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Undergraduate Thesis

Novina Yusdianti



1.1 Background of the Study

English holds a unique position as a global language . For International
communication , English also as a transcending borders and cultures to become
the primary medium .In modern era, English as a second language (ESL) refers to
the acquisition and use of English by speakers with different native
languages .English has important role as second language to be learn in many
countries . Many information and methods are prepared in English such as :
newspaper , internet , social media , television , etc . Some People think also that
by understanding and able to speaking English , they can know the world , it
means wherever English can help us to communicate with others .

There are four skills in English learning. They are listening, writing,
speaking and reading. As a foreign language, there are many student felt that
English is very difficult language to write and read. According to some of them,
English word have different between their writing and how to pronounce them.
The student also face difficulties in compreheding the reading because of their
limited vocabularies. Each skills of English have close relationship with

Speaking is an essential skill for communicating, thinking, and

learning because the spoken language is a powerful learning tool. It can
form, modify, expand, and organize thoughts. So, it can be said that spoken
language is the basis of all language development, and therefore, it is the
basis of all learning. Students can learn concepts by speaking and
understanding, developing vocabulary, and experience structures.
(Khunaifi, 2013). According to Fulcher, cited in (Davidson & Fulcher,
2008), speaking uses language verbally to communicate with other people.
Therefore, speaking English will help someone communicate more broadly
in the era of globalization. Currently, English is an international language
used in various activities such as; business, entertainment, and relations
between nations (Kusuma, 2019). Hence, Students need to acquire speaking
skills to communicate goals (Iman, 2017).
Speaking is one of the important skills that people must be practice.
Especially in education world, there are many kinds of subjects in teaching-
learning process, one of the basic language skills is speaking. Speaking English
becomes very important in using English for communication. By speaking with
other people, the students are able to know what kinds of situation are in the
world. People know that language is habit. Language is not only taught and
learn, but it is used as a habit. So, the students of English class must be able to
speak English well because people identify the English mastery by their speaking
English .

Speaking is must be imitate and reproductive , practice language

and communication pattern can allowing by student . However , this is
difficult to do in a multilangual country in Indonesia especially education
majority , which has many language in each ethnic group. This
phenomenon is supported by a statement from Gan (2012) cited in
development (wahyuningtias & Afandi , 2020) . This phenomenon revealed
that student learning English as a foreign language might often face
inadequate vocabulary , complex structure , inappropiate intonation and
pronounciation, lack of exposure to speaking English and a lack of
language curriculum .

Speaking is a complicating skill for students to master. As we know

that speaking is one of the important and essential skills that people must
practice. In education world, there are many kinds of subjects in teaching-
learning process, one of the basic language skills is speaking. Speaking
English becomes very important in using English for communication. By
speaking with other people, the students are able to know what kinds of
situation are in the world. People know that language is habit. Language is
not only taught and learnt, but it is used as habit. So, the students of English
class must be able to speak English well because people identify the
English mastery by their speaking English .
This research concentrated on speaking activities and difficulties in
English speaking activity in the classroom. The most essential aspect of a
speaking activity is allowing student to express their individual meaning
and utilize all areas of their knowledge. In the speaking activity , some
difficulty is usually faced by the teacher, they must find out some methods
to teach English in order to make students interested and not bored.And the
difficulty is also faced by the students, they do not realize that English is
important for them. The students tend to study vocabulary, grammar,
fluency, and pronunciation to improve their speaking skill. Based on the
explanation above, the writer is interested in conducting the research

1.2 Problem of the Study

From the description above, the Researcher identifies that
learning proceess at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu is faced with
several problems, namely the following:

1. What is the teaching strategy using by teacher in the learning

speaking English activity at X grade student SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Batu?

2. What are the difficulties student in the learning speaking

English activity at X grade student SMK Muhammadiyah 1

1.3 Objective of the Study

The object of the study are:

1. To describe the teaching strategy using by the teacher in the

learning speaking English activity at X grade student SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Batu.

2. To find out some difficulties in learning speaking English

activity faced by X grade students at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu.
1.4 The Significance of The Study
The outcomes of this study are supposed to be useful for:


With the research the student hopes that the results of this
study can find out what the difficulties students faced so that it
becomes a reference for teachers to teach English speaking lessons
better. The teacher hopes that the results of the study compiled can be
avaluable contribution to developing practical speaking learning
theories in the future. One of them is blend-end learning and
hopefully in the future it can help overcome difficulties in learning to
speak English .And the future researcher hopes that with the research
can be helpful for the process of learning English .

