Thesis Yeni Efrianti
Thesis Yeni Efrianti
Thesis Yeni Efrianti
SIN. 11714202664
SIN. 11714202664
A Thesis
Submitted as partial fulfillment of the Requirements
for Bachelor Degree of English Education
(S. Pd)
another as well as from one nation to another. Language is one of skills that
cannot use the language that many people use in the world, they will face many
problems in their life. One of languages often used is English. The English
language is used throughout the world for many different reasons: in education,
intention to someone else. People will be able to express their thought and feeling
English is vital and learners of the language need to master this skill in order to be
means that speaking English becomes a need for many people, especially for the
easy, because the people should master some aspects in speaking. They are
Nunan (2003) Speaking is very important in our life because without speaking we
cannot know what the others talk and speaking is the way used to interact with the
other people. It is assumed that speaking skill is one of aspects which is important
out the conversation and interaction in that languages. It can be concluded that
speaking skill must be mastered if the native has resolved to raise their abilities of
play an important part in our everyday lives. In any life aspect, either our social or
personal interaction, the ability to speak has been one of significant element of
the students feel difficult to speak with other students in their class. Students’
of the skills in English that must be taught and learned at Junior High School.
MTS Muhammadiyah Penyasawan, one of the schools that use school based
Muhammadiyah Penyasawan, the researcher chose the eight grade because the
researcher found the research problem based on the interview with one of English
The teacher said that students still have difficulties in speaking English
language. The students get difficulties when the teacher ask them to speak in front
of the class they can not know what to say, because they lack of vocabulary and
pronounciation. Then, they still lack of self confidence when they speak English.
Some students still feel confused when the teacher asks them to practice
grammatical mastery. Because English is not as their mother tongue and they do
not use English to communicate in their daily activity, it makes the students need
Mueen (2000) in Roud (2016) stated that there are several factors which
affect students difficulties in speaking English such as, lack of adequate and
wants to know the students’ difficulties in English speaking. From the background
Muhammadiyah Penyasawan?
Muhammadiyah Penyasawan?
d. Why do the students still feel confused when the teacher asks
the students’ difficulties in learning speaking English at the eight grade of MTS
formulates the problems as follows: What are the factors that cause students’
The objective of this research to find out the factors that cause
Muhammadiyah Penyasawan.
explain the definition of key terms which are used in this reserach. The
1. Analysis
2. Students’ Difficulties
3. Speaking
and use the voice (Brown, 2008). In this research speaking skill means
that the ability of students to speak, to say or express something and use
A. Theorical Framework
communicate something in daily life. The language skills that are categorized
into productive skills are speaking and writing. While, reading and listening
productive skill is the language skills where the students produce the language
closely intertwined and strengthen each other. These skill components are
messages delivered through spoken and printed texts that are produced by
language learners. Meanwhile, Hasibuan in Burns & Joyce (1997) said that
not always unpredictable. Brown (2004) said that speaking is literary to say
Rasyidah in Rivers (2004) said that what the students need in a target
there is a proverb which says that we learn to read by reading and we learn to
which one can express his/her idea, feeling and information to others orally.
ability to use the words with the correct pronunciation, to design the correct
grammar for the utterances, and to choose the diction or choice of words.
Further, Luoma (2004) stated that “being able to speak to friends, colleagues,
speakers can understand, is surely the goal of very many learners” and the
success of learning English can be seen and measured from their performance
standard greeting and small talk, simple Request and comment, and the like.
presentation and storytelling during which the opportunity for oral interaction
Muhammad Fauzan Ansyari (2007) state that learners should be able to make
reality there are many learners still difficult to speak because they do not know
Ansyari (2007) state that language learners should know the areas of
c. Social and cultural rules norms: understanding how to take into account
who is speaking to whom, in what conditions, about what and for what reason.
functions (Transactional and interaction), and social and cultural rules norms. It is
ability. O'Malley and Chamot (1990) state that learning strategies are special
retain new information. These activities can involve some styles. According to
Kavi (2018) in Sofyan (2018), several activities can be used in learning to speak,
a. Discussion in Group
The students are divided into two groups to discuss any interesting topic.
