This Is Mary

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This is Mary Watermelons and mangoes, but she Uarermelons and meingos, bat chi das
does not like grapes. She likes not laic greips. Chi laics bechtebols.
This is Mary. She is eleven. She has
long brown hair and brown eyes. Her Pronunciación
ears are small, and her cheeks are Dis is Meri
Ésta es María
chubby. She gets up at 7 o’clock in the
Dis is Meri. Chi is ileven. Chi has long
morning, has a shower, gets dressed Esta es Mary. Ella tiene once años.
braun jer and braun ais. Jer irs ar esmol,
and has breakfast. She usually has a Tiene el pelo largo y castaño y ojos
and jer chics ar chabi. Chi guets ap at
toast and coffee. She does not like marrones. Sus orejas son pequeñas y
seven o cloc in di monrnin, jas a chauer,
cheese. Then the girl goes to school. sus mejillas regordetas. Se levanta a las
guets drest and jas brecfast. Chi usuali
She travels by bus. She has lunch at 7 de la mañana, se ducha, se viste y
has a tost and cofi. Chi das not laic chis.
school with her friends. They sometimes desayuna. Suele tener tostadas y café.
Den di guerl gos tu scul. Chi travels bai
have pizza and milkshake. After the No le gusta el queso. Luego la niña va a
bas. Chi has lonch at scul uid jer frends.
lessons, they play in the park and they la escuela. Ella viaja en bus. Almuerza
Dei sometaims jav pizza and milcheic.
like flying a kite. Mary goes home at en la escuela con sus amigos. A veces
After di lesons, dey plei in di parc and
5pm. She has dinner with her mother tienen pizza y batido. Después de las
dei laic flain a kait. Meri gos jom at faif pi
and father. Her mother likes cooking! lecciones, juegan en el parque y les
em. Chi jas diner uid jer moder and
Mary goes to bed at 10pm. gusta volar una cometa. Mary se va a
fader. Jer moder laics cukin! Meri gos to
casa a las 5 de la tarde. Cena con su
The girl lives in the city. There is a bed at ten pi em.
madre y su padre. ¡A su madre le gusta
swimming pool next to her house, but
cocinar! Mary se acuesta a las 10 de la
her school is far. There are lots of shops
and supermarkets in her street. There is Di guerl laifs in de ciri. Der is a suimin

a café behind her house and Mary goes pul nest tu jer jaus. Bat jer scul is far. La niña vive en la ciudad. Hay una

there at the weekend with her family. Der ar lats of chops and supermarkets in piscina al lado de su casa, pero su
jer strit. Der is a café bijain jer jaus and escuela está lejos. Hay muchas tiendas
Meri gos der at di uikend uid jer family. y supermercados en su calle. Hay un
café detrás de su casa y Mary va allí los would not like to help her grandmother In di somer, Meri ud laic tu gou campin
fines de semana con su familia. in the garden. It is boring! uid jer granfader! Chi ud nat laic tu jelp
jer granmoder in di garden. It is borin.
Sandías y mangos, pero no le gustan
las uvas. Le gustan las verduras.

Now the girl is in her bedroom. It is big.

There are two windows, there is a
wardrobe in the room and there is her Nao di guerl in jer bedrum. It is big. Der

desk next to the window. There is a ar tu uindous, der is a uordrob in di rum

chair next to her desk. Now her room is and der is jer desk next tu de window.
Ahora la niña está en su dormitorio. Es
a mess! There are her jeans on the floor Der is a cher next tu jer desk. Nao jer
grande. Hay dos ventanas, hay un
and there is one sock on the sofa and rum is a mes! Der ar jer yins on di flor
armario en la habitación y su escritorio
one sock on the lamp. Her mother is and der is uan sac on di sofa and uan
al lado de la ventana. Hay una silla al
angry. She says: You cannot go to the sac on di lamp. Jer moder is angri. Chi
lado de su escritorio. ¡Ahora su
park, please tidy up your room! Put seis: iu cannot gou tu di park, plis taidi
habitación es un desastre! Sus jeans
those jeans in the wardrobe and find the ap iur rum! Put dus yins in di uardrob
están en el piso y hay un calcetín en el
socks! and fain di sacs!
sofá y un calcetín en la lámpara. Su

