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7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: Greetings/ Presentation/ Conversation

Hello, Hi.

What is your name?

My name is Venâncio Tiro

Where do you Live?

I live at Americo Boa vida quarter

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you too.


A: Hello, Hi, good afternoon.

B: Hello, Hi, good afternoon.

A: How are you?

B: I am fine thanks. And you?

A: I am fine too.

B: Where do you live?

A: I live at Cerâmica. And you?

B: Me too. How old are you?

A: I am 14 years old. And you?

B: I am 13 years old.

A: So, what is your name?

B: My name is B. And you?

A: My name is A.

B: Nice to meet you, A

A: Nice to meet you too, B

7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: Asking for permission

Come in
go out
stand up

teacher; father;
mother: dad; moom


1. Form 5 sentences with the last names

7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: The verb “Be” / Present Simple

Verb “Be” in present simple

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I Am Am not Am I?
You Are Are not Are you?
He Is Is not Is he?
She Is Is not Is she?
It Si Is not Is it?
We Are Are not Are we?
You Are Are not Are you?
They Are Are not Are They?


1. Correct the sentences and translate in Portuguese.

a) I student
b) They good friend
7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: The cardinal numbers: from Zero (0) up to twenty (20)

0 zero 11  eleven

1  one 12  twelve

2  two 13  thirteen

3  three 14  fourteen

4  four 15  fifteen

5 five 16  sixteen

6 six 17  seventeen

7 seven 18  eighteen

8 eight 19  nineteen

9 nine 20  twenty

10 ten


1. My phone number is: 9-3-6-8-1-7-9-1-0.

a) What is your phone number?



1. What is your school number?

2. How old are you?

7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: The English alphabet

1. What is the English alphabet?

A: the English alphabet is:

A  apple P  pig

B  ball Q  quail

C  cat R  ring

D  dog S  sun

E  elephant T  train

F  fish U  umbrella

G  gorilla V  van

H  hat W watch

I  ice X  xylophone

K  kangaroo Y  yellow

L  lion Z  zebra

M monkey

N nest This is the English alphabet

O  octopus

7th Grade

Subject: English Language

Subject-matter: The school subjects/ and the school objects.

1. What are the school subjects?

A: the school subjects are:

1. Portuguese Language
2. English Language
3. Biology
4. History
5. Geography
6. Chemistry
7. Physics
8. Mathematics
9. Laboral

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