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Journal of Human Resource Management

2023; 11(2): 57-65

doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20231102.13
ISSN: 2331-0707 (Print); ISSN: 2331-0715 (Online)

Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management

Practices on Employees Professional Development
Muhammad Hassaan1, Shumaila Bibi2
Department of Business Administration, University of Education Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan

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To cite this article:

Muhammad Hassaan, Shumaila Bibi. Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on Employees Professional
Development. Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol. 11, No. 2, 2023, pp. 57-65. doi: 10.11648/j.jhrm.20231102.13

Received: February 22, 2023; Accepted: May 9, 2023; Published: June 20, 2023

Abstract: Little insight concerning if and how effective human resource management (HRM), such as improved employee
performance and their professional development, which result in better and more long-lasting outcomes, has been produced by
the research that has already been published. The present study is about to understand the connection between human Resource
Practices that have an influence on professional development toward individual performance. These practices have a
constructive impact on the increase of employee satisfaction, professional development and it mean that it has desirable
performance to achieve while performing a task, duty and share knowledge about professional line. We inspect the following
Human Resources Practices: (1) security; (2) recruitment and selection; (3) compensation package/policy; (4) promotion; (5)
Performance management; (6) rewards and these SHRM practices involve in providing opportunities for learning and to
develop their professional life. The result of this study will provide overall support for Human resource practices. The results
show that employing sustainable HRM practices like job security and compensation has a good and positive impact on
employees' professional growth and allow employees to advance their professional careers. This study reveals a serial relay
mechanism by which sustainable HRM practices boost employee performance and employee professional life development,
with its theoretical and practical consequences.
Keywords: SHRM, Professional Development, Job Security, Compensation Package, Reward, Promotion

1. Introduction Employee participation is autonomous and controlled

emotional and psychological reward, recruitment and
Actually, the term human resource management is all selection, participation of employees in training and
about the control of professional tasks and enabling the development programs and employee performance
employee to grow their competencies to survive in the field assessment are now all characteristic elements of successful
(truss, 2012). Human resource management simply involved human resource management in a company. It is important
with the worker and employee in any corporation or business that all management strategic plans and operations are
entity to see how these people provide their best to bring included in HRM practices so that any organization achieves
positive outcomes of a corporation or business entity in their specific goals to secure most of revenue in the industry.
effectiveness and efficiently. Senyucel (2013) defined the The effectiveness of this procedures begins with an
term SHRM, He said that SHRM simply a mixture of client organization's employment (hiring a new employee) of
centered management strategies which consider employee as employees. Which bring a fruitful result by employing new
benefit tools and these are oriented towards developing and workers necessitates the implementation and attainment of
keeping a beneficial skill and workplace in order to attain HRM procedure (Iqbal, M. Z.; Arif, 2011). HRM approaches
specific goals of any business entity [14]. In HRM company might be a strong evident treatment for motivating
employee a various technique which are related with the personnel's skill, temperament, and approach, all of these
HRM to reach and attain their relevant aims and objectives. approaches have great impact on company and employee
performance. Employees with a good and positive attitude
58 Muhammad Hassaan and Shumaila Bibi: Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on
Employees Professional Development

