Tran 2013
Tran 2013
Tran 2013
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Article history: Containing 10.2 Mt Li, Salar de Uyuni is known to be the richest resource of Li in the world. A high Mg/Li mass
Received 1 February 2013 ratio of 21.2:1 of the Uyuni salar brine used in this study is a significant factor hindering the effective lithium
Received in revised form 3 May 2013 recovery. Stabcal modelling was first conducted to study the conditions and chemical speciation of various
Accepted 28 May 2013
species involved in the selective precipitation of Mg and Ca oxalate. Along with the addition of oxalic acid,
Available online 27 June 2013
the effect of pH was then studied in order to determine optimal conditions to selectively remove Ca and
achieve high Mg yield subsequently. At an Oxalate/Ca molar ratio of 6.82:1 and pH b1, ~ 80% of Ca could be
Uyuni salar brine removed from brine without co-precipitation of Mg oxalate. A NaOH/Mg/Oxalate molar ratios of 1.95:1:1
Oxalic acid to 3.21:1:1.62 in the range of pH 3–5.5 was used for the Mg precipitation. A recovery of N95% Mg was
Selective recovery of magnesium obtained (precipitate containing mostly Mg oxalate) together with the K and Li losses of up to 35% from
Magnesium oxalate the original brine. Washing would remove Li, K contaminants and the co-precipitated sodium sulphate and
Calcium oxalate oxalate. Their absence from the final precipitate was confirmed by XRD analysis. The high purity (99.5%
grade) Mg precipitate obtained could be used as a precursor for MgO production.
© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0304-386X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
94 K.T. Tran et al. / Hydrometallurgy 138 (2013) 93–99
Table 1
Composition (wt.%) of different brines (Dave and Ghosh, 2005, 2012).
Uyuni (Bolivia) 0.65 0.05 0.035 8.75 0.72 0.02 15.69 0.85 18.6
Atacama (Chile) 0.96 0.03 0.150 7.60 1.85 0.06 16.04 1.65 6.40
Hombre Muerto (Argentina) 0.085 0.05 0.062 9.79 0.62 0.04 15.80 0.853 1.37
Cauchari (Argentina) 0.131 0.03 0.052 9.55 0.47 0.08 14.86 1.62 2.52
Rincon (Argentina) 0.303 0.06 0.033 9.46 0.66 0.04 16.06 1.02 9.29
Maricunga (Chile) 0.69 1.31 0.104 7.14 0.75 0.05 16.06 0.06 6.63
Silver Peak (USA) 0.03 0.02 0.023 6.20 0.53 0.01 10.06 0.71 1.43
was developed by Panda and Mahapatra (1983) using calcined magne- types to uptake Mg from an artificial seawater containing 0.11 g/L Mg
site, dolomite, calcite or limestone to precipitate Mg(OH)2 yielding 98% and 0.02 g/L Ca. Telzhensky et al. (2011) used nanofiltration mem-
pure MgO after drying and calcination. In another study, Martinac et al. branes DS-5 DL to accumulate Mg from seawater (1.43 g/L Mg) with a
(1996) used dolime to precipitate Mg from seawater containing 2.42 g/L recovery of 64% and a new solution containing 3.5 g/L Mg was
MgO to produce 98–99% pure Mg(OH)2. The Mg(OH)2 yielded was heat- produced.
ed at 105 °C before being sintered at 950 °C to obtain MgO. Dave and As shown in Table 1 and An et al.'s study (2012), the Mg/Li mass ratio
Ghosh (2005) used hydrated lime to precipitate Mg(OH)2 from a bittern in salar de Uyuni brine is 18–20:1 compared to ~6.4:1 and ~1.4:1 in
containing 5.25% w/v Mg at pH 7.0–7.5 as the by-product during bro- salar de Atacama and salar de Hombre Muerto brines respectively. In
mine processing. In cases where sulphate is present in the liquors, gyp- our previous study (An et al., 2012) a process was proposed to remove
sum (CaSO4.2H2O) is normally formed as a co-precipitate with Mg(OH)2 Mg from the Uyuni salar brine by precipitation using lime. Such a step
during lime addition (An et al., 2012; Karidakis et al., 2005). This produces a mixture of Mg(OH)2 and gypsum which requires further
co-precipitation would cause serious contamination of the final MgO processing to recover Mg values. The high level of Ca in the brine
product. would contaminate the Mg products if not removed first. This study
Phosphate has also been used to precipitate Mg from synthetic solu- therefore aims to recover Ca and Mg separately using oxalate and to pro-
tions (Cao et al., 2007; Golubev et al., 1999, 2001). Earlier in 1999, duce Mg oxalate as a precursor for high purity MgO production.
