org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 3 March 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
This study aims to determine the level of patient satisfaction and Public and Private Hospitals
provided available services, Patients' Level of Satisfaction, and Public and Private Hospitals
Available services, a Convenient sampling method is used from 100 Public and Private Hospitals
Patients and 10 Public and Private Hospitals' available services. The static tools used an SPSS tool
from version 22.0* and Framework analyzed to Simple percentage analysis and Chi-squared test.
Key Words: Patients, Satisfaction, Public and Private Hospitals, Health care Services
The public healthcare system in India evolved due to a number of influences since 1947,
including British influence from the colonial period. The need for an efficient and effective public
health system in India is large. Public health system across nations is a conglomeration of all
organized activities that prevent disease, prolong life and promote health and efficiency of its people.
Indian healthcare system has been historically dominated by provisioning of medical care and
neglected public health. 11.9% of all maternal deaths and 18% of all infant mortality in the world
occurs in India, ranking it the highest in the world. 36.6 out of 1000 children are dead by the time they
reach the age of 5. 62% of children are immunized. Communicable disease is the cause of death for
53% of all deaths in India. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_health_system_in_India)
A private hospital is a hospital not owned by the government, including for-profits and non-
profits. Funding is by patients themselves ("self-pay"), by insurers, or by foreign embassies. Private
hospitals are commonly part, albeit in varying degrees, of the majority of healthcare systems around
the world. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_hospital)
Review of Literature
bdullah SOYSAL and edayi YAĞAR (2017) the study from “Evaluation of Quality and Cost in
Public and Private Health Care Institutions: A Case Study in Turkey” aim to level of quality health
care and cost of public and private provided services, the study conducted for 995 participants. The
factors influenced social-economic factors, Staff Competencies, Reliability and the like. Velmurugan
and Amarjothi (2022) in their study “Overview of the patients’ satisfaction for Health Care System in
the Public and Private hospitals in Theni District” the study was patents satisfaction of the hospitals
provided the services and hospitals good level of treatments of the services. Figen Yesilada and Ebru
Direktor (2010) have a reported this study was conducted for 990 respondents, and it has been this
study was comparison study for Public and Private Hospitals offer provided for health care service
quality, and it has a dimension of the SERVQUAL instrument in the Northern Cyprus health care
industry for the quality of services provided in public and private hospitals. Dheepa and Gayathri et
al. (2015) investigated the quality of services for patient satisfaction by government hospitals in
western districts of Tamilnadu among 286 respondent’s dimensions, healthcare industry, service
quality, patient satisfaction, government hospitals, tangibility, assurance, empathy responsiveness, and
reliability. The results indicated that the quality of services offered provided for government hospitals,
and it has been patient’s satisfaction more critical of the quality of service for the experience.
Subashini and Poongodi (2015) this study attempts to be conducted for 500 participations has been
health care sector provided by service quality of patient’s satisfaction in erode district and also
measured the service quality gab performance and health care activities for patients’ satisfactions.
Research Methodology
The research has method used from present study was survey method using Interview schedule
questionnaires. In this method, the information is gathered mainly through personal interviews
methods. The survey consists of gathering data by interviewing a 100 Public and Private Hospitals
Patients and 10 Public and Private Hospitals respondents. The sample is selected on convenience
Research Design
A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the information
needed. It is the overall operational pattern or framework to the project that stipulates what
information is to be collected from which source and by what procedures. Research design was aimed
at relevant information. It was conceptual structured with in which research was conducted.
Sources of Data
Secondary Data
Primary Data
Sampling Method
The sampling technique applied to the research is convenient sampling Method.
Sampling Size
100 Public and Private Hospitals Patients
10 Public and Private Hospitals
Limitations of Study
The researcher has only confined to a Vellore District of Tamilnadu.
There is a chance for bias in the information given by Public and Private Hospitals
The duration of the study has also time limited.
The is comparative study has made for Public and Private Hospitals
a) Patients Satisfaction Public and Private Hospitals compare with Unit
S.No Demographic Profile No. of Respondents
Public (%) Private (%) Total (%)
1 Hospitals 25 100.0 25 100.0 50 100.0
1 Male 11 44.0 12 48.0 23 46.0
2 Female 14 56.0 13 52.0 27 54.0
1 Below -18 4 16.0 - - 4 8.0
2 19-35 Years 17 68.0 12 48.0 29 58.0
3 36-50 Years 3 12.0 11 44.0 14 28.0
4 Above -57 1 4.0 2 8.0 3 6.0
Marital status
1 Married 16 64.0 19 76.0 35 70.0
2 Single 7 28.0 2 8.0 9 18.0
3 Widow 1 4.0 2 8.0 3 6.0
4 Separated 1 4.0 2 8.0 3 6.0
Nature of Family
1 Nuclear family 12 48.0 8 32.0 10 20.0
2 Join family 13 52.0 17 68.0 40 80.0
Residential area
1 Rural 9 36.0 5 20.0 14 28.0
2 Urban 9 36.0 14 56.0 23 46.0
3 Semi-urban 7 28.0 6 24.0 13 26.0
IJCRT2303413 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org d604
www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 3 March 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
Travel duration
1 Below- 30 minutes 3 12.0 7 28.0 10 20.0
2 31-60 minutes 14 56.0 6 24.0 20 40.0
3 More than 1 hour 8 32.0 12 48.0 20 40.0
