Digital Skills and Personal Development Assignment Work

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Awarding body: Arden University

Programme name: BA (Hons) Business management

Module name: Digital skills and professional development
Assessment title: portfolio
Student number: 204703
Tutor name: Sir agha
Word count: 3000

Business Automation refers to the use of technology to automize the processes
and functions within an organization. It is a digital transformation strategy used to
enhance the productivity and performance of a company. Today Business
Automation has revolutionized the businesses all across the globe as companies are
becoming less dependent on humans by increasing their dependency on automation
by using robots, machinery, algorithms and soft-wares. It had allowed companies
to use technology to perform tasks such as organizing e-mails, data management,
keeping sales records and reducing paper work
Amazon Go Is a great example of an automated business. It is an automated,
cashier-less convenience store chain operated by AMAZON. It uses computer
vision, deep learning, geofencing and sensor fusion technology to totally automate
their business, making it a revolutionary concept in retail industry


Business Automation had transformed the industries and corporate sector to remain
competitive in the industry. Business Automation had significantly impacted the
following sectors of business:
Business Automation is used by companies to perform tasks minimizing the
work load on employees. As the number of assigned tasks to employees
decreases, employees get more time to focus on value-added work. This
increase employee satisfaction and improve the overall business environment
inside the company.
Amazon employs over 1.5 million workers and their productivity is of crucial
importance for the company number of employees 2023 |
Statista. Amazon had increased productivity by assigning the tasks of
employees to robots and AI. This helps minimize the operating cost of company
and maximize the productivity of workforce as the tasks are divided between
employees and AI.

Business Automation Technology had enabled businesses to limit the human
errors by assigning calculation-based working to computers, making the data
safe and making the data easily accessible to employees.
Amazon Go got rid of human errors by assigning all operational tasks to
Artificial Intelligence including robots that are performed by employees in
traditional stores. The chances of human errors are reduced as the store is
cashier-less. The IN OUT of customers and the inventory management of store
is monitored by AI.

Business automation provides safe and comfortable environment to workers.
The trend of using robots in industries is rapidly increasing to handle dangerous
tasks. The ILO estimates that some 2.3 million workers around the world
succumb to work-related accidents or diseases every year World Statistic -
International Labour Organization. The use of robots reduces the risk of injury by
removing employees from dangerous work procedures in companies.
Amazon Go use soft-wares to manage their safety protocols and to provide
plan of action in the event of an emergency. Amazon had been increasing its
robotics-workforce every year, as per 2023, Amazon has 750,000 robots
working collaboratively with employees How Amazon deploys robots in its operations
facilities. Due to this, the recordable incident rate of Amazon is significantly

Today many companies are implementing Business automation in their
marketing strategies. Marketing automation enables companies to provide better
experiences to customers and to boost their sales. A company can reduce
marketing tasks assigned to employees by assigning marketing tasks to AI such
as making marketing content for various social media platforms

Amazon go uses Business marketing automation as their marketing

strategy. 96% of sellers on amazon now market their products on digital
platforms 2024 State of the Amazon Seller Report - Jungle Scout. This enables them to
connect with their customers and to promote their business using the internet
and other forms of digital communication. This is the reason that 28% of
customers complete purchases in 3 minutes or less.

 HR automation:
A company’s HR department deals with multiple administrative tasks that a
business can automate. An automated HR department make a business more
efficient. An HR department could handle staff and employee data easily
through automation. The calculation of expenses, timesheets and records and
performance reviews could be done by using automation.(What Is Workplace
Automation? (With Benefits and Examples)

Amazon Go had totally automated their HR department. All management and

administrative tasks are fully automated. The sales, expenses, performance and
timesheets are recorded automatically by AI.