They may aim to conclude, share ideas about an event, or find the solution in the
b. Storytelling
beforehand, or they create their own stories to tell their classmate. Storytelling
fosters creative thinking, it also helps students express ideas in the format of
beginning, development, and ending, including the characters and setting a story
has to have.
c. Roleplay
In this activity, the teacher gives information to the learner such as who
they are and what they think or feel, the teacher can tell the students that they are
and then students will present one of the topics of their idea.
e. Debate
In this activity, students are divided into two groups, teachers will give one
topic to debate. They will be free to express their opinion on the topic. At the end
of it, the teacher might like to put the issues to vote or make conclusions about the
f. Dialogue
fashion in recent years. The learners think of a brief dialogue and they might learn
Learners can be asked to perform the dialogue on different topics such as their
g. Reporting
It can be used to make students' speak up. In this activity teacher asked
students to read a newspaper or magazines before coming to the class, in the class,
they report to their friends what they find as the most interesting news.
everyday lives. In any life aspect, either our social or personal interaction, the
In social interaction, the ability to speak effectively supports how far our
interaction going and how well relationship can be achieved. Then, in workplace
or career lives communication skill is one of main key for career success. For
and direct others to take the actions. Personally, we also need communication skill
to show our ability and capability. Our personality, self-image, knowledge of the
world, and our ability to reason and express our thoughts is all reflected in our
speaking has received a lot of attention from the general public. It is has been one
of the prominent qualities that can help you get the attention of other people.
Naturally, we are all a great fan of suceffective speaking skill. Finally, speaking
skill has been very important, since it is one of demanded skill that mostly used in
also use to interact with other people. In language teaching and learning it
speaking is an important part of curriculum. Not only for learners, speaking is also
English speaking is also not easy for students, because they must study hard if
they want fluency and good comprehension to speak therefore they must learn
(2014), difficulties in English speaking students common difficulties are they did
Maenwhile, Zhang (2009) argued that speaking remains the most difficult
skill to master for the majority of English learners, and they are still incompetent
are several problems which affect students’ skill in speaking English; such as, lack
lack of confidence. According to Brown (2007), there are many factors that
a. Internal factors
b. External factors
staffs, society and friends, and nonsocial environment such as house, school,
among two people and more in real time. Some various kinds of influencing
speaking fluency are cognitive factors, linguistic factors, and affective factors
(Wang, 2014)
c. Cognitive Factors
d. Linguistic factors
e. Affective Factors
anxiety- provoking.
second or foreign language makes Students get some difficulties, there are
many factors that influence the students such as internal and external factors,
Bygate (2008) Said that there are five problems students in speaking in
English, as follow:
a. Linguistic Obstacles
when speaking English. Not good structure when using English. Problem with
vocabulary and grammar when talking with teacher. And then error pronunciation.
This is difficulty in speaking because, students in their daily lives are still
accustomed to using mother tongue. Students also find it difficult to use words
and structures in English. When talking to teachers they don't communicate well
and effectively. Students still struggle to pay attention to fluency and accuracy
when speaking English, because there are many problems that they have not yet
atmosphere. Most students‟ are afraid of English speeches in the class and are not
d. Negative Affect
Negative affect is that students can be interpreted when they want to talk
feeling nervous, have high anxiety if they think negatively worry about grammar,
English in the classroom and when the teacher says they choose to be silent.
can be interpreted to speak English not for individuals but socially. Most
students‟ speak less English outside the classroom. And many do not participate
in class.
some difficulties. In this research, the researcher will focus on factor that cause
students difficulties in speaking. Penny Ur (1996) , said that there are four
a. Inhibition
trying to say things in a foreign language in the classroom. The student worried
about making mistakes, fearful pf critism or losinf face, simply shy of the
b. Nothing to say
Even if they are no inhibited, you often hear learners complain that they
beyond the quality feeling that they should be speaking. Not many students
know the vocabulary and the grammar so they should be able to motivate
groups, this means that everyone will have only very little speaking time. This
accustomed to using mother tongue, they tend to use his mother tongue
because it is indeed familiar since they were small, so it's easier to talk to their
fellow. They feel less to speak a foreign language so that lack of motivation.
