Commission v France [1997] ECR I-6959, paragraph 31; see also Case C-112/00 Schmidberger [2003] ECR I-5659, paragraph 60, especially on possible
justifications (freedom of expression and freedom of assembly).
(24) Case C-309/02 Radlberger Getränkegesellschaft and S. Spitz [2004] ECR I-11763, paragraph 80.
(25) See Joined Cases 177/82 and 178/82 Van de Haar [1984] ECR 1797; Case 269/83 Commission v France [1985] ECR 837; Case 103/84 Commission v Italy [1986] ECR 1759.
(26) Case C-67/97 Bluhme [1998] ECR I-8033.
(27) Case C-69/88 Krantz [1990] ECR I-583; Case C-93/92 CMC Motorradcenter [1993] ECR I-5009; Case C-379/92 Peralta [1994] ECR I-3453; Case C-44/98 BASF [1999]
ECR I-6269. Cf. also Case C-20/03 Burmanjer and Others [2005] ECR I-4133 where the Court held that the national rules at issue, which made the itinerant sale of subscrip-
tions to periodicals subject to prior authorisation, in any event have an effect over the marketing of products from other Member States that is too insignificant and
uncertain to be regarded as being such as to hinder or otherwise interfere with trade between Member States.
(28) OJ L 35, 13.2.1996, p. 1.
(29) Case 2/73 Geddo [1973] ECR 865.
(30) Case 13/68 Salgoil [1968] ECR 453.

Page 11
In Dassonville, the Court of Justice set out an national measures which applied equally to of re-examining the case-law seems inter alia to
interpretation on the meaning and scope of domestic and imported goods. In this case, have been the need to limit the flow of cases
measures of equivalent effect (31): Member States could derogate by having aimed at challenging key pillars of national
recourse not only to Article 36 TFEU but also to welfare and social provisions internal to the
‘All trading rules enacted by Member States the mandatory requirements, a concept which Member States which were never intended to
which are capable of hindering, directly or was first enshrined in this ruling. interfere with free movement (37).
indirectly, actually or potentially, intra-
Community trade are to be considered as Therefore, it can be concluded that Art- The Court held in Keck and Mithouard, refer-
measures having an effect equivalent to icle 34 TFEU will apply not only to national ring to Cassis de Dijon, that ‘rules that lay down
quantitative restrictions.’ measures which discriminate against imported requirements to be met by such goods … con-
goods, but also to those which in law seem to stitute measures of equivalent effect prohibited
This definition has been confirmed in the apply equally to both domestic and imported by Article [34]’ (38). Immediately afterwards it
Court’s case-law with minor variations. The term goods, but in practice are more burdensome for held that ‘[b]y contrast, contrary to what has
‘trading rules’ does not usually appear now- imports (this particular burden stems from the previously been decided, the application to
adays, as the Dassonville formula is actually not fact that the imported goods are in fact required products from other Member States of national
limited to trading rules but also embraces, for to comply with two sets of rules — one laid provisions restricting or prohibiting certain
instance, technical regulations. down by the Member State of manufacture, and selling arrangements is not such as to hinder
the other by the Member State of importation). directly or indirectly, actually or potentially,
Directive 70/50/EEC (32), which formally applied These rules are sometimes referred to as ‘indis- trade between Member States within the mean-
during the Community’s transitional period, tinctly applicable’ (see Commission v Italy (34)). ing of the Dassonville judgment’ (39).
stated the Commission’s intention to catch
not only measures which clearly accorded dif- In consequence, and following the Court’s rul- Indeed, rules that lay down requirements to
ferent treatment to domestic and imported ing in Dassonville and subsequently in Cassis de be met by goods continue to be treated under
goods, but also those which applied to them Dijon, there is no need for any discriminatory Cassis de Dijon and are therefore considered to
equally. Subsequently, in the Dassonville case, element in order for a national measure to be fall per se within the scope of Article 34 TFEU
the Court stressed that the most important ele- caught under Article 34 TFEU. regardless of whether they also introduce
ment determining whether a national meas- discrimination on the basis of the origin of
ure is caught under Article 34 TFEU is its effect 3.1.10. SELLING ARRANGEMENTS the products (40). By contrast, selling arrange-
(‘… capable of hindering, directly or indirectly, ments fall within the scope of Article 34 TFEU
actually or potentially …’), therefore the dis- Almost 20 years (35) after Dassonville, the Court only under the condition that the party invok-
criminatory aspect of a measure is no longer the found it necessary to point out some limita- ing a violation can prove that they introduce
deciding factor for Article 34 TFEU. It seemed tions to the scope of the term ‘measures having discrimination on the basis of the origin of prod-
clear to the Court that not only overtly discrimi- equivalent effect’ in Article 34 TFEU. ucts, either in law or in fact. Discrimination in
natory measures could create barriers to trade law occurs when measures are manifestly dis-
in products between Member States. The Court held in Keck and Mithouard (36) that criminatory (41). Discrimination in fact, however,
‘[i]n view of the increasing tendency of traders is more complex.
The ruling by the Court in the Cassis de Dijon (33) to invoke Article [34] of the Treaty as a means
case affirmed the previous statements in Direc- of challenging any rules whose effect is to limit It is relatively easier to comprehend what types
tive 70/50/EEC and Dassonville. By acknowledg- their commercial freedom even where such of measures are concerned with the character-
ing that there might be differences between rules are not aimed at products from other istics of the products than what types of meas-
the national rules of the Member States and Member States, the Court considers it necessary ures constitute selling arrangements. Measures
that this could inhibit trade in goods, the Court to re-examine and clarify its case-law on this which concern the characteristics of the prod-
confirmed that Article 34 TFEU could also catch matter’. In other words, the origin and intention uct could be, for example, measures concerning

(31) Case 8/74 Dassonville [1974] ECR 837.

(32) Directive 70/50/EEC on the abolition of measures which have an effect equivalent to quantitative restrictions on imports and are not covered by other provisions
adopted in pursuance of the EEC Treaty (OJ L 13, 19.1.1970, p. 29).
(33) Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentral (Cassis de Dijon) [1979] ECR 649.
(34) Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519, paragraph 35.
(35) The reasoning of Keck and Mithouard (Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91 Keck and Mithouard [1993] ECR I-6097) seems to be also present in the preceding cases
(155/80 Oebel [1981] ECR 1993; 75/81 Blesgen [1982] ECR 1211; C-23/89 Quietlynn [1990] ECR I-3059 and 148/85 Forest [1986] ECR 3449). In contrast to this reasoning
see (pre-Keck and Mithouard) Joined Cases 60/84 and 61/84 Cinéthèque [1985] ECR 2605 and Case C-145/88 Torfaen [1989] ECR 3851 (first case on Sunday trading
legislation). The difficulty in applying the test in Torfaen was evident in case-law within the UK: for example, B&Q plc v Shrewsbury BC [1990] 3 CMLR 535 and Stoke City
Council v B&Q [1990] 3 CMLR 31. For an outline of the case-law on Article 28 EC before the Keck and Mithouard judgment see opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Case
C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec [1995] ECR I-179, at I-182, points 23 to 33.
(36) Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91 Keck and Mithouard [1993] ECR I-6097, paragraph 14.
(37) C. Barnard, ‘Fitting the remaining pieces into the goods and persons jigsaw’ (2001), European Law Review 35, p. 50; J. Schwarze, Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 2007,
paragraph 72.
(38) Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91 Keck and Mithouard [1993] ECR I-6097, paragraph 15.
(39) Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91 Keck and Mithouard [1993] ECR I-6097, paragraph 16.
(40) P. Oliver, Free movement of goods in the European Community, 2003, p. 124.
(41) P. Oliver, Free movement of goods in the European Community, 2003, p. 127; Case C-320/93 Lucien Ortscheit v Eurim-Pharm [1994] ECR I-5243 was arguably such a case.

Page 12
shape, size, weight, composition, presentation, teristic of ‘bake-off’ products is that they are In the list of selling arrangements the Court
identification or putting up. Having said that, delivered to sales outlets after the main stages includes measures relating to the conditions
there are some instances where some measures of preparation have been completed. Therefore and methods of marketing (50), measures which
do not appear at first sight to be concerned with the requirement of having a flour store, an area relate to the time of the sale of goods (51), meas-
the characteristics of the product, but where the for kneading equipment and a solid-fuel store ures which relate to the place of the sale of
Court holds that they are (42). does not take into account the specific nature of goods or restrictions regarding by whom goods
these products and entails additional costs. The may be sold (52) and measures which relate to
In Canal Satélite Digital (43) the question that was Court concluded that the legislation in question price controls (53).
referred to the Court was whether the registra- therefore constitutes a barrier to imports which
tion procedure in question, which involved the cannot be regarded as establishing a selling Furthermore, certain procedures/obliga-
obligation to enter both the operators and their arrangement. Indeed, the Court seems to follow tions which do not relate to the product or
products in an official register, was in breach of the position of the Advocate General, holding its packaging could be considered as selling
Article 34 TFEU. In order to obtain that regis- that rules imposing conditions which are part arrangements as shown in Sapod Audic (54).
tration, operators should have undertaken to of the production process concern the inherent The national measure at issue in Sapod Audic
comply with the technical specifications and characteristics of the goods (47). provided that any producer or importer was
obtained a prior technical report drawn up by required to contribute to or organise the
the national authorities and prior administra- Another recent ruling of the Court which could disposal of all of their packaging waste. The
tive certification, stating that the technical and be mentioned in this connection is Commis- Court examined the compatibility of this meas-
other requirements have been complied with. sion v Greece on amusement machines (48). This ure with Article 34 TFEU in the case where it
The Court concluded that these requirements case concerned Greek law, which prohibited only imposed ‘a general obligation to identify
were in breach of Article 34 TFEU. It pointed out the installation and operation of electrical, elec- the packaging collected for disposal by an
that the need to adapt the products in question tromechanical and electronic games, includ- approved undertaking’ (55). Under this inter-
to the national rules prevented the abovemen- ing recreational games of skill and all computer pretation the Court held that the ‘obligation
tioned requirement from being treated as a sell- games, on all public or private premises apart imposed by that provision did not relate as
ing arrangement. from casinos. The Court’s view was that this such to the product or its packaging and there-
Greek law must be held to constitute a breach fore did not, of itself, constitute a rule laying
The Court held in Alfa Vita Vassilopoulos and of Article 34 TFEU. The Court went on to say that down requirements to be met by goods, such
Carrefour-Marinopoulos (44) and Commission v this is true even if that law does not prohibit the as requirements concerning their labelling or
Greece (45) that national legislation which makes importation of the products concerned or their packaging’ (56). As a result it reached the con-
the sale of ‘bake-off’ products subject to the placing on the market (49). The Court pointed clusion that the provision may be regarded as
same requirements as those applicable to the out that since the law’s entry into force there a selling arrangement.
full manufacturing and marketing procedure had been a reduction in the volume of imports
for traditional bread and bakery products is in of such games from other Member States. How- Measures concerning advertising restrictions
breach of Article 34 TFEU. The Court reached ever, the Court also held that the importation are slightly more complicated. The important
this conclusion on the basis that the provisions of games machines actually stopped when that role of advertising in enabling a product from
of the national law aim to specify the produc- statutory prohibition came into force. This last one Member State to penetrate a new market
tion conditions for bakery products including remark by the Court could be a determining fac- in another Member State has been recog-
‘bake-off’ products (46). The principal charac- tor as to why the measure fell within the scope nised by Advocates General (57) and the Court
of Article 34 TFEU.

(42) See, for example, Case C-470/93 Mars [1995] ECR I-1923 and Case C-368/95 Familiapress [1997] ECR I-3689, paragraph 11.
(43) Case C-390/99 Canal Satélite Digital [2002] ECR I-607, paragraph 29; see also Case C-389/96 Aher-Waggon [1998] ECR I-4473, paragraph 18.
(44) Joined Cases C-158/04 and C-159/04 Alfa Vita Vassilopoulos and Carrefour-Marinopoulos [2006] ECR I-8135.
(45) Case C-82/05 Commission v Greece, not published in the ECR.
(46) Joined Cases C-158/04 and C-159/04 Alfa Vita Vassilopoulos and Carrefour-Marinopoulos [2006] ECR I-8135, paragraph 18.
(47) Advocate General Poiares Maduro’s opinion, at point 16.
(48) Case C-65/05 Commission v Greece [2006] ECR I-10341.
(49) Case C-65/05 Commission v Greece [2006] ECR I-10341, paragraph 28.
(50) See Case C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec [1995] ECR I-179, paragraph 22, and Case C-6/98 ARD [1999] ECR I-7599, paragraph 46.
(51) See Joined Cases C-401/92 and C-402/92 Tankstation ’t Heukske and Boermans [1994] ECR I-2199, paragraph 14; Joined Cases C-69/93 and C-258/93 Punto Casa
and PPV [1994] ECR I-2355 and Joined Cases C-418/93 to C-421/93, C-460/93 to C-462/93, C-464/93, C-9/94 to C-11/94, C-14/94, C-15/94, C-23/94, C-24/94 and C-332/94
Semeraro Casa Uno and Others [1996] ECR I-2975, paragraphs 9 to 11, 14, 15, 23 and 24.
(52) See Case C-391/92 Commission v Greece [1995] ECR I-1621, paragraph 15; Joined Cases C-69/93 and C-258/93 Punto Casa and PPV [1994] ECR I-2355.
(53) See Case C-63/94 Belgapom [1995] ECR I-2467.
(54) Case C-159/00 Sapod Audic [2002] ECR I-5031.
(55) Ibid., paragraph 71 (emphasis added). If it were to be interpreted as imposing an obligation to apply a mark or label, then the measure would constitute a technical
regulation within the meaning of Directive [98/34/EC]. In such a case the individual may invoke the failure to make notification of that national provision. It is then for
the national court to refuse to apply that provision.
(56) Ibid., paragraph 72.
(57) See, for example, opinion of Advocate General Jacobs in Case C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec [1995] ECR I-179, at I-182, and opinion of Advocate General Geelhoed in Case
C-239/02 Douwe Egberts [2004] ECR I-7007, at I-7010.

Page 13
of Justice (58). Since Keck and Mithouard the Keck and Mithouard. In paragraph 37 it held: argued that any potential customers, traders or
Court treats advertising restrictions as selling ‘Consequently, measures adopted by a Member individuals would not buy such film since they
arrangements (59). It is interesting to note that in State the object or effect of which is to treat knew that they could not affix it to the window
certain cases the Court seems to link the scope products coming from other Member States of motor vehicles (67). The Court seems to have
of the advertising restriction with discrimina- less favourably are to be regarded as meas- accepted this argument. More specifically, it
tion. More specifically, it holds that an ‘absolute ures having equivalent effect to quantitative held that ‘… potential customers, traders or
prohibition of advertising the characteristics restrictions on imports within the meaning of individuals have practically no interest in buy-
of a product’ (60) could impede market access Article [34 TFEU], as are the measures referred ing them in the knowledge that affixing such
of products from other Member States more to in paragraph 35 of the present judgment. film to the windscreen and windows alongside
than it impedes access by domestic products, Any other measure which hinders access of prod- passenger seats in motor vehicles is prohib-
with which the consumers are more familiar (61). ucts originating in other Member States to the ited’ (68). As a result, it reached the conclusion
market of a Member State is also covered by that Portugal was in breach of its obligations
To recapitulate, the Court seems to consider that concept’ (emphasis added). It remains to under Article 34 TFEU.
that selling arrangements are measures which be seen whether this judgment broadens the
are associated with the marketing of the good scope of Article 34 TFEU, and if so under what Secondly, the Commission in Commission v
rather than with the characteristics of the circumstances. Italy (69) asked the Court to find that Italy, by
good (62). However, the Court had to qualify maintaining rules which prohibit motorcycles
the simplicity of the distinction laid down in 3.1.11. RESTRICTIONS ON USE from towing trailers, had failed to fulfil its obli-
the Keck and Mithouard judgment (63). Conse- gations under Article 34 TFEU. In so far as trailers
quently, certain rules which appear to fall into One category of restrictions has been high- which were specifically designed to be towed
the category of selling arrangements are treated lighted in the Court’s case-law recently: restric- by motorcycles were concerned, the Court held
as rules relating to products. Conversely, rules tions on use. Such restrictions are characterised that the possibility for their use other than with
concerning the packaging of products which, as national rules which allow the sale of a prod- motorcycles was very limited (70). Consumers
following Keck and Mithouard, are prima facie uct while restricting its use to a certain extent. knowing that they were not allowed to use their
included among the rules which relate to prod- motorcycle with a trailer specifically designed
ucts have, after examining the particularities of Such requirements can include restrictions for it had practically no interest in buying such
the specific case, been categorised as selling relating to the purpose or the method of the a trailer. As a result the prohibition in ques-
arrangements (64). Indeed these solutions dem- particular use, the context or time of use, the tion constituted a breach of Article 34 TFEU.
onstrate a certain pragmatism that the Court extent of the use or the types of use. Such meas- However, in the specific case, the Court found
has adopted in this field. ures may in certain circumstances constitute that the measure was justified on the basis of
measures having equivalent effect. considerations of road safety as a mandatory
Finally, in Commission v Italy (65) the Court requirement.
pointed out that the case-law on Article 34 TEFU There are three recent cases which could be
reflects the obligations to respect three prin- brought under this area of complaint. Firstly, Finally, Case C-142/05 Mickelsson and Roos (71)
ciples: (a) the principle of non-discrimination; the Commission in Commission v Portugal (66) concerned a reference for a preliminary rul-
(b) the principle of mutual recognition; and brought an action against Portugal because a ing which raised the question of whether Art-
(c) the principle of ensuring free access of Portuguese law prohibited the affixing of tinted icles 34 and 36 TFEU precluded Swedish rules on
Community products to national markets. In films to the windows of motor vehicles. The the use of personal watercraft. Under Swedish
paragraph 35 it set out the classic explanation Commission claimed that this prohibition was regulations the use of such craft other than on
as regards Cassis de Dijon and in paragraph in breach of Article 34 TFEU and could not be general navigable waterways and on waters on
36 provided the classic explanation as regards justified under Article 36 TFEU. The Commission which the county administrative board had per-

(58) See, for example, Joined Cases C-34/95 to C-36/95 De Agostini and TV-Shop [1997] ECR I-3843.
(59) Cf. Case C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec [1995] ECR I-179; Joined Cases C-34/95 to C-36/95 De Agostini and TV-Shop [1997] ECR I-3843; Case C-405/98 Gourmet International
Products [2001] ECR I-1795; Case C-292/92 Hünermund and Others [1993] ECR I-6787.
(60) Case C-239/02 Douwe Egberts [2004] ECR I-7007, paragraph 53.
(61) As to discrimination between the domestic economic operators and other Member States’ economic operators see Case C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband
[2003] ECR I-14887, paragraph 74, and Case C-254/98 TK-Heimdienst [2000] ECR I-151, paragraph 26. See also Joined Cases 87/85 and 88/85 Legia and Gyselinx [1986] ECR
1707, paragraph 15, and Case C-189/95 Franzén [1997] ECR I-5909, paragraph 71.
(62) See Case C-71/02 Karner [2004] ECR I-3025 (prohibition of reference indicating that goods come from an insolvent estate); Case C-441/04 A-Punkt Schmuckhandel
[2006] ECR I-2093 (door-stepping situation); and also the similar reasoning in Case C-20/03 Burmanjer and Others [2005] ECR I-4133.
(63) Opinion of Advocate General in Joined Cases C-158/04 and C-159/04 Alfa Vita Vassilopoulos and Carrefour-Marinopoulos [2006] ECR I-8135, points 27 to 29.
(64) Case C-416/00 Morellato [2003] ECR I-9343, paragraph 36. (Advocate General Maduro states that it seems that the requirement to alter the product was imposed
only at the last stage of the marketing of the product. As a result the access of the imported product to the national market was not itself an issue.)
(65) Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519.
(66) Case C-265/06 Commission v Portugal [2008] ECR I-2245.
(67) Paragraph 15.
(68) Paragraph 33.
(69) Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519.
(70) Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519, paragraphs 51 and 55.
(71) Case C-142/05 Mickelsson and Roos, not yet published in the ECR.

