Duan 2020
Duan 2020
Duan 2020
Water Research
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This study demonstrated the presence of a critical equivalent ratio of the competing anion (i.e., sulfate
Received 15 November 2019 and bicarbonate) to chloride ion in recycled brine to achieve highly-selective nitrate removal from
Received in revised form nitrate-rich groundwater in the standard-anion exchange resin (AER) (i.e., with trimethylamine func-
28 January 2020
tional groups) column process. With increasing bicarbonate (or sulfate):chloride equivalent ratio in brine
Accepted 30 January 2020
Available online 31 January 2020
used to circularly activate/regenerate the standard-AER column, considerable bicarbonate (sulfate)
removal and dumping were observed. The critical bicarbonate (sulfate):chloride equivalent ratio of 2:5
(8:1) in brine effectively achieved zero net bicarbonate (sulfate) removal (<5%) from feedwater during
long-term exhaustioneregeneration cyclic operation. The feed rate (6e18 BV/h) played a key role in
Selective ion exchange determining the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine, while the feed sulfate concentration
Groundwater (145e345 mg/L) slightly changed the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio. The use of optimized
Brine reuse ternary brine (with a sulfate:chloride:bicarbonate equivalent ratio of 42:5:2) stably achieved long-term
Resin activation highly-selective nitrate removal from groundwater in the standard-AER column process with brine
electrochemical treatment. The possible mechanism for nitrate selectivity included the modification of
the sulfate: and bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratios in the standard-AER column by the optimized
brine in circular activation/regeneration mode; this changed the column elution and breakthrough
curves, inhibited the competition of sulfate and bicarbonate for ion exchange sites during exhaustion
according to the separation factor, and finally achieved selective nitrate removal from feedwater.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0043-1354/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571
wide application in water treatment plant. electrochemical treatment. Finally, we propose a mechanism for
In the AER-packed column process, plug flow passing through selective nitrate removal in the standard-AER column process with
the AER column can be divided into many identical segments. All optimized brine, after investigating the effects of circular activa-
anions in water passing through the column can equilibrate in each tion/regeneration by optimized brine on column elution and
column segment before being transferred to the next column breakthrough curves, and sulfateenitrate binary exchange
segment (Choe et al., 2015). During exhaustion or regeneration, the reactions.
general formula of ion exchange reactions between a given anion (B
, univalent [B, e.g., bicarbonate] or bivalent [B2, e.g., sulfate] 2. Material and methods
ions) and the univalent counterion (A, chloride ion in most cases)
in the feedwater (or brine) and AER phase is as follows: 2.1. Materials
n (2)
½R A B of ~1 eq/L.
The standard AER used in this and previous studies (Sun et al.,
where [Rþ n þ
n B ] and [R A ] are the equilibrium equivalent concen- 2015; Zheng et al., 2011), i.e., 201 4 resin (a gel-type poly-
trations of the given anion and the univalent counterion in the AER styrene strong base AER with trimethylamine functional groups),
phase, while [Bn] and [A] are their equilibrium equivalent con- was supplied by Zhejiang Zhengguang Industrial (Hangzhou,
centrations in the aqueous phase, respectively. China). According to the manufacturer’s data sheet, it has a total
Typically, the anionic selectivity sequence on standard AERs (i.e., exchange capacity (wet) of 1.10 mmol/mL and an average particle
sulfate > nitrate > chloride > bicarbonate (Hekmatzadeh et al., size of 0.315e1.25 mm, and its comparable products include
2012)) is mainly related to differences in the physicochemical Amberlite IRA-401, Dowex 1 4, and Diaion SA-11A. Prior to use,
characteristics of these anions (Hu et al., 2016), and their ionic the virgin AERs in the chloride form were pretreated by washing
strengths in solution (Bergquist et al., 2016). The development of with deionized water until neutral.
