Bab 123-1
Bab 123-1
Bab 123-1
Undergraduate Thesis
Novina Yusdianti
There are four skills in English learning. They are listening, writing,
speaking and reading. As a foreign language, there are many student felt that
English is very difficult language to write and read. According to some of them,
English word have different between their writing and how to pronounce them.
The student also face difficulties in compreheding the reading because of their
limited vocabularies. Each skills of English have close relationship with
With the research the student hopes that the results of this
study can find out what the difficulties students faced so that it
becomes a reference for teachers to teach English speaking lessons
better. The teacher hopes that the results of the study compiled can be
avaluable contribution to developing practical speaking learning
theories in the future. One of them is blend-end learning and
hopefully in the future it can help overcome difficulties in learning to
speak English .And the future researcher hopes that with the research
can be helpful for the process of learning English .
2. Practically
With the research the student can be know more deeply about
themselves and more motivated to practice their speaking in English
learning . And the teacher can understanding their student’s ability in
speaking and the teacher can improve their creativity in the teaching
process so that the goal of the learning can be achieved . For the future
researcher hopes that the result of the research can make a positive
contribution to public education and can also provide benefits for knowing
English speaking teaching strategies.
a. Definition of Speaking
b. Speaking Skills
In speaking, several aspects must be met as a measure of whether
a person has a good ability in speaking. These are fluency,
understanding, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The
description is as follows according to Brown (1975), following :
1. Fluency
Fluency refers to a person's ability to speak easily and with
minimal obstacles. Fluency also means a person's fluency in
conveying ideas without thinking of a word that can confuse the
listener and prevent him from speaking fluently. Therefore,
Hornby (1995) defines fluency as speaking or writing a language
fluently in performing or delivering smoothly and correctly.
Therefore, teachers need to provide feedback or improve students'
speaking English, including proper pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary in EFL classrooms. Through feedback, students have
the opportunity to promote their speaking (Nunan, 2015).
2. Comprehension
Comprehension is the ability of a person to understand well
what the other person is saying. Comprehension also means
whether the speaker is good at the current discussion, because the
more he understands, the more fluent he will be in speaking.
Hornby (1995) said that understanding is the power of
understanding exercises that aim to improve the ability to
understand a language both spoken and written.
3. Grammar
4. Vocabulary
Output of words in language called vocabulary for which
proper diction is used in further communication, required have
adequate vocabulary to express ideas and communicate
effectively (Hornby, 1995). Therefore, for convey ideas both
orally and in writing well and correctly students need to master
vocabulary by using word variations according to context.
5. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is one thing that is essential in speaking,
because the clarity of articulation in pronunciation can affect
understanding of the message conveyed. It is supported by Kelly
(2001) says that the use of inaccurate pressure and intonation can
cause problems in communication. In other words, pronunciation
has an important role related to the understanding of a
C. Teaching Speaking
We can understand the term teaching from various points of view.
Generally, we understand that teaching is the teacher's action to let,
guide, and direct students to know certain knowledge or knowledge-
specific skills, in certain teaching and learning settings. While
according to Brown (2007), teaching is a guide and facilitates
learning, enables learners to learn, sets the conditions for learning.
Santrock (2012) said that teaching is linked to both science and art.
Regarding science, information from psychological research can
provide valuable ideas. In terms of art, skillful, experienced practice
contributes to effective teaching, and regarding science, information
from psychological research can provide valuable ideas.
1. Communication Games
2. Discussion
Discussion is one of the ways commonly used in the learning
process. In the discussion there were many ideas expressed by the
participants, this was a stimulant for them to talk. The discussion may
aim to formulate a case or only as a means of gathering ideas and
opinions, or indeed the discussion that is carried out is focused on
practicing the ability of the participants in speaking only (Harmer,
3. Problem Solving
Almost similar to a discussion where participants are
required to express their ideas and opinions on a problem, what
distinguishes here is that problem-solving activities focus on solving
a problem by competing ideas for the right decision. in this case the
teacher only acts as a facilitator for students. This activity will make
students more intense in communicating (Harmer, 2001) .
The second research was the one conducted by Sari (2023). The
aim of her research was to describe the speaking skills of IX grade students
at SMPN 01 Padang, with the 32 students in the class. They were separated
into eight groups and separate of their groups choosing speaking exam.
They were performed a dialogue in pairs in front of the class by the
researchers. The student’s speaking skill in utilizing invitation expressions
was strong. In light of this finding, the researchers suggest that English
teachers should give additional practice opportunities and advised that
every student must practice expression their speaking ability in English.
And the last from Fisa (2015) said the students’ difficulties in speaking are
the student’s low vocabulary, difficulties in pronouncing, confused in arranging
words and worried of making mistakes. They were unconfident and nervous when
the teachers were asking them. Second, factors that contribute to the difficulties in
speaking English are: the quantity of the students in learning speaking English and
student’s psychological factors.
The initial activity that must be carried out by researchers to obtain data is
utilizing interviews. The researchers was interviewed for the English teachers as a
English tutor X grade. This interview was conducted to know the teaching
strategy and difficulties speaking activity at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu.
The data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research,
because the main purpose of research is determined on the data. In qualitative
research, data collection techniques can be done through settings from various
sources and various ways. The data collection techniques used in this research
include: interview techniques, observation and documentation.
1. Interview
First , the researchers ask the teachers for convey her opinions and ideas
related faced by teacher about English speaking activity of grade X students of
SMK Muhammadiyah1 Batu. The interview time can be determined and also use
the audio recorder to support the interview so that the best outcomes can be gain
optimally.The researcher was found the information about the teaching strategy
and difficulties speaking activity in the X grade. The data is one of the supported
data to gain the purpose of this research.
3.4.1 Table of Interview Question for the Teachers
The interview was conducted on April 2024.
In this research ,the researchers also observe teaching process in the
classroom . The data was collect by researcher contain about :
3.4.3 Table of Observation Data for the teaching learning process
The quissionare was conducted on April 2024
researcher was used qualitative data analysis based on Miles and Huberman’s
theory (1994) which consist of three stages: data reduction, data display and
conclusion drawing/verification.
1.Data Reduction
Prastowo (2012:244) said that , the data reduction refers to the process
of selecting, focusing, simplifying abtraction, and collecting raw data that occurs
in written field records. When taking data in the field through interviews and
observations, the researcher recorded and saved all the answers raised by the
source and the events that occurred related to the research. After collecting the
data, the steps taken are to do the analysis by reducing the data, which
summarizes all the interview data and the results of observations, then selects
and takes the main things that are focused on teaching strategy and difficulties
in speaking learning activities .
2. Data Display
After doing data reduction, the researcher was draw the data in data
display. The data display was show based on the research focus. The research
focus refers to analysis by the students in speaking English.
Prastowo (2012:244) says that the presentation of data here is a collection
of structured information that provides the possibility of drawing conclusions and
taking action. By looking at the presentations, we will be able to understand what
is happening and what needs to be done based on the understanding we get from
the presentations. Several types of presentation forms are matrices, graphs,
networks, charts, and so on. Everything is designed to combine information that is
arranged in a form that is coherent and easy for us to reach. In this way, we (as
analysts) can see what is happening and determine whether to draw the right
conclusions or move on to carry out useful analysis.
3. Draw Conclusion/Verification