Wang 1994

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Environ. Sci. Technol.

1994, 28, 1733- 1746

Study of 22-Year-Old Arrow Oil Samples Using Biomarker Compounds by

Zhendl Wang,' Merv Fingas, and Gary Sergy
Emergencies Science Division, ETC, Environment Canada, 3439 River Road, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1A OH3
presence or absence of oil residues on the coast 22 years
A GC/MS method for the characterization of 22-year-old after the spill incident can be explained in terms of the
spilled Arrow oil is described. After 22 years of weathering physical, biophysical, and biological degradation processes
in the environment, most saturated hydrocarbons and that act upon stranded oil.
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in most Arrow oil The major objectives of the chemical characterization
samples have been lost. Their fingerprints give little of the spilled Arrow oil in the samples collected from
information of the source, characteristics, and fate of the Chedabucto Bay are as follows:
spilled oil. However, the method using biomarker com-
(a) All oil is thought to be from the 1970 Arrow spill;
pounds by GC/MS offers the distinct advantages of being
however, it would be useful to verify that this is the case
better able to withstand interference from heavy weather-
through chemical characterization; (b) To determine the
ing effects and to identify and match the spilled oil source.
residual composition of the oil and changes in its physical
From 11 intertidal sediment samples collected from the
and chemical characteristics as a result of physical,
shorelines of Chedabucto Bay, 47 triterpanes and steranes
chemical, and biological processes; (c) To quantitatively
were positively identified. The relative abundance ratios
determine the concentrations of key individual compo-
of several pairs of triterpane and sterane compounds,
especially the ratio of CdC30 hopanes that are displayed nents or compound classes used for evaluation of the spilled
as major peaks in the m/z 191 ion chromatograms, are oil behavior, fate, and its toxicity as it persists in the
apparently independent of weathering effects and are
unambiguously used for identifying the source of the 22- The compositional analyses of sediment samples include
year-old Arrow oil samples. the following: (1) total petroleum hydrocarbons, (2)
distribution of n-alkanes and some selected isoprenoids,
(3) important petrogenic polynuclear aromatic hydrocar-
bons (PAH) and their alkylated homologues, and (4)
Introduction biomarker compounds (triterpanes and steranes). These
The Arrow spill began on February 4, 1970, following target analytes were valuable for many aspects of oil
the grounding at Cerberos Rock, 6.5 km from the north assessment, because they include not only those environ-
shore of Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada. Ap- mentally important comopunds but also those major
proximately 2.5 million gal (10 000 t) of Bunker C oil was constituents that are useful as indicators and markers of
released from the tanker Arrow during the subsequent the fate and weathering degree of the spilled oil in the
breakup and sinking of the tanker. As a result of the spill, environment (6).
about 305 km of the 604 km of shoreline in Chedabucto We report in this paper our attempt to develop an
Bay was impacted to varying degrees, of which only 48 km analytical method suitable for the identification of long-
was treated and cleaned in the subsequent response term weathered oils (such as the Arrow oil samples)
operation ( I ) . primarily through the characterization of biomarker
Since the spill took place, a series of scientified surveys compounds in addition to the analysis of saturates and
and studies have been conducted to assess its effect. These PAH compounds.
studies include a ground survey in 1973 (2-4), a recon- After the pioneering work of Albraiges and Albrecht
naissance aerial survey with ground stops in 1982 (5),and (7), molecular markers have been extensively used for oil
a systematic ground survey of the entire coast in September spill correlations (8-11). The method based on hopane
1992 (1). The primary goals of the 1992 survey were to analysis to estimate the percent of oil depletion has been
provide an up-to-date, systematic, detailed analysis of recently proposed (12).
oiling conditions of the area. This included a regional For weathering studies, chemical composition change
survey to map the distribution of surface oil and to locate and biodegradation are both important factors to consider,
the presence of any subsurface oil in those areas where especially when there is a prolonged period of weathering.
residual oil has been located and, at selected sites, the A lightly degraded oil is usually indicated by partial
collection of residual oil samples for full compositional depletion of n-alkanes; amoderately degraded one is often
