Grid Convergence Study For A Two-Dimensional Simul
Grid Convergence Study For A Two-Dimensional Simul
Grid Convergence Study For A Two-Dimensional Simul
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3 authors:
Vincent Wheatley
The University of Queensland
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School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, AUSTRALIA
School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, Queensland 4072, AUSTRALIA
Table 1: Grid parameter for case A and case B. Subscript u, d and tb represent upstream, downstream and top and bottom
location respectively. The total number of nodes is Nx x Ny, number of nodes along the cylinder front edge is Gedge, g is cell
size ratio between the adjacent cell and the cell area is Δ.
The case under investigation is a rigid square cylinder ratio. The case with the coarser grid is called case A and
immersed in a two-dimensional uniform incompressible the finer one is called case B (Table 1).
flow at a constant free stream velocity. Figure 1 shows a Small cells are distributed near the square cylinder
schematic illustrating the square cylinder with a side wall. The grid is then stretched from the first cell located
length of D, immersed in a flow with a constant free at the square cylinder wall to the last cell located at along
stream velocity of U∞. The Reynolds number in this study the boundary of the computational domain by adopting the
is 150 (Re = U∞ D/ν), based on the square cylinder height following equation;
D, kinematic viscosity ν and free stream velocity U∞. All
geometrical parameters and velocity flow fields are g = G 1 / ( N −1) (1)
normalized by the square cylinder height D and free
stream velocity U∞ respectively. where g is cell size ratio between adjacent cells, G is the
Solution methodology
cell size ratio between the largest and the smallest cell and
N is number of cells. Exception is made for the grid
Numerical investigation by Sohankar et al. (1999) has distribution behind the square cylinder as the wake
shown that for Re = 150 flow around a single square formation length is located at around one diameter
cylinder, two- and three-dimensional simulations give downstream from the trailing edge of the cylinder
identical results. Additionally, experimental (Luo et al.; (Zdravkovich; 1987). Therefore, the grid is made uniform
2003 and Luo et al.; 2007) and numerical (Saha et al.; until two diameters downstream from the downstream
2003) studies have shown that three dimensional edge of the cylinder before it is also stretched towards the
instability (mode A) first occurs at Re = 160. Therefore, to boundary outlet. Table 1 summarizes the grid parameters
reduce computational cost, the flow is mathematically for case A and case B and Figure 2 shows the cell
modelled in two-dimensional form. distribution around the square cylinder for case A (top)
The primitive variables of the flow fields are and case B (bottom) respectively.
calculated numerically based on the two-dimensional
unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes and continuity Flow visualisation
equations. The OpenFOAM (Weller et al.; 1998)
numerical simulation system is used to solve these In the first stage of the grid refinement study, flow
governing equations. visualisations of each case were compared. The vorticity
The pressure implicit split operator (PISO) solution contour should shows a periodic staggered arrangement
algorithm (Barton; 1998) with two correction steps for vortices trail behind the cylinder which is known as a von
pressure-velocity coupling are used to solve these Kármán vortex street.
transient problems. The convergence criterion for pressure Figure 3 shows the instantaneous spanwise vorticity
and velocity solutions are set so the residual falls below contours for case A (top) and case B (bottom). In both
the tolerance of 10−6 and 10−5 respectively at each time cases, similar vortex shedding is observed, where the free
step. A rectilinear grid system is applied for all cases. shear layers from the top and bottom sides of the cylinder
In the first stage of the grid refinement study, the 1st- roll-up downstream of the cylinder. The roll-up continues
order implicit Euler method is used for temporal and then staggered eddies are shed downstream.
discretisation, the convection and viscous terms are However, there are two obvious discrepancies in the
discretised using the 2nd-order unbounded Gauss linear vorticity distributions. First, at the square cylinder leading
differencing scheme (central differencing). The time step edges, case A has a small scattered vortices. Meanwhile
for pressure, convection and diffusion terms is set at for case B, the vortex smoothly sheds away from the
ΔtU∞/D = 0.005 with the requirement to keep the CFL leading edge. The second discrepancy is in the wake at a
number below 0.5. few diameters downstream from the cylinder. For case A,
For second stage of the grid refinement study, the the wake shows a staggered arrangement of vortices with
temporal discretisation is advanced using a 2nd-order concentrated, well defined vortices of alternating sign
backward scheme. The convection term is discretised extending downstream. For case B, the well-defined
using a 2nd-order upwind scheme and for the viscous term, vortex structures are lost. Additionally, both cases have
a 2nd-order unbounded Gauss linear differencing scheme is small spots of vorticity in the wake with case B having
used. Three different time steps have been imposed more spots than case A.