Mary likes doing athletics and playing madre está enojada. Ella dice: ¡No

table tennis. Going swimming is fun! puedes ir al parque, por favor ordena tu
Meri laics duin azletics and plein taibol
However, she does not like playing habitación! ¡Pon esos jeans en el
tenis. Going suimin is fan! Jauever, chi
basketball. She is very short! armario y busca los calcetines!
das nat lac plein basketball. Chi is very
chort! A Mary le gusta hacer atletismo y jugar
tenis de mesa. ¡Ir a nadar es divertido!
In the summer, Mary would like to go
Sin embargo, a ella no le gusta jugar al
camping with her grandfather! She
baloncesto. ¡Es muy bajita!
¡En el verano, a Mary le gustaría ir de 8. Her room is a mess. Yes. 7. Der is a desk gijain de uardrob in jer
campamento con su abuelo! No le 9. There is one sock under the sofa. No, rum. Nou, it is next tu di uindou.
gustaría ayudar a su abuela en el jardín. there is on the lamp. 8. Jer rum is a mes. ies.
¡Es aburrido! 10. Her mum is scared because there is a 9. Der is uan sac ander di sofa. Nou,
mess. No, she is angry. der is on di lamp.
11. She doesn’t like playing basketball. 10. Jer mom is esquer bicos der is a
Yes. mes. Nou, chi is angri.
12. She would like to go camping with her
11. Chi dasent laic plein basketbol. Ies.
grandfather. Yes.
12. Chi ud laic tu gou campin uid jer
ganfader. Ies.
Rait ies or nou
Write YES or NO
1. Meri has chort braun jeir. Nou, chi
1. Mary has short brown hair. No, She Escribe sí o no
jas long braun jeir.
has long brown hair. 1. Mary tiene el pelo castaño corto.
2. Chi jas a tost and cofi for breakfast.
2. She has a toast and coffee for No, tiene el pelo largo y castaño.
breakfast. Yes 2. Ella desayuna tostadas y café. Si.
3. The children don’t have pizza for 3. Di children don’t jaf pizza for lonch. 3. Los niños no almuerzan pizza. No,
lunch. No, they sometimes have pizza Nou, dey somtaims jaf pizza and a veces almuerzan pizza y batidos.
and milkshake for lunch. milcheic for lonch. 4. Su escuela está al lado de su casa.
4. Her school is next to her house. No, 4. Her escul is next to jer jaus. Nou, chi No, ella viaja a su escuela en autobús.
She travels to her school by bus. travels tu jer escul bai bas. 5. Hay una cafetería frente a su casa.
5. There is a café in front of her house. 5. Der is a café in front of jer jaus. Nou, No, hay un café detrás de su casa.
No, there is a café behid her house. der is a café vijain jer jaus. 6. A Mary le gustan los mangos pero
6. Mary likes mangoes but doesn’t eat 6. Meri laics meingos bat dasent it no come sandías. No, le gustan las
watermelons. No, she likes both fruits. uarermelons. Nou, chi laics boud dos frutas.
7. There is a desk behind the wardrobe fruts. 7. Hay un escritorio detrás del armario
in her room. No, it is next to the en su habitación. No, está al lado de la
window. ventana.
8. Su habitación es un desastre. Si. go to bed at half past ten. My mom just diner. After diner, mom jelps as uid
9. Hay un calcetín debajo del sofá. No, goes to bed at midnight. So she has jomork. And ui gou tu bed at jalf past
time to watch TV or use the computer. ten. My mom yost gos tu bed ar midnait.
hay en la lámpara. She likes to go on the internet or email Sou chi jas taim tu uiatch tivi or ius di
10. Su mamá está asustada porque her friends. compiurer. Chi laics tu gou on di internet
hay un desastre. No, ella está It’s different at the weekend! On or imeil jer frends.
enojada. Saturday afternoon she has some Its diferent ar di uikend! On saradei
timeout and so she goes shopping. She
11. No le gusta jugar al baloncesto. Si. afternun chi jas som taimaut and sou chi
loves buying CD’s and clothes. On
12. Le gustaría ir de campamento con gos chopin. Chi lofs bain cidis and
Saturday night she and dad often go out
clouds. On saradei nait chi and dad
su abuelo. Si. with some friends. She loves to dance.
They always have a good time! clous¿ds. Onsaradei nait chi and dad
often fou aut uid some frends. Chi lofs tu
dans. Dey olwis jaf a gud taime.

