2023 Call For Short Initiatives Projects
2023 Call For Short Initiatives Projects
2023 Call For Short Initiatives Projects
Short Initiatives
25 November 2022
Table of contents
Summary 3
1. Introduction 5
1.1. Higher Education and Science for Sustainable Development 5
2. Eligibility criteria 7
4. Timeline 10
5. Application modalities 11
6. Selection 14
Abbreviations 28
Aim Short Initiative (SI) projects are short-term projects that aim to explore, build
and deepen academic/scientific collaborations among diverse teams of ac-
ademics and researchers focusing on a sustainable development challenge
and are able to realise objectives within the limited timespan of maximum
2 years.
With SI projects, VLIR-UOS aims to strengthen the research and educa-
tional capacities of higher education and science institutions in partner
countries. In addition, SI projects are expected to create the conditions for
uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by ac-
ademic, civil society, private and public actors.
Key features • A Short Initiative (SI) is expected to produce short-term results within
the duration of two years.
• SI projects are very accessible, in particular for new/young project
promoters that were sensitised via the Global Minds framework or via
involvement in ongoing projects of other promoters, and/or are eager
to go for a first experience as a promoter of a VLIR-UOS project. Also
academics with VLIR-UOS experience have access.
• Allows for differentiated aims (exploration, innovation, valorisation,
etc.) and approaches (education, research, policies, outreach, people,
• The partnership can vary in terms of size and composition: one or more
Flemish higher education institutions, one or more local higher educa-
tion and science institutions and/or other actors; one or more disci-
plines; young/new and/or more experienced academics, etc.
1 VLIR-UOS will discuss the eligibility criteria and internal regulations as to project promotership of the re-
spective Flemish HEIs on 16/12/2022 and at VLIR-UOS level, and will provide further clarity as to the
eligibility criteria on the VLIR-UOS website shortly after 16/12/2022.
Budgetary Framework The project budget amounts to a maximum of 70.000 EUR for two years.
The overall budget for SI 2023 allows for a maximum of 29 selectable pro-
How to submit a pro- Who? An application involves a Flemish and a partner promoter in one of
posal? the project partner countries. However, it is the (main) Flemish promoter
who submits to the ICOS of the Flemish university (association) for quality
control. The ICOS will validate and submit to VLIR-UOS.
How? Project applications are submitted via the online submission tool.
Assessment procedure All project proposals will be assessed and selected based on four standard
selection criteria: Relevance and coherence of the project; Quality of the
project design; Implementation set-up of the project; Potential impact and
Project proposals are assessed by Regional Selection Commissions (Af-
rica, Asia, Latin America) in May 2023.
The selection decision will be communicated shortly after the ratification of
the decision by the Bureau UOS, ultimately in May 2023.
Through research, HE&SIs play a unique role as drivers of change by producing new knowledge and innova-
tion to address global challenges, by transferring knowledge through training, by providing evidence for in-
formed (public) policy and implementation, and by knowledge mobilisation. Through their teaching, universities
and university colleges empower generations of new leaders and skilled professionals to drive sustainable
development. Today’s students are the decision-makers and professionals of tomorrow, who think both criti-
cally and ethically, have learnt to cope with ethical dilemmas, and can apply systems thinking approaches to
serious and complex societal problems.
HE&SIs have also taken up a central role in providing global citizenship education to nurture a global under-
standing and a more profound intercultural awareness. Through service delivery and community engagement,
HE&SIs work with a rich variety of stakeholders – including governments, the private sector, and civil society
– for local, national, regional, and global impact.
These policy ambitions have been translated into the project selection criteria and descriptors for all our pro-
grammes. VLIR-UOS wants new projects to capitalise on former and/or other relevant projects as a stepping
stone, and to stimulate interinstitutional cooperation among and beyond academic actors. It is an added
value in the competitive selection of projects when collaborations are sought beyond the academic sector or
when different Flemish or partner HE&SIs are involved in a project proposal, be it universities, universities of
applied sciences and arts, or both.