are more likely to put up their best effort in the hopes of (2004) argue that A long-term sustainable HR strategy
being promoted (Nagima, 2013). It is quite hard to focuses on developing proper, processes to accommodate for
successfully control the staff and employees. The staff issue hiring and selection, training, and growth, along with
must be tackled effectively otherwise the firm's advantages performance appraisal, inspiration, and employee satisfaction.
and ratio of success will deteriorate (Harzing, 2010). They described HRM as a long- term- oriented speculative
Jones (2002) In the recent world there are Many concept and practice for building ecologically feasible and
businesses that are keen to invest in human resources in order accountable strategies for hiring, control or maintenance,
to grow their achievability. Nishii & Wright, (2007) argues inspiration, and growth and advancement. HRM
that right now there are several SHRM practices that are sustainability is indeed a collection of skills, passion, beliefs,
crucial part of any enterprise's success since they aid and faith developed to prevent negative environmental
permitting them to achieve their dreams on time in a regular consequences via the adoption of equality, growth, and social
interval. In recent times Organizations are utilizing and programmes (Cohen & Taylor, 2012) [13]. Sustainable HRM
implementing the several human resource techniques, policy methods enable an organization's different stakeholders to
and procedure include job analysis, workforce planning, meet their monetary, societal, and ecological goals.
recruiting and selection, performance evaluation, promotion, Furthermore, sustainable methods can reduce unpredictable
and employee support program and activities, will more than side effects, critics and help stakeholders to achieve their
definitely have an impact on professional growth. Workers goals (Enhert, Parsa, Muller-Camen, 2016) [22].
expect human resource policy and processes to complement Enhert, Herry (2012) proposed a paradox theory in which
their long-term career ambitions to achieve a significant they stated some serious attachment of HRM with the term
success in the professional field. As Selmer points out some sustainability. They draw a sketch of this conceptualization
aspects which are related to professional life, he said that, the idea that "sustainability," is narrated as a succession of
concentration is on leveraging human resource processes and resources and consumed in well and equally manner,
operations and landmarks like recruitment and selection, resulting in paradoxical decision scenarios and performance
performance assessment, and analyzing himself to check his pressure in sustainable HRM that must be carefully addressed
competencies to make a career decision, development, and and may be a source of transformation and innovation.
governance to promote career decision self which he made Several academics have studied HR practices and
after analyzing himself to gain a fruitful advancement in employment performance. They've carried out studies that
professional life (Selmer, 2000). There are a lot studies and have been maintained in their priceless books and collections.
content written on the impact of human resource Increased attainment and accomplishment emerge from the
management techniques and practices on worker creation and implementation of HR strategies that can assure
performance and professional development and in past a high quality of the workforce. High-quality management
researchers have already studied SHRM practices and methods are an important element in job success [23].
techniques worldwide (wikhman, 2019).
As according to sustainable Human resources, Human
For years, the researcher studies in a broad manner to resource practices are crucial for corporate results that go
examine the impact of human resource management methods beyond profitability, to preserve a clean earth in the future,
and practices on organizational performance. Human healthy and happy employees, and many other emotional
resource practices have a major influence on organizational concerns that some company executives brush off, it in
performance, according to research which is conducted in critical to develop more sustainable methods. Sustainability,
context of both developed and developing nations (Delaney on the other hand, is profitable. When staff are really
& Huselid, 1996; Katou & Budhwar, 2007). Chughtai, M. S concerned about reducing waste and increasing corporate
(2017) he said that in developing country like Pakistan a few efficiency, it may pay them financially. When it comes to
researches have explored into this concept and approaches. formulating plans for progress and growth, every forward-
The current research will explore the impact of sustainable thinking firm should at least consider sustainability (Enhert,
HRM practices on employee job performance and 2016) [22]. As Enhert (2008) point of view the sustainable
professional development with a special emphasis on the HRM comprises not only recruiting and engaging trained and
buffering function of training development in the nexus satisfied workers, but also offering a positive working
between HRM practices and job performance. environment and development possibilities for them. Because
the terms sustainable HRM practices and sustainable HRM
2. Review of Literature have various meanings, it is critical to clarify the features of
both. The impact of HRM methods on employees, for
2.1. Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices example, is a major concern for sustainable HRM.
Sustainable HRM described as the modification of HRM Researchers looked into long-term HRM predicated on the
techniques and tactics that enable them to meet the condensation and concurrent impact of excessive operating
company's monetary, environmental, and desired outcomes units on organizational productivity and employee harm, and
over a lifelong horizon, while managing for bad reviews and discovered that adjustable excessive job structures, such as
unanticipated side effects (karmar, 2014). Thom & Zaugg practices developed and condensed work weeks, may have a
negative influence on corporate performance. It's critical to
Journal of Human Resource Management 2023; 11(2): 57-65 59

