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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Learner Guide

Plan catering for events or functions

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

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Learner Guide

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Table of Contents
Overview ...........................................................................................................................................6
Chapter 1: Identify purpose and scope of the event .......................................................................... 10
1.1. Discuss and clarify purpose of event or function with stakeholders ......................................... 14
1.2. Accurately identify specific customer needs and preferences and determine catering
requirements ............................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2: Prepare catering proposal ............................................................................................... 30
2.1. Collect and collate operational information for the event and venue ...................................... 34
2.2. Analyse operational factors influencing catering and consult with stakeholders to
determine overall approach ......................................................................................................... 42
2.3. Contribute ideas to event concept, theme and format and incorporate creative
elements into the catering proposal ............................................................................................. 52
2.4. Verify operational and service practicality of the catering proposal through
consultation and analysis ............................................................................................................. 59
2.5. Present proposal including accurate information on range, price and style of catering
products and services ................................................................................................................... 64
2.6. Obtain approval to proceed with catering .............................................................................. 69
Chapter 3: Prepare and implement operational plan ......................................................................... 75
3.1. Prepare an operational plan for provision of catering and ancillary products and
services, identifying steps, activities and sequence........................................................................ 79
3.2. Incorporate food safety and risk management issues into plan ............................................... 93
3.3. Review, verify and finalise details with client ....................................................................... 106
3.4. Provide accurate information on operational plans to relevant personnel to ensure
effective implementation ........................................................................................................... 110
3.5. Implement and monitor catering plan for the event, making adjustments as required ........... 113
Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 131
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 132

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions


Event management is a major and a popular profession or employment opportunity worldwide. The process of event
management refers to planning, creating and maintaining an event. The act of event management begins with the planning
stage and ends the post-event activities. Different branches of planning and management are included in the process of
event management. Catering is one such aspect of event management. Most of the events, such as weddings, birthday
parties or graduation ceremonies, require food and drinks for the attendees. Such kind of events cannot be planned and
managed effectively without the planning of food and drinks. Catering is associated with the service and management of
food and beverages
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g ean event.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Catering service and its importance

Catering is the service planned and managed by a catering-service company or qualified and
independent individuals. It can also be defined as the business of providing food and beverages
service to different types of events or functions. A catering service company is responsible for
arranging varieties of food and drinks as per clients' requirements and preferences.
Furthermore, the caterers are also responsible for implementing safe practices to prepare and
serve the dishes and beverages safely and hygienically. These practices include using high-
quality ingredients, wearing gloves or maintaining cleanliness around the preparation and
serving area.
The type of food served in an event can define its overall impact on the attendees. It also assists
in accomplishing the objective or purpose of the event or function. Hiring a catering service
provider saves the event planner or host time and effort. Moreover, it helps provide different
types of food to the audience per the hosts' or attendees' demands or preferences. The food
prepared and served is rich in taste and quality.

People involved in planning and managing event catering

Event hosts

Participants/attendees Event planners

Event caterers

The people commonly involved in planning and managing event catering are as follows:

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Event hosts:

Event hosts are individuals who initially plan, own, operate and provide facilities for the event.
These individuals are the main stakeholders who originate the whole event. They attend to all
the other stakeholders.

Event planners:

Event planners or managers are the people who plan, organise and manage the whole function.
They coordinate the different activities and supplies required for organising and executing the
event. They are responsible for the smooth conduct of the process.

Event caterers:

These can be either a group of individuals or a company that provides the services of food and
beverages to different events. Caterers ensure sufficient food and drinks for the participants or
attendees. Additionally, the food should be prepared and served as per the client's preferences
and instructions of other relevant stakeholders.

Participants/attendees (KE 2.2):

Participants or attendees refer to those who participate in or attend the event. They are the
primary requirement for any occasion. They help fulfil the event's purpose and add the most
considerable amount of value to it. They enjoy the facilities provided by the event hosts,
activities planned by the event managers and food and drinks served by the event caterers.
They evaluate the overall success of the occasion through their experience and feedback.
Other people involved in the successful planning and delivering catering of an event:

Staff (KE 2.1) (KE 5.7):

The team members of catering service providers play a vital role in successful catering by
preparing and serving food and beverages to the audience. They make the food items and
drinks according to the instructions of the supervisor and event stakeholders. Additionally, they
ensure that safe and hygienic practices are followed in making food and beverages. They attend
to the queries or feedback of the audience and strive to provide quality service.

Officials (KE 2.3):

Event officials are the individuals appointed by the relevant authorities at responsible positions
for ensuring the safe and smooth conduct of the event. They are accountable for their
respective responsibilities. For instance, an umpire or referee is appointed to make necessary
decisions in sporting events.

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Venue personnel (KE 2.4):

The staff members appointed at the event venue are called venue personnel. They are
responsible for monitoring the activities of the event, including catering. They also help
attendees by providing them with helpful information and tending to their queries and
requirements. They are also responsible for maintaining the place's cleanliness, order and

Suppliers or service providers (KE 2.5) (KE 3.12):

Suppliers or service providers provide the necessary materials and supplies to facilitate the
event's requirements, including catering. Individuals supplying ingredients, props, cutlery,
chairs, tables, decoratives etc., are examples.

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Chapter 1: Identify purpose and scope of
the event

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Public gatherings are a vital aspect of society. An event can be defined as a gathering of people to fulfilling a purpose or
objective. Functions are also planned and organised on various occasions, depending upon their purpose. People gather for
celebrations, Plan catering
education, fordiscussion
exhibitions, events ororfunctions
competition. Each type of event has its own different purpose, audience
and duration.
Therefore, each type of event has different catering requirements. The foremost step of providing catering service is to
examine and discuss the purpose and scope of the event. These should be discussed with the relevant stakeholders,
including event hosts and managers. The purpose and scope of the event should be clarified so that the caterers can assess
the catering requirements of the event.
An event's food and beverage requirements also depend on the customer's needs and preferences. The customers are the
ones who participate in or attend the function. They ultimately consume the food and beverages prepared and served by
the caterers. Therefore, the latter should prepare food according to customers' needs and preferences.
For instance, if the gathering is for a birthday celebration for children, the food should not contain spices and other
ingredients that are unsuitable for small children's consumption. Besides, the event's hosts and managers can also plan the
menu for the occasion as per their ideas, preferences and desires. Caterers should prepare and serve the food and drinks as
per their instructions.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

What will you learn from this chapter?

In this chapter, you will learn the following points:

1.1.Discuss and clarify purpose of event or function with stakeholders.
1.2.Accurately identify specific customer
needs and preferences, and
determine catering requirements.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

1.1. Discuss and clarify purpose of event or function with


A stakeholder is an individual or group with a significant interest in an organisation and its activities or outcomes. Event
catering is also subjected to specific stakeholders. The relevant stakeholders have been discussed above. However, the
event caterers should discuss the purpose and scope of the event or function. The supervisor should be clarified the same
to all the staff14involved
| P a g ein making and serving the food and drinks. The discussion can focus on specific event parameters
that define its purpose and scope. These can include its name, type, audience type and number, timings, activities,
entertainment or duration.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

1.1.1 Discussing and clarifying purpose of event with stakeholders

Stakeholders involved in discussion for catering

1.1.1 Conflicts with customers (KE 1,2.4)
When discussing catering, there are several stakeholders who may be involved, depending on
the context. Here are some examples:

1.1.1 Conflicts
Clients with customers (KE 1,2.4)
or Customers:

These are the individuals or groups who are hosting the event and require catering services.
They may have specific dietary requirements, preferences, or budgets that need to be
1.1.1 Conflicts with customers (KE 1,2.4)

Catering Companies or Caterers:

1.1.1 Different types of conflict in hospitality industry
These are the businesses that provide food and beverage services for events. They may offer a
range of menus, styles, and price points, and work with clients to meet their specific needs.

1.1.1 and Kitchenwith
Staff:customers (KE 1,2.4)

These are the professionals who prepare and cook the food for the event. They may have
expertise in specific cuisines or dietary requirements, and are responsible for ensuring that the
food Conflicts with customers
is safe, high-quality, and meets the(KE 1,2.4) expectations.

Event Planners or Coordinators:

TheseConflicts with customers
are the professionals (KE 1,2.4)
who help plan and manage the logistics of the event, including
catering. They may work with the client and caterer to determine the menu, service style, and
other details related to the food and beverage service.
1.1.1 Different types of conflict in hospitality industry
Vendors or Suppliers:

These are the businesses that provide the ingredients, equipment, and other supplies needed
1.1.1 Conflicts
to prepare with
and serve thecustomers
food. They may(KEinclude
1,2.4) farmers, butchers, bakers, and others who
supply the raw materials used by the catering company.

1.1.1 Conflicts with customers (KE 1,2.4)
These are the individuals who will be attending the event and consuming the food. Their
preferences and feedback may be important to consider when planning the menu and service
1.1.1 Conflicts with customers (KE 1,2.4)
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1.1.1 Different types of conflict in hospitality industry

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Regulatory Bodies:

These are the government agencies responsible for ensuring that the food and beverage service
meets health and safety standards. They may inspect the catering facility, review the menu, and
monitor the preparation and serving of the food.

Need for discussing and clarifying the purpose of the event with stakeholders
Stakeholders are individuals who bear significant interest in the event and its aspects. They are
concerned with every action taken towards event planning and management. Consequently,
they are also impacted by the catering decisions. Therefore, the event caterers should strive to
communicate with the relevant stakeholders to discuss the event's purpose. Event hosts and
planners are people who have the appropriate knowledge regarding the event's purpose and
other details. These details can include the audience count and type, event duration, facilities
or activities. The stakeholders' discussion is a necessity for performing any action.
Discussing and clarifying the event's purpose and other details with stakeholders help make
informed decisions and improving the chances of the event's success. This discussion can also
facilitate effective catering management as per the stakeholders' wishes and preferences. It
leads to more significant stakeholder satisfaction.

Types of events or functions that require catering (KE 1)

The following are the type of events that require catering:

Balls (KE 1.1):

A ball is a formal event where people perform ballroom dancing. The guests are invited, and the
event is usually held in a lavish venue. A serving of food and drinks follows the dance.
Individuals, companies, NGOs etc., can plan a ball event. The event aims to invite people to
dress in fancy attire and perform a social dance.

Banquets (KE 1.2):

Banquets refer to a formal dinner or lunch for a large audience. They are often preceded or
succeeded by a speech from the host(s). The purpose of banquets is to increase the reputation
and honour of the host(s). Additional objectives include establishing harmony and bond with
the guests or audience.

Conferences (KE 1.3):

It is an official meeting or gathering of people associated with the same organisations,

professions or interests. Conferences or seminars are planned and held for a common cause

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
and last for two or more days. They are a popular way of discussing corporate or educational
matters. Food and beverages are provided to the participants as refreshments.

Corporate events (KE 1.4):

Such events are held by businesses to fulfil a commercial purpose. Corporations can plan events
for marketing, promoting, launching a new product or announcing the latest news. They are
also held for the interests of different stakeholders, including shareholders, partners,
consumers or employees. Examples of corporate events are business meet and greets,
seminars, team parties etc. Refreshments are served to the participants.

Defence operations (KE 1.5):

These are the operations planned and executed by the military to protect the nation. Army
caterers serve food and beverages to the soldiers involved in the defence processes.

Exhibitions or trade shows (KE 1.6):

These refer to an event, presentation or demonstration where businesses from a particular

industry showcase or market their products or services. Trade fairs are helpful ways of
obtaining information as different participants can share and gain knowledge about the
industry. They get an idea of the overall condition of the market and various insights that can
help them to identify new opportunities and observe the competition. Refreshments are served
to the participants.

Religious celebrations (KE 1.7):

People also gather to celebrate various events associated with their religion. Christmas events
and church mass prayers are prime examples of such celebrations. Such events aim to promote
and celebrate the customs and past events of the particular religion. Food and beverages are
served to the attendees.

Social celebrations (KE 1.8):

Social celebrations or events are gatherings of people to promote, celebrate and fulfil a social
cause or purpose. They also include events planned by a small group of people to meet, talk
and celebrate with each other. Entertainment activities such as dance, contests or games are
also associated with social gatherings. Food and drinks are served to the audience through a
buffet or refreshments.

Sporting events (KE 1.9):

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Events associated with sports, games or physical activities are referred to as sporting events.
These events are competitive and planned according to a set of predetermined rules. The
refreshments are served to the participants as well as the audience.

Themed events (KE 1.10):

Theme events are planned functions or occasions with particular themes. Every activity, facility
and other attraction of the events is designed according to the theme. For instance, a masked
party is a theme-based event.
Wakes (KE 1.11):

Wakes are also called funeral receptions. They are organised by the families or close friends of
the deceased person to pay their respect to the latter. It is held after the funeral of the
deceased person. It is an informal event where people mourn the loss and remember the
person's life.

Weddings (KE 1.12):

They are marriage ceremonies organised by the families of the bride and the groom. It includes
wedding rituals and other activities such as dance. A meal for the attendees, families, friends
and the bride and groom follows the same.

Process of discussing and clarifying the purpose of the event with stakeholders

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
A discussion on a particular topic between a group of people is called a group discussion.
Organisations typically use group discussions to share essential information on important
aspects and discuss relevant points to conclude. The candidates present facts, views, and
conclusions about the given subject. In the discussion, members provide their arguments and
feedback on the information shared by each other. Team discussions aid long-term retention
and a deeper understanding of a subject. By involving participants in an interactive information
presentation process, group discussions can also increase participants' attention and maintain
their focus. The catering company or personnel can discuss the event's purpose and other
requirements with other stakeholders through a physical or virtual meeting that facilitates the
group discussion.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

1.2. Accurately identify specific customer needs and

preferences and determine catering requirements

A customer is a person or a group of persons, organisation, institution or a business who is interested in a product or service
provided by the seller or service provider as well as willing to purchase or avail it. Customer service is the business's direct
line of communication with its customers. It helps in retaining customers and gets more value out of them. Businesses can
recover costs21 associated
| P a g e with customer acquisition by providing exceptional customer service. This contributes to the
development of a devoted range of new clients, serves as case studies, and provides reviews and testimonials. Therefore, it
is identify to identify the needs and preferences. In case of catering, certin audience bear their own requirements and
preferences in terms of food and beverages. It is essential to identify them for determining appropriare catering
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

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1.2.1 Identifying customer needs and preferences

Need for identifying customer needs and preferences
1.2.1 Threatening
Customers situations
evaluate the outcomes of their purchases based on what they anticipate receiving,
and they buy goods and services to meet specific requirements. People's needs, which can be
used as a basis for segmentation, are frequently profoundly ingrained in their unconscious
1.2.1 Threatening
minds and may concernsituations
issues of identity and long-term existence. Personality, geographic
conditions or the external environment usually influences needs. For instance, people need soft
drinks over tea or coffee in summer. Needs lay the foundation of service requirements, like in
the case of catering.
1.2.1 Threatening situations
The subjective preferences of individual consumers, as measured by their satisfaction with
products after purchasing them, constitute consumer preference. This contentment is
frequently referred to as utility. Consumer utility comparisons between various products can be
usedThreatening situations
to determine consumer value. For instance, a person will gain higher utility value from a
mango-flavoured drink over a strawberry one simply because they prefer the former over the
latter. It is essential to recognise preferences to provide customised and effective catering
1.2.1 Threatening
service to the audience situations
on behalf of the hosts or planners of the event.