Second objective is to intensify interinstitutional cooperation among Flemish HEIs, especially between univer-
sities and universities of applied sciences and arts. The Flemish universities will support the Flemish universi-
ties of applied sciences and arts and their lecturers through “associatieve projecten” when submitting and/or
implementing VLIR-UOS projects. The universities and universities of applied sciences and arts will also jointly
actively promote, facilitate and activate mutual cooperation through specific initiatives.
• On the basis of lessons learned from the collective experiences of the VLIR-UOS community with the 2022
VLIR-UOS project calls, some optimizations were introduced at the level of the project call and project
proposal format as to clarify concepts such as multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs), complementarity
and coherence.
• The call document structure and SI narrative format were simplified using less sector specific vocabulary
and simplifying different sections. In terms of requirements the ToC approach for SI projects was further
downscaled. The requirement to fill out policy markers and thematic tags has been left out, as also the
requirement to identify and fill out the standard indicators.
• The selection descriptors were simplified for SI projects in order to match better with the lesser require-
ments as compared to TEAM projects.
• The Framework for Scholarships In Belgium has been renewed with revised reference amounts.
• The format for activities’ planning and registration of team members, as also the budget format were opti-
mized as to guarantee more straightforward upload of information in the online submission tool.
• Finally, given the importance of transparence as to the respective roles and responsibilities of the key
players in the project, especially in the case of projects involving more than two project partners (partner
institutions) some more elaboration is requested as to module 3 – Organisation. At the level of the Flemish
institutions, there is always the distinction between a promoter (and ‘main’ Flemish institution via which a
proposal is submitted) and co-promoters (linked to the same or multiple Flemish HEIs), whereas at the
level of the partner institutions in the partner countries the promoter role can be taken up by multiple
persons and institutions. Next to the role of promoters and co-promoters, a variety of experts can be part
of a project team (team members).
The SI call is launched every year within FYP2. The next SI call is scheduled to take place by the end of 2023
for projects to start in 2024.
In case of VLIR-UOS calls for proposals, the following eligibility criteria apply :
• Flemish promoter: employed as a professor (in principle min. 10% ZAP) at a Flemish university; or a pro-
fessor/lecturer at a Flemish university of applied sciences and arts2.
• Partner promoter: employed at a recognised higher education institution or national public (not for profit)
research institute located in a VLIR-UOS project partner country.
Additional criteria:
• Applicants (Flemish/partner) can submit a maximum of 2 SI projects in case they have no ongoing SI 2022
or TEAM 2022 project. Promoters of a SI 2022 or TEAM 2022 project can submit only 1 new SI 2023
project. This applies to both Flemish and partner promoters.
• At the level of the partner institutions, no further criteria apply. Former and present IUC (Institutional Uni-
versity Cooperation) partner institutions are fully eligible, without any restriction.
• At the Flemish level, the application is submitted via a (main) Flemish promoter. Co-promoters can also
be part of the project team. At the partner level, multiple partner institutions can be part of the application.
If the Flemish project promoter cannot take financial responsibility for the project on behalf of his/her insti-
tution, another person can be assigned as budget holder. This person should be clearly specified in the
project proposal (see project module Organisation).
Related to the eligibility check, it is the responsibility of the Institutional Coordinator for Development Cooper-
ation (ICOS) or GEO of the association (see 5.2.1.) to check whether the Flemish promoter is allowed to act
as a project promoter and as budget holder within their own institution, hereby performing a check of the
respective relevant internal regulations. The latter is in particular of relevance for projects submitted by Flemish
universities of applied sciences and arts.
In terms of the eligibility of the partner promoters, the additional criteria cannot be checked by the ICOS. This
is understood as a first check. It is, however, the responsibility of the partner promoter to confirm that the
number of project proposals does not exceed the allowed maximum number.