From explanation above, there are four factor that cause students
Ellis (1985) stated there are factors that influence foreign language
learning, as follow:
a. Age
Richards and Renandya (2000 ) stated that age is one of the most
language through play, for example, whereas for adults can reasonably expect a
The students who has high IQ usually can solve their problem easily
and they can understand the material faster that gave from the teacher than their
friends who have lower IQ. Whereas aptitude is natural ability carried since
born. Some students are better in learning languages than others. It is caused by
students have different aptitude in learning process. Ellis (1985) said that
c. Cognitive Styles
solving problems
d. Personality
students usually afraid about making mistakes, shy of the attention when speak
e. Motivation
good speaking for someone. Harmer (2007) stated that motivation is some kind
something. Students have high motivation to success can receive and get better
into two categories, they are extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.
for example the students need to pass an exam, the hope of financial reward, or
is a priority for many second and foreign language learners. Several language
interaction. Each of these speech activities is quite distinct in term of form and
a) Talk as interaction
person. This is about how people try to convey his message to other
The focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to present
b) Talk as transaction
c) Talk as performance
public talks, public announcements, retell story, telling story and so on.
The common problem in speaking is that students only speak a little. They
problem that teachers talk with a lot of time. Should students who are
b. Even participation
Participation is the entire students take the place of the students who
whole class. The task should be designed in a way so that the out spoken
c. High motivation
Students are eager to speak, when the given topic was interesting and clear
the teacher must be in line with the capability of remaining so that students
successful speaking tasks such as, students talk a lot, even participation, high
motivation and right language level. Means that the students must be practice and
B. Relevant Research
survey. The results of the study showed a "low" speaking proficiency level
were as these of: communication in L1, large classes, and lack of time.
schools.” The aim of this study is to investigated the speaking difficulties that
helps learner to express easily and clearly, learner weakness in listening skill
causes speaking difficulties, some students are unable to choose the right
skill, no clear strategy of teaching English language which can help the
students‟ al Quds open university. The aim of study is exploring the speaking
interview. The result showed and indicated there some difficulties in the
speaking of the students due to some reasons such as fear of mistake shyness
data is qualitative used observation and interview. The result of the research
there are three major speaking difficulties encountered by the students at this
level, and they are linguistic difficulties mother tongue use, and inhibition.
Five, Nanda Aldila Sari (2016) conducted her study entitle students’
and also to describe the students’ strategies that was used to overcome the
observation and interview to collect the data. The result of the research
showed that every students had different difficulties in speaking. They are
participant, and mother tongue. The second factor students getting difficulties
class condition.
in speaking. This research only focuses on the factors that cause students’
C. Conceptual Framework
2. Nothing to say. Student speak in front of their class they can not think of
anything to say because they do not know the vocabulary and the
4. Mother-tongue use. Learners who share the same mother tongue tend to
use it because it is easier and because learners feel less exposed if they are
A. Research Design
cases over time through detailed, in-dept data collection involving mutiple
textual, visual, and audio files regarding the case or cases. The intent of the
English classroom.
The subject of this research were the eight grade students of MTS
1. Participants
students in which:
Table III.1
Participants of sample at MTS Muhammadiyah Penyasawan
No Class Number of Students
1 VIII A 19
2 VIII B 18
3 VIII C 28
Total 65
2. Sample
The sample is the group of participants in a study selected from the target
the small of group of the population on the reserach. Sample is part of the number
sample with certain deliberate. In line with it, Bernard (2002) in Erikan (2015)
stated that the purposive sampling techniques also called judment sampling, is the
It is non random technique that does not need underlying theorist or a set number
of participants. Simply put, the resaercher decides what needs to be known and
sets out to find people who can and are willing to provide the information.