Nature of Vehicle
1 Private car 4 16.0 7 28.0 11 22.0
2 Own Vehicle 14 56.0 8 32.0 22 44.0
3 Mass transportation 5 20.0 10 40.0 15 30.0
4 On foot 2 8.0 - - 2 4.00
Hospital Inflations
1 Referred by the 9 36.0 6 24.0 15 30.0
General Practitioner
2 By friends & relatives 10 40.0 7 28.0 17 34.0
3 By mass media 2 8.0 1 4.0 3 6.0
4 Online sources - - 3 12.0 3 6.0
5 Other methods 4 16.0 8 32.0 12 24.0
Total 25 100.0 25 100.0 50 100.0
Sources: Primary data SPSS tools version 22*
From the above table that-1 out of 50 respondents were collected from both Public and Private
hospitals on Vellore district from Tamilnadu, the table revels 100.0 percent of the public patients and
private hospitals, Gender from 46.0 per cent of the respondents are Gender group of Public and
Private hospitals patients Male ones and 54.0 per cent of the respondents are Females. Age from 8.0
per cent of the respondents is Below 18 years old, 58.0 per cent of the respondents are 19-35 Years
old, 28.0 per cent of the respondents are 36-50 Years old and 6.0 per cent of the respondents are above
-57 years old. Marital status from 70.0 per cent of the respondent’s belong to Married peoples, 18 per
cent of the respondents belong to Single peoples and 6.0 per cent of the respondents belong to Widow
and Separated peoples. Nature of Family from 20.0 per cent of the respondents was Nuclear family
and 80.0 per cent of the respondents were Join family. Residential area from 28.0 per cent of the
respondents while rural patients, 46.0 per cent of the respondents while urban patients and 26.0 per
cent of the respondents while semi-urban patients. Travel duration from 20.0 per cent of the
respondents are below- 30 minutes, 40.0 per cent of the respondents belong to 31-60 minutes and
More than 1 hour. Nature of Vehicle from 22.0 per cent of the respondents is Private car, 44.0 per cent
of the respondents are Own Vehicle used patients, 30.0 per cent of the respondents are hospitals
coming on Mass transportation and 4.0 per cent of the respondents belong to on foot used for patients.
Hospital Inflations from 30.0 per cent of the respondents while find a hospitals Referred by the
General Practitioner, 34.0 per cent of the respondents are By friends & relatives, 6.0 per cent of the
respondents belong to By mass media and Online sources and 24.0 percent of the respondents among
the other methods.
per cent of the hospitals burnt biomedical and 20 per cent of the hospitals are outsourced biomedical
used for services. Separate marketing department from 70.0 per cent of the hospitals available and
30.0 per cent of the hospitals not available for Separate marketing department. Hospital treats
COVID-19 center from available for both hospitals.
c) Analysis of Interpretation in Public and Private Hospitals treatment with a Patents Level of
Satisfaction from unit:
Chi-Square test (X)
Level of Chi-Square test ‘p’ value
S. No Patients Hospitals DF (X) 0.05%@ Remarks
Satisfaction Value Level
1 Gender Public 4 6.993 0.136 Rejected
Private 2 3.239 0.194 Rejected
2 Age Public 4 7.816 0.252 Rejected
Private 6 2.297 0.015 Rejected
3 Marital Status Public 6 26.141 0.000 Rejected
Private 6 3.213 0.782 Rejected
4 Travel duration Public 4 4.439 0.350 Rejected
Private 4 1.504 0.826 Rejected
Sources: SPSS tools in Version 22*
From the above table out of 25 each public Patients and private hospitals Patients Satisfaction
level in compare with units,
1. Gender group of Public Hospitals patents (DF=4), Chi-square test (x) value is 6.993, ‘p’ value is
0.136 level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’ values,
and Private hospital patents (DF=2), Chi-square test (x) value is 3.239, ‘p’ value is 0.194 level
of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’ values. The Null
hypotheses (𝑯𝟎 ) is Rejected, this means There is a association difference between the gender
group and Level of Patients Satisfaction with Public and Private Hospitals in Vellore district in
2. Age group of Public Hospitals patents (DF=4), Chi-square test (x) value is 7.816, ‘p’ value is
0.252 level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’ values,
and Private hospital patents (DF=6), Chi-square test (x) value is 2.297, ‘p’ value is 0.015 level
of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’ values. The Null
hypotheses (𝑯𝟎 ) is Rejected, this means There is a association difference between the Age
group and Level of Patients Satisfaction with Public and Private Hospitals in Vellore district in
3. Marital Status group of Public Hospitals patents (DF=6), Chi-square test (x) value is 26.141, ‘p’
value is 0.000(i,e 0.001) level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value
compare with ‘p’ values, and Private hospital patents (DF=6), Chi-square test (x) value is 3.213,
‘p’ value is 0.782 level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare
with ‘p’ values. The Null hypotheses (𝑯𝟎 ) is Rejected, this means There is a association
IJCRT2303413 International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) www.ijcrt.org d607
www.ijcrt.org © 2023 IJCRT | Volume 11, Issue 3 March 2023 | ISSN: 2320-2882
difference between the Marital status group and Level of Patients Satisfaction with Public and
Private Hospitals in Vellore district in Tamilnadu.
4. Travel duration group of Public Hospitals patents (DF=4), Chi-square test (x) value is4.439, ‘p’
value is 0.350level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’
values, and Private hospital patents (DF=4), Chi-square test (x) value is 1.504, ‘p’ value is 0.826
level of 0.05%, the Chi-square test (x) value is greater than value compare with ‘p’ values. The
Null hypotheses (𝑯𝟎 ) is Rejected, this means There is a association difference between the
Travel duration group and Level of Patients Satisfaction with Public and Private Hospitals in
Vellore district in Tamilnadu.
The Public hospitals staffs behaviour very bad attitudes and Infrastructure facilities is fail
in patients not satisfied. Private hospitals patients cost of treatment in there hospitals so very
perfect treatment, Staff behaviour, Infrastructure facilities etc., fully satisfied patients.
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