identify specific HRM policies that are part of the high work substantial impact on both the team's and the company's core
arrangement, as well as examine their effects on performance as well as professional development He argued
organizational profit and growth (Mariappanadar, S.; Kramar, that companies with insufficient job security cause
R, 2014) [34]. employees to lose trust in their future, which leads to poor
In today world the Sustainable HRMPs are picking up performance. He stated that the more job security an
steam in today's experience and understanding of the individual has, the more likely he is to execute his job
economy, as firms struggle to meet the demand for highly efficiently, which is mirrored in the company's overall
qualified human resources and lack of resources. performance. In businesses, for example, duties are often
2.2. Job Security split down into jobs that are allotted to each worker.
Individual performance can be evaluated for each job done
Job security can be described as giving the worker by the personnel. This employee's performance contributes to
assurance that his or her career will not be in danger, lost or the broader organization's success. The employee's personal
depromoted as a result overall to the country's general success at work is inextricably related to the company's
economic condition and status (James, 2012) [30]. Job overall performance. As a result, it appears that their
security is simply engaged with an individual's and worker performance is tied to company effectiveness, and that their
competence, skill or likelihood of retaining his or her work efforts would be fewer and inefficient if they are concerned
by keeping his or her skills alive (Adebayo and Lucky, 2012) about their job security.
[1]. This term is simply preoccupied and refer to the In this circumstance, the company's minority employees
feasibility of worker retaining their employment in would have low job security and so may be unable to
succession to keep at arm’s length in risk getting ceased and function well. A Chinese-owned corporation, for example,
burnout (Simon, 2011). Employees and regular work may have a higher proportion of Chinese employees than
Insecure jobs are those that are not easily filled by an other race related classes (Hassan, 2010; Bumi, 2011) As a
additional agreement and therefore can be guaranteed for a result, they are concerned about losing their positions to other
sufficient period of time. Workers are also perceived as being minority worker ethnicities and religions inside the
free from his work or may be getting fired from their ongoing corporation, and vice versa. As a result, workers from
job or risk of eject from employment. Some occupations and Malaysia and India working in a Chinese company may have
hobbies provide more job stability than others. Employment a low feeling of job safety and hence contribute little to the
dependability refers to a worker's certainty or belief that they company, but workers from China and Malaysia who work in
will be able to maintain their current job for as long as they an Indian company will feel similarly unsafe. and stability,
choose It is the firm's or company's promise that its affecting their efficiency and effectiveness. Depending on the
employees will stay with them after a relatively long time many circumstances presented in above situation, a person
without even being wrongfully terminated (Adebayo and job in a firm that is not of his ethnicity may have low job
Lucky, 2012; Simon, 2011) [1]. security, which will negatively impact his or her performance,
According to the present day look over which is regulated which will show in the company's performance overall.
by KPMG (2010), which gives result that unpredictable Worker security is a crucial driver of company success,
economic conditions over seventy-five percent of primarily in a diverse ethnic context, hence it may be claimed
respondents said job stability was the most important factor that businesses should find a solution to balance worker job
to consider when seeking for work. Due to the economic security with company effectiveness.
recession, 67 percent of the respondent said they would
rather work for a government or non-profit organization than 2.3. Recruitment and Selection
for a corporation [33]. As a result, research done by the Today we clearly said about human resource recruitment
University of Michigan's Center for the Education of Women that its duty is to establish a source of possible new recruits
(2010) discovered that professors and other teachers want whenever the demand and vacancies arises in following
more job stability. According to the survey, job stability anticipating the type and quantity of personnel that will be
would help people combine work and family life, as well as required. Recruiting refers to the efforts that a business
minimize anxiety, and that workplace freedoms are worth undertakes in order to entice new workers (Barber, 1998)
compromising employment security. Similarly, according to [12]. These actions are carried out prior to actual selection in
data provided by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the company to designed a motivate competent and talented
2000 on staff job security, approximately 22% of academic employees to apply for positions inside the business, whether
staff only have a high level of job security and they are from different sources like primary or secondary sources.
satisfied with their job and reward offering after performing Companies are already recruiting online advertisements as a
their jobs, in sector of multiple- year contract, more than 40% result of developments in information technology, according
of experienced staff (employees) with more than seven to the findings of a Conference Board poll (Benderoff, 2007)
lengths of experience at the university have very little job [11]. Firms that can develop during downturns or weak
security beyond sustainable energy consultations, and only economies will have a significant advantage when they
4% of faculty members have job security [17]. recruit the greatest talent and qualified personnel, while
Geoffrey James, (2012) clearly said that job security has a others will be forced to suspend recruiting, block pay
60 Muhammad Hassaan and Shumaila Bibi: Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on
Employees Professional Development