Page 14
mitted the use of personal watercraft was pro- 3.2. The mutual do not enjoy this right if the Member State
hibited and punishable by a fine. The Court first recognition principle of destination can prove that it is essential
repeated the three instances mentioned in Case to impose its own technical rule on the
C-110/05 (Commission v Italy, paragraph 37). Technical obstacles to the free movement of products concerned based on the reasons
The Court explained that, where the national goods within the EU are still widespread. They outlined in Article 36 TFEU or in the manda-
regulations for the designation of navigable occur when national authorities apply national tory requirements developed in the Court’s
waters and waterways have the effect of pre- rules that lay down requirements to be met by jurisprudence and subject to the compli-
venting users of personal watercraft from using such products (e.g. relating to designation, ance with the principle of proportionality.
them for the specific and inherent purposes for form, size, weight, composition, presentation,
which they were intended or of greatly restrict- labelling and packaging) to products coming Until very recently, the most important problem
ing their use, such regulations have the effect of from other Member States where they are law- for implementation of the mutual recognition
hindering the access to the domestic market for fully produced or marketed. If those rules do principle was without any doubt the general
those goods and therefore constitute measures not implement secondary EU legislation, they legal uncertainty about the burden of proof.
of equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions. constitute technical obstacles to which Articles Therefore, the EU adopted Regulation (EC)
The Court held that at the material time no 34 and 36 TFEU apply. This is so even if those No 764/2008 laying down procedures relating
waters had been designated as open to naviga- rules apply without distinction to all products. to the application of certain national techni-
tion by personal watercraft and that the use of cal rules to products lawfully marketed in
personal watercraft was permitted on only gen- Under the ‘principle of mutual recognition’ (74), another Member State and repealing Decision
eral navigable waterways. The Court continued different national technical rules continue to No 3052/95/EC (75).
by pointing out that the accused in the main coexist within the internal market. The prin-
proceedings and the Commission maintained ciple means that, notwithstanding technical
that those waterways were intended for heavy differences between the various national rules 3.3. Typical trade barriers
traffic of a commercial nature making the use that apply throughout the EU, Member States
of personal watercraft dangerous and that in of destination cannot forbid the sale on their Trade barriers take quite different forms and
any event the majority of navigable Swedish territories of products which are not subject to shapes. Sometimes they are very blunt meas-
waters lay outside those waterways (72). As a EU harmonisation and which are lawfully mar- ures specifically targeting imports or allowing
result, it seems that one could argue that the keted in another Member State, even if they were preferential treatment of domestic goods, and
prohibition in question had the effect of vir- manufactured according to technical and quality sometimes they are an unexpected side-effect
tually blocking market access. However, the rules different from those that must be met by of general policy decisions. Over past decades
Court in paragraph 39 held that ‘[r]egulations domestic products. The only exceptions to this some typical categories have emerged from the
such as those at issue in the main proceedings principle are restrictions that are justified on the jurisdiction and the practical application of Art-
may, in principle, be regarded as proportion- grounds described in Article 36 TFEU (protection icles 34–36 TFEU in infringement procedures. A
ate provided that, first, the competent national of public morality or public security, protection number of them are described below.
authorities are required to adopt such imple- of the health and life of humans, animals or
menting measures, secondly those authorities plants, etc.) or on the basis of overriding require- 3.3.1. NATIONAL PROVISIONS
have actually made use of the powers conferred ments of general public importance recognised RELATED TO THE ACT OF IMPORT
on them in that regard and designated the by the case-law of the Court of Justice, and are (IMPORT LICENCES, INSPECTIONS
waters which satisfy the conditions provided proportionate to the aim pursued. AND CONTROLS)
for by the national regulations and, lastly, such
measures have been adopted within a reason- Thus, the mutual recognition principle in the National measures which relate directly to the
able period after the entry into force of those non-harmonised area consists of a rule and an act of import of products from other Member
regulations’ (73). The Court in paragraph 40 held exception: States make imports more cumbersome and
that the national regulations in question might are therefore regularly considered as measures
be justified by the aim of protection of the en- • the general rule that, notwithstanding the having equivalent effect contrary to Article
vironment provided that the above conditions existence of a national technical rule in 34 TFEU. The obligation to obtain an import
were complied with. Thus, the Court indicates the Member State of destination, products licence before importing goods is a clear ex-
that the type of regulations in question could lawfully produced or marketed in another ample in this respect. Because formal processes
be justified provided that the abovementioned Member State enjoy a basic right to free of this kind can cause delays, such an obligation
conditions are fulfilled. movement, guaranteed by the TFEU; infringes Article 34 TFEU even where licences
are granted automatically and the Member
• the exception that products lawfully pro- State concerned does not purport to reserve
duced or marketed in another Member State the right to withhold a licence (76).

(72) Paragraph 25.

(73) Paragraph 39.
(74) The principle originated in the famous Cassis de Dijon judgment of the Court of Justice of 20 February 1979 (Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentral [1979] ECR 649) and was
the basis for a new development in the internal market for goods. While at the beginning not expressly mentioned in the case-law of the Court of Justice, it is now fully
recognised (see, for example, Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519, paragraph 34).
(75) OJ L 218, 13.8.2008, p. 21. For details see Section 8.3 of this guide.
(76) Case C-54/05 Commission v Finland [2007] ECR I-2473, paragraph 31, or Joined Cases 51/71 to 54/71 International Fruit Company and Others [1971] ECR 1107.

Page 15
Inspections and controls, such as veterinary, Some Member States have tried to justify those sequently, a national measure which encour-
sanitary, phytosanitary and other controls, requirements by arguing that they are neces- aged the stocking of domestically produced
including customs checks on imports (and sary to ensure proper enforcement of national products could create obstacles to the free
exports), are considered to be measures hav- provisions of public interest, including in some movement of goods under Article 34 TFEU.
ing equivalent effect within the meaning of cases criminal liability. The Court has rejected
Articles 34 and 35 respectively (77). Such inspec- this argument. It held that, although each Mem- 3.3.3. NATIONAL PRICE
tions are likely to make imports or exports more ber State is entitled to take within its territory CONTROLS AND REIMBURSEMENT
difficult or more costly, as a result of the delays appropriate measures in order to ensure the
inherent in the inspections and the additional protection of public policy, such measures are Although the Treaty does not contain any spe-
transport costs which the trader may thereby justified only if it is established that they are cific provision with regard to national regula-
incur. necessary in order to attain legitimate reasons tions on price controls, the Court of Justice has,
of general interest and that such protection on a number of occasions, confirmed in its case-
When the internal market came into being on cannot be achieved by means which place law that Article 34 TFEU applies to national price
1 January 1993, recurrent border controls for less of a restriction on the free movement of control regulations.
the transfer of goods became a thing of the goods (80). Thus, the Court held that ‘[e]ven
past. Nowadays, Member States may not carry though criminal penalties may have a deter- Such regulations cover a number of measures:
out controls at their borders unless they are part rent effect as regards the conduct which they minimum and maximum prices, price freezes,
of a general control system that takes place to a sanction, that effect is not guaranteed and, in minimum and maximum profit margins and
similar extent inside the national territory and/ any event, is not strengthened … solely by the resale price maintenance.
or unless they are performed as spot-checks. If, presence on national territory of a person who
however, such controls irrespective of where may legally represent the manufacturer’ (81). Minimum prices: A minimum price fixed at a
they take place amount to a systematic inspec- Therefore it was held that the requirement that specific amount which, although applicable
tion of imported products, they are still con- a representative be established on national ter- without distinction to domestic and imported
sidered as measures of equivalent effect (78), ritory is not such as to provide, from the point products, can restrict imports by preventing
which may be justified only exceptionally, if of view of public interest objectives, sufficient their lower cost price from being reflected in the
strict conditions are fulfilled. additional safeguards to justify an exception retail selling price and thus impeding importers
to the prohibition contained in Article 34 TFEU. from using their competitive advantage, is a
3.3.2. OBLIGATIONS TO APPOINT measure of equivalent effect contrary to Article
A REPRESENTATIVE OR TO PROVIDE National requirements regulating the stocking 34 TFEU. The consumer cannot take advantage
STORAGE FACILITIES IN THE or storage of imported goods may also amount of this price (83). This area is, however, now partly
IMPORTING MEMBER STATE to a violation of Article 34 TFEU if these national harmonised, and national legislation setting
measures affect imported goods in a discrimina- minimum prices for tobacco should for ex-
The obligation for an importer to have a place tory manner compared with domestic products. ample be assessed in the light of Directive
of business in the Member State of destination This would include any rules which prohibit, limit 95/59/EC of 27 November 1995 on taxes other
was declared by the Court to directly negate or require stocking of imported goods only. A than turnover taxes which affect the consump-
the free movement of goods within the inter- national measure requiring that imported wine- tion of manufactured tobacco. According to
nal market. It found, in fact, that by compel- based spirits be stored for at least six months in the case-law of the Court of Justice, the setting
ling undertakings established in other Member order to qualify for certain quality designations of such minimum selling prices is contrary to
States to incur the cost of establishing a rep- was held by the Court to constitute a measure of Article 9(1) of the directive (84).
resentative in the Member State of import, it equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction (82).
makes it difficult, if not impossible, for certain Maximum prices: Although a maximum price
undertakings, in particular small or medium- Similar obstacles to trade in goods could be applicable without distinction to domestic prod-
sized enterprises, to enter that Member State’s created by any national rules which totally or ucts and imported products does not in itself
market (79). The obligation to appoint a repre- partially confine the use of stocking facilities to constitute a measure having equivalent effect
sentative or agent, a secondary establishment domestic products only, or make the stocking of to a quantitative restriction, it may have such an
or office or storage facilities in the importing imported products subject to conditions which effect if it is fixed at a level which makes the sale of
Member State would likewise in general be are different from those required for domestic the imported product either impossible or more
contrary to Article 34 TFEU. products and are more difficult to satisfy. Con- difficult than that of the domestic product (85).

(77) Case 4/75 Rewe Zentralfinanz [1975] ECR 843.

(78) Case C-272/95 Deutsches Milch-Kontor II [1997] ECR I-1905.
(79) Case 155/82 Commission v Belgium [1983] ECR 531, paragraph 7.
(80) Case 155/82 Commission v Belgium [1983] ECR 531, paragraph 12. See also Case C-12/02 Grilli [2003] ECR I-11585, paragraphs 48 and 49; Case C-193/94 Skanavi and
Chryssanthakopoulos [1996] ECR I-929, paragraphs 36 to 38.
(81) Case 155/82 Commission v Belgium [1983] ECR 531, paragraph 15.
(82) Case 13/78 Eggers [1978] ECR 1935.
(83) Case 231/83 Cullet [1985] ECR 305; Case 82/77 Van Tiggele [1978] ECR 25.
(84) Case C-216/98 Commission v Greece [2000] ECR I-8921 and Case C-302/00 Commission v France [2002] ECR I-2055.
(85) Case 65/75 Tasca [1976] ECR 291; Joined Cases 88/75 to 90/75 SADAM [1976] ECR 323; Case 181/82 Roussel [1983] ECR 3849; Case 13/77 GB-Inno v ATAB [1977] ECR

Page 16
Price freezes: In a case relating to a national regu- from the power of the Member States to organ- the meaning of Article 34 TFEU, since they
lation requiring all price increases to be notified ise their social security systems (88); and, in the encourage insured persons to purchase those
to the authorities at least two months before absence of harmonisation at EU level, the laws products in their home Member State rather
they take effect, the Court has confirmed that of each Member State determine the circum- than in another Member State, and are thus
price freezes which are applicable equally to stances in which social security benefits are liable to curb the import of products in other
national products and to imported products do granted. However, those laws may affect the Member States.
not amount in themselves to a measure having marketing possibilities and in turn may influ-
an equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction. ence the scope for importation. It follows that a 3.3.4. NATIONAL BANS ON
They may, however, produce such an effect de national decision on reimbursement of pharma- SPECIFIC PRODUCTS/SUBSTANCES
facto if prices are at such a level that the mar- ceuticals may have a negative impact on their
keting of imported products becomes either importation and may constitute an obstacle to A ban on the marketing of a specific product
impossible or more difficult than the marketing the free movement of goods. or substance is the most restrictive measure a
of domestic products (86). This will be the case if Member State can adopt from a free movement
importers can market imported products only Furthermore, it follows from the Duphar judg- of goods perspective. The majority of goods
at a loss. ment that provisions of national legislation gov- targeted by national bans are foodstuffs (90),
erning the reimbursement of medical devices including vitamins and other food supple-
Minimum and maximum profit margins set at a within the framework of the national healthcare ments, and chemical substances (91).
specific amount rather than as a percentage of scheme are compatible with Article 34 TFEU
the cost price do not constitute a measure of if determination of the products subject to The justifications most often invoked by Mem-
equivalent effect within the meaning of Article reimbursement and those which are excluded ber States for these stringent measures are the
34 TFEU. The same applies to a fixed retail profit involves no discrimination regarding the origin protection of health and life of humans, animals
margin, which is a proportion of the retail price of the products and is carried out on the basis and plants according to Article 36 TFEU, and
freely determined by the manufacturer, at least of objective and verifiable criteria. It should, the mandatory requirements developed by the
when it constitutes adequate remuneration for moreover, be possible to amend the list of reim- Court case-law, such as the protection of the
the retailer. In contrast, a maximum profit mar- bursed products whenever compliance with the environment. These justificatory grounds are
gin which is fixed at a single amount applicable specified criteria so requires. The ‘objective and often combined. The Member State imposing
both to domestic products and to imports and verifiable criteria’ referred to by the Court may a national ban on a product/substance has to
which fails to make allowance for the cost of concern the existence on the market of other, show that the measure is necessary and, where
importation is caught by Article 34 TFEU (87). less expensive products having the same thera- appropriate, that the marketing of the products
peutic effect, the fact that the items in question in question poses a serious risk to public health
Since the judgment of the Court in Keck and are freely marketed without the need for any and that those rules are in conformity with the
Mithouard, which concerned French legisla- medical prescription, or the fact that products principle of proportionality. This includes pro-
tion prohibiting resale at a loss, it appears that are excluded from reimbursement for reasons viding the relevant evidence, such as technical,
national price control regulations come within of a pharmaco-therapeutic nature justified by scientific, statistical and nutritional data, and all
the concept of ‘selling arrangements’. In this the protection of public health. other relevant information (92).
respect, they fall outside the scope of Article
34 TFEU if they apply to all relevant traders Procedural rules for establishing national reim- Moreover, a Member State bears the burden of
operating within the national territory and if bursement decisions were specified by Direc- proof that the stated aim cannot be achieved
they affect in the same manner, in law and in tive 89/105/EC relating to the transparency of by any other means that has a less restrictive
fact, the marketing of domestic products and measures regulating the prices of medicinal effect on intra-EU trade between the Member
those from other Member States. The fact that products for human use and their inclusion in States (93). For example, in relation to a French
‘price controls’ constitute ‘selling arrangements’ the scope of national health insurance systems. ban on the addition to beverages of caffeine
is confirmed in the judgment of the Court in the above a certain limit, the Court held that ‘appro-
Belgapom case, where the Belgian legislation In the Decker case (89), the Court found that priate labelling, informing consumers about the
prohibiting sales at a loss and sales yielding only national rules, under which reimbursement of nature, the ingredients and the characteristics
a very low profit margin was held to fall outside the cost of medical products is subject to prior of fortified products, can enable consumers
the scope of Article 34 TFEU. authorisation by the competent institution of who risk excessive consumption of a nutrient
a Member State when products are purchased added to those products to decide for them-
Reimbursement of medicinal products: Accord- in another Member State, constitute a restric- selves whether to use them’ (94). Hence, the
ing to the general rule, EU law does not detract tion on the free movement of goods within Court found that the ban on the addition of

(86) Joined Cases 16/79 to 20/79 Danis [1979] ECR 3327.