nitrate-selective AERs demonstrates that the anionic selectivity
sequence on AERs will vary with the change in AER properties (i.e., 2.2. Laboratory-scale standard-AER experimental setup and cyclic
hydrophobicity) when modifying their functional groups and/or operation
polymer backbones (Gu et al., 2007; Hsu and Singer, 2010; Song
et al., 2012). As shown in eq (2), however, the success or failure A schematic diagram of the laboratory-scale standard-AER
of ion exchange of the given anion over the univalent counterion experimental setup used in this study is shown in Fig. S1. The glass
was also determined by the equivalent ratio of the given anion to column (2 cm i.d., 24 cm height) contained 49 mL of 201 4 resin.
the univalent counterion (i.e., [Rþ n þ
n B ]/[R A ]) in AER phase against Unless otherwise specified, the standard-AER column was operated
that (i.e., [Bn]/[A]) in feedwater during exhaustion (or brine in countercurrent mode, as follows: circular AER activation using
during regeneration). Furthermore, as the AER process is often designed brine; four consecutive exhaustioneregeneration cycles
operated with alternating exhaustion and regeneration cycles, the (i.e., one brine purification cycle); and electrochemical treatment of
equivalent ratio of a given anion to the univalent counterion in spent brine in batch mode. During the activation and regeneration
recycled brine might influence their equivalent ratio in the AER phases, 2e4 L of brine in the brine tank was pumped upwards to
during activation/regeneration, and further influence the ion ex- circularly activate or regenerate the standard AER at 2.45 BV/h for
change performance of the given anion during exhaustion ac- 4 h by an EH-B10VC-220RI diaphragm pump (Iwaki Co., Iwaki,
cording to the separation factor. Under these conditions, besides Japan). During the 15-h exhaustion phase, feedwater in the feed
modifying AER properties (i.e., nitrate-selective AERs) (Gu et al., tank was pumped downwards into the standard-AER column at the
2007; Hsu and Singer, 2010; Song et al., 2012), there may be specified feed rate (as shown in Table S1), and product water was
another strategy to achieve nitrate selectivity in a standard-AER discharged into the effluent tank. Following AER regeneration,
column process at a low cost, i.e., by optimizing the equivalent makeup NaCl was added to the brine to return its salt concentration
ratio of competing anions to the univalent counterion in recycled to the initial level. At that time, the AER column was ready for the
brine to inhibit their competition for ion exchange sites during next exhaustioneregeneration cycle. The 6-h electrochemical
exhaustion. treatment of spent brine was conducted in a 1-L electrolysis cell
Following circular activation of a standard-AER column by bi- equipped with a DC power supply (0e30 V, 0e5 A) in batch mode;
carbonate (or sulfate)-chloride binary brine, we investigated the Fe and IrO2eRuO2/Ti plates 66 cm2 in area (11 cm 6 cm) (Sure
potential effect of the bicarbonate (or sulfate):chloride equivalent Industrial Technology Co. Ltd., Suzhou, China) were used as the
ratio in binary brine on anionic removal performance during cathode and the anode, separated by a distance of 16 mm. After
exhaustion, and demonstrated the presence of a critical bicarbon- electrochemical treatment, the pH of the brine was adjusted to 8.9
ate (or sulfate):chloride equivalent ratio in binary brine to achieve using hydrochloric acid, and makeup NaCl was added to the brine
zero net bicarbonate (or sulfate) removal from feedwater. Subse- prior to the next round of AER activation.