2. Practically

With the research the student can be know more deeply about
themselves and more motivated to practice their speaking in English
learning . And the teacher can understanding their student’s ability in
speaking and the teacher can improve their creativity in the teaching
process so that the goal of the learning can be achieved . For the future
researcher hopes that the result of the research can make a positive
contribution to public education and can also provide benefits for knowing
English speaking teaching strategies.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study focused on student’s learning speaking English .The

researchers would conduct this study to X class SMK Muhammadiyah 1
Batu.The researcher limited the study as follows , first the researchers
limits the teaching strategy and difficulties to X grade SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Batu with the twenty three student’s in the class, the
researcher limits the difficulty of learning to speak for student in to hope
that the results obtained are more specific following the research objectives.
1.6 Definition of Key Term

To avoid the misunderstanding in the study , the researcher gives

the definition of term below :

1.Speaking activity ; the process of deriving meaning from connected text .

It involves word knowledge (vocabulary) as well as thinking and reasoning
(Kustaryo , 1988;2)

2.Comprehesion ; focused on what the speaking about , includes

vocabulary , organizing the ideas and the purpose of the author (Kurtaryo,


1.1 Theorical Review

a. Definition of Speaking

Speaking is a concept that has its limitations. Many experts have

expressed their opinion on the limits of speech. Those opinions are
viewed from various angles, so it is not surprising that the opinions
differ. However, one thing underlies this opinion. Namely, speaking
is a form of communication and forms of language skills that are
practical (Fauziah, 2017). Speaking is the oldest and most universal
way humans use to express their ideas and feelings (Kramsch &
Widdowson, 1998) while A person can be said to have good
language skills can be judged from the way he speaks the language
because speaking includes various aspects of language skills and most
language learners are interested in speaking the language at the
beginning of their learning (Penny, 1996).

Speaking is a complex cognitive process (Graham-Marr, 2004)

and an active use of language to express meaning (Cameron, 2001). It
requires the language users to speak fluently, to be able to pronounce
phonemes correctly, to use appropriate stress and intonation patterns,
and to speak in connected speech (Harmer, 1998). According to the
Cambridge school dictionary, "Speaking is saying something using
your voice or making a speech to a large group of people.
Meanwhile, according to Chaney & Burk, (1998), speaking is
constructing and sharing meaning both verbally and non-verbally
using symbols and in various contexts and situations.

Furthermore, speaking is an interactive process to build a meaning

that involves receiving, producing, and processing information;
speaking is also an interactive act of producing, receiving, and
processing utterances that have meaning to convey information cited
(Bailey & Nunan, 2019). Speaking skill is a skill that can be observed
directly and empirically; that observation requires the accuracy and
effectiveness of the speaker's listening skills, From the above
definition, it can be concluded that speaking is a vital language skill
as a way or instrument to interact with other people.

Speaking is a process of producing, receiving, processing, and

sharing the meaning or idea of a message which requires the validity
and reliability of an oral production test (Brown, 2003). Its means that
when we speak, what we say must be measured by the listener. Thus,
it is crucial for people learning a second or foreign language to
understand speaking skills. in addition, a language learner often
evaluates their improvement in language learning by the way they
speak the target language; the more they feel their speaking ability is
starting to improve, the more they master the language; it can be
concluded that speaking skills can be an indicator of the success of
language learning (Richard, 2008).

Nevertheless, it should be noted that speaking is both context and

content. In a context, speaking is a way to understand meaning based
on a statement and intonation spoken by the speaker It means as
content, and speaking includes several rules such as grammar,
grammar, pronunciation, tenses, etc. Hymes (1998). Furthermore,
Harmer (2001) said that speaking is the ability to speak fluently
presupposes knowledge of language features and the ability to
process information and language in place.