(87) Case 116/84 Roelstraete [1985] ECR 1705; Case 188/86 Lefèvre [1987] ECR 2963.
(88) See Case 238/82 Duphar [1984] ECR 523 and Case C-70/95 Sodemare and Others [1997] ECR I-3395.
(89) Case C-120/95 Decker [1998] ECR I-1831.
(90) Case 174/82 Sandoz [1983] ECR 2445; Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277; Case C-420/01 Commission v Italy [2003] ECR I-6445; Case C-192/01 Com-
mission v Denmark [2003] ECR I-9693; Case C-41/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR I-11375; Case C-319/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I-9811.
(91) Case C-473/98 Toolex [2000] ECR I-5681.
(92) Case C-270/02 Commission v Italy [2004] ECR I-1559.
(93) Case 104/75 De Peijper [1976] ECR 613.
(94) Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277, paragraph 75.

Page 17
caffeine above a certain limit was not neces- authorised in another Member State. In this Member State to undergo a fresh procedure
sary in order to achieve the aim of consumer case, Member States only comply with their of examination and approval, the Member State
protection. obligations under EU law if those procedures of import must take account of tests or controls
are accessible and can be completed within a carried out in the exporting Member State(s)
The Danish vitamins case (95) concerned the reasonable time and if the banning of a prod- providing equivalent guarantees (102).
Danish administrative practice of prohibiting uct can be challenged before the courts. This
the enrichment of foodstuffs with vitamins and procedure must be expressly provided for in a In Commission v Portugal (103) an undertaking
minerals if it could not be shown that such measure of general application which is binding had been refused the required authorisation
enrichment met a need of Denmark’s popu- on the national authorities. The characteristics by the supervising body for the installation of
lation. The Court initially agreed that it was of this ‘simplified procedure’ were established imported polyethylene pipes, on the grounds
for Denmark itself to decide on its intended by the Court in Case C-344/90 (100). that such pipes had not been approved by
level of protection of human health and life, the national testing body. The certificates the
bearing in mind the principle of proportional- 3.3.5. TYPE-APPROVAL undertaking held, which were issued by an
ity. The Court remarked, however, that Den- Italian testing institute, were not recognised.
mark’s authorities had the burden of proof Type-approval requirements predefine the The Court held that authorities (in this case,
‘to show in each case, in the light of national regulatory, technical and safety conditions a Portuguese) are required to take account of
nutritional habits and in the light of the results product has to fulfil. Accordingly, type-approval certificates issued by the certification bodies
of international scientific research, that their is not confined to a particular industry, since of another Member State, especially if those
rules are necessary to give effective protection such requirements exist for products as diverse bodies are authorised by the Member State
to the interests referred to in that provision as marine equipment, mobile phones, passen- for this purpose. In so far as the Portuguese
and, in particular, that the marketing of the ger cars and medical equipment. authorities did not have sufficient informa-
products in question poses a real risk to pub- tion to verify the certificates in question, they
lic health’ (96). After having assessed the Da- Generally, type-approval is required before a could have obtained that information from the
nish administrative practice at issue, the Court product is allowed to be placed on the market. exporting Member State’s authorities. A pro-
concluded that the measure ‘does not enable Compliance with type-approval requirements is active approach on the part of the national
Community law to be observed in regard to often denoted by a marking on the product. The body to which an application is made for
the identification and assessment of a real CE marking, for example, confirms compliance approval of a product or recognition is required.
risk to public health, which requires a detailed with such requirements either by means of a
assessment, case by case, of the effects which manufacturer’s self-declaration or a third-party 3.3.6. AUTHORISATION
the addition of the minerals and vitamins in certification. PROCEDURE
question could entail’ (97).
While common Europe-wide type-approval National systems subjecting the marketing
In general, the Court has taken a restrictive requirements normally facilitate the market- of goods to prior authorisation restrict access
approach to measures of this kind. However, ing of products in the internal market, national to the market of the importing Member State
in areas where there is no scientific certainty type-approval in non-harmonised areas tends and must therefore be regarded as a measure
of a specific product’s or substance’s impact to create barriers to trade in goods. Diverging having an effect equivalent to a quantitative
on, for example, public health or the environ- product standards make it difficult for manufac- restriction on imports within the meaning of
ment, it has proved more difficult for the Court turers to market the same product in different Article 34 TFEU (104). The Court of Justice has set
to reject such bans (98). In these cases, the so- Member States or may well lead to higher com- a number of conditions under which such prior
called precautionary principle (99) also plays an pliance costs. Obligations requiring national authorisation might be justified (105).
important role in the Court’s overall assessment type-approval prior to the placing of products
of the case. on the market are therefore to be seen as meas- • It must be based on objective, non-discrim-
ures having equivalent effect (101). inatory criteria which are known in advance
It may also happen that Member States, instead to the undertakings concerned, in such a
of an outright ban, simply require a prior Whilst a Member State may for health or safety way as to circumscribe the exercise of the
authorisation, in the interest of public health, reasons be entitled to require a product which national authorities’ discretion, so that it is
for the addition of substances which have been has already received approval in another not used arbitrarily.

(95) Case C-192/01 Commission v Denmark (Danish vitamins) [2003] ECR I-9693.
(96) Ibid., paragraph 46.
(97) Ibid., paragraph 56.
(98) Case C-473/98 Toolex [2000] ECR I-5681; Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277.
(99) See further, Section 6.1.2.
(100) Case C-344/90 Commission v France [1992] ECR I-4719.
(101) Case 21/84 Commission v France [1985] ECR 1355.
(102) Case C-455/01 Commission v Italy [2003] ECR I-12023.
(103) Case C-432/03 Commission v Portugal [2005] ECR I-9665.
(104) See, for instance, Case C-254/05 Commission v Belgium [2007] ECR I-4269; Case C-432/03 Commission v Portugal [2005] ECR I-9665, paragraph 41; Case C-249/07 Com-
mission v Netherlands, not yet published in the ECR, paragraph 26.
(105) See Case C-390/99 Canal Satélite Digital [2002] ECR I-607.

Page 18
• It should not essentially duplicate controls • a requirement for margarine to be sold be treated under Cassis de Dijon and are there-
which have already been carried out in the in cubic packaging to distinguish it from fore considered to fall per se within the scope
context of other procedures, either in the butter (107); of Article 34 TFEU without any need to deter-
same Member State or in another Member mine whether they are also discriminatory (111),
State. • a prohibition by a Member State on the mar- whereas selling arrangements are subject to
keting of articles made from precious met- a discrimination test. However, as Advocate
• A prior authorisation procedure will be nec- als without the requisite (official national) General Maduro pointed out, the Court had
essary only where subsequent control must hallmarks (108); to qualify the simplicity of the distinction laid
be regarded as being too late to be genu- down in the Keck and Mithouard judgment (112).
inely effective and to enable it to achieve • a prohibition on the marketing of videos Consequently, certain rules which appear to fall
the aim pursued. and DVDs sold by mail order and over the into the category of selling arrangements are
Internet which do not bear an age-limit treated as rules relating to products. This is true
• The procedure should not, on account of its label corresponding to a classification deci- in particular of measures relating to advertising
duration and the disproportionate costs to sion from a higher regional authority or a where it appears that they affect the conditions
which it gives rise, be such as to deter the national self-regulation body (109). which the goods must meet (113). However, the
operators concerned from pursuing their more usual approach followed by the Court
business plan. 3.3.8. ADVERTISING RESTRICTIONS since Keck and Mithouard has been based on
the foundation that restrictions to advertising
3.3.7. TECHNICAL REGULATIONS On many occasions before Keck and Mithouard, and promotion are to be considered as ‘selling
CONTAINING REQUIREMENTS the Court held that national measures impos- arrangements’ (114) and, if non-discriminatory,
AS TO THE PRESENTATION OF ing advertising restrictions were covered by would fall outside the scope of Article 34 TFEU.
GOODS (WEIGHT, COMPOSITION, Article 34 TFEU. One such case was Oosthoek
PRESENTATION, LABELLING, FORM, (Case 286/81) concerning a ban on offering or The approach of the Court in advertising cases
SIZE, PACKAGING) giving free gifts, for sales promotion purposes. It seems to be based on three main steps. Firstly,
held that ‘legislation which restricts or prohibits it holds that certain methods of promoting the
Requirements to be met by imported products certain forms of advertising and certain means sale of a product are selling arrangements. Sec-
as regards shape, size, weight composition, of sales promotion may, although it does not ondly, it proceeds to examine the scope of the
presentation, identification or putting up may directly affect imports, be such as to restrict advertising restriction (whether outright prohi-
force manufacturers and importers to adapt the their volume because it affects marketing bition or not). Thirdly, it proceeds to examine
products in question to the rules in force in the opportunities for the imported products’ (110). discrimination (whether the national restriction
Member State in which they are marketed, for in question affects the marketing of goods from
example by altering the labelling of imported Since Keck and Mithouard, the Court has in some other Member States differently from that of
products (106). Given that such requirements as respects appeared to adopt a different approach domestic goods). In a number of cases the Court
to the presentation of the goods are directly (regarding treating advertising restrictions as seems to link the scope of the restriction (total
interlinked with the product itself, they are not selling arrangements), but in other respects or partial) with discrimination. In other words,
considered to be selling arrangements, but as both Advocates General and the Court follow if the restriction is total, it is presumed that it
measures having equivalent effect according and elaborate on the same approach (regarding could have a greater impact on imported prod-
to Article 34 TFEU. the intrinsic importance of advertising to the ucts (115) and, if partial, that it could be affecting
free movement of goods). As explained above domestic and imported products in the same
The following measures, for example, have under Keck and Mithouard, ‘rules that lay down way (116). However, it should be stressed that
been deemed contrary to Article 34 TFEU: requirements to be met by goods’ continue to the Court in Dior (117) and Gourmet International

(106) Case C-33/97 Colim [1999] ECR I-3175, paragraph 37, and Case C-416/00 Morellato [2003] ECR I-9343, paragraphs 29 and 30.
(107) Case 261/81 Rau v De Smedt [1982] ECR 3961.
(108) Case C-30/99 Commission v Ireland [2001] ECR I-4619.
(109) Case C-244/06 Dynamic Medien [2008] ECR I-505; in this judgment the trade barriers were, however, considered justified for reasons of the protection of minors.
(110) Paragraph 15. See also pre-Keck and Mithouard cases: Case 362/88 GB-INNO-BM [1990] ECR I-667 and Joined Cases C-1/90 and C-176/90 Aragonesa de Publicidad
Exterior and Publivía [1991] ECR I-4151.
(111) P. Oliver, Free movement of goods in the European Community, 2003, p. 124.
(112) Opinion in Joined Cases C-158/04 and C-159/04 Alfa Vita Vassilopoulos and Carrefour-Marinopoulos [2006] ECR I-8135, paragraphs 26 to 29.
(113) Case C-470/93 Mars [1995] ECR I-1923, paragraph 13 (measure requires additional packaging and advertising costs). See also Case C-368/95 Familiapress [1997] ECR
I-3689, paragraph 11.
(114) See Case C-292/92 Hünermund and Others [1993] ECR I-6787 (ban on advertising ‘parapharmaceutical’ products outside the confines of pharmacies) and Case
C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec [1995] ECR I-179 (restriction of television advertising); P. Oliver, Free movement of goods in the European Community, 2003, point 7.43.
(115) In this context see Case C-405/98 Gourmet International Products [2001] ECR I-1795; Joined Cases C-34/95 to C-36/95 De Agostini and TV-Shop [1997] ECR I-3843;
and Case C-239/02 Douwe Egberts [2004] ECR I-7007 (prohibiting references to ‘slimming’ and ‘medical recommendations, attestations, declarations or statements of
(116) In this context see Case C-292/92 Hünermund and Others [1993] ECR I-6787 and Case C-71/02 Karner [2004] ECR I-3025 (prohibiting references to the fact that goods
come from an insolvent estate).
(117) Case C-337/95 Dior [1997] ECR I-6013.

Page 19
Products (118) indicated that some advertis- new requirements, so that a smooth function- tradition of the region in question (125). Also,
ing bans might not necessarily impact more ing of the system can be guaranteed. such an obligation may be justified in a case
strongly on imports (119). where otherwise consumers might be misled
In Case 302/86 (121), the Court analysed a by, for example, the packaging or labelling of
3.3.9. DEPOSIT OBLIGATIONS deposit-and-return system for beer and soft the product.
drink containers introduced by Denmark,
Deposit-and-return systems, especially in the whereby in principle only the authorised Measures which encourage or give preference
beverages sector, have given rise to continued standardised containers could be used. While to the purchase of domestic products only are
discussions in the light of environmental legisla- the Court upheld the deposit-and-return sys- measures of equivalent effect under Article
tion and internal market rules in past years. For tem as it was deemed to be an indispensable 34 TFEU. The most famous case of such incite-
market operators engaged in several Member element of a system intended to ensure the ment to buy national products was Commission
States, such systems often make it impossible reuse of containers and therefore necessary to v Ireland (Buy Irish) (126), which involved a large-
to sell the same product in the same packaging achieve the environmental objectives, it con- scale campaign encouraging the purchase of
in several Member States. Instead, producers sidered both the limitation to standardised domestic goods rather than imported products.
or importers are required to adapt the packag- containers and the authorisation requirement The Court decided that, as the campaign was a
ing to the needs of each individual Member as disproportionate. clear attempt to reduce the flow of imports, it
State, which usually leads to additional costs. infringed Article 34 TFEU.
Accordingly, these measures have an impact on 3.3.10. INDICATIONS OF ORIGIN,
the product itself and not only on the specific QUALITY MARKS, INCITEMENT Member States can permit organisations to
selling arrangement. The effect of such sys- TO BUY NATIONAL PRODUCTS encourage the purchase of specific types of
tems, i.e. the partition of markets, often runs fruit and vegetables, for example by men-
counter to the idea of a truly internal market. As a general rule, a state-imposed obligation tioning their particular properties, even if the
Therefore, national requirements in this sense to make a declaration of origin constitutes a varieties are typical of national products, so
may be considered as a barrier to trade under measure of equivalent effect contrary to Art- long as consumers are not being advised to
Article 34 TFEU. icle 34 TFEU. In cases where Member States buy domestic goods solely by virtue of their
themselves run or support a promotional national origin (127).
Despite being qualified as a trade barrier, they campaign involving quality/origin labelling,
may be justified, for example, by reasons relat- the Court has ruled that such schemes have, at 3.3.11. OBLIGATION TO USE
ing to protection of the environment. In two least potentially, restrictive effects on the free THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE
judgments on the German mandatory deposit movement of goods between Member States.
system for non-reusable beverage packaging, Such a scheme, set up in order to promote the Language requirements imposed in non-har-
the Court of Justice confirmed that, as EU law distribution of some products made in a certain monised areas constitute a barrier to intra-EU
stands, Member States are entitled to choose country or region and for which the advertising trade prohibited by Article 34 TFEU in so far as
between a deposit-and-return system, a global message underlines the origin of the relevant products coming from other Member States have
packaging-collection system or a combination products, may encourage consumers to buy to be given different labelling involving additional
of the two systems (120). Where a Member State such products to the exclusion of imported packaging costs (128). This obligation may take
opts for a deposit-and-return system, certain products (122). The same rule applies in the case many forms in relation to goods: declarations,
conditions have to be met in order for the sys- of markings which establish not the country of advertising messages, warranties, technical
tem to comply with the provisions of Directive production but the conformity of the product instructions, instructions on use, etc.
94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste with national standards (123).
and with Articles 34–36 TFEU. The Member The obligation to use a given language at stages
State must, for example, ensure that the system A Member State’s rules on origin/quality prior to sale to the final consumer cannot be
is fully operational, covers the whole territory marking might be acceptable if the product justified on consumer protection grounds, since
and is open to every producer or distributor concerned does in fact possess qualities and this type of requirement is not necessary; pro-
in a non-discriminatory manner. In addition, a characteristics which are due to the fact that it ducers, importers, wholesalers and retailers
sufficient transitional period must be granted originated in a specific geographical area (124), who are the only persons involved in the hand-
to allow producers and distributors to adapt to or if the origin indicates a special place in the ling of the goods will conduct their business

(118) Case C-405/98 Gourmet International Products [2001] ECR I-1795.

(119) P. Oliver and S. Enchelmaier, ‘Free movement of goods: Recent developments in the case-law’ (2007), CML Rev. 649, p. 675.
(120) Case C-463/01 Commission v Germany [2004] ECR I-11705; Case C-309/02 Radlberger Getränkegesellschaft and S. Spitz [2004] ECR I-11763.
(121) Case 302/86 Commission v Denmark [1988] ECR 4607.
(122) Case C-325/00 Commission v Germany [2002] ECR I-9977 (‘aus deutschen Landen frisch auf den Tisch’); Case C-6/02 Commission v France [2003] ECR I-2389; Case
C-255/03 Commission v Belgium, not published in the ECR.
(123) Case C-227/06 Commission v Belgium, not published in the ECR.
(124) Case 12/74 Commission v Germany [1975] ECR 181.
(125) Case 113/80 Commission v Ireland [1981] ECR 1625.
(126) Case 249/81 Commission v Ireland [1982] ECR 4005.
(127) Case 222/82 Apple and Pear Development Council [1983] ECR 4083.
(128) Case C-33/97 Colim [1999] ECR I-3175.