quently, following evaluation of the potential effects of feed rate
and feed sulfate concentration on the critical sulfate:chloride 2.3. Standard-AER column experimental protocol
equivalent ratio in brine, we demonstrated the feasibility of selec-
tive nitrate removal from groundwater by optimizing ternary brine Table S1 presents a summary of the protocol for the seven sets
(sulfate:chloride:bicarbonate) over 13 exhaustioneregeneration of standard-AER column tests: (1) one set of six experiments
cycles in the standard-AER column process with brine (performed in parallel) to evaluate the effects of the
S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571 3
bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine on anionic removal Fig. S2 shows the long-term removal of nitrate, sulfate, and bi-
performance during exhaustion, following circular activation by carbonate from feedwater during exhaustion when NaCl brine is
designed brine (labeled B/C Br. Exp. 1e6); (2) one set of six exper- reused during 24 exhaustioneregeneration cycles in a standard-
iments (performed in parallel) to evaluate the effects of the sulfa- AER column process without brine purification or replacement,
te:chloride equivalent ratio in brine on anionic removal along with their accumulation in recycled brine during regenera-
performance during exhaustion, following circular activation by tion. Consistent with previous studies of standard-AER columns
designed brine (labeled S/C Br. Exp. 1e6); (3) one set of 19 exper- with recycling of brine for reuse (Lehman et al., 2008; Liu and
iments (performed in parallel) to evaluate the effects of feed rate on Clifford, 1996; Sun et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2011), preferential
anionic removal performance during exhaustion, following circular sulfate removal (>96%) was observed throughout the long-term
activation by brine with various sulfate:chloride equivalent ratios cyclic operation, while nitrate and bicarbonate removal gradually
(labeled Feed Rate Exp. 1e19); (4) one set of 16 experiments (per- decreased from 100% to 38%, and from ~28% to ~16%, respectively.
formed in parallel) to evaluate the effects of sulfate concentration in Cyclic operation led to remarkable accumulation of these three
feedwater on anionic removal performance during exhaustion, target anions in recycled NaCl brine. The observations also imply a
following circular activation by brine with various sulfate:chloride dynamic increase in the equivalent ratio of all three target anions
equivalent ratios (labeled Sul. Feed Exp. 1e16); (5) one experiment relative to chloride (i.e., the counter anion) in the recycled brine.
to investigate long-term anionic removal and accumulation char- Fig. S3 shows that the rough estimates of the amounts of nitrate and
acteristics during 13 consecutive exhaustioneregeneration cycles, bicarbonate adsorbed on the standard-AER column increased
including circular activation/regeneration by brine with optimized gradually to the peak values during the 16th and 10th
sulfate:bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratio and electrochemical exhaustioneregeneration cycle, respectively, and then remained
treatment of spent brine (labeled Long-term Opt. Br. Exp.); (6) one stable. In previous study, Lehman et al. (2008) noticed that both
set of two experiments (performed in parallel) to investigate the sulfate and bicarbonate concentrations in recycled NaCl brine
effects of circular activation/regeneration mode on the anionic reached a steady state after 13e15 cycles of the standard-AER
elution curves of the exhausted column when NaCl solution was column process for groundwater treatment, depending on the
used as brine, with no circular activation/regeneration mode (i.e., feedwater ionic concentrations, brine concentration, and removal
direct column effluent discharge) as the control (labeled Column effectiveness. The presence of a steady state for these anions in the
Elu. Exp. 1e2); and (7) one set of two experiments (performed in standard-AER column, or in recycled brine, demonstrated that
parallel) to investigate the effects of activation treatment by the there is an inherent relation of these anions in feedwater, in the
optimized brine on anionic column breakthrough curves with standard-AER column, and in recycled brine. Previously, the failure
nonactivated column as the control (labeled Column Break. of nitrate removal by standard AERs is typically attributed to the
Exp.1e2). stronger competition of sulfate for ion exchange sites (Li et al.,
Unless otherwise specified, samples were individually collected 2019; Liu and Clifford, 1996). However, it seems in this study that
from the feed tank, the effluent tank, and the brine tank to deter- the failure to remove nitrate and bicarbonate may also have been
mine water quality parameters at the beginning or end of each attributable to the considerable increases in their equivalent ratios
phase. For anionic elution tests of the exhausted column, effluent to chloride in the recycled brine and in the standard-AER column,
samples were collected consecutively from the brine tank for water which may inhibit their ion exchange capacity during exhaustion.
quality analysis at regular time intervals in circular activation/
regeneration mode, while they were collected consecutively from 3.1. Effects of the bicarbonate (or sulfate):chloride equivalent ratio
the column exit in the control condition. For anionic breakthrough in brine for circular activation of the standard-AER column on
tests, all samples were collected consecutively from the column exit anionic removal performance during exhaustion
at regular time intervals for water quality analysis.
Bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine. Incorporation
2.4. Analytical methods of bicarbonate into the chloride-based brine was reported to exert
small effects on standard-AER exhaustion and regeneration with
After filtration through 0.45-mm membrane filters, nitrate was regard to sulfate, nitrate, and chloride, because bicarbonate-based
measured according to standard methods (APHA, 2005). The bi- brine is weaker than chloride-based brine (Li et al., 2015). The
carbonate concentrations were estimated with titration of the pH. weak effects of a wide range of bicarbonate concentrations in
The sulfate concentration was calculated from the sulfur concen- chloride-based brine on anionic removal performance during
tration determined using an Axial View Inductively Coupled Plasma exhaustion was demonstrated in Fig. 1a. Following circular activa-
Spectrometer (SPECTRO ARCOS EOP; SPECTRO Analytical In- tion of the standard-AER column by brine with various bicarbo-
struments GmbH, Kleve, Germany). The overall precision of the nate:chloride equivalent ratios, the sulfate and nitrate removal
water quality analysis was verified by replicate analysis and rates during exhaustion remained constant at ~100% during
calculation of the relative percentage deviation, the target of which exhaustion. However, varied bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratios
was 10%. in brine seemed to considerably influence bicarbonate removal
during exhaustion. The bicarbonate concentration in the product
3. Results and discussion water increased gradually with increases in the bicarbonate
equivalent fraction in the recycled brine, and finally exceeded the
The majority of previous studies on nitrate-selective AERs used bicarbonate concentration in the feedwater (i.e., negative bicar-
sulfate as a competing anion (Choe et al., 2015; Hekmatzadeh et al., bonate removal, or bicarbonate leakage or dumping into the
2012; Hu et al., 2016). It is reported that bicarbonate also has an product water) at a bicarbonate equivalent fraction of >0.33. These
adverse effect on nitrate adsorption (Choe et al., 2015; Song et al., results demonstrated that the failure to remove bicarbonate
2012), although it has lower selectivity than nitrate and chloride observed in Fig. S2 was attributable to an excessively high bicar-
(Hekmatzadeh et al., 2012). In this study, both sulfate and bicar- bonate:chloride equivalent ratio in the recycled brine with the
bonate were selected as competing anions to investigate the po- development of continuous operation, which finally inhibit the ion
tential effects of brine optimization on the selective nitrate removal exchange capacity of bicarbonate during exhaustion. When the
performance of a standard-AER column process. bicarbonate equivalent fraction in brine was 0.29 (i.e., the critical
4 S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571
Fig. 1. Anionic removal performance during exhaustion phases, after the standard-AER 3.2. Effects of feed parameters on the critical sulfate:chloride
column was circularly activated by bicarbonate-chloride binary brine with varied bi- equivalent ratio in brine
carbonate equivalent fraction (a), or by sulfate-chloride binary brine with varied sul-
fate equivalent fraction (b).
Feed rate. A higher feed rate generally increases the turbulence
of flow in the fixed-bed process, resulting in a shorter breakthrough
bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratio of 2:5), the bicarbonate time and faster saturation (Hekmatzadeh et al., 2012; Li and Yang,
concentrations in the feedwater and the product water were 2015; Xu et al., 2013). In this study, following circular activation
approximately equivalent (i.e., <5% bicarbonate removal). of the standard-AER column by brine with various sulfate:chloride
The inhibitory effects of the critical bicarbonate:chloride equivalent ratios, the effects of feed rate (i.e., 6 (Fig. 1b), 12 and 18
equivalent ratio in recycled brine on long-term bicarbonate (Fig. 2) BV/h) on the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in
removal performance were further demonstrated by 15 brine were investigated. The feed rate seemed to play a key role in
exhaustioneregeneration cycles of the standard-AER column pro- determining the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine.
cess, when the brine with the critical bicarbonate:chloride equiv- With increasing feed rate, the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent
alent ratio was used to circularly activate or regenerate the
standard-AER column (Fig. S4). In addition to no significant (<5%)
bicarbonate removal or accumulation, remarkable sulfate removal
(90e94%) and accumulation, and remarkable nitrate removal and
accumulation were consistently observed with cyclic operation.
