MyLab - X75 - Presentation

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Shirley Hiing

Product Application Specialist

Ultrasound, APAC

July 2022

MyLab 9 eXP

MyLab 9

MyLab X8 eXP

MyLab X8

MyLab X6/7

MyLab Omega

MyLab X5
MyLab Sigma
Esaote’s Ultrasound systems extend your vision to explore below the surfaces, to explore the inside

Benefit high level image quality across
applications as well in B mode as in Doppler

Enjoy to work in optimal environment


Face new challenging way of work in sharing

data or in managing remotely the device
Benefit some spared time to focus more on
the clinical examination

Work in a complete serenity with a new

ultrasound device
MyLab X75 Italian design
For more than 40 years, Esaote has been
21.5” High-quality wide improving constantly the workflow listening their
format IPS display
With full screen mode
customer’s returns. MyLab™X75 was designed to improve
Noiseless (37.5 dB) capability the comfort of the operator.
Simplifying the gesture with an intelligent organisation of
the panel, its ergonomics will contribute to reduce work-
related musculoskeletal disorders. Then, the impressive
Front and Rear handles decrease of decibel level contribute to create quiet work
Wide touch-screen with for easy mobility
tablet-like gestures 10,1 and environment.
direct probe selection

High-flexibility floating
Everything MyLab™X75, from its hardware to the
panel with integrated
Silent softwares conception, has turned this platform in a real
Ergonomic productive system, such as the low consumption and
the time examination optimization making it more
Low consomption economic.
Even with the choice of the material including the
Integrated battery 80’
autonomous working* electronical ones, Esaote is willing to share its vision of
a greener world by developing eco friendly systems.

* optional
Challenging any environment

MyLab X75 can be integrated in a small corner of a
consultation room or can be placed in a critical care busy

Thanks to the front and back handles, its light weight and
the 4 independants wheels, MyLab X75 is easily movable
with any effort.
The adjustable panel allows transfert in an ergonomic The optional integrated battery allows an
stand-up position automous work up to 80 mins and the possibility
panel to move the system without tun off it.

Available everywhere at anytime

Facing any challenging situations
Fast workflow

Choose among the factory preset to get the

best settings according to the selected body Change of the probe with a single
area or customize new ones to get prefered click at anytime from the
rendering of images. touchscreen

The Preset menu on the left side of the

touchscreen, available at anytime, gives an
immediate access to another setting during
the examination, without changing the depth
or the zoom. From the stand-by mode MyLab X75 is
All the main functions are smartly
ready to start in around 15’’
organized around the trackball
For example, change in one click from Liver
Some buttons are customizable to create
to kidney and benefit the color settings to
shortcut to the preferred functions
visualize the perfusion of the parenchym
The trackball can be set for left handers
or right handers
Immediate B-Mode image
Immediate B-Mode image optimization

With eScan, the operator will

reach automatically in real time the
best gain optimisation and the
optimal contrast resolution for the
regarding scan zone.

Easy-Mode is an exclusive Esaote tool that

helps to optimize the image with a
single swipe.
More than 40 parameters are managed via
an intelligent software to reveal the
expected image rendering according to the
scanning conditions.
Immediate Doppler modes
Immediate B-Mode image optimization
To take a step further in the
scanning time reduction,
MyLab™X75 supports the operator
with specific tools for
Doppler examinations. easyColor is
an operational tool that
helps optimize the Color Doppler
layout with 3 swipes.

eDoppler function automatically

adjusts Pulsed wave parameters to
reach an optimized Doppler trace.
Automated advanced functions

- AutoOB
- AutoEF - AutoNT
- Xstrain 2D – Xstrain 4D - AutoIT
- QElaXto 2D - QIMT
- ADM – autoDoppler Measurement
Enhancing the productivity in
Facing any challenging situations
the daily routine
Enhancing the connectivity

MyLab™X75 has been equipped with innovative connectivity

tools to support “telemedicine” activities to meet today’s

- compares any second-modality DICOM images in

- safely shares real-time scanning activities with
selected viewers
- exports the full dataset to any tablet device
following the examination
- enables the review of previous
Enhancing the connectivity

exclusive function is the perfect tool to limit any

physical contact with the ultrasound device through the duplication of
the control panel on various tablet devices.
Enhancing the connectivity

Lung web application is available as an external tool

developed by Trento University (Italy) based on A.I.
features to support clinicians in their scoring process
Enhance the connectivity
Facing any challenging situations
General Imaging - Abdominal

MyLab™X75 combines detailed information and image homogeneity

supported by an excellent contrast resolution and a smart management
of the multiple depth zones. MyLab™X75 is Esaote’s top-of-the-class
system in terms of vascularization imaging and Color Doppler sensitivity.
General Imaging – Advanced
Abdominal Imaging

MyLab™X75 permits a complete liver exploration

with advanced features such as:

- to assess liver stiffness

- to enhance tissue vascularization
- and to perform contrast
examination with
contrast agent quantification
- to compare any DICOM
modality in real-time
Beyond Clinical Expectations
in Superficial Imaging

Both microV and Power Doppler imaging provide reliable

information about tissue vascularization due to Esaote’s
top-of-the-class system sensitivity.

MyLab™X75 benefits from the expertise of Esaote

in superficial imaging. Thanks to the high
frequency IQProbe technology, specialists can
take advantage of an impressive spatial resolution
from deep to superficial areas.
Integrated standardized protocols
In Breast – Thyroid – Lungs

BI-RADS® and TI-RADS protocols support an

easier characterization of specific lesions directly
from the touchscreen or the report form to
provide a printable document
Cardiovascular Imaging

With the Single Crystal probe technology you can address all
conditions, delivering a clear image to visualize high-speed cardiac
structures. The detection of small vessel flows is performed through an
excellent continuous wave sensitivity.
Cardiovascular Advanced

- automatically assesses the left Ejection Fraction

- and give immediate layout of
Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS).
- Automatic Doppler measurement provides in real
time a full package of measurements.
- and extend vascular explorations with
automatic measurements of intima media thickness and
artery stiffness.

MyLab™X75 offers extended capabilities in cardiac imaging with

and options and explorations.
Women Health imaging

MyLab™X75 provides an extensive obstetric application package with

dedicated presets optimized for each pregnancy term and fetal heart
The automatic measurements proposed by the function facilitates
the workflow. The easy capability delivers high resolution in
surface rendering, and the depicts triplanar layout for advanced
cardiac imaging.
Cardiovascular Advanced

Esaote brings its expertise in high-frequency probes in

gynaecology and breast explorations to deliver detailed
imaging and high contrast resolution.
and provide further information about
specific lesions such as stiffness and vascularization.

The advanced tool facilitates follicles counting with

automatic volume rendering
Probes Portfolio

AC2541 Abdominal

0° biopsy

L 3-11 Vascular low-freq linear

L 4-15 GP/Small parts high-frequency
IH 6-18 VHF hockey stick mC 3-11 High-freq micro-Convex
SL3116 VHF 22 MHz E 3-12 Endocavity endfire
TLC 3-13 Bi-plane Lin/Cvx transrectal

Volumetric Convex
SB2C41 Volumetric Endo
SB3123 IOT342 Intra-operative T-shape
Volumetric Linear Intra-operative L-shape
IL 4-13
LP 4-13 Laparoscopic
P 1-5 Adult single crystal P.A.
P 2-9 Pediatric P.A.
ST2612 TEE
Pencil (x3) Blind pencil
Esaote’s Ultrasound systems extend your vision to explore below the surfaces, to explore the inside


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