analysis of residual oil in order to ascertain the nature of indicated by heavy loss of n-alkanes and partial loss of
the oil present. lighter PAH compounds. But, for highly degraded oil such
This survey documents that, with a few localized as Arrow oil samples, the n-alkanes and branched alkanes
exceptions, the coast of the region is free of oil, indicating could be completely lost, and PAHs and their alkyl
that 22 years after the Arrow spill, most of the 260-km homologues could be highly degraded. In such cases,
shorelines oiled by the heavy Bunker C oil has self-cleaned identification through the recognition of n-alkanes and/
(Le., the natural weathering processes account for the or the PAH distribution pattern would suffer great
majority of the removal of oil). This survey also indicates difficulties, and analysis of biomarker compounds would
that where oil remains, it is usually either as a thin stain be not only necessary but also particularly important and
on bedrock or coarse sediments (pebbles, cobbles, and valuable because only these highly degradation-resistant
boulders) or as a resistant natural asphalt pavement (a compounds remain in samples after long-term weathering
cohesive mixture of weathered oil and sediment). The and can give chemical fingerprinting information of the
0013-936X/94/0928-1733$04.50/0 0 1994 American Chemical Society Environ. Sci. Technoi., Voi. 28, No. 9, 1994 1733
source, degree of weathering, characteristics, and fate of pockets; free-flowing mobile oil; and oil contained within
the spilled oil (8-12). severalvarieties of exposed asphalt pavement formations.
During the course of our work of developing methods Field programs were designed to ensure that sampling
to identify oil source and studying the effect of weathering sites were properly documented and relatively representa-
on the chemical composition of oil, it has been demon- tive and that rigorous sample collection procedures were
strated that the advantages of using hiomarker compounds followed to minimize the possibility of hydrocarbon
to characterize the long-term and highly weathered oil are contamination. A brief description of the samples is given
apparent compared to other approaches: (1)these com- in Table 1. Prior to analysis, the samples were tightly
pounds suffer little interference from weathering effect sealed and stored in a cold room at 0 "C. The weathered
due to their high resistance to degradation: (2) in general, sourceArrow oil was suppliedfrom EricLevy'slab,Bedford
biomarker distribution patterns are different even for those Institute of Oceanography (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia,
oils which have similar geographical origins and/or have Canada).
very similar chemical compositions especially after weath- Sample Extraction andcleanup. A 5-100gsediment
ering, their fingerprints can be used to diagnose different sample (the sample weights taken were dependent on how
sources of hydrocarbon input; (3) hiomarker compounds much oil the samples contained) was placed in a 250-mL
are often more abundant in highly weathered oils, and solvent-rinsed Erlenmeyer flask, spiked with the ap-
therefore quantitation can he easier and more accurate. propriate surrogates (0-terphenyl, dlo-acenaphthene, dlo-
phenanthrene, dlz-benzIalanthracene, and d12-perylene),
Experimental Section
and mixed with equal amounts of sodium sulfate to dry
Materials. The materials and standards used in this the sample. If the sample had excessive moisture, ad-
study were identical to those described in ref 13. ditional amounts of sodium sulfate were added, and then
Arrow Oil Samples. A total of 11intertidal sediment they were serially extracted three times with 60 mL of 1:l
samples were collected from the intertidal zone around hexane/dichloromethane (DCM), DCM, and DCM for 30
Black Duck Lagoon (samples A-7) and the eastern end of min using sonication. If there was visible color in the
Rahhit Island (samples 8-10) of Chedahucto Bay (Figure third extraction, an additional extraction was performed.
1). Both sites were heavily oiled in 1970 as a result of the The extracts were combined, dried with sodium sulfate,
Arrow spill and by 1992 were two of the few remaining and then filtered through a Gelman type A/E glass fiber
sites of "major" oil residue. The samples collected from filter. The extracts were concentrated to appropriate
these two sites were of very different quality and forms, volumes hy using therotaryevaporationandnitrogen blow-
including samples of oil in the upper and lower intertidal down techniques. An aliquot of the concentrated extract
zone: surface,subsurface, f i e and coarsegrained intertidal (0.5-1.0 mL) was blown down with Nz to a residue and
sediments, oil which coated the cobble; encapsulated oil weighed on a microbalance to obtain a total solvent-