It is the responsibility of promoters or co-promoters who are not only affiliated to a Flemish university or uni-
versity of applied sciences and arts, but also to an institution which is eligible for DGD funding, e.g. Institute of
Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, on a project or structural basis to assess and confirm that the selection of the
proposal by VLIR-UOS would not entail a conflict of interest or overlap with DGD funded projects and hence
imply double funding by DGD.
2 VLIR-UOS will discuss the eligibility criteria and internal regulations as to project promotership of the respective
Flemish HEIs on 16/12/2022 and at VLIR-UOS level, and will provide further clarity as to the eligibility criteria on
the VLIR-UOS website shortly after 16/12/2022.
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It is up to the Flemish associations to decide whether only the ICOS or both the ICOS and GEO will be man-
dated to check and submit project proposals to VLIR-UOS. Please contact your ICOS.
1. Benin
2. Bolivia
3. Burundi
4. Cuba
5. DR Congo
6. Ecuador
7. Ethiopia
8. Indonesia
9. Kenya
10. Morocco
11. Peru
12. Philippines
13. Rwanda
14. South Africa
15. Tanzania
16. Uganda
17. Vietnam
• What? The proposal needs to use/contain all information incl. annexes as requested by the call (see format
section 8). Without the requested information (formats), we cannot accept the proposal.
• Who? An application involves a Flemish and partner promoter, but it is the (main) Flemish promoter who
submits to the ICOS of the Flemish university (association) for quality control. The ICOS will validate the
proposal and submit it to VLIR-UOS.
• How? Project applications must be submitted to the ICOS of the Flemish university association via the
new tool for the submission of project proposals
• Deadline?
o Proposals must be submitted to the ICOS of the Flemish university association. For specific internal
deadlines at the level of the association, check with your ICOS.
o The final deadline for submission to VLIR-UOS by the ICOS is 16 March 2023 at 17h00 CET (Central
European Time).
3.2. Implementation
After project selection, VLIR-UOS will inform the project promoters on the selection decision, and perform a
check of essential personal and budget data in view of the contracting procedure. During the contracting pro-
cedure, VLIR-UOS will draft an agreement between VLIR, the partner institution, and the Flemish institution
with which the promoters of the selected project are affiliated, to establish rules governing the management
and use of, and responsibility for the allocated resources.
Selected projects will start as of 1 September 2023 and run for a maximum of 2 years : from 1 September
2023 until 31 August 2025. No extension is possible.
A. Investment costs (durable goods with a long life that can be depreciated in the accounts over several
B. Operational costs (“project-related” costs incurred for the purchase and/or operational use of goods that
are not depreciated in the accounts and costs directly related to a specific project activity)
C. Personnel costs
D. Scholarship costs
E.1. Coordination cost at the level of the Flemish institution (5% of the A-D total)
E.2. Coordination cost at level of the partner institution(s) (5% of the A-D total)
1: Context analysis
3: Organisation
6: Risk management
As a general principle, support will be provided in a multi-stage process, in which applicants first contact the
ICOS at the level of their institution. Where needed, the ICOS will cluster and forward the questions they cannot
answer to VLIR-UOS. VLIR-UOS will provide a “Questions and Answers” section relating to the SI call on its
Questions related to the VLIR-UOS project tool can be sent or forwarded to info@vliruos.be.
3 Module 6: risk management, is not included in the application form of Short Initiatives
VLIR-UOS also offers to organise specific training session(s) on proposal writing and on the use of the tool, at
the level of the Flemish associations (timing to be determined in consultation with ICOS). Please check our
website or the ICOS for updates.
Next to the criteria mentioned in the table below, their underlying values are also important in the VLIR-UOS selection system: relevance, coherence, effectiveness,
efficiency, expected impact, sustainability, partnership strategy, synergies and learning.
4 Based on the ERC (European Research Council) and OECD-DAC (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - Development Assistance Committee) definitions.