Golubev and co-authors reported that an amorphous precipitate phase
of Ca–Mg phosphates ((Ca,Mg)4H(PO4)3.xH2O) was detected when
Na2HPO4 was added into artificial seawater containing 0–2.48 g/L Mg 2. Experimental
and 0.4 g/L Ca. In wastewater treatment processes, phosphate was com-
monly used to remove magnesium as struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) (Lee et 2.1. Materials
al., 2003; Stratful et al., 2001).
NaOH has been widely used to precipitate Mg(OH)2 from Mg- Salar de Uyuni brine (200 L) from Bolivia was used as the raw mate-
containing liquors. Lartey (1997) precipitated magnesium hydroxide rial for this study. Its composition was determined by ICP-MS (for cations)
from a bittern (4.24% Mg) using NaOH to produce MgO after calcination. and IC (for anions) as shown in Table 2. Compared to other brines quoted
The formation of nano-sized particles and poor crystallinity of Mg(OH)2 in Table 1, the raw material used in this study has a Mg/Li mass ratio of
when NaOH was used for precipitation caused difficulties during filtra- 21.2:1 much higher than those from other locations.
tion (Baird et al., 1988; Henrist et al., 2003). To solve this problem,
Alamdari et al. (2008) added Mg(OH)2 seeds (5–40 μm) during Mg pre-
cipitation from a bittern containing 30 g/L Mg to produce a product 2.2. Equipment and chemicals
having particle sizes of 5–60 μm after 1 h crystallization.
In many studies, magnesium could be recovered from mother The composition of the original brine before treatment and its com-
liquors as magnesium chloride salts. Aubry and Bichara (1979) used ponents after calcium and magnesium precipitation were analysed by
1,4-dioxane to precipitate magnesium as MgCl2.6H2O.(C2H4)O2 from a ICP-MS (Agilent A5500) and IC (Metrohm 883 Basic IC Plus). The miner-
brine containing 250–340 g/L MgCl2. After filtration, the salt was heated alogy of products obtained from precipitation was determined by X-ray
at 125 °C to liberate dioxane gas, which was recycled. Hamzaoui et al. diffraction (XRD) analysis (Cu-tube60kv 50 Ma, Phillips) whereas their
(2003) investigated a route to collect Mg from a synthetic brine constituents were also specified by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) using an
containing 120 g/L Mg and 0.24 g/L Li using ammonium oxalate to instrument from Rigaku (ZSX Primus II). In addition, Thermal Gravimet-
form magnesium oxalate. It was indicated that up to 70% of Li was ric Analysis (TGA) and Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) using Seiko
co-precipitated if Oxalate/Mg molar ratios of ≥0.57 were used. In a re- TG/DTA 200 were used to investigate weight changes and thermal
cent study, An et al. (2012) developed a two-stage scheme for recover- transformations of materials as a function of temperature, respectively.
ing Li from Uyuni salar brine (Bolivia) containing 16–17 g/L Mg and Hot plates were used for all experiments and all chemicals used were
0.3–3 g/L Ca. In the first stage, lime or recycled dolime (CaO.MgO) of analytical grade. Precipitants used in the study include oxalic acid
was used to remove Mg and the resultant precipitate is a mixture of (analytical grade) and sodium hydroxide (used for pH adjustment).
Mg(OH)2 and CaSO4.2H2O. Ca and the residual Mg were then removed
from the brine using Na2C2O4. Table 2
Solvent extraction and ion-exchange were also applied to recover Major components (g/kg) of the original brine and after the removal of Ca (stage 1) at
Mg from mother liquors and brines. Lee and Jackson (1970) patented Oxalate:Ca molar ratio of 6.82:1 and Mg (stage 2) at Oxalate:Mg molar ratio of 1.62:1
(Mg/Li mass ratio of the original brine is 21.2:1).
