Rule Book
Rule Book
Rule Book
When you are finish with your paper, have it read by others who are qualified (expert in the field) for further
RULE BOOK improvements. Comprehend and incorporate their corrections and suggestions for the betterment of your study.
A literature review or Review of the Related Literature (RRL) is a collection of scholarly sources on a specific topic. APA Citation Style
It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods, and gaps in the existing
research that you can later apply to your paper, thesis, or dissertation topic. I. APA Citation for works with one (1) author
According to (Wallman 2014) review of related literature is an analysis of man’s written or spoken knowledge of the In working with APA citation style for one author source, you will need the author’s surname and the year of its publication.
world. You examine representations of man’s thinking about the world to determine the connection of your research with what Example: By author: Lee (2005) states that the earth is …
people already know about it. By topic: The composition of Earth is … (Lee, 2005)
Purpose of Review of Related Literature II. APA Citation for works with two (2) authors
• To obtain background knowledge of your research Citing sources with two authors using APA style still needs the authors’ surnames and the year of publication. The format varies
• To relate your study to the current condition or situation of the world whether you want to use a by author or by the topic manner of citation.
• To show the capacity of your research work to introduce new knowledge Examples: By author: Kim and Lee (2009) state that …
• To expand, prove, or disprove the findings of previous research studies By topic: Accordingly, (Kim & Lee, 2009)
• To increase your understanding of the underlying theories, principles or concepts of your research.
• To explain technical terms involved in your research study III. APA Citation for works with three (3) and more authors
• To highlight the significance of your work with the kind of evidence it gathered to support the conclusion of your research Citing literature with this number of authors follows the following format:
• To avoid repeating previous research studies Examples: By author: Lee et al. (2015) discussed that …
• To recommend the necessity of further research on a certain topic. By topic: Today’s generation … (Lee et al., 2015).
This format will be used in all of the citations made
Type of Sources for a Literature Review
• General references are sources in which a researcher refers to tract down other sources. IV. APA Citation for works with associations, corporations, government agencies, etc., as the author
In this case, the associations, corporations, government agencies will serve as the author. The year of publication is still
• Primary sources are publications in which a researcher accounts the findings of his or her investigations. Most primary needed.
sources are found in journal articles. These publications or writings wherein a researcher reports the results of his studies. Examples: By author: According to the Department of Education (2012) …
Example: Monthly, quarterly or annual journals. By topic: The education is … (Department of Education, 2012)
• Secondary sources are publications in which a researcher considers the work of others. These are publications or writings However, if the associations, corporations, government agencies have a well-known abbreviation, the abbreviations can be
wherein a certain author describes the work of another author. Example: Textbooks, encyclopedias, yearbooks as much as added in the first citation and will be used in proceeding citations to follow. Abbreviations shall be enclosed in a bracket [ ].
possible, use the primary sources to avoid tampering and miscommunications on the data. Examples: First Citation: Department of Education [DepEd] (2012)
Second Citation: DepEd (2012) discussed …
Where can you find review of related literature?
1. Books - convey many forms of information. You can find citation information on them such as the title, author, date, and When using the APA Citation style, referencing list is found at the end of the paper. It commonly contains all information of the
publisher in the catalog system. literature that are cited in the paper. When following the APA format, all references are listed alphabetically according to their
2. Scholarly Journals - may also be referred to as academic journals or peer-reviewed journals. Articles are written by a scholar surnames. Some reminders when using the APA format is given below:
in the field and the researcher is always identified. a) You should use a hanging indention. All lines, except the first one, must be indented by 0.5 from the left.
3. Dissertations - is a final requirement for the degree of doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) in which the student or researcher has b) When writing the author’s name, the last name must come first before the given name. The given name must be represented
to complete a work of original research. by initials. When there are two or more authors, ellipses must be used to separate them.
4. Government Documents - Most of the government agencies around the world support research undertakings and publish c) The first word of the title must be capitalized. Other necessary publication information and proper noun should follow the
the findings of the study. Government documents are usually kept at the government and some school libraries. same format. Here are the guidelines for making a referencing list using the APA format from different sources.
5. Policy Reports and Presented Papers Policy papers are not like the typical research papers. Usually they are discussed to
non-academic readers. They may initiate by identifying an issue or phenomenon that usually claim an answer and they are BOOKS
focused on being persuasive. Books are supplemented by policy briefs which summarize the papers. Format: Author’s last name, given name, and middle name initials, (Year of publication). Title of work: Subtitle. Location:
6. Periodicals - are findings of the study which can be seen in newspapers, in popular magazines, on television or radio Publisher.
broadcasts, and in Internet news summaries. They are the chosen edited summaries done by journalists for the general Example:
readers. James, B.N. (2009). The history of the universe: Knowing the truth out of our existence. Los Angeles,
California: LMS Publishing.
Steps in Writing Literature Review
1. Find/Search for the Relevant Literature Format: Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author C.C. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Periodical, volume number (issue number),
There are many ways on how to find relevant research studies. You may use the following: a. Search engines to facilitate your pages.
information inquiry. Make sure that they are reliable. b. University online library c. Snowballing d. Related dissertations Example:
Gonzales, P. (2010). Chemistry and life: A study on the functions and importance of chemistry in
2. Log, Catalogue and Synthesize daily life. Chemistry Trivia. Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 887-893.
Arrange them in order for you to organize them easily. a. Log the reference information. You may use reference management
software. b. Catalogue all relevant articles. You may use excel so that it will be organize and systematic. You can make your ONLINE NEWS ARTICLES
own template so that you will be efficient. c. Digest and synthesize. Organize the different ideas from different sources. Arrange Format: Author, A.A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from
them according to the criteria that you made in your excel template. This would make the connections of the different studies Example:
easier to identify. Cruz, K.L. (2019, January 23). The election mania. KBS News. Retrieved from
3. Outlining and Writing Up
In-depth planning and enough time should be given importance during this period since you will need to concentrate and have
Format: Author, A.A. (Year). Title of article [file format]. Retrieved from
a. Draw up your outline. You need to make an outline first for the structuring of your literature review. Thorough reading and
understanding should be done for you to be able to plan and structure the ideas from your different sources. Example:
b. Write it up. After formulating the outline, you can now begin writing your first draft. It is expected that your first draft is still Dela Cruz, A.N. (2019). The big bang theory [ppt]. Retrieved from
rough. Your second draft involves tightening up and improving the flow. There would be several drafts needed for your paper
to be polished.