Page 20
in the language which they know well, or in the use of means other than translation would Court mutatis mutandis emphasised the import-
which they will be able to obtain the particular not be suitable for providing consumers with ance of the Internet to the sale of a product.
information they need. the appropriate information. Nevertheless, this Then it explained how such an outright ban
principle of proportionality requires a case-by- is more of an obstacle to pharmacies outside
Sales to the final consumer are a different mat- case approach. Germany than those within it and hence the
ter. The difference in approach is understand- measure is in breach of Article 34 TFEU.
able, given that — unlike operators, for whom 3.3.12. RESTRICTIONS
such knowledge goes with their business or ON DISTANCE SELLING (INTERNET More specifically, the Court held that for phar-
who are in a position to obtain the information SALES, MAIL ORDER, ETC.) macies not established in Germany the Internet
needed — the consumer cannot be assumed provides a more significant way to gain ‘direct
to easily understand the languages of the other With the advancement of information and access’ to the German market (134). The Court
Member States. communication technologies, goods are now explained that a prohibition which has a greater
increasingly being traded within the internal impact on pharmacies established outside Ger-
In its judgment in Case C-366/98 Geffroy (129), market through these channels. Thus, it is not many could impede access to the market for
the Court ruled that Article 34 TFEU ‘must be surprising that the role of Article 34 TFEU in products from other Member States more than
interpreted as precluding a national rule ... Internet transactions involving the transfer of it impedes access for domestic products.
from requiring the use of a specific language goods from one Member State to another has
for the labelling of foodstuffs, without allowing led to cases before the Court of Justice. The Court then examined possible justifica-
for the possibility of using another language tions. As regards justifications in relation to
easily understood by purchasers or of ensuring The questions referred to the Court in Deutscher non-prescription medicines, the Court held
that the purchaser is informed by other means’. Apothekerverband (132) arose in national pro- that none of the reasons advanced could pro-
ceedings concerning Internet sales of medici- vide a valid basis for an absolute prohibition
The Court stated in Case C-85/94 Piageme (130), nal products for human use in a Member State on the sale by mail order of non-prescription
concerning determination of a language easily other than that in which DocMorris was estab- medicines.
understood by consumers, that various factors lished. German law at that time prohibited the
may be taken into account, such as ‘the possible sale by mail order of medicinal products which As regards prescription medicines, the Court
similarity of words in different languages, the may be sold only in pharmacies. first pointed out that the supply of such medi-
widespread knowledge amongst the popula- cines to the public needs to be more strictly
tion concerned of more than one language, or The first question referred by the national court controlled. The Court held that, given the
the existence of special circumstances such as was whether Article 34 TFEU is infringed in the risks attached to the use of these medicines,
a wide-ranging advertising campaign or wide- event that authorised medicinal products, the the need to be able to check effectively the
spread distribution of the product, provided sale of which is restricted to pharmacies in the authenticity of doctors’ prescriptions and to
that it can be established that the consumer is Member State concerned, may not be imported ensure that the medicine is handed over to the
given sufficient information’. commercially by mail order through pharmacies customer, or to a person to whom its collection
approved in other Member States in response has been entrusted by the customer, is such as
It follows from the general principle of propor- to an individual order over the Internet. to justify a prohibition on mail-order sales (135).
tionality that the Member States may adopt Furthermore, the Court held that prohibitions
national measures requiring that certain par- The Court started by treating this national may be justified on grounds of the financial bal-
ticulars of domestic or imported products be restriction as a selling arrangement. Under Keck ance of the social security system or the integ-
given in a language that is easily understood by and Mithouard, a selling arrangement would rity of the national health system (136).
the consumer. Furthermore, this national meas- be caught by Article 34 TFEU if it is discrimina-
ure must not exclude the possible use of other tory. In determining discrimination the Court 3.3.13. RESTRICTIONS
means of informing consumers, such as designs, points to a connection between the scope of ON THE IMPORTATION
symbols and pictograms (131). Finally, and in all the restrictive measure and discrimination. OF GOODS FOR PERSONAL USE
circumstances, a measure of that kind must be Firstly, along the lines of De Agostini and TV-
restricted to the information made mandatory Shop (regarding the importance of advertising Article 34 TFEU not only gives enterprises the
by the Member State concerned and for which to the sale of the product in question) (133), the right to import goods for commercial purposes

(129) Case C-366/98 Geffroy [2000] ECR I-6579.

(130) Case C-85/94 Piageme [1995] ECR I-2955.
(131) Case C-33/97 Colim [1999] ECR I-3175, paragraphs 41 to 43.
(132) C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband [2003] ECR I-14887.
(133) Joined Cases C-34/95 to C-36/95 De Agostini and TV-Shop [1997] ECR I-3843, paragraphs 43 and 44. Advocate General Geelhoed (Case C-239/02 Douwe Egberts [2004]
ECR I-7007, point 68) contrasts this reasoning with the reasoning of the Court in Case C-292/92 Hünermund and Others ([1993] ECR I-6787) and Case C-412/93 Leclerc-Siplec
([1995] ECR I-179). He argued that the advertising prohibitions in the last two cases were limited in scale. He pointed out that the Court in the last two cases attached
importance to the fact that the restrictions in question did not affect the opportunities for other traders to advertise the products concerned by other means. In other
words, ‘the function which advertising performed in relation to gaining access to the market for the products concerned remained intact’.
(134) Case C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband [2003] ECR I-14887, paragraph 74.
(135) Paragraph 119.
(136) Paragraph 123.

Page 21
but also entitles individuals to import goods be justified by the protection of public health. It use not having a marketing authorisation. The
for personal use as shown in Schumacher (137). explained that the purchase of medicinal prepa- accused submitted that the national author-
A private individual in this case ordered for rations at a pharmacy in another Member State isation requirements could not be applied to
his own personal use a medicinal preparation provided a guarantee equivalent to that of a farmers who were importing products not for
from France. However, the customs authorities domestic pharmacy. This conclusion was also commercial purposes but for their own pur-
in Germany, where the individual was residing, supported by the fact that the conditions for poses. The Court held that Member States are
refused to grant clearance of the product in access to the profession of pharmacist and for obliged to submit imports of plant protection
question. In a referral to the Court of Justice, the the exercise of that profession are regulated by products into their territory to a procedure of
national court asked whether legislation which secondary EU law. examination, which can take the form of a ‘sim-
prohibited a private individual from importing plified’ procedure, the purpose of which is to
for his personal use a medicinal preparation However, as shown in Escalier and Bonnarel (138), verify whether a product requires a marketing
that was authorised in the Member State of private individuals who import goods for use authorisation or whether it should be treated as
importation, was available there without pre- on their own property may also be subject to already having been authorised in the Member
scription and had been purchased at a phar- certain obligations also applicable to import- State of importation (139). The Court pointed
macy in another Member State, was contrary to ers for commercial purposes. In this case out that the above principles hold good irre-
Articles 34 and 36 TFEU. The Court first pointed criminal proceedings were brought against spective of the purpose of importation and,
out that such legislation constituted a breach two individuals who were accused of hav- consequently, they are equally applicable to
of Article 34 TFEU. Examining any possible jus- ing in their possession, and intending to use, farmers who import products solely for the
tifications, it held that the measure could not pesticidal products designed for agricultural needs of their farms.

(137) Case 215/87 Schumacher [1989] ECR 617.

(138) Joined Cases C-260/06 and C-261/06 Escalier and Bonnarel [2007] ECR I-9717.
(139) Paragraph 32.

Page 22
4. Other specific issues
under Article 34 TFEU
4.1. Parallel imports • the imported product has been granted pharmaceuticals, for example, this means
of medicinal and plant a marketing authorisation in the Member transactions where medicinal products are
protection products State of origin; and imported into a Member State in which they are
authorised, having been previously obtained
Parallel trade in products is a lawful form of • the imported product is essentially similar by a pharmacy in another Member State from
trade within the internal market. It is ‘paral- to a product that has already received mar- a wholesaler in the importing Member State.
lel’ in the sense that it involves products that keting authorisation in the Member State In this respect the Court held that a product
are essentially similar to products marketed of destination. manufactured in a Member State which is
through manufacturers’ or original suppliers’ exported and then reimported into this Mem-
distribution networks, but takes place outside Seeking to balance the rights of parallel tra- ber State constitutes an imported product in
(often alongside) those networks. Parallel trade ders with the need to preserve certain public the same way as a product manufactured in
comes about as a result of price divergence of interest objectives, such as public health and another Member State (145). However, the Court
pharmaceuticals (140) or pesticides (141), when, environmental protection, the Commission has pointed out that these findings do not apply if it
for example, Member States set or by other produced guidance on parallel imports in the is established that the products concerned were
means control the price of products sold within following texts: exported for the sole purpose of reimportation
their respective markets. Parallel trade creates in order to circumvent legislation such as that
in principle healthy competition and price • ‘Guideline developed within the Standing under consideration (146).
reductions for consumers and is a direct con- Committee on Plant Health concerning
sequence of the development of the internal parallel trade of plant protection products
market, which guarantees the free movement within the EU and the EEA’ (2001) (142); 4.2. Car registration
of goods.
• Commission communication on parallel Current national laws provide in general for
Although the safety and initial marketing of imports of proprietary medicinal products three different steps to obtain the registra-
medicinal products and plant protection prod- for which marketing authorisations have tion of a motor vehicle. Firstly, there needs to
ucts are regulated by EU legislation, the prin- already been granted (2003) (143). be approval of the technical characteristics of
ciples surrounding the legality of parallel trade the motor vehicle, which in many cases will be
in these products have emerged from judg- In the course of a legislative exercise amend- the EC type-approval. Some types of motor
ments of the Court based on the Treaty provi- ing EU legislation on plant protection prod- vehicles, however, are still subject to national
sions on the free movement of goods. ucts (144), it was proposed in 2007 to include approval procedures. Secondly, the roadworthi-
express provisions governing parallel trade in ness testing of used vehicles is carried out, the
With regard to medicinal products and pesti- these products. The entry into force of the pro- objective of which is to verify, for the purposes
cides, when the information necessary for the posed regulation of the European Parliament of protecting the health and life of humans, that
purposes of public health protection or envir- and of the Council concerning the placing of the specific motor vehicle is actually in a good
onmental safety is already available to the plant protection products on the market will state of repair at the time of registration. Finally,
competent authorities of the Member State mean that the parallel importation of plant there is the registration of the motor vehicle
of destination as a result of the first marketing protection products will become harmonised authorising its entry into service in road traffic,
of a product in this Member State, a parallel at EU level and will no longer be governed by involving identification of the motor vehicle
imported product is subject to a licence granted Article 34 TFEU. and the issuing to it of a registration number.
on the basis of a proportionally ‘simplified’ pro-
cedure (compared with a marketing authorisa- Parallel trade needs moreover to be distin- In 2007 the Commission updated the interpre-
tion procedure), provided: guished from reimportation. In the case of tative communication on procedures for the

(140) Case C-201/94 Smith & Nephew [1996] ECR I-5819.

(141) Case C-100/96 British Agrochemicals Association [1999] ECR I-1499; Case C-201/06 Commission v France [2008] ECR I-735, paragraph 33.
(142) 6 December 2001, Sanco/223/2000 rev. 9.
(143) COM(2003) 839 final (
(144) Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the placing of plant protection products on the market (COM(2006) 388 final).
(145) Case C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband [2003] ECR I-14887, paragraph 127. See to this effect Case 229/83 Leclerc and Others [1985] ECR 1, paragraph 26, and
Case C-240/95 Schmit [1996] ECR I-3179, paragraph 10.
(146) Case C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband [2003] ECR I-14887, paragraph 129.

Page 23
registration of motor vehicles originating in EC type-approved vehicles accompanied another Member State if the previous
another Member State (147). This communica- by a valid certificate of conformity may not registration certificate of the vehicle fully
tion sets out, in detail, the minimum conditions be required to undergo a new approval of complies with the model in Directive
that car registration procedures must fulfil. their technical characteristics or to com- 1999/37/EC. However, national authori-
ply with additional technical requirements ties may request the EC certificate of con-
For motor vehicles previously registered in concerning their construction and func- formity for a vehicle previously registered
another Member State, the Member State of tioning, unless they have been modified in another Member State when the non-
registration may request submission of the fol- after leaving the manufacturer’s factory. harmonised registration certificate of the
lowing documents only. other Member State does not allow them
Motor vehicles which are not EC type- to identify the motor vehicle with suffi-
(1) The original or a copy of the registration approved benefit from national type- cient precision. If the motor vehicle has no
certificate issued in another Member State: approval or national individual approval EC certificate of conformity, the national
The harmonised registration certificate procedures. Previously, national approval authorities may request a national certifi-
issued by a Member State must be recog- procedures for motor vehicles which have cate of conformity.
nised by the other Member States for the already obtained a national approval in
vehicle’s re-registration in its territory (148). another Member State and for motor (3) Proof of payment of VAT, if the vehicle is
However, many vehicles registered before vehicles that were already registered in new for VAT purposes.
2004 still carry the non-harmonised regis- another Member State fell within the
tration certificate. scope of Articles 34 and 36 TFEU (150). (4) A certificate of insurance.
Now, under the new type-approval
(2) The EC or national certificate of con- Directive 2007/46/EC, national and indi- (5) A roadworthiness certificate if road-
formity: All series-built passenger cars vidual approval procedures are harmon- worthiness testing is obligatory for all re-
approved since 1996 are in principle ised. While the validity of the approval registrations of motor vehicles previously
subject to EC type-approval (149). This is is restricted to the Member State that registered in the same or another Member
a procedure whereby it is certified that granted the approval, another Member State. Roadworthiness testing prior to
a type of vehicle satisfies all applicable State must permit the sale, registration or registration must at least fulfil the same
European safety and environmental entry into service of the vehicle unless it procedural conditions as the approval of
protection requirements. The EC type- has reasonable grounds for believing that the technical characteristics of the motor
approval is valid in all Member States. The the technical provisions used for granting vehicle (151).
manufacturer, in his or her capacity as the the approval are not equivalent to its own.
holder of the EC type-approval, issues an In a recent judgment the Court confirmed that
EC certificate of conformity which shows National authorities may not request the general prohibitions to register imported used
that the vehicle has been manufactured in submission of an EC certificate of conform- vehicles infringe Article 34 TFEU (152).
conformity with the approved type. New ity for a vehicle previously registered in

(147) Commission interpretative communication on procedures for the registration of motor vehicles originating in another Member State (OJ C 68, 24.3.2007, p. 15).
(148) Pursuant to Article 4 of Council Directive 1999/37/EC of 29 April 1999 on the registration documents for vehicles (OJ L 138, 1.6.1999, p. 57).
(149) The subject matter is governed by Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the
approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (OJ L 263, 9.10.2007, p. 1). Directive
2007/46/EC replaces Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February 1970 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor
vehicles and their trailers.
(150) Case 406/85 Gofette and Gilliard [1987] ECR 2525.
(151) Case 50/85 Schloh v Auto contrôle technique [1986] ECR 1855; Case C-451/99 Cura Anlagen [2002] ECR I-3193.
(152) Case C-524/07 Commission v Austria, not published in the ECR.

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5. Export barriers (Article 35 TFEU)
Article 35 TFEU states that: ‘Quantitative restric- There are several reasons for this narrow inter- Groenveld principle (‘at the expense of the
tions on exports, and all measures having pretation of Article 35 TFEU. Firstly, in the case production or of the trade of other Mem-
equivalent effect, shall be prohibited between of imports, non-discriminatory measures may ber States’) (157). Such a test, which has been
Member States’. put a dual burden on importers since they have applied in a series of judgments by the
to comply with the rules in their own country Court (158), is in line with developments in the
and in the country of importation. Thus, such area of the free movement of workers (159) and
5.1. ‘Exports’ measures are perceived to be rightly caught of services (160).
by EU law protecting the internal market. This
In the context of Article 35 TFEU, the term is not the case for exporters, who merely fol- Furthermore, in some cases the Court did not
‘exports’ refers to trade between Member low the rules laid down for the domestic mar- refer to the requirement for providing particu-
States, i.e. exports from one Member State ket. Secondly, if the scope of Article 35 TFEU lar advantage for national production (161). In a
to other Member States. It does not apply to were too wide, it would encompass restrictions recent preliminary ruling (162), the Court dealt
exports to a country outside the EU. which have no bearing on intra-EU trade (154). with Belgian legislation prohibiting the seller
from requesting any advance payment or pay-
In the Rioja case the difference in treatment ment during the seven-day ‘withdrawal’ period
5.2. Quantitative came as a consequence of better manufactur- during which a consumer can withdraw from a
restrictions and measures ing or trading conditions for domestic com- distance contract. Although the prohibition on
having equivalent effect panies (155). In the Consorzio del Prosciutto di receiving advance payments is applicable to
Parma and Salumificio S. Rita case this was all traders active in the national territory, the
Although Article 35 TFEU and Article 34 TFEU effectuated by procuring a special advantage Court considers that its actual effect is none-
have very similar wording, there is a distinct dif- for undertakings situated in the region of pro- theless greater on goods leaving the market
ference between the two in that Article 35 TFEU duction as the use of the protected designation of the exporting Member State than on the
basically applies only to measures which dis- ‘Prosciutto di Parma’ for ham marketed in slices marketing of goods in the domestic market of
criminate against goods. This principle was was made subject to the condition that slicing that Member State. Interestingly enough, in this
established in the Groenveld case (153), in which and packaging operations be carried out in the case the effects of the barrier primarily hamper
the Court stated that Article 35 TFEU ‘concerns region of production (156). Such benefits for the the trading activities of companies established
national measures which have as their specific domestic market lead to competitive disadvan- in the Member State of export and not in the
object or effect the restriction of patterns of tages for businesses established in other Mem- Member State of destination.
exports and thereby the establishment of a dif- ber States due to additional costs that may occur
ference between the domestic trade of a Mem- or due to the difficulties of procuring certain Overall, the general approach followed by the
ber State and its export trade in such a way as products, which are necessary in order to enter Court seems to be that Article 35 TFEU catches
to provide a particular advantage for national into competition with the domestic market. trade barriers that have an actual and specific
production or for the domestic market of the effect on exports and that create a difference
state in question at the expense of the produc- In some of its Article 35 TFEU decisions the in treatment between trade within a Member
tion or of the trade of other Member States’. Court omitted the last requirement of the State and exports.