1734 Envhon. Scl. Tedmol., Vd. 28. No. 9, 1994

~~ ~

Table 1. Description of the Arrow Oil Samplese

nitrogen, and the residues were quantitated gravimetrically
using a microbalance. The percentage of the saturates
sample description and aromatics in the extract can be readily estimated by
Amid-intertidal zone, south of sample 7 their weight divided by the TSEM. The sum of the
soft pavement over fine organic sediments, saturates and aromatics was defined as the gravimetrically
marsh grasses growing through oil pavement determined total petroleum hydrocarbons (GTPH). The
1 supratidal zone (above mean high tide level) asphaltenes plus polars account for the difference between
seaward side of spit, very exposed
oil cover on pebble-cobble beach material TSEM and GTPH.
collected from 20 X 20 cm plot excavated Capillary Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas
20-30 cm deep in a cobble storm ridge Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GUMS). For
2 supratidal zone the instrumentation and quantitation, please refer to ref
seaward side of Black Duck Lagoon, very sheltered
asphalt pavement formation, 2-3 cm thick 13.
over top of sand substrate
no fresh oil appearance but center of pavement Results and Discussion
with some black shiny and sticky residues
3 upper intertidal zone, downslope of sample 2 Determination of Oil Residues. Table 2 presents the
asphalt pavement patch over dry course
sediment substrate gravimetric results of the sediment hydrocarbon analyses.
4 mid-intertidal zone, downslope of sample 3 In addition to the TSEM and GTPH, some other
asphalt pavement, internally tacky, 2-3 cm thick, definitions used in Table 2 are interpreted as follows: (a)
over dry coarse sand TPH, total GC-detectable petroleum hydrocarbons, are
5 lower intertidal zone, downslope of sample 4
on a low rise area the sum of all resolved and unresolved distillable hydro-
soft asphalt patch over wet, very fine sans-silt carbons detected by GC. The unresolved complex mixture
sediments with eel grass of hydrocarbons (UCM) appear as the “envelope”or hump
6 supratidal zone area between the solvent baseline and the curve defining
below surface crust, “pure” oil, honey-like consistency,
flowed on disturbance of cobbles the base of resolvable peaks; (b) GC-undetectable high
contained in pockets between the large cobbles and molecular weight (MW) hydrocarbons, the difference
topped by a hard crust oil layer between GTPH and TPH, represents the high MW
7 upper intertidal zone hydrocarbons retained on the GC column and undetected
landward side of lagoon in heavily vegetated marsh
soft pavement over fine organic sediments, by the GC.
marsh grasses growing through oil pavement Note that all results of the sample chemical composition
8 mid to upper intertidal zone discussed below are expressed on the TSEM basis. TSEM
moderately exposed site in terms of wave-energy levels supplies an equal basis for the determination of the relative
free flowing subsurface oil sample collected from
a pit trenched in sandy-cobble substrate composition of saturates, aromatics, and asphaltenes plus
9 upper intertidal zone, upslope from sample 8 polars in samples. It is only by this way that the
asphalt pavement, over sandy-cobble quantitation results are comparable.
very weathered in appearance, surface turned to Key points from Table 2 can be summarized as follows:
light brown color
10 mid-intertidal zone, very sheltered lagoon of fine silts/ (1)the major chemical composition changes observed for
mud (anaerobic conditions?) the Arrow oil samples are that the more the sample was
sample taken 3 cm subsurface weathered, the smaller the ratios of GTPH to TSEM and
sulfur-containing compounds smell TPH to TSEM are, the greater the percentage of asphalt-
a Samples A-7 are from Black Duck Lagoon. Samples 8-10 are enes plus polars in TSEM is; (2) among all samples, the
from the eastern end of Rabbit Island. weathered source Arrow oil, which was used as a com-
parison reference, has the highest concentration of GTPH,
extractable material weight (TSEM, expressed as mg/g of composed of 40% saturates and 30% aromatics; (3)
sample). samples 1and 10 show some distinct compositional traits
The weathered source Arrow oil was directly dissolved relative to other samples, such as the lowest GTPH/TSEM
in hexane at a concentration of 100 mg/mL and spiked and TPE/TSEM values, very low concentrations of
with the appropriate surrogates. saturates and aromatics, and very high concentration of
The microcolumn fractionation technique developed in aspheltenes plus polars in the TSEM (70%); (4) the values
our laboratory was employed for sample cleanup and of TPH, saturates, and aromatics determined by GC are
fractionation of the oil (13). Half of the hexane fraction exclusively smaller than the corresponding values by
(Fl) was used for analysis of saturates and biomarker gravimetric method for all samples. The GC-undefined
compounds; half of the 50% benzene fraction (F2) was high MW hydrocarbons account for the difference between
used for analysis of target PAHs and alkylated PAH them. For example, the GC-detectable TPH represents
homologues. The remaining half of F1 and F2 were about 33% of TSEM of the sample A by weight, and
combined (F3) and used for the determination of total asphaltenes plus polars represent about 45 % . About 22 %
GC-detectable petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). These of TSEM was not detected by GC, but was still accounted
three fractions were concentrated under a steam of nitrogen for by the gravimetric mass balance. This observation
to appropriate volumes, spiked with internal standards was in accordance with the previous works on the oil
(Cao-P,@-hopane, dderphenyl, and 5-a-androstane for F1, weathering and degradation (9, 14, 15).
F2, and F3 respectively), and then adjusted to the accurate Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of GC
preinjection volume for GC/FID and GC/MS analysis. Traces. The oil weathering rate depends on the extent
For gravimetric determination of the percentage of of initial oiling, the degree of cleanup, and the weathering
saturates and aromatics, the entire hexane and 50 % conditions (16). The question “How heavily weathered
benzene fractions were evaporated to residues under was the oil?” can be illustrated in a qualitative manner by

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994 1735

Table 2. Analysis Results of Arrow Oil Samples by Gravimetric and GC/FID Method
TSEM GTPH + polars saturates aromatics TPH by GC UCM
(mgk of (mdg of (mg/g of GTPH/ in TSEM of TSEM (mg/g of (mgk of TPH/
sample no. sample) sample) sample) TSEM (%) (%) sample) sample) TSEM
weathered source oil 825 575 250 0.70 40 30 450 410 0.55
S-A 100 54.7 45.3 0.55 37 17 33.3 32.8 0.33
s-2 194 97.0 97.0 0.50 37 13 51.0 50.0 0.26
s-3 124 72.0 52.0 0.58 39 19 47.5 46.8 0.38
s-4 76.0 51.4 24.6 0.68 41 27 33.1 32.6 0.44
s-5 5.3 3.7 1.6 0.70 36 34 2.2 2.1 0.42
S-6 500 330 170 0.66 40 26 229 215 0.46
s-7 76.0 49.7 26.3 0.65 40 25 31.6 31.3 0.42
S-8 29.5 20.0 9.5 0.68 39 29 12.8 12.6 0.43
s-9 34.6 17.1 17.5 0.49 21 27 9.0 8.9 0.26
s-1 3.0 0.8 2.2 0.25 18 7 0.5 0.5 0.15
s-10 1.0 0.3 0.7 0.30 15 15 0.2 0.2 0.18