Importance of effective
customer service
1.2.1 Threatening situations

If a customer is provided with quality

1.2.1 Threatening situations
service, it enhances his overall
experience and satisfaction.
Consequently, they turn willing to
1.2.1 Threatening situations purchase or avail themselves of the
company's service repeatedly. They
are most likely to stay loyal and less
price-conscious than new customers.
1.2.1 Threatening situations

1.2.1 Threatening situations All businesses experience customer

complaints from time to time. It
needs to handle those complaints
and devise appropriate ways to
1.2.1 Threatening situations
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1.2.1 Threatening situations

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
resolve them. A company that provides excellent customer service also possesses the capacity
to resolve these disagreements effectively.


Prospective customers are only interested in the product or service; the company needs to take
the necessary steps to convert them into valuable customers. Effective customer service can
facilitate the process of prospect-to-customer conversion. Healthy Communication, rapid
solutions to queries, and customised service can also assist with retaining those converted


Employees feel proud to be a part of a team that delivers high-quality work in their roles and
responsibilities. They recognise and experience these practices for themselves, such as
developing friendly relationships with customers, resolving conflicts quickly, and establishing
efficient communication channels. They connect with the organisation and become committed
to it. As a result, team member absenteeism and turnover rates decrease.


The process of creating and disseminating the brand name, its characteristics, and personality is
known as branding. Effective customer services such as discounts, gifts, attractive serving
methods, unique varieties of food items, lucky customer draw, etc., help organise a brand name
for itself in the market.

Process of discussing the needs and preferences of the specific customers

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

The requirements and preferences of particular customers can be addressed through group
discussion, as discussed in criteria 1.1. Additionally, the catering providers can consult with the
customers regarding their ideas and plans for the event's menu. They can also seek the client's
feedback about those ideas and plans. The client can also provide information about the type of
audience attending the event and their requirements and preferences. For instance, if the
event is to be attended by elderly individuals, then the menu can be designed after considering
their needs and preferences. Traditional food items that are not excessively chewy and contain
sufficient nutrients can be prepared. Spice, salt and sugar levels can also be monitored
according to their requirements.

Basic requirements for delivery of catering for events (KE 4)

The following are the basic requirements for the delivery of catering for events:

Ancillary products and services (KE 4.1):

An ancillary product or service is provided or required as an add-on or complement to the

primary product or service. Catering service is primarily associated with providing food and
drinks to the event or function. However, additional products or services may be provided to
the clients or the event audience due to either the caterer's offer or the client's
request/demand. For instance, the client may request the caterer to prepare food hampers for
the audience or perform live cooking for the attendees. The caterer can also provide a visually-
appealing way of presenting or delivering the food and beverages.

Beverage (KE 4.2):

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Food is incomplete without a drink. A beverage is prepared in several ways and varieties. It is
served hot or cold. Furthermore, drinks are served in attractive glasses with a garnish placed
along the rims of the glasses. Tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, wine, etc., are popular beverages.

Cultural food requirements (KE 4.3.1):

Certain functions, such as religious events, involve an audience belonging to a particular

culture. The event host can request the food associated with the specific culture. For instance,
halal meat would be preferred to serve in a gathering of people belonging to Muslim culture.
Cultural food requirements are often related to sentiments and beliefs.

Special dietary needs (KE 4.3.2):

Dietary needs refer to the diet or nutrition requirements of the customers in the food or drinks
served at the event or function. A specific audience, as in the case of sporting events or
celebrity events, may require the caterers to follow dietary measures while preparing the food.
The dishes are selected and cooked according to the attendees' or clients' calorie, dietary and
nutritious requirements. Clients can request to include healthy dishes rather than fast food in
the event's catering.

Menu type (KE 4.4):

The kind of menu of the event can be decided or selected by the event hosts or the caterers
themselves as per the former's needs and preferences. The following are the three major types
of menus:

à la carte (KE 4.4.1):

It is the most typical menu and service style form. The menu is served to the customers, and the
prices are listed next to each item (in case of specific events). The dishes or beverages are
ordered individually and served by the staff.

Buffet (KE 4.4.2):

Buffet is a popular method of displaying and serving various dishes. This method places
delicacies at their respective places or on a large table, and the customers can self-serve the
food items. This way, they can put different varieties of food on their plates and avoid ordering
them separately.

Set menu (KE 4.4.3):

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It is a fixed menu in which limited food items are served to the guests by the staff.

Other aspects (KE 4.5):

The food served at an event or function also has links to the different elements of the latter. For
example, if the event duration is long, the food can be served as a buffet so the guests can eat
whenever they wish once the counters are opened. Moreover, à la carte is preferable in a
corporate team dinner because of the small audience and less duration.

Style of service (KE 4.6):

Different events may have different requirements for serving kinds. For instance, the staff
should deliver the food at a children's party. The serving cutlery should follow the theme of the
party. The guests can perform self-service in the case of a wedding.

Timing of service (KE 4.7):

Catering service also depends on the duration of the event, as explained in KE 4.5.

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Video Title: What Is Catering? Importance & Different Types Of Catering

Further Reading

Website title: 4 Different Types of Catering Services Explained

Website link:

28 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Self-Study Guide

Refer the chapter 1 in the self-study guide to get more information about topic.
You will need to provide answers to the questions given in the self-study guide.

Learning Activity
Further Reading

Refer the chapter 1 in the class activity book to perform activities related to the
You will need to provide answers to the questions and complete the given
activities in the class activity book.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Chapter 2: Prepare catering proposal

30 | P a g e
The catering proposal is a document provided by the catering service provider as a pitch to the client. It contains
information regarding the menu, service, service style, add-on product or quality, prices and other offers. It is prepared
after Plan catering
the event analysis for events
and consideration oraspects
of its functions
such as purpose, audience type and number, duration, special
requirements of clients etc. The catering proposal is different from catering contract. While the former is negotiated until
both the parties agree on the terms and conditions, the latter is legally binding and not negotiable.
The caterer should collect the operational data of the event, analyse and consult it with the stakeholders to determine
overall approach of the service and menu. They should also contribute their own ideas and suggestions to the organisers or
hosts based on the information and preferences. The prices of each item and overall cost of the service should be clearly
stated in the proposal. The proposal must be approved by the organisers to proceed with the catering service.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

What will you learn from this chapter?

In this chapter, you will learn the following points:

2.1. Collect and collate operational information for the event and venue.
2.2. Analyse operational factors influencing catering and consult with
stakeholders to determine overall approach.
2.3. Contribute ideas to event concept, theme and format and incorporate
creative elements into the catering proposal.
2.4. Verify operational and service practicality of the catering proposal
through consultation and analysis.
2.5. Present proposal including accurate information on range, price and style
of catering products and services.
2.6. Obtain approval to proceed with catering

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2.1. Collect and collate operational information for the

event and venue

Information is the foremost requirement for every business associated with any kind of industry sector. Event caterers are
alsorequire information regarding the event and venue. Operational information is the information associated with the
event required to plan, organise and manage the whole event. These operational information can include purpose, scope,
type, concept, date, duration, location, etc of the event. Additionally, the catering service is also affected by the factors
such as climate, equipment, venue, resources, facilities available at the event or function, It is essential to collect and
collate the operational information of the event, including its venue. This information can help the caterers in planning
and providing34 | P a gservice
quality e of food, drinks and other services.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
2.1.1 Collecting and collating operational information for the event and venue
Resources that can
operational assistisinanmanaging
information conflicts
important step in planningor threatening
a catering situations
event and
selecting a venue. Here are some ways to collect operational information for a catering event
(KE 4)
and venue:

Client Consultation:
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening situations
The first step is to consult with the client and understand their needs and requirements for the
(KE 4)
event. This can include the number of guests, the event theme, dietary restrictions, budget, and
preferred menu items. This information can help guide the selection of the venue and catering
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening situations
Venue Site Visit:
(KE 4)
If possible, it's a good idea to conduct a site visit of the venue before selecting it. This can help
you gather important operational information, such as the layout of the space, available
Resources parking and transportation options, and any restrictions or regulations that may
that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening situations
impact the event. This can also help you plan for the setup and flow of the event.
(KE 4)
Menu Planning:

Once you have a better understanding of the client's needs and the venue's operational factors,
can begin tothat canmenu.
plan the assist
Thisin managing
may conflicts
involve coordinating orthe
with threatening situations
catering company to
select menu items that can be prepared and served efficiently, taking into account any
(KE 4)
limitations or constraints related to the venue.

Coordination with Vendors:

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening situations
If you're working with vendors or suppliers for the event, such as equipment rental companies
(KE 4)
or florists, it's important to coordinate with them and gather operational information related to
their services. This can help ensure that all components of the event are properly coordinated
and executed.

Research and Documentation:

Finally, it's important to conduct research and document all operational information related to
the event and venue. This can include researching local regulations, obtaining necessary
permits, and creating a detailed event plan that outlines all aspects of the event. This can help
ensure that everything runs smoothly and that all operational factors are properly addressed.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
In summary, collecting operational information for a catering event and venue involves client
consultation, venue site visits, menu planning, coordination with vendors, and research and
documentation. By gathering and considering all operational factors, you can help ensure that
the event is a success and meets the needs and expectations of all stakeholders involved.

Need for collecting and collating operational information for the event and

Planning Activities Effective service


Operational information regarding the event assists the catering company or team plan the
whole service. Data gathered and collated helps to determine the overall requirements and
ways to prepare for the service. The event data can help to design menus, whereas the venue
details can help plan the arrangement of the food and beverages.

Activities :

Data collected can also facilitate decision-making on various activities involved in providing
catering services. The catering team can decide on the type of ingredients, equipment, and
suppliers required and make arrangements for them. It also assists with the identification of
service style. Purchases are an essential activity of catering. It includes purchases of quality
ingredients for preparing the delicacies and beverages.

Effective service:

The event information collected and collated by the catering team benefits their service quality.
They can focus on customised service when they know their client's requirements and
preferences. The whole process and elements can be aligned with the client's wishes and
conditions per the latter's instructions.

Operational factors influencing the catering requirements

The following are the operational factors influencing the catering requirements:

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Budget (KE 3.1):

A budget refers to the plan set by the business management effectively plan the operations or
activity. The budget formulates the future course of action associated with the expenditure to
be incurred by the organisation. It assists with determining the available funds, estimated
earnings and profits, and allocating resources within the business. Budget is an essential part of
any business operating in an industry, including catering service. Without a proper budget, a
company cannot effectively manage its operations necessary to provide catering to the event or
function. Buying ingredients, installing equipment and wages of chefs and other staff members
are a few activities that require budgeting.

Concept, style and theme (KE 3.2):

Concept and style are the details of the event's elements that define the overall perception of
the event. The theme is the core idea behind the whole event. These three characteristics of an
event decide how the hosts desire the audience to perceive the event and how they actually
perceive it. They lay down the overall tone, structure, sequence, ambience and aura of the

Date, time and duration (KE 3.3):

The event's date, time and duration also affect the menu and service style. If the event is set to
be held in the morning, the caterers should include a breakfast menu and choose the dishes

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accordingly, such as toast, sandwiches or scrambled eggs. The serving styles also differ
according to the duration.

Attendee numbers or profiles (KE 3.4):

The total count of attendees impact the catering processing, including the type and quantity of
dishes. If the event is to be attended by many people, the amount of food and drinks would
also increase. Similarly, the profiles of the audience also influence the catering style. Athletic or
sports events would require energy drinks and nutritious food items. If the audience of an
event belongs to a specific culture, requirements would include cultural food items.

Location of production kitchen and service venue (KE 3.5.1 and 3.5.2) (KE 7.15):

The kitchen is the focal point of the service where the food is cooked. The location of the
kitchen would influence the catering style and service type. If the kitchen is situated near the
service venue, the staff would be able to serve warm food quickly to the customers. It would be
easy to deliver the prepared food items from the kitchen to the customers. If the kitchen is far
from the venue, the team would prefer a buffet serving style so that the food is delivered to the
customers and they can self-serve.

Venue details (KE 5.12) (KE 7.15):

The following information about the venue influence the catering service style and

Type (KE 3.6.1):

Different events are held at different venues, such as hotels, banquets, churches, arenas, art
galleries, stadiums, centres etc. The kind of venue directly influences the catering requirements.
Buffet systems are not suitable for events organised inside an art gallery. Instead, the food can
be served to the guests via servers. Snacks can also be preferred over a full-course meal.

Climatic conditions (KE 3.6.2):

Climate is an external factor that can influence the catering style of the event. For instance,
people prefer warm beverages like tea or coffee if the event is in winter. Similarly, smoothies
and shakes are popular beverages that can be served during the summer.

Internal and external (KE 3.6.3 and 3.6.4):

Internal venues such as banquets, hotels or restaurants can have internal catering. Internal
catering provides additional service options like live cooking for the guests. Outdoor catering is

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done for outdoor venues such as lawns, arenas, stadiums etc. Outdoor catering is suitable for
barbeques. However, it is subject to unexpected interruptions, such as rain.

Dimensions of delivery access and storage areas (KE 3.7):

Dimensions of delivery access and storage areas can also affect catering requirements and
styles. Layout and other conditions of storage areas determine the effective maintenance of
supplies, including ingredients like raw meat, vegetables, fruits etc. Effective storage practices
such as good ventilation, proper cleaning and sanitisation can ensure that these supplies
remain fresh until the food is prepared and presented.

Access to kitchen facilities (KE 3.8):

Kitchen facilities include fuel, light, water and electricity supply. These are the core
requirements for preparing food items for catering. The chefs and other staff members must
have access to such facilities to prepare and serve the dishes and beverages and keep them
from getting spoiled.

Available equipment (KE 3.9):

Many pieces of equipment are required in the kitchen for cooking, preparing and delivering the
food and drinks to the event's guests. Examples of such equipment are cutlery, stove, oven,
dishwasher, fridges, freezers etc. The type of dishes the caterers prepares depends on the
equipment available to the chefs and other team members. Pizzas cannot be prepared without
ovens or microwaves.