Therefore, the ratio of 2:5 is referred to as the critical bicarbona-
te:chloride equivalent ratio in brine for activation of the standard-
AER column, to inhibit the competition of bicarbonate for ion ex-
change sites during exhaustion.
Sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine. As shown in Fig. 1b,
following circular activation of the standard-AER column by brine
with various sulfate:chloride equivalent ratios, nitrate removal
remained constant at ~100% during exhaustion in most cases. The
remarkable amounts of sulfate in both feedwater and brine had a
negligible influence on nitrate removal performance during
exhaustion. However, with the increase in the sulfate:chloride
equivalent ratio in brine, bicarbonate removal by the activated
standard-AER column decreased markedly from 75% to 17%,. The
increase in the sulfate:chloride equivalent ratios in brine also
considerably influenced sulfate removal performance during
exhaustion while the sulfate concentration in the product water
increased gradually and finally exceeded its concentration in the
feedwater (i.e., negative sulfate removal, or sulfate leakage or
dumping into the product water). These results demonstrated that
the failure to remove could be achieved at an excessively high
sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in the recycled brine, which finally Fig. 2. Effect of feed rates (12 (a) and 18 (b) BV/h) on anionic removal performance
inhibit the ion exchange capacity of sulfate during exhaustion. With during the exhaustion phases, after the standard-AER column was activated by sulfate-
chloride binary brine with varied sulfate equivalent fraction.
S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571 5
ratios in brine changed from 8:1 at 6 BV/h to 6:1 at 12 and 18 BV/h. of 42:5:2; this was tentatively used to activate or regenerate the
As reported previously (Hekmatzadeh et al., 2012; Li and Yang, standard-AER column during 13 exhaustioneregeneration cycles,
2015; Xu et al., 2013), the increase in feed rate markedly influ- and the long-term anionic removal and accumulation performance
enced nitrate and bicarbonate removal in all cases in this study. The was further investigated. After every four exhaustioneregeneration
World Health Organization (WHO) recommends drinking water cycles, the spent brine was purified by electrochemical treatment to
nitrate concentrations < 50 mg/L (WHO, 2011); drinking water remove nitrate, and then recovered to activate the standard-AER
satisfying this threshold at a feed rate of 18 BV apparently cannot be column prior to the next exhaustioneregeneration cycle. The re-
produced in most cases, although efficient nitrate removal (i.e., sults are illustrated in Fig. 4. In previous studies, “unitary brines”,
55e84%) was still achieved. Therefore, a low feed rate (e.g., <10 BV/ such as NaOH, HCl, NaCl, and NH4Cl brine solutions (Sun et al.,
h) during exhaustion is recommended for the standard-AER col- 2015; Zheng et al., 2017), and “binary brines”, such as NaCl/NaOH
umn process. (Zheng et al., 2017) and NaCl/NaHCO3 (Li et al., 2015), were used to
Feed sulfate concentration. In this study, following circular regenerate the exhausted AERs. This is the first report of the
activation of the standard-AER column by brine with various sul- simultaneous addition of sulfate and bicarbonate to brine and use
fate:chloride equivalent ratios, the effects of feed sulfate concen- of a “ternary brine” for AER regeneration.
tration (i.e., 145 (Fig. 1b), 245, and 345 (Fig. 3) mg/L) on the critical Different from the standard-AER column process shown in
sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine were investigated. With Fig. S2, following standard-AER activation/regeneration by the
increasing feed sulfate concentration, the critical sulfate:chloride optimized brine, no significant bicarbonate removal (<5%) and low
equivalent ratio in brine increased slightly from 8:1 for 145 mg/L sulfate removal (2e22%) were consistently observed throughout
sulfate to 17:2 for 245 mg/L sulfate, and then to 9:1 for 345 mg/L the long-term cyclic operation periods, as illustrated in Fig. 4, when
sulfate. These observations suggested that the severalfold change in their concentrations in the recycled brine remained stable.