inspection of its GC trace. For example, Figure 2 compares (n-czz + n-C24 + n-C26 + n-Cz8) (18),indicates the greater
the GC/FID traces (F3) for the samples S-6, S-2, and S-1. extent and degree of weathering of S-6 in comparison to
Figure 3 presents the GC/MS chromatograms of the m/z the weathered source oil. It is interesting to note from
85 fragment (one of the characteristic fragments for Figure 4 that due to the additional weathering, the relative
n-alkanes) of the saturated hydrocarbon fraction (Fl) of concentrations of n-alkanes before n-Cz6 in S-6 are lower
the weathered source oil, S-6 and S-4. The remaining than the corresponding n-alkanes in the weathered source
samples show almost identical GUMS chromatographic oil, and the n-alkanes after n-C26 show the reverse trend.
profiles as sample S-4. These GUMS chromatograms are The only exception before n-C26 is pristane and phytane
not particularly useful for determining the source of the with the relative concentrations in S-6 being significantly
spill, but they give information on the degree of weathering higher than in the weathered source oil, which is an
or freshness of the sample, which is indicated by the indication that the isoprenoids pristane and phytane were
distribution of n-alkanes and by the profile of the hump. degraded at a slower rate in comparison to n-alkanes. A
Figures 2 and 3 clearly demonstrated the effects of preferential loss of n-alkanes often indicates the occurrence
weathering and degradation on the chemical compositions of biodegradation (19).
of the oils. The GC/MS chromatogram of the saturated For S-4 and the remaining samples, only unresolved
hydrocarbons in the weathered source oil (Figure 3A) shows envelopes or humps were observed in their GC traces. By
a mixture dominated by a homologous series of n-alkanes visual comparison, these broad humps are very similar in
ranging in carbon number from n-Cg to n-C4o with the the distribution patterns, indicating that they were highly
maxima around n-Czo-n-Cz~. Isoprenoid hydrocarbons weathered and possibly came from the same source.
which are commonly considered in weathering studies are Obviously, such GC traces cannot provide much informa-
also present, and pristane and phythane are the most tion about compositional changes nor be very useful for
abundant. It is suprising to note that the existence of the purpose of matching the samples to the known source
what is apparently original Arrow oil after 22 years in S-6 oils.
sampled from pools on a beach has characteristics almost Quantitation of Target PAHs and Their Alkylated
identical to the same oil stored in a sealed container (i.e., Homologues. PAH compounds are relatively stable and
the weathered source oil). In sharp contrast, the n-alkanes diagnostic constituents of petroleum. Some studies have
including the five less degradable isoprenoids (2,6,10- been done using the distribution of the alkylated PAH
trimethyldodecane, 2,6,10-trimethyltridecane, norpris- homologues as environmental fate indicators and source
tane, pristane, and phytane) in the sample S-4 and other specific markers of oil in sediments (17,20,21)and tissue
samples were nearly completely lost, indicating that these samples (22, 23).
samples have undergone extreme alternation. Another Table 4 summarizes the quantitation results of alkylated
pronounced feature for the S-4 and other samples is the PAH homologues in the Arrow oil samples. Figure 5
big humps representing the GC unresolved complex depicts graphically the PAH distributions of the weathered
mixture of hydrocarbons in the chromatograms, which is source oil, S-6, S-A, and S-9. In order to more clearly see
characteristic of heavily weathered and biodegraded oil the changes in the distribution patterns within the different
(17). PAH families, the different scales for Y-axis were applied
Table 3 presents the quantitation results for n-alkanes to Figure 5A (0-3200), 5B (0-800), and 5C and 5D (0-400
in the weathered source oil and S-6. Figure 4 compares yg/g TSEM). The aromatic fraction of the weathered
the n-alkane distribution patterns from these two samples, source oil contains primarily alkylated naphthalene and
based on the amount of the n-alkane c26 (cZ6is selected phenanthrene homologues with CZ-and Cs-naphthalenes
as it is at the point in the series where the relatiev changes being dominated (3073 and 3013 pg/g, respectively).
go from loss to gain). The concentration reduction of the Alkylated dibenzothiophenes are also present, but in lower
low boiling components and the buildup of the high boiling concentrations than the phenanthrene series. The loss of
components relative to the smaller n-alkanes indicate that PAH compounds and their alkyl homologues in the Arrow
the source oil and S-6 have been significantly weathered, oil samples is very apparent. The factors affecting the
even though the n-alkanes in these two samples were not weathering process of the spilled oil in the environment
completely lost. The lower value of the weathering index during the past 22 years are very complex (24). The
(WI),defined as the ratio of (n-Cs+ n-Clo + n-Clz + n-C14)/ combined effects of weathering (such as evaporation,

1738 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994


1 .sed







0 20 40 60

1 , ’
0 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 7 0

2.2’q C

1.2-4 IS




0 20 40 60

Flgure 2. GC/FID traces for the Arrow oil samples S-6 (A), S-2 (B), and S-1 (C). IS means internal standard.

Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994 1737

25000 i

ic000 -


, lG000!

~ 5000; !I
pbundance Ion 85.00
30000 ! B

25000 -I

20000 -! I

, 15000,
:: I
0 I


Tire--> 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35'00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00

Aburdance Ion 85.00


1 250COj

10000 -

, 5coc-

Flgure 3. GC/MS chromatograms of saturated hydrocarbons (mlz 85) for the weathered source oil (A), S-6 (B), and S-4 (C). Numbers represent
carbon numbers of +alkanes. i-C15, 1416, 1418, Pr, and Ph represent the five most abundant isoprenoids (2,6,10-trimethyidodecane, 2,6,10-
trimethyitridecane, norpristane, pristane, and phytane, respectively).

dissolution, photooxidation, and biodegradation) of the PAHs. Major compositional changes of PAHs observed
spilled oil may be responsible for the progressive loss of are as follows: (1)pronounced decrease in naphthalene

