Prediction of The Oil Flow Distribution in Oil-Immersed
Prediction of The Oil Flow Distribution in Oil-Immersed
Prediction of The Oil Flow Distribution in Oil-Immersed
36 805
4 authors, including:
Stefan Tenbohlen
Universität Stuttgart
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All content following this page was uploaded by Stefan Tenbohlen on 12 February 2015.
ISSN 1751-8660
Abstract: In the context of thermal performance and thermal design, it is of significance to predict the magnitude and the
location of the ‘hot-spot’ temperature inside a power transformer. In an attempt to accurately predict this hot-spot in an
oil-immersed transformer, various numerical modelling approaches have been developed for calculating the cooling oil
flow distribution, which are generally categorised as either ‘network models’ or the methods that incorporate forms of
computational fluid dynamics (CFD). In network modelling, the complex pattern of oil ducts and passes in a winding is
approximated with a matrix of simple hydraulic channels, where analytical expressions are then applied to describe oil
flow and heat transfer phenomena. On the other hand, CFD models often adopt discretisations of much higher fineness,
which can be expected to offer a higher order of accuracy but also comes with a large increase in the required
computational resources. In order to compare both modelling approaches, the network model implementation TEFLOW
and a commercial CFD package, ANSYS-CFX, were applied on a typical ‘zigzag’ oil channel arrangement of a disc-type
winding to predict oil flow distribution and disc temperatures; experiments on hydraulic models have also been
performed to validate the models. The principle work of this study is then comparing the results and concluding
recommendations to industrial practices.
Nomenclature Subscripts
models, and the inlet oil flow rate and temperature, in Table 3,
were applied as boundary conditions. 4 Network modelling
In brief, network modelling reduces the complex pattern of
3 Experimental measurements the oil flow inside a transformer winding down to a matrix
of simple hydraulic channel approximations, interconnected
Hydraulic measurements were especially done to validate the by junction points or ‘nodes’ [12]. Fig. 3 shows the
simulations. The procedure of the hydraulic measurements geometry approximated from the experimental setup in
was taking a physical model of the winding pass example, Fig. 1 for 2D network model; lumped elements such as
illustrated in Fig. 1, and inputting the specified oil flow rate discs, ducts and nodes are indicated. Bulk averaged
from the pass inlet. The supplied flow rate causes a pressure parameters are assumed to represent the variation in
drop along the flow path, and this pressure drop can be physical quantities at each duct and node, based on which a
measured at some locations that are reachable without set of ‘lumped parameter’ equations are applied to construct
disturbing the flow considerably. Only the pressure drop both the so-called thermal and hydraulic networks across
was measured because it is often difficult to measure the the entire winding.
in-duct pressure profiles accurately; on the other hand, Additionally, the following physical assumptions are made
numerical simulation can yield detailed results in the entire in network modelling: oil is modelled as laminar flow
domain with much less practical effort [8]. between a pair of infinite parallel flat plates [12, 13]; oil
The model that was applied in this experiment represents a temperature is assumed to rise linearly along horizontal
section of a real transformer winding. Such a section is channels due to the uniform heat flux at disc surfaces [14];
distribution becomes more unequal; for example, in Fig. 5b of thermal boundaries of the middle ducts and the cooling for
20 l/min, the three upmost channels obtain almost the whole the bottom and top ducts is better. In particular, due to high
amount of flow rate which has been supplied into the pass. Prandtl number (typically 200 for oil [2]), it can be seen
Owing to this reason the five lower channels get small that a strong cold streak from the former pass is entering the
proportion of oil and they would get relatively higher oil bottom duct and moving from there lasts until the outer
temperature if constant heating power were imposed. vertical duct; however, the cold streak does not reduce the
With a hydro-thermal model, Fig. 6 displays the temperature thermal boundary temperature, because it flows almost along
distribution within the fluid domain for the case with loss the centreline rather than contacting a channel wall. On the
power of 15 W per disc and flow rate of 2 l/min and the case other hand, at the outer side vertical duct, there are hot-
with 30 W per disc and 20 l/min. For the case with 2 l/min, streaks formed and lasting till the pass outlet and they could
the oil flowing through the middle region is less and local affect the cooling efficiency at the entrance of next pass [9].
temperature at these ducts therefore becomes higher; in For the case with 20 l/min, most extra supplied oil flows
Fig. 6a the highest temperature is observed to occur at the through the upper half of the pass and the duct wall
temperatures at the lower half remain higher. In Fig. 6b the rises linearly from the upstream to the downstream of a
worst temperature is observed at the lower right corner; at channel, so the HTC profile follows a linear reduction. With
the dead corner oil is almost stagnated. Secondly, due to the the help of CFD, the assumption can be examined in a
high flow rate at some horizontal ducts, there are second more detailed way.
eddy circulations generated at the entrance regimes; Fig. 7 shows the local HTC values for the cases with 2 l/min
fortunately it was not found that these second eddies would and 15 W per disc and 20 l/min and 30 W per disc. Fig. 7a
reduce the flow rate at the ducts. Furthermore, at the outer shows the values along the bottom side of the disc, which
vertical duct there are also hot-streaks discovered, but these actually bounds on the last horizontal duct of the previous
hot-streaks have lower temperatures than those in Fig. 6a pass. Since the portion of flow in this horizontal duct is the
(due to high flow velocities), and therefore, their influence highest of all passes, the HTC values are also high. The kink
upon the next pass is smaller than that in the case of 2 l/min. distribution patterns at the upstream end, that is, the left-hand
To emphasise the effect from the flow rate on the end, are due to the entry eddy circulations, then the HTC
convective heat transfer, the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) values gradually reduce, typically following hyperbolic
distribution around the bottom disc of the studied pass was trends, and are finally involved into the downstream flow
plotted in Fig. 7, for both the case of 2 l/min and 15 W per combination. The difference between the two cases can be
disc and the case of 20 l/min and 30 W per disc. These explained by the difference in the oil flow rates; high flow
HTC values were evaluated from the heat flux and the wall rate brings high HTC values.
temperature difference, on the oil side of the insulating Fig. 7b displays the HTC values at the upside of the disc.
paper, from a reference temperature; the heat flux and wall Beginning with the entry eddy caused kink patterns at the
temperature could be extracted from the CFD results, and upstream end, that is, the right-hand end, the HTC values
the inlet temperature of the pass, 608C, was taken as the decrease hyperbolically along the duct; this is known from
reference temperature. As network modelling assumed, the the literatures for heated infinite parallel channels. At the
heat flux is uniform and the wall temperature difference downstream combination profiles are then observed. The