feed sulfate concentration is accompanied by a slight change in the Furthermore, the sulfate removal (maximum: 22%) of the opti-
critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in brine. The variation in mized ternary brine shown in Fig. 4 was higher than that (<5%) of
feed sulfate concentration hardly influenced the nitrate removal the binary brine (sulfate:chloride), shown in Fig. S5, possibly due to
performance by the circularly activated standard-AER column in all a less-precise brine composition, as it was produced by a combi-
cases, and nitrate levels in the product water remained constant at nation of two critical binary equivalent ratios. Additionally,
extremely low levels (Figs. 1b and 3). In comparison with the results Vanderhoek et al. (1988) noted 0e45% sulfate removal and no
at 145 mg/L sulfate, feed sulfate concentrations of 245e345 mg/L significant bicarbonate removal from feedwater by a nitrate-
significantly reduced bicarbonate removal at low sulfate:chloride selective AER column. In this study, following activation/regener-
equivalent ratios in the brine. ation by the optimized brine, the standard-AER column may also
show no or low sulfate and bicarbonate removals from feedwater
during long-term cyclic operation. In contrast, although increased
3.3. Long-term anionic removal and accumulation characteristics of carbon chain length of functional groups produced those nitrate-
the standard-AER column process with optimized brine and brine
electrochemical treatment
Fig. 4. Nitrate, sulfate and bicarbonate removal (from the feed) and accumulation (in
the recycled brine) characteristics during 13 exhaustioneregeneration cycles of the
standard-AER column activated by optimized brine, with routine electrochemical
treatment of spent brine and subsequent AER activation between two adjacent dashed
Fig. 3. Effect of feed sulfate concentrations (i.e., 245 (a) and 345 (b) mg/L) on nitrate, lines (i.e., between the 4th and 5th or the 8th and 9th exhaustion-regeneration cycles).
sulfate and bicarbonate removal performance at feed rate of 6 BV/h during the As shown in this figure, after electrochemical and subsequent activation treatments,
exhaustion phases, after the standard-AER column was activated by sulfate-chloride there was a remarkable decrease and subsequent slight increase in nitrate concen-
binary brine with varied sulfate equivalent fraction. tration in the recycled brine.
6 S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571
earlier sulfate breakthrough than nitrate breakthrough) (Choe et al., factor calculations were used to demonstrate the nitrate-selective
2015; Liu and Clifford, 1996). In this study, the potential effects of capacities of many nitrate-selective AERs (Ebrahimi and Roberts,
circular activation by optimized brine on the anionic breakthrough 2016; Gu et al., 2004; Hu et al., 2016). In this study, the activated
curves of the standard-AER column were evaluated using a standard-AERs were prepared in fixed-bed columns using the
nonactivated standard-AER column as a control, and the results are optimized brine with a sulfate:chloride:bicarbonate equivalent
shown in Fig. 6. As reported previously (Hekmatzadeh et al., 2012; ratio of 30:5:2. Subsequently, the selectivity of activated and
Lehman et al., 2008; Sun et al., 2015), effluent anionic concentra- nonactivated standard-AERs for sulfate and nitrate were evaluated
tions of the nonactivated standard-AER column showed a normal by sulfateenitrate binary ion exchange reactions, as described by
anionic breakthrough profile (Fig. 6a). Bicarbonate broke through Gu et al. (2004) with minor modifications. The separation factor (a)
first, and the nitrate concentration in the product water rose for sulfate (i.e., the given anion in this test) and nitrate (i.e., the
sharply from ~0 mg/L before 196 BV to above that in the feedwater mobile counterion in this test) was calculated according to eq (2)
after 270 BV, while no sulfate was detected in the product water based on the data nearest the point at which the equivalent ionic
throughout the experimental period. In contrast, following activa- fraction in solution was ~0.5. A separation value > 1 indicates
tion by the optimized brine, the standard-AER column exhibited favorable selectivity of AER for sulfate over nitrate, while a higher
different column breakthrough curves (Fig. 6b). There was a far value indicates greater sulfate selectivity (Hu et al., 2016). A plot of
higher bicarbonate concentration in product water at the beginning the sulfate equivalent concentration fractions on AER (y-axis)
than that shown in Fig. 6a. In comparison with sulfate and bicar- versus solution (x-axis) is shown in Fig. S6. The majority of the data