1738 Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994

Table 3. n-AIkane Distribution of Weathered Source and ita alkylated homologues relative to other PAHs
Arrow Oil and Sample 6 (compared to the weathered source oil, greater than 95%
of naphthalenes were lost in most samples); (2) develop-
weathered murce
Arrow oil sample 6 ment of a profile in each PAH group showing the
@g/g of TSEM) ( d g of TSEM) distribution of CO< C1< CZ< Ca; (3)gradual buildups in
the relative abundancesof the substituted phenanthrenes
0 0
59 9 (C2, C3, and C,), dibenzothiophenes (C2 and C3), and
148 27 chrysenes (CI, Cz, and C,) as the lighter and more soluble
249 57 components in the same families were lost. The chrysenes
341 103 exhibit the most pronounced relative increase due to their
426 169 very low solubilities in water and high resistance to
544 240 degradation. For example, the relative ratios of the s u m
694 299
854 440 of the alkylated chrysene to the alkylated phenanthrenes
1020 560 and dibenzothiophenes increased from 0.13 and 0.19 for
615 409 the weathered source oil to 6.7 and 55 for the S-1,
1044 541 respectively.
708 546
1101 561 It is noted from Table 4 that compared to the weathered
1202 603 source oil, S-6 shows three important PAH weathering
1295 643 features: (1) S-6 and the weathered source oil display
1364 682 approximatelythe same raticm of chrysenes/phenanthrenea
1320 669 (0.13and 0.13, respectively) and chrysenes/dibenzothio-
1301 672
1127 611 phenes (0.19 and 0.20, respectively); (2) they have very
1036 598 close concentration values (pglg of TSEM) of total
991 581 phenanthrenes, dibenzothiophenes,and chrysenes;(3)the
917 552 determined relative ratios of Co-:C1-:Cz-:C3-chrysene are
846 495 almost identical (0.781.161.481.M)and0.731.11:1.401.00,
755 428 respectively). Combiningthis fact with the fact of n-alkane
602 374
506 320 distribution, it can be concluded that (1)S-6 had very
358 265 similar chemical composition to the weathered source oil,
296 222 even though it was more weathered and (2) S-6 was the
155 152 least weathered one among all samples.
113 106
99 92 Very recently, a method using the double ratio plots of
87 66 alkyl PAH homologue for petroleum source identification
76 48 has beenpropoaed(21). Thismethodhasbeensueesafully
55 42 used to correlate the 1989 Exxon Valdez spilled oil
22 316 12 200 sedimentsamples to the source oil. The relative constancy
of the ratios of Cz-D/C2-P and Cs-D/Cs-P for over 140
1.66 1.37 samples was observed. Figure 5 and Table 4demonstrate
1.41 1.00
0.87 0.75 that, compared to the weathered source oil, more than
0.99 0.99 80% of the total PAH compounds were lost for most
0.22 0.15 samples. It is also noted from Table 4 that except for the
sample S-6 (which shows almost identical ratios of Cr
DICz-P and CsD/Cs-P to the weathered source oil), the
CPI, Carbon Preference Index = (sum of odd n-alkanes)/(sum remaining samples did not show such obvious correlation.
of even n-alkanes). This fact impliesthat, for the long-termheavily weathered

Wealhered Souroe A m Oil

Flgure 4. Comparison of t b relstlve Raikane concentrations and the ~ h n distribution
a patterns for Uta weamered m c e oil and the sample
S-6. The arrows indicate that before the reletbe concentrations of pristane and phylane in the sample S-6 are h i g k than in the weathered
source oil.

En*. x(. Tedno(.. Vd. 28. No. 9, 1994 1750

S I oil samples such as the 22-year-old Arrow oil samples in
which the aromatic compounds have been degraded and
altered extensively, it would be difficult if not impossible
to match them to the source oil based only on the PAH
analysis results.
Figure 6 shows the plot of the relative ratios of the total
alkylated chrysenes to phenanthrenes and dibenzothio-
phenes versus the oil samples (the samples S-9, S-1, and
S-10 were not shown due to their excessive relative ratio
values, see Table 4). The plot may imply the extent and
the degree of weathering of the Arrow oil samples. The
S more weathered the oil, the greater the buildup of
I chrysenes in the relative abundances, resulting in higher
ratios of chryseneslphenanthrenes and chryseneldiben-
0 zothiophenes. The highest ratios of chrysenes/phenan-
threnes and chrysenes/dibenzothiophenes for the samples
9 S-1, S-10, and S-9 were determined to be 6.7, 1.5, and 1.6
2 and 55,3.4, and 4.3, respectively, indicating that they were
0 the most highly weathered ones among all samples.
Identification and Quantitation of Biomarker
Compounds. As described above, the hexane fraction
-h :
from the silica gel column cleanup was used for analysis
of biomarker compounds. The group separation prior to
GC analysis is necessary because it minimizes interference
from other oil components.
The structural identification of biomarker compounds
3q is based on mass data in both scan and SIM modes, pattern
3 recognition of mass spectra, comparison of GC retention
data with reference standards, and literature data. The
common features of the mass spectra of triterpanes and
2 steranes are that they have a relatively large parent ion,
an important parent minus a methyl ion, and a base peak
a t mlz 191 and 217 (or 218), respectively. Figure 7 shows
the distribution profiles of triterpanes at m/z 191 of the
weathered source oil and S-4. Table 5 lists the names,
molecular weight, and empirical formulas for 47 positively
identified triterpanes and steranes.
The hopane distribution reflects the petroleum inputs.
Figure 7 is characterized by the triterpane distribution in
a wide range from C 2 0 to C 3 5 with c 2 3 and c 2 4 tricyclic
3 hopanes and C29 a,@-and C 3 0 a,@-pentacyclichopanes being
3 quite prominent. Table 6 presents the quantitation results
for the four most abundant and prominent hopanes: C 2 3
and c 2 4 tricyclic hopane, C 2 9 a,& and c 3 0 a,@-pentacyclic
9 hopane. The relative ratios of 18a(H),21@(H)-22,29,30-
W trisnorhopane (Ts) to 17a(H), 21@(H)-22,29, 30-trisnor-
hopane (Tm), and 20S/(20S+20R) of C 3 2 and C 3 3 hopane
isomer pairs are also listed in Table 6. Please note that
in order to compare the quantitation results on an
evenfooted basis, the concentrations of all hopanes were
3 expressed in micrograms per gram of TSEM. It can be
seen from Table 6 that (1)the concentrations (pglg) of
c 2 9 , c 3 0 , c 2 3 , and C 2 4 hopanes are comparable; (2) except
for S-1 and 53-10, the weathered source oil has the lowest
concentrations of C 2 9 and C 3 0 hopane; (3) S-6 shows very
similar concentrations of hopanes to the weathered source
oil; and (4) the buildup of hopanes relative to the weathered
source oil are apparent for the remaining samples.
At most locations sampled, any Arrow oil present had
3 undergone extensive weathering, which was characterized
by the total loss of n-alkanes and isoprenoids and the nearly
total loss of the lighter naphthalenes and fluorenes. If
identification of the spill source and oil matching was just
based on comparison of saturate and PAH distribution
patterns, it would be extremely difficult if not impossible