(153) Case 15/79 Groenveld [1979] ECR 3409; see also Case C-12/02 Marco Grilli [2003] ECR I-11585, paragraph 41.
(154) P. Oliver and S. Enchelmaier: ‘Free movement of goods: Recent developments in the case-law’, CML Rev. 44 (2007), p. 686.
(155) Case C-47/90 Delhaize v Promalvin (Rioja) [1992] ECR I-3669 (in this case the Court omitted the requirement of providing a particular advantage for national produc-
tion in its reasoning, even if it was manifestly present in the facts).
(156) Case C-108/01 Consorzio del Prosciutto di Parma and Salumificio S. Rita [2003] ECR I-5121.
(157) Case 155/80 Oebel [1981] ECR 1993.
(158) Case C-47/90 Delhaize v Promalvin [1992] ECR I-3669, paragraph 12; Case C-80/92 Commission v Belgium [1994] ECR I-1019, paragraph 24; Case C-203/96 Dusseldorp
and Others [1998] ECR I-4075; Case C-209/98 Sydhavnens Sten & Grus [2000] ECR I-3743, paragraph 34.
(159) Case C-415/93 Bosman [1995] ECR I-4921; Case C-18/95 Terhoeve [1999] ECR I-345.
(160) Case C-384/93 Alpine Investments [1995] ECR I-1141.
(161) Case C-388/95 Belgium v Spain [2000] ECR I-3123, paragraph 41.
(162) Case C-205/07 Gysbrechts and Santurel Inter [2008] ECR I-9947.

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6. Justifications for barriers
to trade
6.1. Article 36 TFEU monisation, it is up to Member States to define hibition on imports of products the marketing
their own levels of protection. In the case of par- of which is restricted but not prohibited will be
Article 36 TFEU lists the defences that could tial harmonisation, the harmonising legislation discriminatory and in breach of the ‘free move-
be used by Member States to justify national itself quite often explicitly authorises Member ment of goods’ provisions. Most of the cases
measures that impede cross-border trade: ‘The States to maintain or adopt stricter measures where the Court has directly admitted the public
provisions of Articles 34 to 35 shall not preclude provided they are compatible with the Treaty. morality justification have concerned obscene,
prohibitions or restrictions on imports, exports In such cases the Court will have to evaluate the indecent articles (168), while in other cases where
or goods in transit justified on grounds of public provisions in question under Article 36 TFEU. public morality was also invoked, other inter-
morality, public policy or public security; the linked justifications were found (public interest
protection of health and life of humans, animals Even if a measure is justifiable under one of the in gambling cases (169), protection of minors in
or plants; the protection of national treasures Article 36 TFEU derogations, it must not ‘con- the case of marking of videos and DVDs) (170).
possessing artistic, historic or archaeological stitute a means of arbitrary discrimination or a
value; or the protection of industrial and com- disguised restriction on trade between Member Public policy is interpreted very strictly by the
mercial property’. States’. The second part of Article 36 TFEU is Court of Justice and has rarely succeeded as
designed to avoid abuse on the part of Mem- grounds for a derogation under Article 36 TFEU.
The case-law of the Court additionally pro- ber States. As the Court has stated, ‘the func- For example, it will not succeed if it is intended
vides for so-called mandatory requirements tion of the second sentence of Article [36] is as a general safeguard clause or only to serve
(e.g. environmental protection) on which a to prevent restrictions on trade based on the protectionist economic ends. Where an alterna-
Member State may also rely to defend national grounds mentioned in the first sentence from tive Article 36 TFEU derogation would apply,
measures. being diverted from their proper purpose and the Court of Justice tends to use the alterna-
used in such a way as to create discrimination tive or public policy justification in conjunction
The Court of Justice interprets narrowly the in respect of goods originating in other Member with other possible justifications (171). The public
list of derogations in Article 36 TFEU, which all States or indirectly to protect certain national policy justification alone was accepted in one
relate to non-economic interests (163). More- products’ (167), i.e. to adopt protectionist meas- exceptional case, where a Member State was
over, any measure must respect the principle of ures. restricting the import and export of gold-collec-
proportionality. The burden of proof in justify- tors’ coins. The Court held that it was justified
ing the measures adopted according to Article 6.1.1. PUBLIC MORALITY, POLICY on grounds of public policy because it stemmed
36 TFEU lies with the Member State (164), but AND SECURITY from the need to protect the right to mint coin-
when a Member State provides convincing jus- age, which is traditionally regarded as involving
tifications it is then for the Commission to show Member States may decide to ban a product on the fundamental interests of the state (172).
that the measures taken are not appropriate in morality grounds. While it is up to each Mem-
that particular case (165). ber State to set the standards enabling goods Public security justification has been advanced
to comply with national provisions concerning in a specific area, namely the EU energy mar-
Article 36 TFEU cannot be relied on to justify morality, the fact remains that that discretion ket, but the decision should be limited to the
deviations from harmonised EU legislation (166). must be exercised in conformity with the obliga- precise facts and is not of wide applicability. In
On the other hand, where there is no EU har- tions arising under EU law. For example, any pro- one such case a Member State ordered petrol

(163) Case C-120/95 Decker [1998] ECR I-1831; Case 72/83 Campus Oil [1984] ECR 2727.
(164) Case 251/78 Denkavit Futtermittel [1979] ECR 3369.
(165) Case C-55/99 Commission v France [2000] ECR I-11499.
(166) Case C-473/98 Toolex [2000] ECR I-5681; Case 5/77 Tedeschi v Denkavit [1977] ECR 1555.
(167) Case 34/79 Henn and Darby [1979] ECR 3795, paragraph 21, as well as Joined Cases C-1/90 and C-176/90 Aragonesa de Publicidad Exterior and Publivía [1991] ECR
I-4151, paragraph 20.
(168) Case 121/85 Conegate [1986] ECR 1007; Case 34/79 Henn and Darby [1979] ECR 3795.
(169) Case C-275/92 Schindler [1994] ECR I-1039, paragraph 58, and the case-law cited, and Case C-124/97 Läärä and Others [1999] ECR I-6067, paragraph 33.
(170) Case C-244/06 Dynamic Medien [2008] ECR I-505.
(171) It has been admitted by the Court that legislation ‘which has as its objective the control of the consumption of alcohol so as to prevent the harmful effects caused
to health and society by alcoholic substances, and thus seeks to combat alcohol abuse, reflects health and public policy concerns recognised by Article [36 TFEU]’; Case
C-434/04 Ahokainen and Leppik [2006] ECR I-9171, paragraph 28.
(172) Case 7/78 Thompson [1978] ECR 2247.

Page 26
importers to purchase up to 35 % of their petrol under which Member States usually try to justify considerable leeway in deciding on what meas-
requirements from a national petrol company obstacles to the free movement of goods. While ures to take (181). However, the measures cannot
at prices fixed by the government. The Court of the Court’s case-law is very extensive in this be based on ‘purely hypothetical considera-
Justice held that the measure was clearly pro- area, there are some principal rules that have tions’ (182).
tectionist and constituted a breach of Article to be observed: the protection of health cannot
34 TFEU. However, it was held to be justified on be invoked if the real purpose of the measure is Generally, when Member States wish to main-
the grounds of public security, i.e. for maintain- to protect the domestic market, even though in tain or introduce measures to protect health
ing a viable oil refinery to meet supply in times the absence of harmonisation it is for a Mem- under Article 36 TFEU, the burden of proving the
of crisis (173). ber State to decide on the level of protection; necessity of such measures rests with them (183).
the measures adopted have to be proportion- That this is also the case in situations where the
The Court has also accepted the justification on ate, i.e. restricted to what is necessary to attain precautionary principle is concerned has been
the grounds of public security in cases involving the legitimate aim of protecting public health. confirmed by the Court of Justice in a number
trade in strategically sensitive goods (174) and Furthermore, measures at issue have to be well- of recent cases (184). In its rulings the Court has
dual use goods (175), as ‘… the risk of serious founded — providing relevant evidence, data emphasised that real risks need to be demon-
disturbance in foreign relations or to peaceful (technical, scientific, statistical, nutritional) and strated in the light of the most recent results of
coexistence of nations may affect the security all other relevant information (178). international scientific research. Thus, Member
of a Member State’. In these cases the Court States bear the initial burden of showing that pre-
stated that the scope of Article 36 TFEU cov- Application of the ‘precautionary principle’: cautionary measures can be taken under Article
ers both internal security (e.g. crime detection The precautionary principle was first used by 36 TFEU. However, Member States do not need
and prevention and regulation of traffic) and the Court of Justice in the National Farmers’ to show a definite link between the evidence
external security (176). Union and Others case (179), even if it was impli- and the risk; instead it is enough to show that
citly present in earlier case-law. The Court stated: the area in question is surrounded by scientific
6.1.2. PROTECTION ‘where there is uncertainty as to the existence uncertainty. The EU institutions will then evalu-
OF THE HEALTH AND LIFE or extent of rights to human health, the institu- ate the case brought by the Member State (185).
OF HUMANS, ANIMALS AND PLANTS tion may take protective measures without hav-
(PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE) ing to wait until the reality and seriousness of 6.1.3. PROTECTION OF NATIONAL
those risks become fully apparent’. The principle TREASURES POSSESSING ARTISTIC,
The Court of Justice has ruled that ‘the health defines the circumstances under which a legisla- HISTORIC OR ARCHAEOLOGICAL
and life of humans rank first among the prop- tor, whether national, EU or international, can VALUE
erty or interests protected by Article [36] and it adopt measures to protect consumers against
is for Member States, within the limits imposed health risks which, given uncertainties at the A Member State’s duty to protect its national
by the Treaty, to decide what degree of protec- present state of scientific research, are possibly treasures and patrimony may justify measures
tion they intend to assure, and in particular how associated with a product or service. which create obstacles to imports or exports.
strict the checks to be carried out are to be’ (177).
In the same ruling the Court stated that national The Court of Justice has consistently stated The exact definition of a ‘national treasure’
rules or practices do not fall within the exception that the Member States have to perform a is open to interpretation and although it is
specified in Article 36 TFEU if the health and life of risk assessment before taking precautionary clear that such items must possess real ‘artis-
humans can be as effectively protected by meas- measures under Articles 34 and 36 TFEU (180). tic, historic or archaeological value’, it is up to
ures which do not restrict intra-EU trade so much. It appears that the Court in general is content the Member States to determine which items
with finding that scientific uncertainty is at fall within this category. Nevertheless a use-
Protection of health and life of humans, ani- hand and, once this has been established, it ful interpretative tool could be Directive 93/7/
mals and plants is the most popular justification leaves the Member States or the institutions EEC (186), which regulates the return of cultural

(173) Case 72/83 Campus Oil [1984] ECR 2727.

(174) Case C-367/89 Richardt [1991] ECR I-4621.
(175) Case C-83/94 Leifer and Others [1995] ECR I-3231; Case C-70/94 Werner [1995] ECR I-3189.
(176) Case C-367/89 Richardt [1991] ECR I-4621.
(177) Case 104/75 De Peijper [1976] ECR 613.
(178) Case C-270/02 Commission v Italy [2004] ECR 1559; Case C-319/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I-9811.
(179) Case C-157/96 National Farmers’ Union and Others [1998] ECR I-2211.
(180) Case C-249/07 Commission v Netherlands, not published in the ECR, paragraphs 50 and 51; Case C-41/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR I-11375; Case
C-192/01 Commission v Denmark [2003] ECR I-9693; Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277.
(181) Cf. Case C-132/03 Codacons and Federconsumatori [2005] ECR I-4167, paragraph 61, and Case C-236/01 Monsanto Agricoltura Italie and Others [2003] ECR I-8105,
paragraph 111.
(182) Case C-236/01 Monsanto Agricoltura Italie and Others [2003] ECR I-8105, paragraph 106; Case C-41/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR 11375, paragraph 52;
Case C-192/01 Commission v Denmark [2003] ECR I-9693, paragraph 49; Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277, paragraph 56.
(183) See, for example, Case 227/82 Van Bennekom [1983] ECR 3883, paragraph 40, and Case 178/84 Commission v Germany (Reinheitsgebot) [1987] ECR 1227, paragraph 46.
(184) Case C-41/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR I-11375, paragraph 47; Case C-192/01 Commission v Denmark [2003] ECR I-9693, paragraph 46, and Case
C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277, paragraph 53.
(185) The Commission has adopted a communication on the precautionary principle (COM(2000) 1 final).
(186) Council Directive 93/7/EEC of 15 March 1993 on the return of cultural objects unlawfully removed from the territory of a Member State.

Page 27
objects unlawfully removed from the territory — as well as related administrative procedures, It should be noted that, apart from patents,
of a Member State. Although it confirms that it is such as the completion of declaration forms trade marks, copyright and design rights, geo-
for Member States to define their national treas- and the provision of supporting documents — graphical denominations also constitute indus-
ures, its provisions and annex may be an inter- are generally considered to be justified under trial and commercial property for the purposes
pretative aid where doubt exists. The directive Article 36 TFEU. Attempts by Member States to of Article 36 TFEU (191).
mentions that national treasures could include: discourage the export of art treasures by the
imposition of a tax have, however, not been
• items listed in the inventories of museums deemed justifiable since such action constitutes 6.2. Mandatory
or libraries’ conservation collections; a measure equivalent to a customs tax (Article requirements
30 TFEU) in regard to which Article 36 TFEU can-
• pictures, paintings, sculptures; not be invoked as a justification (188). In its Cassis de Dijon judgment, the Court of
Justice laid down the concept of manda-
• books; 6.1.4. PROTECTION OF tory requirements as a non-exhaustive list of
INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL protected interests in the framework of Art-
• means of transport; and PROPERTY icle 34 TFEU. In this judgment, the Court stated
that these mandatory requirements relate in
• archives. The most important types of industrial and particular to the effectiveness of fiscal super-
commercial property are patents, trade marks vision, the protection of public health, the
The directive attempts to define which items and copyright. Two principles can be deduced fairness of commercial transactions and the
fall within its scope by referring, in its annex, from the case-law on the compatibility with defence of the consumer.
to characteristics such as the ownership, age Articles 34–36 TFEU of the exercise of industrial
and value of the item, but it is clear that there property rights. Mandatory requirements, as developed by
are some more factors which should be taken the Court in the Cassis de Dijon case, could be
into consideration when defining a ‘national The first principle is that the Treaty does not invoked only to justify the indistinctly applic-
treasure’, such as an assessment of a context- affect the existence of industrial property rights able rules. Therefore, grounds other than those
ual nature which takes into consideration the granted pursuant to the legislation of the Mem- covered by Article 36 TFEU may theoretically
patrimony of the individual Member State. Pre- ber States. Accordingly, national legislation on not be used to justify discriminatory measures.
sumably for this reason, it is made clear that the acquisition, transfer and extinction of such While the Court has found ways to overcome
the annex to this directive is ‘not intended to rights is lawful. This principle does not apply, this separation without renouncing its earlier
define objects which rank as “national treas- however, where there is an element of discrimi- practice (192), it is argued that such separation
ures” within the meaning of Article 36 TFEU, nation in the national rules (189). is artificial and the Court is moving towards
but merely categories of object which may be simplification and treating mandatory require-
classified as such’. The second principle is that an industrial prop- ments in the same way as Article 36 TFEU jus-
erty right is exhausted when a product has been tifications (193).
Directive 93/7/EEC was introduced in conjunc- lawfully distributed in the market of a Member
tion with the abolition of controls at national State by the owner of the right or with his or her 6.2.1. PROTECTION
borders, although it only covers the restitution consent. Thereafter the owner of the right may OF THE ENVIRONMENT
of goods already unlawfully exported and does not oppose the importation of the product into
not lay down any control measures intended to any Member State where it was first marketed. Although protection of the environment is not
prevent such unlawful exports. Regulation (EC) This is known as the principle of exhaustion expressly mentioned in Article 36 TFEU, it has
No 116/2009 on exports of cultural goods goes a of rights. This principle does not preclude the been recognised by the Court as constituting
step further by imposing uniform controls on the holders of performing or lending rights from an overriding mandatory requirement. The
export of protected goods; however, these only recovering royalties for each performance or Court takes the view that ‘… the protection of
apply to exports to non-member countries (187). rental (190). the environment is “one of the Community’s
essential objectives”, which may as such justify
Member States consequently impose differ- Nowadays, however, both of these aspects are certain limitations of the principle of free move-
ent restrictions on the export of antiques and mainly covered by harmonised legislation, such ment of goods’ (194).
other cultural artefacts, and those restrictions as Directive 89/104/EC on trade marks.

(187) Council Regulation (EC) No 116/2009 of 18 December 2008 on the export of cultural goods (OJ L 39, 10.2.2009, pp. 1–6).
(188) Case 7/68 Commission v Italy [1968] ECR 423.
(189) Case C-235/89 Commission v Italy [1992] ECR I-777.
(190) Case 187/80 Merck v Stephar [1981] ECR 2063; Joined Cases C-267/95 and C-268/95 Merck v Primecrown [1996] ECR I-6285; Case 78/70 Deutsche Grammophon v Metro
[1971] ECR 487.
(191) Case C-3/91 Exportur v LOR [1992] ECR I-5529 and Case C-388/95 Belgium v Spain [2000] ECR I-3123.
(192) In Case C-2/90 Commission v Belgium ([1992] ECR I-4431) the Court decided that the measure which could be seen as discriminatory was not discriminatory because
of the special nature of the subject matter of the case and then allowed the environmental justification. In Case C-320/03 Commission v Austria ([2005] ECR I-9871) the
Court chose to regard a measure as indistinctly applicable instead of indirectly discriminatory.
(193) P. Oliver, Free movement of goods in the European Community, 2003, 8.3–8.10.
(194) Case 302/86 Commission v Denmark [1988] ECR 4607, paragraph 8.