Mom’s Busy Day

My mom usually starts her day at eight Moms bosi dei
o’clock. And she has lots of stuff to do Día ocupado de mamá
everyday! First she has a shower. Mai mom úsuali starts jer dei at eigt o
cloc. And chi jas lats of staf tu du Mi mamá suele empezar el día a las ocho
Then she has breakfast – an orange
everidei! Ferst chi jas a chauer. Den chi en punto. ¡Y tiene muchas cosas que
juice, cereal and toast. And she
prepares the family breakfast. At about hacer todos los días! Primero se da una
jas brecfast – an oranch yuis, cirial and
nine o’clock she leaves the house, takes ducha. Luego desayuna: zumo de
tost. And chi prepars di family breakfast.
us to school and goes to work. She naranja, cereales y tostadas. Y ella
At abaut nain o cloc chi lifs di jaus, teics
works in a music shop in Lisboa. The prepara el desayuno familiar. A eso de las
as tu escul and gos tu work. Chi uorcs in
shop opens at ten. She works all nueve sale de casa, nos lleva al colegio y
a miusic chop in Lisboa. Di chop opens
morning and then she has lunch at half se va a trabajar. Trabaja en una tienda de
at ten. Chi uorcs ol morning and den chi música en Lisboa. La tienda abre a las
past one, in a café. The shop closes at
jas lonch at jalf past uan, in a café. De diez. Trabaja toda la mañana y luego
five o’clock and she goes home.
chop clouses at faif o cloc and chi gos almuerza a la una y media en un café. La
When mom arrives home she does the jom. tienda cierra a las cinco y ella se va a
daily household tasks – make the beds, casa.
iron, vacuum, clean and cook. In the Uen mom arrifs jom chi das di deili
evening we have dinner. After dinner, jausjold tasks – meik di beds, airon Cuando mamá llega a casa, hace las
mom helps us with homework. And we vacom clin and cuk. In di ivinin ui jaf tareas domésticas diarias: hacer las
camas, planchar, aspirar, limpiar y 5. What time does the shop close? At 5 5. Uat taim das di chop clous? At faif o
cocinar. Por la noche cenamos. Después cloc.
de la cena, mamá nos ayuda con la tarea.
6. What does she do after arriving 6. Uat das chi du after arriving jom? Chi
Y nos vamos a la cama a las diez y
media. Mi mamá se acuesta a home? She does daily household tasks. das deili jausjold tasks.
medianoche. Entonces ella tiene tiempo 7. Uat das mom laic tu du after livin daun
7. What does mom like to do after lying
para mirar televisión o usar la
down the children? She has time to di children? Chi jas taim tu uatch tivi or
computadora. Le gusta conectarse a
Internet o enviar correos electrónicos a watch TV or use the computer ius di compiurer.
sus amigos. 8. Uat taim das chi gou tu bed? At
8. What time does she go to bed? At
¡Es diferente el fin de semana! El sábado midnait.
por la tarde tiene un descanso y se va de 9. Uat das chi laic tu du on saradei
compras. Le encanta comprar CD y ropa. 9. What does she like to do on Saturday
afternun? Chi jas som taimaut and sou
Los sábados por la noche, ella y papá afternoon? she has some timeout and
suelen salir con algunos amigos. A ella le chi gos chopin.
so she goes shopping
encanta bailar. ¡Siempre se lo pasan bien!