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3.1 The project ToC is translated into a clear planning which will facilitate effective project execution, follow-
up and monitoring, with due attention for the Agenda 2030 principles.
3.2 The proposal is cost-effective, the budget is reasonable and justified.
3.3 The proposal involves an appropriate mix of partners (persons and their organisations) (with the required
Implementation The extent to which the pro- profile, experience, and expertise) to successfully deliver all aspects of the project (quality of the partner-
posal presents a strong plan ship) and to clarify an adequate and equitable distribution of the roles and tasks for all partners involved,
set-up of the pro- demonstrating the commitment and active contribution of all participating organisations (incl. coordination
and partnership for the execu-
ject tion of the project. and communication between the involved partners).
3.4 It is an added value if different (Flemish or partner) HE&SIs are involved in the proposal, either universi-
ties, universities of applied sciences and arts, or both.
3.5. It is an added value if in the proposal different stakeholders are genuinely involved in the implementation
of the project (Multi-stakeholder partnerships)
4.1 The proposal has potential to contribute to applications/policies/services and respond to the needs of
direct and indirect beneficiaries, while paying attention to gender, vulnerable people (LNOB), and the
environmental impact.
4.2 The proposal presents a convincing stakeholder management plan to facilitate stakeholder engagement,
while paying attention to gender and vulnerable people (LNOB).
The extent to which the project 4.3 The proposal has a clear uptake strategy while paying attention to gender and vulnerable people (LNOB),
is likely to produce positive long- with the aim to significantly increase knowledge uptake and innovation. Eventually, this will lead to inclu-
Potential impact term effects (impact) and bene- sive and enduring transformations with potential positive socio-political, environmental, and economic
and sustainability fits which will be continued after effects at the level of the ultimate beneficiaries within and beyond the HE&SIs (e.g. local communities,
the project duration (sustainabil- policy makers, local industry, etc.).
ity). 4.4 The proposal is likely to realise institutional embeddedness (within the partner organisation; with relevant
local, national, international networks and stakeholders) and envisages organisational capacity strength-
ening to allow the benefits to continue after the funding (institutional and financial sustainability).
4.5. The proposal pays close attention to interlinkages and potential trade-offs between environmental and
socio-economic factors. The proposal’s sustainability strategy ensures a reasonable balance of social,
economic, and environmental sustainability (INT).
The scoring of each of the criteria is done using a qualitative interval scale:
During a selection commission meeting, the selection commission will – on the basis of individual scoring –
formulate an agreed-upon score for each criterion. In order to be ‘fundable’, a proposal should obtain an A or
B score on each criterion. In case a proposal is awarded with a C or D score for 1 criterion, the proposal is not
discussed any further. For fundable projects, the more A’s the better, and the following selection criteria are
applicable in declining order of priority:
More details about the VLIR-UOS selection system can be found on the VLIR-UOS website.
6.3.1. Composition
Considering the expected high amount of proposals for SI calls, with a strong focus on thematic sustainable
development challenges in relation with country level contextualisation and in order to guarantee balanced
distribution of projects over continents, the selection of SI will be organised via Regional Selection Commis-
- Regional selection commission Africa 1 for the selection of SI proposals in Africa: Benin, Burundi, DR
Congo, Morocco, Rwanda
- Regional selection commission Africa 2 for the selection of SI proposals in Africa: Ethiopia, Kenya, South
Africa, Tanzania, UgandaRegional selection commission Asia for the selection of SI proposals in Asia:
Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam
- Regional selection commission Latin America for the selection of SI proposals in Latin America: Bolivia,
Cuba, Ecuador, Peru
Once the Bureau UOS has made the final decision about the selection of the project proposals, all promoters
will be informed of the outcome of the selection process and the reasons for approval or rejection of their
proposal(s), including an indication of criteria that – if relevant - did not reach a sufficient (A or B) score.
