Hyd Ref 1

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1. A barge weighing 350 kN when empty 8. What would have been the depth of
is 6 m wide, 15 m long and 3 m high. the canal, in meters, using the more
Floating upright, evaluate the draft economical proportions but adhering
of the barge, in meters, when to the same discharge and slope?
transporting 5000 bags of cement A. 1.67 C. 3.67
along a river, each bag having a mass B. 2.67 D. 4.67
of 40 kg. Assume the specific
gravity of the water in the river to Situation 2. A concrete dam of
be 1.02. trapezoidal cross-section, with one
A. 2.07 C. 2.37 face vertical has a thickness of
B. 2.27 D. 2.57 0.60 m at the top and 4.2 m at the
bottom. It is 7 m high and has a
2. A closed cylindrical tank, 4 meters horizontal base. The vertical face
long and with a radius of 1.5 meters, is subjected to a water pressure,
is fully filled with water and the water standing 6 m above the
placed on a car moving at an base. The weight of concrete is 24
acceleration of 2.5 m/s2. How much kN/m3 per meter length of the dam.
force is acting on the backside of Evaluate:
the tank?
A. 30.67 C. 25.67 9. The total hydrostatic force on the
B. 17.67 D. 20.67 dam, in kN.
A. 165.47 C. 176.58
3. An airplane flying an altitude of 10 B. 187.69 D. 154.26
km dropped to a height of 6 km. What 10. The resisting moment of the dam
is the corresponding change in to overturning, in kN.m.
pressure? A. 353.16 C. 574.56
A. 36 C. 24 B. 1118.88 D. 811.18
B. 48 D. 60 11. Factor of safety against
4. A woman with a glass of water having A. 3.17 C. 1.95
a height of 300 mm is inside the B. 2.06 D. 4.28
elevator with a downward
acceleration of 3 m/s2. Determine the Situation 3. A rectangular gate 1.2 m by
pressure (kPa)at the bottom of the 3 m is acted by water on one side
glass. and is positioned with its longer
A. 2.94 C. 2.04 sides parallel to the water surface
B. 0.90 D. 3.84 and the plane of the gate is inclined
at 60º with the horizontal. The top
5. From a nozzle of diameter 30 mm, of the gate is submerged 2 m
water flows out vertically under a vertically below the water surface.
constant head of 25 m. The
coefficient of velocity and the 12. Evaluate the hydrostatic force
coefficient of discharge of the (kN) on the gate.
issuing jet are equal 0.98. Evaluate A. 89 C. 95
at what constant height, in meters, B. 116 D. 103
vertically from the tip of the 13. Locate the point of action of
nozzle, would the jet of water the total hydrostatic force from the
support a load of 300 N. bottom on the plane of the gate.
A. 3.5 C. 2.5 A. 0.34 C. 0.56
B. 4.5 D. 5.5 B. 0.04 D. 0.26
14. If the gate is hinged at the
Situation 1. A rectangular irrigation bottom, evaluate the force normal to
canal 6 m wide contains water 1 m the gate at its vertex that will be
deep. It has a hydraulic slope of required to open it, in kN.
0.001 and a roughness coefficient of A. 45.1 C. 41.5
0.013. B. 54.1 D. 35.4
6. Evaluate the mean velocity of the
water in the canal, in m/s. 15. In a triangular channel
A. 2 C. 4 section, the most economical section
B. 3 D. 5 is achieved when each of its sloping
7. Evaluate the discharge in the canal, sides make an angle of ___ with
in m3/s. vertical.
A. 12 C. 24 A. 90º C. 60º
B. 18 D. 30 B. 30º D. 45º
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16. In an open tube, what is the C. bulk modulus of elasticity
shape of mercury? D. surface tension
A. curved up
B. curved down 24. The vena contracta of a circular
C. horizontal orifice is approximately ___
D. vertical diameter downstream from the inner
face of the orifice plate.
17. Where is the metacenter for A. 1/2
stable equilibrium? B. 1/3
A. above center of gravity C. 1/4
B. at the center of gravity D. 2/3
C. below the center of gravity
D. one half of the total draft 25. When the ship’s metacenter and
center of gravity coincide at same
18. When the metacenter of a point then the vessel is said to be
floating body is lower than the in:
center of gravity, then the body A. equilibrium
will be in? B. stable equilibrium
A. unstable equilibrium C. unstable equilibrium
B. stable equilibrium D. neutral equilibrium
C. neutral equilibrium
D. none of the above

19. The metacentric height is the

distance between the
A. center of gravity of the
floating body and the center of
B. center of gravity of the
floating body and the metacenter
C. metacenter and the center of
D. original center of buoyancy and
the new center of buoyancy

20. The weight per unit volume of a

liquid at a standard temperature and
pressure is called:
A. specific weight
B. specific gravity
C. mass density
D. none of the above

21. A pressure surge or wave caused

when a fluid in motion is forced to
stop or change direction suddenly
(momentum change) is referred to in
hydraulics as:
A. hydraulic jump
B. potential head
C. hydrodynamics
D. water hammer

22. A type of shock where the flow

undergoes a sudden transition from
swift flow to tranquil flow.
A. water hammer
B. hydraulic jump
C. non-uniform flow
D. celerity

23. A fluid property that measures

the fluid’s resistance to shear
A. viscosity “A goal should scare you a little and
B. density excite you a lot.”

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