Answer the questions

1. What time does her day begin? At 8 o Ansor and cuechons. Responde a las preguntas
´clock 1. Uat taim das her dei biguin? At eit o
2. What does she usually have for cloc. 1. ¿A qué hora comienza su día? A las 8
breakfast? She usually eat orange juice, 2. Uat das chi usuali haf for brecfast? en punto
cereal and toast. Chi usuali ir oranch yuis, cirial and 2. ¿Qué suele desayunar? Suele comer
3. What time does she leave the house tost. zumo de naranja, cereales y tostadas.
to go to work? At 9 o´clock. 3. Uat taim das chi lif di jaus tu gou tu 3. ¿A qué hora sale de casa para ir a
4. Where does she work? She works in uorc? At nain o cloc. trabajar? A las 9 en punto.
a music shop in Lisboa. 4. Uer das chi uorc? Chi uorcs in a 4. ¿Dónde trabaja? Trabaja en una tienda
miusic chop in lisboa. de música en Lisboa.
5. ¿A qué hora cierra la tienda? A las 5 en 4. Her shop is located in London. False. 4. Jer chop is lokeit in London. Fols.
Because her shop is located in Lisboa. Bicos jer chop is lokeit in Lisboa.
6. ¿Qué hace después de llegar a casa?
Ella hace las tareas domésticas diarias. 5. Mom doesn’t like dancing. False. 5. Mom dasent laic dancing. Fols, bicos
7. ¿Qué le gusta hacer a mamá después because she loves to dance. chi lofs tu dans.
de acostar a los niños? Tiene tiempo para
6. On Saturday night she always goes to 6. Mom dasent laic dancin. Fols, bicos
mirar televisión o usar la computadora.
8. ¿A qué hora se acuesta? A la bowling. False, because she goes to chi gos tu dans.
9. ¿Qué le gusta hacer el sábado por la
tarde? ella tiene tiempo de espera y se va
de compras

Say if the statements are True or

False. Don’t forget to correct the false Seid if di esteitments ar tru or fols. Di si las afirmaciones son verdaderas
Don’t forguet tu correct di fols uans. o falsas. No olvide corregir los falsos.
1. Mom gets up at seven o’clock. False.
1. Mom guets ap at seven o cloc. Fols 1. Mamá se levanta a las siete en punto.
Because She gets up at eight o´clock.
bicos chi guets ap at eit o cloc. Falso. Porque Ella se levanta a las
2. Then she has breakfast. False.
2. Den chi jas brecfast. Fols bicos chi ocho.
Because she has a shower.
jas a chauer. 2. Luego desayuna. Falso. Porque ella
3. She works in a music shop. True.
3. Chi uors in a miusi chop. Tru. tiene una ducha.
3. Trabaja en una tienda de música. face to wake me up, brush my teeth and gou tu de badrum ferst. Ai uach mai feis
then I have a shower. After that I comb
Verdadero tu ueik me ap, broch mau tid and den ai
my hair and get dressed. I wear casual
4. Su tienda se encuentra en Londres. jaf a chauer. After dat ai comb mai jeir
clothes, mainly jeans, shorts, T-shirts
Falso. Porque su tienda está ubicada en and trainers. I have breakfast with my and guet drest. Ai uear casual, closes,
mum and my little brother, Tommy. My
Lisboa. meinly yins, chorts, ti chirts an treiners.
dad has breakfast with us because he
5. A mamá no le gusta bailar. Falso. Ai jaf breakfast uid mai mom and mai
starts work early on weekdays. I have a
porque le encanta bailar. bowl of cornflakes with hot milk and litel broder, Tomi, Mai dad has brecfast
toast with marmalade. Before I go to
6. El sábado por la noche siempre va a uid as bicos ji estarts uorc erli on
school, I have to walk our dog, Leo.
los bolos. Falso, porque ella va a bailar. uikends. Ai jaf a boul of cornfleiks uid

hat milk and tost uid marmaleid. Bifor ai

gou tu escul, ai jaf tu uolk iur dog, Lio.