Short Initiatives (SI) projects are short-term projects that aim to explore, build and deepen academic/scientific
collaborations among diverse teams of academics and researchers. SI projects focus on a sustainable devel-
opment challenge and are able to realise objectives within the limited timespan of maximum 2 years.
With SI projects, VLIR-UOS aims to strengthen the research and educational capacities of higher education
and science institutions in partner countries. In addition, SI projects are expected to create the conditions for
uptake of new and relevant knowledge, applications and/or services by academic, civil society, private and
public actors.
Key Features:
• A Short Initiative (SI) is expected to produce short-term results within the duration of two years.
• SI projects are very accessible, in particular for new/young project promoters that were sensitised via the
Global Minds framework or via involvement in ongoing projects of other promoters, and/or are eager to go
for a first experience as a promoter of a VLIR-UOS project. Also academics with VLIR-UOS experience
have access.
• Allows for differentiated aims (exploration, innovation, valorisation, etc.) and approaches (education, re-
search, policies, outreach, people, networks).
• The partnership can vary in terms of size and composition: one or more Flemish higher education institu-
tions, one or more local higher education and science institutions and/or other actors; one or more disci-
plines; young/new and/or more experienced academics, etc.
• A global community of skilled individuals who act as global citizens in relevant sectors: In short,
this refers to the potential of HE&SIs to develop generations of new leaders and skilled professionals.
These skilled individuals are expected to drive social and economic development with their contributions
to relevant sectors. As critical global citizens, they are likely to have a multiplier development effect be-
cause of (i) their capacity to understand and question global power structures and to communicate and
work/study effectively outside one’s environment, (ii) their consideration of interdependence and social
concern for others, and (iii) their civic engagement in the form of pro-environmental and pro-social behav-
• Knowledge-driven global partnerships: In short, this refers to the idea that reciprocal partnerships are
essential to safeguard knowledge co-creation, exchange, and uptake within and beyond the scope of the
supported projects. In line with SDG 17, VLIR-UOS aims for sustainable, effective, and efficient partner-
ships at various levels, including the individual, institutional, country, and regional levels, both within the
HE sector, and with other sectors.
Both strategic axes can reinforce one another. For instance, the extent to which HE&SIs take up their role as
development actor is likely to affect the embedded scholarship students’ development of knowledge, skills,
and attitudes that enable them to effectively act as agents of change within and beyond the setting of the
Along these strategic axes, VLIR-UOS identifies six outcomes. Outcomes refer to the change(s) a project
want to realise by the end of the implementation period. Every Short Initiative is expected to clearly
align to at least 2 of these outcomes, namely:
(1) Individuals apply relevant co-created knowledge, skills, and attitudes. This outcome indicates the
co-creation and transfer of state-of-the-art knowledge and skills to individuals who then apply these in
their own organisation. The skills and knowledge also include critical thinking, global citizenship skills
and attitudes, leadership skills, etcetera.
(2) HE&SIs provide higher quality and more inclusive education. This outcome concerns the improved
quality and inclusiveness of education as a result from strengthened educational capacities available
at HE&SIs.
(3) HE&SIs make use of improved organisational systems, processes, and structures. This outcome
was formulated to highlight the importance of the organisational capacity of HE&SIs to enable changes
in terms of research and education capacities. It encompasses improved organisational processes (e.g.
When referring to the outcomes in SI projects, they particularly aim at contributing to VLIR-UOS outcomes (2)
higher quality and more inclusive education, (4) higher quality and needs-oriented research, and (5) improved
conditions for the uptake of new knowledge, applications or services. While it is not VLIR-UOS intention to
impose restrictions on individual projects, all SI projects are mandated to ensure that their change process
contributes to the enhanced conditions for the uptake of the knowledge, applications, or services. These need
to be generated in relation to the specific developmental challenge the project aims to address (VLIR-UOS
outcome 5). Thus, besides VLIR-UOS outcome 5, individual projects may choose to focus on a sub-selection
depending on the priorities and needs of stakeholders in the partner country. However, projects are required
to document their choices through Theory of Change to ensure they are aligned with the programme’s vision
towards change, as set out in this document.