bonate, nitrate bound preferentially to the standard-AER column points remained above the 1:1 line, indicating greater selectivity
circularly activated by optimized brine. The column breakthrough for sulfate over nitrate via either nonactivated or activated
curve presented here was similar to those reported for nitrate- standard-AER. Furthermore, the separation values of activated and
selective AERs (Gu et al., 2004; Hekmatzadeh et al., 2012; Liu and nonactivated standard-AER were 1.14 and 1.01, respectively, which
Clifford, 1996; Sowmya and Meenakshi, 2014). It indicated that approximated those reported in previous studies for standard AERs
circular activation of the standard-AER column by the optimized (e.g., 1.71e137 for 32 standard AERs (Clifford and Weber, 1983)). The
brine made it feasible to achieve nitrate selectivity. In the steady results indicated no significant change in the anionic preference of
state of the nitrate-selective AER system, the sulfate mass balance standard AER, where activation by optimized brine did not modify
showed that more than 90% of the sulfate loaded on AER sites its functional groups.
during the first 80 BVs of exhaustion was subsequently replaced by
nitrate in the feedwater during the remaining exhaustion period 3.5. Significance of this investigation
(Liu and Clifford, 1996), as shown in column breakthrough curves,
which explained why no net sulfate removal was observed during The results present here indicated that the circular activation/
the steady-state periods of nitrate-selective AER, previously (Liu regeneration mode modified the anionic equivalent ratio in the
and Clifford, 1996) or in this study (Fig. 4 and Fig S5). standard-AER column according to the brine composition (Fig. 5),
Effects of circular activation by optimized brine on which in turn influenced the column breakthrough curves of the
sulfateenitrate binary exchange reactions. In previous studies, standard-AER column (Fig. 6) and played a key role in determining
qualitative binary ion exchange plots and quantitative separation the removal performance of a given anion during exhaustion ac-
cording to the separation factor. Under these conditions, no
removal from feedwater and accumulation in recycled brine of
sulfate and bicarbonate were frequently observed during long-term
cyclic operation of the standard-AER column when the optimized
brine with the critical equivalent ratio was used, as shown in
Figs. S4 and S5, and Fig. 4. In this study, the exhaustion and
regeneration cycles had a common equivalent ratio of the
competing anion to chloride ion in the standard-AER column, as the
standard-AER column process was operated with alternating
exhaustion and regeneration cycles. Therefore, the inhibitory effect
of the competing anions in optimized brine on their own ion ex-
change performance during exhaustion and regeneration can be
explained by the approximate equivalent ratios in the feedwater
and the optimized brine. For example, the critical sulfate:chloride
equivalent ratios in recycled brine were 8.0, 8.5, and 9.0 for
equivalent ratios of sulfate:chloride ion in feedwater of 5.3, 9.5, and
13.3, respectively, at feed sulfate concentrations of 135, 243, and
342 mg/L, respectively. Selective nitrate removal by the standard-
AER column was finally achieved through the inhibitory effect of
competing anion (e.g., sulfate or bicarbonate) in optimized brine on
its own ion exchange during exhaustion, rather than by the anionic
selectivity sequence. The difference in the operational costs of the
nitrate-selective AERs reported previously and the standard-AER
column activated/regenerated by optimized brine introduced in
this study was determined by their treatment capacity and resin
costs due to their similar process design. As illustrated in Fig. 6, the
treatment capacity of the activated standard-AER column process
(about 120 BVs of product water) approximated to that of some
Fig. 6. Anionic breakthrough curves of the fresh standard-AER columns, after being nitrate-selective AERs for groundwater treatment, e.g., 120 BVs for
activated by optimized brine (b) with no activation as control (a). Purolite A-520E (Gu et al., 2004). Under the conditions, the
8 S. Duan et al. / Water Research 173 (2020) 115571
operational costs of the activated/regenerated standard-AER col- competing capacity of sulfate and bicarbonate for ion ex-
umn process was significantly lower than that of the nitrate- change sites. The circular activation/regeneration mode
selective AER process, since those nitrate-selective AERs are altered the column elution and breakthrough curves, and
generally more expensive (e.g., ~5e5 times or even higher) than finally achieved selective nitrate removal from feedwater.