Emma’s daily routine. Emas deili rutin La rutina diaria de Emma.

Hi! My name is Emma. I’m ten years old Jai! Mai neim is Ema. Aim ten yiars old ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Emma. Tengo diez
and I’m English. I live with my family in años y soy inglesa. Vivo con mi familia
and aim inglich. Ai laif uid mai family in
Brighton in the south of England. My en Brighton, en el sur de Inglaterra. Mi
day starts quite early. I get up at 7.30 on brichton in di soud of inglan. Mai dei
día empieza bastante temprano. Me
weekdays, but at the weekends I sleep estarts cuiait erli. Ai guet ap seven zirty levanto a las 7.30 los días laborables,
an hour and a half longer. When I get pero los fines de semana duermo una
on uikends, bat at di uikends ai eslip an
up, I go to the bathroom first. I wash my hora y media más. Cuando me levanto,
aur and half longuer. Uen ai guet ap, ai
primero voy al baño. Me lavo la cara and we come back home by car. Then and ui com bac jom bai car. Den ui jaf
para despertarme, me lavo los dientes y we have lunch together. After lunch I lonch tugueder. After lonch ai plei uid
luego me ducho. Después de eso, me play with my brother for a while and then mai broder for a uail and den ai du mai
peino y me visto. Uso ropa casual, I do my homework and study. Twice a jomork and estodi. Tuais a uic ai jaf a
principalmente jeans, shorts, playeras y week I have a basketball practice. I love basketbol practis. Ai lof duin esports.
deportivas. Desayuno con mi mamá y doing sports. Bifor diner aim it mai frends or uatch a
mi hermano pequeño, Tommy. Mi papá Before dinner I meet my friends or watch tivi cuis. Ai plei computer gueim,
desayuna con nosotros porque a TV quiz. I play computer game, I aisimplai faind den fourin, Ui jaf diner at
comienza a trabajar temprano los días simply find them boring. We have seven zirti and ai set di teibol. After diner
de semana. Tengo un bol de hojuelas dinner at 7.30 and I set the table. After ai rid a buc or sorf di internet for a uail.
de maíz con leche caliente y tostadas dinner I read a book or surf the Internet At nain zirti ai go tu de bad-rum tu jaf a
con mermelada. Antes de ir a la for a while. At 9.30 I go to the bathroom chouer, broch mai tid and put on mai
escuela, tengo que pasear a nuestro to have a shower, brush my teeth and naitdres. Bifor ai go tu eslip ai lisen tu
perro, Leo. put on my nightdress. Before I go to iusic on mai em pi zri pleier bicos it
sleep I listen to music on my MP3 player meiks me fil rilaxit
because it makes me feel relaxed.

I walk to school because I don’t live very Ai uolc tu escul bicos ai don’t laif very Camino a la escuela porque no vivo muy
far. Classes start at 8.30. I like Maths far. Clases estart at eit zirti. Ai laic maz lejos. Las clases comienzan a las 8.30.
best but I’m also good at Science and best bat aim olso gud ar saiens and Me gustan más las matemáticas, pero
English. I have two breaks, at 11 and at inglich. Ai jaf tu breics, at ileven and at también soy bueno en ciencias e inglés.