 Customer service automation:

Businesses around the world are using automation to provide service to their
automation. Chatbots are widely used by companies today. They are used to
interact with customers to address queries and to get customer feedback for the
betterment of the company. Most companies provide their customers with 24/7
chatbot or helpline service. The user feedback is then gathered by customer
service agents.
Amazon Go provides service to customers through chatbots and helpline
websites. Amazon had always been known for its pleasing customer experience.
It has invested heavily in customer service which had helped to handle issues
like return, refunds and inquiries online.
 Sales automation:
Today Business Automation had transformed the sale procedure of products in
every industry. sales activities are automated by using soft-wares and
algorithms. This helps sales teams to improve their efficiency. The tasks like
processing orders, managing inventory and invoicing can easily performed
using soft-wares. Marketing automation statistics | Oracle.

Amazon go took sales automation to a new dimension as 100% of store’s sales

are managed by Technological equipment. The sales are automated and
recorded by using computer vision. All sales tasks of the store including Order
processing, invoicing, transactions and inventory management are totally
automated. This increased the annual revenue and the number of customers
visiting the store, each store generates 1.5 million Dollars annual revenue,
making it much higher than the traditional stores. On average 550 customers are
seen daily on each store.
Businesses automation had greatly transformed the businesses around the world
and is revolutionizing the corporate sector day by day. Businesses around the
world are adopting automation and Amazon Go is no exception. Businesses that
are adopting automation had seen boost in their productivity and sales and
drastically low operating costs and amazon go is no exception. Amazon
recorded great response from the market as the annual revenue of a store is
much higher than traditional retail store. Amazon Stock price raised 28% during
2018. Statistics show that the launch of Amazon Go could commence a
revolution in the retail industry, as multiple companies are now replicating this

Digital Skills refers to use devices like a computer, tablet or mobile phone for
simple, personal and professional tasks. What Are Digital Skills? (And Why They're Important) -
Indeed. The demand for digital skills in the market is rapidly increasing as new
technologies emerge and the digital economy continues to grow. strong demand for
digital skills is recorded across every industry and in almost every occupation,
including entry-level and frontline positions.

Research shows that 60% of business owners believe that their reliability on
advanced digital skills is set to increase over the next few years, while 88% of
workers see digital skills essential for their career as digital skills are very essential
for survival in corporate sector. Recent study revealed that over 50% of all
employees in the US will require reskilling by 2025.

It is of vital importance for organizations and even job seekers to invest in digital
training and education to remain competitive in industry. Investing in digital
training for employees can lead to a more skilled and productive workforce for
organizations, leading to higher profitability and success. What are digital skills? - A
comprehensive guide - DevSkiller

ESSENTIAL DIGITAL SKILLS in contemporary workplace:

Several essential digital skills are required to thrive in the modern workplace.
These skills can vary depending on the industry, job and platforms used by the

 Computer Literacy:
Computer literacy refers to the knowledge and ability to use computers and
related technology efficiently these includes Basic computer skills such as
browsing the internet, using operating systems and word processing software.
Computer literacy had become a fundamental skill that empowers individuals to
work in the digital age. computer literacy plays a crucial role in shaping our
daily lives from personal and professional ventures to education and
Data Analysis is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data using
digital tools. This includes the use of spreadsheets, databases, and analytics
software as these are becoming more important for decision-making in Modern
businesses. As the businesses are becoming more data-driven, the demand for
skilled workers (accountants) is increasing.
 Digital marketing:
Digital marketing refers to the promotion of brand or product using the internet
and multiple digital platforms. This includes the branding of products through
social media platforms, search engines, e-mails and various channels. Today
businesses prioritize digital marketing as the consumer behavior and market
trends are shifting on online mediums. Research has found that 81% of
customers go online for research before heading out to the store. The employees
of a company must be able to understand and to create and execute digital
marketing campaigns.
 Cybersecurity:
The dependency of businesses on Automation had raised serious Cyber security
concerns. These refers to the criminal activities that either targets or uses a
computer network or a networked device. This involves the usage of computers
for spreading viruses, spreading illegal data and buying and selling of personal
and official data. With the rise of cyber threats, employees must have
knowledge regarding the safety of data and to protect sensitive information.