Off and on-site staff requirements (KE 3.10):

Off-site requirements are the work requirements of the staff that occur outside of the primary
workplace .e., preparation and serving area. However, these requirements directly relate to the
catering aspects and service. An example of an off-site staff requirement can be the purchase of
ingredients. On-site requirements occur at the work site, i.e., help to set up the equipment.

Resources (KE 3.11.1, 3.11.2, 3.11.3):

Three primary resources are used to provide the catering service. They are physical, human,
and food/beverage supplies. Physical resources include the supplies and equipment required to
cook, prepare, deliver and serve the food and drinks. Human resources can consist of the staff
or team members who plan, design, prepare and present the dishes, i.e., supervisors, chefs,
servers, helpers etc. Ingredients and other decorative materials required to prepare the dishes
and drinks are included in the last category of resources.

Suppliers, and supply and cost specifications (KE 3.12):

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There are several operational factors that can influence catering requirements, including suppliers,
supply chain logistics, and cost specifications. Here are some examples:

❖ Suppliers: Catering companies rely on suppliers to provide them with the necessary
ingredients, equipment, and other supplies. The quality and availability of these supplies can
have a significant impact on the catering requirements. For example, if a catering company
requires a specific type of seafood for a menu item, but the supplier is unable to provide it, the
catering company may need to adjust the menu or find an alternative supplier.
❖ Supply Chain Logistics: The logistics of the supply chain can also impact catering requirements.
If the catering company is located far from its suppliers, it may need to account for longer
delivery times and potential transportation costs. Similarly, if the catering company is serving
an event at a remote location, it may need to bring its own equipment and supplies, which can
impact the menu and service options.
❖ Cost Specifications: Cost considerations can also influence catering requirements. For
example, if a client has a limited budget, the catering company may need to adjust the menu
and service options to meet the budget. Similarly, if a catering company is operating on a tight
profit margin, it may need to find ways to reduce costs, such as by using lower-cost ingredients
or equipment.

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In summary, suppliers, supply chain logistics, and cost specifications are important operational
factors that can influence catering requirements. Catering companies need to carefully consider
these factors when planning their menus and service options, in order to provide high-quality
catering services that meet the needs and expectations of their clients.

Equipment (KE 3.13) (KE 5.3):

The catering service provider can utilise new or hired equipment exclusively to provide quality
service to the client. The machines or tools can be purchased or employed for making a
particular dish, such as peeling machines, barbeque, food processors etc. They facilitate quick,
effortless and presentable food items. However, they should be purchased after considering
the desired quality and features.

Transportation requirements and timelines (KE 3.14):

Transportation requirements are associated with transferring or delivering ingredients,

equipment and staff to the kitchen or the serving place. The time duration for the
transportation is also necessary for maintaining the freshness and safety of the supplies.

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2.2. Analyse operational factors influencing catering and

consult with stakeholders to determine overall approach

Analysis refers to the process of thoroughly examining the organisation's various operations against the client's needs and
preferences. The supervisor can assess the client's wishes and demands against the resources and funds available to the
team. Many operational factors affect the delivery of catering for events, such as purchases, storage, transportation,
production, staffing, risk and security management, or staff roles and responsibilities. The catering team should also
analyse these.42The
| P results
a g e can be discussed with the stakeholders to determine the overall catering approach for the event
or function.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

2.2.1 Analysing operational factors influencing catering and consulting

Need for analysing operational factors influencing catering
An Resources that can
analysis is an essential partassist inbusiness
of every managing conflicts
operation. It is alsoor threatening
necessary for providing
catering services
situations (KE 4)for an event or function. An event is affected by operational requirements and
other factors. If these are not determined and analysed, there can be many hindrances in the
implementation of the service. The proposal would lack the vital elements that are exclusive to
the function. Clients would remain unsatisfied due to non-compliance with their requests or
1.3.1 Resources
demands. They maythat cantoassist
decide declinein
themanaging conflicts
catering proposal. orofthreatening
Analysis the operational
situations (KE and
4) factors are necessary for effective planning and the conduct of activities and
service. They have been discussed in criteria 2.1.

Operational factors influencing catering (KE 5)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
The following are the operational factors influencing catering:
situations (KE 4)
Conflicting activities (KE 5.1):

1.3.1 Resourcesactionsthat
to those activities
assist that don't align
in managing with the or
conflicts demands, needs, and terms
agreed between the client and service providers. Food items and other supplies must be stored
and cooked(KE 4)
in sufficient conditions to maintain quality and prevent contamination. Hygiene and
safety practices should be implemented in food preparation and storage. These operations
should align with the instructions of the client. For instance, if the client has requested to
1.3.1 the pastathat
Resources in redcan
sauce, it should
assist in not be cookedconflicts
managing with white sauce as the base.
or threatening
situations (KE 4)Timelines (KE 5.2):
Food Production

Food production timelines are critical to the success of any catering event. The production
kitchen is responsible for preparing the food in a timely and efficient manner, so that it can be
transported and served at the event. This requires careful planning and coordination to ensure
that all menu items are prepared and cooked to the appropriate temperature, and that they are
delivered to the venue on time. Delays in food production timelines can result in late delivery,
which can impact the quality of the food and the overall guest experience.

Staffing Roles and Responsibilities (KE 5.2, 5.7) :

Another important operational factor that affects catering delivery is the roles and
responsibilities of the staff involved. In the production kitchen, chefs and kitchen staff are
responsible for preparing and cooking the food, while in the venue or service kitchen, waitstaff

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and bartenders are responsible for serving the food and beverages to guests. It's important to
ensure that everyone involved in the catering delivery process understands their roles and
responsibilities, and that they are properly trained to execute their tasks efficiently.

Production Kitchen(KE 5.2.1):

The production kitchen is where the food is prepared and cooked prior to delivery to the event.
The operational factors that can affect catering delivery from the production kitchen include
the kitchen's capacity, layout, equipment, and availability of ingredients. A well-designed and
equipped production kitchen can help ensure that food production timelines are met, and that
the quality of the food is maintained during transportation.

Venue or Service Kitchen(5.2.2):

The venue or service kitchen is where the food and beverages are stored, prepared for final
presentation, and served to guests. The operational factors that can affect catering delivery
from the venue or service kitchen include the layout of the kitchen, availability of equipment,
and the number of staff available to assist with service. A well-organized and properly staffed
venue or service kitchen can help ensure that food and beverage service is delivered efficiently
and to the expected quality.

Disposal practices for kitchen waste and hazardous substances (KE 5.4) (KE 8.2):

Following protocols can be taken for disposing of food waste and unsafe substances:
❖ Biodegradable waste must be segregated from non-biodegradable waste.
❖ The expiry or best-before date must be checked before the disposal of the item. If any
item has passed its best-before date, it is safe to dispose of such things.
❖ Reports can be made regarding the new requirements in replacing the disposed food
items to the supervisor or the relevant personnel.
❖ Businesses should guarantee that their waste is removed securely and safely, treated
appropriately, and gathered for recycling or reuse. The guidelines of waste
administration require all organisations to separate the types of business waste for
reusing into plastic, paper, cans, fruits and vegetable peels. It ensures that the
products are utilised again safely without having to dispose of them. This saves both
time and money for the business. For instance, vegetables and fruit peels can be
used in preparing manure to feed plants.
❖ Substances that threaten public health or the environment are considered hazardous
substances. Certain chemicals used in detergents can be dangerous to the health of
individuals and the environment. Hazardous waste can easily and rapidly enter the
environment if not disposed of properly. It should be segregated from other waste and
disposed of accordingly.

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Security arrangements (KE 5.6):

Security arrangements are a crucial requirement for the successful planning and execution of
the event. These arrangements can include CCTV cameras, identity verification, guest
verification or appointment of security personnel. If these arrangements are not made
according to the event scope, such as the scale and type of the function, the chances of theft of
materials or equipment increase.

Service timelines (KE 5.8):

Service timelines directly affect the service quality by determining the serving staff's efficiency
and the guests' overall satisfaction. The less time invested in the delicacies or beverages
production or delivery, the higher the client's and guests' satisfaction will be. The service
timelines also depend on the type of venue and the number of guests.

Management of on-site resources (KE 5.9):

Another important operational factor that can affect catering delivery for an event or function
is the management of on-site resources. Here are some examples:
❖ Venue: The venue is an important resource that must be properly managed during the
catering delivery process. The catering company must ensure that they have access to
the venue at the appropriate times, and that they have sufficient space and facilities to
prepare and serve the food and beverage. The venue may also have specific rules and
regulations that must be followed, such as restrictions on the use of open flames or
limitations on noise levels.
❖ Commodities: The catering company must also manage the commodities that are
needed for the event, such as water, electricity, and gas. The catering company must
ensure that they have access to these resources and that they are properly managed to
avoid disruptions to the catering delivery process.
❖ Equipment: The catering company may need to bring equipment to the event, such as
ovens, refrigerators, and serving trays. The management of this equipment is critical to
the success of the event, and the catering company must ensure that the equipment is
properly set up and maintained throughout the event. In addition, the equipment must
be properly cleaned and sanitized before and after use.
❖ Machinery: In some cases, the catering company may need to use machinery to
prepare or transport the food and beverage, such as food processors or delivery
vehicles. The catering company must ensure that this machinery is in good working
condition and properly maintained to avoid disruptions to the catering delivery
❖ Staff Management: Finally, the catering company must properly manage the staff on-
site to ensure that the catering delivery process runs smoothly. This includes assigning
specific roles and responsibilities to each staff member, ensuring that they have the
45 | P a gnecessary
e equipment and resources, and providing training and support as needed.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Staffing and contracting (KE 5.10):

Staffing and contracting are two significant processes the catering service company performs.
They are related to employing or entering into agreements with qualified, skilled and
professional individuals to perform specific service elements. For instance, the company can
hire an expert chef to make a special dish for the event or function.

Storage of food and beverage (KE 5.11):

Food and beverage supplies can be stored based on their group or category. Usually, food
businesses keep supplies in "dry storage" or "cold Storage". Different items may require various
unique facilities based on their humidity, temperature, light and air tolerance. For instance,
frozen fish fillets, berries, vegetables, ice creams etc., should be stored in the frozen storage
area. These can be walk-in and domestic freezers, generally operated at -18°C or below.

Purchasing of food, beverage, materials and equipment ((KE 5.3):

Purchasing of food, beverage, materials and equipment is another important operational factor
that can affect catering delivery for an event or function. Here are some examples:
❖ Food and Beverage: Purchasing food and beverage is a crucial part of the catering
delivery process. The catering company must ensure that they have adequate supplies
of all menu items, including ingredients, spices, and other items required for food
preparation. The quality of the ingredients can also have an impact on the final
product, so the catering company should source high-quality and fresh ingredients.
Additionally, they must consider dietary restrictions, allergies, and other special
requests from the client and guests.
❖ Materials: The catering company must also purchase materials such as tablecloths,
napkins, utensils, and plates for the event. The quantity and quality of these materials
should be considered when making the purchase, as well as the type of event and
client's preferences. For example, a formal event may require higher quality materials,
while a casual event may allow for simpler materials.
❖ Equipment: The catering company may need to purchase or rent equipment such as
ovens, refrigerators, and serving trays. The quantity and type of equipment will depend
on the size of the event and the menu items. It's important to ensure that the
equipment is in good condition and is capable of meeting the demands of the event.
❖ Supplier Selection: Selecting reliable suppliers is important to ensure timely delivery of
food, beverage, materials, and equipment. The catering company must research and
evaluate potential suppliers based on factors such as cost, quality, reliability, and
delivery time. It's important to establish good relationships with suppliers to ensure
timely delivery and to negotiate favourable terms and conditions.
❖ Cost Management: Finally, the catering company must manage the costs of purchasing
46 | P a g e
food, beverage, materials, and equipment to ensure that they stay within the budget.
This may involve negotiating with suppliers to obtain better prices, using seasonal
ingredients or other cost-saving measures, and keeping track of expenses.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Venue event management (KE 5.12)

It is another important operational factor that can affect catering delivery for an event or
function. Here are some examples:

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❖ Communication: Communication between the catering company and the venue event
management team is critical to the success of the event. The catering company must
communicate their needs and requirements to the venue event management team,
such as the number of guests, the menu, and the equipment and resources required.
The venue event management team must also communicate any restrictions or
guidelines related to the use of the space, equipment, or facilities.
❖ Logistics: Logistics is another important aspect of venue event management. The
catering company must coordinate with the venue event management team to
determine the best location for food and beverage service, and to ensure that there is
sufficient space and facilities for food preparation and storage. The catering company
must also coordinate with the venue event management team to ensure that the
catering delivery process does not disrupt other activities or events taking place at the
❖ Timing: Timing is critical in venue event management, and the catering company must
work closely with the venue event management team to ensure that the catering
delivery process is timed properly. This includes determining the appropriate time to
set up and tear down equipment and facilities, and ensuring that food and beverage
service is timed appropriately with the event program.
❖ Health and Safety: Health and safety is an important consideration in venue event
management, and the catering company must work with the venue event
management team to ensure that all health and safety regulations are met. This
includes ensuring that food is prepared and served at safe temperatures, that
equipment is properly maintained and cleaned, and that staff are properly trained in
health and safety practices.
❖ Guest Experience: Finally, the guest experience is a key consideration in venue event
management. The catering company and the venue event management team must
work together to ensure that the event is enjoyable and memorable for the guests.
This includes ensuring that food and beverage service is timely and efficient, that the
In summary,
spacevenue event management
is well-decorated is an important
and comfortable, operational
and that factor
the event that can
program affect and
is engaging
catering delivery
enjoyable.for an event or function. By carefully managing communication, logistics,
timing, health and safety, and the guest experience, the catering company and the venue event
management team can work together to ensure the success of the event and the satisfaction of
the clients and guests.

Process of analysing operational factors to determine catering requirements

The process of analyzing operational factors to determine catering requirements involves
several steps, including:

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❖ Identify the event or function: The first step is to identify the specific event or function
that the catering will be provided for. This includes determining the type of event, the
date and time, the location, and the number of guests.
❖ Analyze the operational factors: Once the event has been identified, the next step is to
analyze the various operational factors that will affect the catering delivery process.
This includes factors such as food production timelines, staffing roles and
responsibilities, purchasing of food and beverage, management of on-site resources,
and venue event management.
❖ Determine catering requirements: Based on the analysis of the operational factors, the
next step is to determine the specific catering requirements for the event. This includes
identifying the menu and the quantity of food and beverage that will be required, as
well as the equipment and facilities that will be needed.
❖ Develop a catering plan: With the catering requirements determined, the next step is
to develop a catering plan. This includes creating a timeline for food preparation and
service, identifying the staffing roles and responsibilities, and determining the
necessary equipment and resources.
❖ Implement the catering plan: The final step is to implement the catering plan. This
involves coordinating with the venue event management team, purchasing the
necessary food and beverage, preparing and serving the food, and managing the on-
site resources.
Throughout the process, it is important to regularly review and adjust the catering plan as
needed to ensure that the operational factors are properly managed and the catering
requirements are met. By following this process, the catering company can help ensure the
success of the event and the satisfaction of the clients and guests.

