Assignment of Mech 6th Sem

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Q.1 Explain all the functional element of generalized measuring system
Q.2 Explain in detail Application of measurement system
Q.3 Explain all types of damping used in indicating instrument
Q.4.Explain types of measuring instruments
Q.5. What is LVDT explain working of LVDT in detail
Q.6.Define the terms given below
(B) Precision
(C) Sensitivity
(D) Dead time
(E) Dead Zone
Q.7.What is a transducer Explain all types of transducer with example
Q.8.Explain Hall transducer for Flow measurement.
Q.9.Explain strain guage?
Q.10.Define the terms given below with Formula
(A)Poisson ratio
(B) Lateral strain
(C)Longitudinal strain
(D)Gauge Factor
Q.11.A piezo resistive material has 120 ohm resistance subjected to strain of
0.02 passing the change in resistance of 0.2 find Gauge factor.
Q.12.Explain piezo Electric transducer in detail
Q.13.Explain all the mechanical transducers used in measurement of pressure.
Q.14.Explain transducer used in temperature measurement
Q.15.Explain hotwire anemometer used in flow measurement
Q.16.Explain the terms given below
(A) Gross Error
(B)Systematic Error
(C)Random Error
Q.17.A Voltmeter has a full scale Error of 2% for the Full scale value of 100V
Find the error at
(a) Half scale (b) 20 volt (c) 10 Volt

Q.18.Three resistances R1=10±2% ,R2=20±3%, R3=70±5% Ohm are

connected in series find the percentage of error for the equivalent resistance

Q.19.The current passing through the motor is measured and the samples are
recorded as 10.1,10.3,10.7,10.5 amp find the range of error.

Q.20.An unknown resistance is measured using Wheatstone bridge where the

known parameters are P=20±5%, Q=30±3%,S=50±2%, what is the resultant

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