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On grounds of protection of the environment 6.2.2. CONSUMER PROTECTION of cinematographic works, the Court seemed to
the Court has justified a variety of national acknowledge that the protection of culture may
measures: Certain obstacles to intra-EU trade resulting from under specific conditions constitute a ‘manda-
disparities between provisions of national law tory requirement’ capable of justifying restric-
• prohibiting the importation of waste from must be accepted in so far as such provisions tions on imports or exports.
other Member States (195); are applicable to domestic and imported prod-
ucts without distinction and may be justified as Maintenance of press diversity (205): Following
• a deposit-and-return system for being necessary in order to satisfy overriding a preliminary ruling concerning the Austrian
containers (196); requirements relating to consumer protection or ban on publications offering readers the chance
fair trading. In order to be permissible, such pro- to take part in games for prizes, the Court held
• an outright ban on certain chemical visions must be proportionate to the objective that maintenance of press diversity may con-
substances but which also provides for pursued and that objective must not be capable stitute an overriding requirement justifying a
exceptions when no safer replacement is of being achieved by measures which are less restriction on the free movement of goods. It
available (197); restrictive of intra-EU trade (201). The guiding noted that such diversity helps to safeguard
line in the case-law of the Court is that, where freedom of expression, as protected by Art-
• obliging electricity suppliers to buy all imported products are similar to domestic ones, icle 10 of the European Convention on Human
electricity produced from renewable adequate labelling, which may be required under Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, which is
energy sources from within a limited sup- national legislation, will be sufficient to provide one of the fundamental rights guaranteed by
ply area (198). the consumer with the necessary information on the EU legal order.
the nature of the product. No justification on the
Protection of the environment is also closely grounds of consumer protection is admissible for Financial balance of the social security
linked to the protection of human life and unnecessarily restrictive measures (202). system: Purely economic aims cannot justify
health (199) and, with advances in science and an obstacle to the free movement of goods.
greater public awareness, is being invoked by 6.2.3. OTHER MANDATORY However, in Case C-120/95 Decker, concerning
Member States with increasing frequency. How- REQUIREMENTS the refusal by a Member State to reimburse
ever, the fact that environmental justifications the cost of a pair of spectacles with correc-
are invoked more frequently does not signify The Court has from time to time recognised tive lenses purchased from an optician estab-
that the Court always considers this ground to other ‘mandatory requirements’ capable of lished in another Member State, the Court
be sufficient to justify any measure whatsoever. justifying obstacles to the free movement of acknowledged that the risk of seriously
Indeed in recent years the Court has confirmed goods: undermining the financial balance of the social
several times that public health and environ- security system may constitute an overrid-
mental justifications are not always sufficient to Improvement of working conditions: While ing reason in the general interest capable of
inhibit the free movement of goods. In several health and safety at work fall under the heading justifying a barrier to the free movement of
cases the Court has upheld the Commission’s of public health in Article 36 TFEU, the improve- goods.
arguments that the national measures were ment of working conditions constitutes ‘a man-
disproportionate to the aim to be achieved or datory requirement’ even in the absence of any Road safety: In several cases, the Court has also
that there was a lack of evidence to prove the health consideration (203). acknowledged that road safety constitutes an
risk claimed (200). overriding reason in the public interest capable
Cultural aims (204): In a case relating to French of justifying a hindrance to the free movement
legislation aimed at encouraging the creation of goods (206).

(195) Case C-2/90 Commission v Belgium [1992] ECR I-4431.

(196) Case 302/86 Commission v Denmark [1988] ECR 4607.
(197) Case C-473/98 Toolex [2000] ECR I-5681.
(198) Case C-379/98 PreussenElektra [2001] ECR I-2099.
(199) In some cases the Court seems to have treated environmental protection as part of public health and Article 36 TFEU: see, for example, Case C-67/97 Bluhme [1998]
ECR I-8033.
(200) See, for example, (1) Case C-319/05 Commission v Germany [2007] ECR I-9811; (2) Case C-186/05 Commission v Sweden, not published in the ECR; (3) Case C-297/05 Com-
mission v Netherlands [2007] ECR I-7467; (4) Case C-254/05 Commission v Belgium [2007] ECR I-4269; (5) Case C-432/03 Commission v Portugal [2005] ECR I-9665; (6) Case
C-114/04 Commission v Germany, not published in the ECR; (7) Case C-212/03 Commission v France [2005] ECR I-4213; (8) Case C-463/01 Commission v Germany [2004] ECR
I-11705; (9) Case C-41/02 Commission v Netherlands [2004] ECR I-11375; (10) Case C-497/03 Commission v Austria, not published in the ECR; (11) Case C-150/00 Commission v
Austria [2004] ECR I-3887; (12) Case C-387/99 Commission v Germany [2004] ECR I-3751; (13) Case C-24/00 Commission v France [2004] ECR I-1277; (14) Case C-270/02 Commis-
sion v Italy [2004] ECR I-1559; (15) Case C-122/03 Commission v France [2003] ECR I-15093; (16) Case C-358/01 Commission v Spain [2003] ECR I-13145; (17) Case C-455/01 Com-
mission v Italy [2003] ECR I-12023; (18) Case C-192/01 Commission v Denmark [2003] ECR I-9693; (19) Case C-420/01 Commission v Italy [2003] ECR I-6445.
(201) Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentral [1979] ECR 649, paragraph 8; Case C-313/94 Graffione [1996] ECR I-6039, paragraph 17; Case C-3/99 Ruwet [2000] ECR I-8749, paragraph 50.
(202) Case C-448/98 Guimont [2000] ECR I-10663 concerning the French legislation reserving the designation Emmenthal to a certain category of cheese with rind; Case
261/81 Rau v De Smedt [1982] ECR 3961 concerning the Belgian requirement that margarine be sold in cubes.
(203) In Case 155/80 Oebel [1981] ECR 1993, the Court of Justice stated that the prohibition on night baking was a legitimate economic and social policy decision in a
manifestly sensitive sector.
(204) Joined Cases 60/84 and 61/84 Cinéthèque [1985] ECR 2605.
(205) Case C-368/95 Familiapress [1997] ECR I-3689.
(206) Case C-54/05 Commission v Finland [2007] ECR I-2473, paragraph 40 and case-law cited.

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Fight against crime: In a case concerning a appropriate to safeguard the objective pursued, stated objectives in a consistent and system-
Portuguese ban on the affixing of tinted win- and must be proportional to the said objec- atic manner and to avoid any inconsistency
dow film on cars (207), the Court found that the tive (210). between the measures chosen and the meas-
fight against crime may constitute an overriding ures not chosen (214). In Case C-249/07 the Court
reason in the public interest capable of justify- It should be noted that, in the absence of har- detailed, for example, some inconsistencies in
ing a hindrance to the free movement of goods. monising rules at European level, the Member the exemption system, which showed the lack
States are free to decide on the level of pro- of objectivity and the discriminatory nature of
Protection of animal welfare: In Case tection which they intend to provide for the the system (215). If a Member State can dem-
C-219/07, the Court noted that the protection legitimate interest pursued. In certain areas (211), onstrate that adopting the alternative meas-
of animal welfare is a legitimate objective in the the Court has allowed Member States a certain ure would have a detrimental effect on other
public interest. It also stated that the import- ‘margin of discretion’ regarding the measures legitimate interests, then this would have to
ance of this objective was reflected, in particu- adopted and the level of protection pursued, be taken into consideration in the assessment
lar, in the adoption by the Member States of which may vary from one Member State to of proportionality (216).
the Protocol on the Protection and Welfare of another.
Animals, annexed to the Treaty establishing the
European Community (208). Notwithstanding this relative freedom to fix 6.4. Burden of proof
the level of protection pursued, the mere fact
As mentioned above, the list of mandatory that a Member State has opted for a system of It is for the Member State which claims to have a
requirements is not exhaustive and the Court protection which differs from that adopted by reason justifying a restriction on the free move-
might find that other ‘mandatory requirements’ another Member State cannot affect the assess- ment of goods to demonstrate specifically the
are capable of justifying a hindrance to the free ment of the need for, and proportionality of, the existence of a reason relating to the public inter-
movement of goods. provisions enacted to that end. Those provi- est, the need for the restriction in question and
sions must be assessed solely by reference to the proportionality of the restriction in relation
the objectives pursued by the national authori- to the objective pursued. The justification pro-
6.3. Proportionality test ties of the Member State concerned and the vided by the Member State must be accom-
level of protection which they are intended to panied by appropriate evidence or by an analy-
In order to be justified under Article 36 TFEU or provide (212). sis of the appropriateness and proportionality
one of the mandatory requirements established of the restrictive measure adopted by that state,
in the case-law of the Court of Justice, a state An important element in the analysis of the and precise evidence enabling its arguments
measure has to comply with the principle of justification provided by a Member State will to be substantiated (217). In this respect, a mere
proportionality (209). The measure in question therefore be the existence of alternative meas- statement that the measure is justified on one of
has to be necessary in order to achieve the ures hindering trade less. The Member State the accepted grounds or the absence of analysis
declared objective; the objective could not has an obligation to opt for the ‘less restrictive of possible alternatives will be deemed not sat-
be achieved by less extensive prohibitions or alternative’ and failure to do so will constitute isfactory (218). However, the Court has recently
restrictions, or by prohibitions or restrictions a breach of the proportionality principle. On noted that the burden of proof cannot be so
having less effect on intra-EU trade. several occasions, the Court has found that extensive as to require the Member State to
state measures were not proportionate because prove, positively, that no other conceivable
In other words, the means chosen by the Mem- alternatives were available (213). In this respect, measure could enable that objective to be
ber States must be confined to what is actually the Member State is also obliged to pursue the attained under the same conditions (219).

(207) Case C-265/06 Commission v Portugal [2008] ECR I-2245, paragraph 38.
(208) Case C-219/07 Nationale Raad van Dierenkwekers en Liefhebbers and Andibel [2008] ECR I-4475, paragraph 27.
(209) Case C-390/99 Canal Satélite Digital [2002] ECR I-607, paragraph 33; Case C-254/05 Commission v Belgium [2007] ECR I-4269, paragraph 33 and case-law cited; Case
C-286/07 Commission v Luxembourg, not published in the ECR, paragraph 36.
(210) Case C-319/05 Commission v Germany (Garlic) [2007] ECR I-9811, paragraph 87 and case-law cited.
(211) It is in particular the case for the objective of protection of health and life of humans, which rank foremost among the assets or interests protected by Article 36 TFEU.
This ‘margin of discretion’ has also been recognised for measures motivated by the necessity to ensure public order, public morality and public security. For examples
relating to the public health justification, see Case C-322/01 Deutscher Apothekerverband [2003] ECR I-14887, paragraph 103 and case-law cited; regarding the public
morality justification see Case 34/79 Henn and Darby [1979] ECR 3795 and Case C-244/06 Dynamic Medien [2008] ECR I-505; regarding measures in relation to alcohol
and justification on grounds of public health and public order see Case C-434/04 Ahokainen and Leppik [2006] ECR I-9171; regarding measures against gambling and
justification on grounds of public morality, policy and security, see Case C-65/05 Commission v Greece [2006] ECR I-10341; regarding measures relating to animal protec-
tion, see Case C-219/07 Nationale Raad van Dierenkwekers en Liefhebbers and Andibel [2008] ECR I-4475.
(212) Case C-124/97 Läärä and Others [1999] ECR I-6067, paragraph 36.
(213) See Case 104/75 De Peijper [1976] ECR 613; Case C-54/05 Commission v Finland [2007] ECR I-2473, paragraph 46; and Case C-297/05 Commission v Netherlands [2007]
ECR I-7467, paragraph 79, where the Court details available alternatives to the contested measures.
(214) See Case C-500/06 Corporación Dermoestética [2008] ECR I-5785, paragraph 39; Case C-169/07 Hartlauer [2009] ECR I-1719, paragraph 55.
(215) Case C-249/07 Commission v Netherlands, not published in the ECR, paragraphs 47 to 50.
(216) See opinion of Advocate General Maduro in Case C-434/04 Ahokainen and Leppik [2006] ECR I-9171, point 25.
(217) Case C-14/02 ATRAL [2003] ECR I-4431, paragraph 69; Case C-254/05 Commission v Belgium [2007] ECR I-4269, paragraph 36.
(218) Case C-265/06 Commission v Portugal [2008] ECR I-2245, paragraphs 40 to 47.
(219) Case C-110/05 Commission v Italy [2009] ECR I-519, paragraph 66.

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7. Relationship to other
freedoms and articles of
the Treaty related to the free
movement of goods
7.1. Article 45 TFEU — other reasons, however, the Court rejected the Treaty, is closely related to the free movement
Freedom of movement couple’s argument that the tax violated Article of goods. Both freedoms relate to economic
of workers 45 TFEU. It is worth noting that the Court did transactions, mainly of a commercial nature,
not pronounce on the question of whether between Member States. Because of this close
Article 45 TFEU (ex Article 39 EC) provides for restrictions of such a kind should be treated proximity it is sometimes the case that a specific
the freedom of movement for workers within exclusively under Article 34 TFEU (222). More- national measure restricts both the circulation
the EU. This freedom entails the abolition of any over, there is still uncertainty over the situations of goods (Article 34 TFEU) and the freedom to
discrimination based on nationality between in which it would be more advantageous to provide services (Article 56 TFEU).
EU migrant workers and national workers as apply Article 45 TFEU instead of Article 34 TFEU,
regards access to work and working conditions, bearing in mind that the former provision only Indeed, a given requirement relating to the
as well as to tax and social advantages. Article applies to nationals of a Member State. distribution, wholesale or retail of goods may
45 TFEU prohibits not only discrimination based restrict at the same time both the free move-
on nationality, but also national rules, which are It should be noted that, according to the case- ment of goods and the freedom to provide dis-
applicable irrespective of the nationality of the law of the Court, national rules which require tributive trade services. As the Court recognised
worker concerned but impede their freedom the registration and/or taxation of a com- in Praktiker Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte, ‘the
of movement. pany vehicle in the Member State where the objective of retail trade is the sale of goods to
worker using the vehicle is domiciled, even if consumers. That trade includes, in addition to
Problems related to the movement of work- the employer who made the vehicle available the legal sales transaction, all activity carried
ers’ personal belongings could theoretically to the worker is established in another Mem- out by the trader for the purpose of encourag-
be assessed under Article 34 TFEU or Art- ber State and even if the vehicle is essentially ing the conclusion of such a transaction. That
icle 45 TFEU. The Court dealt with this issue in used in the Member State of the employer’s activity consists, inter alia, in selecting an assort-
the Weigel case (220), which concerned the trans- establishment, constitute a breach of Article ment of goods offered for sale and in offering
fer of a married couple’s motor vehicles from 45 TFEU (223), as such provisions may have the a variety of services aimed at inducing the
their own country (Germany) to the Member effect of preventing a worker from benefiting consumer to conclude the abovementioned
State where the husband had taken up employ- from certain advantages, such as the provision transaction with the trader in question rather
ment (Austria). When registering their motor of a vehicle and ultimately may deter him or her than with a competitor’ (224).
vehicles in Austria, the couple were charged from working in another Member State at all.
an excessive amount of tax. The couple argued Thus, for example, restrictions on advertising
that the tax would deter them from exercising (e.g. alcohol advertisements (225)) may on the
their rights under Article 45 TFEU. 7.2. Article 56 TFEU — one hand affect the promotion sector as service
Freedom to provide services providers, and on the other hand the effect of
In principle, the Court agreed when it held that such restrictions may relate to specific goods
‘[the tax] is likely to have a negative bearing The freedom to provide services and the market penetration possibilities, and
on the decision of migrant workers to exercise (Article 56 TFEU, ex Article 49 EC), as one of the thus may create obstacles to trade in products.
their right to freedom of movement’ (221). For other fundamental freedoms enshrined in the Also, national provisions which prohibit the

(220) Case C-387/01 Weigel [2004] ECR I-4981.

(221) Ibid., paragraph 54.
(222) P. Oliver and S. Enchelmaier: ‘Free movement of goods: Recent developments in the case-law’, CML Rev. 44 (2007), p. 669.
(223) Case C-232/01 Van Lent [2003] ECR I-11525; Case C-464/02 Commission v Denmark [2005] ECR I-7929.
(224) Case C-418/02 Praktiker Bau- und Heimwerkermärkte [2005] ECR I-5873, paragraph 34.
(225) Cf. Case C-405/98 Gourmet International Products [2001] ECR I-1795.