increases, or lay off competent and skilled personnel (Colven, personnel’s professional lives. Workers will be promoted
2009) [16]. based on their skills, and companies will use their employees'
It is noticeably important that human resource should talents to fill open positions. Most employees feel that great
embrace is not just for business efficiency or long-term performance leads to promotion. A promotion is viewed as a
economic benefits, but also for moral consideration and prize by many employees; it has long been a component of
responsible leadership with sustainable development (Ketola, the employee dream, implying prestige, happiness, and
2010). Appropriately selecting and recruiting the correct economic advantages for those that are able to progress
people is a difficult task since firms are attempting to match within a firm (Dessler, 2008) [18].
the suitable employees or persons with available positions. Promotion contributes to job happiness, which leads to
The organization must make a choice about who will join the good performance, which leads to the preservation of degree
group. Persons and workers found during the recruitment of excellence, making promotion one of the most important
stage will be reduced down to those personnel who are best components in achieving company goals. Pay satisfaction,
suited for the occupations, or who the business feels are the according to Muchinsky (2005), refers to improved behavior
most sufficiently skilled to fill the open positions (Noe, et al. value, increased employee effort, and reduced employee and
2011) [41]. attrition. When workers are encouraged, they stay with the
The stages to be undertaken in the recruitment process company and contribute for as long even as company
differ from company to company, but in general there are requires. Danish (2010) said that among together all
mostly the following steps that are commonly used and resources a business holds, human resources are by far the
followed in the recruitment and selection process: (Carrell, et most significant. Maintaining a competent and qualified
al., 1995) a) initial examination. b) application form whether workforce is key to an organization's overall efficiency.
it is online or bank c) Testing d) Investigation/ interview and Motivated employees may help a company get more and
job assessment e) Checking the applicant's references and more innovative and adaptable. Promotion is likely to be
biography f) especially departmental and sector interview g) beneficial in improving employee performance since moving
job offer h) facilities like medical, transportation etc. I) up the company ladder will improve employee motivation
promotion [15]. and sense of personal responsibility. High-ranking personnel
Johnson (2000) clearly disused about how firms choose are under additional pressure to improve the organization's
competent and outstanding people. This might be a performance. Furthermore, every employee's ultimate
wonderful and most effective technique that is use for objective is to perform upgrading and advancement tasks
attaining corporate aims and goals and developing continuously at an enterprise (Brenya, R., Weijun, 2018) [9].
professional life of any candidate. johnson clearly said that a
formal selection approach is advantageous to the revenue and 2.5. Compensation Package
success of the firms [31]. Harris (1996) is said that A fair
approach of staff selection is particularly successful in "Any company needs capital, commodities, resources,
accomplishing and implementing the company aim, objective technology, theories, and older adolescents, which would be
and goals [28]. the human resource, in order to function efficiently" (Asfaw,
Kepha (2014) In Kenyan research institutes, the influence Argaw, & Bayissa, 2015) [2]. "Compensation is a valuable
of hiring and selection on staff performance was studied. tool in the arsenal of management for affecting employee
HRM methods are increasingly being shown to play a behavior and performance, and thereby contributing to firm
substantial effect in attracting high-quality employees. In success" (Bustamam, Teng and Abdullah, 2014) [10]. You
particular, selection has been identified as a key HRM put your compensation package into action. The link between
strategy that has the potential to affect employee productivity remuneration and work engagement or employee engagement
in the firm. Their findings revealed a highly substantial (p = has been studied extensively. However, we expand this
0.000) link between recruiting and selection and employee research to investigate if remuneration has any effect on the
performance as well as professional development [35]. organization's financial success. When it comes to recruiting,
maintaining, and motivating personnel, compensation is
2.4. Promotion critical for both companies and employees.
Ibrahim & Borerhaneoddin (2010) further claimed that
Gupta (2011: 18.7) said that promotion is when a worker high compensation keeps people and leads to job satisfaction,
gets moved to a top-level job with greater responsibilities, a dedication, and devotion. These are some of the most
greater reputation, and more money. It is the advancement of important aspects that contribute to better employee
a worker in a company's hierarchy to a position with more performance [29]. Khan et al, (2014) also feel that by
responsibility, greater power, and improved working adjusting the remuneration package, employee dedication
circumstances. Employees are rewarded for competitive and contentment may be boosted. As a consequence, we may
advantage and motivated to put in more effort through conclude that there is a connection between employee
promotions [27]. Promotion is simply referring to an performance and the remuneration package [32, 40].
individual with heavy workloads, tasks, and authority (Noe, Turner (2006) said that compensation is one of several
et al., 2011) [41]. human resource (HR) methods that businesses use to
Promotions are beneficial to both the company and the supervise their personnel, and in order for a company to get
Journal of Human Resource Management 2023; 11(2): 57-65 61