a process to extract Mg from a brine containing 1 g/L Mg using alkyl sul-
phates and sulphonates. After extraction, Mg was stripped from the Components Ca Mg Na K Li Cl SO4
mixture by a water-soluble salt such as NaCl. Later, Mackay (1977) Stage 1 Original brine 0.476 14.2 81.4 17.4 0.67 150 11
used 1-dodecylphenyl-3-trifluoromethyl-1,3-propanedione to selec- After Ca removal at pH 1 0.118 14.4 82.6 17.4 0.67 147.9 8.3
tively recover Mg from synthetic seawater containing 1.4 g/L Mg, Stage 2 Before Mg removal 0.025 14.6 86.3 16.3 0.67 160.1 20.6
0.37 g/L Ca and other elements (pH 6–9). Muraviev et al. (1996) sug- After Mg removal 0.003 0.83 67.6 10.6 0.41 121.0 13.0
at pH 4
gested a new method using carboxylic resins of acrylic and methacrylic
K.T. Tran et al. / Hydrometallurgy 138 (2013) 93–99 95
a Ca(T) b Mg(T)
0.3 12
Mg , g/kg
0.1 CaC2O4:H2O MgCl+
Ca , g/kg
0.05 6.2 MgC2O4:2H2O
+ Mg(OH)2
0.02 4.5
0.009 CaCl2(a) 3.3
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
pH pH
- K: 17.4
0.03 MgC2O4:2H2O - Li: 0.67
+ CaC2O4:H2O - B: 0.70
HC2O4- - C: 1.9
0.003 - S : 3.66
0.001 C2O42- - Cl: 150
0.0003 Mg(C2O4)22-
0 4 8 12
Fig. 1. Stabcal simulation at 25 °C for oxalate precipitation during Stage 1 (Oxalate/Ca molar ratio of 6.82:1) showing concentration profile vs pH for (a) Ca, (b) Mg and (c) C (C2O4)
formed in Stage 1.
a Mg(T) b Mg(T)
10 MgC2O4:2H2O + Mg(OH)2 10
MgC2O4:2H2O + Mg(OH)2
3 MgCl+ 3 MgCl+
MgC2O4:2H2O MgC2O4:2H2O
1 1
Mg , g/kg
Mg , g/kg
c Na(T) d Na(T)
110 Na2SO4:10H2O
Na2SO4:10H2O Na2C2O4:H2O + Na2SO4:10H2O
100 Na+
Na , g/kg
Na , g/kg
92 + Na2SO4:10H2O 99 Na+
85 90
79 81
73 73
0 4 8 12 0 4 8 12
pH pH
Fig. 2. Stabcal simulation at 25 °C for Mg oxalate and Na oxalate precipitation (Stage 2) at Oxalate/Mg molar ratios of (a, c) 1:1 and (b, d) 1.62:1. Concentration (g/kg) used:
(a, c): Ca: 0.025; Mg: 14.6; Na: 113.2 (including NaOH addition) K: 16.3; Li: 0.67; B: 0.70; Cl: 160.1; S: 6.86; C: 14.47) (b, d): Ca: 0.025; Mg: 14.6; Na: 130.2 (including NaOH
addition) K: 16.3; Li: 0.67; B: 0.70; Cl: 160.1; S: 6.86; C: 23.39).
96 K.T. Tran et al. / Hydrometallurgy 138 (2013) 93–99
100 Table 3
Comparison the Mg amount (g Mg per kg brine) formed by Stabcal prediction and the
experimental data, measured as difference (Δ) between original and equilibrium Mg
% Ca Recovery
% Mg Recovery
Oxalate/Mg 60
molar ratio
1.00:1 40
pH 3
20 pH 4
0 pH 5.5
0 30 60 90 120 0
Time (min) 0 30 60 90 120
Time (min)
Fig. 4. Recovery of Mg at ambient temperature during Stage 2 at different oxalates to
Mg molar ratios at pH 4, using NaOH/Mg/oxalate molar ratios of 1.72:1:1; 1.86:1:1.2; Fig. 5. Recovery of Mg at ambient temperature at different pH's using NaOH/Mg/Oxalate
3.18:1:1.62. molar ratios of 3.16:1:1.62 (pH 3); 3.18:1:1.62 (pH 4); 3.21:1:1.62 (pH 5.5).
K.T. Tran et al. / Hydrometallurgy 138 (2013) 93–99 97
3.2. Stage 1 — selective calcium oxalate precipitation 3.4. Characterisation of magnesium oxalate precipitation
The precipitation of Ca oxalate can be represented by the reaction: During the precipitation of Mg oxalate, Na, Li and K losses were
experienced in all experiments. The compositions of different Mg ox-
alate precipitates recovered at different conditions and their final
2þ 2− products after washing are tabulated in Table 4. Sodium contamina-
Ca þ C2 O4 þ H2 O ➔ CaC2 O4 :H2 O:
tion could be mostly washed from 10–13% to 0.1%, whereas Li and K
impurities could be reduced from 0.5–0.7% K and 0.06–0.13% Li
The precipitation of calcium oxalate (as CaC2O4.H2O) by oxalic acid to b0.3% K and b 0.05% Li, respectively. As shown in Table 2, the con-
at pH 1 using NaOH (at NaOH/Oxalate molar ratio of 1.41:1, closed to centration of sulphate ion of the final liquor after precipitation
2:1 for complete neutralization) was conducted at Oxalate/Ca molar decreased, indicating the presence of sodium sulphate in the precip-
ratio of 6.82:1 in triplicate and the results of the tests were plotted in itate. The loss of chloride could be due to the incorporation of con-
Fig. 3. Although Stabcal predicts that 95% of Ca could be removed centrated NaCl in the precipitate. This salt however was easily
(from 0.476 g/kg to b0.02 g/kg Ca as shown in Fig. 1a), in practice removed during washing.