 Programming and coding:

Programming and coding are essential tools as they enable users to
communicate with computers. Basic programming and coding skills can help
employees in their workplace, especially those working in technical roles such
as freelancing, software development and web design. Employees must be able
to perform basic programming and coding operations.

 Communication Skills:
Digital communication is the ability to communicate effectively using digital
tools such as email, messaging and social media. The world had become a
global village and digital communication had become a necessity for survival.
As every business is transitioning to digital medium, nearly every industry now
requires the understanding of digital communication. Communication skills are
crucial for better collaboration amongst team members.
 Digital skills gap
As employers demand for digital skills continue to rise, there has been a
participation in the digital skills training decreased. Research shows that One-
Third of Workers in the United States Have Low or No Digital Skills Due to
Structural Inequities. Overcoming the current digital skills gap is a challenge
for businesses and is a long-term process.,

Organizations should Encourage self-directed learning and should Provide

digital training and development opportunities to their workers through
Investment in technology sector. Collaboration with educational institutions
could provide employees with access to training programs could also help in
overcoming the digital skills gap in businesses.

 Conclusion

Digital skills have become essential for success in the modern businesses.
Digital skills hold significant importance for employees and business
owners. individuals can enhance their employability chances and career
prospects by learning right digital skills. Today digital skills employ
millions of people around the globe and had revolutionized the working of
the business sectors worldwide.


Business Insider

Forbes Magazine

Amazon Go - Wikipedia

Generic soft skills
Soft Skills are the intangible non-technical skills or attributes that a person possess
that enables him to interact effectively with other people. These are character traits
and interpersonal skills that characterize a person's ability to interact effectively
and to socialize well with others in workplace. Soft Skills include the
management, leadership, communication and problem-solving skills of an
individual. These skills support situational awareness and enhances an individual's
ability to perform tasks. What Are Soft Skills? | Coursera
Soft skills are essential for success in workplace. Following are the essential soft
skills that are desired by companies the most:

 Communication Skills
Effective Communication skills is veery essential to build strong
relationships in businesses. These skills help an individual to convey
messages in a clear and compelling way. It is a critical component of
professional success, and is highly valued in a wide range of industries and
professions. communication skills include the active, verbal, non-verbal and
written communication.

A leader is someone who inspires other people to work towards common

objectives and communication is his most powerful tool. Effective
communication is vital to gain trust and inspire positive change in the
pursuit of goals whereas lacking communication could cause bad
relationships and misinterpretation of important information. What Is Effective
Communication? Skills for Work, School, and Life ...
 Adaptability

Adaptability in the workplace means being flexible and be able to change in

order to become successful. This includes a person’s flexibility and
resilience to adjust to new situations and to change actions with the changing
circumstances. It also includes the ability of a person to learn and un-learn
skills quickly. In today’s rapidly changing world, adaptability is of crucial
importance for survival as it enables individuals to stay ahead and to remain
relevant in the workplace.

Adaptability holds crucial importance in corporate sector as the change in

businesses is inevitable. A leader should be adaptable to change rapidly as
the market is changing for the success of the organization. Similarly, the
managers in an organization must be adaptable to change the working styles
and employee structure with the changing circumstances.

 Time Management
Time management is a very important skill, required for an individual’s
success in personal and professional life. people who can manage their time
effectively are seen as reliable and efficient, which provides advantage to
them. Good time management skills can help individuals to be more
productive and leads to more time freedom.

Time management is very important skill for leadership. A leader must be

prompt and punctual to improve the punctuality of employees and the
overall environment in the organization to avoid problems. Time
management is of significant importance for managers as it helps to manage
workload effectively and to complete tasks on time. This provides better
quality of work and could lead to more opportunities and career growth.