its investment back, it must guarantee that its compensation 2011) [38]. There are some school personnel prefer monetary
scheme is not an island unto itself. However, it is critical for benefits, while others prefer nonmonetary rewards such as
a company's pay structure to be in sync with its overarching the ability to take on major duties and projects, as well as
plans for the future (Chow, 2009) [14]. It acts in accordance managerial sympathy and consideration. Employees will feel
with the footstep that A company's pay system is an HR appreciated by their managers and that the firm is really
technique designed to encourage employees to perform more. invested in their career and development as a result of this.
2.6. Performance Management As a result, these incentives help to boost worker happiness
(Dewhurst, 2009) [21].
Performance management can be described as simply the Oosthuizen (2001) argues that it is simply one of leaders'
method of offers and rewards by which the companies, responsibilities to effectively encourage people and affect
groups, and personnel may achieve better results by their actions in order to boost competitiveness in the industry.
analyzing and controlling performance within an agreed- According to Flynn (1998) reward and recognition program
upon stipulated timeline objectives, criteria, and competency keep workers happy, enhance their attitude toward the
criteria (Bhattacharyya, 2011, p. 134) [8]. A performance professional line and build a relationship between their
management system in companies and business enterprises to retention and effectiveness. The main goal of a recognition
establish performance criteria, assess compliance with the and reward program is to design a compensation system and
criteria, and develop strategies to enhance individual and explain it to employees so that they may relate their pay to
organizational effectiveness (Schermerhorn, Jr., 2010). The overall performance, which contribute s to job satisfaction
performance measurements give a clear picture of firm’s [25].
success toward achieving its objectives, targets and Rewards are strongly connected to the development of
professional development (Markovic, 2010) [37]. Human inspiration and play an important part in deciding substantial
resources are integrated with a database of an appraisal work performance. According to Lawler (2003), there are
system as it pertains to objectives, specifications, the target two aspects that affect how appealing a reward is, the first
and a particular region in performance management (PM). one is the quantity of reward offered, and the second one is
This method guarantees that the end outputs are allotted the value that person assigns to a particular reward [36]. Top
activities and accomplishments that are comparable to the leaders recognize individuals by doing activities and actions
firm's goal. It is indeed a tool that helps the executive that recognize their successes, typically reward them by
evaluate and track the performance of staff. PM's key providing them something concrete and Employees that have
purpose is to create an environment in which employees can a fair opportunity of advancement based on their abilities,
use their full potential to benefit the company quickly and traits and talents are much more committed to their jobs and
effectively (Ahlstrom et al., 2001). There are several then become a source of relevant workability writes
performance management theories in and each model is (Deeprose, 1994) [20]. Dewhurst, Guthridge, and Mohr,
important as a framework to guide firm productivity, (2009) argue and summaries their study that a proper
employee performance, and merging company and worker compensation system is crucial for both high and poor
performance management. Operations in company performers' employee engagement. This is due to the fact that
performance management are referred to by a number of awards improve work engagement among top performers
terms, including results forecasting, expect to be paid, while also serving as a reward for bad performers. Because
planning, scheduling, and financial planning, and goal setting various companies and firms have different temperaments,
(Mullins, 2009) [39]. histories, and tastes, incentive systems vary [21].
The management would be able to formally recognize However, all total rewards have the very same goal of
good performance through performance assessment, which motivating people for continued progress, spiritual growth,
will increase employee engagement (Derven, 2010) [19]. The and career progression.
performance metrics for the performance appraisal and Andrew and Kent (2007) argue that monetary awards are
management system are often derived from the firm's considered valuable by all levels of employees and provide
purpose and objectives, and the performance appraisal them with a feeling of accomplishment and work satisfaction
system should indeed be intended to aid in the attainment of [5]. Financial rewards may also be used to promote different
those goals. A strong and effective performance management job positions, making it more suitable to employees, and so
system allows companies to determine as they're on the encouraging employees to continue to learn and expand their
correct track or whether predetermined aims and goals are talents (Boehm & Lyubomirsky, 2008) [6].
being met (Bhatti et al., 2013) [7]. There are two types of the rewards that help workers to
develop their professional lives and provide benefits to
2.7. Reward organization like intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards.
The link and interaction between employee incentives, 2.7.1. Extrinsic Reward
engagement, and job involvement is critical to both Raza (2012 stated as that Extrinsic reward, or financial
government and non-governmental performance and the benefits are the finest element of worker inspiration since
workers enjoy both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards (Marsor, they respond to specific worker demands and keep them
62 Muhammad Hassaan and Shumaila Bibi: Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on
Employees Professional Development