corresponding to the three different grid cases so the CFL These observations can be related to the cell size.
number is always less than 0.5. Case A has a coarser grid around the leading sharp edges
of the square cylinder when compared with the grid of
case B. From the previous study of Sohankar et al. (1997)
the leading sharp edges are the points where the boundary
The first stage of the grid refinement is investigated by layer starts to separate and the flow field gradients are
comparing the results from two DNS simulations whose high at these points. The vortex spots generated at the
only differences are the cell size and the grid stretching upstream sharp edges of the case A are believed due to the
A) Case A
⎜ ⎟ RL = 6
⎝ ⎠ ue
u e5 ds (2)
δ * = θH(λ) (3)
δ ≈ 3δ * (4)
Figure 3: Instantaneous streamwise vorticity contours
colored by rotation direction (blue: clockwise and green:
anticlockwise), 40 equally spaced over the range - Figure 4 shows the comparison of boundary layer
4≤ΩD/U∞≤4 (Ω is spanwise vorticity). thickness (δ/D) from Thwaites' method and simulation
results of case A and case B. All three lines exhibited a
similar boundary layer thickness distribution. For the
∂U i ∂U i
+U c =0 (5)
∂t ∂xi
Gedge 36 x 4edges 60 x 4edges 100 x 4edges Inspections of the global results in Table 3 shows that
the higher order scheme does not heavily influence the
Δu = Δd = Δtb 0.0278x0.0278 0.0167x0.0167 0.01x0.01 DNS results. Using a 1st-order scheme only slightly under
g(1) 1 1 1 predicts the global results when compared with the 2nd-
order temporal scheme.
g(2) 1.047 1.033 1.042
Grid convergence study using Richardson
g(3) 1.047 1.057 1.057
∆tU∞/D 0.002 0.005 0.005 Richardson extrapolation (Richardson et al.: 1927) is used
to calculate a higher-order estimate of the flow fields from
Table 2: Grid parameter for case C, D and case E. a series of lower-order discrete values (f1, f2, …, fn). For
Subscript u, d and tb represent upstream, downstream and the case of grid refinement study, the value estimated
top and bottom location respectively and subcript (1), (2) from the Richardson extrapolation is the value that would
and (3) represent region 1, 2 and 3 of computational results if the cell grid size tended to zero, (h→0). The
domain respectively. The total number of nodes is Nx x Ny, extrapolation is made from the results of at least two
number of nodes along the cylinder front edge is Gedge, g different grid solutions. A convergence study requires a
is cell size ratio between the adjacent cell and the cell area minimum of three grid solutions (Stern et al.: 2001).
is Δ. Roache (1994) generalized Richardson extrapolation
by introducing the pth-order methods;
[ ]
f exact ≈ f1 + (f1 − f 2 ) /(r p − 1 ) (6)
r = ΔC / ΔD = ΔD / ΔE = 1.667 (7)
ε32 ε21 GCI32 GCI21 Variable ||ε32/f1|| ||ε21/f2|| <R> p GCI32 GCI21
R p
(10-2) (10-2) (%) (%)
δ 0.0050 0.0172 0.275 2,(2.54) 1.21% 0.35%
CLrms 1.53 0.64 0.4183 1.7062 4.71 2.02
Table 5: Order of accuracy and Grid Convergence Index
CDmean 2.30 1.0 0.4348 1.6305 1.49 0.65
for point variable. Subscripts 3, 2 and 1 represent case C,
D and E respectively. The order of accuracy p for both
Table 4: Order of accuracy and Grid Convergence Index variables are taken as 2 as the calculated values (indicated
for three integration variables. Subscripts 3, 2 and 1 in a brace) exceeded the order of accuracy of the
represent case C, D and E, respectively. discretisation scheme.
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