Page 31
auction of goods under certain circumstances funds (230), it cannot be ruled out that under This approach suggests that Article 37 TFEU
may, for example, on the one hand be consid- specific circumstances they may also concern constitutes a lex specialis vis-à-vis the general
ered as hampering the service activity of an transfers that are made in kind. In a recent judg- provision of Article 34 TFEU. In the Franzén
auctioneer, while on the other hand they may ment the Court has held that, where a taxpayer case concerning the Swedish alcohol retail
create obstacles to the sale of goods (226). claims the deduction for tax purposes of gifts monopoly, the Court held that ‘rules relating
to charities in other Member States, such gifts to the existence and operation of the monop-
The Court considered that Article 57 TFEU does come within the compass of Article 63 TFEU, oly’ (233) fall under Article 37 TFEU, whereas
not establish any order of priority between the even if they are made in kind in the form of ‘other provisions of the domestic legislation
freedom to provide services and the other fun- everyday consumer goods (231). which are separable from the operation of
damental freedoms (227). Probably for reasons of the monopoly although they have a bearing
procedural economy, when a national measure upon it, must be examined with reference to
may affect more than one fundamental free- 7.4. Article 37 TFEU — [Article 34 TFEU]’ (234). This opinion seems to
dom, the Court usually examines that meas- State monopolies have been upheld in the Hanner case relating to
ure in the light of one fundamental freedom the Swedish pharmaceuticals retail monopoly,
only. For this purpose, it decides which of the According to the first paragraph of where the Court argued that Article 37 TFEU
fundamental freedoms prevails (228). In most Article 37 TFEU (ex Article 31 EC): ‘Member ‘aims at the elimination of obstacles to the free
cases, therefore, it is essential to identify the States shall adjust any state monopolies of a movement of goods, save, however, for restric-
main focal point of the national measure: if it is commercial character so as to ensure that no tions on trade which are inherent in the exist-
goods-related, then Article 34 TFEU applies; if it discrimination regarding the conditions under ence of the monopolies in question’ (235). More
is services-related then Article 56 TFEU applies. which goods are procured and marketed exists recently, the Court explained in the Rosengren
For example, in the case of auctions or itinerant between nationals of Member States’. and Others case that ‘While … the measure at
sales, the Court considered the service aspect to issue in the main proceedings affects the free
be secondary and thus did not take it into con- This does not mean that the monopolies have movement of goods within the European Com-
sideration for the legal assessment in that case. to be lifted, but it means that they have to be munity, it does not, as such, govern the [Swed-
adjusted in such a way as to eliminate every ish alcohol retail] monopoly’s exercise of its
However, the focal point approach does not possibility to discriminate. Generally speaking, exclusive right of retail sale of alcoholic bever-
always work. In a telecommunication case, Article 37 TFEU applies in circumstances where ages on Swedish territory. That measure, which
the Court held that the service aspect and the an action by the state: (1) grants exclusive pur- does not, therefore, concern the monopoly’s
goods aspect are intimately linked, given that chase or sales rights and thus makes possible exercise of its specific function, accordingly can-
the telecom equipment used and the service the control of imports or exports, and (2) grants not be considered to relate to the very existence
provided often belong together. Therefore, the rights to a state enterprise, a state institution of that monopoly’ (236).
question as to whether a restriction for distribu- or, through delegation, a private organisation.
tors of digital television and equipment thereof On the other hand, it may also be argued that
would infringe EU law was analysed simultan- Article 37 TFEU has direct effect and only there appears to be an overlap between Art-
eously in the light of both articles (229). applies to goods (hence, it does not cover the icle 37 TFEU and other Treaty articles. The Court
free movement of services or capital (232)). More- held in the infringement cases concerning
over, the Treaty provision concerns activities different national electricity and gas monop-
7.3. Article 63 TFEU — intrinsically connected with the specific busi- olies (237) that a joint application of Article
Free movement of capital ness of the monopoly and it is thus irrelevant 37 TFEU and Article 34 TFEU is indeed possible.
to national provisions which do not have this Such an approach would mean that a measure
Article 63 TFEU (ex Article 56 EC) concerns the connection. related to a state monopoly would first have
free movement of capital between Member to be examined under Article 37 TFEU. If the
States. It protects financial operations within It may be argued, on the one hand, that these measure at issue is considered discriminatory,
the internal market. While such transactions national provisions are instead covered by examination under Articles 34 and 35 TFEU will
may regularly involve the investment of other Treaty provisions such as Article 34 TFEU. no longer be necessary. Conversely, if it is con-

(226) Cf. Case C-239/90 SCP Boscher and Others [1991] ECR I-2023.
(227) Case C-452/04 Fidium Finanz [2006] ECR I-9521, paragraph 32.
(228) Case C-20/03 Burmanjer and Others [2005] ECR I-4133, paragraph 34 et seq.
(229) Case C-390/99 Canal Satélite Digital [2002] ECR I-607, paragraphs 32 and 33. See also Joined Cases C-34/95 to C-36/95 De Agostini and TV-Shop [1997] ECR I-3843;
Case C-405/98 Gourmet International Products [2001] ECR I-1795; Case C-452/04 Fidium Finanz [2006] ECR I-9521.
(230) As regards the definition of ‘movement of capital’, see, for example, Case C-513/03 van Hilten-van der Heijden [2006] ECR I-1957, paragraph 39.
(231) Case C-318/07 Persche [2009] ECR I-359, paragraph 30.
(232) Case 155/73 Sacchi [1974] ECR 409.
(233) Case C-189/95 Franzén [1997] ECR I-5909, paragraph 35.
(234) Ibid., paragraph 36.
(235) Case C-438/02 Hanner [2005] ECR I-4551, paragraph 35.
(236) Case C-170/04 Rosengren and Others [2007] ECR I-4071, paragraphs 21 and 22; see also Case C-186/05 Commission v Sweden, not published in the ECR.
(237) Case C-159/94 Commission v France [1997] ECR I-5815, paragraph 41; Case C-158/94 Commission v Italy [1997] ECR I-5789, paragraph 33; Case C-157/94 Commission
v Netherlands [1997] ECR I-5699, paragraph 24.

Page 32
cluded that the measure is not discriminatory equivalent effect are prohibited under Article 7.7. Article 110 TFEU
according to Article 37 TFEU, it will be necessary 30 TFEU (ex Article 25 EC). — Tax provisions
to examine the measure under the general pro-
visions on the free movement of goods. According to constant case-law, any pecuni- Article 110 TFEU (ex Article 90 EC) supplements
ary charge, however small and whatever its the provisions on the abolition of customs duties
designation and mode of application, which is and charges having equivalent effect. Its aim is to
7.5. Article 107 TFEU — imposed unilaterally on goods by reason of the ensure the free movement of goods between the
State aids fact that they cross a frontier and which is not Member States in normal conditions of competi-
a customs duty in the strict sense, constitutes tion by eliminating all forms of protection which
Article 107 TFEU (ex Article 87 EC) provides that a charge having equivalent effect under Article may result from the application of internal tax-
any aid granted by a Member State or through 30 TFEU (241). However, a charge escapes clas- ation that discriminates against products from
state resources in any form whatsoever which sification as a charge having equivalent effect to other Member States (246). In relation to Article
distorts or threatens to distort competition by a customs duty if it relates to a general system 34 TFEU, Article 110 is considered as lex specia-
favouring certain undertakings or the produc- of internal dues applied systematically and in lis, which means that cases covered by Article
tion of certain goods is, in so far as it affects accordance with the same criteria to domestic 110 exclude the application of Article 34 TFEU.
trade between Member States, incompatible products and imported or exported products This was the case in the Kawala (247) judgment,
with the internal market. alike (242). where the Court decided that a registration fee
for imported second-hand vehicles, being of
In this respect the state aid rules and Art- Even when a charge is levied without distinc- a fiscal nature, falls under Article 110 and that
icles 34–36 TFEU serve a common purpose, tion on domestic and imported products, but therefore Article 34 TFEU is not applicable.
namely to ensure the free movement of goods the taxation imposed on domestic products is
between Member States under normal con- directly or indirectly completely compensated, The first paragraph of Article 110 TFEU is
ditions of competition (238). However, as their for example if the revenue from it is intended infringed where the tax charged on an imported
focal point is different, the qualification of a state to finance activities benefiting only the taxed product and that charged on a similar domestic
measure as state aid does not automatically pre- domestic products, while imported products product are calculated differently on the basis
clude the scrutiny of an aid scheme in relation to do not benefit from such return flow, the tax of different criteria which lead, if only in certain
other EU rules, such as Articles 34–36 TFEU (239). may be reclassified as a customs duty or charge cases, to higher taxation being imposed on the
At the same time, the mere fact that a state aid having equivalent effect, given that in practice imported product.
measure as such affects intra-EU trade is in itself the ‘tax’ burdens only importers (243).
not sufficient to qualify the measure simultan- The Court defined similar products as those
eously as a measure having equivalent effect The Court of Justice has paid particular attention which have similar characteristics and meet
under Article 34 TFEU. Instead, the Court differ- to the question of so-called ‘hidden charges’, i.e. the same needs from the point of view of con-
entiates between aspects that are indissolubly to national arrangements that are not obvious sumers. In Commission v France (248), according
linked to the objective of the aid and aspects that but are effectively a charge having equivalent to the Court’s reasoning, spirits based on grain,
can be separated from conditions and actions effect. For instance, it found that charges were such as whisky, rum, gin and vodka, are simi-
which, even though they form part of the aid to be considered as having equivalent effect in lar to spirits based on wine and fruit, such as
scheme, may be regarded as not being necessary one case where German legislation made ship- cognac, calvados and armagnac.
for the attainment of the purpose of the aid or its ments of waste to another Member State subject
proper functioning (240). Only the latter aspects to a mandatory contribution to the solidarity If the conditions for direct discrimination are
are covered by Articles 34–36 TFEU. fund for the return of waste (244), and in another not met, taxation might be indirectly discrimi-
case where Belgian legislation imposed taxes natory as a result of its effects. Practical difficul-
on imported diamonds (245) in order to provide ties cannot be used to justify the application of
7.6. Article 30 TFEU — social insurance for Belgian miners. As a general internal taxation which discriminates against
The customs union rule, any charge connected to the act of crossing products from other Member States (249).
a frontier — irrespective of its aim, amount, or
While Article 34 TFEU covers non-tariff trade discriminatory or protectionist character — will Article 110(2) is designed to catch national
barriers, all customs duties and charges having be seen as a charge having equivalent effect. tax provisions that seek to indirectly protect

(238) Case 103/84 Commission v Italy [1986] ECR 1759, paragraph 19.
(239) Case C-234/99 Nygård [2002] ECR I-3657, paragraph 56; Case C-351/88 Laboratori Bruneau [1991] ECR I-3641, paragraph 7.
(240) Case 74/76 Ianelli [1977] ECR 557, paragraph 17.
(241) Case 24/68 Commission v Italy [1969] ECR 193; Joined Cases C-441/98 and C-442/98 Michaïlidis [2000] ECR I-7145, paragraph 15.
(242) Case C-389/00 Commission v Germany [2003] ECR I-2001.
(243) Case C-28/96 Facenda Pública [1997] ECR I-4939.
(244) Case C-389/00 Commission v Germany [2003] ECR I-2001.
(245) Joined Cases 2/69 and 3/69 Social Fonds voor de Diamantarbeiders [1969] ECR 211.
(246) Joined Cases C-290/05 and C-333/05 Nádasdi and Németh [2006] ECR I-10115, paragraph 45.
(247) Case C-134/07 Kawala [2007] ECR I-10703.
(248) Case 168/78 Commission v France [1980] ECR 347.
(249) Case C-221/06 Stadtgemeinde Frohnleiten and Gemeindebetriebe Frohnleiten [2007] ECR I-9643.

Page 33
domestic products by applying unequal tax EU level (254). The Court, in examining the valid- aged and prove that it is both necessary and
ratings to foreign goods which may not be ity of the challenged directive, pointed out that specific to its territory. The Commission will
exactly similar to domestic goods, but which measures referred to in Article 114 TFEU are then, within six months of the notification,
may nonetheless be in competition with them. intended to improve the conditions for the approve or reject the national provisions
In Commission v United Kingdom (250), the UK establishment and functioning of the internal involved after having verified whether or not
levied an excise tax on certain wines which was market. Furthermore, provided that the condi- they are a means of arbitrary discrimination
roughly five times the tax levied on beer. The tions for recourse to Article 114 TFEU are ful- or a disguised restriction on trade between
UK produces considerable amounts of beer, filled, ‘the Community legislature cannot be Member States. Furthermore, the Commission
but very little wine. After establishing that prevented from relying on that legal basis on checks whether or not the national provisions
light wines were genuinely in competition with the ground that public health protection is a constitute an obstacle to the functioning of the
beer, the Court of Justice found that by levying decisive factor in the choices to be made’ (255). internal market (257). The Court has provided
excise duty on light wines from fresh grapes at a The Court examined the validity of the directive some guidelines on the application of these
higher rate, in relative terms, than on beer, the in question under two heads. Firstly, it verified provisions, adopting a narrow approach to the
UK had failed to fulfil its obligations under the whether the directive actually contributed to interpretation of these derogations provided
second paragraph of Article 110 TFEU. eliminating obstacles to the free movement of therein (258).
goods and to the freedom to provide services.
In cases where a charge is levied on domestic Secondly, it examined whether the directive
and imported products and the receipts are contributed to the removal of distortions of 7.9. Articles 346, 347
intended to finance activities which benefit only competition. and 348 TFEU
the domestic products, thus partially offsetting
the tax burden borne by the latter goods, such The above judgment raises some interesting Article 346 TFEU (ex Article 296 EC) permits
a charge constitutes discriminatory taxation questions concerning inter alia the relation- Member States to protect their essential secu-
prohibited by Article 110 TFEU (251). ship between Articles 34 and 114 TFEU. On rity interests in connection with the production
this relationship, J. Usher pointed out that if of or trade in arms, munitions and war material,
‘as was held in Gourmet International Products, as long as the measures taken do not adversely
7.8. Article 114 TFEU — a national advertising ban may be justifiable affect trade within the internal market regard-
Approximation of laws under Article [36 TFEU], the question arises as ing products not intended for specifically mili-
to whether Article [114 TFEU] is drafted so as to tary purposes. If the Commission or a Member
Article 114 TFEU (Article 100a EEC) was ori- achieve this aim, and in particular whether it can State believes that a Member State is making
ginally inserted into the Treaty by the Single be used to replace such a national ban with [an improper use of its powers, the Member State
European Act. This article grants powers to EU]-wide ban?’ (256). It remains to be seen exactly in question can be investigated by the Commis-
the EU legislature to ‘adopt the measures for how this relationship between these two provi- sion and can, if necessary, be brought before
the approximation of the provisions laid down sions would evolve in a more integrated, global the Court of Justice.
by law, regulation or administrative action in competitive internal market.
Member States which have as their object the It is important to stress that, in general, dero-
establishment and functioning of the internal Be that as it may, once the EU legislature adopts gations from EU rules should be interpreted
market’. The scope of this provision has been measures on the basis of Article 114 TFEU, then strictly. More specifically such exceptions have
interpreted widely by the Court (252). Indeed, a Member State can exceptionally, on grounds to respect the principle of proportionality (259).
one might say that the Tobacco advertising of specific problems, derogate from fully har- Although Article 346 TFEU provides under
judgment (253) was groundbreaking, with the monised provisions on the basis of Articles certain conditions for an exemption from the
Court’s finding that the EU legislature had 114(4)–114(9) TFEU. The Member State must strict application of the rules of the Treaty, the
adopted legislation which was inadmissible at notify the Commission of the measure envis- supremacy of EU law and the effectiveness

(250) Case 170/78 Commission v United Kingdom [1983] ECR 2265.

(251) Case C-28/96 Facenda Pública [1997] ECR I-4939; Case C-206/06 Essent Network Noord and Others [2008] ECR I-5497.
(252) See, for example, Case C-350/92 Spain v Council [1995] ECR I-1985 and Case C-300/89 Commission v Council (titanium dioxide) [1991] ECR I-2867.
(253) Case C-376/98 Germany v Parliament and Council (Tobacco advertising) [2000] ECR I-8419. This case was concerned with the validity of Directive 98/43/EC banning
all forms of advertising and sponsorship in the EU of tobacco products.
(254) Having said that, it is of course unknown whether the challenged directive could have been adopted under Article 308 EC (after Lisbon Treaty, see Article 352 TFEU
(ex Article 308 EC)).
(255) Case C-376/98 Germany v Parliament and Council [2000] ECR I-8419, paragraph 88.
(256) J. Usher, case note on Case C-376/98 [2001] CML Rev. 1519, p. 1538. In this respect see also G. Davies (‘Can selling arrangements be harmonised?’ (2005), European
Law Review 370), who argues for a wide interpretation to the scope of Article 114 TFEU, arguing that positive harmonisation should not be a mere reflection of negative
harmonisation. The Treaty makes clear, he notes, that the internal market is to be a market which respects non-trade values as well.
(257) See, for example, Commission decision of 18 July 2001 on the national provisions notified by Germany in the field of pharmacovigilance (OJ L 202, 27.7.2001, p. 46);
Commission decision of 14 September 1994 (OJ L 316, 9.12.1994, p. 43); Commission decision of 26 February 1996 (OJ L 69, 19.3.1996, p 32); Commission decision of
21 December 1998 (OJ L 3, 7.1.1999, p. 13); and seven Commission decisions of 26 October 1999 (OJ L 329, 22.12.1999).
(258) See Case 41/93 France v Commission [1994] ECR I-1829 and Case C-319/97 Kortas [1999] ECR I-3143. In this respect see also Case C-3/00 Denmark v Commission [2003]
ECR I-2643 where the Court annulled the Commission’s decision.
(259) See most recently the opinion of Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer of 10 February 2009 in Cases C-284/05 Commission v Finland, C-294/05 Commission v
Sweden, C-372/05 Commission v Germany, C-387/05 Commission v Italy, and C-409/05 Commission v Greece [2009], not yet published in the ECR, point 124. In this respect
see also interpretative communication in the application of Article 296 of the Treaty in the field of defence procurement (COM(2006) 779).

Page 34
of its rules restrict the recourse to this provi- of Articles 346 or 347 distorts the conditions of tion on Narcotic Drugs) into the United King-
sion (260). The Court can examine the limits of competition. dom. The Court ruled that measures ‘adopted
Member States’ underlying discretion on the under an international agreement predating
basis of proportionality (261) and the respect of the Treaty or accession by a Member State
the general principles (262). 7.10. Article 351 TFEU and the fact that the Member State maintains
the measure pursuant to Article [351], despite
Article 347 TFEU (ex Article 297 EC) permits Article 351 TFEU (ex Article 307 EC) refers to the fact that it constitutes a barrier, does not
Member States to take measures in the event the rights and obligations under international remove it from the scope of Article [34], since
of serious internal disturbances affecting the law entered into by the Member States before Article [351] takes effect only if the agreement
maintenance of law and order, war or inter- 1958, or before the date of their accession. The imposes on a Member State an obligation that
national tension. Under this article, Member general rule is that these shall not be affected is incompatible with the Treaty’.
States must consult each other with a view to by the provisions of the Treaty.
taking together the steps needed to prevent The conclusion is that Member States must
the functioning of the internal market being In relation to Article 34 TFEU the Court, in Case refrain from adopting measures which contra-
affected by such measures. As with regard to C-324/93 (263), mapped the boundaries of the vene EU law, in particular the rules on the free
Article 346 TFEU, the measures taken must Member States’ possibilities for adopting meas- movement of goods, when the international
respect the principle of proportionality. ures which contravene their obligations under agreements to which they are signatory do not
that article. The problem concerned refusal to require them to adopt such measures.
Article 348 TFEU (ex Article 298 EC) gives the grant a licence to import diamorphine (a nar-
Commission the power to intervene if the use cotic drug subject to the 1961 Single Conven-

(260) Point 125.

(261) In this respect see Case 222/84 Johnston [1986] ECR 1651.
(262) Opinion of Advocate General Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer in Cases C-284/05, C-294/05, C-372/05, C-387/05 and C-409/05, point 141.
(263) Case C-324/93 Evans Medical and Macfarlan Smith [1995] ECR I-563.