engaged. As a result, this kind of reward is typically short- Intrinsic incentives produce a favorable emotional
term and must be done frequently in order to maintain worker response and work to drive people to develop and make long-
progression and productivity. Extrinsic motivation is created term behavioral adjustments when necessary (Ryan & Deci,
when people are motivated by activities taken on their behalf. 2020). For example, whenever someone accomplishes a task
Cash, ratings, condemnation, and penalties are all examples effectively, they are likely to be more satisfied and
of extrinsic element of incentive. Employees who are accomplished. This intrinsic motivation then pushes the
intrinsically driven may work on a job even if they are individual to finish the work effectively in the future in order
uninterested in it because they know that reward will provide to keep experiencing those great sensations.
them with fulfilment and enjoyment after the activity is
accomplished. Consequently, extrinsic motivation has a
short-term effect on employees, and fresh rewards need be 3. Conceptual Framework
presented when new tasks are completed (Armstrong, 2013)
Research Hypothesis
H1: Job security is positively associated and connected
2.7.2. Intrinsic Reward with the Professional Development.
Intrinsic motivation on the other hand refers to motivation H2: Recruitment and selection is positively correlated with
that originates from inside a person. This sort of motivation the Professional Development.
is mainly derived from the enjoyment that an employee feels H3: Promotion is positively corelated with the Professional
after completing a task or, in certain situations, while Development.
working. Responsibility, flexibility to act, range to utilize and H4: Compensation package is positively corelated with the
develop talents and abilities, an exciting job, and prospects Professional Development.
for development may all affect intrinsic motivation. These H5: Performance Management is positively corelated with
forms of motivation are employed to have a long-term the Professional Development.
influence since they are produced by the individual rather H6: Reward is positively corelated with the Professional
than the surroundings (Armstrong, 2013) [4]. Development.

Figure 1. Conceptual framework.

study uses traditional primary methods for gathering data.