Ways of consulting stakeholders and staff members

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In this Communication, the information is shared and analysed using speaking. Face-to-face
meetings are the most popular and common way to share information. The daily, emergency
and discussion meetings are some prime examples. If scheduling face-to-face meetings with
stakeholders is not feasible due to unavoidable circumstances, then screen-to-screen or virtual
meetings can be held. The minutes of the same can be recorded for official and evidence


Communicating and exchanging messages without speaking is known as non-verbal

Communication. Hand and body movements, gestures, facial expressions, physical appearance
etc., are typically referred to as nonverbal Communication. In other words, the behavioural
aspect of intentional and unintentional Communication is known as nonverbal Communication.
This type of Communication is not relevant to the consultation regarding catering


Any written message that two or more people send is considered written Communication. This
Communication conveys information to others by writing or typing the content in the
appropriate formats. The content can be organised and presented to the audience using a
projector or another intelligent device or written on paper and distributed to the audience.

50 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Popular written formats of presenting and informing budget and resource decisions include
reports, emails, messages, etc.


Multimedia combines text, graphics, video, and links that allow users to interact, create, and
communicate. The recipients are more likely to be engaged when information is conveyed via
an audio-visual mode, as in presentations that are usually made using MS Powerpoint
application. Once explained, the same information can be sent to the appropriate individuals
for future reference. It is an effective tool for the staff members to contribute ideas and
innovative approaches to the catering service.

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2.3. Contribute ideas to event concept, theme and format

and incorporate creative elements into the catering

Each team member bears a unique talent or skill. Working together allows employees to showcase their different skills
and actively contribute towards accomplishing work group goals and tasks. The workgroup can ensure long-term success
by assigning individual tasks to group members per their specific skills. Each team member can contribute effectively to
the group and contribute to the decision-making when they are given a role. They can contribute ideas associated with the
event theme, concept and format. Creative suggestions can assist the team in creating an innovative catering proposal
aligned with the
52 |client's
P a g e demands and desires. It increases the chances of the proposal being approved by the client.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
2.3.1 Contributing ideas to event concept and theme
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Need for contributing ideas to event concept and theme
situations (KE 4)
The following points highlight the need for contributing ideas to the event concept and theme:

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

Teamwork and cooperation are cultivated through planning and discussing. If the members
allowed to express
that themselves
can assistand
intheir ideas, it builds
managing trust and
conflicts orcollaboration
threatening among
the team and improves the teamwork.
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KEand
Innovation 4) creativity
Innovation describes those workplace practices and cultures that enable workers of all
1.3.1levels to utilise their knowledge, skills, and creativity to the maximum extent. It is
Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
essential for the growth of the team and the individual members.
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)
Client satisfaction

Staff contribution to the event concept and theme supports or enhances the purpose and
1.3.1desires of the client
Resources thatfrom theassist
can function.
increases their satisfactionorand
conflicts they are more
likely to approve the proposal.
situations (KE 4)

Ways of contributing and promoting ideas to event concept and theme

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The following are the ways of contributing and promoting ideas to the event concept and

Understanding the event theme and vision:

The primary way to contribute ideas to the event concept and theme is to comprehend these
event elements thoroughly. The catering team should discuss the event's concept and
composition with the stakeholders and identify the associated details. For instance, an event
can be based on silent conferencing with light-coloured decor.

Open and supportive Communication:

The managers should communicate with the relevant stakeholders and staff members
regarding the event's goals and plans. They can explain the trends and the industry's
appropriate practices to them in simpler terms. Open and supportive Communication allows
the members to demonstrate their thoughts, ideas and opinions regarding the event and seek
advice from colleagues or stakeholders. They are encouraged to express themselves, get
involved in the discussions and provide their inputs for enhancing the event management and

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Promoting innovative thinking:

Employees or members shouldn't only consider innovation during workshops and retreats. It
makes it difficult for the leader or manager to access their full creative and imaginative
potential if innovation is perceived as an occasional activity. Instead, they should encourage
employees to incorporate innovation into their daily tasks.

2.3.2 Preparing the catering proposals

1.3.1 Resources
Format thatofcan
and content assistproposals
catering in managing conflicts or threatening
(KE 6.1)
situations (KE 4)
A catering plan can be prepared as a brochure, and all the necessary details can be divided into
separate sections. The proposal can include general information regarding the event, catering
plan timeline, catering theme, pricing structure and components, and plan of action. These
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
55 | P a g e
(KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
sections can be followed by the details of the catering service company, including their terms
and contact details.
The contents of a general catering proposal are discussed below:

Available event information:

The catering proposal is based on the operational data associated with the event. All the
functional requirements and factors necessary for the delivery of catering services are
discussed in criteria 2.1 and 2.2. The proposal should be initiated with this relevant event data.
It will assure the client that the information is considered for planning and presenting the

Catering plan timeline:

The catering plan is usually divided into separate periods. Different time intervals are allotted
for various activities such as hiring, purchasing, arranging, preparing, delivering and serving. The
timelines should be mentioned in the proposal so that the service is planned, scheduled and
executed according to the event's date, time, purpose, concept and theme. The activities or
plans for each timeline should be accomplished within due time to prevent delays.

Catering menu:

Menu is vital for any catering proposal or plan. It lists the delicacies and types of beverages
included in the catering service to be provided by the catering team. The menu is decided
according to the client's wishes, the event's purpose, the audience type and the event's
concept. It is divided into starters, main course, drinks and desserts. However, it can be further
divided into food categories such as vegetarian, non-vegetarian, vegan, etc.

Catering theme:

This section describes the overall perception and element of the catering service. The food
items and drinks can also include the staff's decorative materials, cutleries, and dress code. The
theme of the function inspires the catering theme.

Price information :

These are the details or breakdown of the total expenditure on obtaining all the necessary
services. Cost specifications can include the cost of each ingredient, equipment, transportation
or delivery. The total budget set by the supervisor/manager is allocated to such expenses after
considering the instructions and requests of the client.

Plan of action:

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The course of action determines a list of all activities involved in the catering process. They are
listed in chronological order according to the timelines allotted in step two. A course of action
should also include the targeted and desired goals to be achieved with the help of catering.

Company details:

Company details such as its name, mission, services provided, customer testimonials and staff
should conclude the proposal or brochure. Terms and conditions of the agreement between the
company and the client should follow the company details. The proposal must end with the
next step to be taken (such as negotiating the terms) and contact details.

Creative elements that can be incorporated into catering proposal

Creative elements refer to unique and innovative ideas that add an extra level of interest and
excitement to a catering proposal. These elements can help to set the catering proposal apart
from others and make it more appealing to clients. Here are some examples of creative
elements that can be incorporated into a catering proposal:
To incorporate these creative elements into a catering proposal, it is important to first
understand the clients' preferences and the goals of the event. The catering company can then
use this information to come up with unique and innovative ideas that will appeal to the clients

❖ Customized menu: A customized menu that reflects the theme of the event or the
preferences of the clients can be a great creative element. This can include unique or
exotic ingredients, innovative cooking techniques, or creative plating and presentation.
❖ Interactive food stations: Interactive food stations where guests can see and
participate in the preparation of their food can be a fun and engaging addition to the
catering proposal. This can include things like sushi rolling stations, pasta-making
stations, or dessert decorating stations.
❖ Signature drinks: Signature drinks that are customized for the event or the clients can
be a unique and memorable addition to the catering proposal. This can include
creative cocktails, mocktails, or other specialty drinks.
❖ Themed decor: Themed decor that matches the theme of the event can help to create
a cohesive and immersive experience for the guests. This can include things like
custom table settings, centerpieces, and lighting.
❖ Entertainment: Incorporating entertainment into the catering proposal can help to
create a memorable and engaging experience for guests. This can include things like
live music, performers, or interactive games.

and enhance the overall experience. The proposal should clearly outline each creative element
and explain how it will contribute to the success of the event. By incorporating these creative

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elements into the proposal, the catering company can differentiate themselves from
competitors and increase the likelihood of winning the business.

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2.4. Verify operational and service practicality of the

catering proposal through consultation and analysis

Operational practicality is also known as feasibility. It measures the extent up to which a proposed course of action can be
implemented effectively. It measures the success rate or probability of the event if the specific catering proposal is
approved and put into action Service feasibility or practicality evaluates the ease and effectiveness of executing the
catering proposal. Both types of feasibilities are essential to be verified through consultation and analysis.

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3.4.1 Verifying the operational and service practicality

Importance of verifying operational and service practicality

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
A feasibility
situations (KEstudy
4) refers to the evaluation and analysis of the implementation of an idea,
project or proposal. It is essential to determine and measure the viability. It also helps the
business to identify and tackle unforeseen issues by preparing contingency plans. For instance,
if five service people are appointed to a crowd of hundreds, it is not feasible for them to handle
andResources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
serve them efficiently.
The areas(KE
that 4)
are not economical or beneficial to be implemented are discarded, preventing
wasting resources and money. Verifying the feasibility of operations and services also assists
with recognising new and innovative approaches towards catering. The success rate of the
1.3.1 implementation
Resources that can is measured,
assist inand relevant decisions
managing conflictsare taken based on the
or threatening
conclusions. It ensures the proposal is actionable and doesn't include any impractical activity
situations (KE 4)the whole event or its catering process.
that can hinder

Ways of verifying operational and service practicality

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)
Client surveys and
Consultation Technology
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

The factors influencing the catering service are analysed through consultation with the team
and the relevant stakeholders. Team members and stakeholders can have a group discussion to
evaluate the acquired operational information of the event. The topic has already been
discussed in chapter 1, criteria 1.2.

Client surveys and interviews:

Surveys and interviews are the main methods of collecting the required information on
effective and efficient industry practices for delivering catering services. They aim to measure
satisfaction, preferences and suggestions. Moreover, they are suitable for collecting qualitative
and quantitative data such as customers' most preferred method of serving, audience ratio

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based on gender or age and gaining insights into the venue. They can be utilised to ensure that
the proposal is aligned with the customer's behaviour and likes.


Technology advancements have led to several programs that can be used to access a majority
of sources of information, including industry practices. In this digital era, every kind of
information is available on the web. Therefore, technology makes it easier to gain the required
knowledge in just a few clicks without investing much time and effort, such as visiting relevant
places, meeting relevant people and searching from bundles of papers containing different
records. The catering team can determine the applicable industry practices and other helpful
information from the web and analyse the proposal according to them. They can verify if the
proposal is in accordance with the industry rules, regulations and practices.

Steps to verify and analyse the operational and service practicality.

Consultation in the catering business refers to the process of meeting with a client to discuss
their catering needs and requirements. During a consultation, the caterer will typically ask the
client a range of questions to gather information about the event and to gain an understanding
of the client's expectations.
Catering businesses can verify the operational and service practicality of a catering proposal
through consultation and analysis by following these steps:


The catering business should have a detailed consultation with the client to fully understand
the client's needs and requirements. They should ask questions to gather information about the
event, such as the number of guests, the location, the theme, and any dietary restrictions.


The catering business should then conduct a thorough analysis of the proposal, taking into
account all of the information gathered during the consultation. They should consider the
logistics of the event, such as the kitchen facilities, the number of staff required, the menu, and
any equipment needed. The catering business should identify any potential issues that may
arise during the event, and develop a plan to address them.


The catering business should then verify that the proposal is operationally and service practical
by comparing it against the information gathered during the consultation and analysis. They

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should ensure that they have addressed all potential issues and that their proposal is feasible
and realistic.


Throughout the process, the catering business should maintain open communication with the
client to ensure that their needs and expectations are being met. They should be transparent
about any challenges that may arise during the event and work with the client to find solutions.

Post-Event Review:

After the event, the catering business should conduct a post-event review to evaluate the
success of the catering proposal. This review should include feedback from the client and any
staff involved in the event. This feedback can then be used to improve the catering business's
processes and procedures for future events.
Overall, a combination of consultation, analysis, verification and reference checks can help you
to verify the operational and service practicality of a catering proposal, and ensure that your
event is a success.

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2.5. Present proposal including accurate information on

range, price and style of catering products and services

Presentation of a proposal to a client is a highly crucial practice for any company. Similarly, the catering proposal should
also be presented to the client in a convincing manner. The catering team’s representative is responsible for accurately
explaining all the information included in the proposal to the client. The person should explain about the price, range and
the style of catering service, including the products offered as a part of the menu. The explaination should be in accordance
with the contents listed in the proposal. The client must be able to understand the proposal and its each aspect. They
should also be informed of any applicable terms that are not listed in the proposal.

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2.5.1 Presenting catering proposal and accurate information to the client
or threatening situations (KE 4)
Need for presenting the catering proposal and accurate information to the client
Preparing a catering proposal is meaningless if it is not presented to the client. The client must
1.3.1 Resources
be informed that can
and explained assist
about in managing
the proposal conflicts
and its aspects. or threatening
The catering business must
ensure the(KE
situations client4)that the menu items are selected according to their preferences and align
with the event's overall concept and theme. They should understand the terms and conditions
listed in the proposal. Additionally, they must also be aware of the pricing structure, including
the cost of each part of the proposal and the total consideration the catering business expects
1.3.1 Resources
in return that can
for the services. assist in managing
The presentation conflicts
of the catering oranthreatening
proposal is opportunity to pitch
the ideas and
situations (KEinputs
4) of the business and staff members to support the client's vision regarding
the occasion.
The information listed in the proposal and presented to the client must be accurate. It should
be based
1.3.1 on actualthat
Resources data, can
facts and results
assist in of the analysisconflicts
managing carried out or
by the business. The
representative should not list an unfair condition against industry regulations. The proposal
situations (KE 4)
should be made in the best interest of the client. Providing inaccurate information to the client
may result in conflicts or legal claims.

1.3.1 to presentthat
Resources catering proposal
can assist in and accurateconflicts
managing information to the client
or threatening
situations (KEare4)the steps for giving the catering proposal and precise information to the
The following

Provide overview:
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE
The speaker 4)
or presenter should initiate the presentation by providing the client with an
overview of the proposal. The summary can contain brief information about the company, its
services and how these services can help the client.

