Reviewer GED 104 - The Contemporary World
Reviewer GED 104 - The Contemporary World
Reviewer GED 104 - The Contemporary World
also have negotiated dramatic reductions in
Globalization Concepts, Meanings, Features, barriers to commerce and have established
and Dimensions international agreements to promote trade in
goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage
Globalization of new opportunities in foreign markets,
corporations have built foreign factories and
- process in which people, ideas and goods established production and marketing
spread throughout the world, spurring arrangements with foreign partners.
more interaction and integration between
the world's cultures, governments and - A defining feature of globalization,
economies(1). therefore, is an international industrial and
- process of interaction and integration financial business structure (4).
among the people, companies, and
governments of different nations, a process Technology
driven by international trade and
investment and aided by information - Principal driver of globalization.
technology. - Economic life is dramatically transformed
- has effects on the environment, on culture, by advancement in information technology.
on political systems, on economic - All sorts of individual economic actors like
development and prosperity, and on human consumers, investors, and businesses
physical well-being in societies around the which are valuable new tools for
world identifying and pursuing economic
- about growing worldwide connectivity. opportunities, including
1. faster and more informed analyses
There were similarities in features of those of economic trends around the
prevailing waves of globalization before the world,
outbreak of the First World War in 1914 to the 2. easy transfers of assets, and
current wave. There is an increase in cross border- 3. collaboration with far-flung
trade, investment, and migration due to policy and partners are provided by
technical developments in the past few decades. It information technologies.
is in the area of economic development that
observers believe the world has entered a new Globalization is the process of integration of
phase. economies across the world through cross-border
flow of factors product and information (5).
- Today’s globalization is farther, faster,
cheaper, and deeper in comparison to According to the International Monetary Fund
earlier waves of globalization. (IMF) globalization is the growing economic
interdependence of countries worldwide through
In the years since the Second World War, and increasing volume and variety of cross border
especially during the past two decades, many transactions in goods and services and of
governments have adopted free-market economic international capital flows and also through the
systems, vastly increasing their own productive more rapid and wide diffusion of technology (6).
potential and creating myriad new opportunities
Globalization is an expansion, and intensification world-including products whose various
of social relations and consciousness across world components were manufactured in different
time and world space. countries. This process is called social stretching.
In this earliest phase of globalization, contacts There are six dimensions in globalization. These
among hunters and gatherers – who were spread include: economic, political, technological,
around the world – were geographically limited. In cultural, religious and ecological dimensions.
this period due to the absence of advanced forms
of technology, globalization was severely limited. 1. Economic Dimension
For the globalists democracy and free markets are Two Major Driving Forces for Economic
synonymous. Globalization
The neoliberal explanation of globalization is 1. The rapid growing of information in all types of
ideological because it is politically motivated and productive activities
contributes to the construction of particular 2. Marketization - (A restructuring process that
meanings of globalization which stabilize existing enables state enterprises to operate as
power relations. Globalism tries to create market-oriented firms by changing the legal
collective meaning and shape people’s identities. environment in which they operate (20) and can be
achieved through reduction of state subsidies,
THE STRUCTURES OF GLOBALIZATION organizational restructuring of management such
as corporatization, decentralization, and
THE GLOBAL ECONOMY privatization (21).
Economic globalization refers to the increasing Rapid development of science and technologies
interdependence of world economies as a result of served as the basis for immediate globalization of
the growing scale of cross-border trade of the world economies which in turn provided an
commodities and services, flow of international environment where there is a swift spreading of
capital and wide and rapid spread of technologies. market economic systems all over the world.
- taxes or duties paid for a particular class of - To regulate the trade and business relations
imports or exports. between two nations, this policy is formed.
- Under the trade agreement the national
● Imposing taxes on imported and exported trade policies of both the nations and their
goods is a right of every country. Heavy negotiations are considered while bilateral
tariffs on imported goods are levied by trade policy is being formulated.
some nations for the protection of their
local industries. The prices of imported International Trade Policy
goods in local markets are inflated due to
high import taxes to ensure demand for - This defines the international trade policy
local products. under their charter like the International
economic organizations, such as
Trade barriers Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), World Trade
- These are measures that governments or Organization (WTO) and International
public authorities introduce to make Monetary Fund (IMF).
imported goods or services less
competitive than locally produced goods
and services (47).
- The best interests of both developed and and especially prevalent in areas where
developing nations are upheld by the complex projects are the norm like
policies. construction and information technology
Trade Policy and International Economy (52).
The World Trade Organization (WTO) Outsourcing is a means of finding a partner with
which a firm can establish a bilateral relationship
- deals with the global rules of trade between and having the partner undertake
nations with the main function of ensuring relationship-specific investments so that it
that trade flows smoothly, predictably and becomes able to produce goods and services that
freely. fit the firm’s particular needs.
- only global international organization One of the most rapidly growing components of
dealing with the rules of trade between international trade is the outsourcing of
nations with WTO agreements, negotiated intermediate goods and business services. There
and signed by the bulk of the world’s are three essential features of a modern
trading nations and ratified in their outsourcing strategy.
parliaments at its heart (48).
1. Firms must search for partners with the
- viewed as the means by which expertise that allows them to perform the
industrialized countries can gain access to particular activities that are required.
the markets of developing countries (49). 2. They must convince the potential suppliers to
customize products for their own specific needs.
Global Economy Outsourcing 3. They must induce the necessary
relationship-specific investments in an
Outsourcing environment with incomplete contracting.