1 o’clock. I eat a sandwich and drink uan o cloc. Ait it a sand-uich and drink Tengo dos descansos, a las 11 y a la 1 en

orange juice. I also play with my oranch yus. Ai olso plei uid mai punto. Como un bocadillo y bebo jugo de

classmates in the playground. School clasmeits in de pleigraund. Escul naranja. También juego con mis
compañeros en el patio de recreo. La
finishes at 3.30 and my dad picks me up finiches at zri zirti and mai pics mi ap
escuela termina a las 3.30 y mi papá me 4. What kind of clothes does she like? 4. Uat kaind of closes das chi laic?
recoge y regresamos a casa en auto. She wears casual clothes, mainly Che uears casual closes, meinli
Luego almorzamos juntos. Después del jeans, shorts, T-shirts and trainers. yins, chorts, ti chirts and treiners.
5. What does she have for breakfast? 5. Uat das chi jaf for breakfast?
almuerzo juego un rato con mi hermano y
She has a bowl of cornflakes with Chi has boul or cornfleics uid jot
luego hago mis deberes y estudio. Dos
hot milk and toast with marmalade milk and tost uid marmaleid
veces por semana tengo una práctica de 6. How does Emma usually get to 6. Jao das emma usuali guet tu
baloncesto. Amo hacer deporte. school? escul?
Antes de cenar me encuentro con mis She goes to school on weekdays. Chi gos tu escul on uicdeis.
amigos o veo un concurso de televisión. 7. Where does she spend her breaks? 7. Uer das chi espend jer beiks?
Juego en la computadora, simplemente She eats a sandwich and drink Chi its a sanduich and drink
orange juice. oranch yuis.
los encuentro aburridos. Cenamos a las
8. What time do classes finish? 8. Uat taim du Clazez finch?
7.30 y pongo la mesa. Después de la
They Finish at 3:30 pm Dey finich at zrti zirti pi em.
cena leo un libro o navego por Internet un 9. Where does she go twice a week? 9. Uer das chi gou tuais a uik?
rato. A las 9.30 voy al baño a ducharme, She goes a bascketball practice. Chi gos a basketbol practis.
me lavo los dientes y me pongo el 10. What does she have for breakfast? 10. Uat das chi jaf for brekfast?
camisón. Antes de irme a dormir escucho Es la misma que la pregunta 5. Es igual que la 5.
música en mi reproductor MP3 porque me
hace sentir relajado.

Answer the questions Ansor de cuechons. Responde a las preguntas

1. How old is Emma? 1. Jao old is Emma? 1. ¿Qué edad tiene Emma?
She is ten years old. Che is ten yiars old. Ella tiene diez años.
2. Where does she live? 2. Uere das chi lif? 2. ¿Dónde vive?
She lives in Brighton in the south of Chi lifs in grirton in di soud of Vive en Brighton, en el sur de Inglaterra.
England. ingland. 3. ¿Cuántos hermanos y hermanas tiene?
3. Jao meni broders and sister has Ella tiene un hermano.
3. How many brothers and sister has
chi got? 4. ¿Qué tipo de ropa le gusta?
she got?
She has one brother. Chi jas uan broder.
Viste ropa casual, principalmente jeans, a shower and puts on her clothes. Then jer closes. Den chi its breakfast at jalf
shorts, playeras y zapatillas. she eats breakfast at half past six. At past six. At seven o cloc, chi draivs her
5. ¿Qué desayuna?
seven o’clock, she drives her car to the car tu di jospital.
Ella tiene un plato de hojuelas de maíz
con leche caliente y tostadas con hospital.
mermelada. Neli starts uorc are it o cloc. Chi clins de
6. ¿Cómo suele llegar Emma a la Nelly starts work at eight o’clock. She rums in di jospital. Den, chi jelps di
cleans the rooms in the hospital. Then, doctors. At tuelf o cloc, chi jas lonch. Chi
Ella va a la escuela de lunes a viernes.
7. ¿Dónde pasa sus descansos? she helps the doctors. At twelve o’clock, gos jom at faif o cloc. At jom, chi teics
Come un bocadillo y bebe jugo de she has lunch. She goes home at five dine at jalf past six in di ivinin. Den, chi
naranja. o’clock. At home, she takes a shower uotches tivi. At ten o cloc, chi gos tu
8. ¿A qué hora terminan las clases?
and she cooks dinner. She has dinner bed.
Terminan a las 3:30 pm
9. ¿A dónde va dos veces por semana? at half past six in the evening. Then,
Ella va a una práctica de bascketball. she watches TV. At ten o’clock, she
10. ¿Qué desayuna? La respuesta es goes to bed.
igual que la 5