Review objectives:

The client's objectives should be summarised and confirmed before proceeding with the
proposal. It assists the presenter in aligning the presentation with the event's vision and goals
set by the client.

Include expectations:

The presenter should further include all the aspects of the service expected by the client. The
proposal should contain all the desired sections, including the menu options, decoration

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themes, add-on products and services, cost specifications etc. All activities within the catering
service's scope should be included in the proposal and explained to the client.

Specify exclusions:

The services/activities that do not fall within the scope of catering are required to be specified
to the client. It is done to avoid providing wrong assumptions to the client. The latter must be
informed on what to expect and what not. It reduces the chances of any confusion or conflict
between the company and the client.

Define communications:

The client should be aware of the ways and mediums through which the catering team will
collaborate. They should know the contact details of relevant members so they can contact
them in case of queries or confusion. Communication is essential for collaborating with the
client and assisting them in the smooth conduct of the event and its catering.

Seek questions:

The representative should end the presentation with a Q&A session. They can seek questions
and queries from the client. The latter can ask their doubts or queries from the catering team's
representative. Having clear comprehension assists them in making their decision of accepting
or refusing the proposal.

Features of expressing and communicating effectively

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The speaker should be clear with the information. They should clearly define and communicate
the purpose of the information and the elements included in it. Any complicated words or
technical jargon should be avoided.


The proposal should be communicated correctly without grammatical, technical or contextual

errors during the verbal exchange. The speaker should fact-check the information in the study
and avoid grammatical errors. Any incorrectness during the verbal exchange can reduce the
speaker's credibility.


It is necessary to ensure that the client has all the resources and other relevant information to
comprehend the information being shared.

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People who are open and supportive in their approach to Communication must be transparent
with their thoughts and work. They demonstrate appropriate behaviour to others by presenting
it to them. They should communicate the information in simple and few words without
complicating the topic and context.


The speaker must be approachable to receive essential Communication. They must be kind,
polite and understanding. They should behave professionally and bear excellent listening skills.
The client will be willing to communicate openly with the speaker if they are sure their opinions
will not be dismissed.


Respect for clients demonstrates the speaker's appreciation for them. The speaker must give
employees their full attention when they talk to them. Maintaining civility during the verbal
exchange is an effective way to make the staff understand their schedules without any conflicts


During the Communication, the speaker needs to ensure that the words and reasoning used are
specific to the topic and are relevant to each other, work together, and support one another.
They must provide precise data to validate the outcomes formed and other elements recorded
in the catering proposal.

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2.6. Obtain approval to proceed with catering

The client can approve or reject the catering proposal. They take the decision based on the proposal's effectiveness, the
practicality of its elements, cost specifications and the way of is presented. The following action cannot be initiated if the
client declines the proposal. They may reject the pitch due to overall cost, menu options, unfair terms, unfeasible activity or
misconduct of the representative. Therefore, it is essential to obtain the client's approval before initiating the action plan.
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2.6.1 Obtaining client’s approval

conflicts or threatening
Client approval situations
from consultation (KEclient's
refers to the 4) agreement to move forward with the
catering proposal that has been developed based on the consultation. The catering business
presents the client with a proposal that outlines the details of the event, including the menu,
1.3.1 requirements,
Resources logistics,
that and pricing.
can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE the
After reviewing 4) proposal, the client will typically provide feedback to the catering business.
This feedback may include requests for changes to the menu, service, or other aspects of the
proposal. The catering business will work with the client to make any necessary adjustments
and revisions to the proposal to ensure that it fully meets the client's needs and expectations.
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

Once the proposal has been finalized and the client is satisfied with the details, the client will
typically provide their approval or sign a contract to indicate their agreement to move forward
with the catering services. This approval is important as it provides the catering business with
the client's explicit agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the proposal, including
the pricing and the level of service to be provided.
Client approval from consultation is an essential step in the catering business as it ensures that
there is a clear understanding and agreement between the client and the catering business, and
that both parties are working towards a successful event.

Importance of obtaining client's approval

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The client's approval is the primary requirement for initiating the catering plan. Without it, the
concerned individuals cannot begin to execute the procedure. The approval gives the catering
business and team a positive signal to proceed with their ideas and plans. It ensures that the
client is willing to seek their collaboration to enhance their event with their catering services'
help. Therefore, it is necessary to seek their approval before jumping to the next step of the
Obtaining client approval for a catering proposal is important for several reasons, including:

Meeting Client Needs:

The approval process ensures that the catering proposal aligns with the client's needs and
expectations. By reviewing the proposal and providing feedback, the client is able to
communicate their specific requirements and ensure that the catering services provided will
meet their needs.

Building Trust:

By working collaboratively with the client to develop a proposal and obtaining their approval,
the catering business can build trust with the client. This trust is essential in the catering
business as it leads to repeat business and positive referrals.

Managing Expectations:

The approval process helps to manage expectations by providing a clear understanding of the
catering services to be provided, including the menu, service requirements, and pricing. This
ensures that there are no surprises or misunderstandings during the event.

Mitigating Risk:

Obtaining client approval can also help to mitigate risk for the catering business. By having a
clear understanding of the client's requirements and obtaining their approval, the catering
business can reduce the risk of misunderstandings or disputes arising during or after the event.


Obtaining client approval is a professional way of doing business. It shows the client that the
catering business takes their needs seriously and is committed to delivering high-quality
Overall, obtaining client approval for a catering proposal is an essential step in the catering
business. It helps to ensure that the catering services provided meet the client's needs, builds
trust, manages expectations, mitigates risk, and demonstrates professionalism.

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Ways of obtaining client's approval
The following are the ways of obtaining the client's approval regarding the catering proposal:

Requesting authorisation on the spot:

The representative can ask the client to approve or decline the catering proposal after finishing
the presentation. However, the client might consider it an impolite or unprofessional practice.
They might require time to make their decision. This method should not be preferred unless
there is a limitation of time or urgency.

Contacting the client:

The client should be given time to decide whether to approve or decline the catering proposal.
The representatives or concerned staff members can contact the client via email, call or text
message to request their approval after the due time has lapsed.

Scheduling another meeting:

If the client is willing to negotiate certain elements or terms of the proposal, the representative
can schedule another appointment. Both parties can meet and discuss the factors and
conditions of the proposed catering plan to reach a mutual agreement. Subsequently, the
client's signature must be taken on the relevant documents to keep an official record and proof
of the authorisation.

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Video Title: Catering Proposal Template PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Further Reading

Website title: Preparing a Catering Proposal

Website link:

73 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Self-Study Guide

Refer the chapter 2 in the self-study guide to get more information about topic.
You will need to provide answers to the questions given in the self-study guide.

Further Reading

Learning Activity

Refer the chapter 2 in the class activity book to perform activities related to the
You will need to provide answers to the questions and complete the given
activities in the class activity book.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Chapter 3: Prepare and implement
operational plan

75 | P a g e
Planning is the management function that entails establishing goals and determining a strategy for achieving those goals.
An operational plan is a crucial document that strategically plans all the operations required to provide a successful and
quality Plan catering
business service. It consistsfor events
of all or functions
the activities to be performed by different people and departments to ensure
that the goals and objectives of the company and the client are achieved. The catering team discuss and develop an
operational plan to streamline various steps and aspects involved in the process. These activities include services and
products to be provided, their costs, arranging the necessary resources, timelines for each schedule, exclusions, etc. An
operational plan explains the business's mission and vision, which are further aligned with the requirements and
preferences of the client.
The plan is made to provide a sequential direction to every effort or action taken by the catering team. Furthermore, it
determines how each step benefits the purpose of the agreement. It also specifies how much time is required to complete
each activity. It is created and implemented so that each staff member recognises and fulfils their roles and
responsibilities towards the goals.

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What will you learn from this chapter?

In this chapter, you will learn the following points:

3.1. Prepare an operational plan for provision of catering and ancillary
products and services, identifying steps, activities and sequence.
3.2. Incorporate food safety and risk management issues into plan.
3.3. Review, verify and finalise details with client.
3.4. Provide accurate information on operational plans to relevant personnel
to ensure effective implementation.
3.5. Implement and monitor catering plan for the event, making adjustments
as required.
3.6. Obtain feedback from customer and operational staff after the event to
inform future catering activities.

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3.1. Prepare an operational plan for provision of catering

and ancillary products and services, identifying steps,
activities and sequence

The operational plan is developed after considering the operational factors and requirements of the event. Moreover, the
organisation also reviews its policies and procedures to outline the elements to be included in the plan. It is a strategic
document that requires time and effort from the team members, including its supervisor. The catering team discusses
various program elements such as the budget, resources, service style, menu options and style, venue details, timelines,
ancillary products and services, audience type and event concept. The team make significant decisions associated with all
these elements after collective brainstorming. Each member contributes to the process and puts forward their ideas,
views and opinions. The team specifies the steps or activities involved in the whole process in a sequential manner.
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3.1.1 Ancillary products and services for catering business
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Ancillary products and services are additional offerings that a catering business can provide to
enhance the(KE 4) customer experience and generate additional revenue. Here are some
examples of ancillary products and services that a catering business can offer:

Rental Equipment:
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Rental equipment
situations (KE 4)is an ancillary product and service that a catering business can offer to their
clients. This may include items such as tables, chairs, linens, flatware, glassware, and other
event-related equipment. By offering rental equipment, a catering business can provide a
convenient and one-stop-shop experience for their clients, which can help to simplify the event
1.3.1 Resources
planning that
process and savecan
the assist in and
client time managing
effort. conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

Here are some benefits of offering rental equipment as an ancillary service for a catering

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❖ Convenience: By offering rental equipment, a catering business can provide a

convenient and seamless experience for their clients. The client can work with a single
vendor to meet all of their event-related needs, including catering and equipment
❖ Additional Revenue: Rental equipment can provide an additional revenue stream for
the catering business. By offering rental equipment, the business can generate
additional income and increase their overall profitability.
❖ Cost Savings: Rental equipment can be more cost-effective for clients compared to
purchasing or owning the equipment themselves. By renting equipment, clients can
save money on storage, maintenance, and other related costs.
❖ Quality Assurance: A catering business that offers rental equipment can ensure that
the equipment is of high quality and well-maintained. This can provide peace of mind
to clients who want to ensure that their event is well-executed.
❖ Flexibility: Offering rental equipment can also provide flexibility to the client in terms
of customization and personalization of their event. Clients can select from a range of
options to create the perfect look and feel for their event.

Overall, offering rental equipment as an ancillary service can be a valuable addition to a

catering business. It can provide convenience, generate additional revenue, offer cost savings,
ensure quality, and provide flexibility to clients.

Bar Services:

Bar services are an ancillary product and service that a catering business can offer to their
clients. This may include alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, bartenders, glassware, and
other bar-related equipment. By offering bar services, a catering business can provide a
comprehensive and seamless experience for their clients, which can enhance the overall event
Here ❖are Convenience:
some benefitsBy ofoffering
barservices, a catering
services as business
an ancillary canfor
service provide a convenient
a catering business:
and one-stop-shop experience for their clients. Clients can work with a single vendor
to meet all of their catering and beverage-related needs.
❖ Customization: Offering bar services can allow clients to customize the beverages
served at their event. A catering business can work with clients to select the perfect
menu of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to match the event theme and
❖ Experienced Bartenders: A catering business that offers bar services can provide
experienced bartenders to mix and serve drinks. This can help to ensure that drinks
are prepared to high-quality standards, and that guests receive great service.
❖ Liability Coverage: A catering business that offers bar services can provide liability
coverage for alcohol-related incidents. This can provide peace of mind to clients and
81 | P a gprotect
e them from potential legal and financial liabilities.
❖ Increased Revenue: Offering bar services can provide an additional revenue stream
for the catering business. By offering alcohol-related services, the business can
generate additional income and increase their overall profitability.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Overall, offering bar services as an ancillary product and service can be a valuable addition to a
catering business. It can provide convenience, customization, experienced bartenders, liability
coverage, and increased revenue.

Floral Arrangements:

Floral arrangements are an ancillary product and service that a catering business can offer to
their clients. This may include creating and arranging floral centerpieces, bouquets, and other
floral arrangements for events. By offering floral arrangements, a catering business can
enhance the decor and atmosphere of an event and create a more memorable experience for
the clients and their guests.

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Here are some benefits of offering floral arrangements as an ancillary service for a catering

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❖ Customization: Offering floral arrangements can allow clients to customize the look and
feel of their event. A catering business can work with clients to select the perfect flowers
and arrangements to match the event theme and preferences.
❖ Expertise: A catering business that offers floral arrangements can provide expert florists
to create and arrange the flowers. This can help to ensure that the floral arrangements
are of high quality, visually appealing, and complement the overall event design.
❖ Convenience: By offering floral arrangements, a catering business can provide a
convenient and one-stop-shop experience for their clients. Clients can work with a single
vendor to meet all of their catering and decor-related needs.
❖ Additional Revenue: Offering floral arrangements can provide an additional revenue
stream for the catering business. By offering floral-related services, the business can
generate additional income and increase their overall profitability.
❖ Branding: Offering floral arrangements can help to differentiate a catering business from
competitors and enhance the business brand. Clients may remember the floral
arrangements and associate them with the catering business, which can help to increase
brand recognition and reputation.

Overall, offering floral arrangements as an ancillary product and service can be a valuable
addition to a catering business. It can provide customization, expertise, convenience, additional
revenue, and branding opportunities.

Event Planning Services:

Event planning services are an ancillary product and service that a catering business can offer to
their clients. This may include assistance with planning and coordinating the details of an event,
such as selecting a venue, arranging transportation, coordinating entertainment, and managing
logistics. By offering event planning services, a catering business can provide a comprehensive
and seamless experience for their clients, which can enhance the overall event experience.
Here are some benefits of offering event planning services as an ancillary service for a catering

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❖ Convenience: By offering event planning services, a catering business can provide a
convenient and one-stop-shop experience for their clients. Clients can work with a
single vendor to meet all of their catering and event planning-related needs.
❖ Expertise: A catering business that offers event planning services can provide expert
event planners to assist with the planning and coordination of the event. This can help
to ensure that all details are taken care of and the event runs smoothly.
❖ Customization: Offering event planning services can allow clients to customize the
event to their preferences. A catering business can work with clients to select the
perfect venue, entertainment, and other details to match the event theme and
❖ Increased Revenue: Offering event planning services can provide an additional revenue
stream for the catering business. By offering comprehensive event-related services, the
business can generate additional income and increase their overall profitability.
❖ Enhanced Reputation: By offering event planning services, a catering business can
enhance their reputation and brand. Clients will associate the catering business with
seamless event planning, which can help to increase brand recognition and reputation.

