Contemp 1-3
Contemp 1-3
Contemp 1-3
- These are taxes or duties paid for a particular class of
imports or exports. Imposing taxes on imported and
Example: If a country has strict safety regulations for - the guidelines and regulations established by
toys, imported toys must be inspected to ensure they international economic organizations to facilitate and
are free from harmful materials and meet safety regulate trade among countries. These policies aim to
standards. This helps prevent dangerous toys from balance the interests of both developed and developing
reaching children and ensures that consumers. can nations., such as Organization for Economic Co-operation
trust the quality of products available in the market. and Development (OECD), World Trade Organization
(WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). The best
TYPES OF TRADE POLICIES interests of both developed and developing nations are
1. BILATERAL TRADE POLICY upheld by the policies.
- an agreement between two countries to facilitate trade
and economic cooperation. This often involves reducing TRADE POLICY AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY
tariffs, establishing trade quotas, and addressing other In most developed countries where open market economy
barriers to trade. prevails, the international economic organizations support
Example: U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA): free trade policies. In the case of developing nations partially-
While it includes three countries, the USMCA serves as shielded trade practices are preferred to protect their local
a bilateral trade policy between the U.S. and Mexico, trade industries. The following are dependent on
as well as between the U.S. and Canada. globalization: sound trade policies for market changes,
establishment of free and fair trade practices and pansion of
Key Features:
possibilities for booming international trade.
o Reduction of tariffs on agricultural products, automobiles,
o Provisions for labor rights and environmental standards. Trade Policy and International Economy
o Increased access for U.S. dairy producers to the Canadian Deals with the global rules of trade between nations with the
market. main function of ensuring that trade flows smoothly,
predictably and freely. It is the only global international
The agreement enhances trade relationships, promotes organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations
economic growth, and helps create a more balanced trade with WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by many of the
environment between the participating countries. world's trading nations and ratified in their parliaments at its
- the strategies and regulations that a government WTO is viewed as the means by which industrialized
implements to protect and promote its weitare of countries can gain access to the markets of
encompasses interests and the gens. This policy developing countries.
measures aimed at influencing international trade GLOBAL ECONOMY OUTSOURCING
practices An activity that requires search for a partner and relation
3. INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICY specific investments that are governed by incomplete
contracts. The extent of international outsourcing depends on - It is the practice of assigning part of the obligations and
several factors: tasks under a contract to another party known as a
1. Market Thickness: The availability of suppliers in both subcontractor an especially prevalent in areas where
domestic and foreign markets. complex projects are the norm like construction and
2. Search Costs: The relative costs associated with finding information technology
suppliers in each market. Example: In a large construction project, a general contractor
3. Customization Costs: The expenses involved in may subcontract the electrical work to a specialized electrical
adapting inputs to meet specific needs. firm. This allows the general contractor to focus on overall
4. Contracting Environment: The legal and regulatory project management while ensuring that the electrical
conditions in each country that affect contract systems are handled by experts.
enforcement and reliability.
Outsourcing Scenario: The company decides to outsource the - In bilateral relationships, activities are often governed by
production of its electronic components to a manufacturer in a contract. However, even with a legal document in place,
Vietnam. there is no guarantee that the partners will perform their
obligations with the same level of care and diligence that
Factors Influencing the Decision:
the firm would use if it were handling the tasks itself.
1. Market Thickness: Vietnam has a robust network of
Example: A company hires a subcontractor for a crucial part
electronics suppliers and manufacturers, making it easier
of a project. Despite having a detailed contract, the
to find partners.
subcontractor may not invest the same effort and resources
2. Search Costs: The firm finds that searching for suppliers
as the company would, resulting in delays or quality issues
in Vietnam is more cost-effective than in the U. S. due to
that affect the overall success of the project.
lower labor costs and established industry clusters.
3. Customization Costs: The Vietnamese manufacturer
One of the most rapidly growing components of international
has experience customizing electronic components to
trade is the outsourcing of intermediate goods and trusiness
meet the firm's specifications, reducing additional costs.
services. There are three essential teatures of a modern
4. Contracting Environment: Vietnam has made
outsourcing strategy
improvements in its legal framework for contract
1. Firms must search for partners with the expertise that
enforcement, giving the firm confidence in its ability to
allows them to perform the particular activities that are
secure and uphold agreements.