However, apart from being able to produce speech that can be

understood, speaking skills also require speech strategy such as;
suitability of the level of formality with the context of the
conversation, politeness, status of the interlocutor, etc. so the learner
must also know several strategies such as: signifying their lack of
understanding, making sure that what they say is truly understood by
the interlocutor, find ways to express their ideas when they do not
know correct words, taking turns, improvising on the topic, etc.
Ultimately, they know how to make relevant contributions
incoherent. (Nunan, 2018). a specific purpose needs to be drawn;
pay attention to several components of speech to create a message
successfully conveyed and understood by listeners.

b. Speaking Skills
In speaking, several aspects must be met as a measure of whether
a person has a good ability in speaking. These are fluency,
understanding, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The
description is as follows according to Brown (1975), following :

1. Fluency
Fluency refers to a person's ability to speak easily and with
minimal obstacles. Fluency also means a person's fluency in
conveying ideas without thinking of a word that can confuse the
listener and prevent him from speaking fluently. Therefore,
Hornby (1995) defines fluency as speaking or writing a language
fluently in performing or delivering smoothly and correctly.
Therefore, teachers need to provide feedback or improve students'
speaking English, including proper pronunciation, grammar, and
vocabulary in EFL classrooms. Through feedback, students have
the opportunity to promote their speaking (Nunan, 2015).

2. Comprehension
Comprehension is the ability of a person to understand well
what the other person is saying. Comprehension also means
whether the speaker is good at the current discussion, because the
more he understands, the more fluent he will be in speaking.
Hornby (1995) said that understanding is the power of
understanding exercises that aim to improve the ability to
understand a language both spoken and written.

3. Grammar

Grammar is a rule in language that involves modifying

word forms and entering them become a sentence Hornby (1995).
In inconsequence, Students who understand grammar well
structures such as tenses, sentence structures, and word forms
will be able to produce good sentences that have the correct
meaning as the sentence intended.

4. Vocabulary
Output of words in language called vocabulary for which
proper diction is used in further communication, required have
adequate vocabulary to express ideas and communicate
effectively (Hornby, 1995). Therefore, for convey ideas both
orally and in writing well and correctly students need to master
vocabulary by using word variations according to context.

5. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is one thing that is essential in speaking,
because the clarity of articulation in pronunciation can affect
understanding of the message conveyed. It is supported by Kelly
(2001) says that the use of inaccurate pressure and intonation can
cause problems in communication. In other words, pronunciation
has an important role related to the understanding of a

From the explanation above, we can conclude that good

speaking skills require a good understanding of several aspects as
described previously, this is a challenge for foreign language
learners as said by Kang Shumin.in Richard's book that speaking
skill is quite difficult for foreign language learners because it
requires the ability to use language appropriately in social
interactions effective oral communication (Richard, 2002).

C. Teaching Speaking
We can understand the term teaching from various points of view.
Generally, we understand that teaching is the teacher's action to let,
guide, and direct students to know certain knowledge or knowledge-
specific skills, in certain teaching and learning settings. While
according to Brown (2007), teaching is a guide and facilitates
learning, enables learners to learn, sets the conditions for learning.
Santrock (2012) said that teaching is linked to both science and art.
Regarding science, information from psychological research can
provide valuable ideas. In terms of art, skillful, experienced practice
contributes to effective teaching, and regarding science, information
from psychological research can provide valuable ideas.

According to Brown (2007), he explains that in teaching speaking

the teacher helps their students develop real-life communication
situations. They help their students develop the ability to produce a
grammatically correct, logically connected sentence that is
appropriate to a specific context and to do so using acceptable (that is,
comprehensible).One of the main concerns to improve English
speaking skills is to involve students consciously in their learning
process as they work to improve their spoken English because with
interactive learning atmosphere can increase students' interest in
learning while creating a fun and enjoyable learning atmosphere.
meaningful for students (Saputra, 2017).

Teaching English will experience problems in Indonesia because

Indonesians are not people who make English their first or second language
in their daily life. This is because in their daily environment they often use
their mother tongue for daily activities, while English is only what they
usually use during language lessons. this means that their opportunities to
use English actively are limited. So, we need some speaking teaching
strategies that can be used to help language learners get to practice
speaking in the target language (Nunan, 2001).
Therefore Nunan (2015) provides at least four pillars for
teaching speaking. Here are four ways to teach English correctly and
accurately Aware With the Difference of SL and FL Learning Contexts. A
second language must be distinguished from the situation (SL) and the
foreign language situation (FL) are therefore different from each other
(Nunan David, 2015).
In SL situations, the target language is often the main language
in communication and can even become the official language of the
country. while in FL situation, the language is taught and learned, but is not
widely used in everyday life by the community. It is important to
understand these concepts because of the possible uses target language
outside the classroom is different between SL and FL. In the context of FL,
the use of the target language is very limited. On the other hand, in the
context of SL, the opportunity to use the target language is more widely
used(Nunan David, 2015).
Giving students practice with both fluency and accuracy.
Accuracy is the ability to speak correctly with respect, grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and various other errors, while fluency is the
fluency of the flow with sounds, syllables, words, and phrases merging
with the other person when speaking (Pishkar et al., 2017). The teacher
must teach this and also inform you that mistakes in this matter during the
learning process are normal in the learning process.