Overall, offering event planning services as an ancillary product and service can be a valuable
addition to a catering business. It can provide convenience, expertise, customization, increased
revenue, and an enhanced reputation.

Entertainment Services:

Entertainment services are another ancillary product and service that a catering business can
offer to their clients. This may include providing live music, DJ services, or other forms of
entertainment for events. By offering entertainment services, a catering business can enhance
the atmosphere and create a more enjoyable experience for the clients and their guests.

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Here are some benefits of offering entertainment services as an ancillary service for a catering
❖ Customization: Offering entertainment services can allow clients to customize the
type of entertainment to match the event theme and preferences. A catering business
can work with clients to select the perfect entertainment options for the event.
❖ Enhanced Atmosphere: By offering entertainment services, a catering business can
create a more engaging and enjoyable atmosphere for the clients and their guests.
This can help to make the event more memorable and enjoyable for everyone.
❖ Expertise: A catering business that offers entertainment services can provide
experienced and talented performers to ensure that the entertainment is of high
quality and matches the event theme and preferences.
❖ Convenience: By offering entertainment services, a catering business can provide a
convenient and one-stop-shop experience for their clients. Clients can work with a
single vendor to meet all of their catering and entertainment-related needs.
❖ Additional Revenue: Offering entertainment services can provide an additional
revenue stream for the catering business. By offering entertainment-related services,
the business can generate additional income and increase their overall profitability.
Overall, offering entertainment services as an ancillary product and service can be a valuable
addition to a catering business. It can provide customization, enhanced atmosphere, expertise,
convenience, and additional revenue opportunities.

Photography and Videography:

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Photography and videography are ancillary products and services that a catering business can
offer to their clients. This may include providing professional photography and videography
services to capture the event and provide a lasting memory for the clients and their guests. By
offering photography and videography services, a catering business can enhance the overall
experience and provide a valuable service to their clients.

Here are some benefits of offering photography and videography services as an ancillary service
for a catering business:

❖ Professional Quality: By offering photography and videography services, a catering

business can provide professional-quality photos and videos that capture the event in a
visually appealing and memorable way.
❖ Convenience: By offering photography and videography services, a catering business
can provide a convenient and one-stop-shop experience for their clients. Clients can
work with a single vendor to meet all of their catering and photography/videography-
related needs.
❖ Expertise: A catering business that offers photography and videography services can
provide experienced and skilled professionals to capture the event. This can help to
ensure that the photos and videos are of high quality and capture the event in the best
way possible.
❖ Additional Revenue: Offering photography and videography services can provide an
additional revenue stream for the catering business. By offering photography and
videography-related services, the business can generate additional income and
increase their overall profitability.
❖ Lasting Memories: By offering photography and videography services, a catering
business can provide clients with lasting memories of their event. This can help to
enhance the overall experience and create a positive impression of the catering
87 | P a gbusiness.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Overall, offering photography and videography services as an ancillary product and service can
be a valuable addition to a catering business. It can provide professional quality, convenience,
expertise, additional revenue opportunities, and lasting memories for the clients and their

Transportation Services:

Transportation services are another ancillary product and service that a catering business can
offer to their clients. This may include providing transportation to and from the event, as well
as shuttle services between the event venue and other locations, such as hotels or parking
areas. By offering transportation services, a catering business can provide an added
convenience and value to their clients.
Here are some benefits of offering transportation services as an ancillary service for a catering
❖ Convenience: By offering transportation services, a catering business can provide
clients with a convenient and hassle-free experience. Clients don't have to worry about
transportation logistics and can focus on enjoying the event.
❖ Safety: By offering transportation services, a catering business can ensure that their
clients and guests arrive at the event and other locations safely. This can help to
reduce the risk of accidents and provide peace of mind to the clients.
❖ Expertise: A catering business that offers transportation services can provide
experienced drivers and transportation professionals to ensure that the transportation
is of high quality and meets the needs of the clients.
88 | P a g e
❖ Customization: Offering transportation services can allow clients to customize their
transportation needs to match their preferences and requirements. A catering business
can work with clients to provide transportation options that meet their specific needs.
❖ Additional Revenue: Offering transportation services can provide an additional revenue
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Overall, offering ancillary products and services can help a catering business to differentiate
themselves from competitors and provide additional value to their clients. It can also provide
an additional revenue stream for the business.

3.1.2 Preparing the operational plan

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

Importance of preparing the operational plan

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
The following points highlight the importance of preparing the operational plan:
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources
Provides direction that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
An operational(KEplan4)is prepared to outline the steps involved in providing the catering
service. It directs the team by identifying the key elements and operations required to be
executed and at what time intervals.

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Specifies roles and responsibilities

It also specifies the roles and responsibilities of each team member. It divides the activities
into work areas such as cooking, serving, purchasing, maintaining supplies etc; and assigns
task to the members according to their skills and abilities.

Aligns the tasks against the stakeholder’s requirements

An operational plan facilitates alignment of the operational activities with the stakeholder’s
requirements, instructions and demands. It assists the team in providing customized and
effective catering service to the client.

Format and contents required for developing a catering operational plan (KE
A catering plan is made for planning and managing catering delivery to a function. The basic
format of the project should include details of the company and client, event details, desired
goals and objectives, inclusions and exclusions of the contract, standards, operations and a
timeline for the whole process. The following steps are involved in the process of creating a
catering operational plan:

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Strategy Sequence

Provision for
Scope ancillary products
and services

Key activities and Practicality

steps assessment


The foremost step in developing a catering plan is building a strategy. An approach refers to the
planned course of action to achieve desired results. The catering team discusses the vision and
objectives of the service to outline a map of activities. These actions pertain to vital steps that
can assist in attaining the goals. Brainstorming is a critical requirement of strategy building.


The plan's scope must be defined to make it more detail-oriented. The operational plan range
depends on the event's scale, and the terms mutually agreed upon by both parties. It is
essential to exclude the elements that don't fall within the scope of the catering proposal
approved by the client. For instance, marketing the event is excluded from the coverage of the
catering plan.

Key activities and steps:

The actions or operations identified in the strategy-building process are broken down into key
activities and measures. Particular timelines are allotted for the accomplishment of these steps
or activities. Consequently, these activities and efforts are assigned to the relevant team
members. The supervisor or manager specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member.

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The staff is divided into smaller teams based on these activities: planning, menu designing,
management, cooking, service, etc.


The activities identified in the strategy must be appropriately arranged. The team can organise
the planned actions and define the timelines for each. The sequence must be decided with
logical reasoning. The selection of menu options should precede the purchase of required
ingredients. Creating a series ensures that everyone's actions are streamlined towards
accomplishing the goals, and there are no conflicting activities.

Provision for ancillary products and services:

Ancillary products and services are complementary or additional to the primary products and
services of the business. The company providing catering services to the event can arrange for
add-ons, such as transportation, equipment, lighting, decoration etc. However, the provision of
ancillary products or services should be included in the catering proposal approved by the
company and the client. If there was no such provision in the proposal, the client could request
such add-ons before making the catering plan. But the decision of making provision for them
lies in the hands of the business.

Practicality assessment:

The team should assess the plan's feasibility against the client's requirements, industry trends
and practices, available funds and resources, etc. These parameters assist the team in
evaluating the plan's success rate if implemented effectively. It also helps identify impractical
areas or activities and discard them within time.

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3.2. Incorporate food safety and risk management issues

into plan

Food safety refers to maintaining proper conditions for the food to prevent it from getting spoiled. It includes practices
like sanitisation, disinfection, storage, ventilation, labels, etc. Food safety practices aim to maintain the quality and
freshness of food and prevent it from getting contaminated. Contaminated or spoiled food can spread infectious diseases
like food poisoning. Therefore, food safety practices must be incorporated into the catering plan.
Apart From the food safety issues, several other risks are involved in delivering catering services to an event. These risks
can be related to the dispensing system, weather, consumer preferences, delivery of supplies, price fluctuations,
availability of ingredients or size and availability of preparation and storage areas. The catering team should also prorate
rate these risk93management
|Page issues in their catering plan to avoid any hindrances or adverse outcomes of the procedure.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
3.2.1 Food safety issues in catering
situations (KE 4)
Importance of safe food handling (KE 8.1)
Safe food handling is an essential part of food safety. If any food business fails to discharge its
1.3.1 Resources
obligation thatsafe
of employing canprocedures
assist infor managing conflicts
the various steps orinthreatening
involved food manufacturing,
situations (KEpackaging,
4) receiving, storing, preparing, selling and disposing of food items, it can
cause contamination. Contamination can further cause numerous food-borne diseases,
including food poisoning. These diseases can be severe and threaten the consumer's health and
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Procedures and guidelines for safe food handling are ensured and regulated by the government
authorities.(KE 4)authorities can charge heavy fines or penalties for violating the standards or
codes they set regarding food safety.

1.3.1 food safety
Resources issues
that can in catering
assist and their
in managing solutions:
conflicts or(KE 7.5) (KE 8.1) (KE
situations (KE 4)
The following are the potential food safety issues in catering:

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

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Proper cleaning, sanitation, and disinfection are essential in the storage area as it contributes to
keeping the stored food items away from any harmful external factor that can cause
contamination. Regular, thorough cleaning can prevent the growth of microbes. The containers
and other materials in the storage room must be regularly cleaned and disinfected. It is also
crucial that the cleaning staff must wear the essential PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) kit,
including a mask, goggles and gloves while cleaning the area.


Harmful microbes such as bacteria grow on food items only at certain temperatures and
contaminate them. Food items in different categories require different storage items based on
the temperature ranges within which they remain safe for consumption and free from the
attack of microbes. Hot foods that require high temperatures are kept at 60 degrees Celsius or
above as bacteria are killed at this temperature range. Cold food that must be refrigerated is
stored at 5 degrees Celsius or below as bacteria don't grow at this range. Frozen must be held
at a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius. However, the temperature zone between 5 to 60
degrees Celsius is harmful because the bacteria proliferates on any food.

Overcrowding of staff and guests:

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People traffic can cause accidental destruction of perishable food items due to negligence or
lack of space. Moreover, overcrowding in the storage area can also lead to trips or falls that can
result in accidental damage to the stock containing perishable items.


Humidity refers to the number of water vapours in the air. The more considerable the amount
of pressure, the higher the humidity. The humidity of the storage environment should be kept
low as moulds and bacteria can proliferate and lead to food spoilage and illness related to food.
Humidity can also lead to the breakdown of some packaging materials.


Shelf life is when a food item can remain safe for consumption. Once the shelf life is passed, the
food item becomes unfit for consumption. Consuming expiry products or beverages can cause
fatal diseases, including food poisoning. Therefore, it is essential to identify and discards such
items. FIFO (First in - first out) is a standard stock rotation strategy for storing food items and
products. This method aims to exhaust or make use of the things with an earlier shelf life
before those with a later shelf life.

3.2.2 Risk management issues in catering

situations (KE 4) risks in catering
Need for managing
Poor risk-managing procedures can lead to:
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE
Threat 4)
to consumer's and staff's health & safety

Poor reputation of the business

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Legal claims
situations (KE 4)
Threat to consumer and staff's health & safety:
Poor Resources that
risk management canlike
issues assist in managing
contaminated conflicts
food items, equipmentormalfunctions,
threatening poor
situations (KEetc.,
power sources, 4) can pose a severe threat to the health and safety of the consumers and

The business's poor reputation:

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
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A company that cannot handle or manage the risks associated with its services or operations
products doesn't have a notable reputation in the industry. A business neglecting risk
management practices will likely get negative reviews and customer feedback.

Legal claims:

Customers can file legal claims against the business for violating consumer rights and the food
standards code. The company may also pay heavy fines and penalties for negligence and
violation. If the claim is significant, it can also challenge the business's survival in the industry.

Potential risk management issues and their management in catering (KE 5.5) (KE
The following are the potential risk management issues in catering:

Availability and reliability of equipment (KE 7.1):

The type of equipment available for the staff members to carry out the core operations holds
potential risk for their safety. The staff members rely on equipment such as ovens, stoves,
trolleys, etc., to prepare and serve food. If they are not appropriately examined before their
usage, they can cause harm to people through shock, fire or accidents.

Beverage dispensing system (KE 7.2):

Dispensing system mixes or concentrates two or more ingredients to obtain the desired
beverage or drink. It is performed with relevant dispensing machines or tools. The dispensing
should be completed as per the guidelines prescribed by the ingredients manufacturers.
Additionally, the dispensing machines are legally required to bear labels and other necessary
directions for use. The relevant personnel must handle the equipment effectively to prevent a
hazard, including chemical reactions or burns.

Cooking and service times (KE 7.3):

The time intervals of cooking and serving the food and beverage can also risk the safety of staff
and guests. Cooking food items for inappropriate time intervals can cause overcooking or
undercooking. Undercooked or overcooked food can lead to health issues in specific customers.
Undercooking or overcooking particular food items can also cause equipment malfunction. The
staff members are also prone to falls and trips in case of service delays.

Customer preferences and inherent risks (KE 7.4):

Customer preferences are flexible. They can change with time. The dish initially preferred by
the guests can remain unpopular on the actual day of the function. This change negatively

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affects the quality of service and the attendees' satisfaction level. The duration between the
development of the catering plan and the event's day directly impacts this inherited risk of

Poor weather (KE 7.6):

The weather is also an unpredictable external factor impacting the transportation of food and
beverages for catering. Poor weather conditions (such as heavy rainfall, storms, snowfall, etc.)
affect standard delivery modes, including trucks, ships and vans. Such unfavourable weather
conditions can cause delays in delivering food and beverages to the venue or serving location.

Potential non-delivery of supplies (KE 7.7):

Certain situations, such as bad weather, hinder the delivery of the supplies required to prepare
food and beverages for catering. These situations are improper packaging, theft of
shipment/package, wrong addresses, etc. Non-delivery of essential supplies halts the whole
procedure of catering.

Power sources and backup options (KE 7.8):

Power sources are sources of electricity, water and fuel required for preparing the food items
listed in the catering menu. The power supply is essential for preparing and delivering the food
to the guests. If the sources of power, i.e., electricity, water or fuel, get disturbed, the cooking
team may not be able to cook and serve the delicacies requiring those things. This will reduce
the satisfaction levels of client and their guests. Therefore, the team must arrange for a backup
of these resources.

Price fluctuations (KE 7.10) (KE 7.12):

Price fluctuation, also known as volatility, is the change in the cost of a commodity during a
specific period. It may also include the day-to-day difference in the product's price. Changes in
the prices of commodities required by the catering team increase or decrease their production
and service cost. These fluctuations in the price of essential things can arise due to seasonal,
economic, social or political changes. The price fluctuations directly impact the actual revenue
or profit the catering business earns from the contract.