Outcome: By outsourcing to Vietnam, the U.S. company can 2. They must induce the necessary relationship- specific
reduce production costs, levera specialized expertise, and investments in an environment with incomplete
focus on its core business activities while ensuring time contracting
delivery of high-quality components. 3. They must convince the potential suppliers to customize
products for their own specific needs
- A central element of the new economy Possible Determinants of the Location of Outsourcing
1. Size of the country can affect the "thickness of its markets harmed. their economies and societies, making them part of
2. The technology for search affects the cost and likelihood the Global South narrative.
of finding a suitable partier
3. The technology for specializing components determines
1. It refers to economically disadvantaged nation-
the willingness of a partner ta undertake the needed
states and as a post-cold war alternative to "Third
Investment in a Prototype
4. The contracting environmenta can impinge on a firm's
- The term "Third World" is commonly used to refer to
ability to induce a partner to invest in the relationship
developing nations. It originated during the Cold War to
categorize countries that were neither aligned with NATO
and capitalism (the First World) nor with the Soviet Union
and communism (the Second World).
LESSON 2.4 Global The Divides: North and the South
(focus: Latin America) Key Characteristics of Third World Countries:
o Economic Challenges: Third World countries are
often characterized as poor and underdeveloped.
- the regions of Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania
o Social Issues: These nations typically face low levels
that predominantly consist of low- income countries.
These regions often face political and cultural of education, inadequate inf infrastructure, poor
marginalization, meaning they may not have the same sanitation, and limited access to healthcare
influence or representation in global affairs as more o Living Conditions: The living conditions in these
developed nations. countries are often considered inferior to those in more
Example: In Latin America, many indigenous communities developed nations.
face political exclusion and economic hardship, despite
having rich cultural traditions. Similarly, in parts of Africa, 2. The Global South captures a deterritorialized
certain nations may struggle with political instability and geography of capitalism's externalities and means
limited access to global markets, which affects their and to account for subjugated peoples within the
development. borders of wealthier countries, such there are
- countries that share histories of colonialism and neo- economic Souths in the geographic North and
imperialism, leading to significant inequalities in living Norths in geographic south.
standards, life expectancy, and access to resources. - The Global South represents a concept that goes beyond
- Contemporary critics of neo-liberal globalization use the geographical boundaries to address the effects of
term "Global South" to unite countries affected by harsh capitalism on marginalized communities. It highlights how
economic policies imposed by institutions like the there are economically disadvantaged groups (referred to
International Monetary Fund (IMF). as "economic Souths") even within wealthy (or
Example: For instance, countries like Greece and Argentina "geographic North") countries. Conversely, some areas in
have faced severe economic crises exacerbated by IMF- poorer countries (the "geographic South") can be
imposed austerity measures, which critics argue have economically prosperous (referred to as "Norths").
Key Points: Resistant Imaginary: These workers may create a
o Deterritorialized Geography: The Global South collective identity that emphasizes solidarity against
focuses on the impacts of capitalism regardless of unfair labor practices, regardless of their geographical
geographic location. location.
o Subjugated Peoples: It aims to recognize and Transnational Political Subject: Organizations like
account for marginalized groups living within wealthier Global Workers Rights and campaigns such as #PayUp
nations. (which advocates for garment workers wages)
o Economic Disparities: This concept illustrates that exemplify this transnational political subject. subject.
economic inequalities exist in both rich and poor They bring together voices from different countries to
countries, challenging traditional notions of wealth advocate for fair labor standards, promoting unity
based solely on geography. among workers facing similar struggles.
Shared Experience of Subjugation: The shared
3. It refers to the imaginary resistant of a experience of low wages, unsafe working
transnational political subject that results from a environments, and lack of benefits underlines their
shared experience of subjugation under resistance to capitalist exploitation, fostering a global
contemporary global capitalism. movement that transcends national borders,
Key Points: The Global South isn't just about being geographically south
o Resistant Imaginary: the shared vision or identity of wealthy countries (the Global North). Instead, it's a
tity formed by people who resist or oppose the symbolic term that represents the shared experiences and
negative impacts of global capitalism. unity of countries that were once colonized.
o Transnational Political Subject: individuals or Not a Fixed Direction: The Global South doesn't refer to a
groups who identify as part of a larger, interconnected specific location on a map; it's more about the relationships
movement that transcends national boundaries, driven and histories of these countries.