4. Methodology The survey approach used in this study is the main way of
gathering data, and it makes use of a Likert scale. By
The present study uses quantitative research methodology utilizing a variety of sample methodologies, selecting
since it would be the most important factor in evaluating how procedures are utilized to get the primary data first from the
SHRM practices help to your professional development. The stated target population. In this survey there are thirty-one
Journal of Human Resource Management 2023; 11(2): 57-65 63

(31) question to gather the information about our variables of Data Analysis
this study. In this questionnaire there are a five option 1) Data analysis was performed using IBM's SPSS Version
Strongly agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly 25 (Chicago, USA) statistical package for social sciences.
disagree of each question. And each question has five Likert The Cronbach's alpha reliability test, descriptive and
scale for strongly agree, 2 for agree, 3 for neutral, 4 for inferential tests, regression analysis and reliability statistics
disagree and 5 for strongly disagree. The responses of this moderation were used to establish the main findings for all
questionnaire are collected from the 100 people of different variables in this research.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics.

Items N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
JS 100 1.00 5.00 2.1117 .60999
CP 100 1.00 5.00 2.0000 .62925
R 100 1.00 5.00 2.1533 .77332
RT 100 1.00 5.00 2.1100 .73291
PM 100 1.00 5.00 2.0733 .86402
P 100 1.00 5.00 2.1000 .56408
PD 100 1.00 5.00 1.9517 .53743
Valid N (listwise) 100

Table 1 tell us that the minimum value for all variable is 1.00 and maximum variable is 5.00. And according to their means it
seems that mostly all the respondent shows a positive (Strongly agree, Agree) response to all questions.

Table 2. Pearson's correlation coefficient.

Pearson Correlation 1 .650** .574** .642** .572** .334** -.201*
JS Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .045
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation .650** 1 .580** .659** .531** .353** -.060
CP Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .551
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation .574** .580** 1 .638** .497** .312** -.073
R Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .002 .469
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation .642** .659** .638** 1 .705** .344** -.073
RT Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .471
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation .572** .531** .497** .705** 1 .461** -.193
PM Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .054
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation .334** .353** .312** .344** .461** 1 .096
P Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .000 .002 .000 .000 .340
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Pearson Correlation -.201* -.060 -.073 -.073 -.193 .096 1
PD Sig. (2-tailed) .045 .551 .469 .471 .054 .340
N 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

The Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), which measures quantitative, continuous variables. This table shows that there
the degree of the linear relationship between two variables, is is significant correlation of all variables with professional
a method for examining the relationship among two development.

Table 3. Reliability analysis.

Items Crohnbach’s alpha (study N=100) Number of items
Job security .650 6
Compensation Package .665 5
Reward .608 3
Recruitment & Training .802 6
Performance Management .745 3
Promotion .697 2
Professional Development .629 6

As seen in table 3 that the job security is the recent study's assessment of reliability. Five distinct human resource
64 Muhammad Hassaan and Shumaila Bibi: Impact of Sustainable Human Resource Management Practices on
Employees Professional Development

management techniques were employed by the researcher as the Crohnbach’s alpha is 0.665 > 0.6 it means that the five-
impartial ways to determine the effects on professional item use to measure the compensation package is reliable for
development. In terms of job security for six items the the study. Crohnbach’s alpha value for all remaining
Crohnbach’s alpha is 0.650 > 0.6 it means that the six-item variables is greater than 0.6 which means all the item use to
use to measure the job security is reliable for the study. measure their corresponding variables is reliable for this
Similarly In terms of compensation package for five items current study.

Table 4. Multiple Regression.

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.
(Constant) 1.854 .152 12.166 .000
JS -.149 .079 -.269 -1.882 .063
RT .094 .077 .205 1.226 .223
1 P .147 .066 .245 2.211 .030
PM -.131 .058 -.335 -2.270 .026
CP .038 .077 .071 .497 .620
R -.001 .058 -.002 -.013 .990

a. Dependent Variable: PD

Additionally, using multiple regressions, one may assess sustainable HRM practices by taking into account employee
the model's convergent validity and the proportional issues, recognizing them, and addressing the injustices they
contributions of each predictor to the total variance explained. experience.
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