Di Nurs La enfermera
The nurse
Esta es Nelly. Ella es una enfermera.
This is Nelly. She’s a nurse. She’s tall Dis is Neli. Chis a nurs. Chis tol and zin. Ella es alta y delgada. Ella trabaja en el
and thin. She works at the hospital. Chi uorks at di jospital. Chi luks after sic hospital. Cuida a los enfermos y se
She looks after sick people. She gets up pipol. Chi guets ap at six o coloc in di levanta a las seis de la mañana. Se
at six o’clock in the morning. She takes morning. Chi teiks a chouer and puts on ducha y se pone la ropa. Luego
desayuna a las seis y media. A las siete 5. Can she drive a car? No, Chi is not a fat. She is zin.
en punto, conduce su coche hasta el Yes, she can. 5. Can chi draif a car?
6. Does she get up at six o’clock? Ies chi can.
Yes, she does. 6. Das chi guet ap at six o cloc?
7. Does she eat breakfast at seven Ies, Chi das.
Nelly empieza a trabajar a las ocho en o’clock? 7. Das chi it breakfast at seven o
No, she doesn´t. because she eats cloc?
punto. Limpia las habitaciones del
breakfast at 6:30 am. No, Chi dasent. Bicos chi its
hospital. Luego, ayuda a los médicos. A 8. Does she cook dinner at the breakfast at half past six ei em.
las doce en punto, almuerza. Vuelve a hospital? 8. Das chi cuc a diner at di jospital?
No, She doesn´t. Nou, chi dasent.
casa a las cinco; en casa, se ducha y
9. Does she help the doctors? 9. Das chi jelp di doctors?
prepara la cena. Cena a las seis y Yes, she does. Ies, chi das.
media de la tarde. Luego, mira la 10. Does she go to bed at night? 10. Das chi gou tu bed at nait?
televisión. A las diez en punto, se va a Yes, She does. Ies, chi das.
11. What time does she have lunch? 11. Uat taim das chi jaf lonch?
la cama. She has lunch at twelve o´clock. Chi has lonch at tuelf o cloc.
12. What time does she have dinner? 12. Uat taim das chi jaf diner?
He has dinner at half past six in the Hi jas diner at jalf past six in di
evening. ivinin.
13. What time does she go to bed? 13. Uat taim das chi gou tu bed?
She goes to bed at ten o´clock. Chi gos tu bed at ten o cloc.

Answer the questions

1. What’s her name? Ansor di cuechons. Responde a las preguntas
Her name is Nelly. 1. Uats jer neim? 1. Cual es su nombre?
2. What is she? Jer neim is Neli. Su nombre es Nelly.
She is a nurse. 2. Uat is chi? 2. ¿Qué es ella?
3. Where does she work? Chi is a nurs. Ella es una enfermera.
She works in a hospital. 3. Uer das chi uorc? 3. ¿Dónde trabaja?
4. Is she fat? Chi uorcs in a jospital. Ella trabaja en un hospital.
No, She is not fat. She is thin. 4. Is chi fat? 4. ¿Está gorda?
No, ella no está gorda. Ella es delgada.
5. ¿Puede conducir un coche?
Ella sí que puede.
6. ¿Se levanta a las seis en punto?
Si ella lo hace.
7. ¿Desayuna a las siete en punto?
No, no lo hace. porque desayuna a las
6:30 am.
8. ¿Prepara la cena en el hospital?
No, ella no.
9. ¿Ayuda a los médicos?
Si ella lo hace.
10. ¿Se acuesta por la noche?
Si ella lo hace.
11. ¿A qué hora almorza?
Almuerza a las doce en punto.
12. ¿A qué hora cena?
Cena a las seis y media de la tarde.
13. ¿A qué hora se acuesta?
Se acuesta a las diez en punto.

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