Interconnectedness: VLIR-UOS recognises that given the complexity, scale and intercon-
nectedness of current societal challenges, meaningful social, economic and ecological trans-
formations can only be realised by approaching the SDGs from a holistic and integrated viewpoint. More
precisely, VLIR-UOS strives for holistic transformations by encouraging projects to reflect on their posi-
tion in the interplay of global challenges and national needs, and to bring together the different types of
expertise that are necessary to successfully implement the project. As an essential first step in consid-
ering the complexity of societal change, all VLIR-UOS supported projects develop a holistic context
analysis that moves beyond sectoral and disciplinary borders and should analyse the positive as well
as negative interlinkages between the SDG goals. This also includes attention for the transversal themes
gender equality and environment sustainability. With regard to gender, VLIR-UOS and its partners en-
gage in fixing the numbers, fixing the knowledge and fixing the organisation in line with the theoretical
three-fixes model of Londa Schiebinger (See VLIR-UOS gender policy document). Projects are ex-
pected to align with this threefold gender strategy in their proposal. With regard to environment, project
applicants are invited to consider the environment and environmental sustainability during the project
identification & formulation phase, as well as to monitor and reflect upon the project’s effects on the
environment and the risks posed by the environment on their project. Thereby, projects should be guided
by the ‘do no harm’ principle to prevent, reduce, and control the risk of environmental harm. Besides
integration of gender equality and environmental sustainability concerns within project management, the
transversal themes can also feature in the projects’ content.
• Coherence: The Agenda 2030 urges actions to be coherent with the actions and networks of
other actors and/or other HES4SD initiatives. An analysis of complementary actions by aca-
demic and non-academic actors is essential for each partnership (to ensure coherence). VLIR-
UOS wants to facilitate coherence and connections between different actors and projects pre-
sent in each country and across borders. With these objectives in mind, Country Reference
Leave no one behind: VLIR-UOS recognises the need for pro-active strategies to ensure that
vulnerable and marginalised populations are included and benefit from higher education part-
nerships for sustainable development. The LNOB principle is taken into account by looking at partners
with whom we work, at beneficiaries for whom we work, and at what we focus on in projects. VLIR-UOS
encourages projects to take gender and vulnerable groups into account, by putting forward partnerships
with mid-range or small-scale institutions, by awarding scholarships to a diversified group of beneficiar-
ies and by promoting transformative or community-based types of research. More precisely, interna-
tional top higher education institutions are only considered when they participate as supporting partners
in projects, scholarship attribution is not only based on academic excellence in terms of scientific output,
and mainstreaming approaches are put in place to consider inclusion and (gender) equality in each
project. Short Initiatives, in particular, aim to be accessible for academics/researchers at the early stages
of their academic career interested to explore the potential for higher education for sustainable devel-
opment. As mentioned earlier, with regards to gender, VLIR-UOS and its partners engage in fixing the
numbers, fixing the knowledge and fixing the organisation for gender equality. This is also an important
dimension of the Leave No One Behind principle.
5Country reference frameworks were elaborated for the 17 countries + Belgium in the VLIR-UOS project partner
country list. (see links at the end of this document)
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8. Project formats, call annexes and background in-
Links to country reference framework documents per project partner country : These documents provide
(i) an overview of ongoing VLIR-UOS projects (ii) summary info on a partner country’s approach towards
Agenda 2030 and the SDGs; and (iii) general info on the higher education sector and on proposed
activities of Belgian cooperation actors, with a focus on the non-governmental cooperation.
DR Congo
Looking for inspiration: check out our website with the links to Community talks, the publication 20 years
of Impact - Sharing Minds, changing Lives, and on the integration of the SDG principles via the back-
ground document Theory of Change and methodological handbook.