 Decision Making
Decision making is a skill of crucial importance for any individual as it
affects his performance and productivity in the workplace. This includes the
conflict-resolving and problem-solving skills of a person. This skill is crucial
for identifying and addressing complex challenges and opportunities in a
variety of conditions and conflicts.
Decision making ability of a leader/supervisor is very important as it affects
the productivity of a team or an organization. Leaders of a company undergo
several decision-making protocols in several situations. It is the duty of a
leader to establish a sense of unity and collaboration in the organization.
Managers of an organization use their decision-making skills to assess and
determine the proceedings of organizations in a particular situation
 Motivational Skills
Motivational skill refers to a person’s ability to encourage and inspire his
associated people. These skills hold significant importance in leadership as
people with good motivational skills are able to inspire and influence team
members to achieve shared goals and objectives. These skills are highly
valued by employers in a wide range of industries and professions

Motivation skills holds a significant importance in leadership. It indicates

inspiration, desire and willingness to satisfy individual needs and achieve
objectives. A good leader should have the ability to inspire other people and
be able to set a clear vision for his sub-ordinates and to create a culture of
accountability and excellence in the organization. Why is motivation important
in leadership? Reasons and tips

 Conclusion:

Good soft skills play vital role for success in an individual’s personal and
professional life. In today’s rapidly changing world, soft skills are no longer
a desire but a necessity for survival in workplace. They are essential for
building strong relationships, collaborating effectively and to avoid certain
issues which ultimately leads to success in personal and professional life.

Personal Development Plan

Personal development is a process that helps you to improve your knowledge,
skills and experience, so that you can achieve your goals. It is a method of focusing
your goals into achievable steps and helps to provide direction to an individual for
his personal development. Personal development plan is a structured framework
that can be used to identify and develop personal skills. These are used to analyze
all aspects of an individual including his abilities and weaknesses and develops the
sense of accountability.
 Establish The purpose
My primary goal is to acquire and enhance digital skills for Professional
growth and to become successful in the workplace. I will Prioritize the
specific digital skills, most relevant to my industry and job role. As I step
into the world of Web-Designing, I will start from learning basics of HTML
and JAVA to be able to create basic web pages, then I will move towards
more advanced designing.

 Identify development needs

Identification of development needs is of crucial importance in a
development plan as it provides personal awareness. I must be aware of my
weaknesses and appropriate plans to overcome them. This includes to
improve my ability to understand web designing and to improve the overall
computer literacy.

 Development opportunities
The Identification and Utilization of opportunities holds significant
importance in my development plan as opportunities in the professional
realm are critical for my career advancement. I will investigate a variety of
learning and skill-building possibilities in order to take advantage in web
development. This includes looking out for courses, seminars and
communities to be able to learn from the experiences of professionals in web

 Formulate action plan

An action plan is a framework that maps all activities and the order in which
they must take place in order for an objective to be met. I will make a
strategic action plan after considering the needs and opportunities. This will
direct my growth and will provide a step-by-step guide to accomplish my

 Undertake development
Undertaking development means to proceed with development or to create
change. This refers to the actual implementation of the action plan. I will
take online structured courses on web development through online platforms
and will attend seminars and join communities to be in a healthy
environment for growth.

 Record outcomes
It is very important to monitor and keep track of my performance. The
particular reason for this is that it will provide clear view of the progress of
my plan. I will make necessary improvements and adjustments in the action
plan by assessing the feedback.
 Review and Evaluate
Review and Evaluation are very important for maintaining the stability of
action plan and to keep improving. Regular evaluation is important to keep
track of my web- development action plan. This can help seek new business
opportunities, building and sustaining connections with existing clients, and
devising other plans to boost profits and market share.

 Conclusion:
Personal development plans are very beneficial in accomplishing personal
and professional goals. This holds equal importance for employees as well
as business owners or leaders. It can empower people to direct their
development and provides better alignment with their personal or
professional objectives. Personal development plans are very important for
leaders to track performance of organizations and companies.

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