Page 35
8. Related instruments
of secondary law
8.1. Directive 98/34/EC — According to the case-law of the Court of Justice inform the Commission thereof, and it empow-
laying down a procedure for (see judgments CIA Security International and ers the Commission to send a notification to
the provision of information Unilever (264)), any technical regulation which the Member State concerned requesting that
in the field of technical has not been notified at the draft stage or has those measures be adopted within a very tight
standards and regulations been adopted during the mandatory standstill deadline (266).
and of rules on information periods cannot be applied and thus enforced
society services by national tribunals against individuals. This
constant case-law has been confirmed again 8.3. Regulation (EC)
Since 1984, Directive 83/189/EEC, which has very recently (265). No 764/2008 — The ‘mutual
since become Directive 98/34/EC following recognition’ regulation
codification, obliges the Member States of the
European Union to notify the Commission and 8.2. Regulation In 2008 the EU legislator adopted a regulation
their counterparts of any draft technical regu- (EC) No 2679/98 — laying down the procedure relating to the appli-
lation relating to products and, since 1999, to The ‘strawberry’ regulation cation of certain technical rules to products law-
information society services before they are fully marketed in another Member State. The
adopted in their national laws. Regulation (EC) No 2679/98 on the function- main objective of this regulation is to define
ing of the internal market in relation to the the rights and obligations of national authori-
The Commission and the Member States oper- free movement of goods among the Member ties and businesses when the former intend to
ate via a system of preventive control. During States provides for special procedures to cope deny mutual recognition and to refuse mar-
standstill periods, the Member States must with serious obstacles to the free movement ket access of a product lawfully marketed in
refrain from adopting their notified draft regu- of goods among Member States which cause another Member State. The regulation places
lations for at least three months while they are heavy loss to the individuals affected and the burden of proof on the national authori-
being examined. This period can be extended to require immediate action. Those obstacles ties that intend to deny market access. They
up to 18 months where the measure in question may, for example, be the result of passivity of must set out in writing the precise technical
is likely to create unjustified barriers to trade or national authorities in the face of violent action or scientific reason for their intention to deny
where harmonisation work is in progress at EU by individuals or non-violent blockages of the product access to the national market. The
level in the area covered by the notified draft. borders, or of action by a Member State, such economic operator is given the opportunity to
as an institutionalised boycott of imported defend its case and to submit solid arguments
The procedure therefore eliminates any ob- products. to the competent authorities.
stacles to the smooth functioning of the internal
market before they even appear, thus avoiding The regulation provides for an alert procedure The regulation also establishes ‘product contact
retroactive action, which is always more bur- and for the exchange of information between points’ in each Member State, which provide
densome. The national drafts are adapted to EU Member States and the Commission. It also information about technical rules on products
law before being adopted and can even be put reminds Member States of their obligation to and the implementation of the mutual recog-
on ice for a certain period in order to facilitate adopt necessary and proportionate measures nition principle to enterprises and competent
discussion at EU level. to ensure the free movement of goods and to authorities in other Member States.

(264) Case C-194/94 CIA Security International [1996] ECR I-2201 and Case C-443/98 Unilever [2000] ECR I-7535.
(265) Case C-20/05 Schwibbert [2007] ECR I-9447.
(266) For further info:

Page 36
9. Enforcement of Articles 34
and 35 TFEU
9.1. Direct effect — private period of 10 weeks. A 2001 Commission recom- If the Member State fails to comply with the
enforcement mendation (269) approved by the Council sets reasoned opinion, the Commission may decide
out the rules of procedure within Solvit. The to refer the case to the Court of Justice in order
The Court of Justice has recognised that the European Commission supervises the network to obtain a declaration that the free movement
prohibition laid down in Article 34 TFEU is ‘man- and, if needed, assists in speeding up the reso- of goods has been infringed. Where the Court
datory and explicit and its implementation does lution of complaints. In 2008, Solvit case flow finds in its final ruling on the issue that this is the
not require any subsequent intervention of the grew by a further 22 % and for the first time case, the Member State concerned is required
Member States or Community institutions’. the milestone of 1 000 cases within a year was to take the measures necessary to comply with
Therefore Article 34 TFEU has ‘direct effect and reached. The resolution rates are high, at 83 %. the judgment.
creates individual rights which national courts
must protect’ (267). If this is not the case, the Commission might
9.3. Infringement again refer the case to the Court. The procedure
Later the Court ruled that Article 35 TFEU also proceedings under for second referral to the Court is laid down
has direct effect and that its provisions are also Articles 258 and 260 TFEU by Article 260 TFEU. In the framework of the
‘directly applicable’ and ‘confer on individu- proceedings under Article 260 TFEU, the same
als rights which courts of Member States must steps as those provided for by Article 258 TFEU
protect’ (268). 9.3.1. ARTICLE 258/260 TFEU have to be used, except that the Commission
PROCEDURE does not have to issue a reasoned opinion. If
Individuals can invoke the principle of and the Court of Justice finds that the Member State
right to the free movement of goods by bring- In its role as ‘guardian of the Treaty’, the Com- concerned has not complied with its first judg-
ing a case before a national court. The latter mission might, acting upon a complaint or on ment, it may impose financial sanctions. These
may refuse to apply any national rule which its own initiative, start infringement proceed- financial sanctions are intended to have a deter-
it considers to be contrary to Articles 34 and ings against a Member State which is deemed rent effect and to encourage Member States to
35 TFEU. National courts may also have to evalu- to have failed to comply with its obligations in comply with EU law as rapidly as possible (270).
ate to what extent an obstacle to imports or relation to EU law.
exports may be justified in terms of mandatory 9.3.2. COMPLAINTS
requirements or public interest objectives listed Article 258 TFEU (ex Article 226 EC) provides
in Article 36 TFEU. for the formal steps of the ‘infringement pro- Anyone considering that a measure attrib-
cedure’. The first stage is the sending to the utable to a Member State is contrary to Art-
Member State concerned of a letter of formal icles 34–36 TFEU may file a complaint with the
9.2. Solvit notice requesting it to submit its observations European Commission. As a matter of fact, a
by a specified date, usually within two months. large proportion of infringement procedures
Solvit is a network ( relating to the free movement of goods are
solvit) that aims at solving problems caused In the light of the reply or absence of a reply initiated by the Commission following a com-
by the misapplication of internal market law from the Member State concerned, the Com- plaint. A 2002 Commission communication
by public authorities. For this purpose, all mission may decide to address a reasoned opin- on relations with the complainant in respect
EEA member countries have set up their own ion to the Member State. This document clearly of infringements of EU law (271) lays down the
Solvit centres, which communicate directly and definitively sets out the reasons why it is rules and guarantees relating to the handling
via an online database. The Solvit centres are believed that there has been an infringement of complaints.
part of the national administration and they of EU law, and calls upon the Member State to
are devoted to providing solutions to problems comply within a specified period, usually two The complaint must be submitted in writing,
for both citizens and businesses within a time months. by letter, fax or e-mail in any of the official

(267) Case 74/76 Iannelli [1977] ECR 557.

(268) Case 83/78 Redmond [1978] ECR 2347.
(269) Commission recommendation of 7 December 2001 on principles for using Solvit, the internal market problem solving network (C(2001) 3901; OJ L 331, 15.12.2001,
pp. 79–82).
(270) For more information on the procedure under Articles 258/260 TFEU and the method for calculating financial sanctions, see: and

Page 37
languages of the EU. Though it is not compul- If, after investigation, the Commission considers such as infringement proceedings under Art-
sory, use of the ‘standard complaint form’ (272) is that there may indeed be an infringement of icle 258 TFEU may not always provide the best
recommended as it ensures that all the necessary EU law, it may decide to initiate infringement available means to address a particular issue.
information is forwarded to the Commission, and proceedings under Article 258 TFEU.
therefore speeds up processing of the complaint. It is therefore important to emphasise that the
In addition, it should be noted that the Com- Commission, even if it is fully committed to its
An initial acknowledgement of receipt will be mission has recently agreed with a number of role of supervising the observance of EU law by
sent to the complainant by the Secretariat- Member States to work to improve the speed Member States, enjoys a wide margin of discre-
General of the Commission within 15 working and efficiency of problem-resolution processes tion on whether or not to open infringement
days. Within one month of this acknowledge- through a pilot project, ‘EU Pilot’ (273). One of the proceedings (274).
ment, the Commission will decide whether the objectives of this pilot project is to find quicker
correspondence should be registered. and better responses to complaints through Moreover, in its 2007 communication on the
contacts with the Member States rather than application of Community law (275) the Com-
While the complainant is not a formal party the formal infringement procedure. If the mission outlined several ways to improve
to any procedure initiated against a Member responsible service considers that a complaint application and enforcement of Community
State, it is worth noting that he/she enjoys some should be treated through ‘EU Pilot’, the com- law. Besides a stronger partnership between the
important administrative guarantees. plainant will be informed and requested to Commission and the Member States and more
agree to the disclosure of his/her identity and of preventive action, the communication envis-
• The Commission will not disclose his/her the content of the complaint. The file will then aged prioritisation and acceleration in infringe-
identity unless he/she has expressly agreed be transferred to the Member State concerned, ment management. Under these rules priority
to the disclosure. which will have 10 weeks to propose a suitable will be attached in particular to infringements
solution to the complaint. that raise issues of principle or those that have
• The Commission will endeavour to take a deci- a particular far-reaching negative impact for the
sion on the substance (either to open infringe- 9.3.3. PRIORITIES AND citizens and businesses concerned.
ment proceedings or to close the case) within DISCRETION OF THE COMMISSION
12 months of registration of the complaint. TO ACT While these improvements are well under way
and experience with the new measures, such
• The Commission’s services will keep the As guardian of the Treaty, the Commission is as preventive action and enhanced partner-
complainant informed of the course of very vigilant in ensuring overall compliance ship, is showing some early success, all their
any infringement procedure and he/she with EU law and in monitoring Member States’ benefits will only become evident with time.
will be notified in advance by the relevant adherence to the rules and obligations set out They must also be accompanied by continued
department if it plans to propose that the in the Treaty or secondary legislation. How- monitoring efforts, wherever further progress
Commission closes the case. ever, for different reasons, legal procedures is required.

(273) See ‘A Europe of results — applying Community law’ (COM(2007) 502 final, p. 9) and
(274) Case C-200/88 Commission v Greece [1990] ECR I-4299; order in Case T-47/96 SDDDA v Commission [1996] ECR II-1559, paragraph 42; see as well order in Case
T-177/05 Finland v Commission, not published in the ECR, paragraphs 37 to 40.
(275) ‘A Europe of results — applying Community law’ (COM(2007) 502 final).

Page 38
A — Important communications in the area of Article 34 TFEU

• Commission interpretative communication on facilitating the access of products to the markets of other Member States: the practical application
of mutual recognition (OJ C 265, 4.11.2003, p. 2)

• Commission communication on parallel imports of proprietary medicinal products for which marketing authorisations have already been
granted (COM(2003) 839 final)

• Commission interpretative communication on procedures for the registration of motor vehicles originating in another Member State (OJ C 68,
24.3.2007, p. 15)

• Communication from the Commission: The internal market for goods (COM(2007) 35 final)

• Communication from the Commission: Beverage packaging, deposit systems and free movement of goods (OJ C 107, 9.5.2009, p. 1)

Page 39
B — Territorial application


Åland Islands (autonomous province of Finland).

Legal basis: Article 355(4) TFEU (ex Article 299(5) EC).

Azores Islands (autonomous region of Portugal). Consisting of São Miguel, Pico, Terceira, São Jorge, Faial, Flores, Santa Maria, Graciosa, Corvo.
Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Canary Islands (autonomous community of Spain). Comprising Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro.
Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Channel Islands (Crown dependency of the UK). Composed of Guernsey (including Alderney, Sark, Herm, Jethou, Lihou and Brecqhou) and Jersey
(including Ecrehous Rocks and Les Minquiers).
Legal basis: Article 355(5)(c) TFEU (ex Article 299(6)(c) EC) and Article 1(1) of Protocol No 3 to the UK’s Treaty of Accession to the EU (276).

French Guiana (overseas department and region of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Guadeloupe (overseas department and region of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Isle of Man (Crown dependency of the UK). The Isle of Man is a self-governing Crown dependency which (like the Channel Islands) is not a part of
the EU, but has a limited relationship relating to the free movement of goods.
Legal basis: Article 355(5)(c) TFEU (ex Article 299(6)(c) EC) and Article 1(1) of Protocol No 3 to the UK’s Treaty of Accession to the EU.

Madeira (autonomous region of Portugal). Composed of Madeira, Porto Santo, Desertas Islands, Savage Islands.
Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Martinique (overseas department and region of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

Réunion (overseas department and region of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(1) TFEU (ex Article 299(2) EC).

(276) Article 355(5)(c) TFEU provides that the Treaties shall apply to the Channel Islands (and the Isle of Man) to the extent necessary to ensure the implementation of
the arrangements for these islands set in the Treaty marking the UK’s accession to the EU. Protocol No 3 to that Accession Treaty states that the Community rules on
quantitative restrictions and the free movement of goods shall apply to the Channel Islands (and to the Isle of Man) under the same conditions as they apply to the UK.

Page 40

Akrotiri and Dhekelia (Sovereign Base Areas of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(5)(b) TFEU (ex Article 299(6)(b) EC).

Legal basis: In 1990 Andorra approved a customs union treaty with the EU permitting free movement of industrial goods between the two.

Anguilla (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Aruba (constituent country of the Netherlands).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Bermuda (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: In accordance with the wishes of the Government of Bermuda it is the only overseas territory of the UK not included in the overseas
association decision of 27 November 2001 (277), implementing Part IV of the EC Treaty (278).

British Antarctic Territory (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

British Indian Ocean Territory (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

British Virgin Islands (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Cayman Islands (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Ceuta and Melilla (autonomous cities under Spanish sovereignty).

Legal basis: Due to the wording of Articles 24 and 25 of the Act of Accession of Spain to the EU (279), although Article 34 TFEU probably applies to
goods entering these territories from the rest of the EU, they do not seem to apply to goods originating in Ceuta and Melilla entering the rest of the
EU. Therefore it does not appear that Article 34 TFEU extends to goods originating in Ceuta and Melilla.

Chafarinas Islands (place of Spanish sovereignty). Composed of three small islets including Isla del Congreso, Isla Isabel II and Isla del Rey.
Legal basis: In the absence of any specific reference in the Treaty or its Annex, the TFEU does not seem to apply to this territory.

Faeroe Islands (autonomous territory of Denmark).

Although Denmark is responsible for the external relations of the 18 islands forming this territory, it retains a high degree of self-governance and
the TFEU expressly states that these islands fall outside the scope of its territorial application.
Legal basis: Article 355(5)(a) TFEU (ex Article 299(6)(a) EC).

Falkland Islands (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

French Polynesia (overseas collectivity of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

French Southern and Antarctic Territories (overseas territory of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

(277) 2001/822/EC: Council decision of 27 November 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community (OJ L 314, 30.11.2001,
pp. 1–77).
(278) Bermuda’s relationship with the EU is therefore even more remote than that of the other OCTs listed in Annex II to the Treaty.
(279) OJ L 302, 15.11.1985.

Page 41
Gibraltar (overseas territory of the UK). Even though the UK is responsible for the external relations of Gibraltar, Gibraltar is treated as a third country
for the purposes of trade in all goods. Article 355(2) TFEU provides that the Treaty shall not apply to those overseas territories having special rela-
tions with the UK which, like Gibraltar, are not included in Annex II to the Treaty (280).
Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Greenland (territory of Denmark).

Originally part of the Community by virtue of the accession of Denmark thereto, the status of Greenland was altered to that of OCT by special treaty.
In 1985 Greenlandic voters chose to leave the EEC upon achieving self-rule. As a result Greenland’s relationship with the EU seems (like that of
Bermuda) even more remote than that of the other OCTs listed in Annex II to the Treaty.

Holy See (Vatican City State)

Legal basis: The Holy See is an independent state which, in principle, determines its external relations itself, so the Treaty provisions do not auto-
matically apply in terms of Article 355(3) TFEU (ex Article 299(4) EC).

Legal basis: Member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) benefit from the free movement of goods in the EU under the EEA Agreement
and not under Article 34 TFEU.

Legal basis: Member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) benefit from the free movement of goods in the EU under the EEA Agreement
and not under Article 34 TFEU.

Mayotte (overseas collectivity of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Legal basis: Monaco is an independent state which, in principle, determines its external relations itself, so the Treaty provisions do not automatically
apply in terms of Article 355(3) TFEU.

Montserrat (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Netherlands Antilles (constituent country of the Netherlands). Consisting of Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Sint Maarten.
Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

New Caledonia and its dependencies (a sui generis collectivity of France). Including a main island (Grande Terre), the Loyalty Islands and several
smaller islands.
Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Legal basis: Member countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) benefit from the free movement of goods in the EU under the EEA Agreement
and not under Article 34 TFEU.

Penon de Alhucemas and Penon de Velez de la Gomera (places of Spanish sovereignty).

Legal basis: In the absence of any specific reference, in the Treaty or its Annex, the Treaty does not seem to apply to these territories.

Pitcairn (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Saint Helena and dependencies (overseas territory of the UK). Including Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha.
Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Saint Pierre and Miquelon (overseas collectivity of France).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

(280) In Case C-30/01 Commission v United Kingdom ([2003] ECR I-9481) the Court of Justice held that Gibraltar ought to remain in the same position with regard to the
EC’s import liberalisation system as it was prior to the accession of the UK. So, products originating in Gibraltar are not deemed to be EU products to which free move-
ment rules apply. Since, similarly, they do not attract customs duties under the Common Customs Tariff, they cannot be regarded as goods in free circulation either.

Page 42
San Marino
Legal basis: San Marino is an independent state which, in principle, determines its external relations itself, so the Treaty provisions do not automat-
ically apply in terms of Article 355(3) TFEU (ex Article 299(4) EC).

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (overseas territory of the UK).
Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Legal basis: Member country of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), but does not form part of the European Economic Area (EEA).

Turks and Caicos Islands (overseas territory of the UK).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Wallis and Futuna Islands (French overseas collectivity).

Legal basis: Article 355(2) TFEU (ex Article 299(3) EC).

Page 43
European Commission

Free movement of goods — Guide to the application of Treaty provisions governing the free movement of goods

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2010 — 43 pp. — 21 × 29.7 cm

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Free movement
of goods
Guide to the application
of Treaty provisions governing
the free movement of goods

ISBN 978-92-79-13478-4

European Commission
Enterprise and Industry

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