Providing opportunities for students to talk by groups and

teachers to act as mediators. Teachers need to allow students to discuss
with each other in groups because it will stimulate them to come up with
their ideas and arguments, this will train their skills to get used to
communicating in a foreign language (Stephenson & Hall, 2021). in this
session, the teacher must act as a mediator, not someone who dominates the
course of a discussion, because it is feared that students will be awkward
and reluctant to participate in the discussion. Planning tasks that involve
negotiating to mean.

After students can basically communicate and give phrases

appropriately, then students are given a task that requires them not only to
be able to speak in a discussion but also to understand the meaning and in-
depth discussion of a particular topic. This process is called meaning
negotiation (Nunan, 2015). Designing class activities that involve guidance
and practice in both transactional and interpersonal speaking. When in
everyday life we speak for a need that we want to fulfill, that is what is
called transactional, whereas interpersonal speaking is speaking with a
social purpose. here the teacher is again required to be proficient in
communicating with students so that students can participate
enthusiastically (Nunan, 2015).

d. Classroom Speaking Activities

Speaking learning should be taught attractively so that it can attract the

attention of the students (Saputra, 2017). There are many types of speaking
activities in class. according to Harmer (2001), he says there are at least five
types of activities in speaking including Acting from a Script. In this
teaching the teacher asks students to carry out an activity based on existing
scripts, the script could have been prepared by the teacher before the class
started, or students made their conversation transcripts for them to follow.
on the one hand, the teacher must also direct how the sentence should be
read correctly. furthermore, it becomes a powerful and effective learning
tool which has a profound positive effect on the cognitive, social, emotional
and physical development of students (Liao, 2009)

1. Communication Games

Game-based learning can make students comfortable and

enthusiastic in learning, this type of learning is also very useful for
young learners because at a young age student still like to play a lot.
this activity also often helps students to get various valuable lessons.
Game-based activities can involve oral strategies such as verbal
imagery, predictions, and asking for feedback (Hwang et al., 2015).

2. Discussion
Discussion is one of the ways commonly used in the learning
process. In the discussion there were many ideas expressed by the
participants, this was a stimulant for them to talk. The discussion may
aim to formulate a case or only as a means of gathering ideas and
opinions, or indeed the discussion that is carried out is focused on
practicing the ability of the participants in speaking only (Harmer,

3. Problem Solving
Almost similar to a discussion where participants are
required to express their ideas and opinions on a problem, what
distinguishes here is that problem-solving activities focus on solving
a problem by competing ideas for the right decision. in this case the
teacher only acts as a facilitator for students. This activity will make
students more intense in communicating (Harmer, 2001) .

e. Students’ Difficulties in Speaking Class

The purpose of communicating is to convey and receive messages
well, if the message is not understood and responded to properly, it
can be said that it is a failed communication. In other words, the
speaker failed to convey ideas to listeners. In this case, according to
Flojo (2013) there are several factors that cause communication
failure. the factors are:

1. Mispronunciation. Pronunciation is learned by doing repetition, then

corrected if the word or sentence spoken is not correct. When students start
learning their pronunciation makes new habits and overcomes difficulties
resulting from the first language (Kadwa & Alshenqeeti, 2020) For
example: if the word "ship" is pronounced as "sheep" this will cause
misunderstanding in communication.
2. Lack of awareness of the pronunciation of a given word in difference
English varieties. For example: in Australian English the word "enough" is
pronounced "enog". Someone who is familiar with American English
would take it to mean "die" instead of "today."
3. Different meanings are attached to a word. The denotative meaning is the
literal meaning of a word without any accompanying meaning, while the
connotative meaning is the meaning of a word that has a thought link
(Hadi, 2021).
4. Message delivery like the volume of a person's voice and its speed
speaking can have an effect on the clarity and intent of a message in
speaking Situation or setting. Physical noise, room size, size, shape of the
learning setting, audience can hinder communication. this began to be felt
during the covid-19 pandemic where modifications were made to learning
settings to suit the needs during the pandemic to avoid the spread of the
virus(Bella et al., 2021).