1740 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994


PAH Homologues

Flgure 5. PAH flngerprints of the weathered source oil (A), S-6 (B), S-A (C), and S-9 (D) illustratingthe effects of weathering on PAH compositions.
N, P, D,F, and C represent naphthalene, phenanthrene, dibenzothiophene, fluorene, and chrysene, respectively; 0-4 represent carbon numbers
of alkyl groups In alkylated PAH homologues.


abundant and even undetectable. More importantly, the
ratios of five pairs of target hopane compounds [Ts/Tm,
07- c 2 3 / c 2 4 , c 2 9 / c 3 0 , c 3 2 20S/(20S+20R), and C 3 3 2 0 8
06- (2OS+2OR)] are almost the same (Table 6) for most
samples. These facts strongly suggested that they may
come from the same source.
The ratio of Ts to Tm has been used as a geochemical
parameter to characterize both source input and maturity
of a crude (25) and as a indicator for oil matching (26).
0% ~ _ _ - However,in many cases, these two peaks are not abundant
D vi
enough to give a precise and accurate ratio of Ts/Tm. We
: found in this work that the ratios of two pairs of the most
Figure 6. Plot of the relative ratios of the total alkylated chrysenes
abundant hopanes (C23/C24 and c 2 9 / c 3 0 ) , especially the
to phenanthrenesand dibenzothiophenesversus the Arrowoil samples.
ratio of the hopanes c 2 9 / c 3 0 , can be used as very good
to draw any positive conclusion on whether these 22-year- indicators for oil matching and oil source tracking. Table
old samples came from the same source. Fortunately, the 6 shows that the values of Ts/Tm range from 0.26 to 0.29,
fingerprinting of triterpanes provides us with a powerful the values of c 2 3 / c 2 4 and c 2 9 / c 3 0 range from 1.98 to 2.10
tool for tracking the source of the long-term weathered and from 0.84 to 0.87 for samples from S-A to S-9,
oil. In this work, two criteria were used for matching the respectively. But for samples S-1and S-10,the values of
long-term weathered oil with the source oil: (1)whether Te/Tm, c 2 3 / c 2 4 and c 2 9 / c 3 0 are 0.31 and 0.36, 0.62 and
the distribution profile and pattern of m/z 191 and 217 1.00, and 0.87 and 0.89, respectively. Among them, only
fragments are the same and (2) whether the computed the c 2 9 / c 3 0 ratios appear to be consistent and to be the
ratios of some target pairs of hopane and sterane com- best indicator to track the oil source for these two most
pounds are near identical. highly weathered samples. Beside that, the relatively lower
The GUMS measurements demonstrate that the pro- abundant but well-resolved C 3 2 (peaks 25 and 26) and C 3 3
files and patterns of the m/z 191 and 217 ion chromato- (peaks 27 and 28) 20S/20R hopanes also show very good
grams of the Arrow oil samples are nearly identical, except consistency in thevalues of 2OS/(2OS+2OR) ratios, ranging
that the samples S-1 and S-10 showed the similar from 0.57 to 0.61 for c 3 2 bishomohopanes and from 0.60
distribution patterns but with some peaks being less to 0.64 for C 3 3 trishomohopanes, respectively.

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994 1741

1 A Ion 191.00
Ion 1 7 7 . 0 0


~ 3500


2000 4
1 5




01 I I ' ' ' . ' I ' ' ' ' I '

/rime-->25 100 ' ' 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00

bundance Ion 191.00 I

1 0


3000 1 20 I
1 19
2500 1

0 i " " I " " l " " / " " l " " I "
ime-->25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00

Flgure 7. Distribution of triterpanes (mlz 191) for the weathered source oil (A) and S-4 (B). The right inset in panel A is the chromatogram of
m/z 177 in 38-42 min. See Table 6 for component identification. The peaks 14 and 17 are identified as C27 254risnorhopane and CZ825-
blsnorhopane, which show significantly higher abundance of the mlz 177 fragments. The general structure for hopanes is shown in the lefi inset
of panel A.