by their shared experiences of subjugation.
o Shared Experience of Subjugation: The concept Globalization challenges traditional ideas about poverty and
emphasizes that many people around the world have inequality based on geography. It shows that both wealth and
faced similar struggles and injustices due to the forces poverty can exist in various locations, regardless of whether
of global capitalism, fostering a sense of unity and a country is classified as developed or developing. For
resistance among them. instance, affluent areas in developing countries may mirror
the wealth of the Global North, while impoverished
A dear example of this concept can be seen in the global neighborhoods in wealthy nations reflect the poverty seen in
labor movement. Workers from various countries, such as the Global South. This interconnectedness highlights that
those in garment factories in Bangladesh, tech workers in the economic disparities are not strictly tied to geographical
United States, and agricultural laborers in Brazil, share a boundaries.
common experience of exploitation and poor working
conditions due to the demands of global capitalism.
The development of the global south must begin by drawing As global problems increase, it is necessary for people in the
most of the country's financial resources for development north to support people from the south. As a symbol and
from within rather than becoming dependent on foreign metaphor global south
investments and foreign financial markets
The global in global south does not only mean that the south
The Global South is significant not only for the countries is the globe but also signifies that the south continues to be
typically associated with it but also highlights that these globalized.
regions are actively participating in globalization. It
The Global South, while rooted in particular geographic
symbolizes new forms of progressive cosmopolitanism, where
contexts, embodies new and evolving forms of progressive
diverse cultures and ideas connect across borders. This
cosmopolitanism. It reflects an ongoing and adaptable sense
concept reflects an ongoing and evolving sense of
of internationalism, emphasizing the importance of
internationalism, emphasizing collaboration and solidarity
collaboration and solidarity among diverse. cultures and
among nations as they navigate the complexities of a
nations. This dynamic nature allows the Global South to
globalized world.
continually shape its identity, and engage with global issues
The challenges faced by the Global South are increasingly
becoming global issues. During the 1980s, underdeveloped
states in this region were severely impacted by harsh policies
- Decentralization, which is the process of redistributing
imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These
or transferring authority, responsibilities, and decision-
economic measures, often viewed as remedies, have been
making powers from a higher political level (such as a
repeatedly recommended for countries in the Global South,
national government) to a lower level (such as local or
but they can exacerbate existing problems rather than
regional governments). Decentralization aims to bring
provide effective solutions. This highlights how the negative
governance closer to the people, allowing for more
effects. of globalization and economic policies can extend
localized decision-making and potentially increasing the
beyond borders, affecting vulnerable nations worldwide.
responsiveness and accountability of government actions.
A similar globalization of concerns from th Global South is
Globalization is the intensification of economic political,
emerging around the issue of the global environment. In the
social, and cultural relations across and borders
face of the existential threat posed by climate change, some
consciousness of that intensification,v with a dimcutiomth
of the most radical ideas about climate justice are being
the significance of territorial boundaries.
developed in the Global South. These perspectives
emphasize the need for equitable solutions that address the VIEWS OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE ASIA PACIFIC AND
disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable SOUTH
populations in these regions, highlighting the importance of Globalization is often viewed as an external force introduced
global solidarity in tackling environmental challenges. into regions like Asia Pacific and South Asia by major world
powers, particularly the United States and Europe. From this
perspective, globalization is seen as a transformative process
that promotes economic development, political progress, and India and Indonesia are included as important emerging
increased social and cultural diversity in these areas. powers in the Asia Pacific region for several reasons:
Advocates argue that it can lead to positive changes and o Economic Growth: Both countries have experienced
opportunities for growth, improving the overall quality of life significant economic growth in recent years. India is one
in the region. of the fastest-growing major economies in the world,
while Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast
Asia, making them crucial players in regional and global
- Refer together to the regions of East (or Northeast) Asia,
South Asia, the Pacific Islands, and South Asia. It includes
o Political Influence: Both countries play influential roles
some of the world's most economically developed states
in regional organizations. India is a key member of
such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, and
organizations like the South Asian Association for Regional
highly impoverished countries such as Cambodia, Laos,
Cooperation (SAARC) and the Association of Southeast
and Nepal.