standard AERs. The activated standard-AER column in this study and nitrate-
In this study, insignificant bicarbonate and sulfate removal were selective AERs share an identical nitrate-selective removal
consistently observed, from the first cycle of the long-term cyclic mechanism.
operation of the standard-AER column with optimized brine (2) Feed rate showed a considerable effect on the critical sulfa-
(Figs. S4 and S5, and Fig. 4). However, for a nitrate-selective AER te:chloride equivalent ratio, while severalfold changes in
system, long-term cyclic operation (e.g., 33 feed sulfate concentrations were accompanied by slight
exhaustioneregeneration cycles) is often required to reach a steady changes in the critical sulfate:chloride equivalent ratio in
state, characterized by no net sulfate removal from feedwater brine. The presence of abundant sulfate and bicarbonate in
(Clifford and Liu, 1993; Liu and Clifford, 1996). It seems that the brine and feedwater had no significant effect on nitrate
treatment performance of the activated standard-AER column in removal by the standard-AER column. No significant change
this study was even better than that of nitrate-selective AERs. in the sulfate preference of standard AERs was observed in
However, there were still many commonalties between the nitrate- sulfateenitrate binary exchange reactions, as the activation
selective AERs reported previously and the standard-AER column by optimized brine did not modify the functional groups of
activated/regenerated by optimized brine introduced in this study, standard AERs.
e.g., no net sulfate removal from feedwater was achieved after the (3) The optimized brine composition for circular activation/
sulfate concentration in recycled brine reached a plateau (Clifford regeneration of the standard-AER column, and
and Liu, 1993; Liu and Clifford, 1996). Furthermore, the inhibitory electrochemical treatment to transform nitrate in brine to
effect of non-sulfate anions in recycled brine on their own ion ex- N2 gas, constituted a closed loop to achieve selective
change performance have also been reported previously for nitrate- nitrate removal from groundwater during long-term
selective AERs, when it was also observed in this study (including exhaustioneregeneration cyclic operation. These findings
bicarbonate and nitrate). For example, Bergquist et al. (2016) could be applied for selective removal of other anions by
concluded that a high concentration of nitrate in brine is princi- standard AERs.
pally responsible for the reduced nitrate breakthrough capacity of
nitrate-selective AERs, rather than the accumulation of sulfate or Declaration of competing interest
bicarbonate in the brine. Vanderhoek et al. (1988) attributed the
absence of bicarbonate removal from groundwater when using a The authors declare that they have no known competing
nitrate-selective AER to abundant bicarbonate on the AER column financial interests or personal relationships that could have
at the start of each service mode, due to the higher alkalinity of the appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
brine. Therefore, it seems possible that the activated standard-AER
column by the optimized brine in this study and the nitrate- Acknowledgment
selective AERs share an identical nitrate-selective removal mech-
anism, i.e., inhibition of the ion exchange capacity of a coexisting This study was supported by the National Natural Science
anion during exhaustion by its anionic equivalent ratio to the Foundation of China (No. 21677016, 51878050,91547207 and
chloride in optimized brine. In comparison with nitrate-selective U1806217 (Joint Funds)) and National Key R&D Program of China
AERs (2.2 (Clifford and Liu, 1993) or even 16 (Liu and Clifford, (2018YFC1406404).
1996) g/L sulfate), a far higher sulfate concentration (i.e.,
43e44 g/L sulfate; see Figs. 1b and 4) in the optimized brine was Appendix A. Supplementary data
required for the standard-AER column in this study to inhibit its
own ion exchange during exhaustion, which demonstrated the Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
advantage of nitrate-selective AERs over the activated standard- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.115571.
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