Under most natural weathering conditions, which usu- terpanes and of higher carbon number vs lower carbon
ally has evaporation as the main process, the Ts/Tm ratio number pentacyclic terpanes. This feature is very valuable
should suffer little change, if any, and remain characteristic in studies on the behavior and fate of spilled oil in the
of the source crude. The same is true for C23/C24. But, environment and can be used to unambiguously distin-
under very long and extreme weathering conditions, the guish one highly weathered oil from another. For S-1and
ratios of Ts/Tm and c 2 3 / c 2 4 may suffer change. I t has S-10,the fact that they have the much lower C23/C24 values,
also been found that Tm has a relatively faster rate of the lower Ts/Tm values, and almost the same c 2 9 / c 3 0
depletion than Ts in the process of crude maturation (26). values, as well as the same C 3 2 2OS/(2OS+2OR) and C 3 3
In contrast, the ratios of C29/C30, c 3 2 2OS/(2OS+2OR),and 20S/ (20S+20R) values, strongly suggests that they may
C 3 3 20S/(20S+20R) appear to be unaltered, which may come from the same source, but were very highly weath-
reflect differential weathering of pentacyclic vs tricyclic ered.

1742 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994

Table 5. Biomarker Compounds Identified in Arrow Oil Samples
peak no. compound empirical formula MW
Tricyclic Terpanes
1 Cm tricyclic terpane 276
2 Cz1 tricyclic terpane 290
3 Czztricyclic terpane 304
4 Cz3 tricyclic terpane 318
5 C24 tricyclic terpane 332
6 CZStricyclic terpane 346
7 cz6 tricyclic terpane 360
8 Cze tricyclic terpane 360
9 C27tetracyclic terpane 372
10 C27 tetracyclic terpane 372
11 c28 tetracyclic terpane 386
12 Czs tetracyclic terpane 386
13 Ts:18a(H),21@(H)-22,29,30-trisnorphane 370
14 17a(H),18a(H),21@(H)-25,28,30-trisnorphane 370
15 Tm:17a(H),21@(H)-22,29,3O-trisnorphane 370
16 17cx(H),18a(H),21@(H)-28,30-bisnorphane 384
17 17a(H),21@(H)-25,30-bisnorhopane 384
18 unidentified (3%hopane 398
19 17a(H),21@(H)-30-norhopane 398
20 17a(H),21@(H)-hopane 412
21 17@(H),2la(H)-hopane 412
22 22S-17a(H),21@(H)-3O-homohopane 426
23 2W1-17~t(H),21@(H)-3O-homohopane 426
24 17@(H),2la(H)-hopane
25 22S-l7a(H),21@(H)-30,31-bishomohopane 440
26 22R-17~(H),21@(H)-30,3l-bishomohopane 440
27 22S-17~(H),21@(H)-30,31,32-trishomohopane 454
28 22R-17a(H),21@(H)-30,31,32-trishomohopane 454
29 22S-l7a(H),21@(H)-30,31,32,33-tetrakishomohopane 468
30 22R-17a(H),21@(H)-30,31,32,33-tetrakishomohopane 468
31 22S-17~(H),21@(H)-30,31,32,33,34-pentakishomohopane 482
32 22R-17a(H),21@(H)-30,31,32,33,34-pentakishomohopane 482
33 CZO5@(H)-sterane 274
34 Czl5a(H)-sterane 288
35 C22 5a(H)-sterane 302
36 C27 20S-5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-cholestane 372
37 CZI20R-5a(H),14@(H),17@(H)-cholestane 372
38 C ~20S-5a(H),14@(H),17@(H)-cholestane
I 372
39 C27 20R-Sa(H),l4a(H),17a(H)-cholestane 372
40 (2%20S-5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-ergostane 386
41 Cas 20R-5a(H),14@(H),17@(H)-ergostane 386
42 C28 20S-5a(H),14@(H),l'l@(H)-ergostane 386
43 (2% 20R-5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-ergostane 386
44 Cm 20S-5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-stigmastane 400
45 Cm 20R-5a(H),14@(H),17@(H)-stigmastane 400
46 Ca 20S-5a(H),14@(H),17@(H)-stigmastane 400
47 C Z20R-5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-stigmastane
~ 400

Table 6. Analysis Results of Selected Hopanes and Steranes in Arrow Oil Samples
hopanes steranes
c23 triterpanes Ca triterpanes ( p g / g of (pglg of C23/ Ts/ Cm/ c32 s/ C33 SI czsa@@/ czs a@@/
sample ( p g l g of TSEM) ( p g / g of TSEM) TSEM) TSEM) C24 TmO Cm (S+R) (S+R) (a@@+ a 4 (a@@ +
weathered 104 50 91 106 2.07 0.26 0.86 0.60 0.62 0.55 0.52
S-A 146 71 125 145 2.05 0.27 0.86 0.58 0.63 0.58 0.52
s-2 122 59 112 134 2.05 0.28 0.84 0.60 0.63 0.56 0.53
5-3 203 99 157 183 2.06 0.26 0.86 0.58 0.62 0.57 0.51
s-4 147 67 117 136 2.07 0.27 0.86 0.58 0.61 0.56 0.52
5-5 121 57 115 132 2.10 0.27 0.87 0.57 0.62 0.56 0.52
S-6 115 57 92 107 2.06 0.26 0.86 0.59 0.62 0.55 0.51
s-7 166 79 125 143 2.09 0.27 0.87 0.57 0.63 0.56 0.53
S-8 153 74 118 137 2.07 0.28 0.86 0.57 0.62 0.58 0.51
s-9 77 39 104 120 1.98 0.29 0.86 0.61 0.64 0.56 0.53
s-1 5 8 32 37 0.62 0.31 0.87 0.60 0.61 0.60 0.54
s-10 40 40 53 60 1.00 0.36 0.89 0.57 0.60 0.59 0.52
Ts: 18a(H),21fl(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane;
Tm: 17a(H),21@(H)-22,29,30-trisnorhopane.

