Procedure To Create The Payroll Management System Project
Procedure To Create The Payroll Management System Project
Procedure To Create The Payroll Management System Project
Learning Objectives The designing of the Payroll Management System helps the students to: Create C++ classes with data members and member functions. Generate and call member functions and static functions. Use the structure struct date of dos.h file and its main functions. Develop and display main menu and its sub-menus. Read and write randomly to binary files. Use the setw function. Understanding the Payroll Management System
The Payroll Management System project is an application that allows you to perform different operations such as adding employee information, accessing employee information and generating a salary slip. This application contains two section employee and payroll. The employee section helps to add, update, delete and access information related to an employee. The payroll section helps to generate and display payroll and display salary slip. The initial screen of the Payroll Management System accepts a username and password to validate a user of the Payroll Management System. If a user enters a wrong username and password three times then the application quits or else the main menu of the Payroll Management System appears. Main menu of the Payroll Management System contains three options Employee Section, Payroll Section and Quit. The Employee section option of the main menu takes the user to the employee section of the Payroll Management System. The Payroll Section option allows a user to access the Payroll section of the application. The Quit option allows a user to exit the application. The following figure shows the main menu of the Payroll Management System application:
A user can enter an integer such as 1, 2 or 3 to make a choice from main menu options.
You need to create the employee class to perform different tasks related to an employee. These tasks are: Adding employee information to employee.dat data file. Updating employee information in employee.dat data file. Deleting employee information from employee.dat file. Displaying all information related to an employee from employee.dat file. Displaying information of a single employee from employee.dat file Checking whether an employee code exists or not in the employee.dat file. Retrieving the salary of a particular employee from employee.dat file. Validating all data related to an employee when a user is entering the employee data. To perform the above Functions add_employee update_employee tasks, employee class implements the following member functions: Description Adds information related to an employee to the employee.dat data file. Updates the information related to an employee in the employee.dat data file on the basis of the employee code. delete_employee Deletes the information related to an employee from the employee.dat file on the basis of employee code. check_empcode Verifies whether an employee code exists in the employee.dat data file. The check_empcode member function is a friend function. show_employee Displays the information related to an employee on the basis of the employee code from the employee.dat file. show_employees Displays the information of all the employees from the employee.dat file. get_salary Returns the salary of an employee on the basis of specified employee code. You can create the employee class by defining the member functions and variables, which are required to manage the employee data.