only ~80% Ca could be removed after 4 h of reaction, indicating the pre- By mass balancing the Li and K contents in both the residual liquors
cipitation was reaching equilibrium slowly. Reproducibility of the tests and samples taken, the losses of Li and K could be calculated (Fig. 6). As
was confirmed to within ±3.5% maximum. Nevertheless, as long as the shown in Fig. 6, the losses of Li and K seem to be independent of the li-
residual Ca is maintained at b 0.05 g/kg Ca after Stage 1, its incorpora- quor pH. However, a higher Li (possibly as Li oxalate) loss was experi-
tion into the Mg oxalate precipitate at Stage 2 would be less than 0.5% enced at higher Oxalate/Mg ratios (up to 35% cumulatively at 1.62:1
by weight, even if all Ca were co-precipitated with Mg in Stage 2. Oxalate/Mg ratio), although the solubility of Li oxalate is relatively
Fig. 6. Losses of Li and K from the liquors during Mg oxalate precipitation, showing dependence on Oxalate/Mg ratios but not on liquor pH.
98 K.T. Tran et al. / Hydrometallurgy 138 (2013) 93–99
alate as the reason. For K, up to 35% loss was experienced, although at a 80
TGA (%)
lower Oxalate/Mg ratio (1:1), K seemed to re-equilibrate to re-dissolve 0
176.7oC 377.2oC
and liberate free oxalate for Mg to further precipitate. 60 223.4oC
Fig. 7 shows the XRD patterns of various precipitates produced at dif-
488.3oC -2
ferent conditions. At 1:1 Oxalate/Mg ratio the product produced is not -47.2%
contaminated (Fig. 7c for product before washing and Fig. 7d for product 40
after extensive water washing). However as excess oxalate was added at -4
Oxalate/Mg ratio of 1.62:1, more sodium hydroxide was needed for pH
adjustment (corresponding to NaOH/Oxalate ratio of 3.21:1.62 or 0 200 400 600
1.98:1) could cause the contamination due to the less soluble sodium Temperature (oC)
oxalate found in the final product (Fig. 7a). The contaminated sodium
oxalate was removed (Fig. 7b) after extensive washing with water. Fig. 8. TG-DTA profiles (at heating rate of 10 °C/min) of magnesium oxalate obtained
from precipitation at ambient temperature using NaOH/Mg/Oxalate molar ratio of
The carefully washed Mg oxalate products were then subjected to
1.95:1:1 after washing (at room temperature) using distilled water.
TGA–DTA analysis and the typical curve obtained is shown in Fig. 8.
The first weight loss from 176.7 °C corresponds to the reaction of
MgC2O4.2H2O releasing water to become MgC2O4 (theoretical loss is
24.29%). The average loss of water measured for 4 products yielded co-precipitation of Na2C2O4. Consequently, after washing Na2C2O4 was
at different conditions (24.1 ± 0.2)% is very closed to the theoretical mostly removed and the product obtained showed the high purity of
value and is similar to that found in a previous study (23.02%) by Mg oxalate (~99.5%) as confirmed by XRD and composition analyses.
Zhang et al. (2006). The second measured weight loss (47.1 ± 0.2)% TGA–DTA analysis showed a weight reduction of 23.81%–24.31% in the
is from 377.2 °C due to CO and CO2 liberation, corresponding to the first step, corresponding to the removal of water (24.29% theoretically)
decomposition of MgC2O4 to MgO (theoretical loss is 48.55%). Final from MgC2O4.2H2O (to form MgC2O4). Approximately 46.77–47.20%
Mg oxalate products were analysed as having 16.66–17.37% Mg, weight loss in the second step was observed, corresponding to the de-
corresponding to theoretical Mg% of 16.38% in pure MgC2O4.2H2O composition of MgC2O4 to MgO due to the loss of CO and CO2 (48.55%
product. A slightly higher Mg analysis compared to theory Mg% theoretically). The Mg oxalate produced is suitable to be used as a pre-
could be due to analytical error. cursor for the production of MgO by roasting.
4. Conclusion
Despite being the richest Li resource (10.2 Mt) Uyuni salar brine
containing a high Mg concentration (Mg/Li mass ratio ~21.2:1) is caus- This work was supported by a grant from the Energy Efficiency &
ing difficulties for Li production. The high Mg content represents a sig- Resources of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation
nificant metal value which should be recovered with Li. Consequently, and Planning (KETEP), Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea (no.
Ca and Mg had to be removed from the brine by using oxalic acid before 2010T100100408).
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