Envlron. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994 1743

/Abundance < A Ion 217.00

I 0 1 , I , I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
bime--> 32;OO 34100 36100 38:OO 40.'00 ' 42;OO 44100 ' ' 46,'OO ' 48.00 '

bundance Ion 217.00


- 0 I " ~' I ' " I " ' I " " I " " I " ' I "
ime--> 32.00 34.00 36.00 38.00 40.00 42.00 44.00 46.00 48.00
Flgure 8. Distribution of steranes (mlr 217 and 218) for the weathered source 011 (A) and S-4 (B). See Table 6 for component identification.
The dashed lines show a:,b,b-steranes which glve higher abundances of the mlr 218 fragment than the mlz 217 fragment. The general structure
for steranes Is shown in the right Inset of panel A.
It is evident that the most important advantage using relative intensities of m/z 149-151 fragments were used
c29/c30 as the source indicator is that C 2 9 and c 3 0 are the to distinguish between 5-a: and 5-p stereo isomers. It has
most degradation-resistant compounds compared to C23/ been recognized that the only significant difference
C24 and Ts/Tm. Secondly, they are often the most between 5-a: and 5-0 isomers is that the m/z 149 fragment
abundant among hopanes from C 1 9 to C36; therefore, the is more abundant than the m/z 151 moiety of the 5-a isomer
c 2 9 / c 3 0 ratio can be most accurately computed. So far, (23,27). Furthermore, the retention time of the 5-@isomer
hundreds of oil samples have been analyzed in our is shorter than that of the 5-a: isomer. In addition, it was
laboratory. The combination of these ratios, especially found from studying the paired standard compounds of
C z g / C 3 0 a s well C 3 2 2OS/(2OS+2OR) and C 3 3 20S/(20S+20R), C27, (328, and C 2 9 a:,a:,a:- and a,P,P-steranes that the P,a,a:-
has been satisfactorily applied to match and identify oils. and a,a,a-steranes have a base peak at m/z 217, while
For sterane identification, in addition to the base peak a,P,P-steranes have a base peak at 218. This feature,
chromatograms of steranes at 217 and 218 (Figure 8), the combined with the measurement of the ratio of the m/z

1744 Envlron. Scl. Technol., VoI. 28, No. 9, 1994

149 and the mlz 151 fragment has been used to unam- The combined ratios of the selected pairs of triterpanes
biguously assign c27,c28,and C29 a,a,a-, P,a,a-,and a,P,P- and steranes, especially the ratio of c29/c30hopane, are
steranes in the Arrow oil samples. apparently independent of weathering effects in most cases
The sterane hydrocarbons in the Arrow oil samples are and can be extremely useful in the identification of oil
much less abundant than hopanes and essentially con- source and in oil matching. It should be understood,
stituted by C27 5a(H),14a(H),17a(H)-and c27 5a(H),14P- however, that there is no single method which can identify
(H),17P(H)-cholestane;C28 24-methyl-5a(H),14a(H),l7a- the source of an unknown spilled oil by itself without
(H)-and c 2 8 24-methyl-5a(H),14~(H),l7~(H)-cholestane matching it to known oils. Other analytical approaches
(ergostane); and C29 24-ethyl-5a(H),14a(H),17cu(H)-and (such as tracing the distribution patterns of n-alkanes and
Czg 24-ethyl-5a(H),14P(H),l7/3(H)-cholestane(stigmas- alkylated PAH homologues) remain necessary and useful
tane) (including the 20s and 20R isomers) with the lower for oil source identification and characterization work.
molecular weight C ~ OC, ~ I and , CZZsteranes being also All evidence obtained in this work indicate that, after
present. The C27, c28, and C29 group steranes exhibit 22-years of weathering, most n-alkanes including iso-
roughly the same abundances in most samples (top, F’g -1 ure prenoids in the Arrow oil samples were lost arid that the
8). Another notable feature is that the epimers of a,P,P- target PAHs and their alkylated homologues were heavily
C27, c28, and C29 sterane give relatively higher intensities degraded, but high ring alkyl PAH homologues such as
of the mlz 218 ion than the mlz 217 ion (bottom, Figure chrysenes and, in particular, the biomarker (triterpanes
8). Unlike the ASMB oil (13),no significant contribution and steranes) compounds remain and accumulate. For
from diasteranes was noted. the series of hopane and sterane compounds, the degrada-
The similarity of values of a,a,Pl(a,p,fl+a,a,a) ratios tion-resistant order is (c23and (224) < (Ts and Tm) < (C2g
within C28 and C Zsterane
~ families (Table 6) from mlz 217 and C ~ O )and
, c27 steranes < c 2 8 and C29 steranes,
fragmentograms further suggeststhat all Arrow oilsamples respectively. The facts that ratios of the hopanes c29/c30,
are related. One significant difference of the mlz 217 and C32 20S/(20S+20R), and C33 2OS/(2OS+2OR) remain
218 fragmentograms of the S-1and S-10from other samples unaltered while the ratios of CZ3/C24and TsITm have been
is that the four a,a,a-and a,P,P-isomers Of C27 series were altered and that the c27 sterane series was greatly reduced
greatly decreased in their abundances relative to c28 and in its abundance while the ratios of a,@,Pl(a,P,P + a,a,a)
C29 series, indicating that C27 steranes may be preferentially within the c28 and Czg series were unaltered may strongly
degraded among C27-Czg sterane series under extreme suggest that the S-1 and S-10 samples were more heavily
weathering conditions. weathered than other samples but still shared the same
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1746 Envlron. Scl. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994

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