Asian Nations (ASEAN) as a dialogue partner. Indonesia,
- It also includes the largest and most populous states on
as the largest member of ASEAN, is pivotal in fostering
the globe including China and India and some of the
regional cooperation and stability.
world's smallest such as the Maldives and Bhutan
Has emerged over the past decade as a new new political SUBTOPICS: GLOBAL DIVIDES AND ASIAN
force in the world. The economies of Japan, Korea. Indonesia, REGIONALISM
Vietnam and Pakistan have strategic relevante in today's
global system. They are the focused of global powers outside
of the region
Asia was the central global force in the modern world
- The "Pacific Pivot" refers to a foreign policy shift by the economy early
United States aimed at dedicating more resources and - It was the site of the most important trade routes and in
attention to the Asia Pacific region. Coined during the some places more advanced in technology than West
Obama administration and articulated by Secretary of such as science and medicine.
State Hillary Clinton, this strategy recognized the Asia - Colonies in the Asia pacific and South Asia influenced the
Pacific as a crucial player in global politics, leading to its West and vice versa. They were often "laboratories of
designation as the "Pacific Century." The pivot reflects the modernity"
growing importance of this region in economic, political, - Colonialism wasn't just about European countries
and security matters on the world stage, as the U.S. asserting dominance over Asian regions. It was also about
sought to strengthen its partnerships and influence in shaping what we now consider "modern." Ideas of
response to emerging challenges and opportunities. governance, education, law, and economy that came from
- It is the home to several key allies and important these colonial experiences have influenced what we think
emerging powers like China, India, and Indonesia. of as modern Western practices. For instance, modern
banking, law systems, and infrastructure development
were often trialed and adapted in colonial regions before CULTURAL INFLUENCE: In addition to trade, China's
being implemented in Europe. culture is increasingly influential in the West. For
instance, Chinese apps like TikTok have a massive
1. Japan embarked on procuring raw materials like coal global user base, impacting social media culture
and at unprecedented economies of iron scale allowing worldwide. In turn, Western brands and cultural
them. to gain a competitive edge in the global practices also continue to influence China, showing
manufacturing market as well as globalized shipping that this exchange of ideas and products still exists,
and procurement patterns which other countries just like it did during colonial times, but in a more
modeled. balanced way.
2. China pursues similar pattern of development at This modern example of China and its interaction with the
present now is the world’s largest importers of basic global economy reflects how Asia continues to play a crucial
raw materias such as iron and surpassed Japan, the US role in shaping what is considered "modern" in today's world.
and Europe in steel production. It also surpassed the It echoes how colonialism and historical trade routes led to
World bank in lending to developing countries. It had an exchange of ideas and practices between East and West.
an enormous impact on the availability and
consumption of goods around the world (135). This THE REGION-MAKING IN SOUTHEAST ASIA AND
simple scale of China's development is shaping and MIDDLE- CLASS FORMATION: THE THIRD WAVE
furthering globalization. Regionalization entails complex and dynamic
3. India opened up and emphasized an export-oriented interactions between and among governmental and
strategy. Textiles and other low wage sectors have non-governmental actors which resulted to hybrid
been a key part of the economy with highly successful East asia
software development exports. It also plays a key role The main engines of hybridization are explained by the
in global service provisions as trends in outsourcing These waves of economic development were driven by
and off-shoring increase. "developmental states" (countries that actively help
their economies grow, like South Korea or Singapore)
Let's consider China and the West today:
and by "capitalism" (national and international
businesses that invest and create. wealth).
now one of the world's largest economies and a leader
Because of this economic growth, many countries in
in technological development. For example, Chinese
these regions have developed large middle-class
companies like Huawei and Alibaba are global giants,
populations-people who are neither poor nor extremely
Influencing everything from smartphones to e-
rich. These middle-class groups, even though they
commerce. There's a modern-day exchange
come from different countries, have a lot in common.
happening-just as in the past where China and the
They tend to have similar jobs and lifestyles, and they
West are influencing each other. While China imports
enjoy the same types of fashion, entertainment, and
technology and ideas from Western countries, it also
leisure activities. They also share similar hopes and
exports its own innovations, shaping global markets.
dreams for the future.