Requirement for public liability and other insurance (KE 7.11):

Public liability insurance helps safeguard self-employed and food businesses against significant
claims and damages. Therefore, companies are required to take this insurance. Other
insurances may apply to the catering business, such as Professional Indemnity Insurance, Food
Production Insurance, Food Product Liability etc. The absence of such insurance may put the
company at risk of unprotected legal claims and disputes.

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Non-availability of food and beverage ingredients (KE 7.13):

Due to the seasonal and climatic conditions, some components required to prepare food and
drinks may not be available to the team. This can cause a potential change in the menu options.
Modifications in the food and beverages menu may reduce the quality of service to the client
and guests.

Size and availability of food preparation and storage areas (KE 7.14):

The availability of the on-site food preparation and storage areas assists in maintaining, cooking
and delivering fresh and warm food to the guests. The large size of these areas also facilitates
quick service since various tasks are managed simultaneously. The unavailability of such regions
on the serving site may cause delays in the delivery. Small-sized production and storage areas
can also make the production and storage processes difficult. The chances of hazards such as
falls, trips, fires, shocks etc., also increase.

Ways to manage the risk (KE 8.3)


Elimination removes the risk at its source. This could mean changing how the work is done so
that toxic chemicals, heavy objects, or sharp tools are no longer used. Because there is no risk
of exposure, it is the most preferred method of protecting workers. It could also refer to
thoroughly removing chemicals, materials, processes, and equipment that are unnecessary to
the catering procedures. The equipment used in services should also be checked regularly to
ensure they are safe and are being used as per the manufacturer's instructions.

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Sometimes, it may not be feasible for the salon to eliminate the risk source. Thus, substitution
is the following effective way of risk control. Utilising a safer alternative to the hazard's source
is known as substitution. A good example is using stainless steel or aluminium cookware instead
of ordinary ones.

Engineering controls

Although elimination and substitution are two controls in the hierarchy of control measures
that are distinct from one another, they are both categorised as engineering controls because
they are intended to eliminate the hazardous source before the worker comes into contact with
it. Engineering controls in other forms include:


Separation in time or space reduces to eliminate hazards. This is beneficial in cases where
there is a usage of chemicals. Isolation controls can include: separating quiet and noisy areas.
Low-noise tasks like office work, packaging, cleaning, maintenance and repair should be
carried out in separate low-noise areas.


Constructing a closed system around the process or material.

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Moving hazardous materials to areas with fewer workers.

Guarding and shielding:

Installing guards to shield from electrical connections or moving parts.


Making use of fume hoods, fans, air ducts, and air filters for protection against
contaminated air.

Administrative controls

The difference between engineering and administrative controls is that while engineering
controls focus on eliminating the sources of risk, administrative controls help minimise the
team member's exposure to the risk. Administrative controls are the existing safety rules and
protocols for workers to follow. Following are examples of administrative controls:

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Standard Operating Procedures and checklists;


Conducting a Job Hazard Analysis before the start of an experiment;

limiting a person's time spent working with a particular material;

Requiring that no one work alone in the kitchen.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)

PPE is the least effective measure of risk control according to the hierarchy. However, it must
be used in case of the failures of other measures. However, PPE is not an appropriate method
of managing risk in catering unless working with chemicals or fumes.

Common catering risk and their management

Here are some suggestions on how to manage the potential risk that are explained in the above
section for the effective delivery of catering products and services:

Risk Management
Availability and reliability of equipment To manage this risk, ensure that equipment
is regularly serviced and inspected for any
issues. Have back-up equipment available in
case of equipment failure.
Beverage dispensing system safety Properly train staff on the use and
maintenance of beverage dispensing
systems, and conduct regular inspections to
ensure they are working correctly.

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Cooking and service times: Plan and schedule food preparation and
delivery to ensure that food is served on
time. Allow extra time for unforeseen issues
and consider staggered delivery times if
Customer preferences and inherent risks: Obtain information about customers' dietary
preferences and restrictions in advance and
ensure that all food items are labelled clearly
with allergen information.
Food safety issues: Implement strict food safety protocols and
ensure that staff are trained in proper food
handling and storage techniques. Conduct
regular inspections to ensure compliance
with food safety regulations.
Impacts of bad weather conditions on Have a contingency plan in place in case of
catering delivery: inclement weather, including back-up
equipment, food storage, and transportation
Potential non-delivery of supplies from Work only with trusted suppliers and have
unknown suppliers: back-up suppliers available in case of non-
Power sources and back-up options: Have backup power sources available in case
of power outages or equipment failure.
Problems with maintaining food quality and Implement strict food storage and handling
safety during storage, preparation, and protocols, conduct regular inspections, and
display at the event: use food temperature monitoring equipment
to ensure that food is kept at safe
Product price fluctuations Monitor market prices and adjust product
prices accordingly.
Requirement for public liability and other Ensure that all necessary insurances are in
insurances: place, including public liability insurance.
Seasonal fluctuations in food prices Plan menus according to seasonal availability
and market prices.
Seasonal non-availability of food and Plan menus that are flexible and adaptable
beverage ingredients: to seasonal availability.

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Size and availability of on-site food Ensure that the food preparation and
preparation and storage areas storage areas are adequate for the size of
the event, and make adjustments as
Venue access and impacts on food Plan food preparation and delivery schedules
preparation to meet deadlines in advance and ensure that staff have
sufficient access to the venue to meet
deadlines. Communicate with the event
organizers to ensure that venue access is
arranged in advance.

Steps to incorporate food safety and risk management issues into the catering
Incorporating food safety and risk management into a catering plan is essential to ensure the
safety of the clients and the success of the catering event. Here are some steps that can be
taken to incorporate food safety and risk management issues into a catering plan:

Develop a Food Safety Plan:

A food safety plan should be developed to identify potential food safety hazards and establish
preventive measures. The plan should include procedures for cleaning and sanitizing, food
storage, temperature control, and allergen control.

Conduct a Risk Assessment:

Conducting a risk assessment can help identify potential risks associated with the catering
event. This can include assessing the risks associated with the menu, food preparation,
transportation, and venue.

Establish Standard Operating Procedures:

Standard operating procedures should be developed to ensure that all staff members are aware
of the food safety plan and understand their role in implementing it. This includes procedures
for preparing, cooking, storing, and serving food, as well as emergency procedures.

Train Staff Members:

All staff members should receive training on food safety and risk management. This should
include training on the food safety plan, standard operating procedures, and emergency

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Conduct Quality Control Checks:

Quality control checks should be conducted throughout the catering event to ensure that the
food is being prepared and served according to the food safety plan and standard operating
procedures. This can include monitoring temperature control, sanitation, and food handling

Monitor and Evaluate:

Finally, the catering plan should include a process for monitoring and evaluating the food safety
and risk management plan. This can include conducting post-event reviews to identify areas for
improvement and making changes to the food safety plan and standard operating procedures
as needed.
By incorporating food safety and risk management into a catering plan, a catering business can
ensure the safety of its clients and minimize the risk of foodborne illness or other incidents. This
can help to build a positive reputation for the catering business and lead to repeat business
from satisfied clients.

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3.3. Review, verify and finalise details with client

Once the catering plan has been prepared, it should be discussed with the client. The client can review, verify and finalise
the plan if they are satisfied with its elements. Initiating the plan without a careful review, verification and approval by the
client might lead to conflicts. Review and verification are essentials for using any information source or the information
itself. An individual
106 | Pshould
a g e carefully review the credibility and relevance of the information source. This is done to ensure
that the information included in the plan is trustworthy, reliable, and utilised or referred by many other people.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
3.3.1 Reviewing, verifying and finalising details with client
1.3.1 for reviewing,
Resources thatverifying
can assistandinfinalising
managing details with the
conflicts orclient
situations (KE
The catering 4)must be reviewed, verified and finalised with the client. The program is only
implemented when the client approves and concludes it. They ensure the document contains
all the necessary terms for the catering contract. They may also request changes if they are not
satisfied with the plan. It is essential to review, verify and finalise the catering plan with the
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
client to ensure that both parties are aware of the subsequent steps and the overall actions
required to(KE 4) by them.
be taken

Steps to review and verify the catering plan

The Resources that the
client can negotiate canelements
assist and
in managing
terms listed inconflicts orwith
the program threatening
the team. They can
identify the(KE
in the overall strategic procedure and request improvements or changes in
certain areas. The modifications can be associated with cost, menu, service style, timings,
theme etc.
reviewing and that can aassist
verifying inplan,
catering managing conflicts
it is important orthat
to ensure threatening
all details are
correct and in line with the client's expectations. Here are some steps to follow:
situations (KE 4)
❖ Review the event details: Confirm the date, time, and location of the event to ensure that
all catering arrangements are aligned with the event schedule.
1.3.1 Resources
❖ Review the that
list: assist inexpected
Verify the managing conflicts
number of guests,or threatening
and ensure that the catering
situationsplan (KEis 4)
designed to accommodate the right number of people.
❖ Verify dietary requirements: Check that the catering plan caters to any special dietary
requirements, including allergies and religious preferences, and that there are suitable
options available for all guests.
❖ Review the menu: Review the proposed menu with the client, and ensure that it meets
their expectations and budget.
❖ Confirm serving style: Confirm the serving style, such as buffet, plated or family-style
service, and ensure that the catering plan accounts for the required equipment and staff.
❖ Review the beverage service: Verify that the beverage service meets the client's
requirements, including alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and that the necessary
equipment and staff are in place.
❖ Check equipment and rental needs: Verify that all equipment and rental items required for
the catering plan, including tables, chairs, linens, and serving ware, are included in the plan.
❖ Confirm staffing requirements: Ensure that the catering plan accounts for the necessary
staffing levels to execute the event, including chefs, servers, and bartenders.
❖ Review setup and breakdown: Verify that the catering plan accounts for the setup and
breakdown of the event, including timing, staffing, and logistics.
❖ Confirm payment terms: Confirm the payment terms and schedule, and ensure that they
are in line with the client's expectations.
107 | ❖
P a Finalize
ge the catering plan: Once all details have been reviewed and verified, finalize the
catering plan and communicate the details to the catering team.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
By following these steps, you can ensure that the catering plan is accurate and aligned with the
client's expectations, and that the catering team is fully prepared to execute the event

Key areas to consider while reviewing the plan

The following are the key areas to review and verify in the plan:

Currency Relevance

Accuracy Purpose


Currency is the initial step of this analysis. It is associated with the timeliness of the
information. It also determines how recent or historical the information is included in the plan.
The plan should reflect the data per the latest discussions and results between the team and
the client. If the information is not up-to-date, it is better to modify or update it.


Relevance defines the relationship between the information provided by the plan. The plan's
elements must be relevant to the company's terms and conditions and the client's demands
and preferences. If one of the elements fails to be following these, the client may request


The plan's dependability, truthfulness, and correctness are all aspects of its accuracy. The
accuracy of the information contained in the document can be assessed by seeking
testimonials, evidence and proof of its reliability through other relevant and reputed sources. It
can also be ascertained by checking if the information contains recent facts and figures.


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It refers to the reason for the creation and existence of the plan and the information contained
in it. The catering plan should be made to fulfil the event's purpose and attain the client's goals
and objectives.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

3.4. Provide accurate information on operational plans to

relevant personnel to ensure effective implementation

Team members are individuals or employees who work under the guidance and direction of team leaders and other team
members. The team members' purpose is to work harmoniously and collaboratively to ensure that the organisational
goals are met. They can be found in all sectors where their duties vary depending on the company's scope of practice. A
team cannot be built without the presence of team members. Team members are the individuals who understand the
team's purpose and the organisation's objectives. They collaborate to accomplish both personal and organisational goals
110 |Therefore,
in the workplace. Page it is essential to provide accurate information on the operational plans to the relevant team
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
3.4.1 Providing accurate information on operational plans to relevant
conflicts or threatening situations (KE 4)
Need for informing relevant personnel about operational plans
The establishment of harmonious relationships in a team that are both constructive and
1.3.1 Resources
productive that can
is an essential assist
part of in managing
peer consultation. conflicts
Providing accurateorinformation
threatening to the staff
members creates
situations (KE 4) a relationship that benefits the group and its members. It enables a business
to identify new trends and issues currently affecting the budget and its allocation or will in the
future. Listening to colleagues' concerns and feedback is a valuable source of information that
can improve the budget allocation process within the organisation. It may also serve as the
1.3.1 Resources
foundation that funds
for optimum can assist
and otherinresource
managing conflicts
utilisation. or threatening
It can further increase the overall
situations and4)
efficiency of the organisation.
The conclusions of the consultation should also be informed to the relevant personnel. Timely
informing the appropriate staff members about operational plans and decisions taken as a
1.3.1 of the discussion
Resources thatwith
client isinessential
managing as theyconflicts
are the ones
orwho implement the
decisions and plan the activities or operations of their specific team within the allocated
budget, time(KE
and4)resources. This information is also required to define and establish each
member's roles and responsibilities.

1.3.1 of informing
Resources that relevant personnel
can assist about operational
in managing conflicts plans
or threatening
situations (KE 4)
Refer to chapter 2, criteria 2.2, to read about how to communicate with the staff.

3.4.2 Ensuring effective implementation of operational plan

Importance of ensuring effective implementation of the operational plan

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening situations
Implementation occurs when the plan to achieve the organisation's goals is formulated and
4) to be executed by the relevant people. Procedures, policies, budgets, rules, standards,
and resources are needed for effective implementation. Effective implementation of the
catering plan facilitates effective outcomes. However, the desired results cannot be achieved if
1.3.1 Resources
the program is not that can assist
implemented in managing
correctly. conflicts or threatening
The team leader/manager/supervisor situations
must observe
that the strategy is implemented through the actions of the members. If the plan
4) is ineffective, it will result in several issues arising while providing the catering
service. There may be miscalculations or wrong estimation of required materials, poorly
defined or communicated duties, and adverse or reduced outcomes from the daily tasks.
Therefore, effective implementation is necessary to avoid such circumstances.

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Ways of ensuring effective implementation of the operational plan
The following are the ways of ensuring the effective implementation of the operational plan:

Adhering to the policies and procedures:

The members must adhere to the policies and procedures formulated while performing their
daily duties. These policies and procedures assist them in carrying out their tasks in an efficient,
timely and safe manner.

Creating and maintaining an environment of cooperative and open communication:

The responsibility of creating and maintaining an atmosphere of collaborative and open

communication doesn't solely rely upon the hands of the leader or manager. The team
members must also express their opinions and provide feedback to each other and the leader
or manager. The members must be polite, professional and relevant in their approach to
communication and encourage others to do so.