2.2 Previous Related Study

In this study , the researcher found several study that relevant with
this study . The results of the research found can be used to develop the
research being carried out.

The first study was conducted by Kurniawaty and Novitry (2022),

the result of their research which involved twenty seven participants of the
XII grade student of SMK Telkom Pekanbaru the convey their agree and
disagreement was excellent than their speaking skill communicate .Student
should practice speaking more order to improve their speaking knowledge
of the content. Like the instructor could provide additional opportunities for
the pupils utilizing expression of agreement or disaticfaction , as well as
practice using such phrases to start or inquire .

The second research was the one conducted by Sari (2023). The
aim of her research was to describe the speaking skills of IX grade students
at SMPN 01 Padang, with the 32 students in the class. They were separated
into eight groups and separate of their groups choosing speaking exam.
They were performed a dialogue in pairs in front of the class by the
researchers. The student’s speaking skill in utilizing invitation expressions
was strong. In light of this finding, the researchers suggest that English
teachers should give additional practice opportunities and advised that
every student must practice expression their speaking ability in English.
And the last from Fisa (2015) said the students’ difficulties in speaking are
the student’s low vocabulary, difficulties in pronouncing, confused in arranging
words and worried of making mistakes. They were unconfident and nervous when
the teachers were asking them. Second, factors that contribute to the difficulties in
speaking English are: the quantity of the students in learning speaking English and
student’s psychological factors.

For the result of previous study , that speaking is a complicating

skill for students to master .On the other side, there are some teaching
strategy and difficulties in English speaking teaching-learning process. The
difficulty is usually faced by the teacher. They must find out some methods
to teach English in order to make students interested and not bored. As we
know that speaking is one of the important and essential skills that people
must practice. In education world, there are many kinds of subjects in
teaching-learning process, one of the basic language skills is speaking.

Speaking English becomes very important in using English for

communication. By speaking with other people, the students are able to
know what kinds of situation are in the world. People know that language is
habit. Language is not only taught and learnt, but it is used as habit. So, the
students of English class must be able to speak English well because people
identify the English mastery by their speaking English . The students tend
to study vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and pronunciation to improve their
speaking skill.
3.1.Research Design

The researcher chose to use a descriptive qualitative research .According to

Anggito and Setiawan (2018), the purpose of qualitative research is to analyse a
phenomenon. Desciptive qualitative research does not use statistics but rather
collects data, analyses, and interpreted it. The design of this research is a case
study, which will describe various aspects to be investigated (Suwendra, 2018).
Meanwhile, for the research analysis method, the researcher used a descriptive
analysis method. This research used to know activity the student’s speaking
English by the ten Class at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu with the twenty three
students .

3.2 Data Sources

Object of the research was one the important of elements for helps
in determining the possibility of conducting of data sources. Without the
object then can’t be said a research. Researchers interviewed ten students
from one classes. The researcher choose the ten class students at SMK
Muhamadiyah 1 Batu.In this case mean that the object under study was not
based on quantity but quality.

3.3 Research Instrument

In this resarch, the researcher used several kinds of instruments to
collect data. Among others; interviews for the teacher as a tutor in the
classroom , questionnaires for the student as the audience in the classroom,
and observations the phenomena of speaking activity in the classroom. The
purpose of using various research instruments is to achieve data validity.
The following below are the various instruments that researchers use:

The initial activity that must be carried out by researchers to obtain data is
utilizing interviews. The researchers was interviewed for the English teachers as a
English tutor X grade. This interview was conducted to know the teaching
strategy and difficulties speaking activity at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu.

Questionnaires are data collection techniques by providing written

statements and questions to student, then the student answer with certain
provisions. The questionnaire is a very efficient to collection the data technique.
This quisionnare was conducted to know the teaching strategy and difficulties
speaking activity at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu.
3. Observation

In this study, the researcher also lived and did a volunteer

internship for about a months at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Batu. This allows
researchers to make direct observations of various phenomena related to
the research that the researcher did.