KEY POINTS: alliances with countries like Japan, South Korea, and
1. Economic growth has led to the rise of the middle class Taiwan, providing them with military protection and
in many countries. political support. This allowed these countries to focus
2. Middle-class people in different countries may live in on building their economies without worrying about
separate societies, but they have many similarities in threats.
how they live their lives and what they aspire to. 2. TRIANGULAR TRADE SYSTEM: There was a trade
3. These middle-class populations are important because relationship between Asia, the U.S., and Europe. Asian
they drive consumer markets by spending money on countries exported goods (like electronics and clothes)
goods and services, which helps the economy grow. to the U.S. and Europe, while importing technology
An example of this can be seen in Southeast Asia. and investments to help their own economies grow.
Countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam have seen Example: After World War II, countries like Japan and South
strong economic growth over the past few decades, and this Korea received help from the U.S. for security and economic
has led to the rise of a large middle class population. People development. This led them to become major exporters of
in these countries now have more disposable income, which products like cars and electronics to the U.S. and Europe,
they spend on products like smartphones, branded clothes, while also benefiting from technology and investments from
and entertainment such as movies and music streaming those regions. This relationship helped boost their
services. economies.
The product of regional economic development in the The first wave of regional economic development took
post war era are the middle classes in east Asia. place in japan from mid-1950's to the early 1970s and
Regional economic development took place within - This led to the emergence of a middle-class by the early
the context of the American informal empire in 1970s. The second wave took place between the 1960s
"Free Asia", with the US-led regional security and 1980s in South Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong and
system and the triangular trade system as its Singapore and led to the formation of middle class
two major pillars. societies in these countries by the 1980s.
Furthermore, the governments in the region,
whether democratic or authoritarian, actively TWO SALIENT POINTS IN THE HISTORY OF EAST ASIAN
supported economic growth. They focused on MIDDLE- CLASS FORMATION
increasing productivity and turning political issues 1. In Southeast Asia, the middle class. grew because
into economic goals. These governments tried to global and regional businesses worked together with
reduce conflicts between social classes by local governments. In Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan,
encouraging everyone to agree on the importance the middle class was formed by governments that
of growing the economy. focused on development economic and businesses
within their own countries.
2. New middle classes in East Asia (places like Japan, Example:
South Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia) have In the Philippines, the government has encouraged foreign
developed their own unique lifestyles because of their companies to invest in the country. As a result, businesses
better jobs, higher education, and increased income. like BPOs (Business Process Outsourcing), which
These middle- class people now live differently, provide customer support for intemational companies, have
enjoying things like better housing, more leisure flourished. These businesses serve both local and global
activities, and improved living standards that match markets, with many companies from countries like Japan and
their new income and social status. South Korea partnering with or investing in Philippine
businesses. This has strengthened economic ties between
MIDDLE CLASSES IN THE PHILIPPINES the Philippines and its neighboring countries in Asia.
New urban middle classes emerged in the post 1986
government policies - The new urban middle classes were shaped by a variety
like liberalization of historical factors. They are the result of regional
(opening up the economic growth over the past 50 years, influenced by
economy) and the U.S., starting in Japan and then spreading to countries
deregulation like South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand,
(removing strict Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and now China.
rules), have helped These middle classes also developed because of strong
new businesses government policies focused on economic growth.
grow. These - Their lifestyles have been shaped in very complex ways
businesses are by their appropriation of things American, Japanese,
focused on both Chinese, South Korean, Islamic and other ways of life,
exporting products often mediated by the market.
to other countries - The political consequences of the rise of East Asia middle
and serving the local classes vary. The cultural and political hegemony of the
market. They also South Korean middle classes is embodied by single
get investment from generation, while that of the Taiwanese middle classes
many different foreign sources and use flexible manifest itself in the political assertiveness of an ethnic
partnerships like subcontracting (hiring outside majority. Southeast Asian middle classes also exemplify
companies), franchises, and service agreements. the diversity and complexity of class formation.
There has been a noticeable increase in the connections
between the Philippines and other countries in East and Comparison of middle classes in Thailand, Malaysia,
Southeast Asia through these business relationships. Indonesia, and the Philippines:
THAILAND’S MIDDLE CLASS: They are socially
united, culturally dominant, and gaining political
They are socially divided, rely on the government, are
politically active, but also vulnerable to changes in
PHILIPPINE MIDDLE CLASS: They are socially united,
not as reliant on the government, culturally influential,
but tend to be inconsistent or indecisive