Establish cooperative and harmonious relationships within the group:

A good team member strives to establish and maintain positive and pleasant relationships
within or outside the team. These relationships help in greater efficiency, time management
and achieving desired outcomes. Moreover, they also help build a trusted professional network
for each team member.

Reporting to the manager or leader:

Team members are also required to report any discrepancy, progress, query and results to the
manager or leader in a predetermined and professional manner whenever needed. The report
must be done promptly, following all the rules and regulations to ensure proper responsive
measures by the leader or the manager.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

3.5. Implement and monitor catering plan for the event,

making adjustments as required

The catering plan is implemented and monitored by the team leader or supervisor and the members. Operations are
carried out at every level of the organisation and by all the staff members. Similarly, the catering team or staff also
performs specific functions to implement the catering plan. Therefore, the managers or supervisors must consistently and
effectively monitor the tasks carried out by different staff members for the functioning and running of the business.
Several aspects of monitoring the implementation of the catering plan include monitoring and improving them, planning
and organising workflow,
113 | P a g e monitoring and supporting team members and solving problems and making relevant decisions
and changes as per the requirements.
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

3.5.1 Implementing the catering plan

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
Implementation is the process of putting a plan or proposal into action. In the context of
situations (KE 4)
catering, implementation involves taking the various elements of a catering plan, such as menu
selection, equipment rental, staffing, and logistics, and putting them into action to successfully
cater an event.
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

During implementation, the catering business must coordinate with the client, vendors, and
staff to ensure that all aspects of the plan are executed smoothly and efficiently. This may
involve preparing and transporting food, setting up equipment and décor, serving guests, and
managing the overall event.
Effective implementation is essential for a successful catering business, as it ensures that clients
are satisfied with the quality of service and experience a smooth and enjoyable event .

Steps to follow to implement catering plan.

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Implementing a catering plan involves several steps to ensure that the event runs smoothly and
meets the needs of the client. Here are some steps to follow to implement a catering plan:

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❖ Finalize the catering plan: Make sure that all aspects of the catering plan have been
finalized, including the menu, serving style, equipment, staffing, and timeline.
❖ Coordinate with vendors: If you are working with vendors for ancillary products and
services, such as rental equipment, bar services, floral arrangements, or transportation
services, coordinate with them to ensure that they are prepared to meet the needs of
the event.
❖ Prepare the kitchen: Ensure that the kitchen and food preparation areas are clean and
well-organized. Make sure that all necessary equipment and utensils are clean,
operational, and readily available.
❖ Prepare the food: Prepare the food according to the menu and serving style. Ensure
that the food is of high quality and meets the dietary needs and preferences of the
clients and their guests.
❖ Transport the food and equipment: Transport the food and equipment to the event
location. Ensure that the food is transported in a safe and hygienic manner to maintain
its quality.
❖ Set up the event: Set up the event according to the catering plan. This may include
arranging tables, chairs, linens, and other equipment, as well as setting up the food and
beverage stations.
❖ Serve the food: Serve the food according to the serving style and timeline. Ensure that
the food is presented attractively and served at the appropriate temperature.
❖ Manage the event: Manage the event to ensure that it runs smoothly and meets the
needs of the clients and their guests. This may include coordinating with other vendors,
managing the timing of the event, and ensuring that the clients and their guests are
satisfied with the catering services.
❖ Clean up: Clean up the event space and ensure that all equipment and materials are
packed and transported safely.

By following these steps, a catering business can implement a catering plan successfully and
provide high-quality catering services to their clients

3.5.2 Monitoring the catering plan

1.3.1 Resources
Monitoring that of
is the process can assist checking,
observing, in managing conflicts
and evaluating or threatening
a particular system, process, or
situation. The purpose of monitoring is to keep track of progress, ensure that everything is on
situations (KE 4)
track, and identify potential issues before they become major problems.
In the context of catering, monitoring can involve observing the progress of the event to ensure
that everything is running smoothly and meeting the needs of the client and their guests. This
1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening
situations (KE 4)
116 | P a g e

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
may involve checking the quality of the food and service, monitoring staffing levels, and
ensuring that all logistics are in place.

Monitoring can be an ongoing process that continues throughout the event, from preparation
to execution. It can involve collecting data, analysing results, and making adjustments to ensure
that the event is a success.
Effective monitoring is essential for the success of any project or event, as it allows for early
identification of any issues and provides the opportunity to make adjustments to address them.
By monitoring the catering plan, catering businesses can ensure that they are delivering a high-
quality service that meets the needs of their clients and their guests.

Need for monitoring the catering plan

Organisations constantly strive to increase their productivity and expand. Employees play a vital
role in achieving this goal. Team members' productivity and efficiency drive a company's
growth. As a result, businesses must ensure that employees are informed of and have clear
goals and expectations set for them. But it is not enough to achieve the set goals. The ongoing
evaluation, measurement, monitoring, and enhancement of employee performance with these

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established objectives is just as crucial. The following points highlight the importance of
monitoring efficiency and service levels in an organisation:

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
❖ Consistent monitoring of the plan's business efficiency and service levels helps to
compare the team's actual performance against the desired performance and
❖ It assists in identifying any gaps in the business operations or the areas that are less
efficient or productive compared to others.
❖ It further aids the management or relevant managers in devising plans and strategies to
improve the efficiency and productivity of those areas.
❖ It ensures optimum utilisation of all the primary physical, financial, technical, and
human resources.
❖ Monitoring the catering plan is also essential to report the progress and successive
outcomes to the relevant shareholders.
❖ It provides an opportunity for the organisation to raise its service levels by increasing
the efficiency of employees and other resources, which provides a competitive
❖ Indulging in monitoring can likewise assist a company with increasing the plan's
efficiency and operating in a way that minimises costs.

Ways to monitor catering plan.

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SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
Monitoring the catering plan is an important step in ensuring that the event runs smoothly and
meets the needs of the client. Here are some ways to monitor the catering plan:


Make sure that the catering plan is being executed according to the timeline. This will help you
stay on track and ensure that everything is done on time.


Monitor the quality of the food and service to ensure that it meets the standards set by the
catering business and the client. This may involve taste-testing the food, checking the
presentation, and getting feedback from the client and their guests.


Maintain open lines of communication with the client and their guests to ensure that their
needs are being met. This may involve checking in with them periodically to see if they need
anything, answering any questions they may have, and addressing any concerns that arise.


Monitor the staffing levels to ensure that there are enough people to handle the event. This
may involve adjusting staffing levels based on the size of the event and the number of guests.


Monitor the logistics of the event to ensure that everything is running smoothly. This may
involve checking the equipment, transportation, and other logistics to ensure that everything is
working properly.

Emergency planning:

Monitor the event for any potential emergencies or issues that may arise, such as power
outages, inclement weather, or accidents. Have contingency plans in place to address any
potential issues that may arise.
By monitoring the catering plan, the catering business can ensure that the event runs smoothly
and meets the needs of the client and their guests. This can help to build a positive reputation
for the catering business and lead to repeat business and referrals.

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3.6. Obtain feedback from customer and operational staff

after the event to inform future catering activities

Feedback, also known as a review, is an easy and effective way to determine an organisation's efficiency and service levels.
Reviews can be obtained from the individuals directly associated with the company or obtain the company's products and
services, i.e., employees and customers. Employees can provide feedback regarding the workflow and internal functioning
of the business.
| Pcontrast,
a g e customers can review the company's service levels in terms of their satisfaction and overall
experience. Feedback from the client and the team members helps the organisation to enhance its future catering service
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
3.6.1 Obtaining feedback from customer and operational staff
1.3.1 Resources
Feedback that that
is information canisassist ininmanaging
provided response to aconflicts or threatening
particular event, product, or service.
situations (KEof4)catering, feedback may come from clients, guests, or staff, and can be used to
In the context
improve the quality of the catering service.
Feedback can be both positive and negative, and may provide valuable insights into how the
1.3.1 Resources
catering that
business can can assist
improve in managing
its services. conflicts
Positive feedback or threatening
can be used to reinforce what the
catering business is doing well and help build a positive reputation. Negative feedback, on the
situations (KE 4)
other hand, can be used as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and make changes
that can enhance the overall customer experience.

1.3.1 Resources that can assist in managing conflicts or threatening

situations (KE 4)

In order to collect feedback, catering businesses may use surveys, comment cards, or online
reviews. It is important to actively seek out feedback and take it seriously, as it can provide
valuable insights that can be used to improve the quality of the catering service.
By using feedback to make improvements, catering businesses can enhance the overall
customer experience and build a positive reputation, which can lead to increased business and

Methods to obtain feedback from the client

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There are several methods that you can use to obtain feedback from a catering client, including:

Feedback Forms:

One of the most common ways to gather feedback is through the use of feedback forms. You
can provide the client with a form at the end of the catering event or through email. The form
should include questions about the quality of the food, the service, the presentation, and any
other relevant information.


Surveys can be done online, through email, or through a phone call. They can be used to gather
more detailed feedback about specific aspects of the catering, such as the menu, the service, or
the venue.

One-on-One Meetings:

If you have a good relationship with the client, you can set up a one-on-one meeting to discuss
the catering. This can be done in person, over the phone, or through a video call. It's an
opportunity to get more detailed feedback and to discuss any areas for improvement.

Social Media:

You can monitor social media channels for feedback and reviews from clients. Respond to any
feedback and use it to improve your services.

Follow-up Phone Calls:

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Following up with a phone call after the catering event is a great way to obtain feedback. You
can ask the client about their overall experience and ask for specific feedback on areas that
you're looking to improve.
Remember that feedback is essential for improving your services and keeping your clients
happy. It's important to take feedback seriously and to use it to make positive changes to your
catering business

Methods to collect feedback from the operational staff

To obtain feedback from the operational staff in a catering business, you can use several
methods including:

Anonymous Feedback Surveys:

One of the most effective ways to obtain honest feedback from operational staff is through
anonymous feedback surveys. You can use online survey tools to create a survey and send it to
your staff. This allows your staff to provide feedback without fear of retaliation or judgment.

Focus Groups:

124 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions
You can also gather a group of staff members for a focus group. This is an opportunity to
discuss specific topics and gather feedback from your staff. It's important to ensure that the
focus group is a safe space for all staff to share their thoughts and opinions.

One-on-One Meetings:

One-on-one meetings are a great way to connect with individual staff members and gather
feedback. You can use this opportunity to discuss specific areas of the catering business and ask
for feedback.

Suggestion Boxes:

You can place suggestion boxes in common areas of your catering business, such as the kitchen
or staff room. This provides a place for staff to leave anonymous feedback, suggestions, and

Open-Door Policy:

Maintaining an open-door policy where staff can approach you or other management staff with
feedback or concerns is an effective way to foster open communication and collaboration. It's
essential to ensure that staff members feel comfortable to approach management with their
thoughts and ideas.
By gathering feedback from operational staff, you can identify areas for improvement and make
changes to enhance the catering business's operational efficiency, staff satisfaction and
customer service quality.

Importance of obtaining feedback from the client and operational staff

125 | P a g e
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Obtaining feedback from both clients and operational staff is essential for the success of a
catering business for several reasons:

Improving Services:

Feedback from clients and operational staff helps to identify areas where the catering business
can improve its services. By addressing the issues raised, you can enhance the quality of your
services, thus increasing customer satisfaction.

Enhancing Efficiency:

Feedback from operational staff can help identify bottlenecks in the catering process and
improve operational efficiency. This can lead to a more productive and efficient team that can
handle larger events, thereby increasing revenue.

Identifying Opportunities:

Feedback from clients and operational staff can also help identify opportunities for growth,
expansion, and diversification of the catering business. This can lead to the development of
new services, menus, or venue offerings, helping to attract new clients and retain existing ones.

Building Trust:

Obtaining feedback from clients and operational staff and taking action on it helps build trust
and loyalty. Clients are more likely to return and recommend your catering business to others if
they see that their feedback is valued and acted upon. Operational staff are also more likely to
feel valued and invested in their work, which leads to better employee retention.

Staying Competitive:

Feedback from clients and operational staff helps to stay competitive in a crowded market.
Taking action on feedback ensures that the catering business stays up-to-date with the latest
trends and industry best practices, positioning the business as a leading provider of catering
In conclusion, obtaining feedback from both clients and operational staff is crucial for the
success and growth of a catering business. It helps identify areas for improvement, enhance
efficiency, identify opportunities, build trust, and stay competitive in a crowded market.

Use feedback to plan future catering activities.

126 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Feedback is an essential tool for planning future catering activities. By collecting feedback from
clients and operational staff, a catering business can learn from past experiences and make
informed decisions about future events. Here are some ways that feedback can assist in
planning future catering activities:

Identifying Successful Menus and Services:

Feedback from clients can help identify which menu items and services were most popular and
well-received at past events. This information can be used to plan future events by offering
similar options that are likely to be popular with clients.

Addressing Areas for Improvement:

Feedback from clients and operational staff can also help identify areas for improvement. By
addressing these areas in future events, a catering business can provide better services and
improve customer satisfaction.

Adjusting the Pricing Strategy:

Feedback from clients can also provide insights into the pricing strategy. If clients provide
feedback that the pricing was too high, the catering business can adjust its pricing strategy for
future events.

Determining the Optimal Staffing Levels:

Feedback from operational staff can help determine the optimal staffing levels for future
events. If staff members felt that they were overworked and stressed, the catering business can
adjust staffing levels to ensure that the staff is not overburdened.

127 | P a g e
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Offering Customized Services:

Feedback from clients can also help determine which services and options clients are interested
in for future events. This information can be used to offer customized services that meet the
needs and preferences of clients.
Overall, feedback can assist in planning future catering activities by identifying successful
menus and services, addressing areas for improvement, adjusting pricing strategy, determining
optimal staffing levels, and offering customized services. By using feedback as a tool for
planning future events, a catering business can continuously improve and offer better services
to clients.

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Video Title: What is food safety?

Further Reading

Website title: Corporate Event Catering: 7 Tips About How to Plan Catering for a
Large Event
Website link:

129 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions

Self-Study Guide
Further Reading

Refer the chapter 3 in the self-study guide to get more information about topic.
You will need to provide answers to the questions given in the self-study guide.

Learning Activity

Refer the chapter 3 in the class activity book to perform activities related to the
You will need to provide answers to the questions and complete the given
activities in the class activity book.

130 | P a g e
SITHKOP014- Plan catering for events or functions


KE Knowledge Evidence
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
MS Microsoft
Q&A Question and Answer
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
FIFO First in First out
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
KPI Key Performance Indicator
WHS Work Health and Safety

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