By using purposive sampling, the researcher chose the sample those that
representative and present the participants. They were three classes of the eight
participants of the study taken based on the lowest speaking score among the
In this research, the researcher used the techniques of collecting data. They
1. Observation
place, because the situation of Corona pandemic cases have decreased and
the situation allows for the teaching and learning process in the
activities began to be held again, but the students were divided into
process. It means that an observer who visits a site and takes notes in the
2. Interview
answers from only one participant in the study at a time, so the participant
can give their opinions, ideas, and perspective on the phenomenon, and
Table III.II
Blue Print of Interview Guidelines
Research Indicators List of Questions Items
What are the 1.Inhibition. 1. What is your opinion 1, 2
factors that 2.Nothing to say. when the teacher asks
cause students’ 3
3.Low or uneven you to speak English in
difficulties in
English speaking participation. front of the class?
at the eight 4.Mother-tongue 2. How do you feel while 5
grade of MTS
use. you are speaking
Penyasawan? English in front of the
3. What do you feel while
you are speaking
English in front of the
4. How do you participate
to speak in your class?
5. What language do you
speak while you are
studying English in the
class room?
searching and arranging the interview transcripts, fieldnotes, and other materials
that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable
you to present you to present what you have discovered to others. In this research,
1. Data Collection
The data from observations and interviews was colletion first. This
2. Data Reduction
abstracting and transferring the data that appear in written-up field note or
transciptions. The writer was decided which data chuck to code and which
pull out, with patterns best summarize a number of chucks. The data
researcher made data more specific to easy in draw some of data based on
3. Data Display
next was drawn by looking reviews field note record data and comparing
the data.
A. Conclusion
Regency. According to Urr (1996) there are four factors that cause
two factors was dominant, they are inhibition and mother tongue use. Firts,
inhibition the researcher analyzed that when the students spoke in the class
they felt nervous and shy. When the teacher asked the students to speak
English in front of the class they are lack of confidence when facing the
audience. Inhibition becomes one of the obstacles for the students to speak
English because it influences it make the students felt nerveous, shy and
researcher analyzed that the student did not use English well, they still
used their mother tongue. Because they are not able to speak English and
the students used mixed language. The students combine between their
mother tongue and English in speaking class. They use Bahasa Indonesia
and ocunese as their mother tongue. Mother tongue become one of the
obstacles for the student to speak English because the student use their
mother tongue in speaking habbit in the classroom. So, they can not create
B. Suggestion
student should practice English all the time an do not be afraid to make a
mistake, and rich vocaburaly, and study grammar seriously, and take a part
in English class and then create English habbit wherever you are.
The second is for the teacher, practically, from this research the
researcher suggest that the teacher help the student to solve the problem
speaking as well. The last is for the next researchers, the researcher does
hopes that the result of this study can lead the next researchers who
List of questions
1. What is your opinion when the teacher asks you to speak English in front of the
2. What do you feel while you are speaking English in front of the class?
4. What language do you speak while you are studying English in the class room?
Daftar pertanyaan
1. Apa tanggapan kamu ketika diminta guru berbicara bahasa inggris didepan
2. Apa yang kamu rasakan ketika berbicara bahasa inggris didepan kelas?
3. Apa saja kesulitan yang kamu alami saat berbicara bahasa inggris?
4. Apa bahasa yang kamu gunakan ketika berbicara dalam pelajaran bahasa
inggris dikelas?
Penyasawan (2014-2017).
University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. She was doing KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata)
she was doing Teaching Practice (PPL) in SMA Datuk Batu Hampar Pekanbaru
on September-December 2020.