3.4 Data Collection

The data collection techniques are the most strategic step in research,
because the main purpose of research is determined on the data. In qualitative
research, data collection techniques can be done through settings from various
sources and various ways. The data collection techniques used in this research
include: interview techniques, observation and documentation.
1. Interview
First , the researchers ask the teachers for convey her opinions and ideas
related faced by teacher about English speaking activity of grade X students of
SMK Muhammadiyah1 Batu. The interview time can be determined and also use
the audio recorder to support the interview so that the best outcomes can be gain
optimally.The researcher was found the information about the teaching strategy
and difficulties speaking activity in the X grade. The data is one of the supported
data to gain the purpose of this research.
3.4.1 Table of Interview Question for the Teachers
The interview was conducted on April 2024.

No Table of question list for interviewed the teachers

1 How long have you been teaching English at SMK
Muhammadiyah 1 Batu?
2 What the teaching stategy to teach English especially on
speaking activity for the student at SMK Muhammadiyah
1 Batu ?
3 Give me some tips how to make the student interest with
English learning especially with the English speaking?
4 What the difficulties to teach English especially on
speaking activity for the student at SMK Muhammadiyah
1 Batu ?
5 How to handle your class , if in the learning process the
student did not catch about your material?
6 How to become a good English teacher?
The researchers ask the X grade student with the total student twenty
three . The researchers shared a quisinionnare sheet to every student . The student
only checklist the agree or disagreement choice in every question .
3.4.2 Table of Quissionare Question for the Student
The quissionare was conducted on April 2024

No Table of question list quissioner for student

1 Do you like English language ?
2 Do you like your English teachers?
3 Do you like the teaching stategy using by your English
4 Do you understand about the materials used by your
English teachers?
5 Do you like to speak English ?
6 Speaking English is easy?
7 Speaking English is difficult ?
8 Learning English speaking is important?

In this research ,the researchers also observe teaching process in the
classroom . The data was collect by researcher contain about :
3.4.3 Table of Observation Data for the teaching learning process
The quissionare was conducted on April 2024

No The observation data for the teaching learning process

1 How the teacher skills to convey the material for student
2 How the student enthusiasm for English material
3 How the student did the speaking activity in the classroom
4 How the student interest with speaking activity
5 How the teacher give a score to student

3.5 Data Analysis

In analyzing data from classroom observation and interview, the

researcher was used qualitative data analysis based on Miles and Huberman’s

theory (1994) which consist of three stages: data reduction, data display and

conclusion drawing/verification.

1.Data Reduction

Prastowo (2012:244) said that , the data reduction refers to the process
of selecting, focusing, simplifying abtraction, and collecting raw data that occurs
in written field records. When taking data in the field through interviews and
observations, the researcher recorded and saved all the answers raised by the
source and the events that occurred related to the research. After collecting the
data, the steps taken are to do the analysis by reducing the data, which
summarizes all the interview data and the results of observations, then selects
and takes the main things that are focused on teaching strategy and difficulties
in speaking learning activities .
2. Data Display

After doing data reduction, the researcher was draw the data in data
display. The data display was show based on the research focus. The research
focus refers to analysis by the students in speaking English.
Prastowo (2012:244) says that the presentation of data here is a collection
of structured information that provides the possibility of drawing conclusions and
taking action. By looking at the presentations, we will be able to understand what
is happening and what needs to be done based on the understanding we get from
the presentations. Several types of presentation forms are matrices, graphs,
networks, charts, and so on. Everything is designed to combine information that is
arranged in a form that is coherent and easy for us to reach. In this way, we (as
analysts) can see what is happening and determine whether to draw the right
conclusions or move on to carry out useful analysis.
3. Draw Conclusion/Verification

In this stage, the researcher was draw conclusions based on data

display. The third step in qualitative data analysis according to Miles and
Huberman (1992:18) is drawing conclusions and verifying. Drawing conclusions
is the result of research that answers the research focus based on the results of
data analysis. Gunawan (2013:212) explains that the conclusions are presented in
the form of descriptive research objects guided by research studies.
The initial conclusions put forward are still temporary, and will change
if strong supporting evidence is not found at the next stage of data collection. If
the conclusions put forward at the initial stage are supported by valid and
consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field to collect data, then
the conclusions put forward are credible conclusions.

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